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* ;.^ >i.«' ?}«f: w K' ^ SIXTEENTH REPORT or Tin; i\c<>i;i'(ir,A'n;i> CHURCH SOCIETY <>(■ TIIL ])iocKSE OF :moxtheal, II >i; T H K V 1-: A l{ !•: X J ) I X ( ; c, t h j a n u a 11 Y , 1867. KsTAni.i.siiEu lint (>ctoi:i:i!, \$:>'). Ixcoi.i'oi.'ATKi) Bv Act of Paim.iamkxt, 1 i and 15 Victouia, Cai-. 17 PRIXTKI) \]\' JOHN' L(i\KLL, ST. XICIIuLAS STREI^T. Isr.T. I,-.. ■■»/ "•• ■ ■ •' ■» •W "• '. . *;ii Vf-Al >.-.,13 1 \ ^. ■Vf. ;>.; -'.'« '^•■'^1 'u'**! ,• ^;^.; .. J '-.r- ^&?<'-'v"i''? s:^ •M ;'-,Sw*»-^ 'VvT. SIXTEENTH REPORT OF TUK INCOUPORATKD CHrKCII SOCIETY OV TtlK DIOCESE OF MONTKEAL, KOU THE YEAR ENDlNi; Gtii JANUARY, 1867. N^N^-^^-V^" ^ ^ .-ii-->.^./^/V KHTAItMSIfED llrii OcTOnKU, 1850, I.NCORI'OUATKD BV ACT OV i'AULlAMKXT, U AND 15 VICTORIA, CaI>. 171 PRINTED BY JOIIX LOVELL, ST. MCnOLAS STREET. 18G7. ....••'« -il."-.,-'' M f..*f_} •I'l-. -t..* • ■ f 'A. ■■■' ■♦"','•«-.'• .">; >*■■■,•'• 7>/ ;!■•■ '» '■• '■■■Rli •A-' 'i '• V-'- ' .' 7 <-.■'■ v" ^% - '.-V ... It -. ••i "... NOTICES. The meetings of the Ckntral Boahd will l>chokl on the I'oHowing days, in the (Jtlicc of the Society, at luvlf past twelve o'clock ; — Tuesday, nth March. Wfthicsday, I'Jth .luno. \V< (hu'sday, 4th S('i)tomltor. Wednesday, 4th Decem>)er. After each Meeting will he liold a Meeting of the Mission Board. Tho ANNL'Ar- Skijmon for the Winows' and Orphans' Fcnd i.s appointed hy the Louu Bishop to ho preached during the month of May : And that for tho Missiovahy Pluposks of the Society (.Ini'ing tho month of Septenilicr. S^^ Particular attention is called to this, as it is desiru >lo that the Collections should he made throughout tho Diocese at the samo time, anil all returns forwarded to tho Treasurer about the samo date. The numlier of Eeprosentatives which each Parish, District, or Chapeliy will be entitled to send to tho Central Boai'd, will bo determined by the amount of tho subscrii)tions forwarded to tho Treasuier before the Jst October. Vide Article, By-Law No. 6, Clause 4. The Treasurership of the following Funds is retained by T. B. ANUKffsoN, Es(j. : The S. P. a. The Bishopric Endowment Fund. The Cathedral Debt Licjuidation Fund. That of the following by James IIutton, Esq. Tlie Clmrch Society. The Widows' and Orphans' B'und. The Clergy Trust Fund. The Parochial Endowment Fund. •K^v; ,S.V.f-:>- ^'■• •■•'•■ .k~ ' if "•■■•■•' y'' ■ v'*' |:i: '■i ' ' I*'. ■\ -„,.., • J'». v ■!-•'■ ■) €- . «• 1.. •i,"»iIJ ■ > / ..-;^P„.'-: ri Attention is dirootod to a [)roi)Oso(l Bill, which appears at the end of this Koport for the iiilbrniation of all coiict'iiuMl, oiitillotl : " An Act to iiioorporate tho nienihers of the 'Synod of tho Diocese of Montreal,' and to merge 'The Chureh Society of tho Diocese ol Montreal' in such Synod.'' The Pulilicatioiis of the S. P. ( '. K. are koi»t in slock liy •• Dawson Bugs.," and sold at the most reasonable rates. The Depot for Tracts is in the OHiee of tlie Society. wIkmc " the Rook and Tract Counnitteo " i)urpose keei)ing a full supjily for tho Diocese. Tho Secretary will attend at the Olliee every day, (S;iturdays excepted) from 10 to 11 A. M., and at such other times as any member may recjuire. Office, OU (jireat St. James Street. Monticid, CLEKGY IN THE DIOCESE OF MONTREAL, 1867. MOST REV. FRANCIS FULFORD, D.D. Lord Bibhop of MowTnEAL (1860) and Metropolitan (1860). Canons. 2 \ Honorary Canons. S3 CITY OP MONTREAL. Dean VERY REV. JOHN BETHUNE, D.D. Archdeacon VEN. W. T. LEACH, D.C.L., LL.D. REV. r. W. LOOSEMORE, M.A. REV. L. P. W. BALCH, D.D. - ' fREV. M. TOWNSEND, M.A. REV. C. BANCROFT, D.D. ■"'' REV. W. ANDERSON. — " REV. W. B. BOND, M.A., liural Dean. THE VEN. THE ARCHDEACON. — Bishop's Chaplains -J REV. CANON LOOSEMORE. - REV. CANON BALCH. Bishop's Exam'g Chaplain and Sec' y. REV. CANON LOOSEMORE, M.A. - REV. CANON BOND, M.A., R.D, REV. E. SULLIVAN, B.A.,^ssts<.Mji. ■ r REV, CANON BANCROFT, D.D. Trinity Church j j^^.^ j p duMOULIN, Assist. Min. - I REV. C. BANCROFT, junior, B.A. ■ REV. J. ELLEGOOD, M.A. ' REV. W. WRIGHT, M.D., Assist. Min, St. Stephen's Church REV. W. B. CURRAN, B.A. -"'" St. Luke'b Church REV. M. S. BALDWIN, B. A. -^ ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST j REV. E. AVOOD, M.A. — ( REV. C. A. DANIEL, Assist. Min. — ' St. Thomas REV. J. A. MACLEOD, M.A. — St. Mary, Hochelaoa REV. J. D. BORTUWICK. - Chaplain to the Forces REV. T. H. M. BARTLETT, M. A. Chaplainto the Montreal Gen. JJospit'l.REY. E. WOOD, M.A. Chaplain to the Gaol *REV. J. D. BORTH WICK . - — St. George's Church. St. James the Apostle. •J* ■•"*•*; '" ' • >■ m i ^'''^^::^::': *p.'.'."ii. '.(■■: •;Vl'-. ' * ,^y^ r.. M i .( r •• •» m J* . !i<» ' .V.-.': ■ ; m k'- t M'-^ 'fi- ? V '■•fc ' •• j; ». ? i«': a,' ■'V. A.; •,"/:M '.'•-.Vn , < > «'' ' .'.:••! >-V'-' • ^,■rt ■',>> ^ •■-;',,y • ^\'iV> /••>!;^ '^'■k' ..>■, ^3 \''< . ■■•■ -i^^'^'.- •, ■:•■ '^N;-? t ■' tVv>x-T- -A, •.:••^;r^.;•':.:;- ••' '.si^'^'^H 'rtl. KAKLY, KKV. W . T... llantiu;i,hm. EVAN.S, KKV. II , .) riiri.itirrillt:. FKNN, KKV. N. V., M.A Salnrvoh: ■FK.SSKNDKN, KKV. K. J., Assist. Miu South JloUuii. -FOKTIN, K KV. A. 1 /^///. FOKTIN, KKV. O. , K. A , AauM Miu Sorcl. FUKT( >N, KKV. J . , M. A.. J!nsseltoirn. y\ KKS, KKV . T. W West llnme. GOUDKN, KKV. J . , Koctor r Dunham. OODDKN, KKV. 1. , K. A Mascouvhc. 'GKIIMJKK, KKV. J Port't;/,' dti Fort. •GKIFKIN, KKV. J. (ret. ) St. Andrews. 'JIKATON, 15KV. G ., M. A .Montreal. JOIIN.STON, KKV. J Ilit/l. JOIIXSOX, KKV. T. , (ret . ) Abltottn/ord JONES, 1:KV. W ariintni. JONK.S, KKV. J, (ret.) Cranlnj. KAAir UK. KKV. C. J llowman. LANCA.STKK, KKV. ('. II., Assi.^t. Mill Clarenceville. LKACII, VK.V. AK("I1I)I:AC0N, D.C.L., LL. I*. .Larhine. LKWIS, KKV. 15. P., K.A .llrandon. J.INDSAY, KKV. D. , M. A Waterloo. LINDSAY, KEV. K , M.A Jirome. LOCKUAKT, KEV. A. D Lacolle. LONSDELK,KEV.K . ,M. A. ,riUral Dean and Kector.S<. Andrews. •MEKUK'K, KKV. VV. ('., M.A llerthier. MACMASTKKS, REV. J., Retired. ^MEKKICK, KEV. J Morin. MONTGOMKK Y, KKV. H . , Rector Philipahurg. MUSSEN, KKV.T. W., M.A West Farnham. •NFA".:, UKV. F. 8 flrfnvllle. r Y K I ;, I{ K V . J I'oinlf u fattagnol •IM-ADK, IIKV. J South I'ottoil. U( tlUNSl >N, M.V. F , M A AlMUuMd. \',{ HUNS( KN, IfKV. 0K< ». C ClnretKlon. 1J( »I,LI1'. UKV. .1 Clnrcnilon Cnilre. •SKAMOHN, KKV. W M Kihlmr. •SKAM AN, UKV. .1 n'■•--• ' ,1" '^' J^.'i . jTI-" "' .-'.■;:.*iftr.>* ■■ A ■■■■'■' ■■''"^^tt. ■■'■■'T-'^- PRAYEES TO BE USED AT ALL MEETINGS OP THE SOCIETY, AND OF ITS SEVERAL ASSOCIATIONS. Prevent us, Lord, in all our doings, with Thy most gracious favour, and further us with Thy continual help; that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and finally, by Thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. merciful God, who hast made all men and hatest nothing that Thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live ; Have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy word ; and so fetch thcni home, blessed Lord, to Thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be one fold under one Shepherd. Prosper, Lord, the labours of those Societies of the Church in the land of our Fathers, which Thou hast deigned to use in the promotion of this object, and which have nourished the Church in the Colonies ; and bless in like manner with Thy Holy Spirit and Providential succour the Society in whose cause we are now met, and the undertaking which we have now in hand " Prosper Thou the work of our hands upon us; prosper Thou our handywork," for the sake and through the merits of the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen, Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thywillbedoncinearth, Asitis inHeaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temp- tation : But deliver us from evil : For Thine is the kingdom. The pwer, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen. jS' CONSTITUTION OF Wtut ditiuxtU jJiOddM of iht Slmu cf flotitral Incorporated by the Statute op Canada, 14 and 15 Victoria, Cap. 171, for promoting the following objects, viz: 1st. — The encouragement and support of Missionaries and Clergy- men of the United Church of England and Ireland, within the Diocese of Montreal, including the creation of funds towards the augmentation of the Stipends of poor Clergymen; and towards making a provision for those who may be incapacitated by age or infirmity, and for Widows and Orphans of the Clergy of the said Church in the said Diocese. 2nd. — Circulating in the said Diocese the Holy Scriptures, and such publications as have the sanction of the Church, viz. : — Prayer Books, Homilies, Catecliisms, Collects, and Canons, Avith the addi- tion of Books and Traets circulated by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in London. 3rd. — Obtaining and granting aid towards the endowment of Parishes or Missions, according to the establishment of the said Church in the said Diocese, and the management of all matters relating to such endowments. His Excellency the Governor-General, if a member of the Church of I]ngland, shall be requested to become the Patron of the Society. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Montreal shall be the President of the Society, and shall be ex-offido Chairman of all meetings of the- Society, and of all Committees thereof, at which he may be present. The Vice-Presidents shall consist of such Chairmen of the different District Associations of the Society as are hereinafter provided for^ and such others as shall be nominated at the General Annual Meeting of the Society from among its members. i*<-^i.>Li*.-. •f..-'..!'-8 ;».'•',•'■ •'.;•' !*'U'd ''•!-■.. ■»*•.•••.•&■■*»•-* ■-" J'- -M- K V*- 'I • 9.' ■ * '\ ► 1. 4*; jCt' •;;■., :/\ ■>';'"' '^i- M'^'^*i 'V:T '^t- -■ .tiv'^i'. mm \m i^ ^'•^. ■I-, U9 \m l^. :i^; m bsm •^yn '«"■ V .Vl ^;ii '.."S. The Patronage of the Rectories in this Diocese is bj :an Act of the Legislature (14 & 15 Vic : c. 175) now vested in the Church Society. At a general meeting, held on 5th October, 1852, it was re- solved : — Jiesolved, — That, in accordanco with the terms of an Act passed, 14 & 15 Vict., c. 173, rcsi)ecting tlio patronage of certain Rectories, establislied by letters patent in Canada, on a vacancy in any Rectory so established in the Diocese of Montreal, the Churchwardens of the Parish Churcli, liaving received notice of such vacancy from the Lord Bishop, shall proceed to summon a meeting of the Vestry, as constituted u:ider the Chm'ch Temi)oralities Act, (notice of such intended meeting having been affixed to the door of the Church on two previous Sundays,) for the purpose of choosing two or more Clergymen in Priests" Orders, whose names shall bo forthwith retm'ned to the Bishop, in order that his Lordship may, if they shall bo fomid otherwise canonically qualified, select one of them for institution to the said Rectory ; and no informality in the manner of choosihg Huch Clergymen by the Vestiy, shall invalidate the institution, unless notice in writing shall have been sent to the Bishop, or his Commissary, within twenty-one days from the date of the nomina- tion. But if no such nomination shall bo maENT. The Most Kuverexd the Lord Bishop of Montreal axd Metro- politan. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Hon. Mr. .lustico Ayhvin. lion, ;^^l•. .Justice Badgley. < '. Pliillips. Esq. Major Campbell, C.B. Col. Stephens Baker. The Very liev. The Dean of Montreal. The Ven. Archdeacon Leach. The Principal of Lennoxville College. Rev. Canon Townsend. Rev. Canon Bancroft. Rev. Canon Anderson. The Rural Deans. .T. Ilutton, Esq. T. B. Anderson, Esq. MEMBERS OF THE CENTRAL BOARD. Fon the Year 1867. The President, Vice-Presitlents, and the other Officers of the jSociety | all officiating Clergymen of every Church and Chapel of ■{ .r-:^ ■>!•■'•'/■.■':' 'f«* •;.VI ■••,;*«*: ion-"-; irj;!; *< - -. -1*- .■.fi-'.- vl'.. •^■,|■ IS ■iiiii'; .iT',i- * I .■;l'A ••'1. ■.■.■•■.«■',--' Iff.:--; ^ir''.-3v'' ?^r ,%• ■■■■■■■- 'iyy^': ■ ■ ■' • .'iM'^f ■'■■■■ ' I > . • >/'CF ■■.' ; -■;'. .v^i'. ■•■•' = ■ ■ii »-■■.■, ji 1,'. •' te 12 the United Church of England and Ireland within the Diocese, being members of the Society ; and BSFBEBEKTATIVES. Parish or Mission. T. MusssN S. C. Baoo G. W. Simpson. H. Thomas G. Barnbton. . . M. U. Gault... T. Simpson Jackson Kae . . S. E. Dawson . . J. Whytb J. SWANBTON . . . B. Taylor Cathedral. J. Button W. H. A. Da vies I. J. GiBB E. E. Shelton }■ St. George's, Mostreal. Dr. Soott A. F. Gault George Mofpatt C. J. Brydoes. C. Walkem W. Cooper C. Handyside. J. G. Savage. . Trinity Church, Montreal C. Small wood W. Turner . . . .' .' ." . ." ." . .' .* . . !...'...'.".'!!!} ^*- Stephen 's , Montreal. T. R. Johnson St, Luke's, MontreaJ. R. A. Young R. CONROY... imer. E. E. Shelton ) «„-*)„•„- S.G.Smith } Bertbier. B. Dawson H. Thomas H. S. Foster . . . N. S. Whitney. Bromc. Sir W. Johnson Chambly. "W. McGinnip Christieville. Capt. C. S. Row Clarencevillc. J. Lowe , Frelighsburg. — Arnold B. Chambbrlin . I Granby. F. D. PuLPOUD Hemmingford^ T. B. Anderson Philipsburg. W. Barrett Russclltown. E. Jones, jun , G. Simpson , St Andrews. C. S. Pkirce » o. , j^ J. CooTE / »*• •'*'"°^- R. W. Shepherd V^udreuil. W. Donahue West Farnhanii. 13 MISSION BOABD. Rev. K. Lindsay. Rev. D. Lindsay. E. E. Shelton, Esq. W. H. A. Davies, Esq. Robert Leach, Esq, J. Simpson, Esq., St. Andrews. R. A. Ellis, Es(i., Waterloo. M. H. Gault, Esq. Rev. Canon Bancroft. Jlev. H. F. Darnell. Rev. Canon Bond, Rural Dean of Ilochelaga. Rev. E. Duvernet, Rural Dean of Iberville. Rev. R. Lonsdell, Rural Dean of St. Andrews. Rev. Ct. Slack, Rural Dean of Bedford. The Treasurer and Secretary of the Society. BOOK AND TRACT COMMITTEE. Rkv. Caxon Looskmork, Chairman. Rev. Canon Balch. Rev. R. Lonsdell. Jlev. (i. Slack. Rev. D. Lindsay. Jiev. E. Duvernet. G. Motiatt, Esq. S. E. Dawson, Esq. WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' FUND COMMITTEE. E. E. Shelton, Es(i. 'r. B. Anderson, Esq. (i. Motfatt, Es(i. M. H. Gault, Es(i. James Ilutton, Esq. CLERGY TRrST FUND COMMITTEE. Tlio Loitl Bishop of Montreal. The Very Rev. The Dean. Rev. G. Slack. T. B. Anderson, Esq. James Ilutton, Esq. W. IL A. Davies, Esq. And all the Clergy who have commuted. ENDOWMENT FUND COMMITTEE. Rev. Canon Bond. T. B. Anderson, Esq. E. E, Shelton, Es([. James Hutton, Esq. Robert Leach, Esq. INVESTMENT COMMITTEE. I. rj. Gibb, Esq., the Treasurer, and Secretary. HONORARY COUNSEL. ,Strachan Bethune, Esq., Q. C. NOTARIES. Messrs Gibb and Hunter. AUDITORS. Messrs J. IL Winn, and G. W. Simpson. TREASURER. James Ilutton, Esq. SECRETARY, Rev. Canon Loosemore. '•'.VI') , " ■.■■ \' ■'V.V'Bo'at - >*J I * ' I" .-•; • V'' "v •r ■■-■■■' Vt^'^:¥. >.;V':-.'V \,^':s:' -.1 '.V, > |-»-J,;..l.;. • •■'■ ► 1 '. >-.uif,J' ..>i.-'Ky ■ •' 1 "■ ..■ •i .-a•ST■.'v■■..■ [.*.■■.*■ iV" 'I- '■. # ti- '*'•. 1 Mw^n :*c;:v ^-1 1 ft. • • w i-', -4 ' ■ ■m ?'■':. ai ?•-■■;■.: K S^' 1 i i^ W ^;'v.: JR »i!.-' ' 'v ,*?.-■■"■, M ii^'«^r ^ ■^'■^k iVS ■x' :' p Sf-> yJC i'--;>i.-' • Ix il?^--' fi I'i :^^r. 'w ^.i! i^Jl'*f mm '* ^< ■>.' '.■'iV 'l » ti •- ^i3 14 INCORPORATED CHURCH SOCIETYIOF THE DIOCESE OF MOiNTREAL. The Annual Public Meeting of this Society was held in the Mechanics' Hall, on Wednesday Evening, IGth January, at 7 o'clock. The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop op Quebec in the Chair. After Prayer, an abstract of the Report was read by tlic Secre- tary. Moved by Rev. Robt. Lindsay, Bronie ; seconded by Rev. Maurice S. Baldwin ; and Resolved, — That the Eoport, an abstract oj' whioh has now boon read, be adopted, printed and cireulated inulor the tlirection of the Secretary. Address by Strachan Bethune, Esq., Q. C. — On the Pro- gress, Present State, and Prospects of the Colonial Church, with special reference to the Church in Canada. Address by Rev. Canon Balch, D.D, — On the Duty of the Church with, regard to Home and Foreign Missions. A Collection was taken up amounting to 670. HYMN.—" GOD FROM THEE ALONE." Moved by George Macrae, Esq. ; seconded by Rev. II. F. Darnell, St. Johns ; and Resolved, — That the thanks of the Mooting bo given to the officers of the Society for their services during the past year. Moved by the Venerable the Archdeacon ; seconded by Rev. R. Lonsdell, St. Andrews ; and Resolved, — Tliat the thanks of the Mooting be offered to the Lord BLshop of Quebec for his kindness in visiting Montreal to preside on the present occasion. HYMN.— •• JKSUS shall REIGN WHERE'ER THE SUN." The Bishop then dismissed the Meeting with the Benediction. The Special Annual Sermon was preached before the Society, in the Cathedral, the previous evening, by the Rev. E. Sullivan, B.A., Assistant Minister of St. George's Church, Montreal. REPORT. The Central Board of the Diocesan Church Society, in pre- senting their Sixteenth Annual Ilcport, desire to take a brief retro- spect of the labours of the Society during the past year, and to state briefly the prospects for the ensuing. The Society has lost two of its valued members, whose names stood together on the list of Vice-Presidents, — Colonel Wilo'ress and the Hon. John Pangnian, who ever manifested an interest in the work of the Society and of tlic Church in general, and will be much missed as Churcliinen in the respective communities in which thoir weight and influence for good were much felt, as well as by the Society to which, in time past, they rendered important assistance botli by counsel and contributions. Another of the Society's Vice-Presidents, W. Baker, Esq. has passed away, by wliich event the parish of Dunham loses a valued parishioner, and the Church Society a constant contributor to its funds. His example, in leaving a legacy for the endowment of the Parish, is worthy of being recorded for imitation. A member of the Central Board, R. S. Tylee, Esq., was also suddenly called to his rest during the past year, the recollection of whose services to the Church Society and so many works of the Church and its Institutions in the city, causes just regret that so valuable a member is no longer able to give us that aid which was always most willingly bestowed. And in this connection the commemoration would not be com- plete unless the Board noticed the removal, since the last Meeting of a faithful friend of the Society, and a steadfast, consistent mem- ber of the Church, the late Mrs. Ross, who, as " a mother in Israel " was respected and loved by all who knew her. All these warnings your Committee would take as incentives to> perseverance in well-doing whilst time lasts. Nothing of a very marked character with reference to th& Society has transpired during the year that has passed. The al>- • ' \'^ . ?■• V. P. /.'•■''• u ■»* ,y ' .>. -■•■ ■ •■. '.-■ :•■■—, ,«.■■ ^■i,;,'^.'. ,- ■•.'■■..•>».!! ^*.'■j'. ■;■■ •' m •■>;•■ • *:■ *• ;r^ ^1 > ft. ■ tvi; : .•*■' -./;•'.-' V' . i-. .•■}■■■; 4 * f ■ :'.. .V i '' J '. Vt .„-.. ..,»?■••(».}<.,. ■I V '. i ♦y*^.' ■■'*•■ IC sencc of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, the President of the Society, from the Meetings of the Central and Mission Boards, and the General and Public Meetings of the Society, whilst tcnipora- rily a loss is believed to be advantageous in many respects to the Church in the opportunity aiFordcd his Lordship of adjusting the new and untried relations between the Mother Church and the €hurch in Canada, as was instanced in the recent decision con- cerning the witliholding the Queen's mandate in the case of the pending consecration of the Bishop elect of Niagara, the Coadjutor Bishop of Toronto, whereupon the Metropolitan promptly issued ;i commission to the Bishop of Toronto to proceed at once with the consecration. And the Board would here express a hope that when his Lordship returns in the spring he may find the Diocese, both financially and spiritually, in a progressive state. The income of the Society derived from subscriptions and collections, which are the ordinary sources of the revenue of the Society, compared with tliat of last year, is as follows: — In 18G5, S5750, In 1866, $5478, but in 18G5 the sum of $1980 was transferred to the Church Society from the Clergy Trust Fund, and the Fund in charge from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and other funds, which made the Income of last year larger in that proportion, viz : — 87730, leaving in fact $272 of current Income less this year than last. By comparing the returns from the country with those from the city, we find that this deficit is chargeable to the city parishes, as the following returns for the two years will show : — Contributed from the country parishes, In 1865 ^2130 In 1866 ^2344 From the city parishes, In 1865 $2563 In 1866 $2346 An increase from the country of $205. i A decrease from the city of $217. 17 Thus it is hoped, and earnestly urged by the Board, that emula- tion may bo provoked, and that all the parishes throughout the Pioccscjnay be " stirred up to love and good works" in this most important cause, that any shortcomings may be more than made up during the current year. INCOME. Abstract of Kinancial .Statcmout, comparing years 1865 1866. ( Tfamircr' s tSlatcment.) MONTRKAL. 1866 Sul)scrii>tions $1786 74 ( 'olloctions 41 9 86 Doniitions L'( )() (H) , Legacy litM) (M) 150XCS 142 52 Annual Meeting 8,} 87 186 5 . 1740 16 . 8L>;{ (M) . 2()(» 00 . 4(10 00 . (Y.) 85 . 68 70 28;^2 «jy 3301 71 Being a decrease in 1866 of ... 468 72 $3301 71 COUNTRY. Subscriptions and Collections in 1866 do do 1865 $2469 57 , 2389 64 Being an increase in 1866 of $79 93 ANNUAL SUBSCUIITIONS IN MONTKEAL. CATIIKUUAr,. Annual Subscriptions $92(5.02 lUixcs CO. 22 apocial Douatious 175.00 PT. OKOKOK'8 CHCUCH. Annual Subscriptions 485. SO l?()Xf>s 4.S.43 Special Donations 150.00 TKINITY oiicucH.— None. S1167.84 678.93 BT. JOHN THE EVAN(}BLIST. Annual Subscriptions 123.75 Boxes Itj. 00 139.75 PT. JAME9 TUB APO.WLK. Annual Subscriptions Ifil.OO Boxes 10.87 180.87 BT. BTEPHEN'8 church. Annual Subscriptions 100.62 ST. LUKE'S CHURCH. Annual Subscriptions 39.00 8T. THOMAS'S CHURCH.— NonO. | ST. MARY'S CHURCH,— NonO. B %':i^-' ?•■■>• m ''.•.?V'' '*T'' ■■ t'-\f i" •ill "'■■■"/*• Sy'^ v^ .^-.;, .,;*»:'tf A, ,r">. •, '■%' • u './ ••♦if *• : ■>-V»»l 4 './'■•vj J » 'if .^i^ '.1 •,r.>i « ^- ;• f \ ^3 ^^'^-v* I 1, '■ ;'■'•«:* I'. 'j'i« ■ ■ ■.. .:• '' ^-.'S. - •1 •..,'. ;■'*^;%^ •",;'•■«•■■.,..■•.■ i' '/..■^♦•l-Av^ ■■'■ •*• * >>r n : ( 18 It will 1)0 olisorvod th.at, coniiiarcd with last year, thcro is nn increase from the Catlicdral, and tlio other parishes : and a decrease from St. (icor^o's and Trinity. The Coniniittee are dc^sirous of reminding the Clergy and thns.> wlio are willing to take the lioxcs, that the amount derivable from this source lias, for some years past, been falling oU". This is owing, it is believed, to tlio object for whicli the boxes aie issued not be- ing understood or even exj)lained. [Much more might be ronlized if u little troulile were taken, and tlio Fiuid incieased by contiibutioiis which would not be obtained in any otluM" way. Tlioy, tlioreforc, tlesirc to explain that the box is to be j)laced in some room in the liouso fre(iuented by the family, and is intemled to receivo the secret oU'erings of those who accept the Ijox, and who may be inclined to use this movi. of expressing their thankfulness to Almighty (iod for 11 is constant mercies: as, amongst other things, for 1. Spiritual blessings daily vouchsafed to them. 2. Continued health. 3. Kemoval of sickness from the family. 4. Escape from acciciety has granted aid towards the stipends of tlie following Clergymen and Catechists to the extent of $4714. 14. Kev. E. J. Fessenden, '' J. D. Borthwick, " E. Duvernet, " F. Codd, " J. C. Davidson, " A. L. Fortin, '< J. Merrick, '< W. C. Merrick, J. Seaman, J. Griflin, W. M. Ogden, J. Reade, Mr. McManus. Rev. J. C. Kaapcho, A. Allingham, (t. I lea ton, J. Gribble, J. Smith, F. S. Neve, E. G. Sutton, J. Godden, A. L. Shand, « / / W. M. Seaborn, T. W. Fyles. CATECniSTS. 1 Mr. Webb. 13 nn ocrca.so 1 those lie IVoin 1 owin;;, not lic- hcil it'ii iliutioim orolbrc, n in till' nvo thi' m:\y Itr Inoss to iin; to; ipgosts :i I rentier auso tlit^ avfiilubli- iVoni anv stipends B4714.14. 19 * The following are the returns from the Cluirchcs in the city. CniUST CllUltCII CATIIKDUAI,. The Very llcv. The Dean of Montreal reports; Commiinicdnts •— Ktistcr 315 Avt'ni>,'(. isQ Wlioli' mulibcr ubout goo Vdndidates amjirnud in IHtitj 75 JJoly CoininuiiiDii :—Virst Smuliiy In tlin month at 11 a.m. " " Third .Sunday in tlie niontli at Uu.m. Services .•—Sunday at 11 a.m. : 3^ p. m. : 7 p.m. Daily at 11} a.m. tlirou(?iu)ut the yoar. " " 4 p.m. IVtim October to Kastcr. " " Tj p.m. from Easter to October. Offices :—l^n\)ii'>m^ 42 .Marria;;p.i 15 IJurials 2!) Sundai/'Krlioiil nt 2] p.m. , Number on tlie books 230 Avenip' attendance 170 Clothing Society .— Jleetiuj,' on Suturdays from 2 to 4 p.m. from October to Lent. ' Tlio following sums have been paid to the Church Society for tho year 1. ^■.r^ m'^ -.I--; A-- A",. ^.■ x^y'-i I'-' . ■> ■'•"• •'••'■5 ''"'ti,\^ t m € 20 ■ But tip chief point of poneriil intcMvst to tlio ( 'onp^roj^ation, ami indeed to the whole l)ioc(\s(», \a the nnnouneenKMit Hint the Catlic < is a eonsunimatlon realized within a comparatively short spaee of tinu>. During: this i)eriod the woik of the ( 'liiin'h has not lieetj foi';jrotten 1»V the niiMu'iers of th(^ Church attached to th(» Cuthrdial. It has heen found tliat th(>y hive met. with IHieral h ind, the divers calls that have been made on their pMierosity within the jiaiish, throu^sh out the pioceso, and heyontl both parish and Dioce.so. But now since home burdiMis are removed, it is believed that increased aid will bo granted to the most inii)ort;int work that can cn'»a'»e the minds of Clnirchmen, the Missionary work of the Church, the provi'lini: for '• those who are of thi" household of faith," wh') arc less ])rivilei/cd with means of ^vaco thin those who, livin;j; in cities and towns, have Churches close to their own d'>'^ I'y the i)orsonal exertions of the Bishop, who met with a lilK'r.il response from the members of the Congre- gation. In ISOG this appeal was su])plemented by another made by tlie Clerf;y and ChurchwardtMis, who have succeeded, thiou;^h the generosity of the people, in niliirJi/ Ii(jtiieration of the Cathedral, to take place sooi; after his Lordship's return in th(^ spring. ST. orokok's ciru'Rcir. Rev. Cakom Boxd and Ri;v, E. Sullivan report : Communicants .— I'astor 20!) Avora^o IH" AVhole minibcr aljout AW Offices .— Hnptisms !>'2 Marriages 3;{ Deaths 2i\ fS'en'ices:— Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (Mission .Scliool), throiijjii. out tlic year; twice a week during Lent; .Services preparatory to Lord's Supper, Friday evenings. Sunday-schools .-—Teachers' services, .Sunday afternoons and Friday OTOn- ings througJiout tlio year. Attendance 50.3 (largest). On tlic IJooks 560. District Visiting Society :—y[oo{\a% Tuesday aflor Sacrament Sunday. Doras Society Mczting .— Wednesday from October to J^nt. ,, ■r... 21 Contributions in IHOG for Church Society ; (liiircli MifHlons Kt^ulur Sorinou )|0C.80 WIdowit' mid OrplianH' Fiiiiil 121). IH) HuhHcrlptloiiH and DtmatiuiiM 078. OJJ C'liurcli MiHuiotiH (IhankKglrliig Day) 80.67 i-'or I^ocJil TurposcB : «|IH. V. 8 2f)0.0<) Wotid (or jM)or 247.00 DorcUK Society (about) ST)*). 00 .Sunday-Hcliool (2) 114.00 Synod 20.00 Collections in Sundny-school for Mi.s.'^ionary purposes: ("ity Mission S120.00 IMble Woiuuu 100. GO Total !i»«,329.ai Contriliutions for otlier purposes: Souf licrii Clerjiy 8103.72 Sabrovois Minslou 70.00 St. (k'orKo'rt Homo 67.89 Mission to Indians 100. W Ladjt's' IJonovolent Society 110. OO S141.01 TRINITY cnuRen. Hev. ( 'anon Bancroft, D.D. : Kcv. -F. Pliilip Dumoulin : Kcv. Charles Bancroft : No aid has been ailbrdod to tho Mis.-: ! . ! %■■ 1%' /■ '.■ ■' ■ ♦ 1 . r-jm :^;-i ^^•'i.■• « . •:i; <:■'•': .•-<-• .a ■4'.-'''.'' , . •w •' •••■•. St r. V I ;•'.',-/■■. ■ i ..■,;,y.,i ' -ff. '.^ ir, --fji-i^: M:- -':■<,: .1!. V ;'*-■ ■; . .1"' t^ ■ i. 'F" 1. * ii ""■: ..•.■"•.^i«,>V/.<1 .... : > i>:'V , .. .J. ■.''<<■ J 90 ST. STEPHEN S CHURCH. Eev. W. B. Currav reports : Baptisms, 51. Marriages, 19. Burials, 16. 3'cw rents S700.00 Offertory for poor, &c 679.00 "Widows and Orphans 10.00 Cliurch Society 10.00 - Subscriptions to Church Society 100.77 Sabrcvois Mission 12.00 St. Francis Mission 13.00 Sunday-schools, including amounts raised for festivals. — and Donation from C. J. Brydges, Esq., to School at Point St. Charles 161.00 Testimonial 120.0*) Pulpit, Heading Desk, &c 135.00 Alelodeou 55.00 S1995.77 Melodcon for Point St. Charles, omitted last year 200.00 ST. Luke's church. The Rev. Maurice S. Baldwin encouragingly writes : I have much pleasure in stating that the prosperity of St. Lukc'.s Church has materiiiUy increased since last year, and that wo hope, as our Church debt is nearly liciuidated, soon to bo .able to do more for the Society. Contributions for Local Piu-poses : Pew rents and Sunday Collections Sl,240 00 Collected for Building Fund 775 Oi) Melodeon 135 00 Poor fund 37 22 82,187 22 Contributions for Church Society : Sunday Collection for Church Society S14 50 Sunday-.sichool for ditto 25 0<) Annual Sub.scriptions 14 00 Collected for Diocesan .*:\ v>* ^'^^■m A^l .••■' Vi^Stt ■Ml ,f ^ -fcf ■ ^■K: -^ Ty^ ).\^ i : 24 DEANERY OF BEDFORD. ABBOTSFORD, MILTON, AND ROUGEMONT. Rev. F. Robinson reports that the amount raised in this Mission during the past year is as follows, viz : Abbotsfokd. — Annual Subscriptions $19,75; Missionary Collection 16.10 ; W. & O. Collection ^3.00 ; Local purposes $40.0() ; Endowment Fund $59.46; Thanksgiving Collection $7.53 ; Total $135.84. Milton. — Subscriptions $10.92; Missionary Collection $2.63; W. & O. do. $4.00; Local Purposes $15.00; Thanksgiving $3.10; Total $35.65. St. Pie. — Thanksgiving Collection for Missionary purposes $3.48. RouuEMONT. — Subscriptions $24.75; Missionary Collection $3.20; W. (fe 0. do. $3.00; Local Purposes $40.{J(J; Endowment $2150; Thanksgiving $8.80; Total $2229.75. In addition to the above, there were six collections made during the year at Missionary Meetings amounting to $40, or more, making the whole amount raised in the Mission durin;; the year about $2450, apart from income arising from Endowment Fund. At Abbotsfokd we have to mourn the loss wo have sustained in the death of W. M. Bradi'ord, Esc}., one of our oldest and most attached Church members. Cno, too, who shortly before his deceiuso paid off his subscription of §200 to the Endowment Fun •>*,-■'■■■• •.•T.5). W'-rv'- • :- .5.-.- ■■' ■■ I'y-'v ^m> )■ 26 in East Fanihiiin from Nelson Adams, Esq., of this place. The pre- sent value of this land is certainly not loss than $40(), and much more may be ol)tained for it by a few years' delay in selling. As present income is not an obj'ect, we are enabled to make this delay and thus realize the highest price. The remainder of our present Endowment Fund consists of annual subscriptions in cash and pro- missoiy notes. These notes run for one year, and are taken up, or renewed, with augmentation, at the end of that term. This plan is believed to be the best adapted to the i)articular circumstjinces of our Mission. The jn-esent gi'oss total, including the above mentioned land, is $.570.00. In addition to this the Ladies' Sewing Association has contributed $100.00, making altogether !?670.00. A subscription of .*12.00 has been made for the pm'chase of a surplice, and ,?]3.87 was contributed last Epiphany to provide a Christmas tree for the .Sunday-school. The interior walls of the Church have been tinted, and a cornice put up around the whole buiMing at an expense of $55.00. With the excel) tion of a subscription of .*5.00 from R. Dickenson, Esq., the County Registrar, this has hoon defrayed by the Incumbent, liut it is intended to take up a contribution for this pur^^ose after New Year's Day. The total amount raised for Church purposes in the Mission will .therefore stand thus : Weekly Onertory ?r).3.02 Mlssion.ary Mooting in February, ISiW 8.05 " in ()(Tt.>ber. 18(iti 7.25 Widows .ind Orplians' Kund 5.0!) Thankii^ivin^' day !j 2\) Christmaa tree 18.87 Surplice 12. 0<) Endowment rum! C70.()() Annual sub.-icription to Mission Fund .OO.Gf) $8:33.98 BROME. The Rev. Robt. Lixds.w writes :— The vv(:)rk3 of the Mission have proceeded as usual during the past year. By the help of a lay readei- and other lay agency, we have been enabled during the summer months to carry on tlie work at three out-stations and four -Sunday-schools, besides those at the two Churches. Wo have com- pleted this year the amount promised to the Brome Woods Mission. I have to acknowledge with nuich thankfulness the gift of one hundred dollars on£'hristmas Day, to purchase a new horse, as also imany other liberal gifts. We have commenced a second Endowment 27 Fund in the Mission in connection witli tlip Chnroh at Bromo Corners, to provide eventually additional clerical labor for a region of country at present destitute. The following are the items of collections : 33.43 Church Society $107.50 Di'k'i^ation, February . .$lj.o'i i " October.... 17.93) Missionary Sermon 7.85 Widows' and Orplians' Sermon 11 .00 Africa, Niger Mission. 3.65 3.00 8.38 35.00 32.00 Thanksgiving " .Synod " Sabrevois Mission Dunliani 5.G0 | St. .Jolins.... 13.00 [ i'igoon Hill.. 2.00 [ ( Bromc 14.40 Lay I\Iissionary Donation lor liorse 100.00 Taynient towards tower at Uroine Corners 100.00 .Sunday collection 89.00 Subscriptions to Mission 400.00 Total S930.31 COWAXSVILLE AND .SWEETSBUKG. ITio Hkv. ,T. (J. Daviixsox writes : — There is nothing of special inti^rest to be reported from this Parish. The usual services in both (yhurches have bc^en regulai-ly maintained throughout the year, a.nd the attendance has, in general, been very satisfactory. The following are the subscrii^tions and collections for 1866 : Church Society $54. 05 3Iissionary Deputation 8.00 .Sermon , Widows and ( )r))haus 3.50 Weelily Collections— Trinity Church 64.50 t Jlirist Church 21.60 IVw rents, Trinity Church JK).00 Improvements, (Jhrist Church.. . 12.00 Melodeou for Christ (.:hurch 90.00 Collection for Sunday-school Library in Trinity Church 7.85 Clergymau's Support 233.50 Total $587.75 DUNHAM. The Rev. J. Gooden wiites:— It is with much gratification, and I hope with thankfulness to the Head of the Church, that I attempt a report of the stale and i)iogiess of this Parish during the past '*•-■'''Vt^'■ ''^ fir''':- •!'*■! 1 i''' v.'*"' V ♦'■'.'' r .■:yi-:.' d:^ -'4. '!).''■ '.. , V-*'i *■■•'•■'' '• fJ:- :v" "V*?.?!. •.»'••'" K-.-H- ^.z '•V %. •'*■**. '■ .^V'-"- V,:>h '. V -I * >■■-'■'.: ;.? •'.' /i' i ■ _l /.•' I* ' .■•.('■'■■r.ri.^i; .'" ■■■'■ •' . ;«>'■» " .^.;: 1 ' V. ^ * •1 ■/.;'*.■'<>•' 28 nine months that I have endeavoured to serve it as its Rector. During those nine months Ave have been generally pretty busy ; much has been attempted and a good deal has been accomplished. The Parish Church has been almost renovated. Through the deep interest of the Ladies' Association we have been enabled to erect a suitable spire, alter the shape of the windows, point them with stained glass and frost them ; at their expense also we have stained the walls and ceiling, and painted some of the interior. But great as these improvements are they have been far exceeded by the exertion through the pious wisdom of the family of the late Wm. Baker, Esq., as an offering to God and a memorial to their deceased fatlicr of a beautiful Chancel, Organ-Chamber, and Vestry thereby setting a noble example to the Church at large. The window in the Chancel is certainly well calculated to sustain the I'eputation of its maker, J. C. Spence, Es(i. On 8t. Thomas's Day, a Special Service was hekl on the reopening of the Church, which I believe was a day of refreshing to many of us. Several of the Clergy were present and assisted in the Service — the Sermon was preached by the llev. W, 11. Norman, who kindly came from Mont- real, to assist us. But the Rector has been further gratitieil by an increase of the contrilmtions to your Society of !?I3 over those of any former year, and by the (.)fiertory collection having nearly doubled, which two facts are very cheering, considering that this is the first year that the Parish has had to support its own religious institu- tions ; and it is due to the Parish to say that its pecuniary obligation-s have been honouralily fuliilbnl, while 1 have received no little kiiid- ness from the hands of the ]ieo2)Ie, which kindness was mani- fested in no ambiguous shape on Christmas Day, when, unexpected by me, $20 were jjlaced on the Lord's Altar for my acceptn.iL. It is very pleasing that the Sunday-school, though small, has contri- buted 1J2.0I to your funds since May last. To the Churchwardens, the collectors and others for their willing aid dunng the i)ast nino months, I feel under great obligation; but I would do violence to my feelings if I neglected to recortl my indebtedness and that of the Church of Dunham, to that active and untiring and faithful son of the Church, Col. Stevens Baker. May God's IToly Si)irit so bless the ordinances of llis Church that ovtr spiritual life may wax stronger and stronger ! So shall wo be a prospei'ous people indeed, and daily be prejjaring for the coming of the Son of Man. 29 The following amounts, which are exchmivc of tho Rector's stipend, have hcen coiitriljutod during the year : Clmrch Society Subscriplions 885.00 " ' Missionary Mooting 5 j^^ " " 'I'lianksgiving Day j^l " " Sunday-scliool 2.91 9-1. 07 Oirertory fur ordinary piirposo3 78.02 " '"^y"'"! 4 07 " " Widows and Orplians 594 " " African Mi.x.^ion 5^1 93.94 Collcctod lor ropairing Organ, &c 20 00 C'bristma.s donation to Cli-rgynian 20 00 8228.01 EDWARD.^roWX, 8T. KEMl, AND IIAVELOCK. Tho PiEV. E. a. 8l-tto\ writes :— I am glad to Ije able to report an increase, this year, in every fund connected with the Church. The following are the amounts raised : Subscriptions to Clinrch Socioty $32.49 IMissionarv Meeting collodion 8.50 Missionary Sorinon collection 2.97 Widows' and Orphans' Sermon collection I.94 Total sent to Church Society 845.90 Support of Missionary 119.10 Olfertory collections 34.08^ Altar Tablets 3.32 Church Insurance 4. 70 Chancel chairs 1.00 Sundry Churcli expenses 26.55 Total 8235.05] FRELIGThSBUrvGIT. The Rev. J. Runiiows Davidson writes : — ^This Parish, as the point of Fenian hostilities, has had an unusual history during the past year. Tho uneasiness and excitement attentling those events have not certainly tended to our material prosj^erity — and consequently we cannot return as desirable a financial report as could be wished. We hope the first months of tho new year will make uji all deficiencies. The Rector acknowledges, with most grateful feelings, a very generous purse from his parishioners, to enable him, while labouring under a critical disease, to take advantage of a visit to the Springs for about two months. He also mentions, with warm appreciation, many other acts of Christian kindness and love from various friends. ■i.-Jy '•■ > ifr- '< -.-.* .*■,, ■.# « ■ Hi.;.: ■:■'''■ I,; * ♦ .' 1,' ■ ■ ■. %** ' I II i" -■. life-'- i ■■ '•■■ ■*■■ i- t' ''' ■*■". '\ ^I'-'i: '■»':■•:'■ *■ K i '•■; .1:^ ^u,. ^^■It- :-i^ . ■ t ' '. .7 • 5 ♦ \ I •< 30 The following arc the aniounts contribiito<.l for the several objootM Church Society .subscriptions STit] 0<) Mis.-ioimry collcctioiis • 15 12 AViilows' nnd Orphiins' Fund 5 70 Suiuiay-school 7 .'SJJ Subscriptions tor I'lirish, and interest 528 (H) Trococds of Endowment 70 Total $!r.84 041 (iRAXBY, NORTH SIIEFFOliD, AND SOUTH K(JXTON. The Hkv. W. Jonks reports an increase of $20 over the con tributions of last year. Uo expools through the liberality of his people, and active exertions of Mr. Josiah I'ayne, one of thoC.'hureh- wardens, to be able to pay another siinr of lifty poujids towards the liquidation of the Parsonage debt, leaving a balance of doul)le tlmt amount yet to be raised. lie records the gil't of Mr. John Bradfoid, who has placed a superior fence along the en<^ire front of St. George's Church, and by the liberality of the people expects to see undc^rtakeu ami coin[ilc- ted other gocxl worlis which are in conteni];»lati()ji. He return^ gi'ateful acknowledgments to the Senior Churchwarden, and others who have bestowed much labour as collectors in the Parish, The sum total raised in the Parish diu-ing the year, for the Chiunii Society and for local purposes is §4'J3.3T.2. IRON HILL AND FULFORD. The Rev. T. W. Fvi.ks reports: The following amounts have been collected in tlii.s Mi.ssiou during the past year : For the Cliurch Society SI5 27 Towards Synod expenses 75 " ('h>i'p;y man's sujjport 12 Of) Troceeds of Festival (expended in (ittiiip up Fulford C'liurcb 27 97 Co.st of Lectern presented to Fulford Ciiureli 10 50 For Improvements in Holy Trinity C'burcb and Church- yard 14 00 Balance of Carpenter's account 84 50 Towards the lUiilding of a I'arsonagc (not including sub- scriptions in labour partly paid) 20 OO OfTortory 16 OK Collections in 'Sunday -school 2 10 Money earned by the Fulford Sowing Society 2 52 Money received from without the Mission, Donation from Rev. G. Slack, towards building a I'arsonage 50 OO Do. from Mr. G. lioright 10 (X> Collection from Dunham 7 32J Total »273 01Jt 5 27 75 2 on 11 97 OCO 4 0O !4 60 JOOO 6 OR 2 10 2 52 ;o oo low 7 32| 3 01} 1 OIlMST( »WN. The Rkv. W. Bretiioi/r writes :— During tlia year just closed, we- liavo hail many things to encourage us in the worlc of the Chun'h ia this Mission. The Congregation have heen morn regular and atten- tive in their atteudaneo at Divine; Woi'ship; the number of connnu- nicants throughout the year has been more munerous than at any former peiiod. We derive great benrlit from the grattiitous assist- ance of !Miss Moc, at tlie harmonium. 'J'he graveyard has been entirely enclosed that our sureess in the work of the Church (luring the jmst year will eucoui'agt! all to renewed exertion for tho future. Amount raised during the past year: Toiviinls IncMirilx'nfs Salary f^UX DO J'uiMliiy ( Mlirtiiry , ".'. 30 no Aninuil .Mcctiny Of (ioputatioii of'Cliurch Si-cioty ....'. lo (i() l,;iiiiiis (iir Clnircli '. ' ]; oo l>iiii;itilunder anil tho wanton destruction of property: yet notwithstanding this, and tho continuous exeit(^ment which they have endeavoured since to keei^ up, wherel)y the attention of many has necessarily been drawn, not only from the temporalities of the Church, but in a gi-eat measure also from their own secular interests, 1 am thankiul to say that the general income of the Parish has fallen off but little froiri that of last year, which was unprecedented ly large^ and that the slight dimiimtion does not affect the Missionary opera- tions of the Church, as tho collections and sul)scriptions for the general purposes of the Church Society arc considerably increased. Nor should wo overlook the very laudable and successful effort made by the Ladies' Association at Pigeon Hill for tho procuring funds towards the purchase of a small organ of Mr. Warren, Mon- treal, for the use of their commodious little Church, wherewith to render the praises of tho Stinctuary still more edifying and profitable to tho Congi-egation, and those of the Sunday school to the teachers and children. '■»: '-'r m- '^■■•^* ..... ?*•:?•«. •■■■ •'.-f it • ♦ ■Mi ;*« 'fl ''■''i.'' . t ft * 1..-,- ^ f (.■■•5 , %'--^y' ■■<' >':'.",■•..■ 't • ■ :" '■.'••'' ■'■.".: > : - ■■ <■,-* ■;•!•-'-. '^■■'^■. .t-- ■v-ki' ■' •|-^v^ 7 - '.' ■ sSijl f 'is 'v?? .■\i. i !'^:i >;^ iA' !<, ■1 •.., 5r*-j. V '.■ ■., ! :v,» V-« ^•'P ..4'»' .H ;.'■!• 'i' it-*^ I'* *' s I'' *.. 32 ^^orthy also of gratofiil montion nncl inMtiition, is tlio gonorous and ai)i")rnpriivto f;il't l»y Mrs, Whitwdl tmd ht>r sistor Mit.s Alcott, of tu-olioautil'ul('hiincol chvirs for the uneof St. PaursChurch, I'hilip.s- Imrg, •which wo trust will ho followed l»y other much ii(>eded ^'ifts from those to whom God has entrusted the means for the furnishing of Ilis house, and the maintenance of puUlic worsliij). Tlirougli the })ul)lic s2)irite(l and self-denying oxertionsof filai,(,o- lioarted lady of the Congregation W(! havi^ liud ei'ccted for ns a no,v platform and steps in front of the ahove named Church, an Do. Diocesan Synod 2 00 Do. . Sunday School Library '. rt 1^) Subscrii)tions for general purposes 30 00 Do. For phitfonn in front of ("hurch 10 00 Do. towards Rector's Salary 182 50 Xadies' Association 20 flO Two Chancel chairs, say 20 00 Total m'j\) 02 nOEON HILL. Weekly OfTertory SIH 11 'Otfertory at Communion 7 (31 •Collection for general purposes ] 7G Do. At Missionary Meeting in Kebriiary 3 51 Do. Do. in October 3 5."i Do. AVidows' and Orphans' 1 03 Do. DioCcsan Synod GO Do. for African Mission 2 00 Do. for Sunday-school Library 2 02 Subscription for general purposes 21 25 Do. forKentof Church Lot 12 00 Do. towards Hector's Salary . . 30 50 LadiCs' Association towards purchase of Organ 100 00 Income of Glebe §90 00. Total »25S 94 Total income of Parish S708. 86. 33 roTToN AND BOLTON. IxKV. -I. Kkadi; I't ports: — Appo'iuhmnl. — I W-;j-?--vVir' Ji ;■ '* .' ■■ \ •I' '.*..;' Ivil m V"" ti.*"' •'■■-• A! . '. . - - ■ j»5i;'' ■■'; v,-V., /■ v. • •''J'-' ..■ "*'•■'! ).■■ •■:^A ■>:^■■i W! :■■■•■-■ IT ■ ^''■' '''&•* 'I." " pxn- |.v:.':i, "^W J ;?^-':^ tt'.. VJI- . •. >* .' ^'^l hi -K m Vi'^S ' '■.■'; i :■,■. villa. <»J ' >,! ■ ' ••:^ ■'•*■» 'P ■* ' .vf-T.^'? ,'-•- ■■•• ■ *■ V ^ • ' « * J( >■ ■■•«••" K'v 84 HOUTU UOLTON. Otltirtory J8.61 Widows' nnd Orplmiis' Fund 2.00 TlitiiksgivinK 1.10 Mi-iHioiiary Meeting; 3.42 liHiiranco 2. .37 Miiil(ttiT'8 .Stipend 07.00 Subsciibod towardii Hull for Trinity Church 201.00 «2H5.40 K.\«T HOLTON. dfliTtory sinco opening of Cliurch, Oct., IHOS SHiOtJ t'olii'ctod forstovo \>.W Kent for orgiin 6.00 S .s . Library (collected) 6.82 I'aid by .'^cwing Society towiird.-< Surplice 4.00 Minititor's .Stipend a3.00 74.38 Totni .'F66IJ.22 1U.:.S.SELTUWN. liiiv. .1. KuLTO.N reports: ('ontributioni? to tlic .Society lir!U.l)2l Amount raised for Local l'urpo^e!! «0.'2.j Total !«n2.17i Nothing of general interest has occurred in his .Mission during tin,' pu.sl year. .SOUTH .^'rrivELY. Ivrcv. (\ P. AnnoTT writes : — During thi.s yoar a jiortion of my Mission in the Town.ship of Bolton has hud its jtopulation largely augmented for mining jnirposos. At i)resent there are two cojipiM' mines, hoth promising, hut the one tei'ined the Huntingdon mine especially so — at this latter I have engaged to hoM I'ortnightly ser- vices on Sunday afternoons. It may In; well to state, that so far as I have heen able to ascertain, the majority of this mining popula- tion are French Canadians; and (at ^tresent) amongst the I'etnaining Engli. to a fair standard, and to move, not by spa.smodic efforts, but by the order of healthy growth. The Ser- vices are (juite as well attended as heretofore, and Holy Communion by an exemplary body of Coninumicants. The Sunday-school is doing well. In material woik we have completed the tower of the Chureli, by .subscription, of wliich the largest share has been borne by J. C. Baker, Es(i., who, although not a member of the Church himself, yet has acted in a liberal spirit on behalf of members of his family who are members ot the Church, and has thus also acknowledged the claim which the Churcli truly has upon the community. It is an example which may well be commended to others. i ^r. 1 i ^ '\ ' • 2l7.' • ... I;; ■? J- ':t »!!■•<' i-"^'C ;■!■•. ■»■> 4: :J. ■ iJH,' • ~4 'i m :'?^^•'>'r ^':<^ 'A .V fivi.-''' f-li! *•.•■■ *; I'^^-yi ^■"; .;;•';■? ri?V' I- >;. < '■;< ;*;;.• V V v 'I 'i. .', ...V..- »,...jj^ A'-''' ,;■ '...■*n'>Vr-i'. ,\ ■ ■."■1 i* V •> s '.■" -i;. ■ . „ •>■ l.v, .. , 86 Services : — On Sundays, Morning and Evening ; and on the groat Festivals : Daily Evening Prayer in summer ; Holy Communion, Monthly ; Sunday-school in the afternoon. SUMMARY. Subscriptions to Church Society $27, 12] " for Local Purposes 19.25 Collection, Widows' and Orphans' Fund 2. So " For Mission Fund 2. 15 " At Missionary Meeting G.UO " " " . 5.00 OiTprtory Collections 48. 2G Chancel Fund 5.32 Weekly Collections 15. Ot)] IVr Ladies' Society a3.5<) Collection lor Synod 3.25 " for Sunday-school 5.75 Expended on completing tower 4.'>;j.87 tiil't of timber, i>er A. IJciitty, Esq 5.00 Building Fund 3.00 Total *G18.29 SUTTON. The Rev. J. Smith writes: — Although your Missionary cannot; report All Saints Church, Abercorn, as completed, he is thankful to say it is well advanced, being in reailiness for the pews, which arc m course of construction. The Mi.'^sion is greatly indebted to the ladies of the Sewing Society, who have, with commendable zeal, raised the handsome sum of of $203 during the past year. A few members of the Building Committee contributed ^I'A), being their fourth subscription ; it is a noteworthy instance of self-denying effort in the annals of rural Church building. These aids were very opportune, as they enabled the Committee to tide over difficulties, which appeared, in the early part of the year, almost impossible to surmount by local effort. May it be your Missionary's privilege to report, another year, not only the completion of the edifice, but also that a goodty number has been gathered within its walls, who " shall not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified.'' The Mission has just sustained the loss of a valued member in tlie death of Mr. John Simpson, Senior Warden of All Siiints, an earnest, humble-mind man. Ke was a large contributor to the new Church, as well as to the partial Endowment Fund. Mrs. Simpson survived her husband a few days only. She, in the final distribution of her property, did not pass over the claims of the Church of which she was a devoted member, but evinced her love to that Church by bociueatliing the sirni of $100 to the Endow- ment Fund. 37 Your Missionary would gratefully acknowledge the following pre- sents for the Church at Abercorn. A crimson cloth cover for the communion table, from Mrs. J. Ilutton, Montreal; a handsome stone font, through the kind exertions of F. D. Fulford, Esq. ; a Chancel chair, of beautiful design, and exquisite workmanship, from J. M. Ferris, Esq., Montreal ; and a set of Service Books from liis Lord- ship the Bishop. The Endowment Fund is progressing favourably, there being an increase of $300 to report for the past year. Some young ladies raised the sum of §20, for the purchase of books for the Sunday- schools, and Ilymn-Books for the choir. The Sunday-schools have been well attended. The pressing calls of the Mission prevent the urgent demands of the Church Society being adequately responded to, although the Annual Subscriptions have not fallen below those of last year. .SuMMAUv:— IJaptisms, 21; Marriages, 5; Funerals, 5; Communicants, 35. Financial Staicment. SUTTON. Church Society .¥22.75 "Widows and Orphans 2.05 Thanksgiving 1.05 Offertory 23.25 3Iissionary's support. : 195.50 Local Expenses 62.00 Endowment 300.00 S606.G0 ABERCORN. Church Society S6.45 Widows and Oriihans 2.15 Missionary's support 101.00 Church Edilico 450.00 $559.60 Total income of the Mission £1160.20 WATERLOO. The liEV. D. Lindsay writes : — I have great pleasure in making my annual report, inasmuch as it jiroves an increased interest in the work of the Church Society, as well as our own parochial affairs, which I hope and pray are indications that "the love of Christ constraineth us." Tlirough the assistance of the Rev. W. R. Brown, we have been enabled to maintain the work of the Church at several Stations, and have been able to establish Sunday-schools, which are doing a good work for the rising generation. I would here record my thankful- ness to some of the members of St. Luke's Congregation, Waterloo, -11 :^: * "■»K7 »-' - . t,-,.i;. ■ i^--ki-i I ;v >:?, >>■■ '■.V '•^\\t' ■>•■* i'-'--!' ••"«■• 1 fry'r." /• ^V'*' .,-1 ■^'^ m '.''■.'■'■ i , ...'•a-.r. ■«.;■: V :'fi: • ;lvV ■:■-■■■ '¥ii- •• ,!»#••.>■ 'I., V •f- ■r',: 'K'' . I'i •••' i v.'i '■•'•• i;<'^«t t'.'. I < ':% ■■■^ .' ■;'iA-''i -■•■ ".1 >■ l-r*. I' «' '/ *^l 38 for the interest they have displayed in the schools. One has addetl largely to the libraries, and 1 know from experience that a good Sunday-school library is a powerful missionary amongst people who have to learn the teaching of the Church. They will read some- times when they will not come to listen, and thus find difficulties removed concerning wliich perhaps otherwise they would never seek for explanation. Others have testified their sympathy, and I mention it here, because if regarded froma pecuniary point of view it would add to the financial rejiort presented below where the donors would be unwilling to appear. We have to record the death of one of our oldest and most consistent members, Mr. Jonathan Robinson, who must ever be remembered by the Parish amongst the list of its benefactors. The sum ho gave for the Endowment now helps to carry on the work which in life he loved, and thus being dead he yet speaketh. I believe the Church is increasing in the atfections of the people ; and as I have no other channel of communi- cation I take the opportunity of exi)ressing my thankfulness to the vestry for the vote which gave to me the sum of !?cS9.71, at our last Easter meeting, being the excess of our income over expenditure, a seasonable and welcome adtlition to my income. I hope the worlv of your Society may be greatly blessed, and that we of these older Missions may help you as liberally as wo have been helped in times past by the Propagation Society which is now finding other fields for its labour. May God grant the Church Society to be its worthy successor in this Diocese. The following is the financial statement : Collected in St. Luke's Church, Waterloo $163.25 Offertory, viz:— " Eiulowmcnt 85.S.3 " TlianksKivinp, S. S 6.27 " Christmas Day, S. S 7.>^S " Ordinary purpc^os 120.12 Collected at Deputation Meetinjf, in February 9. Go " " " October 13.50 Collected in Christ Church, Frost Village 45.07 Offertory, vi/:— " Widows' and Orphans' Fund 4.07 " Endowment 2. 88 " Thanksgiving, S. S 2.68 " Christmas Eve, S, S 2.14 " Ordinary i)uri)ose8 29.55 Collected, Deputation Jleeting, October 2.95 Ladies' Association, St. Luke's 25.00 Church Society, Annual Collections 126. 28 Endowment and Subscriptions 689 05 g! 1048. 65. 39 WEST FARNITAM. The Rev, T. W. Mussen writes :— Among many tokens of kind consideration on the part of the people of this Mission towards their clergj-man, I have great pleasure in recording the presentation, in last February, of an address accompanied l)y a purse of $56. Our returns show an increase of about $180.00 over those of last year. This is owing to a special effort which has been made to pro- cure a superior Harmonium in place of the Melodeon we have hitherto used. This instrument has now been in our Church for nearly three months, and has proved a great addition to the musical part of our service. The Harmonium, costing $250, is of French manu- facture, and has sixteen stops and two octaves, and a set of pedals. The general state of the Mission is, I believe, satisfactory. The people seem to become more and more attached to the Church, and exhibit an increasing and more systematic liberality in its support. The following is a statement in detail of the amounts raised dur- ing the year : Annual Subscriptions to Church Society $49.65 Collection, Missionary rurposes 2.88 " Willows' and Orphans' Fund 3,43 " Thank-sgivinpf Day 2.88 " Missionary Mootings 13 CO " Diocpsan Synod 2 00 " in Sunday-scliool 6.58 Offertory 98.07 " Sacramental, applied to Endowment 28.54 Ladies' Association 30.85 Clergyman's Stipend 136.35 Donation 56.00 General Purposes 257.85 Total 094.68 WEST SIIEFFORD. The Rev. A. T. Wiiitten writes : — I have again to offer an excuse for our people not subscribing to the Missionary Fund of the Church Society, inasmuch as their contributions ibr local purposes have been large in i^roportion to their means, which a year unusually deficient in croj:)?, and when there has been not much sale for daiiy produce in this neighbourhood, has very much circumscribed. We hope to do more by and bye, when our local necessities shall have been better supplied. I am happy to witness a growing attachment to the Church in this Misssion generally, and a forwardness on the part of our people to procure what is required for the decent and 'S. '- • ■ ■■ Vt;' ■, I & .■*,i.-.- it' ♦ .i i. ♦•V"!.' urfV-> ■ m \\l': ,s',-;.: '■'.H t^;-' I-- '■,' •i'."'.';.. 'iff-'*''.'*';'.' •r'-*'B • ■■^^'■'' '■■ ■.><•;■ ■-;<- ' .■''■■< .#^i^^'*. ■i ■1-- i\' .: i'. , '»■ >'>; J..., 'i^Jfr> i ■■:*;' ■■:■ ■•J v"*:i I,. :.-. i"*? V'-'i "11 «v'h' ,f • ■ * ■ ■■■ < •; ' J; l.'t' 40 orderly iierformance of Divine Service, and for the regular ministra- tion of the Sacred Ordinances. Financial Statement. Clergyman's support SIOC.OO Missionary Turposos 2.00 Thanksgiving ICO Subscriptions to Church Society 12.00 For Local Purposes, Towards purchase of a Boll 235.00 " Communion Service 21.00 Donations from Hon. A. 15. Foster, Endowment Fund 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. II. h. Kobinsou &0.00 Mrs. H. Kobinson CO. 00 Donation to Clergyman by lion. A. 1$. Foster 25.00 Donation towards the purchase of a 15ell, by Mrs. A. li. Foster 25.00 Total G27.(J0 During the year there Iiave hcen : Baptisms, 16 infants ; ] adult. Burials, 7. Holy Communion administered monthly, besides Christma.s and Easter. No. of communicants, average for the year, .25. DEANERY OF IIOCIIELzVGA. BEirnriER. TlieKi:v. W. C. Micrrick, writes: — It was the custom of the earlier Missionaries of the Cross, as recorded in the Book of the Acts of the Ai^ostles, occasionally to send accounts of their work and suc- cess to the " Church gathered together" at some central place of the district or diocese in which they laboured ; and the recital caused the assembled members to glorify God, and to take measures for the further extension of the '' Ministry of the Word. " In accord- ance with this primitive practice, your Missionary desires with much thankfulness of heart, to lay before the annual gathering of the Church in this Diocese, some particulars of the onward progress of the cause of Christ in the locality with which in God's Providence he is connected. There is a two-fold object before us in this land, during the pres- ent period of our Church's history — to supi)ly the spiritual need of those now itlentitied with us, and while the Mother Church so gene- rously extends to us her helping hand, to make provision to secure the blessings of true religion for those who will come after us. It is my i)rivilege, by God's goodness, to report a favourable account of the Church's work in both of those departments, here, during the past year. 41 The Services of the &inctuaiy have been kept up without inter- mission, the Missionary's place, when absent at out-stations, being suppHcd by the Catcchist. We have had additions to the number of our communicants, })oth from the older as well as from the younger members of the congregation. The Sunday cchool has continued its valued usefulness ; some of the jjupils have left us to enter upon the duties of mature life, and one, a young i)er.son of much promise, entered Bishop's College last autumn, to study for the ministry. The Bible Class, held during the winter months, has been well attended, and has helped, it is hoped, to build up the young in the knowledge and the love of the (iospel and the Church. In our Endowment scheme — jiart of the jjrovision for the future, wc have reached an important stage ; this eiibrt was commenced l>y .subscription notes running over three years, which expired in 18GG, the whole of the promised amount llias been very nearly realized, and the i)resent state of the fund is as follows : mortgage on real estate. i?10(l(); from sul)script ions, interest, kc, awaiting investment, $.337, '.»7; notes still due, $;i.3,GU; total, !?1.371,5T. This fund will now add to itself from interest alone, nearly !?]()() annually. The Parochial Sehoolhouse movement — now the most pressing object in tlie Mission, has received a great impulse ; a suitable site i'or it and a valuable addition to the land endowment has been secureil by the purchase of eight acres of hind adjoining the glebe at a cost of 1?S()() ; of this amount $680 has been already provided; Mrs. E. A. Clark and Miss Cuthbert subscribing with their usual generous liberality the sums of $100 and $340 respectively : Mr. C. A. Forneret, besides taking nnich trouble in negotiating the purchase, adding a contribution of $100; the remaining $80 being obtained through the thoughtful action of Mrs. Gueraut, who devoted the proceeds of her tal)le at the sale to this object. Tlie acquisition of the land made during the early part of the year, has been followed by a very successful effort of the " Ladies' Association : '' a sijlc was held by them in the month of September, and though it was late in the season, and otherwise an unfavourable time, owing to the wet weather which prevailed, the handsome sum of $360 was realized. We shall now feel justified in commencing the building (D. V.)next spring, and thus the last of the material foun- dations for God's work in the Mission will be laid. May lie over use them for the good of souls, and the advancement of the Re- deemer's kingdom ! Among the offerings worthy of special notice, I have pleasure in J V" 1 I ■■■■•''M ■'*'■ '■••I »'">•■' •' <*^ '! m'>: if."-- ..{■.■■■■ : -■fr : K,: .:^^- 9.f:\,Y. ;.'■*:: V'.'V 1 .■ - •■ 4 *Mi:^ • .'*• ;:t ;.^"'* y ./vv . ii ..<;;,< I'/ • ; I" .'., 42 recording the gift to our little Church of a beautiful Font, from Robert Keid, Esq., of the firm of Mavor & Co., Montreal ; and among the pleasing incidents of the year may be mentioned the School Festival in the month of January, at which a costly Photo- graph Album, containing the cartes of nearly all the members of the congregation, was presented to the Missionary ; the untiring services of Miss Dixon in the Sunday school, and of Mr. McManus in the Day School, being recognized at the same time by presentations to them of valuable books. The Missionary cannot close this report without adverting to tlio loss which the Congregation has sustained in the death of one of its aged and honoured members, Mr. Morison, who took a warm and active interest in the Mission from its foundation. "May we all work while it is called to-day !" The following are the amounts raised for Churcli purjiosos during the year : Cliurch Society, Minsion Fund ?r)2.f)S Widows' and Orjiliaiis' Fund 13.50 Oilortory Colloctiuns (including SS.j.oO on Cliristmas day I'or Missonary ) 100.44 Few reiitfi, and donalion.«, (towards Mistsionary's support). . 00.50 Endownipnt Fund ;i07.5S School Huililinj!; Fund 375.17 Donation to Catocliist 23.00 Sunday-school purposes 33.89 Total 1038 00 BRANDON. The Rkv. B. p. Lewis reports : Amount raised for the Church Society •?21.00 •' for Local I'urposcs 12.00 Total 33.00 COTEAU DU LAC. The Rev. T. A. Youxo reports : — The following sums were col- lected in this Mission for Church purposes during the year 1860 : Subscriptions to Church Society !ifl9 2.') Sermon for Jlissionary I'urjjoses 4.50 " for Widows and Orplians 4.45 Thanksgiving Day 1.12} Towards Clergyman's Stipend 08 . 50 Few rents 43.25 Offertory 13.49 I'arochial Library 5.50 Sunday-school Collections 7.50 FoorFund 8.01 Towards expenses of Synod 0.85 Total 181.42' 43 ELY AND NORTH STUKELY. The Rev. A. L. Fortix writes:— Wo had our first Missionary Meeting on the 28th of February, 1806. The Rev. G. Slack, our Rural Dean, anil the Rev. D. Lindsay, were present. The gathering was not as large as anticipated, but a great deal of interest seemed to be manifested in the kind and appropriate addresses of the Rev. gentlemen, who thoroughly explained the purpose and working of the Church Society. Notwithstanding the few present, the collec- tion amounted to f4.33. The Missionary Avould take this opportunity to acknowledge with thankfulness the liberality of the people of North Ely; and he desires to make special mention of Mr. W. F. Davidson, Mr. A. M. Fisk, and Mr. David Osborne, for so cheerfully and diligently col- lecting in North Ely, Boswell, and North Stukely. For Misisionary's support ii?G1.2r) W. V. Coffin, E^q 50.00 Heirs Hoston 5i'.00 Willows' and ((rphiiiis' Fund 2.00 Mi.-isionary Alceting 4.33 Fxpentlt'd in tlie Mission 7. '25 Total 174.83 LACIIINE. The Vexerable the Archdeacon repoi'ts: Collection in Church for the Church Society SIS. 00 for Widows' and Orphans' Fund.. 42.90 $60.90 MASCOUCTIE AND TERREBONNE. Rev. T. Godden reports: — This is the seventh month that I have had charge of this Mission, and though there are not any striking items to st^ito relative to the tempoj'alities of the Church, we hope and believe the more durable work of her Mission has been regarded. The Parsonage has been repaired. I have to record my thankl'ulness to the lion. J. Pangman and lady for their kind hospitalities to myself and wife, whilst the repairs were being made. The Church has received a very necessary appendage in a commodious, and nicely finished porch, which comes as a thank-offering from the Hon. Mrs. Pangman, who is always foremost in every good word and work, exemplary both within and without the Church. Through her exertion, formerly, our psalmody has reached a proficiency, carried out according to the letter of the Prayer Book. The Church, small and unsightly in its appearance, originally built for a school- house, needs renovation, and it would be a source of gladness, if, on h^ .>7' f'*--'- )■■•■ ^.■:?^ r^V':^| 'J A. /.■•-'; •l'..V'. '■: li ' .' J'.*" A. . r-.--: i;/ ■'-:«■ v.- «•■ ^^'irm-:' ."^ />? ■fj-', ■: :■ •\" ',.■•''- ..*,X ■:•••■ •^1 . ■iVii''- ■Jn :•' '•,'''.^*, ■;>'"■' . iW-'- •'■^ y. i •;^"t?1 1 n'V.' ,,,,. ./>'.■' ■:a§ m ^; 'v'; .■■•; >'..• ■,!,*■ J J'; :'-*i- I' t -■>-j 44 a more desirable sjiot, a building could bo erected better adapted to tho Service of CJod. Little has been done on behalf of the Church ►Society. But some have been disposed to regard tho claims of the Churcli at large ; and 1 hope in time that others may bo thus dis- posed to act. The number of Connuunicauta is small, but in propor- tion to larger Congregations is creditable. Tho Holy Communion is celebrated monthly in each Churcli, and tho largest attendance since I have had charge in " Grace Church," Mascouche, was thirty-three and on Christmas day twenty-seven partook of tho sacred rite. Our Sunday-school cannot boast of large and regular attendance, from much sickness being among the young people, and many living long distances from the Church. For their encouragement a Sunday-school festival, the first of the kind they have had here, was given in the summer. During tho year there have been registered live baptisms, two admitted into the Church, one marriage, eight burials. Financial Statement. MAPCOrciIK. Subscriptions to Clergyman's .Sti])cnd, (Mascouclio and Terrebonne) SWO 00 to Church Society .>J.2.") ( MFertory Collections 27.8ij AVidows' and Orjjhans' Collection after Sermon 8.2*3 Tlianksgiving Day TjJH) 8174.37 TEUUEnONM;. .Subscription to Church Society S4.02 OtFertory Collections 11.05 AVidows' and Orphans' Collection after sermon 2.85 Thanksgiving Day 2 . 00 21. 12 Total in tho whole Mission !i?4!)5.4'J NEW GLASGOW AND KILKENNY. The Hev. a. Siiand writes : — My entrance upon tho duties of this Mission date« from the first of December, 1865. On my arrival, a considerable portion of time was spent in visiting all the families belonging to the two Congregations of Kilkenny and New Glasgow, amounting to about fifty. The two Churches are about ten miles apart, and tho families in both places widely scattered and for the most part poor. I found a large number of young people in Kilkenny, and a few in New Glasgow, who had never received the Kite of Confirmation. I lost no time in forming classes in both places, in order that I might •adapted to the Church aims of the >o thus (lis. it in propor- inmunion is iduiico since hirty-threo, ■iucrcd rite, dance, from r' living long nday-school riven in the .'•' baptisms, als. 100.00 .^Ji-K 27.SIJ 8. 2*5 n.(M) 174.37 84.62 11.03 2.85 2.00 21.12 41)5. 49 itics of this ly arrival, a die families ;w Glasgow, it ton miles and for the ind a few in rmation. I hat I might 45 nstruct them, as I best could, beforo tho arrival of tho Bishop, whicli took placo early in .June last, when twenty-ninoperson.s were confirmed, twenty-two in Kilkenny, and seven in New (Glasgow. Tho dLstanco of these people from tho market of Montreal, and the badness of tho harvest of the present year havo rendered them poorer than usual; much of their grain was destroyed by the inces- ,«ant rains of tlui last harve.st, and also by a fearful hailstorm which swept over a largo portion of tho country, carrying devastation into many places. I have visited the whole of these people several times, and found them willing to contribute to the Church Society and other benevo- lent objects, Jjubfcriiitions and Colloclions lor Clnirch Society in Now tila,'i;,'ow ami Kilkenny !tilS.2'> Amount nii^eil for Local Turposes in both places 173. o2 KAWD(.)N AND KILDAKE. ^^''^'''" The Tl\)V. W. M. SKAnoux reports : Amount raised for the Church Society .SIC. So Willows' and (.>ri)lians' Fund 2.50 For Local I'urjiosis 130.40 S140.70 SUKEL. The Rf:v. Canon Andkrson reports: — Baptisms during the past year^ fifteen; Marriages, one; Burials, nine; Connuunicants, Easter, sixty- two; Chi'istmas, lilty ; Total ninety-nine, being again seven less than the total number reported last year. This reduction in tho list of Church membership is owing to the unliappily continued exodus of tho Protestant poi)ulation, several I'amilies, immbering ui)wards of forty souls, having left Sorel during the by-gone year. .Some of these were exemplary and consistent Church members, whose departure is deeply regretted. The voluntary contributions to Foreign Missions amounted this year to $121, ono-third of this amount being paid as before to the Bishop of the Diocese for transmission tx> the S. P. G. in England, in aid of their vast work among the lieathen, and the remaining two- thirds being handed to the Kev. Canon Bond, for the Colonial and Continental Church Society, as a special contribution to their Indian and French Missionary work in Canada. The total sum realized for the Church Society, inclusive of proceeds of sermons and subscriptions, amounts to $132.25. And for the collection of the subscriptions, always more or less an arduous, and sometimes an unpleasant work,. ^iy V '-■■■. J •«-• I. ■ '■ .' k % .'■- V'' no.'- M '^J *i«i". i'* .V. •■ f' ■ V'. ' .•' •■.V..'' 40 '■"*, § '*;\ "'■**? the Parish is indobtcd ngain this year, as ibr seven ycai-s pa.st, to the wiUing kiiuhiess of Mr. .lamos .lonos. Added to these amounts collected ibr the general (both Ilojue and Foreign) Mission work ot the Church, a sj)ecial collection alter sermon preached, was tjikon uyi in aid of the Siibrevois Mission, amounting to $=32. 8omo ol'the ladies of the Congregation also contrii)uted a box of varied and useful articles to a Ba/aar held during the past summer at Sahrevois in aitl of its funds. The large amount of ,*153 was further raised in Sorel, by the Kev. Octave J-'ortin m aid of tlie Indian Cliurch at tln^ Abena([uis village of St. Francis. It is with deep gratitude to (U»\ that the continued prosi)erity of this new Mission of the Church, in this vicinity, is again reitorted. An extremely n(^at and commodious Church is now completed, and. it is hoped, will this winter boentir(>ly free i'rom debt. Through th(; good hand of his (Jod uj)On him. ilie resident Missionary at St. Francis lias had friends raisetl uj) lor jiim in in'(!iy (juartcn", and has now gratefully to acknowledge various gii'ts of ditl'erent nature and of considerable value, such as a Ix^ll from the Church at St. Martin; a small Organ i'rom the St. Thcrcso Church through tlie kimlness of Di-. Smallwood; i'rom Mrs. Monk a white linen cloth ibr the Comnumion Talde, and a scarlet daniusk one from St. George's Church; a C'ommunion Service from CJuist Church, Sorel; from Mrs. .lames llutton of Montreal a good sujiply of clothes and l)ed. ^ . i, ^B-' ■•■- '','-■■ rt't -;■'.■■! ■■■'t^^i•^■''^- ... > a-..vv>'. 1'/- *'*■'■.''',"■!'* i' ■■-■■ (".^j" ■ ;.ii'J''^ •■■;... •'»' It-*-' "' • ■;i''BV, ^ '•'^ •'"''•'''•'jI''''' ■ .•'■ \* Is;?.- ''■'•''■'■5*'^' \'n ■ Wi ':-1(' .«.:i •i'i ^■5*- .p., .ijt '■< ' -w. ..'''•^i ■.V.^'' ■■■- 1 1- ■its:- 48 gall.' In St. IFynointho wo nro trying to put tho ()r/?an into repair, Tho Services are regulnrly perloinn'fl iillcrnately on Sinuliiys, !inn my coming into relied, dividing oiii- small English-speaking population of iifty families into two parties. I am truly thankful to report satisfactorily of tho progress of events since tho time referred to above. The Services of tho Lord's Day regularly performed, a weekly Service, with practice of congre- gational singing, and an Exegetical Lecture, and the Sun' 40 lor many yoiirn. fnithfully ooniluotod its dutios. hnviiij,' romnvod to Motitrcnl, nml Hi'V. 11. .1. Evans, of port Howan, C. W., having been appointed in his stond : — .SiiliKorlptlonM to Church Sneh'ty (||I22 W) ('(illccliiiiiH '• .,.'." 17(14 Widows' lUKlOriiliuiis* ruiid 8,1H) C'LAIJKXCEVILLE, **°*°* INCI.l'DINO ST. OKOKUK, ST. THOMAS AM) IIENKYVIM.K. Tho I{i;v. Canon Townsknd and Key. (;. II. Lancahtkij roport:— It is Avitli nnich thnnki'idncss that wo arc onal.lcd to ])oint to tho opfrations ol'our paiisliioncrs (hn-in^' tho i)ast year as displnying a considcrahlo amount of vitality in niattns cnnnoctod witli the wc-l- faro and progress of our helovcd Church, in oidcr to moot our local oxigonoios, nimiorous calls havo, from tiniototimo, hoonmado upon both tho Parishos of St. fJooi'go nmX St. Tlioma.s, and it is ])k'asing to noto that they havo mot with a promptness and liber- ality which speaks well fur the i)rospeotivo sustenance of the Chiueh in this Heetory. It eouM st'arcely be oxpoctod, with the increasing domaiitls necessarily jtrossing ujion our people, in view of the future self-sustenance of those Parishes, that any increase could be ma«le in the annual amninit forwarded to your Society. It is satisfactory, liowovor. to lind that the subscriptions are, notwith- titanding, a little in advanc(! of last year. The Ladies' Society, in connocti(Mi with St. (leoi-ge's Parish, is as flouiisliing and active as ever, and doing much good work for the Church an'l poor. St. Thonvis" Ladies" Soi-iety. also, which, for a time, had boon inactive, is now thoroiighly reorganized, and has entered upon a .'-'j»horo of usefulness jiroductivo oi' good fi'uit to the Church. In Sej)tember last, a '• Ilaivest Jlome" Festival, in connection with tlie two Parishes, was hold at Clarenceville, with a Thanksgiving Service in St. (ieoi'go's riuirch, it being appropriately decorated for tlie occa- sion. This festival, although new to the people hero, proved a great success, and the sum of one hunilred and twenty doHars, exclusive of the Chui'ch (-)liertory, was realized by the same for the Purjioses of the Churcli, and ecjually divided between the two parishes. A substantial brick liouse, with all the necessary out- buildings, large garden. Arc, has been purchased for a Parsonage, and six acres of land adjoining for a Glebe, costing, together, $1050. The liouse has been put in a state of thorough rei>air, and is now occupied by tlie Assistant Minister. We have to record also the purchase of carpets and blinds for the Church of St. George, and a carpet for the Parsonage by the Ladies' Society of that Parish, as also furniture for the Parsonage by St. Thomas' Ladies' Society. A ..• '■ .••' > r^ .^ •n . » « in' ■>,'>.:■■ « ■A. ,v , ■ M.v.'l ft, y <■ I ,,,\^ '•••"■ '.'' ¥ i ■1- J I"' v-' ..■('•■%i7.'-';- 1 ■: ^.' r-.T,;';..-, ■ ? • 'i ' ■J ••If' ' V- '^^: f '". -> > ■ t • >•, '.V :-f _^JU..^.j 'W^ lJ-!'5t ..•T'i* ■*■■■ i: r*. >' K -•..■^K^v-:..,. .: ! > t ... .*i.<. 4 - ■ ':'^^f' ''■■('■ .'*> ■'>V /' >; . 1. *«.-i I W; ■ ... ■■.*» • "v .' 1.! '- 50 handsome set of lamps, i)urchascd l)y in-ivato subscriiHion iu the Parish, has been provided for St. George's Church, so that the parishioners are now able to enjoy the privilege of an adtlitional Service on Sundays, as well as an Evening Service, with Lecturo, on Fridays. Subscription.s ai-o also in active 2)rogi-ess ibr providing ;i new Organ and Altar — cloth I'oi- St. Goorgtys Church, and have already reached a considerable amount ; but as these funds ai-o not yet completed, the returns are reserved for a future report. Eegular Sunday Services are held in the Chiu'ches of St Gooi-go and St. Thomas, .and a monthly Sunday Service in Ilenryville Church ; I'Ut it is to be feared that the rapidly increasing French pn2)ulatioii will soon absorb every other element in this place. A I'ortnightly Sunday Service is also held at a school-house on the third conces- sion of St. Thomas, which is thoroughly appreciated l)y the Church members there. The i)eo])le of St. Tliomas' Parish have been making strenuous ellbrts during the 2)ast year to free tluMi' Churoli from debt, and their endeavoui's have been attended with a great measure of success. In (.)ctol)er last the Assistant Minister visited Montreal to solicit contributions iVom the i'riends of the Chureli in that wealthy city, und succeeded in i)ioeuring the sum of iil'ty dollars towards defrayment of the al)Ove debt, and which Ik^ take.s this opportunity gratefully to aeknowledg(\ The foUowhig is the statement of amounts raised during the pa.st year : — PAniSU OK ST. OKOItOE. Assistant Minister's .Stij^'iul from Kt'ctor " " t'roin rmisli Ladies' Society carpet and Mimls lur t iiurcli. . , ciirin't lor raisonajj;!' s?ir)0.rH) 175. (H) 4!> ;5!) 'J4..% .Subscriplion I'oi- lamps i'AM) I'l-ocei'ds (if ilarvest llumi' wil!i Ollbi'tory 72.00 Collections Tor .Mi^sionai v riir|)os(':; IJm " ■■ Willow ' and Orphans' I'lind 4 (M) " " Diocesan Synod 1,0(» " at .Mis.-ionary Me(>tin^' lti.(H> " on Cliristmas Kvc tor riiiircli decorations lUS Sul)scri])ti')ns to Cliurcli .Societv 87.7l> Oft'crtxry ' IMM S?tJ.34.53 PAIII.^H OK ST. THOMAS. Stipend of Assistant Minister i517.").0ty •S33.42 Collections lor Missionary Purposes 3.75 " Widows unil OrphiUis 2. GO '• on I iKinks^ivin;,' Day 5.70 " tor .Synoii e.vponsos 1.25 " alter Missionary, Jleotiiig 18 50 I'rocoeils of Cliurcli social entertainment 100.00 Collected by Miss S. Quest, and Miss Cooknian forLamjis for St. .Fohn Baptist Church 12.00 Contributione and Collections for Huntingdon Parsonage 13.00 Offertory Collections, .St. Luke's Church 6;).00 Christmas Donations, in money and kind 15.00 For removal of debt on St. .John Baptist Church 30.00 For Support of Misaionary 153.00 $453.26 ■^'■,nc; "i',» J. ■••VI . .. '.M.;i>r^ •if; ■it: 'vti' • 3 H ■■'.•->/ HUNTINGDON AND IIINCHINBKOOKE. The Eev. W. T. Early regrets being unable at present to aid the Missionary Work of the Church beyond his own Parish. He sends a long list of Subscribers to a Fund for building a Par- sonage. The amount raised in the Mission and elsewhere for this purpose is $1156.00. The excellent plan of circulating a printed list of the times and places at which Divine Service is to be held throughout the year is adopted in this Mission, by wliich pvuictuality and .egularity are insured. LACOLLE. The Rev. A. D. Lockiuut wi'ites: — On reviewing the work for the past year, it is with devout gratitude to Almighty God that I have to state that the work of the Church is gradually i)ro- gressing in this Mission. (Jur Pai-sonago, wliich was purchased by the people since I was appointed by his Lordship the Bishop to the parish, is now nearly out of debt. "Wo luid a veiy successful Soiree last winter, for the Parsonages fund, l»y which wo realized the sum of $153, at which the Kov. Dr. Camp, of Rouse's Point, U. S., delivered a very elorjuent and interesting lecture. We have also purchased a new Harmonumi for the Church, the price of which was $100, $50 of which was given by tlie Ladies" Sewing Society, and we have now a subscription list out to purchase a new Library for our Sunday- school. The following sums have been raised for Church purposes during the year: — Towards Clcr;;ynian's Stipend ,..$350 00 rroceeds of Soirco for debt on rarsoiiago 1.>J.U'> Collcctod at Missionary Meeting for Church Society 10.00 Sermon, General rur{)0Hcs Church Society 0.00 " for Widows and Orphans 5.00 Collection on Day of Thanksgiving 5.00 " for Synod '2.00 Offertory •. .S0.(»0 raid Ladies' Society towards ilarnionium 50.00 Subscription Kev, A. 1). Luckhart 7.50 Total SG18 50 SABREVOIS. The Rkv. N. V. Fenn writes : — We have been cheered by a vi^it from the Bishop to hold an Ordination in the month of July. Tlio weather was very unfavourable, the rain falling in torrents. Tlie Church was, however, quite full, and much interest felt. The 53 Bishop's visit has clone much good, by stirring us all up to a higher sense of our duties. The members of the Church here have made great and successful exertions during the past year to repair and improve their House of Prayer; and with thankfulness to God, who disposes all hearts, be it recorded. These with other smaller repairs have cost $190.00; to meet which, we have $100.00, the result of two years' Soiree and luncheon, $48.00 since subscribed by the members of the congregation, and §24.00 collected in Clu-istieville and Montreal. We find the build- ing materially warmer, drier and more comfortable. A ilarmonium has also been purchased at a cost of $100.00, for whio.i ., ' 4.45 has been subscribed by the congregation, and of this $49.4.: I'. i;-. and $6.50 collected elsewhere from friends. Thcfc- ^■.•'■: i efforts prevent this Mission from doing anything tliis year towards the funds of the Church Society, further than the collection for the W. .-■ i' •Ji"^.,' '4 ■*' i,''_,i- I -., ■*»' R-V. ^- - a m^- ■ -■^''IVi ■■•■■» r ■1 ■"■■'>•.. I tK'- •a/.Hj'i'.' I f ■ -i;..„. «'t>!i m^-:i Mi m ■ ■ . ^^■^;>a.& .';.:■;;.;■* f: ;?•■;.' 7:: ■' ■H./i. 54 vice with Holy Communion,) extended over two days, and on the evening of the latter the ladies of the congregation entertained tlio visiting clergy with music and a handsome supper. Such visits on the part of the Clergy are always looked forward to and appreciated both by the pastor and people of this Parish. Notwithstanding the hardness of the times, the finances of the Church may be considered in a satisfactory condition. Some little has been done towards the liquidation of the remaining debt upon the School building, though not as much as was anticipated. In September last an increase of £50 per annum to the Rector's sti- pend was voted by the Vestry, wliich, with a kind thoughtfulness, (]uite unexpected, was made jiayablo from tlie previous Easter. Throughout the entire year peace and good-will have prevailerovidentially there was little or no wind, or the whole Church property would have been consmned. The buildings have already been replaced ; the amount recovered from the Insurance Company, the Liverpool and London, being nearly sufficient to meet the expenses. Baptisms, 30; Burials, 16; Marriages, 6; Communicants, 101. Tew rents paid in S566.50 Sunday Collections 330.34 Communion OflTcrtory, for poor 70. 0) Christmas Day " " 20.25 To I'arsonage at Huntingdon 30.00 Subscription to defray School debt 75.ij<> Ladies' Association, weekly collections 184.57 Subscriptions to Church Society G7.07 " Missionary Purposes 18.00 " Widows' and Orphans' Fund 16.50 Niger Mission, from Sunday School 23.00 Diocesan Synod 5.00 Total $1406.73 DEANERY OF ST. ANDREWS. AYLMER. Rev. F. Codd writes : — During the last year and a half, our con- gregation in Aylmer has lost several families by their removal to 55 Montreal, Ottawa, and other places ; and I am sorry to say that we expect to lose others during the year to come. It is evident that if this kind of emigiation continues, it will, sooner or later, materially alter the circumstances of the Church in this Mission. Nevertheless, I am still enabled to report an increase in the amount raisetl here I'or Church purposes during the year past; and a Parsonage house has also been commenced on the Church lot. The number of Conununicants is only two less than last year, although wo liave lost by removal upwards of twelve — a third of the whole. A jChurch of England Temperance Society has also been estal)lished, and is slowly but steadily gaining ground, and I trust will be the means of j)reserving ifiany from the foolish drinking customs of the day, which are apt to lead to excess. ' The particulars of the sums collected are as follow: — Towards Clergyman's Stipoiul fi?334.00 otlertory {less s])efial collections). 101.15 .Missionary Sermon 4.50 Widows' and Orphans' Fund (i.lO Sundny-pchool 10.55 Insurance 15.00 Synod 2.00 Thanksgiving Day Collection 1.05 Christmas Collectiiin for Clergymar 13 21 Towardsthe I'arsonago house 151.50 Kor Church Society 35.85 Total !i?075.5" B( >WMAN. The Kkv. r. J. Ka.vi'ckic writes:— That he is sorry not to be able to make any return from his Mi.^sion. Tlic (ierman immigrants, to whom he ministers in their own lan- guage, are too poor to be asked for contributions, and in many instances are only just able to keep their families from starvation. BUCKIXdIIAM. The Kiev. S. S. Stronc forwards a small sum, by subscriptions and collections, to the Society, having been unable, owing to ill-health, to do more this year, but he jiurposes doing all in his power to aug- ment the resources of the Society. CLAKEXDUN. The Rev. (i. C. Korinson writes:— If an increase in the amount of money raised lor Church purposes is an evidence of progress, the Church is advancing in Clarendon. More has been done during the past year than for several years previously. Several causes have '■■'■'•riS. •»■',. M'--- ;•' f ^: .■-<-. j' ■:v'''i ■'* I..., ^ >.■ :< ( m Km :<; ill ■ ^^'•fl i* * ■- Vi: ■,■■■ a! /"^^ ^.!.. «,. \ "■•■'I'' T< ... ■ . Oll'ertory Ibi Cliurcli Society ij. ')S " Widows' and Oi'i)lians' Kuiul '2. '27 '• (ordinary) "2 5S .SubHcriptions towards Minister's Stipend o22.7" purchase of Hell ll.'J.Oi) " collected by Mrs. Wui. Soniervillc- 70. (x) Total SoSiJ 5() EARDLEY. Rev. r. W. SMiTir writes: — I am happy to say that in looking back upon my first year's missionary labours in this Township. I have every reason to think tltat those laboui's have not 1»oen in vain. The congregations, although they have not greatly increased, show no decrease. The jieojile are willing to do what they can for the sup- port of their clergyman, although at the same time, the amount subscril>e.l on the stipend list is eonsideraldy short of the sum 57 required l)y the Bisliop, viz., two hundred dollars, only one hundred iind forty being tho actual amount on the lists. I am trying what I can to get more subscribers, as I think they are able tn strain a point and do more. Tho collections for the Missions, ':'• [jws' and Urplians' Funds, are, I am son-y to say, miserably small. I think, however, every allowance should bo made, as they were for so long a period comparatively strangers to the Services of the Church, and 80 can hardly yet appreciate its benefits. I think that the Parson- age house will be commenced early in tho spiing. During the year I have otticiatod at lilteen baptisms, one wed- ding, an.20 $195 20 His Congregations have been lessened by many being on duty at the frontier. He hopes to present the Missionary work of the Church to his people, and to collect lor the Mission Fund during the current \-ear. (JREXVILLE AND PAPIXEAUVILLE. The Hev. F. S. Nkve writes:— The statistics of his Mission for the past year are the following : — Haptisms 20 31 arriages 4 Burials 8 Communicants at all the stations 73 Services held 130 Missionary Meetings 3 i'astoral visits 211 Miles travelled 2148 ''V >'... ;.:■■ ?*«:>1 y \i>: r? r'^i''' il ^^^ '■ I. » , f l«; " -, Viiji ■ -> 'I 58 Vinannal Statcmenf. Collected nt Missionary Meetinp, Gronvillo $8.85 " " " Augmentation 3.21 " " " I'upiuottuville 3.00 Subscriptions for Church Society 2G.7r " for Missionary 162.00 Insurance and incidental expen.'es 40.00 )«243.81 lie lias no improvement to note in the circumytanees of his Mission. Tlic original settlers are gradually dying off, and their ehildren very generally leave for more inviting localities. The tide of emigration to the Western States has run witli a swifter current during the past year, with no signs of ebbing, taking away quite a number of per- sQns, whose properties have been bought by IlomanCiitholics, less- . ening our hope and means ol' I'eplenishing our congregations. HULL. The Kev. J. JouNSTON writes: — In September last, the largo old Church (St. James' Chiu-ch) in Hull village was burnt. Some people living in the vicinity having set lire to a ]ule of brush wood, some sparks were ciirried by the wind to the roof, and in a low moments the building was in a blaze. It was a sad sight to see the roof fall- ing in, and the pillars one after another falUng into the tire. All the vigorous eftbrts put forth to save the building were inotloetual, I have since been obliged to hold Divine Service in u school house on Lc Briton's Flats, whicli is crowded every Sunday, especially at Morning Service, but it was found so inadequate to contain all the Congregation, and smce the cold weather set in, .'^o uneomfortal)]o, that many who attended St. James' Church have now to go toothei' Churches in the City of Ottawa. In about a month alter the burning of the old Chinch, we had the foundation of a new one laid on a more convenient site. It is now roofed, and we hope to have it tinished by next May. It i.-. a stone chm'ch, in the Gothic style of architectifre, 85 feet by .'i4. and will accommodate about 400 jversons. The zeal, earnestness and self-clonying labours of many of the congregation, especially the ladii^s whose minds (Jod stirred up to help forward the blessed work of rebuilding His House of Prayer, have been blessed with success. We have been enabled to contract for the new Church to be finished in May, at a cost of about f4,4(}0, and we have now in hands funds sufficient to pay the contractor and lay the foundation of a Parsonage house. We have been also greatly assisted in the woik by the prompt and liberal manner in 59 i^y^-^" x-", which the British American Insurance Company paid over the amount, $3(X)0 insurance on the old Cluirch. We have managed to keep the Sunday-school together in a small room, or rather two rooms, in the sexton's house, and the two principal teachers, Messrs. Tope and (Jale, gentlemen in the Crown Land Department, have never failed, in storm or sunshine, to be at their posts. Mr. Haycock, who was one of the chief contractors on the Parlia- ment Buildings, and who is fortunately one of our Church Wardens, takes the oversight of the building of the Church, and as ho has excellent taste and judgment in architecture, we hope that our little Church will bo both beautiful and appropriate. We had purchased an Organ for the old Church, and paid on it 1300 ; it had not been placed in the Church and thus escaped the fire. We have it in reserve for the new Church. Finally, and above all oilier considerations, I trust and believe that Cod is bless- ing us. may His glory be promoted in the salvation of souls ! If wo fail in [this— dreadful is the lailure and valueless all our labours or successes. MORIN AND MILLE LSLES. The Rkv. .7. Merrick writes : — There is much to try the taith and the i)atience of a Missionary in the newer portions of Canada only lately reclaimed from the forest. The people, gathered from various parts of the woi-ld, generally have such a struggle to maintain them- selves ami their families, in the earlier stages of settlement, that they can do but little for those who labour among them in spiritual tilings. The roads, being of the mostprimitivedescription, renderthe weekly travel fi'om station to station difficult and dangerous ; the effects of the absence of suitable Schools and other advantages are soon found in the younger members of the Missionary's family : — the thought however, of being iengaged in his Master's work and the Jiopo of helping to j)repare immortal souls for the Cluu'ch above, nerve him to persevere whatever the difficulties and discourage- ments that surround his path. With deep thankfulness to Almighty God for His sustaining goodness your Missionary reports some of the particulars of another year's work in this remote part of the Diocese. Divine Service in both Churches has been continued on the Lord's Day and upon the principal Holydays throughout the year. The .Simday School at Morin continues its good work, under the care of Mr. Jekil, who has been licensed by his Lordship the Bishop as Catechist in the Mission, and has commenced his work in visiting ij ■:.:.' 1 '■•' }\. ''^'.^ '■•j;*. fi /^?^i -..til '•. '•I •••1 "■.To ■■f».'.>' lift (30 au'l distributing tracts among the sick and poor. During tho winter months a BiLlo and singing clfws is hold at Millo Isles, and wo uro fil)Out again also resuming thc< Sunday-school, to carry on tho nurw. ing work of tho Chiurh, tho import. uioo of which cannot l)o over- estimated, Tho work of tho Church in tho Mission has boon, I trust, in sonio measure blessed to allj but especially to those who lovo tho Churcli for Christ's sake. Tho Missionary, having lost liis liorso by accident this last smnmor, bogs to return liis best thanks to the members of his (Jongregations who contributeil towards laising a sum to assist liim in getting another to carry on tho woi-k of the Mission. During tho year tlioro have been 14 ikjitisms, 1 Marriage; 4 Burials.. Having been admitted to Priest's Orders by tho Lord Bislioji, we have enjoy e< I the privilege of statotl celebration of the Holy Communion. Tho number of (Jommuniavuts remains about the same. Tho promised subscription towards tlio Minister's support is, and lias been in arrears since I came to the Mission. The following are tho amounts raised for Church puri>oses durin-.' the yeiir : M1T.I.K ISt.KP. Towards support of Mlnistor, ciisli, and jirodiipo S?)l .80 For Idciil i)urp(>s('s, by tliu coiigrciiiitioii, in cash, towards itio payment ofin.'^talinoiit due for Globe land IS. 00 Sunday OH'urtory 9.00 'I'hanksgivin;? Day, paid to TreasunT Cluirch Society 2.1ti Towards tlic purchasing of a horso for Missiouary 30. (H) »110.9() MOUIN, Toward.s support of Minister, cash and produce !SI5.').,'JH Sunday Otfortory f),40 Tlianksgiving day, paid to Treasurer (Jhurch Society 1 0:> Towards the purchasing of a horse for Missionary 14. Go Sot) . Gt'i Jlissionary's own subscription, paid to Treasurer Church Society . . ; !i?7.r)0 Collected at tho (lore towards purchase of liorso 11). 00 Millu Isles and Morin congregations, as above J 07. 02 Total *rJ4.12 NORTH WAKEFIELD. The Rev. J. Skamax writes: — In reviewing the labours of the past year we find that there is reason for thankfulness for the many mercies vouchsafed to us in this Mission. Our poor people, at last, have had the gratification of seeing their Church opened for Divine Service ; and although, owing to tho extent of country over which they are scattered, one Church only half accom- modates the present Congregations, yet they feel thankful for one place where the Services of the Church maybe decently performed. 61 During the f»ummor months a groat deal of tlio timo tliat I sliould liavo devoted to the outstatioti.s was employed in .superintending the Imilding of the Chureh. Owing to the Itev. A. C. Nesbitt U-aving the Ayhviu Mission, my labours arc greatly increased, and I sincerely hope that tliese poor people may soon l»c sui)plied with a clergj'man. T,ast ^vinter I visited the Township of Tortland and Dcnholni baptizing several children and administering the Holy ISacrament to tiftcen i)ersons. Owing to tho eilorts that the pef»pl(> had to put forth to erect the Chiu'ch and pay the debt olf the Parsonage, it was impossible to collect anything lor the Church Society. lam happy to acknowledge! the sum of $200 dollars from tho Hon. J. Ilanulton and Bros., Ihiwkesbury, also an altar cloth from (i. May, Es(]., of (.)ttawa. (-»///«'«.— IJaiitiuiiiBiil. Miirringes G. JJurial-' 1. MONKY COl.LICCTKD. Townrds ('Icrgyni'iii'^ Stiiicml .'SlOO.OO For (liurcli liiilldiiitj in casli "_ 2(i0.00 Fcr stdvi.' and in labour ' ^'Ky 00 I'uiiitiiiK '.'.'.'.'.'.'. jjo.ou Total 9656. W ONSLOW. The Ki:v. F. (J. C. Bkatuwaitio wi'ites:— [ am sorry to say that my Kcport was received too late last year for publication, I must therefore now give a list of the money raised in and out of tho Mis- sion during the two past years. I must first lieartily thank all those who havo kindly subscribed towards the Church-building Fund of tho Mission, 'fho ( 'hurche^ in Bristol and North Onslow, I hope will be in us(> in a few weeks; there is much, however, to bo done to them to comi)lete tliem. The Bristol Church requires plastering, seating, and painting. The North Onslow one has the same deti- ciencies, besides wanting a good stono foundation. We have had more help inbuilding these Cluu-ches, than we ever calculated upon getting; and so we now look forward to seeing them completed be- I'orc very long. Since my last report, the part of Eardley, that was in my charge, has jjasscd into the hands of Mi-. Smith, so that the places that I hold services in are now reduced to four. The number of Comnumicants at St. John's the Evangelist, On- slow, for 1SG5, were, 30 men, 116 women, = 146 ; for 1866, 97 men, 187 women, = 284. At North Onslow, and Jristol, for 1865, 48 men, 26 women, = 74; for 1866, 20 men, 22 women,=42. At Steel's Schoolhouse, Onslow, ■•*•■ ' •• * ? B 5 • •' ■;•> 1<- "'-'i- ►s, }\ .'.'■.! ■ BfV^ •■■■•'I J.'- .1 ' »■ - J.;<*i. ■■■•■■ la.' -■',.• •■ : mm. ■. ■ ■ ■• "*■■ ■ rK ■•■' %: ■■■■ ,-jL. \ yn m mi I* ^•j^ i, ' ■r 7 ..■•!■■' |'-:?'#r>... .""! 62 for 1805, .'> men, IS womon, = 23 ; for 1800, 3 men, 18 women, =21. At Bristol, for ISO.'), 5 inon, 7 womon, = 12; for 1800, men, 12 women, Z.T IS. Taltcr's iiiid Erwin's Srhool-houso, Onslow, fi)r 1800, 2 mon, lU womon, = 12. Mciican's, Kiinlley, 1800, 1 mini, ]| women, = 1 2. q/7/cts.— 18(i.1: HniJtixms, .'jl. aiiiriiiigi'M, 0. Hiirliiln, 4. ISO'): IWiptiMiiH, '24. SruriiiiRcM, 1. Uuriiils, H. The items of money eontrihuted. in iiml out ol the Mission, for the years 180."), and ISOO, aie as follows: — IStif). Mis'.ionary Mi'i'tiii^', St. .Jolin's tlii! Kvuii^jflist, Onslow S.'i.fKi ('!<'i-f;y Willows' mid Oriiliiins' Fund '2J)\ Diiiccsiin Synod 1 ..'il Churcli Society, (Cliurcli.) 2. .",4 (Krwin's,) O.M " " (.Mcl-onn's,) 0.50 (nristol.) 1.2.-) (Sti'd's) 1,.V2 (North Onslow,) l.'2S .Mis^ion rnnd, (Clinrcli.) 4.0i) CoUocfi'd liy Miirfiiirot Cochran iintl Kllen .Sully, for Church .Society •'' 7.') (ieiierul Ollertory, (Church) 4*3. 15j Harvest Tlianks;;ivintr Day, oUcrtory, toward.^ paying lor Cal)inet ( »r;;iin tor Chnich !•). 11 Towards Ck'i;;y man's Stipend 21 S. 0,3 Subscriptions to Church Society 12.40 Tarsoiiaf,'!' I'uiid SI. 00 Subscrii)tions tor nullalo llobo, for Missionary 18 '25 Subscrihed in the Mission lor new Churchcsin North Onslow, IJri.stol and Kardley lol.l4 Subs-cribeil for ditto by j)Ordons not in thu Mission 178.1ijj Sunday-school I'ri/es ;3.00 North On.slow and IJristol 2.07J Kri.stol 1 03 Steel's, Onslow 1.41i Tabor'.s and Erwin's, Onslow 0.07 McLean's, Eardloy 0.00 $702.07 1866. Diocesan Synod. (OlTertory ) SI 20 Offertory at Clerical Associaiion 2.20 " lor sull'erers by tire at Quebec 8. '20 Subscriptions for Cabinet Or/?an, for Church Co. 25 Altar, footpace, and carpet '28.00 Subscribed for Hymn books for the Church 6 00 Sunday School Trizos 3.00 - I. mft ( nlVrtory (luriii)< Holy Wci'k, for MI:'.'«lon Fund of Cliuroh Soclt'ty 2 f^l ollirtory, on Iriiiity .Sunduy, for t'Imrcli .Socioty i.(j4 < illiTtiny lit llurvoot Tliunks;,'ivlnj? for MJji.sion Fund, North tlnsUnv .J5 " " ntCliuruh 2.8S (•triTtory, Cliurch Socioty, (Bristol) | ix) (St.'cl's) 1.02 •' " " (Noftli Onslow) 0.40 •' Mission Fund, nt Clinrch, ctirlstnins D.iy 4.00 •' ( Icrjiy Widows' mid Oipimiii' Fund at Cliurcli, ( lirisliiias l»iiy 1.72 1 oO'cM'tory, ut llarvc/it'riiaiiks.'^iviiij; fcsthiil, for i)UttiM;;ston(! loundiition to the imrsonu^co 2.T. 77' I'rocii'ds of ('oiii'i It on llarvr->t Tiiaiik-ij^iving ii'stivul, for liiiltiiij» stone Ibundation to iiarsonafju ."itoo rarsoiiiij,'!' Fund, (sub.-crii)tioii) i.O) Subscript ioiii toCbiircii SiK-lcty 17, W »921.51i roRTAOHDU FORT. Ilr;v. .T, OrnitiiMo writes : — Evoiy yeai', sinoo I liavo boon in charg»5 ofthis^Missioii, I havoboon enabled to chronicle .sor^r* improvement in or about the Church Edilice — an emblem I \v «:i! '. iiiii\ hope of tho"'gro\vth in grace of some of our Church mombers. This year^wo havc^ succeeded in getting a Bell, the want of which has been long felt. ' The amounts raised during tho jiast yo.tr are as follows : — Collo( tod towards (.'lorpymau's Stipend S187.40 Oirortjries " " " 41,70 " (.'urronl cxponsos 14.70 Procpods of .Soiree for Hell 61.60 Subscription of Hon. J. Hamilton, Hawkesbury, for ]i'U 20.00 Si'jscription of K. Haniilton, Esij., Quebec, for do. 20.00 " .r. Amy, Esq., do. 10,00 Collected by J, Kimer, Esq., do. 32.97 " C. Uimer, Esq., do. 4.02 " Clergynion do. I'J.OO " C. Uimer, Esq., for insurance 7.75 Subscriptions for Church Society 14.75 Sermon lor Missionary Fund 3.03 Collection at Missionary Meeting 1.89 Thank.sgiving Collection for Missionary Fund 1.80 . Collection for W. and 0. Fund 1 60 Total in Tortago du Fort »432.91 f, r- ■ *■ ;• il"-'' '^■k -;p^,-n-i 't: ■f ■' :.M .' ?.! . «=:.« »-.!»■ ;\V, ;>^' ■-^ii* ;•. .^y ' , •i,,'.'lr''Uw 'i, .pJWm .}*^y ;v!,v.l ■■■>.'. ^V' • • ^■'•'' ■■••■it . 64 UAVKLOCK. Collected for Clergyman's Stipend < S11.50 " Clmrch aud graveyard 20.50 Sermon lor Missionary Fund 0.97 Collected at Missionary Meeting 1.11 Subscriptions to Church Society 3.25 Total iu llavelock »37.33 CALUMKT ISLAND. Collected for Clergyman's Stipend 4.G0 COLONOE. Collected for Clergjman's Stipend 15 00 Total S489.84 OJiccti. Bai)tiBms. — Ini'ants, 25 ; adults, 3 ; Marriages, 5 ; Burials, 4 . number of Communicants in Mission, 80. ST. ANDREWS. Tho Rev. R. LoNSDicLr- feels that there, is much cause for devout thankfulness to the Great Head of the Church for tho unanimity as well as for the measure of temporal and si)iritual i)rosperity of tho Parish during the past year. It is to'J)0 hoped that while the general attendance at Public Worship is good, and the demeanour of the congregation devout, there is also a ixrowing in grace anil advancement in personal holiness amongst many. Several improvements in the interior [of the Church are in con- templation, which it is very 'desirable should bo carried out. The old cumb'-ous pulpit has already been replaced by one better suited. Wo hope that much more may be done next year for the increase of the Endowment Fund. Financial Sfatemmf. Collected by Miss de llertel §30.75 " Mis Frances Hoy 10.00 " Miss S. A. Burwash 8.50 Miss rhcbo I looker 2.75 " Mr. Angus Macdoiiald 9,75 " 3Iiss dc llertel for Sunday-school C.50 Local Purposes 478.95 Mrs. Col. Johnson 120.00 Sermon for Missions 8.00 Thanksgiving Day 4.42 For Widows' and Orphans' ^ 4.0O Collected at Missionary Meeting 9.50 Endowment Fund 13.00 Total 700.12 (35 'I'lTOIJNE. Ki;v. J. Kom.it writes :— In roiwrting ui)On the temporalities of this Mission for tlie year past, there is Uttle else to state than that a beginning has been made towards securing the 8crvices of the Church. Iliero is still no Church built. ]t is intended however to begin one in the spring, a site for a church and graveyard having been chosen in a central j^art of the Township of Thorne. The building in the i'ront of Thorne, originally in< :nded for a Church, by the permission of His Lordship the Bishop, and with the kind assistance of some friends of the Church in Montreal, added to the efforts ofthe iieople here, has been converted into a Tarsonage, and Jias now been for some time occupied by the ]\Iissionary. There is still a debt of !?1 35.00 upon it, which it is hoped may be liquidated before spring : — Towards I'arsonagc, collected iu Montreal $95.00 " " Misision 59.521 " " rontiacCo 11.7.-," 106.27} Towards Jilis.sionary's salary collected in money $31 .00 Coll«'cted ill liay and outs '. 31.40 Sunday Collections l.bS', 09.93) Total collected in the 3Iission $129. 16 VAUDKEUIL. The IvKV. .). W. PvKK reports : — 1 send herewith a statement of .\nnual Collect ions and Subscript ions for past year made in this Parish for Church purposes. There is again a considerable increase over last year's contributions. Tlie following is the financial statement : — Annual Subscriptions to Church Society $69.05 Collection for Mis.^ions 7.51 Widow.s' and Orphan.*' Fund 19.35 Thanksgiving Offerings 11.10 I'ow Keiits 138.45 Oll'ertory 111.30 Total $356.82 The attendance at Church and at Holy Communion, lias been very satisfaetdry during the year. We have a second Church in pro- gress of building, now nearly completed, the corner stone of which was laid by tlie J.ord Bishoji of thcDioce.se, on the 29th of May last. We trust to have the Cliiuch ready for consecration early next sum- mer. I "^^ * •U .iJk -• ' >'>- ■■•,' yiV-"^-', ■.:■"■■ ■•t'^'V - .•.:•• .t ■■ ■!!•■.,% ■'■■s ..?,''^ J^^V ' V '?ii^- :.'■;■;■ ■^■vi I:- : 'V| ..!■;. ','S', • , . . ■ '"■! :-f> .'!' -.- ■ '>•": ■^■•1 ,. , I t.'V. ' '■ J ■'• ,- > in-, :.-.'»'!■ 4'- *i: ■iriu I;.;- 'y.-i4 ' ■.' ?■ ,• W.J. PC- tut; V I ■■■■»- * ■''■<.i«yB''-i-^.'' ■ +. - ■4,1 <<• •, •* •. rr ■i.'fllV' ■ ", • -^ • •t'e • n^^'! i;*^': 4! 06 Such are the accounts of those labourers in the vineyard, who, in cloud and sunshine, in storm and calm, carry the ministrations of the Church with that regularity which the Church herself pro- scribes, to the distant settlers in the outlying country parts of tho Diocese. Much labour has been performed, many difficulties have been surmounted, and still the Clergy are at their posts. To sup- port the Church by the aid of such, it is hoped all the members of the Church will unite. The necessity of every member of tho Church in city and country in every Parish of the Diocese doing something towards tho support of the Missionary Work, which tho Head of the Church left incumbent upon all, is moi\; and more pressed upon us, not only in principle by the plain broad statements of the Holy Scriptures, but practically, by the constant withdrawal (»f the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, whose grant to the Diocese is yearly reduced. Y^our Committee feel that tlay cannot urge this puii\t too strongly. The help from houu' has been so long granted that we have been slow to realizeour position. The Church at home, through that Society, has built up tlic Church in Canada. It is urged that all should remember what that Society is. Although legally incorporated, it is a purely voluntary associa- tion. Nothing can compel people to contribute to its funds. And if its Members and Subscribers were determined to withhold their contributions, nothing could compel them to make grants to Churchmen in the Colonies of North America. 3Ioreover, it is not for the most part an endowed Institution. Its property is chiefly an Annual Income, growing out of collections and many small sums gathered by the Clergy in their several Parishes, from the mechanic, the tradesman, and the artisan, or by subscriptions voluntarily tendered, which may be at any moment withdrawn ; so that every year it must be brought prominently before the mem- bers of our Society, that all must act, and all Parishes in the Dio- cese must join in acting, with a view to the eventual release of the S. P. G. from its charitable work of almsgiving in these parts of the Lord's Vineyard. And hence the need that exists for general co-operation throughout the length and breadth of the Diocese, to increase theAnnual Subscriptions to the Mission Fund formaintain- i ng the present staff of Clergy, with tho hope of some little addition I, who, rations alf pro- of the es liave l?o sup- ibers of of the doing lich the kI more ^tements hdrawul ifVdWt to lat they Dme has position. 1 up tlie jer what associa- :s fuml>. withhold grants to ver, it is [)perty is id many hes, from script ions Lhdrawn ; he mem- the Dio- ise of the parts of )r general iocesc, to maintain- ■c additioa 67 to stipends barely sufficient to defray necessary expenses, and for sending more into those far-stretching districts on the ITpper Ottawa and Oatineau Hivcrs, where settlers from the mother country are continually locating themselves, and offering the Church, through the operations of the Church Society, " fields white already to the harvest." The Church Society, after mature and careful deliberation on the part both of its Committees and those appointed by the Synod, is about to be merged in a duly Incorporated Synod. Steps have already been taken to procure such an Act as is required. And no steps will be taken, without the greatest caution and deliberation, M» as to prestTVi! and guard in every way the interests of every one concerned. So that if this should be the last time that an old friend appears before the public, when the Anniversary Missionary Mci'ting (if the Synod presents the same cause of Missions to the Church in the Diocese, it will bo seen that the operations of the Church Society are not lost or impaired, but under a new garb concciiirateil and improved. In the meantime, the Board would earnestly urge all to be "up and doing," to make the Cliurch, whether ministering to " the sheep in the wilderness," or " taking heed to the flock " in more jiopulous parts, "a praise and a glory" in the Diocese. Some of the Darishes, it will be seen, have done well, but it is at the same time manifest that all might do better in a Cause which should stand first in every Churchman's estimation, first in his heart's affections, and first on his list of charities, having Christ's promise, precept, and example, to maintain, enforce, and recom- mend it. " Co-operate " is the key-note the Committee would desire to strike, the watchword they would desire to adopt, that no ground occupied by the Church may be abandoned, that new Missions may be opened, the stakes strengthened, the cords lengthened. Never was there a time when united exertions were more needed. These are no days for contracting our opera- tions, or relaxing our efforts in the Christian cause. Love, zeal, self- denial are needed for developing the Missionary spirit in the Parishes of the Diocese and the putting forth all our strength. We need not only the co-operation of the Laity in Synods for securing '■M'}.y-- ■!'|-r- •-/•*■;; • -.8 .,* "5 •' ■ ■if■»;v■•^ ,1t-!l.^:iV .!l;|;.;:,^: '■ >"-<■■";.. ;.V . i :^';, :t I MS: .:--•'*; : .;'/ '' ■'■'.* .■!.•;.;■'•. • . h:' 'i'k' ': ' .•■<..■: t"' ■ 4 - •i^'^vr W •>"■: i ■ ^» ■ ■-■ -r ;■*,' ■ ' ^ * in ■w -, ^ m •1 ■ ; ■ ■ ■/^' 68 the practical efficiency of the Cliurch and for the assistance of tlic Parochial Clergy, but the need is, that every Church family, and every Church member of every family should be made aware of, and practically recognize the duty of aiding the Missions of the Church according to our Blessed Lord's command, " Freely yc liavo received, freely give." And lastly, your Committee would suggest that the heartv thanks of all are due to Ilim, the Giver of all good, who has raised up willing hearts for the furtherance of those high objects which relate to the Coming of our Master's Kingdom. Thus reviewing the year that has passed, and looking at the prospect, immediate •and future, they think there is good ground for hope and encourage- ment, that the Church will take '' the land that rcmaineth yet to be possessed;" and they feel that there is just reason, with Joshua of old, to " thank God and take courage." •.'■.'., 69 il'i. •xq' w yi u^ n Ph 35 jO S {:: 1-^ CO S ?1 «fo El Pm a «; ?i «' i?i ^ C/J S ?1 8 S5 S 3 -^ i. a A .a S 8 1- s S ?0 to c t c - "Z 1^ j; d 36 ^ Vi Cfe C^r ?T ■:5 C- ' Z '-> c ^0 ~ ^ "£ ;? S » 3 tiJ =,== « OT -d q t»>> >> >> > > "^ > oiS SS CO a o o « lafsa KM '^:2i ^ M s:? as V—^'V^ ^ ■—.- 1 i -4-* R ■i^ ^^ o k. 3 X3 ^ si te ^ aj H^ H »<^ ;^ as X 03 •Ji H -Ji to *i'f.'i* >-"= «• 7 ■> * •• ■;'■ '■•< . .. « 'i- fc ■'.'^ ■.,t 4^i .M<... M ^ *.^i',; »'«i; '« EtJ c 3 S 70 5 ^ JS 3 ^ 55 ?] i-- S S S ^ i? ^ s? ^ .., M O T»< M CI dM Si '■■! ■.? 3 SS S £.' :S S S 2 8 ?1 8 r- '>*'f'i f(, :^i '«»^ :.^ii. .irj-^iW* ' i •*^-^l 'if' 'il "'^^ m^i^r I >■''•. W U u t3 O n p^ p) » ^ O— i s s s s IM © 3 8 C<5 -f '3 'S ^ 3 i'^ rt la -H CS OO C5 Q CO CI »- .-I r-c a: « r3 Tt" r-( 3 TO CI CI X !;? ^1 !^ 2 8 S 8 S O C5 I- CI CO »0 rH lA Ol (H 8 ^ s a CO i-H ^ CO i-H CI t I" ■X' irac -^ c I-C100 ocic 'O"5;o'i>ci CI O O O CI C 'O 1 1-1 O 1-1 1 - CI O » 1 I 'J C >5 C(C rl o : C3 •- CO CI ci o I- w CI 'S cj r-< CnO 1.0 1- «0 ci OC iH CO CI '* 'J* !-< '-0 ci O •^ '.O rt I- ac CI ci r-i r-i ci <-i pH 1— iCIi-lCO r-tCIr-lrH rH 3 t- r/j e " a c^. 60 o >^ 8 N CI lO 8 cl CO S; ^ L,o S S 'Jj -f -p C-^ t£ lO O iSl Ci UO CO ^ i.o :;• CO CO CI rH CI rl CI CI ji t > c > 2 IS. :ri V ■A ;:; ? ^. :5 . o • . o -J a a bo : a . a , "^ • a X i? - fa. f 2 -W !«*.- — 1?^^ <1 a t> t* t* i* > D O C i M <:^.a,- oc'"i; iiiM iiMcsM:;:;sd6:(i: k siaci a:" as sias:; .» •it a >- h d : ■ 1 :| ■♦J V. ->', 3 = -TJ a ^ ■5 - J -^ o -= 3 : >:rj ;- -r 5 a = fl ::s ^.M Z: - ? a ^ -4 -^ A .J M ._ a a ~ tn t^ :^ 72 /;■ 73 ::s to a -!-; t: ^ S S 15 2 i 2 t^ t=i 5 8 r- t ■« •* O I - 1 . ? S 55 F- -I O O) T) S2 a 'a ci •«< -r _ 1.0 O i.-J I a: r-i i o i t-< e, C4 V w ^ o 3 tn 4-> Tl /; :S J= n C3 3 03 ^•j o ^-t = A » ■n -i"^- '. g 71 g8 If ?S8 5 U S8S88 dS 3 f5gj 8 s s C.^5 rHl- IS 1—* o S5 "V- *-.v ■^A; r . \m «.;) Vi., 5^'^.'l--' r V 'I; ff •«,■.'■. I' ly^S U''* •■i«^3 ; .1 . «;-.*v ■r^-6 M, \:i^ 2^ ■•"'^« . ■■:••!■ WV>' ",■ -A.-,' ■Tf" Pi ^ A/ ■ •.MJ-.l V '» ,■ * .1 '.' -,m '««, . v*'."' i^-:.. ^..:«>. :' -H i "C >o W rr ^5 »1 (3 -* IC I - IC o • w S o S • 2J U: ii ^ • Ol 3> ^ r-( •CO -^ CO -n - •£> * S-l -^ O rt i-< »(< ri CO '/) oc f X) :r-, -1 i' coC ci^ si jc 55 J5 o CO O '^ 1- l-X' aa X- -1- 1 - fl CO CO T. JC; CI 'I* . 1-1 CO M -- lO oi 1.0 -^ CO I - r/ — < It ?' '- li - . 5 r^ fl . . . . cj o a) o o ? J1I-: -I'l- -)< -1 *? M -- u: CI ^j ic *o CO I " '2 / -< 'T ri'' S iJ * c3 4- Cl u O - i S-S-.5:-i sigsa S _• a • O "■ - r ^ *^ 3 rt > >■ > > Sj O 0) o o 3ai2j2£aj m > c4 : «^£i - is— >*•< s-^^ fc ^ u^-i-^.ti ; 25 — —1 73 - <4-l i o '' >> - «-> 3 » : : : *,3j 73 l-l-rfril-'O fl I— I rl -^ a o 03 es 2 •0& Sou a ' c - „ -r p <- m a o : o tn a o «c<2 S Tf"' -S c u * c lo a XrJ o - — ■ mi^ a o i^ . c •: '3 ■.■; C J; .'»§ -^^ ^ ■S S ^'^ s -. !s 9 " . =: st3 5 ^ o a o Q C O OS - - - - Q^ r-lOr 5b 3 * a S,2 -''x a MeaSrt so ^ oca ^ a 1" I £c5 c- = I- o j2 n, E c •■« 0) =- ^ ci o > ® a »; CO „ -o a o C _ o 5S u 'Z! • »-« JJ C ^ TO ■*- ■ Z'i S. * a •- = ■ tc a a O 3 S a. a ai; — a o '■PS ^ a .2 O — \ s o^ ^' 1 O _ i, c Si: a a S8SS888SSS^8g8^SSSSS5S?8SSS * : fi i i is 2 » 5 .15 S ric-i 55 o 'f i5 ^1 ?i 25 ^ ic I- 'O i5 i.-i i-'S o (& Jlr-I a sr. I" i to ; cc : Sit N I -a a, o) 4i 5 a . C as . C if -^5 i: ■4-t cn ia a ^- !:; o o a •ojs^-oa acs© a cs© 5> •^H a SS to 3 .a ta ^ I' ihH •a a 3 a eS O -a a cs o 'a a> .0) u en 5 a^ es e« o o H5-» ■ T * " • , • V <...•♦.*•..■ ; i' ■-. ■i''l*i!.'--,;.. 1 s h T I. ■ .p '<■.•■ iv ■■-,,/• ■ .,-' I*- ,- . ' ••'•■■- .*■ ■*■. ■ :.■ • ■■i.<*X-'r-- ■'■.,'B,f -;. -it.; 'l- Hi.' mm ^r ■/ .1 x. 13 o c a LIFE MEMBERS OF THE DIOCKSAN CHURCH SOCIETY. PATRON. Tlis Excdlonoy the Covernoi' General Viscount Monck. PRESIDENT. •The Lord Bi>hop of the Diocese nncl Mctropohtan. •His Excellency J.t. (ien. Sir John Michel, K.C.B., Admini:4trator of the Government. Kight Honorable Sir Edmund Head, Bart., K.C'.B. His Excellency Lt. don. Sir \V. F. Williams (of Kars) Dart., K.C.R. (ieneral Sir William Rowan, K.C.B. *Andcrson, T. B., Montreal. Aylwin, Hon. .Judge, '' Badirlf'V. Hon. Judfrc,*' *Bond,Kcv.C:anon,R.I>.. Montreal, *r)raitli\vaite, Rev. J., Chamhly. •('ami.lx'U, Major, C.B., •• *('ra\vl'()i(l, John, Montreal. Christie, ^frs., Christieville. ♦Ganlt.M. H., '' *(;ihl., Isaac J., '' •Gil.l.. Mrs. I. J., " (h'iiHn, v., <' •Johnston, W. P., Montreal. *Lovell, Jolm, !Mackie, Caj^tain. ^lackie, Rev. (Jeo., D.D.,Engrd. Maci'ae, William, St. .Johns. Maelaren, James, Montreal. Modhury, W. I Montaf;ue, W. I Montizamhert, E., Quehec. I •l'ani,Muan, Mrs., Mascouche. I'ijion, Mrs. ('., Jersey. I *Jvol)insoii, Rev. F., Abboisfurd. ; Sealy, J. I Sewell, Rev. H. D., Quebec. I •Shelton, E. E., Montreal. I *Sim])soi). ([. W., " •Smith, Alexander, ^' Stayncr, T. A., Toronto. Stuart, Henry, Q.C., ^Monti'cal. Taylor, MajorGen. R. A., Engl'd. •Thomas, Henrv, Montreal. Wait, Rev. W. W., En.. V 7 ri::; if i« "if ' . ■ ^;'^»- ••lit*. #: *"?^*?- ORDINARY MRMBKRS OF Till"] CIllIRCll SOCIETY IN ilir, tITV i 3 u ■irJf^' i '\ 'sr^^-^z". ''■."■^^ ■t^{ ffti^ ,;;j:. ■!',.'''■ ^■-'- ■■■■■■ tfM l/.-i/;.v.>*'.^^^, ■■ 78 T)onalino, W., West Farnliam, I)uvcr)i('t. Key. E., ITomiuingfbrd. Kllis, K. A., Wiit(;rloo. Eviiiis, Kev. H. -J., Clu'istiovillc. Kenn, Kcv. N. V., Sal)rcvois. Fort in, \ivv. A. L., Ely. Foster, Hon. A. ]i., Waterloo, Fulton, Rev. J., Kusseltown. (iilson, Yen. ArclKleacon, Van- couver. (fodden, Rev. John, Dunham. ( iodden, Kev. Thomas, M.iscouche (.Ji'ibble, Kcv, John, Portage du Foi't. Huntingdon, Hon. L., Waterloo, Jones, Kev. J., (Irani )y. Jones, liey. W., (rranhy. Jones Hon. K., Chiistieville. Johnson, Kev. T., Ahhotsford. Laneaster, Kev, C, IT., Clarencc- ville. r.ewis. Rev. B. P., Brandon. Lindsay, Kev. J)., Waterloo, Lindsay, Kev. R., Brome. Loekhart. Rev, A. D., Lacolle. Longueuil, Baron d<», St. Johns. Lonsdell, Rev, K., St, Andrews. Lonsdell, Mrs., St, Andrews, Lowe, .lohn, Frelighsburg. Macdonald, J. K., St. Andrews. Macdonald, Mrs. J. K., St, An- drews. ]\rc(iinnis, William, Clu'istieville, ^Nferrick, Rev. J., Morin. Merrick, Kev. W. C, Berthier. Montgomery, Kev. JL, I'hilips- bui'g, Mussen, Rev. T. W., West Farn- liam. Mussen, Mrs. T. W., West Fam- ham. Xevo, llov. V. S., rirenville. Pyke, Rev. J., Vaudreuil. Reid, Mrs., Frelighsburg. liobinson, Rev. (i. C, Clarendon. Robinson, Mrs. IL, Waterloo. Seal)orn. Rev. W. ]\[., Kildare. She])herd. Tapt. R.W., Vaudreuil. Slack, l?ev. stover, Mrs. Asa, Frelighsburg, Whitten, Rev, A. T,, West Shef- ford. Williams, Jolui, Waterloo, Young, Rev. T, A., Coteau du Lac. tliier. i'lulips- t Faru- t Vavn- Ho. I'omlon. I'loO. Miiro, udreuil. 11(1. ngbam. ■clstowu. il. iliiglaud. liouge- 'larouce- j;li.sl)urg. j;hsburg. i.st Shef- teau du LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS FOR 186G. MUNJ'UEAL. CATIIEURAL. The Lord Bishop SoO.OO General Sir Jolin Miclicl &0.00 Abbott, ITon. J. C Altbott, Mrs Ailams, Mrs. Kobt Adams, James I) Aiiilurson, T. 1$ Jiacoii, Mrs. George I'.ailKley Mrs liaker, Mrs. J. C li»^%«-^^ Ua^j,', Mrs r.a},'g, liobt. S.C... Itagg, ('. S. I'.agg, A.J. IJagg, M.l 15agg,ll. F. M IJalcli, Hev. Canon 15alcli, Mrs IJalcli Miss Jialcli Lewis Italch AllrcKl Ualch Kate Jiarnston, George J{artlett, Kcv. T. 11. M. , IJell, Col lU'tliuno, S 15«tliuno, Mr.a. A. H Wackwood, Mi?s M Howes, Mr Bowker, 11. 51 JJrooke, John Brown, Alfred IJurrage, Mrs lUirrage, Miss Campbell, K.,jun Carter, George Catchpole, Miss S 5 00 50 b 00 1 00 & 00 r, 00 2 00 n 00 5 00 5 00 2 »KI 2 00 2 («) 2 00 2 00 20 00 10 W) 6 00 & 00 5 00 f) 00 5 00 10 00 1 Cliamberlin, 15. Chapman, II Cliarlebois, Mrs. P. G . . .. Churchman's Association. Clarke. II Clayton, J Clerk, Miss S Clerk, Miss T Clouston, M'-e y Converse, J. x'« Cowie, Mrs Cowie, Miss Davidson, T Dawson, 8 E Dawson, Mrs Dean, Very llev. the Donation by Miss Koss . . . Dydc, Col '. Empey, A , Evans, T. \V EvauH, Mrs ., ,, 00 00 00 00 00 i 00 00 00 &0 2 50 5 00 10 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 4 00 10 00 2 00 2 00 50 50 2 00 5 00 n 00 5 00 2 60 5 00 1 00 10 00 9 75 5 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 Evans, Jlis-^ Eenwick, Miss ,.'.'.'.... Fowh'r, Ji. J .'.' ....... Fowler, M rs '.'.'.'.'. Fowler, Miss Ford, (ill ■■,■.■.; Fraser, I)r Friend by Miss Clerk Friend by Miss Porter Friend by the Very Hev. the Dean Friend by Mis.'j IJridge, Friend by t!ie Very ICev. the Dean FuH'ord, Mrs (iallutly, .Mrs Gault, M. H Gault, Mrs. M. II Geddes, diaries Gibb, 15 Gibb, MissM. C Glass, Mrs Gordon, ilanies Grant, .Mr Grilllii, Mrs. J. C Hall, Mrs. 15 Hailowell, \V Hancock, Mrs Hill, Mrs Mollis, Mrs Holland, Jlrs Holland, P Holmes, .Miss Hoojier, A. C Houghton, Mrs. J. G. K Howe, Mr •loiies, J •loyce, Mrs K erry, .1. Kerry, A King, r. D King, Mrs Lane, Mr Lindsay, Mrs. Robert . . . Looseniore, Kcv. Canon. Ludlam, Mr Lusher, Mr. E Maccullocli, r' Macculloch, Mrs. F Maccullocli, Mrs Macdonahl, \Y Macdonald, do 15 Alacdougall, D. Lorn Macrae, (ieor;.o McKay, Mrs. il Member, A MoH'att, Mrs Molliitt, Miss McMilliu, J. P $1 00^ 1 00 5 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 5 00 :5 00 50 10 00 3 00 10 00 5 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 5 no 5 00 50 i 00 3 00 1 00 2 00 (M) 2 00 50 5 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 4 87 60 2 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 1 CO 5 00 1 00 750 10 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 1 00 500 1 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 500 10 00 5 00 GOO m^,^. • * ^ ■'*!'.. • ■-, t.-< • I f' K<' ■' ■f ■■■ I: 80 '..'^i:ifc^''.v>- . 1; ^ <■ * M. W. & (o Slolson, Jrrs. Mark Slolson, Thomas Murray, Mr.s Miisscn, Thos Mussen, Mrs. T Miisseu, W. \V Blusson, Henry Ogilvy, Mrs. Juhu Ogilvv, '"^Irs. T Ord, Major General, K. E Ord, Miss T. M. L I'ardey, Miss Tarkin .1 I'aul, Miss riiillips, Mrs I'hiliips, Mrs; II Phillip.s Mrs. "\V Pilkinptton, Mrs Price, Mrs Kue, Mrs. Jacksou Kamsav, Mrs Kitcliie, Mrs. J. W liobortson, Mrs. A Uobertson, Mis.s Koo, T. r r Koss, Miss Itoss, 1>. A Koss, Mrs. A Saclie, W Sanborn, Mr. & Mrs Sliaw, Go(>r}?e Simpson, Mrs. A Simpson, d. W Simpson, Mrs, (i. W Simpson, Tliomas Simpson, G W., life membership Skakel, Mrs Skelton, Mrs Smitli, S. G Smith, J Smitii, Mrs. 11 Stephen, (ieorgo Stephen, Mrs. G Sutherland, l>r , Swanston, J Tate, I{ev. F. U Tate, Miss late. Miss F Taylor, R Tempest, John Thomas Henry Tliomas, M rs Thomas, K. K Thomas, Amv Thomas, 11. VV Thomas, Claude 'J hompson, Iicv. J. 11 Thomjjson, S. 11 Tiilin, Mrs Tooke, Mrs Townseiid, Mr Townsend, Mrs Tubby, ilr Tuggi'y, diaries 'l"urner, tho Misses Tylce, Mrs Yennor. Mrs. E "White, .Mre. J. J >Vhyte, .lolm Williams, Miles Wood, Mrs. I). Ituss AVorkmun, William So 5 5 1 5 5 2 5 00 00 (JO 'XI (X) 00 00 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 3 00 5 00 00 1 00 5 00 2 tX» f* 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 10 (K) 50 00 G 00 2 00 4 on 2 00 5'J f) 00 5 00 5 00 00 00 00 '•■) 5 00 5 00 20 00 20 00 r, 00 f) 00 5 00 5 CO h 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 n (K) 5 00 4 00 5(10 2 50 4 00 2 00 00 r. 00 n 00 4 00 4 00 5 5 2 f*T. oiionciE'.s ciiuncii. Uarlow, Mr Heai'lield, Mrs 15ond, Itev. Canon ISond, John 15 Jirewster, C IJudden, H. A IJulmer, II Carter, E Chaffey, Mrs. A Chaplin, Edward Charters, Mr. E Clerk, A Cocliraue, M. II Courcy, Eliza Crawford, Jolin Crawford, James I) Cunniugluim, Mrs Daroy, TroCessor Uavies, W. II. A Dennie, JIrs Donnaly, Mrs Dupuy," Miss Elliott, John Elliott, Mrs Evans, S. 11 Ferres, Mr Ferres, J. M Fisher, Mrs. I) Footner, Mrs Freer, Mrs. E. ,S Friend, by Miss I'reddy.. Friend, by Mrs. llelliwell. Gault, Mrs Gault, Miss (jault. Miss F Gault, A. F (iault, Mrs. A. F Gibb, J. U Gibb, Mrs. J.D Gibb, l.J Gibb, Mrs. I. .) Godfrey, Mrs Graham, Mrs L'smilton, IJ. II Helliwell, Mrs Henshaw, F. W Hicks, Professor Hill, W.' •• Howard, l>r Howard, Mrs Hutto'i, James , Hiutoii, Mrs Hutton, Mrs. W. H Ireland, J H .Johnson, Dr .lones, Hon. Kobt Jones, .Mrs. Kobt Kennedy, Mr Kiiifj, E. H Lewis, (i. II Eovell, J Macdougall, 11. L Macdutr, I'lios Major, J. E McConnell, E Matchitt.Miss Milne, Mrs Molliitt, (jcorge Morgan, Mrs. Moore, Mrs Moss, Mn,. .. ,, ,,,, ?2 00 1 00 4 00 1«)00 5 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 1 (X) 50 00 2 00 5 m 2 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 m 5 00 2 (X) m 00 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 10 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 GOO 6 00 5 00 5 00 2.-) 00 2r, 00 5 00 1 OO 5 00 2(i) 2 00 2 00 m 5 00 5 (H) 10 00 10 00 7 W 2 00 5 00 h 00 2 00 1 00 5 00 50 10 on 5 00 1 00 1 00 .50 1 00 1 00 20 00 5 Ofi 1 00 1 w 81 II. . 82 00 1 00 . 4 00 . 10 00 . 5 f)0 . 5 Oi) . 5 (H) . 2 00 . 1 00 . 4 m ■ 2 00 . 2 00 . Tj 00 . 1 (K) . 50 00 . 2 00 . r, 00 . 2 00 . T) 00 . 2 00 . ] 00 . r,o . fj 00 . 2 (K) . 2 m . t) 00 . 5 00 . 1 00 . 2 M . 2 00 . 10 00 . 1 m . 4 00 . 2 00 2 00 . G 0i> . 6 00 . 5 00 . 5 Oit . 2.-, 00 . an 00 T) 00 . 1 OO . Jj w . 2 (JO . 2 (W 2 00 . r,o . f) 00 . r, (H) . 10 00 . 10 00 . 7 00 . 200 . 5 00 . 6 00 . 2 00 . 1 00 . 5 00 . 50 . 10 00 5 00 1 00 . 1 fto . 50 . 1 00 . 1 00 , 20 00 , r. (Ki . 1 00 . 1 0<) Alulholland 11 f 10 00 Meld, Mrs.E 2 00 rattcrsoii, Mr.>» 4 00 I'lirkcr, A. Davidson 2 50 J'cnnoy, Mm Q 50 I'cnnor, Jolin 1 00 Kcddy, Dr 2 00 I!out.., II. L ... 5 00 Kyai), Mr.s 2 50 Scott, Dr 10 00 Scott, (".J 5 00 Sclnioider, 'J'lios. 11 10 00 Sculthori), James 2 00 Slicplierd, ("apt. II. W 2 W Sbcplierd, Mrs. iJobt. W 4 W) Sliolton, K. H 10 00 Stainvay, Goorgo 20 Oo Stanwav, Mrs 10 00 Stetheni, Mr 50 Smith, (i. F. C 5 00 Sullivan, IJev. E 7 50 Tate, Mrs 50 Thomas, C. 1' 1 oo Thompson, Mr 1 Oi> Vass, Miss 1 'JO Vcit, Mrs 50 ■\Vaddell, Mr 2 oo Wand, A 1 00 Wliitni'y, JI. II 5 00 AVliitncy, Mrs. N. S 2 00 Williams, Milos, juu 6 oo Missionary iJoxes 43 4;J 8T. ,)()nN THE EVANttELieT'8 CHAPEL \kcrs, Cai)t 6 00 Alien, Master 25 Allen, Master J 25 Hailey, Mrr 1 (Kt ]5alfour, Mrs 1 00 Harllett, K'ev. Mr, & Mrs 10 00 Urown, Mr. & Mrs 10 00 Dashwodd, Capt ] 00 Drake, .1. M., M.D 5 00 Earle, Mrs 1 00 Falkiner, .1. S 5 00 French, Arthur 25 Friend, by Miss O'Connor 2 W Friend " " 25 Frost, Mr 25 (iibl), Charles 5 00 (iodloy, Mrs 1 00 (ireijr, Sliss 75 llandcock, Mrs 50 llarn.an,Mr 50 llasulian, Mrs 2 60 IIemi)sted. lames 1 00 Ilondlow, Miss 50 llorsfall. Mr 1 00 Jones, Miss 1 00 Lnndy, Mr 1 00 Lvttletoi'. Capt 2 50 McKircher, Mrs 5'i Newdiffate, Major 5 00 OHertory collection 22 00 I'ipon, Mrs 2 00 JJoss, Mrs 2 00 Itnssel, Mrs ,50 Shepherd, Mrs 1 iVl Spenco, Mr 5 00 Stewart, Mrs 5 00 Swinburn, Mr 5 00 Swinburn, Mr.« Sunday-scliool class. Tato. Mr I'hompsnn, Mr psi Icr Tew llcrl)ert «1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 Weston, Mrs o 50 Withell.Mr ....; 25 Wood, l{ev. E 5(10 Young, Mrs l oO Young, Miss o 50 Missionary boxes 16 0<) .«T. JAMES CUUUCH. Aitken, Mrs 3 00 Archer, Mrs 1 oo Harrows, Miss 2 00 (,:asli from 1805 14 00 Crathcrn, Mrs. (;rispo, 1'' Davie, Mrs Day.Mr. J. J. Dorwin. Mrs. . 00 00 00 00 00 Drummond, Mrs 10 00 Ellegood, Key. J 8 00 Freer. Mrs. Freer, Mrs. W. M. 3 00 3 0, Jlr S2 00 I'.ootli.Mrs . 1 00 Curran. IJev. W. H 7 50 Craine. Mr 1 00 Crankshaw, Mr 1 0<) Ca.den, Mrs 1 50 Fmpson, Mrs , 1 tH> Eliicott. Mr ,50 Fuller, Mrs 1 00 llealy, Mr 1 00 ■?.'-j I h^ i' ■■■ .<. i k- 82 . - .m •' '414.. . ml' j,H, .-.V , , .•.■.■','V ''■]< ■,-.'•' " o^.' ■ .'^v : .-4... llonlv, Mrs «1 00 Harris, John o (K) Hall,.I..S 100 HudiUc, Miss 5 Harris, Mrn 2 0< Jolinstou, Mrs 1 Ot) Kytc, S. (' 50 McKinnoii, Mr 50 McCrudden, \V 50 McCrutldcn, Mrs, 11 50 Neville, Mr 1 (K) ( )g(len, Mrs 50 rrt'iitice and Kbbitt 1 00 Kiddle, A 2 00 Robinson, Mrs 00 Small wood, iJr — , - Scotf, (Jilljert 5 00 Smith, A1"X 10 00 Scott, Mrs 87} Swain, Sirs 2 00 Tracy, Mr 1 00 Tracy, Mrs. A. It 1 00 Travis, Mr 1 00 Tate, Mrs 1 00 Todd, Mrs 1 00 Turnoi, \Vm 5 00 Throshie, Mrs 50 Wilkinson, Mrs 1 00 Wilson, VVm 50 Warmington, Mr 1 00 Toung, Mrs 50 Small sums tl2J I'rcntico & Ebitt, Messrs 1 00 !«72 00 Collected lnj Mrs. Millorand xMins Surgeon, as below 28 "7 $100 Assolin, Mrs ifO '.'.'.'Mll[.[ Alcock, Mr. Blackburn, Mrs. . . 15olton, Mrs lirockwell, .Mrs. . . IJromley, Mrs JJailey, Mr.-* Cater, Mi Collinson, .Mrs. W K. Comer, Mrs. W n Collinson, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. J I, Clarke, Mrs. h\ Clarke, ('•>.... Crozior, Mr. . . Coiier, Mrs, (;. Kingston, Mr $0 CO Kell, Mr i 0,3 iM^Laujjhlin, Mr 50 McWood, Rfrs. \V 50 .McLellan, Mr 05 Miller, Mrs. F 1 (k) i-ewis, M rs 1!5 Ncild, Mrs 75 I'artiufiton, Mrs Q 25 renfohi, Mr 50 I'owells, -Messrs 75 J'owell, .Mrs 25 Itoliinson, Jlrs. W 50 liuinslord, JIrs 25 h'idjiedale, Mr 50 Richards, Mrs 25 Sur<;eon, I) Q 50 Starke, Mr 50 Tate, Mrs 25 Tandy, Mr l OO White, .Mrs l 25 White, .) 50 Walker, .Mr 50 Walton, Mr 25 Whitehead, Mr 50 Comer, Mrs. H Clarke, Mrs. 1' rem, Mr Kuckc'tt, Mr Eaton, R 1 Friends 2 (joulding, Mrs ( r.H'uwood, Mrs Hall, Mrs. T. llannan, Sirs Ilayward, Mrs Ilorsfall. K llackwell, Mr Hall, Mii. 8 Jones, Mrs King, ilr , Kirkijatrick, Mr 50 00 25 50 25 25 25 25 ;55 25 25 50 5t) 25 50 50 50 50 40 50 00 47 25 25 ») 25 25 50 50 00 25 $28 77 ST. LUKE'S cnuRcir. Baldwin, Rev. M. S $7 uO .lohnsou, I'. R 5 00 Kirkiiji, .Mrs l ,f;i) Sunday-school 25 00 IIOCIIELAOA. Snhscri])tions tuirards Church Fundaud li(j)(iirs. Hawkins, W >»30 0() Kish, S.15 18 00 Rolierts, Mr 13 75 Senor, .Misses 31 fK' Spragiw, Mrs 13 75 Barnes, J 8 75 (.reen, .Airs 3 00 IS'orthiirn, 3Ir 7 Ot) Kiln:'r, .Mr. & Mrs IS (M) Slack, Mr G 00 lU'lli.s 'Mr 7 50 Smith, Ale.x 14 (H) ISagg, Stanley C 15 00 Loveil, .lohn . 13 OO Torrance, I). & Co 10 (X) Johnson, Thos. R 10 00 Avlwin, Hon. Judge 10 00 Aylwin, Mrs.. 2 00 Frank, J. (," r> 00 Sutherland, J 5 (H) Shannon, A, & I) 2 (V) dreenshields, & Son 5 00 Darling Wm 5 (H) liefhune, Strnchan 5 00 O'I'.rien, W. W 5 00 I r(iuliart, Misses 2 00 Lillie, Mr 5 ih) McKen/ie, .1. (ji 2 00 I'eck, riios. & Co , 2 (K) ( ash 1 (.K> Cash 1 00 Cash 1 C) ■.•V m- 83 so CO 1 00 50 "50 25 1 TO 25 75 025 50 75 25 50 25 50 50 Cash VV D rash Robertson, TIion. *1 <0 1 ii(» i 1 W »28 $' 5 00 1 50 25 00 i Fund and .«30 00 IS (lO 13 75 81 TKi 13 75 8 75 3 (K) 7 00 18 (H) (K) 7 50 14 (K) 15 00 13 m 10 IK) 10 00 10 00 2 00 5 (10 5 tK) 2 (H) 5 00 5 (H) 5 00 5 00 2 00 5 (K) 2 00 2(H) 1 W 1 00 1 0') DoniU'lly, .liiines 1 (Ki Kvnus, .1. II 1 CO Alcxiuulcr, ('lias 1 00 IJiiitoiil, \V. H 1 (HI lldriic, Geo 1 ("t ('as)i 1 (") I). W., & Co 2 00 Cash 1 W W. ('., & Co 5 00 H. .1.,) 1 00 K. C., & Co 1 00 J. H 1 (to Staiiway, (j 1 ('O .Jack, 1 00 Smith & Cochrane 2 Oo Friend, A 2 (JO .Jones, .J. AI 1 00 Kiciianlscn,.! 2 (Ki Foultlsi^: Hodgson 2 00 K. (i., & Co 4 00 McDonald, Alex 1 (Ki IMiynas, J 1 00 W. .S 2 00 N. S. W 1 00 J. K 1 00 C. H 1 00 Holland, 1' 2 00 IU>nson, .lohn 5 00 Cameron, Coliik 2 Of) Cash 1 (M) Cai^h 5 00 Molhitt, G 4 00 Cash 1 00 (irant, Henry 1 00 Ferric, A 2 00 Tabh, N. K... 1 00 Hutchins, 1$ 2 00 I'rowse, Bros 1 (•(' Friend, A 1 00 Friend, A 2 00 Fdmestone, Robert 2 50 Christie, i'oter 5 00 Cash 1 00 Friend, A 1 00 Root, li. 15 1 00 Cash 1 00 Miller, J 1 00 Cash 1 00 Hall Kay, & Co 1 00 McLean, I) 1 00 Vincent, J 2 00 .1. D 2 00 Walker, Geo 2 00 Harrison, Mrs 3 (K) Ur.gK, Chas 2 00 King, jlr 2 (HI Snniil, Mrs 2 00 S. H 3 00 Lockhart, Mr 5 00 llobbs, :'rs • 5 00 Cooper, iSIrs 5 00 llutton, James 5 00 {^•^y-T- J- $50*) Henry, Thomas >, mi Austin. H.W T , w! i'avidsou.C. r i m }j--^ :::::::-:::: IS 1 eehles, J o no WoodCall, Dr., R. A.'.'.': i.' ! ! .'i 'l' i ort l-iifiland, Lieut., I{. A i oo lliellon.F:..I.l|,.wett,R.A..'.; 100 Desl.arre, Mr., j.V A i oo I'ipon.CoI., ]{ A '■■ 1 fjn Williamscm, Mr. R.A '..■.■.■ i 019 Martin, Airs a cm iirtMi,,Iohn I (gf Campbell, .'Mr'J 5 00 l>iitnim(ind, .lolm , . ' 2 GO Hol(|..;\vurtli, Clias 1 no cMiUan, .lames j qO ;;!'''".■'••';',''» ■'. 100 <> l>rn_'n, !■.. j qo Muriiliy,.)olm 100 Simmer, tieo 2 OO Jhirch, Ceo 1 qq Loekcrliy, David 1 qo lioliinsoii, Mrs j qq < lieese, Mrs, K 2 00 Kwinir, A. « ' ..". l oo t.:i"ii'ii, 1* 1 00 Clark, John 100 Ite!', D.,juK 2 0) \\ atson, .Vlex 1 (x) Livingston, John , . . , l oO J'''^l'e, !•;. S 1 00 Mel.Mshan. J, \V 5 00 SIi'(.;i!io,i. Alex, 1 00 .McKay, Jame.s 1 oo Siiicntti.J 2 fKJ \Valler, S 1 00 Siiowden, .1 l 00 lloi)kins, lul. M 2 00 Canieron, C 1 50 Hall, James 1 00 i:\ving. S. II 1 00 MoI'lierson, A. H 2 00 ISruce, J.)m(iibois, K. iS 2 00 Murray, A 1 00 Robertson, James 1 00 Roy, Mrs 1 00 Croil, Mrs 1 oO M(irp-".?i., Mrs 1 00 Henrie, A 1 00 ();!;ilvio, J 1 00 Hustings, Mrs 1 00 Crawford, Mrs 1 00 Drummond, James 1 CO Fuiiiitinger, Mrs 2 50 Si.iullsums under .«1. 00 43 00 DEANERY OF BEDFORD, ABBOTTSPOUD. FOaCIIURCiI SOCIETY. Collected by Misa C. M, liobiiison. Bangle, Mrs. C .f 50 Bradford, Mrs. W. M 50 Drake, Mr 50 Friend 1 W Honey, \Vm 50 .lohn.'-on, I'ev. T 5 00 ly'orman, Mr. (donation) i 00 ,"»i* «;'""■■- r K 1 .r. c *■ v i- n \:><-y :.n. >'W. ' • . v ; ■ '■'■,"* %. ■i. ',. . ;y^ v 84 O'Dwyor, W. W 90 ^ Koach, Josoph " o'' Kobinson, H.'v K 2 50 Robinson, Mrs. F 1 'j' I?i binson, Mis;* Cliarlotto U o'' Vo iisdii, Miss Aiiiiio 50 Jlo' .^on, Miss Enuna oO lJ<>Mn.>on, Kdward 50 ■W hitnev, John B 50 Sa L-' under 50 cents i"} S19 75 MILTOX, Collected hy Arthur Chi.rtlor, and Miss Emily Robinson. ?. MTiR, Abraham 50 Un.ns, V Op*^ Chartir.r, Stephen J- 0* J Charlier, Mrs. S ro Donaldson, .Tr.uios .>0 Kobinson, \Vm 1 O'j Kuniiels, Jolin [w Kunnels, John,jun 50 Kunnels, Mrs. Joiin, jun 50 WaUuce, Thomas 50 Watson, J. M "I ^ Sums under 50 cents 3 Si eiO 92 ROUGEMONT. •Collected by .Vw' ishlon and Miss U. liachdda'. Ashton.Miss 50 Brown, Mr,-- t>avid 50 Sta .dish, V is.s Elizabeth, O.L.P. . 50 Standisli, Liz/.ir. 1* 50 Standis!', Hebecca 50 htandi-.', Harriet 'it> Standi>h, Mrs. M ii! Standish, .J.)hn M 1 00 Standish, Robert M 50 Thorudike, K.'V. C. E 7 50 Thorndike, Mrs 1 00 Thorndikc, MisH 50 Tliorn under 50 cts 2 00 S24 75 ENDOWJfKNT FUND KOUOK.MONT. Bachelder, Silns 100 00 Bachelder, I.. Hyde 25 00 Bachelder, Natlianiel . . 25 00 Carden, Mrs. John UK* 00 Cardcn, Wm.,2nd 25 00 Code, James 50 0) Evants, Uichard. . . 100 00 McBride, J. F Kobinson. Kev. F Standish, John M Standish, John l{ Standish, Kobt. M... Standish, James Stan 0tin, Annie ,",0 Muneev, Mrs. D. B .V Hixfonl, Mrs. L.l' 1 0(» Heid, Louisa .")0 Reid, .Mrs. Mary &i Wo-Jdbury, JMrs. L 2 00 Woodbury, Mary Louisa ,vi Woodbury, Miss L. E o'j Collected hy Miss Palmer. Barnos, Lyinan .'iii Barnes, Sirs. L 50 Clow, Milo, 50 Creller, Mis. E .10 Frelifih, (iall 1 00 Hauver, Jolin 50 Hauver, Mrs. J ."^O Mills, John ?^ Oiio Mills, Mr.s, J N .'.o I'loss, Mi^sM 511 Suiusi:)'k'r oOcts 1 0rown, Mrs. N. S . Costell, Edward Decker, Mrs K Dickenson, i{ Dickenson, >[rs. R Ilo^^'le, (ieo 3leic;s. Mrs. I) :\leiL's, Mrs. M Sruith, David Stone, Mi.ss Collected hit Jiev. G. Slack: Briggs, J. R Corey, Brothers Corey, John 11 llastiufis, H. A Ilauver, ftobt llorskin, Horatio ."/I ,yi 10<"> 1 iXi 1 00 1 Vttts«n,Mrs. C W iiewson, Isaac 15 0" ( iiiunberliu T. E 3 00 Knowlton, T. A 10 Oo Kimball, A 4 (10 O'Kopan, W. 11 3 W iarboU, E. 11 2 00 '.all, Lo^tor 2 (Xi Scott,(i.L 200 Kohb, Wm 4 00 l'attorsoii,M 2 00 Wilbon, Ezra 4 00 MillH, Erastus « "<) Millti, Alburt 2 (hJ Foster. .S. S., M.D 25 00 I'attcrfjou, .Jehu 3 00 Foster, S,W 25 00 J{!,ss, E 2 00 llonoyiiian, Jas 5 00 J.ynch, Thus 1" W WhcelerTlios 1 00 Maci'arlane Jolin 4 00 .Sanborn, C 4 00 I'.'bus, .John 1 W Marsh, .Samuel 2 W Farmer, (ieorge 2 00 I'atterson, (ieorj^o 1 "*' Tibbettt , Erastus 3 W '^anborn, Isaac 1 oO Eldridge.Thos 2 00 Hanson, N 2 oo Diinkiu, C 50 00 Knowlton, H 2 oo Ulunt,E 2 00 f>ubscripiion/<>r support qf Mission frvm ,S7. John's, llromc Corner. Chandler, A. 11 16 W I'ettes, N 10 00 •Chandler, E. L — , • '\) Chapman, Thos ♦^ (H) Chandler, H. M 2 00 Sn.itli, U. VV 2 00 Atherton.C;. W.. 2 00 AVilson, Freeman 2 Uj Hay, I), n Caldwell, E Farmer, .John Cloii man, George, (jillen,. lames Chandler, (i.H.... Chandler, H.E.... .Smith, CD Chandler, Miss I'atch, E. H Fatch, A. C Williams, H. U... I'rime, T. .M Westover, S.15: .. Hunter, W 15 Tool', Jacob Tool', Mrs I'otts, J. L $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 50 1 00 2 (X) 5 00 1 00 25 00 tj 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Tayhir, Mrs 2 (X) 'handler, L.I 2 CH) rrime, B. W Keid, 'V. E Thompsou, Jolm. .. Cha.p;5i:vti , 'Wm ■ IHcnu, n — . . . . i>toii* ■ ■ 'J Thoifcp v,>.i, Charles. 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 COWANSVILLE. KOK C'lIUllCH SOCIETV. Collected by Miss liuiter ^ Miss / Adams, (ieo Adams, Mrs Adams, William Adams, Geo. A Haker, (i 15 15aker, Mrs 15aker, Louisa I?()ri};ht, Geo 15ori{?ht 15ori^!ht, Hiram 15orij.'ht. G ISrowne, L. S 15rowne, Mrs. Dr I5uchanan, Mrs Carter, Wm., senior Church, Mrs, 11 Cotton, Tho8 Cotton, (.ieo cavidsun, Mrs IVividson, Nettie l^uvidsim, Ettie Dent, Mis. Joseph Dowuinj;, (i 1- Old, Augustus Ford, Mrs. A Ford, Mrs. T Ford, John Fuller, Mi>. D Full, r, I'^lida Galvr, Nelson Hall, Calvin Hall, Mrs. C Hall.G. h Ilulhert, Mrs .••• .lones, Mrs Kathaiv William Kemp, Edson Kemp, Mrs ^». Mair, Mis. David . .Muri)hv, Mary O'Halloran. Mrs — (VHalloran, Maggie. I'ickle, Peter I'haro, Mrs Hacicot, E Robertson, W idler. 1 00 1 00 60 50 1 00 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 065 050 100 50 50 7 50 050 60 060 60 50 ,^0 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 50 m 50 1 00 . 50 2 00 , 50 1 W m . 50 50 . 50 . 50 t '1|*''.Mf. i ■(,•■*'••■ . \ :■ : : I i •■ -.■ri-.-Ji 86 >. ''-M .i->' ■•./■/■ t 11 I M^,). i *^> '■'. - *? .' .15 ■ ■•;< •i-i,>^- M 'i:l m .»•.- •■ . \ v"' > * • Jluifor, Maiiii ,«n CO JJiiitcr, (ii>() 50 liiiitcr, Cliarlo^ OM .Slnirdt, (ieo 1 (10 .Sliuf'clt, Mrs 5(1 Triivcr, llirain 50 Travel', Mrs () 50 Wood, Siiiiiucl 50 "Wood, Mi'fi 50 AVhitii(>y, Mrs 50 Sums uuder 50 cts orif,'lit, (ieo Itucliiinitii, 0. V Howker, M. Jt .lirowiH', I,. S JSrowiie, .Mrs. Dr .'. Cleaveland, Clmrles l.(Kl Cotton, (ieor;.'e 14. do Cotton, Tlionias ,'"'' o^oo fi.ViO 4.00 l.(K> 10.00 ) 2.00 2.00 8 00 s.no 2.00 Cotton, Dr. Carter, William, jiiu. ... Churcli, Henry Cowan, l'(;ter I»ent, Jii>ei)h .'.".", '4 rji .Dont, .rohn Doiierlv. IJoljort Fuller, 1;. D.... J'^dler, Hiram.. . Ford, Aii;,'ustu3. Ford, .John \_ .j'do llulhurl, Albert . 1 iiO Huljiiirt, .\iiiu,sa 2 00 4!oo 2.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.0, Abraham ..'.". .s'iki '"laro, .)olni 4 oo liViiter, .lames jo 00 KiiitiT, NeNon ".'. .j'5(, '\"'V.'':- ^'"-''^ - 5 00 Slitifeit, (ieo ](ioo iruver, ilirani .' ,'.',, 12 00 \ inceiit, N ] (10 W'illiaiiw, (Vood, .'iamiie! 'Jtio Total ^2.33.50 '!"|ll(«, H o^.^io Staniland, J.iicy 0.511 Stevens, K. 1' ()'5ii Wood, Thomas i.iki Wood, .Mrs. Thomas l.oo Wood, l{. H ,-,i) Woodard, ,S. 'Si 0.50 Woodard, () 0.511 Watson, K. L loo Watson, Mrs. Iv i. 1,110 Cvllixfcd hij Mha I/uttir linker. l>aker, C. S l 00 I'.aker, :Mrs. C. S ]. , 1 on I'.aker, .Joseph 1 (V» 15:iker, Miss 511 I'.aker, .M iss Alico .50 ('.allium, Mr^ .-(O riiaiubeilin, Miss ,S0 Clement, .Mrs. .Simoon 0,50 I'otlir, Mrs 1 00 Selby, 'I'lioma-i 2 00 Selby, Mrs. .Jonathan 75 .Sums under 60 cunts 80 10 Dl'MIAM. Foil {HUllCH S()( Il.TV. Colli Cifil by Mr.^. Jos. link if and Miss Dunnimj. Baker, IMrs William ^5.00 r.aker, W. C 1 Oo linker, Mrs. W. C l.oO I Marshall, Jumos 11 Colli f fill htj MiKx <)' Hricn ^^nd iV/.s-.y Liiiclt linker, ^^■ . S f> on (iilbert, .>[ iM's 75 l.(H) l.Olt o.r,o ().r,() OM l.lHt ().')0 OSA 7.t>) I.IKI l.(M) O.oO (>.&) 1.00 0.50 01^) ().5it 1.00 0..''V) (I'M o.no l.TO ( )..'•.() 0.;",0 0..V) ().r>ii 1.1 III o.r.it (l..')0 O.'iii l.oo 1.1 II) ()..')ii O.fjii (t.'l'l 1 00 I.IHI 1 00 1 00 1 00 i'lO r,o ."lO 80 fl 50 1 00 8 00 75 80 .') 00 ir, ,')0 7') 75 87. O'Hricn, Mrs K §0 50 O'HHi'n, FraiiciH oO Sums under 50 ceutrf 1 "' 10 50 Collected by Misx Tvaeijck and Mks (Jakr. Clalcr, Cluvrlos IW MiML'!*, Mis '* M,.iM;Miv.A.I) 1<«' Mclfiir, Kiilpli i'f;'" Mf'lliir. .Mrs 50 ','.'.'.'..'.'.... 1 00 1 00 Hykt-rd, Asa Kyki-rd, Mrs. Asa IViicyck, Mrs Tencvck. Mrs, H 1 <•<• rruvcr, l><'vi Toiioyck, Miss M huiu.s undtT 50 conts 1 "'• 1 (K) (» 50 11 05 Collected by Mrs. James Marnhall. rraifr.J.W 50 Farnan, V 1 "<' (.leesim. E. V 50 Lee, Edward 1 00 iMiirsliall, .hiuiL's 50 Marshall, Mrs 50 Sums under 50 oeiits 90 i.'JO ColUrtal b'j Miss llrovn. Ttrowu. KiiKi'iio 1 *^*' Krowu. ]Mrs. Kugeuc 1 "0 Lrach. .las. L 1 00 Hill, Mrs. A 25 3 Total S85 00 EUWAKDSl'oWN. voii iiinicii soc'iKTV. CoUf-'Cted by Miss J. >'()len " Sutton " Sever " " 'J'oyiitnn •• " A. Wlieatley " " E. Sutton Whcatloy .... ■■fr AndiTson. .Tosepli. C'reaser, AV Francis, .Jane Friends (iault. .1 Harder, Mrs McKre & Bovd Nolcn, Mrs. J l\\>len, Mrs. W Nolon, Susan Nolen, latlierino Stacy, \l Stacy, ^Irs. T Sutton, Ki'v. E. G VVh-atley U Sunis under 50 cents — 70 8 .50 2 (»7J 1 75 1 «1 1 15 1 07i «0" 50 o 60 80 W 50 50 ()0 60 tiO (iO n 721 ti5" 7 50 1 00 7 86} 21 21 SUPI'OIIT OF MISSION. Curry, Mrs. W (80 75 Frii'uds ] yjl tirasliy, .1 ,3 (k) Harder, W 2 00 Hart, (i 1 (» hiviutruion, Mrs 2 50 MctUiiulis, F 2 1)0 McFee & Uoyd 2 0<) McFce, M 1 00 Ntileii, Mrs 75 Kobertsdu, W Q &) Sever, Mrs. .1 l OO f^ever, A 8 (jo Stacy, l{ 1 f)0 Stacy, H 3 75 Stone, ,1 50 Tovutou, 1{ 4 (X) WlH'utloy, (J 7 00 Sums uiuler 50 cents 1 27i 43 85 Collected l)v Miss A Wlieatly lor Altar Tabiet,s 3 32 ST. KEMI. CllUIlCII HOCIKTY. Collected by Miss S. Lawless 1 621 " Dunn 70' Carson, Mrs 9U Dunn, .1 87', Lninfr. ii t>0' Lawless, Mrs 50 Sums under 5<) cents 2 70i 5 68', Puri'onT or MISSION. ( 'arson . INIrs 2 00 Ciileman, N 2 00 Dnucan. Mrs 8 (H) Dtinu. .) 16 (X) i:ividpc, AV 14 00 Klvid^'c, M 50 Elvid^e, Jolin 50 Finlayson, Miss 5 00 Finlavsou, Miss A 5 (X) Friend 7 00 .lack, Mrs. U 1 00 Lain;,', (i 50 Lawless, J 9 00 Sums under 50 cents 1 00 71 .50 Collected by 3Iiss Elvidgo for Church expenses 10 73 HAVELOCK. CHUIlcn SOCIKTV. Colleted by Miss ISaskiu 2 SIJ Sums uudor 50 cents 2 561 Hujqyort of Mission . IJaskin, T .50 Flood, .) 1 0)> Flood, E U 50 .■Miixwell. W 50 McKee, .1 50 Sums under 50 cents 75 3 75 i •f ••V ■if-;:-.: •. v. '«• :i' ■ •■ ■'• ;! ■ ' ; .' 't »**' Ut tf- 'it 88 i.i'» I , ■■■'i'i\ '•■^^vS'J*^'^^ ■;-i>"t .1.'. ,*ai.?'^';,: 1 j*-'/ i'. ?• '.^» ■ l{;'ki ;: :;?i;i; ■■■U' •?§^ ..,.•■ l/»JR^!;;''^ .■■'''•; J 1.,..— V « fi'^-'^ i . V '.•■ ' M' ,-•..*', FRF.LKjIlSnUIir,. ST. ARMAND KAST. PAIIOCKIAL HiritSCIlirTIOXS, INCI.ITD- JNU IM KItKST ON KNUOWMKM >OTKrt Art FAU A8 PAID. Daniel Wcstovor ?iT) 00 A. L. IWik.'r 4'J 00 .1. fhaiubcrlin, M.D 40 (H» Asa WcMtovor ;i'i (Mi Mr«. Hciil ao 00 Thoiniis I'ickcriiif? H 20 Mrs Alison Kcinn 5 00 VV. S. Hnkor 25 (M) ■J. W. Toof. 12 (HI Airs. u. o. Kemp 15 00 Miss Tittcniore 2 50 r. il. Woodbury 3 00 N. S. Whitney 1;) 00 Aliss Westover 2 00 Abel ilurlbut 5 'H) Kussel Ciilson 5 ;'Iinn 3 (K) AqiiilaKi ap 3 (M^ .lanes I'jll 5 (h) Jonailmn Knap 3 00 Robert Oliver 4 (K) F. J. I'arker 4 oo Ur. Rowell 5 (Kl J. Lnndsbors 3 00 W. M. I'attisou 25 (W Total S410 W Collected by Miss JicUl. FOB cnui'.cn society. flev, .7. R.Davidson »7 50 John I.owe 5 (W Mrs. Reid 5 00 Mvs. Chamberlin 2 00 Ann Cowan 25 Mrs. Anson Kemp 50 Mrs. I'arker 50 Mr. Uurlbut 1 (K) Mrs. Woodbury 50 W. M. I'attison 1 00 .1. Walker, jun 1 (;<• W. S. Raker 2 00 A. S. Kemp 1 fX) E. S. Reynolds 1 00 Mrs. (). J. Kemp 1 oo Misg Westover 1 (X) Asa Westover 1 00 Mrs. Asa Westover 5 00 Col. 1 ). Westover 6 00 Friend, A 1 (X) Total 42 25 Collected by Alias Woodbury and Miss Reynolds. Russell Gilson 2 00 M . E. Lai^range 25 James W estover 1 0<3 Mrs J. AVestovor 91 00 A. L. Raker 6 oo .Mary L. ReynohN 76 Mrs. M. Reynolds 50 Mrs. A. Titfcmoro 2.j Mr. J. W.Tool 50 Mrs. Toof. 60 Mrs. 1*. II. Krans 50 •Mrs. (;.L. Krans 50 RiuKliuni Krans f)i) Mrs. II. K. Rliiin 25 liCSter Iteynoldrt 23 Total .*13 75 Total Collected f'orChurch Society. «5tJ oO (jIUANBY. NORTH flHEFFOnD AND SOUTH nOXTON. Missionary's Support. Anneslcy, John *2 C) Anderson, William 50 lllaiiipiii, .lames 2 00 Rradford, .Folin lo 00 Rordwirc, Miss 1 (JO Raird, Robert 1 00 l5aird,.Mrs 50 Rarber, (Jeorgo 50 Rutterworth, Samuel 2 00 Raillie, Mrs 2 00 Rrack, Mrs.. 1 00 Riack, John 1 00 Rootli, James 1 00 Cole.Mrs. A 1 W ('airn>, Mrs 3 00 Coburn, Michael 50 Cobiirn, Mrs 50 Cook, Peter 1 0*) Cox, Michael 1 00 Couiilund, Frederick 15*) Couplaiid, Joliu 2 00 Cmiiininfis, SI';; 2 0<) Krskinc, ^' 1 00 Frost, W ashiiiffton 1 00 Frost, Mrs. Henry 100 Furgessoii, Andrew 50 (jiimour, Dr ly 00 (iilinour, Francis 4 (X) (iilmoiir, Edward 4 00 Gilmour, Arthur (iilmour, Mrs. Robert 2 0*3 Gray, William 1 (XI (irigf^H, Jarod 2 (X) (jlrigf?>ii Alonzo 2 00 (irigj^s, Jlrs. 1 1 00 Horner, James 1 (X) HiiDgerford, J. B 5 00 Hull, William 1 00 Hill, Adiia 75 .Johnston, Andrew 50 Johnston, Thou 50 Kennedy, .)am< 2 00 Keniiedv, Kob 1 00 Mitchell', Augustus 1 00 Moran, Mrs 1 50 McKechnie, Mrs 1 00 Marsh, J. W 10 00 Nicol, Robert 2 00 Keil, Joseph 1 89 .9100 5 (X) 76 50 2.', m 60 50 50 5(J 'r> ') 25 .*l:j 75 «!iO 00 ;<>XTOX. . .*2 0'3 50 . 2 00 . in 00 . 1 (MJ 1 (Kj . W . 50 2 (H) 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 W . 3 (JO . 50 50 . 1 00 1 00 . 150 . 200 . 200 1 00 . 1 00 . 1 00 . 50 . C 00 . 4 00 400 '. 2 00 . 1 00 . 2 00 . 2 00 . 1 00 . 1 m . 5 00 1 00 . 75 . 50 . 50 . 2 00 . 1 00 . 1 00 . 1 50 . 1 00 . 10 00 2 00 1 rilsworfli, Willinm HI 00 I'liyiic, JoHiiili 4 00 I'iiyiic, IMiH. .IohIuIi a (HI I'i'iiny, Niiiiiu*'! 2 (Ki Tow, .lolin 1 00 J{ay, Siiniucl tJ oo lUy, MrH. Sumuol I 'K) IJiiy, Cliarlc^* ;i oo li'iiy, MiH. (liiirlcH 1(H) Id'yiiolils, Junius & MiHi* 'i 'IT, iUietiiT, (ii'orKo O 50 tjavnffe, Aloii/o U (K) Siiviieo, Kdwurd I on .Siiiitli, S. (' 5 00 Sialt', ildHciili 1 r.0 Sale, Mrs. .loscpli 1 oo Scull,', Ihuuc ^•». 1 (H) .strt'i'tcr, Mrs. W .' 1 no Spackiiiun, Tl.tunnH .'{ oo Sturr, llfiiiy'* Mrs 1 75 Vipuiid, .loliii 1 (HI Vitty, Mr,M 1 oo Wuricii, Oliver ;i 00 Wurroii, Mr.", i ilivor 1 00 Warren, A. Klizu 1 00 AVutHou, 'I'lKiiiius 2 00 Wflcli, Aloii/o 2 00 Wlu'cilon, Henry 1 (KJ We«t, W. L 3 00 West, John 4 00 Wetherbe, Mrs. () lo 00 Wliifconib, Dr. .1. G 12 00 Williunis, Mrs. D 50 AVoolloy, Mrs. F 2 (JO Woolluy, Catherine 50 NORTH flIIEFFORD. Asliton, ("apt. W 5 00 Ashton, Henry 2 00 Aslilon, Mutt liew 2 00 Ashton, Daniel 150 Ashton, William, (No. 2) 3 oo ISurton, James 2 (X) Galbraith, Alexander , 2 00 tiulbraith, ftlrs. Alexander 1 00 (lalbraitli, John 3 00 liofrernon, William 2 00 Hell'ernon, Jo.'in 1 00 llellernon, Robert 50 Kennedy, Mrs. l{oburt 50 Kennedy, Hobert 1 00 Kennedy, Walker 1 00 Martin, ( one 1 00 Martin, Mrs. Cone 1 00 Martin, Elijah 2 00 Martin, Mrs. .Simeon 1 00 Martin, Sylvester 1 00 Martin, Mrs. Sylvester 1 00 lS'eilly,'Samuel 1 50 Mcol, John 1 00 Standish, Joseph 2 00 Standisli, Mrs. Jo8ei)li 100 Standish, William 1 00 Standisli, Mrs. William 1 00 Scott, Matthew 1 50 Spencer, Abel ICO Sponcer, 11. i Mrs 1 00 Savage, Abraham 2 (K) Savi'go, Mrs. Abraham 1 50 Sava}.'e, Sylvester 1 50 Savage, Mrs. Sylvester 1 50 Savage, William... 100 Savngp, Mrs William si 25 Savage, Robert .. . 1 (jj) Suvuge, Mrs. Hobert " 60 Savage, Charles 2 (H) Savage, .Mrs. ( liarlea 1 oO Talbert,Ceorgo 3 QO SOL'Tlf I ■IN. Hall, Ruftis 300 IJull, Mrs. Uulus 2 00 Rail, Wright 3 00 Rail, Mrs. Wriglit 1 00 Rliiiniiin, .lames 1 QQ Cutler, R. W 1 00 Kiiiiptoii, Mrs. Itulus 5 00 l\iiii|iton, Mrs. Marshall 2 00 Kiiiipton, Muik 1 OO Kiiniiton, Mrs. Murk 50 (iulhruith, .losejih 1 00 (lulbraith. Sirs. Joseidi 1 00 (iihson, deorge l (X) Reynolds, .M rs, C 1 (K) Reynolds, Kdward 1 00 Siinborn, Abiuham 5 00 Sanborn, J! rs. Abraham 2 00 Sanborn, .lohn 3 00 Savage, George 150 Savage, Mrs. George 1 00 Savage, G . K 50 Savage, Dennis 3 00 Savage, James 5 00 Robbins, Samuel 100 Tumlin, John 5 00 CIIUUCII SOCIETY. (JUAKnV, Abbott, T)r 1 00 Abbott, Mrs 1 00 Rlumpin, James 50 Cairns, Sirs 1 00 (iilmonr. Dr. W 1 00 Gilmour, Arthur 1 (X) Gilmour, Francis 1 00 Gilmour, Mrs. Francis 50 (iilmonr, Kdward 50 Cummings, Mrs 50 Jones, Rev. .Iamp.s 7 5*) J(mes, Rev. William 7 50 I'ayne, .losiiih 1 00 rilsworth, William 1 00 Savage, Alonzo 1 00 I'enny, Samuel 50 G riggs, .) ared 50 Wetherbe, Mrs 2 (JO West, Mrs 100 Wood, Franklin 1 00 Warren, (Jlivcr 50 Small sums 1 47^ NOUTII SIIEFFORD. Ashton, Mrs. Capt 50 Savage, A 50 Small sums under 50 cents 1 50 eOL'TH BOXTOW. Small sums 25 Total for Church Society ¥35 72^ ^.^y:.A ?:■.:■■:■ ■:r:-: ■V '!;.. <>, f^.t: IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^ 1 2.2 2.0 m i.8 1.25 i 1.4 111^ % /: /A HiotDgraphic Sciences Coiporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)873-4503 \ iV •! m 'I, '■ '■■t'4 m "■■#1; '■■■ u it "♦ *^ % '4*> f .■.■■• w . •*!? 'r- 90 IKON HILL AND FULFOKD. Foa cuuncu society. J'helps, Kzra SO 50 ;L('wis, a luiisiv E 1 Ot) IJooth, (.I'orgo 11 f)0 IJootli, 1>. Ci 1 (Ml Uravi's, .lames C &() Craves, J.I) M Hubert, ricric 7") Armstrong?, Mrs 1 00 Courtney, T . . . 50 OUM.STOWN. FOB CUURCH 80CIETY. liaird, Mrs 1 00 ("ottingliam, .lolni 1 00 t'ottiiifihain, Samuel 1 00 Cottiiigliam, William 1 00 CoultiT. William 1 (K) Cottiiijiliam, William, Bi'U 50 Cottiiighaui, Samuel, sea 1 00 Cottingliam, .lamos 50 Clomo, .John 50 Eatou, Tlioinas 1 UO Ciilbert, Mrs 2 (K) JIamilton, William 50 Jlarrison, Mrs 50 Hooker, Edwin 2 (K) Kidney, John 50 Lobarge, Mrs 1 00 Lynch, Mrs 50 McGahey, A 1 (KJ McCarty, James 1 00 Moe, Mrs 1 00 riatt, Thomas 50 J{pid, J. A 1 00 I'ickard. .lames 1 00 Huthledge, (ieorge 50 Jiico, William 100 Itembcrs, Mrs 50 Sadler, Mrs 1 00 Sadler, John 100 Sadler. Mrs. A 1 (K) Sadler, .Jam-s 50 Sadler, Thomas 50 Sinclair, Oavid 1 00 Taylor, .1 ohn 50 ■J'ravorso, William 50 Wilkinson, George 50 Williams, Thomas 1 00 ruiLirsBUUG. BT. AUMANU WKST. For Church Sociifi/. Collected by Misx WkUwell and Miinson. Choescman, Mrs. C. K. beckor, .Mrs. L. . . . Gilbert, Mrs. I). ]J. Gilbert, Mrs. (i.W Henderson, .John. . Jameson, Mrs. S.. . Keenan, Mrs Montgomery, Ucv. H Muuson, Miss Miss Nvo, n. T. a s:l O) Olcott, Miss 1 (K) lioberts, Mrs. C j (» Hoborts, Mrs. T, U o 50 Kussell, Mrs. S. B '.. 07-, Smith, Mrs. W. W l (» Strite, Mrs. L .50 Striet, Mr. L. F 75 Striet, Mr. 11. U 7,^) Wilson, Miss .50 Whitwell, Mrs 2 50 Young, Mrs 1 00 Under .50 cts 25 For L'tergyman's Slijxnul including' Peio nvnts. Brigham, J. S., M.D 5 00 Burley, Luther 5 ()<) Checseman, C. K 15 00 Crossctt, Mrs 2 0) Decker, L K) 0) Fellers, William, (late) 5 0<) Ford, Miss ,3 00 Henderson, J 5 (h) Gethings, Miss 1 (jO Holt, Mrs 2 00 Jameson, S 10 00 lieenan, Mrs 3 Of) •Krans, (iarner 5 0<) Luke, I'. E 5 00 Luke, J". E., (2iid) 5 (KJ Moore, lion. 1'. H 15 00 Moore, II. I) 2 W -Mort^an, William 3 00 Morgan, Uichard 2 .50 Nye, I). T. K 5 00 Robert, T. U 10 00 Russell, Mrs. S. B 10 00 Shetler, Miss 3 0(» Smith, W. W 10 00 Smith, John 2 OO Smith, (apt. 1* 8 0) Strite, L 5 00 Striet, II. H 8 00 Throope, H. S 5 00 Whitwell, W. O., M.D lO 00 Young, .Mrs 3 Oo CKXTr.E UOAD. Collected hn Miss Throope and Miss Itosenberyer. Bingham, Mrs ,50 Burley, Mrs L 75 Krans, .Mrs. G 0,50 Luke, Mrs. 1*. , (2nd ) ^^ m Mitchell, Mrs. G .50 Moore, Mrs. Hon. 1". U 1 (k) Moore, II. D 50 Miirry, Mrs. C 50 Throope, Miss ,50 Tittemore, Mrs. 1* 50 Under 50 eta 4 15 PLEASANT VAI.LBY. Collected hj the Misses Ilnngcrford. (;oroy, »Ir. C SO 50 Ilungerford, Mr. T .50 llungc'rford, Albert A .50 Under 50 cts 2 00 91 IMOEON IIIM.. Collected 1)1/ ^fi.'i/> Jiilin W. Y'ates ami Mixti Laura liHtter. Albco, Mrs. W .«n no Milclii'll, Mrs. E. n 50 Mifdicll. .Mrs. C f)0 Smith, Win. II 50 Vatps, I'ctcr, 1 0<) lud'-ToOcts 25 Collected hij Miss lii'tkr. Ilutler, Mrs. M $0 50 ISriinmcr, iMiss Loi.s 1 00 Caniiilu'll, .Miss .Sarah 1 .»o Jlolsapiilc, .lohn () .")0 Holsappli', W. « 1 00 Ilulilianl Krastus 75 Moul, MiKs K 50 Sapar, Mrs. J. M 50 .Sliiif'clt, Miss S 50 I'itti'iiutre, .lucob 50 Under 50 ots 1 iX) Collected bji Miss Adelaide Yates. I5riinmpr, ^liss II SI 00 lliliiian, Mrs. K 50 lluhl)artl. .Mrs. Hon. J. 11 75 Jlartin, Mrs 50 Tlioiason. Miss 100 Vat.'s. Mrs. U 1 00 I iidcr 5 Vates, l* 1 50 I*(JTT(.)N. T irards Clergyman's Stipend. Borijrht, Ni^lson. S5 00 Bori^'lit, Shehlon 5 (H) IMancliard, I'.phraini, jiin I 00 Cliessmure, William J 1 <;() Darling, .lam-s 5 Oi Darliii;.', Mrs. S. C 5 Oo Kniertiin, J. 11 1 0(1 Foster, John 2 uO V/*^^"' ?,"•"» .?1 00 Heatli, Charles g Qf) Ilnrner, Thos. S 2 00 Huntley, Warren W. ....!!.!!] ' 1 00 JIanson, (ieo. K ' 2 00 Mans(m, llirum !.!..!! 5 00 Manson, Nathaniel '" 2 00 Manson, Robert 5 00 Manson, Orrin 5 00 Manson, K. is' . & D ". '. . ', ', 25 00 McLauglilin, David '..'. 1 oo Perkins, Mrastiis 2 00 I'erkins, I,fvi, A ...'.'.'.'.'.'.'. lo 00 Perkins, Lyman D 2 00 Perkins, \Vm [[] j qo I 'eabody , Samuel ' '. 2 00 Pickle, (jeo. T j fx) Smith, Chas. W .' . " ' 2 00 S|>fncer, P. D 1 (Xj Swasy, .Tolin j 00 Wilson, Wm ''.'.' ' 2 00 White.A.C i.),; $105 00 POUTir BOLTON. Adams, r. S gtl 00 •Adams, Lorenzo, D l fjfi Itracy, Denis 2 0<) Coons, Isnuiel j q() Coons, Orra 2 fJ<) Colbath, D. A ] .3 oo Colbath, Mrs 1 ofj Diamond, .Jane. l 00 Foote, H. G 3 00 Foof(>, ();car 2 00 Fuller, Peter 2 00 (iuins, Mr 2 00 (ireen,Mrs 1 (X) Holland, 1{ 2 OO McMannis, .James 1 00 Mc.Mannis, .John 10 00 Porter, .John 3 00 Kexlbni, 7 ()() EAST BOLTON. Arthur, Jolm M 00 Austin, .lames 3 00 I'.leasdell, .John 2 (JO (.reen, Wm... 3 00 Hall, JoiinC 1 50 Hoiddsworth, Henj , .3 (X) Marsh, I'almer 1 50 Uandall, David 1 00 Itandall, W. A 2 00 Sar'M'nf , Ale.x 10 00 Taylor, Jolm W 3 00 !F33 (XI Total .?205 W C'llUIUII SiK'IKTY. Collected hi/ Mr. L.D. I'erkins. Darling, Mrs. James 1 'X) IK*.;. .• »•. ■ T..» :f> '» h •*■.•■.«■,■' ■• •*v 1,-' ." .1' . '*•' < -- -.' .11, H P ;'■' ?>^jrt( :' ,». ih.; ' . 'IjSf ■fJ-^' w ^p*p' I ■' ^v ,■ T.lTJ vk-y. "... . <■.. ^ ■'I' 1;.". ■ ^■' ri-'w ' ■ 92 DarliiiR, Mrs. S.(" •«} [<) Mnnson, Hoht-rt 1 '' Hanson, IJ. N * "" I'crkino, L. D 1 w Head*', Hov. J ^ J Jft'ade, Miss _1_ 88 00 Collected by Misses Mdry E. rerkins and J ant Spvncer. lloriRht, Mr«. S ?0 50 lIollinKswortli, J 1 ''C lVrkins,F. II 50 I'erkins, 1.. A ' 1 W Sniitli, Charh'i' 50 Sums under 50 nU 1 «' »5 17 Collected by Afiss Caroline, M. I'alts. .Sums under 50 cts *1 10 Collected by Miss Maria lilanchard. .Sums under 50 cents SI 10 Total $15 37 RLSSELTOWN. FOR CHUUt'U SOCIKTY. Collected by Mrs. (Jcori/e Jlotce. Hoglc, Mrs. A. V .«0 50 ftlanuing, Mrs. Nelson 50 I'ollica, I'etcr 1 00 Howe, Mrs. G 1 00 Kowe, r. Joseph ljf> iSums under 50 cts 2 66 $0 15 Collected by Miss Sophroyiia M. Ames. .Slims under 50 cts 1 25 Fulton, liev. J 7 50 Collected by EltMbeth L. Fosbourg. McCort, Alexander 90 50 Napper, John 50 Saunders, William 50 Sums under 50 cts 2 12i »3 G2i Collected by Miss Mary Jane McCort. ISuchanan, John $0 50 McCort, James 1 00 McCort, Thomas f)0 Jjums under 50 cts 2 30 .«4 30 Collected by Miss Margaret Kees. Kees, Tliomas $0 50 Thompson, .John 50 Roberts, Willis C fiO Sums under 50 cts 2 50 9i 10 Collected for the Chancel at Ilave- lock 44 26 SOUTH STUKKLY. For CUrgyman's Stijiend. llrooks, L. II Hoyce, (• Dunlop, It (ieddes, W Knowlton I,. II Knowiton, A. K Searpeant, W 'J'avlor, L Willurd, W Agj,'rejrate subscriptions Miners IVoni Total STANIMMDGKEAST. S5 (» 60 1 50 2 00 8 iiO 20 W 2 00 3 0^) 10 !>) 42 75 >04 75 KOn CHURCH BOCIHTY. Cotlecttd by Miss Lucy Baler. Haker, A. S .«0 50 Haker, Thomas 1 W linker, Lucy .00 Corey, Mrs 1 i.O Corey IJenjamin 1 W Corey, J. C 1 "iQ Corey, Moses : 1 iX) •lones, Lucy 25 Kykert, Mrs. M 1 00 .Scagel, L. D 25 I Stanton, Mrs. S. M 25 Small sums 37J Local purposes 4 7o Collected by Miss M. J. liaker. Baker, Mrs. J. C liaker, Miss M. J Cornell, Mrs. J I'almor, Mrs Stanton, Mrs Tucker, Miss Lydia Local purposes 1 00 1 00 1 00 25 25 .50 7 00 Collected by Miss P. May Cornell. i Cornell, Mrs. S. 11 2 00 Cornell, ^^isa P. May 1 00 Cornell, C. II 1 00 Cornell, Mvrtie K M Cornell, Cynthia K 50 Knight, Airs. E. C 1 00 I'ierce, W 1 00 Watson, Mrs. D 50 Local purposes 7 &) SUnSCRU'TIONS TOWARDS COMI'LETIXQ TOWKR. naker, J. C Uaker Thomas IJriggs, W.J Corey, Mrs Corey, Moses Cornell. Mrs> J. .. Cornell, S. II Chandler, Mrs J. Chandler, E Filer, Charles .f300 00 . . 1 W .. 5 00 . . 15 00 .. 5 00 . , 10 00 .. 25 00 .. 5 00 .. 5 00 . . 5 (A> 93 ':*v.;'. ..] Iin So 0) 5i> 1 50 2 (» 8 iiO 20 00 2 00 3 Oo 10 ')>) 42 75 .. >94 75 . . SO 50 ... 1 00 .... .50 .... 1 00 .... 1 (X) .... 1 00 .... 100 .... 025 .... 1 00 .... 25 .... 25 0.37i .... 4 7.U cdiT. .... 1 00 .... 1 00 .... 1 00 .... 25 .... 26 .... 50 .... 7 00 Cornell. .... 200 .... 100 .... 100 ... 50 .... 60 .... 1 00 .... 1 (JO .... 50 .... 7 50 . *300 (X) . . 1 W .. 5 00 . . 15 00 . . 5 00 . . 10 00 . . 25 (X) . . 5 i.K) .. 5 00 . . 5 W Kriciid. a; .»1 00 KniKlit, Mr.". K. C 5 00 I'. ,t L. Lambkins 10 W ritTCP, F 5 00 Kcv. J. Constantino's subscription 7 .50 Collection for \V. and ( ). Fund — 2 85 " for MiHsion Fund 2 15 " at Mis.'^ionary meeting 6 00 « << » 5 00 OfTertory CoUoction? 48 20 Chancel Fund 5 32 Weekly Collections 16 00 I'er Ladies' Society 33 50 Collection for Synod 3 25 Collected for Sunday-school 5 75 (iil't of ash timber, per A. Beatty 5 00 For Building Fund 3 00 SUTION. Collected l»j Miss. E Frarijand Miss E. Smith, FOR cnURCH SOCIETY. Allen,.! 50 Boright, Mrs. G. H 1 00 ('.(.right, Mr«. S.N 1 00 Carpenter, Miss 50 Davison, A 50 Dyer, stonc, S 60 Wyatt. H m Sums under 50 cents 75 FOR MIPSIONARY'S SLTPORT. Allen, Jeremy 15 00 Barnes, .lob 2 00 Copeland, ,)ohii 2 00 Uoright, (i. II. & S. N 15 (tO Cojieland, T 1 Oo I»avis(m, A 3 00 Dyer, G. C 30 OO Frary, Asa 15 00 Frarv. (i. (i 10 00 Frary, G. W 10 OO Hale, J. W 4 00 Hunt, A 3 Oa Hunt,. I I' 3 00 Kemi), K 20 00 Lalleur, A 1 00 Lalnnne, Mi.is 5 OO Moffatt, T 3 00 Newton, T 8 00 Niblock, A 3 00 Itoblnson. J 8 00 Roycp, K. C. . , $1 011 Scolieid, S 2 00 Smith, « ,...." 3 (X) S() 1 (K) 1 (Ml &0 r.(» 1 (K) M 1 (K) 7 f)i» r.o 1 (HJ 1 IM) iVt 1 (Ml f)(l f.(i 5(1 &(i 1 (Ml (K) (HI (H) CM) (Ml CollecUd by Miss Armstronrj. Armstrong, iFames. Lewis, Anuisa Lnder i>(J cents 1 fM .. % Collected hij Miss Fos/o' and /,V»', I Lindsay, ; Asliton, R... ' Hell, W. .1... ' Hooth, Hugh. j Hootli, Lennd Di'lmiigc, .Mrt I Lngland, S I I,'.,^4,.„ II.. D. 10 00 00 00 00 (K) 00 76 m 50 50 60 1 Ot) 2 (M) 2 (MJ 1 00 50 1 0(1 50 50 1 85 90 85 Foster, lloi- . .\ . II lluntin>rton, lion. L. S .(ones, Thomas Latty, Thomas Lawson, .1 I'eylon, U ".'eiircon, tJ Kooney, Thomas Spearman, Mrs Williams, .John Webster, .Mrs .1 ". Young. Mrs. (i Collected at the Armstrong School I House Collected at I'eyton Scliool House Total 50 '; 50 50 '• .50 5(> '^ .51) 5 (KJ 5 («) 51) 50 5") i» i'y) m 0,5-) II W 5 00 1 fK) (1 .50 9S 1 75 50 50 1 00 1 00 , Collected by Mrs Lee and Miss Codd. Carter, Jliss C Curtis, P. A Codd, Jlrs. James Codd, Jam-^s, Foster, James 50 Lee, Selbv 1 00 McClintock, C. H 50 Savage, Sarah 50 Under 50 cents...., 26 Collected by Miss Dampier. Booth. John 50 Dampier, Mrs 50 , Dampier, Miss 50 suiisrnirriONs von suppout of I'AKISII. Interest on mortgage of SHXm) .Mrs. Robinson Tor the year.. »150tl 30 lion A. H. Foster »500 00 of the late J. Robinson " " «50() 00 of II. L. R'ibiuson #6(X) 00 of R A. Ellis Interest on other investments- lor the yeae Arnold, A Atkinson, 15 Armstrong, James A rmstrong, W Armstrong, Mrs. J Ashton, R Ashton, Robert Ashton, Henry Asiiion, P Allen, C Allen, G. II Allen, I) Hutler, Mrs. J. C Hafter.sby, Dr Hootli, John Hooth, John, jun Hooth, Hugh Hell, W. J Coburn, (J i Coburn, J 1 59 , Curtis, P. A 00 00 90 00 30 i» m o<} 30 i» 9S 21) 15 f'o 1 (H) 5 00 1 00 2 00 2 (M) 1 (JO 4 tiO 3 00 5 (M) 5 IK) 2 5t) ... 50 ... 50 ... 5() .. 5 00 ... 1 00 ... 50 !lU)0l ... !>S ouso 1 "o 'OUT OB" »ioW 30 90 00 .00 00 . ..30 0) lOO 00 3i) 00 m 00 30 tW ts for IW 211 15<'o 1 tti> 5 (H) 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 3 0<) 5(H) 6(H) 2 (H) 2 00 25 0() 2 00 100 2 50 1 00 2 00 1 oo 40O 95 1 1)0 2 0,'s, I). H. SlciKS, il. U. MusK'H, IU'\. Slussen, Mrs Oshicr, P.. (Isliicr, E. I'l'arson, W 1 (X) I'l'iidlctdU, A ,". loo Kildcy, K. II .' j oo IJii.lcy, Mrs. K. 11 1 (o HouiMtson, .1 ,r,() IJobertson, W 1 (H) Sealp, .1 2 t)0 Soalf, G 2 00 Scale. .Mrs. G '■■-'■'■ •■'J /^-'-''^ >i''i.-^*?"^?',.v.j.;-. V OG Wilson, W *5 00 Wood, C. A -^00 Total $130 35 WKST .SUKFFOUD. For Church Society. Whitton. Kcv. A. T 7 (jO Alli'ii , Mis^» Anna W) lU-ll, N Of.o Hoolh, Widow T GD JJooth, 'riionms V. »•> IJootii, Jnines T 50 Carty, Cliai* : • « ;>'> Maines, Saral ^ Stone. Sand 50 Whittcn, Mrs '» Total «12 00 For Clergyman's support. Allen, Abraliani 82 00 Allen, Sliss Anna 2 00 Jloll, Nelson 4 00 Booth, James T . . 4 00 Hooth, Mrs. (wid) 4 00 Booth, TlioiiKis K 4 00 Booth, Thomas, 2ud 2 00 Carty, Clias 2 oo Cooley, II 6 00 Hayes, Henry 2 00 Hayes, James 4 00 K ilborne, A 6 00 Kamsay, Wm 2 00 Koberts, Wm 5 00 Kobcrts, Duke 10 00 Scott, Spenser 5 50 Stone, Mrs 3 00 Stuppel, Mrs 4 00 Tait, (ieorf^e 2 00 Todd, Mrs. .John 4 00 Wood, John 10 00 NEII,.'* 9ETTLKMEM'. Cunningliam, Robert 1 00 Cunninf?liam, Wm 3 00 Dimond,Siinmel 2 00 Latty, James 2 00 Neil, Samuel 3 00 Neil, John 2 00 I'arker, Harry 100 Kobinson, Thomas 2 00 Seal, Kdward 1 00 Taylor, Joseph 1 00 Taylor, John 1 00 Total, fslOG 00 DEAXKllY OF UOCIIKLAGA. BEurniEK, For Church Socifl>/, Collected by Miss Di.con and Miss Fornerct. Boptwick 5[rs $2 00 Clark, Mrs. K. A 4(H) Cuthbert, Miss 6 00 Cuthbert, Mrs. Iv 1 00 Dixon, Mrs. 11 m do Demaray, Mrs 1 ;-,i| Forncret, C 2 F. July &, Harriet 2 2', I'arsonage 5 .on School 1 80 Total $52 r,^ Endowment Fund. Armstrong, Mrs.F $5 00 Bostwick, John 5 !)0 Clark, Mrs. K. A 31 4;> Cuthbert, iMiss 47 20 Cuthbert, Mrs. E. 5 !»U Dunn.T. H 11 80 Dixon, J. S 13 tj(j Forneret, C 29 ,',0 Interest Mortgage 63 W Do. do 00 0) Do. Savings Bank 8 00 Kittson, A 14 75 McConnell, W. (f 5 90 Merrick, liev, W. C 5 (») «307 5? BUANDON. Fon cHURcn society. (iondie Wm i/\ liev. B. 1". Lowis (1805 and 1800).. 15 o-i J.B. Magnan, 00 uU Subscribers to Minister's Stipend. Joseph Dovlo 100 Wm. (iouilio 100 Mrs. Elliott 1 00 John I'agc 50 Miss Page f>0 Adam Armstrong 50 Wm. Hope 50 J. n. Magiian 1 it 1 Oil 00 07 llouBton, Mr.** »1 00 Mncc, Ilcniy 50 I'cuse, CO 1 00 IVriy, Alcxaiiilur — 1 (Xi IJoav, William 50 ICociiuck, Henry 1 (Hi .Scott, J(»Ht'|>li 50 Siillivnii, l{iili)li 1 0*(>n, Mrs. >V. F 100 Davidson, \V. L 2 0(i Dafidson, Mre. W. L 1 00 A Friend 1 50 A Friend 50 A Friend 1 50 IJartlett, Laura II 50 Hartiett, M. Flora 50 I'liillip.x, -M. J f)'l I'hillips, Alcxandor 1 50 Kacioot. JoHoph 50 Lanca.ster, Rich 50 Lanca.ster, Mrn. U 50 Dttvidnon, Thomas 100 I)avid.-ion, Mrs. Tliomad 50 Cookman, Clia.H 1 25 l)avid.-on, .M.;tt 2 CO Davidson. Mrs. M. J 1 25 Lancaster, Jos 2 00 Henderson, Jamo3 2 00 S 26 00 BCSCOHRL 8borno, David 2 00 Fisk, A. M 2 00 Truax, II 4 00 Truax, Mrs. C 2 00 (,'ookman, John 2 00 Uecrs, Kobert, .sen 4 00 Uoers, Robert, jun 100 Kenyon, ('haa 2 (X» Hill, Georgo 2 Mitchell, A 2 Johnson, William 1 00 Mitchell, E 1 00 Mitchell, John N 2 00 Cattle, Gcorffo 1 00 Osborne, William 1 00 Osborno, Honry 1 00 Triest, Mrs. (i 25 Shepherd, W. 11 1 00 S 35 25 G LACIIINE. Leach, Ven. .Arch *y rj\ Leach, Kobert ....■.■,■.■. 5 OO MASCOUCHE. * ^2 60 FOU MIHHIO.VAUY'8 SaPPOHT. Alexander, John 40 nn Alexander, Thomas q oO Alexander, Henry.... ■■" 4 00 Alexander, William ." 1 m Hrereton, Arthur ■"" ,• m IJrereton. Henry 4 5o Connor, Patrick oo 00 Ewan, Andrew ^ iXi Ewan, Mr.^. Koht " . ' " k, oq (iarraty, James "' 400 HolherinKton, Thomas .'.'.".' 4 00 Hutchinson, Mrs 2 oq Hod(;.son, Christopher.. ..".'.'.'." "" r. 00 Hannah, Ellen..,! 1 oo .Moody, Wm \[ 4 00 ranjjinan, Hon. J '.'.'.',' 100 qq Patterson, John '. 10 00 Uobinson, Thomas , " 40 qq Robinson, Hodorick, jun .'..". 5 00 Uobinson, Roderick, son 5 00 Robinson, Thos., jun 5 CO l{obinson, (ieor^e 5 00 Robinson, Honry .,, ' 400 Uobin.son,Wm (Willy) .'.' 4 oo Rei'ly CoorKC 4 00 White, Anthony 5 oO Walker, Georgo 4 00 FOR OHUUCn SOCIETY. Alexander, Thomas l 00 Alexander, Mrs. Launcelot 100 Alexander, .Mrs. Francis 50 An ohl .Soldier 1 00 AFriond 50 Hell, Mrs 50 Conner, Patrick 60 Ewan, Andrew 1 00 Ewan, .Mrs. R 50 Godden, Rev. T 7 50 Hutchinson. Mrs 60 Hodjrson. Mrs 50 Hill, George 50 Panginan, Hon. J J in nn Pangman, Mrs ] ^" "^ Patterson, Mrs 50 Robinson, T., son 1 00 Robinson, Mrs. T., son 1 50 Robinson, Thos., jun 1 00 liobinson, Wni. (Thos) 1 00 JJobinson, Albert. (Thos) 50 Robinson, (ieorgo (Willy) 50 Walker, George 50 Wright, MrB 50 Sums under 50 cts 75 8 33 25 TERREBONNE. FOR missionary's SUPPORT. Irving, Mrs 3 00 Moody, Matthew 30 00 Moody, Thos 4 00 McKenzie, John 12 OO Middlemost, Mr 4 00 Marshall, Rodger 3 00 11 ■■ KM m m m m i,--ii A2! :5. " i"^, ) ■ .1 r* ;>: • ■■•■ .■*v^- ,■■■-. 1i Si" I'.r • V * .;.-fc .■■•■ t .f- < I-,;/ ■^ ^ 98 J'anKman, Hon. J 'r m Kaunon, Mrs o W FOIl IIICUCH SOCIKTV. /?// Miss Hanson. McKon/io. .loUn 59 Moody, (family) 1 <>> Midillemost, Mrs W | J{an-«on, Mins 1 '"^J Sums under 60 ct8 v »i ^ S 4 02 UAWDON. »()lt IIIUUCII BOIIETV. Collct'tcd hy Miss S. Copping. Ilannali, ilamo^ St'aborn, liov. W. M ()lh<>r Kum^4 und(>r &) ciMits . . Culltictiuu in (Jliurch ?>0 'yi 7 h) 4 80 1 iV) , ,„, 1 o I 1 "fflo- o- I A'or Clcrf/uman's Utipciul, fifty dnllnr.^ Total in Misslonfor ( hurch SocictySSi 8. ^,^,^ ^j,j,;,/„, ,^. ^,,^^^^^ ^^^.^ ,„ L'aUxhist. NEW CiLASUOW. KOIl CHUlUll SOCIETY. Stormnnt, .lolm Ktovonrton, Mrs., «pn Htt'vcnson, Kalph f^tanton, Mrs Kattor, John Noville, Wm Livingston, John 1*0 )1p, Mios Campbell, Mrs., son Lloytl, Lewis Goodbort V, John (Juiu, John Sum total KILKKNNV. FOIl THK ("HUUCU aOCIETV, Allen, Jliss Jane Allen, Urerctou Allen, Isaac Ilrophy, Geo Hurton, Thos Urophy, Mrs. Wm Hroi)hy, Wm Urophy, John Henry Day, Cliiirles Day, Mrs. ilamcs Day, Mrs. Alex English, Miss Sarah Foster, Andrew Foster, Mrs., Bon Foster, Kichard Fraser, William Henry Frasor, Miss Ann Jane Fraser, Mrs Sarah Ann Hamilton, Alex Hamilton, Richard Hamilton, Miss Mary Hamilton, Miss Ellen Henderson, Thomas Irwin, James Irwin, James, jiin Meldrum, Miss Mary Moldrum, Mr. John Meldrum, Mrs. John Meldrum, Mrs McMorris, .lames Nickel, Wm Smith, Kobt Ward, JIrs Neville, Kobt S7i Sura total *9 62i niackgrave, Mr ?1 no Hoyce, K 00 Hoyce, W 3 00 hrown, W 3 110 IJurrows, H 3 0) Copping, (i 3 00 Copping, H T) 00 ('o|>ping, J 2 .V) Copping, W 6 00 Uorwin.U 4 CO (iray.T 2 00 Lindsay, Mrs 3 0) Macling. W 4 00 Mason. «i 4 00 Mason. E 1 50 Moor, 11 2 00 I'arkisson, (i 5 00 I'igott,T 6 00 Uol)inson, G tiOO Uorke, M 6 00 .Scroggy, S 5 00 .Scroggy, W 4 00 Smith, H 3 00 Smith, J 4 00 Smith, W 3 00 Swift, J 6 00 Swift, M 4 0) Swift, i: 2 .V> Welch, M 3 (>i f 108 r/) For Clergyman's Support. Cliaput, Mrs . . Uixon, James, Gass, 15 Gass, J sen. Job, M Winters, .Airs . . . Woods, K., cen , Woods, 11., jun. 2 00 90 4 0) 4 00 1 00 2 0» 4 0) 4 0) .«21 W SOIJEL. FOR C'HUnCH POCIKTV. Collected by Mr Jams Jones. Anderson, Mrs. John SIO 0) Anderson, Kov. Canon 7 50 Armstrong, .lames 5 0) Armstrong, C. L 2 0) Allen, James 2 Oi Austin, F. I* 2 00 «0 ')ii 7 M 4 H<) 1 .-,') *M ;ii.« «/')//ar< IrchiHt. ?l no (H) :i uti ;j t¥) 3 0) 3 00 f) ()0 2r/) (1 f)tl 4 d) 2 (>r» 3 O) 4 00 4 (K» 1 5i) 2 0(J f) 00 f) 00 G 00 6 (K> r, 00 4 00 3(» 4 00 300 5 00 4 00 2 m 3 !» 2 00 090 4 00 4 00 1 0') 2 0.» 4 m 4 0*) n w . $10 00 . 7 50 . 5 00 . 2 O . 2 (» 2 O) 90 Allen. !■;.<• nninili'y, Mi!*n jliirKi'HM, •Iiihu Hell, Mius (utlilicrt, MiH« Clark, Mrs. K. A ])(>(iimin, (Oi'iiorul, 11. E Dornh',!'. W Klliott, Kdwaril, II. K Kinlay, David J'"i*li,'Kuli'li Jh'oHbriiokb, ( aptuia Forj^raves, John FIfiiiiiig. W KiiUcr, JIm (;il)b, Mr (iouiii, Mr^ Hart, 11 .Jolinstono, Doctor Kittiion, Mrx I.tinuii, .loliii Martin, A Marsihall, Mrn Mountain, Kdward Mountain, Misd li. T Ncttlcfon, riionias I'olwiiith, MfH Smith, Wni Sttxton, Wtn .Suxton, John Micppiird, .liinios .Slicppard, Wni Thomson, .Mrs. T. It. IC Woollcy, Thomas Wnrt«U',('. T. (J ■Wright, Mrs 01) 6(j 00 00 00 00 »1 00 2 00 1 00 CO 10 (N) 5 00 2 00 1 00 1 (H) 2 00 1 (M» 1 00 1 00 W) () &0 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2f. 2 00 1 00 1 00 60 50 1 00 M 2 00 2 00 7.") 1 (H) f)0 1 00 2 00 I FOR CUUnCH SOCIETY. 1 "«! Allen, Ifev. John j: 50 " "" I Allen, Mrs., and Fam:ly 2 50 Culoniat Conlhiflnfnf and Fcrdgn Missions. Anderson. Mr..i. John jio (x) Ilramlfj Midi* 1 ,«i Cuthbert.MlM '. «,, ^5 Corter, Mi88 1 ^ Friend, A ;■;;: jj ^j Forjrraven, John ■'" j 00 •'"'"'•, .".■.■.■ BOO .Ios('j)h, fj Kittson, Mrs ,,[' ][\ j Liimm, \Vm r. Martin, A J-' Mary, V.V.V.".' 5 Nettleton, Thomas 1 NrlliH's and (Jhurley's Oflc'riiiK. . 50 JSaxtcni, W " 1 o() TImnk om-ring '.\:\[[ 5 oo Woolloy, AV III ;j (H) Woolley, Mrs 1 (j(, Colon, Cont. and For. Mis. Total. $121 (w Endowment Fund. (^uthbert.Miss $8o 00 Clarke, MrH. K. A 20 00 Interest on Notes 90 00 ST. VIXCKNT DE PAUL. ."?190 00 Church Soc. Subs. Total »K0 .'JO DEANERY OF IBERVILLE. CIIAMnLY. J-'or Church Socktij. .Dodwell, Ifov. «. H Uraifhwaitc, Mow ,)., (2 years) . Uraithwaitc, Joseph, (2 years).. . CHUl.STIKVILLK. FOR C'UUUC'II SOtJKTV. I Thurston, G. j i'wambly, G 910 0«) 50 50 *7 ,10 15 00 1 00 CLARliNCKVlLLK. For Church Society . rABI3n OP ST. OEOUUK. Collected by Miss II. M. Townsend. Arthur, Mrs $0 25 | Carson, T .50 i Choniero, Aug (I 50 ! Corran, II 0,50 Dupuis, Dr SO 50 Cousins Mrs (» 25 Dutfin, W 50 Evans, Kov. 11 . J 7 50 Irving, J 25 Latimer, J 50 McCi innis, W 5 00 McCiinnis, Mrs 2 00 McOinnis, \V., jun 50 McGinnis, It. 1* 1 00 I'earsoii, J () 50 I'rocter, Mrs 25 Kccves, Mrs 50 Thurston, A 1 00 Hunter, John • 1 00 Johnson, Mrs. G. W 1 00 Lancaster, Itev. C. 11 7 50 Maclic, Mrs. J 100 Sawyer, I) 1 00 Stewart, Col. C 1 00 Townsend, Kev. Cauou 7 50 Townsend, Mrs 1 00 Townsend, Miss Hattic M 1 00 Sums under 50 cts 1 75 $24 25 n-{ .^ ■ :-■ ■■ ' ■•'; .» ■. .'■■.-•. . , , ; l f ^ -~j- 100 ^fi^' ••Jl,U ■'-i't '■<;'.' . '•'f km ,^"-,*. t'u ■m Collected by Mlts Maggie AtcXeil. (.'iirtiH, Jnint'.< *2 uiiiler {j() cU 2U SO 20 Collected by Miss Angela Deriok, Hullock, .lohii 81 0() KleiniiiK, J. >V W) LoiiKtnvny, AugnntiiH \ W Uowc, (,i'o. J 1 (> Sums undiT 50 cU 2 26 87 26 PAUIHH OF HT. TIIOMAH. Collected by Miss Thereso Struthirs. Dorick, P. Calvin »1 0(» Dcrick, MisH T 1 (H) Filer, C fii) Grigga, Mr«. A 1 0<^ (iunii,L 1 W> LodKO. Mrs. 1' 60 Strutlmrs Mrri 1 i>0 Lodge, Mrn. S W Vuughan Uouben 1 0<) 8UIUS uiidor GO cts 1 'V) 8U lU Collected by Miss Sarah E. } 'aughan. Derick, M. H »1 Co Derick, Mrs. Truman I 0<> Dorick, \Vm. J &(i Kobiusdu, Tluw fill itobiuHon, I.suac 50 Sumsi undor 5U cts 4 05 $7 Gi") Total #54 45 IIEMMINGFOKD. FOR CHUKCU SOCIETY. Collected by Miss Fisher. Busby, Mr W 75 Coppin, William 50 Kig.sl)y, MisH A 50 Fig.sby, S 50 Figsby, Mr. T 50 Feddi.i, A 50 Fisher, Mis.o S. J 1 fK) Friond, A 60 McKelvv, Mrs 50 McKelvy, K 50 Itutherford, Mr 60 Snndorc, William fO fd) >Sumii under 50 cts 'i V, «:» 20 Collected by Miss Coati's and Miss Alice Du ye met, Angoll, K. II.&.I. W »0 5»( Colling, .lolin r^) |)u Vernct, Kov. K 7 TiO FoHtcr, 51 r« 051) Frifiid r>0 McClelland, Mrs 6i» McClcllund, MiKS Ann J 5') (^ut'Ht, Mrs 50 (Jni'st, Miftses .^o Wilson, Lvdia 60 Wliyte, Miss K 50 .Sums under 50 cts 07.) #13 2.> Collected by Miss Hotly liesant and Miss IliUinmi. Hesant, Miss 50 llillinan, .Miss Libby 50 Sums under 50 cts 5 42 m 42 Collected by Miss Florence Dit Vvrni't Sums undor 50 cts $1 'D ColUrted by Kennedy Lav. Law, Allred TiO Sums under 60 cts 2 75 *3 26 For Clergyman's Support. Cookman, Major Wni S*< O"* Cookman, Francis lo (m> Col lings, Charles (> ()0 McClelland, Duncan . . 4 (m> l^uest, .loliM 5 00 (Juest, Hubert 5 00 Whvte, Robert s 01 Wilson, Bennett :J (h» .«4'J CM HUNTINGDON. FOU PARaONAOE. Amounts paid up in the Mission for I tie benejit of the I'arsoiuiye Fund by St. Johns Partsh, John Alorrison »50 00 Wm. McClean 12 50 Jlobert Sellar 20 00 John Hooth 20 00 John Mctiarvey 10 (» Wm. Leslie 5 O'J 101 jii) r^) 2 4-, >■■• »_> A/ic« »() r, r.() II rii) f.1) r^t r,i> (t r,n r)i( r.i» :.> r»i» I) 511 5 42 "> 50 •> ""■. - OJ *3 25 »S (» 1<» (M) 1) 0) 4 IM» '» (H) 5 (» S (» '■i m •lolui Ilvdf «ll 75 KdlK'i't Pciiixlait 6 (X) «. II. ScliuyKT 201X1 John I'lirciilii liMN) .Inliri Sparrow, Jiin 4 ih) Koliirt Sipiirrovv 2 (Kt Uiilicrt .'NioNnrlaiKl 4 oo Kdlii rt iSliiiw M (H) Jniiu'K I'lixtor 2 00 .liiliii Hi-imI r> (Ki Jhiiii"4 Hi'II 4 iKi C'linrli'-* MuNarlainl ;i iMi .loliii Spiirrow, w'li , 2(111 Cuiitcto Hlarhrord 7 f»o .loliii K. Kobsuii, 4 (M) Jdliii Kariu'K 5 (10 John !ivi(ls()ii 5 00 .lohn Doniiclly 2 (K) Will. Iliirrutt 25 (Hi .FaH. Jiilinston 1 (hi ilolin Liicai* 1 25 iEi2HU 50 AmoiintH paid up for the hfnrftt of the Par- tm nay e Fund hn\St. Paul's I'arish. Jolin Coulfor SIO 00 llpiirv ( 'oultt.-r 15 W H(.li.rt Uoyd 15 0(i riiotiiiw llundcrsoii 8 50 iSaniiii'l I londi'i'.-ioii (1 Oo .lames ili-iidi-rsoii K (Ht Kobcrt Kiiowler 5 (Hi Artliiir FoUtT 7 CH) .lami's Foster 5 (Hi Arfliiir FoHtor 7 50 Arthur Foster 7 50 Jaint's Coulter lO 00 Charles Cuultcr ti m •laiiiefi Coulter, juii 5 00 Henry Henderson 3 50 .James lleiidwrsou 5 00 Win. Howo 2 (HI Itriaii (iilligftii 2 50 Mrs. W. IVuko 1 50 .John .McCoy 4 (H) Matthew McCoy 2 60 Matthew Levors 5 00 (icor>:e McCoy 4 Of) .JanH'i* Wile 5 00 Mrs. Jolly 5 00 .John liurns < .3 68 .Mrs. Ulachloid 3 00 MisH Johnson 2 37', .Miss (iiiinble 2 00 Mrs. Hooth 8;i .V) " " 2175 25 25 .Miss lleiidergon 4 2-'. Miss Schuyler I) ,50 9131 14 ('(illccledjhr the hcnejit of Parsonagf. Fund by : .Mr. .John Coulter 88 10 Mr. Arthur Foster COO Also by Mr. Nood, Mol- l)ourne, C. K 10 00 Mis.s Holt of Ottawa !) Oi) •Mi.ss Mary Meredith, (Jttawft 6 00 .Mis.s Alice Meredith " 5 00 Mrs. Helliwell, Montreal... 3*3 oO «70 10 Also bv the llov. W. T. Early: At .Montreal 55333 25 AtSt. Joii.is 20 50 At Hoinminjjford 10 50 At Frankliu & Havcloclc 27 00 $100 2o Additional cotlected/or Parsonage by Mrs. 1). Sinifh !?1 00 MissHyde 2 80 MissFrarey 2 00 .Miss I'eake 2 (55 Mi£s Mruco 1 52 Miss IJarrott 4 25 $14 22 BECAriTtJLATION. Amount paid up for I'araonage by St. John's Parish 8280 50 " i ': : , ■ :r ■(8-.Jrt«^v- Wf- If.---; -1 ■X. '■.'■■ ?••■ ■"• ■ .'. . t' ■ ' :l M. ^^^ hm "^i i^Li. 102 .«> I. :''f. it;;.* y Sif^-^: /'A; . '^T; ■ ■>•'!.(•,' ■ • ■ ■.V\ n;'i^»f*' '..-.. '■■■■ '^■Ha-^-'. ,;.,L.H.. 4t4i '•Vf ■■■■;*; X': '^;l^^ J;«^ .<■,. Amount paid up for Parsonnge by St. Paul's Parinh .*253 75 Collectod by Ladies of tlio Mis- sion for Parsonage 131 18 Collected by sundry friondn 79 lO Collected by the Hev. W.T. Early at Jlontreal, Ac, kc 400 2fj Additional collected by Ladies. . 14 22 !?115!» 00 Amount paid up by St. VauPn, llinchinbrooke, during the In- cumbency ol the l{ev. \V. T. Early, lor the support of clergy- man 7.j 00 Amount paid up for same puri)ogo by St. John's, lluntnigdon 27 00 S102 00 BUXn.VY COr.I-ECTIOXS. St, John's, Huntingdon !?a5 00 St. Paul's, II inchinbrooko 21 05 Collected July Tith for Sunday School o 00 Collected for Sunday School Ce- lebration (Clnistmu.«) 18 00 SXBHEVOIS. VOU REI'AIUS OF THE riU'l'.CII. Rev. N. V. Fenn •«'> 00 CharkM Uoy, sen 14 oo Mmo Charles Uoy 1 do Miss Salome Uoy K ')0 -Miss Florence Uoy o r,(i Josias Roy o 50 Jean Koy 50 Charles Roy, jun •') i'icholas Masseau 1 5o Alexander Mc. Mullen 2 oi) Eugene IVtrau 3 50 James McGillivray 5 oo ron ciiuucii society. Rov. N. V. Fenn S7 50 KOU H.VllMONItTM HV MP.. I'lIII.Il* UKOUUCllY. John Bowes f5 00 A Friend 5 oo Samuel Miller 5 00 Jlenry Ryan 2 (hi Alex. McMillen 2 .10 Augustin choineier 1 50 Rev. N. V. Fenn ."iio 0C> Salome Roy l oq Sarah l{oy i oo A . Rower i oo M. llower l oo E. Rower l oo Richard Hower ii (K) Charles I{oy 5 qq S. Simons 1 oo Edwaril Roy 2 (h) Mrs. \V. McGinnis 1 oo .loc Bessotto 100 Thonias Jones 2 OO W. (iillespio 1 00 Iv Pickles u 25 William Hyan 1(h) Mrs. AU'X. McMillen 100 Mrs. ( hesemau 5() Albert White 100 Uev. 11. P. Lewis 5 00 Ste|)hen J ones 1 00 John Kov 25 Mrs. AIcFee 1 00 J. Uupuis I 50 Mrs. Howe 1 00 Mrs. Chouinard 2;) Sarah Bower 1 (10 Thomas Ryan 1 ,",0 Charles Hoy (lils) 1 ()0 Total *tW 20 ST. JOHNS. V''>\\ ClILMtC H KOCIKTY. ('oUti:t((l III) Miss Pierre . Baron de Longueiiil >«5 M Mr. Maerae 5 Oo Mr. Coote ,"> 0(t Mrs. W. McDonald 1 Ot) Mrs. Pierce 2 (10 Miss Pierce 50 Mr. Lindsay 1 oO Mrs. Lindsay 1 (V) >rr. I'.issett 2 fM) .Miss Mis.sctt ."0 -Mr. .Mott 1 00 .Mrs. E. H. Smith 1 OO Mrs. Coote 2 00 Mr. Osgood (I 50 Mrs. Osgood 50 .Mrs. (irant 50 Mrs. Hiissell 50 .Mrs. Steele o 50 .Mrs. I'.aldwyn X 00 .Mrs. J. Allen 1 00 .Mr. C. Pierce 1 00 Mrs. C. Pi.'ico 1 00 Mrs. Lyons 1 (H) .'Mrs. Davis 50 .Mr. WHrmington 1 oO .Mr. Drnnim 1 (K) .Mrs. Drunun I oO .Miss Drinain ")() .Miss .Mcliinnis 1 00 .Mr. Wheel.T 1 00 .^Irs. Donaghue 50 Mrs. Hall 2 (H) .Mrs. C. Jlibliard 40 .Airs. Wni. Ward ,50 . . . «r, 00 . . . 1 00 . . . 1 00 , , 1 00 , , 1 00 1 00 , . 5 00 , , 500 1 OO , , 2 00 , . 1 OO , , 100 , , 2 0() 1 00 , , 25 , 1 00 , , 1 00 , . (1 50 1 w . , 5 00 , , 1 OO , , 25 1 00 150 1 00 . 1) 20 . 1 (10 . 1 ,-.(> 1 w ... >-'l''i 21^ -5 M ', iV> .') i>i 1 (H> i> 50 1 (H) 1 (V> 2 'M) ."() 1 (K) 1 (II) 2 00 u 50 50 51) 5') (t 50 1 (hV 1 (10 1 00 1 (10 I (10 50 1 (10 I (K> 1 ilO (I -,0 1 (K> 1 (10 50 2 (H» (I 40 50 103 Mrs, L. O. McDonald ."Jl 00 Mrs. Harrison 1 00 Mr. FmUmi 60 Mrs. Simmons 50 Mrs. riclicla 50 Mrs. Sinclair 1 00 Mr. K. McDonald 2 60 Mr. Dolmidge 100 Mrs. Morohouso 1 00 Air. Bcrt'siord 1 00 Mrs. Fletcher $0 50 Mr. Vaughan , . i oo Mrs. Vauglian i oo Mr, Stewart i oo Sirs. Haskell. , . , ' q 50 Ui'v. H. F. Darnell '. 7 GO Sums under 50 cents l OTi S67 OVi DEANERY OF ST. ANDREWS. AYLMKR. FOR CUUnCH SOCIETY. < ollccted III/ Mis8 Holt (ind Miss C. Conroij. Allen, Mrs »0 Uolton, Mrs I'lockus, Cupt 1 I'.ell, Mis 1 Chepmell, H 1 Clarke, Mrs Clarke, >Miss Church, Mrs. 1' 1 Conroy, Sirs. J 1 Conroy, Mrs, U 2 Coutlee, Sirs 1 ("odd, Jtev. F 7 (odd. Sirs Cuzner, Slr-i Driscoll, Sirs 1 Dickson, Sirs (iorl)v, .Sarah Holland, Thos Holt, Sirs 1 Klock, .Mrs 1 Mur|)iiy, .Mrs Sleech, Mrs ] Shiguire, Sirs I'rentiss, Sirs I'etrie, Sirs I'aiker, Sirs. H 1 Uitchie, Mrs Snow, .Sirs Sayers, U. H I'histle, Sirs .. Wylic. Sirs 25 25 UU OO 00 i5 50 (X) (HJI 00 1 00' 50 .50 25 (10 35 50 25 00 00 a5 00 50 50 25 (JO 00 (JO 0(.i (J(( 2;-i Murphy, J 8 00 Slartin, \V 4 oo Slajjrath, H 3 oO Sla^uire, \V. C 2 00 Nasli, G. K 30 00 I'l'trie, Sirs 8 00 I'arker, H 6 00 Powell, A 3 00 Kitcliie, K 18 00 Hadniore, (j 7 Sy nmies, H 1 CO 00 _ 00 Thistle, W. U 30 00 Snow, J. A. Total 8314 00 For Parsonaye House. Proceeds of Ladies' Concert S12G 56 Church, 1'. H 10 00 Clarke, Com. Gen 4 00 Cuzuer. SI 5 00 SIngrath, U 2 OO 2 00 2 00 Slii^'uire, W. C. I'etiie, Sirs. Total ^rlil 35 Clvr(/iliiutn's S"f(trij. I'.ell, .Saniu"l $G 00 ISockus, (apt 4 00 Conroy, Uobt 30 on Chepmell, 11 30 (Xi Church, C. 11 '.^3 00 Church, L. K 12 Oo Conroy, .lames 8 OO ChamlH'rlain, U 5 00 ( larke, Com. (Jen 4 00 Driscoll, A 4 (X) Delisle, Sirs 3 (X) Holt, Sloses 27 00 Klock, K. H 8 0( Lawler, U 4 00 Total S151 00 Christinas Donation to Clerijyman, Bell, Sirs 810 00 Young, K. A 10 00 Slissionary Sleeting 5 50 CLARKNDOX. For Cler(/i/man's StijK'nd. Abbott, T 83 00 Argue, — 2 00 Armstrong, K., s^en 5 00 Armstrong, It., jun 3 00 Armstrong, A 100 nHiley,A.^ 1 80 Hlack,T 200 Brown, .1 -i 00 Hrownlee, A 2 00 Brownlee, E 2 00 Itrowniee, H 4 00 Caldwell,J 2 00 Carr, K 2 00 Cuslimore, T 2 GO Clarke. T 4 00 Clark..,.! 1 00 Conoly, .1 2 W * '■ • " ■•.;' ' '•■. . * •J ■■..'■ /* h *■.'■':'' -' ■ ,*■'..*•"< ^ . b^v C - ?i Hv.-t '■. ■ .'L F .* "t • r<, .<*:■' fjtl;' ■: ■'1 *^ \'^^kil l -^ \ ' '■*# Ml ■■■ %U^^i \f-ki ■*f>/! "' ^'c^*, .. Ill ^s, ".* ■ l<^ ,■■■■:■ '"'••^VK _ 1 -ifc ■■'•■•■v^;;;•>;^i<^•..J-^ ,;,.;.; ; -if 104 Corrigan, J 82 00 CorriRiin, T., son 2 00 Corrigan, T., jun 2 17 Corriguu, James 1 00 Cowley, Capt 4 00 DaRK, J., son 2 0() Dagg.J.Jun 300 Dagg, Charles 2 00 Dagg, (ieorge 1 00 Dagg, Uichurd 1 00 Dagg, Hubert W) Dagg, Isaac f)0 Dale, E 3 00 Dale, .J. , jun 4 00 Dale, V/ra 3 50 Di'lioy, J 2 50 TAdcr.M 1 00 Elliott, II., son 5 00 Elliott, l',,jun 1 00 Elliott, A 2 50 Evans, Mrs 1 W) .Fletcher,'! 4 50 Fletcher, J 100 Fraser, T 1 00 Frascr, W 50 Hamilton,.! 2 00 Hamilton, W" 1 76 Hanna,A 14 00 Havclin, T 1 40 Heath, E 8 00 Ho' '>s, J (i 00 Hoi. us, W 1 00 Horsev, Dr 1 00 Hodgins, \Vm. C 4 00 Hodgins, George 10 00 Hodgins, (jeorgo, juu 5 'lO 6 W 1 (M) Hodgins, E., sen. , Hodgins, E., jun. . Hodgins, Ralph 3 00 Hodgins, Wm, S 4 00 Hodgins, Wm 2 Of* Hodgins, John, sen 1 On Hodgins, Adam 1 .'JO Hodgins^John 2 00 Hodjiins, John S 4 00 Hodgins, ltd. C 2 00 ilodgins . James 10 00 Hodgins, E. C 1 00 Hodgins, Kicliard . . 4 00 Judgson, G. M 5 00 ! Kelly, J 3 oo I Kelly, W 1 00 Lang, 11 5 iMi Latheni, J 1 To j Lonev, A 1 5o Lyon", Dr C OO Monson, P 4 00 Morrison, J 1 00 Murjihv, J., son 1 CO I'rendi'rgast, — 2 00 Kobinson. James 6 00 Scanniii, Wm 1 50 ] bhaw, Jiimes 4 00 ! Shaw, Wm 5 00 ! Shcpjiard, J 2 00 ! Sheppard, T 2 Of J | Smarl, A 7 00 ; Smart, T 3 75 j Smart, Arthur 100' Smiley, T 2 00 ! Smiley, II 2 00 Smiley, E 2 00 Smiley, S S2 00 Smith, M 6 50 Smith, J f) fX) Sommerville, Wm 10 Ok Telford, 11 2 fd") Tracey, .J 1 00 Trellord, J 2 On Trelford, J., jun 1 0i Workman, A 4 5.") Total Si3'22 77 FOR CHUUCH BOCIETY. Collected by Mrs. Heath. Cowley, Mrs .?1 Oi) Craig, Mrs 1 00 Fraser, Wm 47 Heath, E 1 on Horsey, Dr 1 Oo Three Friends 12') Sums under 50 cts 12^5 Collected by Miss Smnrt, Smart, A S2 0<1 Smart, Thomas .5'i Smart, Arthur ()!',''> Sinns under 50 cts 2 4.; Collected by Miss Worhnan and Miss Kelly. Ilanna, A ?1 Oo Judgson, Mr. & Mrs 1 On Hodgins, E., sen .5n Seannm, Wm 50 Sums under 50 cts 1 fC Hrownlee, A 1 Od Hrownleo, H 5o Caldwell, S 50 Horner, Hugh 50 Horner, Tliomns 5'» Hodgins, .lames .50 Hobbs, William 5ii Lang. H ,50 Mee, William .50 Mee, .lohn 50 Kobinson, Hev. George C' 5 0* Robinson, Mrs 1 0«) Shaw, .lames 5o .Stephens, T 50 Wilson, .lames, sen .5o Wilson, .lames, jun .50 Wilson, Wm f)') Wallace. J. W 1 00 Sums under 50 cts 17") Total ©33 17 GRENVILLE. FOR THE CHURCH SOCIETY. Collected by the Misses Neve. Burwash, James BO oO S2 00 6 &i rio 10 0-» 2 f*) 1 00 2 Ot) 1 Oi» 4 00 5 0(1 r, 00 2 Oo 4 O'l 4 0.-, SI 00 ] (lO 47 1 (in 1 (>t< ■1 2.-, 1 2o S2 W 5'i ',0 2 4-J I Miss SI Om ] Oil ."." ry) 1 f).- 1 («) '>ii rii> oO r,« ;Vi i)U r/i 5-1 5') r, (>) 1 0«» r,i» ")'i -,n ")ii r,ij ] 0("> 1 7o B'SS 17 SO .^) 105 riarko, Mrs. Dr $sl 00 Crawford, Misa TO Foreman, Mrs. Win .TO Hildrcth, George 60 3IcMilluii, Mrs 60 3Ic( rac, Donald TO N.'ve, Kcv. F.S 7 CO Krvc, Mrs 1 00 Owens, ( )wen 1 00 <)\v<'n9, 'I'hoinas 1 00 Owens, Will 1 00 lYiilham, Kdwin 2 (X» I'ridliam, Kicliard, G6-6G 3 00 Keeves, Daniel 100 Kcevcs, Mrs. D 1 00 Wilson, Mrs. K 60 Williamson, Allan 60 Whitehead, John 60 Yciunf,', Matthew 1 00 Small sums 1 75 For Clergyman's Stipend. r.iirch, Mrs ?4 00 ( ooke, Mrs. Thomas 50 Dodd, Hichard 40 I'erenian, Mrs 1 10 Fiirsyth, G. D 5 00 Grcce, C C 1 00 Grece, Miss 2 TO llildreth. G 2 00 >Iurrav, .lames 2 00 McMillan, .Mrs 4 00 McMillan, D., '(55 6 00 < )wens, Owen 20 00 < )wens, Thomas 6 00 Owens, Wm 5 00 Owens, Georfte GOO I'ridham, Kdwin 20 00 Keeves, Daniel 10 00 Whin/ield, William 4 00 Whintield, (ieorge 4 00 Whinlicld, Mcholas 2 00 Whinlield, Mrs. N 60 Welden, 'I'homas 4 40 Welden, Mrs. Thomas 1 00 Weldeu, Thomas G 50 Wilson, James 2 0(.i Welden, Mrs. J 60 ^Vilnnln, .Samuel 1 00 Wilman, Edward 1 00 AVihnan, Mrs 50 Veung, M 2 00 LA PETITK NATIO.N. lUirwa.sIi, James $100 (arson, Wm 2 00 Cochran. James 2 00 Dole, William 6 00 .'.ieily, Mrs. John 2 00 Keily, .lohn 3 00 Keilv, Robert 3 60 Ifobinsou, Itobort 2 00 Kobinson, .lames 1 00 Smith, Henry I 00 The Augmentation of Grenville. Kates, Mary SI 00 •Crawford, .Y 'J 00 Kelly, Joseph 2 00 Kelly, Robert. ... Morran, (ieorpo . McCallum, John. Stewart, Wm.... S4 00 1 fH> 1 OO 1 50 The Mountain. llorner, .Samuel $1 oo 3iorran, Mrs j or, Tompkins, John .','.",'" i qo MOIUX. Merrick, IJcv. J §7 r^o ONSLOW. For Parsonage. j I860. I Cooper, William S,') 00 ! Linton, James 5 (X) (irecn, K. K 2 ()0 Rinjjiand, Geo 2 00 Shearer, .1 . S 2 (W Muir, Kwon, & Co 5 00 Childs, Geo. & Co 5 00 Lcntlo, W. S 2 00 Lwart, J 2 00 ( assidy, John, L. & Co 2 00 Cash 2 00 Fitts, C 10 00 Rate, Ch. W 10 00 Smith, Walton 10 00 liurritt, II. (J 2 0<) Cash 4 00 McGillveray, E 5 00 Rryson, (i 5 W Rryson, Thomas 4 00 .ludsou, Mrs., 18tj(5. SI 00 S85 00 nuilding Fund for Churches in North Ondow, llriittnl,, t( Kardley : Collected in the Mission, 1805. DeLisle, C. jini., ) «!l 00 DeLislo, Mary, } For Bristol,. ... 1 00 DeLisle, Lillias, ) 1 00 Smith, Walton 60 00 McLean, W. IL, for Eardley 40 00 ilrathwaite, F. G. C 25 00 Wyman, Joseph 4 O"* Armitago, R., jiin., for North On- slow 2 00 Mimarvv, Isaac, for Bristol 2 OO Davis, William 2 00 Wyman, Ruggles, (for Bristol). . . 4 00 Agrct, James W 6 00 C. G. B.,lor Eardley 14 Meredith, E 1 00 DeLisle (;harles, sen., for Bristol. 100 Geo. C. Aylwin, M.D 4 00 3154 14 h a>45 '^'.''''•"•''1 /f"'- .'; •• : Tf-M. . ,.t, . X': M-1''V i .^•k:' :: ■.* ■ I iff-'- t» " ■•■• ««-V- ;••'■■-. r-.''.;.Nv;. t'* ,**■■• ■• I. A-.-. ■!■•'.'■■ .A '. "jl; i ••■-f . >■,--.%• ^■^^- wi m^ !ll^*^'l m I- t «»' 'i"» UVk,' ■^ '":ri(„ ■ i-,^l'*jt" ■ ■:■■ .3 A .' ''« ^S' ?^i' li ■'^Ci-:^ ■*•."•■'■ .V . .'•in •^^;AP!.^ J-m .1 M A- • m y?v<] ., ...... ,-,. ^"■■u'-j, .V" ' ■ • •"■*Si .;i»iftv Cfntrc/ies.frmn persona not resident in the Mission. 1805. Gibb, J.J., (drawing up deeds gratis) S15 00 McLean, Mrs. J., collected by, for Eardley 8 12i Dogor, llext, Stoneliouse, Devon lo oo JJolton, Geo., (tor Kar(ll«y) 5 00 F. T 2 00 .Snenccil.*"., by jiainted WindoAV 25 inco!n College, ( >xford 2 43 Xeate Charles, Esq., M.l'., Oriid College, Oxford ... .' 2 43 Williams, Kev. A.J., Ch.Ch., Ox- lord 2 43 Collected from friends of Standcn & Co., Oxford gi7 o;> Hewett, Miss lianhury, Oxon. I'oupore, J., M.IM' Powers, W Johnston, T Hanam, Mrs Thi.stle, .Mr Hay, Geo Overman, Mr Mulholland, 11 Winn, J. H Abbott, J. «J Williams, Jliles Hagg, Staidey C, (2nd don). . . Simi)Son, .Mrs. A S. 15 1{. J. It A Friend, W.W -Macculloch, J MacDougall, 11. L , Day, John, .1 Stanway, (i (iibb, 15 IJrewster, C V 9 70 5 00 50 ,'jO 50 1 00 2 .50 1 m 2 (10 1 00 2 00 5 C.Kt 4 rx) 5 00 3 00 1 00 1 (JO 2 y*) 3 (» 5 00 1 00 2 (jO J. K A Friend T. A.E S A poor I'riest S. (i. s J. L Fenwick, .Aliss. . . . Arnton, Jolui 1\ . (iault, ilros. & Co. Fyles, Wov. .1 Ualch, Uev. Dr... (; 4 1 1 1 1 •) llutton, J Greenshields, A., Son Si C,o. Walker, A Lewis, I> Winks, (;co. & Co White, Uev. J. 1' Wheeler, Dr Dyde .t ."Nliyor Slielton, K.F A Friend Freer, Mrs (i. C Tate, Mr r. S. F. (2n(l don) Hrydges, C,J Mullatt, Mrs G. & H For Church Societij. 18t;5 Agrct, Mrs §0 75 .50 .50 50 40 1 00 25 50 Amm, James. . Amni, Joseph Armitage, Uichard.jun, Heene. Airs Urathwaite, F. G. C — Campbell, Mrs Davis, Mrs. F. Flockhart, Alex 2 (H) Luker, Elizabeth 25 I'erciviil, Samuel 00 i Smith, Walton 5 m 00 f>0 (JO 00 OO (10 2 ;« 1 IX) 1 no 1 iJO 2 00 2 00 50 10 m 2 (to 5 m (X) 00 fx) (» 00 00 (H) 3 0<) 1 .50 1 0) 2 oO 5 IX) 4 (J<) 5 00 IX) 2 OO lSi>3 SO 00 (X) 1 (X) 25 1 IX) 1 OO 50 1 00 2 00 .50 2 00 5 CO 107 1^ iil7 o:> OTO 5 OO 5') ijO 50 1 00 2.W 1 W 2 (K) 1 00 2 OO ;") m 4 IK) .J <>) .'5 00 1 w 1 IK) 2 i-> :i i>» 5 00 1 00 2 00 4 00 1 00 I W 1 m 1 (j<> 2 00 2 ;« 1 IK.) 1 (to 1 00 2 'X) 2 00 II ',0 li) 00 2 110 ij 01) 00 0-) Oi) 01) 00 (*) 8 0-) 1 00 1 00 2 lO .') (K» 4 0<) 5 0") •i W 2 Ij*} so I.H) fXI 1 00 25 1 IX) 1 01) 50 1 00 2 OO 50 2 IX) 5 lO Thompson, William 50 »1 00 Wyman, Joseph 00 100 McColfjaii, Mrs 50 00 MoiiteitL, JIr« 50 00 *1'2 40 «17 00 Towards Clerr/yman's Salarij. !-T. lOnN'S TIIK EVASOKI.IST, ONSLOW. 181)5 186C Agret, J. W $4 00 S15 00 Allen, E. A 2 (X) 4 00 Amni, Joseph 5 00 5 00 Armitage, K., jun 4 00 4 00 Aylwin, (Jco. C 4 (K) 10 00 Ik-anc, Mary 5 00 4 00 Hedson, William 1 00 Bryant, (Jeo 5 47 4 00 (one, Charles 2 00 00 Davis, Kdward 5 00 5 IH) Davis, Henry 4 00 I-lockhart, Alex COO lu 00 l''enn, Henry 2 W Hamilton, Ueo 1 00 Hervev, J. J 2 00 Hutchison, William 4 'lO MacCaskil, Donald 1 00 McDowell, John 1 00 McKinnon, Alex 1 00 Mohr, William 2 00 Meredith, K 5(H) 5 00 Montoith, John 2 00 2 00 Moore, Benjamin 5 00 5 00 Moves, David 1 50 I'ercival, Samuel 12 00 12 00 IJeynolds, Samuel 2 00 Richards, Hiram 2 CKJ 2 00 Shathick, J{.(i 2 00 Simsfrum, Samuel 2 00 Smith, Walton 40 00 50 00 Smith, William 5 00 Sparham, C. J 4 00 I'hompson, Robert 4 00 Thompson, William 4 00 8 00 Walsh, Thomas 1 00 Wright, T'ilierius 2 00 Wyjiian, Josejjli 12 00 12 00 Ireland, ITobert 4 («) Kendall, James 1 (X) Kendall, Orin 1 00 $144 47 187 00 NOKTH ONSLOW AND IHtlSTOI., 1SG.J. Armitage, Francis .i?l 00 AMiiitage, James I 00 Armita^M', .Joliii 2 00 Armitage, Josejjh 2 00 Armitage, Kichard, sen. 2 50 Bryant. John 20 Campbell, Charles 2 00 Hodgins, Thomas 2 00 Ireland, William 2 50 Murray, ( ieorgo 1 50 Murray, John .' 2 00 I'liillips, Henry 5 00 Walsh, Richard $3 OO Wolsey, Joseph l oO Young, Krancis l oO Young, John 2 OO Young, liichard 1 OO Young, Wesley 2 00 $33 7G BUISTOL. 1865. DeLislo, Charles »4 00 Gilpin, Henry 1 00 Hudson, Jienjamin 1 OO Hughes, David 2 00 Manarvy, David 1 00 Manarvy, .Famos 1 00 McCormick, Hugh 50 McDermott, Simon 2 OO Morgan, Horace 10 00 Hoss, Alex 2 tX) Koss Dan 2 00 ShelHeld, Joseph 1 00 Taber, John 5 00 Taber, Kdwurd 2 00 «34 50 ISGG. Delisle Charles S5 00 EAR D LEY, 1865. Dowd, Joseph SI 00 Krwin, Wii' )W 50 Findley, Jo>eph 100 McCauglmn, Hugh 50 McLean, Bowden S 1 00 Merrifield, .lustusl' 160 Wilson, Charles 60 m 20 Towards Cabinet Organ for Church. Agret, J. W $5 00 Agret, Mrs 2 00 Allen, K. A 100 Amm.Mrs 1 00 Armitage, Richard, jun 50 Aylwin, (ieo. C !i 00 Backwoodsnum 25 Beane, Mrs 1 00 Bradley, Albert 1 00 Brathwaite, Mrs 10 00 Bruce, Robert 1 00 Davis, .Mrs. E 1 00 Davis, K. jun 50 Davis, William «> Dungan, Mrs. J 50 Flockhart, Alex 5 00 Hamilton, Geo 50 Howe, (ieo 1 ^ Hutchison, Mrs 50 Kendall, James 1 00 MacCaskell, Donald 1 W McDowell, John 100 McKechnie, William w Moyes, David.,.. 100 IVrcival, Samuel ;/ "J; I'rime, Aug 1 "^ (^uio " "" t 4 .*s.^:,:-i 108 1 ,1 "•. ^''8 I >i,r' \'-' 't ri. f* ■-■! ■■J, .1 .: ■Richards A Si 00 Kichards, iliram 1 00 Shatliick, H. (J 1 00 Simstruin, Samiiol 50 Smitli, Arthur 50 Smith, Walton 10 (M) Stranger 5(i Thompson, Mrs 1 (lO Volan, (jico 5ii Wyman, Mrs 2 00 .From proceiHls of some eowin;; Society work 2 00 $Co 25 Additionnl Subscriptions for Churches. 18G6. IlntVrford, .fames SI 00 Molson, Mrs. J. T 5 00 Gibb, Duncan 2 00 Forsyth. Joseph Ik'll 4 00 Dunn, T. II 2 0:" retry, W. G 4 00 McKay, Mrs. Ilcnry 5 00 Adams, Mrs., colloctod by 30 (X) Offertory at honfruouil Church. . . 16 55 Smith, Rev. V.W 2 0(( Allen, Irvine 1 OK Frimo, A., collected by 3 00 Hamilton, Ilov. Charles 4 00 Hamilton, Robert GO 00 Hamilton, Thomas 10 00 Le Mosurier, IVIiss A. II., Guern- sey 14 50 2nd Donation for Bristol. Brathwaito, Rev. F. R., for 2 altar tables 22 00 Four persons signing "Cusli,"... 12 00 5377 26 rORTAGE DU FORT. CHURCH SOCIETY. Amy, J Gribble, Rev. J Judgson, J Ilimor, .1 Rimer, F ' Smith, J Small suras ^\ 1 2 2 1 1 4 S18 00 Clergyman's Stipend. Amy, J $8 00 IJeer, II 8 00 Fletcher. K 2 00 Gorby, E 4 00 Gosliu, J 1 60 Howe, J 6 00 Johnston, J 2 00 Lambert, C 2 00 Lukes, r 4 00 Mason, A 2 00 Niblett, W 1 00 Rimer, J 16 00 Roes, J 4 00 Shearn, V7 2 00 Slack, J 6 00 Usbornc, Rev. H 100 00 Walhico, T 94 50 Wallace, W 6 0<» Wilson, .1 4 00 Wilson, W SO') Wilson, Mrs ] 10 Ingram, 2 Oi) Jiidson, J S ()*> Worrell, Mrs l 40 IIAVELOCK. Hrymor, G 81 f»'"> Hrymor, T 12". Cameron, Mrs 1 0 $0 r,o 50 2o 2o 60 2.^ ry. 50 50 n 50 1 w 2 0<) 50 50 1 50 2.1 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 (t 25 *r, 25 1 On 1 00 1 00 7 50 5 00 $30 75 81 00 1 00 25 1 m 50 50 1 Oo 1 (X) 50 109 Mrs. John Thompson 90 Mrs. K. .lones Mrs. G. Wanloss VVm. Hasklusa Mary Martin Win. llov A FriiMuf Mrs. McGowan Frunct'S Hoy $10 00 Culkctcd by Miss S. A. Biirwanh. (nptiiin Hnrwash SI 00 .Mattlicw r.urwash Martin LcKoy Mr:*. Wainwright 50 1 00 1 00 5ti 25 1 0<» ilrs. A. IJurwash 25 Mrs. M. Albright 100 Dr. Howard . .. . NV. AlbriL'ht \V. H. Alhriglit. K. Kin;;sljiiry. . . Albert liurwash. S8 50 Collected by Miss Phebc Hooker. Mr. G. Hooker. Mrs. Hooker. . , Mrs. Kennio.. .. Sarah Albright. H do Hertei.. . . .Mrs. T. Veitch . 81 00 50 25 25 50 25 #2 Collected by Mr. Angus McDonald. Mrs. .1. K. Macdonald S5 00 Mr. N. Hyde 1 oO Mrs. lUirwasli, son 1 00 Miss Burwash 50 Martin S. Albright 25 Mrs. Nelson Albright 50 Mr. Matthew Uurwash, jun 50 Mr. E. Jones, juu 1 00 Orav, John ^o 30 (iraliam, William i oo Hodg^ion, John i oo Hodgson, Mrs j oO Hodgson, William ..'. l oo Hodgson, (Jcorpe o 50 Hodgson, John James "., . o 50 Hodgson, William 50 Hodgson, John 25 Halcro, Andrew ,',,, 50 llulcro, Francis ..'..., 025 Hodgson, John 25 Hodgson, (i. D ',][['_] 60 Ivison, James 1 00 I vison, Mrs 50 Livingston, Mi.ss 50 Lancaster, Watson , ,. 25 Metcair, Richard ',',,] 25 McNaughten, Dr "",, . 1 00 Macintosli.Mrs,. "' |." 50 Mc<'uish, John ]\[ 25 Mclvercher, Miss .,, , , 50 Nutall, William ',',',','. q 25 I'y ke, liev. James 7 50 j'yke.J. W 50 rurk, James 1 00 I'ark, Mrs j 00 I'ursons, J'homas 50 1 'arsons, Tinu)thy 50 I'arsons, Mrs 25 Kohinson, Christopher 50 Robinson, Mrs 50 Robinson, J. N 50 Robinson, Mins 25 Itobinson, R, G 50 Robin.son, J. C 50 Itobinson, Thonnis fO Stephenson, William 25 Simpson, Joseph 60 Stejihenson, Nancy 25 Shepherd, R. W 6 00 Simpson, Isaac 1 00 Simpson, Leiih 25 Sauiidersoti, Joseph 25 Thompsiin, .John 1 00 Thomi)son, William 50 Tlionii)son, Henry 50 lifO 75 Total collected for Missions SGI 75 VAUDREUIL. FOR CHUUCH 80CIKTV. Collected by J. W. Pyke. BIcnkinship, Joseph SI 00 Cameron, John 50 Davidson, Christopher 25 Davidson, Mrs 25 Davidson, Joseph 50 Davidson, Mrs. Ann 25 Griffin, llenry 25 Total *39 65 Colli cted by Miss E. Pyke. Gibb,J. D $5 00 Gibb, Mrs 5 00 Gibb, Isaac J 5 00 Gibbs, Mrs 5 00 Hngar, George 1 50 Matthews, (ieorge 1 00 ^lathison. Miss 100 Pyke, Mrs 1 00 I'yke, Mi.ss E 50 I'yke, Miss C 50 I'yke, Miss 1 OO I'yke, Miss 31 1 00 Robins, R. S 1 00 Wliitlock, JIrs 1 OO Total $29 60 i" >• 1'. '^"*- ■•♦■..- ■ 'Hi n- . J Li' -'I. ~.i'i ■;-j-,r'i: 1 ■» .1. : , ;: J >; •»; •Si' ,»; ••J ^^■■\% ■>♦> ^? \M ■%«!■ • ir N? .,■ "•. *f /•^ m'.f -i ^i'" •'"'i' .:■* ,^*0 ;i«: f ^ i; ■ * i • ■ I • • ': r». iV". ■' 'J •ftVj J*- - '^'. ...-<^ ^PPKNDIX. ]ULL. AN ACT to iiicorponito the members of the '' Synod of the Dioce.'se of Montreal/' ami to merge "The Cluircli Society of the Dio- cese of Montreal " in such Synotl. WHEREAS, by virtue of the Act pussetl in the Session held in tho 19th and 20th years of Her Majesty's reif^n, intitulo, '•if^^/M'-'V'? t: :',^ 1. :>■■ ,1 ^.; •^v Sf ff ■ '•.■J 6><| >!.' ;iv.M''-","'^ v^.-J?. -I 'S ■•••:"V;i;:;.j^'-^o'-'.' •M.'-i ■'■■ I --V" !■;•-■ l-.V ; .v.* ■( ■■■••'«. V ' 1. 112 who shall thoHMipon 1)0 oiitltl<^ said Syncxl, in the name of the said Church Scx'iety, us I'uUyand otlectuallyas if the same had originated and sul)sisteil in the name of the said Synod itself. V. This Act shall he a Public Act. OMISSION ON PAGE ",'>, LIFE MKMIiKR Smith George, Montreal. ON PAGE 77, ORDiXATJY ^^•;MnKR Smith Walton, Onslow. 1 liilly and tlin sniil i Act liud lUO Ol' tilt' «\\('CUlc«l tli — 7 rrnyci^, 8 ( 'oust it lit ion ',) rntninii;,'i> of Rectories lO ("tflicers of Society. l\el>r(-«elll;i(ives mihI Melillievs of Com- niittf's 11 — i;] Ivepoit of AiiinnI I'ulili*' ^rt'etiii,;/ 14 K('l.oit 1 •')— I S .R0[)Ol'ts IVom tin' is 75 List of ( )i'(linaiy ^ronibors 7<) — 78 List of < 'ontributors for 18()() :— City of ;>roiitroal 71t— 8.'> Pean«'ry of r.o»■ \ \- ■:,»•■■■ . ■ K "\