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Lea diagrammea auivanta illuatrent la mAthode. 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ..!*< /'/^//^35329 ■ ABRIDGMENi^ 110 OFTHB QUEBEC CATECmSMi To whiclr are added / / PRAYERS FOR MASS Ann OTHER OCCASIONS. APPROVED AND AUTHORii^ED* QUMBEC: PRINTED AT THE NEW PRINTING-OFFICE, VSoiiU BUADB STREET, 1817. JOSEPH OCTAyiUS PLE8SIS/ , Catholic Bishop of Quebec, Sec, Stc. u. NTIL the new editiop of the (Quebec Catechism be prepared^ we approve and authorize the fbllowing Abridgment, as the only one which wilf be allowed to be taught in ttie public in* structions of this Diocese, from the date^ hereof. , Given at Quebec, this 22nd July^ 1817 ijl J. O. Catholic Bishop^ ) \, . 6 aA^^as^ i0 Cmdren^at /«^t tn their wtotker Umffiff. The iigH 0f Ut9 Croti. In the name oflhf FailiMr, und of tn^ 3dn, uni of tbe holy Ohoft. Amen. fill nomine F^tii9»* etfilii, el S)»lHiap Saneti^ Amen. ^ The Lord's Prayer, Out Father who as»t in>heaveni \ L|.JHlaUowedbethj [name. , 9. thy kih^om icQine^ aThywillbedonW |on earth as it, ii in leaven. j« , 4. Give n»4hiB. day >ur dajly hreaii. 5,., AN forgive us ivir , treapaioe^, as re forgive th«ti» that [respass against us* 6.jAndj^ad usnot into teropiatioii. 1 7. Bui deliyer us irom evilt Amen. I malo. Amen* Patbb noater, qui ei in jBttlit. , l.^nctificetur'Qd- men.iijiiMn. je. Adveniat re|jiSiyiipi tuuni<> , 3. Fiat Tc^unt9a,t«a^ sicut in cmlo ^t fii; terri. i4..Panen^ noBtriiqii •qiiojidianom da .n#*, blSQOpif* J 5. Etdimitte nohia: debita nostra, aiciiit et nos dimitlinip «r#«. bUoribus npstris. £t ne nos ind CR9 in tentationem* 7« Sed Uben^ »»• « ipl«M^ Dommat te** •cam : benedictatu in 'Biulieribusi ct beM» •tns tui,- JetUf. Sai^cta Rforia, ii|«- ter I>eiy ore pro vobis pieccatoribus, nunc et in bori mwr 4iB BOBirm* Amen. «ail M«fy, fifll df graeei our liord is witb tbee t • blessed aHlbou amongst wo» meiK and blessed .is tbelruitofCbjwoQrtv Jesus ; hohr M^ty^ mother of Grod, prey for us binners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. 1. Cr^dq in Deum Piltrem omnipoten- tem^ c^entorem Mi 8, ^t in Jesttkn <%Hst(iitt|t(ilim ejus f tfte Vir^ •Ma 17. - 4. Suffev^ed uloder PdntiQs Pilate; |v^ crucM^d^ dtrk^ knA buried. • P 5. D^i?Mided httoj hell, the *t|rirddiayht« tl GM6 lit' 8ft»iH- t«pi Sanctnin./ : d. SatftjMni ^EdkJ!^' :f(iam ^fhoHi^Mk,, ; Sanclonun < cvniiittll* ' ' . , : .-11 1 ' f nionem^ . , ' ' K). ReiUmiflHUMtti' ipeccatornb;; "'.;f^ 11. Garnii 'mmr«- rectionem.v ', ' Amen. . ''^ TAe CiMfiieor,. ' l!»oiifi^M^o almlgh* 'tV Oody tO'bl^SIKt ]^avy>TOr a vima, to ble^^d 'Mtcnael tiie Arebang^el^ to biesaed John the>Bap , list, to the holy apos- tles Peter and Paul, and to all the saiiita, (iii»d to yoQ| ;fiitlier^J| GoNVtfMlT:: 0I»> omaipiiteiitiy ; Hialli^? IfaM semper f4i^U niy fiealoVifi^h«ilti Ar«hang(^lo|v. Beato* Joaaal, 'fiipitibt%', Sanctia^ At>o j^ dioiif lit pecca- *titaoalrit^ perduoit SOS ai yitam eter« nam. Amen. , Ihdulobntiam, .f«i|iolii|ipiiiBiB M re- jBJii4|oil<9«i peccato- OHj^' Bottfroruia td- }|Miat QoblJi omnipo- iMAt' «t miMricora ^I>iHiiiaiii. Amen. that I lia?e grievooi- Ij tiniiad in thought, word Sc d«ed,through my fiiult, through my fiiult, t|iroagh my ex- ceeding great ikult: tl^refbre 1 beseech the blessed Marj e- ver a virgin) blessed Michael the Archan- Sly blessed John the iptist* the holy a^ pbstlesVeterandPaul* and all the saints, (and jptu fiUher) to pray to the Lord e^r Qod for me. ■/ May the Almighty Gt>d n^re mercy on mor and forgjye mis my sins and brinff me to everlasting life. Amen. May the Almighty and mercifulf^£ord give me pardon, ab« solution and remis- sion of all my sikis. Amen. ,,, \, An Act of Adoration, di my.Qfid» | aUpre thee, and acknow* ^4ge iha^ lo, be my Creator and my so- Chrisiiain Prayer^l 9 ▼ereign Lord and the abioluto master oi all things. An Act of Faith, . O I my God. I believe fimily all that th^ holy Catnolic Church believes and teii'cllieBy because thou hast revealed it> who art the tfuth itself AhActofSope, Q')\\) OJ O f my God^ relyine apoti thy pi^hilsel^ and npoD the merits of my Savioor^^I hdp9 with a firm confidence, that thou wilt grant ne grace to observe thy commandments in Hu/World • * ^o be rewardedin .the mexH V" • i ♦•Mr-)* . ^' , An Act of Love or ojChtft^., j^ ' O ! my God. who art ^oMj of all Idvef^ Ibr thy mfinite perfections, I love theewitv all mv heart, and I love my neighbour aa< myself for the love of thee... \ 4n Jet tf Contrition^' ^ ... .v,; . 1 my God, I arm heartily soiry - for lia Xhave received from- thee,, particularly for liaving created'and redeemed'ine by thy 80D^> and made me a child of thy Church. AhAc^ofOhlaUott^' O ! my God,I haire reeeifted-allTrom thee^, to thee I offer my thoughts^- my word», myv «ction|i, my; life and all tha#l possess, and^ 4Mire to«iiipldy it for thy service alone.- 'AhAiAofHundlitj^i O't my God,- Tarn' but dust' and- mhei^ keep down the motions of pride that arise in: my soul and learn me to despise myself, thou^' who reststeth'the pnmd and giv^lh grace to > Ike humble. An Ad'ofDemmd^ O I my God, infinite source of all goad;- five me what is- necessary to the lira and ealth of the body^. but especially grace to ' do in all things thy holy wilithrougJC Jesue^ Christ Qiir Lord. Amen. The ten Commandments cf Godi v I am tlie lord -thy God, who brought the«' out of the Land of Ivgypt and out of t& ttoase jofhoodage* CkrisUan Pro^erit. m 1. Thouslialt not fiave^ strangppgods before me ; thou ehalt not make totJiyselfa gra^i^en;' lAing, nor the litt^ness of anj thiiig:^ that is^ in heaven dihove or in the earth be I ow,, or oi\ things that are in the water^ under the earth :: thou shalt not adore nor worship (hem ; £ am the Lord thy God^ strong and j^albus^. Vi.«iiiiig the'sina of the fathera^ upon, tfaeii? childreuy to the third and- fourth, generation^ of thenr that hate mfi) and shewing mercy. to> thousaode of Ihose that love' nue^ and. keep; my comma!!ndnv8nt8v 2. Thou shalt not take the name^ of' the Lord thy God in vain ;: for our Lord wi)J not hold him guiltless that takef bis natne in vain» 3» Remember to keep hoi j the Sabbath daj. 4. Honour thy Fattier and Mother. 5. Thou shalt not kill. 6. Thou shall not commit adulterj* / 7. Thou shall not steal. 8. Thou shal 1 not bear false wi tness against thy neighbour. d.Thoushaltnotdesirethyneigfabour'swife. 10. Tbou shalt not covet tbjr nerghbour*8 goods. The seven CommandmeniB of the Church, aire 1. To keep holy the festival days com- manded. % To hear mass on Sundays and holydays* 3. To confess our sins at least once a year. 4. Humbly to receive our Creator} at ieatft at £aster time. \ I'^ij 12 '■J v. Christian Prayer^ 5. To fast durip^ lent, vig;il8 commaDded, and ember dajs. 6. To abstain ^fromlSesli meat ^11 Fridajfr and Saturdays. 7. To paj- tythes to our Pastors* In honour of the holy Trinity. Gloria Patrf, et Filio, et SpirUui sancto» Sicut erat in pffinci- pio, et nunc, et sem- per, et in saeculasae- culorum. Amen. Glort be to the Father, and to the Son^ and to the Holy Gho»t. As it\rasfnthebe'^ jB^nninff, is now, and ever shall be, world without end» Amenv A Prcn/er to the Holy Virgin'^ Sub iuura. praesidi- urn confugimus, sane* ta Del Grenitrix :■ Bostras deprecationes ne despicias in neces- sitatibu8,8ed a pericu/ lis cun'ctis libera nos semper, Virgo glorio- •aet benedicta. Amen. Wfifly to thy pa- tronage, O I Holy Mother of God, des- pise not our prayers in our necessities,^^ but deliver us from all dangers, O ! ever florious and blessed 'irgtn. Amen. A Prayer to our Guardian AngeL Anoele Dei, qui custos es met, me ti O! Angel of Gbd,^ to whose custody I bicommissam pietate { am committed by Di- vine Providence, en« lighten, defend, and keep me this day from all sin and danger.^^ Amen. Christian Prat/crs, , IS 8upern& h ^ illo- mina, cubtaui^ reg^e et guberna* Amen. ♦\ Grace before meat. Bless us, O! Lord, and these thy gifts, which of thy bounty we are about to re- ceive through Christ our Lord. Amen. In the name of the Father, &c. Wa^ive thee thanks, 1 Almighty God,foraU thy benefits : who live&t and reignest world without end. Amen. In the name of the Father, &c. A Praif/er for the Dead* Mat the souls of the faithful through the mercy of God rest iu peace. Amen. FiQBLiiTM anims, per misericordiam Dei requiescarit in pacct Amen. Benbdicitb. Do- minus. Nos et ea qutesumuB sumpturi beiiedicat dextera Ghrtsti. In^ nomiBa Patrisi &c. » ft ■■ ■ ...JE.i. jr meaU ^ , It 1.;' A AoiimstibigratiBSy omni()otc^ns Dens, pro universis b'enafi- ciia tuis, qui viviset reffnas in sscula 8a|- cuTorum. Amen. In nomine Patris, et Filii, &;c* ' mi • 'f,'* nj M :?;? ABRIDGMENT OF THE GATBCBiSM. Note. — For children^ and even fot adi^il oflitth capacity f the questions- preceded by \ this, si^n may suffice *-^the other questions tire not above the t^podty of children in gene- ml f whit, are preparing either for tlteir firjst\ eiomnmmon^ or for confirmation^ whethwthey\ ttan read or noti • *4JxmiH .lull-.' i .1 i i iu >5ir=33Met8 ri < r i jrii i — » . %. ■ *Q; Are jF€(ii a Christian ? A. Yes. bj the grace of God* . Q. ByK wbcit were ypa xwtdt( a Christinii ? | ,A. By. fiaptisrn. > «Q; What ife* the mark )0!fil Cliri8ti«|t f; Ar The Mign, of ttle Cross. •Q. Wake the. sign of the Cro«s«. A In (he liariie of the Father, ainl of ^tj "9^11, ait^ of ihe Holy Gho8t.. Amen^. tB^b Qf the Mysterifs^, Q' What do you iiiiean by the yt^v^ms'. ierj-r A* I ineauthere(;»y>.a truth that we do not comprehend, but which^n^ver theirs we are obliged tot»eliete9bdcau99 Godh&sreV^aWdit Abri^mMofihedUechism* 15 ■Q, Which are the |}rificip»l mystefies of oiir religioo i A . "f hejr are the mysteries '^f ^he Holy 'Trinity, of the Incarnation, and of Redeoip* •tit»i. *Q. What means the mystery ^6f the Holy I Trinitr ? A. It means one Ood in three persOdSi the l?^th«v, Son, an4 Holy Xj^host, *Q. What means the mystery of the iac&r^ 'jiacioii^ A. It means that /the aoo d CM ivw made man for us. *Q . Wh«t meant tlie mystery of Redemp^ tion? A* It means that Je^oe C^hnit Wat ! ^crucified iWr us. Q. Where are those mysterteti eonta«He^ ' A* Ifli the €»eed| or ^i>bol 0I' the apostbs. (>■,« V '. I 'Wtff, CHAPTER THE SECOND* r Of the Apo$(Ies* Creed. Q. Say the Apos- tles* creed. A. In English: I believe in God, &c. .pa^O, InLatifi^ Credo in Deam^ wtr iw(l Id Abridgment of the Catechism* Q, What mean these words / believe t A. They mean, I hold for certain, I am fully jpersnaded, I am entirely convinced. Article Ist. Q. Which is the first article of the Apos* tW Creed? A. I believe in God,the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. «Q. What is God ? A. God is an infinitely perfect spirit. *Q. Can there be many Gods, or many in- finitely perfect spirits ? A. No, there can be but one alone* f Q.Where is God ? A. God is every where ; he fills heaven and earth. Q. Why do you sav, I believe in God the Father ? A. To Rhew that the first person in God is called the Father. Q. Are there Keverat persons in God ? A. Yes ; in God there are three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. *Q. I« each of those three persons, God ? A. Yes; each of those three persons is God. *Q. Are those three persons equal in all things ? A. Y(:8 ; tiiry are equal in all things. Mfiig^entcfiheCSiUeimsm. 17 #Q. There are ther^foj'^ three Gods ? A. Nq ; the three divine persons make only oiie apd the sieibie Oc^. ♦Q. How s6? ' 4* Beoaqse they h^vie hot piie a^e tia- ture and one same divinity. * ' *^. How is the lo^etery of oheonfy €fod ifi threcj' peritons) Father, Son, and Holy Cfhpstj caHed 1 . ' . A. It is nulled the ' ilid:^ sterjr o^ the Holy Trinity. ' Q. Why k God tilled AltAithty. 10 the first aHicIe of the