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"*> ■■.'"■ ■ '.■■' ^Sfl J thanks } - brary L'axamplaira film* f ut raprodult grica i la gAn^roalti da: ^ MetroppUtan Toronto Reference Library Baldwin Room Lea Image* aulvantes ont kxh reprodultea avac la plus grand soin. compta tanu de la condition at da la nattati de I'exemplaira f ilm*. et en conf ormit^ ;■ 1 ' / . 1 V ^ .-' '« •c ^ : I-- 1 '• k 1 ) ■■■•■, 7 ,, . . K )j f'. ■ ■■ ■ " . ' ^ '« ■ • . .-.'■' . / ■ 1 '■ || 1. / 1 1 1 ^ r 1^ >.m(P'* .AVVfe X ov SAINT PAUL'S LODGE, V No. 5l4j^ ON TIIK REGISTJIY OF ENGLAND; I vHo. 1, P, B., TO wniCU AttB ADDKOj; ^ -^ THB ANTHENT cnARQES AND REOULATIONS, Ac, «feo.| THE LAWS AND EEGULATIONS to ' ( FOtt . Ebt (Sobernmcttt of ^ribate HoiJijcs, A3D VAKIOUS QTItEIt EXTBACT3 FHOSI «'THE BOOK OF CONSTITUTIONS;" ■WITH A tIST OJ / MASTERS AND OFFICERS. '. >^ %->-r^>.'N.'\-*v-'N ,-'_'H/>^'^.>-'\-"Vi"'W."^"^ v.-v>->."*-"*-"^'' ,-,-%,-» ■^.-N.'S."'-"*' "^' ' A. L. 5850.— A. D. ;856. JOHJr XOrBlI., PEISTEH, 3T. NICHOLAS 3TKBET. • J \- »#'l t -, -&. a*v ^■a.^,ia&tj-ijtH^Ji3t-ir«' i V \ BY-LAWS OF "^ff* ?AV&»i &«|| ^'i ,><^*- 4k1. Jl- *-A^^ ^^ j-^( ny ^ .^ VMM a: of contents. c PAOr. intt-oduction . . « • • • t i Of Irregular Dohuviour , 7 Time of Mooting . * ^ Oflicors '. ... .,t,..., f^ Klection an<] Appointraent of Officei-H , h Master ,, Wardens , . y Treasurer's Duty 10 Secretary's Duty •. . . . II Tyler's Duty and Foes. 1 1 Permanent Committee I .> Initiation, Admission, Ac., «tc. j ;} ' "°"* r^ ... .^i , 1 ;{ Honorary MemberaPpr. 1 « Masonic Clothing...'. 1., !« Fines and Forfeitures , j^. yisitors,. ; II - Lodges of Emergency ... .................. 1 »t Motions , Members Withdrawing. ..^ .y Furniture, Ac, «fec ,„ Altering By-Laws ^^ Sanction v •" !• KXTHACI'S I 'IK )M TUK, KOOK OF CON8TITU riuNS. I'AfiK, / Sni...n»r> of Anru-nl Cl.a.g.- aiu Auciout Cl.»r««>" of » J'f^'*-'"""*"" • ^ • Of rroviiiciul tJrnml Muster ' Drpiity rrovincinl (him\ MuHtfi Olhoi- I'Kiviitcial dnuul,<)ft»c««"«. I'rovinciiil tliniul Stcwunln riuvliicinl Grand Lculge" l)i»lricl Oi'ftnd Loilgcu. Tiivalo I-«••«•••••• •••••••• »«•■•••< •27 II \1 4 '2 1.-. 1«) M t'l:; , r.i . «rt . «6 . i^^ . 67 Fees, Ac., 4c ^j Regalia ••• Ctostituting a New Lodge Public Ceiemonies «•••••• ,••..••• •zr, 79 '-^.l ^k^ I ' ' . — — / •;' ■■ ■ '. ^ ■'•.^ . '* ^v ■ ■ ]i ^ ' * 1 * \: ■■'■"•> - 5 .o.irt'^i.i;- -;;.^«i^:;i':ft«p.-w»»^'^ ^ Ul.^'j!'J^--fe--..i . affiS- -^ 1 Tm. 1 ^^^^^^^^^^H * / s„ w J f ^ «.-;.. C- -^. -..^..x-^i t'*w ■. • -'v INTRODTJCTION. Without order and dcj^him, harmony cannot be preserved, nor the business of Masonry be properly conducted ; at the third stroke of the Master's hammer, therefore, profound silence shall be observed. CHAPTERI. 0t StrejQfuIat f^^Bbiom» 1. If a Brother say finything improper in the Lodge, hold private conversations,'' dispute about religion or politics, interrupt a Brother while speaking to the Master, be not on his legs when addressing the Master, sit down unclothed^ or otherwise conduct himself in* . dtoorously, he shall be formally admonished by the Mas- ter; and, should ha still so far persist in his disorderly conduct as to require a second and third admonition in the course of the same evening, he shall, at the dis- cretion of a majority of the members present, be liable to suspension from the Lodge; and he shall, in that case, be reported to the Provincial Grand Lodge, should such exist, and to the United Grand Lodge of EngUmd. x. . / 8 ■ «. No Brother shall be allowed to speak' more than once to the same question, unless it be in explanation ; or when caUed upon by the Master; or, as the mover, in reply. CHAPTER IL 1. This Lodge shall meet on the second Tuesday of every month, at half past seven o'clock, P. M., or at such kour as the Master may deem expedient, and Bhall continue to work as long as tiie. Master shall direct, except in the months of June, July, August, September, and October, when the regular meetings shall be suspended, except in cases of emergency. 2. The members may partake of refreshment in Lodge at any meeting, with the sanction of tiie Master. • . ■ ■ ' ■ ' •^ CHAPTERin. The Officers of this Lodge shall consist of a Master, two Wardens, a Treasurer, a Secretary, two Deacons, %n Inner Guard, and aTyler or Tylers, and, if expedient a Chaplain, two or more Stewards, and a Director of Ceremonies. ^ CHAPTERIV. 4^rtSe .>*^ . "* ^|i *:,|7'^ "Y »- '."TJ" ■" 'V ■. . 'I , ,-ga ^ilR.V- I ■■ I ' r' $» •***» ■ * * * . . • • • ..'.j :,. - K^m / . •^ ■ ■ ■■■ ■* ■- ■ ' •"■':■ -'"^■" .■ « -- ■ ■ " ■ • ^l » . - \. ' ^ ^ 1 £ — ^ -_.,•--' - ■ * '^^^^^^^^^ ^m ^^^^ 1^^ aa^alilfe '■jf'fe.^ . I- «« -^ the Evangelist; and on that Festival, the Master, and othernewly elected Officers, shall be installed according to ancient usage; after which, the Master shall ippolnt and instal iiis Wardens and other Officers. 2. No meml)er shall be allowed to vote on any sub- ject unless Ws dues be paid up. CHAPTER V. 1. The Miister of ihis Lodgi' is responwble for the warrant and correct keeping of the records and ^pera in general durmg his administraUon. 2. The Master l>6ing absent, the immediate Past- Master, or, if he be absent, the Senior Bast-Master ^ the Lodge, present, shall take the chair. H no Past- Master of the Lodge be present, then the Senior War- den or, in his absence, the Junior Warden shall rule .the Lodge. /^ «. The Master shall make a return to the Provincial Orand Lodge, should such exisl^ and to the United tond Lodge of England, at least once in every year, of the members of iliis Lodge, and shaU remit i^e ftes for the Grand Lodge certificate and registration; and at the regular meeting in January shiill import to the Lodge what return lie baa mad^ and what fees have been remitted. CHAPTEEVL 1. The Senior Warden shall be vteponsible for the wfe keeping of the jewels, fumiebey and paraphema- ha of the Lodge, and may, in the absence of the — » ■ ' ^ ^ ': -, X t it- I 1^ '" r^^"*t- s. * 10 -^ ' Master, cause SurnVnonses to be issued ; but he shall not preside should a Past-Master of the Lodge , be present 2. The Junior Warden shall see that the Brethren get their dues when ordered by the Master, and shall attend to. the necessary arrangements for refreshments on all ordinary occasions, and shall be, ed officio^ chief of the Stewards/ CHAPTER Vn. ^( tl^e Etea»ut«*» illtttg, 1. The Treasurer shall receiv^ the monies of the Lodge, and discharge bills when duly vouched and sanc- tioned by the Master. He idiall keep books, in which his account of receipts and disbursements shall be regu- larly entered, so as to exhibit, at ope view, the balance in his hands ; which books shall, be open for the inl^ec- tion of the members at every meeting of the Lodge. The accounts of the fund of benevolence, the fund for the general purposes of the Lodge, and the United Grand Lodge fund, shall be kept distinct trqm each other. 2. The accounts of the Treasureir, and vouchers in support thereof, shall be annually submitted to the Permanent Committee, at least a week previous to the J\Sstival of St John the Evangelist; and the balance in his hands shall be paid over to the Treasurer elect, at Uie meeting on that day, or otherwise, as the Lodge shall direct 3. The Treasurer shall insure, annually, the jewels, furniture, and other property of the Lodge, against loss by fire. 4. And he shall furnish the Secretary with a list of the dues owing by each member at least once every quart e r. r- — — — ^■^#^^' ---i^ A alance , . p elect, / \ ■■ • Lodge % ■ ■. _ J • jewels} ""-»*■■ • . ist loss " . . ■ ' « K "'■ ■ •>*'■" •■',.- y_ t list of "■■ 'v ■ . " ■-. ^■"- • s ■ 5 every ,. • % '. - ^ • sfei«Sa^^4rf*-.^iii«i**. ''.^*,^f K,,*A^4- ,ii£^„«» ' . ^ - ». i^ *" * \ ^^.i ■ ' , / 1 t -.•'. . ' ■'■ t' . A - ■, r ■ - w ■<< •; — ' '■jlAt^iii~Jt ' # ^ \^ j ■ 11 CHAPTER Vm. ®f tfje 5ScaretaTs'0 IDutsf. The Secretary shall issue Summonses to all the members of the Lodge, at least seven days previous to each regular or emergent meeting, particularly noticing elections and initiations, passings, and raisings of mem- hers, pew members to be admitted, By-Laws to be altered or repealed, or new ones to be made. He shall make minutes of all matters which are regularly pro- posed and seconded in the Lodge, as well as of the initiating, passing, raising or joining of Masons, an4 of all other things the Master may order. He shall also keep a register of the members of the Lodge, showing the dates of initiating, passing and raising, or joining, and of calling o£f, and shall, at least once in every quarter, notify .each member in his Summonses of the amount of dues owii^ by him. CHAPTER IX. ®f (IgUt'js ©utg^nii JFew. • , The Tyier and Assistant Tyler shall, under the direo^ tion of the Senior Warden; keep in good order, the jewels, furniture, and paraphernalia of the Lodge, and attend all meetings, £or which each shall receive the fee of fire shillings, at each meeting, and when the Lodge partake of refreshment, each shall receive two shillings and six pence extra. The Tyler, or Associ^|^jrler, shi^l also deliver the Sumoionses to the mencMn, for whi(|h hfciall receive the further sum of two shilliiigs «ttd sixpence. ^ -B^ — — — - ♦ '#'• -.1 (■* 1^ ul£J«^«. / 13 CHAPTER X. ®( t^e permanent QDommfttee. 1. A Permanent Committee, consisting of the War- dens, with the Secretary and Treasurer, and three members, to be elected annually, on St. John the Evan- gelist's day, shall superintend the finances and property of the Lodge, and consider of any special matter regard- ing its interests. They shall meet whenever summoned by the ii^ter or the President, and |^ree shall be a quorum. The result of their proceedings shall be forthwith communicated to the Master, and shall be reported at the next regulaif meeting of the Lodge, Tor approbation. 2. The Committee shall choose a President and Vice President at the first meeting, and in the absence of both these Officers, the Committee shall choose one of theirnumber to preside at the meeting. 8. All Accounts against the Lodge may be referred by tl|a Master to the Permanent Committee^ for exa- mination and api^roval. 4. On applications for relief, addressed to the Master during recess, and by him referred to the Permanent^ Committee, (in case of their favorable report,) the Master shall be {(uthorised to draw on the Treasurer to the extent of thb amount recommended. All appli- cations for Masonic relief, which require investigation, shall be referred to the Permanent Committee. 6. The Permanent Committee shall annually, pre- vious to the Festival of St John the EvaQgelist, audit the accounts of the Treasurer, which, with all other tisA^^ ^i'Jitit^A't^jJii, ^ i^Asio^ -^ ■:i "17 '^f¥>^ii5-^S*»?y-»-.!R|-^i^.¥- >&r^uii«i:k^^i^^Uu&pj.ic»j v.^d ll^U^^ib^'^'^^m^ ...^^'M'-^>^^W»^^i^^>4^k.^l^S^, 4item2^^ ^ \ m ,«*' / .- wi* ■■ ' V 1 18 r f )unU and aflkira in general, relative to the Lodgv, fail bo Mttled and roporteil at Uie meetinff on tkeaaid \mfi li'eativalofSt.John. '* OHAPTEBXL. 4Pf MtiuUon, ^mlM»limijfct, , 1. No person ahall be initiated in, or idaiitiii » member of this Lodge, if, on ballotting-^' there be found mor^ than one black ball ; b^. to 4>ffeven^ the possibility of a mistake, the hhl^ tnay be taken » second or even a third time. --Jl::.:^ ^ 2. Jfvery Brother, on becot|ng i^. member, rfiall mgn the By-Laws, and be fumij,hed with a printed copf thereof by the SecreUry. '^ * . 8. Any Brother, having once been a subscribing member of this Lodge, may at any time, (should he have withdrawn,) rejoin the Lodge without any admia- sion fee, except such amonnt of fees as may be payable to the Gtand Lodge, or to the Provincial Gr^d Lodge, upon his re-admission, as. a member, provided his old dues be all paid-up, and that, on ballotting, there sbaU not be more than one black ball agamst his rejoining. 4. Any Brother, not a member of this Lodge, may be passed or raised in it, for the sum of one pound five •hiUtoga, currency, for each degree, provided he has beommade in a regular Lodge, and produce proof to thateflfect. *^ . CHAPTEB Xn. 1. Every member of this Lodge shall pay fifteen shillings, currency, quarterly in advance, whether p ri^ \ ■% ^Ea sent or absent; one-fourth of which must be applied to the fund of benevolence, and the remainder to the general fund * .■■(*■ -•giTF'^jiiw^'iprS'i^'. ,yi«IB**^f7Si . 15 ■ a Master or Omcer of this Lodg«, and has been a tnly scribing member for ten years, or has been an ordinary member, without iiolding ofllce, for fifteen years, may if he be deemed worthy of th&t honor, on motion of any Brother, duly seconded, be admitted an Honorary Menir ber of this Lodge ; jwovided there shall not fae moca than one blade ball against such admissioirmd l2iat such application on flie part of the memb^ moving, da lie over for one month, and notice there<^ be given in the Summonses. Such Honorary Member shaU be ex- empt from all dues, save the contribution to the fond of benevolence, and tho'avening dues when present, but should he again take office he shall be placed oh the list of aabscribing members during the time he holds office ; provided, always, )th«t the foregoing ahaU Mt be beld to refeit to or afieot any BrefliiiMi whojnay have been Bubecribing mamhem of -the Lod^fortwenfcr years and upwards, which last mentioned Brethren, 4 elected Honorary Membew, shall be -exempt from all , wd^veiy desorip^on of dues. . _ 2.^cers in Her Mi«esty»s service, quartered in Oils Oamaon, being Master^asona, may become mew- bers on appMcatSon to that effect, sulgeet to the baUot inenticHwd in the last section and to the usual noOce in the Summonses. They idiall pay the joining -feeof two ponnds im shillings, currency, and the M dnea the same as other menibers. An Officer, member ^ «»e Lodge, on lemofving from the Oairison, ahalL ipm facto, be considered to have caUed off from the LodZ without notice. /^^^ A- 1 r ; - . ■- * !■■■■■: 1 ^ V- '^' ■ , ' ■ ^ 1 ^m fciW^^^^fe*^^ J • ^ "VKfS' "cs^cf. rm t ,"^«"«»' »J", »»a> ,?«i^^P' !;Vf'^«^| 1« CHAPTER XrV. ©CfRawmfe (tttotlifttg. ;.V ■ . ■, ■ . ■ ■• :,.f -. ■ ' . ' No Brother sliidl, on any pretence, be admitted into Lodge unless his clothing and insignia be strictly con- formable to those prescribed by the Gonstitntion of the United Orand Lodge of England, in the Chapter , of Begalia. CHAPTER XV. J^iu0 atib JFotCdttttctf* 1. Any member of this Lodge who ehall have allowed his dues to be in arrears for twelve months, to l#f be computed from the amount first due, shall, after no- tice ^ven, be liable to be excluded, and have his name struck off the list of members, and shall thereon be reported to the Provincial Grand Lodge, should such exist, and to the United Grand Lodge of Eugland. 2. Any Brother regularly struck off the list of mein- bers of the Lodge for non-payment^ of dues, shall, on no account, be permitted to rejoin the Lodge, until . such back dues, to the time of his being struck ofi^ shall be paid, in addition to the joining fee. 8. If any Officer of the Lodge shall neglect to attend any of the meetiags without providing a sub- stitute, and giving notice thereof to the Master, before noon, on the day of meeting, he shall pay a fine of «^ 'five shillings, currency — ^but, in cases, where sickness prevents such notice being giveo, such fine shall not, under any drcumstances, be exacted. 'XS^^^6^)rm>,^^^Phd^ii":^:^lhm.\t^!A^Sr ■, ^ -■*^^?7'^^* *: y • , ■ • - V » SSSt ^ - , ' V •*; "^^%^ •\ -. ( '^^ k It ^ . i v^ \ T^*^ ' ^^^^ ..^■^'^l--- w± ■Si^XX^iJi •X'^i^'-^'i. ^ ■" • -T- •v'Tipy^^ ■'■^vii f ■™'^r*E"jJf%' ^5T w^ "TTJ,"^ Jf * A m^iity Of Ui« Bntfam m«„t in hoA^^ 6. If anjinemberof the Permanent Committee .hall «. Any Offloe, of tho Lodjp, who duU not b* d«. •ft" fto .ppoioted hour of meeting diaff p,,^ peoM; tho W«den.t 1V««.«,. 8M«t„y, dZ,™ IZfr "^"^ «»•«*« *a4*f»«l,.of CKAPTBBjmi JtZ^^,"^^ •dmitte4ntothi, Lodgo nnlo«i lo be know to 0, «t«&otoril, vouched fcbf.mT fcer present, nor dUir he be «Ltted when ffi, ^" SHoiild a t9age of Em«»ency be caUflfl nn *i. 1^ ^C»».l« b "-ji^B,* < FT" '.II' "J^' " ,'™'77''ynp»'!^"l-T^ ~I U ■-■,.■; OHAPTEB XVm. ^t 4Kotion0* No motion of .ny kind AJl }» "^^t^^t^ to -writing. - CHAPTER XK. ®t JIUwftew toifttiMtotnfl. Anvm«nb« of tU. Lodge, hnTing prid to j"-; W d^'» »* wifl'd..wing. •««». "^•, •PP^""" ^T^ Lodge, eid-r pe»on-ly or in^f og. CHAPTEB XX.'' / - «f fnwftBtt, *«. The fbnritnw, *o, of thi. Lodge dudl, OB no «oo«nt, v.™lot™ to »y other ho««, owe. of «it«me emer- TZentod. nnta rfler . «ei» meetmg. .«d . to that effect. . • CHAPTKBXXL t^vsh- ■iw^^ 'i.vi,-%M~ -^i^'i \ e'.p-f 'i"^ ,\ \ ■ .-^ \.-.- /■■.•■ . , .. ■ .V . ■ . "■■ • 1' ■ ^.^ \- •■■ ■ ": '■ ; ■ ' Ai . , \ ■ . ■ ■ K . f ^ ' .■■-^ ■ V ■■■■■ ''.-'[:■' ' -rf mi»*4 r J.^^l.^'A^ • .^. "ifi- y "i *^ ■1 ^_^^g^M^SS^gi^g H S'T?' . ., -'?^*Tfr T-f--^-.- -f^ — '- \ A-'-tr< ■\£ k ' N^ "— i r^g^'iXtt'^'^'^'i;" '■-■»^ ■i'.'i>..^,» 10 leconded, tnURt b« inwttctl in ilie procooding. of the Lodge; such motion shall bo mentioned in the lom- monsea for tlie next regular meotiiig, at which it shall be discdsaed, and the resolution of the Lodiw entered thereon. WALTER SCOTT, Secrttary, ARCHD. H. CAMPBELL^ ■;/. •' ■ ■ ^ * * » ' '<. • ■ • '. * - 1 \ 1 •1 ■ 1 's ' ■ • js 7 '- ' \ "^i^L^ , .afe).w. ■£^>. <««.£-„ M/ ■**. 1 \ . ■ \- \ ;^ -.-■/,- \ •> ^x '■■W SANCTIpN. : . ' ■ . ' - . ' ' ■ / / . ' ' The following Bj-Laws of the St. Paul's Lodge, tfo. «14, E. R, No. 1., P. R^ having been regularly sub-' ranted to roe, in their amended form, are hereby sano- tioned and confirmed. Given under my hand, and the S^al of the Provincial Orand Lodge for the District of Montreal and William Henry, at Montreal, this twenty-eighth day of Novem- ber, A. L., 5866. A. D, 1866. (Signed,) , J- Provincial Grand MaaUr, Provincial Grand Secretary, *i.v i..ii^tXiiiSlm»a. if JitJi uFi h^ ■^J^i^A'-^i- \ *- \ isiss'sra^r'^^^S^ ■dtjpjw N Summary of the Anmknt Ohaeobs akd RE^niAnons ¥heread,by the Secretary, (or aetin^ Secretary,) to theUAsm-^LKCT, prior to hi* Immation into the Chair ff the Lodge, * "^ fJL J^l'^r ** **•/ P*~^We Subjecn nnd cheerfully ta oo^- form to the Laws of the Coantrj in which you regide. ^ «. Yon promise not to be concerned in Plots or Oonspiradei Jgamst Government, but paUently to aobmit tothe d^sbions ^ the Supreme L^akture. ufwasionaoi to^work dUigently, live creditable, and act honoun^^ 5. You agree to hold in veneration the origburf R^ers and Patrons of the Order of Free-Masonry, and thS^ut- Suo^f Z'^.ZJ^ZT'rlf^'^ •^"^'-^ 1- their 8SL«^ ll^rr^ ''*'^' *"^ Resolutions of your Brethr;n in Sutt:^:f Zo::;^ '- --^ ^- -^-^ with th: •1 i'^-*-' v'^T^'^fj^'^;?.'. ifw ^-^'rf^'t^tf^'C ^j y* ,^- V 'ik-^ T.- ^ 24 ./' 8. Tou promiBe to respect genaine And true Brethrcm, and to \ difloouotenaoce Impostora and all Dwaenters from the original Flan of Free-Masonrj. 9. You agree to promote the general good of Society, to c^ilti- ▼ate the Social Virtuea, and to propagate the knowledge of the Hjstio Art as far as your influence and ability can extend. 10* You promise to pay homage to the Grand Master for the time being, and to his Officers when duly installed, and strictly to conform to every Edict of the Grand Lodge.' 11. You admit that it is not in the power of any Manor Body of Men to make innovation in the Body of Masonry. 18b You prdmiefe a regular attendamiecto the Communications and Oommittees of the Grand Lodge, iqton receiring proper , Kotice thereof; and to pay attention to alllSie Duties of Free- Mosonry upon proper and cimvenient occasions. 18. You admit tlutt no new Lodge can be formed without ' permission of the Grand Master or his Deputy, and that no Oi>untenance oi^ht to be given to any irregular Lodge, or to any Peridoh initiated therein*, and that ho public processions of Masmis clothed with the Badges of the Order can take place icrTthout the special License of the Grand Master or his Deputy. 14. You adfhit that no Person can r<^1arly be made a Free- ■Mason or admitted a Member of any Lodge without previous KotSiee and due inquiry into his Character ; and that no Brother can be advanced to a higher Degree except in strict conformity -with the Iaws of the Grand todgc 15. Yon ^mise that no Visitor shall be received into your Lodge without due examination, and producing proper Voochers of his having bem initiated in a regular Lodge. er addr At the oonctusibh the Installing Officer addrrases the Master- Elect, as. follows :— ^^ Do ydu submit to and promise to support ** these Charges and Begulations as Masters have done in all " Ages." tJpon his answering in the Affirmtnive the Ceremony of Ia8t>iy§tion> proceeds. ^i . rt^ . _ S^ ^tit«t,..ji^ i^m^ s m^ ^^^^^' . ir,A ^\^.T^^^ ituncations mB CHARGES OF A FREE-MASON: liDcntAorBp vbox THE ANCIENT B^COBDB OP LQDGfi^ BBTONB 8BA, AII»«v«BoaBIK ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. V TOMS BSAD AT TUB MAKlira or KIW BBRHIUeif, OB WHBN THB XAOTEB BDAU ,OBDBBIft. --■ *• ■ ■'" •' JPv5/MA«rf4y Ort^ of tht Grand Lo^ .,, ^ ,-r^' -^ — ^ I .^-i>V.44^V^ p Tfj-M THE GENERAL HEADS OF THE CHARGES OF A FREEMASON, &c. &c. , ; :.:-•■:.. ■■-...•.■ : ' ;-■./;. .v^ .',:;..., i; Of God and Religion. II. Of the Civil Magistrate^ supreme and ' subordinate, lit Of Lodges. - IV. Of Masters, fVardenSy FeUowa, and Ajh prentice$» V. Of the Management of the Craft in Work- . ■■■■■• ' * *ng. .VI. Of Behaviour J viz, y 1, tn the Lodge iohile constituted, 2, After the Lo^ge is over and the Brethren not gone, ^ , ' S, W/(en Brethren meet toithdut Sirany • gers^butnot.inalodge, i 4. In presence of Strang firSindt Masons, 5. At Borne and in the Neigho^ourhood, ,6. Towards a strange Brother, . ' MV ■^■^■ic^Kj< ilr 'i''"^ !f^*gfra.yf^y*fim.w»^rt THB CHARGES or A ^ ' &C. &C. L-rConeerninff GOD a»rf RELIGION. A MA80N is obliged, by bis tenure, to obey the moral law; and iChe rightly understand the art he will never be a 8t.ui>id atheist nor an irreligious libertine. He of all men, should best understand that God seeth not as man^seetli ; formanlooketh at the outward appearance, but GOD looketh tothe heart. A mason is, therefor^ particularly bound never to act against the dictates of his conscience. Let a man's religion or mode of wowhip be what It may, he is not excluded from the order^ provided he believean the glorious architect of heaven' and e^rth, apd practise the sacred duties of morality Jlasop unite with the virtuous of eveiy persuasion in the fi*m and pleasing bond of fraternal love ; they are taught to view the errors of mankind with compassion, aud^to strive, by the purity of their own conducMo dembnstwte tJie superior excellence of ihp faith ther niajf profess. Thus masonry is the centre of nnicm >^ ' ■— .: ^^2^ -. ^- ^ « )irft^i.;5-4* ^h^ '^ 28 ' ■^.-■■ .. : ■/" ■ ■ ■• =■ • ' . ■ ■' ■'; between good men and true, and-- the hajttpy means of conciliating friendship amengst tho^e-w^o must other- wise have remained at a perpetual distance. n— 0/ the CIVIL MAGISTRATE,' SUPREME and SUBQttDINATE* -^ A MASON is a peaceable subject to the civil powers / wherever he resides or works, and is never to be con- cerned in plots and conspiracies against the petivee and welfare of the nation, nor to behave himself undutifully - to inferior magistrates. He is cheerfully to; conform to every lawful authority ; to uphold, on every occasion, 'the interest of the>coramunity, and zealously promote th^ prosperity of his own country. Masonry has' ever flourished in times of peace and been always injured by war, bloodshed, and confusion; so that kings and princes, in every age, have been much disposed to encourage the craftsmen on account of their peaceable- aess and loyalty, whereby they practically answer the cavils of their adversaries and pi'bmote the honour of the fraternity. Craftsmen are bound by peculiar ties ' ^lo promote peace, cultivate harmony, and live in con- cord and brotherly love. ' '. -. \ . ' ' ■ ' ■,.'■■■ ' lit— ao duo tim©, Aftet he has aorvod such n term of years 10 tho cuBtom of the country direct* ; and that he should be descended of honest pardrits ; that so, when otherwise qualified, he may arrive to the honour of being the warden, and then the master of the lodge, the grand «rarden, aud at length the grand master of all tlio lodges . according to his merit* .> - No brother can be a warden until he has ^ssed the part of a fellow-cra(t> nor a master until hiy has acted •8 a warden, nor grand warden until he ha^ been master of, a lodge, nor grand master unless he hits been a fellow-ci;afl before his election, who is also to be nobly born, or a gentleman of the best fashipn, or some eminent scholar, or some curious architect, or oiher artist desd«tndcd of honest parents, and who is of sini^ularly great rti^t in the opinion of the lodges. And for the better, W^oasier, and nio/e honourable discharge of his office, the grand mas^r has a power to chuse his own deputy grimd master, i|vho mufet then be,"^or have fomerly l^n, the master of \ particuUr lodge, and who has the privilege of actiilg whatever the grand master, his principal, shSuld act, iJtaless the said principal be present^ or interpose his \ authority by letten -1 \ -> * . These rulers and goveniors supreme and subordiljate, of the antient lodge, are to be obeyed in thmr respective stations by all the brethren, according to tlie\old char^ and regulations, with all humility, revorenc^ lote, and alacrity. \ \ K. H.-^Inqntietit times no brother^ howeih' hktlledS in the era ft, vkou called a master-mason untw\^ he hud been elected into the chuir of a lodge. \\ „.. ^ V.- II Ofihe MANAGEMENT ^ the CRAFT in ' WORKIN„s, as they should teach a brother or fellow, ' VL— O/BEHATIOUR, »fe. - 1.— IN THE LODOK, WHILK OONOTITUTBD. You are not to hold private committees, or sepamte conversation, without leave from the master, nor to talk of any thing impertinently or unseemly, nor interrupt the master or wardens, or any brother speaking to th« master: nor behave yourself Iddicrously or jestingly while the lodge is leng^ed in what is serious and solemn ; nor use any un^oming language upon Any pretence whatsoever; but to imy due reverence to your master, wardens, and feUows, and put them to worship. If. any complaint be brought, the brother found guilty shall «tand to the award and determinatJbn of ^h« lodge, who are the proper and competent judges of alt such controversies, (unlm you carry them by appeal 1± ^^.t}^ ^- . i ■/,;■..■' M to the grand lodge,) and to whom they ought to be referred, unleM a lortrs work be hindered the Wean while, in which case a particular reference mi^ be made; but you must never go to law about ^hat concemeth masoqry, without an absolute n^cetoity apparent to the lodge. / ^ 2.— BBIIAYIOnR APTKR THK LODOK IS OVHR, AHD Till BRBTURElf NOT OONR. You *iay enjoy yourselves with innocent miLth^- treating on© another according to ability, but avoiding all excess, or forcing any brother to eat or drink beyond his inclination, or hindering him frpm going when his occasions call him, or doing or saying any thing offensive, or that may forbid an easy and free conver- sation ; for that would blast our harmony, and defeat our laudable purposes. Therefore no private piques or quarrels must be brought within the door of the lodge, far less any quarrels about religion, or nations, or state policy, we being only, m masons, of t|)e universal religion above-mentioned ; we are also of all nations, tongues, kindreds, and langu/iges, and are resolved against all 4)olitics, as what never yet conduced to thji welfare of the lodge, nor ever will. , 8.— BkHAVIODB WHEN BRETHREN MEET WITHOUT STBANOBRfi But NOT IN A LODGE FORMED. You ar«f to salute one another in a courteous manner as you willbeinstructeKi, calling each other brother, freely giving mutual instr^tlon as^hall be th®ught expedient, withoiitr being ^y ^raeen or overheard, and l"-i ■•^^^ / ■ '.f f ; TffT " \ 'jr-^^c -wfT'f. _^^j/. ■•Itliont cnoriMiohiiur nimn -. i . «.«n ...,«„.. .::o; xi^;:," '«^™". • man tl.at ho [,a,I U,for« . ' ^ ! **'"'^"'" ^'^'« ■ * * MA80K8. <«-over or HnJTt Xfi'IT' "'"" "»' >« «'''«^ AND II? TOUR NEIOpBOUHnoOD. You aro to act as become « ^ ''-, ''''*■ b.»™. know ,,.« eonce™ „ Zti^^t T' ""«'- -..oas that your fau.iL t nf"' f ""7 »' <'"".t- "7 «^ \ >1 ■:•»•»»' -L-r»«M»i?v.»r(fafw "nsTT^fe I^Cf, ifore lie M broth ron, >onour from "tidi to Ilia tlio brothor- '■uanooo. se man ; i neigh- H wisely ' antiont id here. > tinning drunk- injured 86 0. — BKnAVIOVm TOWARM A tTRANOI ■ROTIIII. Yov are oauliouRly to exanilne lilm in Maoh a method a« prudence iihall direct you, that you may not be imponed npoh by an ignorant false pretender, whom you are to reject with contempt and deriRion, and beware of giving him any hints of knowlo<]ge. But if you diiioover him to be a true and genuine brotlier, you are to respect liim accordingly ; and if he is in want you must relieve him if you can, or else direct him how he may be relievo««,»«„, »« lh.6nd of ti™.^ "^'^•^ »"1 IiODOl^ Ol 1863, BT WnUAK HWBT WBm, AB qBAITB SMXmXtiMX, I.— The appointment of this officer is a prerogative of the Grand Ifbster, by whom a patent may be grant- ed, during pleasure, to any Brother of eminence and ability in theiwaft, who may be thought worthy of the appointment By this patent the Brother is invested with a rank and power, in his parjMnlar district, similar to those possessed by the Grand Master. He shall be installed at the first Provincial Grand Lodge whicb he may- hold after his appointment n.— He is empowered to appoint for his province a Deputy and other grand officers, except the treasurer; and also I^rovincial Grand Stewards, not exceeding six in number. lU.— -He may preside in every Lodge he visits witbM his district, wifli his Deputy Pirovindal Grand Master on his right and the Master of the Lodge •» ft. Judgment of Z Pr^wrciJuT ." r'"™ "• . the, h„ 'been C^dlSS f^ "•»* "^ »- •o»io fanotion, ofprivZ!? k' "™ ^ "^ ■•'• «► district or pwiBoe o^^u" ! t '^^ '^'"■' ^i* : ■^.."icWion. the iX o/Btt, "r ''"»''•''? »«■»- ted for hi. deciKion tli. ',.'"?• <•" »«7 ««» wbmit. ^P^l. in all c«riir^ r"*" P"-!"^ A» Ti? Ww»W'««S»a^.'i»'"»-=«*f •V r«t*- •>•« I J' i9 tl.— Thp Provincial Onmd llastor nmj tnimiidn liny Lodge or Brother, within hi« district, to attend him, and to produce the warrant, ho6k», papew^ and accountt of theXodge, or the certificate of the Brother. If the summons be not complied with nor a sufficient reason given for non compliance, a peremptoiy; sum- mons shall be iasoed ; and^ in ease of* epiitumaoy, the Lodge or Brother may be suspended, and the prooeedinff notified to the Grand Lodjje «r ihe <3frand Master. - y ^tsSfc ^" PO^w, with the eoncurrenqe of the ^"^^ HHk l^y^^ ^ to refuse eewent for the removal of a LlipRy)^ town to town within hia Province, or from bi^ district into another, dr from another district into his own, provided that, in all cases, the laws re- lating to the removal of Lodges shall have been com- plied with.^ VIII,— He should hold a Provincial Orand Lodge, in such pbice.as may seem to Ipm most convenient, at least once in isach y«ar, when there may also be a Ma- sonic festival. He ma;jr convene Provincial Grand Lodges of emergency whenever in his judgment it mar be necessary. ■ IX.— He ia re9uired hf himself, or his Deputy, to corrwpond with the Grand Lodge, and to transmit to the Grand Secretary, at or prior to the quarterly com. , munication in March, a oiroumstantikl account^ in WnUng, ofhis proceeding8,Mid of the atate of Maso^ withm his province, tbipether with a list ^ such Lodgea I^ as may have been constituted sinoerhis last retum, and % flw fees due thereon to the Gtend Lodge. ~S ^X-.To insure the l^lar performance of the dttU<» of the Provincial Grand Masteiv and to prenait Iht i^ mf-' \ r^ "f.. ■ ^v f 40 •V i«myfliiioiiflet wJag tram tU m^m of Attn, ie m»y ^int , Depatyto exeeute «H the fiinotSs «f ' * ^^v" ^*' "^^ »^^'^h for thi. pai^ose, in-* T^thim^y patent, iiadtr hi. h»nd*nd .wl, with lill - tbereqaiBitctpqwen, daring pIeaMtr«. , XL^^^e ProyincUl Omnd Martor must transnrit tje WEMi aiid plac« rf abode «*f his Deputy, in writing, 40 aU^the Lodg« rfhi. diatrict. «id aho io the 0«nd ^T^^i.**'^'*^'!*^*^'" '««**^ within one ^A of the aj^intment} and, at the uabe time ■pewfy whether he intends th# business of the provincs to Utransacted by himself orDepnty, r ^ i^f^^^^^J^l"^ Oriad Master holding Wsofeoe^ ^the plea«,re of the Grand Master, and the power of the %htj as well as of the t*«>v|ncial Gmnd Lbd^, emanating from the authority vested in the R^Vin^ Ora«d Master, to or his Deputy must be responsible Uuit the Promcal Grand Lodge do not e«eed ite law. T. ^a !f i' ^ ^roc^^tS^ «»d te pwHiuco them to the QrandMaster or Grand Lodge when i^uirtd. I-^ DejMiiy Provinciid Grand Master rtnst have pieviously ^ the office of Master in a regular ^^^ bemident wiihin the ptovince, andTsub- •oAorfiMd^bypateiit to hold office duringplea^. - if«!!S!«r« t^J"^"^ "^ P««idee, unless the ^nmnoial G«md M^ pi^t, in any Lodge -'^^ ^ * ,<^-t A^Jri^ '^ • i:f^*m\ '»!T*«^?s»a:£rijK-«., *^-v ^W?VW_-' ■WKT 7sJ» "*S*y> ^-msi^t :W^ 41 ■, ■ \ , » ' ■ : « ■ ■ • ■ ■' ■ ■■■■■■.■ he may yi^it whV» Ws dittl^t He k not, by his oflBoe, ft m^mbti^ of ihe Onm^ Lodge, Hot doee'htf pot- ■ess »ny rank dtat of his district, though he is entiUed to wear the clothing of ft-Pronhcial Grand Offiber. of Jjast Pronrfoid Grand Oflleer, m all Masonic meetinn/ •■' . ■ ^' ' ■■"■ ■• '*■-■■ .■ 'i'x- " •' ■' ■■■''" '■- ■, ■ ■ ^ , I^-These most ah be resident witbjn^h(r]^no«, and snbMribing members to some Lodge therein; but * the M. W. Grand Master may grant a dispensatidn ibr non-residence. Afoeof two guinei^ifor &raiidWir-' . dens, and one gfuinea fqr any su|><^rdinate Officer, •hai|" ' be paW to the general funi -Pe Grand m»dens ••d^uboriiyei^^ Grand Oflacers (except th^Hreasuwr, irho k to ^ r el^ot^ifti^'t^bei^nuiUyttppdn^b^ , Qrand Master, and such offi«(^ fti« i^peetiyelj i4 U invested in tbe ^yincial QmA Lodg^ ^A th^Xk ' pMM^withw their istri^ * Grand Offieer8;4 bH| they ve not, Wsu<^ fippo^tment. of the United Qrand Miji, nor ^S^they tifcen^ynwiil «ut, of thek distribV Aoni^ i% a*i»^^ M ^ elothi^^g ift ?^TiiK^ Gland (»ioeii or J^ ^ Pfoviflpial Grand Gfflowe, in iJl Masonia meetitiga, ' ^^;Brother «w b^appointed ft i»w>»inciii (3^ W^x^ vnless he be the Muster or Taamit^ oC a I^odge ; ^or ^ Profinciia Gmnd 1^^ be ft Warden or Past Warden of ft Lodge. :. • iti ■?' -'■f - h « * ,• '- •!*« ^ » ^7 ; u cur 1 ^■: ' * Provincial .Grand Stewwds While in office may.wear jewel^atpeadcd Jby red o^liare and ^prooa with red edging* of the name width «t the purple of ihe Pro. ijn^ial Grand Officers, and are members of their ow? Provincial Grand Lodge, btit when ou<^of office they are no longer members, or entitled to wear red aprons /and collars, or jewels Nor ar« Provincial Grand Stewards entitled to wear red apron or collars out ot ih^r own proviiijM. *t iMftwfal Orator Erti^ ;jU^en the Provtedd (^ ^ncial Grand Lodge is to be declared open«in «rft,* •T**l " **»• J>«P«ty or other Broth«r pwslde, ^^ /wrw" only, . IL-The actual and Past Protincial Oraiid OMeers, iWiil^ they remain snbtoribing membera to a Lod^ in the proHwje, with the aotnal Provincial Grand Stewaids, Md the Mastens P** liters, and Wardens, of all Lodges wiAfa flie proi^lice, are members of-the Pro- nndal Grand Lodge, and the Mastera and Wardens sh^attend the same when dnljr 8nmmon«d. HL—The Pfovinolal Giwnd todge hasihe power of framnigBy.UwBforif»owngoTemment,8n4 of maKnir i^aCioDs (or &e guidance of the Private Lodges of the^provinoe; provided that Done of these be contrary to,OTiBoowHstent with, the laws and constitutions of th^ Grand Lodge. *!. '^^'«**"«»d™tage having been experienced from the establishment of a local fund, for charitable and --«- 'fT'-'iW • k. 4t Other MiMonio purposes, oach PromeW Grand Lodffo may direct payments to be made hy the ProvJncUl Grand Officers and , the Lodges in the provTnqe for this desirable purpose, (exclusive of^ contributions payable "I T^'^U^^li '^^""^ P^yneot. by X^ges shall not exceed the following sums, vi. : six pence per quarter for every contributing member of a Lodge five shillings for eveiy person who has been initiated ' and one shilHng for eveiy member who has joined' any Lodge ii^ce the last payment This fund cannot be established without tHe. concurrence o^ at least, two- thirds ot,the membem present Mn Provincial Grand Lodg€^ nor unless eacK Lodge .in the Pro^'nce shall have had daienotice of thie meeting, and of the Jnten- Uon to propose the establishment of ^ch fund nor until the decision shall hatibeen confirmed at a\l sequent ^ting of the Provindiil Grand Lod^e. of be established, the mode of contribution by L«lws in propgp,^ the number of thefr membeiB, sbXoii no p^ce, b« departed from, though the i>ro.'inci«l .Grand Lodge in^y diminish any of the payment, ^r exact 0% part of them at their discretii,. ^us. country Lodges can, in no. case, Jbe iuljected to feS dlT^'^'^^'^ ^ evcy Lodge within the London dwitHQl, i,^ile. their nien^bers will have the advantage of a1ooal^n4 a^ifeU as of the general ibnd of chi^ ThrP,oW.cW Grand l*J»o „.y „^ «<* r^ <' < \ X I ,; 1 -, . - ** ■*"-.. 1^— The Provfnotftl Orandtoage siiatl elect a trM- '^ turer annually, bj whom a regular account of the re-^ ceipta and disburaementa of this fund sliall be kept ThcM accounts must be produced at eveiy Provincial Grand Lodge, and audited tnce in each year, and a copy thereof transmitted to the Lodgea within tbe province. VI.^Cdrreotr:tt!nute9 of the proofing* of the Pro- Tincial Grand Lodge shall be kept in a book pw^rfot the purpose, which shall be produced, by the Ptovibciiil Grand Haster, for the irispectioo of the Grand Mfuter or Grand Lodge whenever required! * • Vn.— Tbe Provincial Grand Lodge emanates from, the authority vested in the Provincial Grand Master, and poflseases no other powers than thcee specified. i| therefore follows that no Pk'oviodai Gran^ tiodg^ dm meet but by the sanction of the Ph>vincial Grand Ma»- ter or his Deputy ; abd that it cettes to exist, on th^ deaA, resignationj >iiipenBiob, or removal of. Uie Pkk vinoial Grand Master, until some Brother is 4niy appointed or empowered to perform the functions of Provincial Grand Master, by whole authority the Pi<^ vincial &rand Lodge mAy be again established. T^HL-^liduid the Plfovindal Grand Master desire the opinion of his Provincial Grand Lodge on tbe snb- ject of aiiy Masonic complaint or irtegnlarity wfthlH 'his district, they shill fully fakqnire into the matter and report their opinion thereon to the Provincial Grand Master^ with whom alone the decii^on remwns, unless «her« shall be an appeal to the Grand Lodge against sucb decisi^. , .. ..J- 'i- - •' . \ « •Hi' •V '"!■■•■ •f 9km «m)r .fttkin, ft, e«^ „ j^^ I-It bei»; i.*c««aiy, on .cooiint of »fc. dU^ of Foreign or ColonWDirtrict 0™d Udg«. «,d .b.co«. Mqaont del.y ,n their cmnmnfctioni with th. Cod Lodge of Kngl«,d. th.a .hoi, powo« ,h'o„Id b. „o» - .rten..vo^O„ G™,d.Lodg, dil,gM« fo i„ j-^reirt or CoI«„,l D„t„ot Q,.nd Lodg«, m«rti„g „rtl,r. G^M M«ter d«Ir.«thori«d .nd .ppointJhy th, Z^ MmUj, of lSngl.„d. In «JdWpn to th. ^wo« iZ» ^ Gnmdtodg, of &gl,„d; .nd th. jTw.^o Q,.nd Martormv confer on Prorindal Gmnd M-to,. in Ai ~^n,«.nd fo„ig„ p^ . p^ of,di.p«.^;t . "f- 'rf«»"g«>oy. for. Brother to ho «lvwo*li;, . ttofoUowing wgnUtioras rti:— - * "^ "^•f TM noUoe in writing of the fees p»«po.od, and Ao v fce Mnt to ,«h lodg, fevu^ ^^ ,^ ^^ least pnor to the meeting. . "™"T ^ Jhrt if the prepo«4 piyBients shdl bo wroed to W t»o4h.«J, »t least of Jfc. mmb^ Pf«.«.t, id» a2^ ^riod of noi le., t^.n tt^„«,a„ fi«»^e^* ■neetinfe «ri . ^.p, rf the AolnHona so JnUtA ■.'r-.l .:^>t-^,£^^ '.f .«■■''' be tent forthwitli to ^rndh Lodg« with the ■ammoBs for tbt Bocond meeting. That any Lodge whoM Officers may not be able to attend, by reason of tbdr distance from the place of MMinbly, be {Permitted to sUte its opinions in writing, provided Jhe same be dispatchea to the Prorincial Grand Secretory within the period of one month from the date of receiving tlie sumihona for the second meeting; When th« proceedings have been confirmed, a copy thereof shaU be transmitted to the Most Worshipful Grand Master for his approval, together with copies of •ny opinions which may have been received iA writing* When the Gra^ Master shall have given hit con- tent, and hot till then, thall the resolutions be declared ▼tlid, and the feet and payments demanded, which thall in such case be payable from the time when the proceedings were oonOrmed by the District Grand IiOdge. 6f IMhatc JUtism* t—The Officers of a Lodge are the . Master and hit two Wardent, with theur Attistontt, the two Deacona, Inner Guard and Tyler. There must also be a Trea- turer and Secretaiy. A Ohl^Uain, Matter of Ceremo- niet^ and Stewardt may be appointed. n.—Evei7 Lodge i|iall annually elect ito Matter k^; Treaeurer by ballot^ wch Matter having regularly' terved at Warden of a Warranted Lodge for one year, nnd, at the next meeUng after hit election, when the miniitet are confirmed, he thaU be 4uly initaUed in the .aiS^lMi **■. A^ -m^mw"-^ ; "'wrf^' ■jfwjr y r|f I ■nmmons , Ch»fr. aooordbg to mitient asag^ ftft«r which h« •hnU appoint hit Warden! and other Offloeia, eioept the ' or the Lodge, t ■js''''': N. B.--It it rery desirable that a Brother ahould be present when appointed to ait ^oe. III—No Brother iLall be Master of more than oim Lod^ at the i«me Ume, without a di.pen«ition from the Grand Master. : >*K ^1:7^"* *'"'''' ''^ the taTem or house, at which SK^*^,'?''**^ "^"" ^^^^ '"y «*«•'» the Lod«. without 4 dispensation from the Grand Master or So Prorincial Grand Master. Y— Erery Lodge has the power of framing By-Lawt for ,ts own goyemment, provided they are not incon- sistent with the regulations of the Grand Lodge. The By-Laws must be submittal to the Grand Master, or the Provincial Gf.u4 M«iUr, and when approved, a fair copy must be sent to the Grand Secretwy. and in the oaw of a countly Lodge, also to the Provincial Grand Master; and. when any material alteration shall be made, such alteration must, in like manner, be sub- mitted. No law or alteraHon will be vaHd until so suV. mitted andjipproved. The By-Uws of the Lodgtahall be fcirly written in if book, which shall be delivered to theMaeter on hi. installation, when he shall .olemnly pledge hmself to <^rye akid enfotce them. Every Brother ahall sign ^em when he become, a membi of the Lodge, n a declaration of his submisdon to them, and shall at iljl reasonable times have acocH to them^ and be allowjbd to take cojpie.. i ■./-'■- " . "^^—^ *»*>k '^^ ^ kept in «f ery Lodge, in which •hmll be entered the oamea of iu memben, and of all per*on« admitted theroio. with the datea of their pro- poaal, admiasion, or initiation, [Muwng and raising; thdr agea, titlft, profe«iona or tradea, together with •uch other transactions of the Lodge aa are proper to be written. The Maater ia responsible for tha obaerraooe of this law. ■f Vir.— The pTaoe mi regular daja of meet! n| of the Lodgt shall be speoiaed in the Bj-Uwa, and no meet* ing of the Lodge shall be held elsewhere, except a nmoval be decided upon, in conformity with the Lawa, or thai the continuance of tlie meeting of the Lodge, •t its usual place, be rendered impracUcable or impro- p«r by circumstanoea speoiaed undtr tht hmi **IU- VIU.— Efery Lodge, when removed to a new plaoe of meeUng^ or whenever the day of assembUng ahaU be •Itered, shall immediately send notice thereof to the Grand Secretary, and, if a country Lodge, also to the Provincial Grand Master. The Officers of a lemoved Lodge shall not be permitted to attend the Grand Lodge or Provincial Grand Lodge unUl the Mmoval be properly notia^. IX.— A Lodge of Emergency may, id any time, be cdled, by tlie authority of tf^e Master, or, in hia al>. ■ence, of the Seni^ Warden, or, in their absence, of the Junior Warderf; but on no pretence without auoh •uthorityi The business to U transacted at auch Lodge of Emergency shall be eipressed in the sum- mons, recorded in the minutei, and no other buaioMa •hall be entered upon. X-Th« praMdoBoj ofJLodgta h derived from the number of Uieir conrtituUon. m recorded id the boohi of Uie Gmnd Lodge. No Lodge nhall be acknowledged nor its OUcere admitied into the Grand Lodge or « Provincial Orand Lod««.J((^^ it»memUrt eoti* tied to partake of the g«W||ibr or other Ma«,nie pririlege, u«JeM it h« hJmmmHy conaUtuled and regtttered«~^ "^ flP^ XL—Any Lodge which «aj not be dUUiiguiahed hj * a name or Utle, heing deairoua of taking one. munt, ht that pvpoee, procure the approbation of the Grand Matter, or Provincial Grand Matter, and the name inurt be registered with the Grand Secretary. Ko Lodge a}iall be permiUed to alter iu name without tb« like apptobatioQ, ^ ° XIL— No Lodge can make a If awn or admit a member without atrictljr oompljing with all the regula- laona enacted for the governae«t of the ermft. 8m XIIL— Every Lodge mutt receive at arafembar, without further propotiUon pr UUot, any Brother iai* tiatad tharain, providad tuck i^rother ex]tfett hit with to that effect on the da^ o^ hit initiation, to atoertain which, the matter thall caU hit attenUon to thit law at no Lodge thould introduce/into Matbnty a perton whom the Brethren might con^i^er unfit to be a member of their own Lodge. . ■ .J ., ;^ •..;■>] XIV.— Every Lodge lautt be particularly caraful ia regittering the namet of the Brethren initiated therein, and alto in making the returnt of itt members, at no pemon it regularly entiUed to parUke of the general ohftrity unleat hit name be duly regittered, ^ m / r i. 60 .To prerent hjnry to Individuals, hj U\ng excluded tU pnyrleges of Mawniy, thr«wgh neglect in not regis- t^ng their names, any ^Brother, so circnmsUnced. on p*ducing sufficient proof that he has paid the full fees tf Ins Lojlge, including the register fee, shall be cap*. *^fenjpying tfie privileges of the crafty and theoffeud- "fif I^genliall be reported to the Board of Genera ^ Purposes, and rigorously proceeded against fordetaining monies^ which are the proiierty of the Grand Lodiro. and which had been paid to the Lodge ibr specific appropriation. *^ * i ^V^-^» monies received or paid on account of the Mge shall be entered in proper books. The fees or dties received on account of, and payable to, the Grand jate and distinct from the monies beiongmir to the >dge, and shall be deposited in the hands of Uie Master instead of the Treasurer of the Lodge, and shall be transmitted to the Grand Lodge, and Provincial Grand Lodge, at such times as the laws of the craft require. The accounts of the Lodge shall be audited at least once in every year, by a Committee to be' appointed by the Lodge. XVL— Every Lodge shall procure for eveir Brother initiated therein a Grand Lodge certificate, to be paid for by the Lodge, at the same time with the fee for registration. i XVII.— No Lodge, or Officer or Member of a Lodge shall under any circumstances give a certificate or re-' commendation to enable a Mason to proceed from Lodge to Lodge as a pauper, or in ^n itinerant manner to •pply to Lodges for relief. - \ ■<•* i^-i^ j-a. urf, j;~. -^ WSLf^.sA \^-WWV''''^f XVnL-No Lodge thall form wiy pabiic MmooIo prooesaion withont a license from the Grand Master, or the Provincial Grand Master. XrX.— All Lodges are particularly bound taotserre the same usages and customs ; eveiy deviatiof , there- fore, from the estoblished mode of working is highly improper, and cannot be justified or countenanced. In order to preserve this uniformity^ and to cultivate a good understanding among Free Masons, some Mem1>eni of every Lodge should be deputed to visit the other Lodges as often as may be convenient XX.— If any Brother behave in such a mnoner as t6 dUturb the harmony of the Lodge, he shall be ihrioe formally admonished by the Master; and, if he persist in his irregular conduct, he sliall be punished according to the By-I^wsof that particular Lodge, w the case may be reported to higher Masonic authority. ' • XXL— No Lodge shall exclude any member without giving him due notice of the complaint made againsi him, and of the time appointed for its consideration The name of tfvery Brother excluded, with the cause of his exclusion, shall be sent to the Grand Secretary ;^ and, if a Country Lodge, al^ to the Provincial Grand Master.*^ J^ XXn.— The jewels and furniture of ever^Lodgei belong to and are the property of the Master and Wa^ dens, for the time being, in trust for the members of such Lodge; md the master of the house whersin the . • The term «»prfW ta oMd qdy when • Brother Is rwnoved lirom thecrsft lu the Orsad Lodge, or a Distriet Onuid Lodge upon renovator a Brother from a Private Lodm the Una «««fiNMoiilyisappUeable. --we •enn Lodge if h«ld thAll IwTe nd Ikn Uiereoii; jkit ihtll he b« suffered to be the owner of the jewel* or fiir- nitu^ of Mj Lodge; under the penalty of the for- ftrtture of the wnrmnt of eonetituUpn of such Lodge. Hojewel thell be worn in « Lodge other than th.Me •peCSfied for the Officer*, except snch honorary or other jewel at ehall be contittent with thoM degrees reoog- oiaed by the Orand Lodge, m part of antient Free Ifasonrj. i XXIIL—Ihe warrant and books and papers, belongs, log to a Lodge, n^ust be produced by the Master, when -Mquired by opmpetpnt authority. XXIV.— -The migority of the memben of a Lodge, when congregated, have the privilege of giving instruo- »*on» to ti^Master, the immediate Past Master and Wardeiis, before the meeUng of the Grang^xlge; because such 0ffioers«are their represontat^S are supposed to speak their sentiments. XXV*— -Ench Lodge shall annually make a return to the Grand Secretary of the Master, Wardens, and Past Masters or the Lodge, and of all members who claim to be eotiUed to attend the Orand Lodge as Past - Hesters, having served the office of Master ii| some other Lodge, spteifying the Lodge jh which each of them has served the office of Master; and no Brother •haU be permitted to attend the Orand Lodge luless hU name shaU appear in sueh return. XXVL-rEvery Private Lodge shall, at least, once in ««* year, transmit direct to the Orud Secretary a »V!«r Hit, signed by thi^ Master and SecietaiyToT its niemberp, and of the Brethren initiated or admil^ . therwn, since the last letuni, with the dates of ini|iatk>n - . ■;■■■■' .-■.■■■ o ■M..- 'V wzTST'',ra\ u \ or joining, and when paned or raised, the dates of tbos^ degrees rospeotivcily, together with- the ages^ titles, pro- fjBssions, additions, or trades of such Breihren, and the name aiyd numben^of the Lodge to whioh « joining member formerly jplonged ; and, at tlie same time, re mit all moniea due to the Qrand Lodge; and if a LodgQ negleot, for one yeai; to make sueh return and pay*, menta, or if it do not meet for one year, itis liiible to be erased. The Blaster, immediate Past Master, and Wardens of a Lodge^^ which jihall have neglected, for one year, to make its returns and payments, are dis- tluBi Nxi Gi:ftnd Lodges « K— The ^rd^ sofe Offipert of a L0dM£)not^ ^ » Ml cku*e which appeal to the rx^^s^ai^i^ <^acft bf'imy of hie o^cera, ^^lay J Ae «Mii(« of complaini he«^ -**-^-, to the majority of the Brethren pKeenttiiit the lv,.v!iki V i^T?;;^ csemplaint bf well ibanded;1ie ahall have pof^^^lto dia- » X-4ro,BrotherahaU be^ulmitt^' a memi ^ Lodge, ttttleaa ^lawa of the craft, relat , '^h^ing iuid^|ting Qf caadidatea, atrictljr compliiMMh. (See propoaing _ n^— A brother who haa b^n conoem«_ ^'♦na ciandeatineljr; or at a Lodge which i ; : ■ . W' |a : ■\ ' Rbe »eeB / 1 ■ ' '\;'\ " ^ ^ l^-' ' • V>'""-- k'r^-^ ■■: V- PflH f >" .. ■;■• ■ I ■ ' ^ gttliir tiodgs, or for im^ll and lufworilij oon«ld«nUioiit, . ||or who may anist tn forming a new Lodge without the ^1 Grand Master*! authority, aball not be admitted aa a ^member,, ppr even aa a visitor, into any reguFar Lodge, nor partake oflihe general charity or other Masonic privilege, t|U ho make due submission, and obtain grace. UIvNo'Brotber shall presume to print or publish, or cause t6 Be printed or published, the proceedings of any Lodge, or any part thereof, or the names of the persons present at such Lodge, without the consent of the Qrand Mastejr, or Provincial Grand Master, under pain of beiffg suspended or expelled from the Order. This law is not to extend to the writing, printing, or publishing, of any notice or summons, issued to the niembers of a Lodge, by -the authority of the Master, o^tbe proceedings of any festival or public meeting at which persons not Masons are permitted to be present. V^-Tbe majority of the members present at any Lodge duly summoned have an undoubted right to re- gulate ^Iheirown^rolkMdings, provide that they are consistent with the Generfd Laws and Regulations of the crafty no member, therefore, sh^l be permitted to enter in the Minute Book of his Lodge a protest against any resolution or proceeding which may have taken place, u"l<^^|^i^ttl!|^ to be contrary to thelawa an^ipySw^e Ipff^ for the purpose of co%laiij^ o^appeaiing ^ahiijhef Maaoiuc authori^^^ VL— » any memblr shall be e%%nded[Mm ^ Lodgey or shan withdraw himself fr^m it» witli6tit1iav- ^' ilQr complied with its By-Laws, or urith the se^^^e- guUtidnsof the cnOky he shall n^bc eli^eio airy ^ other Lodge, Qtttil that Lodge shall havflleen madeiip* vA it^ -#■ UV *i'''"''V ' a jgipr.JV'" ^-'^'sWif^aa^ ;^^?7*^^*^' ^nM with hi. former wglaet, .o thiU the Bwthf« may be enabKjd to exercise their dieoretion m to hi. admiMiod. Whenerer . member of any Lodge, riidl 2f K*"! ' '^.^^^'"M or whenever, rTfoture «lfl * i ?*"'"* it, he .h«ll be furniehed with • SrS°*^'^*"^ ***• «irndoffenceof Mniilarniklire, wuWn th,^ year^ it d.all be not le« than t^ more thau ten pound.; tnd if a biotlier iliall le^ to m the fine, or be guilty of a third ofleooe Within ■ Si threaTSMn of tli« aeoond offenoe, lt« •btJl b«.Habl6 to espblnion from tli« onft. / All fines thaH be applied to th«/ General Fiind of Charity. ' /. 0t 9t9fmins 0Ua^nu, IKMtftig, yiMUng wHH 'Great discredit and injarj iiaWng been broagbt upon dtar antient and honohible Anttemitj from admitting members and reo^ng candijdatea without due notice ^^ng (Hven, or inquiry made into their ohftraoters and qualifications; and from the passing and raising Miiabna witboutdue instruction in the respective. d • Adit provided for. saabot be granted eieept in essss spcdally ■#♦" /■ -i t^ * .^^< .* Vt .T % %. ^t ^ • frf« the Onind S^reUry. string th* f«Jt, .nd .t^ p^^g whether the Brot' - • — "^^ ^ jia«rter«gf duly paid. ^ . , ^^^^"^ '^T '*'•'* ^ *"'^* f ^^-0° without • ,#^it regular Lodge, whioh thall noTtake place u„l«I .m the Grand 1« «i^ i T. ^ ^"^' IM^^ w— , I?i^ ▼^ ** P»PrIncial ((}rand Uaa. •^ BwiJ candidate At l« a fW>e man. hi. own r«:::^^^ w^^ '^^'^^^^ ^» -^^»>^"° !«T^ ^'•^:»»- *« W. iniUatlon he muat aul^ ^ribe hi. nnme ^ ftjii length, to . dcch^tloo liZ following import i» tifc :— ^.S > ^^ ^^ ri ". ). vw^^"'~'W^vmvfy^t •1 % To Um WonUpM MmUt. WMrdam, OfllMra Mid MwibMt of th* Lodge of i. Vo. I, ^^W * ^* "**°> *">I1 ■•* of twMt7 abio opioioo oonoaitrad of tlU Iaatit|^oD, and a daaira of know* l0(l|(«; and UuU I will cbMrfulIy «o«fbnn'H(/>ll Um aBU«iil^ d|Mw and aatabUahad eiutoma of ^ Ordar. WitatH my hiSd, thia „ day of WilDMt / IV.— No penoD oan be made » Mmoii In or admits ft member of a Lodge, if, on the ballot, three blauk appear againat him ; but the By-Laws of a Lodge enaot lluit one or two. black ball* may ezoMe i tt«*: • ■ ;:■-- . ^Bmj candidate thall, on hi* initiation, lolemni j promiae Ppibiiiit to the constitutions, and to conform to all the maget tlid regulations of the craft. ^ TL— -No Lodge shall, on any pretence^ initiate into Masonry ntore than five persons, on the same day, unless by a dispensation, which shall specify the total numi to be initiated. VIL-^No Lodge shall confer more th*n one d on any Brother on the same day, nor shall a higher degree b« ttenferred on any brother at a less interral than four weeks, from his receiving a previous degree, nor until he has passed an eauuniuation, in o|N|n Lodge* in that degree.* Vin.— No other liiodge shall initiate any non-com- missioned officer or corporal belonging to a regiment •Sieepthi loTUfyl I I I Mil I I •pcdally pfovidad for. 89$ JHdrki Qnmi ^^ • "V. ■\ • f or UtUlion to whioh a mflltarj Lo tent ; and, daring hie oontinuance in the Lodge, he must be subject to the By-Lawe of the Lodge. The Master of the Lodge is bound to enforce these regula* tions. A Brother who is not a subscribing member to • Lodge shall not be permitted to visit any Lodge in the town or place where he resides, more thaa once during his secession firom the craft, ^ •( CittlilWtfll, L— Efery Brother shi^l be entitled to ft Grand Lodgi Oertifioate, immediately upon his being registered in the books of the brand Lodge, for which Gertificate the Lodge shall p4y six shillings and six pence. Each. Lodge, therefore, when it makes a return of the Masons whom it has initiated, shall, in addition to the register fee, make a remittance for the OerUflcatea, which may either be taken oat of the initiation fee, or charged separately to the Brothers fo^r whom the Certificates are obtained, at the discretion of the Lodge. JL — Every Brother to whom a Grand Lodge Certifl- ~ cate is granted must ySShJ&^ume to the margin thereoi; or it will not beJflnM' ^ * ' , nL-i-No Brother shall dbtain a'Gra&d Lodge Oerti- ficate if he shall have Ifeen admitted to more than one degree of Masonry on the same dej* or at a shorter v interval than one month from his receiving a previooi ; degree.* . ^, ■ _ * Bxccpt in csMs spedslly provided for. 8m DJttHH Grmtd Lodg*U c/oMM 1. Not added in printing these extraetst .1. ■ ■ ' • '•*■ 1 A i: ■-. f • 64 •A \ IV.-r-Erery docnnient upon wMe^ f» Qnrnd Lodge 0«rtiiiaite it to b« Iwaed, most speoifjr the diite of inK nation," and the days jn^whieh the Brother waa ad- ▼anoedtotheaeooiidortSiirddegreeayaatheoaaeinaybe. v.— All appjitotiona for Grand Lodge Oertifioalfla must be made to Ihe OrandHS^oretary ;' and if the name of the Brother wiihing for the Oertifj|oale haa" . ; not preriainaly bee» fegiatefeid^ th^ money payable on iiegittratioh roust be transi^ltted at the aame time; aa ' no Certifloate can on anyaceoiin^ be iiiaed until such m^ey^ been paid. ',.>," yL—A Brother, who shiUl h«ie obtained, a Orai^d Lodge Oertifloiite of the ^rst or second * degree fjill, after he ha« been advanced to. a enperior degipe, be entitled to exchange siich Gertifioiite for one of the^ saperior degree without any adctitioBal Expense. VII,— No Lodge shall jgrant ^ PriVate Lodge Oerti- , ficate to a Brother, except (or the pilrpoee of enabling , him to obtain V Grand Lodge Oertiflcate, (in which ease ij^ shall be specially addressed to the Grand Se- ; oratory ;) and except also snch Certificates as may be tequi^d by the lawe of the Grand Lodge, (See ArikU FZ, under head Memhert and their duty,} or called for by m^ of its Boards or Committees. No Lodge, nnder %. •"7 Fetohcei •hall make a ohaige for % l^rivate Lodge .jP^^^CerUflcate. ■ . ".V -V :'..,:'::■" ^ ■ , - ■ '■■:.,■■ ■'*'''' ■:--■■ V, ■ . . ■ ,". . . ®f Ucnwhal of Iclbgcr, " Any Lodge may bev remored from one honii^ to ] another, within the same town or place, i^ %r dieeie- V ^B of its members; bo^ o^^^<» P*«T^Mt«»^ y\ m ■M 'r " 99 And to aaoertain how tlib power is to bo eierolted, tlia foltowtng regulationft miut,|[>o •triotly complied with : I«— -No Lodge tluill be removed without the Muter** Icnowledge, nor ihAll nny motion for remoral be mode in his aberabe ; but, if the n^otlon be regularly made and seoonded, the Master shall order summonses to bo sent to ererjr meniberi specifying the business and i^ poinUng a day for hearing and deciding the <}oestion; *taoh day to bey«t least, one week after the.iasuing of ' the summonses. The ma)oHty prasent shall determine •^the question, proridedrthe Master be one of that ma* jority ; but, if he be against remoiring, the Lodge shall not be removed, unlesji the majority oonusts of two* thirds of the members present K the Master should refhse to issue the sAmmonse^ eitheroCthb Wardens may do ib, iind if the Master neglect to,atton4i the Senior or Junior Wardefi may „ preside in dfetermining tfa^qoestioQ, |L-4r the meeting o^ a Lodge, at its usual plabe,° uld» by any circumstanoe, be rcindered imprioticable Iv improper, the Master may ap|k>int Wy other plaoe for a. meeting, to consult his BreUirwxon the oooadon^ and whether a permanent removal majrbe expedient , UL<^When a Lodge shall have resolvod to remove^ jthe Master, or a Warden, shall forthwith send a odpy of the minutes of the Lodge, for such, removal, to tho- Oraiid Seeretaiy, and also to' the Provincial Grand Master, or liis Depn^, that it m|iy be ascertained whe- ther the above laws h Ave been strictly 'complied with, and thnt the removal may be duly recorded. -^^ IV.<— No Lodge can be reinoved ifrom one toWn or place to another, nor the Warraii^ transferred,* without; '■ A -tOU^ ."<*■ Um ooMent of tht Onind IfMttr, or W lb« Piovbeial OrMid Kastor, witk Um ooiiottrtHit oi the Qnuid Maitor. #■; #r llitlllc ilnicfiitoiii. 1.— No IfMonio funeni), or other pnbHo proo«Mi«i^ •hall, on any pr^too«s bo allowed, without the Iweaaai of the Grand lCarter« or the Provincial Orand Maater. ILf-ir anj Brother ■hall attend, ae a MaMin, clothed i» ao^ of the jewele or badgea of the craft, at anj ftiatml or pnbUo prooeiaion, without thi permiition of tNr^Oliiiid Maaler, or Provincial JSrand Maaler, ha ahall be rendered boapable of ever beings an officer oi a Lodge, and excluded the beneit of the general eh»> rftj, and if a Lodge shall eo offend, H thall atand eue- pended until the Grand Lodge ihall deUrmine tlieraon, . No IfaMn can be interred with the formalities of the Order, unl^ it be at his own specid request, nor un- less he has been advanced to the degree of a Master llason. When^ the wish of the deceased shalf have been oodinnikicated to Mie Master of the Lod^ of which >s died a member^ the Master may apply to (he Orand Master, or Provincial Qjrand Master, for a dis- pensation. -^""^A A dispensatfon havfng been obtained, the Master %»y ini^te othei^ Xpi« of App«a AM b. upon tb. «M»«. riHdl U «ld«»d by .hk« p.rtr ^ No App«I o« b. n»,t»,4j,,ta. wmdirf h, p * \ *(. »r bb p|tM.I, ud l»«,ty g„i,«. g ^, ft,,^ „r,~ Onuid 8»r»«d, n .Iditionri tw«Btygul««» to th. fa«| of b...roI«... Th. .w«t, JZ rth^ffi rf b.D.rol..o« i. not, hoyow, to hi prid by , ft^ Tb^l G-nd MMt.,.ppoi«..d to .cilZ ZtJ^ ■i.'i- *.' / T \-erT*^ ' 'V"r-^|t5i^'^j^l'n»^*^'s^ f v^ ' A DiBptlty Prorlnoial Ornnd Maimer iiiall puj two guinMft U> ib« fund of general purpoMti ilbr registering his name in the books of the Grand Lodge. A Pro- viaoial Orand Warden, for non-resldenee| to the fund of benevolence, one guinea ; subordinate officers, fot same, half a guinea. . ~ r ; Granting a new warrant, lite guineas; and a war* rial f^ confirmation, two guineas, to the fund of gene- ral pnrpoeta.^'' :;■;■;,•.■/■■■- ^^-^■:--"^' ^fand Lodge Oertiflcates, St lAillffnga and dx pence, io be paid at the sahi« time as the fee fbr registration. The registration fee for a Mason made iti a oountryi foreign, orimilitary Lodge, ten ahillings and sii ^nce; for a BrotlMr joiniog a country, foreign or|pili(iif^ Lodge, two jhillingf and six pence.* 'v f At m Quarttrl^ OttmikuniMiom, holdm t^Frt Muom*9 ' Mali, London, e» ^Wtdn^;;.. .. V >.., f he t / ;^ u 70 ku!!i*^^?L* *^ "P^ ?»^ reglrtmUon of Brethren In* of England, nnd therefore not prevlouijy red.tered the jp yme M upon initiation. '^'■wwd, tiie ' -^or on. .1^ «|,W,WUi,. .uchL 1^^^!*^ XpJj. a^tll a. io the worn by tho onift ; Md no Drotber sball, on any pretence, be admitted into tbe Orand Lodge, or any tubordinat« Lodge, without bis proper clothing. No honorary or other jewel or ^mbrom shall be worn in the Grand Lodge or any subordinate Lodge which shall not appertain to or be consistent with those dvgreea whic^i are recognised and aoknowl^god by.and are under the control of the Orand Lodge, as part of pure and antient maaonry.^ / JIWBU. m W- Provincial Orand Matter^ The companies 'and square^ 5 - with a flvc-pointed star ^ ' in tlie centre. Prov.Difp. G'ramI i^o«*w» The square. All other Offiewt of Provincial Grand Lodgt*^ Jewels of the s^e des- cription as those worn ^ by tl|^ officers of tb« €NandM>dge. Provincial Grand Stewards^ Jewels similar to thoet / worn by the stewards ol tbe grand lotlge.' {Stt Bc(^ ^ ConttiMiotUi folio 113.) t7 S'enior Orand Wardk, The level. Junior Orand Wardtm^ .... .The plumb, t Orand Chaplainiy . / A book, within a ni .*» ,A ,•> v \;vi \ T Wp /^ ||.#e»Wi»- afe r^tS^T* H""* «?» " j^^W ^*f?»*i^'*^ •FHPHWHf^j^'*';" * gp aiifffY^^JT**" *^^ Vlf^S rin^wwiyjjf^ ■» f* 3V • I .. . - ^ •■ • *« V /'~»^^^'~''-.. ..A .croll, with ^ .^ ■ff—lmlJhUo^ jjj^ ^":i*-^*""'. .0«-..w«d.. ?«*J ^'-'-^^ AI,™. Wi'.rntf^^.... Am,otth»gmfMg, with rod And iwoid oroiMd w«»th cmp««l of . .pri, of ««U «vi„ci.I Stowanl. «,. to r il "^^ '"*^*° * *'^'''*' °" '^*»^«*» ^« n»«e or the province ia to he engmven. -^*^*" ^'^''^ ^^*^" ""^ ^««t LVoVinml Omnd ™*7 «V wear the jewel of th0ir/rei«eoave offioe. on « Uue euamelied oval medal. It / All the iiboT« jewels to b« gold or gilt Mailer* of Lodjftt^ Th^ %<{nAn, PaH M4tUr9f . . . .Tho m|UM« and the ditg rmm of tho 47th prop. l«t Book dC . Euclid, engTftTen on a silver plate, pendent with- in k. Smiftr Wetrdtmi, The lereL ^ Junior IToniMi,.. , . . .The plitmb. T'rtfoMiivr, • • • • • V t% . .Tho key* Sm^tarjf^. •« . » .*•• . .The oroei pieai. ^ '\ '.'••' Hmmim,. . . . • • (^« • • . .T1»e dote. V^^ /mmt 6hmrd^ . • . . »« •♦CroM twohli. - ^ #1 - TyUr^ ..,,.. .The iword. )hj Th»ahape jawak to ha in ulvar. The ooHari to ha *' Kgiit hhie ^tabon, fbor iaehet lifoad ; if eilfer chain hf I, it wmm m phmdmm tiba Ufhi-blae ^Ap^ JPwf iaaal «flM# AH» ^^ ^'^^ <^^ or iiiohei Depaty^MMMM^nUMi «d o^MT mIk ordinate Provmeial wear coUart of rihboa gartv^ua, tarn with narrow edging of gold 1m bullion, or fringe, or plain, excapt in which thef mvtt wear their coUart and je^^iof tba LoJgee aad oflloei reapectirely, in right of wGEoi thej attend as members of the Grand Lodg^. Provineial Grand Stewards, during their pericli of oiBoe only, wear collars of crimson ribboa two «ld liphalf Inohaa -+■ SI- T •m*^ iyir • U'l •»»•• • '-V^ 74 .'h ^. •c >" \ » 4H»»«tf«.,-A pUn wUta l.mb At*, from mMt; white •(ring*. ""^ ^ ^f f • "l^ WiitK*. with U,. «UiUo. •J«fn». 0D« ud .-Mr iMh d«.p. ud «r«M|. «~n Md pMt oflUn or Lodgw, .ho !f^ TT *"»«»^»% «»*1 with «riL>». «/ .1. ^^^ ".Jiwr^ pramt md pnlf—Annm ' OT tk. WD. dlBte.*,., u».d «ldi p«»M,l., «Ml o™«n..W wl»h pld ,»d .iUi bCrtriw, ;' th^ n.«j« h.r.^U„ rtibl«». rf ,bd, offl«. to pid or bl», in th. cont« ,iihi_« , donW. eirel,. to »hlokin«t ho i,«rtW ,i,-„^ ,, ,t, •• v^ofc Xh.g,rt.^W„«|g).,U)Ui.,proB,„u,t . IH* OMO^d two toohM In widUi. . llio Unten uid Put Mm*.™ of Lod«t to w«» In "«l~; Ui. Imgth of ih. hotiwnW haft to U tv* -i'.: '. ■ r^ u lAdtiM And ii-h«ir Moh, tnd of the , on« inob ; iUmo emblemi to b« of riV broad, and of the Mint color as tht of thp apron. If Orand Offlcen, kimil gart«r-blu6 or gold. •f €9tmi(i»Un$ • Veto %otgt. Every application for a warrant to hold a new Lodgtt roati be by petition to the Orand Matter, signed by at least eeven regularly registered Masons ; and th« Lodgea to which they formerly belonged roust bo spe^ cifted. The petition mast be recommended by the offl- eeni of a regular Lodge, and be transmitted to tha Orand SecreUry, unleea there U a Prorincial Orand Matter of the district or province in which the Lodg« b propoeed to be horden, in which case it Is to hp sent to him, or to bis Deputy, who is to forward it. with his recommendation or.opinion thereon for the Orand Master. If the prayer of the petition be granted, tha Provincial Orand Master may issue a dispensation, Au- thorising the Brethren to meet as a Lodge, until a Warrant of Constitution shall be signed by the Grand Master. , The following is the form of the petition : •♦To the M. W. Orand Matter of the United Fraternity of Antlent Free and Accepted Masons of England : ** We, the nnderdgn^, being regular registered Masons of the Lodget^mentioned against our reapectivt namea, having the protperity of the craft at heart, mrt Auxiout to txsrt our best endeavovra to promote And ■'■■■ AS — .-^ ^^j;^£a v k • 4.j3.^.»Jtt|yi »• I ^ ^i^^ % '', ^^ '' « ■I'c ■ •■ ■ '* ■' ^f ■ ,.W;r-*,' -^F;,7 ' • '•* i,>^iiim.iS>fiif'. 'jS'-^ ^-^ .!.A!,*-aA« '4 1^ ' HhouM 1)0 »(»ioiinily coiiNliiutfa by lh« Urand Miwlor, with liU Deputy aiul Warduiin; or, in tlio Hbimnco of tlio Grand Mantvr, by liiH Dupuly, who nhall cliooso fk)ino M^tor of a Lo<1>j;o to iimiJHt him. If tho Deputy bo fll^entf tlio Grand MnHtcr may appoint Rotno other Grand Officor or Mantor of a Ludgu to act as a Dopuiy pro tempore. The following is the manner of constituting a new Lodge, acccrt-dtltg to the antic-nt usages of Masons. A Lodge is duly formed; and, after prayer, an cujo In honour of Masonry is sung. Tho Grjind Master is then informed, by tho Secretary, that tlio Brethren present -desire to be formed into a new Lodge, t uungrniuiiuu Ihu now M]UU>r ; wn.i he ^ •hall return lib bocominj:^ noknowle.lginontii to tbo Omiul Mttntor fimt, and to tlio rent in tlioir onler. Thon the Grand Miuiior (HoiiroA the now Miuiter to enter iininodiAtoly upon the bxercine of his offlco in chposins: his Wardens ; and the new Master, cnll'lnff forth the two Hrolhens prosonU them to the Grand Master, /Gr his approbation, and to the new Lodge for their consent, Tliat being grnnto.1, the Senior or J„. nior Grand Warden, or some Brother for him shall rehearse the charges of Wardens ; and the can.liHatos being solemnly aslce.l, by the new Master, shall signify their submission thereunto. ■//\ M M s^vtsitSi *&.is.t ' / 1 . Y .iiiV « <• M . M n « •c « 1839,...8AMUBL HOET. 184(tt....GEORGB DOIG WATSON. 1841.... GEORGE DOIG WATSON. 1842,...JAMES HENPEBSON. l8«,...JOHN OGlLVY MOFFATT. 1844,...J0HN OGILVY MOFFATT. 1844,...CHAELB8 KADWBLL* 1845....CH4iBLES KADWELL. l846,...fiI)WlIND M. YAEWOOD. 1847,...HENEY HOWARD. 18«,...HANN1BAL H. WHITNEY. 1840,..,GHARLES S. BOSS. \ 1850,...P. PBAESON HAERI8. 185l,...O^BOE HACBAE. 18M,...F. PBAESON HAEBIS. 18SS,...ALBXANDEB MACKENZIE. 1854,...J0SEPH WALKEE. 1855,.,.A, MACKENZIE FOEBE8. 18^6,... FEEDEEICK E. HOLMES. ntu\ he * • ■ to tbo I r. * 1 Mter to - » 1 ffl<'<», ill > % 1 cftllinpj 1 Grand ■ i ' ! ; I tlffo (or , i 1 OP Ju- / • I >, Rhall f I ididntoii signify 1 - ( " '■ . ' . ' ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ - , ■. • ■■ ■ ■ ■■ .■■ .'. 1 1 1864....A. MACKENZIE FORBRS * I866,...piiEDEEICK B HOlmp«* ^&«pfain». l«»....ttEV.W.A.ADAMSONBt t< Itb^'i^i. •i\ ^i^^ S.aft£:a:,„Ajj/^^ ^m)EE MACKENZIE. -"lAMEDMONSTONE MCKENZIE FORBES 3ANB0BEETS0Jf. ^^fjAMSOJr.B.A. ^.A.ADAMSON.B.A. ^A.ADAMSON.B,A. ^A.AI)AMSON.B.A. c-...»it--^.^,-i.A^t.^a,^^. (ItlHM, IkUitt 11. I77U ) ttOUBUf OOIIIMJ.N. .THOMAS BUMHY. TIIOVAM H'MIJIIUAY. .JOHN lULY. .TIIOM/Vd OAKR8. .IIKNKY ll')WLKY. .JAM»H mnii.. UKVI W1LI.AUD. .IIKNBY MKDKU JAM EH NOHL. THOMAS IltmnY. CONUAU MA HTHLIitiB. .JAMK8 NOKL. .CONIlAl) MAaHTRI.I.KK. THOMAM HIILLIVAN. JOHN I'LATT. JAMKS NOKIi, ..JOHN U0L80N. AI'UII*. m», JUNK, int.. DKCKUBUR. 177V. JIINM ijm,. DHi^KMllKU. I7W). . J II MB.... n»i,. JUNK nm,.. I)K(?KMllkll. 17Mi.. JUNK nto.. DHCKMBKB. 17K8. DKCKMIIKO. 17HW DKt^KMHBit. 17tU. JtlNK..^ 1788,. JUNK 17IW.., DH(7KVIHKB, \im. DKCIfMHKIt, I7HU,. DKL'KMUKR. I7U0, JUNB, ITW,. J J^ii^,uOl^ukM^£a J^fe**^^^^'^" , HK« KMIIHK. Mi„, IMU KMHKK. iHjii DKOMMHim. mo, l>K( KMpKR, mt*, 1>R( MMIiNli. III&, mvuanuti. iim, DIOIMRKU. IIOO. . DUmMUiiut. iia$,.. TI'RTON VHJiS. MintAKI. IMt*TT. TUttTl>N I'KNN. »iV. JOHN IIKTHirXR. JOII.V HAMIfKL M'tX)IU). TlfttT»»N I'KWW. Wir.MAM IIAIMJI.KY. .I'IIKU>;IH« K ottirriN. TlfRTDN l»BXN. ALKXANDKtt UUOIUNAIT. ^n3. ^ , <• «^L.aL^£U l^^y^', 18ttS,... JOSEPH WALKER. IBM IfkeDEBICKB. HOLMES. 1866,...E1)WINH.KING. % 18M,...0ALDW£LL ASHWOftf H. tt^ltti, (SEBTINO BRXTEEKir.) PECEHBEBk 1882,...HTJGH M'KAT xm N. 1838,...HUGH M'KAY AM) N. " 18S4k...HUGH M'KAY AH» N. - 18S5,...HUGH M'KAY ABJ> N. •• j88e,...HUGH M'KAY ATO N. * 18S7,...HUGH M'KAY ahd N. " 1838,...HUGH B^'KAY AHD N. " 1859, ...HUGH M'KAY ahd N. - 1840,...HUGH M'KAY AHD N. 184l,...HUQH M'KAt ahd N. l Mfl -..HtJQg M' KA Y Ai ro N . 1848....Ht#IC|I'KAY A»D N. ^ SPOONER. SFOONEK. SPOONER. SPOOLER. SPOONER. SPOONER. SPOONER. SPOONElL SPOONER. SPOONER. SPOONER. SPOONER. 1844....JAMES DARBY > sMteL#»^^^^'W ^^^si^^tiit^^i^^mitaMilMmimmimmMimmit^imM *i ) .1 ■i * /. ; SEES?;SS8KKS&iffiSA!li 13 ll«U| DICKVBKII. I«SI.. • IKKk JAWtW CH'TIIUIH W^ITT. J4MIM mmiiim w^Jtr. Wil.l.lAM IIUMILKY. ..WIU.IAM HAIM.I.KY. .wiiximrDiiHYTii. ,.WIU.M« IIAlHUJfef. Mw,...wai.uu iiaimjIITy. IMi^.. ISAAC VALKNTINK. liMl.\J..JOUN HAMUIIL M'tOEO. tlST. tm, v^ --■"^ ^ »».-»». IMI, IttUI. IMA. .cmoiai iKMo WAffov ^rln /«r.** ***'»*»« ««*»». «Tft.lclu^r ftiiTiit/MH «TRArtlA» NMTltt/NK.' iOHNtNui^vYHorrArr ;HI.':jI:Ii:ij-ii:-;-«;:ju. i •!# ■* I^.^f ■» r • „ •-' 1 ' tl # «^ - <*»• ■< o . • i* . . :I1 > y >/ MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2) 1.0 l.l- 1.25 Urn IK Ki ■ 2.8 12.5 2.0 ISA IM 14.0 1.4 1.8 1.6 /■ '-K H- i- ' A APPLIED IIVMGE Inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14609 (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288- 5989 -tox USA u»ao...Ai.i-AVNiu;itMArKi:N/.iK SS...A.MACIUINWBVOIUIKH. Cttafutctf. DBCRMDBB. 1M«.. M08ES J. HAYK8. Haa,.: MOHKS J. HAY KB. "• ijo*. M08KH J.HAYKS. 1836. FllKIlBttlCK OEIFPIN. IMIIu FUKDKRICK OttlFFIN. iX". FttKl'Bl'*^'*^ (IRIFFIN. - 163M FRKDEIUOK OEIFFIN. 183»; ..FEKDKttlCK (JllIFKIN. « IMO FREDREICK (iltlFFlN. IMl" FftKUBRlCKORlFFIN* H HM«!...JACOB H. JOSBI'U. lM»,...iACOB U. JOBBPH. •f. i- :■ i:5--v 70. <3i*ffu?e the general principles of the art; and, for the corivcniency 6|^-^*UI*%esj><^^ dwellings and otli^rgood reasons, we are desirous of for mi ng a new Lod/ro, to bo named l , In consequence of this d^ii|i, wo pray for a Warranf^of Constitution, erapovvering us to meet as a regular Lodge, at on the df evcry^^^ month, and there to discharge the duties' of MasonryJ^f in a constitutional manner, aecording to the forms of the Order and the laws of the Grand Lodge; and we have nominated and do recommend Brother [A. B.] to be the First Master, Brother [C. !».] to be the First Senior Warden, and Brother [E. F,] to be the First Junior Warden, of ihe said Lodge. The prayer of ti^is petition being granted, we promise strict obedience to the commands of the Grand Master and the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge." In order to avoid irregularities, every new Lodge should be solemnly constituted by the Grand Master, with his Deputy and Wardens ; or, in the absence of the Grand Master, by his Deputy, who shall choose some Master of a Lodge to assist him. If the Deputy be absent, the Grand Master may appoint somer other Grand OflScer or Master of a Lodge to act as a Deputy pro tempoife* The following is the manner of constituting a new I^ge, acciwdttrg to the antient usages of Masons. A Lodge is duly formed ; and, after prayer, an ode in honour of Masonry is sung. The Grand Master is then informed, by the Secretary, that the Brethren present desire to be formed into a new Lodge, &c., n, are likewise read :- and, boiiig .-ipprovod, are doclnred rogulur and valid, and signed by the Grand Master. The Grand Mjister then inquires if tlio Brethren approve of the officers who are nominated in the Warrant to preside over, them. Tliis being signified in Masonic form, an oration on the nature and design of the institution is delivered. The Lodge is then consecrated, according to ceremonies proper and usual on those occasions, but not proper to be written, and the Grand Master constitutes the Lodge in antient form. The new Master and Wardens, being yet among the Brethren, thtf Grand Master asks-his Deputy if heliath examined them, und found the candidate Master well skilled in the noble science, and duly instructed in our . mysteries, ,(^50. TUo Deputy answering in the affirraa- tiv6„he shall (by the Grand Master's ord^r) preseni lirm to the Grand Master ; saying, « Most Worshipful Grand Master, I present thisuny worthy Brother to bo installed Master of the Lodge, whom I know to be of good morals and great .skill, true and trusty, and a lover of the whole fraternity wheresoever dispersed over the face of the earth." Then the Grand Master, placing the candidate on his left iiand, and having asked and obtained the unani- mous c«jBsent of all the Brethren, shall say : " I appoint you the Muster of this Lodge, not doubting your capa- city and care to preserve the cement of tlje Lodge," &c. ' with some other expressions that are proper and usual c a that occasion, buf not to be written. / '.!• y-v ■••;•-■<» ( I ' / -x /■■■■:,:• ■■■ ; - ■■ t8 ; ■■■■■. ;: Upon this, the Deputy shall rehearse tho charges and regulations of a Master, and the Grand Master -shall ask the candidate,— "Do yoa submit to these charges, and promise to uphold these regulations, as Masters have done in all ages T The.candidate signi- fy mg. his submission thereuTito, the Grand Master shall install him, j^l present him'with the Warrant of Con- stitution, the Lodge-Book, and t^nstruments of his- office, one after another; and, after each of them, the Grand Master, or his Deputy, shall deliver the charge that is suitable. After this, the Members of this new Lodge, bowing all together to the Grand Master, shall return him thanks, and immediately do their homacfe to their new Master, and signify their promise of sitbjection and obedience to him, by the us-Ual congratulation. The Deputy and the Grand Wardens, and any ot Brethren present, that are not Members of thd Lodge, shall next congratulate the new Master ;'^n-we shall return his becoming acltnowledgments to the Grand Master first, and to the rest in their order. . Then the Grand Master desires th«>«tiew Master to enter immediately upon the exercise of his office, in chposing his Wardens ; and the new Master, callinr. forth .;he two Brothers, presents them to the Grand - Master, for his appjjobation, and to the new Lodge for their consent. That being granted, the Senior or Ju- mor Grand Warden, Vsome Brother for him, sliall rehearse the charges of Wardens ; and the candidates being solemnly asked, by the new Master, shall signify 4heir submission thereunto. USl be or ' ^•■ 'f\ . t • <. shall 70 Upon which, tho new Master, presenting them with the instiumGnts of thoir oflico, shnll, in duo form, install them in their proper places; qncl the Brethren shall signify their obedience to the new Wardens, by tho usual congratuhttion. The other officers of tho Lodge Me then appointed, and invested in anticnt form. l!|ie Lodge, bein^ thus completely constituted, shall bo registered in tho Grand Master's book, and»>by his order n^xtifiod to tho other Lodges. Q( public Ceremantes. See Boohvf Gqnstltu tions, folW 124. ■ t^>vi- ^•^fyi'^fr'.i 13$" n L IS T OK TllB MASTEHS of saint PAUL'S lod^, ^otc. — St, Paul's Lodijo was first established in Mpntrcalby Warrant dated 8tb November, 1'770, granted by the R. W. and Hon. John CoU'ms, P. Q. M. for Canada, by virtue of a Patent from His Grace, Henry, Duke o^ Somerset and Beaufort, and continued to work under that Warrant until 1797, wheb anew one was granted. Tlie Register of procuetjings of the firet sevea years Cann6t at present bo fi>und; the following list, therefore, begins witli the election in Dccembei', 1778, at which time Robert Gordon was Master. JiJCOB OF EXECTIOir. (NOT KNOWK)... DECBMBBa, 1778,. APRIL, 1779;. JUNE, 1779,. decemb.br, 1779,. JUNE 1790,. DECEMBER, 1780, JUNE,. 1731,. .lUNE, 1782,. DECEMBER, 1782,. JUNE ...^1783,. DECEMBER,1783,. DECEMBER, 1784,. DECEMBER, 1785,. JUNE,... 1780, JUNE 1783,. DECEMBER, 1788, DECEMBER, 1789, DECEMBER, ITpJC- JUNE, ...X»2... .ROBERT GORDON. ..CHRIstOPHER CARSON. (DiED,.MABcn, 1779.) ..ROBE Rf GORDON. ..THOMAS BUSBY. ..THOMAS M'MURRAY. . .JOHN DALY, ..THOMAS OAKES. ..HENRY ROWLEY. ..JAMES NOEL. ..LEVI WILLARD. ...HENRY LCEDEL. ..JAMES NOEL. ..THOMAS BUSBY. ..CONRAD MA STELLER. ...JAMES NOEL. ..CONRAD MARSTELLER. ..THOMAS SULLIVAN, ...JOHN PLAINT. JAMES NOEL. JOHN MOLSON. ..J^. A^-^ \/ H .'■ y 82 DECEMBER. 1701, ..SAMUEL DAVID •'^^^'*' 1703,...JOIfX DEVKFtRUX. iV^^'^ 1701. ..JOIIX M'AIITHUU. DECEMHER, 1701, .THOMAS HUSHY Jf^^i: >7»5,...J()IIN MOLSOX. ' -^^^^ '■• 1700....Tn()MAS J. SULLIVAN. iJ^S-' lW....TIiQMA8 J. SULLIVAN. '^ ™5* "08. -WILLIAM MARTIN. tJJS 'SOI.- •I'OUIS CHARLES FOUCHER. f ^NE,'.. 180.%...JOHN GREATWOOD DEmiBER. 1803. ..OWYN OWEN RADFORD. i"NB/ 1801....ARTIIUR OILMOR: JUNE 1805... JACOB HALL. DECEMBER. 1805,...WILLIAM MARTIN. i^NB.... 1807....ARTIIUR OILMOR. DECEMBER. 1807. ...JAMES DOW DECEMBER, 1808,.,.THOMAS M'LAREN •'UNB., 1810,...JABBZ D. DE WITT DECEMBER. 1810,... GEORGE PLATT. JUNE 'I811,...JABEZ D. DE WITT JUNE........... 1812,...AUSTIN CUVILLIER. 5UNE........... 1813, ..JABEZ D. DE WITT JUNE 181V..A1WER RICE. JJISS' •• 18^5. CHARLES GORE LESTER JUNE 1817,...JABEZ D. DE WITT DECEMBER, 1817.. .MIGHAEL SCOTT DECEMBER, 1810,...JABEZ D. DE WITT DECEMBER, 1820,..,TURTON PENN DECEMBER, 1822,...MICHAEL SCOTT* DECEMBER, 1823,...TURTON PENN D,ECEMBER, 1824,...REV. JOHN BETHUNE DECEMBER. 1825....JOHN SAMUEL M'GORD DECEMBER, 1827....TURJON PENN ' DECEMBER, 1828....WILLIAM BADGLEY DECEMBER. 1830....FREDERICK GRIFFIN , DECEMBER. 1831....TURTON PENN DBCEMBEB, 1832....ALEXANDER BUCHANAN. V - • • jT -~tr,%,r!xJ4 " AT, 1707.) f-' ; < / ■k^*: > ^: ■■; i ^jfe^raJS',- ■.- 'Va "Jt i L I ST or .Tin MASTERS AND OFFICERS or ^ SAINT PAIJIi'S LODQSf No. 514 On tfjt !Slcs(»tr2 of (EfnfllantJ, ,^ /llBliD AT MONTREAL, C. B. The principal Booki, and PupevB. and nil the Ucgalia, Furniture, and Warrant derived from our M. W. O. M. the Duke of Sussex were burnt at the fire of the Masonic Hall, m lhi8 city, on tho 24Ui April. AX. 688t-A.D. 1883. On the 27th December previous. Brother Alexander Buchamm was installed Master; Brother the Rev. B. B. Stephens, a. 30- nior Warden; and Broti»er Campbell Sweeny, as Junior War- den,-fi-om which date the following Usta^ coiiimenocd :- o DECEMBER, 1832....ALEXANDER BUCHANAN. "^ .. ^ 1833 JAMES GUTHRIE SCOTT. ISmI-JAMES GUTHRIE SCOTT. " 1835....WILUAM BADOLEY. •♦ IKJfl,... WILLIAM BADGLBY. •• 1837,...WILLUM FORSYTH. 1833. ..WILLIAM BADGLjY. * •• 1839....WILLIAM BADGTlEY. 1840,...ISA AC VALENTINE.. * )»«>,...JOHN SAMUEL M'OORD. 1842....WILL1AM ;BADGLEY. lM3,...WiLLIAV BADGLEY. «• 184*,.. JOHN SAMUEL M'COBD. P f 84 I DFCRMBBR, l^.-jnUN RAMIIRL UNCORD lH4|^.M()HK.SHAM.IKLI)AVn> «W...i.\nKHHr'm)NKI,M()TT MO,..JAMm SirrtOX HLLIOTT IMI....MTRA(?IIAM,KTIIUNH iMj...HrRAciiAN hktiujnb! a ; 8H...J().INO(,If,VVM()m??* »«M,...Aru;jmiAU) IIAMlLTOVrAMnnBTT .«*...Ai«;a,BAiu,u„liS;j5^iS™«[;;; *m(or aaiartfiw. DBCEMBEIl, I8M.. " 1833.. 183S, 1834. M «• n M «• 1837, 1838. 183i(,. 1840... >84l.., 1842... 1843... 1844^ 1845.. 1840, 1847., 1^9,. 184U.. 18:iO.. 1851, 185%, 1853. 1854., 1856.. 1850.. •.BBVB.B. STEPHENS. •HHV: n. II. 8TKFIIKN8. WILIJAM HAIXJLKY ..WILLIAM FORSYTir. ..WILLIAM POaSYTIf ..CAMI'IJKLLSWKBNY ..ARIIIUKR088. ..ISAAC yALBNTlNB. ..StANLBY IJAGG. ..JAMKS CRAWFORD. .OBORQBDOIO WATSON ..iOHNOLASS. • ..DAVID LEWIS MAOPHBRSOV •DAVID LEiwiSMAOPIlSSN ..DAVID LEWIS MACPUERSON ..DAVID KINNEAR. • JAMES SUTTON ELLIOTT •STRACUAN BETHUNK •STRACHAN BETHUNE* ...JOHN OGILVY MOPPATT • •JOHN ROSE. V ^^^- . •ARCHIBALD HAMILTON CAMPnPrr ..ARCHIBALD HAMILTON CAM p2Lf'- ..GEORGE MACRAE CAMPBELL. ..ROBERT DENNY OOILia -; \: «^ *BELL ^ I >^ ^*f. \''-sm»i^^&-'lK .-^^i^ s4./W|™^^je.i» t>^j# V ^^fe^Bi^iafff't. 1 IT -# 4i < y^^ f^l^?^^- f^J-^^^h^pSs^r-iSt 1.* V i'l ^"S^ jf aw -,.>! • — (sa^ff" ■r* - n* %^j^ "r •»^'''-«i'^iN^"^_'rs«i n^-^^r^rf^ 86 H « M M M 4t M DBCEMBEB, 1832,. I8S3,. 1834,. 183S.. 1830... 1837... 1838... 1839... 1840... 1841... 1842... 1843... 1844..< 1845... 1846,. 1847.. 1848,. 1849.. 1850,, 1851,.. 1852,. 1853,. 1864 [ 1856,. 1856, M tl « If « CAMPBULL SWEENY. .ISAAC VALENTINE. .FEANCIS PERUY. .JAMES HOLMES. .AETflUR BOSS, ELIEZER D. DAVID. CHARLES O.ERMATINOER. CXPTTHB noK. G.CADOGAN.GBBH.GD '.SAMUEL HORT. SAMUEL MT.^ .MOSES SAipiL DAVID. . DAVID mWIS MACPHEBflON. .ROBERT S.TYLEE. .^OBERr S.TYLEE. .JOHN ROSE. ^ JAMES SUTTON ELLIOTT. STRACHAN BETHUNB. ' JOHN OGILVY MOPFATT. ' JOHN OGILVY MOFF ATT. CAM. B. STOPFORD CLAREMONT. HENRY HOWARD. BOBERT DENNY COLLI8. E. PEARSON HARRIS, and GEORGE MACRAE. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE. A. MACKENZIE FORBES. Cteasurew. DECEMBER, 1«32." MOSES J. HAYES. 1833, ..MOSE,S J. UAYbS. 1834. ./MOSES J.HAYES. IsS-FREDERICK GRIFPIN. 1836. FREDERICK GRIFFIN. WfREDBRICK GRIFFIN. « 1838,...FREDBRICK GRIFFIN. « 1839,...FRBDERICK GRIFFIN. « 1840 FREDERICK GRIFFIN. 184l' FREDERICK GRIFFIN. 1842!...JACOB H. JOSEPH. 1848,...JACOB H. JOSEPH. (f a a r ^ 'c- .a ie i a a a a ^^" BECEMBEB. 18H... JACOB n. JOSEPH. < 1843.... JACOB If. JOSEPH I84fl....JACOBH.JOSKPH' J847....JACOB H. JOSEPH Jfff'*''^^^?'"- JOSEPH ^ J8f».JAC0fi H.JOSEPH. I80O....HANNIBAL H. WHITVPV 185^.. HANNIIWLH.AVI, TNPY im.iUNmBALH.WHSEj' 1853....0EOHOE MOFFATT Jb • .. l*^*....GEOIlGE' MOFFATT Jh ., 18«.. GEOBGB MOFFATT jf* i856.,..JOSEPH WALKER. 5«Ktar«», M M M ;^ DECEMBER. 1832....ARTHUR BOSS. ^ , 1833....ARTHtJB BOSS. 1834....ABTHUB BOSS. 1835....ELIEZEB D. DAVID .. ' Jf?-f ^1™R D. DAVID.* " Jf;j--'AMBS CRAWFORD. 1838,... JAMES CRAWFORD 1S39....MEYERS SOLOMO.V 1840....JOHN CARTER. ' 1841....THOMA8 S. JUDAH ^ 1W2....R0BEBT WEIR Jk.' 1843,...ROBERTB.TYLEE 18H.. JOHiV OGILVY MOFFATT 1845....JOHN OGILVY MOPfS' 1847....STRACHAN BETHUNE S-A?2^^^'^«^VIS?0UXT 184a,...ALPRED KING LAVrsPnTTx™ 185^...WALTEESCOTt! ,» * -'^^^^j^^^-ft- .. .'• K " \ " ■ t \, * '^\ »^ -•» «^ »: !•»**• .^\ 87 ©ittttot ot CtremonlM. * DECEMBER, 184V.M0SE8 SMIUEL DAVID . Ml 18.V7,...OEOR0JI^ DOIO WATSON. 18k8....CAfT. y.. 8. CLAREMONT. l8i^,..DAV^DKlXNKAR. 1850, .CkH' E. STOPFORD CLAREMONT 1861,...A. jiAVIDSON PARKER. 1852,...R0BERT DENNY COLLIS. 1853,...ltBNRY CHAPMAN. 18M,...UENRY CHAPMUf. 1856,...DUNCAN ROBERTSON. a^5a,...JOHN ^ HOPKINS. Senior ]9eacons» DECEMBER, 1882... M M M M M M •• M M M .HAVILLAND L. BOUTH. 1838,...FRANCI8 PERRY. 1884....JAME8 HOLMES. 1835,...CHARLES O. ERMATINGEB. 18S6„..OHAELB8 O. ERMATINQER. 1887,...CHARLE8 O. BRMATINGBB. 1838,...GEORGB PLATT. 1839,...8AMtJBL HORT. 18IO,...GEORGE DOIG WATSON. 1841,... GEORGE DOIG WATSON. 1842,...JAME8 HENDERSON. 18«,...JOHN OGILVY MOPFATT. 1844,...JOHN OGILVY MOPFATT, i844,...CHARLBS KADWELL. I845,...CHAELE8 KADWELL. 1848,...BDMUND M. YAEWOQD. 1847,...HBNBY HOWARD. 1848,...HANN1BAL H. WHITNEY. 1840,..,CHARLBS 8. BOSS. \ 1860,...P. PEARSON HARRIS. 1861,...G^BGE MAGBAB. 1852,...F. PEARSON HARRIS. 1888,...ALBXANDEB MACKENZIE. 1854,...JOSEPH WALKER. 1855,...A. MACKENZIE FORBES. ia^6,...FBEDEBICK E.HOLMES. , 1*, ..«* ' I ^-^eSsx^^f^^ ■ w-.^'E!< X ;'*" .^T^^^."'^ y'^^^^^^^^. ♦ ' Junior Bearotw'. MCEMBER, la-M, 183J.. 1884,. " 1836,. " J83e,.. 1888,. 1889... ; 1840... " 1841,. r 1842... « 1848,. « ^844,. « 1846,. « 1846, 1847.. 1848,. .'.JAMES SiriTH. •JAMES HOLMES. .JAMES CIUWPOED •OEOBGB PLATT 1840., iSflO,. 1881 1882,. 1888,. 1884., 188S,. I88«i. .SAMUEt HORT. •SAMUEL 8. PiNDEx. ^HOMASUBB. •THOMAS UEE. •.GEORGE MACRAE. ••ARCHIBALD H. CAMPBETT ..GEORQBMOPFATT Jfi • •BOBBRT DENNY C^LLis .A.^VipS0NPARK^i'^- •HENRY CHAPMAlS» A i^^'^^MONSTONE •A. MACKENZIE FoWs ..FREDERICK BhOLMeI: •DUNCAN ROBERT^^^ -nfr* ^ , wg"'^ TTKi 1-- . ..\ \ ." ..\ .«■, t-V 80 Snntt 6uatl». DECEMBEB, 1899.... " 18SS,... * 1881,.., • ; 1886,..' •• 1880... " ' 1887... / •• 1838... "^ " 1839... •• ' 1840... " 18*1, •• 1848., " 18«... * 1844, •• 1846,. " 1848,. * ' i84«r,. . 1840.. " I860.. 1861,. * 188«^ ♦• 1888, •• 1854 " 1865, " 1858, > H ElilEZRR D. DAVID. ELIEZEB D. DAVID. ARI^HUB BOSS. .GEORGE PiiATT. .SAMUEL HOBT. ALEXANDER EWINO. .GEOBGB DOIG WATSON J. 0. DUNLOP. ..JOHN GIAS8. .DAVID LEWIS MA0PHER80N. JOHN ROSE. THOMAS BOSS. ..THOMAS BOSS. ..STBAOHAN BBTHUNB. ..OEOBGE MOFPATT, Jb. .EDMUND A. MEBEDITH. ,.P. PEAB80N HABBIS. ..J. SALISBUBY DAVENPORT. ..ALEXANDEB MACKENZIB. ,..g. C. MONK. ..JOSEPH WALKEB. C JAMES 8. C. SUTHEBLAND. IFBEDEBIGK E. HOLMES. ...EDWIN H. KINO. ...CALDWELL A8HWOBTH. t^j^Uti, (sxB/nta BRRniv.) PECEMBEBk 1888,...HITGH M'KAT ato N. " 1888„..HUGH M'KAY A»D N. •• 1W4,...HUGH M'KAY AH» N. - 1885,...HUGH M'KAY AHD N. •• i886,...HUGH M'KAY AHD N. * 1887,...HUGH M'KAY and N. •• 18$8,...HUGH BIJ'KAY AKD N. •• 18S9,...HUGH M'KAY AHD N. - 1840,...HUGH M'KAY ahd N. - 184l,...HUOH M'KAt ahd N. *• 184^.HUGH M'KAY AKD N. 18fl|HUGH M'KAYJtfiD N. •• IglEjAMBSDABBWv^ V SPOONEB. BPOONEB. SPOONBB. SPOONBB. SPOONBB. SPOONBB. SPOONBB. SPOONBB. SPOONBB. SPOONBB. SPOONBB. SPOONBB. DBCBMBBE. im..JXMm DAlUT. J847,...TI MOTH Y WHAT JSW. ..WILLIAM HARPER, ;^ ••^^'*''^*^« HARPKR. lMO....ao«T. C0LQnil(),jN4TH08 J^^ • 52"^- ^'"^*il^"OUN 4 TH08 J8M....I10BT.C0LQUH()UNATI OR.' **"^ Ilf>«T.C0LQUH0UN4TH08 18H...B0BT. COLQUIIOUN 4 iml SPRBRS. BPKERfl. 8PBER8, 8PEE1W. BPEEB8. SPKRRfl. 8P£EU8. X . * m m '■? ■1 ^j;j^ s m - ♦ * jw»*> 1 i jLTMa.fe»r--T«'"-tS' i J "VT'W'Wf^T^^T^'-T'^^'^^'^^'^^yW^i ' .■«i|i rt r\ ^ -^ 5l ji^ ,3 j„,^' ...J... 4A'> '-'" ."(' 4f,T) '-:">-: ii^i^ > ''0 •^ # V A' '■f' iv;j^'>: f^^ '^') ;■';;' .^- - ^/t */; .'V %r;9*-