tAx^^^^^'"^^^*^^^^^^ OF THE CO.'\X(A..,^>M>vJt. ^ 6-t4t Y- Instituted under the patronage and at the suggestion of His Excellency Lieut.-General the Right Honourable . the Earl of Dalhousie, in 1817, * HALIFAX, N. S. PIUNTED BY JA8. W. DOLEY, 143 ARGYLE STRBKr, 1883. i n n c i. 1 Q u u u ^ i u CLASSES. A.-Arte, Science. Plulosophy, Hemldry, Politics and Juris- prudence. B.— History, Biogi-aphy, and Memoirs. C— Travels, Voyages, Belles Lettres, &c. D.— Fiction, Novels, and Eomances. E._Poetry, Drama, Classics, and Theology. F. — Periodicals. G. -..Military, Naval, &c. H.--Maps, Plans, &c. I— Dictionaries, Grammars, and Books ox E ''erence. J.— Pteligions Sul;jects. K. — Miscellaneous, ifei ^p HALIFAX GARRISON LIBRARY. FUNDAMENTAL LAWS. 1. Thiit every Military Oflicer shall be a member of the Librurv on payment of 51.70 in advance, (jnarterly, or $G 80 per annum 2. That liall-pay Onicers or the Army and Wavy, or sucli as may have !^?.^}J: ?*^ *.''•' ^r^-y- residents in the Province; the Widows of Ollicers • and Olliciating Chaplains for the time being to the Garrison and Naval Establishments; and Clerks in the several Military Dei)artments to whom np corresponding rank with Military Officers is given in Her Maiestv's Hegualtions-may be admitted as Honorary Memoers, having been pre- viously balloted lor by the Committee. ^ ' 3. That the Ladies of the families of Subscribers shall be entitled to rli Tk .1° i'^ Pl^^'^'iS" payment of one half the subscription estab- lished by the first FundiiiRKitnl Law. 4. That no subscriber'shall have power to transfer bv sale or gift his interest in the Library. That all Subscribers resident in the Garrison whose subscriptions remain unpaid after the fourteenth day of the month on which they become due, shall incur a penalty of one dollai in addition to their subscriptions; and the Committee at its next meeting shall decide wMiether they are to receive any books from the Library until the above penalty and subscription be pai.l ; but as manv subscribers mav be called" away by duty or otherwise from the Garrison; and be absent a consider- able time, such subscruers, whenever they may return, are to be entitled to the same privilege as if they had been constant residents, provided thev con orm to whatever rules the Library may then ba governed bv • and if at their departure they shall have paid their quarterly subscriplions in advance they arc»tc resume their rights as Subscribers, jvithout lurther paj^nent from the day of their return to the ensuing day of subscription. 0. Ihat the names ol the original and all future Subscribers shall bo entered in a book kept for that purpose; and the names of those benefac- tor?, who by contributions of money or books have encouraged, or mav hereafter support this Institution, shall be enrolled in a register an 1 placed in a conspicuous part of the Library. jjkh^lu G. That an Annual General Meeting of the Members, shall be held on the Second luesday in January, at which time the President and Com- mit ee shal be chosen for the ensuing year. Honorary Members shall not be eligible to sit on the Committee of JMana'^einent 7. That there shall be a Committeo for conducting the general busi- ness of the Library, which Committee shall be composed of three Officers from each Uegiment of the Line, two from the Uoyal Artillery, two from Th'pvcfl i'^l"':f'-"""^-r ^^' Stair, iin.l one from each be].artment Thej shal chose their own President, and also iho Tijeasurer, Librarian, and Secretary of the Library, from among their numbfn-, and have power to till up any vacancies which may occur betwean the Annual Meeting of the Subscribers Ihuy shall form a quorum, and the majority as ascer- tained by ballot, sRall decide any question brought before them 6 or evcr/tntin' tKbrarl"'' t'Z^T' ^? "-^'-^'^ '-^Weresc.av transact the business of hrwii^v ^n^ n^^'"' 1'^"'^' ^''"^^ ^'"^'^ appoint, ih ed in a book kept fo^tt purp^ ""'' ''''"" l^''«^'^^^i"f''« ^I'^ll ii record- oJL:!::ii^:^s:'Si;t::i^^:!!J^:^^^^^ ora new era] Meeting summoned by t e Pr?sH mf r t ^ '" ""''"''""'' ^'' '"^ ^''^"- to be admitte.1 being made i blic hi h?> r ""^ ^'V"^"" ' ^'"^ ^l^^^^^ion meeting. ^ ' ^ '" ^^'- -L'^^'-'i'-y oiglit days befbre each priJek w^!h ll?^n^^^i;^Ji?^K;SS: ^'"^' ''^ "^'^'"^ ^''^'•' ^'^^'^ «"d llie Sub-Librarian, which s to bn h H fr ' *^1' '!"," '^^"^^''' ^° ^"^ l^^pt by ly Meetings, when Ihev iav o^ih^ n? i '"''' ^''' Commitloeat their Month- no book shall bforde^ed wLr hL nit'-'^' '"''"^ ^^"^ ^^""^''^ proposed ; but Committee. '^^"''' ''^' "°^ -^^'^^ Passed at a meeting of the wai.'or ougiu'to h^ve'feen' It lI^Laf "??''' ''' 'T']" '" ^^''^^ ^^"^s it the set, if it belongs to or^'undir' 'he , n..7;'v^n;'V '"'"*^ "'^ "i' ^^°'^^'' ^'^ °f tution. The Sub-Libriri.n' i « r. , the penalty oJ being excluded the Insti- turned, and should it 1^ ?n a n w wTn^ "]'7''r^^ 'i*'"^'^ ^'""^ ''' ^' *« '••^- to r ad in ttSa^'on'!:'',^ '''',' '''^^-^ ^'^*- ^" i"'^«'l"^« a stranger whom he n a • nfroi.C S a' b?o kl^", "am^ and that of the strangSs on the Librarv table bS't "o boo-cs ..T ^ f r" ^''\^^^'" ^'' ^'''^^ P"n°ose Room to any person C is not .Snhil-''' '^^''^•'^':<^,'' o»t of the Heading written on' h TnVi /o oTlL^lo'vpr' ff ''' 'l''' ^^>' the Comnuttee and longer than the^od a owed h ?hall foTfL^t?"''^'' f'''' '''^' ' ^^^'^ he exceeds as mjy be determT^'d^ltllelSmittie"'" '''''''' ''' '''' shaJ^bo denLd any mo rbo'ors To^'T" ? 'r^^''^ ""^^^.'^y '"^ ^-»°^'^^^« boen paid. ^ ^ ^'^^"^ ^^'^ Library until such forfeit has scnb'r sh!;RSSr^'Suv"oTto'e returned by time. Sunday -. 1 hat the above regulations may not lead Subscribers into error, irom neglecting to return a book in due time, notice shall be given by the Sub-Librarian to each Subscriber, when a book has become due; ho may then renew his time of the book, unless it should be wanted, 3. That the Subscriber, who applies to the Sub-Librarian first for a book, shall have it, and the rest in order as they make application ; but if iT '^L!^°'''' "PP*-^ ^^ ^^^ ^*^'^'' *-'""' *■'"' Prefai'once shall be determined by lot. When a Subscriber applies lor a book that is engaged, the Sub-Lib- rarian must let him know when it will be at liberty; but if lie does not come or send for it on the day it is returned to the Library, the Sub-Libra- rian may let the next claimant have it. 4. That all Pimphlets and Periodicals shall be considered as Books of Heference during the first month after their arrival, and subject to the same laws. 5. That the Newspapers are to be laid on the Library table for a fort- night pfter their arrival, after the expiration of which time they are to be tiled, but Sufjscribers shall be allowed fo take them out of the Library under the same restrictions as Books of Reference. 6. That the Admiral, Captains and Ward Room Ofiicers of the Squadron 0" k'^ station, shall have free admission to the Library, to peruse any of the books during the hours the Rooms are open, but not to take any of them out of the Library. 7. That a Subscriber is permitted to have out of the Library, for his ^^ "se, either two volumes of one work, or one volume of two separate h f\ ^^ ^^'"^ ^^^ intention of the Committee that more than two volumes should not be, at one time, in a Subscribers possession, except when on a special application, their consent shall have been obtained, or in the case hereaf^ter specilled : but one number of a Review, Magazine or other Periodical, or a Pamphlet, may be issued in addition to the two volumes before mentioned, as also any Maps, Ac, bound seperate from the work to which they belong. In the latter case, should more than one Subscri- ber bo reading the same work, the xMaps, Ac, may be retained throughout by the person who lirst began it. Magazines, Pamphlets, &c., when bound up, are to be considered as a volume. The whole of two Novels in anv language may be issued at once, provided that they are not on the List o'f New Books. 8. That any Subscriber who shall take a Book, Pamphlet, or News- paper out of the Library, rontrary to the Regulations, shall be subject to a fine of Pour Dollars for each offence. 9. That with reference to No. 3 of the Fundamental Ltiws, the name of any Candidate for admission to the Library, as an Honorary Member, must be exhibited in the Room at least ten days pfevious to his being bal- loted for, tdgether with the names of the Subscribers proposing and seconding him. 10. That the Library is to be open everv day, the hours being regu- lated by the Committee. On Sunday only from 1 to 6 P. M. 11. That all Books are to be returned into the Library on the first of December in each year, for the inspection of the Librarian. :•■» Br i'l, /' CLASS A. ARTS, SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, HERALDEY, POLITICS AND JURISPRUDENCE. Academical Questions. Affinity of the Latin and Gaelic Languages, Agricola. Letters of Agriculture, Practical " An Encycloi*edia of Air, Treatise on " Observations on 8 America, Democracy in Vols. Drumraond 1 Stratton 1 Young 1 Low 1 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 6 6 with Geological Observations, Public Economy of the U S. of Relating to the IJoundary Treaty with On the Climate and Soil of American Philosophical Society, transactions of '• Journal of Science, Amerique, de la Democratic en Anatomy, Cuvier's Animals, Anecdotes of " Biography of " and Plants " On the Instincts of Animal Kingdom " General outline of the Animal and Vegetable Physiology Animalcules, Thoughts on Annals of Philosophy from 1818-21 AnthiilQgyJJihnian Archaia Architecture, the Prospective of " Precis des Lecons d' " Handbook of " Seven Lamps of - Gothic Ecclesiastical Rules of " Familiar " An Encyclopedia of Cottage, etc. Aristotle, the Nichomachean Ethics of Loudon Cavalla Priestly Tocqueville Lyell Calton 1 2 Volney 1 the 1 -Silliman 8 Tocqueville 4 RosB 2 Wolf 1 Bingley 3 Darwin 2 Kirby 2 Cuvier 17 Jones 1 Roget Mantell Thomson Dawson" Kirby 2 1 7 1 1 2 (( Durand 2 Ferguson 2 Ruskin 1 Bloxam 1 Gibbs 1 Rawlins 1 Loudon 1 Brown 1 \\ r,\\ tf a 11 ..■\*^ 10 Vols. Leslie I 37 Arithmetic 8 Arithiii^tikes, 9 Art of Proloiigiug Life, 40 " Sacred and Legendary 1 " Ci^ricaturo and Grotesque iu 2 Art?, Journal of the 3 " Principles of 4 " and Artisans at Home and Abroad Symous 5 Aspect cf Nature in Diiferent Lands and Cliinatos, Humboldt G Astrugriiphy, or the Heavens Displayed, Gleig 7 Astronomer's Experiment, an 8myth 8 Astronomio, Histoiro do " Tiailly 9 do. do. dr. 50 Astronomy, Introduction to Bonnycastle Kitchener Jameson Wright Harding 1 2 3 4 5 6 u Exi)laiaed upon Newton's Trinciple^, " Plates to Brewster do. Popular Airy of the Ancients. Historical Survey of the Lewis Outlines of Hcrschel Treatise on Whewell 7 Athens,Hhe Public E-jooiomy of Poeckh 8 Atmosphere, the * Robertson y Eacon, Works of Lord GO I'.ailoon I'ravels in tiio Air, Glaishor 1 liass Kock, the 2 Lees, on , Huber 3 Beetles, Manual of British Stephens SJIllJL^^ yji'toiX of l^i^itish, Bewick 6 " liritisTi (4th vol. deficient) Macgilh^ray 6 Black ]5ook, 7 I)Ook of Nr.turo, Good 8 ]}etany. Smith 9 " PrincipljBs of Wildenow 70 " Introduction to, etc^ Lee i " " ' Liudley 2 " Key to Struclural, etc. clo. 3 Boyle, Philosophical Works of Kobert Sliaw, 4 ]>riiiu, tha building of a Clarke 5 Bricks and Marble, Street G ]U'id n fcn vatei_treatisr3 on varioMP subjects, the l^ritinh Empire, treatise on the woultii &c Colquhoun " " statistical account of tlio Mo'Cullock " !Museun;, handbook to the anticiuitles in the Yaux " " Synopsis of tli'j pondout of Connuerco, Sjiense 8 9 80 1 1 1 2 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 12 1 1 1 I 2 6 2 9 2 Bullicu, on Bassauquet x-- 11 ""■^V Vols. e 1 1 r 1 u 2 t 1 12 g 1 s 1 t 1 y 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 83 Cambist & Commercial instructor, uoiversal, Kellv 4 Canada. bubble s_of I ^ 5 Caninei Pathology, j31,in b Lataloguc, descriptions and illustrations of the Great l*.xhibitioa, 7 Catalogue of the Ei-itish ppecimous, descriptive 8 Character, 9 Chemical affinity, 90 " Catechism, 1 , " Statics, 2 " Letters, 3 " Technology, 4 Chemistry, conversations on Vols. agricultural elements of its ai)plicatiou to agriculture system of handbook of instructions to studonta in animal Letters on ♦ common life of dictionary of " of food " principles of Chess, a now treatise on '< « it (I (I Ellis, Brand Smiles Bert hoi et Parks Bertholet Liebig Knapp Davy Liebig Thompson Murray Abel & Bloxam Faraday Liebig (< Johr son Uro Liebig Eeid AValkor Sarratt 5 6 7 8 9 100 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 " « (< (( 110 Ch^a fr om a German workghnii, 1 ^hjLvalr^^Jystor^jif 2 Cholera, Russian epidemic of 3 Chrcstojiiathit^, 4 City, descriptions of the ruins of an ancient T) CiviiizatioJ^, curiosities of Civil Society, an essay en the history of 7 Climate, 8 Coal Fields of Great Britain, 9 Code criminal of Charles V., 120 Coins of the Ileal ui, troatiso on 1 (voionial Policy, 2 Colonization, 6 t,o lofpuos on tho progress and prospccta of society, Southey 4 Coloui ,18 a means of a.t, Howard 5 Coristitution Max Muller Mills Hawkins, Caprora Wynter Fergusson Clarke Hull Liverpool Brougham Napier 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1. 2 2 1 1 5 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 mm u Mil m 6 On tho Of tlio EugliHh, iJrougiiam 1 DeLohmo 1 liowland 1 12 111 128 Con^ituzione deglistati unitidelle isone Jonie, f QA ^''^^^ationa on War and General Culture, 130 Conway and Menai tubular bridge, 1 Cookery &c., by an Australian Aristologist, J Corpulency, comments on 3 Cosmos, f "^ Physical description of the Universe, o Costumes of tlie Ancients, 6 Creation, vestiges of the natural history of ' '* " " Explanations, a sequel to treatise on the records of 9 Criticism, elements of 140 Curiosities, natural history of 1 Customs, the laws of the 2 Dawn of Life, 3 Delia liugua Toscana, 4 Depths of the sea, 5 Desceut of Man, 6 Diet lectures on &c 7 " « i( 8 Digestion, the physiology of 9 Dignitaries, privileges of &c., 150 Diplomatic correspondence, T. S., 1 Diplomacy, 4 lectures on subjects connected witli J Dissection, system of Dissertations and discussions. Ear, on the Earth and Man, Huttouian tlieory of Essays on the do. Transtatiou, Vols. Helps Eairbairn Wadd Humboldt Hope 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Economy political and taxation, (( (( <( (( << (( (< Conversations on political A treatise on political Practical Political, outlines of " Elements of ** lllustratioiis of " Priuciplcs of Summer Home Buckland Hume Dawson Buommattei Thompson Darwin Willick Paris Combe Dodd 13ernand Bell Mill Saunders Dawson Pli^'fair Cuvicr (« Ivicardo 160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ^ T,, " ,. " " of manufactures, 9 J'.ducation, on i u o . ^«t*«ra on the elementary principles, Hamilton 1 Systeiuatic . Carpenter - essays on practical Edywnvf.l. ^ " iiousebokl lyiartineau Prinsej) 2 McVicar Mill Martinsau M'Cullock Malthus Bablj;'ge IjancaMtui 1 1 1 1 I 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 13 \ 174 Edueation, Practical 5 " a defence of public 6 Electricity 7 Encycloptiedia, plants Q ll " of gardening, i«u Ji^ngland, constitution of, a concise view 1 " the 3 *' tlie present state of &c., 3 English topography 4 Entomology, history of insects &c., 5 Essay on government an 6 ** political, economical and philosophical 7 * aud treatises on several subjects. 8 " philosophical 9 ** on scientific subjects (fee, 190 Estimsses d' une philosophic, Vols. Edgworth •incent Tate Loudon Blaine Custance DeLolme Lowe yilin^s^ 1 EtcW_^ ,,_^ 2 Euclid, the elements of &c., 3 .^lapoanMqmls, a history of 4 Extempore speaking, 5 Expression of the emotions in man and animals, t) Kye, the human * 7 Facts, a million of 8 *' the year hodk of 9 Fallacies of Darwinism, 200 Faraday as a discoverer, 1 Farriery, 2 Ferguson's lecture on select subject, 3 Financial reform, 4 First principles, 5 Flora of North Amorica, 6 " «« » 7 Food, a treatise on 8 Forest Creatures, 9 Fors Clavagira, 210 Fragments of Science, 1- E,i'i>»klin, posthunious writings of 2 Fund, I'lssay on tlio Sinking 3 (Jaslight, a treatise on 4 Geography, modern, ^ - -''■ of Herodotus^ Oeographie ancionno abregeo, 7 Geoirnosy, 8 Geological Sketclies, Kirby and Spence Leo Rum ford Hume Stewart Holland Lammenais Hall (( society, Simpson Lecky Uautain Darwin Wardrop Philips Timbs Bree Tyudall White Brewster Parnall Spencer Pursh Torrey tfe Gray Accum Bonar Buskin Tyudall Grenvillo Accum Peukerton D'Anville JiimoHon tgasfliz 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 1 I 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 I 1 1 4j 1 GriHiths 1 14 |! i!! 220 Geology, Acadian Jk. Vols. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 230 1 2 3 it Dawson Ansted Brande Buckland. Gesner Portlock Luc Lyell Smith Mantell Miller Ure Lyell Gayvernou Geology, introductory, descriptive and practical, outlines of and mineralogy, " of Nova Scotia, of county of Londonderry, report of a treatise on " elements of " on Scripture " Avonders of " popular Geology, new system of " principles of Geonietrie descriptive, 4 Geometry, plane, solid and spherical, 5 " algebraical, a treatise on 6 " practical 7 Genealogical Table, 8 Government, English ^.^ ,^, " considerations on representative Mi) Glaucus on the wonders of the shores, 1 Grece, rechorches des arts de la 2 Hand, the 3 Landel, 4 Harmony of Primeval Aljihahots, a • 5 Heat and Moisture, experiments &q.., 6 " a mode of motion, 7 Heavens, the common sights in the 8 "• orbs of the 9 Heraldry, origin and progress of 260 " a system of 1 Histoire do la viegh do la Philosophic de Kant, 2 " Naturello de L' Europe meridionale, 3 Hogarth's works ^On table) 4 Horticultural Society, transactions of T) Ilujnan Xature, a treatise on 6 Hume, the Philosophical Works of David 7, Inflammations, an essay on unliealthy Gallwev y insanity, restraint in i v *4. 260 Insectivorous Plants, i^abatt 1 International Policy, ^'''''"' 2 Ireland, iJOiiuIation of xr i q 7,...r, u \ .• , rfeweuham 6 lion. Its properties and processes, Fuirb.i..,! 4 ''Utiles, matrnotic nroiia of t 6 lUily, the political state^of ' " ^^^""^^^^^ Waud Landmann LeSago Millar Mill C. Kingsley Bell Burney Forster Leslie Tyndall Dray son Mitchell Dal la way Nisbet Saiuto Pi 380 Huuio Gallwey 1 2 Q 15 266 Itinerary, the antiquarian 7 Journal of the Royal Institution, " science and arts, J^ " Canadian " " 270 Junius, the Identity of 1 " the Including Letters i Jvnowledge, Elements of general .5 Ladies, Lectures to Laucashires, lesson Language, Practical Rules for Italian 4 5 7 8 9 280 1 2 3 4 5 6 Law of Evideuc(3 (( the winds handbook on property of Nations in Europe England. Criminal, Nova Scotia, Reign of of the U. S; of America of Evidence, Powells b Lectures on the English Language 7 Liglit and Heat ° ° 8 Living, Philosophy of • 9 Locke on uuderstandinff 1 Logic or the right use of Reason ^ -i^°'l •^^ 1' esprit,, des. 3 London labour and London poor 4 ' Philosophical transactions of the 5 Lycee "^"^'"^ ^'^'^^^^^ ^^ 6 Lunacy, Report of the Commissioners in i Madness, on 8 Magnetism, . *' irpnti3fi on 3'^^0, " letters on animal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y iMagnetical cbs'^rvations Man, sketches of tlie History of physiciai condition of " the Natural History of " anti(iuity of " . origin and prospects of Man, Pro Adamite " , Primeval Mankind, a dissertation on the numl)(.r,s of Vols. 7 1 29 Hind 1 1 3 Kett 2 Torrens l Tourner i Philips 2 Levy 1 St Leonard l Ward 2 Blackstone 4 Stephen l 1 Argyle 1 5 Cutler 1 Marsh 1 Tate 1 Mayo 1 2 10 Watts 1 Montesquieu 4 Mayhew 3 310 Manual, the Admirality, of scientific euquiry Laharpe Has lam Tato ]3iev.'ster Gregory Sabine Home Kidd Prichard Hope Argyii« Wallace Herschel 4 4 M 16 Vols 311 2 3 4 5 6 7 ,9 3-20 1 2 Manuscript, a report upon Herculaneun Marine, memoires Sur la &c., Mathematics, History of " , course of " , recreations in &c , , in E. Military Academy , nautical in modern Greek " , Soria Stoicheidous Maxiras^and Moral reiiections Me^ianics, principTes of « i( and steam engine 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 330 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 340 1 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 350 1 2 3 4 a treatise on MeclianLsm, principles of Medals, an essay on Medical botany " life, mysteries of " Journal Edinburg from 1805-11 " review " profession " topography in the Mediterranean Mediterranean, the a memoir &c , .Melaachojj,', anatomy of Men, enquiries info~tTiedutie3»of Metaphysics and Logic, lectures on Meteorological, instructions for taking observations Meteorology, Microscopical discoveries Mineralogy, system of " , study of, an Introduction to " , elements of " , of Dumfries Minerals, external characters of " , catalogue of Mind, an enquiry into the human " , essay on the power of " , improvement of the Miscellanea Curiosa Money and paper currency, an essay on floral Sentiment, the theory of More worlds than one Muuera Pulveris Napoleon Code, the Nation, the progress of the Nations, an enquiry into the causes of the decline and fall of Natural History, elements of Hayter Dupin Bossut Hulton Leslie JRochefoucault Emerson Tate Gregory Willis Pinkerton Woodville Allerton Bell Henner Smyth Burton Gisborne Hamilton James Horschel Needham Jameson Backwell Kirwan Jamieson « Mawe Eeid (( Watts Torrens Smith Brewster Ruskin Barrett Porter Playfair Stark 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 7 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 o 17 Hayter 1 Dupin 1 Bossut 1 Hulton 3 (f 3 3 2 Leslie 1 jfoucault 1 Emerson 1 Tate 1 Gregory 3 Willis 1 inkerton 2 "oodville 2 Allerton 1 7 2 Bell 1 Henner 1 Smyth 1 Burton 2 jrisborne 2 [amilton 4 James 1 lorschel 1 "eedham 1 rameson 4 lackwell 1 Kirwan 2 amieson 1 <( 1 Mawe 1 Eeid 1 (( 3 Watts 1 3 Torrens 1 Smith 2 Irewster 1 Ruskin 1 Barrett 2 Porter 1 Playfair 1 Stark 2 3.50 7 8 9 360 1 2 3 4 5 ^^atural History "TT (( -(T . of Selborne. of the European Seas, general and particular, ^,.,^„ ot animals and vegetables, tracts on, Dalvell 3S of • . - -^ '' , Vola. Waterton 2 White 2 Forbes 1 Buftbn 20 1 /V 7 8 9 370 I 2 3 4 5 / 8 9 380 1 Mature, harmonies of Naturalists' Guide, the " , the Journal of a JNature, Forces of ' ' New Spain, Nicaragua, its people, monuments &c., JNOva bcotia, agriculture in *^ '' industrial resources of ^* mineralogy of 1868, ^^ " historical society of 1878, " catnlogue of legislative library, revised statutes of " " proceedings of institute of natural science lumisS^-* ^t«^^^^-^~^^ Lc^S Sn, CFuvresPhHosophi^ies, jj^^ Buckt Swainson Guillemin Humboldt Squier Dawson Gesner Howe de Montesquieu, Ocean, tiie Offraudes a Bonaparte, Oregon (^{uestion examined, (( 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 390 1 2 < 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 400 1 Origin of Language, an essay on the •Jrnithology, /\merican Painting, practical treatise on lectures on in Italy, a history of materials for a history of oil in Italy, history of anatomy of expression in IJ^ui!. rs, Modern I'per against Gold, Pare, les leuvi-es d' Ambroise, Parliamentary Proceedings, Paths, the two ° ' Perspective, the elements of Pharraacologia, Philosopher, the contemplative Tji •, " , Piissages from the life of a ---'--'I'^'j J •' ■'j"i:^iu ui iJiiiiuiar of the moral feelings, G^sse, Twiss Falconer Farrar Bonaparte & Wilson Barnett Opie LanzijK Eastlake Eoscoe Bell Buskin Cooper Buskin (( Paris Lobb Babbago Walker Abercrombie 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O ill ■iiiii 18 402 Philosophy, lectures on natural and experimental Adam Vols. 3 4 6 7 8 9 410 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <( "j I^eport on Pentonville, 6 Protoplasm, or Matter and Life, 7 Psychological Enquiries, 8 1 unishn.ent of Death in the Metropolis, facts 9 Quadrupeds, History of "'^'^^- *° 460 Puaihvays, on 1 Ranks, the origin of the distinction of - Rationalism m Europe, 3 Eehquiaa Diluvina^, 4 Rhetoric, the philosophy of ' - " ,AristotIo ^ treatis e on Buxton Gurney Kingsmill Haughton Beale Brodie, Vols. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9. Wakefield Bewick Ritchie Millar Lecky Buckland Campbell Buckley Millar McAdam Grey Hartwif Gilpin Jamison • Timbs Prof. Vir;hovv Gomerville Wells Sinclare a x> ^ , ,--^Af-?.Ji'JH!L° treatise 7 p ?'\.*'J^ testil^^^Hy-^TtE^ 7 Road Making, remarks on 8 Russell Colonial Policy of Lord John 470 g!:i,''^"^U^« I'iving Wonders, the "^ 470 Scenery lorest, remarks on ^ *' and Art, arcana of q it elements of ^ . curiosities of 4 Science, freedom of in the modern stite 5 Sciences, on the connection of Sitl ' 6 Scientific discovery, animal ^ ^ ^ 7 Scot and, agricultural report of 8 Scotland, explanation of engravings of implements Shorthand Writing ^^^''^^"^'7 "s^d in -Gray 1 Sicily, observations upon diseases in r '^ ^ ^1 kworms, the art of rcarinrr ^ Irvine .3 Sdva^oi: Discourse of Forest Trees Dandolo 4 Situation de 1' Angleterre en 1811 ' fTTr . -y''-^^''- ^) Skating, a system ?f figure ' V 1 ^f.^foutgaillard 6 Slave Trade, ° Vanderville & Withani 7 Sleep, Anatomy of Clarkson 8 " Philosophyof Biuns 9 Solitude, Essay on ,. ^^^acnish 490 Sound, on " ' " Zimmerman 1 Sravta aad Atl.o.,, a ..oviow of the govts, of ' DruSond 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 I 2 6 2 1 1 1 5m 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 20 492 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 500 1 2 o O 4 5 G 7 8 9^ 510 1 2 2a, 3 4 5 ' G 7 8 9 l520 1 •) o •o 4 Species, Origin of State Papers, miscellaneous Steam Engine, the Stcreoscopo &c , Steuavt, the Works of Sir James Stormsi an enquiry into tlie nature and cause of Law of Surgery, the principles of Surveying, outlines of a system of " a treatise on practical Synonyms, English Synonymes Francjais, Table Talk, " " specimens of the Taxidermy, Thames Tunnel, explanation of the Thierarzt ^XljilUis not generally known, Thunderslorins, on the nature oT ' Tobacco, its History and Associations, Trials celeHFale'd,' ■ "^ StaTo modern state. criminal, of mail robbers. Tuition, elements of Vols. Darwin (< (r 6 7 8_ 9 530 1 2 3 14 Turkey, a survey of the empire of United States, constitution of the Universe, a theory of the system of the Universe The Unto this Last, Usiip-^, Defence of rtdpia, \ onioe the stones of Veleiinary Art, outlines of the Vision, light and colors, the history and present state of discoveries relating to V olcanoes, on Wealth of jS"atious, an enquiry into the public ^ ^ What to Observe &c.. Wine, the vine and the cellar, " art of makin" and spirituous liquors, how to choose 1 7 1 1 6 1 1 4 •1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Cobbett's 24 TownsenH 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 Lardner Brewster Thom Reid Bell Mitchell Crabb Girard Hazlitt Coleridge _ Timbs_ Harris Eairholt \\ ^rcester, the century of inventions of the Marquis of Cole Bell Eton Tremonheere Maci^ab Pouchet Euskin Bentham More Euskin Blain Priestly Dau'bhey Adani Sinith Lauderdale Jackson Shaw McBride Partington 3 1 X 1 1 1 1 Vols. 21 Darwin 1 7 ardner ewster Thorn Eeid Bell itcholl Crabb Girard 2 lazlitt 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 )bott's 24 eridge Timbs Harris lirholt 2 1 1 3 nsenH" Cole Bell Eton 1 heere ici^ab ucliet 1 uskin itham More Lisl^in Blain 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 :estly 3, bney" 1 linith 3 rdaie i kson 1 shaw 1 1 Jride 1 gton 1 ■535 6 7 8 9 640 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 550 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 560 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 570 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 580 World, the ancient " system of the Worlds, study of Zoology, general " Bri:tish_ " IFe philosophy of Zoonomia, ; Vols. Ansted 1 Laplace 2 French 1 Stephens 10- Shaw 8 Pennant 4 jb'leming" 2 Darwin 4 t •I 581 22 Vote. 8 9 590 5 8 600 8 9 610 6 8 620 8 6 Vote. ^^^HJ Ito. Ill 7 25 mi CLASS B. .HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, AND MEMOIRS. Acadia from its First Discovery, Afghanistan and the Central Asian Question, Aiguillon, memoires du niinistero du Due d' Allberoui, Ac., Lives of Allemagne de 1', 6 Alexander the Great, enquiry into the life of 7 Alexandre, memoires sur 1' Empereur ' 8 America, history of the War of Independence, " and topography of U. S of " of United States of British '' Statistics of British Xortli " Account of the U. S of American Revolution, history of the « 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 " Civil War, history of the 8 Anglo Saxons, history of the 9 Annals of our Time, the -0 Antiquity, Roman 2 >3 4 Hannay Fisher Moore Stael Holstein St. Croix Goutfier Robertson Botta, Ilinton Bancroft McGregor Munro Bristed Bancroft Conflict, a history of the Great Rebellion, GreTev Antoinette, Memoires de :Marie Arnold, the Life of Thomjis. _ ^l^^. 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Chambers James • Wilson Wilkinson Twiss Aikin Wright Myers Drumraond Volney Holiushed -bumce and Spain, I rossart's chronicles o l ' Johnes 12 memoirs of the Court of 1812-20 Buckingham 2 ambassy to the court of Bassompierre 1 history of the rebellion and civil war in Clarendp u^jR „ Hume 8 '• (f ., AdolplTiis T tJie counter revolution in Carrel 1 " from the accession of James IX- 1 1 1 • . „?•'■• (^ *^*^P- 2tl vol. missing) Macwilav 10 1 England, history of the revolution in l/^S °^ MackiS 1 from the Peace of Utrecht* Lord Mahon 13 ■* lat invasion by the . Romans Lingnrd 14 during the reign of George JII. Scott 5 ■> /o , " " Jones 3 1 set 8 vols., I set 5, 1 spare vols. 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Cleig Lyttelton Freer - BjBloe_ Carlyle Arbuthnot Sidney Kennell << << Blanc Mavor 25 Tytler 2 MuUer Raumer Bunsen Rollin Sinnet Arnold Volney Smith Miller Guizot Millot I 2 1 2 6 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 6 6 -4 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 Justin McCarthy Gsnlig 3 2 2 6 2 1 1 3 2 4 6 60 4 2 2 34 \m t / 393 4 5 6 7 8 -9 4C0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Histoire des Revolutions de Suede Ancienne, Manuel de L' des Republiques, Italiennes historical Library o f Diod iruSj, The Vols. « « Bertot (( « Pictures of the Middle Ages Revolutions, 1830 " Characters " Studies " observations on the dynasties of Europe Hood, Thomas, Memorials of Hook, Theodore, Life & Remains of Hortensius, or the Advocate Howard, John, Memoirs of the Public and private life of 7 Howe, Richard, Earl, Life of 8 Hope, James, Memoirs of 9 Hordt, Momoires Historique de 410 Huguenots, The History of the 1 Hume, David, Life of, 2 Hungarian Lady, Memoirs of a - 3 Hunt, Leigh, The Autobiography of 4 Hutchinson, Colonel, Memoirs of the Life ol 6~Tndia, British, Historical account of «> Hureu Sismondi Blanc Lytton Merivale Barham Forsyth Browne Barrow Borrelly Browning Edited by Morley Huxley Pulszky 6 7 8 9 420 1 2 3 4 5 6 it li History of (( (( Rise and Progress of the British power in Modern % Government of Central, a Memoir of History of Political History of " an Historical disquisition Indian Rebellion, The, its causes and results " Officers, Lives of the T " Archipelago, History of the 8 Indies, British West, History of the (and plates) 9 Indies, East and West, Settlements and trades , of the Europeans in the 430 Invalid, The Diavy of an Murray Wilson Mill Auber Campbell Malcom Elphinstone • Malcom Robertson Duff Kaye Crawfurd Edwards 1 2 3 4 5 6 Inventions, Discoveries &c.. History of Ionian, Islands, Memoirs of the Ireland, History of Letters on the people of View of the Circumstances of 4 2 1 16 1 3 -JL 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 3 6 2 I 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 6 Raynal 6 Matthew 1 Beckmon 2 Vaudoncourt 1 Leland 3 O'Driacol 2 Foster 1 Newenham 1 35 ynal 6 hew 1 mon 2 ourt 1 land 3 sool 2 )8ter 1 437 Ireland, An account of 8 9 440 1 2 3 4 9 450 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Historic Memoirs of The English in Revelations of ^ Ecclesiastical History of Bofore and after the Union with S Irish Rebellion, Personal narSive of™ » Ita y, Scenes and Events in (I « <« Vola. "jBaiTington 2 Froude 3 Owen Madden 1 ^larendon 1 ffusgrave" 1 Lanigan 4 Martin Teeling Madden Oliphant Pepe Whiteside m the 19th Century «r,. 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Teignmouth 2 Sherburne 1 2 Boaden 2 Whiston 4 Andrews 2 Campboii 2 Churchill 1 Cole 2; :(■', 36 481 Keith Sir R., Life and Correspondence of 2 Kelly Michael, Reminiscences of 3 Kemble J. Philip, Memoirs of 4 " Late Records of 5 Kings Anecdotes of his own Times 6 Kinprsl ey CharleSj^Liffl of 7 Knights of Malta, A"Hislory of the 8 " Templars, The 9 Knighton Sir William, Memoirs of 490 Knox John, Life of Volf. Smyth Boaden Kemble Porter Addison McCfie Larochejaqueloin, Memoirs de Madame la " " Marquise de " " Translation Larpent, F. S. Private Journal of Lawrence, Sir H. 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North Lutfullali, Autobiography of ' Eastwick Luther, Life of MitHelet 8 Lyuedock, Lord, Life of Captain Delavoyo 9 Macaulay, Lord Life and Lcliors of Trevelyan 520 " " Miscellaneous Writings of •* 1 Mack ay, General a iTi.Tv.-..ixiiu=ii, Oil" tictiirus i'liornoirs ol ifio L,iie of 3 Maceroni, Colonel Memoirs of the Life and Adventures of 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 G 1 8 3 3 2 2 2 I 1 1 4 3 4 6 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 Vol«. Smyth 2 2 Boaden 1 Cemble 3 1 1 Porter 2 .ddison 1 1 tfcCfie 2 1 1 3 rrivale 1 2 Sparks 1 Hay 1 Roscoe G ligland 1 8 Varren 3 Corvin 3 Scott 2 King 2 Jesse 2 1 1 ichaud 1 James 4 leville 3 leville 2 meanx 4 oltaire 6 North 3 3twick 1 i^Helet 1 avoye 1 rely an 2 It 2 1 2 8 of 2 ar 624 Mahomet, Lives of the Successors of ' ** Life of • 6 Maintenon Madame de HIstoire de 7 Ma colm, Sir John, Life and Correspondence of 630 Malta,Hi8tory of the Fortress of 1 Margravine of Anspach, Memoirs of the 2 Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of, Memoirs of John. Duke of «• '* Life of Marrya, Capt^rLS— '.^^ '- ^istoire de ^ Mary Queen of Scots, Life of -F- Marryat o Marmontel, Memoirs of i-znalmers nin i^^'i*^''' ^^y- ^^""'y* ^ Memoire of the 540 Mathews, Charles James, Life of 2 3 4 6 6 7 Irving Irving Noaillefi Kaye Boisgelin Porter Thomson Coxa Alison Vola. 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 Sargent Dickens Wraxall Koscoe Matilda; Caroline, Life and Times of xMedici, Lorenzo de, Life of M„i -11 * ", Illustrations of the Life of Melville, Andrew, Life of Memoirs from 1754 to 1758 w McCrie 8 Memoiros. ot ffisSro " ^"''"'' ^™^"' "'«- Wmx'all 9 Memorials of liis Time „ ,^.<'«'"' 550 Men of Uttom and Science of the time of George HI ■""'" 1 Men who have Risen Metter^ichplc'Xmc^:^;r^'^^"^' MexicT ^®''°^"*^^^' Memoirs of the History of the Conquest of Af.l W •rA''"!'^'' '^" J** Conquista do 560 M I I't^f * '''''"' ^^'^'^««cript pe 1 if- ' *^ n "* ^^r'*' Autobiography of 1 Miller, General, Memoirs of 2 .Miraboau, 4K''"r'^.™?f«"I^P«''.ic 4 2 4 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 3 4 7 8 9 Brougham Goodman Kayo Kupier Robinson V/ard Prescott De Solis i^Moiihhof the AVeat, The 6 Afqjstr^Let, Enguerrard do, Chronicles of 7 Montrose, 8 Moroau, General Ouizot Montalembort 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 S 4 1 2 Momoirsof 1612, to 1650~ Memoirs &c,, of N 1 i'pior 2 :1 Phillipart 1 38 'lii ■! 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Vie Politique, et Militaire do at St Helena, Journal of the private 9 Napier, Sir William, The life of ^ ^ ° 3 4 fi 6 7 8 (I « (I 'Meara I^abaume Chaboulon Mitchell 'Campbell 1 2 3 4 6 Napoh, Storia della Kivoluzioue di AT ','t.. "^ Civile del Regno di Naval Life, Recollections of a Nelson, Memoirs of the Life of 6 Netherlands, The History of the" United |-.-^wffift€LCaLendej 8 Noy Marechale, Memoires du 9 North, Christopher, Memoirs of — " ^^^clli£i A jjusjjy'iiiQiv^ine ^ivocr eations of 1 Norway, Early Kings ^f Las Cases Bruce W. Napier Gam boa Giannone Scott Pettigiow Clarke Motley Nap & Baldwin Famillo Gordon Carlyle 8 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 9 2 1 2 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 ' 1 4 7 2 4 1 4 3 2 2 4 5 2 1 3 1 39 612 Novn^Scotia, History of An", I'ublic Documents of 4 Oeuvres choisix^a du Prince de Ligny 6 on p ^' ^^«°^i««tions of the Life of 6 Old Rome, and J^ew Italy 7 Opera, History of the 8 Orators in America, Living 3 Outram, Sir James^ife of ""^ 4 Palmerston, Life of 1 Pedro don, Histoire de VolB. Haliburton 2 c, Akin Stael Holstein 3 Peel, Sir Robert JllZn 6 Peninsular War, History oftho 7 |^:r^i;"iii^^»-4^e^ 8 Persia, History of «^? '' ?Sa^^?t^£t?^^^^«--ountof I Persons, Lives of Eminent ^ 1 eru, Conquest of 3 Petrach, The Life of Phillip ir. of Spam, History of the reign of OastJelar Edwards Magoon Taylor Ellis Alix The Queen Goldsmid Bulwer CarJyle Bannister Trollope Chesterton Morimee i ^eloponnesian War, Historv of ^h^ /m o t., Morimee 3 Peel, Sir Robert, M;moh^7f ^^"^ * ^^**««) Smith 4 5 6 7 8 6 4( (( (I (( <( (( (( Sta ' -ipe Ouizot Southey Braybropk. Paisons Malcom Fral^r Redhouse Prescott Bobson Hamilton Prescott Prescott Watson Loland of Macodon, Ifttory „f «„ life „f ^"- "'*')"'"'. "i»tay of the reign of ''? pi^r-^f S^nc!' in^'IrT "r--^ ^'""° * """"''"' |P«.Willi„„,|:-7£-VorH Memoirs nffj.r. i.i-^ -/. "^ tfiiford Life of ' "'''■ "' Tomline Stanhope 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 -5 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 A '■- I (( 6 pik^, ASi:f4tt;tSrr 0?°°"° °'! Hoy ward 1 6 3 4 4 2 40 657 8 9 660 1 - 2 3 5 6 7 8 -u -9 '670 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 680 I 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 690 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~-700 1 Pizarro, the life of Plague, The, History of, in Malta, etc. PlUntagenet, The greatest of all the Players, Lives of the Pliny the Consul, Letters of PJuiarcli,.lheJBntiah ' Plutarch's Lives fffircETThe Revolutionarv flufarqueV Vies des homme s illusti e d e, PoIaccEvdena-Revdrrtioiie-del 29th Nov. 1830 Politianus, A^gpl"", TVf«^oirff-^f Political Women Polybij^s, General history of Pompeii, its history, buildings, etc. Popes, Kccollections of the last four Portugal, historical, picturesque, and military observations on " Revolution de Potemkin, Prince. Memoirs of Pouvoir, Trois mois au Precis historique de la Revolution Francaise Proscott, Life of • Prigioui. Le mie Prince Consort, The Life of Private diary of travels, public events, &c. Protector, a vindication Poor and Rich, our Exemplars Queens of Song Rachael, Memoii-s of Raffles, Sir T. Stamford, Memoir of the Life of Raguse, Menioires du Due de Raleigh, Sir W., Memoirs of the life of Life of Ranee, Vie de Rank and Talent of the Time, The Rapp, General Count, Memoirs of Ravego, Memoirs of the Duke of Rebellion, The Great " Memoirs of Recamier, Madame Recollections and Anecdotes of past life of a Literary Life of my life ' Autobiographical VolB. Helps Tully Gait Melmoth eurez leswell Menzies Hampton Dyer Wiseman Landmenu Vertot Ijamartine Rabaut Tick nor Pellico Martin Wilson Aubigne Hill Clayton Thomson Tytler Chateaubriand Botts Johnstone K (f — ft: — J V 'iM H . c mne Uutch J Kepublzcs, reflection on th^i^and fall of 710 ^etz^Cai^alifi^J^^e^^ ^"'^^^* 2 Reynolds, Prederick, life and times of 4 Ricci.Scipirde' mtiif of ^"^"* '"^ *^^ "^--- °0 5 Jiichalijju^j^^ Eoacoe " Memoirs " « drnT^ 1 Eichaid III., memota of ° ' "' Grimshawe 2 Ripa, Father, memoirs of "^^^^ 3 Rockingham, The Marquis of, memoirs of a ^^. ^^"'^^ 4 Romans, A History of the. uiderXl^^ • ^IJermarle 5 Roman Empire, A^History' oTtt l^S Tpall of t^ 7 " strerTr^^^^'^^^'-^^^^^^i-t^^^^^^^ 8 " History, The • Farini 9 " « «< Hoofce 730 Rome, History of Niebuhr 1 " " " Arnold 2 " •< . u Momsen 3 " « «i Goldsmith tp" J- "tlie Popes of Titus Livius iiome. History of ^I^iebnhr'«\ tt Ranke 6 ;; under VVm'rnJ Ider the Pop^r ^^' ''™^^ 1 . ?^«?^^«|;««nd its Institutions ^ 8 " in the 19th Century • »,.A JJ°^'gO' Memoirs du Due ."^^ 740 Rupert, Prince, Memoire of 1 Russia, Hkto.y of and of Peter the Great History 5 2 1 2 5 4 3 1 4 6 2 1 2 3 4 1 I nrrs;: irei'-.r °' '^«*-^™ "- ;uire " Warburton _ Segur iiHJkardt Looke (( Voltaire 5 1 1 1 1 2 7 12 2 3 6 1 3 5 2 6 3 3 2 1 2 8 3 1 1 2 3 2 7 i ^1 42 I I ir'l 746 Russell, Lord "William, Life of 7 St. James, An Embassy to the Court of ^ ^kSinioiii Memoi rs of the D u ke of ^ ^ St. "Vincent, Life of the larTof 750 St. Paul's Cathedral, Annals of 1 St. Arnaud, Lettres du Marechal de 2 Salm Salm, Prince, Diary of 3 Sallusjt, the Works of Translated by Murphy VolB. Guizot o>.>..v.v^ Statesmen, Historical Sket/hes of (1 set 2 vols., 1 Stephenson, Life of George 2 Stockmar Memoirs of Baron 3 Story of My Life, 4 Strangford, Writings of Viscounf 5 Struggles and Triumphs, "* 6 fetuart, Memoirs of Mary 8 Snffniir T *i Pi'ince Charles 820 Sundon, Memoirs of Vicountess 2 iZT:Vst!''f^'^:^^ his I^t Campaign 3 Sydenhim, tlt^fl^Sf^^f^^^^^^^ '' ?--^a{P_Qf_ a^GrAn_djather_ 6 Talleyrand, Ifeminiscenc"^oTPi:irc^^ 7 Taou-Kwang, life of Howard Alexander Hacklander Leach James Villemain Coxe M'Crie Bigland Llorente Bourke Wallon Ticknor by herself 1 set 3) Brougham Smiles 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 5 1 I 2 1 1 2 3 3 Col. Meadows Taylor Barnum Buckingham Klose Thomson Macready Harte Murphy „ ^Scptt_J Colmache 2 5 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 8 2 1 2 1 8 8 Temple, Memoirs of the life ar,^ ,^^ 1 ^ o , Gutzlaff 9 Tsm^^MmoivBot Theoba M °'^' "^ ^^^ ^- ^^^^^t^^J 830 Tott, u «- Baron d^- 1 2 3 1 2 m ' TT , jxtron de 2 lower, Her Majesty's 2 " of London, The Chanel nf «Sf t» t Dixon 1 Trench, Remains if the iK^'p®!^^^^^^^^^ M 1 J™z-i«iHE!etecollectiQn^"State'"" rr ^ £urkey7H^Ii:8 reTadnff to FnTZ! , . . Howell 24 Turkish Alliance and Ssian Wa?''" '""^ ^""^ TOpoTT-T •Empire, a survey of the 1 Eton 1 jurl 44 838 9 840 1 2 3 4 .5 6 8 850 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 860 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 « Thorubury rr KUckzko Daru Turner, life of J. M. W. Two Chaflcellors, The Venise, Histoire de Venezia, storia della Eepublica di Vicars, Memoirs of Capt. Hedley, 97th Kegt Vidocq, Memoirs de Villars, vie du Marcehal Due de Voltaire, life of Walpole, Memoirji of Horatio " SirEobert . letters from Horace to G.Montague of Horace Wallenstein, life of Ward, Memoirs of the political life of Wars Civil, Fairfax Correspondence Washington, life of George Watson, life of E. Watt, life of James Wellesley, Memoirs and Correspondence of rearce Wellington, History of the life of Arthur Duke of Gleig " life of His Grace the " « Alexander " "• " " " " " Wraxal] Westminister Abbey Whig Ministry of 1830, History of vhe White, life of the Eev. B, , Wilberforce, life of Wm. Wilkie, life of Sir D. Wolsey, life of Cardinal World, Sacred and profane History of the, connected VI. . , Shuckford Aenophon, minor works of Young Ireland gir C. Ga^van Duffy Vols. Vidocq Lui Meme Coxe (t Walpole <( (( Mitchell Phipp& Bell Irving Marshall By his son Muirhead Pearce Stanley Eoebuck Cunningham Cavendish 2 I 8 4 1 4 4 2 2 4 1 1 9 1 2 2 4 5 2 1 3 6 3 2 1 2 > 5 3 1 2 1 1 45 VolB. )rubury 3 Uckzko I Daru 8 4 1^ Vidocq 4 [ Meme 4 2 Coxe 2 " 4 Valpole 1 883 6 8 890 Volt. [itchell 1 Plupps. 2 Bell 2 Irving 4 arshall 5 bis son 2 lirhead 1 Pearce 3 Gleig 6 xander 3 rraxall 2 Stanley 1 jebuck 2 6 8 900 6 7 8 Qgham 3 endish 1 910 2 ckford 2 1 Duffy 1 8 9 920 8 4a CLASS TKAVKLS. VOYAGES, SPOETS. Zu BELLES ,EmES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 « « « Beke Baker Earf of Mayo Cozzens Harvey Alexander Stoddard Maxwell Moffat Alexander Abyssinia, The British Captives in The Nile Tributaries of . ,. Sports in Acadia " Forest Life in Adams' V I ^f 'S ^^ ^"*^«1^ A'^erica Adams Robert, ^rrative of 8 Adirondaks, The 9 Adventures, My Af^J* xr- .°^^^'^«nch Sergeant Africa, Missionary Scenes in 'the South of « Western, Voyage of Observation L sZZYr'^'f^''' ^^^° *^« Interior of southern, Travels into the Interior of J , , in 1797 Iravels Through Central to Timbuctoo Second Expedition into the InTeiS A Hunters Life in South Travels m Northern and Central r» "^ Record of Captain Clapperton's^U Expeditiont Wanderings in South l^iscoveries and Travels in ;J;Xcursions in Southern Iravels in the Interior Districts of ' Journal of a Mission to the Inte?L of ^our Years in Southern sketches in West Across Central Wild Sports oi Southern Mke Regions of Central Missionary Travels, etc., in South Travels in I^orth and Centra? Jixplorations and Adveiitnr«« i Vols Barrow Boteler Caillie Clapperton Gumming Denham 1 1 1 1 1 2 I 1 2 1 1 2 1 o *j 1 2 2 1 2 1 « (< t( It t( it (t Fosbroke McQueen Methuen Murray jN^apier Park Rose Cameron Harris Burton Livingstone 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 ^^uai/Oriai Du Chaillu 48 f i 37 8 9 40 1 Vol0. 2 3 4 5 Africa, Travels in "Western Gray '• Expedition to Explore the Northern Coast of, Beechey Travels and Adventures in Southern Thompson '.' in Southern, 1803 to 1806 Lichtensteiu Proceedings of Association for Promotin'* Discovery of Interior parts *of tt tt « ■■{ Sport and War in African West, Sketches in Alaska, Travels in Albania, Excursions in A Journey through Plates 7 " Journals of a Landscape Painter in 8 Albert Nyanza, The [2] 9 Algerie, Explorations Scientifiques de U 60 Algeria, Four months in " and Tunis in 1845 " Sketches of, during Kabyle War Alps, Scrambles amongst the " Hours of Exorcise in the Amazon and Andes, between the America, Aristocracy of Notes of a Journey in Travels in North Three Years in North ■ Six Months " " Hi.itorical j^ccount of Discoveries in _ , North H. Murray Travels m North C. A. Murray Historical and Descriptive Account of 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 1 2 3 4 <( Bisset Ellis Whymper Best Hobhouse Lear Baker Renou Blakesley Kennedy Walmsley Whymper Tyndall Mrs Mulhall Grund Birkbeck Hall Stuart Vignes « K « II II' British North Forest Scenes in North Discoveries on North Coast of Travels in South Wild Life in the Interior of Central Voyage to South Wanderings in South Englishwoman in Southern States of since the War oumon Central, Chiapas, and Yucatan Travels in Steveus British North, A Residence at the Red River Colony West Iravels m the Equinoctial Regions of Humboldt Researches concerning the Ancient Inhabitants of H. Mumiy Trollop Head Simpson Depous By am Blackeuridgo Waterton Somers 1 1 2 2 % 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 11 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 TJ.._1._1 Ji. 49 Vob. Gray 1 Beechey 1 ompson 2 tensteiu 2 2 Bisset 1 Ellis 1 hymper 1 Best 1 >bhouse 2 Lear 1 Baker 2 Kenou 11 akesley 1 ennedy 2 ilmsley 1 lymper 1 ryndall 1 ifulhall 1 Grund 2 rkbeck 1 Hall 1 Stuart 2 Vignea 2 Vlurray 2 Idurray 2 klumiy 3 rrollop 2 Head 1 rapgon 1 3opou8 2 Bynm 1 nridgo 2 \terton 1 1 Vomers 1 eve us 2 West 1 uboldt 2 ts UUUiUi a 77 America, Journey of 5000 miles through Eastern '''"''* Tir :, *°*^ Western States of JW.en and manners in Spanish Account of Society in Spanish Conquest of Last Winter in United States of tive Years Expedition in South Ihe Prairie Traveller Travels in New My Diary in Huntera Experience in the Southern Teresina in ^^^' °^ Irish in Travels and Adventures in Southern mi . ., and Central Ihousand miles walk across South lUe Kescources and Prospects of A Voyage to South Travels through North Rule and Misrule of the British in Hoiik . 100 Americans, in ^their nioral and social relations ^otn^'d 8 9 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 90 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 t: u n u tt « (( (( « Eearon Bonnycastle Martineau Helps Linke Stedman Marcey Ashe Dixon Sala Flack Mrs. Yelverton Maguire 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 « Don R. Paez Bi»hop Peto Juan Weld Haliburton 1 2 3 4 5 6 (( as they are Notions of the Domestic manners of Americas, The Two Anachaisis, Voyage du en Grece " « I. (• 7 8 9 Angler, The complete American Book to« ^^«»y"i> or the Assassins 120 Antilles, Pearl of the 120a Antipodes, Our 1 Archipelago, Malay, The iri.K"T K ^'^''^^^ '" *^« ^8* Indian Arab.Tribes, Travels among the Arabia, Central and Eastern Travels in Arctic Regions, Discoveries and Research^- in i-ana iiiXpedition Travelling Bachelor Trollope Sir Rose Price Translated into Italian and Plates Walton 1 1 I 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 4 5 6 T Morris Walpole Gallenga Muudy Wallace Bickmore Buckingham Palgravo Burckhardt T> Back 13 1 1 3 I 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 I 50 Vol«. 128 Arctic Ocean, Journey to the Shores of the 9 130 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (( Explorations Seas, Voyages of the " Fox," " Yatching in the " Shores, Expedition to Ardennes, in the Armenia, Asia, and Eijieroum Army Life on the border Art of Dep^ stalking Ashantee, Journal of a residencf^ in 8 Asia, Discoveries and Travels in 9 140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 150 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Minor, Journal of a Tour in " " Discoveries in " " Travels in " " on horseback through Asiatic Researches Astoria Assyrian Discoveries Athens, Ten days in " Topography of, (with Plates) ** Antiquities of (on table) Attica, Journal of a Residence in Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches " Crossing the, {Illustrations of, on table) Hoppin Atlas. Commercial and Political Australia, as it is « u « (I « Two Expeditions of Discovery in Survey of tlie Coast of Picture of Discoveries in Enterprise in Tropical Expedition into Eastern ** " Tropical Exploring Expedition of Burke and Now Zealand Australasia, Britisli Settlements in Austria, and iho Austrians " as it is ** My Holiday in Ava, Two years in " Embassy to (Plates) Backwoods, Echoes from the 170 Barbary, Travols in 1 Babylonia, Travels in 2 Balkans, A Journey across the 3 BaltiQ. Black Sea. and tlm ('rinion King ^ Kane 2 McClintock 1 Lamont 1 ' Back 1 Macquird 1 Curzon 1 Marcey 1 Scrope 1 Dupuis 1 Murray 3 Leake 1 Arundel 2 Chandler 1 Burnaby 2 11 Irving 3 Smith 1 Corrigan 1 Leake 2 Stmt 3 Wordsworth 1 Mackinnon 2 ) Hoppin 1 Playfair 1 Lancelott 2 Grey 2 King 2 King 1 Stokes 2 Earle 1 Mitchell 2 (( 1 Jackson 1 TroUope 2 Wentworth 2 2 1 Eden 2 ] 4 Symes Levinge 1 Shaw 2 Keppel 2 Keppel 2 S!r>/^ff 1 51 8 9 190 1 2 3 4 174 Baltic, Bob Roy on the 9 ZkZZyi'^^' rr-^^ sketches by 180 Bear hunters of A p''**,'^^ ^^^^^'^^ ^nd ^ 1 Bedouins and W^ ?'*'''^ Mounteina • 2 ° ""' v'^.'i Wakabys, jj^otea on the 4 r! F""?' ""^ Western Germany Billiards Bokhara, Travels in Border anJ'Sr°'^^^«*^-^lS45 ■ 6 ^°^J«0' Expedition to 7 « ""'^.*^*'^"?^i*n Archipelago « " and Thibe? I ' -^^"'^ °^ ^ Wint. 1 » ' ;^ journey in 2 a J'''*^^^« in the interior of * ^^ 1 ravels m J Notices of 5 Breakfast Table, the Autocrat of th« 6 Breviary the :itatistical*°^*^" 7 ^"^^"' ^'-^^fc' a residence in ' • Greater 8 Brittannia Alayna 010 ;^"W, " «n"»nw in -lOBr;t.h|..p.,CoWsoft^ 4tiKr'^^^"""-^^^-au 5 Burns liobert, Rellques of 6 Burnaby's Ride to Khiva ' «yron. Narraf.;v„ ..*• ^__. _. Vob. ter in, Macgiegop 1 2 Masson Freshfield Bowman Burckhardt Blunt TroHope Bollin t Baldwin 1 Miller 1 Christ 1 Wilson Bobinson 4 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 3 1 Cavendish 1 Burnes 3 Wolfe 1 I^vvrence 1 Keppel 2 Marryatt 1 Mundy 2 Turner 1 Stockdale l Agassiz 1 Mawe 1 Koster Walsh ^ Holmes 1 Blayfair 1 Simonds Bilke I^ysons Trollope Martin 1 Trollope 2 2 2 1 7 2 Head Cromak Elphinstone 1 U 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 52 Vote, 219 Cabul, a journey to, and residence in 220 Cadet to Colonel 1 California, Life in 2 Cambridge, Sketches from 3 Camp Life and Sports in South Africa 4 «* '< and Tricks in Trapping 5 Canadas in 1841, The 6 " Five years residence in the 7 «« Travels through the 8 Canada, Three years in « (I « and the Crimea A Topographical description of Statistical Sketches of Twenty-seven years in Upper Upper, Sketches of Travels in Recollections of (Sketches on table) 9 230 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2i0 1 2 3 4 Capodistrias, Count, Correspondence of 6 Carnes' Letters from the East 6 Carthago and her Remains 7 Cashmere. The Rifle in 8 Caspian, Sketches from the Shores of the 9 Cephalonia, Roads of 250 Ceylon, Seven years in Burnes Seaton An American A Don Lucas Wm. Gibson Bonnvcastle Talbot Heriot McTaggert Rankin Bouchette Its Defences, Conditions, &c. Emigrant and Sportsman Cape of Good Hope, Journal of a residence in Walks and Sketches at In 1822, State of and the Kafl&rs <( u u « (C 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 260 1 2 8 (I t( An accouDt of the Interior of An account, of (2 copies) Life in Recollections of Excursions and Field Sports in " Challenger," The Cruise of the Change of Air Chesterfield's Lettem " " to his Son Chili and La Plata, Travels in ** Peru, and Mexico " Embassy to Strickland Gourlay Howison Hall 1 Carlile") j . Martindale ) Russel 1 Rowan Bunbury Simple I 1 1 1 1 Cole 1 Ward 1 4 1 Davis 1 Brenckman 1 Holmer 1 Napier 1 Forbes 2 Davy 1 Tennent 4 Knighton 2 Selkirk 1 Campbell 2 Spry 1 Johnson 1 Lord Mahon 4 4 2 Hall 2 Absl 1 Eliis 2 53 Vol». 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 264 China, Travels in fi « I!' . Vob. 5 6 7 8 9 270 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (( Events of the Campaigns in Desultory Notes of Englishman in and Japan and Lower Bengal Two visits to the Countries of The Fanqui in Political and Commercial Its state and prospects Voyage to along the Coast of Corea. A Voyage to The Empire of Chinese, a residence among the Q nu'\ ^™P^re' Recollections of the Barrow Loch Meadows « a u 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Circassia, Journal of a residence in Travels in " Adventures in Circassians, The City of the Saints, The ^^::!^ir^ '». He™, ^B4\r «. aymore, A cruise in the o tlavis Calendaria 9 Clouds in the East 290 Consolation, A year of Oliphant Cooke Fortune Downing Martin Medhurst McLeod Smith Davis Fortune Hue Dashwood Falkland Bell Spencer Cameron Longworth Burton 1 2 3 4 5 11 Harvey Brady Baker Mrs. Butler Macfarlaue Mrs. ^Constantinople in 1828 to Corfu Travels to and from ^, . Three years in Continental Travellers Oracle Corsica, Sketches of 1 " liainbles in the Island of on ' ./Li^fly'sTourin 9 Cornhill to Cairo 300 Corea, tlie West Coast of 1 Cossacki* and fhe Turks 2 Crescent and the Croas, 3 Crimea, Jouruoy to the Crimee, Expedition de la Cross Country Cruise in French Man of War Ladv'« F n. i Thornbury Cuba and Back To i^ays, J^. Gordon Cumniingi - yprus and Asiatic Turkey -»--ana Our Home in ' Mrs. Scott Stevenson 4 6 6 7 9 Frankland White Eldon Benson Forester G. Fordo Thackeray Hall Joyce Warburton Holderness DeBazuncourt Thornbury 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 , 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 i. 1 I m Iff. I 64 310 Czar, Empire of the 1 Dahomey and the Dahomans, "2 " King of, Mission to 3 Dalmatia and Montenegro, A Journey in 4 Danube and Adriatic, 6 Danubian Principalities, the 6 Darion, Journal of Expedition 7 Daughters of England 8 Dead Sea, Expedition to the 9 Denmark and Sweden, Account of 320 Delhi, from New York to 7 Detroit, a Tour to 2 Discorso, della Litteratura 3 Discourses, Seven (delivered in the Royal Divide, The Great Dog, On the " Breaking, Dorado, New 8 Dongola and Sennar, An Expedition to 9 Drake, Sir Francis, Life and Vovases of 330 Dust and Foam ^ " D^ I)e md, Lettres de East, Hog Hunting in the " Spirit of the '• Travels in the f Egypt and Nubia \ " " Plates " Journey in " and Nubia " aud Candia, Rambles in " Travels in Upper and Lower " Recollectious of " Letters from and Italy, Scenes and Impressions and Arabia, Travels in Syria, Travels Through Egypt, Nubia and Palestine, Travels in " Ottoman Empire, Travels in Upper and Lower, Travels in Notes During a Visit to Apercu sur L !- Upper, ifsTeople and ite Products Elba, Tour Through the Island of EUora, The Wonders of ■I7"«..' i. rni. . J^.iiiJ^iaiil, J. no The Gentleman Volfc DeCustine Forbes Burton Wilkinson Paton 4 6 6 7 1 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 Gisbornd 1 Ellis 1 Lynch 1 1 Minturn 1 Darby 1 Denina 2 Academy) 1 Dunraven 1 Stonehenge 1 Hutchinson 1 Cornwallis 1 ~ Merican 1 Barrow 1 Warren 1 6 7 8 9 340 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 360 1 2 Q 4 <( in Newall Urquhart Alexander 4 1 2 2 Belzoni 1 L(!gh 1 Lij;ht 1 • Scott 2 Sonnini 3 Minutoli 1 Goidon 1 1 Stephens 2 Vohioy 2 Maddou 2 Olivier 2 Denon 3 Henniker 1 Clot Bey 1 1 Hoare 1 Seely 1 Head 1 Stamer 2 55 6a 6 7 8 « « (« 356 England, Ireland and France Tr«v«io *i, , As it is and its People Johnson Home Tour th;o„gi Manufacturing Di.trieta ff"'" Glances at Inner Head Through a Back Window- Jenkins Letters from ' Sporting Tour through Northern Parts of ^-''"'"' and the English, Thornton Sketches of Society in Women of 6 English at Home, The 8 Eothen ^^"'"""' ''''' 9 360 1 2 3 4 5 « Vols. 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 *2 3 4 ^5 6 « « (( (( on Taste, Moral and Literary on Life in a Sick Room, on the Life of Swift on Picturesque Subiecfi 8 &/* ' ^'"^ ^"'■'''. -«Sg of 9 Spectfitor, 380 Guardian, 1 Kambler, 2 Adventurer 3 World, 4 Connoisseur. 5 Idler, 6 JNfirror, 7 Lounger, , 8 Observer, 9 Looker on. 390 Index 1 Essays 2 Ethics of the Dust 3 LthiopiH,Jho Highlands of ( 4 x,t,oniaii, Tile ' -M^-'tOn-; 5 Etruria, Cities and Cemeteries 1 I^uhver l Cooper 3 ^Ii's. Ellis 1 Esquiras 2 Berkeley j Kinglake i ^ewland 1 Foster 1 Alison 2 Chas. Lamb 2 Knox 3 An Invalid i J3arrett 1 Gilpin 1 Chalmers 45 6.7,8,9,lo,|i,i3Mt4,'l5 ,, i6, 17, 18 19. 20, 21, 22 ^3, 24, 25 ^(5, 27, 28, 29 30, 31, 32 33 34,35 36, 37 38, 39, 40 41, 42, 43, 44 45 Mil caul ay Ituskin Harris Beniiis 1 1 4 3 2 ii 56 Vols. <( 396 Etudes de moeurs au 19o siecle [Vols. 2 & 3 lost] H. deBalzag 12 Europe, Letters from, in 1825-26-27 " Travels in " Asia and Africa, Travels in " Byways of Field Sports of the North of Guide du Voyageur en L' Far Out Far West, Life in the " A Winter in the Faggot of French Sticks Fishing and Natural History, Stray notes on " Tourist " Trout and Salmon in Wales " Angler's Companion '* and Fishing .the U. S. Fiji, and the Fijians Florida, Wild Lile in Forests, Life in the " and the Fields of France, A month in the 7 8 9 400 1 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 8 8a 9 410 1 2 3 4 6 Carter Catlin Clarke Bayard Taylor Lloyd • Richard Butler Euxton Hoffman Head Simeon Hallask Hansard Stoddart Herbert Williams Townshend St. John The old Shekary Berkeley 6 Fragments, Vo^'ages & Travels, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Series, Hall 7 France, Events in the South of . Conh 8 " Sportsman in 9 " Society and manners in 420 " Journal during a residence in 1 " Travels in, during the years 1787-88-89 2 " Narrative of late events in 3 " and Italy, Tour through 4 *' Pictures of the Revolution in 5 " Episodes of History of 6 " In 1829, 1830 7 " Four years in 8 Frank Mn, Fate of 9 Frederick II., Qi^uvres posthumes 430 '' " Lettresde 1 Game, Birds and Wild Fowl 2 Gangaiielli, Pope, 14 letters of 3 George, Lake, a book of to-day 4 'Germany, Bohemia and Hungary 5 " Rural and doinestic life in 6 " Student Life in > iravcia, CLU., imuugJl pill'bS QI 8 " Notes during a ramble in 9 " Translated from the French Ccob Tolfrey Moore Moore Young Williams Spencer Lamartine Pardoe Morgan Paton McCliutock Knox Pope Clement Stoddard Gleig Howitt Howitt i>eaie Sherar Stael Holstein Vols. BalzaQ 12 Carter 2 Catlin Diarke Caylor Lloyd ichard Butler uxtou 1 )frnian 2 Head imeon 'allask uisard addart Herbert 1 1 1 1 1 1 lliama 2 1 2 lekary 1 1 9 1 2 2 2 i^oung 2 Uiams 1 jencer 2 artine 1 *ardoe 1 [oi'gau 2 Paton 1 Lutock 1 9 4 1 4 1 Gleig 3 lowitt 1 lowitt 1 Neale i Shorar 1 )l8tein 3 440 1 2 3 . 4 5 6 7 8 9 450 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 460 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 470 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A 480 1 2 a Gilead, Land of Gold Coast of Africa, 18 years on the Golden State, The Great Lone Land, The Greece, Travels in, in the 4th Century " Travels in Lord Elgin's pursuits in pictures of, in 1826 Travels in during a Summer Excursion in and the Greeks « Itinerary of ' Journey through Tour through Travels in Northern Researches in " Tour in " Excursions in Greeks and the Turks, Sketches amon'' the " The « (( (I (( Vob. L. Oliphant 1 Cruickshank 2 McClellan 1 Butler 1 Anacharsis 8 Chateaubriand 2 1 2 Chandler 1 Burgess 2 Bremer 2 Gell 1 Trant 1 Dodwell 2 Leake 4 Leake 1 Mure Lacour u 4 6 Groce, Voyage historique de la dans la Gun, Rod, and Saddle " The Hawaii, A tour through Hebrides, A tour to, with Saml. Johnson Helps, Hints, to protect Life and Propertv Hercules, The Pillars of Hermite, L' de la Chaussee d' Antin Highlands and Islands of the Adriatic High Tartary, Yarkand and Kashsgar Himalayas, Journal from Cawnpore to the Hochelaga, or England in the New World Hunting Grounds of the Old World " Chamois of Bavaria Humboldt's, Personal Narrative, (with Plates) Hungary, the City of the Magyar, " and Transylvania Hollande Pittoresque Holy Lands, Letters on the Hong Kong to Manilla Horse Dealer and his Rider, The The The Doctor, illustrated Crowe 2 1 1 1 4 << (( Pouqueville 5 Ubique 1 Greener 1 • Ellis 1 Boswell 1 Borenger 1 . Urquhart 2 8 Paton 2 Shaw 1 Lloyd 2 Warbu)ton 1 Old Shekary 1 Boner 1 7 Pardee 3 Pagat 2 Havard I Lindsav x Ellis 1 Taylor 1 Head 1 Youatt 1 I May hew 1 ♦. 58 486 7 8 9 490 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 500 1 Horse, Observations on the Diseases of the Horses, the Art of Taming *' Curing Distempers of How I Found Livingstone Iceland, Travels in in 1810 " a Visit to " The Oxonian in India, a Journal in of a Eoute Across Voto. Peall 1 1 1 1 Stanley _ Mackenzie 1 Barrow Metcalfe Graham (« (( 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 510 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 530 1 « « <( « Five Years in Letters on < Sketches of Travels in Six Years in Geographical Index of Diary in 30 Years in, from 1808 to 1838 Journey to the North of through ^.^„ " through the Upper Provinces Voyage to Travels and Adventures in Upper and Lord Ellenborough Afghanistan, Disasters, etc. Piinjaub, a Year on the Frontier ef Pan and Pencil Sketches in Alcdern, etc. Wild Sports in 12 Years of a Soldiers Life in Sketches of the Sikhs , A Memoir of Central Indian Sketches, " Journal, My Ii dians, Life amongst the Modoc " Manners and Customs of Indies, West and Spanisli Main '• Notes on " Six Mouths in the " " Five Years in the Inklings of Ad\entures, Ionian Islands, Travels in and Malta, Ireland, a Journey Through and its Kulers since 1829 Fitz Clarence 1 Bishop Heber 1 Fane 2 Graham 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 An Officer Von Orlich Mackenzie A Little Tour in Eussell Bevan _ Connolly 2 of Bp. Hober 2 Cordener 1 Davidson 2 1 Lady Sale 1 Edwards 2 Mundy 2 Spry 2 Shakespeare 1 Hodson 1 Malcolm 1 2 Irving 2 Campbell 1 Miller 1 Hunter 1 TroUope 1 Piuckard 2 1 Day 2 Mills 3 , Holland 2 Jhvy 2 Inglis 1 1 Head 1 1 59 M2 Ireland, A Walking Tour Round (n,ap destroyed) 3 " A Month in An Englishman C Irish Life, Realities of 6 lamailia 7 Island of Saints, The 9 Ital'-^' ^°^*^'' ^'^' ^^ ^° ^^^"^^ Vob. << « Observations on Idler in Pictures from Classical Tour through Lt.-Coi. McCrea 61 Voli. Mnckoull 1 ihamptou 1 Beaufort I Melly 2 Morier 1 acfarlane 1 1 1 Cotton 2 White 1 Nugent 2 Howitt 2 Hay eg 1 ien Club i Butler 1 Herbert 1 2 Dillon ;)hurcliill Blair Emerson Holstein lamilton 2 Lockhail 3 2 Birkbeck 1 on Pazos 1 1 3 36 Pascal 1 Bruyere 2 . Blunt 1 Curzon 1 Young 1 Turner 3 3t. John 1 Sutton I 2 Dibden 1 ^ 1 1 lismoudi 4 Rush 1 McCrea i 622 Log Gringos 3 Lucubrations of Humphrey Ravelin Lyon's Narrative, Lyttleton. Lord Thomas, Letters of " Lord George, the Works of Madagascar, Three Visits to Marco Polo's Travels Marquesas Island, Adventures in the 630 Mauritius, a Voyage to the Vols. Wise 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ellis Melville 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 640 1 Meccah and El Medinah, Mediterranean, Excursions along the Shores of the Meer Ah Moorad, a Residence at the Court of Men, Representative Mexico, Six Months Residence and Travels in Journal of a Residence in " Life in " Travels Over the Table Lands of " Adventures in Midlands (Illustrations on table) 2 Mississippi, on the Discovery of, etc. Falconer 3 Minnay Sotor a Canoe Voyage up the Featherstonhau.h 4 Mississippi Valley, Travels in the Central Portion of ° Missouri, History of an Expedition to the Sources^S^tllen Burton Napier Temple Langley Emerson Bullock Lyons Prescott Gilliam Ruxton Bowens Falconer Miseries of Human Life Mogul Empire, Travels in the 8 Monastery of La Trappe, a Visit to the 9 Montenegro 660 Montagu, Lady, Letters of Mont Blanc, Ascent to the summit of Moose, Three months among the Morea, Journey in the " Travels in Morocco, Travels in Museum, Criticum, 1814 and 1816 My Youth, by Land and Sea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Beresford Bernier Fellowes Krasinski Auldio Mil. Chaplin Cell Leake Richardson Loftus 9 ^&LtJTJtrfJ!^^ «-*- P-ince, of C-o" 9 " Nemesis," Voyage of the 660 Newfoundland and Labrador, A voyage to to Manitoba ,, * , Wanderings through New Zealand, Adventures in The Southern Districts of and its colonization 1 2 3 4 5 6 Burnard Chappell Roe Tocque Wakefield Shortland Thompson Swainson 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 I 1 lie 'f I \i « « « (( « « 6S( .1. a New South Wales, A voyage of discovery to Grant " Excursions in, from 1830 to '33 Breton Notes and Sketches of Meredith Account of the English Colony of, Collins Two Years in Cunningham Voyage to £eid Barrington A description of the Colony of New Sea and Old Land ^mlTev New York, A history of Knickerbocker Niger, Expedition to Explore the course of the Lander Nile Journal g , Ninevah and its Eemains (2 copies) T^vrJ 680 Niphon and Pechele ' ^ > DeFonb^'que 1 North Pole, Parry's Voyages to ^ L « ^"^y^Seto Ro,3 i \r .X. Voyage of Discovery to Baffin's Bay Boss 6 JNorth-west Passage, Personal Narrative of the Discovery of the 4 ^ " « by Land 5 Norway, and her Laplanders r 8 9 670 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Vols. 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 5 1 1 ({ << i< Summer and Winter in The Journal of a residence in Two Summers in The Oxonian in Through, with a Knapsack Unprotected Female in " Sport in, and where to find it " Sweden and Finland Nova Scotia, A general description of " Letters from Novels and Novelists of the 18th Century ^ '' " from Elizabeth to Victoria 8 Nubia, Travels in 9 Ocean to Ocean (2 copies) 70f> liavango Eivcr, The Old Folks from Homo Old i'orost Ilanger, The Omoo Our Garrison in the West Oeuvres de 6 7 8 9 690 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 Armstrong Milton Milford Beauclerc Laing Metcalfe Williams Barnard Jones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 « " diverses Over the Straits 9 Pacificj South Adysnturss i" Moorsom Forsyth Jeiferson Burckhardt Grant Anderson Gatty Campbell Herman Melville Duncan DeBoufller Florian Barthelmy Meredith 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 2 1 irmter i 63 Vols. Grant 1 Breton 1 leredith 1 Collins 1 lingham 2 Eeid 1 pwngton 2 Qtworth 1 Hamley rbocker Lander Speke 1 Layard 3 )lanque Ross Eoss istrong 1 Milton 1 lilford 1 mclerc 1 Laing 1 1 etcalfe 1 illiams 1 1 irnard 1 Jones 2 1 orsom 1 )rsyth 1 Person 2 hardt 1 Grrant 2 lorsou 1 Gatty 1 ipbell 1 Iville 1 mean 1 ufilor 2 oiian 12 elniy 2 Bdith 1 intur 1 710 Pacific, South, Narrative of a voyage to 2 ^f " A cruise in the ^ p„i *• n^*^' Voyage of discovery to the 3 Palestine, Domestic Life in ^ " and Sinia J '• Tent Work in b Pamphlets, on various subjects , 7 Pans Life, Realities of 8 " Visit to, in 1814 9 " Revisited in 1816 720 I* and the Parisians 1 " Herself again 2 Paraguay, Letters on 3 Patchwork 4 Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers 5 "Pearl," The Cruise of the 6 Pen and Pencil Pictures 7 Pencillings by the Way 8 Perouse A voyage in search of La '^™"' sVSrJ''""^^ ^ Oonstami.„ple « Sketches of A second journey through Life and Manners in Travels in ID " ,,T^^^ough, by Caravan Peru, Travels in « U tt 730 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 Pekin, How we got to 9 mSrSl^^S' "^^^^'^y ^"^ Travel in TAfx |,J\\"P^'>harlos, Speeches of 740 1 hillippines, 20 Years in the 2 Physician, The Life of a Travelling A Piedmont, Mountains of 5 PiJm.,»«„ ixr 1 *■ Second Visit to 1 ligrims, Wanderings of a ? TDi " . T^*'' ^""^ ^^'« Shrine 7 Plains of the Great West, 8 Poland, etc , Travels in 9 Polar^Sea, Private Journal and Narrative of ^ 1 ranklm s Narrative of a Journey to ^^ Second Expedition to the Expedition to the Pompeii PortUL^al. .Tnnrnjil nf « -D—.-j . .. , _ __- ^., „ iicoiuciice ITX 760 1 2 3 4 Vok. Beechey 2 Aylmer 2 Vancouver 6 Eogers i Stanley \ Condor 2 i 3 Scott 1 Scott 1 Trollope 2 Sala 2 Robertson 3 Hall 3 Bell 1 Williams l Hood 1 Willis 1 Labillardiere 2 ' Morier 1 2 Morier 1 Shiel 1 Kar Porter 2 Arnold 1 Tschudi 1 Temple 2 McGhee 1 Clark 1 1 Gironiere 1 Bowrifig 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 6 Gilly Cheever Ainsley Dodge Cox Lyon 2 2 Eranklin 1 Wrangell 1 2 3 (lii )\i j; u Vols. 756 6 7 8 9 760 A 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 770 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 780 ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 190 1 2 4 6 6 7 8 Portugal, Travels in *• ' " of the Duke de Chatelet in Prairies, A. Tour on the Prince Cambaceres, Evenings with *' Albert, Voyage of the Proverbalist, The Proverbs, Select Punjaub, Adventuoes of an Officer in Purley DiversioLs of Pyrenees, a Summer in the • Race Horse, The, in Training Kamble Round the World in 1871 Link Bourgoing . Langon Snow Fielding Laurence Home Tooke Murray Wm. Day Hubner Victor Hugo Whyte Melville Capt. Colville Story Recueil, des Lettres de (one complete copy iT\ 10 vols., 2nd copy vols. 1 and 7 deficient) Madame DeSeviqae Red River Expedition Huyshe Reminisences of T. Assheton Smith, Wilmot Reports of the Exploring Expedition to the K W- Hind " Dawson Rhine, An Autumn near the " Excursions along the Banks of the Riding Recollections, Ride in Petticoats and Slippers. Robi di Roma liobinson, Henry Crabb, Diary and Correspondence of Sadler James Irving Townshend A Lady's Life in the Rome, A Tour of Many Days in " Three Mouths in the Mountains East of " in 1860, " and Naples, a Journey to " A Pilgrimage to " Ancient, Tiie " Souterraine Ronda and Granada, Excursions in the Mountains of Russia, St. Petersburgh, etc. Rocky Mountains, An Account of an Expedition to Sporting Excursions in <( i( « Miss Bird Head Graham Dicey Sass Seymour Whiteside Didler Scott Kohl Cochrane Dixon Seymour Pedestrian Journey Free On the Black Sea Excursions in Under Nicholas I Golovino Domestic Sketches in Pepys Travels in the Trauscaucivsiau Provincea of Wilbraham 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 1. 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 65 Hubner 2 i 799 800 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 810 : 1 3 4 5 ,/^7 ' 8 9 820 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 830 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 840 1 ^2 3 4 Kussia, Wallace's RuMiati Shores of the Black Sea p^ 111. ^i^cesses, Captivity of two Knasbll's Diary, North and South Sandwich Islands, Six months in " Travels in Island of bchamyl and Circassia Scotland, Letters from the Mountains of Iravels in by an unusual route Western Islands ot ** Scenes and Legends of bea Horses, Seasons with the Seats and Saddles, bits and bittings. Self-made Man * Self Help Selections from the Gentleman's Ma-azine Sentiments, Moral theory of the '^'"''"^^ Servia Siam and Hue, Mission to c,.!* Kingdom and People of Siberia, Oriental and Western Oliphant Edwards Miss Bird Smyth Tyndale er « « Wagn A Lady Hall MacCulloch Miller Lamont Dwyer Seymour Smiles Walker Smith Paton Finlayson Bowring Atkinson UZ^"' '"•' Chinese Fr„ntie.,T«>voUifS™ H. Landsdell Revelations of Sicily, Lettei-8 on \tu 'il?d^al<»» Tour through Ma ta, View of the present state of and Its Islands biciiia L Campi Fleqrei della oilk and Scarlet Sindh, Personal Observations on Slave States, Seaboard, Journey in the s\tr,.^S'- -«-«■■« '-Hep™ South Sou, A Visit to the u yoyagos and discoveries in u 5"J^^«« ,,. The Earl and The D^ci^toi; A voyage of discovery in Tr .f^ Sou horn States, Thrtn. months in the Kotzbue Spam in 1830 • Fromantle " The Bible in ^H^^» !! Travels through « Borrow " JLife in owiiibuiii« Thorabuiy Szyrma Irvine Brydon Vaughan Smith Eerrara The Druid Postans Olmstead Palliser Stuart Burney Vote. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 2 2 1 1 a 1 2 1 66 846 Spain, The Bridle Roads of Vol*. 6 7 8 9 850 1 2 3 4 5 « Letters from A view of and Portugal, Letters from as it is Revelations of, in 1845 " and the Spaniards " Gypsies of, An account of the " The Conquest of Spiritufll Wives Sporting Adventures in the New World 7 8 9 860 1 2 i 4 5 6 7 6 Sportsmen, Instructions to Young tt u u Sportscrapiana Sports, British Field Field, of the Highlands and pastimes of the English Rural '* British . Wild, in Europe, Asia and Africa Stamboul, In and around St. Helena, Mss. from St. Petersburg, Journals of Travels to Stokers and Pokers 8 Struggles through Life 9 Stud Book, General 870 St. George, Cruise of Cayley Doblado Labord Southey Hoskins Hughes Azramet Batuk Borrow Hepworth Dixon Hardy Hawker Scott St. John Strutt Daniel Stonehengp Napier Hornby , Granville Sir F. Head Harriott 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sunshines and Storms in the East Mrs Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, Travels through " A Tonr in Switzerland, Ti.ivels in " A month in " A glance at '' Journal of a Tour and Residence in Switzers, The 880 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 9 Syra, Expedition to Reminiscences of Tartary, Thibet, and China, Travels in Thames, The Book of the " to the Solent, bv canal and sea Thebes, Its Tombs and their tenants Three Months Leave Thiebault, Souvenirs de Through the Bark Continent 8 Tocqueville, Alexis de, Oeuvres de 9 Tonga Iblands, An account of the Natives of 890 Toorkisthan, A peep into < Dennya Brassey Acerbi Laing Coxe Forbes Murray Simonds Hepworth Dixon Hunter Napier Hue Hall Dashwood Rhind Rose Stanley Martin Burglem 1 1 6 I 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 I 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 67 Vob. Cayley 1 )oblado 1 liabord 6 outhey 1 [oskins 1 iughes 2 Batuk 2 Borrow 2 1 Dixon 1 Hardy 1 [awker 1 1 Scott 1 . John 1 Strutt 1 Daniel 4 )hengp 1 Vapier 2 brnby 1 1 inville 2 Head 1 irriott 3 3 ennya 1 Kwsey 1 Lcerbi 2 Laing 1 Coxe 3 brbea 1 urray 1 londa 2 )ixon 1 unter 2 apier 2 Hue 2 Hall 1 ivood 1 hind 1 Rose 1 4 inley 1 2 artin 1 alem 1 ^^2 tT^^' y^tion, Travels in 1861 3 rZ *Jf°"?^ *^« ^«M Kingdom 3 ^nsatlantic Sketches ^ * Transvaal of To day 5 Travel, Art of 7 8 9 900 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 910 1 2 3 6 Traveller, The Modern, description of various^ ^ Travels in variou, parts of Greece, &r *"" iaa Pfeiflfers last and Voyage of of Mirza Staza Modeen and Adventures of jn the Two Sicilies of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan m Koordisten, Mesopotamia, etc. Lnd T? '^'- ^^l^'y ^°d Kash°.ir and Foreign Scenes in the Track of the 10,000 Greeks in LuristaD and Arabiatan f?.i IF^^*!*^ ?***«? «^d Cauada Francis Galton Head Alexander Aylward Francis Galton Vob. I 1 2 1 1 It it « . (( (( It (( it ft It l^lL^1^!:^-='^^^^^^^S. 6 7 8 9 920 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 m different countries 4 Travel ^.^""'^^y' Italy, and Eussia t T ' ?«*^08pect of Western tSv T^^"°"' '"""*"^« °^*^« East lurJcey, The present state of TurkPv P *• -^^1'^ ^«^' a^d Circassia ■Liirkey European, Travels in It ^^,^ Greece, a Journal kept in « „T,^ •* J ^?ecord of travels in ^^ and its destiny * , the People of Turkish life and character Conder Bakewell Dulcken Myers Wolfe Spallanzni Swinburne Stewart Frazer Torrens Howison Ainsworth BeBode DeRoos . Bell Clarke Macgill Martineau Walpole Thornton Spencer E. Spencer Senior Slado Macfarlane Turques, Esquisses des Moeurs a iv Yty a- i Jhornbury Tuscany in 1849 and 1859 ^ ^'^""^^ Pakiologne luscany m 1849 and 1859 Tycoon The Capital of the lyrol. The 9 930 1 2 3 4 5 9 ^?/<^^ States, Cuba and Canada on Quixote (translated by C. Jarvies) 1 1 2 'Ko. Anthor't Name. 112 Cenrantes 3 Col. Chesney K 120 1 4 5 « 6 C. Chesebro 7 E. Childe 8 Charles Clarke 9 R. Cobbold f H. Cockton ( Mrs. Gore 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 130 1 74 Titlt. Lon Quixote, Spanish A True Eeformer The Delimma The Battle of Dorking Peter Oarradine Edward Vernon Charlie Thomhill Margaret Catchpole ( Silvester Soond ( Banker's Wife Valentine Vox Which is the Heroine Voli. Remaifcs. 4 3 } H. Cole Mortimer Collins fransmigratron Wilkie Collins After Dark Antonina «i 2 3 4 5 6 { { { (Mil t4 U U (f M i< « U :^i 9 140 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 IRA Armadale Basil Man and Wife Miss or Mrs. No Name The Black Robe f Haunted Hotel ( Rogers' Life Poor Miss Finch ( Sister Rose ( Sights-a-foot i The Dead Secret ( Hide and Seek The Woman in White {The Stolen Mask " Moonstone To the bitter end o J? ennimore Cooper Afloat and Ashore ( Eve Effingham ) I The Pilot J Homeward ^und Lucy Hardinge Marks Reef Mercedes of Castillo Ned Myeri Ravensnest The Bravo The Borderers The Chainbearer The Headsman ( The HeathnntAa 1 \ The Waterwitch | 1 } it u u *i H U U H « U it II Sec 343 See 184 See 62 i: ( f S 180 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 ion 1 2 I ob. Remaifca. i 2 1 1 1 V 1 3 1 1 Sec 343 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 See 184 See 62 "«• Author'a Name. 75 Cottin 1 2 3 * Mrs. fcraik 6 7 8 « 9 170 u « (( 9 190 2 « - -- "— ~*"x«iu 3 u Heidenmaur 4 u " Jack o' Lantern 5 u " Monikins Q ,t " Pathfinder 7 „ ** Pioueera 8 « * Ked ItoTer 9 '' ;; Spy 160 Corbet r,,^ , ° Admirals - -^^^ Church and Wife Elizabeth Amelia Mansfield Matilda and Malek Adhel A Brave Lady Agatha's Husband # A Life for a Life A Noble Life A Woman's Thoughte about Christian's Mistake ^''"'^'' John Halifax, Gentleman Uomantic Tales Studies from Life I The Head of the Family (.Agatha's Husband i The Adventures of a Brownie iwo Marriages Without Kith or Kin Hyde Marston Stories of Spanish Life The Old Love and the New Jairy Legends Salathiel I Lady Glenlyau ) ( The Stolen Mask / The Night Side of Nature Haunted Hearts •• The Lamplighter in . ■ Vols. Semarka, 2 3 4 Mrs. Ciaik M M It U it u 6 7 8 9 Craven 180 Crawford 1 Creasy 2 Croker 3 Croly A C. Crow W. Collins 6 C. Crowe 6 Miss Cummins 7 « 8 1 3 I 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 \ 4 2 3 See 175 3 1 1 1 1 See 964 1 See 641 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 See 165 tt An . , Juaoie Vau A. Cunningham Paul Jones Vaughai 2 G. Curtis -World ^, The Velvet Cushion Trumpr Souls 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 See 137 76 •I » No. Author's Name. 193 it! 4 H. C. Dalias 6 « 6 u 7 R. At Dana 8 Mme. D'Arblay 9 « 200 <( 1 (( 2 « 3 G. W. Dasent 4 « 5 1. 6 Daniel Oeffoe 7 DeGenlis' 8 De ^ouy 9 « 210 (( 1 De •Jouy 2 M 3 Lord Desart 4 Paul de Kock 6 T. F. Dibd^in 6 C. I^ickens 7 8 »« 9 220 1 2 3 4 5 9 7 8 9 230 1 2 II ^ n ^ Mn '. Daniels 4 Dickens 5 II 6 «i Title. Vols. Remarks. ( Maurice Dering J Violet Fane 1 7 8 9 300 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 310 1 3 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 820 George Elio Lawrence Lady C. Eliot What can it be' 1 Erckmann Chatrian Histoire du Plebiscite 1 The Blockade of Phalsburg 1 The Conscript 1 Waterloo© 1 A man of the people 2 Beulah 1 Macaria 1 Sophy 1 See rOrif I Blade 0* Grass (^ Jcshua Marvel Eric '1 Julian Home 1 Les aventures do Telemaque 2 Robert Murray 1 Bel Demonia 1 Select works of (2 sets in 5 vols each, 1 vol. missing) ^ The middle aged lover ' 2 Two Fair Daughters 2 The Head of Madusa 1 Lost for a Woman . 1 ( A Tangled Skein 1 1 ( The Castle of Sonday j See 256 Glimpses thro the Cannon Smoke 1 { F. W. Farrar } « Fenelon Max Ferrer Paul Feval Fielding 6 Percy Fitzgerald 1 " } Geo Fleming Miss " A. Fonblanqne Alex Dumas Archd Forbes Mrs Forrester (I J. B. Eraser Jessie Forthergill Lady G Fullerton (< It u u u Jolin Gait « od Society ^°""S ^^y Uti-ange Stories of a Detective } Ihe Little Wife The Royal Exile ( The Seven Curees of London \ a Vol. Remarks. 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 4- 3 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 3 See 120 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 I*! Tk- .. Tl. ivowin I 80 No. Author's Name. 364 Griffithfl 5 Gwynne 6 « 7 It 8 Haliburton 9 370 1 " t 2 3 4 Hall W. G .Wills 6 Hall 6 Haliday 7 Hamilton 8- « 9 Hamley 380 Hardy 1 Harris 2 M. C. Hay 3 i( 4 Hawthorne. 6 it 6 (1 7 It 8 Julian Hawthorne 9 Haven 300 Helps I it 2 tt 3 Heygate 4 Mi-8. Caahel Hoey 6 4< 6 Holland 7 Halcroff 8 Holliugshead 9 (( 400 Holmes 1 Mrs Holm^ 2 Theo. Hook 3 4 5 6 « . 7 8 9 Title. vol. Remarkff. A Son of Mars 2- Nannette 1 \ ' Young Singleton 1 Silas Barnstrdke 1 Nature and Human Nature 1 The Attache 1 The Old Judge 1 Sam Slick » 1 The letter bag of the Great Western 2 2 copies Wise Saws 2 i Can Avrong be Eig'ht ) , \ Wives Evidence ) WhiteBoys 2 Savage Club papers 1 Gala Days " 1 Antar 4 Lady Lees Widowhood 1 Trumpet Major See 269 Martin Beck 1 For her Dear Sake 1 Old Middletons Money * 1 Our Old Home 1 The House with the seven Gables 1 The Scarlet Letter 1 , Transformation 1 Archibald Malmaison 1 The Coopers 1 Casimir Maremma 2 Irvin de Beron 3 Realmah 2 The Scholar and the Trooper 1 The Clients of Doctor Berngins 1 Question of Cain 3 Beatrice 1 Caroline 3 Eubbing the Gilt off 1 Under Bow Bells 1 Elsie Vonner 2 Chateau d'or Births, Deaths and Marriages Fathers and Sone Gurney Married MaxivoU Parisii Clerk Paseal Bruno Savings and Doings Ist series 2nd M 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 M 45( See 269 '01. Remark^; 2- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 copies 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 No. 410 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ingelow 420 Ireton 1 J. T. Irvin Author's Name. Theo. Hook Hall Hughes Victor Hugo u 81 Title. Savings and Doings 3rd series More Secrets than One Seouring of the White Horse Tom Browns School days '• at Oxford L' Homme qui ""H Les Miserables Oeuvres de f Castle Water 1 ( The Toilers of the Se& f Fated to be Free The Bj'oken Troth Harry Harson aWa.Mngt^^^ingS'Z.frLiries 3 4 5 6 8 Jackson 9 G. P. R. 430 « 1 • 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 440 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 460 1 2 « It (( (( (( (( U (t James Bracebridge Hall SalPidgundi Tales of a Traveller Alhambra The Sketch Book Argus Fairbairn Arabella Stuart Attila A whim Charles Tyrell Corse de Leon Dai'k Scenes in History De L' Orme Heidelburg Henry of Guise Henry Masterton Henry Snieaton Life and Adventures of L. M. Hall Lord Montague's Page Margaret Graham Mary of Burgundy Kichelieu Eusaoll Ancient Regime The Castle of Ehrenstein The Gentloman of the Old School Ihe Jft' ,| ;i,; The ]V» ,ft Arms Vole. Remarks. 1 3 ] i, ' 2 I 2 3 1 1 2 I 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 8 3 2 (( 3 Annie Tkmas A ?* ?' ^- ^att\68 { JRobber old Op,k Cheat ) Called to Acooimt i iVofc dead yet ' 3 3 ) 1 3 3 1 See 831 1 Ml K 82 ;1 No. 456 6 7 8 9 460 1 •2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 470 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 480 1 2 3 4 Author's Name. Jenkins (( 6 7 8 490 1 8 8 4 5 6 Jephson B. Jerrold Miss Jewsbury Kovanagh « u t< it (I Keelivine Kimball JCatherine King Chas. Kingsley « M (( «< (I U H. Kiugsley « u Lane Langdon (( Lauder ( Braddon ( Lawrence a tt tt Lavenue HaiTiet Lee f Holme Lee J Charles Reade Title. Vols. Rem- Author's Name. 498 Holme Lee 9 n 600 «. I 2 3 4 t( tt 6 Sophia Lee 7 J. S. LeFanu o 9 610 i ^- Jeighton ^ Le Saife 4 « 5 Lewis ^ Charles Lever a 9 520 2 8 4 6 6 F. Liardet 7 « 8 630wr^*^°^«^«^« « (I -^ tt tt tt u u u u tt 83 Title. Again^ Wind and Tide Her Title of Honour -ivatharine's Trial • Gilbert Messenger Sylvan Holt's Daughter Thorney Hall The Recess Checkmate Chronicles of Golden Friars In a Glass Darkly ^ncle Silas Curbu^ Traditions of Scottish Life I 4 2 1 V 1 1 1 1 Vols. Remarks 3 9 3 3 3 3 «< 4 6 r 9 640 1 8 J Lytton Bulwer 3 •< (( tt tt « it Gil Bias T ^- 1^, ^° original i Christie Johnstone Its Never Too Late to Mend P ""^w t^^*"«' ^^« «^e Long Peg Woffington ^ White Lies Foul Play GriflSth Gaunt Saturday Sterne Th?uVS Appearances ? Half Breed Itiflo liangers " Scalp Hunters - Jane Porter 690 Punjaubee 1 Pycroft 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 700 « Noel Eadcliffo Balston (( Quillinan i>e Quincy Mrs. Eadcliffe « Randolph Jharles Reads « « u It « J. E. Reade Reading Mayne Reid Vol. Remarka. 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 I 3 3 3 . 1 3 4 2 1 I 1 3 1 2 2 3 3 4 3 1 2 3 I I % \ T'^S? See 497 See 853 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V. /, / ,% c?^ f/. v/^ ^ 1.0 I.I 11.25 1^ 1^ 2.2 ^ 1^ 12.0 llllim \A. 111.6 6" y /] ^^^ c*l J%.^^^*,.^ .^^ ^^s. ""^ nl A 1 • 1 iiuiugicipnic Sciences Corporation S V ^ lX"^ ^\. 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WIISTIR,N.Y. I4SS0 (716) 173-4503 ^ €f^.r «8 / No. Author'8 Name. Title. VoIb. Bemarks. 717 Mayne Reid The tiger Hunters 8 « "White Chief 9 Ee^lstab " Polish Laniper 720 Reybaud 1 Ri^e jjprotne Pai-turot ^ llie Oolden Butterfly 3 Satnl. EichardsoD I, Works of 15 3 Ritchie The Magician 4 Robinson A Woniaii's Ransom 6 " Poor Humanity 6 Sir C. Rockingham Cecile 7 ROsc'e Tales from the German 8 " " " Italian 9 The Bushrangers > ' 730 Ruffini ' Dear Experience S 1 Doctor Antonio 2 Dr. Russell Doctor Brady 3{S'1» Captain Dangerous ' St. Olaves 1 4 " Gaslight and Daylight 6 " The Baddington Pfeerage 6 " Seven Sons of Mammon S 7 " Two Prima Donnas " 8 " Twice Round the Clock 9 Geo. Sand Consuelo 740 Sargent Peculiar 1 Saunders Able Drake's Wife 2 Guy Waterman 8 3 Scanlan Twenty-Six Notes on a Soldier's Trumpet 4 Michael Scott Tom Cringle's Log 1 5 Lady Scott The Dream of Life 3 6 Sir Walter Scott Chronicles of the Canongate 2 7 The Waverley Novels 47 8 Seccombe Army and Nar/y Drolleries 1 9 Military Misread inga of ' 'f* Shakespeare J 1 760 Scudamore Day Dream bif a Sleepless Man 1 1 Miss SedgMrick Tales and Sketches 1 2 Serle Joan of Arc 2 3 Miss Sewell Glimpses of the World 1 4 Amy Herbert 1 5 Rev W. Sewell Hawkstone 2 6 Mrs. Shelly Frankenstein 3 7 The Fortuues of Perkin Warbeck 3 8 The Last Man 3 9 Shorthouse John Ingleaant 1 760 W. Siddons The Son of the Storm 4 ~* B«mark8. Title. Siamondi Hawley Smart if It it n (< 89 Wo. Afithor's Name. 761 Catherine Si^clafir Beatrice 3 Siamondi' Sf^^.^.^^^^^^^ 5 6 7 8 9 770 Smadley 1 •* 2 3 Miss Smith 4 Albert Smith 6 " 6 Horace Smith 7 « 8 9 780 1 2 3 4 6 6 « << (I (( Mrs. I. P. Smith Lucy Julia Severa ^ Bitter ia the Eind'^ BreeaLe La^gton Broken Bonds Cecile False Cards Two Kisses Frank Fairleigh Harry Coverdale's Courtshio Lewis Arundel Fva Desmond The Pottieton tezacv Wild Gate ^^ Arthur Arundel Brambletye House Jane Lomax Oliver Cromwell Eeuben Apsley Tales of Early Ages The Married Man " A'ew Forest " Tor Hill Walter Coly ton Zillah ^ I. F. Smith 9 Smollett T. 790 u 1 Spectre J Mde, de Stael 3 Steele 4 Steinmetz 6 7 Mrs. H. B. Stowe Dread tStanfield Hall Works of do. (2nd copy) ie Vampires Corinuo Broken Toys The ifovitiate 8 Hesba Stretton 9 Elizabeth Strutt 800 Joseph Strutt 1 Julian Sturges 2 K ° 3 Eugene Sue 4 '• 5 6 Sulivan 7 Surtees The Minister's Wooing Uncle Tom's Cabin The Doctor's Dilemma " Curate and the Rector Queenhoo Hall An Accomplished Gentleman Dick's WanderinM I>e Rohan " Lo& Mysteros de Paris Mathilde Flittings of Fancy Handler Crosg Vol. Bemarks. I 1 3 2 $ 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 lO 5 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 I' 9 6 1 1 litvolloit 90 No. Aythor'fl Name. Titi* Vol. Remuks. 808 Sortees Mr. Facey Bamford's Hounds 1 9 t< Plain or Kinglets 1 810 « Sponge's Sporting Tour 1 1 Synge Tom Singleton » ■ / 2 Sydney Smythe Angeb Pisani 3 ^ 3 Baroness Tautphoeui The Initials 1 4 Meadows Taylor Col. Confession of a Thug 3 6 (( • Tippoo Sultanm 3 6 Tefft The Shoulder Knpt 1 7 Da Terrail The King's Page 1 8 Miss Thackeray Bluebeard's Keys 1 9 ti The Story of Elizabeth 1 820 « The. Village on the Cliff 1 1 u Five Old Friends. 1 2 W. M. Thackeray The Adventures of Philip &c 1 3 <« 1 FArJy and LaLe Papers 1 4 tt The Story of Henry Esmond 1 5 « Miscellanies 1 6 t( The History of Pendennis 2 7 u The Newcomes 1 8 tt The Virginians 2 8 tt Vanity Fair 1 830 tt The Bose and the Bing 1 1 Annie Thomas Old Oak Chest See 453 2 B. Thomas In a Cathedral City 2 3 ' rhornbury The Monarchs of the Main 3 4 ' liffany Brandon * 1 5 Tottenham- Charlie Villars at Clmbridge 2 6 Rev. A. Townend Ohickenboro Chit Chat Club 3 7.Trafford The World in the Church 1 8 « Too Much Alone 3 9 French leme 8 840 . Anthony TroUope Barchester Towers 8 1 « Can you Forgive Her 1 S II Castle Ilichniond 1 8 i< Doctor Thome 1 4 II Framely Parsonage 1 6 tt He knew he was right 1 6 tt Oxley Farm 1 7 tt Phineas Kedux 1 8- tt It Barrington Bachel liay 1 »{ tt My Lord and My Lady ) Marian Fay ) I tt 860 tt Sir Harry Hotspur The American Senator 1 1 tt 1 S II " Bertrams 1 91 6 r 8 9 860 1 2 3 1 fi u it it u u t€ U ^9' Aathor'8 Name. 853 r Anthony TroUopef " n ^^Anthon,T.oUopeA?"E^L^S.ond^ 6 « " l^eWy'a and the 0':R.elly'8 « Ja?* Chronicle of Barset ^^ Prune Minister ■Ihi-ee Clerks i i^® yicar of Bulhampton ) ( Ralph the Heir [ The Warden ' ;; Juke's Children Way we live Now, and the TT^i,- ^, H^scip'" of Life fashionable Lite One Fault i Wildflower ( Petticoat Government Second Love The Abbess Atti-active Man Barnaby's in America Lott-ery of Marriage Ihree Cousins Vicar of Wrexhill Widow Barnaby Young Love 4 Mrs. Trollope 5 " 8 7 8 9 870 1 2 3 4 5 { 7 8 9 Mark 880 1 2 3 4 6 } « « « 6 Adolphus Trollope Gemma Marietta The Innocents Abroad « T> . ' ^t Home -fnnce and the Pauper A Siren Bumton Abbey Garst Vo|k B«iuarka. 1 See 711 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 r T» «, viarst 7 Vaughan 8 Verey 9 Jules Verne 890 «« 1 2 Verre 3 Venillot 4 Mrs. Vidal fashionable Follies Lost Footsteps Tr^r.^'^^'*^ ^ ^^e Moon ihe Fur Country Twenty Thousand Leagues under the boa Roman Nights L' Honuete Femme Florence Templar 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 3 8 1 1 1 2 1 1 I SI si I III 111" No. Author's Name. '895 Vieusseux 6 De Vigny 7 « , 8 Voltaire 9 Waiford 900 1 George Walker 2 " 3 Waiford 4 H. Walpole 6 Eli^t Warbarton 6 Ward 7 8 9 910 1 2 3 « « "Warren Mrs Webb 4 Mrs Wetherell 5 <( 6 W, White 7 8 9 920 1 2 3 Whyte Melville « Khoda Broughton Whyte Melville <( u 5 6 7 8 9 930 1 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 9 940 N P. Willis « « (( (( (( (( II II It 92 Title Anselmo Oeuvres Complete de Cinq Mars (translation) Romans Mr. Smith Troublesome Daughters The Three Spaniards " Vagabond Pauline The Castle of Otranto . Darien Chatsworth De Clifford De Vere Illustrations of Human Life Pictures of the World Tremaine Ten Thousand a Year Naomi Queechy Say and Seal All Round the Wrekin Cerese Contraband General Bounce Good For Nothing Kate Coventry Katerfelto Market Harborough ( Rosine ( Coming thro' the Rye Sarchedon Satanella The Brooks of Bridlemere Gladiators Tilbury Nogo Uncle John Roy's Wife Bouls and I. Holmby House The Interpreter The Queen's Maries M. or N. Sister Louise Black but Comely Digby Grand Dashes at Life } Vol. Bemarkfl. 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 • 3 2 3 3 3 3 9( See 85 97i 8 98C 1 'ol. Bemarkfl. Title. 93 1^0- Author's Name. 941 Wilkoff AATflwV 1 • .1. T, 2 Hon L. Win-field ^ h tr"'^^' ? *i® ^°^^^S» O^ce 3 Captain W„"o"f °" aa^^^S''"^ Cloth Of Frieze On Credit Sabina Sea Drift Wild Weather J A Life's Secret > ( ihe Hair of Ashley ( Dene Hollow 3 Captain Wood 4 Lady Wood 5 6 7 8 9 950 1 Mrs H. Wood « 2 3 6 7 8 9 960 1 2 3 It tt <( <( « Walters Yates « « (( 5 6 7 8 9 970 1 2 8 4 5 e 7 9 980 1 Mrs. Craig Miss Youge H tt « (( tt tt . \ S^^^^J!? Castanel Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles <-^8wald Gray The Master of Greylands i-the Castle Heir » \ Z^. %^y Night at OflFord f I The Earl's Heir » \ East Lynne J Wifhin the Maze Squire Trevlyn's Heir S William AUair \ \ Diary of a Detective f After Office Hours A Righted Wrong A Waiting Race Doctor Wainwrights Patient -Nobody's Fortune f Black Sheep \ \ John Halifax J Dynevor Terrace Heartsease Hopes and Fears The Daisy Chain Dove in the Eagle's Nest The Heir of Redclyflfe The Young Stepmother Magnum Bonum The Lances of Lynwood } Vol. Bomarks 1 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 (ii'i; 1 3 3 3 3 1 See 170 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 rfe u No. 982 S ^ 6 6 7 8 6 990 1 2 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 1 2, 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 1020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 II Aathor'a N«iae. Title. VoL R«maric8. 14 10 107 95 No. 1028 9 1030 1 2 3 4 6 6 r 8 9 1040 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1050 1 2 3 . 4 5 6 7 8 9 1060 1 % 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 1070 1 a 4 Aqlhor'a N&me. Title. VoL Remaiid ^ Ok! n i I if 'I HI IM 1 K s 1 1 96 No. 1075 5 Author's Name. Title. Vol. Aemarkfl* 7 8 9 1080 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1090 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1110 1 2 3 4 5 III 7 8 9 >1. A«mark8< No. 1120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1130 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Anon 97 Author'8N»me. ^^^^ Abbotsfor^, en Ken Cynthia Thorold Cyril Thornton Daisy Demity, Miss Debit and Credit Democracy Diary, Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan Dominie's Legacy Don Esteban Vote. Semarka. 1 3 1 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 i.i 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 m\ I HI 98 No. Author's Name. Titlt. Voh. Remarkn. 1167 Dutchman's Fireside 1 8 £au du Nil and Senior Partner 1 9 Ecarte 3 1170 English in Italy 3 1 " at Home 3 2 Etonian 3 8 Exclusives 1 4 Father and Daughter 1 5 Farce- of Life 1 6 Favourite of Nature 3 7 Fitzwiggins 3 8 Forty Years in the World 3 • 9 The Foresters I 1180 Francesca Carrara 3 1 From Haytime to Hopping 1 2 George Geith of the Fen Court ' I 3 Getting on 2 4 Great Saint Bernard 3 6 Graymore 3* 6 Glenavon 3 7 Good 014 Times 1 8 Gold Hunters Adventures 1 9 Gossip's Story 2 1190 Gryel Grange 1 1 Grandmother's Money 3 2 Guards 3 3 Harry Austin 3 * 4 Harry Birket 1 5 Henri Quatre 2 6 Henry 3 7 Hertha 1 8 Hotel Du Petit St Jean - 1 9 Hungarian Tales 3 1200 Infidel, or the Fall of Mexico 1 1 Jew 3 2 Jonathan Sharp 3 3 John Greswold 2 4 John Thorpe's Marriage 2 6 Kuzzilbash 3 6 ' Lady of Glynne 3 7 Last of the Plantagenets 1 8 TAat King of Ulster 2 9 Legends of the Library of Lilies 2 1210 Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life 1 1 Life in India 3 2 Linnet's Trial 1 3 Loyalists 3 12 12^ 125 I f «, i € 9 1260 99 8. Renuu-k*. No. 1214 6 6 7 8 9 1220 1 2 3 i 5 6 7 8 9 1230 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1240 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1260 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1260 Author's Name. Title. Madomoiselle Mori Mansie Wauch Margaret and hor Bridesmaid Marriage Martha Brown Mathilda Matilda • Miriam May Missy Modern Minister, A Tu T^ , Monmouth, Duke of Ine Duchess Molly Bawn Mordaunt Morton of Morton's Hope Mummy My Aunt Pontypool My Insect Queen My Fncle the Curate My Lady Ned Clinton Nolly Armstrong No Church Oddities and Outlines Orphan of Novgorod Oat of the Depths Owen Tudor Paddiana Paul Gosslett's Confessions Pen Owen Physiognomist (2nd vol. missing) Precaution Rambles of Eedbury Rook Rameses Ranulph De Rohais Rebel Romance of a Dull Life Roving Englishman in Turkey Rumor, Robert Oakland Rutledge Rybrent De Cruce Sandoval Saucy Jack, and the Indiaman Saint Patrick Santo Sebastiano Sarah Reineit Self Six weeks at Longs Vol. Remark*. 1 :; 1 1 3 1 4 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 I 3 2 2 3 5 4 1 3 m m 100 il' II No. 1261 2 3 4. 6 6 7 8 9 1270 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1280 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1290 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1300 I 2 3 4 5 Author's Name, Title. Vol. Rtmairkg. Sir Ethelbert 3 Sir Ralph Esher 3 Strife and Eest 2 Still Watei-8 1 Stratton Hill 3 Stuiy of a Life 2 Story of a Bride 3 \ Sutherlands 1 Tales of the Wars of our Times 2 TaleH of Passion 8 Tales of the West 2 Tales of Woinan 2 Temptation 3 Tenant's House 1 Tender and True 1 Thinks I to Myself 2 Tutti Frutte 1 . TwickenhamfTales 2 Two Cosinas 2 Two Vocations 2 Under the Ban 1 • Vargas, A Tale of Spain 3 Vera a Violet Bank 3 A'ouved the Dane 2 Waldegrave 1 Wheat and Tares 1 White Slave 1 Wild Irish Boy 3 Willis the Pilot 1 Winter in Paris, A 3 Woman 3 Writer's Clerk 3 Year after Year 1 Yesterday in Ireland 1 Yes and No 2 1 Zeluco 2 1 ^ M^ " Rtmarks. y M No. 1308 9 1310 1 2 3 4 6 6 r 8 9 1320 1 S 3 4 6 T 8 9 1330 1 3 8 4 5 e 7 8 9 1340 1 8 8 4 ff 8 7 8 9 1350 1 8 Author's Numo. 101 Title. Vol. Remurko. 102 No. 1366 5 6 7 8 9 1360 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 1370 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 1380 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 1390 1 2 S 4 ft 6 7 8 9 Author's i> ame. Title. Vol. Bemorka. IToI. Bemorka. 103 CLASS E. ■ 1 POETRY, THE DRAMA. CLASSICS. 1 1 Aeschvlus, The Tragedies of, TraTislated by vuu. Buckley 1 1 2 " ♦< « ' Potter 1 ■ g Adventures of Qui Hi 1 PI 4 Algarotti, Opere del Co. 17 ] ■ 5 Alfieri, " postume de Vittorio 13 |!IB 6 Anacreon, Odes of Moore 2 ifl 7 Ancient Rome, Lajrs of i Macaulay 1 hI 8 An Actor's Note Book, Leaves from Tandenhoff 1 H 1 9 Aristo's 1 Orlando Furioso 4 jfH 10 " " " Translated by Hoole 6 1 1 Antalanta in Calydon Swinburne 1 2 Baillie's Plays on the Passions of the Mind 2 3 " Dramas 3 4 Ballads and Lyrical Pieces, Scott 1 1 6 " The Book of 1 ^M 6 « « « Jones 1 7 " Thackeray 1 ^M g " and Songs Bloomfield I ^M 9 " Ancient Danish Prior 3 ^M 20 Balaustion, Adventures of Browning 1 i H 1 Beattie^ Minstrel 2 Biglow Papers 2 • i ^M Powell 1 jf ^^^^1 3 Border, Scotch Minstrelsy of the Scott 8 ^M 4 Bothwell Swinburne 1 ^H 5 Bridil of Triermain, The 6 Broad Grins Scott 1 -^M Coleman 2 ' ^1 7 Burges' Dramas 2 , ^1 8 •• The Dragon Knight 1 ' ^1 9 Bums, The Works of 4 ^H 30 Byron, Don Juan (1 vol. deficient) 3 ^1 1 " The Works of 11 ^H 2 " Manfred 1 ^H 3 " The Island 1 ^H 4 Cam^ens Lusiad Mickle 2 f ^1 6 Campbell, The Pleasures of Hope 1 ;,' ^1 6 " The Pleasures and Memory 1 i-' ^H 7 " Gertrude of W^yoming 1 ^1 8 " Speciiueus of the British Poets . 7 1 , ■■ 9 ** Theoderic ' ■ 104 Colonib Lucien Buonaparte Norton Wilson 1 Bland 50 1 2 3 « 40 Castle Donnington 1 Charlemagne 2 Child of the Islands 3 Chefs D'Oeuvre de Comeille, les 4 City of the Plague and Other Poems 5 Coleridge, Shelley and Keats, Poetical Works of 6 Collections from the Greek Anthology 7 Cowper's Poems 8 Cona, or the vale of Clywd 9 Crabbe's Borough " Poems of Tales of the Hall Poetical Works of , Crebillen Oeuvres de " 4 Cross and the Crescent, The 5 Dance of Life *• 6 « Death -7 Dante Allghieri 8 Darwin's Poetical Works 9 " Temple of Nature 60 Decameoron Divine Tragedy, The " Epopee D'ltalia, Graffiti Doran^s Annals of the English Stage Drama, the Ancient Brilish " " Modoiu " and Poems of Metastasic " Oxberry's English Dramatic Tales Words of Sheridan Dryden, the Works of Earthly Paradise Ellis' Early English Poets English Poets, Works of the (1 2th vol deficient) Enoch Arden . Tennyson Erechtheus, A Tragedy Swinburne Euripides, Tragedies of translated by Potter 8 Exodiad, The, a Poem 9 Fabre D'Eglantine, (Euvres Choisies jfablea de LaFo .taine " For the Holy Alliance Brown the Younger Fall of Jerusalem Milman Faroes, a Collection of «^/ lachbald ^ Farmer's^ Boy, The ' . 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Warren Oulton / Ovfren Meredith Mickle Southey Scott Lily and the Bee, the London, a History of the Theatres of Longfellows Poetical Works " Tales of Wayside Inn " Masque of Pandora Lucretii de Keruni Natura ^ " " " Translated by Watson Loves of the Colors, the ' Lucille Lusiad ! Macbeth, King Eichard III. 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Eazlitt 1 4 Warton 4 1 10 1 H.Tighe 1 5 2 1 Hunt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 10 1 3 4 Idea Mitchell Howell Falconer <( i{ (( by Potter Buckley 11 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 Spenser and his Poetry, Stage, Before and Behind the Curtain Syntax, Doctor, the Tours of Talfourd's Son, a Tragedy Craik 1 Buuc 3 3 jl w I ■i r>^ Taylor's Poems anu xrevor ;: 108 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 250 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 260 1 *i 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 IB Tennyson's Queen Maty " Poems " Ballads and other Poems Terentii, Uomoediae, sex Torquftto Tasso Opere di Theatre Kings, Seven years of the Thorn's Rhymes and Recollections Theatre Francais True Oros3 Village Curate Voltaire's Theatre Virgil Heynee " Carey's " Conninoton's Translation Wanderer in Switzerland Wilson'f Theatre of the Hindus Youngs Poetical Works Volt. ElberE Destouchas Me'ville Hurdis 12 Montgomery 3 2 Voli. Ibers ichas ville iidis 12 oery 3 2 i 109 CLASS F. « PEEIODICALS. 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LeForme Eudle 120 Court Martial Simmons 1 1 1 1 1 4 Moltke 1 •I i. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 m 1|; M 114 dh Vols. 121 Court Martial and Military Law Tytler 2 2 " " a treatise Adye 1 3 " " observations on D. Aguilar 1 4 " " On James 1 5 i( (. « Mc Arthur 2 6 " " on the practice and forms of Field Officer 1 7 Crimea, Light Cavalry Brigade in th6 Lord G. Paget 1 8 Crimean War, a review of Adye 1 9 " and Turkish War Slade 1 130 " letters from Head Quartern Staff Officer 2 1 " invasion &c., Kinglako 5 2 " despatches &c.. Sayer 1 3 Crown, Military forces of the Clode 1 4 Cyrus, Expedition into Persia Spelman 1 f) Balryniple, Gen. Sir H , Memoir of Peninsula War 1 6 Days when we had tails on us 1 7 Dragoon Guards, Historir^al records of 1 8 Education, System of Military in France, Russia etc.. 1 9 Egypt, British Expedition to Wilson 1 140 "" " " epitome of (I 1 1 Elemens de Fortification Beloir 1 2 Engineer Dept. 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