IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) M/o {./ A p. fe •^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 '» IM mil 2.2 2.0 116 111= 1-4 ill 1.6 .•Si. v] <^ /2 o e: c^m. ' .>. V >.5 7 ^ /A '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV iV ^ ■<-'■ ^ "^i> ^•h ^^ w r L IV- ler )Ut no; lie )n, •ed ve of }r- 3S- !so i i TABLE OF CONTENTS. om Two Rule for measuring Rectangular Boards . . Exercise on the Rule To find the Contents of a Triangular Board . Exercise on the Rule To iind the Solidity of a Sphere or Globe To find the Contents of a Triangular Solid To find the Superficial Contents of a Globe . To find the Contents of a Circular Board .... Rule for finding the Contents of a Circle Rule for finding the Diameter or Circumference of a Circle Table for measuring Inch Boards, without a Board Rule, fi Inches to Thirty-six Inches wide .... Exercise on the Table Table for measuring Inch-and-a-Quarter Boards without a Board Rule Exercise on the Table Table for Inch-and-a-IIalf Boards without using the Board Rule . Exercise oi. the Rule Table for Plank from Two to Thirty Inches wide .... Exercise on the Table Table for Three-inch Deals from Three to Twenty-four Inches wide Table for Four inch Deals from Four to Twelve Inches wide Table for Five-inch Timber from Five to Twelve Inches wide Table for Six-inch Timber from Six to Twelve Inches wide Table for Seven-inch Timber from Seven to Twelve Inches wide . Table for Fight-inch Timber from Eight to Twelve Inches wide Table for Nine-inch Timber from Nine to Twelve Inches wide Table for Ten-inch Tiuil)er from Ten to Twelve Inches wide Table for Eleven-inch Timber from Eleven to Twelve Inches wide Table for Twelve-inch Timber from Twelve to Twenty Inches wide . Plan of drawing a Plank Shingle, with Directions for dotting Plank Deal, &c Rule for Plank Specifications How to keep a Joist or Scantling Shingle . . . New York Deals, Three-inch .... * Specification Rule for Three-inch Specification Rules for Four-inch .... Five-inch Timber Shingle, with Rule for Specification . Page 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18,19 20 22 23 24 25,26 28-30 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. Rule for Six-iiicli Specification 31 Ilulc for Seven-inch Specillcution 33 Kule Tor Kiylit-incli Speciticution 36 Kule lor Nine-incii Specilication 37 Kule (or i'en-incli Specilicafioii 40 Kule for Kleven-inch Specification 41 Kule for Twelve inch Specilication 42 Kule for lindiui,' the Contents of Hattens or Two-anda-Half-inch Stuff 44 SpHcilicatioii of Hatten Shinj^Ie and Kule 45 Kandoni Shingle, Contents given in the Columns 45 Kan Shingle, Kunning Lengths in the Columns .... 46 Table showing the Number of Feet in Length, of all Dimensions, that will make 1,000 teet of Boanl Measure 47 Table showing the Number of Feet in Length, of all Dimensions, from Five Inches by Five Inches to Twenty-two Inches by Twenty- Four Inches that will make 1,000 Cubic teet, with Kules showing how both Tables are computed 48 New Rules (or finding the Contents in Cubic Feet of Timber, from Five by Five up 49 Second Method of making out Specification, and Rule . . .51, 52 Specification of I'liiladelphia Deal, and Rule 53, 54 How to use the Board K'ule, with Kxercise 54 Rule for measuring Logs, with Example 55 To find the Largest Square Piece of Timber that can be sawed from a Round Log, by having the Circumference or Diameter given . 56 Form of Bills of Lading 57,58 Surveyor's Hills and Receipts 59 New Rules for finding the Superficial Contents of Plank, Deal, Joist, Battens, and Timber 59 Given the Dimensions of the End of a Plank to find what Length of it will make a Foot 61 To find the Solid Contents of a Piece of Tapering Timber . . .61 When a Boarl or Plank is wider at one End than the other, to find ■what Length of it will make a Foot, or any Desired Quantity . 62 To find how much in Length will make a Solid Foot, or any otiier De- sired (Quantity, of Squared Timber of Equal Dimensions from End to End 62 Table for measuring Round Timber by the Qnarter-girt Areas . . C3 Table and Rule for finding the Weight of T'imber from a Survey of its Contents 64 English Government Rule for finding the Tonnage of Vessels . . 65 United States Government rule for finding the Tonnage of Vessels . 66 Gauging of Casks 67 Ullaging of Casks 68 Questions (or Exercise 69 Log Rule for Round Timber 72-78 Directions for \ising the Log Rule ....... 77 Interest Table and Rule 77-79 SELF-TNSTRUCTOR OM LUMBEE SUEYEYma Rule for measuring RectariQular Boards. Multiply the length in feet by the width in inches, and divide the product by 12, to find the contents in superficial feet. Or multiply the length in inches by the width in inches, and divide by 144, the number of inches in a square foot, for the contents in superficial feet. P. S. — A Rectangle is a plain figure bounded by four straight lines, which are equal and pandlel, and Avhose angles are right angles, as B. B. QUESTIONS FOR EXERCISE. 1. What are the contents in feet of a rectangular board 30 feet long and 20 inches wide ? Ans. 50 feet. 2. How many feet in a board 26 feet 6 inches long, 12 inches in width ? Ans. 26^ feet. 3. AVhat will be the cost of a walnut board 32 feet long and 16 inches wide, at 8 cents per square foot. Ans. $3.41. 4. What are the contents of a board 22 feet 8 inches long, and 1 foot 9 inches in width ? Ans. 39 feet 8 inches. When a Board is wider at one End than at the other, Jlule. — Add the width of both ends together, and take half the sum for a mean width, and multiply the width thus found by the length, for the contents ; or take the width in ^ fr 8 SELF-INSTRUCTOR the middle of the board and multiply by the length, for the contents. EXAMPLE. 1. What are the contents of a board 14 inshes at one end and 20 inches at the other, and 24 feet in length. Ans. 34 feet. 14 -|" 20 = 34 -i- 2 = 17, mean width in inches, which multiplied by the length, 24 feet = 408; 408 4- 12 = 34 feet = contents. 2. What are the contents of a board 2G feet long, which measures IG inches in the middle ? Ans. 34 feet 8 inches. 26 feet X 10 = 416 ; 416 h- 12 = 34 feet 8 mches = contents. To jind the Contents of a Triangular Board. Ride. — Multiply the length in feet by the width in inches, and take half the sum for the contents in inches, which being divided by 12 will give the contents in feet of board measure. EXAMPLE. 1. What are the contents of the board ABC, whose base B C is 26 inches, and perpendicular height A D is 18 feet. Ans. 19 feet 6 inches. 18 X 26 = 468 -^ ^ = 234 -^ 12 = 10 feet 6 inches. 2. Wiiat are the contents of the trian- gular board ABC, whose base B C is 2 feet 6 inches, and perpendicular A C, 24 feet. Ans. 30 feet. 24 feet X 2i = 60 feet ; 60 feet -^ 2 = 30 feet. Or"— 2 feet 6 inches = 30 inches ; 30 inches X 24 feet = 720 inches ; 720 ~ 2 = 360 inches = contents; 360 -r 12 = 30 feet's = contents in feet. Ill ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 9 E The contents of a triangulnr solid can be found in the same manner by the foregoing rule, by multiplying the con- tents thus found by the thickness of the solid. How many feet of boards in a triangular piece of timber, A B C, whose length A B is 24 feet, breadth B C 18 inches, and thickness C E 2 feet 6 inches ? 24 feet X 18 inches = 432 ; 432-^-2 = 216 inches; 21G inches -J- 12=18 feet = contents of .sui)erfK'ial triangle A B C, which being multiplied by the thickness, C E, 2 feet 6 inches, will give the contents^ of the solid triangle A B C D E F, 18 feet X H feetc= Ans. 45 cubic feet, or 540 board measure. For Measurement of a Globe. Rule. — To find the solidity of a globe, cube the diame- ter, and multiply the product by 5,23G ; and to find the sur- face of a globe, multiply the diameter by the circumference. To find the cir- cumference by having the diameter given, say as 7 is to 22, so is the diame- ter to the circumference, or as 22 is to 7, so is the circumference to the diameter. To find the Contents of a Circle. Mule 1. — ]\Iultiply half the circum- ference by half the diameter, for tlio contents. Mule 2. — Square the diameter, and multiply it by .7854 for the contents, or square the circumference, and multiply it by .07958 for the contents. P. S. — The square of a number is found by multiplying the number by itself. r j ts 10 SELF-INSTRUCTOR I Table for measuring Inch Boards without a Rule, from 2 Inches to '66 Inches wide. ii Inches. Feet. Inche.s. Feet. Inches. Feet. Indies. Feet. 2X1—^ 11X1 H 20 X 1 — if 29 X 1 2/'o 3X1 i 12X 1 1 21X1 1^ 30 XI — 2^ 4X1 ^ 13X1 — irV 22 X 1 1^ 31 X 1 2V^ 5X1 — A 14X 1 — 1^ 23 X 1 Hh 32 X 1 2^ 6X 1 i lb XI li 24 X 1 — 2 33 X 1 2^ 7 X 1 tV 16 X 1 H 25 X 1 2iL 34 X 1 — 2if 8Xl-§ 17 X 1 1t\ 26 X 1 2^ 35X1 2i.V 9X1 i 18 X 1 — U 27 X 1 2^ 36 X 1 3 10X1 ^ 19X1 h^j 28 X 1 2i In order to niirvey boards by the Tuble of Board IMeas- ure, the Surveyor must commit the table to m(Mnory, and by a little practice, he will become expert at surveying by this method. Questions for Exercise done hj the Table of Board Measure. 1. What are thf. contents of a board 24 feet long and 18 inches wide ? Ans. 2 4 X U — 36 teet. 2. How many feet in a board 32 feet long and 17 inches wide ? Ans. 45^ feet. By the table, 17 inches wide is ly*^ the length, for the contents; therefore 32 feet X IfV = ^^3 ^^^^' 3. What are the contents of a board 21 feet 6 inches long and 6 inches wide ? Ans. 10 feet 9 inches. By tiie table, 6 inches wide is half the length, for the con- tents ; therefore 21 feet 6 inches -f- 2 = 10 feet 9 niches = contents. 4. Required the contents of a board 36 feet long and 3 inches wide ? Ans. 3G -j- 4 =: 9 feet. 5. Find the contents of a board 24 feet 8 inches long and 14 inches wide ? Ans. 24 feet 8 inches X 1 J = 28 feet 9 inches 4'\ i t ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 11 6. Required the contents of a board 27 feet long and 30 inches wide ? Ans. 67^ feet. 7. What is the value of a walnut board 23 feet 6 inches long, and 36 inches wide, @ 12|^ cents per square foot? Ans. $8.8 li 8. Required the contents of a board 16 feet long and "7 inches wide ? Ans. 36 feet. 9. How many feet in a board 38 feet long and 28 inches wide ? Ans. 88 feet 8 inches. 10. Required the contents of a board 16 feet long and 19 inches in width ? Ans. 25 feet 4 inches. Table for Inch-and-a- Quarter Boards, from 2 Indies to 36 Inches wide. Tnches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. 2xii — A 14Xli = lii 26 X Ir ni 3 X li tV i5Xii — iyV 27Xli — 2}^ 4 X li tV icxii — i! 28 X I4 — 2} I: 5X1] n i7Xii i:^^- 29 X I4 3:jV 6Xli — f isxii — 1# 30 X li 3i 7xii ri 19Xli 115 31 X I4 3^4 8Xii # 20 X li — 2i'.T 32 X li:^3^ 9Xli n 2lXli — 2/5 33 X li - 3-rV 10 X li 1^^ 22 X li 2.,7j. 34Xli 3^i iiXii — 1t\ 23Xli 2]| 35Xli — 3^^ i2Xii li 13Xli — Ui 24Xli — 2^ 36Xli — 3| 25xii m Examples of \\-inch Board 3feasure done ly the Table. 1. "What are the contents of a board li inches thick, 32 inches wide, and 30 feet long? Ans. 100 feet. By the table 32 inches is 3^ times the length ; for the con- tents, therefore, 30 feet X 3^ = 100 feet. 2. What are the contents of a board li inches by 18 inches, and 36 feet in length ? Ans. G7 feet 6 inches. X N r 12 SELF-INSTRUCTOR 3. Hequired the contents of a board 1^ inches by 24 inches, and 32 feet 8 inches in length ? Ans. 81 feet 8 inches. 4. How many feet in a 1^-iuch board 16 inches wide and 24 feet long ? Ans. 40 feet. 5. What will be the cost of a piece of mahogany 1^ inches by 12 inches, and 36 feet long, @ 6 cents per foot ? Ans. $2.70. Table for One-and-a- Half-inch Boards^ from 2 to 24 Inches wide. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. 2Xii i 8X1^ 1 14X1^ 1^ 20 X U 2i 3 X li ^ 9X1^ — 1)^ 15X1^ 1| 21 X li 2t 4X1^ h 10 X U ij 16 X li — 2 22X1^ — 2| 5XU t 11 X li 1^ 17 X 1* 2i 23 X li 2^ 6X1^ i 12XU- — li isxii— 2i 24 X 1^ — 3* 7X1^ — ^ 13 X li if 19 X li 2t Hi 1. What are the contents of a 1^-inch board 32 feet long and 24 inches wide ? Ans. 32 feet X 3 feet= 96 feet. 2. Required the contents of a 1^-inch board 18 feet long and 18 inches wide ? . Ans. 40i- feet. 3. Find the contents of a board 1^ X 10 inches and 28 feet 8 inches in length ? Ans. 35 feet 10 inches. By the table H X 10 is 1;^ the length, for the contents. 28 feet 8 inches X 1^ = 35 feet 10 inches. 4. What are tlie contents of a board 24 feet long, 20 inches wide, and H inches thick ? Ans. 60 feet. 5. Required the contents of a board 16 inclies wide, 1^ inches thick, and 27 feet long. Ans. 54 feet 6. What is the value of a board 17 inches wide, and 1^ inches thick, and 20 feet long, at 6 cents per foot ? Ans. $2.55. • Equal three times the length, for contents. > ! ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 13 s by 24 8 inches. les wide 40 feet. ^ inches J. $2.70. to 24 s. Feet. 4= 2i li 2i^ li 2^ H 2^ 1* = 3* 'eet long 96 feet, 'eet long lOi feet, and 28 inches, 3ontents. ong, 20 GO feet. kvide, 1^ 54 feet and 1^ . $2.55. Table for Two-inch or Plank, from 2 to 30 Inches wide. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. 2X2 ^ 2X3 — i 2 X 10 — if 2 X 17 2^ 2 X 24 4 2X 11 — 1^ 2X18 — 3 2 X 23 — 4^ 2X4-^ 2X12 2 2 X 19 3^ 2 X 26 4\ 2X3— if 2 X 13 2^ 2 X 20 — 3^ 2 X 27 4h 2X6 1 2 X 14 2i 2 X 21 3:^ 2 X 28 4§ 2X7 1^ 2X 15 — 2^ 2 X 22 — 3| 2X29 — 4^ 2X8 q 2X9 — l| 2X16 2f 2X23_3g 2 X 30 5 WfL-m. EXERCISE. 1. Required the contents of a plank 18 feet long and 15 inches in width ? Ans. 45 feet. 9i times the therefore By the table 15 inches wide contents in feet of board met = 45 feet. 2. Required the contents of a plank 36 feet long and 12 inches wide at one end, and 16 inches at the other end? A71S. 84 feet. 12 inches -|- 16 inches = 28 inches ; 28 inches -^ 2 = mean width 14 inches. ]5y the table 14 inches is 2^ times the length ; therefore 36 feet X 2^- = 84 feet. 3. What is the value of a plank 24 feet long and 27 inches wide @ 3^ cents per foot ? Ans. $3.92. 4. Required the contents of a plank 18 feet long and 4 inches wide ? Ans. ^^ X f = 'V = ^2 feet. 5. "What are the contents of 1,860 feet ruiuiing lengths of 2 inches X 2 inches ? Ans. 620 feet. Solution. — 1 MO -^^=G20 feet. 6. In 2,500 feet nmning lengths how many feet contents of 2 inches X 12 inches ? Ans. 5,000 feet or 5 M.. 2,500 feet X 2 = 5,000 feet, or 5 M. "''r* 14 SELF-INSTRUCTOR Table for Three-inch Deals, from 3 to 24 inches wide. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. 3X3 — 1 3X 9 2^ 3 X 10 — 2 J 3X 15 — 3^ 3 X 20 — 5 3X4 1 3 X 16 — 4 3 X 21 5i 3 X 22 — bl 3X5 li 3X6 4 3X11 2| 3X 17 — 4^ 3 X 18 4} 3 X 12 — 3 3 X 23 — 5-| 3X7 1^ 3 X 13=: 3^ 3X 19 — 4f 3X 24 6 3X8 2 3 X 14 — 32 ••' EXERCISE. 1. What are the contents of a deal 3 inches thick, 6 inches wide, ann 30 feet long ? Ans. 45 feet. By the table 3X6 is 1|- times the length, for the con- tents ; therefore 30 feet X H = 45 = contents. 2. What are the contents of a deal 3 inches X 3 2 inches and 33^ feet long? Ans. 100 feet. 3. In 2,700 feet of running lengths of 3 inches X 20 inches, how many feet ? Ans. 13,500 feet. By the table 3 X 20 is 5 times the length, for the con- tents ; 2,700 X 5 = 13,500 feet. 4. Required the number of feet running lengths of 3 X 4 that will be equal to 2,000 feet running lengths of 3 inches X 10 inches ? Ans. 5,000 feet. o. What number of feet of running lengths of 2 X 3 will be equivalent to 24,000 feet running lengths of 3 X 12 inches. Ans. 144,000 feet. Solution. — By the tab'e 3 X 12 is 3 times the length, for the contents ; therefore 24,000 feet X 3 = 72,000 feet = contents of 3 X 12 inches, and by the table 2 X 3 is = to half the length, for the contents ; therefore 2 X 3 is 2 times the contents for the running lengths, consequently 72,000 feet X 2= 144,000 feet running length. ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 15 Tahh for Four-inch Deals, from A to 12 Inches wide. iches. Feet. X20: — 5 X21: -51 X22: X23: -5ii X24: = 6 Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inched. Feet. 4X4 1^ 4X7: = 2^ 4X 9 3 4X11 3§ 4X5 1§ 4X8: 24 4 X 10 3 j 4X 12 4 4XC 2 .EXKRCISi:. 1. "What are the contents of a deal 4X4 inches, and 20 feet long ? Ans. 2(i| feet. 2. What are the contents of a deal 4X5 and 24 i'eet long ? Ans. 40 i'eet. 3. Required the contents of a deal 4 X G and 2(> feet long? Ans. 52 feet. 4. Required the contents of a deal 4 niches X 12 inches and SO feet long ? Ans. 120 feet. 5. What is the value of a piece of oak 3G feet long, 4 inches thick, and 11 inches wide, @ 4^ cents per square ioot ? 6. In 2,800 feet of running lengths of 4 inches X 12 inches, how many feet of superficial measurement are there? Ans. 11,200 feet. 7. How many feet running lengths of 4 inches X 12 inches deals are equal to 3,000 feet running lengths of 2 X 6 ? Ans. 750 feet. 8. What is the amount of lumber in the following cargo, and its value @ $15.00 per M ? Surveyed from Bennett & Co., of Boston, Mass., to Ship Aurora, Capt. Jones, — 2,758 pieces 2 X 8 and 16 feet long. 3,800 pieces 4 X 12 and 30 feet long. 2,600 pieces 4 X 10 and 16 feet long. 250 M of Mer. spruce laths @ $2.50 per M. Ans. 653,41)7 feet of hnnber. 250 M laths. Value of lumber, $9,802.45^ Value of hitiis, 625.00*" $10,427. 45i- prr-^^' 16 SELF-INSTRUCTOR Table of Five-inch Timher, from 6 to 12 Inches wide. Inches. Feet, 5X8 = 3^ Inches. Feet. 5X 9 = 3^ 5 X 10 = 4^ 5X 11=14/5^ 5 X 12 = 5 Table of Six-inch Timber j from 6 ^o 12 Inches wide. Inches, Feet. 6X 6 = 3 6X7 = 3i 6X8 = 4 6X9 = 4^ Inches, Feet. 6 X 10=:5 6 X 11 = 5^ 6X 12=:6 EXERCISE. 1. "What are the contents of a piece of timber 5 inches X 5 inches and 24 feet long ? Ans. 50 feet. By the table 5X5 is 2|- times the length, for the con- tents ; therefore 24 feet X 2^^ = 2^ X f ii=W = 50 feet in board measure. 2. Required the contents of a joist 5X8 and 30 feet long ? 30 feet X 3^—100 feet. Ans. 100 feet. 3. Find the contents of a beam 6 inches X 8 inches and 36 feet in length ? Ans> 144 feet. 36 feetX 4= 144 feet. 4. How many running feet of 6-inch X 8-inch timber are equal to 3,500 feet running lengths of 5 X 12 inches ? Ans. 4,375 feet. By the table 5 X 12 is 5 times the length, for the con- tents, and 6X8 = 4 times the length ; therefore 3,500 feet X 5= 17,500 feet = contents of 5 X 12 ; then 17,500 -^ 4 = 4,375 feet =: the number of feet in length of 6 X 8 =z= 3,500 feet of 5 X 12. ii ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 17 5. What will abeam cost 48 feet long, 6 inches by 11 inches, @ 3^ cents per foot ? Ans. $i).24. 48 X H feet = 264 feet = contents ; 264 X 3^ cents = $9.24. Table of Timber from 7 X 7 ^o 12 X 20. Seven-inch Timber. Eight-inch Timber. Nine-inch Timber. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. 7X 7_4X 7X8 4f 8X8 5J- 9X9 6f 8X9 6 9 X 10 7i 7X 9 — 5i 8 X 10 = 6f 9X11 — 8i 7 X 10 5^ 8X11 7^ 9 X 12 — 9 7X 11 — 6i\ 8 X 12 — 8 7 X 12 7 Ten-iuch Timber. Eleven-inch Timber. Twelve-inch Timber. Inches. Feet. Indies. Feet. Inches. Feet. 10 X 10 — ^ 10X11— 4 11 X ii = 10tV 12 X 12 — 12 11 X 12 — 11 12 X 14 — 14 10 X 12 — 10 12 X 16 — 16 12 X 18 18 12 X 20=: 20 1. What are the contents of a piece of timber 12 by 12 inches and 30 feet long? Ans. 360 feet. 2. What are the contents of a beam 7 inches by 9 inches and 30 feet long? Ans. 157| feet. 3. Eec^uired the contents of a piece of timber 9 X 10 inches and 40 feet long? Ans. 300 feet. By the table 9X10 = 7^ times the length ; 40 feet \ 7^ = 300 feet. 4. In 2,500 feet contents of 9 X 10, how many feet run- ning lengths of 9 X 10, and of 11 by 12 ? Ans. Of 11 X 12, 227,3. feet. Of 9 X 10, 333^ feet. 5. What is the cost of 2,000 feet running lengths of 12- ff, 18 SELF-INSTRUCTOR inch by 20-inch timber @ 3 cents per foot of board measure ? Ans. $1,200.00. 6. Recjiuired the contents of a piece of pine timber 8 inches by 12 inches and 24 feet long? Ans. 192 feet. 7. Wiuit is the difference in feet of board measure be- tween 2,000 feet running lengths of 9 X 12 and 2,000 feet running lengths of 12 X 12 ? Ans. 12 X 12 is 6,000 feet more. By the table 12 X 12 = 12 times the length, and 9 X 12 = 9 times ; therefore 12 — 9 = 3 feet difference ; 2,000 X 3 = 0,000 feet difference. Example showing the Manner of Drawing or Ruling a Shingle for Plank or '2-inch, also the Mode of Dotting. Rule. — Take a shingle and rule it, as shingle No. 1 is ruled, the dimensions along the top column, and the lengths down the side column ; then take a pencil and make a dot, thus (,), for every plank, or deal, or piece of timber, as the case may be. Suppose I want to dot a 2 X 6? 22 feet long, 3 times, I run along the top cohmm of dimensions till I come to 2 X G ; I then go down said line till I come oppo- site 22 in the column of lengths, I then make three dots, thus (,„). Then when I have finished dotting, I count all the dots, and place the figures as in the above shingle ; those figures I afterwards transfer to my specification, in order to find the contents of the whole quantity of pieces I have dotted. P. S. — You can, if reqiiired, rule your shingle so as to include any length or dimension, and most shingles are drawn as shingle No 1 is. i i [ measure r ingles are ON LUMBER SURVEYING. Plank Shinglcy No. 1. 19 . , Lengths. = § X X X X 15 X X • • 2 9) X IM • •• • •• • •• • •• 12 • ••• • #•• 8 o X X CI 2J X •••• 4 12 18 • ••• 4 10 5 ••••• • ••• 9 6 • •••• 6 • • 2 18 • ••t 9 5 5 • • 7 • ••• • • 6 • •• 8 • 1 14 • • 2 • ••• 4 5 • ••• 4 • 1 2 C ••• C • ••• 9 •• 2 16 6 • • 2 5 • ••• 4 • ••• 4 16 6 • •• 3 10 • • 2 • ••• • ••• 8 • • 2 • ••• 4 10 17 6 6 10 18 ■ ••• • ••• 12 • ••• 4 • 26 • 1 • ••• 4 • •• 3 • • 2 • •• 3 5 • 1 1 5 • ••■« • 6 ; i • • ••• 1 1 4 •••• • •• 7 19 S 5 • • 2 4 • 1 20 15 • •• 3 • ••• 4 • • 2 • • 2 • • • • .. 10 • 1 21 10 • • 2 • 1 • • 7 • ••• 4 • • 2 • 1 • • 2 22 • •• • •• • •• 9 • ••• 4 • ••• 4 • •• 3 • •• 3 • •• 3 • • 2 6 ■ — - 1 (^;ft !i 20 SELF-IXSTUUCTOR Example of Specification of the Plank Shinyle No. 1, showing the manner of finding the Contents. Rule. — One sixth of the length of 2-inch stuff multi- plied hy the width will give the contents hi feet of board measure or superficial feet. Specification «/ Plank Shingle No. 1. Lengths. S § X 18 9 X 4 5 Mi X 10 5 X 15 5 X 9 7 oo X 2 G X 12 8 2 X 6 8 X IN 6 2 X IN 4 1 Coutcnta. 12 1,120 13 834 14 4 4 2 5 6 9 2 623 15 2 5 1 5 2 5 4 422 16 5 3 10 6 2 _^ 8 6 2 4 |io 4 10 1,000 17 482 18 12 25 3 2 5 5 1,155 19 3 4 5 2 1 4 4 3 1 6 792 20 15 3 4 2 1 2 16 4 1,180 21 10 9 2 4 1 4 7 3 4 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 7 6 885 22 828 Total, 9,321 feet. Mule for calculating a 2-Inch or Plank Specif cation. Multiply the number of pieces or dots in each square of the table by the width of said pieces, and the product by ^ of the length for the contents. ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 21 To find the Contents of Specification Shingle, No. 1. Multiply the number of pieces in each square of the table, opposite the first lcn<,^th, 12 feet, by the widths of the differ- ent numbers of said pieces, and then by ^ of the lenjj^th for the contents ; thus, for the first column running parallel to the top of the shingle, Breadth. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 No. Pieces. 18 4 10 15 9 2 12 6 5 4 54 16 50 90 (53 16 108 GO 55 48 Then add all the products, 54 -f IG + 50 -|- 00 -f r.3 -|- 16 -f 108 -I- CO 4- 55 4- 48 = 560. Then 1 2, tiie length, -H 6 == 2 feet, 560 X 2 = 1,120 = contents of the first column. Thus proceed until the contents of all the columns are found, then add the whole together for the total contents of the shingle. P. S. — In this treatise, when there is a fraction of half a foot over, it is called a foot ; when less than half a foot, nothing. For Joist or Scantling. Take the running lengths of the different dimensions and mark down every 100 feet, then add np your shingle, and multiply the different sums by the multiplier of each dimen- sion, as found in the tables for the contents of each. Hem- lock joist is generally, computed by this plan. 22 SELF-INSTRUCTOR Joist Shingle, 2X8 2^X3 2X4 2^X4 2iX3 2iX4 8X4 250 100 100 10 100 100 100 100 100 90 100 100 100 250 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 . 100 100 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 25 100 100 100 100 150 100 100 100 200 50 100 100 100 100 613 625 667 833 450 375 900* * The numbers at the foot of the columns are feet of board measure. 3 inches by 4 inches by the table is once the length, there- fore tliere are 900 feet of 3 X 4 contents. There are in the joist shingle 500 feet running length of 2^ X 4, and 2| X 4 is = I times the length ; therefore, 500 -^ |= to o75 feet == contents of 2^ X 4. There are 800 feet run- ning lengths of 2| X 3, and 2|^ X 3 is ^^ times the length; therefoi'e, 800 -^ ^^j = 450 = contents. There are 1,000 feet of 2^ X 4; therefore, as 2^ X 4 is § of the length, the contents will be equal to 1,000 -^ ^ = 833 feet. Of 2 inches X 4 inches, 1,000 feet, which divided by |, will be the contents = GG7 feet. Of 2^ X 3 there are 1,000 feet, and 2^ X 3 is = § times the length ; therefore, 1,000 -j- § = 625 feet. Of 2 X 3 there are 1,225 feet running lengths, and 2 X 3 is ^ the length; therefore, 1,225 -i- ^ = 612^ feet. ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 23 New Turk Deal Shingle, S-Inch, No. 2. Lengths, s § 5* X X n X X O X 09 1^ X PS CM X 14 24 14 lA 20 IM 20 .'» 15 • •••• 5 3 1 10 • ••• 4 7 36 20 30 11 8 IG 12 10 17 9 15 15 8 24 5 • •• 3 • ••• 4 27 18 •• 2« 8 7 7 1) 2 • •• 3 10 19 21 12 12 1 4 20 12 4 4 4 • ••• 4 10 21 lU • ••• 4 4 5 24 4 3 7 5 27 22 8 •••••• 12 23 15 3 8 2r 20 4 4 30 24 4 4 4 ■ ■•• 4 25 G 3 8 10 9 26 « 4 5 4 5 10 10 9 5 20 • ••• 4 27 4 10 28 4 5 4 4 18 29 5 4 11 9 12 5 10 30 24 30 8 21 9 2ft P. S. — New York deiil in from 12 feet up in length, and from 6 to 12 inuhes wide, and must be good aprucc lumber, free from cracks, rots, or large knotx, etc. t : i jI :I 24 SELF-INSTRUCTOR Specification of New York Deal Shingle, No. 2. .; «o t- CO Ci o 1-^ Lengths. 5 g X X X X X X X Contents. ■p * 24 eo 14 P5 20 eo 16 e»s 18 eo 20 eo 30 14 4,571 15 36 20 30 11 5 3 4 3,098 16 12 6 8 10 1 7 1,548 17 9 24 15 15 16 27 4,420 18 26 8 5 9 8 7 10 2.744 19 21 12 3 2 1 7 4 1,838 20 12 12 4 3 4 4 10 2,095 21 16 27 4 4 4 5 2,667 22 8 4 3 5 4 3 12 1,991 23 27 20 24 3 7 20 5,089 24 15 4 4 8 4 4 2,070 25 6 10 4 4 3 9 8 2.494 26 5 10 10 9 20 4 6 3,750 27 10 9 4 5 4 5 4 2,315 28 18 4 5 4 4 5 2,429 29 30 11 9 12 5 10 4,40 i 30 24 20 8 5 4 21 9 5,790 Rule for finding the Contents of S-Inch Deals. Multiply ^ of the length of the deals by the breadth of them, for the contents. This shingle is done the same way as the plank shingle No. 1, excepting that ^ cf the lengths are taken instead of ^ of them. ON LUMBER SURVEYING. New York Deal Shingle, A-Jnck, No. 3. 25 1 CO t» 00 CJ o 1— 1 Lengths. X X X X X X X •* t ^ "^ ■^ ■ o 1^ «»j Lengths. | g X X X X X X X X Contents. 5 '■ Ift in lA to «o in lA in 20 7 2 5 16 2 1 6 5 2,941 21 8 6 6 8 5 5 4 4 3,167 22 6 5 6 2 3 6 5 5 2,778 23 6 2 5 5 8 2 8 3,191 24 20 7 3 8 3 3 15 9 6,570 25 2 1 1 2 4 4 5 1,865 26 7 3 2 1 4 4 2 1 2,004 30 12 6 3 3 10 3 2 4,025 31 7 6 3 3 3 3 6 9 4,405 32 7 3 2 4 3 2 1 2,387 33 10 4 2 1 3 3 5 9 4,345 Total, 36.678 feet. Example, shoioing how to compute a d-inch Specijication. No. Br. No. Br. No. Br. No. Br. 7 X 5 — 35 8 X 5 — 40 6X5 30 6 X 6 — 36 2 X 6 — 12 6 X 6 — 36 5X6 30 2X7 14 5 X 7 — 35 5X 7 — 35 5X7 35 5 X 8 — 40 8 X 16 128 8X8 64 2X8 16 5X9 45 2X9 18 5X 9—45 3X9 27 8 X 10 80 1 X 10 — 10 5 X 10 50 5 X 10 50 2X11 22 5X11 55 4 X 11 44 5 X 11 — 55 8 X 12 96 5 X 12 60 4 X 12 — 48 5 X 12 60 353 362 303 333 *20-=-2* — 8^ 21-^2| 8| 22-^2^ — 9^ 23-h2^_9TV Contents, 2,941 Contents, 3,167 Contents, 2,778 Contents, 3,191 * 20 feet, the length of tho pieces, divided by 2g, and the result, 8}, multiplied by 353 = 2,941 feet = contents of 20 ft pieces. Invert :i^ = ^^XY = ¥lI^ = 8i ON LUMBER SURVEYING. Timber Shingle, Six-inch, No. 5. 81 1 Lengths, gg g-E CO X CO X CO 00 X CO X CO 10 o X CO II X 9 X CO 20 • •• 8 5 5 10 10 ... 14 18 3 21 7 7 • ••• 4 1 9 11 .... 20 .... 15 22 7 6 6 • ••#• 5 23 7 & • •• 3 6 11 22 .... 15 24 • •• 8 4 • ••• 4 • •• 8 8 5 25 6 6 • ••• 4 t 9 10, " 2o! 1 26 7 • •• 8 4 5 4 11 1 ... 14 27 • •• 8 3 6 5 6 10 14 28 10 8 • ••• 4 4 & G 6 29 7 6 4 • •• 3 6 9 30 7 4 • • 2 6 5 5 6 L- — . 1 Ride for finding the Contents of Q-inch Timber. Multiply the number of pieces or dots by the width of said pieces, and tlieu multiply the product by half the length of one of the pieces, for the contents. ^in ¥ 82 SELF-INSTRUCTOR \m j What are tho contents of 18 pieces of 6 X 6, and 20 feet long? 18X C:=108; 20 -^ 2= 10, 108 X 10= 1,080 feet. By the Tabic 6 X 6 is three times the length for the con- tents, therefore 20 X 18 = 3G0 feet runnhig length; 360 feet X 3 feet = 1,080. Ans. 1,080. So we find the same result by both rules. Specification of Timber Shinrile, No. 5. , 1 1 1 O 1 ^ (N a « o t-- CO 0) >-• .-( fH Lengths. g © X X X X X X X Contents. (5" CO 18 (O 3 3 10 CO 5 CO 10 CO 14 20 5.710 21 7 7 4 5 9 26 6,321 22 7 6 6 5 10 11 15 6.358 23 7 5 3 6 11 22 15 7,900 24 3 4 4 3 3 6 2,544 25 9 6 6 4 10 20 6,712 26 7 3 4 5 4 11 14 6.097 27 3 3 5 5 6 10 14 6,237 28 10 3 4 4 5 6 6 4,718 29 7 6 4 5 9 3 5 4,988 30 7 4 2 6 5 5 6 4,755 Total, 62,340 feet. Examples showing how to compute the Specification No. 5 of 6-inch Timber. Br. No. Rr. No. Br. No. Br. No. 6 X 18 — 108 7 X 7 — 49 6X 7r — 42 7 X 6 — 42 7X3 21 8X7 56 7X6 = — 42 7 X 5 — 35 8X3 24 9 X 4 — 36 8X 6r 48 8 X 3 24 9 X 10 90 10 X 5 — 50 9X 5z — 45 9 X 6 — 54 10 X 5 — 50 11 X 9 — 99 10 X 10 = 100 10 X 11 110 11 X 10 — 110 12 X 26 312 11 Xii = — 121 11 X 22 — 242 12 X 14 168 12 X 15 = = 180 12 X 15 = 180 571 602 578 687 20 -r- 2 10 21-^2 — 10^ 22 -i- 2 = Contents, 11 23-^2 11^ Contents, 5,710 Contents, 6,321 6,358 Contents, 7,900 ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 88 What is the cost of a piece of pine timber 6 inches X 10 inches, and 38 feet in length @ 31 cts. per foot ? ^ , . Jns. $6.65. Solution, ^Length 38 --2 = 10; 19 X by the breadth 10 = 190 feet, contents. 190 feet @ 3h = $6.65. By the Second liule. 6 inches X i"o inches = 5 times the length, for the contents, therefore 38X5 = 190 feet 190 feet X 3^ cts. = $6.65. Hitk for finding the Contents of l-inch Timber. Multiply the width by the length, divided by If Required the contents of a piece of timber 7X7 and 20 feet lonof ? Divide the length, 20 feet, by 1^20 -M^ = il|), and multiply the breadth, 7 inches, by the quotient, 11§. !•'!=¥; ¥Xl = ^$i = 81f feet = content8 in su- perficial feet. 2d Operation. - By the table 7 X 7 is = to 4tV times the length, for the contents, therefore 20 feet X 4tV = 81^ feet = contents. ^ Timber is oflen surveyed and the contents marked on each piece, and then put down on a shingle for contents in Its proper column. 0. 6 — 42 5 = 35 3 — 24 6 = 54 1 — 110 9. — 242 5 180 3 84 SELF-INSTRUCTOR Timber Shingle , Scven-inch. iVb. 6, and Speeiji cation. Lengths, g 3 5* I* X 24 00 X 1^ 9> X o X X X ContentH. 20 IG 6 • ••• 4 7 8 • ••• 4 5 16 6 9,321 18 8 8 21 7 5,059 9 22 4 6 7 6 6 6 8 10,062 23 .... 4 7 7 8 5 • ••• 4 • ••• 4 10,062 9 21 18 27 24 8 • ••• 4 7,420 9 25 • ••• 4 •• 2 6 3,807 26 14 6 6 7 1,493 27 5 8 15 8 6 4 5 7 5,197 28 7 • ••• 4 8 8 4 5,390 29 7 7 6 • • 2 5,988 30 4 5 7 8 3 6,755 31 10 12 • ••• 4 • • 2 • 1 5,624 i; ! ition. ^ontentH. 9,321 5,059 10,062 10,062 7,420 3,807 1,493 5,197 5,390 5,988 6,755 5,624 ON LUMBER SURVEYING. Timber Shingle^ Eiyht-inch. No. 7. 85 1 1 g x Lengths. g 5 5* 00 X OO 9> X CO o FN X QO II X8 2 X 26 7 12 • •••• 6 12 9 18 27 5 8 • •• 3 8 • ••• 4 28 • • 2 • •• 3 6 5 29 • ■••• 5 • ••• 4 • •• 8 • • 2 • •••• 6 30 ••• 3 8 8 4 7 10 10 81 6 • 1 4 • • 2 • • 2 32 • ••• 4 • • 2 5 • •• 3 7 33 5 • •• 8 34 • « 2 6 • •• 3 • •••• 5 •• 2 S5 5 9 7 36 6 12 9 37 7 15 .S2 24 21 Rule for jinding the Contents of S bg S Timber. Divide the length by 1^, and multiply the quotient by the width of the timber for the contents in feet of board measure. 'ff-— ■ 86 SELF-INSTRUCTOR ■li Example showing how the firt column of 8-hich specifi- cation is (K)iic. 26-f-l^=-). Invert tlic divisor, Br. Nu. plecefl each 20 feet long 8X 12 — DO 9X IH — 1G2 10 X 12: — 120 11 X 9 — 1)9 12 X 7 — 84 5G1 2G : H-- = 14 2244 5G1 7854 feet= contents. Specification Shinyle, Eight-inch. No. 7. g ^ 00 05 o 1-^ Lengths, g g X X X X X Contents. (5 ■■' oo 00 18 GO QO 00 26 12 12 9 7 7,854 27 5 5 3 3 8 4,392 28 2 3 6 5 4 3.845 29 5 4 3 7 5 4,698 80 10 3 2 10 8 6,660 81 5 2 2 8 3,782 82 4 1 2 3 4 3,029 33 5 4 5 7 7 6,314 84 3 2 6 5 2 4,103 85 5 3 9 4,060 86 12 6 7 9 8,040 37 15 7 24 21 32 38,406 Total, 9,6183 feet. m l83 feet. ON LUMBKR SURVEYING. 87 Timber Shingle, Nine-inch. No, 8. til LtiiigtiiH. a 5 g-2 ! 6X6 i o X 9) II X 6 IN X 5 26 6 6 u 27 la 6 6 18 28 • • 2 4 ••• 3 • ••• 4 «• 29 8 • • 2 • ••• 4 30 6 • • 2 • ••■ 4 5 31 8 • •• 8 4 4 32 5 •• 2 •• 2 15 3 3 6 • a* 3 33 • 1 6 34 •• 2 • • 2 4 2 • ••* 4 • •••« 6 • 1 35 2 36 6 Hide for Jinding the Contents of Nine-inch Timber. Divide the length by 1^ and multiply the quotient by the breadth of the stick for the contents. Required the contents of a piece of timber 9 X 12 inches and 26 feet long? 26 -J- ^= 10^. 191 X 12 = 234 = contents. li il;|l 6S SELF-INSTRUCTOR Timber Shingle, Teii-inch. No. 9. • Lengths. g § 10 X 10 10 X 11 10 X 12 26 5 13 5 36 27 • ••• 4 4 28 6 • •• 3 6 • • 2 • •• 8 11 11 • ••• 4 29 8 30 • ••• 4 6 4 • 1 31 32 ••• 8 6 27 6 ••• 3 • 1 33 5 •• 2 • • 2 34 6 35 5 36 12 25 2\ 1 12 5 4 11 • 4 • • 4 • 1 • • 3 >•• 5 • ••• 6 ■'i ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 39 Specification of Timber Shingle, Nine-inch. No. 8. 1 1 pr CO Dimen- sions. X o X 0) 1-* X (N X C5 Contents. 26 6 14 6 5 6.240 27 18 12 5 5 8,039 28 2 3 4 2 2,436 29 4 3 2 4 2.958 30 6 2 5 3,195 31 8 3 4 4 4,510 32 5 4 2 15 6,888 33 2 1 5 3 2,945 34 2 2 4 3 3,009 35 2 4 5 5 4,541 36 6 2 1 3 3,267 Contents, 48,028 feet. 1 pi Specification of Timber Shingle, Ten4nch. No. 9. 1 Lengths. | § 5* o X o 36 FN X © I-H X o 5 Contentj. 26 13 12,198 27 4 5 4 3.297 28 11 5 11 6.9:J0 29 8 3 4 3,891 30 4 6 4 3,850 31 6 2 1 2,428 32 27 3 3 9.040 33 5 5 5 4,587 34 3 2 6 3,513 , 35 1 2 5 2,683 36 12 25 24 20,490 Contents, 72,907 feet. * '^isa { IHllll t I IMI I 'I' 40 SELF-INSTRUCTOR Hide for Ten-inch Timber. Divide the length by 1^ and multiply the quotient by the breadth, for the contents in feet of board measure. Reciuired the contents of a stick 36 feet long 10 inches by 11 inches? 3G-J- U==30, and 30 X 11 = 330 feet = contents. 2d Solution. — By the table 10 X H is 9 J times the length, for the contents; therefore, 36 feetX ^^h = 330 feet = contents. Examples showing how 9 and 10 inch specifications are made out. Nine^inch. Br. Pieces. Pro. 9 X 6= 54 10X14 = 140 11 X 6= 66 12 X 5= 60 S20 Ten-inch • Br. Pieces. Pro. 10X36 = 360 11 X13 = 143 12 563 X 5- GO 563 2 21 26-^ U = 191 2880 320 160 Contents = 6240 Length, 26 -^ 1^; 1^ = §. Inverted : 3)1126 375 563 1126 375 |;|X ¥ 12,198 feet Length, 26 -f- 1 1 ; 1 ^ = ^ = inverted to g ; ^ X ¥ 130 91 2 7rt lOi 4 — ^"^a* P. S. — All the specifications in this book are done in a manner similar to the specification of the Plauk Shingle No. 1. ON LUMBER SURVEYING. Eleven-inch Shingle No. 10. 41 Lengths. 1 E.2 pH X IN X 20 24 30 21 6 4 22 3 9 23 4 • ■ 2 24 • •••• • 1 ■ 6 • •• 3 26 • 1 • • 2 27 5 1 28 6 •• 2 29 6 4 30 6 I a o pC ^ i. :i -§ <4i a» ^ « '_^\ s >-. •Ka j^ ■4«* O •^ 03 "a X a ^ O CO ^ o •ill = x C; GO ■*-> o C " ^ .s 1 -- ■fT •i'S' (iii !|l P III! I III lilllli tiii^Ml' ! flP'f 42 SELF-INSTRUCTOR Timber Shingle, Twelve-inch, No. 11. 1 Lengths. g § 5" X l-H X l-H l-H X CO l-H X o X 20 •••• 4 •••• 4 25 16 ic 21 • •• 3 • • 2 • 1 • 1 •• 2 22 4 • 1 • • 2 • • 2 ••• 8 23 • • 2 • 1 • • 2 • 1 24 8 • •• 3 8 1 2 25 • ••• 4 ■ 1 • 1 • •• 3 • 1 26 • 1 2 • • 2 • 1 •••• 4 27 • • 2 • •• 3 • •• 3 • ■ 2 ••• 8 28 • 1 • • 2 • •• 3 4 4 29 • ••• 4 • •• 3 • 1 • 1 •• 2 80 • • 2 2 • •• 3 •• 2 5 .:j Jiule for Ttvelve-inch Timber. Multiply the length hy the width for the contents in feet. Required, the contents of 16 pieces of 12 X -^^ hich timher, and 20 feet long? 16 X 20=320. 320 X 20 = 6,400 feet = contents in feet of board ineasui-e. ON LUMBER SURVEYING. Specification of Shingle No. 10. 43 o X 16 • « 2 • •t 8 • 1 • • 2 • 1 • ••• 4 • •• 3 • ••• 4 • • 2 • •••• 1 Lengths, g 3 g-3 11 X 11 11 X 12 Contents. 20 24 36 12.760 21 6 4 2,194 22 9 3 2.722 23 4 2 1.434 24 5 1 1.774 25 5 3 2,085 26 1 2 834 27 5 3 2,252 28 5 2 2.028 29 6 4 3.030 30 5 2 2,272 Total, 33.285 Specific ?a4 2^X11 = = 2,7^ is — 2^ times the lenjrth, 2^ X 6 \\ 2iX 12 = = 21 for the contents, therefore 2iX7_lJi 22 ft. X '^h — »'5ft- ^ns. Batten Shingle, No. 12. OR Dimen- sions. X IN t* X la « tt> t- O) s Contents of the X X X X X X X X X X X wliole. 100 CO 80 100 200 72 120 to 100 l- 120 I- 20 00 120 O 60 3X 6= 1,045 100 6'l 150 100 72 lOi) 10() 100 18 150 20 2X10= 2,833 25 40 210 75 60 150 120 100 16 120 40 4X 3= 4,186 125 20 110 60 40 100 2ii0 40 24 100 20' 4X 'J= 2,970 IW 15 200 40 18 110 110 20 20 100 100; 5X 6= 1,096 2(10 - _ 20 19 70 120 loo 18 200 lOOi 6X «= 2,137 KK) 28 150 10 20 60 150 60 10 100 100 6X 6= 3-525 100 30 120 75 70 40 loo 60 19 150 _ 7X 7= 2,797 100 72 100 100 60 20 60 40 24 250 150 7X 9= 1,118 200 150 12' 150 40 30 40 20 20 loo 200 8X10=10,466 150 9f5 150 liO 20 20 20 15 - 120 i2o: 10X12=10,600 400 100 160 100 15 20 25 20 18 _ _ 1 1700 697 1570 990 20 526 16 855 3a 1175 685 213 60 150 1050 1570 n n •if, 3 2] 2,^, 3 4A 5i 61 10 Total . 42,673 ft. 1700 (597 3140 2970 1052 1710 3525 2740 106.5 9420 10500 1133 318 1046 44 427 57 53 1046 2833 1U45 4186 1096 2137 2797 1118 10463 ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 47 ©ooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCC C^ C;COO ooooooooooocccooocc coooo 1 1 § O O 'O O CI o ^ O 1- ec i; x- — O >« CO M -r oi I- i.-t 1- o OS ^occoccxcoo'-^^oXTfeoc^eQiotiMC^caeoi-i ^H 1-1 rH 1 S 2 1— 1 »-i •— I t— iT-l r^l i^t t— I <—i O-x r^l r~< T-i ■^ io xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 'M -ri n fM C-l Ol (M 'M fM T^l (M 7-1 i-H iri O) ^ — < — "M — — ^ CS CO t ft S2 g i.3 t-i a .Bo2i ■ •" a c ^ S 5*; — « CCOOOOOOOOOOOO3COO0OC:O0O ooooocoooooooooooccooooo l-ll-li— 11— (I— (I— (>— (t-Ht-Hi— li— l.-(i— 11— lr-tt-(<— 11— irH,— ll— lr-lr-c»— 1 1 II 1 1 1 1-1 lo "M I- to o ;r 'C » cc .-1 « o C5 o C5 c: ct 1-1 -M o © o o 1- 'O 't SC «0 i?5 eO IM -»• CO fM 1-1 7-1 O O CS CJ CO I— ?Ci »C »f5 to C^l 1-^1-Hi— l^^i-Hl— 11-Hf-Hi-Hi-^i-Hi— 41-Hl-Hl-H 1— 11— ( ft Ml a 1 » a E.2 5* O >-< '^^ W C O r-^ "M C5 O —1 -M O 1— 'M 1-1 'M 'M -f -o X C> CO Tj< xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I- t^ t^ CO 00 X CO X C5 CI C5 C3 © O O r-i 1-1 Ol 'M (Tl 'TJ -M ^|«-|e» 1— ll-H^-ll-Hi-H^-4— ilf-^^^f-H(7>|'M ■ 1 1 i □ a o O 000©©©©©©©©©00©©000©00©© ©©000©000003000©©000000 o ©©oo©ooooooo©ooc©oooooo© 1 S •Hfr- H« "w <0t>- — |iox«0'i'i-ics ■«teo«oecc^>ieoiM(N(NC^r-(.-((N(Ni-i E o g-3 l^- X O O 1-1 J O l^ X CJ © »-i (M l-» OO CS 1—1 1—1 1-H 1—1 1— f rH r^ 1-H 1—4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *f -t- -f ^ -f -t< o 1--: lO o »ir^ O >o »0 CO o CO CO CO CO CO 1^ r^ !>• s -4-3 1 5 ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©0©0©©©©0© ©oooooooo©©©oooooooo© coo oooooooooooooooooooooc-oo R ■§ 1 ©000©t-©o©i(0 0coo©0'-o-r©eoco©©0 ©©OOOiOiOO©-fOCOOOOl-©-«>OXl--O«0»0i0e0OXi;0i0i0i:ti-»t'C0C0l-O»0 eo IM r-< 1— 1 rH 1-1 1-1 2 < 1 is E.2 C>4C0rJti0«0l--XCJ©i-H.00CSOi-i(MT}<»0«0 1— * 1-H »-S ,-H 1— 1 1— 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx iece of 6-inch X 12-iii('h timber 72 feet long ? Ans. 3G feet. 15y the table G X 12= 2 ^^^ length , the contents; therefore J- X 72 = M) feet. 3. What number of cubic feet are there in a piece of timber 40 I'eet long, 22 inches X ^'1 inches ? Ans. 146§ feet. 4. Reqiiirei? the number of feet in a piece of timber 32 feet long, 5 incl'es X 1- inches? Ans. 13^ feet. Solution. — ^2 feet X tV =13^ feet = contents. 5. What number of cubic feet in the following pieces, namely, 6 pieces GO feet long 12 inches X IC inches, and 12 pieces 35 feet long and IG inches X 1^ inches? \ns. 15,840 feet. 6. What are the contents in cubic f " G pieces of 20 inches X '^4 inches and 35 feet long ? Ans. 1 1 1 § cubic feet. 7. What number of cubic feet in a piece of timber 28 inches X 30 inches and GO feet long? Ans. 350 cubic feet. Solution. — GO X ^ij =; 350 feet of cubic measm-e. 8. Required the contents in cubic feet of a piece of pine timber 30 inches X 32 inches and 30 feet in length ? Ans. 200 feet. 9. ITow many tons of timber (allowing 42 cubic feet to the ton) in a piece of timber 38 inches X 40 inches and 45 feet long? Ans. 11|^ tons. 10. What will be the cost of a piece of pine timber 18 inches X 20 inches and 30 feet in length @ 30 cents per cubic foot ? Ans. $22.50. ON LUMBER SUHVEYING. 51 nchcs ) feet. 40 = 2-iiK',li G i'eet. ileiitH ; ece of 6§ feet, fiber 32 3^ feet. pieces, , and 12 B40 feet, es of 20 il)ic feet. Imber 28 iil)ic feet. |e. of pine >00 feet. feet to and 45 14 tons. imber 18 tents per $22.50. Rule to reduce Feet of Board Measure to Cubic Feet. Divide the contents in snperficiul feet by 12, and it will give the number of cubic feet; or multiply the number of cubic I'eet by 12 and tlie product will be feet of board measure. In 1,200 feet of board measure how many cubic feet are there ? Ans. 100 cubic feet. Solution. — 1,200 -^ 12 = 100 cubic feet. llequired the number of feet of board measure in 100 feet of cubic measure ? Ans. 1,200 feet. 100 X 12 = 1,200 feet of board measure. Second Method of malcing out a Specification. 3-INCII SriiClFICATION BY THE SECOND METHOD. 1 2 "■ » t- QO O) o" Lengths, g § X X X X 05 X X X Contents. 14 2 3 4 6 8 4 6 15 4 2 1 4 2 8 4 16 2 4 2 1 3 2 4 17 « 1 1 3 2 18 8 4 6 1 3 2 4 19 2 1 2 3 2 4 6 20 3 2 1 4 2 1 3 21 6 4 8 2 1 3 2 22 1 5 4 3 2 1 1 23 2 1 10 4 1 2 1 24 6 4 3 2 25 4 2 8 6 4 26 3 2 1 2 8 27 6 5 1 3 2 28 8 2 4 6 29 3 5 2 1 6 4 1510 1864 2092 2140 1717 2563 3807 15,693 feet. ffir . 1 'W I i 52 SELF-INSTRUCTOR Second Hulefor Specifications. . Multiply the number of pieces or dots in each square of the specification by the length of one of the pieces ; and multiply the product thus found by ^ of the breadth of said pieces for the contents in board measure of 3-inch deals; by ^ of the breadth lor 4-inch ; by g^ of it for plank, etc. Example showing how to make out the Three-inch Speciji- cation hy Second Method. First Column 6 inches wide. Second Column 7 inches wide. 14 X 2 — 23 14 X 3 — 42 15 X 4 60 15 X ? — 30 16 X 2 — 32 16 X 4 — 64 17 X 6 — 102 18 X 4 — 72 18 X 8 144 19 X 1 — 19 19 X 2 — 38 20 X 2 — 40 20 X 3 — 60 21 X 4 84 21 X 6 = 126 22 X 5 — 110 22 X 1 22 23 X 1 = 23 23 X 2— 46 24 X 6 144 25 X 4 — 100 26 X 3 — 78 27 X 6 162 27 X 5 — 135 29 X 3 87 28 X 8 — 224 1,007 1,065 4 If 1,007 1,065 503 Conte 799 Contents, 1,510 feet. nts, 1,864 feet. 6 inches , the breadth, di- 7 inches, the breadth, di- vided by • ± is to li, and vided by 4 is to 1|, and U X 1,007 = 1,510, the If X 1,065: = 1,864 feet = contents. contents. English deal specifications are generally made out by the second method. Both rules will give the same results. ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 53 Specification of Philadelphia Deal Shingle. C 00 r-l . (N Lengths. 1 § 5 * X Contents. Iiengths. g § y Contents. eo 5 " M 14 40 1,680 28 14 1.176 16 35 1,680 30 8 720 18 30 1,620 32 4 384 20 11 660 34 4 408 22 9 594 36 7 756 24 21 1,512 38 14 1,596 26 6 468 40 14 1,680 Contents, 14.934 feet. Philadelphia Deal Shingle. a 00 Lengths, g g 5"^ l-H X 1 , Lengths. |§ 2" X eo H M 14 40 28 U 16 30 36 8 18 32 • ••• 30 4 20 34 • «•• 11 4 22 9 36 7 24 21 38 14 40 26 6 14 - _j irmjdMgMai^M^B 64 SELF-INSTRUCTOR IM I! The specification of Philadelphia deals is done the sanic as the 3-incli specification ; or multiply the running lengths by 3 for the contents in fi^et of board measure. Philadel- phia deal is generally 12 inches wide and even lengths, from 1 4 feet up, and tlie best quality of spruce lumber. English deals generally comprise all deals too short, or not good enough for Philadelphia or New York deals. Also short timber, battens, and plank, not suitable for other markets, go into the English deal pile. Deals that are knotty, cracked by the sun, or stained, or having wanes on them, and not poor enough for refuse, go to the English deal pile. New York deal must be the best quality of spruce, from 14 feet long up. Directions showing how to measure all hinds of Lumber by the Board Rule. Lay your rule across the board to be measured, at right angles to the further edge of the board, and let the outside edge of the board and further end of the rule be both even on that side, then observe the length of your board and turn your rule to the same length, then look on the line or column of that length, and you will find the contents marked on the rule just over the inside edge of the board. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. What are the contents of a 1^-inch board IG feet long and 12 inches wide? Ans. 20 feet. By the rule the contents given for 1-inch board is IG feet contents, to which add ^ of the contents, which will give the contents for 1^ -inch boards. 16-4-4=4; 16-|-4 = 20 feet contents. 2. What are the contents of a board 32 feet long and 12 mches wide ? Ans. 32 feet. As there is no 32 on my rule, I find the contents by the rule of a board, half the length to be IG feet; which being doubled, gives the contents required = 32 feet. 3. What are the contents of a 1^-itich board 20 feet long and 12 inches wide? Ans. 30 feet. e saniG engths liladel- s, from ^^nglish t good 3 short kets, go snicked md not , New 14 feet Lumber at right outside )th even md turn column 1 on the eet long 20 feet. 16 feet l^ill give + 4 = and 12 32 feet, by the ;h being Tfeet long 30 feet. ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 55 By the rule an inch board 20 feet long and 12 inches wide will contain 20 feet, to which add half of 20 for the contents of a l^-inch board. 20 -f- 2 = 10 ; 20 + 10 = 30 feet. 4. Required the contents of a plank 24 feet long 2 inches X 12 inches? Ans. 48 feet. By the board rule, in a board 24 feet long 12 inches wide and 1 inch thick there are 24 feet, and as plank is 2 inches thick, therefore twice the contents of the face of it will be equal to the true contents, 24 X 2 = 48 feet. Rule for any Dimension. Multiply the number of feet in the face of the piece to be measured, by the thickness in inches, and it will give the contents in feet of board measure. Rule for measuring Logs or Round Timber. Multiply the length, taken in feet, by the square of one fourth of the mean girth, taken in inches, and this product divided by 1 44 will give the contents in cubic feet. Note. — The girth of tapering timber is usually taken about one third the distance from the larger to the smaller end. The rule is that in common use, though very far from giving the actual number of cubic feet ; 40 cubic feet as given by the rule are in fact r:= oO^^q true cubic feet. EXAMPLE. 1. How many cubic feet in a stick of timber which is 40 feet long, and whose girth is GO inches ? Ans. 62^ feet. GO -f- 4 = 15 inches rr= l of girth ; 15 X !•'> = 225 ~ square of quarter of the girth ; 225 X 'iO feet = 'J,000 ; 9,000 -f- 144= G2^ cubic feet. 2. How many cubic feet in a piece of timber 21 feet long, and whose girth is 36 inches ? 3. What are the contents of a log 100 feet long, and whose tiirth is 150 inches? ''!:f=« I -l 56 SELF-INSTRUCTOR To jind the largest Square Piece of Timber that may he sawed from a Round Stick of Timber, having the Diam- eter or Circumference of the Small End given. Ride 1. — Multiply the given diameter by .707106, or, multiply the given circumference by .225079. Or, as the diameter of a circle is equal to the diagonal of the inscribed square — Rule 2. — Square the diameter and take half the sum of the i^quare, I and extract the square root of it, ui.d the root thus found will be the side of the inscribed square. EXAMPLE. 1. I have a piece of timber 30 inches in diameter ; how large a square stick can be hewn from it. By the last rule 30 squared = 30 X 30 = 900 ; 900-7-2 = 450; ^5!^ == 21.21 -{-inches square. 2. How large a square stick may be hewn from a piece of round timber 120 inches in circumference? 3. How large a square stick may be sawn from a piece of round timber 60 inches in diameter ? Having the Side of a Square Stick given^to find the Diam- eter of the Tree from which it was sawn. Rule. — Square the side and double it, and out of the product extract the square root. What must be the diameter of a tree that when hewn shall be 18 inches square? Ans. 25.44 inches. Table. 12 lines = 1 inch. 12 inches = 1 foot. 3 feet = 1 yard. Inches multiplied by inches produce Parts marked thus '. Parts by parts give fourths, marked thus ''". ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 57 Inches are marked '. 144 square inches make 1 square foot. 9 square feet :^ 1 square yard. 1,728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot. 50 cubic feet = 1 load. 40 cubic feet= 1 ton of timber. 1 6 cubic feet = 1 cord foot. 8 cord feet, or 1 28 cubic feet = 1 cord of wood. 1,980 feet superficial = 1 St. Petersburg standard of deals. Form of a Bill of Lading of Timber, Shingle No. 8, etc., etc. Shipped, in good order and condition, by Edmond B. Sanderson & Co., on board the good ship " Southern," whereof James Brown is master for this present voyage, now lying in the port of New York, U. S., and bound lor Liverpool, Englp'id. To say: — 47,928 ft. INIer. spi-uce, all under deck, 100 M spruce laths, all mider deck, 80 M ft. Mer. pine, all on deck, being marked and numbered as in the margin ; and are to be delivered, in like good order and condition, at the afore- said port of Liverpool (the danger of the seas and fire always excepted), unto David Belt &, Sons, or to assigns, he or they paying freight for the said timber at the rate of ten dollars per M feet, and one dollar per M for laths, with- out primage and average accustomed. In witness whereof the master of the said vessel hath affirmed to three bills of lading, all of this tenor and date ; one of which being accomplished, the others to stand void. James Brown. Dated at New YonK, U. S., May the 3d, A, D. 1870. inn 58 SELF-INSTRUCTOR Bill of Lading. il ! SiiiprKD, in good order and condition, by T. Pandul & Co., on board the good schooner culled the " Northern Dawn," whereof Daniel K. Bloomer is master for this present voyage, now lying in the port of Bangor, Me., and bound for New York. To say : — S2 'o V u c s <3i G O 6 'H s > o x> cS a> e o 12 "5 Ph 1 1 M feet hemlock lumber, all vnider deck, 75 M feet spruce lumber, all on deck, 120 M laths, all on deck, being marked and numbered as in the margin ; and are to be delivered, in like good order and condition, at the aforesaid port of New York (the danger of the seas and fire only excepted), unto Messrs. Den- ton and Beeters, or to assigns, he or they paying freight for the said lumber at the rate of four dol- lars per M feet, and sixty cents per M for laths, without primage and average accustomed. In ivitness whereof, the master of the said vessel hath affirmed to three bills of lading, all of this tenor and date ; one of which being accomplished, the others to stand void. Daniel E. Bloomer. Dated at Bangor, Me., June, the 3d, 18G9. Surveyor's Bill for Services rendered. Bangor, Me., June the 2d, 1809. Messrs. DuNTON & Boomer, To Daniel E. Siiaw, surveyor. Dr. For surveying 250 M ft. of spruce lumber to schooner " Juno," @ 25c. per M $62.50 ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 59 Survey Bill of Lumber, etc. Surveyed from James E. Dnj Lignum Vitaj . . . 46.87 47.50 49.56 50.00 54.50 57.00 57.06 51.87 73.12 83.18 83.31 Ride for finding the Weight of any hind of Timber. Multiply the number of cubic feet it contains by the weight of one cubic foot of said timber. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the weight of a piece of harkmn'ack timber 8 inches X 1 2 inches, and 30 feet long ? By the table given of cubi or • --hes X ^2 inches is | of the length, for t' re 30 -j- | = 20 feet, contents. By the table of weight"^ k able fo . of hackmatack is = to 34 lbs., therefore 34 X ^^= 1.' 20 lbs. avoirdupois. ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 65 46.87 47.50 49.56 50.00 54.50 57.00 57.06 51.87 73.12 83.18 «3.31 X 12 50 2 3 2. What is the weij;ht of a piece of Canadian oak 12 inelics X 12 inches, and IK) feet long? Ans. l,G.'jr).()0 Ih.s. 3. What is the weight of a piece of Frencli hoxwooil 10 indies X 12 inches, and 24 feet in length? IJy the tahle of cnhic measure, 10 inches X 12 inches is 5 of the length, for the contents in cubic feet ; therefore 24 -^ 5 = 20 feet, contents; 20 X ^7 = 1,140 lb.s. = weight required. P. S. — The weiglit of any substance may be found as above, by finding the weight of 1 cubic f'X)t and multiplying said weight by the contents. TONNAGE OF VP:SSELS. Government Rule. English. For vessels aground, the length is to be measured on a straight line along the rabbet of the keel, from a ])erpendicu- lar, let full from the back of the main-post, at the height of the wing-transom, to a ])erpendicular at the height of the upper deck (but the middle deck of three-decked ships), from the forepart of the stern ; then from the length between these perpendiculars subtract three fifths of the extreme breadth for the rake of the stern; and 2}, inches for everv foot of the height of the wing-transom above the lower part of the rabbet of the keel, for the rake abaft ; and the re- mainder will be the length of the keel for tonnnge. The main breadth is to be taken from the outside of the outside plank, in the broadest part of the ship either above or be- low the wales, deducting therefrom all that it exceeds the thickness of the plank of the bottom, which shall be ac- counted the main breadth ; so that the moulding breadth, or the breadth of the frame, Avill then be less than the main breadth, so found, by double the thickness of the plank of the bottom. Rule. — Then multiply the length of the keel for tonnage, by the main breadth, so taken, and the product by half the i '\ 66 SELF-INSTRUCTOR breadth ; then divide the whole by 94, and the quot'ient will be the tonnage. In cutters and brigs, where the rake of the stern-post ex- ceeds 2?, inches to every foot in height, the actual rake is generally subtracted instead of the 2}j inches to every foot, as before mentioned. 1. Sujjpose the length from the fore-part of the stern, at the height of the upper deck, to the after-part of the stern- post, at the height of the wing-transom to be 115 feet 8 inches^ the breadth from outside to outside 40 feet G inches, and the height of the wing-transom 21 feet 10 inches, what is the tonnage? Ans. 1,094. ft. in. 40 breadth 3 40 3X3= 120.9 ; 120.9 ^ 5 = ?A.l5. 21.10 height of wing-transom 21.10 X 2^ = 04^7^ ; 54/^ -J- 12 = 4.55 ; 4.55 + 24.15 = 28.70 ; 155.66 — 28.70 = 1 2 6.SG= length. i2Gjjoxjo.p2o.i25 ^ 1^094, the tonnage required. 2. If the length of the keel be 120 feet, and the breadth 40 feet, what is the tonnage? A7is. 1,02 l-j^ tons. Solution. — 120 X 40 = 4,800 ; 4,800 X 20 = 96,000 ; 96,000 -f- 94 = 1,021 if tons. 3. If the length of the keel be 80 feet, and the breadth of the beam 36 feet, wliat is the tonnage ? Ans, 55;|5. 4. If the length of the keel be 460 feet, and the breadth of the beam 80 feet, what is the tonnage. Ans. 15,659 tons. Some divide the last product by 100, to find the ton- nage of king's ships, and by 95, to find that of merchant ships. Anncrican Government Rule. For single-decked i-essels. — Take the lengtli on deck from the forward side of the main stern to the after-side of the stern-post, and the breadth at the broadest part above the mt will )OSt rx- rake is iry foot, item, at e stern- > feet 8 1 inches, what is s. 1,094. 28.70 = breadth [-\^ tons. 9G,000 ; breadth breadth G59 tons, the ton- merchant ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 67 ook from do of the bovc the main wales ; take the depth from the under side of the deck phuik to the ceiling of the hokl, and deduct from the length tln-ee fifths of the breadth ; multiply the remainder by the breadth, and the product by tlie depth, and divide the last product by 95. For doiihle-deched vessels. — Proceed as with single-decked vessels, except for the depth take half the breadth. GAUGING. Gau";inij sitriu'fies the art of measurin"; all kinds of vessels and determining tlieir capacity or the quantity of fluid or other matter tliey contain. It is usual to divide casks into four varieties, wliich are judged of from the greater or less apparent curvature of their sides, namely : — 1. Tlie middle frustum of a spheroid. 2. Tlie middle frustum of a parabolic spindle. 3. The two equal frustums of a paraboloid. 4. The two equal frustums of a cone. 282 cubic inches make 1 ale gallon, or beer. 231 cubic inches make 1 wine gallon. 21,504 cubic mches make 1 malt bushel. To Jind the contents of a Cask by the Mean Diameter. Rule. — IMultiply the difference of the head and bung di- ameters by .G8 for the first variety ; by .02 for tlie second ; by .55 for the third ; and by .5 for the fourth, when the dif- ference between the head and bung dinmeter is less than G inches ; but when the difference between these exceeds 6 inches, multiply that difference by .7 for the first variety ; by .G4 for the second; by .57 for the third; and by .52 for the fourth. Add this product to the head diameter, and the sum will be a mean diameter. Square this mean diameter, and multiply the square by the length of the cask ; this product multiplied or divided by the proper multiplier or divisor, will give the contents. 1. What are the contents of a spheroidal cask, whose I 68 SELF-INSTRUCTOR length is 40 inches, bung diameter 32 inches, and head di- ameter 24 inches ? Ans. 97. G gallons. Solution.- 32 — 24 = 8 ; 8 X 7 = 5.6 ; 5.0 -|- 24 == 29.0 = mean diameter; 29.0 X 29.0= 870.10 = square ; 870.10 X 40 = 35040.40, which being divided by 359.5, the divisor for imperial gallons, will he equal to 97. G gallons. By the gauging rule — Set 40 on C. to the G. R. 18.79 on D. against " 24 on D. stands 04.99 on C. 32 on D. stands 110.2 on C. + 110.2 3)297.39 99.13 gallons. Dr. Iluttori's General Rule for fndiny the Contents of Casls. Add into one sum 39 times the square of the bung diame- ter, 25 times the square of the head diameter, and 20 times the product of the two diameters ; then multiply the sum by the length, and the product again by. 00031^ for the con- tents in gallons. . , EXAMPLE. 1. Whitt are the contents of a cask whose length is 40 inches, and the bung and head diameters 32 and 24 ? Ans. 93.4579 gallons. 32 X 32 = 1024 ; 1024 X 39 = 39936 24 X 24 = 570 ; 570 X 25 = 14400 32X24=708; 708X20 = 19908 74tJU4X 40 = 2972100 .00031$ 93.4579 .^ Paging is the art of finding what quantity of liquor is contained in a cask when partly empty. And it is consid- ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 69 ead (li- gullons. = 29.0 87G.1G divisor f Cash. r diame- ^6 times sum by the cou- th is 40 V gallons. 9721 GO .00031* 3.4579 liquor is is consid- ered in two positions ; first, as standing on its end ; secondly, lying on its side. To Jiiul the Contents of Ullage by the Sliding Rule. By one of the preceding problems find the whole con- tents of the cask. Then set the length on N. to 100 on S. S. for a segment standing, or set the bung diameter on N. to 100 on S. L. for a segment lying; then against the wet inciies on N. is a number on S. S. or S. L. to be reserved. Next set 100 on B. to tiie reserved number on A. ; then against the whole contents on B. will be found the ullage on A. QUESTIONS FOR EXERCISE. 1. What are the contents of 20 pieces of timber 8 inches X 12 inches, and 36 feet long in cubic feet, and also in su- perficial feet ? 2. What number of cubic feet in a log whose quarter girt is 17|- irshes and length 18 feet ? 3. What are the contents of 24 logs 16 feet louff whose quarter girt is 27 inches ? 4. Required the tonnage of a ship by the English and American rules, the length of the keel beini; 125 feet and the breadth of the beam 42 feet ? 5. What is the weiglit of a })iece of hackmatack timber 8 inches X 10 inches and 28 feet in lenf>-th ? 6. Required the number of tons in 16 pieces of timber 24 feet long and 12 inches X 16 inches? 7. In 2,500 feet running lengtii of 2 inches X 10 inches, how many feet of board measure ? 8. In 300 feet ruiming length of 10 hich X 12 inch tim- ber, how many tons ? 9. Wliat are the contents of a cask of the first variety in ■wine and ale gallons, whose length is 50 inches, bung diam- eter 38 inches, and head diameter 30 inches ? 10. If a log be 35 indies in diameter, what is the larsfest piece of square timber that can be sawed from it ? i 70 SELF-INSTRUCTOR 11. What difference is there between a floor 28 feet long X 20 feet broad, and two others, each of half the dimen- sions ; and what do the three floors come to @ S9.00 per 100 square feet ? Ans. $75.'60. 12. An elm plank is 14 feet 3 inches long, and it is de- sired that just a square yard may be slit ofl'from it; at what distance from the edge must the line be struck ? Ans. 7^^^^ inches. 13. A joist is 7 inches wide and 2^ inches thick, but a scantling just as big again, that shall be 3 niches thick, is wanted ; what will. the other dimension be? Ans. 11§ inches. 14. Tlie perambulator is so contrived as to tin-n just twice in IG^ feet; required the diameter? Ans. 2.G2G feet. 15. In turning a chaise witlun a ring of a certain diameter, it was observed that the outer wheel made two revolutions while the inner made but one ; the wheels were both 4 feet high, and supposing them fixed at the distance of 5 feet asunder on the axletree, wliat was the circumference of the track described by the outside wheel ? Ans. G3 feet nearly. IG. Having a rectangular board 58 inches by 27 inches, I would have a square foot cut off parallel to the shorter edge ; I would then have the same quantity cut from the remainder, parallel to the longer, and this alternately re- peated, till there shall not be the quantity of a foot left ; what will be the dimensions of the remaining piece ? A?is. 20.7 inches by 6.086. 17. What is the lenj»th of a chord which cuts off ^ of the area of a circle, whose diameter is 289 ? Ans. 278.G716. 18. What Avill the diameter of a globe be, when the solid- ity an ! superficial contents are expressed by the same num- ber ? Ans. 6. 19. A gentleman has a garden 100 feet long and 80 feet . broad, and a gravel walk is to be made of an equal width half round it ; what must be the breadth of the walk to take up just half the ground? Ans 25.9G8 feet. ON LU i3ER SURVEYING. n ,' 6.086. Ans. 20. How many 3-inch cubes may be cut out of a 1 2-inch cube? Alls. 64:. 21. How high above the earth must a person be raised that he may see one third of its surface ? Ans. To the lieight of the earth's diameter. 22. How many feet of boards would cover tlie surface of the earth, its diameter being 7,958 miles ; and how many solid feet in it ? ' f 5,546,407,680,000,000. No. of feet of boards to cover it. 37,416,291,092,323,844,085,000. No. of cubic feet in the earth. 23. If the diameter of a circle be 50 feet, what is the circumference of it ? 24. Two pillars standing on a horizontal plane are 120 feet asunder; the height of the higher is 100 feet, and tliat of the lower 80 ; whereabout in tiie plane must a person place himself, so that his distance from tlie top of eitlier of the piliars shall be equal to the distance between them ? Ans. 91.78 feet from the bottom of the lower, 69.92 feet from the bottom of the other. 25. Three ships are equally distant from an island, the first shin is 30 miles from tlie second, the second is 25 miles from the third, and the third is 20 miles from the first ; re- quired the distance to the isle ? An.',. 15.118579 miles from each. 26. Prove that the elevation of the North or Polar star above the horizon is equal to the latitude of the place where its altitude is taken. 27. I have a board in the form of a triangle ; the length of one of its sides is 16 feet. I wish to sell one half of it; at what distance from the larger end must it be divided par- allel to the larger end. Ans. 4.68 feet. 28. In 2,500 feet running lengths of 7 inches X ^ inches, how many feet running lengths of 2^ inches X 1 1 ? 72 SELF-INSTRUCTOR IS s I. s r- i.'S «<5 — o to Ift O) o X to 'f Ol A X to -t Cl OS r- Ift CO . OS r>. OJ Tf in o 1- 00 f>H l-M !M CO t :2 in 1- X X 1-^ OS 1-^ o Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl (M CO Cl s ■?) C5 1^ "^ . CO Ift C"! C5 l~ 1" )— < X Ift CI OS r-« •t _ X 1ft Cl ^1^ to t «:"» Ci -r t in o 1 !>• 1- 00 O C5 X 1— Ol Ol t -t in - 1- X — CS ci ci f-H O t~ -t c „ -t -1^ -t _ X -t" _ X -t _ X »n _, X ,^ Cl X 1'* 01 C3 -t ■»*< in to ts !>. 00 00 OS o Ol 01 CO t -♦• in 1-^ to 1- X X ^ ci l-H QO 'f C 1- ^'^ o to Ol C5 in 1- X ■^ )-^ 1^ CO O to CI OS 1ft Cl X -t ,^ CO c^ -f in in to l' I- 00 00 w* - - ^- 01 CI CO 't 'f 1ft in to !>. I- X OS ^^ O -71 CO -t o to 'TJ ao 'f o to CI X 't 03 to CI X -f ^ .« Cl X -f O «- 00 CO Tt T^ m to to »- I- 30 OS OS o ^—t CI CI ;: CO in in 1-^ to ■o X o f-H c? C5 m o tC! 'M (^ CO OS -f o to Ol ,, CO OS -t /* .- — < 1- ^ X -(. o -«H 00 cc cc -J" in ^. to to I- I- 00 CS CS ■^ ^ 1-^ »— < Cl c; - -f -i- in 1-^ 1ft to 1- o S3 o a — 1- (M t-- CO X CO Ci -t OS 1ft o 1ft _ .A _ r^ Cl ,, *-* X ^^ ,« -+ 05 -^T 00 eo eo t -t- in m (O to t- I^ X OS CS f-H — ^-« ^ -:'l 01 ,1; .1: t •t »n Ift ;=! 1— ( a "* O -(< O 1ft o 1ft O 1ft o Ift o Ift o 1ft 3 I^J ^ Ift o m C^ Ift o Ift o u l-- M « ■* -i* in ift to to 1- I- X X CS OS — o — — ^^1 Cl CT t •T* in OS U ■" CO (M t- ^I to 1-^ to o Ift c -f OS "t X CO X CI t^ Cl 1^ _< o ^— ^ Ift o 1^ -ri « ro t f in 1ft to to I-. X X OS OS O — « r.M Cl CO • -r .TS 2 1-^ f— 1 p-H f-H ^— »— t l-H ^H l-H a •^ C 'I* C5 c^ cc Ol to , in OS •f X Ol t-- . ..» ^— ^ -f CS CO r-. Cl • ^ .^ I- •■' l- l- X X OS ^ o o - = Cl l-H Cl CO 05 -t GO -M O -^ -t X CO 1- »-^ l-t OS «. t>. , Ift CS /-^ t^ Cl to O -t X Cl I- (M CM CO CC> -f Tf "t 1ft 1ft to v*.- to »- l- X X X CS CS 1—^ --r t— * i-H ^< Cl OS T-l -J O -f CTj ^■^ Ift c c^ t^ ^ -+ X 01 to OS r^ t^ ^ Jft X Cl .« ^ t « (?l oi CO r? CO -t -)- ■* 1ft 1ft to to t>. l- X X OS CS OS r-H - - l-H X -IT X ^ -). cc — 1ft 00 (M Ift cr. Ol to OS 00 t- n 'f t- ^ -+ X „ 1ft X Cl 1ft to !?» C^ (M CO c; CO •* -* •* m Ift Ift to to 1^ l^ t» X X X OS OS o ■— \ f-H l-H en (M « » iri CO CO CO -* -r ■* .ft 1ft in to to to t- l~ l^ X X X OS CS cs 00 00 — -f t^ o CO to Ci Cl Ift X l-m -t 1^ ^ ~< .-. O) Cl 1ft X p^ -f t- o CO — (M Ct 171 CO CO CO CO -f "t -»< in in in to to o to t- t- I- X X X CS I- bio •» a o 01 >^ to r- 00 OS o fM (M eo ■* Ift to t^ X OS o 1-^ Cl F^ "f 1ft to h. X OS o 9> 4^ rH l-H p-l r-( l-H F-N l-H r-( F-* »— 4 CI C4 CJ C< (N CI 5^ si " 1 _ s <^ t- .2 0) a o u » S3 » I ON LUMBER SURVEYING. 73 a •■3 a o -IJ a a a — I » §• 05 OJ "5^ 0*3 si ^ ^ a w a 00 I t- a a o u a 3) 3 B S c3 .Si, c:5 |iO •M O r>. m CI O r^ in Ol O X in CO o X in CO 3 X m CO 3 X m 1-1 "" ?l -t m 1 ^ C5 Ol t to X 1— I c^ l.*^ to X 01 C^' in I- c* ■Z- Ol CO •"" •"* ^* •■^ ^— 01 01 Ol Ol Ol Ol CO •• CO CO CO -t t -t "t t t *r; in _ X m rt — ' VO CO 5 to CO O 1- •»*< „. X m Ol o» to CO 3 to CO 3 1- •»»< r^ ^ « in •^ X o Ol CO m 1- X Ol CO in 1- X Ol -t in 1- C5 3 00 ■^ p-N ^^ (M IN Ol Ol Ol 01 CO CO CO CO eo CO 'T ■"I' ■* ■* t T O rt 1 '^ -t — — »-*» ~ i.'^ Ol X t ^^ I, ^v.» ^ to Ol c. m Ol X •t _ 1 . CO 3 ^ JS JT T W 1- c~. (-« Ol -f to l~ Ci >»« Ol -t in I'. Ci 3 Ol -t in 1- c rl '" ^^ ^" •— '^ Ol Ol Ol Ol 01 Ol ^^ CO CO « ■' CO CO T T t t ■* t ^ -t — O MM 1- CO Oi -1" c to Ol 1^ CO CTJ in — to Ol Xj t S5 in ,« 1- Ol W — ^^ Tl -f if: 1- X o Ol CO in to X cv IM CO -f to 1^ c. o Ol t •n I'. l-M l-H ■"* fH <— I T 1- _ 01 -r in _ rH " — ■ ■"^ '"" »— . ^— Ol Ol Ol 01 Ol Ol CO -• -• •• • » •• -r T -r ■f 1—1 _ 1 ^ ri 1- .« -O o »n -; t C5 t Xj c^ X Ol 1- ^a to ^m in 3 in o -t 00 c ^M CO 'f to O CO -f to t- SM 3 Ol CO in to X CJ 3 Ol CO to 1-4 1— < P«H P-* pi 1— < f-- ^^ Ol 01 Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol CO CO CO CO CO CO eo t t t -c X •M o 3 "t Oi C^ 1^ _ in c. «^ 1- .M in o I* X Ol to — -t X Ol CO X 5^ «— « ri -r in X o* 1— 1 Ol c^ in to X Cl Ol CO •^ X Cl Ol to 1-4 ^" •"* .— — ■ Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol ;. X Ci -M Ol c^ in to 1^ OJ 3 to 1—^ p-^ 1-4 r— 4 Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol CO CO CO CO CO CO CO •^ I-l ■?- 1 SO ,^ ■^' t^ ^ CO tC -. Ol in X « •t r- o CO to t-. Ol m X ^, •t i>. 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CO J^ I- o m -tl-COtOCTiCOOiCO !■» — . 1- Oi eo 71 1- CO X CO S5 -t C O -H O — •^ oi O 71 CO in o X o CO -t to — ^ — — — . — 71 71 71 71 71 i 51 o o CO 71 l^ 71 O -H CO I- -t — — to — to 1^ OS 00 m m o O 71 71 71 71 C5 in oi CO f 71 71 O 71 to 71 t-; a> — I 71 -r X 71 in !0 X u 5 5 O CO «0 O CO o c. i-o o CO to o CO '-o o c: xoo. -t — r- tO X — -f to O 71 -f 1- X c — 71 CO >n to ^ 71 71 CO CO CO eo c -t 71 -t -O X O 71 -T to 1^ X cs o 71 CO -t in to o SI — — 71 in o to z X o r- 74 to to to r: I- X Tf X 71 CO 71 71 eo to CO o r^ 71 71 71 X -f 71 in c. 71 O X 71 CO to in c; VI co_ «>. 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X O o o 71 CO -t < .-- 1— 1 r-< ^M ^^ f— « ^^ 71 71 71 71 71 \ CI •+ c: •* in ri CI CI MM E B v S (3 Hoio to use the Log or Timber Rule, If tlic timber i.s taI)erin^^ the girt should be taken nbout one third the di.stsince from the hirger to the .sinalU'r end. Some take the <,nrt in the middle. Girt the lof; to be meas- ured, and take the quarter of it, and measure the leniTOTOP3>»oci-'«jgojjjijsj5'rsc"ieo<-'0»oo 1 0> i-if-ii-iW ti C 0^r„^NW«MW^I-^;2;;cjju^g^§J^f^«^rHgj a» i-li— rl W ^ u f-H r1 r^ W ffl . t W C.J » * 4^ I - ^ ttl i-i i-J i-i CO o u o^^^^c^c^„WP3i-oc5»^«j;=jC5ggg^3« (6 i-lp« C-1 .J PS t as .-• i5 rl <& r-lr-OS CO u O rl rl r-i rH s>l IM e>l M W » Si I-I iC X' -» •»< I - C 51 .JS CO X -^O r-i ri r— S-J 1- 1 M W i-S JO r-i ^ S rH «» f-<-HM 1^ u Or-lr-»rtr-}»ooo»-cox3C|-<;3;;i:woju5MW tf! 1-lrHlM kft c O w rir-i rl rl CI M e-l fl «0 I- O Cl i.T I- w 1^1 •■", 35 «*> J; W 1 - rl i-i r1 rH Ssl I-I j^ -v I- _i pj tH 1— ( m rHN T-i f— r-^ 1— t I-I *M V ■*- C5 •— ' CO i-3 lO l~ w5 00 "^ O I— 1 rH rl rH I— I i-H ri e-l CCifS I— 00 C' M CJ lO "~ M 3> '""-1 -f OOOT-li-lr-(i-lf-trH rH 10 Ttl -O I- CS O (M WO O -t< 35 -^ 00 r-lrHfHi-6 !C eo OOOl-lI-^^Hrtr-I^H^HC^lC0WWl-a0^5O~•I-^l'^— "Tio' rH 1-1 i-l CO ■^ lO M ©OOOOr < (M CO T»( i-i 'J i~ 00 05 c- ri r-> o en en I— S-1 C^ "I* "^ 05 ooooo©l^^Hr-(rHc^ei^eo■«Jieococot-©eo'rco rH rH ■— CO ©©©©©©©©©©OOr < iN CO U5 t- 00 '-0 «© ilMC0'*l««0l--00C5O©OOOOC'OO©.^.-.— > -^o r-ie-ie0'*< OS 1 ^1 S«Si«:iggS55S25^S?S5$a§§5«§S' CI ^1 SSISSSSfl^SS^^^SSrSiiSiSHSEg 1-1 '-"-' e-J CO «i •»»• -t- 1.-: -^ i}\ ir -»< r-' o 6 w 1— 1— i-< 1-i « Tj; ;r t^ lO d f-H c^i cc *4* »c o 1 ^ ^^^„^C0C0^^U5OOg,.^gj55i^Cgg5g3 rH ** 1-i r-i W e>i US 8 " 1-1 r- ci r»i gi 6 i-<' .-i W -ji ?{ I-i 1-i w 'ji ^1 6 OS I-I rH e-i Tji 1 T-i 1-H C^i -^ 1 ?! 6 I— 1 ?-i T-H CO rHMC0'tiiO»l-0OO5 1— i CN CO ^ lO ce c -a 9i a ° 4) c i: 3 ■>-' c ~ £ U, ^ i! ^ u c a w a) c 00 :5:l *- 1— T (^ s 2 ?l c »-1 1 II ♦J 3> 50 « 0) 4> ■*- >. 1 ,^ CJ ■""^ u _2 _c t c J^ ^^ ? = Ki< 4irf J3 ^ ■4-< 00 »,£ W (/> ^ ^ a II c a •'M >t 00 =^ 2 (A X 5* »-M (^ 1-H 1- « s «/> t '^ "^ s" ft 2 d 1— ( cr II •2 d m u tfi §^.> 2 0^ ■!• •2 tC ■" ^C ^ •-0 e .E , a - r3 . « ^ ^t: ■w ji- Ul "ij C; OJ 'S s S3 .d CA -—1 Second Example at & per cent. — Required, the interest of $50 for 3 years, 2 months, and 10 days. Interest on S50 for .? years = $9.00 Interest on S50 for 2 mos. r= 50 Interest on $50 for 10 days = 8 Ans. $!).C8 EM ; m WANTED. Agents to sell this Book, throughout the United States, the Dominion of Canada, California, and Oregon. Exchi- sive territory given. Good inducements to agents. The book will be sent to any address, free of postage, on receipt of Two Dollars. Send orders, or by express. Address CHARLES KINSLEY, Calais, Ale., or St. Stephen, N. B. NOTE. All Lumber Manufacturers, Lumber Dealers, Millmen, Carpenters, Carriage jVIakers, Shipbuilders, Cabinet Mak- et-s, Ship Brokers, Ship Carpenters, Riilroad Conductors, Engineers, Machinists, Freight Agents, Teachers, Students, Architects, Merchants, Accountants, and others, will find it to their advantage to procure a copy of this book, as the knovdedge it imparts may save them in a few years' prac- tice hundreds of dollars. The book contains twelve new rules for finding the superficial contents of lumber, which do the same work as one hundred and fifty of the rules generally used. CHARLES KINSLEY. states, Exclu- The Gceipt ress. f , LB. llmen, ; Mak- uctors, idents, 11 find as the i' prac- 'e new which i rules EY.