^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // {./ k m 4. ^ M-> ^ A ^r /^ 10 ■- I.I 1.25 "^1121 125 1.4 ;.6 ^ <^ ^5 vj /2 A #: r*."^ signifia "A SUIVRE ', la symbola V signifia "FIN". Mapa. plataa. charts, ate., may ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratioa. Thoaa too larga to ba antiraly inciudad in ona axpoauro ara filmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand comar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raquirad. Tha following diagrama illuatrata tha mathod: Laa cartas, planchaa, tableaux, ate, pauvant Atro film^a A daa taux da rMuction diffirents. Lorsquo la document aat trop grand pour itre raproduit an un saul clichi, il aat fllmA i partir da I'angla supariaur gauche, de gauche i droite. et do haut en baa. an pranant le nombre d'imagaa nicaaaaira. ilea diagrammes suivants illuatrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ': TtL Legisl EXTRACT from the Journals of the Legislative Council, in the years 1819, 1820, 1821, and 1822. % f IT IS ORDERED, L HAT on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in every week, the Library of the Legislative Council be open to Ihe Governor and the Lieutenant Governor, to the Members of the Legislative Council, of the Executive Council, and of the House of Assembly, and the Officers of the two Houses for the time being; to His Majesty's Judges, to the Clerk of the Executive Council, and to the Law Officers of the Crown. And that no person having such access shall be permitted to carry any Book or Books out of the building, except the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person Administering the Govern- ment ; and that for all books which shall be delivered to His Excellency, a receipt shall bo given. A (") Legislative Council, Monday, Sth March, 1824. Resolved, — That the Members of the Legis- lative Council be permitted, during the Recess of the Provincial Legislature, to take from the Library of this House, one or two volumes of Books at the same time, and to keep the same during fourteen days, on giving the Librarian a receipt for the same. Resolved, — That no Member shall lend a book belonging to the Library, or shall keep a book for a longer time than is prescribed by the rule of this House. 1824. e Legis- i Recess 'om the umes of lie same ibrarian CATALOGUE OF ENGLISH BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY lend a I keep a i by the OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Quebec, 1st January, 1830. ■i ACCOUNT of the Poor Colonies in Holland, Acts of Parliament, Aikin's Annals of Geo. 111. Aiiisworth's Latin and English Dictionary, Annual Register, till 1828, Anstruther's Reports in the Court of Exchequer, Vols. 1 31 2 1 70 3 Where Deposited. Library. Speaker's room. Library. do. do. do. A 2 (2) (3) Vols. bacon's Abridgement, 7 ' Works, 10 ' Novum Organon, (bro- chures), 2 Barnewall and Aldcrson's Reports, 5 Barnewall and Cresswell's do. 7 Barrlngton on the Statutes, J Bayle's General Dictionary, folio, 10 Bayley's Dictionary, 2 Beatson's Political Index, 3 Beckmann on Inventions, 4 Bigland on Nations, I Bissett's History of the Reign of Geo. III. 6 Blackstone's Commentaries, 4 Bouchette's Topographical Histo- ry of Canada, 1 Boyer's Dictionary, 1 Brougham's Colonial Policv, 2 Burke's Works, ' 16 Burnet, History of his own times, 4 Burn's Justice, 5 Ecclesiastical Laws, 4 Burrow's Reports, 5 Where Dejiosited. Librarv. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Com. room. Library, do. Com. room. Library. do. do. do. do. do. do. Com. room. Librarv. (4) CAM Chali Chan Chitt Cobb Colle Coloi Colq' Com; Conv Cons Corn Crai, Cuvi ( M CAMPBELL'S Reports, V' Chahner's Opinions^ 2 PoliticalAnnals (2copies) 2 Civic Economy, (tloiib)e) 3 Treaties, 2 Estimates, 1 Chambaiurs French and English Dictionaries, (2 copies) 4 Chitty on the Crown Prerogative, 1 Criminal Laws, 4 ■ Commercial Laws, 4 Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, ^H History, 30 Ditto,* 34 Collection of the Parliamentary Debates in England, fron; 1668 to 1744, Colonial Policy of Great Britain, Colqnhoun on Wealth, on the Police of Londo ' on Indigence, on Parochial Education, 24 1 1 1 1 I 8 Comyn's Digest, Conversations onPolitical Economy, 1 on Mineralogy, Constitution of the United iStates of America, Cornish on the Fisheries, Craig's Political Science, Cuvier's Theory, 1 1 3 1 Where Deposited. Library. do. ^ do. Com. room. do. Library. do. do. do. do. do. do. Speaker's room. Library. « do. do. do. do. do. Com. room. Library. Com. room. Library. Com. room. Library. Com. room. (<5) i I 7 ) n i "1 DALUYMPLE's Annals of Groat Britain^ Daniel I's Reports, Davy's Agricultural Chemistry, Debates of the House of Lords, of ditto, ditto, of theHouse of Commons, 14 of ditto, ditto. Debrett's Peerage, Dewes's Journal of Parliament, Dickenson's Justice of the Peace, Dictionary of Universal Histo y. Chemistry, &c. Dvu'nford and East's Reports, 'oh. TVhere Depoiited. 2 Library. 1 do. 1 do. 8 do. 8 Com. room. 14 do. J4 Library. 2 Com. room. ] Library, 3 do. 3 do. 8 do. i (8) EASl Edinb Eiicy( Ellis'! Elsyn Euno Evan' Extra i ( 9) EAST'S Reports, Edinburgh Review, till 1828, — Magazine, do. Encyclopaedia Britannica, ji (supplement,) I Metropolitana, in 26 parts, Ellis's Precedents, Elsynge's Parliament, EunomuSj by E. Wynne, Evan's Parliamentary Reports, Extract from the Journals of the a Legislative Council of I Lower Canada. Vols. 16 17 25 6 1 1 2 2 Where Deposited. Library. Com. room, do. Library. Com. room. Library, do. do. do. do. I ( 10) FACUJ Foster' Fox's 1 Frankl ( 11 ) FACULTY Decisions, Foster's Crown Law, Fox's History of James IL Franklin's Narrative, Second Expedition, Vols. .19 1 1 2 1 Where Deposited. Speaker's room. Library, do. do. do. ( 1^^ ) Gordo Grego Grey'^ ( 13) Vols. GODWIN'S Commonwealth of England, 4; Gordon's History of Ireland, 2 Gregory's Dictionary, 2 Grey's Debates, 10 I Ditto, same edition, 10 Where Deposited, Library, do. do. do. Com. room. * ( 14 ) ( Vj ) HALE'S Worlds, Jurisdictionof the House of Lords, . Powers of Purliament, Hallam's Eu