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Toua Ma auttaa aicamptoiraa oridlnauji aont filmAa on oommanaant par la pramiAra paga (tul oomporta una amprdlnta d'impfaaalon ou d'illuatration at an tArmlnant par to darntora paga qui aomporta una talto amprainta. Un. daa aymbolaa aulvanta apparattra aur to darntora Imaga da eKaqua microf ieha. aaton ia caa: la tymbola -^ algnifia "A 8UIVRI", la ♦ •yrnboto ▼ aignifia "PIN". Laa cartaa. planahaa, tablaaux. ate., pauvant Itra filmto A daa taux da rMuotion dlff«ranta. Loraqua to dooumant aat trap grand pour Itra raproduit an un aaui olioh*. 11 aat f llm« A.partir da I'angto iup«riaur gaucha. da gaiicha i droita, at da jhattfian baa. an pranant la nombra ^ d'ljnagaa nicaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa aulvanta illuatrant to mAthoda. f-,J ' **-■ ■ ' « • . 1 ■yrrZ.i.:.' . 3 .■ .'■'ywm ■■ ' P^'-:. '• 6 • .*: ' ."■""■ ■ .'■ . "■*;.■ MiaiOCOfY RISOIUTION TBT CHAiT w A Lv <: ^ (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ,' -N -„-> v»- / \i f ♦ ■S \\ y /-1PF=»UED HVHdE I nc 1653 East Main Street Rochester. New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288- 5989 -FoK - ' . . . . ■. ; ,j^ii ^Bod'^'Umr.. Notes-Br^l? TO NORTHEIIN AND SOUTHERN ^ ANITOBA. .,^ ^ Archibald Johnsbri .Eramosa Township, / COUNTY^ OF' WELUN^ffVN,^^^^^ i . ■ • f - . -I • f*,(f^*l?^"--l NOTES OF A TRIP TO MANIT8BA. ' Guelph Mercury, Dec. Wh, ISa?' IT was my pleasure to be one of the party who went out to Manitoba with the Farmers' Kxcursion on September 26th, and believing that my conclusions iiiay be of some interest* to the readers of the Mercury, I purpose to give them as briefly as I can to make them interesting. ^Leaving Toronto by special train we were soon landed at North Bay, where we reach the main lin^ of the C. P. R. We at once resume our trip and pass rapidly through the rocky country along the North Shore till we reach Heron Bay, 'where we first get a glimpse of Lake Superior, which is a slight relief to the eye, then on through rocky passes and around quick curves, the red ^granite tovyering away above us, through tunnels land , over trestle work of great height, showing great engineering 8kill,^ill we reach Port Arthur, >yhich is now a biisy town and great shipping point, then on through the disputed territory till we reach the Summit, which divide the waters !ber6. The country is thickly wooded with small pine, spruce and tamarack till we reach Bat •Protage, with its large saw mills and excellent ,water privileges.; There is an immense quantity of lumber turned out here, which is such a boon ,to Manitoba 9,nd the Northwest, making lumber quite reasonable to the settters. Now we are rapidly going down the gentle descent, which is ebon t6 iand us in the fair Prairie Province of 3lanitp|ba. We, now feel the cool bracing breezes of the prairie as we run into Whitemouth, and ftre 8o0n in fuU view of the boundless prairie, which Ik so welcome a sight after the rocks and Woods through which we have pa83ed. My first impressions- on feeing the prairie, were favorable. Its rioh« Inxuriftnt ;gra88 fine, level appearance, /e in which continue till we reach Winnipeg, the faiiied City of the West. Here all ift bustle and activity — a truW live city atid active people -well know- ing? tlioy have a bright future before them. At Wini;ipeg there waB a spec al train in waiting for us to convey uh to Hoiithorn Manitoba. We had the^^ood fortune of boin« accompanied by the memberH of the Local (Jovernment and other gentlemen well qualified by their <»encral knowledj^e of the country, and also by their uniform courtesy in answering our enquiries, to >nake our trip enjoyable and profitable. These gentlemen, with the a«oiits and Mr. Carman, editor of the Kmigrant: had made nrran«'ement8 with the settlers to have exhibits at tlie"different stations throuj^h which we were to pass, to better enable -us to see and judf^e for . ourselves the quality of the products which ar§ grown ill the sections through which the railway runs. On leaving Winnipeg very littje of the country is cultivated, being held by speculator and being railway lands for some distance, although the country is in every, way adapted for BUccessful agricutture,. being a "fine level P^airie as far as the eye„ can reach, not a shrub or bush 4a impede the plough. But as we approach Morris it is Fettled,- and there was here a nice- exhibit, and on going south we come into the Mennonite country, a fine farming section, but scarce of timber. These people live in villages and work the land for several miles around. Then Rosenfeldt is the junction, where a line L'uns to Gretna on the boundary. The country arouKd here is very good, and. continues s6 till we reach Morden, a smart town of good pretensions, with two large elevators. On the pi i tlorm here was as grand a display of agricultural products as ever I saw at the Provincial >t Toronto. The wheat was an excellent sample of No. 1 hard; barley plump and a little colored, owing to rain in harvest, but it weighed 55 lbs. to the bushel. Oats good, potatoes something immense, numbers I^eif^hing from three to five Ibe.^and of excellent quality. 1 never Haw hucIi pOtutoos, the yield boin^ an hi^h us 500 bUHhels per acre. I think I maj fairly say this locality cannot l)o beaten for potatoea in the world. TurnipH lar^o and 8«lid,^ cabbage and cauliflower iininenHHly large and/ firm, tomatoes lar;»e, ripe and luscious, Indian corn grand — in fact everything was tirst-claHS and surprised us all. The colloction and station wai^^ adorned witJi game and dressed buffalo, moose, and elk antlers, which made this exhibit very pleasing. The settlers were hero in great immbers „ to greet us, and were neatly dressed, with an air . of contentment and satisfaction on their counten- ances, which showed they were well pleased with their lot. The tram moved out from here amid thochenrs of the psopld, which mot a hearty response from us, and we ran down over the Pembina Mountains to Manitou. Here another fine collection greeted our eyes. The country here is unduhvting and there, are a few nice lakes in the vicinity. The land is well suited for wheat. Here I met my old friends James Stirton, formerly of Guelph, also Dr. Grain, of Fergus, and VV. Kennedy, of Erin, who kindly drove me round the coimtry, and^to farmers where they \vere threshing, which enable4 ine to see the yield from the machine. The \NfIieat here turned out 30 to 40 bushels to the acre and of fine quality. The exhibit here was grand, similar to Morden. Then on to Pilot Mound, a nice section, settled by. .Huron and Bruce farmers, who'are doing well and quite satisfied with the country, as I learned from conversation. A good display here also and a fine country around. At Crystal Qity there was ano- ther good display, which iiioluded cheese from the factory, whieh is here doing a flourishing business. All this section of country through which we have passed is well adapted for mixed farming, as grass and hay abound in abundance. The country from there to Doleraine is Ievel,^but good for grain grow- ing, altho l ugh hay land is ei paro o . To the south is Turtle Mountain, tothe-iiortb and weetthe RouHb River, on the bankaof wliich in abmulauce of wood for preHcnt wantH. Doloraiuo in the prosont ter- minus of tlie B6uth WcHtorn Railway, and there- fore dooa an immonHO buhiness in buyinj^ wheat, , , which is liere a great crop and tine and piunnp, f weigh in« 03 lbs to the busheh Lots of good laud here at H to 1>7 por acre. Tliero is not ho deep a deposit of alluvial soil here a« on the east of the [ Pembina Mountains, but the land is fertile with a, good subsoil. ' ># I lleturuiiig I took farewell of the party at Mani- tou^ from which place I was to ride across the _^ country to the east of Peinbina Mountains on a broncho. Those are ma^^'nitlcent saddle horses of great endurance and speed. The eountry on my way to the mountains was very fine and the day delightful, which made the ride very enjoyable.^ On approaching the mountains the country beg nn to bo covered with scrub, and as we passed rapidly on ti) near the summit my eye was^gladdenod with the ^iglit of two magnificoggpjecrmens of the elk standing on tlic trail in Hftt of us. They are noble looking animals, but very timid and soon, bounded from our sight. On we went to the sum-v mit, where I drew up to behold one of the tinest\ sights that I ever beheld. Before- me I could see ^ a distance of seven or eight square miles, the prairie green and dotted over at the base of the mountain with hay stacks, the after grass thick and luxuriant. In the distance the country was cbvered with stacks of rich grain, giving' unmis- takable evidence of its fertility and adaptability for grain growing. At our feet on the slope of the mountain were small oaks, covered with their yel- . low autumn leaves in striking contrast to the • green prairie below. This, as the sun was just setting, formed a picture I sliall not soon forget. ^and enchanting in the extreme. I am again off and sooii reach the comfortable residence of Mr. Wm. Kennedy, formerly of Erin. His buildings are in a pioe oak grove. He has a fine farm of - ■ "•• " ■ ■ ;■ ..-■- ■;:'■.. ■-., ■■ ■■■■.- ■ ■■.; ■ . ., ■'■::■://■ *'»■ 480 aoreB, and has a Rrand crop of gtain and roota, also a fluo herd of^^lty |Wd j)f Cattle. From h«fo t croHH ovorNo Jolm McCullouah's, lormeriy of rkaiiuma. who han a maKiiittceiit farm and good cattle aui 8h«oi\alHo a j^reat potato- crop. Ilia yield he OHtimatoHVfc ^»"^^ huHhels per acre and Home m hir^eaH 5 lbs. weight. From here I next camo to (ieorj^e LawHO^»V^ whoHO houHo is situated in a cony nook on the 0d>(^?«IJS%Si^y ^^ *^^^*" hatry means. I believe offlRfa^ffd^^^ who are now (and I think unfortufife^l^J^i^Jd away * svith the wave of discontent an ARCHIE JOHNSON. BramdBft, Jan. 16* 1888. ;y. *^ ^ ! - ■■ - , ■ ' ' . ^ .'.■'.' t. ■'. ' ,■ ■■ ^ .'..■■■■■■ ■.*■ '.■■'■ y -'''.i ■»..-■-.■"- ■ • - r ' . - ■^'•-'^- -«^^^■■■■■ . 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