IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I '^' IM 111112I IM 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ ^ f," __ ► Photographic Sciences Corporation s \ « Xv" Ll>' A \ /' '^ 6^ % '1? 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 "(liKMi0W uf ^riimg fiiitlU^. IIKITISU COLONIST I'KIST" «A V-» x i..-^ 1 - ^^=-^=-"^^s®(»( girT^ ^ =^ — — VISITOR. Tni') l!i(;iiT Kkv. (Ikoi!(ik IIili.s, 0. D., Hisiiop (»r I'ltrrisii CoLr.Mi'.iA. BOAKI) OF MWUiEMEXT. Tino Bisiioi' VirioiiiA. ("IIIKF JrSTlt'K NkKKIIAM VllTOUIA. 1 ) K A N C R 1 1 ) < i K \' 1 1 ' I' ( ) 1 1 1 A . AUCHDKACON WOOIIK N K \V WksI MI.NPTKU. Alton DEACON IU:kc'k (^'owiciian. UoDEHicK Fim.ay^o.n, Ksy.. J. 1). Pemhkiiton. Ks^., K. (.1. Alston, Iv-^-, 'l"iiK Rkv. 1'. Jknns. LAWV PRIMil'AL. Mrs ('avk. TEAdlERS— EXGLISll. The Lahy PniNcii-AL. First A.s.«istiuit, Mrs. IIaywaiiu, Second Assistiiiii, Mrs. LKriiiiitiix;];, .Jiinioi-, Fry. 3irsi(. ^Iiss Pitts, -Miss McDovam) -Mrs. Ni('iioi.(..s SIXGI^li. Miss Pitts. FREXni. Madasik 1)1, r.M. DRAWINU. Mr. Coi.emax. NEEDLEWORK. Mr.s.— . Religious iristnictioii is ({ivcn Ijj' the Dcnn, Jind by the Rev. P. .leiins, Reetor of St. .loliirs. i.'.'ctures in Xnlurai Science, .vc, are {riven 1)V the Rev. P. .Tenns. The course ol' instruction in F^npiish includes .-\rithnietic, (ii-ogra- ]diy iind the use of the G nhes. (Jramuinr, Knpiish Literature ami Composition. Moral Philosojdiy, Astronomy, Hotauy, Enjriish, Fren. (liintrliter.s of clerfryinen at 25 per cent, tinder the above terms. UaT" Payments in all cases to be made in advance hoarders are recinired to be provided witli the usual articles for their jiersonal nse Application lor admission to be made by letter or in person to the f/idy Princiiial. Further information will be given by the Fiady Principal, or by any ni'Miber of the lioarcl. (S^No redticliou can be made for absence of a pupil for part of a monili. Hooks and ;'tationery, when necessary, will be provided (or the pupils at the usual rate. This institution was ioiinded in 18(10, in connexion with thcChnrcdi of Enjiland. It has now over ninety ])npils, the highest, number yet attained. The objectainicd at is to ensure a sohiid reliorious, moral and secu- lar education, and to place within the reach of the grec,t''st possible number, in this our distant home, the means of lorming the habits and character ot an English lady. Every eH\)rt has lie'^u made to render the stnfl" of teachers as com- plete as possible, and the Board hope to streiigilien this still more rom time to time as the funds enable them to lio so. The noble edifice, jilaced hy the munificence of friend.^at home at the disposal of the Hoard, contains everything to ensure the health and comf.irt cd' the pupils. Tin; rooms devoted to study are lofty and sp.icious. The dormiiories and lavatories are litteP4q77 if iil ; ill ft' 1, ! ^