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Is prepared to execute any orders for BOOKS selectel
from this Catalogue, as well as any other Works not
herein mentioned.
Colleges and Schools supplied with any Educ \-
TIONAL Books, published in England, Scotland, Ire-
land or -the United States, Maps and SonooL Sta-
tionery, — a discount allowed.
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braries, and every article requisite, in the Book or
Stationery department.
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steamer— a large collection of Sacred Music suitable
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Ju'y. 1860
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Acton, Eliza. Modern Cookery, in all its branches, reduced to
a system of easy practice, for the use of private fami-
lies. Illustrated.with numerous woodcuts, to which are
added directions for carving and setting out the table,
&c. From the second London edition. 12mo. cloth, 5s.
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Antlsell, Dr. Thomas, on the Manufacture of Phologenic or
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Substances capable of supplying Burning Fluid. 8vo
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Addison Joseph, Works and Life, with Maeaulay's Essay on
his writings, edited by George Wasliingtou Greene. 6
vols, rimo., bound sheep, strong. 458
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trated with numerous engravings, 5s.
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es au't Sunday Schools. Maps and engravings. 11
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Arnold's Classical Series.
First Latin Book, 48.
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Latin Rose Composition, 5s. 8d.
Cornelius l^ei)Os, ^s. 3d.
First Greek Rook, 48.
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End of the First Division ; the Second, is
in course of preparation, and will embrace,
Classical, Musical and Juvenile Books.
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