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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the methcd: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre filmAs i des taux do reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 i partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent !a mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CANADA Hon W J RocBE, Minitter \V \V Curt f M O , Dipulu ,V/tntj(«r PUBLICATIONS »'-\- Dominion Observatory OTTAWA \V. F. King, C.M.G., LL.D., Director. Vol II, No. 4 Orbit of 136 Tauri BY J. B. CANNON, M.A. P CAl MT UO'j, F02-0U OTTAWA Government Printing Bureau 1915 LIUlL ^uLr I Lbnnil^jL uibLlO 1 HLgUi DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CANADA II. IN \V I H i,,Vr.M./.T W \V CnHf. r MC I),/,, hi .\l,>,.,ltr. PUBLICATIONS Dominion Observatory OTTAWA W. F. KiN(i, CMX;.. LL.D.. Dinrt,,, Vol II, No. 4 Orbit of 136 Tauri BY J. B. CANNON, M.A. 7(3842—1 ( ) T T A W A (ioVEHNMF.NT PrINTIM; HvHEAU 1915 (»I!lUr n| i:{ti TAl in in .1, II. ( AN\t:ir \\:i> ili-cuvcnd \>y Mr l.uws from the iiifasurcinciil of tlic >ci-oiiil plate of a >i-tits of li\r. ihc ir-iills of whi.'li arc |iul)li.-lir(| in I.O.H. i .»'.». 'I'Ik' orliil (Ictcniiiiiaiion >;i\.ii Im low is l>aM'il on <)() plair- ohtaiiu'd lure (he lir>l on Novrnil>rr Hi, I'll I. ami tile last on January 1.'), i",*!.'). 'I'iir ^prctruin is of A-iypc. Two ^jirctru uro visii)lc, hul so faintly on our plates that they wen- not eon-idereil wortii incastirinn. On four out of the five l.ick plates, however, (he second component is mcasiii-ed, and on these alone is hased tiie secondary curve 80011 in liio fiRure "Velocity curve of i;5tj Tauri." Tiie lines moa.surcd were as follows: — Klcinfiit, H Ft Mg H \\llV,-l • -IiKtti iMli .'iliT 4.'i4!t 7r.r, 4481 4t)0 4340 im T.VllI.K 1. iUcMn-rit H H Ca Ca \\;iv.-I..llKll. 4101 S^H) :i'.i70 177 :t!K)s ti.'.') ;>'j3a ■ SJ5 A summary of the measures is ^iven in Tables II and III. Tal)le II contains the Lick observations and Table III tlie Ottawa observations. In eaeli case the phase is from periastron and tiie residual from the final curve. Measures in detail of the different plates follow Table 111. 76842—2 U)ti I'l III l< \ 1 1"^-^ "► I '"■ " i.MISIliN cilt -I llV \ lllll^ T\lll . II I II K Mli-I i;\ \ I l"NS. JulMh l>ltl< riuiiM- a,ii« 111-' lit T.l'.i i>ii !il,') ii;i U52 IW 340 -21 + 3 8 -tM) »* -00 tt +27» + 2» + 10 - J 3 + 10 + 2 -61 7 +34 + 41I 3 -»4 4 IMUI III (in U\ \ (ili>l.l{\ ATloNS. FUlf. 4IVJ7 171^ Obstni-r* H C Dull- Nov. 1911 IH 1912 4S10 II V •b 13 4^51 H V •b 2(1 48GU C 1 ■1. 'JS 4871 H N ■ir ;-, 48S5 C N ur. 13 1913 Ml 4 H J w 12 S3tiH r I tb. 11 53tn !• !1 lb 12 M71 1" I .1, IT r)384 11 1 ,1, !-> .J3'J3 c jt ill 24 r>40s I- i rb 2S o417 V J lur. 7 .')434 11 : klar 12 543H I'l !; \UiT 17 545r) c: |. \|,rjl '1 :.4a"S 1" Vpiil 11 j4» 11 \|.nl 17 5H50 c IJii S2 1U14 593(1 p Fib 14 o'.isT f Mar 20 IJOOT i I' \ljnl 3 liOH 1 •■' April Ti HOlo 11 April fi (1024 c April 10 t>030 H Ajiril 13 6032 C April It 6035 P' April 17 Kximniiri' Juli.iii Day I'himi- 2,41'.',;i7i7 "i^O :177 H07 1 Jii',' :) ;!17 iVclocJty , 110 + 22 (i 7(1 4 Hi risu 1 5(W ii:s 4.-i:t (>70 1 1 tilU 70 4i;i (142 1 3 021 96 ii'.7 i;iii 1 3 (170 75 i7:i .-,.-.» 5 593 85 7M) 717 i 3117 70 MO 1 3'.KI 75 Ml CillO j 1 439 75 MC, (112 1 451 72 sl7 (110 1 449 75 ^23 (110 1 509 75 SJ7 .-,-,.2 5 1(11 75 Si I 1123 552 109 si'.i (io;t 5 532 100 KU ,V.l7 4 556 Til sil7 .'i4.' 3 034 s72 .Mil 2 080 7o j >7:. .'ii^ 5 007 3'. 1 20,124 H14 1 233 W 17> (l.'iO 4 355 73 212 l«3H 2 517 221) .'12:1 4 '474 73 ■J.N ,-,10 \ 519 22',l 'ilKI 1 1539 S2 1 233 -.3^ 1 5 511 7() 230 ."ilW 2 oTS 1 j ■237-. -.33 1 ^5^2 : SO 1 -.'40 552 . 591 - 2 6 - 70 + 6-3 - 30 W t 1 o-c + 7 - 4 - 13 3 +1114 HO 4 +100 + 12 5 7 - 1 8 ♦ 10 4 5 - 16 - til) 1 2 + 6 -47 8 « rlO 7 -45 8 + 12 2 — 7 5 6 + 15 -47 4 + 84 - 1 5 + 2 4 - 2 5 + 10 -5H 9 5 + 50 -42 9 2 + 8 7 -69 8 - 9 -29 3 2 + 10 + 14 5 3 + 5 +42 :' + 11 7 -59 9 4 + 6 9 -10 8 5 + 3-2 -14 5 5 + 5 5 + 17 2 5 -12 -26 5 t - 5 -06 3 7 -12 8 -17 2 5 -13 2 -72 5 - 7 + 28- 1 5 - 1-8 + 19 1 4 }+ 2-1 08 4 1-17 5 UUBIT UK IM> I ^' III 107 'i'\:u I. ill (111 \\\ \ iiii'i itv M'loNS c,..!. /.../,./ Pkto. (NMcrvor* Dull' KxiMMura. Julimi Hay. till m eMO I" \|nil JJ imi .Ml'0,245 540 5 5.SH fl046 II \|.ril -M i lUi 210 54(1 OO*.! 60Ki 83M (M'JO C V P' C Mn 1 1 s,.|.i 17 Sf|.l Jl 70 Ti 75 75 ■JM 5,5« 303 Ml 304 Sill 31»7 Mt-I •_• (IW 4 65:1 5 70tl ■2 727 6431 (i s^-pt. ii 75 40 Ml 11 775 u43e Y Sept a? .'id 40.1 H'.'7 2 Mil 6444 c; S.|.l ■> 70 404 013 3 7^7 6451 c: Sipi :;(! l.'i too N ilAl? 1" '"'1 -1 75 l.'7 s7s J s7ti (iWH 1 r U,, ,N 55 i:il '.i.i',1 :) '.H.s U.VIH V N.iv 2 liO M'l 'i.;l .' 'I'll tJ.'itVt II Nuv 17 r.o i:,l '.iJl 1177 0")7» 1" Niiv ■-•.! 70 11.11 S7J tl.'.li O'llM p 1).. 4 i;C -64 4 b + lb -M« 8 - 3'8 + 27 1 :» - 3 3 -3»* 5 6 - 3 4 -IM A + 3 +«! « s - 4 2 -42 3 4 00 + 34 « + 41 f 7 6 - 13 70 3 5 - 3 3 -30 I 6 + 2 + 15 4 5 + « H + 13 I 3 V- 5 1 -33 I 1 + HO + 34 7 6 (• 4 7 -12 4 - II 7 + 26 » 5 - 2 -6;j 4 U + 2S -72 I 6 - 6 1 -55 1 4 - J -71 4 - 5 30 4 3 - 2 - 10 H 4 + 17 -;-)0H 3 + 7-2 -57 5 3 - a-5 -32 7 t 10 - 5 - 10 H 3 s + 3-7 j 14 5 5 - 7.H -53 5 1 + 3.H 1 U-GlbMD. 70842- -2i IDS I'l HI.U .\T1<)N> OF TllK UUMINIUN (.JU.-^tiiVA TOlt V . M ^,\^l Itl.S 111' l:iii T\nu. V.l Wt 471- V,l Wt v,i \\> V,-l ' Wt 4M'.l .',.'7 46'.' 7r.ii 44hl 4(I(J 4:ui) f,:u 41111 will - :t;i ;i."i i - 4(i 7;t 1 - 14 'J.i i -- jc, IK) ; + 'j^h'j ^ 11 'ij 1- ■->;! 11 ;j(t:t:( s.'.'> - _':i i'i;i 1 - li 4'.' '.I ;iT 1 '."-•;! I, 1 ■Jtl 7'-' 1 W.'iphtivl !iit;iTi Ciirv KudK.l Vi-loi'ity 11. 1.) IS ■Js 11 - Hi 4:. . li .Mi 11 — 'JS 17 4 50, i f 411 li^ I'J + 40 ."iJ i + HI I) + 12 .'■. + 40 117 - -jy 11 - 20 y2i 1 + 10 4 - 30 04 - 29 t>7 ■Hi ■28 00 1 (Hi HIT OF ].iCt TAT 1(1. 109 Mi;Asri!i;s ■. 12 so 11 • 'JS in 'JO ■22 .'if. •20 :iii 14-4,-1 ■jn-'j*,!' ■JO It - .-i 41 17 SJ 1 - 20 01 Jl 27 i - i:. 21 + i:, til 1 V,l \Vt \v\. Wl .■:tH4* v.i Wt :ii 12 1 lis • .■>.". :i7 10 22 11 i:i ;io Hi .W IS I- :ii 02 r 2:t 07 t Hi + 12 Rmiial I Velocity I - 47 S 20 o:! 21 TiO 01 ■2S 4.'i S *Chp ..K TllK. DOMINION OB^KUVATOH V . MIVS'IU'.S OV i:;ti TArHI.—fnn/in""' OKBIT UK IHtl I.M HI. m MK.\srKl> OF i;ili TAIUI— (■.»,/./iU(.. Vrl, \Vl v,i : wi \v\ ! Wt 4:.i'.i Ti'.ii 41S1 UMI 4:il(i iv'.t 4101 v.K) :i!l7() 177 39:!:! ■ S'-'-' Wriijhircl V, Curv. Radini Vclorit y :i ni 17 -'T; 01 1 - 9 nr, - M9i 1 + uds; ! 4^ nil 1 f :il..v.' ! Vrl. Wl iMi \i-\ W m\ri Wl w 1 + 11 u , i:i 1;! + ivs:ti ' S 'JS + 11 l>7 _ 2 OS - J.'i l.'i _ 17 10 _ •■_N — ■2N + ■"' 1 .-.0 1 47 .1) - ■J'.l IS - in s 14 - -is + 17-2 - i;i 11 \ - :i I." \ + :i(i7 1 + 77 ; i OIK) i _+ 7 IMP 1 + 2 17 _ 2S .'0 10 ■ 2S - 26- 2S.20' :(.-,■ ss: i:t :i2 40 ■'.<:! I :i7 .■.! 2S . 2.'> ■1!) - 60 3 002 1 V.l. Wl _ 2-21 + 21 1:11 + 4 00| + s.O'.i[ + lli'.IOi + 22 0.^) + in-TO 1 f 11 tl _ 2S OS - 44 - 47 - 44 94 - 17 2 43 94 20 •■28 72 ,MHM. \T1..N> <'V TIIK DOMINION OUSEUVAinK V . Mi:\sri!i;s ol \M r Wm.—Conlinufd. \.\ \\< V. 1 w lt-1 lix) t;tii ■>.;l tun VHl :w7i> 177 :i'.):i:t <2'> Wiiiil I.vl ini-;i[l \ . Vj ( urv. * 111 V.I 1 71 ■J.l . :;i; I'.l . ."l I.'. I . :;s -It Vrl W I II 17 4.V0T V.I, ' Wl iiO'i:! 0396 -^ ;!.-) 7:1 1 - 50-34i : Ml 1 - -'H t.') s.-. t .•|(t ',11 .'II 7.". 1 I.-. Ill ■jt; no iruli.'il \rl.irlty js 1 I 'I 1 ','.1 ."il 21 10 il ■1!S Vol, \Vt \,\ \ Vl. 4 111 11 \ 1 1 - .W 2.^ - 7.') 117 - Il'.l N!S J S + HI JO + JIS',1 - 117 2fi^ J •.",1 (Ml '.M 10 2\ ■JS (VI, 4 I - .^3 1(1 j:! 21 .'.1 •■JS - ('.7 -07 + 20 ^R + 17 ■ 2S - 27 1 - 38-5 on mi UK llit) TAVIU. 113 4:.i'i Ti'iii 41S1 ti>i) -CiUI r,:;l 4101 S'.lll li'.lTO 177 3968 tV.'.i 3933 KJ.-) I', 101 v.i w MIASIUKS (IV 13fl TAVIU.-ron/inu/-./. I',4J0 V.I W' f,i;u \A \M 11^ .V.' 88-64 V, \j Curv, It 1(1 '111 Vcloril y - !i:i 'J'.i + U 1 1.7 1 111 - M ■J."i ■20 1 - 71 ■7'.l MO + 20 6 tWM't V,l Wt + IS. 0141 f.r.i vvi wt vvi \Vl :i so 7.4(.l 49; S -jl - 3S9.'i ■20 'lO 1 1 5;i 24 HI - 2 70 + 20 -."lO + -11 - -2^ - 71 41 + 2(1 ifs + -ns _ -28 42 2 0401 -lis ;io - so 17 -lo;; 01 IS 4t J *- .\ ■'.11 - 22 ■2.') + 20 2i'i 4- 29 21 + ■01 + 01 ,,. ■2S + 3 19 + 6-7 04 BO' \A Wt, ^ 40 sli 70 s;i 72 (»l - 70 52 1 - 99 IS - 07 ■S3 + 29' 04 + 2S 93 + 07 _ ^s + ■OS ■2S ' 1 - 70 3 - 39^1 114 inHl.lCAllONS OK TllK UOMIMUN OB.SEUV A TOUV. Mi;\srHKS OK 138 TAl'RI.— fnridniiwi. r.lTI llt^l r.l'i.l V.I \Vt 11". 17 r..':is li.-.ts f..-.fi4 X V.l Wi V.I \Vt Vcl, \Vt Vrl \Vt Vrl i Wt i V.I \Vt •US 1 inn - 7 ^tt 1 - 1 SI. ; .VI II i i- S il.'t i - IfiV.l 1 - 3 r,2 i - f.n 11 1 t:un i",:ii -- ji; 111 ; - 'J.', .'iij ; .■),•, in ; • 11 -7 i - 2li HO i - 3 '.It 4 - 73-42 i iiniMin - i; n:i 1 - L" 7s i - Ill :ii ; t l-i'.l i - 2:1 V-, i + 3- 53 t - 04 -'IS ) li'.iTn it: t 1 .■.:! ; :i;«is ri'.>."> - n 1 • 11 i t III V. i 3'.i:i:! NJ:. - II :i7 1 - If, ,-j1 i i r 11 s7 i - 3(1 :;:. 1 f 1.^1 -.-ini 1 1 - 7S.31 1 Wiinlilc.l nit':lll - i:i '.v. - i:. :«) - fiOLV, f 1I-70 - 3.-, 21 +- .-, r,n - 7S-S!1 V, J- 'JS-M -f '.'H 111 f 27 r.i + 2.V27 + 23-20 + 21 r.i + 1.V.52 V, -t 117 -1- OS (KJ 02 - ■ \r, ■l.S -21 Curv — ■'J^ JS - -2^ - ■2S - •2S - 2S -2S K:tV l.itj TAIUI. -Cmliiauil. r,A74 41X1 ino 4:M() tiitl 4101 H(H) 3'.>7(l 177 3'.)6Ht)i') 393;) HJJ Vol ! \Vt - (KlOfil - 7(117' ^ 91 (HI - f,9 14 - 83-97 1 fi."i9l Vol. Wt WriKlilnl mean V, \, C'urv, Uadial - H4-40 + r.' HO IS ■■JH 721 ] 71) '5, (■)7 07 .•lO :i7 tU 7(1 1 Vol Wt (VJ IJ 7 42 ■1C> •2S - 55 1 94 Ci.'i 07 5.'! 71 K4i Vel. I Wt w,:\:i VpI Wt - IS - 54 S4 37, S - 31 24, i 77 41 n ■ s;i 11 ■2S no 9 89 1 1 70 Vil Wt 27 17 57 (is 14 3r) 37 (') 41 12 - 30-4 - 11 95 + 1-67 ■ 2S ■28 10 ()()53 V.l Wt. - (;3 05 - 51 39 + lit •29 • 28 - 50 8 - 01 35 ~ 4S SO - 50'10 - 38 90 02 (Hi I.) ZJ 1 S5 14 •28 k; iMiti.K \ 1 iiiNs nr im: domimon l l:lii TMHI-To nrlmlrd. X mm I'><'i7 1 liii'.i.'i 11711 1171". \.l W 1 \.l \\i \.| Ui \.l \\l \.l \\i \ , 1 W I \r\ \\I 4.'i40 TliO - -'7 '>'< • LM 01 1 1 I'J ."pI t ■ 44M 1IK> - ■2\ W 1 . _•:; 11 '. s 7i'i i • 17 :..! ', .Ml On i 4:110 I-,.; 1 :;: :)j ; . i:. :i:i i T 1 :;o ;. ■ -■.■. .'-' 11 ',■'■ 1 4101 VKI J7 l:i ; - Ill .-.i ;, . 1.1 ml , ';t; 70 118 4(«l -53 3 3 + 10 2 L',4J0.41S OIH 0.!i2'.i -36 2 15 -in 3 ■J.U'.I.SOSHIO 1411 - 9 .S 20 -n-.-; 4 :;,4-.'O.Jii7 L'Sl 1 'HlO + 1.-) 4 15 + 8 S 2,4.'0. lis 1(12 2 1107 +29-6 15 -0 3 6 2.4JO,417 L'71 2 SIS + 31 1 2 + 5 7 2. 4 r.i.sds ,■,:),-, :i (110 + 13 1 2-5 -0 5 8 2.4JO.ri4,'i 70S 4 IS.! -11 4 20 -0 6 9 2.42n.20S'7!i2 4 (IHO -.■i2 1 20 + 13 10 2.4'JO,is(i :nti .■,(»', 10 -.M 4 10 -0-8 11 2.4i'.i.'.io:t.8r,.'S ■< -,-■,() -65 2 + 4 12 2.420,4:is 21)6 n 91 S -680 2 -14 UltbU tlK i;}(. lAlltl. 117 The i)ivlimiMaiy .•Iciiiciit.^ ubtai'ied in)in iIiasc \,\ Dr. King's niii\>hH- luetliotl \S(Tc us fdllnws: y =5Ufi'.t liays «■ =02 cu ■= 1 '.»()'' A' =4',»:) km. y — — 17 ■ .') kill. 7' --=L',ll'.t,:«i_' .')_> .11) A clo.M-- approx'miat 11)11 to the curve u:i> at lcin!>lcil !>> applviiiji a Ica.-t-.sqiiaiv.s .sdliit'mii. Tlic pvnuA <,( (..M'illation was taken as iixcd, hein^ ol)taiiu>d \>y usiufi hotli l.i.k and Ottawa obMTvations, which l.cinn far apart, cover a great niatiy (y<'i( s. On account of < being very small, T was also taken as li.xed and ., u,-, l< . and 7 used in tlie solution. Observation cquation.s were formed as in Table \ . TAItl.K V (iitsi;iiV.\ri(iN B^i .vTiiiNs -•778 -•395 •f -140 + 030 + -():.9 + -yso + ■047 + ■ 152 - 309 -■728 -■980 -I 013 -•313 f 595 + ■991 + ■317 -■832 - 995 - 073 + ■863 + ■917 + 170 -■734 - ■SSI + ■606 + ■930 + •991 + -7ti.3 + •210 - u:;2 - 741 - US2 -■'.».'>3 -■702 - ''7T + 122 -10 + 3 -B Weight. -2 7 3 -0 9 15 -11 2 -17 15 +0 3 15 -0 1 2 + 14 2 5 + 11 2 -0 7 2 (1 i +0.S 1 (1 when J" =57 z =K5e 11^ |.i lu n \iio\^ (.1 mi iH'MiM'iN i.ii-i:nv\Ti>iM N„n,Kil r,,u:.linn- iv.ultmu In.n. iln-r uI,>,.,a at mn r,|UMliuns ^u^u■ ii> f 111 lows:- r.\s - 1 713// - HI: I (i:!7'( - Uti-lO^O 11 711// t (t r.M: - (I '.•70// + ItO.")!) (t 11 7(Mt-- (I ()(l()/< i O.")!.')-!) ll :{.'7// ^ I 1 ti-M •• Sulviiig tlii-f na\f, J =+ •:{7 !/ = - "- 2 ==+ OS.-) u -+1 211 from whii'li. 5-y = -I- ir kill. 6/v' = - (12 km. 6,. =+ 0017 6u =+l-l» and hi'iii'c the new values of the elements, y =.■)•%«» iluy.s (■ =0217 u) =11)1° -44 ^ = —17. i;} km. A" =4SSS km. T =2.11',t.:)f.2 .V2 J. I). The value of ^^prr uas reduee.l from 2.') to K) a very sul.staiitial n'duetioii i':xeeli..iit aiireement l.etween compute,! and ob.iduals .showed that any fmiher solution .v..uld be useless, and th se elements were aeeei)led as final. (iiiitii ut 130 i.\i ;ti. un Tlir fullowiMH T:.l.l.- \l' ,\,U- nnM^ uf .ud., TAULE VI. l,l,n..Ml l'r< liinm.iry ,1 (H'l',1 ilu>:t I'M)' I'l ;> km - 17 .'i km •.'.4i«.:m'i ."-' .1 1' Final. r< \im ilayii (IJI7 V.i\ tl 1^ '1 km - 17 I km ll',t,:ii''- .'i'-' -I " toll INK) km. l'r..lMlil.' Irriir ± 014 ±0''H8 t .73 km ± i'i km. Th,. i.rol.ul- vnov .if :i >inKl.' ..h.^rivatinn uf avcninr wi^;l.t was fuu.ul U> hv • t ti. mill the crn.r (if a iioinial lilace 9.'). With till. .■M-..|iti..ii nf K. III. .■lrMi.'..t> nf th. .siroiidarv which, as .,at...l aliuv., is nitiivly .h.,H..Hh.,it iiii th,. four I-.-'k oLsiTvations - w.r. |,s,..l l.v Iho.s,. „f the iMi.naiy, th.- ...ily .lilViTcic- Ixin^; tliat u,.. beooi.u.s ^, i "l.SO" or //"■'/. .V I'W trials uf dillViriit valiU's ul /\ ^^avf .1 as licriiaps till' most satisfact.iry. 'n„. ,,,latio., h.Mw.-.'i. tlu' iiiassi-s of the two i.o.iies is ghvix by .\/i : .U, = A'j : A, = 71 : -I'J or ahout 10 : 7. In tl..' lin tiic siii-l.' .■iirl.'s iiulicatc Ottawa doiibU. ..irclcs Lirk ubsiTvati.uis uf primary, and ciirli'S .•ross.d l.ick obsorvations uf si'foiidary. IJoiiiiiiiuii Oliscrvatory, Ottawa, February, 1*J15. IM III h \ i h IN-- < il- I III |)M\ll\hiN n|l~l 1(\ \ liiH^ «• ^-==N 1 \ \ \ \ i / / ■t>l ! / / / .\ \ / \ . / \ \ \ " j / / 1^ \ / / o \ — f 1 -lO / \ / \ / \ ■to ■ -» L ' — \- \ / 1 / \ / \ r -^o j • \ \ \ 1 -so / '^ - \ \ V ^ -J - bu \ 1 k- 1 1 61 -70 \ \ \ / / / / \ -SO a fc --Jj I \', Km i!\- t'lirvr (if i:ii'i T.iuri. I