v^ ^ V' ^ in 15 ii«0 IIM|»I an/Mr- 4i U I Centimeter 1 2 3 Inches 6' 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 m ■s. .■■-> i:M*^»^ M [.^: r-^- .^■-.•f, ■Mr V" ■«•.,-' <"" CIHM Microfich* SarlM ' Coll«ction d« mIcfofichM ■■^ .■■-> >t ■\% -kfc- -H- CinadlmlnwItMftPf Mliiii H iio i M^i i ii i i .^. LI N'' ,>rf,. *-''] \'^ TtMhMtittMllM •f*to r^ . ^'.h □ D M^ UMm* lMMM«rhMi)/ Us. ■Mli l fi* MMt Ml ^MR^W^V' 0:2: il»lMif*to Mi'tfi';li' ion #«M MMMmiM apparaiMiiit 4mh l« 1 in'oM as Mii in:/ iVpMMMitiifw; ;/.":' ■ '^V'i'^Hi "■■'jf" "''■ liriaM a ryTOMNlV •f.Pffftl WriM/ □ C di mm ioiM M ilwilleti/ .JiflnMloa.aaNiiMN.. □ KmMm tntfraM/ ' CMiipNniwiliM)iHi«> Tin* Ml iMatfM tilwi frMR:/ U titrt tft I'Mi'lito pwwiM H ! TittopifiofiMW 1"'" i Ciptiow L-JTHra* n otiMllt/ MfMrt^lalivralMii QAiiMms toifiotfiQiMi) 4ls to livraiMii m HI'. niiiii MMii fftM iattfMNi imMm 1 nNwdiM iMtfMM/ '•y' ■ * Oia 1OX MX ^ Itk ° ax »X 30X -. y \ ' J2JL Jix_ JKL HX 2tX 32X I ''•.?&. ^' . *■ •iOfI, In Miflifi^ on hIv «Mlth« The Imi fMovtfod ffvwiMi on ooon iniOfOflono / thoM oomotai ttM •ymbol ^^ (mooning "CON- TINUIO"). or tho tymtool ▼ (mooning "tNOI, oh^nst oto.« moy bo fHmodI ot dMffovonirotfuetion ratioo. Thooo too lorgo to bo •Rntoiy mciuQOO Ni ono OKpowiio aio iiniiou boginning in tno uppof loft nond conpuf^loft to right ond top to bottom, oo mony fmjllioo op roo(iiffotf< Tno foUownng oiogfomo iN^jIbt^bio tno mottiod: J Vi ffniA lilt vopfMlMN graob 9 m 4. io I. oton Io oi A ^r:A . , .■■2;: , "■>■ 3 .:■ TOMOlOO l^vffiiflSfi* S^M* ^W- Ho woniproimo aoltiMrlo imongont po« m io flofniofo pogo giii un OBO oynnpvNM miiwwiip appsfvim wr hi do mi i i o Imogo do ohoquo miorofioho. folon l» ooK Io oymbolo -«» tignHIo "A lUIVIir'. Io fNmdo A doo tMW dOrMuotion diffAranti. Lovogvo Io dooumont oot tiog grand ,bOiir otra rogradult on un ooiii eilehd. li oot fVmd i portlr doTonglo ■iigArtoiir gouoho. do gguoho A draito. ot do hout on boo^ on pranont Io nembra dT m ogoo nAoooaoira. Loo diogr o mmoo Miivonto itluottont Io mAthodo, 6 -r-€- «; %- 1 1^'' •K 1^' h ♦1 • \, - 1,> k- c ■ i BROCKVILLE BOARD OF TRADR •r ION AND BY-LAWS, OFFICERS, /D. W. DowHir, W. H. CoinvooK, PKmDXMT. Vioi-PsniDiiiT. Sm't-Teias. r ,COUJrCJL, : \ . m ■'.'... JXO. MoMVLLBV, JaS. AUKXAKDltm, Jvik M. Qnx, * Q. H. WlATHntHBAD, G. C. Ltmak, Gio. S. Yointd^ tUnnr. Wwoht, O. M. Comatt EowiK Anon, T. GlLMOflJB, Tftos. WnjcurioK, H. F. J. Jaouok. BOARD OF ARBITRATION, Amur ToBKBB, Gm. HvTOHnoN, V. R. IfAIBBAU^ Jko. S. Ifnt, v^ W. G. Acsmr, F. t. iivoAiD, Jxa C. (VOoirARoii, Obo, L Hallokt, N, B. CoiiOooK, 9. T. Fmniofom, Gao. MdLiAK, JjiQ. Rhodm. *_ _»^ •['"'^y ^:' /■■ 'V. t,,: BBOCKYIUJt, OHTARIO: JPumD attub "nim" omoi^ um ■f. « '• IV V '«, ' ■ '^^■• ' l*;;;,.^-. BTAKDIJfa COMMITTEE& I 'J, 7. "•^r .jnifA]iai.'W. A. Ottaiibiir, iwmm Moor^ J. L. UpbMn. R. • . - PBiKfiMo AUD ABTwnniMi.— The*. . 8o«i*l>wortk, W. C. AwliB. A. CbMr«U, ». UkU»w Md I.. W^ BwrU lUiLWATt Aim Trakwowatow.— B. BowK B. O. H«T«y, ij' ,4 HoihC.F.F««Nr,IUiDMi8li«il-fdMAC!liM.B«tt. ■■■.■., ,-. . llAirt»Aflwto-Alli« IWi C. H.^ ^^^ B» r.JMibi* and T, Q.Cook. «■ '■ «■■ '' r\ ■■'"'.■. . ., .»■ P.«. MellfllMi. C. M. Bolwoflkaad Aks. Iir«Mr. ■ huoMMt iMnwrmwai a»p Taxatww.— K, IUUmi* B A. / BiwfaMii. Ctoo. C««l^ O. W. BdMT Mkl W. 8. DomM«» HiMnlMit.—W. A. ioluMoa, R. 0. J o wkw, Jm. B^ XiMdd, a A. MoLmmi 0^ B. W. BwnMnUU. • t iMDiraniAL PAim akd CiunaATioici.— Goo. A. I]^m» Jo*. H. GQmonr, J, A. McKoBito, J«* A. HmtoMMB Md W. H. — ' \' .5* -'— •> > \ .) TU axpNiikA **dMriai" moana Um oity, eoonlj, *^ town, TUkfa ar Jndfaial diiltie^ wtthin and for whioh a board "dmiM.* tlaarahmbad vndarihii A aia inawlianta, tradirit btftlmi, maahaiiicai ManufM tiiraf a, atanaww .- ;■ •.•-iisSfeSL^i ,'„ ItlMWoar- OiNUMUal BoMdol Tiwl*. Oamnl ■ ■^•■»/ A. Th« pMMiui (uunwl M eorpotmtora in Um Mid owtifloAU, Mid such otiMf ptfwM M allOTWMd* join ilMm, m« hmmhf ftttthoriasd U> mnj into •Ibot Um obJ«aU for which luoh sMooiAtiun WM OonaiiiaUd, and to •xaroiM th« powan and priTilagM oonf arrwl hy thto Aet ; and th«y uoA thoir aMooiatM, luooMMn Mid ^Maigoa, by th« nMn« Mid 'atyl* tpMiiod in th« Mid owtiftoato, shall ba a body oorporato and politio, with poww to aoquira, mU and oonray any nal Mtate, naoMMcy lor tha objaota of tttoh aaaodation. 87 V., o. 61, a. 4, jMri | 6. Tha uaual plaoa of maating of tha Mid corporation ahall ba hald to ba tha lagal domioila tharaof, at which aanrioa of any notioa or prooaM may ba mada. 97 V., ^ ^1* *• ^* f^**' 7. Tha oiloars of aTary board of trada shall ba a praaidam, tioa^praaidant and aaeratary, who, togathar with not Ism than aight othar mambara, shall oonatitnta a oounoil, whioh s|mU ba oallad, "Tha OounoU of tha'Board of Trada of t" (adding tk» fiotna t^ th» didrid a$ luninbtfcf A^nad), and who shall hara tha powara and parform tha dutiM harainaftar mantionad ; and whan tha foragoing prorisions hara baan oompUad With, It shall ba oompatantfora Aajority of thaparsona namad aa corporators in tha said cartifioata, to hold a maating ior tl^ alaotion of a prasidant, tioa-praaidont and aaa^barft-3 of tha said ooundl and, withoat notice, to maka and anact such l^-laws, rulM and regulations as ara harainaftar mantionad. 87 V., c. 61, s. 6 ;-» V., c 84, a. «. .8* Tha mamban of tha said corporation shall hoUl ganaral qnartaily maatings in aach yaar, at aoma placa within tha district,— of which, notice, naming tha tima and plaoa, shall ba giran hf tha saerataiy of tha coondl for tha tima baing, at laast thraa days pRvriom td such maating, through ona iiaw8|»p«r o? . 'odiarwisa, aa is though tii*i««y*3r<^^ and at tha \ first quartariy maating hald in aaoh yaar, tha mimban of tha said «orporationpi«sant,ar» minority of than, shall alaot in tha mannar pcaaeribad by tha by-laws, from among tha mamban of ^ oorpomtion, a prasidant, Tioa-praaidant and saorataryt and at laaat aight othar pnambars of tha council, who, irith tha prasidant, Tioa-prasidant aiid sacratary, shall form tha oounea of tha corpofation, and shall hold thair pAoaa until othais ara alaotad in thair staad, at tha naxt fiiat quartarly maating of tha anaoing yaar, as a f o t aaa id, 9r untU thay ara nmorad from oOoa, or Taoata tha saa^ and«r tha promions uf tha hyJiini ol th« oofporalioo : -^ ^^^^^^^ , »t t. If Um Mkl •laotion iam noi feftk* pkwM aI Miah in4 quMtorljr niMting, m «for— tid, Um mU oorpotrntiuo aliAU not be «| , tharabjr diMol?wl« but luoh •tooUon may b* h«ld «fe any gvOMnU mMting of th« ooqMimtion, oJUd in lh« mannw. h«r«iiMftor proTklvd, Mid Um mMuban of tba oooimU in OAO0 •hall remain mamban until iha alaotion ia hald, 87 V., o..ftl, f, 9. 9, Tha praaidai|t and rioa praakUnt ahall, bafwa antaring upon Iha dotiaa of Uiair oflca, taka and mbaoriba bafora aHrt^TtaiM iha major of tha. dty or town, ouaaUtuting iha diairioi, «■*'**'<'***' or bafora any Juaiioa of iha paaoa, an oath in iha form foUowing, Ihai ia to «qr i*^ ■. "I awi^ thai I wiU hathfuDy and trvSj parform my d«ly f«im«t •in or ahaU ^ diraoMfo Imi doM ai Miy f^ gwatat uMtliRg. y., c. 61, a. 8. 19. Any mtinfafr ofWe oorporaiion, who inianda to raiira bhamfrom or to Maign hiaVi^mbar^p, may do ao, at any ifana, /upon ghriaf iotha aecrataiV tan daya' notioa, in writing, of rach [intantion, and upon diiwMrging any lawful liability which ia aiandinf tgqpon Ilia bookt of MM corp^ him at iha tiinaof aooh nokioi. 817 Y., % U, a. la i .>*-.' rr fifvliillMi; TikcMatf- MMd hjr-lMni i«fi :«!• ir '#ii.. •.# ' IQ. TIm MaJ bgr M17 bjr-law o< Mm •orpomlioai notpl IIm povor of or allOTtagMij hf-la«r, or •dalMat •V mmkbm, vhMi doQO Ottljr ia tlM BMHUMr ptoridM for bgr UUb Aol : & Aajr if«^ man mmn Un of Um ooomU, kwfuUy uiot; llMnboaq«anuB,MidaaM^)ority of Mok qaorum maj do air MOapi wilhlB Iko powMT of tlio oouaoU t _^ , 4. AlaUBMfliag[iafllMooaaeU.ttd at •n ip^'ai^ lagl ^ Uw oorporaliaa, Iho prwidaBt, or in hit abMiioo, th* ■'^ Tio«iP««id«ilb orif holh M« aboMit, Mv niMnbwof Um oooaoU thou pf M wl who ioohowa for tho (w w ri on . i hdl piotida ; lad in OMttafvoit. •U OMM of aquality of fvkm upoa mij diririuo. hi thaU havo » OMiincTOte. ST v., 0. ai, •. 14. : / v^ ;:. ;.,;^--. - 17. 1W oooaoU ahall fhuaa mdk bj-biri, nilii 'aiid OMMOto NgvkliomaitppMtfloilhoilMbptodlopimaoU tki tfUhra SSTf'to aflhaoorporkiMiMidlhaparpoMooflhioAol,Mid«hallmlNnll Jj"*^ lhaiaBMfbr44Mlton,alafMimalm«otiiif .if Iha oorpoialio% iiST*^ odladforlhuk ^^tpoM, ia Iho oiannor-horoinb^ora ptoridad.. <" > ST T., Ob 61, 4 ' 18. Allpal aador Mgr y-kw. mj ponon hooad Ihorci lh^oo r po Hli^ ,JhilM^r^laidla Iho aoonlMy ihofwif. Mid ia difMh of pi^riioiit, i^n h* rM«?«aUo hi aa M^ioa himight ia Iho aama of ^ oorporation ; Mid H ohaO on^ bo mniMij. in MMhMlioa, Id alUi* Ihal oaoh pmua te Jndabtod lo Iba cotponHoa in Iho Mm of aionqr, tho mmnmI of laoh umnlit^ on aoeoaal of Moh MibMriplion, ponallgr or dhorwioo, whmbf MiaalioahiaaoonMdIdlhaooffporalion hgr viitao of Ihii Aot •iSTY.»"o. SI, a. le. .:■■■■; . •:-.:■■■...;:,,:•;, / V v lli. On Iho trial or hoaring of any oach aoliaa. it ■haM ha .; ., w iSW w t forthaoorporatioalopiafathiitthadofbgdMit, a^lho mSm timtthodMBaadwMttMMio, waoofMbiwa mombar of^lh* SS '-.-fr ." .•;!? aU I of aMOfbon daa to Iho oorpoiation, ^ aMoo iaooRod undor m^ hj-hiir, by m^ ft aad all othor mibm of monojr aajr Otondftl Um Wlii^ 1M who aluai l»k« no pwt in anj of tht prooMdinfi thorast ; and minu|M of tho pww— ding at all mMtinga, whatkmr of tbo oonndl or of tho oocpotBtioB, afaaU bo ontoradt in booka to bakaptfortlMt|rarpoao, bytbo aoorataiy of tho aorpoiAtioat •nd tU antqr thavaof ahaU ba dgnad by tbe pnaUUnt or Tiai^ praaidant or tb# othar paraon who praaidasat tha maoting ; and moh booka ah^ba opan at all r aaaona b lo boura to any mambar of tha oorponttkm fraa hi any ohnifa. 87 V^ o. 61, a. 1& . 91. At tha time htrabj i^pgiointad for tha alaofei>f ^boaidof aAitntioa. 87 V, o. lit, a^ SI. /mj^i ^mm^^'^. '■•»*''§? AuMd. th« tluNM memben appointad to hear any caao fi»««M«i attbmittod for arbitratioa, aa aforeaaid, or atqr two of tham, ahall hava fttllpowar to axamina, upon oath (whioh oath any ona of auoh thraa mambara ia horaby ampowarad to adminiatarX any party or witaaw who, appaaring bafon tham, ia io atamitiad, and ahall giva thair award tharanpon in writing ; and thair dadakm, or that of any two of them, gitan in anoh award nhf?^ bind the partiaa aooording to the tarma of the —V"^— *«^ and the pioTiiiooa pf thia ^ St V., a 61, a. SB. 95. The oounoil wfa^ corporation may appoint five peraont to oooitituta a board of azaminara toaxamina applioanta for the ^SE*' oftoa ol inqtaotor of flour and meal, or of any other i^tiola SfK anbjeot to in^Motion, aod mty do all anoh other acta, roaMeip ^ ' and thingi oooneoted with the inapeotion of flour and meal or any other article, and ahaU hare aa fna power and be anbjeot to the mme oonditiona aa thoae conferred upon and rattuired of thei ooandk of the Uwrda of tiada Iqr «' 2%« <7«i«na In^MiiM; ^ and the aaid examinera and inapeotor ahall be aubjeet to ^ ihe : proTiaiooa touohtng their oflloe set forth in the laid Act 37 V., '"0. .M) a. n, ■■'••■ ■■■ 'i: .-''v'^-- .■■■■: ■ :■. .. . - ' ■ , — ■ y ' ' ••i Any board of trade duly regitteradaa aforeaaid, under fioudtol - the profiaionaofthia Act, may become »flUiated with the SgJjJ^ I>ominion board of trade, on duly eomplying with all th* terma iXMiate and riquiremeirf« of that oigMliaation, and may be repraaented Tn4i. at all ita ordinary or apadal general meetinga, held from time to time: PWfvidedalwaya, that the delegafea or repr«aentatiTea to the Dominioii board of trade ahaU be electa at a general meeting, du^ oonrened, of the board of tnuie deairingauch AfflUtttiioiiaaafbreiaid. 37 V., c 61, a. 25. ^ Fiwrlto> I- ■-..: A: \\ : ■'•■-# .;,-^f:?v^' ■■ -'V riil' ■ •'.'-'■ ■ -j sMa- ♦•r *: .% BY- ■w^ Adopted at a General Meeting of the BnocKViLLE Boa]^ OF TiiAOS/hdd _ March 2l8tf 1889. BY-UkW Ifo. 1. CbtwuKkan .'m- L Whti«T«r the woida ** Th« Boud " oeeor in tbi^or mix -e^^ooaadiag By-hw, th^ilMUte andmHood to «fMi tbt Om^ poiAtuMiof TiM Bn9kfm$Bimtdolfnd9. i ( 8. Wlitwr«r tlie wonb **T1m Ooiuidl " ooeiir io this or Miy ■MOMdiag ^7 bw, OMf ahtU U imdrntood to iMaa th^^ of the OorposKtioii of thf BrookTillt BmkI of TM«. '■*^/., 8. SooOon 14 cf tho Aot mpMtiiw Um iaeoipoimtkn o^ Bouda of 1MU (boinc eUptor 180/49th Y^ BtfiwdB^^ of Obniid* 18M) ahaU U kild to ddlM ptMM vlM ivi^ momiMn of tU Ooiponitioa of Oio BtookdUo Boud of Tk»d«* Th« olMtkn of oiodidatot foriMmUnhipilMai Wlif bdlolftt may gnoral mMtiiiK of tbo Bottd, iiiif tht ■lirtion.diall bf oarrMd bj ^ m^f^i^^fc»^*i.t,jw^^y,^ mtiphtiri thwi prwwili 4. Tbt Muraal JMpabmdiip fco duUl bo ivt doQan piytbto in adtsnoo. Xditon wd piopriotota of MwqM^WS pi^ilidiwl in BrooMQo didl be exompi ftom tbe^aMnbink^ fct, ff. Tbe Seorttiiiy flhatt immediittojjr aHir Ibe elpotlQii «l n oMdidato. notify bimbr eiiioidMr ', t «" i'^T^j^^ ^; ;? i. th« •ImUoh of tw«lT« mMnben to mtt* at » Boftid ol Aflfifemtion in th« Mm* uauner m in the elootion of th* mem- Wiicithe ooaadl. ■; ■ ■ -. ■ ... ■■':. , . ■ . .-.. ,._... ■.■-: ^ «. Qu^H«!y geneiml me«Ungs ahiOl b« htid ^n th« thirJI TvmAaj in Moh of th* month* of April, July and October, iiiilaia any of thaae daya ahaU happen to be a legal hoNOay^ then th« meeting ahaU take place on the following day. a. A qaoram at ai^ annoal, quarterly or apeoial general meeting ol the BtwIahaUoonaiat of not lea* than twelve mem- ^' r*? 1 * L It ahaU be the duty of the Prsaident, Vioe-Preddent or pvMidiBg oOeer at aqy ordlhaiy or Cpecial meeting to legulate ' thft Older thereof in aooofdanM with the roletofoiderpreacribed in J^-kw nvmber 8^ to inform the Boaid of the ptooeedinp of the OmmeU aiooi the laat meMing and cauae the leporta of the Oounea and other eemmunicationa to be read and if needful •oknowledged, t6 ^«oeiTe and put motiona and keep oider. Appeal may be had from the deeiaion of tl)e chair to the mem' ^ ben.pna*iit;r^ . •/■.\-: ..■..: .'.^ .,.;•;■. /. ■.,;■.■.;,. /:; 2. The IWmuer ahaO have chaige of all funda belonging ^tbe Board and aheU duly depodt the aame in an inoorpoimted ■'■■■■'■.,■■ -.■ ' '■■■■ ■ . ' ■ ■ ■- '.v' ^' ■ ■• ■ '•'*'■ . ■ . ■; S. Out of Mioh fund* the Tnaanrer ^ihiiU on order of Uie 8*>reta»y, eomitenigned by the Praddent, or in hia abaeooe by theTiee.PMdd«nt.payaeopnitBippM>ved by the Oounell. and ' ahaU keep* regular aeooant of the iaoome and expenditure o| ' the Board, an a«ditodatatement of which, ahall be Jaid on the table at tkf amnal meeting or at any other time that he may be Mq«iiad b^lhe bonndl to do BO. 4. The 9aaetiiy akaH ddy i«oord in a bool^all minute* or taaototiana, dedriolia aiid otJier proceeding* of the Boaid. enter- m^ napoiH memofiala and other papeia rabmitM to tiie Bwiw «llly b^ their litlee or by • btW d^onptioii <4 thii^^ >•>- \ ■-'■'^ ^, m^m^ fW ■^^W' it 1$ port and iluUl fllo the ori(in*l pftpen Mnoog tha raooidi of th« BoAid lo be kept for futon referenoe; bot Meept«| rapoc^ •hdil be entered et^leng th. ' . — r '' - '■ '■''/■; '■ 6. Ill moneys peid to the Scoretuy ehtll furthwiik be by him paid over to the Treesuror of the Boud, who dwU bo V- ■ •ppointedby the OonnoU, 6. The aflkiia end buabeai of tike Board diell be nuuMged by the Ooaneil m oonetituted by the Aet of inoorpoi»tion, and the Council ihAll oonaiet of the President, Yioe-Prssident, the Reoretary and nine other members of the Board who shall have the sole management of all the mo?e*ble and immoreaMe pvp* perty whiohmay now or hereafter be in possession of 4>r aoqaired* by Uie Board and have power to authorise the President or in his absence the Yice-Presideut to leaae aU sneh houses, build- ings or premises as may be requisite or necessary for the prose* eution of the objects of the Hoard on such terms and conditions and for such period as the said Council in their discretion shall see fit' ,■ ^, ^ • ; 7. The^CouneillBhan report its pveeeedings to tha Bo^ at each ordinary general meeting. ''. 8. No two or more partners, co-partum in triida, shall serve at the same time on the Council of th# Bwd. ' ' ' 9. The Council may appoint a treasurer, caretaker, or other officers and regulate his or iheir duties, salary or salaries, t:"^ — 10. The Counoil'may draw up petitions, and either forward them.to Parliillfkent or elsewhere as the Qfue may be, at once, or, if th^ tJiink proper, r^er the sanu^ the Board «t either a quarterly on^edal general meeting. \^ They shall, if required by t^e Board, dr4w up and forward such petitions as may be agreed qp(m at any meeting of the Board ; and all petitions must be signed by tJie President or YioePresident and countersigned by thr"t3eeretaiy Who shall affix thereto ihe seid of tlie Board. U. The OcniQipa'at their firsK ittaeting shall appobit thir Staodq>gQainmitt4MS of the Board tot the oumnt year and shall alio appoint from t^me to time any special oominittees -whidi m^ become nspssssryy The Standing Oomttitteea shafl consist of tve membcirs each and be as follows :r-Fuianoe, luting $nd Advertising, Monbership, Mercantile Interests, Railways and Transportation, ManufMsturss, Local Improvements and Tiui- «(ion, InAus^ritil Fair and Oel«btationa, • i •# V IS. II ihan U Um dalf ol Ui« OouaoU to pNMot % gaiMml BT4iAWy»MMial imd indnatriil iatMMta of tha taira, i»d la thiT ooaaaitioB to iany oat aaoli \'-' 1. ItahallbalhadalyofthaflBiBaaOattadttaatoaaditall dtkaB iw^mt tha Board that imv ha iilijiaiii, tlMa aad akt tha Tlrtaaatai'B booka aad aaaaal tfataaiaaiaad ta hara a gwiaiat : aaparrUon of tha faaaoM lahiMt fc» (fca approral of Ihf OooaeiL .- :;V ;■'.■.■', -' ■ ■ ■'■■'A;- :; ■■ ■: :■ ^^ ,■■■■:■■■ :■[ .(^ • •'*Aj!,^ ■t-V •'' 1 A , \ )A e. 11 alHitl b« th« dsty of dM oonuniMM oa MumlMtnriflg 'lidwIriM to MMUMr what mn b« do«t lo pgo<«wth»M MtMfah - BMnt of MV moolMloriti Mid to fookw Mid fkl tlio0o alrMdy wtaWfiht^. u4 to ropoit at omIi nwring « tlio GuanoU •iqr plMM or i i m w tk Mia tli^ may ImH to mak*. ' \ ■ o o nimiU ltt ihail oonaldif wIm» pabUe iaproToniMili ' war from timo lo tiOM bo dMimbto bi'tlM intoNota of tlio towo^ Mid what otopo ■bnold bo takm to ooonrt raoh impfovomoiito* .> haTing doo nfud to a pvopar Uaait of tautioQ, >\. / V IL II ■hall bo tho doty of thli ooaimittoo 16 o^MMidor tho ' qoiotioo ofoitaWithing ai Agrionltwal fexhtbttlon and Indoo' :^ '■■■] tvlal fWr itt tho town of BiooktUlo and to rooommond to tho (XMnMll ioMo Una of aotion that will fwnlt In lootlUag a ponna I. At mootingi of tho Boaid,oth«rthantho annual mooting, tht bnidnaii ahall bo piooioded with in tho foUowing otdor : c Tho loading of tho minntM of tho laot mooting and amondmontw approval of tho iam«> ' h, Tho Nidhig of tho report of tho prooopdingi of tho Oowidi ilneo faMlBoard mooting. ^7 v. 4, Proiontation of potitioni and oommn n icatiom. , '•- d. Bopogtaof itandingoommittm «. Bopottaofapooialoommittoia.' ., , , ; / Uniaiihidlnii^^ ".■S^BaB"*. lU... '%-■ ' ' ' , ' ■ ftOUi Of OIU>UU «ay p,,rid. wta th. «flr«l ol U». IW*«»t or Vi«..Fniiid«i. no bu»in««« c«n b« tmni«ot«d. Rot. III. -AU qu-Uo-. .^T. io |it Fiority of b«.laf. rtiaUb«d«old«dwkho«t *•!»>•. , , pot oth«wii* Toto on qa«rtk» botort tho BoMd.^ |U« VL Th. q»-lio« bn.i«i bo«i V^^^^*f^^ Bo»id or oibtpt ••oh •• »«• dii«otty inMiMcw m «• "^■~f. CL. nnd J-Ol koop th.ir i-t. imta »ho f ot- «^ Ei«m-Wh.aUoor«o«««iWnri- nt tU «i^ ttmo tf».pwridingo»o«ahidlnnm.lhomambtririM»tal^^^ K. ■::. ■__ ■ • . , . . ■ ■ i> ,, -•-.■■ - ■ .■■■-. . . ..■ : ■' . ■■-■ h. te «««d w "^ "»» >» "*'»•' ", *!!** ^ |^^«MUr h p.*. Al». tk. ,«*ta. k- b.* ftf^ »« Sin. -rfi ««-««»'->-»•' '^''•'••r^"^ tfc.dM*«i«*b.d»lr"t.'^wkrtM» «k.««-tto. k^l>»P tainy p«t ifcdl k» •<»«'i^'*- BBI.IX.-A ««*«**>« "^ ♦•"**• "^ a* Bona dHU 4«U» tkt tiM wttboal drtnta: ' A i. •■'■'■ ) / Mi- |!"#a ( ... I ' RvLt XI.— Ho a«l»to,Mirili«UlMte RfTUi XIL— Ho Ibitwboiiti MWiH . , ^ ._ jibor. dliw IkM Um OM pMpoiiat » or «ol4o«, dk •P-k -^ •^ *^. •■ *^ "T k«M alMwdtfntooA. M auitl,r;lkiMovirofa ■hall h*TO ipoltMi. Roia XIU.— H' »ddn« hisMlf MnfliMfeMi ■itdowBMii EomXIV.— Ho ■MM kiMOOiidtd; wImq IhM ko It oBllo fciiwiato Ul$ ■•• lolfaNi itell kftvo tiM rfglit ol i^tly iWakdi ftaoMofotp«Wi« and to iho pmUUnf oAMfiho tlM oMllor «p4«r 4impi UMMOOMlMllMaOM tabaUbopiMiov *A-r hrfqw dobillO ; •■•^ •»«7 ••<*■*»*» '"^ • r**!^ -fHwiiftiaf Bnu XV. NiolotioB hM boM iti* *T *^ ba« BoMdbowUMiMniift ^ •nytiiBO Bom XVL—Wh«i •' •una or «|i« kigMl M«i or tiM «Qil«#(lobfttot]M *-^ tod* TIm P>«^ ' portpoiMr indtOAb , lV>i«l«r{7tk.»»»iii«Hl. Ruui XYII.— A •Iwsjt ta oidor, wm^ym tho floori M. Wh«i li^— WhMi tho BMOiboft ■«• f<<) thiifcaiopw«ioiliq«ii*l«tt^ , ^^ Joa#a to » gltwa dagr magr bo, toafaop«»f flUad «p« Mid diffMon* mitton ilMdl bo tokon ft"^ (^ QM ; Mid wtaa a quMkloa fai tdOT ilMdlboilifk. To adioara ; «^ ky 00 Ow tiOdo : ltli« To ijKw to » ooftain day ; etb, lij^oum Um Boaid ahpll bo W • MM»bar ia in poaitMioik of Amn MTO boiof oallod ; 9rd tk, Whan it ha« boon dooidod I tokan : and a motion to ad- 10 ■»''*^ 'wk I ' i j^ "*js^^^^ -w.^'^ |f,,.«^«^ .».#^v*- * • i^/ U 1^ RifL. XYllt-Wfc«i til- pwtrloM qa«rtioii i« mof*d and ^..JdlT U .Wf b. in th.. form . 8M1 th. n-in ^^mii^ bj r;:T t If ihl. b. orri^d. .11 ptoi^-d am^-!.-*. -a all forlblr motion and d.UU. -hall b. ..olud-d. , _ ImpSk not d.b.t«.bl. . but a mHion to Uy oo th. Ubl. .nd JuTS; or with ^y othn coadidon, 1. .«bJ.o. to .«..n««.nt aiuld«bftto. ., ,^. - - to th« BBifcin motion. 4 Bna XXL-CA motion to .«.«* •» ««i>a«.nt *•" *• '» ■ ^^W . motion to «-»! " »-"*»«.. t. «. «n.»lm«t ihiJl not b. •ntert(»ln«d. Th. order of prooodur. •&.U b. m followf : V Ui. Th. fot. ih.!! b. Uk«i on th. .m.ndnu«t ^ th. Mn.ndaiMit. / . 2nd. On Ih. »m«idm«ii to th. ongind motion. ^ 3rd. On th. originid motion m .m^nd^i. HUL. XXIL-An iMn.ndA.nt modifying *fr»«7'i«°,;;[j "motion !Ll b. in ord.r, butti, iMn.«d««t t.\^m to . dUfor- mt •ubj.rt •h.U net Uin ord.r. .^d.r*l .t .ny tim. during th. «m. mJting : no qu-tion 2rV«oon.id.r.d mor. th« one at on. mating of th. BoMd, nor dudl . voU to «»OMid.r b. w»on«d.»«L ,* ^. « * • r ■ «. \v <•' « m )' ■ 'I 'vi / I " " h" / / ».ip,. " ':•<..■■■ / r .J,,,;.,; ■■■": '^ ' • --■^— ' \ " ■;-- . _ '. \ -. - ■ " ft , ' ■_ •, ^' ■ V . ; * . ■■.-. « 4'K ■ ■ ,.' % ( ( ■•■ '. • . - > .« .■ J. 'r ■ 1 .,»■',. I I %\\ « //