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The T0WII POWERS GottdeBiollicf fmn^^f and Uwr Ij4lr||^ #i "^ in £dm^^ iSm^m^ M <* V-.J /- »r :4 \*' W.)!*- '%■•*. '«^ \ V . * *# r% * r 'i^«M IT 1 I n I -f % .1*' #. ♦ ;,-«"■ /^•^'^ ; «% l^/^-/ ^ v>d -i.^'* * iif « ■■■**-,*' ^'"^ ti l.»»: ■••s. ^ im ^•"^ii 4\.l^r\p^yi% ♦ ■•^. l^^^c ^ ^ t„A i«, «.^ *y:«0/ » * y^ M^ V ,, I t'0" •»»*« r remaniefit :^^f o X3^rmv("J^<:i-^3i iV'- ■A y F0&AT|^N& I .¥, , .' .%<.#; ^.i T-t.. #• K#' ^ ycptr Freilieceltors j; wIio» by « iiaif AT C«ii^TA s *Tii "a I^CRff Pfe|4siTiirHi w^h jcp|^t>piiM ^ well f a* thfp^ Intercft, tb defend. If your Fotxm&m 01 Lscw Jm Honour^ ^^ ^^Hoifs MonMro j^jjp^ o .ME imp^ni. lAcmMT^ ^ ^ II y^y jp^ fo the fs r^if^' ^i#- ^; ^- mMhem th^tfeat; him; that iiijtkiyii d^dii^j^^ ^tlk Truth$ . Sdlab; ^ 'Li' hif ' , ^ I HAVE, wkhiinwc^cdl^aki«, w i leftcd the Materials of die enruing Hiftoiy» from ordinal a^thent^pkMi^^ ' nu(criptS|: v^d IfiUoi^ans of ttilcmf fti« oneil YcrilcUy ; And I jiuilMy JOtoV cate it to You tlii CRl^'l^S op EDlNBtTRGH ;f wMhing' Profjjcrity to You ran* ijie Good Tdw^^ whofc Pillars and chief CornlS'-Stones ^ you untoll^, wm€i ftek herTeace contimsaJfy* 'i^^^i^ inimiiabfc f oc^^^JU^ M- filled Propnecv,' lol>ofaii E^ from, Two di/pTS-^lB^ifi Ediffkurgli to the AtJTiiSiL. •\ ■ -^ vSi ) ^^ , been overlookc by all Scott Uh Hifto- " dW^c thcWJkK by pl^jfii^^ •* Hbnours of the BlaKKET ; fo aP- <• iutc yoorfclfjrf ji Tril^tt of Braife ** iFrpm ill CRAFTfi-^t£^^ ef|iecially €C J. : '■ >n J 5" lie. ■•I- '« # # ;*^ Xom^m^ ^r^nffoJf 1 » K' •-. *. ■"^■- X < -^ '.% *-H' @. •i .- ■>; * -:*■. ,'■?■ ,-, W. iCX I 1. ^*^ ^'"^■'f-':*^ 4. u»**v- ■■ ..*■ , ^gi Hifto- 0] ngtfie to al- Eraife ecially i% 1 1 If. jy. € %f. ^*^ f f « ) ^• . > • ii. A\ SI* ^^ we credit the earJi&fl ikk0fki Bfffi^l reams, the g/oriws Redeemer "efMaukikdi ^efire f^s\ futtkkWSranctt upon ihf MhmhrialQgeep^M^uf'm H^hhii HMdi m the Shop. Tho' he ealUi ifc'liilt* thfew ftQ0 fh^^ttfloms, ' H e^iden^' the Ei^^s^ and\ ../ ^ c$h£ueritig\ ■■fsi m. AG^aritlFAci. iXt )7t^etMg,Pw»er of his Grace ; yet the mo ft of hii fpoftles 4nd D$fcip(es, ivho fptemi the everiafting ofpeiy and fapflimtiul the Government of^aUM^pur^ as*dfoodwkkifi^ Smeat of their Brows, ^^ GOD fUMs H hme ptn a diftit^uifhing Wqnotm ^on TradeS'Meny T^y m^mH'Jges^ JP&n^if the *reateft^Leaffning,etndtke nomeft Heroes^ hav$Jprung ' om their Loins, ¥wusy Monarch ofthelndk$f was «r Sou of a Barber, and wrought himfelfas a Tinker* raydillu^ Prince of the Sclavonians^ &on of a 0^1^ Ver* Arte;^(oi:u«, uopernor of M low Birth f Thi Jfrft Cirikmftaftceof Life ,^ght t0\ mve no Injfuence in our^Jfidgmei^rf a^greatMi»jl* ccaufenuff edtinot tretend tolre theufnld^m of t(/i§«^ v: p leafs ; and that a Man may 4^9 hfsJSirtb h m ■rincc, who/e natural Tempir ani%iciifA0Mt. l8^» jover more Ajeanne/s of Birth, than ifi^yifii'tthmS9» of a Weaver : H^herias m^inris tnombkriomp^thM vheny jtojtwithftanding theDefecfofMmftktif w#ii^ blows hov> to i^efi^y ^and ielevate^ the Jsitlfmttkns^- ihich an obfcnre Birth naturally inclines h beferpUi* Qi^mtut Ciiicinnatusy when called to theGp&erfifaefit |ofR(^ey was found hard at P/o%b ,' Belng^kttedfy fheNime of Dilator, inveffed wM Purple^-hononfd' nth the t^fces^ and other Bnfigns of Jw^iftracy^^ mat. tii A G«taer t^er a little PMnfif h anjwer^d, with Tears in Ins Etes^ Tbeti, ^r this Yecr, my poor Farm muft be unwwii. Takit^Jeave •fhv Famfyf pefform*i his Office v^k that PrudefKe and Jufliee, Aat he pr^ed the jtdfmratiojj^ of ^e UTorldt Andhash^fim^dh^JHliaihfitJb^f mum^d man t^ h$$ Fkm* mmcs^ from, hemg a private meehaniih, was cairdtofiunathe^ Pax^aan iT^irr .* And fitch an one was Tsunberlane the Van^jher «/| Aim* Peter du CkoUe Cfururgeon, was HmhCham" herlai^ of France^ and Secretary to King FhiUp III* M^ifianeUoy 4 Neaporftean Ftflser^Mmn^ 'raised an Ar- •my of 5p>0Qp> ^h July 1647, and trampled p« the Government of Naj^leti till they were obliged to yield to the Demands of me P^l^ froAning under the Bur* ■^ 4en ofeMiriitant Tattes. - ^ir jtoabapdfts tn Mmifter 'n^^d Jolm ff Leyden, a Taylor, fir theit- King, A/©. 1535., xeiM, thefam^itts Bifhop ^Cqf^an- tky fMf A Wemfitr^ who lhf*d till he wai fe^ 100 %are 'jsf AJHs ^t^ tho* he «w/ the m^ emineszt tiftitt^jind^^^ iiilteit Country, t^mmeapei^s Shopp and wm^ht himfelf daify at * '^ t9 ekthe AeNkktd. When thtf^eafknts <^U^ Attftria rofe tf ag^fi P. Maxkniltaii Ehc- tor tfBxns^, Akt),f^fj/heJrJ^yjon/ifted^f\ € The Chttrch records a noble Army of Martyrs y tuha died for the Proteftant Faith in the Reign of Henry VIII. and Maiy, Sovereigns of £ngland. .Shoemajkerg John Mace^ Chirurgeon. Hichard Frrtrx, Coldftnith. Mr. GiUes, Culler. Ralicrt Hatchets s^rihur "^howai Bond yJn Hart John Curd John Hoys John HammoidS^*^^^ J'jhnBennet ") .Andrew Heuct f -r-^Ur. John Jfarncr , ^ Dayton. irm,Corhtiy J \Oeorgc Eagles Mi niftcr, and i - . u^ - Imillam Picket >Butchcri,l Thomm Coh Stvphen Knight^ Barber. George TankerfieU^ Coek Thomas Mud/out Glorer. Thamis Thdmklns \ WillhmBmifori ' J s* ^ * NicobsCbuttibcrtanil '''^ John Cavelt |Sffip^Yer$ JohnSptnce f?^ RicHard Nic^lai ■ t^ -. JohnLcnf^ Canan Ih and/o is older than any of the Orders of KtTi^hthood hi Europe, fave that of A/. Andrew, ov tfhe Tfiifilc, which ha^ ,tis Original about the Soo, wh^i the Jting itf Scots atii( Pifts made wttr again j\ At! elfton King of the Wcft-Saxons ; and that of the Star, or Blcfled Virgin, which, as Selden, /// his Titles of Honour, remarks , had its Rife in the Tear 1022 : 'tor that order of St, George, or th,e Garter, was not i/iflitute till the Tear 1345 j that of St, Miihael, //ot ttfl 1 44ff ; and of the Golden Fleece 1 429. S$ Aey arc on E irth, as many I'imes, wiiere chey ^ &)4 Merit and Ddert, they raMe the Poor out (5f | * the Dull, that they may iet them with piincos, I ?"!?" 5, tvcu with the Princes of the People* | «*«^'*«« THE -r\ - t 15 1 {•. H i ST OR Y '» OF THE Blue Blanket; Craft S'mari's Banner • - THE metropolitan city of Sqotlan4r 1>5'i>™<^ bifloriansy (as Buchanan obferves) either thro* ignorance or iU*-wili j. iialleid VAlla Do LO RO I A/ the Polefiil Valley ; by th« Pi(SHfli records, Castrum PuELL^^liVMy the Maiden* caftle, from its royal and impregoabJi^ caftley built by Cruthenus Camelon^ . king of the Pids^ where thie daughter^ of tlie Pi^tifh kings were kept working at their needles till married ; which, lor ftrength» and command of prolpeft, may challenge precelljency of ^e bed in Britain. Some' of the anti^nt S^'Ot$ (tailed it CastrOm Allatum> othen D(V}xtritmvti iixA the latter £dinum, which we r«nd«r £mbii^f 'Tis fituated on the dccliningof an lilUs il*Q^ wlif nctt (he views her tributary river Forth^ encompaiifd dl^Ut with fertile Helds,' fpacious paftures, and goddJ|| Mr^ ^nfli^ ^own by degrees in fuch magnificence at%JSl* dtng^ji^ft'and incompictii^||j||«#i3>imy i^l^^g^t i»ndp^ merits thf cncOiitSiJp)^ Ar&ur^JJIiUi^ bcilMled upon her \ , ^^ B 2 Thit i6 the Hfjfory •/ That Edinburgh may viewthe heavens ttmU}^ 'Tis built uj)on a lofty rifing hill. The fTelds and rivers, which her hand-maids bc> She thence views, and the tributary fea : And when the fun difpla) s her moming-Iigh^ The palace doth prefent itfelf to fight. That princely dwelling under Arthur-fea^ Adorned by nioft ingenious art of late : Towards the well the glorious caftle ftands ; Which with its tliunder giveth loud commaadt* Each citizen hatli fuch a houle, that it May peers of greateft quality well fit. 'Xhe threats of foes do not make them difinay'^y ' Nor need they be of their aflTaults afraid* Sure, for a kingly city, none can '< • ifli ' A leattliat*s more convenient than this. •Tis not only beautiful, but anticnt, thd' the time when it was founded, is not eafily difcovcred. The magiilrates of Edinburgh, in their congratulatwy ha* ransuc to king James VI. of Scotland, and L of Eng- land, recorded in »hc Mufes Welcome to that prince, ailert. It \va8 builded by {•'ergufius^ the firft founder of this kingdom, three' hundred and thirty years before the incarnatidn of Chriii. . In our ij^iild frequent wars with the Pifls, Danes^ KomlnslEd Diiglijfh^ tliis city was fo often dellroyed, h^ monornefttt and charters lo(^, that her original c^atinot well be documented. The fii ft charter 1 find in her favours, is granted by king Alexander 1. fur* fiame^^he Good, and the lecond by his fucce^' St. l>A}fU: 'Tis generally agreed upon, that it was made a burgh roy^l by khlgWilIiam I. in whbfe Kign tiStr* iMSuiwiRiVotion, eticouraged by pope Urban j|. leis a the ipirits of the princes and cavaliers of Eurbpc> un- der the c^i^^iid of Godfrey of Bulloigne, to rc!cue Palefthi^ wi tlie city of Jerulalem out of the hands racens a The Blub Blaitkbt. I? •f Saladine^ end to pluck tlie ibpulchre of Jefus from ^ the poileiuon of the Infidels. The zealous pontiff was afflifted, that the Hohf Land, the City of God, the Inheritance ofjeius, mould he fullied by Infidels^ Sa- racens and Turks ; who, in Ibme meai'ure might be faid to hjive driven Our Lord from his capital, that the crofs, the glory and ornament of crowned heads^ fliould be trampled upon by the vileft <^* Adam's po- flerity. Thercfure he inculcated the peceflity of ta- • king arms, and united all'the powers of chriftendoni y and, to whet their courage, promifed,to thole that would join in this holy (ervice, a plenary indulgence^ that is, a remijlion of ^11 penance;^, impoied by con-^ Icilbrs. ' , Vail numbers of Scots mechanicks having followed to this holy war, took with them a Banner, bearing this infcription out of Pialm li. //; konav^iufitate tUa -edijicenter muri Jerufalem, Upon their returning home, and gli^rying that they were amongfl the for- tunate, who ]^acC!athe''Chri(ban ftandard of the cro(» iii the place that Jefus Chrift liad coniecrated with his I blood, tliey dedicated this Banner, whidibtliev Ail'd, I ' I The banner of the Holy Ghof^,* to St. Elor s altav in St. Giles's' church in Ediiiiburgh ; which^ from its colour, was called, ^ The Blue Banket. Tho' none of our hiilorians mention tte. ^ftg^ial inflitution of the Blue Blai^ket, nor is ther^ apy^;iou- chers for it, favMig old imperfeidt manuibnptt^yety 'tis highly probable, it had its rKe from the Qrbif^e^ or Holy War » for Monfieur Chevereau in his hiftoij of th#^ world, tells us, that Scotland wa$ eiigaged iit tliat w4r, and fold or mortgaged their eftatesior that ' expedition \ and that (he was amongft tiie moft fbr>v£i rd • nations in it. Pere Maiihbourg, Miji^re dfsQro'ifydts^ Informs us, that the knights of S|. Laziurus^ jil^M of men educate to the holy war, w^re n|i$|^fCfii9^ei]n wli^^> but erpecially in Scotland and Franciill *M tt<^. p«ar9 by tlit charters and grantsof Princes to their f^« B 3 row*; i8 The iifjihry of t. vours : and the diftin^ive crolles tlicy wore e\ince, that the Scots were as forward^ gallant, and zealous in the ier vice, as any oF their neighbours. • Our hiflories bear, that a great many of the Scots went to tliat war, under the command of Allan, Lord great Steward of Scotland ; and they, with their confederates, got poileflion of Jerufalem in 1099. When Saladine prevailed againit the chriftian arms, William, km^ of Scotland, alMed the war with mo- ney, and (ent lupplies of men to the meritorious action, under the command of David his brother, and tliat five thoiitand Scots had their (hare in the malheurs and Aiccdles of that uiiibrtunate enterprtze. And, if we may believe Boethius /;; Vita Ctti. the renowned city Ptolomais was taken by the good condu^ of Earl Da- vid, brother to the king ot Scots, ann^ l^iy and tiiat the thriitian mtelligeucer was one Oliver a Scotf- man.' - This Blue Blanket, whofe ori^al 4 have cndea* vourcd to difeover, was, in the dark times of popery, Uj^ in fuch reli^us veneration, that, whenever me* hoicks 1v|f^ artfully wrought upon by the clergy ♦o HHpUy tneir Holy Colours, it ferved for tnany ufes, indi ^y .never tailed of fuccel's in their attempts ; which is not to be wondered at ; for, as the learned and Judicfioiis Dr. Abercromby obferves in the Life of Sttf David| king of Scotlandi leaking of the battle W 1^1 Standard^ ' So good a utejiave churchmen iflp < «|| aseskfto^ to make of rett^ous pageantries, ' atid io mnch have the vulgar been mified into the ♦ belkf of besvenly prote^ioa, by the leger-de»main * tiicks of Ritual guides, who, while they have no *■ other view but to gratify their private pai1ion8,~ mi*- ' iter the deluded people into rebellion/ l^yli^lK^otmted ibr the original of tii(? order of ^e BliMr Bkiiket,! may infer. That *tis at iafjitient, andl more ^iOitourab)e than the Englifh order of the Garter^ tbe AMiftitullfNi whereof; fo;ne allribtt to a garter fil- ing 7^ BttTE 'dy. ANKET. Ip ingof ;^ionally from the countcfe of Salisbury ; tho* others affirm, the Garter was given in teftimony of that bond of love whereof the knights and fellows df it were to be tied to one another, and allof them to tJie king> And othei-s make it yet more andeptji . ff^r iiig,it,the fame original with the Blue Blanket, relat- ing, /That, when king Richard L of England was at waA^igainil the Turks and Saracens in the holy lan^, the tcdioutiieis^whereof began to dilcourage his ibidiers, he, to quicken their courage, tied about the legs oif leveral choice knights a garter, or fiiialtthong of lea- ther, the only dim he had at hand> that, as the Ro^ mans ufed to beftow crowns and garlancb for encouw ragement, lb this might provol^thenfi to ftand toge^ ther, and fight valiantly for thdrldng. The crafts of Edinburgh having this order of the Blanket to glory in, may juiUy take upon them the title of Knights of the Blanket, or, Cheva:** iiERs OF Arms : lor, as the learned ^kene, DmvcT' horum ffgnificatioMy in \a& Title Banrents^ oyerires. That banrents are called Chevaliers of Arms^ «iy, knights, who, obtaining great honouis at i-dignltkl^ have power and pri^ilegcf granted to them by die king to raiie and lift up a Banner, with a company of men of weir, either horfe or foot ; wliich cannot \it' done by any fa ve Baronets, without the king^s ^ccisHi licence^ as Pali^iers, Lih\ fi.^ Ues recherch^ps dh^ Fran€€, CL 9. ivii 100, by fiitiic^ amimeatspniftsis 2ind .Br. Smithy li iiis trea tile of ittt Cbmmon#we8llii of England, Lih^ I. €h 17. informs us^ That knights Banrents are allowed to difplay their arms on a Bai»» ner in the king's hoft. • ^ As the kni^ts of St. George have their meeting' tft Windfor^cadle, and thefe of the ThMlleiH die rdydl palace of Hbly-rood»>houfe,; fb the kiHghtt of tho Blanket have their^ at St. Eloi (who mm% Freibch biihoi),^ and their g|uardia») hb altar, to which tl: Mr :' morniy confiderabie fluns for the maintenance c^ll * chaplain^ *' '■■k. f# . ilk ffjhry 9f ^aplakiy anif reparatioii of the mnafnents of ^ cha|>el I 99 a|Hpes|ii fit>n[| the Craf||beQ*t $s.Ah Or »iy; » %Af. of ^A0SiJ for the Hammer- ' ' JL ittP^^^S^ tutpvefeitt letters ftioll to euin^ ^ Andbm ^1^1% Hsoioft^ «f £ciiiibuy||^» C^i(»|;e ^t«f ^leiy^Mai^ Ifctttot: i^4Miti«Hcitii9^^i^^ ^ JNalfati #ai«y^ i^ld 4 ttt laiKP .withitt t^ :£t|d hiif]g^^ liat Imiyly M^IUogi md %e^ Ii4 tile |pta^ flbd^^jMl tud Xd^^^ (loiite/liftihiN> ««i «tl» ^«8t toM4^ « ieiitoe andliegei in Ithir fidmt tlHit ^fttMm^ i^lliWr'ilM^iiqllhilky tlier4M^relKfoien.ii(B-ii«ryie ^#f^il^ il^i^ i^;9iiii0, of Mntei ^mAi^Stmrndami^ #^ fiM Ch^uMi and 1^1 iidMn Idi UtgM^i^JiiLt li Tke B LIT k B t A N K E T. 21 ' 6ijr fall IMi Wt^ mm<» mgnAn^ ' upoir W %mi^ t ^ ^|r;^*liifer ' (kBX^n^f^^' d<^^ ^ j^ reniedi ^ IS0 • and coftlope. wele of tlie Md C^ftBfm«i|> and %i ^ hale iti^bm, kasy %d:Oift)ir.g to ^iiMi and (ii^lainkj^ 'flliH^^itif^ « dialr Wttik C^ marltat m^ #^tbefi^ 4 nay ^liM(i# «il^«l9M)r « Aiy;'/ < Cmk « liMtel'^ ' Jim 4 . if? If «^y£rjaiiti/ wiiikia^t ,?/K^fta:2fcM.i.'"'''^ { It^i That n^e oitbe ^ Crrfi^fiip^ afeU^ tak 1 |Kir fe^Jioe judder majiU pgitis 4i/git^ €^^vefm w^^> without. It be cle^lj^iM^ |« te ifi^ of *ll u^ menk teP^ifce. Ih-riA ^ poQ lik Satujpday aiternooti, ^fl^t twa. fine tliaii^k^»fc||fiuU ^fUw^ < iiilj^ pa& wkk ^iur 04^(%|r.,i^l9f^^^M le^ all f.aiemrs wark m the faid^^^raflb ^^jfeii^iulBc^ in « fti^a^d warkapaiifliip> f# tH i^ i«r4rk'to| I fevc pur Soveraii^ Lor4>li^es widi 1 i^ !^^^^\ I k fai^ lUndUQi faM^ tciJpr^ ^be^iimp^ mj^'^-A ! the p$m of^fiieutmg ttoof al^lrmi^ i |»Wt^ and to* JfPW i*l %o|W W JWb|»e« ^ IT)^ 6iM^ «i^i;a|t|| iWifly *ii^ %ly^,fnd, x%«r^. ♦ <«^ The A t If r. B t% il k k t. M fuUie be d>2r our pi«dei|(t lettfrs^ and in ^itndl&g' thaiit^f^ we h&ve^ Atthkctyitmmii^QfovKrSover^t Lord, afd ckl^ tttid ref)ucll of ^%iM:ralllIitieh; mui oi]rc«iaiQ « ;„ ■ i H^ m' M th$ m/hfy of ' declnres^ aiid ordaihs tW» general contm^ation t« * be als fu^cient, vafid and clfe^ual jn, all refpefncyer work belon^^ t%i^ifljat can f l^ in^t i^rniHied and comples||^ y^ 1^^ ^£it f jhdL^pen tobeiBiport|:d withlii liieiaKrburgh, .'any tee hereafter (except upon jhe percat-day) 5 and ^ere efcheating and connCcating uie one mlf I ^fewreof to his Majefty's u(^ and the other half of ^ the lamen to the ufe of the poor of the faid Incor- < poration, J^d further, diicharpes and inhibits all < alid what^fonievcr work belo^i^ng tO| or can^be I tniM^i furtiift(^ and ccwwpfcated by t|iem, to be f kib^^^^ &ti, rented or rets^ld withfn the (aid lUwijkp Wmy m^^^^r pcrfiw% CMept within ' pe 0i^iie%^a^ cff the Freemen (^ the fold tn- icolpmution^ hut what (hall happen to be inbrought f on the mercat-'day, and vented, ibid, ^d ratii'd J ? #» ih# mercat-4^v, at the xirdinary mcrcat-|>lai«, ^€en ^ liqturt in the ivm^^^ ^4 ^'^'^ *^ ^[ ^flUff^tmmn, and that under the .^n of coifi%i(k>n I * ^nire^ to the ufes fore^id. .^x|3^a^e4^fei^L^ ^^^ * ^JBcorJs of paiiiament, bm|i|ie Sir Tho. Murray ' i^3lendcMck, Knight and Baronet^ Clerk to his * llljeftys Co^Bicil, Rcgliler amll^ok,*' i -7 The ,*'.. fie Bzvt BifiiNKiT. \ The trades being thys confirmed in their jMrivJIeges by the royal fan6lionj[ gave fuch extraordinary f roofs ofloyil tf, tkat they ellabliflied themfel yes in tne gi ace. and tkvour of their princes ; and their loyal a^oiiK I fhall trace, bcgini^tng, with |he reign of King Robert Bruck*^- v For many Eminent fcrvices performed by the crafts nnd other (citizen^ of Edinburgh, contamed in a char- ter granted by the faid king Robert, dated at Car- drols, in the a4th year of his reigti, Hediipbncs to the provoft, baillies, counc^il and communities of the (aid burgh, ^d their fucceflors, the haven of LcHh, ii^^ and otli# pertinents thereof, to be holdenof b'U ma- jefly,^and lucceiTors, als freely, and with th« fiune liberties and commodities, as the fame were ^ooycd in the time of king A*'?xander,--liis predeec^^ ajG^ happy memory, for payment of 5 a merks. t^ wm S:dinburgh, by her ioyal depprtment, k& in fiK(^ •3kvith his lUccdIbi#' King Robert thaH. i.-;^^ In the be^nning of his reign/ Edinbur^/to fiieidi properly, was not the c^tal ci^ of Scotk^d^ ^^g only a Imall burgh (which made Walfingh^me. Hal odier luftorians ^f thefe times, call it a v^ji^) ^fshe houfes of whk:b,vbecauf and then b^i^Piit, or •demcui^Ilpd, were with no great difficulty iei^red.: for^r In i»tient times* Uie H^lands were prnperiy &» :Scof«^i^gB terHtories,. till the Pias wertf fl3i^lM4» w^ W^EdliijHirgh, and the Utbil^g ^fl p^^^A, %l»? «;«8« o* King Kenneth Iham^^fi ' loyalty lor the citizens, impreg.nal^ Qxm .0(^1 6^ (She cojiyci^ency oif m tu^r ^6 wy of rooJ-lioufe, iittlie royal chaptKil whereof bis corps is interred^ invited the king 1^ awell, and hold his par- IkiBient there. From this proceeded a great concourie <3if people, \Vho W€re of coDzJe obliged to reibrt to it^ and occafioned thcfe ina^ificent, bjut too coMy ilru^ures/ with which it is mice crowded. But the loyalty of this city of Eduibui^h was inore remark- M.e in die reigtt of King James IIL ^ Vfho having offended his nobles, for advancing Robept Cochran, ^ mafon, to the dignity of iecretary of flate^ and creating him eaiJ of Mar ; James Hommel, j|^ taylor, and one Leonard, aimith, to extraordina- ry favour,' aiid places of truft, ^ incens'd the antient feeirage Hot ennobling tl^^e muflirooms, (prung from the dreg of the pisople, quarreling die lings arbitrary |)^^iKer> in difpenHng thele^ honours^ and marfhal ling thofe perfons whom he had advanced to thcie high digmties, that, in an impetus of paflion, they hang d Cbchran earl of Mar over the4>ndce of Lauder, and rais'd luch violent emotions in the icate^ that his ma- jelly, fbriccurity of his toyal pcrfon, was forced to flislieeriiimrelf in £^inburgk calHe. During his con- ;^ement there, the £ngmfi, with -whom he "v^as sit .urar, »havinig march*d to Edinbur^i, and there being r^treiViy^Wwixt the Scots and them, of the .2d Au- jg^ 1^2 i die next dav after this ceflktibn, Alexand- erdakAof Albany the king's brotherj|^importun'd by t(ie fmVers and tears of the cpcen, ^r the kingV Vi- betty, D«the afliilancir of William Bartfdat'provoH: of JEdmbor^^ *, and widi him the wh6te ctMamuDJ^ and incorpOTadonsof crafts-mffi, intifdy lo^/ingdiw J^lngr and fiivoud to hit ;iervi<:e, loyiUyt ■0a-'0$g; .- \ ' ' ^ ^ '■ ^^ ' ■ •' ■ \>rm im Atjijiieycmcm t* ' llaudiot ndca-i ne B £ U E BT t A N K E T. z; roufly oblig'd themielves to repay to that king^the (aim oF money ciepu^'d by him in vicvy of the niarriage^be- twixt the ditke,^f Rpthefay anJ his daughter the lady Cecil : or^ if the king did yet incline that the {nar- riage fhould he ^compUated, tliey undertodk^ for their fovereign Lord tlie King of Scotland, tliat he fhould ^oncur^ conform to his former ohifgattoiiy pravidlng Uidt tl^ir iaid fovereign lord, or the lords oFhis coun^;!!, or the faids pro volt and burghers were informed of the king of England's pleafiire and elec- tion upon the mattery, by the liril of All Saints ne.'tt to come. And the faids ciUzeus furpri/ed and ilprm'd . the cadle of Edinburgh ;. and,, to the g^^ giila^^ faction of tlxc rebellious nobles^ let thetr &vcreign at the liberty. Thcfe furpriling indantes of loyalty and yalouT; for which tliey (hair be l>ad iaeVcriailiiij^, remembrahce>; procured ^m the king » grant tyk' m.v- ny new privilege, cout^iiied ifta piUjeii^ li^lchjjief call their Gk>LDEN Chaet^^ % jlat^v^#2i |NII^^ cularly the magUlrate»^ em mzm heilNll;^ d^ilts witliin the faid burgh, and li|bertic8 of ijif i^^ '^^^^k another charter fi-om their^i^ ipir^ga kml> M^ ' vours of the faid pbvoft, baillies, council atul a>m-' munities of the laid burgh,, alkd tjhtfiir fitcce^irs for ever, of all the cuftoms of the haven of Leith, and road of ' the lame, dated 1^^ November 1482 ; and a conHrmation of a chart^and intefltnieAt granted W Sii' Robert Logan of Keft^alrig to them, of all the pd^ Tages and waysleadin^^ tlie haven and harbour of, Leith, and from the fanTf eontaitiing divers li|)ert^ < land immunities* •' W-' "'^i^ Indeed they very well delerved d^e favourt,|?^^^M|||| ^ j on them : for 'tis certain that upon the king #Sl^P''*- I land's lending his ti^rvant, the Garter King at Arms, to let tbiim icnow, that, for feveral great pauTcsand confidemtions, he ha4 intirely refuled to comply with the mania^ betwixt the dtike of Rbthtlay apulbli daughter> tiify repaid all the money, an^6iin(ii|p)o M m a« The Htficry of ■ ' 6000 merks^ which he debursM oij that account. - fiai^ trac'd the Blue Blanket to th^orig^of nie CydHade, froni whence it uiidou^^^ had its rii% i cannot pafi over in (Hence the1idnoiu> put upon it^ this motiarch, who was the firft that gave it the cfvil ian^lion, not thinking the above donatives a fuf- Sbient rieward to the loval crafts, confimwW to them all the privileges of tlie Blue Blanket;^ which they ciaifned by preicription, or an immemorial polFeilion, and ordained it to be called in all time coming, The SfAlfDARD OF tUE CrafTS WITHIN BURGH : Ifiit that kihg,fun or the Ipirit that warms the blood of |b£>lute monarchy highly releiited the treatment Ro- llert Cochran, mafoh, by him created earl of Mar, had liet with byhis-ia^lious nobles, would needs confer this ^gnity uptm the trades, in whom he placM his iJiC.Ul confidence. The trades, thus honoured, re- ni;wed their Binher t or, to Gpt^ in the language of heraoldsi (lidr £iy(lg% by way of Pennon, and the q^4i^eilt9mhd*ownhaiidi^^^^p^^^^ upon it a Saltire, or St. Ahditw's crofs> a ThiHIe, an Imj^rkl Crown^ Hammer^ with the following inlcriptioh. I Fear Gob, a|)(d hbtiour the king^ With a long life, and proijberous reign, Amlwe>t&Tra#)^ fhall ever pray.* Tlie crafts having norw not oply the crofs, but rii« erown on their cnd^, yi^^im^ firmly pcrluadfcd of fuccds in all their pnbllck ^t^l^s, as Conilantine the Gli^ the firft Chriltian emfreror, hr the year 306, irf^^4)iUtkjg the tyrant Maxcntius, when, at n^n- ^diy, he iaw a luminous crois in the air, with tliele WfiE^dsinfCrteek, • • In HOC SIGNO VINCES. The' ^Id )»obil|ty add gentry were exctedhiffy^ ne^^. at the ptoceedings of thloking, lo ir-ift^ Ii!f|p«uthoxity s but in the judgment of wtfis mi 4.,? ■ «* "'A -c The Bj^UE BlAlIKE T« n lloyalmcn, veryunjufUy; F^r, tbe ibundatbii of all I obedience to iuperiors^ are rewards and punUlunents ; land royalty is an invj^tion of divine wiklbm^ for the happineis of rul:p6^h ; and kings, being common ia- . M.w '-.^'^ «* n>Mf^»y M«»«. M4V/ Jl*»p» *»V <».; ., J »»V will take their daughters and make tliem ap^e^a- ries, cooks and bierS/" and he will take their ions and appoint them to his chariots, and to be his horlemen, and he will make them captains over; thouTands. As the wrath of a kuig is like the roar- *' ing of a* lion> 9o in the light of his coimtenance li Mite, and iiis favour as the Is^ter rain /^ As the crafts in Edinburgh in the rdgh of his fuccef- fors, made a very grateful and prudent ufe of the Blue' Blanket, with relied to government i io thjcy never failed, with this ftandard, to chaftiie all, who iti the leaft infringed their rights and privileges, wlachMng, James VI; takes notice of in his Basi^ikoiI ^onqM^. w; 4<^i}kt id hii $ori auif affarentjuccelfor, JJ*^/: /'avw*:^^ Wales, page 164. ' The cralb'^meii^nl^ ' we fliouki be content with their work, how baa%> ' ever it be j and, if in any thing they be controul'd, * UP goes the Blue Blanket.* As they flourilhed in thpii^vours of dieir jbverei^ king J^mes III, fo dU thejr in the reign of that cibut ragious and pious "^4.i >.-.;%;> 'i »* ■ Crowned at Edinfeiipgh*:! ^9 ; who^ for fu^aridhl of loyalty pcrfornwjd; by, the city of EdiiiburdiA bj his charter of confirmttion, uoder the gi«&t1^li to. the ^ |»rovo&; 4)aUUe»^ r<;ouiidl and comt^Miil^ ^ the ikklturi^, mtifiea liiid <3onfi|i^ thf^<^ aii,vj| chaittei|pwed J)y kiuglaws Ul^wi^ c})Qitir wm^ by $ir gobirt Logan pf Rcftalrigi wlOjclvdiai^if .. ; C 3 • coniim^tioii ^■' ' >.,: 3«> The Kftory tf 'tM. %, i ' confirtfia^ldMri is dated at Stirlihg the pth day. of Marcit J510. And, by another tharter, diiponed to theiii the lands ahd haven of Newhaven^ Ivith the haven^' ia^vei> alld all other profits^ duties, libertie$i»KtSni- iiitthitte'l^rtsdhmg thereto, dated at Sthiing idiiterthnmherland, John l^rmffe-ang, chief ofia gang of thieves,, was witiced by the king's officers, to have rc- courfe to ^e king, who had written a letter to him with bis royil hand^ to attend him at his palace of Hally-rood-houfe : Tfce king hearing a diitindt ac- •okint of the crimes he was guilty ol, ordained him to WjC0mttlitted*to goal, an#fuf!er, with hh accom- "* », according to law* This notorious h|gh-way-* " "ivith the afliftancb of Ws followers, ditw upon ^H^Cing In his chamber of audience, who was, with muifivMcuhy, Vdiued bjrtbe courtiers and thdr at- tendants! and continued ityheir hoftillties, defigning to llat^e mordcrcd every ml in the royal palaee, till 7!^ was iidfed in the city of Edinburgh, That the kbg was in imminent danger of being cut olTby die hands of bloody ruffians: The crafb of the city rofe, and flew every one of tbe afllaffins. The ftory U preferv'd itji^ memory, hot ^o much by pur hiflprian^ who give but ,4 Mnt account of it, ^ a ballad compiled h'flht # t^ greats poets of tblt age. 4^t a man in fklr 'Vreflmotlandf ^rmi(b>ang^td^d^liiit)calf| ; 1 neither laiidi nor ri^ts covMk In/, " ' ^' l^dpt eightfcbre men iii hirfa^C ^'' ■ ^v\ c ~* '■^- 7ht B t u i #jt.'i"lj K E T. *.¥ J. f 3» ^ Jhc Idog he wr^ an let^dicrt, I A letter ^wliidi was large asndloiig, IHc iigii'dit with hi^ own hand^ lAnd he pnnmi'd^ do hm no wrdng. When this tetter laime, John \\m till. His heart was as bly th as birds iwra trxje ? . Never was I feai Ibr before any kltig^ . ^ My father, my giNui^^t^cr, nor n^i||Jnit me, &c. By die morrow morning at ten of d[^lock> Toward Edbaborrow |one was he. And with him all his cightfcore of men, Good L^rd, an it was a goodly fighl to fee. - When Jdfeii came bcf^ the king, He fell ^own low upon Ms knee, ;*'.:, Opardon, my fovctdgn liege, hefaid ^ * O pardon n?y eigh^orc men and me. Thon fhalt have no pairdoh^ thou ^praitor ftrong, Nae for thy dgjitfcoirc men and thifer / -f *' ■ ':'' For to-morrow morning by ten trf^ the ^ock. Both tl^u and ^em fh^ ha^ pii the^llost-tree. Ti»riJohiilbok'do\^erh^left(houl<«^i ' Goodliorrf, whatagi^inM^lbo Said, ^ I have alked grace at a gr|c^di f^ . ' Why thcieisiiane^yen^rmei' J^ But John had a brfrfit Cwwd by liis gdc, " ^^ Anditwasmadeormeti^prifec> ^ ■ .. That had not the kii« tttpiis^fbot afid^rj ^. fi^ ' He had fmittch hishwd^k h^fair bddlgr : • Saying * Fight on mrtifieiftyiheti aU> ; -- ! ^ ' Anlðatnoneofjfott^^t^^^^ 'r/\^ - ' t'or, rather tha© mch^hould lay ^^e y^^rt Im^fga, ' < ti^ them rpi^ort that we were flafe-/. ^^;^- God wot, the trades of Edinburgh ro% ^ '_ , , AntfSusbefetikjorJolmarpuii^, • ; S -f Tl^t fi^nriiq^andteh 0^ Jdbn^^ ijttil tayn&$li#m^u(kmthr^^ '. jtf^ '*i '\ir- -3* The Wfipry of H tvirtg tracM the Jbyal' a^ons of the Citizens, eTpeciaUy the Crafts of Edinburgh, fliro' the rei|rns ^flcvcral S>/erei2ns| before \ proceed to the reign of (^jeenMVRy, I muft take notke of the pipus donations of an eminent Citizen of Edinburgh, Michael Mac QU HAN, and his Spoufe, in favours of the H\MMERME>T, (who dedicated sfnd conie- cra^ed-die BLJtJE BLANKET tn St..ELOi*s Altar in St. Giles's Church^ for founding of the Magdalen Chapel, where they now meet ; wliich is contained in the following Charter : . , ' nr^Dall andfundiy, to vholn knowledge thir ' *JL prefents fall come, and be Jecn, I Joket * RynE', relidt, executrix, and only intromilIatriJC> * with the guds and gear of umquhil Michael Mac- * ' qiAanj barges of Edinburgh,^ wifliing peace in our * Lord, makes known by thir prelents^ That when * the laid Michael was greatly troubled with an * h^vy di£baie. and opprefi'd with aoe^ zit n>indful ' of etefnal life, he efteerA'd it ane gud way to obtain * eternal li^y to ere^ feme chriftian work, forever ' to remain and endure : He ietlleven hundred Pound,. to be employed for the fupplement of the edifice of the Magdalen diapell, aiid to the other edi^ces for fonndan^n of tlui chapel^ and fuftentation of leven *j poor men, who (hould cpntinually there put forth >f their pr:|ycr8 to God Almighty; for there was ma- ^ ny cithers that had jM*omiied to mortify^ fome por- < tion 6f tlieir goods Ibr pe^iting and abiblveing of ^e ^ wrark, but they uttzied,^ smj withdrew S^m Tuch an holly and religous wbrk, and alt^oether itfuled tliereopon tpf pj^ thefamen. Qiiliilk uiiog I taking he>^ vily^ ii^fpoiiderinQ; it in i^y^^^^y what tKmight i^gKi/ind. d4l^ upon tiw tHlP^g cf mv l^ai^'s ^ili;^to^^n me tfie^rde^^ti^ iMyill w»yk^ aii^ llded two thou&nd t>Qimd to iHe if' m 1% * 700/. left be my huA»and:'^4n^ I did put Brth thcfc foumcs whottyv ^te^ his deith,. up tt thef edi- ilcation pf tbftt cm(|^> ornsmients thereof^ and buildiol t^t tfeediStfe fe tte^^ chavi&iipj^ and leveii pow* mc^,. arid for buying of land, AS well lleI4-lai>d> as'^^h-lahcl, md yelLi-- ly annuilren^, lor th^ noiinfhnient, fuft^atioiif^^ and clothing of them, as hereafter mait* largely ^t down, nsreforef wit ye me. To the praue and honour of Almighty Goil,4nd of his mother the BlllJed Vir^n Mary , and of MA r t Ma g d aI. l e n ^ and of |be haill celcftial court* to have cre^ed ^tii edified ine certam chapell and ho(pital-houCe> lye-' ingin the burgh of £dinb\irgh, upon the South-ude ot tlie Kmc*s high fl^et, called the CoWGAtli^ for hjibitatlcm of the forefaid chaplain and poin^,' . and that from the foutrdadon thereof f and has de- dicate the lamcri to the name of MariT MAcDAt- L E N, and has fbiuidit %6 faid dbaplain> and levea* poor, for to give forth tlielr; contincial prayers uiiW God, for the falvation of tl^ lour of our moft il* luftrioiis Mart Queen of Seo ts^ and for ^e fal- vadon of uriy faid uihquhil hufoand's foul kaA ndfie : And aifoy for the lalvation of tlte fouls of n^y fa- thers and mothers, and for all the (buls of thofe t|tat fliall put to their helping hand, or (all give any* thing to this work : /is alfo, for the patrons'c^tifie' faid chapel : And alfo, for the foiits of all du^Ss^ of whom we have had any thing whilk we hatre h^t reftor'd, and for die whilfe we have not ^veti fati^ fa<5lion ; to have given and granted, and by this iii!^ prefcnt charter in poor and perpetual alms, and io have cot?firm*d 10 mortification : As aifoy to give' and i^ant, and by this prefeiJt charter, dvfcs in^ poor alms and moftificadon, to c^idt^ to Almighty Gc^MpitheBlefledVi^fi M^ptte chapelt aud i^P#ii-hbufe| for the fuilci^ti^n t^ aite iecular ' cha|4yili> ^fid jfevcn poor men. and for die^at&in, ■V ' ^ and '• lying upon the North ' part of the King's high ttreet : Aftd alfo^ another * annualrent of Twelve Merks,^ out of the tenement * oF land pertaining to umquhile Tames Young^: 4ftd * als, another annualrent of xiii in» iiii ^* Qgf M^^ ' tehement of land pertaining to Edward ^Pp^iflj^ 'Baxter, lyeinglith* laid bui-gh, in Pcc£^itH^jS|i * WJwlk chaplain, and hi^ fticctHbrs, flia^li^;!^ » The 'Blue BiANKETi 35 wa ye.;r, reletving The £or' ^anaual- upUfted another ibney of t out of riiie iGil- 4 in the B pf the e venael ! vcnnel er year- enement e North another inement t* ^*^ thdr yearly fuftentation Twenty-four Siencii money of Scotland^ out of the Ibrelaid yearly annualreht' of Aught^ore and <^ti^ht Merks^ durdng Tonet R Y N D » lifethnc ; and ahcr her deceafei^ out of ail the fbrelaid yearly annualrenUy -to be taken up %e hin\- ielf at Whitftiday^ and Martinmafs in wititer/ evry year in all time comings be equall portions. Whilk chaplain flial ^a?e the care, government and admi- nillration of 'the fbrefaid hoipital, and of the forc^ laid poor brethrenj» and of ail other pck)r hl^thl^ii that ftiaU> in ,aay time thereafter, be put thereintil^ j and (hall, three tsmesin the yeai;, p©vide to them the cccldkftical -ikcremtot^, |>rovideing they be he found meet and apt fer rteeaveii^'fhereof; h iv'tt, die fcaft of Pafcli, JPentecfeft, and Nativi^r smd other ebnve- nient times, chiefiv when they (hall be 'fiek t)f any heavie infirmity, now the. forefaid poor 'fhalt be worthyly diipoied ilk ripceavein^ of the facr^m'ent j Aiid fox that efl^, he fi^ll exhort diem, an^fi^aU charitably move them^ and lliall hear their confei^ ilons. And the faid chaplain Iblll be oblijged, eve- ry feriat dme of the weeiy, if it be not ane feaft- day, tormstke ane Mefi of Reft,iwith aoeP^Im direa to die LORi>> for the ffftmA ibul$. Ne- ther (hall it be leiiome to i(he^id;ehiaphiin to havie^ any fublUtute undei* l}im, to ierVe%'the jfaid hbA pital ^ him, eJitcpt iA the time 6f itilimuty and weakne& all^i^rly $ to the whilk Mefs im fore^ ievai poor^ a^id ai^y othas to be fbohd th^^(ii^l to be nreieiH], and ^ interceed ttt GOI>^ foix tbfvi^oreitid loul» ; atid ^^Jhall haire ane care, ^i^^y^lordM^ poor^^a]%il%aG^ bhfe^ the wS»||^Mmdktbt» andi iitiiciefas^l^iti lei^down. Mimjlm^y^e ilr^md ' otwPThar ilae hH * ^y^^pillitl^ aitdii^frft tejrtiil^iheir entry iiJIil adiriil&do in theiald^pfe!-* vi .-> a » 3^ The tiiftory of * tall, fhall fiiid fufficient caution to t/ie patrons ' the hofpital, for the well prefervation of all il /- jew^tUy ornaments, and others whatibmevei;, whil!! * Tall belong to the laid hofpitah, to be delivered ' ^ them to we patrons under an inven^tar t and thai - ' he (hall notiell, nor put away an^ <»£ the i^Md or ' nanients ; neither (hall it be leifi^e to the fail ' chaplane tq embrace any other chaplaniie «r ec ' cleuaftick office ; whilk if he doe, liis ^haplanrii ' (hall vaik, without any declarator of any judge * and it (hall be leillime to the patrons to confer tin ' famen upon ane other* And if he be found incon*! * tinent of his body, either by lunury, adultery^ in ^ cell, drunkehncis, didendons, or of any other not ' tor or majpfed: crimes, "and found culpable by th * patrones, or mod pairt of them, before ane notta ' and iaithfuU witndles, (hall be three times adiiio ' nifht to dedftfrae them ; and i^ after ane full ye ' out-run, he be found incon^ble, it (hall be con .5 ibnr*d bethe patrou& upipii ah aible chaplane * AndfArderp The ia^ ^aplaii^, every year, once| ' .* ^in tne year, for the (aid Michael ai^4, / /(ill make fuffragcs, whidi is, I am picajedy vrd *Jire{Jtme^ LOkB, luiih an Mefs ofReftibetK^ * naked f he- clothed pte ^ with two >vax candles / borqii^. op tlie altar. Xo the wbl\^ Sufirag€« / andjN|e(s, he (liaircauie ^ng the^c^appell bell tthe / ^»ae^> of anie quarter of ane )>our> taiid^hat all f rt^fore(»idpoor,^^n(i others tiat (Hall be there- *Jntill,.( prefent at die forefajd Mcfs with - * their habi^ requefting all thefe that; (hall cbme m to hear ib^ Xaid Mc(s, to pray Iw the 1^ %!&• Jndfitrderyxl^Ty dajr of the BI^f^pHI^ Pag- d^len, patroh of the^onsfayi ho^tay ^i:^ ^ 4ay ^ the indulgences Qt^ (aid Jbc^^^ a»l^!^ry ^^t day orM||,year, ^^i^Jgi^j^xii;^^ «|i all the obQIion? ; a^ % c;veqf-|^pl^|bH ^ < y J^ the foot of the image of t^ patron in twa lifiM^n candlefticks, and Upa wax torUies on the (ea^ of the Natpty .0f our Savioiiry P^ich» and Wl^tfim- da/y of |he#ys of Maf|', MagdallenA. and c^ the days oCJs^ indulgences Ipanleg ^ the faid ^(pi- tal^ .^ doubldiig at other great ^fts^,^ivith twa wax candles alleneri^. ^ftd iikew^iSf^Hi^ (hall preierve the ^Itar in ^orjiaments thereof ; anfl he ihall preferve the jewi^* and ornament of die altar clean anA tk^t ; nad he fliall be ob^ged and reflii^ed to furnim breaJ, \vin#^and wax t^ t|| faid hdpkaly ^ |he hailV^ycalfe As aJfi, TKI feid chaplain Q^\ )^ obliged 5# ^ entry, before. he be adinittcd to^tM&idliorpI^ to give hl^r^t oath, by^ toachii^ lie facre^^vangUci T|^^^ ih^^i neither, direSl:ly: 9ar inding^y, by ^ ever pretence orcolfer^ ieek^wogalkb ofthif fbundttioiv ^ haiil <»• in f^%i|^#ie iumhe any xtlier party i aeidiei^&^riie havfpn)| difpenfatipn or der^§a|jqn from an^ oth^ ijhe iim^^ of liis a%iMfIpn t ncith^ fiiaii hel^jptt^ 5»t0 *fi^ Taid chapla^ be any ^ler, but $^ 01% ^ye lus adm^Q hoia^ikt ^%^tiont^ to tlie dS^ T^ it he derogate apy i!^mg frqm tlie las^h^u* t.^;^ittid (hall not fulfil tb^haiil articles and clai^ thettof, he ihaU by the fame patroi^ be^^^oved, and another able chaplan put l^liis^lice. ^d^ JVe wiU anddtckre^ That the ibrefid|lfeve|^ men, and likewile auy ^es pf tk%t iind that fiiail be foundit of jpt tht^iitUl be any others, llwit th<^all py0^M^^ laid chapla^ in all ]K)ii3| and l||lQiiie thijigs, ks ^xAs undotibl^ and llwMpiai^ of the J^ h and that none; be .a&ittse^^ ainqngft^ %id poor bretfeen 6f the laidiidKpital, but jlicli as ai^pit niarried, ^d mtMm^m^ an concidwne^^*^^^^ iany ^^fter nWoilous crime ; and that none be %d^^ he be pNl^heixis-e his admiflion, threelcore ¥ei^^, *f'l M I * c^tccpt ■ •' *v -■■^^ 39 The WJhry'of except they be impotent and mHerabIc perfons, who othervviie are not ible to get^heir daily biea4.. And that no woman, howlbever mnerable or impo- tent, be any ways received or admitted in i^hefaidhof- Y^t^i } and dia^ no wooianlhaU frequent this houie of hofpital a[t no time, and chiefly in the mghc- time ; and that one of tlic faid feven poor men, weekly, in his own tvrn,lhall be janitor, who (hall open and fteik the gates thereof, and fhall make clean the laid chajoel and copimon houle tliereof ^very day, and keep it honeft from all filtli. Atid if it chance that the faid jahltoc be ficik for the time, that he cannot do it, thcnane other of th,e faid poor brethren^ in his ti!^> moft ableand meet, by^ difcretion bf the faid cbg^dain, (hall be ap- pobited. An4 the faid janitor, every day, from PaHh to the feaft of St. Jiide, from half fix in the morning/ h^lhall ppen the gates, and clofe them agiin at ^ilXigftt hours at night ; and the reft of the year heltiallopen at feven'Kdurs in the morning, "fand clof^ thc^ again at Jeven at night, and ihall ' rii|g ti>e fe^l of the feid chapel for die Ipacc of a < mqiiirter of an hour, htimcdia^v after the opiai- < iftg, bid a littk Jbetiore the clohng :, And tlfltthe * iaid feven poor, and every one of them (hall, im- < mediately after ringing of the beW, repeat the * |,ord*« Prayer five tfeiies^ cind the Angefical Salutd^^ * ti6n rfifty rikne$, and the Belief of the Apoftles once ' in five day ; aiid tScy ftiall repeat the twa pfallins * that arc caile^i the Bleflfel Virjpn's, before the * the com^leating of their dlaner, and Relea^n it < #^clv^ hours. And the diuneir**b^ng dbnl^, the ' foref^d Ml poor, ivithiit the faki H^lai||br die *. time5^'^ji coAvcen btffore the' greit iXWff *^d ^tlifcrc, -^l^ih thrfr b6wed knee$, g!vr live Pater ^"^iiS^m^ A^# MdHi'i; arid MSOclii ^^r% ^■. ■^- The i ,*. The Blue Blakket. 3> The hofpital was foimcled l>y Michael M^Quhan, mino 1503 ; but Uie charter ^eh by the rdidt, 1545. This chapel is adorned with the arms of the good townof Et^nburgh^ beiiigarg^nty-scaftie triptefcowCrM Sable, marihall'd of the ift| furmounted with Xhan^ gules, fupportcd oij the dexter by a virgin lady, on the linifter wifh a deer, and Accolee : Behind tiiC fjiield, the fword of honour and mace, enfigned with an imperial cro^n | Mp^i^i^liaL * comp^tment, Nl S I D O M I N U S F R U i t R A. Round this atchlever nient are the annoriiil cnfigns of the ibllowing incov- poratibns^ according .to<>t)idrprcCe^ncy. I. ChIRURGEO{|>^ m Az. on a fels. Ar. a leaked man i^&^y|(«p||pper| '^twixt a dexter hand, palmed, and in ils|pf^ an eye p7oper,iiruing outirom the chi|^., Iti the d^iei^c:4nt^ a faltire Ar. under an unpcidal crown Q|% 0r|>i^|Nrr| furmounted of a thiflle jproner^ Or ^mti -A|^, hi hafe, a caftle Ar. mafonedr San. A tl^ within f holder Or, charged with, the ferer^'indtiiniien^ fiiltttblo to tlie fociety. ' ^ ■^ '■. .: «., Quarterly Gu. and Az. pnWii* a Leoipard*8 he;^(l Or^ 2d, a covered cu|^ #nd b chief two annulets Off 3 a&^ and 4 as i. ' , . • '■ 1^. > , ,• ■ « . III. S^f INNBl^S* £nnlnQ|on a chief.Gu. three .imperial cmipai Or. Da * IV. XM *• n^ Hijiwy rf -.A. IV. Furrier}. Parted /^rfefi, Gu. and Ar. a palecoimter-cluirged If tiie fame on ^ i. three goats of the a« /■ '■ i^ . " ■ ' ■ . ■ V. HAMMERrMEN. Ak. ft hammer propei> enfign'd wit& an imperial crown. VI. Wrights. fit, a iquare and compais Or. i| ■ '■ ' , ? VII. MASoiTi. ■ * r'. - ,. Ar. on a c^veron 'twixt three toweri embattled # VJH. TATtOltf^ Ac. Sckaoii expanded Or. ♦^ * IX. Baxters* . - u. Az. lin^ garbs Or. ^om the chief wayed^ a han4 ^#g» holdingi i^^'isf btUances extending to tlie X. 1rz.««A«RS. %^*J- tWo (^aughter-axes rapper faltine-wi^, ae* compai^ with thrle^cows fi t du- cal crown Or, XIl. Webster s. ^ ■ ' ,-■■ ■- ' '■■ .^ \- ' ' • Ar. on a Chev. Az. 'twixf ^ree Leopards heads of the fajne, holding in tMr mouths a fpOol or (huttle of yarn Or, as many rotes Gu. XIII. Hatters an^ Wakers.. Parted /^r pale Gu. and Ar. on the i. a Chev., of thckft, *^vixt t)Vo hat<^ring bi^i^s in chief, andia bafe a- thiille Or, on the a. a finiifter haii4 palmed proper, crefted in pale 'twixt two hat-ftrings SaU and in chief a hat of the laft* XIV. Bonnet-makers and Li Ar. a fefs 't\yixt ti^o bomiets, Az. QeMfSDef, tuft- ed Gu. impaled with Or> aChcv. Guv wlvj^ixt thnpe tuAieons Az* v . * '■•Si " f ^J round ike ffawf»efrf$efS afffijfi Wapi^^ $vaij the infigns Q^ the Mti^ arts. •\^' tf*.*:> Ik: A2, a Chev, hetwHt three hathmei% each cniimN wu Of* . . ■ -'* • '^ W- with dujcal croiwnt #*. - ■'■ . C ♦ • •'■. '■*■; -.,... 4v ...XV^* Ctf TLBRS* •f. iV, ■■# /!*■ Gu. fiY.daggfrs pla^'d faltiri-w^s^ two and two^ XX-^l^topcr^hltJiJedS^. 'It' PI XVI# ,i \}' 42 * The^oryof^ XVH. SADtBRS. ^ Az« a Chev. bebvlxt three raddtt$ Or. XVIII. L0CK*SMITH6* • ■ Az. a key impaled Or* XIX^ LORIMIRS. Az. tChev. betwixt three horfe-bridle bitts Ar. XX. Armorers. Ai«. on a Chev. Gu^ forn* IWords faltire-ways, pro^ per, iumctted Or, and on a chkf of thelecond, two, helflseta of the iamf .^ .*i XXL Peuthirbrs. Az. dti t Cher. Ar» betwixt three portculiees Or, as rnaof 1W|ilil« vdh^ilid flowered gu^ XXn Shi^ar*smiths. * Gu» w%[>l-(hesursiiiipatcd Az.. f^ced abooi the, Sooi an the Imperial Arms of |lar/ kid&6i$ed, viz. f|ry t Qni ramp* 6u. armed and lingaed Az. with- in If double treflure, fiowc9«d and counter^^ered, withi707);tr de Lijfes of the 3. encircM wiil tlte or* 4m df Scotland, t)l» Cim6 being Cf>mpora^ ei[%}it and thidlcs, liaving the imag^ of St. Andrri$* with his ciK>(s on liisbreid, above thefhield an heimet, an- |wefable to his majcfly's high (^uaUgf: and jurhdi^iort^ with ^ The Birt Blank it. 43 with a mantM Or, doubled-ermine, adorned with an imperial crown^ beautided with Croffes pMet^ and flower ik Liffesy furitiounted on^the top» for his ma- jedy's creft, with a Lbn S^eant^ fuil-&c«d> <9U. crown'd Or, holding in hb dexter paw a naked fword proper, and in the (Inifter, a (cepter, bo& erefted pale^ways, fupported by twci unicorns argent, crown- ed with imperial, and g^Kjalll with open crowns, to tlie laft chains aj^ed, paumg 'twixt their fore*legs, and reflexcd over their backs Or* he on the dexter em- bracing and bearing up a banner of cloth of fic^d, charged with the royal arms ^ Scotland ; on the (i- nifter, another banner aznrct, chprged with the St. Andrew's crofs argent, both (landing on a copttftQaent placed undemeatii, from which iKies twolinfties, on^ towards each fide of the eIcutcheoi|i,| and, ^^ft^iottOy in an Elcrol above all, In DEFlH^eti imder the^tai* ble of the copartment Ntmo me imp0f^'lace{^t. The hammermen's Teal, is the his apoftoltcal veftments prmer, porch, a porch adorned with five graven, mnjk furmounted witli^a piaiii^Mpii^fcqjBPig m his dexter a hammer bar*w»ys, and iiruie fijulter a key bend-ways. Round dii tS^^ ale thefe #^cdf^j Sigiilum commune artis Tuduftw^, \ The above fundamental jehtrMl, in fliv|iir» of the Majgdalen hofpital,. is fweHl^lih the no pM i dg jWne ofmtrit> and^vesmatruih^llliflinkadonoM cant|i^of JRomifti priedl) ^^lail^ th«k cxMsx^^ make their kitchens imok«i^l|rhcAveh|t!<^toGdc^ The avarice of churdi<*men in ^Jiefe dark times, af ^ learned Sir George M'kenadt In his printed |i|ad- ings obforeS) was To €»eravagant, that the liiir- lature^'Gentiany, ])elimiric and oth^ coQItnes^ tax*d4Ns Q^sHM t>F ytoMi donations, left ti||!ba9l^, decofd % their pricfts to purchase heavc%%^d have ftwrr d thcmlblve^ upon earth. ' At * >!«. 44 The HlJIory of A» the Hamwcrmen-have St. Eloi ^ St. Mary Ma g d a l e n for their Guardians ; fo the ChirurgeoiiJi have St. Mungo ; which appears by their Seal of Cause, a Copy of whi«h follows: € € € * < i t TILL ^11 and fundry whas kilawledge thir prelent letters fliall com. The Provoft, Bail- lies, and Councill of tile burgh of Edinburgh, greet- ing, i»i GOI> everlafting; Wit youn Univerfitys, That the day of the date of thde Prefents, com- peired before Us, (ittaind in judgement in the Tol- buith of the faid burgh, xik Kirk-Mafter *, and Brether of the Surgeons and Barbaris within, tlie fame, and preiented to us their bill and fupplicati- on, deiiring us, for the loving of* God, honour of our S^veraign Lord, and all his Hedges, and for worfhipe and policy of this burgh, all for the guid rule and Gfiler to be had and made amongft the ^idslSrafts in tyme to come. That we wauld grant £M coBJ^t to them the Priviledges, Ruls and Std- tuts cdl^ned in the faid bill and fupplication, glk after f&ilow«: ' ^ y. * 'TO you, nijr Lord Provoft, Baillics, and worthy * ^ Council of this guid towne, right humble means * and ihaws^ Your dayly fervitors the Kirk-Mafter * and Brether of the Surgeons and Barbars withhl f thb^ughe, That where we believe it is.iyeall * |la9^'0^ UU, all yo|;J|rifdoi»8, how that we uphald ^tn altar uituate \v$^ tlie CoUe^ge-Kirk of St. * Gil^, in honour of GOD, and St. Mun«o, our ' pAtrone, and has i^ae importance to uphauld the ' tee,' bi^ our rol)er oukleye penny and yp&t^ ' 4*%!, ^''^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ fuilance «i^;fiphald ^^9ur IWl altar in all. neceflary thiiigt cG«)|linient .l.^-^V, • ' ■ 'vithcrfJiiii '.♦ Dfaccn, Of CUef Malter of tJic Incorpflratlon, The Blue El an ret. 4i thereto. And becauie we ar, and ever wcs of gui4 mynd to do this gmd toup all the ftede^ pleaTure and fervice that we cane or may, baith in walking, warding, ftenting, and beiaring of all ][)ortable charges within t£is brugh at ail tyms, as other nightbours and Crafts does within tne lame. We deftre at your Lordfhips andWildoms, till ^vc and grant till us, and our iliecdfers, the Rules, Statuts and Priviledges under- written, qhiik arconfenant to reafbn, honor to our Soveraign Lord, and aH his ijedees profit, and love to his guid town. * In the firjly That we might haue yearly dwfiic amongft us, our KiHc-Mafler and Over-man, to whon» the haill Brethren of the Crafts ibrfaxdt Ihall obey for that year. • . ^ * idOf IteiHy That nae maner of perfotf ^«*upj^ nor ufe any points of our faid Crafb of Surgery^ oS* Barber Craft, M^ithin dHs brii^, bi#pf li^be firft itit man and burges of the (amen| «iid tii^^ be worthy and expei^ in all the poyilts b^MnM4. % the ^ids Crai^s, dil^ently and avfleAylipiii)^ and admitted by the Mafters xg t!)e^#ilib^ fdr the honorable iervkig of our iaid Soviiheign L(c>rd, his lieges, and nidit^nrs of thb brugh : And ajfe. That every man uiat is to be m&de fne man among us» be examined and provit in ^ points l^^owing : That is t9 fay f * . ^ ' That he knaw anatomia, natur and cofdMlKioh of every member of humans Jpody ; ||id \!^^}Skf that he knaw all the veins 0^' 1^ lamen, ^'m may maik Phlebothomia in due tyme, dnd tXtt that, jlnd alfe, Ttiat he kni|ir in qiMk member the fi«i kes domination for tlie^fyme ; for evei^ilk man WQ0it to knaw die natur andf^biUace oievc^ ry tliigiie'^'^^"^ ^ clfehe*« n^ligeilC ; ^d that we thay ittu^ anes in the year aneisbi^ltmMit man^ afber he le dead^ to maik auatftmia of, wheithrow *- ■' A*. ' 44 The Hfflory of we may liauc experiience ilk ane* to inftruft bthersi and we (hall do fufferage for the fauK r* pia^ And tliat nae barbar, mafter nor lerwant, wid^in this bui*gh> hant^ ufe^ nor exerce the Craft of Surgery, without he be expert, and knaw per- fectly the diings aboue-wrltten ; and qhat peifone that ftitU happen to be admitted fric men or maftcrs to 'the faids Crafts, or occupy s any part of the fame, at his entrie for his upfet. Five pounds u^ fual money of Scotland, to the reparation and up- balding of our laid altar of St. Mungo, for di- vyne fervice to be done thereat, with a dinner to the Mailers of the f% ^9^ Mailed that is receiv'd £r»i mail f& the faids^^l^lra^ fhali pay his oukly peipy with tbi priiiils myt% as he (hall happen to con|| about } i|i4 %vry lervanC^hat is a fied man to tki ^^rs of the fa|d$ Crafts, fhali pay, ilk ouk| aileH^lf- p^my to t^ faid altar^ iMid reparatiQi» 0iereof > * and 'I and that till do d tymcs, y choyce a ing of <: and to pi otteous 1 and gatli this'brug Hiids Cra fame, pa laid qua] the Tame and diftr of thetc ' 6to, 1 fiiids Cra Rules an fkai thing thereof^ Brctlieri to their quhen tii offititr, i for any I faids Cra Twenty^ tar; and in this b the fame Fric-men cheat df 'He^ veren|ec llmple|| .writtnfc, provmi b J f The Blub Biai^k e t. btbersj (erwant, he Craft aw }»er- : peiforw • maftcis he Tame^ :>unds u» and up- for dir' inner to Bon and ^ery irie il gottnc cept the ', beexa? \% Crafu lie cqm* he can B Cr$ft9^ itrie, to billings; pt or re- :, quhilH irha that le faiUsf n of the frfe tnah ny with ^ about} Ma^rs EieHi^lf" hereof » * anJ 4/ and that we haue power tiU choyoe a cheplaine till do divyn fervicc^ayly at Our fakl altar at all tymes, when, the fame Should wawyik, and till choycp an officer till pais with us for th? cngal^er- ing of our quarter-))ayn)ent:i^ and OjKiy penpys, and to pais before us on Corpus-Xti day, and the otteous thereof, and ^11 ot^r -general proceflions and gatherings, fiklyki as other Crafts hes within this brugh j and that ane of the Mafters of the fbr- fiiids Crafts, with the chaplain and officer -of thg fame, pals at all tyms netful, lift and raiie the iiiid quarter-payments frae evry perfon that a%\ e the fame ; and gif any dilbbeys, thatwe niay poind and diftrehzie there^ all^tynw, hauing an ofiicer of the town with us. ^ * 6to, IteWf That nsic perfon nor fHe man of the fliids Crafts, purchace any lordilups iofontrair the Rules and Statutes above- written, in heifdi^g or fkaithing 'of the Crafts fbrfaid, ortomnpp^weaU thereojjT undgr the pain of tinlel df tlieir ^f^mm* < -^mo, Item, "That all the Moft^rs, Frfe-n^, and Bretlicrtif the laids Crttfts readily obey, and cdme to their Kirk-Mafter, or Deacon, .at all tyrews, quhen they (hall be required therQtj»' by tbe iald officer, for till hear quart^r-cpnipts, dr t^l avifc for any thing concerning the common wcall of tlie iliids Crafts j and wha tliat dilbbeys, (hai|sj,pay Twenty Shillings, to tlic rep^m|tion of die fsod air tar ; and that nae perlbns, mf(i n^r wotnajp^^i^h* in this brugh, maik nor fell M^y^^^^^vXtk within the (amen, except th# 6id^Mi||^|^^t6ther,,< and Fric-men of the (aids prafts, u^^J|b'|^k^of ei^ cheat *'a *■:-. . 4 *■ 48 The Hi/fory tf * and with tne grace, we (hall do fik iervice and ' pleafur to the King's Grace and the good, that ye ' fliall be contentit thereof; and yor deliverance ' heiruntili humbly I befeek. ' 'T'HE qd)ilk BiH of Supplication, with tht * '*' Rvls, Statuts and Priviiwlgcs contind tlierein- * till^ beand read before us in judgment ; and we therewith beand riplie and difUn^ly ad vy led, thinks the fame confoHant to reaibn, and nae hurt to our Sovereign Lord's Hynes, Us, nor nan other of his leidges, tliereintill : And therefor we confent and grant the famen to the forfaids Crafts of Sui'gcn- ary and Barbars, and to their fucceflbrs* And in fuae far as we may, and, bes Jpouer, confirms, ratifys and approvs the laids Statuts, Ruls, and Priviledges in a^ poynts and artikls contind in the laid Supplication above-writtne. And this taall ',^n4^rpdry quhom it cffeirs, or may e0eir, we maik ;( 6ultGl DE EdR. AD CaUSAS. '■-■.* . ■' ■ ■ "'' The Craft;$| w|ii|^ behav'fl Co loyally before they yerc jncorporat^jj^and^fonn'ilnto focietics, t4?ntina- ed to flouiidtili tt|?ir Sovereign's favours, and were warm'd with beams fron> the throne. A fign^l |n- ftance^ of their fiidelity to King Ja.mes V. I caftnot mSk to relate. ^ The Crown bdiiTg.debit^ |o the |owi\0f Kdinburrrh in \ ill li^ns, for whiph |S|, fiad i^ot only t^e fecmity of tlie govern^ent^-Mitr^ per* fon^l obiigatioii:^ ^^e Monarchy Wearied w|^tjj^if- ;« .' • ' al^iiointnjjait^i r:< appointin oF paym( cf)iifidera nia'nftrat and gave how far 1 the ftree fcuffle wi Majefty, common alarm'd 1 jkh'c^ tl moufly ag for conv< Monarch procur'd convey 'd House. the Mob, atftings, a I>eacon-C him with TheK lie cail'd " had a <' and Vi " EbiNi " rcmarJ Ckthbei Merchant ''May obliged bui'gh. But fi only U vidtir, htfe^ faithfiL <( ,<( <( u .<( jt # The Blue Blakke^'. 49 Vice and that ye iverance ath tht tliercin- and we d, thinks rt to our icr of his ifent and Sui'gcn- s. And confirms, ulsy aiid ud in the lis to-all we maik lair veii- haw too iiibMrgh^ ded with AS. ore they tontiua- x\d were calinot ■^ thd ptr- itmiBiitSi appointments, and the merchants murmuring for want oF payment fron^j the town, to; whom they had given confiderable loans, for the! loof of thcpiiblick ; the nia'n Urates and merchants, in concert, railed a Mob, and gave dire^ions to the Ring-leaders, what, and }u>w far to adl, to infutt the King as he was palling the ftreets to the Parliament-houfe ; who, after :a fcuffle with his guards, violently feiz'd upon his Sacred Majefty, and thruft h;m within the walls of their common goal. Some of his Majefty's retinue having alarm'd the Deacons of Crafts with what had hap- j>cn*c^ the Trades inftantly conveenM, and unar.i- moufly agreed, That their Enfign (hould be difplay'd, for convocating tlie Lieges, to redbue their captive Monarch ; whKh was accordingly done, and ieon procurM the King to be liberate, whom they fafely conveyed to his Royal Palace of Holy Rood- HousE. The Magiilrates, who had hounded out the Mob, dreading the ^ oof^uence of j:heir traiterou^ atftings, and knowing the weak Side of CutJtkfft, the Deacon-Coaveener, ivho headed the Trades, bnb'd him With a lufty Purfc of Gold, to betray his T^. The King next morning lent for Cuthbert^ (whom he call'd his faithful General), and told him, '^ 06 " had a grateful Remembrance of the Loyalty <' and Valour of his faithful Subjefts the Trades of '^ Edinburgh, and was reiblved to conlbr Ibnre " remarkable Token of favour upon ihem.** Cuthbert, well inftrudted by t^e Magijlr^ %xA Merchaut'CouncU hov/ to \itha.vt, Anf^^red/ '* May it pUfifcyouP. Excellent M(m^yy W-e your obliged 0nd devoted Sefvants, the 'Hades of Ediiii bui'^, did. nothing but what was our boundenDuty : Bitt Jinci ytmr Majefty is gracioujly pleajed^ not onl^ to remember, but reward our dufful Beha' vi^tr^^I prefume, in name af my Bretihren, t0 befeech your Sac ed Majefty, to make your moft faithful 4tnd loyal Servants, the Trades of Edin-* E " burdi, n ^ 50 - The Hifitry cf *' burgli, in all Time ccming, free of that toWCfSmt '* Aflkir of being Magiilrates of the Burgh, and let *' the dijloyal Merchants he henceforth loaded ivith " the Office,'* The King furpriz'd M-ith the Supplicattotiy gave a imile, and fdd, *< Cutkbert, It (hall be done." The man's treachery wgs foon blown about^ to the amazement of the incorporations^ who found, that th^ir loyalty, which they juftiy expefted would have advanced their intereft^ as it did their honour^ had turned to their real detriment; and therefore they applied to the courtiers, to reprelent to his ma- jefty how villainoufly tlicy had been betrayed. As ibon as die king was informed, he commanded the Crafts to lay their demands before him, which they accordingly did in a (hort memorial, craving his ma- jefly would be plealed to confirm all their ancient Privileges of the B L U E B L A N K E T. His Ma- jefty graciouHy received their Petition ; and not only granted their requeft, corroborating all former Grants and Prlyilegess by immonorial poileflion, but confi- derebly enlarged its authority ; derlarifig, *' That <* whenever they ditupe ^Kprcflei the ftrength knd power of the chuf^i by a Standard, Cant,\i./^ Thou ait beaut^«h9 ^ tove^as Tirzah, C9mely as Jerufaitm^ terribUm an army wn God, Ca hou/e, ati 10, acco: Standard trunilatoi ten thottfi Standard Numbers Jhallpita father's hi gregation the rtfing camp of^ a/hon the children 1 Standard armies, a be Elijha. the camp i armies^ 8 As the church to, fb hath it for genen atchicvcni his difpla] Picte gavi figure of i King of f win the F ers an Eg and to the againdtb he nuidel Crof», to Duke of ^ to bis wai T/je B L ir E Blanket* sr army with Banners : And the Love and Favour of God, Cant. ii. 4. He brought me into the tanauettng^ hotife, and his Banner over me was Lwe, Cant. v. 10, according the Hebrew Text, My Beloved is thff Standard-bearer among ten thoufand ; which our tranilators very dete^iveLy render, The Chief among ten then/and. And the antiquity and honour of the Standard is more plainly exprds'd in the book of Numbers ii. 2, &c. Ftfery man of the Tribe of Ifrast fh all pitch his own Standard y with the enfign of their f:ither*s houfe^ far off; abMt the tabernacle of the con- gregation Jhall they pitchy and on the eafi ftaiy toward the rifing of the fun Jhall they of the Standard of the camp ofjudah.pitjj throughout; their armies, artdNa» ajhon the f on of Ammiuadab Jhall bt Captain of the children irf Judahi On the weft fide Jhall be the Standard of the camp of Ephraim^ according to thcit armies, and the Captain cf^the Jons ofEphraim Jhall he Elijhama the Jon of Ammilmd, The Standard of the camp of Dan Jhall be m the north fide, by their armies, &c.. As the Almiahty has compared the power of liis church toy and honoured his iaints with a Standard ; (b hath it been the cufisom in all ages %£ the woiid^ for generous princes, In rewarding valour and noble atchievements, to confer a Standard ; Its Qiiiilin, in his difplay of Herauldry, ofafeves, Hung^ |Cing of Picte gave i^ liis warnort an £nfiffn, bearing €tm figure of a Crofi^ ia the fa(hion of a Sak^i«* Pluiip King of France, or (as Favin would have it) Bald* win tht Firft, ]^g of J^ruialem, savo to his follow- ers an £niign, wi£ two red Crc»flS umted into one i and to the Chrifbian menchants of Naples, who foughi: againfi^ the Saracens for the Cfanftkn religion, whom he nmde Knights of Rhodes^ now of Malta, a white Cror9, to be Worn on t^r left (boulder. Rcme Duke of As)f>u, King pfjerufalem and Sicily, gave to bis warxiQr& an £n(ign of Cnm^ob Velvet, with a £ 2 Golden 52 The Hijfory ofl Goldeii Crcfcent^ and ennamell'd red, because they had been long dy*d in Blood. Arthur, King of the Britons, (as Segcr remarks), founder of the Order of the Rouod Table, inftitute the Fraternity of the Knights of die Table, in token of Brotherly Love, and gave them a i^ound Table, wliich yet hangs in their raflle : And, t6 give no more inilances. Sir John Smith got from King Charles I. the Royal Standard wliich he carried off at the battle of Edge- hill, and was kniglited under it. Since Kings in all ages have beftowed the £nfign upon well deferving perfons, we need not wonder that the Kings of Scotland, to whole Blood Genero- iity is -congenial, beftowed this Stajidard of the Blve Blanket upon Tradelmen, who rendered them- felves noble by their a^ons : As Diogenes i'ays, Nobkiiefs of Qlood is a Cioak ofS/o^h, and a Vizard $f Cowardice ; but immortal is their Fame upon whom Princes confer Hoftaurs, according to their Deferts, for defending the Holy Chui'ch, Kingf or Chuntry* And what Reaibn can be afiign'd, why Tradefinen Yhould not be advanced as well as others, iince the greateft Princes on Earth have been Artifts. Henry Peocham tells. That Solym&n the Magnifi- cent, his Trade was making of Arrows. In Venice, everv Attificer is a Magni6co. In the Low Countries, MechiE^jicks are dpclari^ Gentlemen, by a grant frbm King Ctiarle* V. in confideration of their fcrvices during hb wars. And to all thoie who contemn MediaiiScks whib raile themielves by theb Valour, I mull give the memorable Anlwef^ of Verduge^ a Spaniard^ and a General in Frtezland, toibmej'ter- Ions of quality, who relented his takuig the head of the table at a publick entertainmeift : (7#x}t/r9»#«, ftajiion not my Birth, (tho* I be the Son of a Hang' man), for I am the Son of my own Defert mtd Ft/T" time, ff ^ffy M4n do a i much as I have dune f let kirn take the Table*he^d with all viy Heart ) Thas Thus f of Edinbi of During wl the magii Crafts, ic the Incorj of the Tr Tolbooth then (at^ and) if tl forces, th to their ^ B&ch. Being t as they tc burgh, w the Icven of their I nevcr-ikil BLAN vocated '. Hours. Theei govemmi upon* th That th< Authorit ciarir> be at th^in aeainft t din burgh, where they remained in clofe confinement, till ^ the leverai IncorjxMations having met in the abAmce of their Deacons, coocbided to relieve ^em after the never»failing method of Di^laying the BLUE BLANKET; whicbtheydi4 and hereby coi>- rotated Thouiands of the King's Lieges in a very fbw Hours. The extraordinary eoncourfe of ped{de ftkutfn'd the government (b> that the King's riivy Coupcil met upon* that extraoidinary emergent, and roiblveB, That the Earl of Arran fiioidd interodlb fits Roy«t Authority, and ftop procedure of diet Lordft of Jm- . ciarv> before whom a Criminal Brooefi wasiniiBl«fll| at tnie inftanee of the fiiids mtgiftrates of E^burgllf againft the Btaconi of Crafts, and to im^rtune m difiercnoet betwixt them to be fubmktbd to iCli. Tiltf nH^ Regent comply'4 with (lib advleei and puhHflt' d am iolloiii inr£di^ : « g- ^ GuBiji)i*io»i 54 7he Hijhry of it it GUBERNATOR. JUftice and Juftice-Clcrk, and zoiir Depntis, We greit zou weille, FORSAEMEIKLEAS IViltiam Smeberdy Robert Hutcklejoune, James Forret, Thomas Schorty Archbald Dewar, Andr^ Edgar y George Richardjoney Thomas Rafnjayy ** James Doivfiwieke, Wiiiiatn Pur die, Wiii'tam •* Quhite, ] t-" " being in ^irardc *' within the caftlc of Edihburgh, fbr alleadged ** drawing of quhinzearis In the tolbuith gf £din- *' burg^, in prelence of theproveft and baiUies tbair- ** of> theKi. day of Auguftinftant, and furth-bring- ♦' ing of the Bl E w Ba K N E R of the BLEW " BLANKETT in our preience, eallit. The ^* Hallt GuisTj has flindin Suretie to underlye *^ khe Law for the famyne^ and for all othcris ^'<^ryme8 that can be impute to them, the x. day ** of Oaober nixt tortum, as the Aft 6f Adjournal ''maid tbairupon bears: Howbeit> as we are in- ** formit, the faidis pei^nis are innocent of the faids ^« allcaglt Crimis ; 6 U R W I L L I S H E I R- ** VQ K £> and for eertain utheris reaibnable caules «' and confiderationis moveing us, We charge zou '^ ftri^IyV and commandisy That incontinent, un- ^ to die day of the date hereof r to contjnowt |2^ '^ Tiinyn to the Ayr. iDUbhargciQg zow oditrwii]^ ** theirof, and of zour offices in that MVte In the s^ meietyme be thtr Prcfentis, ^ptwlthfiandhig mf V ^ writtingfi ^4 writtir *< or ony " us the! << vine u '^ firft d « thoufa Thusi of the B for they < magiftrat Privilege! nite mull loittft jedion a( That it not the ] ranted t< their In* have doi Crafts a theQue^ daily t were CO garriibn wi^s diff he did 1 but was the c4ft Judgot their ni oflnai were c tban^tc conclui BtANJ The B L U g B L A N K E T. 55 i\ ->ir epTitis, LEaS James afnfayy Viliiam * , i - eadged * £din- s tbair- -bring- LEW t. The nderlye othcris I X. day ijournal are in- thc faids t£IR- ie cauies rge zou It, ^er \\\ Pre- ' Qthiris ftHegett lor ojfty Crymli, lone be tiie> iiA- >we ihe ^ ill the ''ng mjf rittingtt *<( writtingis geviiij^ or to be givene in the contraire, << or ony pains contenit therein, as zc wiU aiilwsr to, *' us theirupon. SuUcrivit with our han^^ and ge- ** vine under our Signet, at Haly-rude-houfe, the *' iirft day cF September, the zeir of GOD One << thouTand five kuiuired and forty tl>ree zeirs." Jami$ G, Thus tlie Crafb defetuifrirthe Rights and Liberties of the B L A N K E T ^a me expofing of their Lives ; for they could riot Imuk the lihjuft proceedings of the magiltrates, and therefore determined toj^^eptHefe Privileges intire, wl^ch they had obtained by an ii^^ nite multitude of Great 4<^tions. I Qiuft here take occaiion to remove a common ob« jedion againft th^* Aiithority of the Blue Blanket, That it never har ** ' Legal PrivUeges : For, had not the Regent 1 : » :,ii, uiat the Ciufts were i^ar- ranted to dUplay their.Colourt when t]b^i|jfi|^pf their Incorporatk]pt were violate^ he w^iivtlAj have done jiiftice to the ma|^vatea, in puniihing |hcj» Crafts as a leditlous rabMci and> with the pQ^w# of the Queen's forces^ reduced them ti^ obedience, ^o cialiy the Deacons, by whole Author^ ^ Lkget were convocate, who were prifoner%witm|),,#eKing*i garrMbn: But it is rmnarksuile, tho* the Banneji wi,s diiplay 'd in his own prelktcCi es hSlJ^j^ rela^BS^ . he dki not puniOi them for a Ti'efpaft fljgoUift Ltw^ but wasibrc'd to haye a recouHe io piRlKyi Itm ^op the e^ofion of airiftiaa W )i(i ^i^Uml^ Judges of ^u(Usiary from finiaee^^ agalftiftltallk. Il>r their ridti in ailattlting thejMaglftracy in thf^ Covlt of |»i(^ke with We^ilVins J for ^ng of which thejr wfie certainly culpaUei ami tbefiefore he Q^iii(e4 then^ to find baill as to that. We mud undoubtedly conclude, they jUflified the.h* A^Hngs in di^laykg the BtANXfT^ ^Uierwife |i)|Qi44deeitainly!^^ %lew ettsUfUd, 5^ the M:jhry / enaded^ prohibiting them from tk;it prance for the future, under the pain of Higi? Treaion. Tho* the Crafts, and other Citizens of Edinburgh made a bold ftand for the Glorious Reformation, (which was carriexl on in the reign of this beautiful, learned^ but unfortunate iady. Queen Mary, whote-^ nacioufly adhe .i to the intereft of ^e Romi(h church) in a more tumult;uary way than in England, and o- ther reformed countries ; yet they had a jufl fenie of their obedience to Casfar^-md afted under the itkflu- '* et^eof thatchriftian maxtfh^ * * Tbit^it is the do* ^ ty of the people to pray for iiiagiilrates> to honour ' their peHbns, pay them tribute, obey thcw lawful * commands^ to oe fubjedt to their autmmty for con« ' icience fake ; and that infidelity and difference in * reli^n doth not make void the magiitrates juft and ^ legal right, nor free the people from due obedience ' to them.' So that their actions, duririg tliis reign, when turbulent ^^tions were bandying on« another, fliowcd a venerable decorum. And the queen was (enfible of their loyalty, as is evident from^the pre^ amble of a charter granted by her, and Henry her kufband, under the great-&al, to the provoft, coun*- ctl, and communities of the faid bur^h, and their fuc» iceSoYtf < Of all and hail the fupenority of the^k** ^ lageofLeith, with the pertinents, ai^ fuperiority ^ of the inhabitants and indwellers of the famcn, » ^ i»f th# lK»u{es, tenements, annualrents, links, or- f «li^^' prpfits, i^ties, ferviccs, tenanrClji^ tenan. ^ driM^ feiTices of ^t)e-tenants, kt/ Ai»Nl^i»ore leng^l|nrefs-d In the lakl infeflment, d aigji it t t 4tfa iby#f oftober is^U and^n tlie ift and^i^ yean tf their re^nf. Wl^ fuperiority of Leith, the magi- Hvates of £dinbtir{<|H^ bf a^lMtcr of reveHdon^ •^^ #«4^acktotheiliid<}iieNi Miityi under reverfiotttff > «. ' lOOOO ^''f^t^mlaft«# COiiteifioil #hhli ClKap, xxiU. ScA. 4^ 4» '• J ^ '.Jl The Blanket. sy. nburgh nation^ lutiftily vhote- :hurch) and o- enle of s Mu- * be diii* honour lawful >r con* ence in lift and ^ience > reign, lother, en was hepF6*> iry her coun'*- eirfuo- :he^i^ iriorl^ icn, aig », or- tenan. ^more He 4th eantf magi* doncKf loooo 1 0000 merks ufual money of Scotland . This fuperio- rity of Lcith was. thereafter, by her fon and rucceHbr Jaines Vi, aitigned to his beloved councilor Sir John MaitI and of Thirkibn bis chancellor and fbcretary^^ his heirs and adigniesy dated thi; 7th of July iiS?, ratified and approven by the Hates of parliament the 29th day of the month', and year aibrefald ; which reverfion is renounced by John lord! ThirleiUn, fon and heir to Aic faid Sir John Maitland, with advice and confent of Sir John Cockbum of Clarkingtoun hit tutor* teflan entor, in favours of the provoft, bail]tes> council, deav'-ons of crafts, and community of the faid burgh of Edinburgh^ as is at length contained in the faids letters of renunciation, of date the a8th December 1607, and ratifie3 by tlte faid John lord Thirleftan, to the faids provoft, batllies, council^ deacons of crafts, and community of the (aid burgh^ thei24tbof November 1614. ^ The loyal crafts of Edinburgh gav« fiirpiifiifg evi« dences of their loyalty to their kmg^ and Kratitjude tor ^e privile^ m* the Blue Bianl^ty during dieloitg and peaceful ceign of the firft proteftantkinpof Scot«^ land, who with learning and jeioquenco defended the reformation againft cardinal Robot ^Bellannlne^ one of the ftouti.'jft pillars of the Romiih hierarchy, and fiiowed how well he merited the royal title* -Befender^ oftheiaith. But before! proceed to this ceign, I m^ * nnlkr.preieiu^^^ briuf^iitg the earl of Bothwel, her huA>&nd, to a fair trial, as acceflbry to tbe^te king Henrv's murder, had^ auM 1567^ raUid an «rmy againit her, And madlr /■] 5« The Htfloty of made her Carberryhill : (he wat brought to Edinburgh J where, iuftead of aUowing her the ufe oFher palace> Hie was (hut up ia the prowofl's hou(e. ^5 fhe entered the city> covered iiinth tears and dufb, and in a garb far below her birth and me- rit, and inTuited by the mob, who cried^ * Bum the ' whore, * Bm ' *;he parracide;' thisfhe bore with a fortitude of mir b'^xomingachri^Uan, aiidaqueen: but next moraUig, when (he opened the window s, and beheld not only ftrong guards placed before th« entry to the houie, but a banner displayed on the^Jlbreet, on which was painted her dead hmbaad, king Henry, be-^ neath the (hade of a tree, witii tii^ young pjrince by his (tde, and the motto ^ Judge and revenge my caule, O LORD,' (he *3ur(l into tears, and complained againfl thet^flfronts (herecei^, beggit^ the people to compaifionate her, now ba:ome ^ captive. The honell Crafts, join'd with other loyal citizens, piecc'd with pity to fee thetf foverciepi thus ufed, uid an 4»figD di^ilayei, where the cn&ft «C the BlueJBIan'!!* h^ ided to be ereflediil the cai£ of loyalty, crowd* o4 to the place, and cc^xipeil-d the c^ii^NuratofS to rc**^ ftore her to the palace of Holv-tTood«^otdew «4 nxuft indei^ m faithfid fuftotiK^rapfaer, relate that, amia 1571, when the a^i$iators agsunft the queen Md 4 paj^ament in the^Canongate> the city^ of Edinburgh being po0efsM by tlie loyiU^ troops^ the Crafti, who b^ved their rel^on to be in imltii- nentdjpiec, cfi^layi^ the Blue Blanket (which, in antiqat tim^^ they were in u(b to do for defence of ieligid^ iit the town of Ldth, as Mr. Crawford, iPrariographer to queen Anne, relates it, inhifmc" •aolrsof thefufiaiivorScotlandy durhig die reign of qufen Mary, P» 310% ' the citizens who eitWiik'd ' Aot^;^ q^en^ or thie new magiftrates, vmit off in * an Ik- I '■m:^ ■'^^li^ii\ memoirs, p. t^. ttullllelvmVine'Aoirs, P: «4, %:.k * arilntirc * dard ; 1 < < ForC f loyaMs I now ofScotlai The ci nicsofthi that they Morton r the young gain the * 1579, ca burgh, ai ly parliar his journ< port, he pyof pur he receiv barc-heac the gatftl iih habiti cliskt, as As his down frc p^i(hed like j^ Ci3 him with ver, ant concert < a6iion« Wher tolbooth harrangi gcs. O who ad< which h( The BlUI BtAlTKET. 55^ irought her the rovod's th tears nd me- ura the i with a queen: \\ s, and € entry «et> on >ry> bc^ ince by Y caiiihp pJarned people . The |)iecc*d itnd aa crowds* E)il the be citf tCOOpSy i Imltii- ich, in Btice of wibrd^ eigivof Tlik*d * ail an intire bod^ to Leidi, and^t up their owii ftani- dard ; upon which was written in golden letters, * For GOD and the King ;' and vant^i^ed die loyaMs/ I now proceed to tlj^e r^;n of king J a j| e s VI. of Scotland, and I. of £ngland« The city of Edinburgh gave the highi^ teftimo* nies of their love and loyalty to their in^iiit^ibvereign that they were capable of, and oppeied the carl of Morton resent, whd ruled theroaft, and over->awed the young king's inclinations to mercy 4 Mortpn, to gain the aflfe^ions of ^ ^citizens of Edinburgh, anno 1579, cauled /unamon a^mrliament to meet at Edin- burgh, and the king to leave Stirling, M'here former* ly parliaments were held.v WKcn his majefty, upon ^ his journey to the capital city, came near tl Weft- port, he atigiited from his hor^, .and a ftatdv cano- py of purple-coloured velvet being held over hss head, he received the magiftrates of the city, who came bare-headed all the way without the gate ; within the gatd ftdod Solomon, with a nimerous train in je\^» iih habits, with the two women contending for the cliiy, as IS recorded I Kings iii. - . As his majefty aicended the Weft-boW> theif hunff down from the arch of the old port a lafge globe of p6li(had brais; out of whidi a little boy, ii«iil|Mt like s^ Cu]»d, defcended in a i||achine# and pre&iited him with •the keys of the city all made of ma% fil-« and very artificially wrought ; an excellent ver i4. ■•■'A concert of mudck all the while accompanying the adlioa. Whei^ he came down the high ftre<;t as far as the tolbooth^ Pieace, Plenty and ^ftice met him, and harrangu'd him in Greek, Latin and Scottlfh langua- ges. Oppofite to die great church ftood Religionj who addrefled him m the Hebrew toiiguet**Urfoa which he was plealed to cater th^ churchi where Mr. Lawfon, 6o The fftftary of Lawfbn, a pre(by terian divine^ madie a learned dlf- courie in behalf of theie of the reformed religion. ' When his majefty came out^ Bacchus lat mounted on a gilded hogftiead at tKc markct-croK,'diftributing vine in large bumpers, tlie trumpets all the while {ounding, and tjfie people cij^, * GOD fav#thc * Idng. At the eaft gate was erefted his mpjcfty's nativity, ajid above that, the genealogies of ali^tlie Scots kings from Fergus I. All the windows were hung with pictures and rich tapeftry, the ftreets ftrow- ed with flowers, and the cannon finng from ^e caiUe, till hi| majelty reached his palace* Notwithftanding all this pomp aisd cevemony,wMch exprefs*d the love and reverence both clergy aiid laity bore to his facred majcAiy, there wu afadacin cl^ange of aflairs. Foiv n Prefby terian gov^crnment being «AabtSihed in the church of Scotland, amto 1592, * wbKh, 'tis prob- able, the wife king would not have alterc^d, had not theEngUlh clergy influenced him tovadmit thoughts of reftoring epifcopacy ; which the Scots plcrgy perceiving ftrove Co oppo(e his purpofe, and ftrengtmntl)itir< v.^ was profecute before the privyK;puncft for lediti- out iermons, ai ftirring the people im to rebellion, wrong'd the pnvileges of their ecdeiiaKick dilcipline, and withal^ oeittg cfifpiealcd at the cfcmency (hown to the ^pifli lords, plotted retentmeut. The king having diilblved thexomminion of the general aflbnbly by his royal proclamation^ (a) de- clarivig it an unlawful convocatloiii the commifTion , refialyy, ... ■ . / • B(lb<)t O'ltkric* « memoiri* * \ " fcfolvM, * warrant ' ifu/d ec * tinuc.' taviins> ( eight coun fairs) to s ceeduigir< the king h tion enter with Mr. hb majeil] noblemen , U relighn fejfors, m derca^mu, that tendei king ask'd his ^rocla iurjl d$ m reiighnto by ti^ tii; whereupoi and w^ent ^ to be (hut< ing to the^ nnd that courfe, 1 pay togeth and adwr come iu to In coufequ lord Clauc a letter to Mr. Walt accept th< who atten lay's uifha] The Bitri Blanket. 61 led dif- ion. raounted ributing le while i?jcfty's all "the «V8 were ;s ftrow- y,wHch rid laity d in'the ;ls prob- haa uet ughts of rrcdving }4frir>own theight )ns^ and pcrtciv- I Biack, )r fediti- ^beiiioHy ilcipHnCy mown 1 of the (a) de- nmidion t:eialv*,d| fcfolv'd, ' Tfcat fincc they 5i?prc conveened by Chrift'i ' warrant to fee into the good of the cliur(»> Et nt * ^uid ecckfta detriment} caperet, they (hoiild con- ' tinue.' And lent fome of theirnumber to the Oc* taviansi (that was the title commonly given to the eight counfeBors that were trufted with die king's af* fairs) to ad v^lifet^em of the church's troubles^ fnrcK ceedittgirom then: counlels^ and thereafter petitioned the king lumlel^ which was rejc6kd> and a protefta- tjon entered againft the refufai ; but ibme nobiemeu> with Mr^'^Rc^ert firuce, havitig procured acceis to his majedy^ Mr. Robert iaid» They werefint hy the noblemen anU barons to bjePtoan the dangers threat ned t$ relighfty by the k'mg^s deaiings againjt the true pro* fejf^rs, fVhat^angersdoyoudifeoverPMd^tl^ng. Ufi* ilercofnmuHttf^, laid the other ; o$tr beft affe^edfeophy that tender Keligion^ are difchar^d the T&ivn, The king ask'd^ tt^ho they were that durft conve^/k again]} his proclamation ? The lord Lindfay reply'd, They durft do more tkanfoy and that . they 'mouid notfnfsr retighnfo be overthr>wwH% Numbers of people were* by tiiis time> throl^ingvunmanneriy ii4to ^ the rbom^ whereupon the klng^ not m^kiiig ajft}»llnfwdr, arofe^ and wxnt where the jiidges ^t^ cotnoiahdkg ^ySlmtt to be ihiit. The^ that were tint to die kii^ P^to- ing to the churdb^ tol{t| Th^a they were not heard; and that thirifore they were to thmk of fome other courfe. No ^ot^, fali^ the lord.LIndfay^ but ht us jlay together whoarebiere, toftandfaft tojone an^h^r, and adwrtife our friends and fatfOHrehiffeiigiou t$ come in to us i For it fhatl be either theirs w"-6urpl In couleqiience of this coKicert> they pitched imon the lord Claud Hamilton to be their head, and di^atched a letter to him, figned by Mr. Robert Hiticey and Mr. Walter Balcanqiial, to toine with diligence and accept the charge; Hut the fury of tlie multttut^ who attended that meetings heated by th#lord Lind* lay's uilbappy expreillqin^ did iiot foffcr them to wait F upon ■ni ^ The irjfvy of upon t)ieg«)erars comH]^) but prdently they leapM to armti Some ctitA, Brifur tut ffamau, others cried, Tktfword of the LORD and ofCidiOHp the day Jhaii bt theirs or ours. And (6 great was die 2eal oF^tbe imwary populace, that^ taking their march, they went, ftreight towards ^ tolbooth of oi* Edinburgh, where the king and Us c6undi were fitting, andwould have forc'd open the doors, which, upon the noiic of the tumult, were (hut, had not his majefty^s ftandard-begrer, John Wat, deacon-con- voener of the trades, drawn up his lads, %it Ibldiers of ihe Blve Blanket, and kept the rabble back till their fever cooi'd, and the earl of Mar, from the C({ftle, fent a company of mu(bueteers tp guard the king, which his lieutenant quickly brou^ down the caiUe-j>ank to the -GraTs-market, and ■" from thence march'd te tlic foot of Forreftcrs wind, and, enter- ing by die Back*flairs, came where the king was; then the king commanded to open the doors, and ad- vanced to the llieet. Upon nc^ce whereof. Sir Alexander Home of Nbrtli-berwivk, provoft of £din- ]wr^f with thi: ainft% cofyvoy'd theking to his roy- j^, palapi^ of M^yriiS^-hoiile ; from whence, next mcjft^^ he went to Linlithgow, where hefwore, f Mil it jiot been for the loyalty of the crafts, he ' would have burnt the town of £dinbur^ and * fiilted it with felt/ ^y tiie (l«di&ik a<4herente 5>f die crafts to their fo- ycv^ffk, even whip they d^ not approve of, but ivere Siirf fof hiNi^ngs, our capital city was pfc- fsrsed ircm defifiapon, as, by their bdiaviour after- wards, it flowUhtt^fli his favours. On the lad olfjiuit month of December, the king eame ta^eith, Md ftakl there all night, giving or- ders for hi& ejitry into the town <>f Edhibqrgh next morning, which he did, and called for the magiHratcs to heir what they had to fay for the late tumult ; which indeed was not owing to them, but to the Hocus Hocvs € tifed upo believe, i ib true k Sh- Al George Hunter, falling di edthefbl « tisfyini • th«r6 partak ready I h thr thetri asKico th ^ue k the maximi n Faiere pUhtm fingt Deum^ .1 Sh* Alexander Home, provoft, Rodger M'Mach, George Todrick, Patrick Cochran, and Alexander Hunter, baillu^, widi a number of the town-council, falling dfwn oit their knees before the king^ prcletft- ed the following oHers ; » ; «* i » i. ' l^i^r, for paci^^ hxs inajdly't wii^^ imd f^ ' tbfyiog the lonfs oTcouncit, they ihoulii^ apon * their oath, purge themlel vet of all knowledge, or < partaking in the iatd tumult ; and, at they had al- ^, ready made a diligent fearch to find out the authors, « h they fhoi^ not ceafe, until they Imd bi>otig|it ^ tlie trial to the outmofl point: Or, ITbb majeHy * and €Oifii«il (hould tBt^ nt to take the examhiation, * diiey (hould wilMngly refign thdr places to iuih at * hit bighnefi would appobt, tM W^ him adi|rd- ^ ing to their power: And> h t td ^S t hit majefly $ad * taxen that tumidt to nroceed ftooi cotaiq fermoirt * l^vachM by their, minHlers, t^ ^miM be em^ied * the cit^, never to return^ without kit ilphr*! ^ warrant.' Upon wluch^ the king wtt^Meladled to them. , * ■'■'■( ■'^'''^• Thus the crafb lidbaved as loyally at tliis jiiiiifttirt at th^ ^ during the troublft ooct^oned by |he earl of Bothwd, when the Idng^at aflai^ed in hit palace of Hely-rood*hoi^, w)&i obl^ed han to cry aloud liprndw wmdowt^ Tmtfrmi Tn^fhn* The rtfpirt of the accident going to the city of £- dialNlf|^, the citiient went tioannt, nod made to* wai^ tkepala^ee to d^ the king relief who lli#iv*d himielf mm a window to the people, gave tbeift diankt for thdr readincTs, and defiredliKsnio r^l^rA F 3 to 64 The Hiflory of t to their dwellkij^ As ^ dtizens give repeated i^ ftances of their valoar and loyalty to the kbgi wMk he reiided ainoiigft ui> fo, after fait acccffion to lii0 throne of England, and when he retumedtd hkna^ ttve tountry &x>tlandy and made his entrv into Edin* hurgh^ i6di o#May 161 7> joy' appeared in every one of their countenances ; they were ready to cry out In the words of Ben Johnfon's Magnetick Lady. Now I«t our longing eyes enjoy tfadr foil. And fiU of thee, ourfair-fhap'd god^ilce mail* Thou art a banquet unto ail diu* ienfes ; Th)j^ form doth ieaiV our eyes, thy voice bur ttttty ^ As if we felt i^ dn&We thro' our blood. » This paffionate love is gracefully exfjrei&d by th« famous poet and orator, William Drummond of Ha« thorii4en^ in his fpeech totheking^ la name ^^ ^9 tourn of Edinburgh. ::fn' tv* 't^ '/■"•■■^■f^ ■ ■ ' :■ ■-■- - . ■ -. • * fit Feature ix)uld fdler rocks to mov^^ ind ftbaii<* * X don thdr flttturai piaces> this Town, ibii|ided ' on the ftreagtii of rocks, (now by ihe clearing rayt f of jO|»r Majeftjr's preience, taking not only motion f hmt&^y had, whh her caftle^ teniples, and houles^ ^ mcMr'd>taw«rds you^ and be^di'd you to have ac« * knowledg'dhenelf yours, and her indwellert yoior ^ miskhvaSbht and aie^ionare iubje^ $ islid to be- ^ ^eyw many fouls are within her circuits, ib I many lives are devoted to your facm perfon and f epown.. And'liere^SiR., (he oiferSf ly me, toihe * altar at wm giory, whole hecatombs ^rf* mi^ ^.i»arty de&et, pihiymg all things %iaT ffove prol^ f- petoui^^iyoii; that etfery vartut and Mo^k'fil^ %' w^hmi&0 $L prmce ^ninent, mi^^ ^ith a tonig' * aM b^fled govemmentf attiead^you 1 your Jil^ f, :|bm$ ^ourUhmg abroad wi^ ba}^, at bom^ will . * ^ olives. ^ olives, key of 1 which c yottpo^ tliolehc notncc of thei (6, att your nt have ih and Bum mall ] thegl(^ niem* < Th« yoimg, the yoi many y Allhftv of othc fe^Hom fe^on pre& bj eft of » cmbrac minds; accept carried Ihali ^ thde r bnUdin indued ^ece nyom to be- lts^ ib )n and to the F miM EproA t«f^ •*■ ji' ^ olives. Pre(entiiig you, Sii, who art the ftrong key of tint little world of Britain, with thcielicysy which call u^ the gates of her affefUon, ami defign you power to open all the Iprings of the hearts of tliofe her moft loval citisms : yet this almoft were not necei&ry : For as the rofe, at the lair tpprasac|i of the rifing luQf difplays and fpreads her^puirplcs ; (6, at the very noiie of vour happy return to this your native country, their hearts, if they could have ihin'd through their breafts, were, with joy and tairhopeS) made ipadous ; nor did. they ever^ in all parts,^ Icel a more confertable heat, tbun the glory of your prefence at this time darts upQ« them* . ' * The old forget thdr age^ and look liefii and young, at the a|^)carance of ia gracious a prince ; the young bear a part in your welcome, cMlfing many years of life, that they nuy ierve ^you iong.^ All have more joys than tongues : For as the words of other nations far go beyond, and fiirpafs thcaf- fedtions of their hearu j io, in 4his nation, th« s|l^: fe^on of their hearts is far abo^e ali they eta %- prels by words* Dcien tlic% Si r,^ from the la^- ' eft of Majefty, to look down oathib' lownefs, and ' embrace it, accept the homage of their tpnble minds; accept their grate&l zeal; and^ Ibiiiieds, accept -their great good-will, which tbeyiWeever carried to the hig^dtf^ts of your anee^on^ an^ fhall ever to your own^ and your royal ilic^^ip^ift* thefe rocks mall be overflisidowed wkh 'biiQilkft|i|5 buildings inhal^ted hymen, and while men mayliitt indued either with counfel c^ courage^ or enjoy any piece of ReaioB, Senle^ or Life/ , This BpMi liM Mowed by nqotiber) deyvercd at the Wift-^M: oifitobwi^i when htsl^ajefty ca^. by ^ ^ikmiUjp Tow^-4«rk depute. F 3 N * HOW # Tie Wftory tf % m: O W joyful your Majefties return^ gracious |tin (the powerful ^damatlt of our wealth) by whole '. femoving^omourhemilphereweweredarktied, deep *■ fbrrow and fear poilcfling our hearts, (without en- '- irying «f ycmr Majefty'sTiappinefs and felicity) our ^•^Iplaces of fi>lace ever ^ving a new heat to the fever <^ 0f the lanquUhing rememM'ance of our happinett ; « ^ very htils and groves, accuftomed of before ta^ "*' be refrefli'd with the dew of your Majefty's pre ' fence^ not putting on their wonted apparel, but ' nM^ pale iooki reprefenting didr miiery ibr till < departure ef their Royal ICing. ' ^ I oioft humbly beg pardom of your mod (kcred ^X'ACi^yi VhOf mofl . unworthy, and ungami(h*d by ^tlW^^^attve with rhetotical colours, have pr^ ^yum'd to deUvcr your (acred Majefty, fiirm'd by na» ^^turtr ^nuiiram'a by frt and education to the per* ' fv6^ of all dofu^iGe, the publick meila^ of your ' M>ijefty*8 loyal (klyeAihere conveen'd, on the knees ' tt^'fUf hearty lilpiddtuyFviia' iacred Majefty, tbat *^|Hy ohedkiKt^A ittj|ni«flperiorf commands, may be diofM $«iti^lM01l$^fk^ my pr«lbtnptioii> * your V/ ' your W ^ and vig ' ceptam ' don B) * from y * magifti * Town * thefe, < tlis ini ' from t < nels a^ < merce * joy inv < Majeft^ < Good ' nance, ed, an tunate r beral | ( confide ( fulnefi * jears, * ment, * yourfel ^ thepei * examp « of wMi * reftife f thepri < govcn * beam * tbequ ' peace!! * Xkifsn, < OnA, < feM t (• [racious 'imtRre rperibn of your Thif be re- of the be ac- h love^ old the f which LT true ameiit^ efkfliM of otir whole d, deep ut en- fey) our le fever tpineil; fore ta^ r*8 prc- ;ly bur for thr :fkcred ilh*dby fc prt- by na- heper* of your e knees r, that maybe t your The Fl utf 'Ifti. A^ K E T. i^ your Majefty's wonted clemency rtiay give ftrength and vigour to^^ny dilbriiftful ipirits, in gracious ac« ceptance of tbat whieh 1^11 be delivered, and par** don my e&apes. Recdve then, dread Scwereign, irom your MajeftyV faithful and loyal fubjeds the magiftrates and citizens of your ivghnefs's Good Town of isidinbufgh, fiich welcome asis due from theie, who, with thankful hearts, do acknowledge tlis infinite bleffin^ plenteoufly lowing to them from the paradife of your Majefty's un&otted^ood-* nels and virtue, wifliing your Majefty s eyes ii^it pierce into their very hearts, tol^thold the exceffive joy inwardly concelvM of the BM^ meflenger. Yot^ MiyeChr's princely refolutkM to vilit your Majeiiy's Good Town, increased by your Majefty's counter nance, in prolecuting what was Co happily' intend^ ed, and now accomplHhed by your Majeily's fbr^ tunate and iafe return, which no tongue, how 11^ beral Ibever, is capable to exprefi; Who (hall Gonfider with an ine|iartial eye the continual care^ fuinefi your Majefty had over us from yoiur tn»#r jears, the^ttled ten^bet of your Ms^flfy's goi««n<* ment, wbex^ iftia luceft «ye conldfiiid oo^p^^ yourielf^ as the life'~of the country^ li)e fatliier of the people, inffat^tins not (6 mkh by prece|)t^ .at exanuile; your Majefty *s court, tlwmarriagi place of wMdom and irodtincis, without koj^ffwumot reftife to aviiucih I But as yoiv pMidaide>liiif ^ioil 4 the priae froni ftll^kSi^ aiid> emperort'tii^ tii^AM ' the dtgmr of ix>aApiMoh lib httiiyoiiv^l^^ govemmtnt been mh^ ikvt^ tnrf 4n^^hmy%^nmf be a mefi^ngtr to hb pAt^d^ tbilt v«p 1)^^ die quint«£nce of mlkig ly U lAi^ Jio^Bil^s and peaceable government, mtidli #tftj^||^^ tilers, but moft abiBidaiH|pttl|M|^^ God, undtr vour bcttm^mm 1m w^ AudU firiM the fiifl fl Biiliiil ilpi iii||illiii ""'I '^■'■■^■^■^ ?T * confidcr ^I^p yftf tRjhry tf ' ccuifider yourMajefty*s moft noble progenitors^ they ' wcpe incleed all jvinces renown'd for their virtuety ^ not mierior to any Kings orEmpefovs of their time ; ' tliey maintain'd and deUver'4 their virgin ice ptres ' tmconqMer'dy.from age to age, from the foundation ' of the moft ^^olent i&x>ds of conmiering iwords, ' which overwlielm'd the reft of the wnde earthy and carried the crojwns of all other king^ of this terrc(- trial ball unto thraldom s 'but far fliort of your ^ Majefty's nature^ having plac'd in your iacred per- i^lbn aione^ what in every oni^of tliem was exceU '^lent ; the ienate*houie of the planets beings as it fkmtrt^ conveen*d ^at your Mafefty's birth, for de- ^« treeing of all perfections in your royal peribn, the <: beavens and earth witneffing your heroical frame, no < influence whatlbever bdUg able to bring theiame to ^ a higher degree. If we (hall brinp to mind the ^ ttmultiious days of your Majefty? more tender ' years, and therein your Majefty's prudence, wii^ ^ ^om and conftancy, in um^nig ttie aujointed mem* '^iMiii^ tbb common^weal^ ; who will not, with ^,tb«^ieen «f ^eba, cooM be has iccn more wiA> * dom m your roval peribfi, ibanrepoiPt bath brought i to foreign ears f and tbwe is not of any cftate or f ^1^ jwitbin this idiigdom, who bat not Ym pai ticu- ' iarexperienceof the fame, and leniibiyAlt tntfruiu * i|hercofk11|e4u« of eivil diicord, whkb, as a flame, *; 4 l a tm n ! fri fu%. mm diareby ^pNAcb'd i every man po^ f JWf'd> Us lMm» bi vttmf rc8fiM|^tbi(t wUcb be Jutd f i|Hiii; ;ead > «^ i p g tbe ftiats el bis omm labours ; f ^tit oNJifty^i gpwit vig^nce mid godly seal in pro- ^if<#>tm tne m^SgiAf and 4fihxm% tbe monuments f «r iMfitrfi htimmaifkm Roman anlichriftlan ''* Itesrcby, an4 eftabip^ our cbarcb, repairkg < ilic mins tbeiiet, | i wti N |ilig «ifW>m fbretg^n wififi- ' ««, tiM iM tnflbi^^OT VOMT majefty's vidorics ^ Aioee^piiwAHyiljr jMBChM^ y#ur nicred WIfiiem. <»>4Mi9^ciinM«w«fil(KputttlMAoft^ b ' ^ . ^ * much fl^Uebe^ ceffd^ a tons tfa ' Atodj royal fa Town ( days of builder ^Kitted geniton doiitt,'p j^^no< ofmany ere«$led i arts and ledge yc peace, Wounds Mit|pie>i Btm Wi felid^ your M timet f< ' Neith contain* What c thefftra< ttot bid formed day,, is crcd au walls, peHbti moiti - frame iacred v. of the 1 The Bli»»|1i: Sla ir K i t. ^Ir S) they rtime; ctptres idation [words, th^ and tcrr«[- if your edper- «cceU ;, as it for dc- m^ the lame to iiid the tender e, mriP' 1 mem* '^ with we wK^ >rou^t late or paiticu- M fruits I natnCy K be lim ibours; tinpio- lumcnts :hrilUan viamlcs VWima\. < much ffHiieh ^itoll*id by th^ ^dettts; . All ages (Hali re^ coKd^ add MifteHey fb)e& Alil»^ty Gotf^ for f^bsg tons their fbre-t^kWit^li^Mil^llft'heaii^^^^ Dgyid; wHe It |pltimen^ i^«d godly as Jote ' ^ ht^i Iwlit^ ftn^ be€t«rf i(i>atciers your MKjedici royal'i^vour iM beniieenctf, t^n t(i^ ydur Good Town of Edinb^gby wHeb^ befog founded in th« da^ of t&B^ woi&y King FriiGUS L the firft burider lif thA |(iiig4o%I and feitlouft • fo^ jotted iddityto^l^ wtMk^m6»^ genitors^ ^itfts by i^b^ ^i!i^h d "^itii rnan^ m^ j^^ not onl^c0ii&m'l> v^ut li^^ witli accdllDil of many morci enlarf^'d r Seau^*d her with anew ercilled eoHege, IkiUQMS for profdHon of all liberat art& and feienicM \ fo-^at me juftly doth adi^now^ le^e youT' hUj^f ^e author and oonl^aif o^ ber peace, her fictlid ^y^^iaii/: who biilds up thft wounds of her diflracled^cOmmon-wealth, the only Mftflilfcsof b«t p#o%ilil)^t and ^e (rogifowilliiib from mhmii»^ mas^m UoAf all bar;bapaineis^ai# ielid^ ibwetbi^ Ml ^Mtk in dJ^ faailHli% Kh^ yotar Mi^y'i ioyftll%V0uii extend^ U> hier atatt tinseS' f^ -• #-t*:*» * Neither hith tb6 ocean of ymr majcfty's imtitta contain*d itJelf within t^ $ic«ina of tbis~l|les What ear is ib l^rbar^jtiS) ith^t hath I10| b^afA-cf the fame of your Mi^% i r What fone^gi^ prince ll not bldebtad «> yoisr (kcrad wiiSom i r What i^^^^ formed chltvch doth not blefs your MajeOyV biH# ' diiyyf is not protedled uftder the wingp of your Ik^ crcd authority fiom AntkbriftiAn loeuft%' whole walls^ by the facred wifikun wbepewitb your facrcfl peribn is endow'd^ JMi hi«l>ll|»tter'd a«d fiiakai ffio^i than did tbe« 0qidii^:iuaM V frame M the knmhf # Avfirdi 4xAim y0«r ikired vinoay your Mi ' « Por'aU ^i^ your M^jefty't %oft lirnl ftvodh; ^liijtviag nothing €0 iMtedir "W didt i»lm ^ due, %ve ^ yottr Maj<%'s nidft hv:^l# fiiljedi^ proftrtU at ^ your l&crtMi ieefc, ky dswn enr liv^ goedt» Ubc*- ^ lleSy^Uidmrery t&ing taai is dbiTi^ at t wmfh^ to « ki^cv •your fiurred majdlfy^ vnfeomd loyalty and ' §4>)Mmi^ and evtf ^ to W i«i^ to coikfecrata «nd ^^ fii^i^ft^ oiviHvdt' ibr msdnifci^a^e of your royal '« |ir£bn and e(^i ^yl^'io die eternal^ our f 6dd, di^t peat« may «t tiMin your majafty'e # nvidhy and proQiefity Ivhhib yoinr palaces, length ^ i^ days to yoiv laci^ fwr^ mat Irom your ' m^jdty's loins may never lie wanting one to Iway ' Ikef^IHfir of tkefe your ]^|i^om% and that mercy ', 4ftir ite ddiv«y of lln^ ^eeli, \m ittajeftv wtet i»^ great ehnreh^ and tim having liear^l ibfnion iltiin tfis aiNi^Utliop of Su Andrew's^ PrililwDB oTall Scotland^ proceeded on hit mareh to hf? palace of lioly-rood-houfe. At the gate of die inner court mm prefented to lik royal hande^ a book in manu- Ibipty' of curious and feamed veriei in Greek and Imthly kl^bnlcd, ACADRMIS SDlNtVKOKItSIS €0»eiLArpiii!ti1 ^ iVb Sit »1« our m your tolway tvaercj i MMon ^ of all wlace of icr court In manu- «dc and LOSNtfS naiM of lext dav fity vfltn theOri- pliy, Mr. :k Sands, VIr.WIU LiCatitt in Nwflyfa- 7%r Btvi BxakiTeiv g^ j/S Adam nwt/ thifirft rffnen, ^^ ^A/»rr 4// h^mgtaiffi So Adam-ion w^/ Prefidifnt, ^tidfirft man $f tfh a^* rhcfhefis Fa!f-jfe M defend^ IVhka iho'ihejfhiei^ contain : Yet were fair Lksy and he the ^ we Right jairiy did maintain. The fieJdfii'fl entered Mr. Si0^9, , And thtre he made f/tifeit That nft ait Bands mire barren Sasds, But that fomferilkke^ Then iWr. Yoin^ mofljiihtilj ; The Thefis did'mfugn ; "^ And kythed old ^ ^^ot\t^ Attho^ hii namthe^Yooiig. •^ m »li^l0 ■'^ TobintfiiccetdedM^.JKjAA^ If ho, tho* Red heMtitamt: Ne^d neither for hh dijpftte hlujh^ Nor of his' Speech thmk fl>awe. haft entered Mr. King thtHfts, And diftute tike « Ring, How Reafbn, reigjtitig im ^;^^ idiould Anger undirhring. , . , . ■ .'^ ■ ■ i-. To their deferved Praifi have I Thus flay* d uf oh their Names i ^ . ind Wilis this Loiiege hence be cstit% Tte College of King Ja^M^s. Manifold bonowf the ftthg; [mt Ufoti thii hif <3o«l Town of Edinburgh^ in the qiftle vitee^ brf^ii^ born I ^ the Hiflcry «f • ^'. i born ; as appeal s by the hifrription yet remauniiig in the room where hi& motber Qoeen Mary was deli- vered of him, wbkh runs thus ; O Jesu Lord, who err. wnit was with tliorr;, Preierve the birth, whais badgie here i^ born ; And grant, O Lord, that whate'ei of her procctJ, May be unto tliy Honour and Glory- Soe held. Kis majefty, by a charter under his great feal^ dif- ponc? to the provoft, baillies,' town-council, art \ com- munity of thti 1 urgh of Edinbiirgh, the juitlcii«5li<)n, haven and,hart)Oiu^ <>F Leith^ and make^ and confti- tutcs them judges iv^u^ngd the ikippers, mafterb* and mariners in Ifdtl^, and aU other (kippers, mailers and failois, as well his fubjc^s, as fbrcigoers, being for tlie time with their Jhips, boats or barks wlthi^i the fame village of Lcith, and harbour of the lame, in all lea-fareing anions and caules whatibmever ; with power to them to make a^ls and flatutes for tlie in- cieaie of failing. And diJppncs to them the piime gilt to be uplifted for Riftainxng of poor indigent fca- men witliin the laid village of Leith, forth of the freight of every tun of goods, in manner ipecitied in tlie laid charter, to be applied to the iiie of the faid poor. Tliis charter is dated at Whitehall, 3d April By anotbcr charter under the great feal, he con- fif'rhs to the magidrates, town-council. Crafts, and community of the laid burgh, and their fucceflbrs, all former hifefttinents granted to them by his predeccf fbrs, of die herctable offices of" IherifF-fliip^ crownry, whiidi contains a new gift of the iherifF-(hip and cl'ownry within the faid burgh, common mills there- common muir, marif of parts ismri Hvlys^ paiTliges and li5nnin^s lead^ig to and fron;i the fame; and eipecially tiie palfagc leading to Leith, V upon upon hot village o Ivirbour Lfith, h •o^j aivd 'i'' f:if!a|?tjft the Hb£i;i at Whit( Byat pro V Jit, Sword . t, r bound in mann< roth Nq By an tices of Jiamptoi By an fines and fhcrifr-(h haU/«.i' By an to them of four j be retai burgh, OjpiSted their ta and fell atWhi Bya tion, lu four poi faid bur t«rof I t6«a. By a The BcviBlankbt. n niogm deix< om, Qirn ; rocctil, beid. 1 ;ai^ dif- \ com- 'ditflidn, cdnfti- ers and , tcrs and tmg for thin the ame, in r ; with r tlie in- e pi line »ent Ica- ( of the citied in the faid he con- fts, and [fors, all a-edeccH rownry, [ii|) and U there- ts, com- nd froni o Leith, u^)on upon both (tdes of the water thereof and to the fakl village of Leith^ haven of the famen^ and within tho harbour and village of Newhaven, and village of Lcith^ havens, roads, harbours and bulwarks diere- -6^;, ard witbin the lands of common cloiets, burOioilf, pi^Ta^^ti, and other bounds whatlbever, lying"withi!i the liivtixy of die faid burgh of £dinburgh« Dated at Whitehall, 3d April iiSi6. By a -gift under his ^eatfea!, grants to the faid provjd^ baillies and council, the power of having the S\\' ORD carried before them, riding of the marches t r bounds thereof, and df the offite of juftice of peace^ in manner therein contained. Dated at WMtehoJl^ roth November 1609. By anoch^ ^t, lie enlarges thdr powers, of juf- tices of peace> in wlHth tliey are uifeft. Daled at Hampton-court, 2|di Septanber 161 a* By another ^t and inhsftment. grants to (iiem all lines and ammerciamenti, belonging to the office of flieriff-fhip and juftidaries of peate. Dated at White- hall/-.! ydi September 1613. 4, By another charter under the ereatieal, ^||>ones to them the cuftpm or exdfe (aho to their fiiccdjbrs) of four pounds Scots, forth or every tun of wine to be retailed and vended in imalls within the (aid iburgh, liberies and jurifclidion of the fame, to be ttjpitfted by tneir treaUirers, coUe^or^, ati^d others an their names, from the retailers, vintners, ta^fceif^ and ielleri of the fame, lii all time coming. ^Upl^ at Whitefiall, ib^ November 1609. B^ a ratifics^tion W the feid ^, an^ wm difpod* tion, lie difpones i\xt foresaid 'Cul^om ftinl excite of four pounds, forth of every tun retailed 'Within tlie (aid burgli, and wathin the village of Leitb, m all pai^ls w^4iltiie fame, upon the imith-fide of the w^- ter of Leith* Dated at Hampton, 35 th September t6f a. *' By another under the great feal, power to.thcit % ani X". %- : ii: ■=¥ 74 ^J? ^/^ory tf and their fdcccflbrs, to ereft a weigh-houfi; at ^ over-tron of the f*id burgh, with divers liberties. Ai- ties, and immunities therein contained. Dated at Royfton, 9th December 1 6i I. ^ ay a charter under his great leal, ^^Ipones tliat part of the lands of Highrigs, contain^ 10 acres of land, or thereby. Dated at Edinbur^, 30th July 1618. * By a gift under his great feal, gives and grants the gedgry of fahnon, herring, and white fim, packed and peird within the kingdom of Scotland. Dated at Roy fton, 19th October 1618. . , By another gift under his great leal, the power of being overfeers and vifiters ofall meafurers and lellers of cloth, fluCs, and ilockingf, made iu the faid yil- ^ge of Leith^ and iheiifSiom of Edinburgh. Dated at Whitehall, 8th March 1621. By a charter under his great feal, dated at Stirling, 1,4th April J 58 2, ratifying a charter made by Queen -ItAilY, uncler her great leal, dated 13th March 1 5^6, iiif tlie lands, tenement^ houies and biggingi, churf^es, chaplainiies, altarages and preba^daries in 4'whatfocver churches, chapels or colleges, ♦^4tliin the liberty of the iaid burgh, founded by whatever pt^^F- fbn, whereof the .|kids chaplains and prebends wene in poUeiijon, with the yards, orchard|| annualrents, telnds, i^kes, profits^ duties, emoluments, which pertained tl^E^I^, and of all lands wiikh pertained t#^^ Bl^Mi^ und Gray'.Frian, , By another d^er, he ratifies and ^^oves the deniiiilon aiid^ ratification made*by John Git, !n fa- vours of the (aid burgh, of the provoftf y of the Kirkfiei4 haill lands and biggings belonging to tlie (aine. And diff.ones tlie liberty of a college imd r^ pairing fufficient houfcs, for &ccommo%tliig!1iii&$P^- ielTors of pliilofophy, humanity and langt^agjTs, theo- ^logy, medicine, law, and all other leicnce&^s . tttd t- .kcUii^ fufficient ^roMbrs for teaching ^iO ^faidj^ro- * ' ieiHons^ leifioBS V provo^y poHeffion! By anc r5'84y ice had been kge, .and good tow nqoaihtaiiifl deanry oi ry, with" duties of By anc iii'ere^tiaj dilponcd 1 i:ciUeg^ f pjcrtaiiiini B)r%p: oFLoiilla Jipor. By anc BeaHioar the; m^ ■-« Thus iiciicc hii^;! at ^ es, dii- :ed at « diat cres of Jijuly nts the packed Dated iwer of I fellers aid vH- Dated *fci, :\ •tirling, ^ Queen March lanes in thin the v^er ptr- ds wcne alrentiy , whicTi ertained '9 rs the of the i; tlie imdr^ ijjldv- aiilpro- eifions« y^fttf B L V s Blanket. 75 feffions ; andy for that effi:^ difponed to them the pftyvofb*^ a£ Kirkfieldy ^vith the tenements^ fruits^ poHeffions^ rents and duties- ^reb£ . By another charter under his gl'eat feal, 4th April X5'84» iconiidering, That the bui^ of Edtnliingh had been at great expence^ in ere^g the diid r ol- kge, .and bad gi^ed gseat fumsrfbrfii&iiimg the j^ro- feBbrs, fov iaSaru&ng tiie youthy he di^ool to the good towjv ^r dieuie o£ the £itd coUc^^ and fbr' miaiiitattiance o^ the piiiic^al>ifld regcots^ the arch- d^anry! oC^othkn, ^obtaining the pagfeiKige of Cur- ny, wicht^ manie^ gjkh^ aadvldrkriaods^ teincls and «lu ties of the lame. t 4 u- By another diarter under \m great Qs^, 2^h May >5&!^ fo gr^t eg4>eBces waredonit hyithegoodtown,' ifi'ere^^gaahd|)ital Ibr naamtakMiag-thcSir mlniftcn^ dilposied to the Uimn the jpy^vuftry? ^ ihtttX'iimt)^- (XkUegey hc9ilei«iitSy.l^^4citdli, and .BM^iihemi^^ pertaining.. ^^k- ■ :i':i .. B](«ftp>ther^hai^ir'Uiidtr hiig^leat fisal^^h luly* X^% failles: thr^i|#bEi«cnt^graiyt»d k^liiti^ll^ ^^IM ^licy ^kmo^be^ of tbe 0ud lEom^ls^ds^ IPti- nitfi^UlgB^ profoftie^ df ^KifldfiBkl^ aii4aiti:bf||!^y' of Loihia% thfi imiCUii^ tx>lleg^^ aiid^ By ariQdi«r>cMLrfi6r laidfr the great ifeal^ dated «t' BeaiWur calUe i^i2> ratifes all fdrii^r ^rsmts oi^ the fttd mn^HoM^ prfm>ftnos c(f JtirlLfield^ atid« Triiuty-cciUi^ : and aithdeaniy of LolH^fii isTi^ a^ new ^ fi|l ti^ &id& h^U kirlt-landftjr ^r nitiUitt^Mg' the nnnidtisB^ cdlk|^ and poor. Hub dSi that jtift ancl graelmis'in'ince^ow his be- neficetloert^pur RietFopolis^. as wife king Solonocn, in hiiiiitiolc of Ethicks^ remarks^ /^14tf/# th rkjhteous ^trt^f^i^imif^^ tim> city r^i^k^iki irtit' whn *^' m0l/^]^kftf%, ihe peoph i^^mi il»4 b«%^^a' ' pqftc^^ as well asgeneroi% he poured (}ib G a 'ntxi 76 The Htjfory of into the wounds of bis people, and healed the grew* ing contentions betwixt tlie merchants and trsides^ by the fubre(|tlent Decrect-Arbitral : * A T Haly-ruid-hoofe, the twenty-twa day of ' jr jL ^P'yU tiie yeir of G;od one thoufand five * hundred iour-icore rfiree years ; We Robert Fab-- ' lie of Braid, Sir Archibald Naper of Edinbellie, * knight, and Jamts Johnftoun of Elphingftoun, ' Judges^arlntratoirs, choieti for tkt part of Mr. Mi- ' chaei Cyfliolme, Andrew Sck k^r, John Adamlbne, ■* and William Pairiie, baiilies of jgdinburgh, Mr. ' John Prefton deaii of gild, Mungo Ruflel thefaurer,. * John jStinftoun, Robert Ker younger, Henry Char- ' ters, John'Moriibne, William Maul, John Har- * wood, JqIui Robertibne, William ingiis, Alexan* ^ der- Naperji William Ni(bet, mcnhants ; being on ^^00 QomSAoi the £iid burgb, for themiblves, and ' in napne and behall^ and ss commidioners for the ^ iMiUt' n^^ant^, indwelldn ofthefsykl burgh, on * ^ aae |Mrt, and John Coclt^b^m itf Ormelloun,. « lir«Robert P^t proveft of Tsinlty-ccollege, and Mr.. ^ ^i0i4N^ Ljndiey nnni^ of Leith, judges^rbitrator»^ ^ chden for the part oC James Fer^ifone bower> ^ lohn Baimdvther tailyeour, twa of the Craftmen> ' being on die counfel of theiaid bur^, Gilbert ' Prymrole dcaken of the Chirur^ans, lohn Watt % deal^n 0f the HanHncrfticn, William Hoppringle " deakeu of the Tail yeours, Edward Galbraith dea* ' {enof the Skinners, Edward Hairt deakeii of the ' Goldfmiths, Adam Newtoun deaken of the Baxters, * "Thomas Dickibne deaken of the furriers, Andrew * Williamfone deaken of the Wrights, William Bic- * keitoun deaken of the Maiffons, Jarnes Ker ^aken * of the Fieftiers, William Weir <&ikeii of thd Cor- * diners, Thomas tVright deaken of tile W|^>fter8^ * William Cowtts deaken of the Wake^,' aiid Wil* * liamSomer deaken of the Bomiet-makerv for thax^* * iclvts* ^^ (elres, miilionc of the rig^t p ord, * advice 9 the rem troverfi< the faid or occaj in any 1 the laid: Hand, i tral, ai ofer^a tradi^c (ion ma and gri< flheretOj being h therewi tenven kereane an4to ingt hcretofor vemmen accordit Tte Bi, VB Vt A-irxxTi » ^ Hres^ and in tv^mtkWoA faidialf, ^ an J ar com* ' miilioners fbr tlie haill Craftlhieii; indwcllers of * of die faid bru^, on tii» uth«r part t- And the ^ rig^t potent and klufler prinoi James> be the < gracCr of God, King of "Scots^ our- Soveraign < Lord, odiinan and overfinan, Gommoiiiy cholbn be ^ advice and confent of baith the faids pafties^ auent < the removing of all quelUons. difierences and con- < troveriles, quliilks are, or • lies been betwixt the * the faids merchant$> concerning-* whatfomever caiife ' or occafion whereupon debate or cpeftion did arife *^ in any tine betwixtvtbem. And thereupon^, batth ^ theiaids parties bdi^ bund, obtiflr^ and iWomy to * ftand, abide, underly> and fuifil the decreet-arbi* *■ tral, and delivertrnce of us the faids judges and" 'overirnan, but appeliatien^ reclamadon, or coiipmk^ > tradi^on, as at length is contained in ane itibnmii ' fion made thowupoa; baith die ^ds parties cls^pAl * and griefs given in be them, with the anfweiy mde ' thereto/ and their rights, reafons, andl alledgaaces < being heard, feen^, and eon£dered be tti^ i^ad We * therewith being rjrply advyiit, afker ffiany ' ^onvendons and nkieetings, HMttb tog'trai ' liereanent> 1^ all in ane vofice^iaccordit, decm^i / an4t;oDcludit> upoi^^he heads and vvticks follow- Mng-: Firfly To take aiiray ^dtlfereiiccft^Uk iie»beeii heretofore^ eoncerhing thie |M!rfonB 'whohad^^go^ vemment of the town, their numberi pafv%r> c^ina* ^hority, ahd mannelr of thdr eie^Hon ; 'Itia feiaily •ccordit and decemit thereupon as fbliows : '-\''\ MAGI$TltAt i* ^ 1 m m^ ^ mfc&ftA, bayiies, d^B of "^ t^^ 4M^divm^ ht in dll tymes con^g> ^i^mti^^Mt and oiSlifig^' m«rc^illktiL cmaSarmt tf^ ,- I G 3 thf 'A yt 7^ ffjjlory $f the^a^ of parliament ; and if any craftfman exerceand merc^andizey fall for hU giud qualities be prqmovit th^irto, in that cafe he iall leive his Craft, and not occupy the fanle be himfelf nor his iervants during the tyme of his office, and fall not return thdrto at anytyme theirafter, qidiill he obtdn fpecial licence •f the proveft| baillies and counlel to that efie^. COUNSEI. >» ^HE eounfel to confift of ten merchants, to w/t. The auld proved, four auld baillies, dean of gild and thefaurer of the next year preceiding, and three merchants to be chofen to tliem $ and als to coniift of eight crafts-men theirof, lex deakens, and twa uther crafts-men, makand in the hail the faid couniel eigh- teen perfons, and this by the office-men of that year, $$ ^ttf the proveftj baillies, dean of ^d^ and th^ aurer« £xE€Tioir. MB as to the manner of their eledtioft^ Itisfirft generally accordit and agriet. That na maner of perfon be chofen proveft, billies, dean of gild, or thefaurer, fuppoie they be.burgeflesof the bui^h, and able therefor^ without they Imve been a year or twa vpon the counfcl «ir before. And anent thetounfel^ the anld maner of «ving in of tickets be the dea- kitfif^ out of ^e qvmilk the twa crafb-mea were yt^dy chofen, to be abrogat, ceafe andcupyre in ail tymt% coming, fwa that the faids two crafta-men (hall be chofen yearly, without any in*giving of tickets, indifferently of the ht&. and worthl^ of tni craf^, be the falds provefl, baillies^ deau pf ^Id, ^bcfeurer and coi^fel allanerly, and naoe ^ be im 0» c^aHi^ c* l^ve twa year together, ex«^ th^ki I9ii%9i«^> •0 be vertue of tbdr officeii be da. the uguSsk ^Ic^ like. iike> tn( dividet n as they rcntly^tt eleven 1) of nyneJ le anent the lytts to the haillies, they &K not be dividet nor caften in four ranks, three to every rank, as they >vere wont to be ; hot to be chofen indiffe- rently, aiie out of the twelfF lytts, ane uther out of eleven lytts, the third out of ten, and the fburt out of nyne lytts. Anent the deakens, That nane be e- le Skynneiis, Furriei^ Wiiam^ men, Wrights, M&fons, Tailyeours, BsuitersJ^lefl^ crs, Cordiners/ Wtbfters, Wakm^ Bh^hnet^mi^^ Swa the deak^ nowpi^lbitihaliftieipf <|ttd cbhlmut quljil die third counlel-day of before the anld time c^ deAion of the new couniel, (|uhilk was on the Wed<- neiday next prece^ding the leaft of Michaelniafs ; iij^ on the quhilk tfairJ coittii^*da)t, dhe'ptoveft, l^ulli^^ and couniel now ftandand, extendhig to nliKteoi pdew fons, and fra thence furth yeaiiy, and Ilk year, ^e provefi, baiMles, «od comifel/ toriiUtti^ of the fakl t\\ enty five peribns^ fall call in before them the fllds deakens ffHcrafts, tvery ane j^d^lly, and iiratiii'e theh* pfishtk and judgment of the bed and worthieft of tHU^ #i#| { ' mereaftw, the faids proveft, bailUls, a^liftiHifl^ill^ of *^a^^^S^li^^ niM counicl now flan« dand -of miietcen perfons, and fra then furth, the faid da^y yi^^Yi The proveft, baiHies^ and counfel of tiwremil^^eiibni, fait choofefinth of the (aids ibur- lecfr^akci^yfeic perfons to be adj newcH FTS* 1- nacty Id, bail- aahts'of JtlpOf- dinarly dinarly ftandan^l at ail tym^s> fall conveen and choo(e the new couniei, io the number of eighteen perfon$^ to wit, the auld proveft^ bailiies^ dean of gild and thefaurer of that year^ and the i'aid dx deacons, to raak^ thirteen perfons thereof, and to them to h« choien three merchants^ and twa Craftiinen, and thir peribns to be callit the New Counfcl ; and if any p to fay, To the proved, twa lytts with himielf i tQ the four hail lies, every ane of them three lytts, the auld bailiies not beano ane, except they be ne\/ cho* fen theceto^ to the dean of gild, twa lytts with him* felf ; and to the thei'aurer, twa lytts with himfelf : Qi^hilks h%iU lytts faJi be of the order and calling of merchants^ as faid is. E/efffon ■ oii the Tuefday nixt after Micbidtnalfi yearly, there fall xofiveen the faick threcty peribns^ of new andauld cbitofei> ^nd with' them tlire reft cf -the deakensof Crafts ^uhilks are oofe c£ the couiaij^. extending ta eight perlbiis; the haill perions iwa coiivtenand,^ex- t:^4u)g ta tlwetty ei^t peribtns, by the provell*s odd v^jHH wheveof twenty merchants, and dghtecnCrafts- hAsh ; (|nbrte peribns fall be^n at tbe 1) tts of the proveft, juid every ane in theii* awn rank, ^ve their iioiei to^ift as tliey find meet fbir the weiJ^ of tiiff; town, -ttMRlingto thsir coniH^oce and knandedgt^. but feid or favour ; and on whoin^ie greatell nuin* ber of votes fait fall, that he be iWorn, reteivit and admittit provell for that year i ai>d fwa to proceed tikOrow tlie Ivtts of the bailHes, dsan of ^id an^ thefaurer, 41^1! the fiiids ele(5tion be coin|ikatly end-^ \lL^ The r^ds proved, batlUes, dean of gild, thciaiir ler and cQunlci, ele^, as faid it, mak^nd, in tlir hitti|| twenty five peribns ; they only, and nae utliers^ ^^^h«Kft tisa full government and adqiinkilxalioo oC li«|i|i§|apiroon«^weal o^^ hiirgh, la aU thanga^ ^ d^;j|mveft, baillies, and coon&l thereof^, xmt of any {plit Inigh had of befi^re, or mvj have hereafter be the Uw» or oonfietude of this reahti, infeftmentr and priviledlges graiHik to tliiatown be our Sovcrdg^n LorasiBioft noble progenitors; exceptand always tliir cou^s &)Uowiiigj in the quhilks the haiil Fourteen J^akens. of Cralb fall be caflit and adjoined w kL tiiem, to> give their fpectal vote and conlultation: thueinto ; viz* In ele^ioa of the proveft, btm^iesy dean of gild and thefaurer, as ^d is ; in letting of fews, or any manner of tacks, attour the yearly rawping on Martbmals-even ; in ^^ing of benefices,, and uther offices in Brugh ; in oranting of extents^ contributions, emprimitSj ai>d(icklike ^*<^;ghjg of com-» mon warks, and in diiponing of the commoQ-good,, Hbove tfaeium of Twenty Poimd togidd^. Wa **• not fonally \ l\va oft lytt witl and thc) reft comj of the pi reft wha And, to part, thr ouns, co; (trouble "C J T Is chan their De.' particulsi; Deakens, mang the tutcs, po itranfgrefl vtfft, bail PXCeI may Giid>couj Ciildrie, Craft mai chufing to^ and \\ Tht Bhtt Blank r. t. % N J Wairmng of the Dsakens and Couksel. PROVIDING nevcrthelcfs, that tbe DeakeiM "*• not of the couiifel^ or any of them, beand per- fonally warned to that efFe(?t, and ahfenting thein^i>^ fwa ofk the I aft Deaken^ or any uther that wiSl lytt with bim that yeir, fhall fupplie their rooiti:^ and they beand perfonally warned, and abfent, the reft conipear«ind fall have power to proceed. If any of the proveft, biillie^, and* counfel be' aWent, the reftwha are prefeut fall chuleane uthe^in tMilr room. And, to avoid all fiifpicioun that hes riien % times paft, through the particular ailcmbiies and conventi- ouns, contrair to the a«5ts of parliament, and to tkie 'trouble of tlie quyet eftait of this brugh. C O N V E N T I O tJ N S, f# T T Is agrict and concludit, That nather tfie rncp* * chants amang tiiemfelfs> nather the Crafts and their Deakens, or vifitors, fall have, or make any partlcultir or general conventions, as I>eakcils with Deakens, Deakens with their Crafts» or Crafts a-, mang theinielfs ; far lefs to make privat laws, or fta- tutes, poind and diftrcnzie at their awen hahds for itranfgrelTions, by the advice and coiileot of the pro- vtrft^ baillies and counlel. De a n of Gi l d mav conveen his Co if H s E t . pXCEPTAND always, That the Dean of Gild ^ may aflcmble his brethren and counftl in tlicir Gild'courts, conform to their ancient lawes of the Gildrie, and prfviledgcs thereof : And that any ane Craft may conveen together amang themfclfs, for the chufing of their deakens at the tyme appointit there- to^ and in manner before cxpreft ; making of maft^rs, ^ aud \ 1 «4 The Htjfory of n i and tryrtig of their handie-wark allancrly. And if any brethren, or deakcns of Crafts fhall nnd out, or devyfe any good hcids, that may tend to the wcill of their Craft, they fall propone the fame to the magff- trates, wha fall iet forward an ad or (latute thair- CoMMISSIONeHS. ITEM, As tuitchmg the commiilioncrs in parlia- •* ment> general couniel, and coramiffioners in con- Tf'sioun of Burrows, it is thought guid be the com- milTj'oiieri, that, in all tymes coming, be of the faiils conimiUioners for the brugh of Edinburgh, fall be chofen be the iaid provell and bail lies, furth of the number and calling of the Craftfmen ; and that peHbn to be ane burgefs and gild-brother of the brugh, of the bell, expert and wife, and of honell converlii- tion. « A u D f T o a s- JT E My It is agreed, that the auditors of all the ^ town's compts fali hereafter be cholen of equal number of merchants and Craftihicn, be the ^'ovcil, baUUes, and couniel. G I t D R I E. ITEM, Toward the lang controvcrfies ^or the ■^ Gildrie, ft is finally, with common confcnt, n^ pointit, agriety and concludit, That als weill Crafts- men, as mcrchari.s, fall be received and admitted Gild-brcthcr, and the ane not to be rcfufit, v\ 'e- cludit therefrae mair than the uther, they being bur- gefl^s oi[ the burgh, als meit and qualified thairfbre ; •nd that Gild-brethcr have liberty to ufc racfchan- ne and occupyand thefriedoineof thebrugh, and able to pay any extent, not beit-and*the oifire of pro\rcft or bail- lids in the mean time, fall be any wayis exeniit £rae tilt real and adual payment thereof. C O L L E C T I O U K. 7 T E M, As the haill body of the town, confift- p*Trl of merdiants and Craitihien, does be:r nn coiiii/jon burden of watdiing, wairding, exxtnung, : .'* of the like publick charges, having an commoun ^^ocl propier to Hane, fwa neidful it is for making an ec^uii- nity, and charitable c uncord, that there be in the haill town but an CoU^dioun, and an puHe, not peculiar to any, but common to all, of the haill duties and cafualitics, callit the Entrcs Silver of pren- teilibs, upfctts,.x)wkiy pennies, unlaws, and fickiike, to be colletHic in all tyme coming, and received bailli of m^chants and Craftfmen, and put in an common ptirle ; and to that tffeS:, the nterchants to take and have prentices, als weill as Craftlinen, and tobe al- .tii^it and obleiil theirto ; and nac prentice alwayes to be received of ather of them for fhorter tyme. nor the Ipac^/of fyv^ yeirs compleit. And for tlie better kno>vlc^jge :to be had lieirof, and tor obferving an good-orc^ln colle^io m of ^he fame, that there be an commoiui book made, keipit h the commoun .clerk of this brugh, picint, arid to come, wherein the names of all prentices to merchants and Crafts- nicn, the name of .theft mafter, day of their cntreis, ttntii>ace of their prentifli'ip, fall bs infert aiu* bulkit : For U\c jdhiik, tlie clerk lall hare at their bulking of ilk perlbn. Sex Pennies, and for the out-draught, TwclfTPcLBici; quWlk bulk fall be to the prentice toth an pi his pi realbj ftanc< tei/fej fie kii ^nd a pay ai colJe and fie kind of people as were wont to extent with tliem, and are ndt under an of the iaid'V'ourtcen Crafts, to pay at his entres, the day of his bt'iking, to the faid colIe<5lioun Thiitit Shilling, ami at his upfett, or end of his prehteiihip, Fyvc Pund. The prenteis to an Skinner, Chirurgean, GoUlfmyih, Fldher^CofrtHner^ Tailyeoiir, Bajtter, and Hunmermart, at their entry and bulking, to the laid colle^ioun Twenty Shilling, and fi>r their upf^tt Fyve Pund. The prenteis to an Malbun and Wright, at his entrie Threttcen Slift- ling Four Pennies, and at his u^ fett Tiiree Pund Sex Shilling Eight Pennies. The prenteis to an Webfter, Waker, Bonnet-maker, Furrier, at liis entry Ten Shilling, and for his uplett Fifty Shilling ; and thlt* dew ties to be tane by their owkly pennies, and dew- ties of their burgefhips. And to caufe all jTerlbn* > t«) be mair willing to enter themielis in prcnteifhip wjtb the Burgelles and Fiiemen of the brogh, this wivi- Icdge is grantit to the faids prenteiles, That they Mi pay nae mair for their burgdliip to the Dean 6i^ Gild but Fyve Pitnds, by the dewL'e;* foirikids. And in augmentatiovjn of the faid coiledtioun, when any per- fons 0iall happen to be made burgcUes of this brugh^ wha was na prenteis to an merchant, or Craftfman) frie Burf»e(s of the laid brugh, or hes not compleitit hit prenteifhip, fall pay to the faid coUe^oun, at his ad- millioun, the double uf the haill prenteis or entres*^ filvcr, upfett and hi liking, by the dewty pay it to tl^ Dean of GUd for bis Burgefliipj or Gildi-ie, quhilk is^ Twenty Pund for liis Burgefhip, and Forty Pund for hisGildric, tlie privilege always of tbti kair^itt of H 2 Burgeflct »-. %8 The Hiftcry of «; Burgeiles andGUd-brether not being prejudged heirbj^ quha iall pav the auld and accultomed dewty to the Dean of Guild allanerly. Thir dew ties and collec« ' tiouns, OF cafiialties of entres-filver, upfets^ owkly pelinies^ unlaws, and (iklike, to be received in all tymes comings of ail merchants and Craftimen in- diflerentlyi put in the faid conii^ion puHe^^and imploit be the advice and command >«f^ die proveft, bailees, and counlel, for fupporfand relief of the failyiet and their wyfes, bairns, and auld fepvants, and uthtr poor indwellers of the town. The proved, baillies) counfel, and hail Dea« kens, «iFery yeir after eleftiouii of the magiftrates, fall chufe the colle^ors of the faid dewtks and cafu- alities, of equal number of merchants and Crafts- men, and to devyie and fet down (ic good Qrd«sr as they i*aM find meet and expedient for the perfyte and isadie in-bringing thereof. And laft, the laid collec- tors fall make yierly compts of their intromiifion therewith, at the tyme of making of the town's compts, and fill find fuHicient cautioun, at their ad« miiliocn, for compt, reckoning and payment. Item^ It is ord dined. That baitii the faids parties, mer- chants and Craftimen now prefent, and their fuccel^ fors, fall inviolably oblerve, keip, and fulfil this pre- fent appointment and Decreit-Arbhral, and every lieid, claufe, article conteinit therein. Likeas, His majefty, and the faids judges, wills and ordains them, with willing Ijcarts, to put in oblivion all bypaft e- normities, imbrace and intertein love and amity, and as they are of ahe cky, fwa to be ane mind ; then fall they be acceptit of God, ftop the mouths or them qti^ilk ti^ occafion be their ciivifion to (lander the Utith ; then iajl they be mair able to do our Sove- rtign Lord acceptable fervice, and have ane iian&g and flourilhing common-wealU And finally, His majedy and the fnds judges will eltem their lang trave^ firuit^ully beilowit. Certificaticn A ap|[)oi and cj keipit whale haldei raon-> and t) be per to the mity : provit meant bulks Q ofAifts their a^ execute And^ and CG Thomi conjun( iio de overiin token ^, hai yea% All towa unk>n Were The B 1 u s B 1^ a li k e t. »f CtRTiFiCATioN o/Mtf Sett. AT T O U R, His Majefty, ^id the folds Judges, ordains thepradice and execution of this pivicnt appointment and decreet to be^ and begin aftei dic4ay and date hereof, and to continue, and be obfer>dt and keipit as ane perpetual law in tymc coming : And ^halbever contraveins the £imen, foil be repute and halden an troubler of the quiet eftate of tlie copi- raon-weal, incurre the note of infamy, aad forefiult and tyne their freedome forever, and bthaways/to be pei-lewit and punifhitas leditious perfons^ c^itorm to the laws of the realm, with all rigour aitd extn* mity : And ordains thir prelmts to be ratifiet and a}> provit in his Highnefs next |>arlia]Y)ait : And in t^Q mean tyme, the iame to be a(Hit and regiftrat in tlie buiks of counfel and iellion, and to have the ttaebgth of A^s and Decreets of the Lords therduf; and filial^ their authority be interponit theit;tiiy' aud letters unU exccutoriais to pals thereu^a, 'm ^nn as ^fftjrs : And for ading and regiftratmg of thi^ foriien, MakdO!ie and performed by them for the good and ho^ ^ nour of the kingdom ; Therefowe, confirmed, &c.* iliid did gi^nt to themagiflratcsof tlie faid town and fucce(ibrs, thi^ preienting and nominating ofminifters^ far jefving the aires, iir* tbehaiil churches buUt, or to be buHt with!tt the *a^,' town> with the right pf pa». troni^e of tHe hki haiiriurks in all time coming, 4s alio, confirmed io them, the faid city, town* walls, itches, forts, ftreets, paffages, paths, lands, territories, and cjpmmunities of the fame ; with the common lands, called, T^f Common Muir, Eafter aiid Wefter, and Common Mire theriedf; together with the Sotith''l»och, called the Burrow-Loch, and the Loch of the faid cit}^, coblkd tlie iV<»M-4«cA, ^'ith the laisds^ of old called tlie Creetifidcy with the Icper-houfe and yard (ituate on the fame, arable lands, l^anksanri marifhes thereof, for the prelent occupied lljr the lepers of the faid hoiile. And granted to the fs^d burgh the folc li|)crty of marchandice .pertaining ►to a free royal burgh, within ithe bounds oif thcikcf*/ rjfiilom of Edinburgh, and the privileges of weekly marke(:8 k i. procuj ing the Igiv< mannl SAY, who •* The Btui^*'ij.lKET. ^ ^ 'hat der- kful i-'.bi- Fthe mfelf alfo. mod le ex- it in- >r8 of sfigns jrvice* idho«» , &c.* m and lifters, , or to pF pa^. oming* town- lands, ith the Eafter ogether ht and pith the lands, )ccupied d to^c rtaining theAev weekly markets markets every Monday, Wednefday land Friday, or any three days of the week that they (hall appoint ; with kvvo yearly fairs, viz. Hallow fair andTrinity- fuir, with tl\e hail ifinall cuftoms, ac««rding to ufe and wont, efpecially the (herifF-fee and (herift-gloves. And tlierehy ena^d tlie village of Leith into a burgh of barony, with power to the magiiirates of £din- burgh to chule bai Hies and officers therein, and aiall* ing laws for governing thereof. Which charter is dated at Newmarket, a3d Odiober 1636. Decreet-Arbitrat^ diterifinmg ctrta that were depending between the IVlagijiru , chantrCowtcily and Trades oj the citj o^Edi .uurgn** f r WH £ R £ A S by two feveral ruhmifTions, dated and (fgned at Edinburgh the 13th and 14th of March 1 729, ,by the Magiftraites and Merchant- Council, and Deacons of Crafts, and Trades-Coun*. fjilors of the laid burgh, on the one and other parts, . and in th^e behalf and purftiant to the po;wers there- ' in meittioii«d> ieveral Queftione and- dtflferetxc^s be- tween tlieXaid Incorporations, and the faid magiftfates and merchaut-council, toucliing the matters therelif fet forth, were fubmitted to me as fole arbiter, chofen and ele^ed by both parties; and particularly gcrtain procefles at their inftancc againfl others, depending before die Lords 6f Council and Seflion ; and I Jiar- ing nMiturely confidered tlie faid mutual j^oceflcs, wit^Md^ miniM^s and claims, and anfwers, with thi^ voudbe;^^; given in ^y than hinc iude,'jLm\ heard partier^ procurators in my own prefence viva voce, and hav^ * ing weighed tlie ^^rgumcnts on each fide, iUMl perded^:^ the precedents laid before me jointly by Isoth parties^ I give forth my final lentenec and decreet-Jirbiu al, i|^ manner and to the elfe^ following : T«at iS T<>i SAY, Finds, Decerns and Declares, That n< \.ii *: ■■'S^. ■ who has deiertcd and giv«n over thepra(^tic6 and 1^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 ill I.I ill 1.25 ltt|28 12.5 1^ ^^ ■■■ 2.0 U ill.6 FholDgrapliic ScMices Carparadon 23 Wni MAIN STRin WIUTIR,N.Y. USIO (716)l7a-4S03 ^ A A ,<^ £""?■■■■ mibe bad imm mUbettm, aii4* 4t . tiie J^me time Mi^ hM^% *th«^6iitiriicfii4|iiiie^ ih$ toitii^ '* ' ne or Bcaifiofief as afi»^d^ ^ held or enjoyed , f'mmy jpig^gm »iid Oi^ That the aiage ■mn" ^ii^'Sm^^pmt^ imm^^ j^mm^, ^M|¥ mitjo preee nt|iii] neete ' ' atull itt'tlkfar iff ff^tmi IreaAiHsr^ attd twdve^erfeilHw tht leet 1^: bdliW: By^ltitnotfleceiifimed^b^^^^ wk^ feitnt pcrfenis ;^^ dndMi«'^«'i)filgi;Af^ai!» 'iMlis''^^^ fnrlhir^ fiad^ ^cOiif nM il«^i«% mil the te^^ cons ex^^fdinlrf^ ^^ not ^"^ cotit^^ hav^ ft votei la ditifi^^pl«9i^ ibr^ilie-Mbiailt jnembeMT of ^ #» dtery coutidtl MU^t?Ahe »l|iiiiil "ttk^t)!^ !n all ~ dettfOB and dccMrdly ^^Biat il^r^glll ^ tiillii council^ md^mtf wsd mif90fil!^ :Mi^ pfovoft «ir p£^iRf th^iiiiibtiafl i^ cuiioQ retimu^ &iiM' n v Mm^ -l iial -towwIaiA-i tto liMd !prdvo(l iir^ prdes^ hit orde% llifiteiBCEi of d^arfi^ and l^viViteen ttf^dkir i^blvaoi^^ii^ cill'may praeeed wetd ziStii^^^memmimimi^ tfegme mb ew weirjnicMt t Bet if tlteprvntftor fftt i)i4Rbfti^en td fiegle% oit ftcllf«iifelir'1» "ca cotmcitijoa #«dHerd.ty;» 4ie MiMdrpmmifil^itifr '■ ptt'06eccDiig'*l^e dliillnal^ and Rated ^Ine' wiini^tii! ri^re the afefdiiid^ovoft or f«^n lli^MI^ ^ and ibatad tiaii% aiul probM^^t^^ bufincA* »^Ai find% decem>iMil'de«MM%^^ 1^^ ntfy and-' ax^m^rdhn^ ^kmm'^ifim'ia^ pm^ wliati»ev^/«]Alsl^di(^^ tllti oithe to4b lilwfiltlid aHtflMK^^ to iivHI^< thar faMi^icimiiiitsi^^fMie^ mofithi ttfbvtiia MMiiMidettQ^llpil^ no ai^ki^af dapmlimiiiit «#^1^ to be ailoirt^ 4mM t^ ta«^ i m rt lptl w d ^iiit?. itM^mt^ ^'^Niwo' #% IDHT' M f^illBliiyt ^ cMiiig Oie ^MaO^cit III the ' iniititii^nif >1f^ iimriit nf itt IVaib'^. tM taMNlliiy ^md baSliet oldie ful^ aMiiy^^J»tft««Miftei8f and fttuKtm^ tib p Mid m^j^iy Ift bi. aMficd wINIi #ie <»^i# ili^ Ift in^^^m^ht to bt kgaliftci' for ^t BolRVMUfUllli iPRMmpiw> anw»««««w*«i 'tiiiliiln^' ijii(rt[fiVcilj'«^*-ilii^'Mki«i UfaH and and I that^ thdr V^ Deafi theni toi)^ Jtiercl and c tnde^ Munci fidw«( ol ttte Bgthe llkt id IS And V irtbftt rib fet luive IipIII^ lag to thefilviNg»4if»fliilaimi% 1i»e fiMn^is^|«Mir and has beei}tlef>lliuckadUiJ^ fepllie and council to be at tins tiriie called Hi q^i|l()^^ t!»t the meeting of the Deacons hat been 41H0 prtafied^; iBut that by ^ l^tt of^the uif^ th^ merchants among themfelves^j^nor^e Crafts thefar Deacont and vifiten^ can haire> or itmke girticular or general cwrentiop^ J4 eacbns^ Deacons widi their Crd'^s^ o| Crafts ai then^lves^ \vithout tJie^iidvioei* aM coi^^-it^^i pnovoft and coundt^ excep^ffe'the ca^ ill ^ ii(| fett particularly excepted } and tl^^ to be frectuentiy held^^oJrft Tt^af aiii^ mas, m the manner, and with i|i drcnmftaiicia ^me is particularly fetiiirth in ti^ peflpraloir 9^ j merchants, can in no ways be €«mtaiiiei iiif^ik «xc6ptioitt. And finds,, dceoma and deeliMi^ ~ by-laWs made by the incorp^tbnijvr ' <^ no force unleft they are d^M b^ t^ ti|^ and council. But F^ IThat^ibe 6^ iiilpi;r«4 and eoulticil hate tf6 p^wv«i^ Jtoii^ %4am^ by 4lie laid Incorporatkmft ittd 0iifk mttihn t^l bound to .admk all luch pp;lbns om Jiall*faoi fame» ani (km appear ta tliania||jilrattt andi to be well (kill'd mid qualify^d to occiii^aitd| kt iSikk Ctafk, upon^yrocnt 0f Tueh iralt idarttion as (hould-be rated atoddefeecRyn^ Add ntgiftrafl^ and coinu^*' iM liiei»m t% iiave m power i»ii!liirtitiin :fc5^'"".*&. Jdi^'tfflPfis 1?, -;» I :>>-vs '* -f. ' ! '.f # 0' t*g