.-> .0^. ^^*>^^> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 i^ll^ 1125 £ m ■ 40 1.4 IIIM 1= 1.6 V] 03 '^ ^. ^ n d n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 THE WORKS OF HUBERT HOWE BANCROFT. THE A\^OPvKS or HUBERT HOWE BANCROFT. VOLUME XXVI. HISTORY OF UTAH. 1540-1886. SAN FRANCISCO : THE HISTORY COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 1889 Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1889, by HUBERT H. BANCROFT, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. All RijhU Re/icn-cd, PREFACE. In the history of Utah we come upon a new series of social phenomena, whose multiformity and uncon- ventionality awaken the liveliest interest. We find ourselves at once outside the beaten track of conquest for gold and glory; of wholesale robberies and human slaughters for the love of Christ; of encomiendas, re- partiimentos, serfdoms, or other species of civilized imposition; of missionary invasion resulting in cer- tain death to the aborigines, but in broad acres and well filled storehouses for the men of practical piety of emigration for rich and cheap lands, or for coloni- zation and empire alone; nor have we here a hurried scramble for wealth, or a corporation for the manage- ment of a game preserve. There is the charm of novelty about the present subject, if no other; for in our analyses of human progress we never tire of watch- ing the behavior of various elements under various conditions. There is only one example in the annals of Amer- ica of the organization of a commonwealth upon prin- ciples of pure theocracy. There is here one example only where the founding of a state grew out of the founding of a new religion. Other instances there have been of the occupation of wild tracts on this con- tinent by people flying before persecution, or desirous (▼) ▼I PREFACE. of greater religious liberty; there were the quakers, the huguenots, and the pilgrim fathers, though their spiritual interests were so soon subordinated to politi- cal necessities; religion has often played a conspicu- ous part in the settlement of the New World, and there has at times been present in some degree the theocratic, if not indeed the hierarchal, idea; but it has been long since the world, the old continent or the new, has witnessed anything like a new religion suc- cessfully established and set in prosperous running or- der upon the fullest and combined principles of theoc- racy, hierarchy, and patriarchy. With this new series of phenomena, a new series of difficulties arises m :*ttempting their elucidation: not alone the perplexities always attending unexplored fields, but formidable embarrassments which render the task at once delicate and dangerous. If the writer is fortunate enough to escape the many pitfalls of fallacy and illusion which beset his wa}'^; if he is wise and successful enough to find and follow the exact line of equity which should be drawn between the hotly contending factions ; in a word, if he is honest and capable, and speaks honestly and openly in the treatment of such a subject, he is pretty sure to offend, and bring upon himself condemnation from all parties. But where there are palpable faults on both sides of a case, the judge who unites equity with due discrimination may be sure he is not in the main far from risfht if he succeeds in offending both sides. Therefore, amidst the multiformity of conflicting ideas and evidence, having abandoned all hope of satisfying others, I fall back upon the next most reasonable prop- osition left — that of satisfying myself. PREFACE. ttt le the let his id and [drawn .,ifhe >penly Ly sure from Its on y with main sides, ideas fsfying prop- In regard to the quahty of evidence I here encoun- ter, I will say that never before has it been my lot to meet with such a mass of mendacity. The attempts of almost all who have written upon the subject seem to have been to make out a case rather than to state the facts. Of course, by any religious sect dealing largely in the supernatural, fancying itself under the direct guidance of God, its daily doings a standing miracle, commingling in all the ordinary affairs of life prophecies, special interpositions, and revelations with agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, we must ex- pect to find much written which none but that sect can accept as true. And in relation to opposing evidence, almost every book that has been put forth respecting the people of Utah by one not a Mormon is full of calumny, each author apparently endeavoring to surpasr his predecessor in the libertinism of abuse. Most of these are written in a sensational style, and for the purpose of deriving profit by pandering to a vitiated public taste, and are wholly unreliable as to facts. Some few, more especially among those first appear- ing, whose data were gathered by men upon the spot, and for the purpose of destroying what they regarded as a sacrilegious and pernicious fanaticism, though as vehement in their opposition as any, make some pretensions to honesty and sincerity, and are more worthy of credit. There is much in govern- ment reports, and in the writings of the later resi- dents in Utah, dictated by honest patriotism, and to which the historian should give careful attention. In using my authorities, I distinguish between these classes, as it is not profitable either to pass by any- thing illustrating principles or aifccting progress, or vlU PREFACE. to print pajjcs of pure invention, palpable lies, even ior the purpose of proving them such. Every work upon the subject, however, receives proper bibliograph- ical notice. Tlie materials for Mormon church history are exceptionally full. Early in his career the first presi- dent appointed a historiographer, whose office has been continuous ever since. To his people he himseU gave their early history, both the inner and intangi- ble and the outer and material portions of it. Then missionaries to different posts were instructed to make a record of all pertinent doings, and lodge the same in the church archives. A sacred obligation seems to have been implied in this respect from the beginning, the Booh of Mormon itself being largely descriptive of such migrations and actions as usually constitute the history of a people. And save in the matters of spir- itual manifestations, which the merely secular histo- rian cannot follow, and in speaking of their enemies, whose treatment we must admit in too many instances lias been severe, the church record? ire truthful and reliable. In addition to this, concerning the settle- ment of the country, I have here, as in other sections of my historical field, visited the people in person, and gathered from them no inconsiderable stores of orig- inal and interesting information. Tjpon due consideration, and with the problem fairly before me, three methods of treatment pre- sented themselves from which to choose: first, to follow the beaten track of calumny and vituperation, heaping upon the Mormons every species of abuse, from the lofty sarcasm employed by some to the vul- gar scurrility applied by others; second, to espouse PREFACE. Is the cause of tlio Mormons as the weaker party, and tiefcnd them from the seeminjnr injustice to whicli from the first they have been subjected; third, in a spirit of equity to present both sides, leaving the reader to draw his own conclusions. The first course, however popular, would bo beyond my power to follow; the second method, likewise, is not to be considered; I therefore adopt the third course, and while giving the new sect a full and respectful hearing, withhold nothing that their most violent opposers have to tjiiy against them. Anything written at the present day which may properly be called a history of Utah must be iargely a history of ^ho Mormons, these being the first wliiir people to settle in the country, antl at present Inigely occupying it. As others with opposing interests and influences appear, they and the great principles tliortiby brought to an issue receive the most careful considera- tion. And I have deemed it but fair, in presenting tiie early history of the church, to give respectful consid- eration to and a sober recital of Mormon faith and experiences, common and miraculous. Tiie story of Mormonism, thevefore, beginning with chapter iii., as told in the text, is from the Mormon standpoint, and based entirely on Mormon authorities; while in the notes, and running side by side with the subject- matter in the text, I give in full all anti-Mormon arguments and counter-statements, thus enabling the reader to carry along both sides at once, instead of having to consider first all that is to be said on one side, and then all that is to bo said on the other. In following this plan, I only apply t-.i the history of Utah the same principles employed in all my his- torical efforts, namely, to give all the facts on every \7~ II X PREFACE. side pertinent to the subject. In givinj^ the history of the invasion and occupation of the several sections of the Pacific States from Panama to Alaska, I have been obliged to treat of the idiosyncrasies, motives, and actions of Roman catholics, methodists, presby- terians, episcopalians, and members of the Greek church: not of the nature or validity of their re- spective creeds, but of their doings, praising or blam- ing as praise or blame were due, judged purely from a standpi int of morals and humanity according to the hiorhest standards of the foremost civilization of the world. It was not necessary — it was wholly outside the province of the historian, and contrary to my method as practised elsewhere — to discuss the truth or falsity of their convictions, any more than when writing the history of Mexico, California, or Oregon to advance my opinions regarding the in- spiration of the scriptures, the divinity of Christ, prophecies, miracles, or the immaculate conception. On all these questions, as on the doctrines of the Mormons and of other sects, I have of course my opinions, which it were not only out of place but odious to be constantly thrusting upon the attention of the reader, who is seeking for facts only. In one respect only I deem it necessary to go a little further here: inasmuch as doctrines and beliefs enter more influentially than elsewhere into the origin and evolution of this society, I give the history of the rise and progress of those doctrines. Theirs was not an old faith, the tenets of which have been fought for and discu.ssed for centuries, but professedly a new reve- lation, whose principles are for the most part unknown to the outside world, where their purity is severely questioned. The settlement of this section sprung PREFACE. 3ji primarily from the evolution of a new religion, with all its attendant trials and persecutions. To give their actions without their motives would leave the work obviously imperfect; to give their motives with- out the origin and nature of their belief would be impossible. In conclusion, I will say that those who desire a knowledge of people and events impartially viewed, a statement of facts fairly and dispassionately pre- sented, I am confident wiU find them here as else- where in my writings. d COOTEOTS OF THIS YOLUME. CHAPTEB I. DISCOVEEUS OF THE SPANIARDS. 1540-1777. ^«trF^r"^ ^" ^r""''° ^' Cxbola-Expedition of Pedro de Tobar"" and Fa her Juan de PadiUa-They Hear of a Large River-^rcU Lopez de Cirdenaa Sent in Search of Tf Ti.» v- *^' «'^— ^a«la Approach Utah-Route of c:;a:L-S;;^t:/u:^:!:7t^^ Northern Mystery-Journey of Dominguez and S^^e-Th! Course They Followed-The Rivers They Crossed-ThT^^t^eht, Tl^'Z Oth^et X' p^^'^^^-^-- ^-P^-eos. San Bur.e: tura and Others-The Country of the Yutas-Route from Santa F^ to Monterey The Friars Talk of the Lake Couutry-Sa^oTthe Spaniards to Zuiii and March to Santa F6 .^. °. j CHAPTER II. ADVENT OF TEAPPERS AND TRAVWXEES. 177S-1846. '"trc'^I^;:;""?,""^""' '^ ^°°*^" ^^ ^^^ FaWes-The Popa. kr Geograpbc Idea-Discovery of the Great Salt Lake-Jamei. Br dger Deciding a Bet-He Determines the Course of BeaTRlve^ and Comes upon the Great Lake-Henry. Ashley, Green and fiTk vrourth on the Ground-Fort Built at Utah Lak'e -P L; Skeef ot W l~ ,^ '"• ^°""*' ^"^ ^"^t°" Traverse the Country^ Walker's Imt to California-Some Old Maps-The lUrtleson Sn- pany-Statements of Bidwell and Belden Co.npured-Whitol ^Lovejoy Fremont-Pacific Coast Immigrations of moZl iWe— Ongm of the Name Utah , . CHAPTER III. THE STOKY OF MORMONISM. 1820-1830. ^ ^^Tn J"*?t"^~?: '''''"' '^*^^ ^'^*^ ^^^ Ago-Birth and Parentage of Joseph Smith-Spiritual ManifcsUtions-Joseph Tells (xlli) xiv CONTENTS. PAOB his Vision — And is Reviled — Moroni Appears— Persecutions — Copy- ing the Plates — Martin Harris — Oliver Cowdei-y — Translation — The Book of Mormon — Aaroiiic Priesthood Conferred — Conversions — The Whitmer Family — The Witnesses — Spaulding Theory — Printing of the Book — Melchisedec Priesthood Conferred — Duties of Elders an' I Others — Church of Latter-day Saints Organized — First Miracle- - First Conference — Oliver Cowdery Ordered to the West 36 CHAPTER IV. THE BTOBT OF MORMOMSM. 1830-1835. Parley Pratt's Conversion — Mission to the Lamaiiites — ^The Missionaries at Kirtland — Conversion of Sidney Rigdon — Mormon Success at Kirt- land — The Missionaries in Missouri — Rigdon Visits Smith — Edward Partridge — The Melchisedec Priesthood Given — Smith and Rigdon Journey to Missouri — Bible Translation — Smith's Second Visit to Missouri — Unexampled Prosperity — Causes of Persecutions — Mob- ocracy — The Saints are Driven from Jackson County — Treachery of Boggs — Military Organization at Kirtland — The Name Latter-day Saints — March to Missouri 71 CHAPTER V. TH£ STORT OF MORMONISH. 1835-1840. President Smith at Kirtland — First Quorum of Twelve Apostles — The Kirtland Temple Completed — Kirtland Safety Society Bank — La Zion Again — The Saints in Missouri — Apostasy — Zeal and Indis- cretion — Military Organization — The War Opens — Depredations on Both Sides — Movements of Atchison, Parks, and Doniphan — Atti- tude of BoggB — Wight and Gilliam — Death of Patten — Danite Or- ganization — Order Lodge — Haun Mill Tragedy — Mobs and Militia — The Tables Turned — Boggs' Exterminating Order — Lucas and Clark at Far West — Surrender of tlie Mormons — Prisoners — Petitions and Memorials — Expulsion — Gathering at Quiucy — Opinions Ill CHAPTER VI. THE STORY OF M0RM0NI8H. 1840-1844. The City of Nanvoo — Its Temple and University — The Nauvoo Legion— The Mormons in Illinois — Evil Reports — Revelation on Polygamy — • Its Reception and Practice — The Propliet a Candidate for the Presi- dency — The Nauvoo Expositor— Joseph Arrested — Governor Ford and his Measures — Joseph and Hyrum Proceed to Carthage — Their Imprisonment — The Governor's Pledge — Assassination of the Prophet CONTENTS. and his Brother-Character of Joseph Smith-A Panic at Carthage- Addresses of Richards and Taylor-Peaceful Attitude of the Mor XT PAOK mons CHAPTER VII. BRIOHAM YOr.NO SUCCEEDS JOSEPH. 1844-1845. rhe Question of Succession-Biography of Brigham Young-His Early l^ife-Conversion-Missionary Work-Made President of the Twelve -His Dev-otion to the Prophet-Sidney Kigdon and Brigham Young Rival Aspirants for the Presidency-Rigdon's Clain.s-Public Meet rngs B,,gl.a,n Elected President of the Church-His Character- lunplo.b.ulding-Fresh Disastcrs-The Affair at Morley-The Men of Qu.„cy and the Men of Carthage-The Mormons Cons.^t to Abandon their City CHAPTER VIII. EXPULSION FROM NACVuO. 1845-1846. A Busy City-Meeting in the Temple-Sacrifice of Property-Detach- ments Move Forward-A Singular Exodus-The First Encampment -Cool Propos^il from Brother Brannan-The Journey-Counige and Good t heer-^welhng of their Numbers-The Remnant of the Saints m Nauvoo-Attitude of the Gentiles-The Mormons Attacked- ^f^!'::':::''!:^'::] Bepartures-The PoorCamp-A 143 193 214 CHAPTER IX. AT TlIE MIHSOCKI. 184G-1S47. Native Races of the Missouri-The Pottawattamies and the Omahas- The Mormons W elcon.e.l as nrethren-\Var Mith Mexico-California lerntory-Moxican Boundaries-Application to the United States Government for Aid-An Oiler t.. Serve ... Soldiers Accepted-Or- gamzation of M,. ,„on Battalion-Departure of the liattalion- Bounty Money-Murch across the Continent-The Battalion in Cal- itornia— Matters on the Missouri. . . CHAPTER X. MIGRATION TO UTAH. 1847. Camp Near the Missouri -Preparations at Winter Quarters-Departure of the lioneer Band-Elkhorn Ren.lezvous-Route and Routine- Incidents of Journey-Approach to Zion-In the Cafion -Hosannal XVI CONTENTS. PAOB Hallelujah!— Entry into the Valley of the Great Salt Lake— Plough- ing and I'lanting — Praying and Praising — Site for a City Chosen — Temple liluuk Selected — Kuturn of Companies to Winter Quarters— Tlieir Meeting with the Westward-bound — General Epistle of the Twelve 252 CHAPTEE XI. IK THE VALLKY OF THE GREAT SALT LAKE. 1848. Food and Raiment— Houses — Home Manufactures — The Fort — Wild Beasts — Cannon from Sutter's Fort — Indian Children for Sale — Measles — Population — Mills and Farming Machinery — The Plague of Crickets — They are Destroyed by Gulls — Scarcity of Provisions — The Harvest Feast — Immigration — Five Thousand Saints Gathered in the Valley — Fencing and Farming — Distribution of Lots — Organ- ization of County Government — Association for the Extermination of Wild Beasts 275 CHAPTER XII. IN THE VALLEY OF THE GREAT SALT LAKE. 1849. Food Supply and Shelter — Luilding Lots — Currency Issue — Bank Notes and Coinage — Private and Public Buildings — Wide Area of the City — Secoufl Anniversary of the Pioneers — Festivals and Amusements — Ljibcra Duty among the Saints — Effect of the California Gold Dis- covery — Inimigratiuu — Currying Company — California-bound Emi- grants — Their Traffic with the Mormons — Products and Prices — Gold-hunting Frow ned upon by the Church 288 CHAPTER XIII. SETTLEMENT AND OC'UITI'ATION OF THE COnSTRT. KS47-1852. Founding of Centre ville — Bountiful — Ogden — Lynne — Easton — Marriots- ville — San Pete — Provo — Indian War — Walled Cities — Evansville — Lehi— Battle Creek — Pleasant Grove — American Fork — Payson — Xephi— Mauti — Chief Walker — Fillmore — Site Chosen for the Capi- tal — Tooele — Grantsville— Kaysville — Little Salt Lake — Parowan — ■ Cedar City — Paragoonah — Forts Walker and Harmony — Box Elder Creek — Brigham City — Willard City — San Bernardino in California. 305 CHAPTER XIV. EDUCATION, MANCFACTURE.S, COMMERCE, AQRICDLTURE, SOCIETY. lSr»0-18o2. Boundaries and Extent of Utah — Configuration and Physical Features of the Country — Its Lands and Waters — Fk. \ and Fauna — State Uni- CONTENTS. XVll igh- 311 ra- the PAOB 252 tVild lie- ague lUB lered rgaa- atloa 275 Notes iCity menta il Dis- Enii- ices — 288 rriots- i^ille — ,fson — I Capi- waii — Elder bruia. 305 [ETT. iires of ;e Uni- veraity-CurricuIum-Educational Ideaa- Library-Periodicals- Tabernacle and Temple-New Fort-Progresa of the Useful Arta- Milla, Factories, and Manufactarca-Farm Products— Traffic-Popu- lation-Revenue-MortaUty-Healtbful Aira and Medicinal Springs. 321 CHAPTER XV. MORMONISM AND POLYOAMT. What ia MonnoniamT-Teneta of the Church-Sacred Books and Person- ages— Organization— Priesthood— First Presidency — The Twelve Apostles-Patriarchs-Elders, Bishops, Priests, Teachers, and Dea- cona-The Seventiea-Stakea and Wards-Marriage-Temple-build- ing-Tabernacle-Political Aspect-Polygamy as a Church Teuet- Celestial Marriage-Attitude and Arguments of Civilization-PolyK- amy s E^ply-Ethics and Law-The Charge of Disloyalty-Proposed Bemedies , 333 CHAPTER XVI. MISSIONS AND IMMIGRATION. 1830-1883. Mormon Miasionariea-Parley Pratt and bis Colleagues-Missionary Labor m Canada-In Great Britoin-Missiouaries in Europe-And ia Other Parts of the VVorld-The Perpetual Emigration Fund-A Gen- eral Epistle of the Twelve-From Liverpool to Salt Lake City for Fifty Dollars-Emigrant Ships-Report of a Liverpool Manager- Ibe Passage to New Orleans-Overland Travel-Classes of Emi- grants-George A. Smith's Companies at South Pass-The Hand- cart Emigration— Biographical gn-r CHAPTER XVII. UTAH AS A TERRITORY. 1849-1858. Need of Civil Goyemment-The State of Deseret Organized-Memorials for Admission into the Union-Proposed Consolidation with Califor- nia-Administration of Justice-Proceedings of the Legislature- Babbit's Reception at Washington-The State of Deseiet before Congress-Act to Establish a lerritorial Government-Appointment of Officials-Ill Feeling between Them and the Mormous-Tho Offi- cials Depart for Washington-Measures of the Legislative Assembly -Stansbury's Survey-The Gunnison Massacre-Indian Outbieaks- The Walker War— Mexican Slave-traders 439 CHAPTER XVIII. THE GOVERNMENT IN ARMS. 1853-1857. Brigham as Dictator-Utah Seeks Admission as a State- Dissatisfaction among the Saints-Conflicting Judiciaries-The New Federal Offi- Hut. Utah, b zviii CONTENTS. VAOI ciala — Disputes with Judge Drummond — Colonel Steptoe— An Expe- dition Ordereok of Mormon Examined, etc. (Anon.) n.d. liook of Mormon; Littell'a Museum of For. Lit., xlii. Buston Christ. Exam., 6tb sen ii., 1858. lioHton Journal. ISowes ( Jolin), in Christian Magazine, nos. 1.3-18; Mormonism. London, Man- chester, Glasgow, and Edinburgh, 1848; Mormonism Exposed, 1851. liowlcs (S.), Across the Continent. Springtield (Mass.), 180G; Our New West. Hartford, 1869. liownc, Jr. (A. O.), in Atlantic Monthly, Hi., 301, 474, 570. l>oyer (Lanson), From Orient to Occident. New V'- \, 1878. Hrackett (A. G.), Histoiy of the U. S. Cavalry. New York, 1805. Bradford (VV. J. A.), Origin and Fate of Mormonism, in Christ. Exam., liii. 201. Brewster (James C), Address to tho Church of Latter-day Saints. Spring- tield (111.), 1848; Very Important to tho Mormon Money-diggers. Springfield (111.), 1843. Briggs (E. C), and Attwood (R. M.), Address to tlie Saints in Utah and Cali- fornia. Piano (111.), 1809. Brigham (C. H.), in No. Amcr. Rev., xcv. 189; Old and New, i. 028, ii. 320. Brighain (Wm J.), The Church of Latter-day Saints, iu Old and New. Sept and Oct. 1870. Brigham Young Academy — Circulars. lirigham Young and his Women, in Qalaxy, Dec. 1866. Brigham Young's Will. iSrighainism; Its Promises and Failure. Piano (111.) British and American Commercial Joint-stock Company, Deed of SettlemeuL Liverpool, 1840. Brit. Quat. Rev., xxxv. 175. Bronifield (Edward T.), Picturesque Journeys, etc. New York, 1883. Brotlier Bcrtrand's Conversion, in All the Year Round, ix. 68. Brotherton (Edward), Mormonism, etc. Manchester (Eng.), n.d. Brown (AlbertO.), The Utah Expedition, in Atlantic Monthly, March, April, and May, 1859. Brown (Benjamin), Testimonies for the Truth, etc. Liverpool, 1853. Brown (Joseph E. ), Speech in U. S. Senate. Washington, 1884. Brown (Mrs M.), Letter. MS. Brown's Statement. MS. Brown (Thos D.), Utah! Its Silver Mines, etc. Browne (Charles F.), Artemus Ward's Lecture. London, 1882. Browne (J. K.), Report upon the Mineral Resources of the States and Terri- tories west of the Rocky Mountains. Washington, 1807, 18G8. San Francisco, 1868; Resources of the Pacific Slope. San Francisco, 1869. Budge (Wm), Views of the Latter-day 3aint8 on Marriage. Liverpool, 1879; The Gospel Message. Liverpool, 1879; The Only True Gospel. Liver- pool, 1878. Bulfinch (S. G.). The Mormons, in Christ. Exam., Ixiv. 421. Burchard (H. C), Director, Report upon tho Statistics of the Production of the Precious Metals in the U. S. Washington, 1881. Burgess (J. M.), The Book of Mormon. Liverpool, 1850. Burnett (Peter H. ), Recollections, etc., of an Old Pioneer. New York, 1880. Burton (R. F.), The City of tlio Saints. London, 1801. New Y'ork, 1862. Burton's City of the Saints, Review of, Edinb. Rev., cxv. 185; Littell'a Liy. Age, Ixxi. 630. niT AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. Hi • ., BuBcb (M.)i Die Mormonen. Leipzig, 1855; Geacbichte der Monnoneii. Liepzig, 1870. Bush (Cf. S.), Plain Facts. MaccIesBeld (Eng.), 1840. Byers (W. N.), The Mormona at the Miaaoun. MS. California: Its Past History, etc. London, 1850. California Journals of Assembly and Senate, 1860-1881. Califomian. San Francisco, 1880 et 'cq. Call (Anson), and Others, Fragments of Experience. Salt Lake Citf. Call to the Unconverted, etc. Liverpool, n.d. (Jamp (D. W.)> The American Ycar-Book, 1869 et seq. Hartford. Campbell (A. ), Analysis of the Book of Mormon. Boston, 1832; Mormoniam Weighed in the Balances. London, Edinbnrgh, and Nottingham, n.d. The Millennial Harbinger. Bethany, Va. Campbell (A.), and Hines (J. V.), Delusions, and Mormon Monstrosities. Boston, 1842. Campbell (J. H. ), My Circular Notes. London, 1876. Campbell (J. L.), Idaho; Six Months in the New Qold-digginga. Chicago^ 1864. Campbell (Robt), in Fac. R. Rept, xi. 35. Cannon (Geo. Q.j, >Speeches in the IT. S. House of Rep. for his admission to a seat. Salt Lake City, 1882; ^le Western Standard. San Francisco, Cal., 1856 et seq; Sunday Schools in Utah. MS.; Juvenile Instructor, Ills. Salt Lake City, 186iS ct seq.; Review of Decision of U. S. Supreme Court in the case of Geo. Reynolds. Salt Lake City, 1879; Speech in U. S. House of Rep. Washington, 1882; Utah and its People in No. Amer. Rev., cxxxii. 451; George Q. Pukuniahi He Olelo Hoolaha, etc San Francisco, 1855; My First Mission. Salt Lake City, 1879; The Life of Nephi. Salt Lake City, 18S3; Writings from the Western Standard. Liverpool, 1864. Carson (Nov.). Appeal; State Register. Carvalho (S. N.), Incidenta of Travel and Adventure in the Far West. New York, 1858. Carver (J.), Travels through the interior parts of North America. London, 1778. Caswall (Henry), The City of the Mormons, etc. London, 1843; The Prophet of the 19th Century, etc. London, 1843; Joseph Smith and the Mor- mons, etc. London, 1851 ; Mormoniam and its Author, etc London, 1852. Catechism Cards. Salt Lake City. Cavo, Tres Sigloe, i. 127-9. ChalmpTd, Jr (E. B.), Mormonism a Delusion. London, 1852. Chambers, History of the Mormons. Edinburgh and London, n.d.; History and Ideas of the Mormons, in Weatm. Rev., Jan. 1853; Religious Im< posters. Edinburgh, n.d. Champagnac (J. B. L. ), Le Jeune Voyageur en Califomie. Paria, n.d. Chandless ( W. ), A Visit to Salt Lake. London, 1857. Cherry Creek (Nev.), White Pino News. Chicago (III.), Inter-Ocean; JoumaL Christ or BarabbasT Weston — super mare. London and Bristol, D.d. Cincinnati (O.), Commercial Advertiser; Gazette; Inquirer. Circular of the First Presidency. Salt Lake City, July 11, 1877. Circular from the Twelve Apostles. Salt Lake City, 1880. Clagett (\Vm H.), Speech m House of Rep., Jan. 28, 29, 1873. Washing, ton, 1873. Clark (John A.), Gleanings by the Way. New York and Philadelphia, 1842. Clarke (F. W.), The Mormon Widow's liunent, in Galaxy, May 1871. Clarke ( Mrs H. T. ), The F.migrant Trail. MS. Clarke, The Mormons in a Fix. London, n.d, Clarke (R ), Mormonism Unmasked. n.d. AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. mnoiMni onnouism ham, n.d. ■troaitiea. ChicaffOk ission to a Francisco, [nstractor, }. Supreme Speech in plo in No. lolaha, stc I; The Life I Standard. eat. New , London, he Propliet the Mor- adon, 1852. History ligious Im- Clavigero, StoriaCal., 153. Clay (Edmund), Tracta on Mormonisni. London, Leamington, and Liver* pool, 1851, 1852. Clayton (W.), Journal. MS. Clemens (S, L.), (Mark Twain), Ronghing It Hartford, etc., 1874. Coast Review. San Francisco, 1871-80. 15 vols. Cobb (J. J.), The Mormon Froblem. US. Codman (J.), in Intern. Rer., xi. 1S8I; The Round Trip. New York, 1879; Through Utah, in The Galaxy, xx. 1875, in IntL Rev., ii. 227; The Mor- mon Country. New York, 1874. Coffin (C. C. ), Our New Way ronnd the World. Boston, 1869. Colbum's United Service Mag., etc Ix>n'luo, 1829 et aeq. Colo (Wm L.). California, etc. New York, 1871. Colfax (Schuyler), Speech at Salt Ldie City. Oct. 5, 1866; Letter in New York Independent, Dec 2, 1860. Col. Doc, xiv. 321-3. Comettant (0. ). Lea CivOiaations Incoonnea. Paria, 1863. 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F.), Nat. Wealth of Cal. San Fianrisco. 1808. Culmer (H. L. A.), TourisU' Guidebook to Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City, 1870; Utah Directory and Gazetteer. Salt Lake City, 1870. Curtis (W. E.), in Amer. Christ Rev.. viiL 367. 1877: Nevada Biography. Wiishington. 18G3. IS, 1870, on Execution of uvl AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. Dall (Caroline U.), My First Holiday. Boston, 1881. Dallas (Tex.). Herald. Dalles (Or.)i Mountaineer. Dalton (Mrs L. L.), Autobiography. MS. Damon (S. C), The Friend. Honolnln, 1843-7. Daua (C. VV.), The Great West. Boston, 1861. Daniels (Wm N.), A Correct Account of the Murder of Generals Joseph and Hyrum Smith. Nauvoo, 1844. Das Buch Mormon, n.d. Davies (John), Yr hyu sydd o ran, etc.; Epistol Gyffiredinol Cyntaf; Trae- thawd ar Wyrthian; Etto Adolygiad, eto.; Chwech Bhifyn; Pregethu i'r Ysbrydion yn Ngharchar, eto.; Ewch a Dysgwch; Darlithiaa ar Ffydd; ¥ Doniau Ysbrydol yn Mrawdlys y Gelyn; Traethawd ar Fedydd; CorflF Crist; neu yr Eglwys; Ffordd y Bywyd Tragywyddol; Yr Aches Mawr Cyntaf, gan 0. Pratt; Protivch Bob Peth, eto.; Athraniaeth lachus; Ymddyddanion yn Gymraeg a Saesonaeg; Llythv- ron Capt. Jones o Ddyfiryn y li. H. Mawr, yn desgrifio arderchawgrwydd Seion: no dates (pub. in Wales). Davis (E. J.), Manufacture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors. MS. Davis (Geo. T. M. ), Massacre of Joseph Smith, eto. St Louis, 1844. Davis (John E.), Mormonism Unveiled. Bristol (Eng.), 1856, second edition. Dawson's Hist. Mag., new series, vL 1869. Dajrton (Nev.), Lyoa County Sentinel. De Bow ( J. D. B. ), De Bow's Review and Industrial Resources. New Orleans, eto., 1854-7. 7 vols. 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Deseret Alphabet: The following works printed in — Deseret First Book, b^ the Regents of the Deseret University, 1868; Book of Mormon, part i. New York, 1869; Book of Mormon. New York, 1869. Deseret and Nauvoo, NatL Mag., iv. 481, v. 343. Deseret Home, A Monthly Journal. Salt Lake City, Jan. 1882 et seq. Deseret News. Salt Lake Citv, 1850 et seq.; Extra, Sept. 14, 1852. Deseret Sunday-school: Catecnism, no. i., Joseph the Prophet. Salt Lake City, 1882; Reader, First and Second Books. Salt Lake City, 1880, .1881, and 1883; Union Music Book. Salt Lake City, 1884. Deseret Telegraph Company. Memoranda. MS. De Smet (P. J.), Western Missions and Missionaries. New York, 1868. D'Hanssonville, One Day in Utah. Salt Lake City, 1883. Dialogues: Between Joseph Smith and the Devil. Salt Lake City and New York, 1844; between Tradition, Reason, and Scriptus. n.d. (Liver- pool). AUTHOSmES CONSULTED. snril Diamond (Utah), Rocky Monntain Husbandman. Diario, in Doc. Hist. Mex., ser. iL torn. i. 378, 392. Dickeson (M. W.), The American Namiamatio ManoaL Philadelpbiat 1860. Dickinson (E. £.), in Scribner's Monthly, xx. 613. Diehl (C), Histoiy of the Masonic Fraternity in Utah. MS. Dilke (C. W.), Greater Britain. Philadelphia, 1869. 2 vols. Directories: Utah, Pacific Ckiast, San Francisco, Nevada. Disconrses delivered by Joseph Smith (30th June, 1843) and Brigham Young (18th Febmaiy, 1855) on Ihe Relation of the Monnona to the Qovem- ment of the U. S. Salt Lake City. Dixon, in All the Year Round. No. 17,252. Dixon (W. H.), New America. London and New York, 1867; White Con- quest. London, 1876. 2 vols. Doctrine and Covenants, etc. Nanvoo, 1846; Liverpool, 1854; Liverpool, n. d. ; Liverpool, 1882; Salt Lake City, 1876. Doctrines of Mormonism. London, n.d. Documentos Historicos Mexicanos, three ser. Mexico, 1853, 1854, 1856. Documentos Historicos Mexicanos. MS. Domenech (Abb4 Em.), Seven Years' Residence in the Great Deserts of North America. London, 1860. 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Fitch (Mrs Thos), in OverUnd Monthly, vii. 235. Fitch (Thos), Speeches in House of Rep., Feb. 23, 1870, and April 29, 1870. Washington, 1870; Speech in Utah Constitutional Convention, Feb. 20, 1872. Salt Lake City, 1872; Argument before House Judiciary Com- mittee, Feb. 10, 1873. Washington, 1873. Flanigan (J. H.), Reply to Palmer's Internal Evidence against the Book of Mormon. Liverpool, 1849. Font's Journal. MS. Forbes' Hist. Cal., 157-62. Ford (Thomas), Message, Dec. 23, 1844, to Illinois Senate, etc. Springfield, 1844; History of Illinois. Chicago, 1854. Fort Jones (Utah), Scott Valley News. Foster (J. E.), Prehistoric Races of U. S. of America. Chicago, 1873. Eraser's Magazine. London, 1830 et seq. Fremont (J. C), Narrative of Exploring Expedition. New York, 1849; Re- port of Exploring Expedition. Washington, 1845. Friendly Wanungs on the Subject of Mormoniam. L Overland Journey. New York, 1860. Green (N. W.), Fifteen Years among the Mormons. New York, 1858; Mor- monism, etc. Hartford, 1870; Narrative of Mrs Mary Ettie V. Smith. New York, 1860. Greene (John P.), Facts Relative to the Ebcpulsion of the Mormons from Missouri. Cincinnati, 1839. Greenhow (R.), History of Oregon and California. Boston and London, 1844; New York, 1845; Boston, 1845; Boston, 1847. Greenlagh (James), Narrative, To Nauvoo and Back. Liverpool, 1842. Greenwood (Grace), New Life in New Lands. New York, 1873. Guers, L'lrviogisme et le Mormonisme jug^s par la parole de Dieu. n.d. Gunnison (J. W.), The Mormons, or Latter-day Saints. Philadelphia, 1852; 1857, 1860. Gnrley (Z. H.), The Polygamic Revelation. Lamoni (Iowa), 1882. Gurley (Z. H.) and Kelley (E. L.), The Utah Problem and the Solution. Washington, 1882. Gwin (W. M), Memoirs on History. MS. Haefeli (L.), One Day in Utah. Ogden, 1883. Haefeli (L.) and Cannon (F. J.), Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. Ogden City, 1883. Haefer, Biographic Gto^rale. 1858. 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AUTHOBITIES OONSULTED. xxzl in. 184S. Sng.). ^^^^• ■xxiv.669. igton, 18725 •serve. ,; Emigrant (Scraps), nd London, ondon, 1853. 1839. ii.29. 1855. lamcd Latter. [ London, n.tl. and Brandon, 1857. 57-69. 15 vols. jmer. Monthly, m Mag., v. 641, 1. Lit. Messen., 8; Tait, Edinb. , iv. 354; U. S. Ixxxvii. m Mormonism Self-refuted (by D. K.) London, n.d. Mormoniain Unveiled. Calcutta, 1852. Monnoniam Unveilou, etc. Loudon, 1855. Mormonism Unveiled, Life and Confessions of John D. Jjee. St Louis, 1877. Mormonismcn och Swedenborgianismen. Upsala, 1854. Mormon Pamphlets. A collection of thirteen brochures referred to by titles. Mormon Politics and Policy in San Bernardino Co., CaL Los Angeles, 1856. Mormons Bog. n.d. Mormons (Tlie), History of their Leading Men, in Phren. Jour., Nov. 1866. Mormons (The), in Utah. Bentley's Miscel, Jan. 1855. Mormons (The). London, 1851, 1852. Mormons: their Politics and Policy. Los Angeles, 1856. Mormon's Wife (The), in Putnam's Monthly, June 1855. Mormon Women in Mass Meeting. Salt Lake City, Nov. 16, 1878. Morris (Annie), A Week among the Mormons. Lipp. Mag., July 1870. Morrish (W. J.), Latter-day Saints and Book of Mormon. Ledbury (Eng.), 1840. Morse, Washington Territory. MS. Mota-Padilla, Conq. N. Gal., ui. 14, 158-69. Mountain Meadows Massacre. Trial of John D. Lee. Salt Lake City, 1875. Mountain of the Lord's House. Piano (111. ) Muhlenpfordt (E.), Versuch einer getreuen Schilder. Repub. Mex. Hano- ver, 1844. 3 vols. MulhoUand (James), An Address to Americans. Nauvoo, 1841. Murdock (John), Persecutions of the Latter-day Saints, etc.; Sydney (Aus- tralia), 1852; Zion's Watchman. Sydney, 1852. Murphy (J. R.), Mineral Resour. of Utah. San Francisco, 1872. Murray (Eli H.), Message to the Legislative Assembly, 1884; Remarks on tha Way out of the Difficulty. MS. Musser(A. M.), Defence of our People. Philadelphia, 1877; Fruits of Mor> Salt Lake City, 1878. monism. Napa County Reporter. Narrative of Some of the Proceedings of the Mormons, n.d. Narrative of the Massacre of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. (Anon.) n.d. Natl. Almanac. Phila., San Francisco, Loudon, and Paris, 1863 et seq. Natl. Democ. Quart. Rev. Washington, 1859 et seq., Nauvoo (111.). Ensign and Zaralicmla Standard; LEtoile du Deseret; Ex- positor; Neighbor; Patriot; Wasp. Nebeker (John), Early Justice. MS. NeUl (E. D.), in Hist. Mag., xvi. 68. NclBon's Picture Guide Books. New York, n.d. Nevada (CaL), Journal Nevada, Journals of Assembly and Senate, 1864 et seq Nevers, Nevada Pioneers. MS. New Amer., in All the Year Round, xvii. 1867. New Amer. Religions, in Lond. Quart. Rev., cxxii. 1867. Newman (J. P.), A Sermon with an Answer by 0. Pratt Salt Lake City, 1870. New Orleans Picayune. Newspapers of Utah and other territories of the Pacific U. S., etc. The most important are cited under the name of the town where published, and many of them named in this list. New York Courier and Enquirer; Herald; Mail; Mormon Intelligence; Ob- server; Prophet; Sun; Times; Wall St Journal. Nioholay (C. G.), Oregon Territory. London, 1846. Nicholson (John), Comprehensive Salvation. Liverpool, 1880; The Latter- day Prophet. Salt Lake City, n.d.; The Means of Escape. Liverpool, 1878; The Modem Prophet: The Preceptor. Salt Lake City, 1883. Nickerson (Freeman), Death of the Prophet. Boston, 1844. izxvl AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. Nulever, Life and Adv. MS. Niles' Iteguter, Baltimore, eto., 1847 et leq. Minetountu Century. London, 1884. MordofF (Chas), California for Health, Pleasure, etc. New York, 1873. North American Review. Boston, 1850 et seq. Noticiaa, in Doc. Hist. Mex., 671-2. Nouvclles Annalcs des Voyap;e8. Paris, 1847 et ueq. Oakland Monthly Review; Tribune. O'Bit O TcLuk between Two Berry Chaps obeawt th' Latter-day Saints, et& BurylEng.), 1848. Observations in Utah. MS. Ogden(Utuh), Freeman; Herald; Junction; Times. Olive Branch. Kirtland {0.), and Springfield (111.), 184^. JO. Obliausen (Theodor), Geschichte dcr Mormoncii, etc. Gottingen, 1856. Olympia (Wash. ), Pioneer and Democrat; Puget Sound Courier; Puget Sound Ilerald; VVashinston Standard. Omaha (Neb.), New West, Republican. Onderdonk (J. L.), in Nat. Quart. Rev., xxxix. 80. Ontario Mining Company, Report, 1881-3. Origin and History of the Mormonitcs, in Eclectic Mag., Nov. 1850L Origin of the Morm. Imposture, in Littell's Liv. Age, xxx. 1851. OiT (Adrian), Mormonism Dissected. Bothania (Pa.), 1841. Overland Monthly. San Francisco, 1868 et seq. Oviedo, iv. 19. Oxford, Idaho Enterprise. 13 vols. New York, 1881; In the Pacific Railroad Reports. Washington, 1855-60, Paddock (Cornelia), Fate of Madame La Tour. Toils, etc. Chicago, 1879. Page (John E.), Tho Spaulding Story, etc.. Exposed. Pkno (HI.), 1866. Palmer (Joel), Journal of Travels over tho Rocky Mountains, 1845-6. Cin* cinnati. 1852. Palmer (W.), Mormonism Briefly Examined. London, n.d. Palou, Not., ii. 281-2. Panama, Star and Herald. Park (J. R.), Educational Afiairs in Utah. MS. Parker (Samuel), Journey beyond the Rocky Monntains. Ithaca (N. Y.), etc., 1840, 1842, 184G. Parry (C. C), in Amer. Natural., ix. 14-346. Parry (J. H.), The Mormon Metropolis. Salt Lake City, 1883. Parsons (T.), Mormon Fanaticism Exposed. Boston, 1841. Patterson (R.), History of Washington County, Pa. Phikdelphia, 1882. Patterson (Robt), Who Wrote the Book of Mormon? Philadelphia, 1882. Pearl of Great Price. Salt Lake City, 1878. Peck (G.), in Meth. Quart., ill. HI. Penrose (C. W.), Mormon Doctrine. Salt Lake City, 1832. t'erpetual Emigrating Fund. MS. Petaluma (Cal.), Argus; Crescent; Journal and Argus. Peters (De W. C. ), Life and Adventures of Kit Carson. Nev York, 1859. Phelps (W. W.), Deseret Almanac, 1851 et seq. Philadelphia (Pa), Gospel Reflector. Philip Horry, in Simpson's Explor., 490. Pierrepont (Edward), Fifth Avenue to Alaska. N. Y. and Lond. 1884. Pioche (Nflv.), Record. Pittsburg (Pa), Baptist Witness; Latter-day Saints Messenger and Ad70oat«. t*lacer (Cal.), Herald; Times. Placerville (CaL), Tri-weeklv R<>glster, June 24, 1858. Plain Questions for Mormonites. By One Who Knows They «re not Sunti. Loudon, 1852. AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. SSXTli Piano (IlL), True Latter-day Saints' llurald; Saints' Advocate. Player-Frowd (J. O.), Six Months iu Cttlifornia. Loudon, 1872. rontical I'amphlets. A collection of twenty brochures referred to by titls and number. Salt Lako City, 1870. Polygamy and Monogamy Compared. Tbe History and Fbilonophy of Mar- riage. Boston, 1873. Popukr .Science Monthly. New York, 1872 ctscq. Porthind (Or.), Bee; Duutsch Zeitung; Herald; Lantern; Oregonian; Stand- ard. Port Townsend (Wash.), Dumocratio Press. Powell (.J. W.), Explor. of the Colorado River of the West. Washington, 1875; Geol. of East. Uinta Mountains. Wash., 1870; Gcol. Surv. of Rocky Mountains. Wash., 1877; Rept on Lauds of Arid Ilegion. Wash., 1879. Pratt (Belinda Mardeu), Defence of Polygamy by a Lady of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1854. Republished in Millennial Star of July 20, 1851. Pratt (Orson), Remarkable Visions. Edinburgh, 1840; Liverpool, 1848; Ac- count of Several Remarkable Visions. Now York, 1811, 1842; Was Joseph Smith .Scut of God ? Liverpool, 1848; Kingdom of God, iu 4 parts. Liverpool, 1848-9; New Jerusalem, etc. Liverpool, 1849; Divine Autlicn- ticity of the Book of Mormon. nos. Liverpool, IS.iO-l ; Reply to " Re- marks on Mormonism," etc. Liverpool, 1849; Reply to T. W. P. Taylder. Liverpool, 1849; Great First Cause, etc. Liverpool, Ifij/ : Twenty-four Miracles. Liverpool, 1857; Spiritual Gifts. Liverpiwl and London, 1357? Universal Apostacy, etc. Liverpool, lo57; The Se«r, vol. i. 12 numbers, ii. 8 numbers. Washington, 1853 ct seq. ; A Sji .es of ' 'amphleta on Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gift?i, etc. Liverpool. 1851, 1857; Reply to Newman's Sermon. Salt Lake City, lti70; Bible and Polygamy. Salt Lako City, 1877; Cubic and Biquadratic Equations. London and Liverpool, 18(JU; Key to the Universe. London and Liver- pool, j ); Salt Lake City, 1879; Works, A Series of Pamphlets on the Doctnues of the Gospel. Salt Lake City, 18S4. Pratt (Orson) and Newman (J. P.), Discussion on Polygamy. Suit L.ake City, Aug. 12-14, 1870. Pratt (Orson), Smith (G. A.), and Cannon (G. Q.), Discourses on Celestial Marriage. Salt Lake City, Oct. 7, 1SG9. Pratt (Parley P.), Journal of the Elders and their Missions. Liverpool, 1837-8; The Millennium and Other Poems, etc. New York, 1840; Late Persecution. New York, 1840; Appeal to the Inhabitants of New York State. Nauvoo (111.), 1841; Letter to Queen Victoria. Man-jhostcr, 1841; Heaven on Earth. Liverpool, 1841; Voice of Warning and In- struction. New York, 1837; Liverpool ( ); London, 1854; Salt Lake City, 1874; Mormon Herald. San Francisco (Cal.), 1855 et seq.; Voix d'Avcrtissement. n.d.; Fountain of Knowledge, n.d.; Intelligence and Affection, n.d.; Immortality of the Body, n.d.; Priodas a Moesau yu Utali (Wales), n.d.; Key to the Science of Theology. Liverpool and London, 18."i5; Salt Lake City, 1874; Marriage and Morals in Utah. Liverpool, 1850; Autobiography. New York, 1874; An Addresa to tlie People of England, etc. Manchester, 1840; Mormonism Unveiled, etc. New York, 18.18; Prochvmation, etc. Sydney (N. S. W.), 1852; Repent, Ye People of California. San Francisco, 1854; Scriptural Evidences in Favor of Polygamy. San Francisco, 1850; The Angel of the Prairies. Salt Lake City, 1880; Treatise on the Regeneration and Eternal Duration of Matter. New York, 1840. Prescott (Ariz.), Miner. Price (R. L.), The Two Americas. Philadelphia, 1877. Prichard ( Jas C. ), Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. Lon- don, 1830; London, 1847. 5 vols. Prieto (G.), Viajo ii los Estados Uni'os. 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F.), From £vei;glade to Canon with the Second Dragoons. New York, 1875. RoUo (J. B.), Mormonism Exposed. EdinlTine; Pioneer; Post; Scientific Press; Stock Exchange; Stock Rt, , Timeit; Town Talk; Visitor; Western Standard, 1850-8; Wide West. San Jusii (CaL ), Argus; Mercury: Pioneer; Timea. ttmmMWBOBBi I I Washington, 1870L Philadelphia, 18»H. « AUTHORITIES CONSULTEDl San Luis Obispo Tribune. Santa liarbara Index. Santa Cruz Sentinel. Santa Gosa Times. Sargent (A. A.), Speech in House of Rep., Feb. 23, 1870. Saxon (Isabella), Five Years within the Golden State. Scenes in the Rocky Mountains. Philadelphia, 1846. Schiel (Doct. J.), Reise durch die Felsengebirge SchaflToausen. 1859. Schott (Chas A.), Tables of Temperature, etc. Washington, 1876; Tables of Rain and Snow, etc. Washington, 1872. Scribner's Monthly Magazine (later the Century). New York, 1871 et seq. Seattle (Wash.), Intelligencer; Pacific Tribune; Puget Sound Despatch. Second General Epistle of the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, 1849; Third ditto. Salt Lake City, 1850. Seeley (11. H.), The Mormons and their Religion, in Scribner's Monthly, iii. 396. Seer (The). Washington and LiverpooL Serra, Memorial, March 1873. MS, Sexton (Geo.), A Portraiture of Mormonisni. London, 1849. Shearer (Joel), Mysteries Revealed. Council Bluffs (Iowa), 1854. Shearer (Joel) and Swett (Wm), Comments on the Kingdom of God. Cotm- cil Blutfs (Iowa), 1854. Shearer, Journal of a Trip to California. 1849. MS. Sheen ( Isaac), The Narrow Way. Piano (111. ); The Plan of Salvation. Piano (111.) Sliephcrd (M. L.), Colonizing of San Bernardino. MS. Shuck (0. T.), Cal. Scrap-book. San Francisco, 1869; Rep. Men. San Fran- cisco, 1870, 1875. Silliinau (Benjamin), Amer. Jour, of Science and Art. New Haven, 1846 et scq. Silver City (Idaho), Avalanche. Silver Koef (Utah), Echo; Miner. Simonin (L.), Lo Grand-Ouest des Etats-Unis. 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Stansbury ( Howard), Die Mormonen, etc. Stuttgart, 1854; Exped. to Valley of Great Salt Lake. Philadelphia, 1855. 2 vols. Staples (Dav. J.), Incidents and Information, MS. Statistical Report of Stakes of Zion. MS, Stayncr (Arthur), Report on the Manufacture of Sugar. Salt Lake City, 1SS4. Stayner (C. W.), Farmers' and Miners' Manual. Salt Lake City, 1883. St Clair (D, L.), To the Fdlowers of the Latter-day Saints, Cheltenham (Eng.), 1840, Stenhouse (T, B. H.), Expose of Polygamy. New York, 1872; Les Mormons. etc. Lausanne, 1854; The Rocky Mountain Saints. New York, 1873. Stenhouse (Mrs T. B. H.), Tell it All, etc. Hartford, 1879; An Englishwoman in Utali. London, 1880; A Lady's "" - -- York, 1S72. Stevenson (II.), Lecture on Mormonism. St George (L'tah), Pomologist and Gardt'. Stillnian (Jas W.), Speech on the Mormon St Louis Democrat; Luminary. Stockton (Cal.), Herald; Independent. Stouc (W. v.), The Mormon Problem. MS.; Sturtevant (J. M. ), Review of Mormonism in All Ages, in Amer. 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