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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MINUTES, REPORTS, BY-LAWS, &C.. OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED COUNTIES OF LEEDS AlTD GEEITVILLE. TH:irM> IWCEETIIVG^, BROCKVILLE, NOVEMBER, 1872- BROCKVILLE, D. WYLIE, PRINTER, "RECORDER" OFFICE, BUKLL STREET. 1873 no ^- ■ I . I • • • A ■ i ' ^ ' ' ' ' f ^ ' • r> . * • ,/ ;( V > %^ ^ c h ^i MINUTES OF THE COTTirCXL OF THE COEPOHATION OF THK United Counties of Leeds and Grenyille. THIRD MEETING. Brockville, November 11, 1872. The Council met at two o'clock p.m. The Warden in the Chair. Members present — Messrs. Beecher, Carley, Cornett Gallagher, Hicock, Honrigan, Keeler, Kernahan, McLean, McBratney, McCrea, McNish, MiHar, Murphy, Rathwell, Shaver, Sheffield, Stafford, Taplin, Whelan and Wilson. The Warden laid on the table, 1. Letter of Provincial Secretary respecting a new Registry Office for the County of Grenville. 2. Letter of the Principal of the Ontario Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. 3. Letter of Mr. Bigg, Inspector of Public Schools, respecting the new Normnl School. Mr. Taplin brought up the petition of David Mansell and others, respecting the High School at Farmer^ville. Mr. McCrea moved, seconded by Mr. Beecher, that all papera and documents in the hand? of the Clerk, oi that may come into his hands during the present Session, be referred to the several com- mittees to whom they belong. Carried. Mr. McBratney moved, seconded by Mr. McCrea, that the Council do now pdjoum until to-morrow at ten o'clock a.m. Carried. The Coimcil adjourned. Tuesday, November 12, 1872. The Council met at ten o'clock a.m. The Warden in the Chair. Members present — Messrs. Beecher, Carley, Cornett, Cornwall, I ■1 f, n il>„l.Pv Hicock Homican, Keelor, Kernahan, McLean McNish, S iic?;:f mA4 McBratney Rath.ell. Read, Shaver, Sheffield, Stafford, Taplin, Whelau and Wilson. The minutes of yesterday were read and ^PPr^ved. Mr Kevnahan brought up the fourth report of the special com ,„iL on the new Registry We for the County of Leeds, and the '^'££:^f^^ standing committee on Finance brought up ''M^Hic'cXmoved, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the first report of fhe comStt." on Finance be referred to a committee of the whole Council forthwith. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr Whekn in the Cjhair. S: Chrf u^^Ti t,.,at the co„>mittee Lad .i.o„ and adopted the report. S? Tl;ufroved, seconded by Mr. Gallagher, that the report be ^T^t J£:^o^--aed t^'Millar, that the « ^I^rt of ^e Sing comm'ittee on the Gaol and Registry Gthce be referred t a commitL.- of the whole Council forthwith. Carnod. The Council in > --mittee. Mr. Feeler in the (.'liau-. ?^: Chrlr^'epotted that the committee had Aen and „,ade anma T^rnoTftss and asked to sit again. Report TecLited, and leave granted to sit again to-morrow at ^' mT WUst m'^^^-ed, seconded by Mr. Keeler.. that the W.-den be authorized to instmct the Chairman of the special committee on Gaol ^nd rJ' stiT Office to telegraph to Cobourg and learn if Mr. bnuth, ; e IntpeciJr of Registry ^«> -turned from ^^^^^ Mr. Gallagher moved, seconded by Mr Whelan, t^^^* \^;/«"""^ do adjourn to meet at the hour of two o'clock p.m. Gained. The Council adjourned. The Council met at two o'clock p.m. . Mr Miilar moved, seconded by Mr. Murphy, that the sum of two hundi^ed dollars be granted the Corporation of the Township of Edwtdsbtgh for the' purpose of cribbing ^^Y'^^^^^^ the banks of the river St. Lawrence in the bay above Wright s Point. ^ Mr. Hicock moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the P^-ope;;ty jn Edwardsbur-h known as the Jolmsto>.-u property be sold to tlie SimSpal Council of Edwardsburgh for the sum .of two hundred •A-, dollars, clear of all expenses to the Counties, if the Council has the power to (lisposo of tho same. Mr. Wheiiin, in (pnejulment moved, seocndetl bv Mr. St-^fkb-d, that the Warden be instrui-U'd to dispose of the Johnsvovn propei-ty and place proceeds in Counties' treasury, if the Council has power to dis- of it. Carried. The oii;L;inal motion as amended was then adopted. Mr. MolJratney moved, sroondetl by JNIr. Wilson, that a special committee be apvointed to examine and report to the r.mcil what amendments, if any, are necessary in the hiw resp«cti'^' joint atocir. companies for the construction of roads, Slot Vi-;., chipter 31, laid comijiittee to consist of Messrs. Taplin, Hicock, W Isun, McCrea Millar, (Jornw.'ill and the mover. Carried. ' Mr. Corneit moved, seconded by Mr. Whelan, that the Council do now adjourn to ten of the clock to-njorrow morning. Carried. The Council adjourned. Wednksdav, November 13, 1872. T'ae Council met at t.-n o'clock a.m. Tin' Warden i,: tlie Chair. i)resent,— Me.s'MS. Beeeher, Carley, Cornett, Cornwall, Gallagher. ii.,("k, Houii^-n, Keeler, Legge, McLean, McBrati. v, McCrea,, ? 'iHar. .Miiri,:.;- Rathwell, Read, Shaver, Sheffield, Stafford, Taplin, and VV ils(j!i. Die minutes of yesterday were read and appioV;-d. The Warden htid on the table a copy of the telegram" to the In- sp "ctor of Registry OlKces, and his answer thereto. The Chaii-inan of the standing committee on Countv Property brought up tiieir report. The Cliairman of the standing committee on Finance brought up their second roort. " The Chairman of the special committee appointed to examine and report Mdiat alterations are necessary in the law respecting joint stock road compani^'s. brought up their report. .Air. Cornett moved, seconded by Mr. Sheffield, that the first re- port of the standing committee on County Property be referred to a comm'ttee of the whole Council forthwith. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr. Cornett in the Chair. The Council resumed. The Chaii-man reported that the committee had risen and adopted the report. • Mr. Legge moved, seconded by Mr. Read, that the report of the committt-e of the whole be concun-ed in by the Council. Carried. Mr. McBratney moved, seconded by Mr. Taplin, that the report of the special committee appointed to examine the law respecting joint 1 n '\^ 6 Htock companies for the constn^ction of roads, >>e now refen-ea to a committee of the whole Council. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr Murphy in the Chair S ?.r,rlr^;la t^t *» commiU.e had ri.n and adopted the report. whole Council forthwith. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr. Taplin in the Ch.\ir. S: CUrlrCotd *»* ^e com., had ™e„ and .dopt«. the report. 4 ^rllrmotd. seconded by Mv. Be^he,-, that the report of W^ojrd tl'r the'tnncil do appoint commWone,-, to oversee ^I^^^'otdr^v^dX-d the nan,ea being eallod for they were '"^Y^trMTsst" Belcher. Carley, Gallagher Hourigan, Kernahan. Gaol. Mr Keeler in the Chair. ?h:Sarr;ot ,'; }f, Mr. Read in the Chair. .! ...i , ■ i,.\\ .,I-.iiIi The Council resumed. • Ihe Chairman rspoited that the committee had risen and adopted certain resolutions. , . . . i . ' .?- • . -•' ;:;iif! • w ! Report received. ' . . • Mr. Keeler moved, seconded by Mr. McLean, that the said resolu- tions be concurred in sepai*ately. Carried. . ) -.iH The firat resolution was read and concurred in as follows : .;,■ Resolved, that the first clause of the report be not adopted. The second resolution was read as follows : nr'-! -ih Ii> rK.j Resolved, that the second clause of the report be adopted. And on the que.stiou of concurrence therein, Mr. Keeler moved, S3conded by Mr. Millar, that the said second resolution bo not con- curred in, but be amended by inserting the " United Counties of Leeds and Grenville " instead of the '* Town of Brockville." The Council divided, and the names being called for they were taken down as follows : — Yeas, — Messi-s. Carley, Keeler, Kernahan, Millar, Murphy, Shaver and Wilson. Nays, — Messrs. Beecher, Comett, Cornwall, Gallagher, Hico?k, Hourigan, Legge, McLean, McBratney, McNish, Rathwell, Read, Sheffield, Stafibrd, Taplin and Whelan. Motion negatived by a majority of nine. J ; - nr i!.; .! •/!. The second resolution was again read and conci:rred in. The third i-esolution was read and concurred in as follows . Resolved, that the third clause of the report be adopted, Mr. Wilson moved, seconded by Mr. Millar, that whereas the .-ii/: t 8 Hon Sidney Smith, Inspector of Rogistry Officep hai, intimated to this Council hi8 inability to come hero during th.H ««««"" °^^^« Council to accept the new Registry Office, (which is n7;*7P^^> f^m tlie hands of the contractor, and whereas it «f ««l"*«ly "^f^^ sary for some person to have charge of the building «^"d »ceep a Ifierate fire therein to dry the arches and walls ^^l^-^J^^^^^Z resolved, thai John ^lordou, contractor, is hereby authorized to take charge of the new Registry Office and keep a moderate hre therein for which he shall be paid the sum of two dollars per week until the said Inspector accepts of the building. Carried. Mr. Legge moved, seconded by Mr. McLean, that the Council do now adjourn until Friday next at ten o'clock a.m. Camed. The Council adjourned. Friday, November 15, ISV'i. The Council met at ten o'clock a.m. The Warden in the Chair. „ /-i ♦» noiiocrlipi- Member. present-Messrs. Carley, Cornwall, Cornett, G«"»gh«» ' Hicock Houri^an, Keeler, Leg.^e, McCrea Mc..ean, M.) ar, Murphy, RathLll, Read, Shav-er, Sheffield, Stafford, Whelan, Wilson and Wolfe. , The minntes of yesterday ^verfl read and approvea. The Cha'rman of the standin- committee on Finance brought "^Tt'chairmroTthe standing committee on Finance brought ''^Ur%mZVo7:C^oco.ciea by Mr. Keeler, that the third re- port ofle standing 'committee o'n Finance be referred to a com- mittee of the whole Council forthwith. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr. Hicoclr in the Chair. The Council resumed. . i j • „ „„^ r^^Aa The Chairman reported that the committee had risen and made some progress, and asked leave to sit again. . „A„„^nn SepoAceived, and ieave granted to ^^ *g«^" \ '^J ^^f "^f Mr Kernahan moved, seconded by Mr. Legge, that the use ot thf Court Room in the Court House' be and it is hereby given o the Board of County Examiners for the purpose of holding therein the ensu'ng December examination of candidates for certificates as school teachers. Carried. Council Mr. Murphy moved, seconded by Mr. Read, that the Council do now adjourn until halt-past one o'clock p.m. Carried. The Council adjourned. The Council met at half-past one. ♦ ^r 4i,o The Council again in committee on the third report of the standing committee on Finance. 9 Mr. Hicock in the Chair. The Council resumed. The Chairman reported that the comnsittee bad risen and adopted certain resolutions. lleport received. Mr. Wolfe moved, seconded by Mr. Millar, that the reiiolutions be foncurred in by the Council. Carried. The resohitions were read aM^ the report be adopted. Tlesolved, that the third clause of the report be adopted. Resolved, that the fourth clause of the report be adopted. Resolved, that the fifth clause of the report bo adopted. Resolved, that the sixth clause of the report be adopted. Mr. Kernahan moved, seconded by Mr. Millar, that leave be given to introduce a By-law to amend By-law numbered nine, passed on the twelfth day of October, A.D. 1850, and int tdled "By-law to divide the United Counties of Leed^ and Grtnvillo into school circuits, and for other purposes therein mentioned." Carried. The By-law was read a first time. Air. Millar moved, seconded by Mr. Wolfe, that the said By-law be read a second time forthwith Carried. - 1'he By-law was read a second time. Mr. Read moved, seconded by Mr. Whelan, that the said By- law be refen-ed to a committee of the whole Council. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr. Legge in the Chair. The Council resamed. " . ill 10 The Chairman reported that the committee had risen and adopted the By-law. • i * SrWol^rmotd, .econaed by Mv, Beechev, that the report of the committee orthe whole upon the sai.l Byl.w he coneurrod '"^/r/wirr;t.d";Udbv Mr Mniar.that the ,.,d By- law be read a third time Ibrthmth. Carried. ^Iwi Rv-law was read a third time. -j t> i„„, M'-^^i{,r™oved,,e.,,^edbyM^ tl r "pa^dlu'oe" 'tweifth .D. .8.0 a„d in^ VVitn tne coHHt Archibald Cole and others, relatincr to rr^T^ P^^Y T^n 20 in Ki W and No. 26 in Klibabethtown. Hre SZn^rthe stan'^d^g^'committee on County Property 'Z''crneuto\"d:LTd'd by Mr. Kath well that the second report ofthe committee on County Property be referred to a 3mittee of the whole Council forthwith. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr. Rathwell in the chair. The Council resumed. \ -, - a The Chairman reported that the committee had risen and adopted the report. Report recti ved. , , ^ Mr Rathwell moved, seconded by Mr. Cornett that the report of the committee of the whole be concurred m by the Couucil. ^mT Wolfe moved, seconded by Mr. Millar, that the Clerk pre-« a bXw relieving the special committee appointed under 6vlt No 3^0 passed^23rd June, 1871, to superintend the alter- atlns to the GaoLnd building new Registry Oft ce. Carried Mr Whelan moved, seconded by Mr. Shaven that all the members of the Council who are present this day be allowed jay Sr yesterday, the Council having adjourned m consequence of its being a holiday by proclamation. Carried. Z Cornett moved, seconded by Mr. Read, that the non-com- mifsbned officers and men of the volunteer companies who pei- formed theirannual drill at Prescott in June ^%%<^^^''fl^J the following companies, that is, the Gananoque Rifles and Artil- IPry Lansdo^wne, f rauWille, MerrickviUe, North Augusta, Bur- 11 ritt'8 Rapids, Kemptville and Spencerville companies shall be paid by these United Counties tu'enty-five cents per day each man, additional jjay for their time while performing ^aid drill, on cer- tificate of the caj)tains of each company that they performed said drill Lost. Mr. Sheffield moved, seconded by Mr. Rathwell, that a special committee be appointed to purchase a site for a new Registry Office for the County of Grenville, to be approved of by the Lieut.-Governor, said committee to be composed of Messrs. Millar, Keeler and Wilson. Carried. The Wardeii laid on the table letter of D. Wylie, asking $50 on account of his contract for advertising and printing. The Chairman of the standing committee on Finance brought up their fifth report. Mr. Statlbrd moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the fifth re- port of the standing committee on Finance be referred to a com- mittee of the whole Council. Carried. The Council in committee. Mr. Millar in the chair. • • The Council resumed. - > .- The chairman reported that the cora.Tiittee had risen and adopt- ed (certain resolutions. Report received. • •••''' ' Mr. Keeler moved, seconded by Mr. Beecher, that the said resolutions be concurred in separately. Carried. The resolutions were read and concurred in as follows : i Resolved, that the first clause in the report be adopted. Hesolved, that the second clause in the report be adopted. - Resolved, that the third clause in the report be adopted. Mr. Millar moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the contractor, Mr. Gordon, be paid the sum of $250, balance due him on his con- tract of Registry Office, the work having been completed to the satisfaction of the special committee appointed to oversee the same. Carried. The chairman of the standing committee on County Property brought up their third report. Mr. Cornett moved, seconded by Mr. Sheffield, that the third report of the standing committee on County Property be referred to a committee of the whole Council forthwith. Carried. The Council in committee. . ./. - Mr. Wibon in the chair. • _ •! ^ . of these United Counties, stating tli.'it he has just returned from England, and that since his return his time has be*^n chiefly occupied in preparing a list of laud in arrears for taxes. In this way ht says that he has been prevented from complying with a resohition of the Council ordeiiiig him to have a statement of the ac- counts up to date. The letter, however, states that the funds of the past year, 1871, are nearly exhaiisted, and that a statement in detail of the whole money afluiirs of the Counties will be laid before the public soon after the close of the year. 2nd. — Your committee have also had before the..i the account of W. Gilpin for the repairing of the windows of the Co'.u't House and Gaol, amounting to the sum of five dollars and fifty cents, which your committee would recommend to be paid. 3rd. — Your committee have also had before them a letter from David Wylie, Esq., requesting an advance of fifty dollars to be paid on his printuig contract for the current year, which your committee would recommend to be oaid. All of which is respectfully submitted. (Signed,) ANDREW WILSOX, Chairman^ PHILO HICOCK, JAMES KEELER, WILLIAM STAFFORD. Committee Room, Brockville, l^ovcmber 15, 1872. 21 The standing cotnnuttee on County JProperty beg leave to make tliia tlieir third report. Ist. — The attention of yonr coniniitt»^e lias boon callnl to the worn out state of tlie uitittiuf,' on the floor of the Court Room ; the com- mittee would recouinu'ud that the Sheriff he authorized to repair tho same either vith matting or zinc, or both, as he may think proper. (Signed,) ANDREW RATHWELL, Chairman, THOMAS SHEFFIELD, THOMAS CORNETT, HIRA.AI McCREA, CHARLES MURPHY. <« « (I To flis Excellency the Honournhlp William 1'. Ifowlaml, C B., Lieut.- Governor of the I'rovitice (if Ontario, in Council : The petition of the Council of the Corporation of the United Counties of Leeds anil Grenville humbly sheweth, Tlu-t the Eastern section of tliis Province is sadly in need of a Normal School, and that youi Excellency's advisers being convinced thereof, have decided in recommending the erection of the necessary buildings. That your petitioners request that Brockville may be selected for the site of the said Noi'tnal School, for the following reasons : 1. The Eastern section of Ontario may be assumed as lying to the East of the Ccunty of Hastings, and Brockville is almost exactly central betwecjn Prince Edward and Glengarry Counties, the Western and Eastern Counties respectively, while Renfrew, Lanark, and Carleton radiate around it from North west to North-East. 2. If population V)e a test Brockville is also the centre, thus, on the West we have Prince Edward, Lennox, Addingtou, ami Frontenac with a population of G5,378, and on the East, Russell, Prescott, Stormont, Dundas i\iu\ Glengarry with a popnlatioxi of GG,975, while the Northern Counties of Renfrew. Lanai-V and Carleton furnish 72,186, and at the same time the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, in which Brockville is situa'-.ed, contains a population of nearly 00,000. 3. Brockville is the only town in the Eastern section accessib!3 from all parts by a single line of railway, being connected to the East and West b} the Gi-und Trunk, and to the North by the Brockville and Ottawa and Canada Central. 4. 1 n a sanitary point of view Brockville has no comi:)eers, a great desideratum to students, who can there breathe pure air and find plenty of exercise in rowing among the ThouP'-nd Isles of the St. Lawrence. 5. A site could be procured in Brockville at less expense than at 22 Kingston or Ottawa, while board or lodijing for studonts would also be procured at less cost. 6. The largo school population of the town would also afford every facility for furnishing an ample supply of pupils for tJie Model School Department of the Nornuil Institution. That for the foregoing reasons we trust that your Excel'iency'R ad- visers will decide on recommending Brock ville as the most suitable locality for the site of the ^ istern Normal School. And your petitioners, as in duty bountl, dl ever pray. Done in open Council at the T:wn of Brockville the thirteenth day of November, A. D. 1872. [L.S.] (Signed,) RICHAKD PRESTON, Wanten, JAMES J ESS UP, Clerk. To His Excellency (lie ITononrahh Wi/linm P. Jfowhind, C.B., Lieut.- Guvemor of tke Province of Ontario, in Cmincil. The petition of the Council of the Corporation of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville humbly sheweth, That the laws relathig to Joint Stock Road Companies mak'^ no provision iu case any person or persons in their private capacity purchase, either under nlo upon legal process or by private contract, any Joint Stock Company's Road, to compel such person or persons to ktep the same in repair unless they exact tolls from parties travelling thereon. T' it your pptitioners are of opinion that such persons should be required to keep the road so purchi-s<»d hy them in the same state of rei)air .as the Joint Stock Company would have been obliged to do while tolls were being taken upon the aaid Roads, had such sa!« and purchase not have been made, and be subject to the same restrictions, obligations and liabilities as the Conipany would have been if such road had not been sold, and that the obligations of such company and of such person or persons should be further extended. Your petitionors therefore pray that your Excellency may be pleased to cau^e an Act to be passed by the Lej^slature of this Province, amending the said Acts in such manner aj to provide that when any sucl comi>any or any person or persons .-^o purcLasing such road as aforesaid, neglect to keep the same in good am. sutricient repair, such company or such j)er.soa or persons shall, cifter the lapse of such reasonable tin.3 as may be fixed upon, and after due enquiry made under the direction of the County Judge, forfeit such road and all claims thereto, and all cli>im for any moneys therefore expended thera- for or thereon, and that such road shall become the property -( the local Mimicipality or Municipalities within which it or part of it is situate. And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. Done in oDen Council at the Town of Brockville the thirteenth day of November. A\D. 1872. [L.S.] (Signed,) RICHARD PRESTON, Wardm. JAMES JESSUP, Clerk. BY-LAWS. No. »H0. By-law to aideiid Bij-ldw numberfd ninf, iminfd on thf Iwfl/lh day of Or'ohfr, A.D. 18.')i; and intituled ' By-law to diridf the Unitid Coiintien of Le-dn and Orenvillt into Hchool C'ircv'jM, undj'ar other pni'fHmiii therein vientinned." FAH8ED IStu Novembek, 1872. B«! it enactod by ib*- Cfiuncil of the Corporation of the United Counties of Le»'dH and (Jri'uville, and it is hereby eiiacted kh followB : 1. That HfCtion four of the ■*aid By law l)e amended by adding af'.r the word " apijropriation," in the fourth line of the said section, the following words, "and the annual viunivipnl aHxismnentH or ra>e»," and also by eroding after the word '"appropriation" in the sixth line of the said section, the following words, " and the said assenHnH-ats or rates," and also by adding after the word " Suh-Trea/iurer," in the seventh line of the said s.-ction, the following wordh, '\for the '•urr-nt fiear, and for duly accounting for and payintj over all tchool nioififM Ixlonijinij to the said United Counties trhicli may come into hit hanils ax xuch Suh-Tritmurir, and Jor poyiny on' the nann- to xurh persona, mn' in such manner as the lau'x of this Piorince and the By-laws or reso- lutions of thix Council may direct," and also by striking out the word "present" between the words" the" and " year," in the fith line of the r.aid section. 2. That this By-law sliall takf eflFect and come into force on the first dav of January next. (Signed,) RICHARD PRESTON, Warden. [L.S.] " JAMES JESSUP, iUerk. No. 390. By-law to relieve the special committee appointed to superintend the building oj the new Registry Office and addition to the Gaol. • Passed 16th November, 1873. Be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. and it is hereby enactt'.. that the special committee con- sisting of Charles B. Crysier, Charles Cliapiian, and Robert Kernahan, ap- p I'.nted under By-law numbered three hundred and seventy, and passed on iiiK tweut I* -third dav of Jure, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight huml •- .' ' id seven ;•, to superintend the alterations to the Gaol and the building (yf a new Registry Office for the County of Leeds, be relieved, and thty are hereby r 'ieved from further service as such special committee, the said works having been completed to the satisfaction of this Council. (Si^n«d,) RICHARD PRESTON, Warden. [L.S.] ■' JAMES JESSUP, Clerk. IVo. 991. By-law to appoint a special committee for the purpose therein mentioned. 'Passed 16th November, 1872. Be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the United Counties of Leeds and (Jrenville, and it is hereby enacted, tliat a special committee be appointed to investigate the api>eal or of D: vid Mullen ari Archibald Coie against a certain By-law passed by the Coun :il of the Corpor- ation of the Township of KUley on the twenty-fourth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and intituled "By-law No. 143, for the purpose of dissolving the union between School Sec- tion nnmher tinnty, in the Township of Kitley. and number twenty-six, in the Township of Elizabethtown, and for removing the rateable property of the in- habitants of saiointed to superintend the build- ing of the addition to the Gaol and the new Registry OflBce for the County of Leeds. 5. The sum of one hundred and two dollars and ninety-five cents to Charles Chapman, in full for services rendered as one of the special committee ap- pointed to superintend the building of the addition to the Gaol and the new Registry Office for the County of I,eeds. 6. Tlie sum of one hundred and sixty-five dollars, to Robert Kernahan, in full tor services rendered as one of the special committee appointed to super- intend the building of the addition to the Gaol and the new Registry Office for the County of Leeds. 7. The sum of three dollars and ten centa to Thomas Baker for sundry re- pairs in the Gaol kitchen. 8. The sum of eiglity dollars to John Gorflon for repairing Gaol wall, making new fence, luaking and fitting windows, &c. 9. The sura of five dollars and twenty cents to William H. Poulton for furnishing and setting glass in Court House and Gaol. 10. The sum ot three dollars to Jane Patterson for cleaning Court House. 11. The sum of five dollars and fifty cents to William Gilpin for repairing windows in the Court House and Gaol, 13. The suta of fifty dollars to David Wylie on account of his printing con- tract for the current year. 13. The sum of three hundred and twenty dollars to John Gordon for extra work done to the Gaol, and recommended for payment in the last report of the special committee, which has not yet been i)aid. 14. The sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to John Gordon for additional footings to the foundation walls of the new Registry Office. 15. The 8um of twenty dollars to John Gordon for four additional iron frames to strengthen inside doors of new Registry Office. 16. The sum of three hundred dollars to John Gordon for making drain on the East and Soutli sides of i,he new Registry Office. 17. The sura of two hundred and fifty dollars to John Gordon for balance due him on his contract for building the new Registry Office. 18. The sum of twelve dollars and forty cents to James Kincaid for stationery furnished, and services rendered as messenger of the ^^ouncil. 19. The sum of ono hundred dollars to Richard Preston for his services as Warden for this year. (Signed,) RICHARD PRESTON, Warden. [L.S.] " JAMES JESSUP, Clerk.