V] <^ ^/ ^ ,^' ^4 ^-V^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I IL25 ill 1.4 ly^ 1.6 Hiofe^raphic Sciences Corporation // ^A f (/.A A '^ V <^ \\ ' 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 -^-0^ «' 'ib :b- ;:/■-;- '^n it-ry- : :4^\'' I .;^\H- ^l^-.l; CONTRIBUTIONS AMERICAN HELMINTHOLOGY. No. 1. BY R. RAMSAY WRIGHT. IBitracUd/roml'rocetUingiqfthtCanaduiH Inslilul*. New SeHu. Vol.1. No. l.\ OONTEIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN HELMINTHOLOGY. BT R. RAMSAY WRIGHT, M.A.. B.Sc, Professor in University College, Toronto. No. 1. The observations recorded in the following pages were made for the most part during the months of September and October of the present year. Teaching duties have, however, prevented the completion of many of them ; and it is only in consideration of the difficulty of pro- curing, during the winter, fresh material with which these might be supplemented, and of the fact that certain other interesting forms (which I hope shortly to describe to the Institute) have recently engaged my attention, that I publish these notes in their present fragmentary condition. The work was undertaken with tlie desire of contributing towards a wider knowledge of the anatomy of Trematodes. In the attempt, however, to diagnose the forms that presented themselves for examina- tion, it became apparent that in spite of the extensive contribution-? of Dr. Joseph Leidy, much work of a faunistio character remain: . be done in this department on this continent. The present paper has assumed in this way more of a systematic character than was originally intended ; although there are, it is hoped, some points of interest to the general zoologist. Certain important memoirs are not accessible to mo here ; owing to which there are, no doubt, misstatements or omissions which might otherwise have been rectified. TREMATODES. 1st Sub-Order— Digenea. Van Ben. 1.— DiSTOMUM HETEROSTOMtlM. Riul. I refer provisionally to this species certain worms which I have found on two occasions firmly adhering to the mucous membrane 4 CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN HELMINTHOLOOY. of the mouth of tho Amorioiiu Bittern (Botaurus minor, Om.) at the sitlos of und below tlio toiigiio. The following species, according to V. Linstow'a excellent " Com- pendium," have been found in the cavity of the mouth or in the CESophagus of Ciconite : 1. D. coinplftntaum resoph Ardoa cinerea. 2. D. hetcrostomum suh lingua A. purpurea. 3. D. hians u-soph Cic. alba. 4. D. dimorplium " A. cocoi. These forms are closely related ; indeed, Dujardin' regards the first two as identical with the third, and Diesing- seems to suggest that tlie first and fourtli are also related. The separation by Diesing of D. hians from these congeners, on account of the relative size of the suckers, may possibly be grounded on a mistake. The anterior end of the worm which I possess resembles closely that of D. dimorphum (see Diesing's figure),^ and it is more than probable that the promi- nent border which surrounds the mouth in these forms has been taken for the anterior sucker. This it seems to replace functionally in part in my specimens ; for during life it undergoes rapid changes in shape, sometimes having a circular sometimes a triangular aperture, and plays an active part in the locomotion of the animal ; while the anterior sucker is qxiite distinct, although small, and is immersed in the papilla which springs from the anterior depression. (See Fig. 1). The following points in the description of D. heterostomum induce me to refer my specimens to it until a comparison can be made : the habitat, size, two lateral lines, form of anterior end of body, of neck and of ventral sucker, position of genital organs and apertures. The details which follow are for the most part taken from dead specimens. The form of the body is subject to much variation. Fig. 1 repre- sents it at rest. Length, G.85 mm.; greatest breadth, 1.5 mm. It may, however, lengthen into a much more linear form. The anterior sucker is 0.3 mm. in diameter, its aperture transversely elliptical. The pharynx has thin walls, is still smallei-, and gives ofl" the intes- tinal coeca immediately, which are very conspicuous from the deep brown pigment in theii* walls. They have the further peculiarity of 1 Helminthes, p. 399. a System. Helm. I. 354. •Neunzehn Arten Tremat. X. B. Denksclir. d, k. Aiad. in Wien., Taf. III., 2 & 3. COMTRIDtrnONS TO AMERICAN IIKLMINTHOLOOV. 5 l>eing provided on each Hiile, at any rate in the trunk, with sliort, eomotiiues branched, diverticula (Fig. 2), which, however, project mucli leaa ia tlio most extended condition of the aninml. This character Mooni8 to bo shared by D. diniorjthuni,* and aIthoii<,di pre- sent iu many Polystonjeas (Epibdclia, Dipiozoon, Onchocotyle, itc), 18 by no means common in Distomeaj.* The ventral sucker ia situated 0.8 mm. behind the anterior, and is 0.8 mm. in diameter. Its cavity is do((|) and gapinj; during,' life; frequently its orilice is circular from strong contraction of the railiul iibiiea, usually shield-sha}. id or triangular. The excretory system has a large caudal pore, and two much convo- luted lateral stems, which run along tiic sides to tlie nock. During life I observed that the granules contained in the.se also circulated through the vacuolated parenchyma of the body, although they did not seem to enter the i)lexus of iine canals which oould be seen immetliately under the outermost investment. The i)arenchyma reminded me of that which I have myself observed, and which has been described by Fol and others, in the foot of embryonic Gastro- pods. This connection between water-vascular system and paren- chyma spaces bus been insisted on by Sedgwick Minot.* I have not been able to follow satisfactorily all of the genital organs. The vitellogens (.see Fig. 1) are in the form of racemose glands grouped roiuid the intestinal cocca, and occupying the inter- val between these at the hinder end of the body. The testess (/) arc two in number, and between them are the ovary, first convolutions of the oviduct, and a retort-shaped receptaculum seminis, from which I am incliuod to believe a canal (vagina?) pa.sses upwards towards the back, although I have fa': ^ to detect this in my presei'ved specimens. Towards the righ' side of the anterior testis is a struc- ture whoso function I have not been able to determine. It is r)os- sibly the thickened end of the oviduct at its junction with the uterus • at any rate the thickened tube projects into the bottom of the thin walled uterus, and is subject to a regular and slow evagination of the anterior part of its inner surface, recalling the gradual eversion of the peristome in a Vorticella. This is followed by a rapid retrac- ♦DioKiiig's fig., loc. cit. sSchiii:inl:i, Zu^ildgio, attributes Uiis chamctcr to D, oygnciiiles and clavigiTiim of tliu Frog ; Pagen.stiH'liui's li-uros (Trui'iatoiliiiilurven uiul Trc-iiiatoilen) clu not curruborate tliis. •Oa Di!iti>]mim crassicolle. Mam. Host. .Soo. N. U., Vol. HI., p. 5. 2 in 6 CO'NTRIfiUTtONS TO AifEniCAN IIELMINTHOLOOV. tion. It may bo similar to the " Scliluck-ceffnung " observed by Vogt in cortaiu marine Tromatodes.^ Tlio goiiital orifice, aH in D. (limorplmm, is situated behind the ventral siiekor about 1 mm. No cirrus was detected. The oval eggs have a tiiickisii yellow shell, with u lid at the narrow end, and measure 0.099 mm. by 0.066 mm. 2.— DiSTOMUM ASPKRUM, »l. /ip. One of the two examples of Botaurus minor above referred to yielded ten si)ecimons of a Distome occupying two varico.so dilitta- tions of the bile-duct, recalling the swollen bile-ducts described by Cobbold" in a Porpoise. The worms proved to belong to Dnjardin's sub-genus Echinostoma; and [ at first believed that they might be D. fcrox, Zoder, first detected by Goeze in dilated intestinal follicles of Ardea stellaris. I was more inclined to do so from discrepancies in the various descriptions of this form." Certain peculiarities, how- ever, seem to mo to mark it off from that spoci(!s, of which it is undoubtedly a near relative, and I accordingly propose the specific name " asperum " for my specimens. Description (Figs. S, 4, 5).— Body yellowish white, 8.19 mm. long, ' 1.8 mm. broad in middle, taperhuj (jradiMlly to each end; tlie head and anterior part of nick narrower tlian tail ; covered entirely with persistent spines 0.054 mm. long, somewhat sparse posteriorly ; head Teniform, with a coronet of 27 ol>tmelij-pointcd spines, four of which on each side of a median ventral notch are larger (0.155—0.16 mji.) than the others (0. 117 mm.), and radiate from nearly a common point oforiijin; anterior sucker terminal, with projecting circular lip 0. 14 mm. in diam. ; ventral large (0. 75 mm. ), situated at junction of anterior and middle thirds of body. Vitelligcnous glands chiefly in neck, but accompanying intestinal coeca to i)osterior end. The orbicular neck of D. ferox, its deciduous spines only present anteriorly, the position of its ventral sucker, and the constriction of the body there, together with the arrangement of the coronal spines, seem to distinguish it effectually from D. asperum." The genital »Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., C. XXX., Suppl, p. 307, f. • Joiir. liiiiii. Sue. XIII., p. 39. 'For lit. sec Dies. Syst. I., p. 3S7 ; Molin. Denksdir. d. k. Akad in Wien XIX., p. 219; Olsson, Kongl. Sveiisk. Vutunsk. Akiul. IlaniUiiiffir. XIV., p. 2i I have luit acLoss to Van' Beneden's paper, " Sur la eieojjiiu blanelio et ses parasites." Bull. Ae.ad. Uelg. X.W. 10 Cf. Fig. 4 witli Olsaon's Fig. 60 loe. cit.; also V. Linstow's descr. Trosch. Archiv., 18V3, . 106, and Dujardiu's. fcONThlnUTIONS TO AMEHIOAN helmiktmolooy. 7 torgans answer well to OKssoa's doscription of D, ferox ; tho eggs, however, measure 0.090 mm. x O.OG'J mm., while tho following are measuromeuts given for D. ferox : 0.092-0.102 mm. x .049 ram. (Dujardin). 0.06 mm. x 0.04 mm. (Ulsson). Tho ponii), exsorted in all my specimens, is smooth, and measurea about 2 »nm. in length. Tho pharynx is pistil li form ; the intestine bifurcates 2.08 mm, from tho nnfcorior end, and is very easily distinguishable from its dark brown contents (probably broken down epithelium and blood corpuscles), 3.— DiSTOMUM RETICnLATUM, n. «p. Tho Assistant Curator of tho University Museum, -while pi-epafing ft specinion of tho iieltod Kingfisher (Coryle alcyon, Bole) in April, found two Trematodo worms " on tho surface of the lung," which present in many respects a remarkable resemblance to D. hepaticum, L. I believe them to be hitherto undoscribed, and I propose for them tho si>ecitic name " reticulatum," referring to tho beautiful network formed by the branching and anastomosing testicular tubes shining through tho translucent testicular area. Description (Pig. G).-Body omte, flat, ghtly concave veu- trally, separated by a oonatrictinu mkX b. xnje and projecting acetabulum from the upturned neck. Total longtli, 14 mm. ; greatest breadth, 8 mm. Entirely covered with recurved rounded 0.025 mm. long spines, wliich are closer and smaller on anterior part of neck! Anterior sucker bowl-shaped, 0.9 mm. wide. Acetabulum 1.3 mm. diameter, orifice circular. Pharynx oval, thick-wJlcd, 0.48 mm! wide. Intestinal coeca unhranched (?). Bifurcation shortly behind pharynx. Genital orifice immediately in front of acetabulum. Penis (?). Uterine gyri overlying and extending behind the acetabulum. Testes, in the form of branched tubes, occupying a translucent oval area. With black borders narroiver posteriori;/, formed by the vitelligenous glands, which are disposed in a racemose manner round a dorsal and a ventral longitudinal stem on each side. Eggs average 0.11 mm. X 0.005 mm. • The above description contains most of the points which can be observed by studying this worm entire by the aid of a compressorium. Probably slicing will give better i-esults as to the disposition of the genital ai)paratus and intestinal coeca. Tho ease with which the _' i' Vl ^ 8 CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN HELMINTHOLOGY. intestine can be made out in D. hepaticum depends entirely on the dark contents : the bifurcation was here observed from the doi-sal surface, but the brandies were empty. The longitudinal muscular fibres are strongly developed on the ventral surface, and the ventral surface of the neck has two sets of oblique decussating fibres, as in D. hepaticum." The transverse vitello-duct can be easily been with the naked eye. The right half is longer than the left, and the com- mon duct, leading obliquely upwards (towards an Ootype ?), is nar- rower than either. 4.— DiSTOMtTM VARIEOATCTM. Jiud. In looking for Polystomum-eggs from a specimen of Rana haledna, Kalm, in the w;\y recommended by Zeller," I found that a worm had been voided by tlie frog, which turned out to be D. variegatum, Rud. It had been partly macerated from exposure to the water ; the acetabulum was consequently even more than ordinarily difficult to make out, ajul the characteristic coloration was destroyed. The application of p'orocarminate, however, is particularly successful in rendering distinct the differeni organs in Trematodes, and probably more so in sucli a case as this from the previous bleaching.*' The intostiual coeca were entirely destitute of contents, and their epithelial lining (average individual cells of whicli [Fig. 7] measured superficially 0.03 mm. x 0.021 mm.) was well seen. The left lung of the same animal yielded only one well-colotired example of the wovm. My examples agree well with Pagenstecher's description and measurements,'* except that the ventral sucker was easily discover- able in tlie fresh worm, and that the testes, three in number, which seemed to be composed of flask-shaped cells empty of their contents, and with t! j neck of the flasks converging to the vas deferens, could hardly be called small. The vitelligenous glands, as Blanchard has already figured,''* are in the form of six or seven scattered racemose clumps on eacli side, with a connecting longitudinal stem. " Leuck. Meiisd). Par., I., 537. "Koit. fur, \vi39. Zuol. XXVH., p. 255, f. n. "After writing tlio ai)ove, 1 notice that tlio iiso of picrocarminato hag been already rooom- mcndod l.y Dr. O. ])ii(:liaiiip (Journal de Micrograiihie, July, 1S78). " Trematodenlarveu uud Tromatoden, p. 41. I» Ann. d03 Soi. Nat. 3 S. VIII., I'l. 13, t 1. v,»f^ ' '- ' C0NTBIBUTI0N8 TO AMERICAN HELMINTHOLOOT. 9 t. — DrsTOMiTM ORACiLE. Diesing. Clinostomum qracilb. Leidy. This worm was first described by Dr. Leidy," who regarded it as generically different trom Distomum. He records it from the in- testines of a Pike, and from cysts in the gills, fins and muscles of Pomotis vulgaris (auritus), Gunther. I have found the same worm in cysts on the branchiostegal membrane and anterior fins of Perca flavescens, Cuv. This species appears to me to belong to tho same group as D. heterostomum and D. diraorphum, from the structure of the anterior end, and of the ventral sucker. In a specimen of 6.45 mm. in length, with a greatest breadth of 1.8 mm. across, the mouth sucker measures 0.338 mm. across, and the prominent border which surrounds it 0. 975 mm. The large ventral sucker (0.9 1 mm. ) is situ- ated in the middle of a constrict? dividing the neck from the body, and has a triangular aperture, its cavity is lessened by three triangular tongues, which project into it so aa nearly to meet each other. The anterior of these points with its apex backwards ; all are formed chiefly of radial fibres, and they must undoubtedly increase the eflGiciency of the sucking apparatus very considerably. The species of Distomum which have been found included in cysts are either fully mature (D. agamos, V. Linst.," D. Okenii, Kcill., D. crassicoUe, R. [Pontalli6] ), or have only one part of the sexual apparatus ripe (D. hystrix., Dujard., the testes i»), or are finally quite immature. In the last category fall D. annuligerum, Nordm., D. diffusocalciferum, Gastaldi, D. dimorphum, Diesing, and, as I believe, D. gracile. No mention of generative organs is made in Leidy 'a description, and I have failed to detect any trace of such. The Sun- fish and Perch can consequently hardly be regarded as the definitive hosts of this worm. Probably the sexually mature worm is to be .ought for in the intestine of some larger fish (Pike?) or piscivorous bird. In the latter ca"e, the relationship between the immature and mature form would resemble the two forms of D. dimorphum described by Diesing. The intestinal coeca are large, and extend nearly to the posterior end; the contents are yellowish-brown, and include some lozenge- shaped concretions. >• Proo. Ac. 8cl. PhU. Vllt., p. 45. " Trosch. Arch. XXXVIII., B. I., p. 1, t. o «* Olsaon, L«nd's Uoivers. Aretkr. lY., p. 61 10 CONTUIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN HELMINTHOLOGV. The water-vasculiir system hos a wide median stem, which con- tinues from the caudal pore half way to the ventral sucker, giving off in its course lateral branches, -which communicate with the finer canals of the system. One of my specimens, which had been preserved in alcohol, was placed in a diluted carmine solution resembling Beale's, b«t the fluid, instesid of staining the tissues to any extent, entered the water-vascular stem and injected the subcuticular mesh- work, resulting in a beautiful i)reparation resembling the actual injections from which Blanchard's figures of the water-vascular system in various Trematodes are taken." Rounded calcareous corpuscles oc- curred in great numbers in the median stem and its primary branches; these seem to be especially abundant in immature Trematodes. On the ventral surface behind th'j acetabulum were several series of dark granu' r spots— perhaps the optical expression of cutaneoua glands. 2nd Sub-Order — Monogenea. Van Ben. 1.— OCTOBOTHRIUM SAOITTATUM. F. S. LtUch. Placoplbxjtanum SAOITTATUM. Diesing. I possess several specimens of a worm from the gills of one of our fresh water fishes here, probably Catostomus teres, Le S., which were, unfortunately, preserved without any label, and as to the habitat of which I am consequently uncertain. A comparison of Fig. 19, PI. II., with Leuckart's figure of Octo- bothrium sagittatum,^" will show the great similarity between the appearance of the worms. I cannot reconcile certain points in his description with what I have ascertained from these specimens ; but I propose to refer to these provisionally under this heading until I have access to a more satisfactory description of the worm living on the gills of the European brook trout, and until I secure fresh speci- mens of the form taken here. The body is arrow-shaped, 6 mm. in length, with a greatest breadth of 1.5 mm. The body is separated by a marked constriction from the caudal disc, vhich is notched posteriorly, and has four suckers on each side of its ventral face. The structure of these suckers is at variance m >.h Leuckart's de- scription. It is with great difficulty that one can succeed in getting a satisfactory view of the ohitinous framework, under a cover glass,, " Loo. cit., Pis. IX. and X. «<>Zi»oloi'. liruchatilnke, HI, Taf. V. <_ "WSB^?" CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN HELMINTHOLOGY. 11 without distorting some part of it. Tlie only way to obtain a correct view of the structure of the suckers, is to examine them in the first place with incident light before they have been subjected to pressure. I believe that Fig. 8 conveys a correct interpretation of the disposition of the parts of the framework. The suckers have short muscular pedicels and an oval aperture, the long axis of which is directed transversely to the caudal disc, and which has a nearly continuous chitinous ring. This ring is interrupted by hinges at four points ia its course, viz., the middle points of the outer and inner borders, from each of which a hook arches over the aperture of the sucker, and the middla points of the anterior and posterior borders, where it meets with a mesial piece which traverses the concave floor of the sucker. I have never been able to establish the continuity of this with the anterior border of the ring, and am inclined to believe that they do not meet. The aperture of the sucker may be narrowed so as only to leave a chink between its approximated anterior and posterior borders. This is effected by the outer and inner hinges, and the appearance of the framework is changed by the greater curvature thus given to the mesial piece, and by the free hooks being pressed backwards toward the posterior border. I believe that Leuckart's figiire is drawn from the framework in this position ; in which case it is possible to identify the pieces shown in both figures. The aperture of the sucker may also be narrowed in a direction at right angles to the above, in which case the hinges from which the free hooks project become more apparent. This seems to agree better with Olsson's figures (loc. cit.) of the suckers in various species of Octobothrium. The mouth-suckers are somewhat peculiarly formed, the muscular tissue being interrupted at the inner margin of each (Fig. 20, PI. II.). The intestmal coeca are invested throughout by a thick layer of vitelligenous glands, forming two dark-coloured stripes in the body, on each side of and between which a somewhat more translucent area is to be seen. Tlie abundance and opacity of these glands render the examination «f the genital organs difficult; the following points were, however, made out. The only genital orifice detected is situated 0.78 mm. from the anterior end. It is a circular sucker of 0.135 mm, diameter which 12 o i^^ CONTRIBUTiON' TO AMERICAN HELMINTHOLOQV. when viewed superficially, shows radial fibres and an irregular quad- rangular orifice ; but when the glass is pushed deeper, shows a doubly contoured ring 0.0135 mm. diameter, surrounded by circular fibres. (Fig. 21.) The ovary is somewhat bilobed, the ovarian eggs are polygonal from mutual pressure, and measure 0.009 mm. The fully formed egg differs much from Leuckart's figure, and approaches those described by Olsson for various species of Octobothrium. Its oval body measures 0.195 mm. in length, while the whole egg is 1 04 mm long. (Fig. 22.) The testis lies behind the ovary, and its vas deferens, surrounded by strong circular fibres, is continued forwards near the dorsal surface of the body. It probably opens by the same aperture as the oviduct ; at any rate, I have not been able to detect any trace of a second genital aperture. 2.— POLVSTOMDM OBLOKGUM, n. sp. In September I had the opportunity of dissecting a single specimen of the Musk Turtle (Aromochelys [Sternothaerus] odoratus, Gray) : the only parasites obtained from it were four examples of an unde- sciibed species of Polystomum found in the urinary bladder. No Helminths, as far as I am aware, have been hitherto obtained from this organ in Chelonia; the fact, however, that P. ocellatum is described from the cavity of the mouth in two Old World Turtles suggested to me that I had perhaps in these a bladder stage of that worm, and that the two known species of Polystomum had in this way a precisely parallel history.^*' A closer examination and com- parison with the chai-acters of the two described species, showed that the worms presenteil peculiarities of specific value. I hope shortly to have the opportunity of examining the other turtles (Chrysemys p'cta, Chelydra serpentina) which are common in this neighbourhood, and have no doubt that Polystomes will be found in the oral cavity as well. An examination of the urinary bladder of Emys Europaea might not be without results in this respect. De-scriptiom (Figs. 9, 10. 11).— Body oblong, mouth on the ventral surface of the rounded anterior end. Pharjmx bowl-shaped. Intes- tinal coeca without anastomoses or branches. Generative outlets in front of the line of tlie lateral vagin». Cirrus-coronet of sixteen alter- natelij small and large sabre-shaped pieces. Viuiparous. Length ui> to 2.5 mm., breadth to 1.5 mm. Egg, greenish, 0.235 mm. x 0.195 mm. Larva ocellate 0.5 mm. in length. ;v » For life-hlntory of P. integerrimum. v. Z«ller. Z^it. wiss. Zool. XXVII.. p. 238 f. rwwMwi CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN HELMINTHOLOGY. 13 i\- The general outline of tLe body is somewhat oblong when the worm is at rest ; in motion, however, its form is capable of considerable variation, and it is especially then that the constriction corresponding to the position of Zeller's " Seitenwiilste " is noticeable. The caudal lamina is somewhat narrower than the greatest width of tho body, and is shorter than it is bi. id. The body narrows considerably at its junction with the caudal lamina. The liooks and suckers are disposed very much as in P. integerri- mum. The suckers (0.2 mm. in diameter) seem to project rather more than in that species, and their prominent rim bears a series of rounded apertures similar to those spoken of above in describing the suckers of Octobothrium sagittatum. The smaller hooks (Fig. 11) measure 0.015 mm. in length. The six anterior of these are situated in pairs between the two anterior suckers. They have a knobbed attached end, with an arm (longer than represented in the figure) pro- jecting at right angles not far from the middle of the hook. Tho four posterior (situated between the larger hooks) are capable of more independent action than the others. This was evident wiien the worm endeavoured to free itself from the piece of thin glass by which it was covered. The two large hooks measure 0.15 mm., and have a proportionately deeper notch than those of P. integerrimum." No eye-spots were observed in the adult worm. Tho longitudinal system of muscular fibres seemed to be most developed. The mouth is transversely oval, and is surrounded by a well-marked sucker, in which radial and vertical fibres preponderate. It leads immediately into a bowl-shaped pharynx, the walls of which possess merely weak circular fibres, and from this the simple intestinal coeca arch backwards directly. The coeca of all the observed specimens were empty. Only the convoluted lateral stems of the water-vascular system were observed near the anterior end. The lobes of the vitellogen are more scattered than in P. integerri- mum, and do not extend into the caudal lamina. The transverse d'lCo seemed to pass inwards dorsally from the intestinal coeca ; but I have been unable to determine the relationship of the internal genera- tive organs, partly from the fact that my specimens were taken from the turtle the day after it was killed, and consequently had very little vitality. M Of. Ztller, Ion, eit.. Taf. XVII , p 12. ii iyw i i u CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN HELMINTHOLOGY. The testis is a solid gland situated in the posterior third of the body The course of the vas deferens is shown in the figure. No internal vas deferens was observed. The male outlet lies immediately behind the bifurcation of the intestine, and is armed with sixteen alternately large and small hooks, which differ considerably in form from those of P. mtegerrimum. The free end of each piece is sharply curved : the attached end is shaped like a cross, the transverse piece of which IS longer on one side than the other. The longer pieces measure 02 mm., and the shorter ones 0.015 mm. Whether there is any connec- tion between the attached ends, I am unable to say. The comparative transparency of the body would render the examin- ation of the internal organs of this species of Polystomum particularly easy. I failed, however, to satisfy myself as to their disposition, from tlie cause noted above. As in P. integerrimum, there are two lateral cushions, in this case each situated in a depression, which communicate with canals (va^in^e) leading towards the middle of the body. The inner ends of these I could noo follow. A third canal, originating from an oval body with brown contents (shell-gland !), situated on the left side of the middle line (ov, Fig. 9), likewise was observed to take the same direction Ihe ovary (not represented in the figure) is situated in front of the testis on the right side of the body. The short oviduct terminates in a wide uterus, in which only a single egg can be accommodated at one time. The egg-shell is somewhat thin, is destitute of the short stump present in that of P. integerrimum. but has a rather large operculum. ° In each of the two most active specimens of the worm which I secured, a Gyrodactylus-like larva, similar to that of P. integerrimum and with eye-spots disposed in the same fashion, had already escaped trom the shell, and was moving actively within the uterine chamber.^ Ihe motions seemed to depend entirely on the muscles and the hooks of the caudal disc. This had a rounded outline, except posteriorly wJiere there was a square projection bearing the four posterior small hooks. The di sc measured O.I U mm. acr oss, and the twelve anterior '.> —■I, 1 ' m m CONTBIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN HELMINTH OtOGT. 15 ■mall hooks were disposed at I'egiilar intervals on the margin of the rounded part of the disc. There was no trace of suckei-s. The small hooks had already attained their definitive size and form ; tlie two large ones, on the other hand, situated considerably further in from the margin than in the adult, measured only 0.024 mm. instead of 0.15 mm. This difference in length is owing to the shortness of the immersed portion, in which, however, the notch is already formed. It will be seen that in respect of the state of development of the large caudal hooks, this larva difl'ers considei-ubly from that of P. integerrimum. It is also larger, measuring 0.5 mm. in length, instead of 0.3 mm. Sphyranura Osleri, 710V. gen. et spec. I have lately received from my friend Professor Osier, of Mon- treal, several specimens of a worm taken from the gills and cavitj' of the mouth of our common Lake-Lizard (Nocturus [Menobranchus] lateralis, Raf.) These had been preserved for eight years in Goad- by's fluid, and proved comparatively useless for further examination, having become quite opaque and black in colour. From some speci- raen.s, in a good state of preservation, mounted by Dr. Osier for microscopical examination, and also from his notes and sketches made on observation of the fresh specimens, I am able to communicate the following. The only specimen of Necturus which I have had the opportunity of examining since receiving these did not yield any of the worms. According to Diesing's conspectus (Revision der Myzhelminthen), the worms ought to fall into his genus Diplectanum. I have not access to Wagener's later descriptions of the two species of this genus. It is evident, however, from a study of Van Beneden's''^ and Vogt's" figures and descriptions of D. sequans, that this form cannot be re- ferred to Diplectanum. It resembles Polystomum, and differs from Dactylogyrus and Diplectanum in the following points : (1) The size and shape of the egg; (2) the structure of the suckers; (3) the dis- position and number of the caudal books. It differs from Polystomum in the general form, the number oi suckers, and the structure of the M Reoh. sur les Tremat. marins, p. 122, PI. XIII. MZeit fir wiss. Zool., Smipl. XXX., Taf. XIV. 2, XVI. I. 16 CONTEIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN HELHINTHOLOOV. genital apparatus, and I propose for its reception the generic name Sphyranura," with the following characters : Body depreaged, somewhat elongate, expanded posteriorly into a caudal lamina, considerably wider than the body, bearing two im- mersed acetabula, two large hooks behind these, and sixteen small hooks (seven along each side of the lamina, and one in the centre of each acetabulum). Mouth ventral anterior, somewhat funnel-shaped intestine with two branches anastomosing posteriorly. Excretory pore between the acetabula, two contractile bladders anteriorly Oviparous. Parasitic on the gills and in the mouth of perenni- branchiate Amphibia. The specific clmracters in the allied genera are derived chiefly from the size, the caudal and genital armature, and the size and shape of tiie eggs. I accordingly note the following as characteristic of this species, which I propose to associate with the name of Dr. Osier as S. Osleri, n. ap. (Figs. 12, 13, U.) B»''7 2.6 mm in length by 0.7 mm. in breadth, narrowed at each end, especially where it joins the caudal lamina, which measure. 1 mm. across, and about 0.45 mm. in length. Large hooks 02 mm. iong. Oviduct occupying the interval between thf intestinal coeca with numerous eggs; uterus with single mature egg. oval, with brownish-yellow sheU. 0.364 mm. x 0.247 mm. I am not aware that any monogeneous Trematode, with the ex- ception of Polystomum integerrimum, has beer hitherto found in any amphibian; and this seems to be restricted to the tailless forms A careful examination of the gills, mouth-cavity, and urinary bladder of both perennibranchiate and caducibranchiate Urodela would pro- baWy yield interesting results with regard to this family of Trema- I regard the form under consideration as of great interest in view of the frequently asserted^' relationship between Dactylogyrus and Gyrodactylus on the one hand, and Polystomum on the other, and I propose to recur to this after detailing the facts which I have been able to elucidate with the material at my di.sposal. ^^^XI^j::^^^''' r ---^ "--'^ "^ss **^i^'^mmmmmm»i»" CONTninUTlOJJS to AMfiltlCAX HELMINTIIOLOGY. 17 at res m. ca, I th The measurements on Fig. 12 are taken from a sp(>cimen in which the eggs are iicnrly ripe. The worm somnwliat resembles a hammer in sliape, the body forming tlie shaft of the hammer and the tail- piece the head. Tliis resemblance ia greater in the hardly-mature specimens, where the oviduct is not dilated with eggs, and the body consequently inore linear in outline. The caudal lamina is considerably wider than tlie body. It is longest at each side, aj'd somewhat shorter in tlic middle through the f)resence of a posterior notch, which may liecome considerably deeper, dividing the disc into two very well marked halves when the large caudal hooks are in vigorous action, owing to tlie course of the muscular bunds which are attached especially to the innermost forks of these. Tlie suckers resemble in all respects those of Polystomum ; the prominent rims do not present the rounded apertures which I have noticed above in P. oblongiim. The diameter of the suckers is 0.27 mm. The lurge huoks (Fig. 13) diil'cr in form from those of Polystomum or of any species of Dactylogyrusj and, in fact, except for the impair trabccula present in the latter genus, the hooks of some forms of Dactylogyrus and of Polystomum rc3cmb](> each otlier more closely than tlioy do those under consideration. The attached end of the liook is divided into two pieces : one—the longer — a thin, flat, somewhat linear splint in the continuation of the axis of the rounded body of the hook; the other, thicker, shorter and rounder, standing at an angle of 4.')' from that axis, with two prominences for muscular attachment. I o])serve that the splint-like portion is bent in some specimens; this is perhaps due to pressure in mounting. The free portion of the hook, just in front of tlie bend, bears two little curved teeth, one rising from the surface of the other, which probably assist in securing the attachment of the animal. Similar teeth seem to be present on the hooks of Dactylogyrus monenteron, Wagener. '^ I have not been able to elucidate very successfully the structure of the smaller hooks. I have only attempted to indicate their position in Fig. 12. Even their number remains somewhat doubtful; only in one small sjjecimen have I succeeded in making out sixteen. They are much less easy to observe in the larger worms ; perhaps their functional importance diminishes with ago, as I am inclined to believe of the corresponding structures in Polystomum. Especially tho.se lying behind the large hooks seem to bo important in the small s'Beitriige z. Kntwii'!:, ,1, EiDgeweidewUrme, PI. XIII., Fig. 3. 18 CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMEUICAN BELMINtHOLOGY. \Forms, ns I find in two spociinons tho substanoo of tlio lamina prO' jecting boyond the level of tho rest with tho base of tho hook lodeed in it. *" Of tlie marginal hooks, most seem to have a trifurcato base, a« fei)resente(I in Fig. 14 {(,) ; in others (a and c), tliere would seem to be a chitmous ring at tho point of attachment similar to those noticed in the large hooks of Dactylogyrus by Wagener and V. Linstow .» The hooks situated in the centre of the suckers (a) appear to be slightly different from tho others, additional chitinous rings of smaller size being present. The hooks measure about COaf) mm. in length. The mouth is situated in tho middle of a somewhat funnel-shaped sucker upon the ventral surface of the head. From Di'. Osier's sketch I make out that the pharynx is situated shortly behind the niouth, and that the intestinal coeca diverge inmiediately from this to ai-ch into each other (as in some forms of Monostomum) in tho posterior fourth of tho body. The following is extracted from Dr. Osier's notes: "The water- vascular system is well developed, beginning as a Ramification of vessels about the anterior disc, and uniting to form two vessels, wliich run the whole length of tlie body, joining below, and opening somewhere between the posterior discs. Cilia are to bo Mstinctly seen in the water- vascular sys- tem, especially at the junction of the tubes below. At the upper third of the body, on a level with the generative oriilce, are seen on each side curious pulsating organs, wliich are undoubtedly connected with the water-vascular system, the pulsation occurring about once every minute and a lialt." From the sketch accompanying this, these contractile bladders would seem to resemble in form, position and relative size, those represented in Epibdella Hip])oglossi, by Van Eeneden.=» The lobe- of tho vitellogon occupy the sides of the body, but do not extend into the caudal lamina, nor further forward than the generative aperture. This is situated immediately behind the bifurcation of the intes- tine. I have only been able to determine its position from the cii-rus-coronet in the mounted sjjecimens. Dr. Osier, however, saw the female aperture quite close to tl-s, leading into a "narrow, slightly-curved vagina." This I have represented in Fig. 13; it is probably the unexpanded uterus. M v. Liustovv, Trosch. Arcliiv., 1878. These seem also to be indicated in Zeller'8 Igure loc cit., Taf. XVII., Fi«. 3. wjlemoiro but lea Vers Intostinaux, PI. II., Fig. 2. ■ ■ ■ nnj i Umy i CONTniBUTtONS TO AMERICAN nEtMIVtnOLOOY, 19 The structure of the cirrus coronet iH difFicult to ascertain on ac- count of the somi-ojmcity of my mounted specimens. Tlie pieces do not seem to he mora than eight in number; tliey converge anteriorly where they are narrow and pointed; [)08teriorly they are wider, with somewhat arrow-head shaped ends, whicli fit into tlie terminal bulbous portion of the vas deferens. I have been unable to follow the rest of this tul)e, or to find any trace of the testes. Sphyranura resembles P. oblongum and the precocious gill-cavity stage of P. integer rimum, in posspssing only one complete shell- invested egg in the uterus at one time. This is very largo (v, aupra) in relation to the size of the worm, being considerably larger than the eggs of either P. integerrimum or P. oblongum. It con- sequently forms a noticeable feature in tlie worms possessing it, and is readily detectable with the nuked eye. Numerous other eggs may be seen in the oviduct formed of the ovarian ova with the in- vesting foodyolk-balls, and by mutual compression assuming various forms. What I suppose to be the ovary is represented in the figure to the right hand of the base of the muscular tube. I cannot find any trace of shell-gland, transverse vitcllo-duct, or of a vagina. All of these would undoubtedly bo easily seen in fresh or well preserved specimens. I regard the genera Gyrodactylus, Dactylogynis, Sphyranura and Polystonxum, as forming a very natural assemblage. Ail jirobably live on the blood of their hosts, being found in positions where there is a more or less close superficial vascular plexus; all possess a caudal disc armed with fourteen to sixteen small and two (rarely more) large hooks, which enable the fish-parasites to secure th(>msclve8 firmly to the gill-filaments of their hosts. Those which porisess suckers formed around the smaller hooks are found attached to smootiior surfaces (mucous membrane of mouth and urinary bladder), where the small hooks alone would have little purchase; oven these forms, however, pass through a suckerlesjs stage in which they inhabit the anterior respiratory part of the intestinal tract.*^ The resem- blance of the Polystoraum-larva to Gyrodactylus is very striking, so that if any phylogenetic speculations may he made from the ol)ser- vation of tlie ontogeny of an animal, the assumption is surely justi- wit, imist be rcmcinljered that the iimeous membrane covering the hyoid iirches of many Cheloiiia has still .1 high respiratory slgiiiflcunce. Vlik Agassiz: Coutrib. Nat. Hist,, U.S., Vol. I., Ft. ii., lip. 271-284. m conTninuTioNs to American Hnuxs Tnnj.oQt. ^tk> PolyHtoraum in .l. -^ndod from a Gyroductyluslikfi ancestral MHIfe. The suckers of Polystu./ium are not developed Hiniultanoouslj, *b^4 f*fo pair. Tiio considimtion of the prob.iblo relationships of the hosts of those forms lends mlditioual authority to such a .•.,ncluHio„. If the piscine ancestors of Amphibia had Gyroductyhm-liko gill-parasites, those ^voul.l probably bo transmitted to their descendauts, and wo should nut bo surprised that anionK the oldest represent itives of those, two (the Frog-larva and Necturus) sliould possess such. The text.iro of the gills in Necturus might account for the change in the caudal ainiature. The loss of the gills in the Frog is necessarily accoinpaniod by a change of habitaculum on the j.art of the parasite; and it is not surprising that the emigrating worms should have pros- pered so well in a locality where so many favourable conditions obtain as in the urinary bla.hler of the same host. That some Chelonia are the only reptiles in which i)arasilos belonging to the same series have been found is probably to be accounted for by their \quatic habits. Dactylogyrus may be regarded as a divergent form marked by its peculiar genital armature, the slmpe of the eggs, and the arrange- ment of the caudal hooks. In all of these points the three other genera approach each other more closely, and as Gyrodactylus is evidently nearer the stem-form than the others, all might bo received into Van Bencden's family " Gyrodactyiida.''^' CESTODES. Taenia bispar. Goeze. I ha. '. to record another habitaculum for this worm. The speci- men of Rana halecina above referred to (p. G), expelled several ripe proglottides which seem to be much smaller than usual, as will oc seen from the measurements given below, m the intestine of i^- frog were found several chains about an inch and a half in lengcii, and also many scoliccs and immature chains of different lengths. Many more worms in the two latter conditions were also found in the body cav--fy between the viscera; whether these become mature in this pcsit I ,,m un:il,le to say— they certainly frequently occur here. •'Bar..! i ill- / ivomatodea mirj;.i. Van Ben. and Hesse, p. 121, ■B¥Hi fi « n nnw i iMim w w i CONTUinUTIONS TO AMKniOAN nEl.M(?»TnOtOOT. 21 Th6 head ilmm not inoiisuro more tliaii 0.6 mm. across in any of my prcsorv(Ml Hiu'cirnmiH, nor in fact does iiny fiirt of tho chain. In life it in very vaiialtio in form, ami litnirs a distinct nnarmod roHtoUum whicli is rrt'(jut'ntly (,'om|)l(itt'd rt'tractcd, ho a.s to escape notice, but aotH mudi liko u fifth suckor. This is merely indicated in Van Bonedon's Cgnro,"'^ and its oxistenco is negatived in Uicsing's and i>uiar(l'i ' ■ descriptions. 'Che only ripe proglottides observed were mostly of the form repre- Bcutedin I'ig. 15, and measured 0.4 x 0.16 mm. Instead of containing a series of capsules in |»airs with their contained embryos, two or three capsuh's at most were observed, with six or seven embryos altogethor. Those measured 0.027 x 0.018 mm. NEMATODES. ASCARIS ADUNOA. lilld. A statement occurred in tlio "American Naturalist" in the coura« of last yeai , as to the prevalence of an Ascaris in the intestine of the American Shad — Alosa sa{>idissima, Storer. Tliis was probably A. adunca, R. I have several specimens taken in last winter from Portland fish, which undou'Dtedly belong to this species. The only other reference to a round worm ivom the American Shad of which I am aware is by Dr. licidy, who records'" Agamonema capsularia (I), Diesing, as free in the intestines. This, in spite of tlie " undivided lip," is probably the young of A. adunca, the " obtusely conical, minutely mucronato tail," arguing for this. Molin'* describes " Nematoideum Alausaj " also with mucronate tail, but with a four- papillate mouth from the European Shad, but considers that the absence of lips foi'bids its reference to A. adunca. The metamorphoses of the mouth-pan s in Ascaris are still insufficiently known, but what has been already established ^ does not exclude the possibility of both of the above larval foi'ms belonging to A. adunca. FiLARIA TRIAESUCHA, W. Sp. A single femrle specimen of a worm belonging to the genus Filaria was found in the upper part of the proventriculus of each of the «Mem. sur lea Vers Intest., PI. XXII., Fig. 4. MProc. Ac. Sci. Phil., VIII., p. 55. MSitz. (1. k. Akad. Wien., XXXVIII., p. 81. *> admeider Mouog. dor Nemat., p. 294. 22 CONTKIBUTIONS TO A.MEBICAX HELMINTHOLOGV. two species F. lat cep T 1 7'/"' ^'*'"'»^ ^^^^^^^^ elated to W been de cribed Zm F.;, f "'''*'' ^' ^^«*«"") -^^h coi..bus arc.cr:7L!:;:.^rdr^^^^^^^^^^ ^- appear to resemble anv nf +i °^' ^* '^''^^ ^o* I record the foUowin, ,w„f. l''™'"' ' '" ""' ""eantimo, however, "t,ls on th, neck T °' „, T, """''" »■*« ■»■»• !•»*■ .pin.) i. 0.00 „n.. ,r„„LI,1;;r?™=''«?";''' '"'"'»*• from the root to the end of (L „ i , , '"''''"' ■»»•>"» -ted there, the teeth of the tZtZ^^^ZT^^r "'"■ in proportion to tlie bodv Th. . ^ ^""^ narrower r 1 11 uu tue ijociy. ihe uterus was nackpd full ^e that Its walls were extended in every dii-ectL '°^'' '" whole of the body cavity. ^ "' occupying almost the ANCyRACANTmj.S OYSTIDICOLA (Schn ) Jt in\k:l2Z:Zrrsr''' '""'^* ^^ considerablenumbe. ever, usually'lw t^T^'::Lt%J^' T" ^^ '- Schneider, while the female me; ur30 '^J^^^^^t/""''^' '' (Fig. 17) which are doubtfully asWl to H , T. J" *"° ''''^ quite evident m my specimensTnd ll ! '^ ^''""''°^' "'« tudinal ridges in the aiw" 1'. rT "'*' '"° ^^"^i- of the coiled UB t.il f^ >"'• . ^* ^'^ «°'^e^^li''^t difficult, on account male, brtte'st med Z LT '''' T ""' ''' ''^'''^ ^ *^« The eggs measure ol! 02 n.m" '''"' '' ''''' '''''' *^^ -- "Trosch Archiv..l87r,pp.iOanam. "Loc. cit., Taf. VI., Fig. 3. mmm ■ CONTBIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN HELMINTHOLOOY. 23 AwOYRACAiTTHUS SBRRATU3, ». sp. A single female specimen of a worm closely allied to the above was obtained from the auricle of the heart of Coregonus albus, Le S. It only measures 1 1 mm., and differs from A. cystidicola in the mouth- armature. Instead of having only the two teeth of that species, there are a series of smaller ones disposed, as represented in Fig. 18, round the anterior end. The eggs in this specimen were not mature, but the genital organs were observed to be arranged as in the above species. The structure of the oesophagus is sufficient to place the worm in this genus, asd I propose provisionally for it the specific name "serratus." TOROHTo, December, 1878. EXPLANATION OF THE FIGURES. Fio. 1, Fia. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4, vi, vitellogen; ach, "schluck- vo, the ovary ; tv, Fio 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. PLATE I. — Distomum heterostomum, Kufl. (.; cefl'ming ;" t, testes. —End of an intestinal coecum of the same, .— D. asperum, n. sp. ; e/a, genital aperture ; transverse vitello-duct. —Head of same ; the characteristic disposition of the hooks is best represented on the right side. —An isolated body-spine of the same. -D. reticulatuni, n. sp.; the ventral sucker {vs) is flattened ; u, the uterus; Iv, the ventral; Iml, the dorsal longitudinal viteUo- duct ; tt, the testicular tubes. —Surface view of intestinal epithelium of D. variegatum, Rud. —Caudal sucker of Octobothrium sagittatum, F. S Leuck (') -Polystomum oblongum, n. .p.; I, larva; ck, cirrus-coronet ; va. vaginae ; ov, sliell-gland (?), —Large caudal hook of the .same. —Small caudal hook of the same. — Sphyranura Osleri, n. sp. ; ov, eggs. —Large caudal hook of same. —Small caudal hook of same. —Proglottis of Taenia dispar, (Joeze. —Cervical papilla of Filaria triaenucha, n. sp. —Head of Ancyracanthus cystidicola, Schn. —Head of A. serratus, n. up. PLATE II. Fig. 19.-Octobothrium sagittatum, F. S. Leuck. {1) ; ga, genital aperture; 0, a mature ovum ; ov, the ovary ; vj, vas deferens. Fig. 20. -Anterior end of same to show shape of mouth, anterior sucker. and pharynx. Fig. 21.— Genital sucker of same ; a, superficial ; b, deeper view Fig. 22.— Mature ovum. "WPii^P '*^ -rr^ tn e w .Plate! Crx-p, QarkS-CrJ.ittt.-, I:> I *»»^.--,- V -^u--^- ''Wv^ahj^i'i'aih ■:. .PUt.-J Fi6.££ Fi6. Bo. i-iRWdcl', vd. ov.. Fife la T: FiO. dl. 'Jfjf.,Clfl-k^ Co Lilh Tt,rontf, ii