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Atitl Finit, I mention as asu1>i«ot fur Tlianksrjivhig tliatthia laml has now rujovcil for tho ffpaoe of tifty y^-i'-s th'routlh our Clmrcli, t]i« ."^linisstry of tlie Word and Sauraiiit'UtH, From the earliest, time it Ims bt*u tho <-ustoiii lo^ comn\cmorat(3 tho oflth aiuiiversary of rmsincions evout!*. Wluit event eould be ni(-ro worthy of comni-iiuirutioii and of devout thauivfidness ti.uu the coming to this uouiitry of the firnt Proteiitaut Minister of It was iu the Autuiuu .f 1820, that the Hev. John West began hif; labours in what is now the Pioviue? of .M:ini- toba ; and since then th-re has never ceased the olfering of X^lblic Prayers, th« preacidng of tlio Word of Goeaee hnvo been borne home to thou- PMiids '>f hearts. How ofton have the ^x ildei-ne:ss an.l tiio solitary phice been made glad ! Tho jireHeiuio of Ilia ministering servants i» legarded by (hid as the tirst blessing of a nation. This was the height of <.!od's nieiey for llie Lord, •• 1 Israel. wi 11 si'Ud Bei'.oid.' S.I ea my tloc'k ^as Roattered through the whoh) earth and none di^ of our Cimreh l;\l>ouring in Rupert's Land. To (Jod bo all the prai^^e ! l.t^t us earnestly tluuik. God for this nu'iry which is shared liy us with so niiuiy hundreds and tiiousands throughout thia vuKfc country, and which has been tlie lirst of mercies to so many gone to thf Ir retit, dear to many of us. Secondly -In i'onmion with th» rest of tiie eoinm unity, wtf have the ileepevt, co.iKH for thankful iie»H, that it Uti.i j.leased < hid to bring about the restuia tuni of order under the QueuJi s Govern- miMit iu thi* land. And whou we reHoct on all the inoi(huits of the past year, and espocially when we view them with respect to tla>ir ]M)ssible issues in the light east on them by laio oulitlesi-; many piayers went u\ " ' ■■ . ' i;,- ., ,. . I',. ,,11 the oppie Hi' <.i\-i\v\ innif'v iiiwfiil juiblioiity, tluit Ave inii^'lif lf';id n tui'u't and j)Oii<;e<'vble lift' in all g«)«'fiiied itgitiii ititilliiiently to tRreatiai the vory exir^tt'ni'U of any harvoHt in the Province; "VVe have, irldeed, to laioont tho Wfvi.'t of crt'ps in cm- (Witral I'ar- ish(s, l)iit the utlieis liaVe had a lull ;u)d abitaditnt harvest, (Jlod haft been fuitht'r j'lfrtsed to njiiiove tnitirely from us the giiifsf^'oice of Thanksgiving and with a iciK'wed oiRring Of diti'iselvtsa to ilis service. And while fur these i"iai^ons I have a]ii>ninted a Day of ThankKgiving, at a season w hioh J trust will be couvenieut for all our peoplf, T Ciinnot but observe that the atllictive Providence with which it has pleased (lod to \isit our fellow countrynteu in the Saskatohewau IMstrict sholihl sj>eak home to uh very closely and make ns seandi onr.selves how far we are entering into a sense of (.lod's goodness to usj and are bhow- ing forth oiir praise, T, therefore, letpust the Kevemld the (^'lergy to hohl a Service of Thanks- ;j;iviug in their several Parishes o i •hv- j h:ivc !■:'■= medarcordir.g ' \ip t'.> -^ I'.'li M Service before the the the 'as- >rd ein|»ty, T further reooiumend the Dioce- .san Knud as a .suitable ubJiH.t. foi- re- ceiving oil this oceasioti tlio otferings (jf our peoj)le. In the Pastoral JitUter which was read Inst year 1 mentioned t/ie itrrangemeiit.s for ])romoting this Fund that had received tlu- sanction of the Hyiiod. The iusurreetioii made it intpossible to carry out those ai-raiige- ments, Imt this year I tru tt we may lie abh' to do so. We have long had A iitost kiiul and Ittii-sing care from the Societies of Eng- land, and wt' shall doubttesfi long re- quire a continuance ofc that nssistuiice ; for if the entrance of Emigration .should .streiigtheii our in-esent Parishes nnd Missions it will also open up new tielda: But the time has come for every Member of onv Clnir(!]i to whoni God has given tho ble.s.sing of health and itlaiilv vigour to do what lie can for the ftupport of the mean.'^ of gra.ce which he enjoys, I trust ihat you may fet'l that you cannot lionestly bi- .sati.'^fied with yourselves iitih'B.s y...;! give youi-aelveB to tlio dlsoliarge of this duty I Experiehce and caroful coiwidcratiort. will be reipiired in working out what is best for developing - df-suj)port in the maintenance of our Ministers, At jiresent I ask you to do what you can will; the means that has been calleii into existence. Our ( iouutiy Is entering on a new era. We trust it will be an era of great prosperity. Let tis start with the resolution of h)ing otir best for thli (>nd, and showing oursHlvea in our evi- dent tt})i^rri«ititiou of the privih^gea given to ns not unworthv of the bless- ing and the bounty of our Ifetvvenly Father, R. RUPERr^j LAND. November 1, 1870i FORM OB' 1' tA^*I]It loR AVHDNEHDAY, NOVF.MlSK : .".liTii, 1870, BEING The day op 'rHANKSGIVINa> XVI.. 1—17 Andi'PAv's \. TJio usual Monuug ov Evening Ser- vices, unless >vlu'i'c it is otlit'i-n iso provided in tliis Fonu. 1i As Kouteucc'S : HoNV beautiful nre ilio feet of tiitnii tliut i>n'ivcii the (inspel of Pt';lco,, unci Itriug gltul tidings <»f good tliihgs-, — Komans x. 1 5. O give thanks Unto the Lord ; for He is good ; beciUiso His mercy ow.- dureth forever. — IV. exviii. 1. 11 Propel' Psahrts : P.salnis (59, 9G, and 147. ^ Proi1(n' Lessons : First Les.5on — Dent Verses incli»sl\e. Hecoud Lo.ssou — llomaus xii. 1! After tlm Odikch for St; Day. O mercifiU dod, t\,t\vhost\ bidding thc^ earth Avithholdeth her iuci-ease, xn- i^gain lendereth htir fruits iu their ?(^asou, givt* us grace to ieitrrt fronl all Thy Provi- ilenoes that we iVl-e tMltively dependent on Thee fov all that ve Cnjcly, so that being duly pei-suadod thiit whatlH-er blessing we reC6i\ii Ai 'thy IvW'uh is designed for our trial as W(5ll iVs for our touifovt, we nlav Use the Same with A renieuibrant'e o^ 'thy glory AAd the wants of those that aiM iu need, tlirough Jesus Christ our Loi\\. Au\en. 11 After tho Prayer for all Oonditicns of Men : Almighty Ooil oUi' Heavenly I'^iither, in whom alone we live, and move, and have our being, we bosfleoh of Thee that Thou wouldst look graciously upon us Thy unworthy servants ; and as Thou hast nierciflUly delivered us in the pasi from ninny Mud gre;il dangers, for wiiich we thank and praise Thee tliis day, so 'I'liou woujibit preserve us fioni that terrilde di.sease with whif'h Thou hast visited our fellow-countrymen in tli<- neighbouring Territories. We ask this nit'rcy only for tile sake of Thy Sou. Jesus Christ Our Liud. AuiCn. 1i Aftoi' the Gcmeral Tlniukswriving ; I) Almightv God and Jleavenly Father, M-e' glorify Thee for all ThV great inereies towards us, for our delixeianee from tlios(^ great iind ap- }»i\reur dangers \vh)>re\vith we Nvero eonlpasRcd, and for the I'e-estilbli.shment among u« of lawful authority ; for the safety Of so hirge a portion of the harvest-, which was Mo iunuinentty thr.'ateued, and the pius])*'ci of freedoiu from the destructive scourge of grass hoppers ; but above all for Thy unde- pierved ioviilg'kiuduess i,o^vards this huul fur so many yeilrs in the su])ply of the uli'a.n.s of gnUie-. Te;tch us while eujoyii'g Thy tempoff'il gifts to remem- ber, 'that it is imt by hi'eful alone that iiUUi doth live, and grant that we may feed on Him who is the True Bread that enmeth down from Heaven, even •JesuH '.'hrist our Lx)rd ami Saviour ; in. ■whos- hame wti pnty, and to whom, with hee, Father, and Thee, O Holy Ghoatj be UoiWur and glory for ever and ever. x\men. V. If he pre-Oomrnunion Service i.s usi tlio Collect, Epistle, and Cosiiel t\)r .. Andi-ew's J >ay, a\ ith the addi- tto'. )f tho Collect appointed to bo use. after the Collect for St. An--. dre s Day.