IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 11.25 L;|28 |25 ■ 27 It m ■wuu Photjgraphic Sciences Corporation n WIST MAIN STRUT WMSTH.N.Y. 14SM (7U)t7a-4S03 90 APPENDIX. Agnes Brownlec • • 25 Alice Jane Brownlee.. 2.'" Geo Cruromer 25 Robert Crummer 2.! Elizabeth Cruintncr . . 25 Mary Crummer '.'5 And Crawford 20 Mrs G CrBwibrd 25 Wm Crawford 25 Mrs Gale 50 Alex Graham 25 KobtGrahum 25 John IJarron 25 Mrs J Harron 'J5 Win HarrcD 1 00 Saml Miller \ W Geo Morrow 25 MrsQMoriuw 25 Jas Morrison , 25 Jas AlontKumery 25 Wm MoKep 50 MrsWMoKee 50 \> ill G.uuuee 20 Anne Mckte 26 EilvD J AiuKee ^5 JasMcKee 25 baiul .U'-'Koe 6u Mrs > .»lL-Kee 6u J as MoIiluc 6( Aua II .ViCKee . 37 ,U ( A .Uc^Kte as Atctii(i80^^'lzon 1 oj Collected by Mrs. JoUn Elliou. ThoElIall 25 tails Aimttrcng Hi Xhos Laulueia 50 Mie C ulaeld ■ 25 Chas F Caulceld 25 JUuoy Cuivii) i5 EctwaiU Ciawfora 25 MrtDubsun oo John LllKUt 25 MiB Elliott .... 50 Eunice Elliott 10 AgUGi Elliott lu Jubu Elliiit .....■■ iU Alex Free U)iD tO Kubt irorbyiii 60 Ibof ilai'iou. ..... 'is \\ m hdiroQ 26 Cbus Lewii £0 Mm Mm tin li Wui Moriin.MD... 25 Wm McKet 25 Mary K« by 25 Eiuabetti Htby 26 Jbbo Uu*iet 25 Mlae binitU 25 Mrs&mitb 17 Kobt^cott 25 G»o Tbompton 25 Tboe Scott .. 60 OoU bj Ui83 Cathkhne Ro«. Pr Dillenbaugb. FrtdOray AEMsUtoa.t.. • 25 7 as Geo Hamilton. . 25 H Hamilton 25 John HamiUon... 25 Dr L,in!?rill .50 Peter Ireland 25 John Matthews 25 .los A Priest... 25 •Tas D Piorson 25 Mrs J Hidden nil " A Hoo 25 Saml Koe 25 Mrs .< Roe 25 Saml Roo 25 James Hoe 50 Mrs Roc 25 Catharine Roo 25 Juhn Hue 12 Nicholas Roe 13 Jlla .S lloss 50 Jas strong 25 'Ihoi 'fanner 25 .Mra Tnnner 25 MA Tanner. 10 Saiuh J Tunnor 5 Ehziibeth T.inner . Mary E Tanner 25 Coll. hy iliss F. Crozier. John Buggs 2i Edward Buggs — . 20 .Slii tiue.ns 26 .Stml Ciozier 20 M li Eu wards 25 Beiij Hill 26 .l<'nn lUlmea 25 Mr Oman 25 AirMcFudden 10 John .Morton 25 Jh3 Pbelan 25 Alfred Westcott 60 CROSSBILL CoU'ted by Miss J Mc CutcheoD J L Atkinson 23 J A Lrasb 25 B liuJ 25 J C Briokcr 25 Mri,BLird 25 h CCooei . 26 J Dover 30 Mrt Egleitos* tQ h r iy.h 25 A Frame, jr 25 Misi Framo 12 MisGGIauter 25 JobnGuiuidg* 25 S Hotel 16 D Houston... 26 B Jenninsi 25 Thii J.tckion 50 JCKiUd 80 A K»rr . i6 Tboi .Millbure 25 Ja« McCutchcon 26 AMoIntjrc 25 ^iMcCutcbMD 26 $C. (i Oakley .50 Mrs Oakley 25 JnnoOakloy 26 Wm Hatiio 25 JnhnSHeid 25 John B Stewart .50 Mr.s Scott 12 R Slrons; s-, H Seott 50 Mr J c-tanfl'er 25 XTilt 2.5 Thos Snyder 25 W (t \Voodnian 25 Mr-! AVillianiP 50 DrWnldon 50 Coll by Mis.s Wilford. John A .tb Si Mis Airth 10 William Airth & J Airth 6 Geo Ballard 30 W Cunningham... 60 F Dover 26 J Dolpliin 10 Ml b Dolphin 6 MP Empey I 00 Peter Campbell 25 Friend 26 Friend S8 Fiiend 10 \\ w Gliiistor 26 Mri W Glaistor 26 MreJGUiitor 25 T M Fieebouj 26 W'raHawk 26 John L Hawk 'ii Mrs C Lee 25 A Mclntyr« 26 Wm Petoh 26 SPetch S PPeich 26 JohnPetoh JOiiks GKaiiuie Mis Kaiinio ■f hoj liannio James Rannie 2$ Alex Kannie .• 26 JohnRaunie 26 Elizabeth Raanic. . 26 Aniie Hanuie 26 Mis J Rannie w Somebody 26 John Underwood . 12 Mrs Underwood 10 J J* Underwood. ... 11 Geo Underwood.. 10 J no Undsrwood, jr S Jacob Underwood. 6 Mary Underwood. lo Tho8 Wilford 25 MrsWiliord 26 John FridWillord 13 HubtWiliord 26 Wm Wilford L WiUord KI Col APPENDIX. 91 KIRKTO.V BRAXCH, ?Pev ,J HiJti-hiii!oii,6, 7, S, and 9 ynar? ■ '.''• fxi Coll'd by Misje- Mary Richardson nn'l '.Isry Robinson Doctor Stubba 1 00 Samuel Miller 1 00 Davif) Brethour 1 00 D Mill' 1 00 J Morns 1 00 R Creery 1 00 M Fletcher 1 00 J Mills . 1 00 Mrs Fcrd . . 50 Mrs Creery 50 WBryans 50 James Eiliof . . 50 Henry Mons 50 .M Fletcher f J Ellint 50 K Dsvis 50 J AMoMillen ••• 25 Mr St John 25 \Vm Hannah 2) J M«hon ?.■> OH Elliot 25 SBarrowg 2f Mri McColIach 25 Mrs Cl'rk 25 Mory Croery 25 Mrs Millei- 25 Pamuel Mills 26 J Kirk I't M Ath 25 T Eiiton 25 H Morris 25 A Friend • 30 'ohn Creery 2.^ Robt rietrhor 15 Mrs Hrock 15 OflglpFbv 10 jBoatv 10 J Gould 2.5 W MpLoiigldin 25 B Be.ivor 25 J Richnrdpon 25 roll"'! liy Missos SiiFnn Robinson nnd Amplin Burns. rroncif Robini-on I 0 Ciitlufirl '0 H A Luis White '0 John Cordirk — • ••• '^ Mr.'' Moorti 25 Ali^s 'riiih'r 25 M\*- Oooding 25 H Berry ^^ .1 Berry f^ Msr«aret Berry ••■ )•• Richard Switzer M MHrgarc».StK>or«n . -^ $c. John Speeren 2' Mrs BiacK 25 Thomas Essplith- • i!6 Kobt JnhnJtone 2"' Roht Brunt 50 G Bparci s 26 T EiTine 50 Mrs El vine 25 C Bollamy 25 Aniie Berry 10 J Balentinc •• 50 K Konedy 25 J Baker 25 Thos Holinjshead 25 Mm Smith 26 John Pampjon 50 Mrs Samfson 50 Wilson. 25 Ihos tiiuith '.: Jliii-iuore 2.5 MiM Jiiti'moro 2.5 I.mvid White 25 .Idliu Itiii'niore 5fl .lohn Cliiliiok.. .. 25 .liiliu Oi'iiiiyn 50 .-^iinil l.nnKfcud .50 Miuia liiingtnrd i5 MrWfir Joioph I'arr 2.' A Fiii'iid 2.5 Thus tk-rinyn 25 Mr> ArmMrong 2.5 .losi'ph Mosity as Mrs Uyllold • 21 Honrv Powidl.. 25 Mrs McConnel l8 Geo Brown 35 .lohn Sinclair 25 James Campbell 25 Mis E Langt'ord 80 Edward Hobbs. . . SO Collected by the Mlsiei Brooks and Leavitt. Edwin Brooks Wm Leavitt f^aml T Scilly Robert Mo.Kenzio. . Jns Matches Wm Jernyn .Tohn Stow.irt ?aml Leivitt. .... John W Germyn . Jabej Germrn . . . Mrs Thos Webb • " Joseph Eady.. ilijo Foreman — Richard Germyn- Joseph Eady Cuis E.idy J.'imes Tarthy A'nait Ba.itson... J Blnckwell Ju Grint S Mcintosh Al3X n m Ui'diiins i . . R BliK^k^'ell R McVidht Geo MHanUon. . P Molntyie H J^t in'ev J » ^ Hodgins-... A Friend ..... A Friend A Friend Mrs Hodsins Thos B Stanley... Chns Foreman — F Foreman Jas Wilkinson.... \\ m iMiflield Mti J Bnoks Wm Gunning W B Stanloy Joseph .Morley.... Mrs B Morley Wm Proupc John Hopkins Wm Dodd ■ WmDiiflield Tlics Oilnin MrsW .Mosey .• " Taylor Frank Tavlor Mrs H White " Montgomery.. E Hodvins T Fulton • •• WmJohMoa k » 25 26 25 25 25 25 V> !5 n ?s 2» 85 S5 25 25 26 25 60 60 25 25 50 S5 25 25 25 15 . . .%:'. i; Of 02 APPENDIX. Collected bj' Miss Bloom- licid. $ 0. A Fnomi IJ .Mrs Fcjtlinriiighaiii . . . ")0 Kubcrt Watson li'j Kobort Madol •_'•'> (ten RdbtTlson :''i Airs IjiiiiK 7 Lestio Mubruy J.'- WAM.ACi; >V i:i-MA. Collect liy Mis^j CoiliuU ■Iiiliii Kiiiii.-ay "'• li Hiilor lit ti HDaly j:> Mrs I'amii 10 IdIiii iMahdiii'y Z'l Win IJnlnr ■.'."> I'.lizahc'li Stronc '-'■"> Mrs Nile •.'.". Win Solliv L''> .laini's llanlsravc . . .. :.'.■> .Mar«iii('i An>M'y ... _'."> Coll. I»j- Mi».< .Mmiin. Mary.Mariiii J'l .Mr Alli.-Dti ■_■") .Mrs Martin _'"> .liijin McKinclry — . lo Mr.f .Mi'fJinnos :;,"> Will King Si Win .AtkinMin i . . :'o \ Fricml. Ill • liilin Mnrk-i ;;'. K licccli •_'.") .\Irs I.eocli :;.> rho5 .) Lcci'L- . . Emily I,opoIi — Win 1,1'ech Rliza ,1 [,cocli Iiucy liet>i;li Mr Willis Ann Willis K Friend Mrs McMillan .1 Slieiilicril Wm'l iiiiibrcll MrWilldUKhl-;- Mri' WilldiiBhby Mrdrillith Mr« Critlith -Mr? .Xnlcr.'^on CoUf ifd »iy Mis,> Miller and Miss Wnu},'li. tRev E A Miller. a 00 MfJiEMUlor r,o MrHJV Miller ;Vi MiifiK J Miller ^0 WmR Miller J". $ 0. Aii.iiott- K .Miller .... IS .Mis> .' MilliT 12 .Ims i:ili-(in I (10 IIm!.'Ii .Miinn.'^ I!;"' .1 A llaUti-ad •_• (Ki .Mr K.-nt .Mi .Mrl.iiilc Mr Harvey 10 (J H .MnrtiiiiDro !.'.'> WiiiMarlilf Vy .Mrs .Moore 'S> Mavid Kay lV> l< I'.noth 'J."> W I' WaiiRli ) 00 Will Clayiiiii -J.") .Mrs Twansliy 'Si .1 II lla.'lra|x;r Mmi .In- S l»ra|irr 115 iMalilil.i \ Itrapcr. Hi .Maria I' i»i:i|i .Mr- M.(;r(".;ur _". .Mr l,aii-'(lal.- 10 .\Ir<;od-a\c II .Mrs 'I'olinan 12 .\lr Knhiii-oii '. . ■> K r lliiu'uard V) .Ml- /iiiiincriiian 1 00 ■Mis- (' I'altoiMiii. I 00 .\lr riiniri|>-iin ."•<( It I'hilii. -J.') .Mr Collin.^ i'. \ I'ricn'' 115 .\ I'ricih. ...... L'.'i .Mailer Niciinl L' Colli'il bv Mi.-'s .\I. Mill- .Mi" .M .MilK MKi (! .M<.Kre I oo Will .MiCalir. •_',") .1.11111- .Miilx i-y . ""i \y 111 Tiiidalc L'"! 'I'lio-- I'tirrc-lcr 'S> .l.inw .Mill« I iK» 1" l,iiiizliiir,-i :i'> .V .Matlirson . :.'-"i \h (iaiiriil'. -'•"> .liilin .NIasnn :'■>• .MrClark ;J"^ II ,*» liiilmnr ;'■'> Mr (liorv.'ii L'."> .loiiii .M .Ma.-iin . L'"> .Mr liiii'ii« ;_•.) I> MvclciKli "■"' Small sum* :.'H .'aiiiijs Hamilton IS HiiKb.MrKay It Anna H Miiiiay 'JO Hibcrt Martin I (H) Tliop Smith '..''i .lohn (iarbrelt •_'•'> .Mrs l',i|«iir JO !■: All'ert '.'.i Mr-t J Cook :'.■•) FJ Cooi>er JS $c. 'I'lios Wil-on Chiirlps S.nitb- • . . .Mr.« l{ .MfDon.ald Coll by Misj Man I, Flciiiswortli. Mi- .\ Hill wortli - I of; .Man \i lliMii worth ''.1 SU> K Hciiisnorth • . .-lO Mis:^ K .M Fjpiii'-wortli •_'.■> .Mrs 1' I! Ilctnswortli.. 5(1 .Mis- "W Smith •'.' .Mrs .1 l!amsa.\ IV .Mrs \ VoIIIIK .",(1 !•; r.iisti.w 1'. (• II. iii-«-oi(h . . . • . .".n .Mr- ' .M Hciii.-w.iiili . .Ml .\| T Ki'iiiswdrlh . . :.0 Mrs C.irbell IKtWlCK. ■••••, CiiU led by llic Min.'jpj l.'iiberls ,\: Worlliin^jlon, .ImIim IJnliciiv. ...en I 11(1 Mi-s .Martha llol.rrt- IV. .Mi-.- (' l!oli(>rls . ■:,'} Ml- Will .l.ihn-on — ''i .laiin"< l'erkiii.«. 1 oo .Ml-. .1 I'crkin- I no lli.liani .lam.'- .'.d MrSiiiitli .'.0 Mr' Sniiili "0 W I!ii-p1I -.'.S ll.tiry IN'rkinc .V) .l.iliii Waters .'.0 lii'iiiv .l.ihiiMin Vi I'i'h lii'btnj.on ■ ..0 .i.ihnStiiisoii I on .Inl.ii Ivohcrls. .inn. ... '0 .Ml- l.ini'iilii ;■■< .Ml- (iriTn US Mr- i; .lame- '.'S lico l!i'«aii-nn liS .Mr Wi.-mer !i'> A Walkin .'.0 Kobi .1 l.pc.'h 1 'Ki I; (i'(.'..nnor '.V> I'ricii'i .10 I'ripiid ..... 'J,! .1 .M 'riiuiiiti-on Si \h< H.niv I'orkins. Si I' ."0 .la' .M.-Madc It .1 .lohnsti.n 20 ChiiK Smith L'.S .l.ilin K»nc .V) .las Copplnnd Si tipoStnng ■*>0 Kripnd •! '2S VA .lainpH 'i,*t IM lA-iteh -J.^ K Hos!> '2S It n Wliitely V) Mm W H Jphtifton CS APPENDIX. 93 S c. i: \\ I'i.klonl -rf) Wni Dean .SO F) \V ncFiinson "lO Will Smnll S) W'm Cnr.-'on :!.S I'rif'iiil •2!'^ I>r A Wm-lliinctmi. . 1 (Ki AIisShiu I'liiytdiil. . . . 'St S Wiilkur lT. n-m UK.mMit 'S> .l.ilrips VdiiilK ,"i() Mrs Jus ^■(lllll^' fio ''yriiR <';iinill "lO .In)wi Sinidiisoii 1 00 .Ih.o Wililridsrti W) .Mis WiMiid;,'*' .'")() .1 B V.-Ki -Si TO'iV.V I'l.OT JIOW'CK. 01 ToUir,! h_y Mi,,- Cait. r. Win ('niici' ">0 Mr linwliiiK :•■> .1 i; KI.xmI :::, Mrri Krrr I'l ^Irf Ijiiiiili L'') ■ liimo'" Wiillii 1" babellfl Walker .')0 Nir ^iKiiii'o lO ^Ir^ ."^pniicp lO Win S|«('ii''i' J") I'll .\ni\«trnii^' '.s .l>'liM .■^iH'iiic y, Mr Ami-iriini,' i!"i 'i Knnccr |-j .' Knnk'rr 12 >lr)i .""'pilioriiii 1.1 M .^"ili"r.iii '■, Mr >i>iIut;iii Ill W in W :ir|p \ I'riniil ,■,(( Mi> hiiwliii;; , ii() \ Fricml Ill .i"»p|ih Driver :.',) V tuiMi 1 r .X 5( HiMii, Hill si:. ' '"I il 'ly Mis.>p.- IJrirlgc?! ami Mrooks. U 111 l'ii'iiii;r •_'."> .^l^•• lironky ;;,. Mvf- .McDcmrl ^:r^ Mr- Wiirrrn ^t-n '^'i .^IrF Wiirrcn ir. In ■\ I'lipiiil Ill Ml* .\| Will roll. 2."> fiol.i A I'riisiT '.'.'i • l.iiiie» Shaw -St ^Vm Shaw -jr-, Mrtf CrcHMT :'/) VVin Thiiui|i.Miii -J!^ llJohn.ston -.i^ J«F Shmr (it-n :i.'> COUNTY OF WATERLOO. <;Ai/r roll, liy Mr^•. Wariiutk ami .Mi.s,< DnviiNoii. (i Abbott K<; Allan Mrs Allan tlU'v I)r Rdiiipipr 10 .V) ."lO 10 00 .Ml* IJociiiior 'JO no Kicliitrd liliiiii J no I on .■>o Mr.xHBlnin Thciiiiii.s HIaiti . . .1 liliiin Itii.'hnrd Blain, ji- !•; HUin .1 Bhiin •j.'i .liis Bliiin :i.5 .lohn Miirbiiiir .; fio Thoi Brownlow — loo Mrs Brnwiilow 1 oo .\1 K Hrownliiw .V) W W Brownlow ""i tA T l( r.iill... t.Mrf I!;i.ll .Mr.-' HnrriuduiiKl .Innios BUiii • Mr* Itliiin Jiiuirr' Il lilaiii Jliss JJniiid Ilciiry Bond nprbdit Ball Tliomn" BInin Mrs T Rlain Ali-Billin(t» .Mr,-' l>(-aMcliaiii|i A\ III I oiiUc .hi> Cniitf -J .MrK .1 Cniii.' I .Mi.'!> ('rinvlord Jiis rioiitiiiK. 1 .lo< CloiitinK 1 Aihiiii Crnii.'toii M '.< Cliiirch .IH-Crimibi(! J .V) I' Carriiiliorn. ■ ■ .> W l>Hvis >V l)HVi- . .1 lliivif Ali.-s l)aviU.>'on.. Mr.-J nranf Mohn pnvid.-'ou ,'•' « Piividnon. . . ^l -i l)n\ id-on- . . Ij l)nvid.-nii .1 A |iii\ id.-'on. . ;\ S I>llTii|>'iiM. . . P 1» .M I»avii|M.n (' A Diiraiid... Win Mi •k.'-ixi. ■ • . II l[ Dnto Mr« finwkor l-'rHnk DiKKinR. • Mr? Pykt'8 0 I 00 ill .".0 •J'l .")0 ; INI .' (XI I no .'.0 00 00 .■>() I no .".0 .".0 -.; 00 ■'lO -. oa .") (X) :>o "lO ■')() 1 00 ■J)()0 1 no :)0 25 L'OO fiO $c. Mi!-.en I 00 1'' A Kiiapi' I on Thoi! Korb.T .SO r«'lcr Keot'cr 2 07 B Kerby Win lions .Mr? l/nilB . . Mrs |,uwcll I 00 •Mish. Miller 1 00 .50 75 00 .1 II Miller B .M.'lli'li . t-ldliii Mill'T. Mif .Miller I 00 .M .Mii.v -5 II Mii.v I.S WilliBiii .\le|!rooiii . •; 00 .Mrs .\1'- Broom j no .laiiie« .Ali-Taciie. . . SO .Mis," A Martin JS .Mr* Tlios .MrMillaii I m linbcit F.\elli.« 2 Ofi Mr- .\plli- 1 10 .Mis- .\ellif 1 Ofi (icordti'' I'rc.sjoit .'.n Mrs I'irison 1 00 tJcoiTi! I'liillips .'/I .Mr* IV.-k .=.0 .I'lhn Bobcrlson I no ( Mr Bii-liard'oii (in (' S Bmii-oy :! on Will Itoliinsiiii ,"> Oi , I .line- Sproiil .'ill I! S Stroni: I (in .Mrs Strong 1 Ot i; Stroni; 'Si .Mary Stroiit 2.5 Frank StrmiR 25 Hester Stronc ..... Si A Stronc 2-( Ho.ssic StronK 'St This .M Simon," J no Mrs Scott 1 00 Win S|>eneo 1 On Joseph K 8oaRra III. . .5o Wm A Shcar'on 2 00 94 APPENDIX. MrShellard 1 00 Mark iStockfoicl 'lO Wm Sniilli I on Mrs ytricklnnd V) \ Street •.'.i F Smith ■2r^ .'ohn Thomipson I 00 Mifj! Thompson I 00 >fiss K Thompson — I 00 .Mrs Tassic h 00 John Vanstonc .'(O Mrs WnodnifT I 00 ■Tames Woods 1 00 Adam Warnock. • ... U (HJ Mrs Warnock ;' 00 Mifj Wille.v ^^ Mr WilkeiJ :.s 00 RERLfN. CoUectPd by Mr; T. Miller and Miss Ptaufon ♦PSBoirlby s OO .John Fennell 2 00 Wra Fennell .. I 00 J Bond 1 00 Mrs D i;?terrp I 00 JHenry F .T .lackson. ") 00 Mrs Fennell 1 00 •Tohn A .Tohn,-frn ■ .V) Wm Bowman 50 .1 Bowman. ■ .")0 R Lee ,10 T Siuippon. J.! Wm Miller 2S Geo Stanton 2.5 .>Ir Schwiecer 1 00 Robert N Rocer^ 1 iX) F S Meredith 1 00 A .Miller F,o A Friend 2.") Wm.Jalfro.v — — . 25 tKev DrSfhiilte ... ."> 00 Wm Ralph 1 00 Mrs Pintle 50 .Mrs Thoina,s Miller 75 .folin r.-'sher. . ,",() Mrs Simp^on 25 ,^lrs T Simpson .V) W llBowlby 1 00 A Friend 25 Ci>ll. liy Mrs Mnr(»Hilicii. Wm Bockus . f 00 1 Ari-hibald 5(| .Mr PenMc ,50 I SMiK (Jacheii 2 iX) Mr.« MHOiiiielieii I nil WILMOT k I'l.ATTS- folle. H'tl bv Hcv. II F .Melli.'li. Mr Allen 5<» .Mrs Allen -50 MF Allen S) Annir Alien Klizabcth .1 .\llcn. • I Sarah Allen I Thi>s Allshirn Mrs All^hirc Wm Anderson .MrUaird Arthur Barber .. .Mrs Barbor Hobort Barlier .Tames Boanom. . . . Mrs Beaoom r D Hrown V D Brown H D Brown Mr Carapbrll Robt Campbell Mr rollnm .AIr,» Ciilluni Hiiph Colhini Sini'ii) .T Collnni .Tano ("nllmn .Mnrgarpt K Collum L'li^.abcth Collum. .Vlary Ann Collum. Charles Cooper Will Elliott Mrs Kllioit O.'oar U T-;iliott •Mr Fnrey .Mr.s Fii' ey Robert A Facey — Wm (lilmour Robt (lilmour Wm IllinKworth. • Mrs lllincworth Hannih lUingworlh .Tano IllinRWorth. • • . H M Johnson Wm Iverr Robt Kerr .Tas Mallett Wm Mallett TIciiry Miillctt Ann .Miilkit Caroline Mallett .Mrs .Marks Annie Marks Mary niuinali Marks. .MauKio .Mii.xwt'll •Roll F Molli.-h... . .Mrs ,Melli,-h !•; S.Molli-h... Fraiii'fsC Mcllish . . Chas n .Mfllish .Mr Mitchell .Mri^.Mitohrll .^lar^'llret Mil obeli .. . Akiips Nirhol .Mr Nichol..:(iu II Piiildii'iiuilic .Mr^ II I'uddi.ombc . It I'uddiciimbo Win rn.ldii'omlM- . . .Mr. W I'm'. 11 il.c M li I'liddicoliibu . . 'I' IS I'lidilii'oinbr Fiancrs I'uildit'iiiiilM' Annie l'ud
  • '<>mbe .loliii Sanderson . .las Smith Mrs ,Ta.s Smith Flira Smith WiC Smith $ c. i .$ c, 25 I .MrsTR 8mith ,50 25 HenrySmith 2 00 25 .Mrs H Smith. . .50 in .Anthony Smith .50 .■>n .Mrs A Smith .50 5n Klizabetb .Smith 25 .-lO Thos Smith 2.S Un .John Smith 10 "0 Miss Somerville 50 V) .^Irs Touchbourno . 25 •• H DTye 1 00 R r Tye ,50 .MrjRf'Tye .50 Fannv C Tvo 25 F E Tye 80 Thos Walker- 50 .Airs Walker . .50 Sarah K AV.3lker . 25 Wm Walker 25 Henry Walker 25 J S Walker 35 Wm White 1 00 Wm Wood? 2.5 Mt? Wood? V, Mr Woodhead .50 y\th Woodhead- .50 PI,ATTSVrM,E 1 DO 1 no 1 00 2 Z\ I Of ' 00 I 00 1 00 I no 50 ?5 ?fi 25 ;i5 .lO :>0 ."n •'10 5ll 2.5 .=■0 .'lO .50 .50 25 25 1 00 2 on 1 00 1 00 25 25 25 25 5n 00 .50 .50 25 25 I on I on I O'l 1 IKI 2 III '11 I ill III >n n '0 I IN) r50 51) 2 (•( Collected by Mr: Bas.^ Klizabelh Baf< . 1 00 ri \V Ba=» .51 Edward Bourchier 50 Arthur Tew 100 Collected by Miss Lilcj Dukes. Lucy J Duke,- .50 Susanna Ci Iiukes 5 .Marian F Dukes 5 Lucy J Dukes ]2 -Anno L Fried 5 A Frieml 25 Ann .Murray 6 !• I'ciMxm 1 00 Kdwiird Robert.'-- .50 ,Ias Workman 1 00 SilAKKSPKAHE. •H. V W li Rally. . 5 00 Coll . by Mrs Hohvcll Tiio- Ilolwell .50 W .Morttm .50 W R Hentland .50 Mrs liiirns .50 i; .A Ciiirurross .50 ,l;iiin'.' Dover- ...... .50 ,\| l!i..\vii ,50 t; lliown 25 S Triii-li-,rl U5 1>| Flynii 25 li I'rccmim 25 i; Flvnn- -Ja II Lear 2.5 A Mcrritt 2 Friend 2 Small Sums. ,. 5- ■ tu bi B^^-L A.-W^ OP THK DIOOESE OF HURON FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE MISSION FUND, PASSED DECEMBER 7, 1864. 1. That whenever a Misaiou is vacant, or a new iliasiou about to b.^ eitablished, before a clergyman is appointed thereto, it shall be previoujly visited by a Committee, who shall report to the Standing Committee of the Church Socievj the amount which such Mission is able and willing to contribute towards a Clergyman's support. A Committee for 'his purpose shall be appointed for every Deanery, to consist of the Rural Uean, ex-officio, of u Clergyman to be named by the Bishop, and of a layman selected by the Rural Dean. 2. That the Standing Committee,after duly weighing all the circumstances of each Mission, shall recommend to the Society what sum, if any, be appor- tioned thereto, and for what period ; That it shall be the duty of the Seeretary to notify the St andiug Committee at each meeting of all grants which are within aix months of expiring, in order that action may be ui'.i'^n to renew the grant, if necessary, or that notice may be given at least turee months before the expiration of the grant to the Clergyman and Churchwardens that such grant cannot be renewed. J. That it shall be the duty of the Clergyman and ChurchwarJeus of «very congregation which is brought uuder the provisions of this By-Law to make half-yearly reports, according to the annexed form, to the Standing Committee, which shall be sent to the Secretary of the Society by the lut day of May and the Isi day of November in each year, and all grants made by the Church Society under this By-Law, shall be contingent upon these reports being regularly and punrtually made. FORM OF RKPORT. Congregation ol We, the undersigned, do certify that the Stipend promised to the Incumbeut tor the past six month?, ending; Cut F'a.tnr or 1st t)ctobfir) being Iia< been fully paid Incumbent. Churchwarden, 11 .... . .ChurchTvarden. Date, 96 MISSEON^FITNI) IIY-LAW. It' the above Ccrtiticate cannot l)i' signed, iilease answer tlie t'oUowing nuestions : — A. What is the araonnt of Stipend promised to the Clergyman ? B. What is the amount of arrears at (Easter or Octolier Ist)' ('. Why has this arrcar been allowed to accrue? n. Is there any provision t'ov paying this arrear jirouiptlv ' 4. That llie Secretary shall lay liipse reports l)efi.)n' the Si.indin^'; C.tiu- luiltee at the June and December (Quarterly Meetings, with :i list of llnu.^ congregations which are in arrears to their Clergymen. 5. That the Standing Committee, after considering eacii case, shall ilccii'.c what action is to be taken, and, if necessary, shall direci the Secretary tc write to the Rural Deuu, and request the District Coniuiitlee to visit itic Mission nnd to point out to such congregation, at a vestry meetiug to lie i ullcd lor ili:it purpose by the Clergyman, the necessity of fullilling their prouiises. The District Committee shall report, without delay, tlie result of suili viiit ly iLe Secretary, in lu'der that it may lie laid liel'orc the next meeting of lii,- Sian paid until the Church or Parsonage is enclosed ami roofed, and, so far, paid for, but not by the debt being aifiunied by any person or persons, unless such person or persons relieve the Congregation or Mission from all future liability for the same ; and further, before such grant is paiil, the Churcliwar lens and Vestry, or Baildini? Committee, shall promise in writing that they will not cngigo in any further work upon the (Jhurcii or Parsonage until the moaey necessary for such further work is actually in hand. 4^_.r/^ WmOMWOMAMM9: THE CHIiRCff SOCIETY OF HURON. CAP. .\LV.—An Act to Incorporuieihe Church Society 0/ the Diocese rj Huron, avd for other purposes therewith connected. lApfcntcd to 2{th July, lfv58. f J3EREAS, Her Majesty, by Her Royal Letters Patent, bearing date at Westminster, on the second day of October, in the twenty-first year of Her Majesty's Reign, was pleased to divide the Diocese of Toronto into two Dioceses, the one to be called the Diocese of Toronto; and the other the Diocese of Huron, in the manner and with the limits and boundaries in the said Letters Patent mentioned ; and by reason of such division it hath become expedient to Incorporate a Church Society in the Diocese of Huron ; And whereas, a Society for the said Diocese of Huron has been recently formed, and hath prayed thatthe members thereof, and their successors, may hereafter form a separate society, with the corporate name and rights and subject to the jirovisions hereinafter mentioned : Tlierefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, eoacts as follows : 1. From and after tlie pai^sing of this Act, there shall be, and there ifj hereby conetiinted in and for tlie Church of Kngland Diocese of Huron as now constituted, a corporation by the corjioraie name of the " Cm ncH Socibty or ■rriB DiocBSEOP Huron," which shall have and is liereby invested with the like corpoiate rights, powers and privileges, as by any Act or Acts of the Parlia- ment of this Province, are conferred on any Churcii Society incorporated in any Diocese of the Church of Kngland in this Province ; and to the said corporation and to the members thereof, the several clauses and provisions of the said Acts shall apply as fully as they would have ajjplied to any of the said Church Societies, and to the members thereof, in so far as may not be inconsistent with this Act, and subject always to the provisions herein contained. '1. The Ch>irch Society of the Diocese of Huron hereby incorporated shall be composed and consi.-nof the Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Huron for the time being, and of those members of the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, who shall, at the time of the passing of this Act, be resident within the Diocese of Huron, unless and until it shall be otherwise provided by the By-Laws of the said Church Society of the Diocese of Huron, and of such other persons as shall, from time to time, hereafter be electeil members of the said Church Society, in manner provided. 3. The Church Soeiety of the Diocese of Huron shall and may receive and take from any of the said Church Societies any of the property held by such last-mentioned Societies, and discharge the trusts relating thereto, and such last-mentioned Societies shall thereupon be discharged froiu such trusts. 4. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect in any manner or way the rights of Her Majesty, her Heirs or Successors, or of any person or persons, or of any body, politic or corporate, such only excepted as are hoiein mentioned and provided for. (. This Act shall be deemed a Public Act. ^ \ CONTEN TS. tJollections to be made 2 (Constitution of the Society , •^_jj Meetings, Quarterly, time of •> Officers of the Society 3_4 l^eport 12-15 Resolutions passed by the Society .i_5 ■' at the Annual Meeting , APPENDIX. Act Incorporating Church Society 98 By-Law, Mission Fund 95—96 " ('hurth Building 97 (Jollections received for Sth year 29 " durinff 'Mh year 30 — 40 Donations during "Jth year 29 Funds, Statement of, in detail 18—24 Funds, Invested 25 (Jrants from (lencral Purposes Fund 26 •' Mission Fund 27-28 Members, Life and Incorporated 41 — 12 Payments and Receipts during 9th year 16—17 Subscriptions, Annual 43—94