^'^^"^ > IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I 1.1 1.25 ■£|2£ Hi mm jm Sf iJA ■■■■ g Ka 12.0 " I. «JUU U 1 1.6 Sciences Coiporaliori 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSM (716)872-4503 '^ z ^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHIVI/ICIVIH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian da microreproductions historiquas Technical and Bibliographic Notea/Notat tachniquaa at bibliographiquaa Tho Inttituta haa attamptad to obtain tha baat original copy avaliabia for filming. Faaturaa of thia copy which may ba bibiiogrbphically unlqua, which may altar any of tha imagaa in tha raproduction, or which may significantly changa tha usual mathod of filming, ara chaclcad balow. D D D D D D Coiourad covars/ Couvartura da coulaur I I Covars damagad/ Couvartura andommagia Covara restorad and/or iaminatad/ Couvartura rastaurte at/ou palliculAa □ Covar titis missing/ La titra 'ht liuiidred and thirty-ciu^lit, when and on which day (two weeks previous notice havinj^ been given in one or more of the newspapers pub- lished at Quebec and Montreal,) a President and four Directorti, duly qualified as aforesaid, shall he elected by the Stockholders of the said Company for the time beiiijr, entitled to vote, votinrthwi(h tors for en next in this prevent being-, )resaid. elected ay con- ition of han he ied and i Deed, ctor or .0 sign 'itings. 1 requiring the signature or signatures of the President or Directors, agreeable to the stipulations of this iiodJidul Deed, when duly rcauired so to J Jicies. Policies how to be issued. ARTICLE TWELFTH. Sec. Ist, And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that as soon as the sum of One hundred and twenty thousand pounds currency or more, in part of the Joint Stock of the said Company aforesaid, is or has been subscribed for and taken up, notice shall, by the snid President and Directors or quorum thereof as aforesaid, bs given in the newspapers published in this Province, that the said Company are ready to commence making and granting Policies of Insur* ance against loss or damage arising from the perils or dangers of the seas and navigation ; and thereupon the said President and Directors or quorum thereof as aforesaid, shall and are hereby authorized to em- power and cause the Secretary of the said Company, and the Director for the week, to grant and issue such Policies of Assurance/ against the perils and dangers of the seas and navigation, for and on ac- count and risk of the said CanaDA Marine Insur- ance Company, in form and manner hereinafter des- cribed, that is to say : that it shall be the duty of the Secretary to submit all such risks as are approved of by him to the Director for the week for his sanction and approval, and in cases of difference of opinion, the 1 19 whole matter to be submitted (o the President, whose duty it shall be to attend once every day if required and notified by the Secretary at the office of the Company, and upon the risk or risks being approved as aforesaid, the Secretary, by and with the consent of ihe Director of the week, to issue a Policy therein, demanding; and receiving* such rate of Premium as may have been agreed upon and stip- ulated. Provided always, that no Policy shall be . issued upon one bottom by the Director for the week, and Secretary, for uny sum exceeding One thousand five hundred pounds currency, without the consent of the President and Directors, or quorum thereof. Sec. 2nd, And it is hereby further covenanted, agreed and provided, that on due application being made et the office at Quebec for the payment of any anToS loss or damage sustained by the dangers of the seas '"o" "rTd and naviii^ation, within the terms and meaninoof the^o "uie Policies issued by the said Company, the President and Directors, or quorum thereof as aforesaid, shall forthwith take such measures as they may deem most effectual to examine and ascertain, whether the claim be just and proof of loss sufficient, and to cause pay- ment of such loss or losses to be made within Sixty Days after such loss or claim has been adjusted and admitted by them the said President and Board of Directors. Sec. 3d. Provided however, that all and every Policy or Policies of Assurance shall clearly, specifi- desani' cally declare and make known that no officer, pro- "J.'^®'^*-^^ prietor or stockholder in or of the said Canada Ma- «o contain RINB Insu|iancb CoMPANY, shall be individually bound restSg by such Policy or Policies, to any further or larger K'i^"' amount than his or her proportion towards the ful- ^"'"'. filment thereof, according; to and in no case exceeding to be sign- the amount of his or her share or shares in the Joint p're'sldem w^ 20 I n aril Dirpc- lor for llin wprk and Hecy. The Com- pany (lis* own all iru Hiriiinrnta iioi (Inly signed, &c. and not con- taininir the clnuNe of reslriuiion of piivment of Joint iSiock. Director, &c. sign- ing, ^'V. any policy, <^>c. not containing said res- triction of payment of Joint Stock, To be made per" sonally answera. ble nnd forfeit iheir stock. nnd to be discharged from office Stock and securities in the said Company ; and shall also be signed by the President or Director for the week, and be duly Ref their ed and for the ill force II be ill ed, and ber not call a )r more ai, and called, ilways, Iders in ition of ressed, rties to snt Act ciatioa 23 or Society hereby established, hhatl not cease or determine by or upon the death, natural or civil, bankruptcy, or faillit^ oi any Stockholder or Stock- holders, in or of the said Ass^ociation ; but that, not- withstanding' such death, natural or civil, brankruptcy or faillit^, this Company and the Association hereby established, shall be and remain as firm and solid us if such contingency hod never happened. Sec. 3rd. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that the By-Laws, Rules, Orders, and Regu- lations, or any of them contained in this deed, shall not be repealed, revoked, or altered, unless at a genera! Meeting of the Stockholders, specially called (or the purpose, in the manner hereinbefore prescribed. — Provided always, thht the Stockholders voting at such General Meeting, in favor of such repeal, revocation, oralteration, shall represent not less than five hundred shares, or onj-thiid of the whole of the stock of the said Company. ARTICLE FIFTEENTH. Sec. 1st. And we the undersigned hereuisto do hereby further covenant and ngree, having first heard f.'a'.^f/'*' Of ni'i or Hnnkr'ipt* cy of iiiilu vuliiiila nut lit aflcci (ha Jim- lion of ih« Com- puny. By Lnwi nui (o b« sllrred except by (lenient ui (itiH (hiid nt ihe SiockhoN (IrrH nil. ■einhlfil at (J*M»*riil Meetiiii;. ref this our mutual agreement duly read, to lake respec- <• mkeiha tively in the Joint Stock aforesaid, of the said Canada Hi'mresVn- Marine Insurance Company, the number of shares [IfJ'i^'^Jg. to our several and respective names, firms, and styles "•♦'"rfs hereunto annexed, on the several terms and conditions ly. of this our Act and Deed, and on no other terms or condition whatsoever. In Faith and Testimopy whereof, we the under- signed, have severally and respectively set and sub- scribed our names, done this sixth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-sever !■!« fl*^' 24 if I !■ li Schedul« A. No. M Canada Marine Insurance Company. Quebec, This is to certify, that is entitled to shares of the stock of the Canada Marine Insurance Company, transfer- able on the books of the Company only, agreeably to their Rules and By-Laws, by the said or Attorney. Attest, President. Secretary. i$ T * ' <. :^' ■ V* stock of transfer- greeably si * ■ s, - ■ ident. .t^"<> ■?»=■.