I. )i^^; CONSTITUTION i^i m' OF TIIK 'kB^T WOiiTHY AND JUBORDIIATE LODGES ?fA^:.'.i5 •»M k '^ fr SlimT JOHN, 1^. B. fe67. PRINTED J5Y BAMIlCS AND COM PANT. i|567 "Kt-i^- - T >.*f. i#!'T'i^-'';jW*l: /St.; 5 ■.?f©-^. NOTICE. The following articles may be had by addressing (pre- paid with cash or P. 0. Order enclosed) any of the Worlliy Grajia Secretariqa, or, where there is no W. Grand Lodge; the ifest Worthy Grand Secretary : — Books, Charter &c., for new Primary Lodge,... ... .$8 00 '' « " Juvenile " ../.... 1 00 Constitutions, each 6 cents, or^er dozen,.. 60 Travelling or Clearance Cards, each 5c., or per dozen, , 60 Officers* Cards, each 1 6 cdl's, or per set, 40 Rituals (each), .;...^. «.... .25 Note. — For extended List, see Covers of W. 6. LoSge Reports, and other notices issued by W, G. Secrataries. N. B.— In ordering any of the above stock, be particillar to state the exact l^umber of each kittd wanted, how to be forwarded, and to whom and to what Fdst Offio6 addressed. The postage or freight is included tti the foregoing prices. Jf GON^I^ITUTI "lost fortiiy Gml, f orBiy Craiii, COUNTY, PRIRTABY^ -. JUVENILE LOIXGES, OF THE [autuobizbo zoniov,] BY-LAWS If ^' Primary Lodde^ No. Province of 'i ^_ __. Organized ^ -jr^r- '\ SAINT JOHK, K. fe. RNES i 1867. PRINTED BY BARNES AND COMFAMT. ^ r; r?^- DECLARATION. TFc, toho ate dengnated " British Ihnptars^'''' in regular session convened^ and intendirtg^ under God^f blessing and guidance^ to consider and determine upon all such matters as shall appeal necessary for the welfare of our Society, desire. in the firat place y for the avoiding of all misunder' standing^ to make a solemn declaration of the principles ^pojfly which we propose to proceed. Feeling that it is both naturcU and, reationable that those who have common rights to protect^ common interests to defend., and common objects to obtai^ ghoidd act together and know each of he.', we have resolved io form an Afisociation for the protection of our- selves and our fellow beings from the many evils of Intern^' perance — for the setmring of m,utual assistance when needed — and for the elevation of o^r^^tellectual and moral cha- racters; and being aware that through want of that orga- fitzdtion which secures cotfffntrated effort^ the benevolent objects of Patriots and Christians 0re of te7t frustrated^ and the best and noblest exertions for the public weal de- feated ; we declare our firm and unanimous resolution^ in dependence on Divine aid., to preserve those principles our- selves, to facilitate aud promote their acquirement and dis. gemination, and to transmit them unimpaired to posterity ; and we do hereby' pledge ourselves, with a view to secure more effectually th^meeded organization, to be governed by the following Cotistiiution and Laws. /^: ,;F '^ : .t ao«v. GENERAL RULES. 1. The title of the Society is " The British Templars.'' 2. The Order Bball consist of an unlimited number of members, whose admission must be regulated in strict ac- cordance with Ihe requirements of the Urder. ^ 8. There shall be five grades of Lodges in the fforern* ment of the Order, viz.: — Most Worthy Grapd, Worthy Grand, W^orthy County, Primary, and Juvenile. 4 Primary Lodges shall be permitted to give- three De- grees, namely— Heart, Charity, and Koyal Virtue. 5* -*i(^ * 5. The Charters, Rituals. Ceremonies, Coinstitutions'. Cards, Insignia and Emblems, used by the Lodges and metn- bers ot the Order, shall be such, and none other, as are recognized by and received from the M. W. O. Lodge, through the W. Grand SeJfretaries. 6. Each Worthy Grand, Worthy County, Primary, and Juvenile Lodge may make rufpfor the good governmei^t of its proceedings, provided that such rules are not contrajnT to the Constitution fhd General Rules of the Order, aQ4 aiU members of such Lodges are bound to obey them. , 7. A member or visitor, on entering a Primary Lodge, must invariably give to the Outer Guard the Quarterly Password, and to the Inner Gu^rd the Explanation thereof, and then walk up to the centre of the Uall, face the Bro- ther fiUmg the chair of the W. Past Chief, and give the working sign of the Lodge ; and after 4t is acknowledged by the W. Past Chief, the Brother may take his seat. In entering a Degree Meeting, the party seeking admission * must give the Quarterly Password with its explanation to the Outer Guard, the Password of the Degree that ia in working to the Inner Guard, and, on entering the Lodge, the sigq ! 16. When a vacancj occurs in any office, the Lod^e iti which the vacancy occurs mav fill tHe same at a rej^lar meeting, provided that the claims of the Constitution are all complied with. 17. All Past Chiefs who are elected at the institution of Lodii^es, shall retain the honors thereof, as if they had pass- ed through the Chair. 18. In case of absence of an officer of any Lodge, the Worthy Chief of that Lodge shall appoint a brother or sis- ter to nil, 'pro t€m.y the vacant place. f. 19. The Officers of any Lodjze in. the Order may be pab- licly installed, provided that a vote of two-tbiras of the Lodge is favorable thereto. .:ri- word'JCommittee of the M. W. G. Lodge to the M. W. G. Chie^ and if approved by him, he shall have them for- warded to each of the W. G. Chiefs, who shall, throuj^ their W.' G. Secretaries, glre the Password for each «(uart«r 6 ^ OKNIAAL RULKS. lis it becomes dae, to each of the W. County' Secretariei under the jurisdiction, to be transmitted to the Provincial Deputy of each Primary Lodge in the County — provided that the Password shall not in any case be given to emy Lodge or member in default of Due's ; nor shall an Officer or a Representative be allowed to speak or vote in any Lodge, unless the Primary Lodge of which he is a membei .shall have previously paid all its dues. 26. All fees received for Initiation and for Degrees, shall be paid to the treasury of the Lodge of which the candi- 4ate is a member. 27. In Primary Lodges, no candidate can be initiated ex- cept in open Lodge ; and no Lodge can be opened without a Charter, or certificate for charter, signed by the propeit Officers. ^ 28. Application for Charter shall be made according to the form in the Appendix, by seven or more persons in good standing in the community, through an Executive Councillor of the M. W. Grand or W. Grand Ijodge, or a Provincial Deput;^, to the Worthy Grand Lodge of the Pro- •Tince or country in which the Lodge is to be located. i 29. The fee which shall accompany the application for each Charter for a Primary Lodge, snail be eight dollars ($8.00); four dollars ($4.00) of this price shall go to the or- ganizing Officer who opens the Xodge, and four dollars <$4.0o) to the Worthy Grand Secretary, who shall pay two oollars ($2.00) thereof into the W. Grand Treasury, and send the remaining tv. o dollars ($2.00) to the M. W. Grand Lodge. 8Q. Each Primary Lod^e Charter shall bear the signa- tures of the M. \V. G. Chief and M. W. G. Secretary, and also those of the W. G. Chief and W. G. Secretary of the W. G. Lodge under which the Lodge granted the Charter is to work. 81. Applications forjCharters for Primary Lodges, from any Province or Country in which no W. Grand Lodge ex- ists, shall be made to the M. W.. Grand Lodge direct ; and such Primary Lodges shall ooake their returns and pay their dues directly to the H. W. Grand Secretary, until a W. Grand Ledge is formed in that Province or C<>tiotry. GENKRAL RULKfl. • " ^ ' f 82. Any member who shall at any time make known lo any person who is not a member of the Order in good Btanain/?, or to any member not entitled to receive it, any matter or thing connected with the secret working of the Order, shall be deemed {guilty of a violation of the obliga- tion of the Order, and shall be fined, suspended, expelled, or otherwise dealt with, according to the judgment of the Lodge whose obligation the member may have violated. 33. Any dirpute or question of order, not otherwise pro- vided for, shall be decided by the W. Chief of the Lodge in which it occurs, but always subieci to an appeal to the Lodge, if demanded in writing by five members. In all cases where a member considers himself aggrieTed by the decision of any Lodge, he shall have a right to appeal to the next highest tribunal of the Order— exemplia gratia, from the Juvenile Lodge to the Primary Lodge to which it belongs ; from the Primary to the County ; then to th*» W. 6. Lodge; and lastlyto the M. W. G. £odge, whos^ deci- sion shall be final ; provided that County Lodi;es shall be the final arbiter in appeals arising in Juvenile Lodges. 84. When an appeal has been niade^ all the documents and Minutes relating to the matter in dispntesball be Irans- mitted to the next highest tribunal; and all decisions made by any Lodge shall be considered final, nnless speci- ally appealed from witbiii one m&nth after judgtnent is given. 85. All grades of Lodges shall be subject to those Lodges higher in authority, in matters not inconaisient with the Constitution. 36. In the practical application of the Rules of this Order, the construction put upon them by the M. W. G. Lodge shall be final and concfucnve. Every word in the singular number shall be applicable to the plural, and every word iu^porting the masculine gender shail, when necessary, be understood to refer to a sister as well as a brother, and vice versa, unless thsre is something in the subject matter or context repugnant to such construction. .# /{^?;n '?■' mi- ■ CONSTITUTION '*-■ OF THE , T WORTHY GRAND LODGE. mr — '^^ ARTICLE 1.—Nam« AND EiTBOT. There shall be a M. W. G. Lodge for the whole 6i tne British dominions, to be called the ** Most Worthy Grand Loage of the British Templaie." ART. 2.— Pdwia. The Most Worthy Grand t positary and guardian of the Symbpls and Mysteries of the Order, but also the source of, supreme legislf^tion for the good govemment, u^|^nnity4nd general ma^^agement of the Institution, and tl]^, final arbiter in all misters of dis* pute. It alone shall Iplfd ppwer to alter or amend the Constitutions, Rituals, ^iremonies. Insignia, Fprms, SignSi Passwords, Symbols, llysteries, or Lectures ; .to originate the Quarterly and , other Pi^words ; to fix the percen- tage to be paid l^ the Worthy Grand Lodges to it ; to order what Regalia shall be worn by the Officer and Mem« bers of the different gra4^ of Lodges in thQ Order : but no f^teration. shall be made without a two-thirds. vote taken on a notice of motion giten at a previous Annual Seision of fhiB M, W. G. J^pdge. ;^l ART. S.-^Or Whom CoMPoaxD. ' M That the M. W. G. Lodge may contain only those who bring with them that measure of wisdom in council, com* blqed with that zeaL and experience in aolion, which shall lead tp more glorioue triumpha on the part of pur noble 10 CONSTITUTION OF • Order — therefore the M. W. G. Lodge shall consist of its own oflScers, all the officers of each of the W. G. Lodges, all past M. W. G. Chiefs, and all past M. W. G. Secre- taries, in good standing in the Order, all Provincial Depu- ties, all County Chiefs, a Representative from each County Lodge, together with a Representative for every ten Primarv Lodges in good standing, under the jurisdiction of each of the W. 6. Lodges, who shall have been elected at the regular annual session of the W. G. Lodge. These Re- presentatives shall have taken all the degrees, and shall have passed the chair of the W. Chief or the W. Vice in a Primary Lpdge. . ,, i>i ' V 7 V ART. 4.— Officers. The Officers of the M. W. G. Lodge shall be a- — Host Worthy Grand Chief Templar, " " Vice, Secretary, •* I'reasurer, " Lecturer^ ** Counsellor, ** Chaplain, " Financier, ** IlecorllEU', *« Marshal, ** Deputy Itarahal, " Inner Guard, , " Outer Guard, " Past Chief, who, with the exception of the M. W. G. Pavt Chief, shall b^ elected at a regular annual session of the M. W^ 0. Lodge, and shall serve one year. Any member of the M. W. G. Lodge, in good standing, shall be eligible if present. : ART. S.-^DUTIES OP OlTICIRS. Sue. 1.— The M. W. G. C. T. shall preside in tbe M. W. QrtakA Ledge, deelde all questions of usage, as well as oon> . ■ . ■ » ■if '8lt) it Mr u - t\ ; '^*, 1 i1 imi : 'ioin* 'u ,.!u *.r. ^ti*-- MOST WORTHY ORAND LODOS. |f| stitutSonal questions, subject to an appeal to the M. W. Grand Lodge. He shall have power to visit W. Grand Lodges personally or by Deputy, and require a compliance with the ru^es and us&ges of the Order ; or he may require from any W. G. 0. T. any necessary information relative to hi9 W. Grapd Lodge. He shall see that all officers and com- mittees not otherwise provided for are duly appointed ; cause to be sent to the W. Grand Lpdges all the geneial Passwords of the Order ; have power tp grant Gb&rters for Primary lodges in Provinces or Countries in which io W. Grand Lodge exists, as well as for W. Grand Lodges, when proper application has been made by the W. C. T/s of at least seven Primary Lodges in each Province or Country. All Charters so granted shall be subject to the approval of the M. W. Grand Lodge, at its first regular session following. He shall make such arrangements for ^e proper opening of Lodges authorised bj j^lin* as in his judgment circumstances mav demand. . ,* r\^ ■ ., Sec. 2.— The M. W. G, Vicft shall assist the M. W. 0, Cliie|f ; and in his Absence, preside in his st^d. The M. W. G. Vice i^all have immQ^iate charge of general mat- ters relating to tbe itj^res^and egress of members and yisitprs.. • ^ Hko. 8. — The M. W. G. Secretary shall be the custodian oC the Gne^ ,^ala of the Order, the Charters, Rituals,' Books, P^rs-,; Correspondence^ and other property of th^ 1|. Wr.Gmnd Lodge. He shall attoid all nieetings of the M. W*: Grand Lo(|ge» and see that a correct record of the proceedings is kept, conduct the correspondence under the direction' of the M. W. Q. Chief, keep true acoounts- t^tween the M^ W. Grat^^ Lodge and the Lodges under its jurisdiction, receive all moneys due the M. W. Grandi Lofdge, and pay the same to the M. W. Grand Treasurer. ^e( shall perform such o^ber duties connected with his ofi fice as may be lenjoined u|>on him by the Executive, or by the M, W. Grand Lodge; and at each annual session of the M. W. Grand Lodf^ he nUa^W present iiwiittea. sUUttioal fi ^ -'"^ CJONStrPUTION OF ^ fe[^opt. He shall give Buch security for the faithfnl per- formance of his duty m shall be required by the M. W. G. Chief, the M. W. G. Vice and the M. W. G. Past Chief, and receive fOl* his serrices such compensation as the i\l. W. Griand Lodge tnay fi^tmi tihie to time determine by open vote. Skc. 4. — The M. W. G. Treasurer shall have charge of tho fiiiidfl, secof ities and youdhers of the M. W. G. Lodge; pay alt orders drawin on him bv thifr M. W. G. Secretary, attested by th^ M; W. Giiaiid Oh'i^f ; at ^ch meeting of the M. W. Ghrand Lodge, produce Ms books of account with propet vouchers for examrnation and audit ; give such SiexHirity for the faithful discharge of his duty as shall foe approve of by the satne eommittee as appointed to judge! of the Securities of the M. W. G. S. ; and when go'ing oud of OflSce, deliver up to his ^ucc^issor ail t6e propert'> of -) 11 .vr. Sec. 1 1.— The H. W. G. Deputy Marshal shall introdikie the Lady Repi^seiitatives and Yisitdrs, atid have chtrge:!^ mattery relating to the insignia and regaUa of the rfiiterilli the M. W. Grand Lodee. ^ Sec. 12.— The M. W. G. Inner Guard shall have chaig^ f^ the inner door of &e If. W. G. Lodge, and «haU not allow a member or visitor to entei^ w reth^ without the proper Password, onless directed by the M. W. G. Chief, ♦Yice, or Lodge. _!^ij|,f a ^^rv-tt v K -/n fil:o. IS.— TheM. W. G. Outer Guard shall have (int^rgp ot the outer door e^nd antchrooms, and allow none t6 ddter but those dvly antiionzed. Seo. 14.— The M. W. G. Past CJuef 9l)|ai^b^ju0fajperi(^ 14 Ml CONSTITOTION 0# experience and intelligence, aid the M. W. G. Officers in the discharge of their duties, attend the meetings of the Executive Council of the Order, and shall continue, with unabated devotion and undiminished zeal, to guard and advance the interests of the Temperance Cause and of oup excellent Institution. 7!ui, !' ART. 6.— Order OP Business. 1. Opening M. W. Grand Lodge. 9. Appointment of Committee on Qredentials. o4; Reading Minutes of l{^t Session (short). ofi^., fixing Hourp of Meeting. 6. Appointment of Committees on Juvenile Lodges ;-— ■<-i'yyjii ( (Making Lodgeaimore Attractive, Profitable and yifi pC'it^o'^^^hie ;— -Memoi^als ; — Correspondence ; — Ap- »W >M t ■ pfftls; -Testate of the Order ;— Passwords ; Con- ,/ji^/Tjietijtutio|^al Changes, % &c.&^^^ ..^^^^i idlT.o:: B€ioeiv}ng Reports of M. W, G. Chief ;~Sccretary; lapis^ni^ij pefeK^pi^ of ^ik9 fp^owlng one.] ^hi ) .1) .%/ .j4 ji. A-WTr Y.— ItepiMWKSi • ■ ■ ■■/ * "; , Tlje M. W.r Grand Lodge ^hall hav^ power io appoint '- . 20 CONSTITUTION OF ART. 4. — Op Whom Composed. The W. G. Lodges shall be composed of their own oflB- cers ; the officers and past Caiefs and past Secretaries of the M. W. G. Lodge, who belong to Primary Lodges within the Province or Country ; all past W. G. Chiefs, and past W. G. Secretaries in good standing in the jurisdiction ; their W. County Chiefs and W. County Secjretariea, and a Representative for every five (5) Primary Lodges in the County ; all commissioned Provincial Deputies, together with a Representative from each Primary Lodge for every thirty (30) members. All these Representatives must be elected from present and past Chiefs and Vices. ART. 5. — Officers. The W. Grand Officers shall^be— Chief Templar, Vice, Secretary, Treasurer, Lecturer, Counsellor, Chaplain, Fi- nancier, Recorder, Marshal, Deputy Marshal, Inner Guard, Outer Guard, and Past Chief; each having the title " Worthy Grand'*' prefixed. All these, except the W. G. Past Chief, shall be elected at the Annual Session, and serve one year ; and any jmembcr of the W. G. Lodge in good standing shall be eUglcde if present ART. 6. — Duties or Officers. The W. G. Lodge Officers shall discbarge the same duties in their respective W. Q.^^odges as do the Officers of the M. W. G. Lodge (mutatj^utandis). The W. G. Chiefs and W. G. Secretaries 'sliall also see that the Quar- terly Returns and per capita tax are forwarded Ih accor- dance with Articles 8 and 9 of the M. W. G. Lodge Con- stitution. ART, 7.— Order of Business. The Order of Business shall be the same as that ob- served in the M^ W. G. Lodge. WORTHY OIULKD LODGE. St I rr? -7* ART. 8.— Provinctal Dkputies. ' *-" "^ Each Primary Lodge shall, as often as necessary, elect and recommend to the W. G. 0. T., as the Provincial Deputy for the Lodge, a member, in good standing, who shall have attained the full age of twenty-one years. If the appointment is approved, the W. G. Chief Templar shall grant the Brother a Provincial Deputy's Commission, signed by the W. G, C. T. and W. G. Secretary, which shall remain in force so long as the Brother continues a member of the Lodge, or until sufficient cause be shown for its revocation. In addition to the ordinary duties and privileges of a Provincial Deputy as laid down in his Com< mission, it shall be his special duty to iristitl the Officers of his Priitiary Lodge, to receive the quarterly and other pass- words from the County, W. Grand, or M. W. Grand Secre- tary, and communicate them to the W. C. T. Of his Lodge, aiid to aed th4t thq^ quarterly returns are properly made out, and tbejp^ capita to« paid previous tx) installation; and he shall immediately forward them {i. «., returns and per capita tax) to '4ifed County Secretary — if a County Lodge; exists ithere^^if no% to the W. Grand Secretary ; and in case thl^re k na W* 6. Lodge, direct to the M. W. Grand Seoretary* . J>'t! imnnt ART. 9.-*^RevbnX7*. ^ The Bevetiue of 'W, Oiind Lodgfes shall be derived from the fbUowing so^rcett '.-^Ymv xlollars (|4) for each Primary, and '^ne do!la^('|l)fb^^eaeh Jtiven!)^ Charter (and the pro^eii;y ai^ddfa'panyingti^ stime) granted to new Lodges within l&i^ Province, the tcapitation tax fixed at each An- nual W,w Lodge Session, to be paid by 'each Primary Lo>dge'>aiifder its confirbl ; and the profits arising firom the sale of -its stock. ' ART, lO.— ^PltOPE&TY TO BE BENT WITH PRIMARY ChaRTIR. The W. G. Sectfetary shall send with each Charter gt^anted to open a Primary Lodge, two (2) Primary Ktuals, three (3) Rituals of each Degree, six (6) Constitations, fflX 28 . CONSTITCTIOM OF (6) Return Sheeta, one Key to Pasaworda, one Provincial Deputy's Comnpission, twelve (12) Odes, one set Officers* Cards, twelve (12) Blank Propositions, twelve (12) Blank Orders on Treasurer, twelve (12) Blank Financier's Re- ceipts, &c. ART. 11. — Propekty to be sent with Juvenile Charter. The W. 6. Secretary shall send with the Charter to each Juvenile Lodge, foiir (4) Rituals, six (6) Constitutions, twelve (^12) Odes, twelve (12) Cards of Membership, &c..&c. .•;iu trj f. -^^T. 12. — Regalia, ,'j ,. j^ -.j-Arn-tq The Re(;a1ia =to be worn by officers and itfembera of tha W. Grand Ledges, shall be ScaFlet or Crimson Collara, trimmed with silver lace ; and for officers, silver fringe in Addition. The facing on the left, a silver star ; on the right, for officers, the same embleips as for the M. W. Orand Lodge ; for members, on the right, plainji bun ^tuo ^ , ART. IS.TrrYOTIUjO. : Unless -otherwise, demande^^he vote on any question may be taken us per usage; biit when the Representatives of two (2) County Lodges require it, the vote shall be taken by Lodges. When ti vote bjr Lodges is demanded, H of Comity (Lodges alpbabeticaUy, and the roll of Primary Lodges by nuqfiberi Ibeginning with number one, and i majority of the Beprer Beutatives present from each Lp#|;e, shall govern the vote of the Lodge. If the Representatives of any Lodge, are equally divided, the vote of that Lodge shall |U)t l)e counted. In voting by Lodges, each County Lodge i^al^ be entitled to one vote for every ten Primary Lodg^ ua- der its jurisdiction ; and each Primary FiOdge shall be en- titled to one vot^ for the first thirty members, or under, and to one additional vote for every thirty members qver the first thirty ; and the officers of W. G. Lodges shall each be entitled to one vote. WORTHY GRAND LODGE. 23 ART. 14.— Quorum. To form a quorum for tlie transaction of business in W. Grand Lodges, there shall be present not less than twelve ( 1 2) members, representing at least one County and five (6) Primary Lodges^ ART. !5. — Working Degree. The W. Grand Lodge shall open and hold all its ses- sions under the second Degree of the Order ; and all mem- bers who have been duly raised to that Degree, and are clothed in proper Regalia, can be present at its eesBions, afber taking the necessary obligations. ni bii ■ • ■ f) Hi In :^> r- « CONSTITUTION Of THB .•■'!' ' t f ■ ' . ■■,;'. WORTHY COUNTY LODGES. ARTICLE 1.— FoRMATiOK. As soon as there are three (8) Primary Lodges in good standing in any County or Parliamentary Division of a County, the senior Provincial JDeputy in the County shall, by notice to the W. C. T. of each Primary Lodge in the County, call a meeting at such time and place as he may deem most convenientj for the purpose of organizing a County Lodge. If a majority of the Representatives pre- sent deem it necessary to organize a County Lodge, the said Provincial Deputy shall preside at such meeting until the County Officers have been i^ected, and the County C. T. installed, who then shall instal the other Officers of the County Lodge. In Counties whiere there are less than three (8) Primary Lodges,' those Lodges may unite for County purposes, with the adjoining County which may be most convenient, and make returns and pay dues through such County Lodge, and receive the quarterly Password from such County Secretary. Lodges, when not so united, shall make their returns to, and receive the quarterly Pass- word from the W. Grand Secretary direct. CONSTITUTION OP COITNTr LODGES. 26 Worthy County Lodges shall always bear the name o^ the County or ParliamentaFy Division of the County in which the Primary Lodges constituting the Worthy County Lodge are located. ART. 8.— PowERg. A County Lodge shall have the po^Wer to adjudicate on any appeals from the decisions of Primary Lodges, or of ProVihcial Deputies belonging to Lodges in the County ; to settle dispute? arising between two or more Primary Lodges ; to send its Chief or Lecturer to visit Primary Lodges, for the purpose of delivering public lectures on the Order, or on the principles of Temperance; of redress- ing grievances arising in Primary Lodges, and of doing all the acts necessary to promote the interests of the Older in the County over which it presides. AftT. 4.— How CoMPOsia A County Lodge shall be composed of the M. W. Gratld OfiBcers and W^ Grand Officers, including all past M. W< G. and W. G. Chiefs and Secretaries, in connection in the Obunty, its own Officers, all its own paist Chiefs and past Secretaries in good standing in the Order, the Provincial Deputy, the Degree Templar, and the Officers of eaclri^rl- mary Lodge in the County, together witha Representative fiom each Primary ^d Juvenile Lodge, for every thirty (30) members, . electi^ on tbd night ^ installation each term. ART. 5.*— SB6BI0N& County Lodges shall hold their regular Quarterly Se0- 'tiooft in (he montfaS' of December, March, June, and Sep- tember,-^ the last named being considered the AnnvaL. r 26 .,,r CONSTITUTION or ART. 6.— Officers. The OflRcers of the W. County Lodges shall be (mutatis mutandis) the sftmein number, name, duties, and privileges reapectively, in connection with their County Lodges as the Officers of the W. Grand Lodges. ART. Y.—W. County Chief. The W. County Chief, besides his ordinary duties, shall cause the County Secretary to make out and forward to the W. Grand Secretary immediately after the June meet- ing of the County Lodge, a list of all such Provincial De^ puties as are certified by the different Primary Lodges to be in full and regular standing in the Order ; and this list shall bear the sea) of the Cou)ity Lodge and the signatures of the Couuty Chief a^d Cpuftty^^vretary. ,^^ ; .' V. \. ART. 8.— "iv^ OoifNtY Secretary. •' The W . County Secretary, in addition to the other duties of his office, shall within ten (lO) days after the close of each session of the W. Cot nty Lodge send to the W. Grand Secretary a full and true account of all the business ^onf therein. Art. SI.-— IJlBCTION of officers AMD Rrpbrsentative^. The County Officers shall be elected annually at tho September Session ; and Representatives to the M. W. Grand and W. Grand Lodges Annually at the session im- mediately preceding the sessiotifl of those bodiea respec- tively. . , ART. IO.—Ordsb Of Business. The Order of Business shall be the same (as near aH may be) as that observed in the M. W. Qmp^ I^odge. ART. ll.--yBfp. ,^, The County (iOdge shall receive pne cent qf the capitat tioii tax per quarteip lor each and eyery member of ih/i COUMTT L0DOB8. ^ Primary and Juvenile Lodges in connection therewith, to be sent by the Provincial Deputy of each Primajy Lodge, with the Quarterly Returns and other dues, to the County Secretary, who shall pay over the County Allowance to the County Treasurer ; and Primary and Juvenile Lodges shall not receive the Password until this rule is complied with. ART. 12. —Regalia. The Regalia worn in the W. County Lodges shall be Blue Collars decorated in such a manner as may be decided upon by the members, provided there is borne upon the face something that will show connection with oi r British Templars, and not encroach upon the higher grades of Regalia. ART. 13 — Quorum. Seven (Y) members, representing at least two (2) Primary Lodges, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ART. 14. — Working Degree. The County Lodge shall open and hold all its sessions in the first Degree ; and none but those who have received that Degree, and are clothed in proper regalia, can be present at its meetings. ART. 16. — Dormant Lodges. When any Primary Lodge surrenders its Charter, or be- comes dormant from ipiny cause whatever, the Charter, Rituals, and other property of the dormant Lodge shall be taken into possession by the County Chief, in the name, and on behalf of the County Lodge ; and any claims against the dormant Lodge, which do not amount lo over one-half the value of the property received, shall be paid from the Cpunty fund ; and any locality in the name County may, by constitutionally applying for tlie said property, for the purpose of opening a Lodge, and by paying two-thirds CONSTITUTION OF COUNTT LODGES. of the original costs, receive the same, taking also the name and standing in priority of the dormant Lodge. Any Primary Lodge failing to hold meetings for six months, or to make returns, as required by the Constitution, for one year, shall be deemed a dormant Lodge, and its Charter shall be forfeited. '^ .'(jjlifd" '\ * Ki<\.fi\y o '» im r*i- T*>1 nl; CONSTITUTION or THE PRIMARY LODGES. ARTICLE 1.— Name. This Lodge shall be styled Primary Lodge, No.. , of ** British Templars,'* in the County of , and of . . ART. 2. — ^How Constituted. This Lodge shall consist of not less than seven (V) mem- bers, three (3) of whom, viz. : the Provincial Deputy, the W. C. T., aini the W: Vice, sbalt be eligible, and shall re- ceive all the Degrees. None of its members shall be less than fourteen (14) years of age ; and all shall have sub- scribed to the Allowing pledge. ART. 8.— Pledge. No member sbaU make, buy, sell, tise, or give, as a beverage, any spmtuous or malt liquors, wine, cider, or other mtoxicating ftrukks ; but each shall, in all proper ways, disoounteniiilQi^j^ manufacture and sale thereof. ART. 4.-^Charter. This Lodge fllMilflidida^ Charter from the W. d.. Lodge, mgn^ In accordance with Section 30, General Rules; and it ciuS^ voluntarily surrender its Charter, imless^ two weeks' ilo^ce has been previously given in open Lodge, of the intention so to do, or even then, if seven (7) members object thereto. 90 CONSTITUTION OF ART. 6. — Membership. Sec. 1. — The name and residence of a person offered for membership, must be in wricing; and the proposition, made by a member of the Lodge, with two referees, must be entered on the records, and the subject referred to three members for investigation ; two of whom shall be ap- pointed by the W. C. T., and the third by the W. V. T. The Committee shall report in writing at the next regular meeting. All candidates must be balloted for with ball ballots ; and if not more than four black balls appear, the applicant shall be declared elected ; but if more than four appear, or if all the ballots cast bfe black, he shall be re- jected, and so declared. No persoh so rejected shall be ,again proposed or initia)ted ia any Lodge of the Order,. un- der three mouths, unless by a unanimous vote of the Lodge. Sec 2. — A proposition for membership shall not be withdrawn after it hrts be^n referred to a Committee for investigation, without Uie consent of a majority Of the members present. Sec. tS,— -No suspended member of the Order can be re- ceived in meniber^hip in any Lodge, except on being re- instated, and .receiving a card of clearaace from the Lodge which suspended him. , Sec. 4. — The character of a candidate for membership may be discussed in the Lodge any time after the report of the Investigating Committee is presented, and previous to the ballot being taken ; but it is improper to call on any member for the reasons of his vote. Sec. 6. — The name of any person applying for member- ship by deposit of Card, shall be subject to the same pro- position, investigation, and ballot as a new applicant, and on being admitted, shall sign the Cjoiistitution of the Or- der, and obligations of the'Begrees taken (if any), and re- tain all unforfeited honors previousfy^gkined. Sec. 6. — A candidate may be proi)osfed, balloted fbr, and initiated at any regular meeting, by the unanimoui con- sent of the members present. PRIMARY LODOnS. 81 Sec. 7. — Any candidate, after being propf»fied and elected, who does not appear within one month for initiation, must be again balloted for before he ia admitted. ART, 6.— Officers. Sec. 1.— The Officers of a PriraarJ^ Lodge, shall be Worthy Chief Templar, Worthy Vice templar, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain, Financier, Marshal, Inner Guard, Outer Guard (elective). Right Hand Supporter, Left Hand Supporter, Assistant Secretary, Deputy Marshal (ap- pointed), and the Past Worthy Chief (for the most part), ex officio. Sec. 2, — After a Lodge has bigen instituted three (3) full terms, no member shall be eligible to the office of W. C T. or W. V. T., unless he has served a regular term in some Subordinate office, eithei* elective or appointed ; and has taken, previous to nomination, all the Degrees given in a Priinary Lodge. Sec. 3. — AH Officers must be clear of any charges on J the books before being installed; and any member in ']good standing shall be eligibly fof*, ofBce, except as pro- vided in the previous sectipii.'^*" *^^ /^^ Sec. a. — The OfiBcers, except as otherwise provided, shall be nominated and elecled at the last regular meeting in each term, and installed at the first regular meeting in the succeeding term. Sec. 5. — Any Officer absenting himself, or failing to ap- pear for installation for three successive meetings, the seat may be declared va^itot by a two-thirds vote of the mem* bei^ present, after One week's notice, unless a satisfActory excjuse for absence be given. Sec. 6.— In case the seat of any Officer becomes vacant, such vacancy shall^ filled at any regular meeting ; and any member wh6 sli^I fill the vacancy for the remainder of the Quarter, shA^ be entitled to the full honors of the term. 32 CONSTITUTION OF ART. 1. — ^Duties of Officers. Sec. 1.— It shall be the duty of the W. C. T. to preside in the Lodge, enforce a due observance of the Constitution, rules, and usages of the Order ; see that all officers and committees perform their respective duties ; appoint all of- ficers and committees not otherwise provided for; give the casting vote on all matters before the Lodge, when a tie shall occur ; inspect and announce the result of all bal« loting and other votes ; direct the Secretary to call special meetings when application in writing shall have been made by five members of the Lodge ; and draw on the Treasurer for all sums necessary to pay the appropriations made by the Lodge. He shall, on the night he vacates the chair, see that the quarterly returns are carefully and properly prepared for the County Lodge and W. Grand Lodge, duly certified by him with the Seal of the Lodge attached ; and also that all Grand Lodge and County dues are paid to the installing officer. He shall perform such other duties as the Lodge or his charge may require. Sec. 2.— It shall be the duty of the W. V. T. to render the W. 0. T„ such assistance as may be required of him ; and in the absence of the W. C. T., to perform his duty. Sec. 8. — The Secretary shall keep a fair and impartial record of the proceedings of the Lodge, write communica- tions, fill certificates, summon meetings when ordered by the Worthy Chief, attest all moneys ordered to be paid at a regular meeting, and none other ; inform any Lodge of the deposit in h^ Lodge of a Clearance Card granted by the former ; and notify all Primary, Lodges not more than five miles from its place of meetmg, within one week after, of the name and residence of every person rejected, with- drawn, suspended or expelled from ms Lodge. He will be particular to write words, names and figures plainly ; he will attach the seal of his Lodge to all returns, credentials, and official communications ; and see that no writing is placed on the back or face of the credentials or returns, but such as properly belongs to them. In remitting PRIMARY LODGES. 88 It ■ ■■• ■•■ ^ moneys he will state distinctly how they are to be appro- priated ; and in all his official communications with the W. County or the W. G. Lodge, he will be careful to state the name and number of his own Lodge, its Post Office address, and the County to which it is attached. At the end of his term, previous to the installation of officers, he shall make out for the Lodge a full report of the proceed- ings of the term, and he is strictly charged to have thd Quarterly Return Sheet neatly, fully, and correctly pre-* pared on the day of installation. He shall enter in the Minute Book of his Lodge a synopsis of the returns sent to the W. County or the W. Grand Secretary ; and he shall perform such other duties asroayl>e required of him by the Lodge or his charge, and deliver up to his successor within one week from the expiration of his term, all books, papers, and other property of the Lodge that m&y be in his possession. . > S5C. 4.— It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to give his bond, of not less than — — dollars, with sUch surety {^s may be approved by the Lodge ; to pay all orders drawn on him by the W. 0. T., attested by the Sceretary, and none other. He shall receive all moneys of the Lodge, and hold the same until the expiration of his term, iinless otherwise ordered by the Lodge. He shall keep a full and correct account of all moneys received and expended ; and at the end of his term previous to the installation of officers, he shall present a report of the same. He shall peribrm such other ^ duties as inay be required by the l4odge or his charge ; and at the e3L|>iration of his term, or when legally called upon to doBa, ddliver up all moneys, books, ^pers, vouchere and othe^JLoige property in his possession to his successor in office, -^c the |>eri^on appointed to reoeive the same.. . . • ,> Sec. 6. — It shall "be^ the duty of the Chaplain to perform the religious solemnities of the Lodge. Sec. 6. — It shall be the duty of the Financier to keep just and true accounts between the Lodge and its memfrers, S4 CONSTITUTION OF oreflit the amoUDts paid, and pay tbe same over to the Treasurer immediately, taking his receipts therefor, At the end of his term, and previous to the installation oC o£lcer8, he shall make out for the Lodge a full report, and furnish the Secretary with the amount of receipts, iDitia* tion fees and dues^ during his term, together with the in- itiation fees for the Degress, with any other information connected with his office necessary to enable the Secretary to prepare correct returns for the County and Grand Lodge. He shall perform such other duties as the Lodgje or his charge inay require of him ; and at the expiration of his term, deliver ap to his successor all property, appertaining U> his office, in his possession. Sec. 7. — It shall be the duty of the Marshal to intro- diice for initiation persona who have been previously elected; also the Grand Lodge Officers and other distin* gUisbed visitors. He sbftU examine the brothers present at the opening of the Lodge in the Quarterly Password and the Bxplanation, and report to the W. C. T. any that are not in possession of them. He shall see that the officers' and members' Regalia, the Ode and other pards, and the Books are in their proper places at the opening of the Lodge^ and he shall take charge of the same at the close. He 3iaU tell the votes when required, and have charge of f uc)i properly of the Lodge as may not ot|ierwise be pro- Tided for. Sbo. 8. — It shall be the duty of the Inner Guard to atr tend the door of the Hall, and ^ to admit no one who is un- «ble to give the explanation of the Quarterly Password^ unless by special direction of the Lodge. Candidates for initiation undel* charge of the Marshal, are to be admitted to the Lodge Room. The Inner Guard shall not permit iCgressto any one without his giving the retiring Password received from the Deputy Marshal, except as eloevhere j specially provided. ^c. 9, — The Outer Guard shall not permit any jqimI to pass him without the reception of the Quarterly Password , ; PRIMARY LODGES. 86 or the direction of the Lodge, except candidates for ad> mission to the Lodge. He shall keep off all intruders, have charge of the ante-rooms, and see that the order of the Lodge is not disturbed by any annoyances therein. * Sec. 10. — The R. and L. Hand Supporters shall discharge the duties laid down in their installation charges. Sec. 11. — The Assistant Secretary shall call the roll of Officers, note the absentees, and announce those absent at the last meeth)g. He shall see that each member on join- ing the Lodge sign the Constitution ; and he shall keep in a proper place in the roll-book a list of all those withdrawn, suspended, expelled, or violated pledge, &c., living the time, and other needed information. He shall also render to the Secretary such assistance as may be isequired. Sec. 12. — It shall be the duty of the Deputy Marshal to examine the sisters present at the opening of the Lodge, in the Quarterly Password and Explanation, and report to the W. €. T. any that are not in possession of them ; and render such other services as the Marshal or the Lodge may require. ^<^ ART, 8.— Degrejw. Sko. 1 — Members who are sixteen [16] year^ of age, have been in membership three [3] months, and have con- ducted themselves in such a manner as to be worthy of ad- vancement, may take the first Degree ; and wheii eighteen [18], the second and third Degrees. , , SeO. 2. — At least one month shall elapse between the conferring of each Degree, except as provided in Article 2 ; and no member sh&II receive a Degree, except in the Lodge to whieh he beloil^ unless by a written permission from hiaiprovincial Deputy, flfw?. 8.— Members' wishing advancement^ must apply for the ^ame at the proper time, in a regular meeting of the Primary Lodge, paying the Financier the fee, and taking his receipt ; and the Provincial Deputy shall, when the Lodge is open ii^ the appropriate Degree, lay the names of the candidates before the Lodge, when they shall be balloted 86 CONSTITuf ION OF •1/. for the sj|me, as pereons seeding ordinary, membership ; provided always, that if rejected, the apphcation fee be refunded; Sic. 4.— Each Primary Lodge shall have a Degree Templar elected annually at the first meeting in February ; and he shall ordinarily be the presiding officer of the De- gree Meeting in his own Lodge, confer the Degrees, and in the absence of the Provincial Deputy, or other higher of- ficial in the Order, he shall perform in his own Lodge the . Provincial Deputy's ordinary duties ; prxjvided always, he be not byvirtue of his, office a me^bjer of any higher grade 6f Lodge than that of County,:, y,ji .j^,|j . .),.,?r \.^j .;.;>! ISec. 5. — ^The proceedings of the Degree Meetings shall . bb Recorded in a sej^arate book kept for the purpose. . ,-.L;i.:H; ■. ; ty- , ART. 9.— Febs and Dues. • f -'''■■ J-rM The Initiation fee in Primary Lodges (except for clergy- men, and as -hereinafter provided) shall be not less than fifty cents [$0.50] for brothers, and twenty-five cents [$0.25] for sisters. The fee for each degree shall be ^ twenty-five cents [$0.25]. Each Lodge shall regulate its 'Weekly or ;Quarterl v piies so^ as to meet the expenditure, " the Dues being |iaia in advancfe ; and no member shall be entitled to receive the Password unless he is clear on the * books of the Financier. Persons in destitute circumstances may be admitted without initiation fees or dues, by the unanimous vote of the Lodge. ART. IO.-t-Returns. At the end of each Quarter every Primary Lodge shfell, through its Provincial Deputy, report to the County and Grand Lodge the working of the Quarter, according to the form provided by the M. W. G., Lodge, accompanied by the capitation tax for the qijiarter ; provided that wher^ no County Lodge exists, the return shall be made direijt to the W. Grand Secretary ; and where there is no W. Grand Lodge, direct to t!lb M. W. G. Secretary. ' PRIMARY LODGES. 87 ^d I ytfqza BP.rf : ART. ll.^-^TERMS.rom 7'>ri.1o nn rr-n * Th6 regular quarterly terms shall comineintie X). 4. — Persons holding Travelling or QoBraiice ('ards continue to be,.[pcmbcrs of \\{o Order, and are amenable to all the laws of their respective Lodges in the same miin- 48 COHflTITUTION OV ner as other members ; but when a Card has expired by }hnit^tioQf the bolder of it can make application to his OW9 Lodge for membership as if the time had not expired ; yet a person cannot be admitted as a visitor to a Lodge, or to membership in a strange Lodge on an expired Card. Sec. 5. — Travelling and Clearance Cards must bear the Seal of the Order, be signed by the W. Chief, and attested by the Secretary, under the seal of the Primary Lodge granting the Card. The name of the holder must be writ- ten in the margin in his own hand writing, and the name , of the W. Grand Secretary must also be on the Card. ^^ ' SttJ. 6.-^Any member applying for a Travelling or Clearance Card, may withdraw the application at any time before the Card is actually granted. ABT. 14. — ^Withdrawals. A member in good standing may withdraw from the Order by making written application, provided he is dear of any charges on the Books of the Financier. ART. 16. — Visiting MsMBERS. No member can visit in any Lodge without he is in pos- session of the Password and Explanation for the current Quarter without the permission of the Lodg^, unless he g resents a regular unexpired Travelling Cara, and proves imself in the Travelling Password. On presentation of the Travelling Card, the Provincial Deputy shall proceed to examine the visitor in the Travelling Password and Signs, the visitor commencing. If the Prov. Deputy is satisfied wiUi the result of the examination, he will intro- duce the visitor without further ceremony. In case of the absence of the Prov. Deputy, a member who has received the three Degrees shall be appointed to perform the duty. A Lodge shall have the right to refuse admittance to a visiting member who can work his way, upon being satis- fied that he has lost his membership, or been irregularly admitted, br has pretiottsly deported himself improperly in the Lodge. ' PmMA&T LODGES^ Bl I ART. 16.-— OfpenokSi ' Sec, 1. — Any OflBcer of a Primary Lodge who shall vio- late hid pledge, shall be deprived of all official honors pre- viously attained, and shall not be eligible for office sooner than one year thereafter. Sec. 2. — Any member who shall violate his pledge, ob- ligation, the constitution or by-laws, shall be fined, repri- manded, suspended or expelled, as the Lodge may decide. Sec. 8. — Any member accused of any offence against this Ordef) shall be entitled to and shall receive a fair triall No member shall be placed on trial for any offence except the charges be duly made out in writing, and signed by a member of the Lodge ; and the party accused shall be put in possession of a copy of thd charged and specifications, and have a full and reasonable notice of the place and UmQ of meeting, at least one week previous to the triaL Sec. 4. — ^The charges and specifications shall be deferred to a Comnuttee of three members, in good standing in the Lodge, who shall report at its next regular meeting, when the case may be tried : and in all cases when practicable, the accused and the accuser shall be summoned before the Committee, and be allowed counsel if they wish, provided they (th n/ f SSec. 8.— All votes for reinstatement or expulsion shall be by ball ballot. Sec. 9.— If the accused be not satisfied with the deci- sion of the Primary Lodge, appeal may bo taken to the Provincial Deputy or to the Couiity Lodge, the minutes and papers being delivered therewith, and his decision or that of the County Lodge shall be final, unless appealed from within one month alter judgment is given. Sec. 10. — A member under charges, and during the in:« vestigation thereof by the, Lodge, is in a state of suspen- sion, and cannot vote or speak on any question under con- sideration, unless by permission of the Lodge. '.;'. ; * ' '^'^ .%C. 11,— Any member who shall wilfully or mallei oiisty Ibririg charges against a member, and fail to prove the same, shall be fined, reprimanded, suspended, or expelled, aa the Lodge may determine. ' ^c. 12.— Any member having been expelled, shall not be again proposed for membership under three months fiom the oate of expulsion, unless by a two-thirds vote of l,h(B, Lodge. Sec. 13. — Any member six months in arrears, shall 'be notified of the same by the Financier of the Lodge, and if such arrears are not cancelled as the Lodge may direct, the member may be expelled by a vote of the Lodge, at any regular meeting. ' T'! ^ t>KC. 14. — When a member, accused of violating 1i!s obligation, shall be present and plead guilty to the charge, the case may be tried forthwith, without the appoiiilment ^of a Committee ; but, at the request of the accused, final action may be postponed one week. Skc. 16. — Any person who shall bo guilty of any objec- tionable or disorderly conduct, or disrespectful language in tlie Lodge, may be fined, reprimanded, suspended, or ex- pelled, as the Lodge may determine by a majority yot,e taken by ball ballot, at the time the offence is comtuUt^d, or ai either of the next two subsequent meeting^. PRIMARY LODGES. 41 Sec. 16. — If a member acknowledge a violation of the pledge, the W. C. T. shall — 1st, call the attention of the Lodge ; 2d, rise from his seat ; 3d, declare that all the honors the said member (giving his name), had previously attained, are forfeited ; 4th, take a ballot on the expulsion of the member, and if a majority present vote therefor, he shall declare the said member expelled, and order the Assistant Secretary to strike the name from the books, and make an entry of the cause for so doing. But if a ma- jority do not vote for the expulsion, the membership of the offender shall be i^tained, and no further action shall be taken, except that the Lodge may, by a majority vote, require the offender to be re-obligated, in the Primary and Degree obligations (the latter being applicable to Degree members only). Sec. lY. — Should a member not come forward for re- obligation before one month, the W. C. T. shall declare the membership of the offender fbrfeited. ART. n.— Regalia. Sec. 1 . — Primary Lodges may adopt any style of Regalia, provided the impress of British Templarism appears on the same, and if possible the name of the Lodge. Sec. 2.— Officers' Regalia shall be Scarlet. Sec. 3. — Degree Badges shall be Purple, with rosette containing the emblematic colors of the Degrees taken. ART. 18.— Quorum. lilve members shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business. ART. 19.— By-Laws. Any Primary Lodge shall be at liberty to adopt such By-Laws and Regulations as may be deemed advisable ; provided, however, that no By-Law or Regulation shall con- flict with the Constitution, General Rules, or any part of the Rules of Order, •■■■{ -a. -tr ■'^•vr '1 tf.'fft -^A CONSTITUTION or r ■ . .• . .abJUVENILE LOBGES. . ARTICLE I.-^Namk. TtviS' I^oiige shall be styled •*- — '-nr'. JuyenUe Lodge, i No, -*— • — , i» the Goqaty of : ■, and Proving of — J belonging to the Biitish. Templara.. , >>m jzifii ART. 2.--0BJ1CT, THA Tb« object shall be^-^To attach the vising generation to the Temperance cause; to enlighten them upon the gvent principles of Total Abstinence— -the necessity of ittf pro- < yalence-*and, as a consequence, the suppression of the ' present drii^ng usages- of society; to impress on th<||B the great duty derolv^g upon them m regard^ to tlie f^ure> prospectA of the Cause ; and prepare them, by oiir nMkl#:of business, for the regdart Lodges of the British Ttiaphueii- or for other adult Temperanee organizations. ART. 8.— Pl^EDOE. : , Sec. 1. — I do solemnly and sincerely engage thAt> £roiilif this date, J wUl neither make, buy, seU, use, nor giye^ as a beverage, any spirituous or malt liquors, wine,, oider^ lOr other intoxicating drinks ; and that I will discountenance their use In the community. ;> S^o, %-^l. further engage that I will not nse Tobacqo fn any form ; and that I will: observe the Constitution^ By^^ Laws, and Ullages^ of the Briitish Juvenile Ti^mplarsv C Sec. 8. — I also declare that, with God^s help, J will Hot use pi!<3!fane! o* hideflent language^ hnurM t. j i^: 44 CONSTITUTION OP ART. 4. — Opfickrs. Sec. 1. — ^There shall be four Adult and seven (7) Juve- nile Officers. The Adult Officers called respectively — Worthy Guardian, As$tociate Guardian, Chaplain, and Treasurer, must be members of, and appointed by, a regu- lar Primary Lodge of the British Templars, meeting at or near the place where the Juvenile Lodge assembles. The Juvenile. Qfficfer8,ciiyed respectively— ^Sooreiary, Financier, Marshal, Deputy Marshal, Assistant Secretary, Inner Guard, and Outer Guard, are to bamembers of the Lodge. Sec. 2. — The Adult an4 Juvenile Officers shall be nomi- nated and elected half-yearlj^, dt the last regular meetings in June aHil Decanber ; and shall be installed bf the iPik)- vincial Deputy {or a person a^inglii that Capacity), at the next meeting followingi . « - - ART. 6..-»-DuTiES OF OjnriCERs. f£Ea 1. — The Worthy Guardian, whoy by virtue Of ofiiofe, ia^^littad of the Lodge, shall preside at all the oiniiilaryi, meet^nf^, and exercise U^^^i. ' ■• jIo» ol; '.^ . . "r-.^ ^ Sbc. i3.— 'The Chaplain shall perform the sacr6d duties pertaining to his office. . ^ S»B.'4.— The Secretary shall record tlie Minutfes^^ and' other proceedings ; notify meetings when oixJered by the W. G. ; attest to all moneys ordered to be pai ■:! . . Sec. 6.— The Financier shall keep the rtocottnts^tlrtf! JtJVlCNIDE LODGES. 45 Lodge, and prepare statements tliereof for the use of the., Lodge. . , . . : Sec. 6. — The Treasurer, shall r^ceive all moneja from memtJerS And otbers ;^ kfecp proper accJourits ^th the members; announce at the close of each meeting the ' amount received, and pay accounts when properly signed; - At the end of his term of office, he shall bring a statement, showing the receipts and expenditures during the term; also, showing thfe balance in hand. He, shall perform such other duties as th^' Worthy Guardian or the Lodge may require of him. ^ ^^^i f..:: w , /, ,. ; .h, %t^. t.— It shall be the duty of the Marshal to introduce' ' candidates to receive the pledge, &c. ; and after the service is ebncl|ided,* he shall show ^be new* members to a seat., lie 6han ta^e charge of 'all propeHy of the Lodge not prio-- pferly in the pOssesBiod. of the; other' officers, and," uiider the (direction of tlie Worthy Gu^diAn, perform such other^ duties as, may be required of hitn. He shall also introduce vlsit6p8, and IjDad thjem to their appoitit'ed Seats, •'' 'y- SEC.8.-^lt shall be the duty of the Deputy Marshal toi" render ^uch service as'thje' Marshal or the Lodge may re»- quire Of mm. . - '* Se6. '9.-^It 'shall be the^duty of the Assistant Secretary to see that the Roll Book is. neatly and propprly kept ; and reiid^r the Secretary such ass^sta^ce, as he or the {uodge "^Ha-^sfciltfe^^ the 'fen^ Giia^^^O W tend the door— to, admit nou^ but members of the Prdef.* and candidates for initiation. ^ ., '.' • SfC. 11.— The Outer Guard shall guard the out^de^ and keep off intruders. -^.^^n->^ r; ,j^.: . ART. 6, — Mbmbersqip. . ., .-ta Seo. i.^-r-No one under six years of age shall be"^ad*-: mitted to membership in this Lodge ; but Juvenile Lodges have the power to decide at what age, over six, and under sixteen, persons may be admitted. ,Sec. 2.—rTbe ehtrance fee, to be determined by the 46 CONSTITUTION OF ijiL* 'ir,» 'i^icf Ajf) ToTi ~,. .»»vf.^ 1 Primary Lodge, snail not be less than five cents, or more than twenty. Sxc. 8. — Ko one shall be admitted to membership with- out the written consei^t of parent or guardian, unless oi^ inquiry, sufficient cause c:(iats for departing from this law *'/ nor shall any one be admitted, or retained as a member, ' who uses profane^ language, or is addicted to gambling,' ] cruel sports, or is indecent in conversation or manners. Spc. 4. — All youths wishing to become members, must be proposed by a member of the Lodge, and duly elected, before bemg admitted as members. The proposer must state age, parentage, and residence, and must produce the C6rtifica.te called tox, by Section 3 of this Ar^cle—when the candidate may tie elected by a show of halids, lor and agaiiist ; if six be against, he shall be declared r^ected *^^ ^ if elected, the Worthy Guardian shall so declare. ^wo, 5- — ^Any member who has been consistent for the space of at least twelYe months previously, and is also clear on 1|he bool^s, both of dues and charges, shall, on bejng elected to membership in a Primary Lodge, have paid from the j^nds of the Juvenile Lodge of miich he is a, member, one half the initiation (ee to said Primary Lodgej ' ART. 7. — ^Duties or Members. Each member shall conscientiously observe the Pled^,^ and sball^ on all suitable occasions, advocate the cause of^ Total Abstinehce ; and shall use all lawful metliods to bi^ng proper youths into the Lodge. Hetebers shall serve in offipQ) apd on committees, and perform such other rea- sonable duties as may be required of them ; they shall not divulge the proceedings of the meetings to persons who are not members. They shall also show proper respect to the Worthy Guardian, Associate Guardian, Chaplain, and other officers of the Loc^e. A?RT. 8.— OiFENCE. i, Seo. 1.— A.ny member violating Article 8, of the Con- stitution, or any other law, shall be reprimanded, fined, JUTEMILE LODGES. 47 suspended, or expelled, as twotbirda present at any regular meeting may determine : if, upon investigation, the offence be proved. Sec. 2. — Any officer violating the Constitution, By-Laws, or Rules of the Lodge, shall fbi^eit his office and honors, in addition to the penalty laid upon him by the 1st Section of this Article. ^utn'nk '■ Bbo. 8.-^Gharge8 against a member must be brought in writing, and the same handed to the Worthy Guardian, who 3iall, if there is evidence to sustain the charge, re- port the fact to the Lodge at the same or next meeting with an order that the member be liotified to appeae b^ fore the Lodge for trial. r ^-no':':! 6ec. 4. — At the time of trial, the Wortliy Guardian shall take the Chair, and act as Judge ; and the evidence shall then be produced, when a two-thirds maiority of the mem* Ibers present shall decide upon the guilt or innocenae of '^e accused, and the Worthy Guardian shall thet'eupon pass sentence accordingly, upon the accused member. It flhaH be in the power of a two-thirds majority to re-instate ian, expelled member, if they deem it well to do so, provide ^Pied he pays a fine of 12^ centa He must also resign thi9 Constitution. lART.* 9 — ^RsoAiLi. The Regalia ifbr ordinary members shall be a ,ba4ge of the Order, on a sash or collar, as the Lodge may deterttuae ; and the Regalia for Officers shall foe similar to that worn by theOffioetiB in the regular Lodge of Bi^idb Tfimplaro, ART. 10.— Meetings. I>t> This Lodge ahall meet as often ad may be ^KmveixieiH^ but not less frequently than once -a month. . The regular times of meeting shall, when decided upon, be embodied ^ tiieBye-Law*. oar-^.2 j>-S • ART. 11.— Fiaswoi». / arft no ' There fihall be a Quarteily Password for f I ^ bl v'i { .ART. 1 3.— Representation. ; i t ' ^ 'j Seo. 1, — Each Lodge shall be entitled tp send, for every thirty members, one representative to the meetings of tho W. County Lodge of the British T^emplars. Said repre- sentative io be one of the Adult Officers of the Lodge. 9»c. 2. — ^Thfe Lodge shall, at the first regular meeting in ^ch quarter, ballot separately, and with ball l^UotSj for representatives to the County Lodge. Sec. 3. — ^Each representative of a Juvenile Lodge shall J be furnished with credentials of his appointment (signed BiRlirnV ART. 14.— ^Funerals nd Badges for. t.hem*->4i y< Sec. 1. — At the funeral of a member, the Lodge will !tai:'ht)d fttrf! infrPABT WOBTflT GdABOIANS. f Vi- TbBASUBBB. . : < ; , if SbOBBTABY* FiNANCIBB. ■i.iJ^^^^OvARD, As't. Sbcbbtabt^ Outbb GuABP. 4,/,,, Mbmbbbs. '*f r ': V '• ': ,;:'^ (Two or four abreast)- "•-• ;'nia>iiiK;i, .;> r? f . .' . ( W«* >^i^« w»oy 8* carried aUo,) "* * • * <^' Bbc. 2. — The Lodge shiill march in adtanoe of the corpse^ and on arriving at the groond; open, right and lefli, and remain uncovered, whH^ the body And friends pass through. The Banner or Flag shall be dropped at the sai^time*' ■ >• , ... • fj;i.< .1 : ju—j; . • , ART. le.-^THK (Jatel.- ' "* •' ' - It is recommended by the Grand Lodge that Lodges make use of the ^^Oaveiy When ^ it is used,, there shall be a By-law to that effect : (me rap calls to order and to be seated ; two raps call m * the Lodge. ART. ] Y.— Reception of the W. G. C. T. or his Deputy. When the M. W., or W. G. 0. T., or Deputy, pays a visit to a Lodge, upon the fact being made known by the Mar> shal, the Worthy Guardian will call up the Lodge, the Marshal meanwhile leading the W. G. 0. T. or Deputy to a seat on the right of the Worthy Guardian ; while doing 60, the Lodge will sing the following : Tune — " JRosseau,^^ Welcome, Worthy of our Order, Gladly we your entrance greet ; Let our warmth, our friendly ardor, Prove how happily we meet. 50 CONSTITUTIOK OF JUVENILE LODQSS. Such may all oujp meetings .prove, • Each a brother, each ^ frifeild, ' All ibtii* acts performed In love, Good their aim, and peace their end. • ) (The Worthy 0QaErdiiin will now call down.) ■ ■ '■ AltT. 18.— TViTHpRA WAILS, Cards, &c. y Sec. 1. — Any mt^itiber mlay withdraw from this Lodge by paying up his dues to the time of withdrawail, prt>vlded be produces the written ri^quest or permission of parent or guardian, and is not uhder a <}harge, or one to be brought. Sec. 2. — Upoi^ withdrawing, a member, if he desires It, may be presented wlfti a Clearance Gar^, to run the length <^ time lite d^ «re paid in kdvanoe, not exceeding twelve ibonths fitim th« dat^ thereof, during which tinie said mem- 'b^r may join any Juvenile Lodge, of the Ord^r, entrance fVie. .''ih mi iizilH ^lum ••; ', i'.' 4t Sec. 8. — ^The Lodge shall present to every member, upon Joining, a Card of Membership. ^ ABrT« Id.-^QuoBUJi, 7 ''"'^t^ membeM ithall cohfliituli« a ^ornm for the iiwii- *liic4iM of buslnfeag* /mivHiidd . • "l eiH ;ro .T . " .' 5l*-.iv,« »T/.q fVimpii . ' . i' . • . . ' • . -;bM 9ff* td liirotiA sham r mil /y-'^bf' ll'vfi nftii o>*"' ■]>> .i" :j . ' .If Vih 'y\\\nvA- ?;fii ' n ; nr.ji.-iniiO 'frilio'(7 ",lt 1 7/ {i::\\\u,^ i:oL\ a ,0/ ; I'-Jii^^ Kio aaj:),'! ■ .£<; »ntiv. , * ■ » RULES QFOBSSB. BtJTIES Ain? FRiVrLEGES OP W; 0. Ti- ffO .« M^ 1. It ^allbe 1i|i« duty of tbe/yir. C. T. tapreserr^ oirder, and endieayonr to ci^^auct all busi^^a byii^^, lilie ^jodgQ to a speedy and proper result. , . , 2. He abaU aiate ev^^rj qu^tipn properly preseptsd to thJ^ litodge; :and before puUiofl; it to yote, ^all a^ji;* V U the .L<^e rer^jfo^ the .^ues^oD ?" B^hovla no member offer to speak, be shall rise to put it; add after be has risen, no member shall be permitt^ to speak upon it. 8. The W. C. T. shall hare a casting vote in case of a tie; » btitinordinarT cases/ shiill not yo,te. He sbal^ annpunoe all votes and decisions. Bis deersion on points of ordet • sbal! n6t be debatable, uiillBtrs, eidHeftilinihg doubts on th« ' subject, he invite diAcuSslbif.'J^^^''^ ^^ ViiKuu:/;uq j^ui^^oy.; 4. H« may speak to j^o^ts of ' (jt^r; lo p^eftn^hee i jjq.»»«l i»ii*i Yb>jf$& as :^3. Oii a call for aidivisioii on this quesrtiot), th&^totijority shall decide. Th« call can only be granted vfhen th^ divi*; ' sion, called fdr will leave di^tittct'ttideii^it^ prd|K)^ttoil8. '''' .14. When a member speaks or oijers a motion, he shall rise in his, place, and respectfully address the W. C.1!,^ . confining himself tp ibe question under consideration, sod avoiding personality or unbedoniifig language. 15. When a member is called to order, he sl^fU|,U>k^ h|8 seatnntil the point is determined^ . . / -V-^ ,.'_ ^^ L , . 16. When two or more members rise to speak at the sapae time, the presiding officer shall decide who is entitled to the floor. 17. No member shall speak more than twice, or lodger than five minutes, on any question, without leave of the , Lodge ; the same to be granted or refused without debate. ' rs. i 'While a member is speaking, no one shall' interrupt, ei:cept for the purpose of calling to order, or asking of the presiding . officer leave to explain, or to call the previous question. A member allowed "to explain," shall only have a right to explain an actual misunderstanding of language, and shall be strictly prohibited from going into debate on the merits of the case. 19. For any member, in speaking, to impeach the motives of a fellow mem,il)er, or treat him with personal d^efpect, ETJLES OP ORDEft,'^- 53 shall be deemed a violatiolh of order, which may incur the ceiiBure of the presiding officer, or of the Lodge. .;* r . y i : 20. If any member shall feel personally aggrieved t>y ik>> decision of the Chair, he niay appeal from such decision. ' .'\ 21. Any conyersation by whisperirjg or othervnse, whiob" , is calculated to disturb a member whil^ speaking, or hinder the transaction of business, shall be c^eemed a violation of order; and if persisted in, shall incnr censure; PEmLEGED QIJESTiONS. " - 22. When a question is before the Lodge, the only mo- tions' in oifder, shall be — 1st, id adjourn ; ^d, the previous question; 8d, to lay on the table; 4th, to postpone in- definitely ; 5th, to postpone to a definite period ; 6th, to refer ; 7th, to divide^ if the sense will admit of it ; or 8th^ to amend : to take precedence as herein arranged, and tb6 fir^t threa to be decided withsout debate. 23. When the preyioos question is moved and seconded; : it shsU be put in this form, '* Shall the main question be noW'Put?'^ If this, is carried, all further amendments and debate shall \)e excluded, and the question put without de- lay. If the question has bean aoc^ended, the question shaJl be taken on tne amendment first If more than one amendhr ment has been made, the last made amendmcint in ordiar,f (ihall take precedence in the vote. It shall not be in order to reconsic^r the agreement to take the previous question. 24i When a motion is postponed indefinitely, it sb^U nolf. , come up again during the session. ADJOURNMENT.' 25. Amotion to adjourn shall always be in order, except, Ist^when a member is in possession of the floor; 2d, while the yeas and nays are being called ; 3d, when the members are voting ; 4th, when adiournment was the last preceding motion ; or, 5th, when it has been decided that the previous question shall be taken. J.JI! 26. A motion to adjourn, cannot be amended ; but a mo- tion to adjourn to a given time, maybe, and ia open t« debate. A tij QUESTIONS NOT DEBATABLE. i„i,t, 27. 1st, a motion to adjourn, when to adjourn, simpty ; 64 RULES OF ORDEIbr^j 2d, a ni<>iion ip laj on tbs table, wheo; (^aimiQ^ privilege oyer another motion, ; 3d, a moition for the pre,¥iou8 question. ; 4tb, a motion to reconsider ; 5th, a motion to read a paper; 6th, a motion to take up, particular items of business ; 7th, questions of order, when not appealed from the decision of the W. G'. T., or not stbmitted by him to the X^odge. -- \ EEAD^NQ OiF PAPERS. 28. The reading of an j paper called for, relating, tp the subject under debate, shall always be in. order. TAKING A VOTE. 2d. Whien i^e presiding officer has commenced taktng^a vote, no further dfebate or remark sh^l be admitted, unless a misAake has been made ; in which case the mistake shall be rectified, and the presiding officer shall reqomn^no^ taking the vote. 80. When the decision of any question id doubted, tb^' f>re8idin|i;o£leer shall direct the){arahal to count tibe votes n the idSirm^tijve and negative, and report the same to faim. 81. The yeas atid ntiys upon aqj question before the Loajy^, may be ct^tled fbr by two members ; and upon the assent of one* third of the members present, shall be thken;'' Tbey may be called for at any time before a peremptory''' decisioh of the vpte by the Gh air. ■" 82.* lu t^king^ the yeas and nays, the S. shall cajl the' roll, apd record the yeas and nays ; after the roll is called, the result shall be read aloud, to rectify mistakes (if any); after which, the S. shall hand the vote to the W. €. T., who shall announce the same. 83. In voting bv yeas and nays, all present in regular standing in the Lpdge must vote, unless excused by tbe^ Lodge ; but nq ipember shall vote who was not in the room at the time the question was put. A motion to exeus^cj, s^u^bede / a > i ,• . ' 89. All reports of Committees, except reports of pro- gress, shall be made in writing, and signed by a majority. 40 ."When a majority's report is followed by a report from tho minority of a Committee, the former, lifter b^ing read, shall lie Upon the table until the latter is presented; after , which, on motion, either may be considered. 41. When a report has been read, it shall be considered as properly before the Lodge, without a motion to accept* <.t- Off^ ■. ■ . ■ , ■ • ..: , . . . ■it), ' ■. ^-1: BY-LAWS. ? •'X |f', PREAMBLE. ..yfWe, the members of this Lodge, desirous of tonnbg an or^nizatioa to shield us from the evils of intemperance, affOpd mutual assistance in case of adTersity, ani the accused M least one week before trial, or left at the Post Offlce, or at his last place of residence, at least ten days previous to the day APPIWDIX. Iff of heB.T\ng. The accuser shonld also be duly notified of the time and place of meeting) that he may produce his evidence to sustain thecnarge.] [Form of notificafion to a Witne99.\^ To : You are hereby notified (or requested, to a person not a member of the Order) to meet the undersigned Committee at (or in) , on the day of , 186 — , at — o'clock, — M., to testify what you know concerning the Talidity of the grounds for the cbarse against , a member of Lodge, N^o. — British Templars. Dated this — day m — >■ Committee, of 186—. ^) i<— *■ [Form of Credential of JRepreaentativA,'] To the OfUpetB and Members of the W. Grand Lodge: This is to certify tbat Brot|ier (or Sister) , W. C. T. (W. V. T., or P. \y. C, or P, W. V.),ha8 been duly elected to represent — , — Lodge, No. — , in the W. Grand Lodge of , until February next, unless meantime disqualified. fSeaU — , W. C. T. [Date. J , Sec'y. iForm, of Certificate of Mnaficiery to he ffivm on pay- * ment of JDues.Ji '^ '* I^odge, No. — , British Ten^plarai. This certifies that Brother (or Sister) — has paid all dues and charges against -^ < — , up to — >— ; — . , D ated this day of 186—. , Fiuaxioier. [Form of Order on Treasurer.'] No. — . Lodge, No. — , British Templars. . -, 18«^. Brother (or ,Sister) , Treasurer, Pay to , or order, the sum of — dollars and cents, for , as voted by the Lodge. $ . , W. C. T. , Sec'y. IV APPENDIX. [jRwT?* of JPropositioH for Memhership.] .,186—. ' Members of Lodge, No. — , British Templars : I recommend, as worthy to become a member of this Lodge, M , of — — . [ Referees. '.".'.' Member of Lodge, No. [Form of TVeasurdr^s Bond.] Know all Men by these Presents, That we, , and of , County of , — — , are held and firmly bound iinto W. C. T. of Lodge, No. — , located in , and W. V. T. and P. W. C. of the same Lodee, in trust for said Lodge, in the penal sum of *——— dollars, good and lawful money of —-, to be paid to the said , — , and , their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, in trust, as afore- said ; to which payment well and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this - — r- day of . A. D. 18 — . The Condition op this Obligation is that — Whereas the said — has been duly elected Treasurer of the said Lodge, for the quarter commencing on the first day of , A. D. 18 — ; now if the said shall well and faithfully perform the duties of said office, pay all orders legally drawn on , when in funds ; and at the end of term, account for and pay over to successor in of- fice, all moneys that may have come into hands : then this Obligation to be void, else V remain in full force. Witness our hands and seals, the day and year aforesaid. Signed^ SeaUd, and Delivered '^'-^—. [L. S.J ■ ' ■ ■ ' |L. S.J in the presence of V SPECIAL NOTICES. P Prepay the postage on all communicationa. 2. When "n answer is required, please enclose a postage stamp (Gash orders excepted). \ 8. Do not send coppers or e^en silver in letters. 4. Preser.t promptly to your Lodge all official letters, &c., receiv^i 6. Apply fi'equently at your Post Office for commu- nications. 6. Register all letters containing money, or send Post Office order. t. Send Quarterly Returns and Dues the day aft^* la-'^. , stallation. 8. Lodges should supply every member with a copy of the new Constitution. 8. Postage Stam|« should never be sent except in sums less than a dollar. 10. Cash orders only will insure goods. 11. State your P. 0. address, and the name and number of your Lodge. 12. Stock sent to Officers (unless otherwise specified) is the property of the Lodge. 13. Provincial Deputies must guard well the Key to Passwords, &c. U. Send Appeals to the M. W. G. and W. G. Lodges to their Secretaries a month before the meetings of those bodies (if possible).