IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) W // // L signifle "A SUIVRE". le symbol* V signifle "FIN". Laa cartea. pianchee. tableaux, ate. . pauvent *tre fllm*e k dee taux da rMuetion diff«rants. Lorsqu* le document eat trop grand pour itre reproduit en un seul ciich*. il sat film* i panir de I'angI* sup4rieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de haut en baa. an prenant le nombre d'Imagea n^caeaaira. Laa diagrammes suivants iiluatrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 /' 1 /S / /■^rsi ^^^ ^ / I. r»>' iC- ^ b SONGS o^ REDEEMING LOVE ISTo. 2. EniTED BY JNO. R. SWENEY. C. C. McCABE, T. C. O'KANE. W. J, KIRKPATRICK. TORONTO : WILLIAM BRIGGS, 78 & 80 KING STREET EAST. C. W. LOATES, Mo.NTRKAL, yiK. S. F. HUESTIS. Halifax, N.S. PRKKACK. 'I^IIE success of Soyas of Redeeming Love, No. 1, has boon sc eetings and revivals ; some pieces here that everybody must learn and must sing, sunply because they cannot help it. More than a million copies of the books made ricli by the best produc- tions of Messrs. Sweney, Kirkpatrick, and O'Kan.. have already been sold. That fact is a sufficient comn.ent upon their excellence. THE PUBLLSHEP CA tTION- :-Xearly all the hjTnns and music herein are copyright property. No per- onhe':^;;"^' '" "' '""■'°"' ^"^' '^""^ ^^^^'^""^ "-^^ ^^^^-^^'^ "- :.ri;L Emerkp .afz-orciinp to Art of the Parliament of Pana^ia. in the rear one tho„3ind ei-ht Inurlred ^nd ililishinjf House, J Songs of Redeeming Loye. Sinsina of ^tma. Fanny Andbrson. W^^^^^^^ 1 n T „•• :_ _ 1- O i am sincrinjr of Je - sns TT.>r^ „„ ^ '^. - ^ ^ ^ .. „. o,«,K«iie ae-iighteth to near; Ji—jk. ^ k I iFine. Sn::irhL''llf^;*,,f'''" """' '^^ '■" ««Praoionsto n.e- Sinyn;;, be-li vin^ o iTv'"''^' J-'"°« »>*« S^odness in song. i, n^ De JHMnjr, o - Iny - m^r, Waiting till he shall ap - pear ■V ^— V »< — V^_Z, --A— ^- "o'"f "n Z Jn'ro'f t ■ r ?'^'°^ T ''^^' fr- his f?S^ Pin N ^ — t- l."Let not your heart l)e trou- bled, Nd- ther la it Ik, a - fraid " 2. In heaven are man -y man- sions, He has hastened to pre- pare,' 3. To ^ us he g,ve8 this prom -, Bid- ding each to fol - low him Were words of sweet- est com- fort, By our dear Re - deem- er Jid. That all h,s true dis - d - pies In hi. end- less bliss mi^^ht share. And we thro- tins way on - ly, Heaven's gates can en - ter in. y ^t — "i — t — Ir-^-*— *^ joy, endless joy fi,r you Where the saints sing forever, Near E- den's yes, endless joy for you. r ^ — ^~ — i? T>- -•-•-#- ^ > U I ^ ^ 4 He sends his lEoly Spirit, L As the Christian's daily guide, ■y i I ~ And givesa t)lessed fortaste riv er. There is joy, endless joy for you. ^* *''°*^' J"^'** *''''** ^^'^'^ ''^dc. _ e- - ^ - f- -» --»- ^^ -«n I 5 Then onward, brother Christian, '^ ^"'"' ^T^ • *T-&4-.- Ever keep the narrow road, Till Jef;us comes to bear you S^^ To his heavenly abode. O'Kakk. - fraid," - pare, V him, Martha J Lankton T Wv» J. KiRKPATMCK. ^m 1. SiiiK, my soul ! proclaim tiT'e ho - Iv ran - tnre Rnraf <„„ 3. Mark, my s,.„ ! In.m distant n-alms e- tor - nal i{„rne ^n i h ^ 4. Lock, my «„^1 ! the morrow's dawn .s breaking; ilaH: oh. S thy 3 said, t share. El i faith's r■e-les^ial •„, 7'.^-'V,f,: '*'^1'''.V'''''''"« "" *^'« »"• - l«'w heaven on earthX--«, 7 le 'S 'm*"'' '". '"^ '''"' «^"^- '^ ^••'"t ' ^'d, -*-• -•■ A H». ■ ' - ' ""'''' >'*''«l'ts of joy re- veal - ing. rHOHTTO 1 ^^E Teis Sonjrsthat l.y and by thou wilt learn tosini." Holds thej,k.s.s,d crown that will soon be won 1- den's -^ BUS! Now I am his, and he abides in me; Saved andredeem'd-oh, Ruide, te )ide. stian, id, lU ^ 'Wmm%^^ shout aloud the sto - rv • Hid with I,;,,, <• • "•" "•■ "^ "^ -^^-« .^ • ^' "^' "'*^ *>"" 'orevermore my life shall be k* P t L^^ — ^ ■4r J M W 3mw f0 emUnQ ^ou jioto. DIKT. ^ 1. Whydoyouwaitac.onv..„-i..„t,,ay.^.l..s„.s is railing you now -' 2. Lays have «on.- hy.and the months an.l the years, Jesus is cJul I ' 3. Darkness isc,eep-n.n.,a„doh;tis so late: .^sust::;':,'^:fr'"^^ -■^-I^^^Jt f-' ■•-■•-♦• t- +- -•^ 4^ -r ^: -^« -p-^ > :! ^ P* ^hydo you turn from his ple:«li„«s away? Je-sus is calling you now Joys have depart- ed and sorrow appears. Je-sus is calling yo "w ^^ . the Sp.rit left you to your fate V Je-sus is calling yo" lo;; i PT'ET. fV I He stands. 1 ^17^-.^ at thedoorof vourheart insf n/m- ti...,) i-^i T.pron.seyoun.adeh.was„ev^r.::;^^:;::;C-Zr^^^ Escape for thy H.e, tarry not O soul. I- sea,, for thy may miKjl^lV SSigE -y — »■- He ,s t u>re waiting and ..ailing you now, O will you not come to him nowv 1 rn oh,mnowand his free grace accept; O will you not come to hi Z'^ And >t you >t, what horrors, O soul I O will you not come to him now^ N' Whtte. 1 now ; ^ you now; I now ; Ss^ 3tam in eaUins |?ou ^ott.^oNCLu OED. ^\|ll yon not corn., to him now? 1 now. I now. I now. Will 3,„u not trust in liimnow? rumc, just now, f — • — • — •— L»— • — :S^ — •-J- now.twt.h """'• ''"'" ""''- " J'^'" him, he's calliug you uow now. Lome- t,. hini now, tru.t in him now, » J"" ""W. r"*^ '-?>- I if*n m\}t tot Mm. li is brow; mourn 'd itl wept, the goal. C. R. DUNBAK. 1. My l>fe. my love I give to thee. Tlmu I^amb of God, who died for me • t r.i T^' 7 7 *'"'" *'"'* "'■"■"''■"' *■""•■ *'"•" ^'^^"^^ ^i*^^ t''»t I n'iKht live: 3. Oh, thou who d.ed on Cal - vu- ry, To save my soul and make me free Chu.-I-U live for him who died for me, liow happy then my.liife shii Cl ^S -A--N-X_ :-^ — ^ — I N D.C. i Oh may I ev - er faith- ful be, My Saviour and my God! And now henceforth Til trust in thee, My Saviour and my God- 1 cou-secrate my life to thee, My Saviour and my God! ni Uve for bim who died for me, My J^yiow a^d my Qodl 7 6 R«V. F. J. SWANBY Unto m mttttmottt 1. C me, wary wan-dor-.r. ....nlen..! wi.h si,, (U.l is now waiting „, 3. He who .H „„ and in all „n - to n.n r.s.uo„.;.„r .:/;.'l ^fwm Ht> welcome you in; Free- Iv ror«'ive tib. o'^i imawe a-irain. rnii«.r.>,i,.,.„.„ ^_ . . , "'^'''^'> ^n-tothe yiih and the grave, Un - to the rt-'-^j"** " lit image » - gajn^ Fully rede.-n.s you from de; 1 Te I 1/ ^ REFHAIN, . — :^-^-^ -\-; i*'^ > ^^We^s^^n^v^^ the uttenntst, un-to the uttermost. Un - to the ut-temost Jesus can save: yes,ev-en Un - to the ut- termost ;;u - to the ut- termost, Un - to the „t- termost Jo-s.TX^e Thomas Kkllbt. Wb. J. KlKKFA-nilCIC. erotDti ©Cm. 1. Look, y., «,unt«, thosiKht iH^Ioriotm, Soo fl.o Man of Sorrows now • 3. Crown^;HH,<.rownlnm: Rirh th.- trophies .r,.s„s hriPCT- 3. R,„ - m .io- rision rrown'.l, M.^kin^ thus ,h.. Saviour's ,!aim'- 4. Hark, thorn,- bur«t« of mrla.uation! Hark,, lou.l triumphant .honls' ^roni the fiuht rptnrn'.J »;^.t«^i„..„ r.. » , ... .1 —^1 From the fi^ht return'.l victorious. Ev - 'ry knee to him nhall W • in the 8iat ol pow.r enthrone him, While the vault of h.-aven rinus • Saints an, anpls crowd aroun.l him, Own his ti - tie, his name: Je - 8U8 takes the highest station : Oh, wha* joy the sight affords • crown him ; crown him ; crown him ; crown tiim ^^m^^ Crowns become the Victor's brow ; Crown the Saviour King of kings; Spread abroad the Victor's fame ; . King of kings, and Lord of lords; . I^^p^^i^^^ him; him ; him ; him; T Crowns become tlie vTe - tor's brow. Crown the Saviour King cf kings. Spread a- l)road the Vic- tor's fame. King of kings, and Lord of lords. 8 Fankv J. Crosbt. m mmntnl DC Eratiw. Jno. R. Swbnkv. 1. What ! sit- tins* at ease when k to be (lone! Tfie best of the the hu8 uig to *— p_ ■^ borne >ve mi^ht help him 'to S ' T ^ le '" 7"' ""'"' ^'' "« do What the 8av^iour co^manlli ^^?^ ^ ^ ^1, ^ ^^;:^::;-'"^ E@f^^i^ ^£t work whii^vr,i:;.v T ;m , f r ::;;-i!r^ ^•^'' '™'^ -- ^^^'n r4. .atherthe..™:.^. ^^^^^ .^^a ;i|.„ V ^^^/IH^ .^^l^- g^tl Oh. look on the fields, that a,-read - y are .hi,.. : The Lon. h.^ ■om- mand-ed to w.jrk u, the ; iv Wt i„ . ste .!, ,-„ 10 * I m m U f^nntjiul of ILeabe^.— concluded. -- 1 I bright, golden sheaves, We bring to him on - ly a handful of leaves. 9 at>, »jt» ftitavt. DT'ET— Soprano and Alto. . -- ^ -.Y ^ Vt— ' A P _.-__l -, .- Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. !ri3 2 H. h 7. J f heav-y-lad - en, Wc^ - ry^ and oppressetl ! 2. Hath he n.urks to ead me to him, If he bemy(;„ide? A I?. ^H""'.?^', ".^ ■•''.'."' "f ni"n-ar,h, That his brow a-dorns? 4. 11 I hnd him, It I fol - low. What's mv i)or- tion here' SOLO— Tenor =?:^E5i* ±^ Come to me.' 8aith One, "and coming. Be m rest, }i atrUt'" ^ in Ins feet and hands are wound-prints. And his side, and his side'" ^es, a crown m ver - y sure - ty, Hut of thorn.s, but of "thorns"' Many-a sor - row, many-a con - diet, Man- y-a tear, man- y-a tear" J- lE^.: nioTU's. 'Comi "In S -+- arf /?6. to inc." saitb One. " and com - inf:. J'i'* feet and hands are wound-prints, " Yes, a crown in ver - y sure - ty, "Man-j'-a sor - row, man-y"-a con - flict, wm Re And Hut Man — » m _ — m— z. . tz- -V- ^ at his of rcst:" sir ended, I I I'l .11 (i If I ask him to receive nie, Will he say nic nav ? |:"N(.t fill earth and not till heaven X iia-s .may u F. A. Blackmi H-" ■Gh- 2. U hen we see all the saved of the aga,, wftb from cruel death partings are free 3. \^^hen we stand by the beautiful river.'Neath the shade of the life-fedving tree' 4. W hen we look on the form that redeem'd us, And his glory and m JestyL ' I As the numberless sand of the sea-shore, WTiat a wonderful sight that will be • G eeting there wuh a heavenly greeting, What a wonderful sight tha w b^ i out o'er the fair land of promise, What a wonderful sight tha ^ b^ i Wh.le as Kmg^he samts he is reigning, W hat a wonderful sight that wHl b^i Numberless ^ the sand of the sea - shor*, Nu Jberleas a. the sand of ,he shoTe Numb.rl«sa,thesand. a. the .and of .he shor;. wmi Oh.whataMght'twill be. When the ransom'd host we see As numberless ak the sand of the sea-shore 11 Fanny J. Crosby etirC0t m Horn !0 mns* A, M. WORTMAN, M. D. 1. Shout or .loy, ye ho - \y thronj;, Christ the Lord is King ; An- gel harps the 2. Shout (or., oy ye nations all, Christ the Lord is KinsTCrowns belbre his 3. He who rent the boa«tin« grave, Christ the Lord,is King: He who Hves the 4. Shout k,r joy, ye realms ol' night, Christ the Lord is King ; Hail the iLamsof =t:^r from pole to sound prolong Christ the Lord is King. Bear the news . throne shall full,Christ the Lord is King. lost to save, Christ the Lord, is King. gospel light, Christ the Lord is King. Bear the news from pole to pole, Bear the ^^ r"*[^ Spread tlie truth .... from sea to se^ ne^s fr^ pole ly.^e, Spread the truth from sea ,o sea, O. spread the truth from sea io s'e^ — ^ JB__jL_l ■ — ; -■ ^ ,-4 1 Lo! the Frinee ,f jift. anj glo - - - - ry Ix.! thePrmce of life and glo - rv. Lo I the Prince of life and gfo - ry King of heaven and earth shall be. Kmg of heaven and earth shall be. ,„j ^^^ ,^^„ ^ S^S 12 Frakk M. Davis. We S^fitB. John iii. 17. E. C. Avis ^m I nlT ^ ."^ ^"^ ^ ^° ^^' highest,For wonderful things he hath done- 2. Oh ! perfect redemption to «nnen,. The purchase of Jel' own blor* 3. Rejoice, then,, all ye peo- pie, The wondrous transaction is done'l i Se l^'lif " " ^''^'■'*'"^^' ^^--d thro' the promise of God. Ihe hft-gate is o - pen, come, ent- er, Thro' Jesus, the Cru - cified One. CnOHFS ^^iS^EEE^^; t3=^==^=t==?^-n===i: Hal-le-lu - jah! hal-le - lu - jah! He saves thro' the death of his Son: Hal.le-lu-jahl hal-le-lu-jahl Stiit^^^^P Hal-le-lu jah ! hal-le - lu - iah ! He saves thro' tlie Crucified One. Hal-le-lu-jahl hal-lc lu-jahl -i,-^^^ 14 1 — ^ rn±rrg~f — V— »■ 13 lath done ; vn blood, 3 is done ! JlNNtR GaRNBTT. litdt ms Eotie. Jho. R. Swmr. iiipp^^^atir#e rr rn*^"^ 1. Je - 8U8, Sav- iour, Lord of all, At thy feet I humbly fall, 2. Je-su8, Sav- iour, King of kinjis, 'Neath the shadow of thy wings 3. Thanks for all thy ten - der care, Thanks for ev - 'ry gift I share, 4. When to realms of end- less day Flies my hap - py soul a - way, i^^^^p^^i Prais-ing thee that I am thine, Bought with blood,— thy blood divine. Now in per - feet peaee I rest. In thy full sal - va- tion blest. For thy grace that kteps me still, Keeps me safe from ev -'ry ill. When I join the ransomed throng, This for - ev - er be my song: — !=*{=* m i^ i m^^^^^^^ Not my love but thine for me. From my bonds has made me free ; Not my love but thine for me, for me, From my bonds has made, has made me free ; ■-•4— TT? '^^m^^m§^^m On the mountains bleak and wild Thou didst seek thy wand'ring child. ( )ti the mountains I the mountains |^t |^ i i i ^' ' ' ' ' I -"-r 14 Mart D. James. nvt gou BtiCtin^f Wm. J. KiRKPATKICK. f^^m 1. Art' you driltin- 1tf^p:: •* — t/ * ^1 i/~i ' r- =«« ^ Ki- Down the stream of sin and fol - ly, — Heed- ing not the danger near, Drift - ing. drifting, — going, — whither? Aim - less, purposeless ;—liow vain! Take on board the skillful pi - lot, Use the oars of faith and prayer; iJ-: -»- ■js- — N-A :iz:j^^iE=fct^l CHORUS, Drift - lug on in self-eom- pla To the dark and dread forev Then you'll make the port of glo •j'^ ! 1/ ^ i/ Hark the voiee . . of yonder ^jilot : Cease your drifting, seize the oar ; Hark the voice, the warning voireof yonder pilot • seize the oar ; Xvt Son Urtttdiff? :ONCLUDED. ^^ fe=;a^ ^^ Make the blest, celestial harbor, Steer yoar bark for Canaan's shore. Make the blest, celestial harbor, make the harbor, m «:*W=fc?£ ^^^^^ 16 Set tl^ere 10 Hoom. T. C. O'K. S2Eife T. C. O'Kamb. ^^^ I J J :<=«: 5 =5=r 1. Hast- en to the Oos- pel Feast, From the greatest to the least; 2. Hith-er come, ye poor and blind, Here a heart -y welcome find; 3. From the hedg - es and the street, Hith-er come with eag - er feet; 4. Weary wand'rers, cease to roam From your Heavenly Father's home j 5^^ ^"=ff^ 3l^ £#^ FfT-T j^c ■V-- cnoRus. Every one may be a guest, " Yet there is room." There's room enough for you, Christ hath bidden all mankind, "Yet there is room." Christ is waiting each to greet, "Yet there is room." All invite you now to come, " Yet there is room." enough, O, enougn,u, ,-..•.,*. * — "h -f- T f i t g g ^ 5 ;4W — ;- 9 t- m—i-< d L There's room enough for me, Yes, room enough for all, Sal - vation's free. 8BL-2B 17 K ^taiat fbt Aortr. i^^Hr^ Dr. H t,. r.iLMnrm. . liy Mamk r. l-iimouR. ^i^ 1. pr.WH. Lord, when full of sin A wiflin^ Saviour took me in, 2. praise he Loni.when I w,v«l,lin.l,An.l knew not where the path tofind .1. I the Lord I'm in the way, My prosj^ect briKhfning ev'ry day ' 1=^£P? ^ r^^^^i-H And now I love to dwell with him ; Oh, glo-rv, hal - le - lu - iah- The Spir - ,t came, with words so kind. And pointed me to Je - sus ' And. Je - sus heip-ing, I will stay, And nev - er leave n.y Sav- iour i^- Glo- ry, plo - ry to his name ; Hal - le • lu - jah, Je t:=t 3=3^ -h h *^ SUS came : =1==*=F ■■X^ :^=--t: praise the Lord the Lamb was slain IN ^ I praise the Lord, I follow on, Olx'dient to tlie heavenly call ; I rest in Christ, mv all in all,' A jwrlect, loving Saviour. I prai.-;e the Lord, 'mfd raging storm My soul has refuge from alarm By resting on the mighty arm Of Jesus Christ my Saviour. I praise the I„ord for sweet repose From inward fears and outward foes; A peaceful stream of pleasure tiows ^\ hen leaning on my Saviour. I praise the Lord for pea<'e within ; I praise the Lord I'm cleansed from I j)raise the Lord I'm free iuhim: fsiD; Oh, glory, halleluiah! 18 ILMOtTB. '. (jILMOUU. 17 m me in, ith totiud, 'ry (lay, rrt t. , J J. 7 John Ml |6. «Vu I I- 111 the world so tenrlprlTT Tr;<.«„i.. S_ ... W^ 1. Go,ll„v<,Jil,e,^„rl,l„t,„jerlr llisonlySnlieSi ThM.ll,,!, k- -jah! - sus. ■iour. =e ^S£=^-zt: CHORUS. [:a. '^ "^ I r*^*^ name believe Ite wondrous pow'r will save. Foi^ God sol^d the world tLL lenpth and breadth Nor hcav'n nor earth can know ! words proclaim E- ter - nal life to all ? comes to thee Shall endless life receive. V — N P le; I m ■t9- Qers. ^^^ gave hia on - ly ^^^ t"'! ""'J' " i" " 'K 7^■ \ ^-'^^^-^^^ i- hi°» Should not per -ish, should not per - i.,h; That who- sreTeTbr thin; d from a; [sin; J lieveth in him Should not por - ^ .^t have ev - er- last- ing life S^\ -^ M- M. M- 18 Priscilla J. Owim. 3Be JCIiou JfnimuL T C O'Kam*. 1. How goes the hilt- tlf,brofht'r? What news a- lonn the lino, Dost 2. How noes the bat- th", brother ynuTf-.s glory on b.- - (on, ThouKh 3. How pH.s the bat- tie, brother ? Canst l(M)k a- Iwve the stormy (iod's 4. How g.M-s the bat- tie, brother? I hear our er's voice • It .fe: ^"H 5=^4= see our ho - ly Htan.liinl a - Imvo the ramparts shine? The some fall by the way -side, and some are wounded sr)re; But hosts are press -in« on -ward, the con - lliet wax - es warm'; The rings a- bove the con - tiict, it bids us all re -juice-' O mrn^ is charg-ing on us, Imt Gml is on our side; We imdst the toil and sor-row, the cross is lift - ed • hi-h'- I'ress ranks of sin are break- ing, ouf Lea■ »- >■*■ 1 -"t-P^-: 4i- ^ -^m faith -fill, O be faith -fill, Boon ends the bat - tie's strife ; O bfc ^^^ttiig^^ii! be thou taith- fill un - to death, and win a crown of life ^ ^ ^ t u *_f: * *• ^ tj !t h (-^ -—T: . — rTT^ t>;- "•^ »• y ^ 1^ > I y ^ ^ H 81 r 19 r. c, (vkan«. ffiolOf tt)t niQt)t up WQf)tr, Kev. \Vm. Hi nhh, l) l.». 1 Many .4,,,ils <,,, III, H.lark o-,v;in, V()i.I oi h.lm or o-ir It.ttlin, i i'V; h" '^'■'■'>"- -'"<■'-. k....kM„ Kv.-,y iH ..:^ ,. s, !i' ^ ^ la' t.Kl.t ,.,, l„Kl,..r, lM«h - ,.r. Th,msa.>.ls „..■,! v..,,, aul : Throw is 4. iiolil t I til.. »i ■.-..o' .: .. t- 1 . . 8 ^ ^^hll. tl,.«orl,| .s .l..,-,.iim.\\ rapt »> tin. k. M i,i«l,t. TIut.- ,s ,„anv-an „- ca . Ila.h-..s,u,h.r.„,;,h-..rar..^n..s,ranM-rsuade:l;orrow,oniuslr.l;n,h. L:^:icliH^^%el la - lH)r. Hv the li;:ht of love. To ns-si^t ran - - - - thy pr-rinj: ncijililmr a, - tnm I ly th.. means t.. «aN... An.i U lov.'s di- Mm- at- r Vion al - na. lUa.,^ Uk,. the sun. H.-l.l th,.„, up. n„r 1^!^ ^!r ^t 'r* CIIORIS. -~ Si,irit,e „rpa.sH..nK kno^vl..,l«o! () «rao.. so full a„,i fr...- r 2. won - .,..r „1 sal - va - .ion I Fro.n sin ho „.ak..,s „.e In-e - 3. O hlcKHl ot Christ so pn-cious, I>onr.-,l o„t on Cal - va ■ ^1 know that J.. -8US saves me. And that's enontrh for me' l.Tl tlifswoetas-sur-ancr. Ami that's ,.n..iiKh for me' ftH'l its cleansing pow-er, And that's enough for me! And that's e- -f^ -zzr-rrt-r^^trrfrr--^ uj ^_^ , ^ — i- iiongh for me! And that's enough for me! I know that Jesus save. ^•^:i#"*-ii es me. -.-, ^ I I T i — J- ^-H — M^rz^JE itl 21 S0 it tot mt^ F. R. HAViwr.AL. T C O'Kan; S?^ mm^ \—±- ^rl^ 1. Is it for me, dear Sav - ionr, Thy plo - rj- and thy rest? 2. Is it forme thy wel- come. Thy -raeioiis "En - tor in?" 3. i) Saviour, pre- cious Sav - iour. My heart is at thy feet ! 4. I'll be with thee for - ev - er, And nev - er Krieve thee more ; t: EE 1 ^— i^-riMz ?l^ z^ tZEl m For me. so weak and sin - ful? Oh, shall I be so For me thy "Come, ye biess - ed?" For me, so full of sin? I bless thee, and I love thee. And thee I long to meet. Dear Sav- 'our, I must thee. And love thee ev - er - more V y~^ r-[-5 CHORUS. ^^^ *=tt O Sav -iour, my Re - deem - er ! M-h.r. can I but a - dore? I 5 j^ ^ — ^~jr n — t 1 — E-— =zr I I ^ " "' ^^F ' ' 1 , J pl^ i — ( B^ell in me. Wm. J. KiRKPATinCK. 1. Dwell ,n me, O bles-s.d Sp.r - it,-How I need thy help di-vine! 3 Ro^nH^^ J "" ""' P"*""**' '"•^^^^ '"y ^'"^h will ne'er de- dine ; 3. Round the cross where thou hast led me, Let my pur - est feelings twine • 4. Dwell m me. O bles-sed Spir - it, Gracious Teacher, Friend divine In the way of life e - ter - nal Keep. oh. keep this heart of mine. Comfort thou and help me on - ward, Fill with love this heart of mine. With the blood from sin that cleansed me Seal a -new this heart of mine For the home of bliss that waits me, Oh, pre-pare this heart of mine' J— A-^ • — • " i • m 3r zB -\t — V' S CIIORt'S ^ ^ Dwell in me, oh, dwell in me : Hear and grunt my prayer to thee ; g^I^^J 4^ _ i^^^ii • — »-»-- --.-^ Spir - it, now from heaven descending, Come, oh, come and dwell in me. i 1 §':^^^^^m^i^^^m=i:^^i^^:%ff&^ S6 I 23 John S. B. Monsbll. &^ Etee of mu. :i2itz< -'«=tt^^^P^ i ri 1*"^ -• •' *^f=:Jl: O'Kanb. -=^- 1. La- bor . i.g and heavy- lad - en, Waiting help i^ time of nec;d, 2. In the land ot cloud and shadow, Where no hu - man .ye can see, ■^=l=:& F=F ^m rSl'Jtho ''" 7'"' ''"" '""'"' "''"'^' '' '''''" °° *^- ^-^ ^-J- Thirsting Light to those who s,^ in darkness," Light of life !" we walk in thee. Thou the & -ft — •- 24 Jambs Nicholson. h0i X m momnQ (*^it. 1. Tho' weak my faith. Tm holding on • To To «,,= r I feel that now the " Miirhtv Ono " TT^ir^ *^ . ' — But, whue .. «oui on Oo/^^^ ^^^,1- ^ :!::::^ The heahn, is tou,.hi„^™e, New life and peace bl-rw;;!' I'm hold-ing on, I'm holding on, Fresh strength each moment gaining, \- ^: h ^ N ^=t •-: i^til^^e My ling'ring doiil)t.s at hist are gone. And Christ within is rei.r, ning. %J^fr 4 I'm clinf^ing, Hii.ging. holding on, My liuth is rising higher, TliP last rt'niains of sin arc gone- i n.i">< iii\ iitaris ui'sii't. 5 Im holding on. and while I make A iMittct (■oiisc — t -A — I ^ ^ Glo-ry to God, the precious blood ! I feel i,s sav-ing power; ii=At:^^=l=J^^t-f -JL^^_-? -I- * i ' -^ — ^^ ^=^- Ky faith r keep be-neath„.sfl,K,d,-ItcIeansethev-'ry hour -•- ' in^M ~ -ft ^ 28 26 Jbnnib Gahnitt. ^M- J. KniKPATHICr. Wc hav. Kird-ed on the , °„"d'a ,d Z S- mor S'.f ' '"^'^.'''X'l' ■■" Soon »eni^^the^,^.,,..,,„ the'uS "Li'/ii;;'^' ,>S murshall'd on the world's srreat ficl.l- 1 .^u tt' . ^ arrows at our ranksmayfly ^ 'T rttJ^'''''*''^^^^^ '^^ ta- ken up the cross he h^rell J ' Oh *^;^%'''""'- '^ ""P^ty love more than -t^ ^^i -eK 3Zt vc-tory o - v.r sin, Wh™ the to?!!^ and th2 S^e Z '•*; I Glo- ry to God! we are marching, marcLmg on. Marching to a home ab^; Olo - 17 to God! we are raarchin«,marchingon,Haj,py in aRaviour's love -f^ -^- m m. ^ 27 Rev GborcbR K».„' '^'" "^ '•^"'''■"='1 ->;<■" I ••'*akc wuh thy likeness.' »>.c» umiRGB K. Kramer. l^salm xvii 15 tiffins in tht Salter dsiot^. •■ I shall be satisfied uh.n I ,..,. ..v, ^^y lik,„,„ .. JnO. R. Swwvyy. — \ — It-, — L_,._(k -r then flic wondrous stn r^r ri** *t, i ,, ."™» -^ -I ^a ^™ t. ^i- Si; t -;-rthS ^S; »t m„n„„»', ,i,i„i, r w I •'■" '- '"' »;,■ l'"l K'nil. "« ^ j5 "1 ^ 1/ u 1 shall be sat - - i«fU.,i T i n > " ^ I shall b. sa. - !r"fi i ^ ■'^'"^" •'*' r"!; „-K - '■^'■'^■•'- ^^''"n I a- - - • ' *''=»'l he sat - is - Oed When I a- -P- fv ^ »s [V I V— t^— >^-i ^.^ ^ s ^ ^ ^ ^ - . ^aU;:^.hW..r::^^,!Jl7,!'^;^:^; IshaUbesat iKfied, L,all be -•-Ajt^ ^ • ^ . ■~« I '•hall be sat. is. fied, ^ ^ ^ ^ a - wake . with thy like - a -wake with thy likeness, thy like ^ 1^ rJ> ness. ness. mslttp in 3tmf^. Tune, LAWRENCE, L. M ^ .V "^P W.J.K. •i- Asleep in Jesus! neacefiil r..«t Wm' i. none wake to weep. 3. --^sle.. , in Jesus' ^ Cor m ' Vr ''•''""- '^ ^'T^^-mely hlest, ^ I HUS. oh, (..r me._ _ ^M^. ,„,,. ,, ,,ii^,,-,i refuge be, a refuge be; ■*f-''"i;in ^- ♦ ' ' ^ '^'^ '■;■ •^°''^="* '''^' «""""""•'' fron, on high ' ' — 1 — iv — L i 29 ChAS. J. nuTI.BR :t±S:-7i r-1- reU Ct to i5^*rs Sinner. Wm. Church, Jr. 1. Christ on the crosa atonement made, Co, tell it to ev -'ry sin- ner- Wit^h 2. In (l.uth lielxiwed liis th()rn-(T()wnenn<1u liia V,l„.r.^ „»;i' i "•" heavy blows. Fresh from those wounds his blood stil': iiows, , „ , , Tr , . [To .sinners thus his love he shows Go i*''^ ""^« '^, He opened mercy's pates of p.,ld.To all his ^dories he'll unfold Go ' deepest night He brings sweet peace and heav'nly light, A 1 , J ,r . .^, . [T'^irk .shadows qniekly take their fliirht Go deeplydyed.>ray.nrhrist'sblo,,d].epurihed,An,Nafely'Tossdeath'smystictideGo -^^^ t-^44fc- t-^PTf^P A L. . » ^ ^ ' '1 CHORUS, I tell It to ev - 'ry sin - ner. Go. tell it to ev-'ry sinner. 5*- -#- On land and ocean wave. HowChrist on the rugged ha.s died. Has died the lost to ^ve. f!i ■--^i-- 30 Rev. E. CoRwiN. J^eace. T. C. O-Kani. eye that weepeth, OVr one that sloepoth He cent Iv ,1 • .i sweetly .si„f„.th The soul that clingeth MylT^ I , " ''"• tempest driv-en In - to f., '''^"'' ^'^ '<'^- '"K r'<»rd, to thee, enxn to the na- ven, I reach the longed-lbr-rest ;j— —J— --^--^ As flows the river eaim and t se - ortt se - (Tct W - (Tct of of of of liis {trcscnre T am kfjit from strifi- of tonf^ucs; his ])ri scnre All the cUirkntss tiis - aji- {wars ; his |ircscnce Ncv - »r- niDPe can foes a - larni ; his presence Is a sweet, un-bro- ken rest; -^ :;_ *~^ u I ^ -r— ^ pa-vil-ion IS around me. And with- in are eease- less songs! a sun. that knows no srttin;;, Throws a rainhow on my tears, the sha-dow of the Hi^.'hest I can meet them with a ])salm : riea-sures, joys, in glorious ful-, Makinj; earth like Kd - en blest: His For In Ktomi-y winds his word ful-fil -in^. Beat ■without, but ran - n.t harm, So the d.iy <:rows ev - er lifiht-er. IJroad'ninjj to the per - feet noon ; For the strong' pa- vil - ion hides me. Turns their tier- y d.irts a - side Su my jxace }rn,ws dcp and d.ej)er, Wid, ning as it neajs the sea, For the Mast ^ — i» *■ 34 *" ,1*' *""* »' »<" »<-f««re.- CONCLUDED. In the se - - ,.rrt .,f Lis presence Jesus k Inlhesrcrrt of hisprcs-cnce ''•^iw. . . llnownothow; J«u. kccps.I k„„w no. how.I know no. how: 111 the sha n I ^ I.-h^. .hadow of .he Hi«h„.. In .he ,h.Jow ;7.hc Hi,h«./ "" '-'''>«-''*<"«« HOW. Mhsmo.^.^^^^^*^^ ^^ti) m aorrr. Tune. VIGIL, S. M. ^^^ 1. JoT-ov - er with the Lord! ^. m the bo - d.y jn-nt, j. I-or-cv - er with the Lord!" 4. N). when my hit - est breath 5. Knowing iis I am known, it A - men, so let Ab- sent from him ^ Fa-ther, if 'tis thy Shall rend the veil in How shall I love that be! roam, will, twain, word. iil^^ vi^l™, 'I'r ;'■:?;' " '"""""""i.-T,, i„,.„,or.,ai.i .',; I5v death I sl,..ll r "'""'• '--'•n here to me ful - fil Ami It re -ta iT'''" '^^""\ '''■''"'• '^"^ 'i'e e - ter - nal ga n I^at l.c-lore the throne, '_For.v-er with the Si" •CS^C Wintii Se iFCnU. Luke XV. Jko. R. Swbnit. as Rer. E. H. Stokes. D. D Aniiiinte ion tiprfts, Syr ^-^--— ^— 3 -^ ~^-'^* 1. A - liw! ft-l:i.s! a wiiywunl slictp ll.ul wandtTcil lYotii |})o fold, Far 2. Hf soimlit with in:iny-:i lootstip win-, rridii «:irl\ m«irn till iii>;lit ; lliro' 3. How lon^'.O h()r(l,imist I still ;;o'.' How liiii>; scan li lor the shfc])?TlHy've ^ 1/ '-• • — • •-'-• •• — • "^ V — I tr-*- 1 ONCLUDED miHH miNS one OIK must not no Umf^ f^m be lost,— < Jo, s^k un - til ye «T Umt, The one is »^ Ji^ JL 4 I'veaoiiKht my friendn f r raany-aday JI;ivf pniycd lor niiuiv-iiy.iir; Yft, still liny wandtr I'ur awiiy ' OVr mountain.H duik and dn-ar- How lou^jthusm-ek with l...rden.-d mind/ btMk, J.-sus siiith. "until y,. tind " Ihi- missing „„.• must not be lost — Go, seek until ye liud !" ' find, found. i^ 5 Lord at thy word I «„ a^ain, lU-lievinK I Hhall tind: I liHt<'ned, and a low r.frain Came to me on tin- wind; lA-d l.y the .Hjidly j„y(„| ^,„',nj 1 rushed, and, lo, tht- l„st wa.s fonndl Joy! joy! <> l.lewd joy ,li vine! riie lost one I Lave Ibuad. 34 H. BoNA«. 1. Trust -ing 2. INace-tul 3. Hap - pi • ly, trust ly, pea<-e ly, hap • till - ly, Je - sns, to ly Walk I with ly 1' I a . 4- thee thee; louK, 16^ Come Je - Ea- I; Lord, .SU8, my lov- injr.iy^ Cometh.Mi to me! Then shail I ^5 tbrVe'e k"' ^"l ''', ""■ ^ I'-e th'ou hast woik lor thee, Lar-nest and strong; Life ia for I<1V - iBjr . ly^ It-It to US. EZi i-Me ,. ,„r to- U., too, Life i, ,„, .„. i^ J ,1', i. i -^ — i^ - i ' ^ — j — i-j-pi: — 'j ' i — rt-r>-iiE ~l—F^f^ S7 35 ^tUHtiuQ 3t»UB, thnt i& nlh Edgak Pac.i 4 s — ^ JJ-r-J- J NO. W. SWBNBY. I 1. Sim - ply trusting; rv - 'ry tlay ; Trust - in^, tlioufih a stormy w;iy; 2. l?rinht-lv ii> I his S|)ir - it shine In - to this poor hoart of mine; 3. Sing- • ,• M y V ,iy is clear; Pray- inj;, il" the path is drear; 4. Trust-. !i^ la the moments liy, Trust- iny iiH the days go l)y, -A—, -^--f.-^ -K^::?^ :r=ti^^^ S!i± ■ • 1 — I Kv - en when my fnth is small. Trust - in;; Je-sus, that is all. While he leads 1 can - not liiU, Trust - in^ Je-sus, that is all. It' in dan -per, lor him call — Trust - ing Je - sn.-,, that i.s all. Trust - inj; him. \vhate'er he- tall — Trust - ing Je-sus. that is all. -4- -rt- f- 'n *tk. ■— ^^ ^. J. ^ rn -^ztp. » CHORUS. -\ 5U>- S !> &_V Trustin<; him while life shall hist. Trusting him tiii earth is past — life -.hall last, earth is |,.ist— -w" — ^ — ^ — i< v J ^ 1 g^ razzir -| tr-V f::ii;?:*3i -^-5,^^ t/ ^ ', i ! Till within the jus- jmt wall— Tru'^-^:"'*-''--:'- "•"••- -"-The watery <,eep surro "l ^.^Zl ' 3. rhe clouds are ...env.! ,,y .Uuhs strong eye, It .sees the sun above t^e Z ' 4. A.U1 when we've ga.aed the heaValy shore.Our voyage euded.storn. aU o^r :&F^ i:^ -^-*> 1^ — ^V-J ^ . N ^ I -l^-V =^i: 1 31 And, .whored here, I eannotthil To nd- in triumph ev-'ry Ihe.r sur^iu.K billows, mountain high, P.ut lilt me near - rr to the And tells the tem-prst-beaten soul Of rest, where billows never' Vie 11 sing our triumph in his name.-The Lamb.-thro' whom we ov. gale. sky! roll. •reame. With-i„ the vail my anchor's east, It holds! ii holds a- mid the blast! Q ) -^-^ N ^ /?» ^Vit!l-ia the vail my anchor's ..uM, It holds! it holds a- mid the blast! %: f a^;^^:^:!--^^:^ 3»-^:?:^^JL_ -^EHfi N 37 Jbmnib Garnbtt. Wm J KiRKPATRICK. 1. Troubled in heart and spir - ,t. Je - .„«, I come to lliTe- 2. () - ver the .-old, f.rk mountain, Solt- ly I heard thee say:' 3. Tronh ed ,n heart an.i spir - ,,. Enrdene.l with anxiou. .Van,, 4. Troubled m heart and spir - it, Saviour, to thee 1 come • y V wm =Q*: 33^^ Hast thou a word of wel-eomo? thou a smile for ae' None from the ,loor of mer - ey Kv . „ wore turned a - way Je- BUS, be- hold mekneel-inj,. Bath-inj, thv fee^ w„h tears' ^ow to thy fold I - en: Take the poor wanderer hoTe =«^fe^t3|^^g£E£^E^te&^ I have no oth - er ref - ^^„a v„ u ■ tr rei uge, ^o oih - er jdace to jjo; I On - Iv^th^^hiood ran wash m- el..a„, And make me whiter than snow. ^- V S^-^-^i-:faf-^t 40 ^ U i/ ' 38 LounoN Frbbman. CtuBtfnfl <®n(g jf^ee. ^S T C. O'Kah,. i ie :::::; {::!!;;;::[ ji:;::.^!;-— 7 -„i, Like a /earA.i te„.p4; Doubts and fears shalUoIl; he .,,1 flee Gather on m^b w' Trust ll^fn '^'''^'-f"''"' '^'"^ "^^ "" " >>" pW,' - 1 : f r- t r^ __g> ' ^- -ii^%^" *-if ^'^''IP*'. Trust thee m tlie Jhade, ^-a— v^idj I. iir±: — I— *- "^ ^ •* — ^ — I 1 — I/- I .-♦- C> REFRAIN, -■m A— + iufe' on- I7 ^henl toll him,Je-sus, I am trust- i^r th,^. Tru^ Je- sus dud tor sinners, Jesus ,li., I for n,- ^\Uh thy precious shelt^T, I am not a - Iraid. J.-sus, trust - ing uuJ"^:;^ '!;:X.„ . „,,,, ■'--- -y I^, trusting «ui?ti:^ 39 J. M. IF WU Etli It to 3tm!^ ms novn. vv. J. M. WnvrB. ;.5ii 1. w 2. W 3. W 4. W y. rr^tL'i^J^^^^mm^, ^-=:^ I will t.ll it Hi £^ lu'n times of tciiipta - tioii lirin;: smliKss and ^'looiii lien out on the lull-tops, a - way iioni all sin, J will tell it lien well- ry with toil-in^; and read - y to taint, I will tell it hen darkness i> dinmiin-,' my path to the sky, 1 will t.ll it -9^ to to to to p -^—^- i£i lEmr :i^i^rE^EE^ Je-sus my Lord; The last of earth's treasures borne out to the toml), I will Je-sus my Lord; When joyous and hai)i)y the sunshine witliin, I will Je-sus my Lord; Ifenev-er re - tiis - es to hear mv complaint, I will Je-sus my Lord ; When helpers shall fail me and comiorts shall tlv. I will -•- -•- -• y -— y- -0- -0- -0-'^- • • — — 0—'- Je - sus my .Fe - sus my .le - sus my Je - sus my Lord. This earth hath no sor- row For to- Lord. To know I'm (or-<;iv-en Is a Lord. I'll eheer- fill - ly hear it, When I've Lord. Thou^di Idurred my life's pa;;es By my day or t<.-morrow,Hut Jesus hath known it an.l felt I„mi: atro. .\>„1 v hen it r.mies loreta.steof heaven. And Jesus is dearer t., me than hefore. Siuh I>eaeef,ilnes8 Je.sus to share if. His yoke it is ea-sy, his Imnlen is i,.|„. When l.le l,tx-onies sin am! i!s wag.-s, 1 1, > v.sterday. n,.w. and lorever the same, I'll not be lor- r^^^i4^^L:j=f^^ -(, -t. -^ p— ^— >— #— P— ^t.iitn^::rt ^m^. 42 > V s ^ oerme,A„dImU.n.,,U.dsosorely, I will tell it to J.-.susn.v 1 ,ml nils .ne, Such un ecstasy thrills „u., I will tell it to Je-sus,,,; I »r, ' dreary Au,ir,n footsore and weary, I will tell it to Je-susn.y Lord' Bake„TW:u>-hR. should W taken, I will tell it to Je-.sus „,y ' *~w-- ' ^. . -^, — * CllOIil'S 4^t-4:^t- — /- t: ■-* . L I will tell it to .T.> . c„o *„ r . > — ^ 40 Num. vi. 24-26. rt)t aorOi 3Sltj9[0 Etirr, \v. J. K. I j - -«-- -<>- ^^-- ^/--^ .^. "iilo th.c: The Lord lilt ui)hisc()unteuanc..' upon thee.and dve ih( ei.eac.^Vnieu > 5 > > |wa :tL_^ ^ x'!^; ,-i^~ V— ^->-y r!?- r 41 Etnt nnn JFnimuL Priscilla J. Oman. Wm. J. Kirkpatbick. i^^rm^j ^ fafei^i^ 1. t:v-'ry (lay my soul is hap - py, For I fe^l my Saviour near; 2. Ev -'ry day, tho' storm and sorrow Dark-ly round my pathway rise 3. Ev 'ry d.ty my home is haji- i)y, For with Je - siis I a - liido'; 4. Ev -'ry day my hoi)t>s grow bri;j:ht<>r, Tho' the hopes of earth are gone ; ^^m Tis las jirpspnoe makes my sunshine. And his love destroys my fear. I am look - inii up for coin- fort, F;ir beyond tartli's ehan^inn skies. Drinkinfi from the liv-inj: fountain. AVith his good- luss sat - is - tied. Ev-'ry day my rest draws nearer. As niv Sav - iour leads me on.' mine; Keep me faith Lv,^ ^ — • — » — ■ — p X- — » — • — •— r..pT!«^i_j_^« ta . t- ' - *^ I 1/ r tnie and faith - ful ; Fill my soul . . . with love di - vine ^ _ :i. mi my soul t7-{±— I X — =t-ft==— t-t: :S^ ^^r^m 42 Rev E. H. Stokhs. D. D. 3t«u« {» ©ooa to mt. ■ ll ir 7;^'"'"r; '''^ ''•'^'* "-^ «"^' "'" '>- '--1 ^o ,>Vr and oVr • 2. He cdls I, a.ul l.e makoth me whole,-llow fo.ul his tender em. -i.e - 3. I .ant to love Uun wUh all „.y heart, The' all i,.s p,..vers a re" 1 4. Hes ,ood to me n> n,y sorrow's n.«ht, He's ,ood .n the ten.pelVlrol,'- I .■llnotkeep.romhimany ,K,rt, For he -s worthy of al He hrmgeth from darkness into light,-With joy he tilleth n,y jlul. -J Li I I I ri! ^ii=:^5:st=:t CHORUS. BUS 13 good to me, ... Je - sus is good to -•- Ji. ^. '° ">«. ^=#^^^^^^^^1 r-5-v '^mm t^:=t m So gooii: ,so g,K,d! Je- .sus is good to my soul. ^5^ ^-r^ •--?1- ^•-fl_fL_»_H5- _•._ -w— t. fmEs ■ 5^ •i 43 cfjr movlti i» (i!Svot;}inQ i3ttttv. Rev. JohnO. F"stir, A M Modrrat'i. J NO. R. SWHNHT. ^ £_ 3= 1 I.Tlic world is growin;; Ix't-tcr, No t»"r wliat, tliey say, The '2. \\v 7ii:irk the stead- y fDot-lUIls, AVc licar liic traniiiiiif; Imst, The :!. Till- I'.i-Mc cause ami missions, The elnirch and Sunday-school, Tlic 4. () lor an in -sjiir - a - tion To thrill the miyhty tliron;;, And ixir P=r\: S^ __^ EHIE \v^\i is .shinins hritrhter Tn one H'fuljrent ray; And tho' deeeivers murmur, And linesdeploy inji widely. Encompa.s.s all the lost; And while the fjospt-l banner Floats 8te;idyflowofmoney,To keep the CO IVerstull.Wliilethonfandsot'youn'; converts Ke- bnjile note of triumj)h, A gospel wave of soiig, A deei)er oh- ligation T'ward ^•2«LII^ ZZt ^»-*^*» J^id*^ ~~%_ turn an- oth- or way. Yet still the world prows better, And better ev'ry day. overall the way.We'll shout, the world grows better. And b(>tter ev'ry day. joiee and sing and pray.We know the world grows better. And better ev'ry day. v.hat we ought to i)ay. And give to God the glory Far Iw^ter ev'ry day 16 prow - ins hot- tor, grow-ing, growing bet - ter. Bet-tcrand bet- ter ev grow tfTTf day. bet - ter ev - 'ry day. Krow Det-ter ev-ry day. 44 ^ CHORUS. The riphteous fliey are march DC —To wcl-coiiK' travelers home, ^m\ 15 ^i^M:: inp, Ami Jo - ^ns bids thorn eoiiic! To wel- come traveleris home, _j /). C. ^^t Ami the an- gels they are wait- ing To wel- come travelers home. 1 O KOK :i thousand tongue,, to sing My prcat Redeemer's praise; Tlie trlorics of my <;od and King, The triumphs of his graee ! ■~ My praeioiis Master and my God, Assist me (o proclaim, To slinjiid thm' ;t!! t}:o ; • The liouors of thy name. _ii. _> J 47 3 Jesns! tlie name that charms our fears, That bids onr sorrows cease, Tis music in the sirmer's ears- 'Tis life, and health, and {je'aee. 4 He breaks the iiower of cancelled sin, ^_ 'f<' sets the pri.soner free; .-;;.; r>;.„Ml .an make tile foulest eleau, ILs blood availed for me. 45 hANNVj (,R,,SI1V Jn,, K SwfSBT IS ©on fl ffiols mnttf).. :ONCLUDED. triumph yet, triumph yet. And heshall ^pS reiKn our King, shall reign our King. 46 F. J. C. ^vttiom, noi)ins SalKour. -J! -U J. R. S. 3. Tho™,l,„cplercc.a,l,a, l,ro»„r,Li,„. pltou, laWn 'r ' " T""" '""' mmM form I see, Preciou.s, lev- ing Saviour. Bleeding dvin?L.,ii f„, meekly borne, Precious, lov- ing Saviour. **y">K -"^ll ^r me.- guilt wa.s mine. Precious, loving Saviour, ev - 'ry part. Precious, lov- ing Saviour. ^*^=^|i^iia #-#g^ ^^^^tey my soul might dwell with thee. In a blest eternity, Precious, loving Sav.our r=P=tp= 47 *CC0 00 Stottt to Cru0t (n 3f0U0. Mm Liii^A M k SrRAi). Wm. J. KiKKrArRicK. ps^mwff^^m^ 1. lis H(» swfct to trust in .If - sus. Just to takr liiiu at liis word; 2. (), how swcft to trust in .It- - su , .lust to trust Ins clcansinn 1)1o ^^t t- :t-^:ir-1l-*I-:^r ^ £ Mm Je-sus, ,re-sns, precious Je-sus! O for grace to him more. 7^ J *- ^ =V=^ M 48 Rev. Aimrn J H.M-..H Woinena on to Sr0it0. ^Se^I ^1. ;Mf::::;:i:::;;r;:^-„-.-=: ------ '>, on to Jo -sus. dinging to th. cross. Hal.|.,ng on to Jo - sus, clinging to the cross. -tz' L, ^ P 5 I I — '-"''' — <^ — ^ ^ feit^^ Hinging to the cro.s. Holding on to Je - su.s, dinging to the -g2-^-» , . ^_ .0-. p- 4L .g,. ' ■ ' ' > 1 49 Flora L. Best. ULtnninQ on 3tmi^ alone. ST^^ EEi ^3^ Jno. R. Swbnhv, ^ ^ «. -f<-r JtSE^ 1. A bur-din was laid on mj' spir - it, Whose wi'ii;ht was too heavy to l)ear ; 2. The shadows of doubt ^;athered round me, The skies all above nie were dim ; 3. Then weary I sat by the wayside, The tears lallinj; last from my eyes, hdL f—1^f^^ 3F=-^ ^-^T^r i-^^^ — ^—,t- h m And so 1 just leaned upon Jo - sus, And his lovintr ^x'art heeded my i)rayer. And searee could I see thro' the darkness, The road that would lead me to him. When, lo, on the far - a- way mountains, I Ix-held the glad morning a - rise. -H — -^ — — T— * — I ' ' * — ^■^ — ;: — ' — i — wrr-r 1 ^ r" jri£ i^*-#- fcz ?— r t f^ •—*z:±z± y Leaning on Jesus, my Refuge and Guide. Leaning on Jesus, what want I beside? ^ -•- ,-r > 1 ^' h — ^ — F- u V > _# _* _«? . _*. -I'-t; s=Er ^ N ^ ^ s ». ( — I — I — i^ — \ ifct ^— '^->- %^t^-' r' ' / , / y • ^ I Earthsgoldeu treasure.sseem nothing but dross, I Siii'/e I haveii anehored mv heart to his cross; -V — *< — ^ ^' ^ -pit ^ ^. ^. ^. ^ .p. pfe^^^:^t^ Lean - ing, lean Leaning, I'm leaning on Jc-:^iis ing. Leaning on Je-siis a - lone. a - lone. Yes, I'm Ic.min)^ >■ ,I<'-Kii-., li-t v\r cling to thee. 54 52 T. C. O'Kane. ninsn no ILonsn. Theme from T. E. Pekkihs. EEi: An "*' ^ •"'^ — m m - peace with ■ in; Hiistp tn +>, o • " ,^ ' news a - hov^ < '''" '"""■' ^'"'^^ '» his mer - ry turn to - day; Time fast is fleet -i ^""c liiM IS neet - in' Judg-ment is hasfninp, r-r Z>.6".— Lia - 1^ I nt— iz?: Ig fetizziittzSz: ger no Ion - ger, Come now to Je Fine. Chortts SU3, doned sin. tlur".s love, new .soiiff. you may. - ger, -c^ will save you— save now. 3-ii^^^ I 4 >' C^^-.^v ,o J.. ..^, ,..,,. „ His,b.t-.tool hum-hlv how: ;( ' 53 Fanny J. Crosby. Wt are (tomina. -t- ^^ 4-4^ 3 :t=^: Wm. J. KiRKPATRICX. I 1 1 1 — ^ —t—trt^ -•— 1« •- + 1. We are coming once again where we oft have met. In the presence of the 2. We are coming, like the sheep that wa.s lost and Jbund ( )n the dark and d reary 3. Wearecomingtothefountwherethelite-stream.sflow,WheretheSpirif andthe 4. We are coming now by faith, in the morn of youth, We are coming, blesed Lord ourKing.Wherewegatheredat his feet with abright,brightsmile,M'here we mountains cold, We have heard the Shepherd's voice, and we long to d wel 1 In the Bride say, come; We are waiting at the door at our Father's house. To re- Lord, to thee; If the shining ones rejoice o'er a new bom soul, Oh, how 4>— ^3^ ♦ — (• — (• — • — •- m^ »::* :±% %^- 4 — l \ — N- , , , ^ ^ i-— I f— >- ■^ U 'i/ ' ' ' /UKFRAIN. mn f ^^ J--*— learned the happy songs we sing. We are com- ing, shell- er of his own dear fold ceive his tender welcome home, wonder- ful its worth must be ! U 1/ 1/ 1/ We are We are com- ing. Igs- it-rar. -¥ — , ^ ^^. m ••■ -^ f- ■ ^-•-#^ coming To the precious Friend that loves us Ih-sJ ; We are coming at his ±. :J:Wt-.TTe coming 4»^ J»- ♦-•--•- -•- -•■ -t^- ■*- . • ;/-t/-U- ci'll. We are coming one and all , In his gen- tie, loving arms to rest. - ^ _- -. -f- -•- -^ -•- ■«=»-' ."s fc^fz_^t-:_-iri_-^-i £-^iiEr r;- leieif" [ 4=±: P 54 X. D. Mimo. Wonttttiul Eotie of 3tma. •• The love of Christ, which passeth icnowledge." Eph. iii. 19. E. S. LOBSNZ. 1. In vam m and ho-Iy lays My soal her grateful voice would raise • For ^. A joy by day, a peace by niKht. In storms a calm, in light • In 3. My hope lor pardon when I caU, My trust for lift- ing when I laU • In :g^ f- f :gL ^^m^^m ^d^ ^^^^^m who can sing the worthy praise Of the won-dcrful love of Je - su*? pain a balm, in weakness might. Is the won- d€ rful love of Je - sua. liie, m death, my all in all, Is the won- derful love of je-8u» 1^=^ I TV on- derftil love ! won- derful love ! Won- der-ful love of Je - sns ! m* ^tr. ^^^ t — t- V i>--y- 4 Wonder- fill love! won- derful love! Wonder -ftil love of Je - sus' ■N»i — *- 67 55 nm mp gout ®ralr«. Mrs. R. N. Turner. u, , „ Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. tm -N,-^- 1. ^^ ho IS this tliat comoth stronfr in init-hf . Strong in plorv. fycaf and hiuh* V. harlliwitliall is his own. Made l)v his ainiinht-y hands' .{. Ho - ly are the pLie- es where he dwells : Who shall on his work attend ? _. . ♦ ^ • ^ , , . -» ^ -«l jL 63- ■I 1 ' < S ^ — * S — I r— I -i — -^ §^ M: O ye ev - erlast - um doors, ye pates, I.ift your heads, lie draweth ni«h! All the seas shall ,)raise his holy name. Floods o- hey his hi«h eommands! \\ ho .shall dare ai.i)roach him great in i)ower. And his lio- ly mount as- eend ' It IS the Lord, the Lord of hosts, He comes with mipht this w^ 1 hey own his power supreme and great. Rejoie- ing to liil - till AN ho hath elean hands and undefilt-d. Who liani pure heart and t-ue ' «r^ ^ *lE3^i^i=gl^gEi^ ^ ith ma-,ies-ty. and power, and strength He eome.s. he eomes to-dav In raging .storm ..r heavenly ealm, His own al- might -v will Let on-ly him draw near th.^ King. And his great glo - ry view' Lift „p your head.., (. y.^ate.s,an.l he ye lifted np, ye everlasting doors, £8 mn ^9 If our mtnt^B. CONCLUDED. And the Kiu« of glory shall come in, Tho King of glory «hall con.e ia. 9^^S^^ -V— V-' r i — t- r 3tma aoijtfl ffftte. Jn". R. Sweney. 1. Je - sus oves thee, wea - ry soul, Be thou ,!ot dis - .nayed- 2 Je-sus loves thy pre- dous. soul, Be thou not dis - „.aye 1 3 Are thine eyes wuh sor - row dhn, Be thou not dis - n,aye ' 4. Prom the fount -am o - pem-d wide Tar - ry not a - way ife "=:-Eg rH -I — f EI3EE r J He the m,.ht.y work luus done, Ife thy ran - som piuTl. If thou lu> 11 make th.-e whole. He thy ran - som pai.l Je - sus bids thee e«me to him. He thy ran - som paid' 1 lunge beneath its crim-son tide: Je - sus .alls to - d,v A.V-He is wait-ing to for-give; Look, oh. look and live! . ciioRrs. -f- « — •- : — t i 1 — On- ly on his name iHlicv.. Tli.m a par - don shalt receive- V- -■ — It s A ^' 67 S wn iFoUotD 3tm». Sallib Smith. Jno. R. Sw«t»«T. I3!=!a -^3t- £ ^^ 1. Who is rea-(ly? who will say, I have made my choice to- day ; 2. What a Saviour ! none hut he From the law could make us tree • 3. Room for all at Je - sus' feet, Room beneath the mer - cy - seat • 4. Hear the lov - ing Spir - it call, Welcome, welcome, one and all ; -4=- r r 9 , m — p — , V ■ • • J ■ — p-^p — ■ p>_ ^ H6^ In the strait and nar-row way I will fol - low Je - sus? Glad and grate- ful we should be Still to fol - low Je - sus. Come and taste his love so sweet, Come and fol - low Je - sus. Ere the eve - ning shadows fall Come and fol - low Je - sua. ■ ♦ 1 ^ i xi; r-y— i -o- Tz cnonrs. 3 dj: -* — ct -6^- 3EEt fc^ By his grace brave and strong, Ev - er faith -ful, marching on; ■>ii- f= 4=^ J T f f Iz: i In the strait and nar - row way fyS ^f)t Sure Jfountfntion. T C 0-KA3n. ■X T P ^. '""■'• "' ''""•' o»tspn.ul, (Vies- tial ^l,, - ry bathes its h^d'- 3. TluU Koek s u tower, lofty height, lUu.ned wUh'hea V. . un loud d i^'t 1 r ^ — P-*-i 1 1 IT ^^^^^i^ Tn r^ " [ "' ''"'^ *^'-^ "'" *'^"«* ^'^'« «"'l ^i^hin this cleft a rS To ,ts firm base n.y all I brin. And to the Cross of A - J, TSia Opes WHlo us^^ate l,eneath the dome Where saints find rest with Christ at home CITORT'^S. ^ ^ ^ s . I I Some build their hopes on the ev - er drifting sand, Some on their fe m ■u 59 ts:f)ttt'» Moom for mu Laura Millrr. JitO, R SWHNFV 1. There's riM m lor all and the feast is spread. — IJemenUxT the price it eost ; 2. There 's room l'< rallat the lilood-stain'deross.There'srooinfn-thest reams that How 3. There's room lor all at the door of tiTMv, IJiit why do yon still de - lay? 4. Thei. '.-, room lor all iu our Father's home I'repared by redeeming love ; -^^m^^^^^mi ^ ^ «> — • ii roll-ing onward still, "Whosoev - er will may <<.nie to Je - sn.s." -1^ ■^ b* — ^- V— i- I -J — \ — J ^m 68 'i m JfW tt)t &f)ntjoM} of ti}t uoth R<'V. M LoAKIg HOFFOKI). ''A^Mrfr^Tt^^^^^j,^ y i Adam OnRn.. *" > ^ ^ wiri'-i^ Lt't me rest, t.i t...n An- Wat.n« „n ,uy bn.ust, Wh.n devils of tho .he Wo„l,| ,1- ££=£r&^-£: v-^-^- -v-^- -A !\__\ Fine. r ^^^^^^-ji .unions of 11,0 day, In tho shadow of tho rook Lot n.o rost upon my way Inn- ,ny to.-t astray, In tho sha.low of tho n.ok Lot n.o lot mo , Jy oarth .sdraw,ni,n,.ar. In tho shadow of tho rook Lot n.o without a foar ' -^* -«- -»-• -ft. i—^ilfufilifijf *■ ^^i\ mm W-ir-0 0^^ I^t me rost. Lot mo rost. I„ tho shadow of the n„ k, Lot Lo n-st ' Let me rest. Let me rest, Let mc rest. ■r er8 I atik that my plaee may Ih; -4^ :2i V— IT 1^— V- Hut my task was lifzht.aud my heart was glad, For I heard the Ma«t«r say : As it waved in the lijiht of the mid-day sun. And it smiled o'er the harvest plain. Till the sun shall set. and my ^ vuTk is dour, And the Ma.ster calls me home. cnonr"?. 5— _,>^_^^— rpij^-TS-^rri: Kest by and by, rest by and by, in the tield a - hove ; There is l^^^J^^ rest by and by, happy reM by and by. And s crown of e- t€r- nal love t^i-jl', ,,^ t<- ! . t :iqrr:g:p^->rv-tp t BCbdir ^umancf. Wm. J. KiRKrArHicK A— A -4"^ ^ -J 83 &* IFITT ^t^ ^^?:^^f!i^^ 4 Vtuh'T thy hicst wini: of nirrcv How scciirclv do I rest; t'louit I ni leanitiR on thy breaat. .sh"lt(-r. Here no enemies molest. £^3^=11^, -V — t^ztr- 66 .J Jesus, how thy loving kindness Hedges all my onward \y.iih, Ifow thy mercy doth inclose me! "Tlioii wilt miide me unto death.'* i v.;;; jii.iiw- iiiee, Praise thee with my latest hreath. ml ,.sr 63 ?^ratim. T.C. O'Kanb. 1. What glu - ry is thine, () thou Ci - ty of God; O Zi - on, bright 2. We know thou nev- <>r ii beam of our sun, The moon nor the 3. We dream ol' tliy jieaee that sliall nev - er Im; strife. The day that shall 4. We see the white robes in the streets of pure i^okl, The Qush of white i _ ^6^- l^£S=^g^ Rl^^^ :t=± ±^ land of our dreams.of our dreams. What beauty hanj];s over thy flower - y sod, stars of our night : of our night. With ^raudeu^ eternal thy areh-es are hung, nev-er be nev - er be o"er ; The HI- ies so white in the Kiv - er of Life, wings in the air ; in the air ; Thi^tar of thy morning that never grows old, -9^-m •Jir*;^ ^^- 3^i:^gii^ I Hi CHoiirs. Thy walls and thy silver-winged streams! To thee we will journey, O The smile of the Lord is thy light ! The ros - es so sweet on the shore ! The smile of the loved that are there I 5i35I±5^E*3Ej Ci-ty of God, To rest on thy eveigreen shore, When mortal - ity's 15 > ' ' evergreen shore. pathways of du - ty are trod. Willi ,Iesus to live ev - ermore cv er- more i/ 1/ i""^^"' ± < 1 ^- i— I I L I IT t — -,- l-b-i- 64 LizziR Edwards. Xn tt)t iSool^ oi aecr. ^mmmm Wm. J. KlKKrATKICK. H \- 1. In thy book, where glory bright Shines with never- fa,l - ing l^i 2 In the book, whoso p.vge« tell Who have tried to serve thef well 3. a the book, whore ,hou dost keep Record stUl of years that sreen 4. O ,ny feuv.our, thou const show What I long so'n.uch t^ knoT: I rrr =^^ -fc* O er my name let m.r - cy trace Child of Cod, redeemed by grace L mvS: . r'n''^"/""" ''-'' "' '-'"^'^ im-mor-taUrown. Le my faith be -hold and see That my life i, hid with thee. P^§^%=^^1 — o • ' -^ Write my name in the book of life, Lamb of God. writ* it there; Where thy saved thou wilt re- cord Write my name, my name, O Lord. «T 65 iFotrVoartit our sa^atd^toottr. Henbv Alford. T. C. O'Kakb. 1. Forward! l)e our watchword. Steps and voices joined, Seek the tliinps be- 2. Forward throujih the desert, Tliro' the toil and fight ; .Tor- dan Hows be- 3. Glor - ies upon phir-ies Hath our God prepared. By tlie souls that 4. Far o'er vou ho- ri - zon Rise the ci- ty towers, Where cur (iod a- fore us. Not a look he- hind : lore us, Zi - on beams with li>;ht love him One day to \w shared : Lid - eth That fair home is ours; -t^ 5' Burns the ti - ery pil - lar I For-ward I floik of Je - sus, Eye hath not be-held them, Forward, marching eaat-ward :?:• Ut a. ^ .m. At our army's head ; Who shall dream of shrinking. By our Captain led? Salt of all the earth. Till ciU'h yearninf: ] Sjjring to glorious birth: Elar hath never heard; Nor of hath uttered Thought or speech a word: ■Where the heav'n is Driijht. Till the veil be lift- cd, Till our faith be sight ! Forward ! forward in -•< — • — < the con flict With the niightj' hosts of sin, Tlu M Savioiir is our glorious Cap lain Suri'-lv we win. ^^ m m^m^m JEfte &ptn nvmg. Wm. J. KiRKPAinira. 3. A ->;ain the dear .'Saviour is call in," n * ^^ lunpuished.and died; The arms of hisraer-cv arp n . T>on • tt„ „<• r The ,„..„.j ?r „,, „. ,;, s~: tI;'™ .n;r,;",,;';j;!'.,ri,t;*v». i^ to the arms that are wait - inn, They lon^ "" ''~ ' 'a''-i"g. wait- ing, Come, th. Come, come, come ,o the arms .ha. are wai. i.g waU i rCcm .h I . . jiig, wait-mg, Lome, they long have bten 5 > ^ wait-ing for you: oh, come to your lo'ving rV •a.t - .ng for you, wait-ing for you ; Come, come. c. me ,o your lov - ,ng Re. H 3 8 aeem - - . „, So gen - tie, foidvine. ami trn.- deemer.yourloving Rcrjr:ric:*=>i;-ii. 69 O QO CD O ^ ^ i:i.' if-^l^ 'ti UU KK Ml fA SU LA U Fannt J. Crosby. Jno. R. Swwntv. m -:^iT 1. On - Iv 2. On - Iv 3. On - ly a beam ot a bcuin of a word for sun- shine. But oh, it was warm and uright; The pun-sliinc Tliat in - to a ilwell-ing crept, Where, Je - siis ! Oh, speak it in liis dear nam* ; To * r — 1- J4 1 1 — L FJt r- — — ' \-r— '*' > — ^ ' ^ heart of a wea - rv trav - 'ler Was cheered by its wel- eome sight. o - ver a fad - ing - bud, A moth- er her vig - il kept. per - isli- ing souls a- round you The message of love pro -claim. On - ly a beam of sun- shine That fell from the areh a - hove, And On - ly a beam of sun- .shine That smiled tliro' her falling teiirs. And Go. like the faith- ful sun- beam, Your ?uission of joy ful - fil ; Ke- •«- •«- -V- oi^-f^t-" ten-der-ly. .soft - ly whispered A me.s- sage of peace and love. Bhowe() her the bow of prom - ise, For- got- ten perhaps for years. mcnilMT the Saviour's prom -, That he will be with you still. r ^ ^ « . _^_ i-i "1- --Ly fc, - -w- t- s CHORUS. L^^ a word for ,Te - .sn.s, On - ly a whispered prayer . 70 CD <8> (X> O C} ^ O DO KM Ml rA bU LA t« ^nls a Mtum of SiUnmnt. CONCLUDED. :i=fr. ^^H O- ver some grief-worn spir - it May rest like a sun-betm "tif 68 f^uil to tt^t Hvistitntm. 1 HOMAs Hastings. J. J. Hood, 1. lai to thebrightnes.sof Zi-on's glad morning! Joy totha 2. Had to thehrightnesHof Zi-on's glad morning! Long bytS^ 4 S^.e fr'" *•!?/'"'■? "''Jfl"— are springing; Streams ev-er 4. See, from^all lands, from the isles of the o-cean, Praise to Je- -- landsthat in dark- ness have lain! Wished be the ;*o- cents of prophets of Is -rael fore -told; Hail to the mil- lions from co-p,ous are pKNing a - long; Loud from the mountain tops ho-vah as-cend-iug on high; Fallen are the en-gines of ^ ^' ^ - -p. * P^^pg -f- r fe m M^m^M^^^^m : tp^F -itl r" Ror-rowandmonming; Zi - on in triumph be -gins her mild nign >nd - age return- ing ; Gen- tiles and Jews the blest vision h? - hold 'eh - oes an- ring- ing ; W;istes rise in verdure, and min-gle in song war and commotion ; Shouts of ealva - tion are rend- ing the skv H p^ T — ? ^^ r ai'> I n 69 MnitiQ, ^Untiina, eomtnfl. L.S.N. Jno. R. Swbnbt. 1. Je - siis (lied on Calvary's mountain, Died for yoii, died for me- 2. Je-suH rose a - gain vi(! - toriou.'!, Rose for you, for me; 3. Je- siis comes a - pain all glorious, Comes for you, comes for me. : .g_-J __^- q: -• — *- r f^-----::^ — t- — -p — I — f- -e^- ct t=M=B- ' — +■ From his side a pur- pie fountain Flowed for you, f.owed for me. Now he pleads, our Priest all glorious. Pleads for you, pleads for me. Bringing crowns for saints vie- torious; One ."or you, one for me. "^^ We were sin-ners, but he gave us His own precious blood to save us, Show.s^his liands and feet all bleeding, What he suffered for us needing Ou his Father's throne now seated. All his foes at last de-feat-ed, ■>— r- ^- ^E^J 4=- -st^ -•— p- :«^it:z«i^: Part-ners of his F,v - cr for us Rv bliss ^J" to have us, ter-cfd-ing, his own redeemed ones greeted IN Je - sii died, Je - sus pleads, .Ii' - sus comes. Je - sus died. Je - sus j)leads. Je - sus come.-t. --I- t — ^i h — ' 1 — ^i T~ I- r^!^ ^ — el— J- 7S 70 ! which is call»d Cal 1. On Calv'ry's brow 2. 'Mid rending rocks 3. O Je-8us, Lord, my Saviour died, and dark'ning skies, how can it be. ""Twas there my My Saviour That thousliouldst Lord bows give was cruci - fied his head and dies; thy life for me, 'Twas on the cross The opening vail To bear the cross he bled for reveals the and ajf- o- me, way ny,— ^mm And purchased there To iieaven's joys In tlii't dread hour my par-don free, and endless day. on Cal - va - ry ! — w/ciiouus. O Tal-va- m-l Hart PoK-o _ ..xrl U-1 T l._j I.- i^,_ . » ' V ' =tr O Cal-va- ry! dark Calva - ry! Where Jesus shed his blood for me, for me- t=i^ If. o ^ . ry! blest Cal- va - ry! 'Twas there my Saviour died for me. ■ r * ^ # P P > ' ^ t~ ■*- p • a . r» ;^-4- T-^ i 71 StrUinff for f«t. E. E. Hastt. -K — 1. .Icsns.niy Saviour, to l?ftlil»lifiii ciiiiu', lion, in ;i manjifr to sorrow and shame; 2. Jesus. my Saviour. onC'ahMr.v'strcf.I'aid llic^rfat (leht.auii niysoul liesct free; 3. ,It -"ii--, my Saviour, tlic same as of old, While 1 did wander al'ar I'rom the told, 4. .*^aviour,shall come from on lii>;li, Sweet is the promise as weary years fly; ^ i w 1 ^ " '*' I" E&EiiEfe-g Oh, it was wonder- I'ul. hlest be his name. Seekins; for me, for me. Oh, it was wonder- ful. how could it he? r)y-inK for me. for me. Gent- ly and lon^ he hath i)led with my soul. Calling: forme, for me. Oh, I shall see him deseendinj^ the sky, Cominj; for me. for me. rJ: i J i ■^ — y- !aS , for me for me; .... V — ' ^1 ^ — . 1 ^ — [■ — *— r— 1--=^^ — I- — r Seekini; for me, I)y- iui: for me, C"all-in<; for me. Com-iuK for me. seekin;; lor me. Seekiii}^ for me, dyiufi forme. Dy-inji for me, callin;: for me, Call-ing for me. comini; for me, Com-ins; for me, > ^ r / ;/ y seeking; lor me dyinji for me ; calling for me: com 14 lor me ; L« — ^ »> U- 1/ 1 ^ -^ -«-- — -\ — ^— J\ -s — - \ , «, 1 , — , 1 _- w ^rx,^_^_j_j , r j, ,|i^ *- *- F-^^#=*= Oh. it was wonderfui. hjist be his name. Seeking for me, for me. Oh, it was wondertul. how could it be? I)y-iii<; for me. for me. Gent-Iy and loui; he hath ])led with my soul, ("allinj; for me, for me. Oh, I sIkiH see him desciiuling the skv, Coming for me, for me. »:rTpr:S:xt::-#^:^=:ii--r;*ir:f:i::»_Pj 7« II* 72 Mrs, M. B. C. Slade. ^tU it ^Qnin. — N- 1 1^ R. M McIntosh. n:::^ *=j^-?---^-r r^;-'-^=i=i-EE 2 " /)?.)■ I:?. ^^'' i**""^ ''■''"'^ ^ *-'•'■•' ""y '"•^- '^'>'- ' •^- i"K a - lone at the 4. Sm.l.nK.hesaui, as h.s last sigh he spent, 'I am so ^lad that Lr doae of the day, News of sal - va - ti.m we car-ried h^ val " Tev' o H "IT '.'r ''T' ' ^ ^' ' '^^^ '• "'^ ^and will helld ? val - ley of death :"God sent his Son !"— "whoso - ev - e-v" s..;,! he- me he w^s sent !, while low sank the sun in the west,' f -.> — nJ » — • — •^ ^ U U Js — fc — N ■=1-- ^ RKFRAIN. No - 1k» - dy ev - er has told it to me '" a rru° ■ ^ ' ''•^' *'^' " ^^ *''^ •'**" ■ ""V '>'•»« told !" Then I am snre that he sent him for me'" Lord, I be- lieve, tell it now to the rest '" Tell it ^^^^^S=^ "*' * -•■ *^'^'" ' ^'^^ ''■^^'on's sto- 1^ repeat o'er and oVv, Till none can -u — i/ ^^ say of the children of men, "No- ho - dy ev - er has told me he- fore " f—^i/ — \/ — 'i/ — • — •- > — i' — ^ — i/ — y — Ki— L|^ — J^ — ^ — 11 — tr n V / 73 Rer. E. H. Stokhh, D D. lEtiets 21^9* Wm. J KlRKrATHICK. |r<.^:gzii^^^g .'^ N h'^I*— fef; -Jt^^f ^ ^. .17; -»--^-g:-f J. 1^ jj ^•— "^^ ^ * '• --^ 1. Thoujih tliprp maj- he shades of sadness F.v'ry day, ev -'ry (hiy, There aro 2. You may hav«' your litth> ;Tos.sefi Kv -Vy day, ev - 'ry (hiy ; Yen may y. Seek to liirhten some oni's sorrow Kv -"ry day, ev - 'ry da}'; Tliis will 4. Life may have its ho- ly plejisures Kv-'ry day, ev - 'r^ day; And the ^ N " ~ : 1— s-r« — • — • — • — • — •-- poldeu jih'ains ol ^' E\'ry day, ev -ry day; Tiiere is joy a- mid the meet witli little loss-es Kv -'iy day, ev'ry day; Never mind! e;u'h cross will briiif; a sweeter morrow Kv -'ry liay, ev-'ry (lay; Kaint, it may he, yet pur- heart lind richest treasures Ev'ry day, ev -'ry day; See, the skies are growing ■ 1 — V — * ^ — »<-I->— V— >^ -H •-L* « « '^ ril. -^-^ iz^r-r- -\_ ^ ' ' ' 'J ^ '^ sit;hinj_'. Laughter riiifzinj; thro' the eryiuL'. Love to love with smiles replying, Kv'ry liyhiiii.lirief luall your losses hrij;iit(U, If your hold oti (iod shall tighten Kv'ry sum;;. All tliechristly graces wooing. And some little good l)i' doing, Kv'ry clearer. Dear ones all hecomiug dearer. And our home is so much nearer, Ev'ry day, ev-ryday. t^v-'ry day, . . . while on our way r> Thro' the while on our way ^ J y world,. . . let come wlial uiav. 1^ -M^-m '-m -J ^ ^ -- y,z:T Going forth with strong desire. To tliu ■y— h — yr!- — •/-*- 2iy m\ what nwy, -51 ©bets Bag.— CONCLUDED. greatent f,ood aspire, From the hi«b,8till riMn« higher, EvVy .lay, eVr^ day. 74 Fannt J. ClinSBT. 3le0u», IF eomr to ^f}tt. Wm J. KiRKPATRTCK. 1. Jf-mis. I oomo to thop, Lon<:-in)? for 2. Je-Mis, I come to thee, Hear thou my 3. Now let the rolling waves Ren the Lord, lor good ii is to j.raise }iiiii ; O lot the earth li is soul's a - hid- hvr trust : Croat are his works nnr tlici", A - rise, and his 3. The Ma.s-t;, ^V^^==^- ^^^^^^Ip^^i:^ 80 ^L..?!5f<«' ««» masnlfs our Kf„B, ■ r. m m r h' P I II I £ Jl^opt to Mttt Sou mi in QSiotn. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. 1. 2. 3. 4. I ho})o to meet you all in plo - ry, Wlicn tlipstomis of life are o'er; I hojH' to nifft you all in j^lo - ry, By the tree of lilc so fair; 1 h ■JL?^*' -> -J5- 1 -J-- - 5- -J — ^ m — J-^— j-^i- \; / A * * I — "•" __ .0,--- A — #- • - - -•- :*r:- • 1 r- r-f On the slnn - ing JL shore, -PL On the «old - en strand, In our •- ♦ ♦ • -•- -^ -^ -^^ lP-r i- r — ' -^ - ^- p. r — t — i— 1 — — t: -^=^- =^-j3 -jL ! ! / > ^ tJ jr Father's home. In the hap - py land : I hope to meet you there, I Hg^ r^t^ > ^ ^ V ^ 80 Mrs. S. T. Griswold ^^yH/i sjiirit. ^f)t motnins Star, T. C. O'Kanb. wm^m ^mm^ -■xa '>. The 1,11, rri„, ,, , ,'"'-"'' '^^'^^""^''tlio ranson'dhcavn bound i >u iMiur.n., n..ary a„d w.ak m laith, Hath smil, ,1 in s boains afir- tr,-al and sorrow, so sure to com., The peao. of the spirit mar? ^ *^ t ♦^^ * ^ ^ 1/-^ ^X-^ V-A. ^^1^^ ^-^ One did • "'f "r ' '•'""' ''^' '^^-"-""'^ ^^^ ^''^'^' -'» ^rornin. Star. On d. d ,o redeem Lnn,-tis lu-wh, .sai,h,-'rm the and Arorni;, Star " x^a^ l,r,dn. st an .loom us the of home,_Ofthe Bright and Mornin,Star :J^r The j;ri^ht and Morninu' star, . . ti.e Erigh' and Morning Star, . . .A The lln^jlu .111.1 Ml. rni:i2 .^tar I!ri >),. \t c ^m ' I ^ ' i>ri>;IU iMorning Star, '-T 1 '. 1- '- tlT f — I ■t ( H'' l*> .N -^ 't^^^m^E^mm- bea - eoa li.-ht i.oth near and a - far I> J.. - sus. the Morning Star. 'w^^^^^MSl 8.') 81 I? am ^f)int. Rev John O. Fostfk, A. M. Jno. R. Swenev. 1. I am thine, O Lord, from this moment thine, I li:ive jiivcn all to theo, 2. Now my heart is thine, consccnitcd all. Thro' t':iitli in Christ a - lone, 3. Oh. the joy of soul where theSaviour reit;ns. In thi> heart niade fully clean, ^>i^^lr# Kl^ -• — 0- :i-.fct -•^ -«. Jt. M. -M- -# — •- ^ *i ■V — V t^^^ - ■1 ^ I'll iiianvdnaiiis of fMiii.' and gold | ■Nicc-^M and joy to iiiake lu.- \,nUl- liiil. deanr siilj, niv (iiith to hold i For my whok life I come. I come' I e me, Lord, 'Just lus I am.'' ■j And for thy sake to win renown, Ami then to take uiv victor's crowu, And at thy feet to cast it down. U Master, Lord, I come, I come ! i''-'\ 83 Charles H. Elliott -JV- N mi voftn 3tm0. Jno. R. SwnvFv. ^— . 1. I know not if yon f:i(i-iii>; sun Will lirins the joy of la- Ixir (ione, 2. I kn-' • L| ^ — ^ — ^ — ^ ^_L C I know not if my crown is won. Hut loave it all widi Je-sns; In Or sppid my soul torialnismorf hri;;lit, I leave it all with Je-sus; lie Bj^t thon^'h a straii-rer here I roam, I leave it all with Je- sus'; I i "-I y—. — ^-y -~fd>— L- m^^^^M^^mm r per- ft'ct tni>^t I loan and n st Con- fid- inL; on his lov-imi broast; Ho cuidis me with his >:ra(i^:zzt-=:*z:^-[:i^-:^--:l---^J~^--A-^J^-J — \ -^ — ev kiml. lo\ini; Saviour. Till I rame to the Saviour kind, lovm- Saviour. When I eanie to the Saviour kin.l, lovi,,;:. Saviour, Now I rest in mv Saviour,' km.l, lovimr Saviour, ()u - ly look to my Saviour. i?g My .Te - sus, my own. My .le - SMS, my own. My .Te- su.s, my own. My .le - sns, my own. S?33=:«F:Zr^: V-- it • -V— L| ^ »l %\' ! Ho ftttlp l{U0t a Utttlr As sung by Rev. W. A. Spencer, D. D. Rev W. A. .^FENCER, D. D. -1 ^-r-^^ — ^— N Wm. J KiKKPATRICK. 1. IJrotli- 1", (or Clirist'.s kiufiiioiii .sii;liin;^, lli'lp :i lit- tie. help ;i lit-llc 2. Ih thy cup iniult-' .s;u1 hy tri-;il? Help n lit-tli-, litl]) a lit - tie .'{. Though no Wfiiltb to tliee is giv-t'ii, Help ;i lit -tie, lit-lp a lit -tie 1 7 a J±=fe|B3ESiBO[3EE:t~* — ^ •< K*— < * i Lh ^ — , -^ Ly V— ^ — 4 L -S •--» -t- :=tif-t _\ — \ t/ > u -4 =4^ •■ • ir Help to siive the mil- lions dy - int:, Help just a lit - tie. Sweet-en it with self -de-tii - al. Help just a lit - tie. Sae - ri - lice is gold in hiav-eii, Help just a lit - tie. ^3^ p^3=PE:E5lE|ET=a ClIOKT'S, Oh.the wront^s that we may ri'AiitenI Oli. the hearts that we may li;;hten ! -•- • -•- •-• -•- ^ I ^-\j- ^ , r C— A , — \ — Bv- . T ^-^ ^ -*-• -*- ■• -r- • • • • .^, .^. ^ Oh, the skies that we ni.iy Itriiihteii I Hrlpin^: ji!st a lit - tl 1 — M lET -—•-+4 > > I 1=4: i 4 us live I'or Mue anutlicr, Helji a little lielp a little; Helji to lilt each talliu hrother, Jlelp just a little. 5 rim' th\' life is jiressi'd with sorrow, Hi Ip a htth'. helji a little; IJiavely look t'ward ( iod'.s to-morrow, ili-ip just a little. 88 80 Frank r.oi'LD. ^bitut Wtf^ mr. -^^ » P -^'-i T 1. All tl... day i,. ,,,^,t .•o,„n.„n - i,.n. I. All the day, in sweet commim- ion, AH il,,- ,1 ,v ;„ ». one by one the even,n« shadows,' One t ''^^ Z-::,r:CZ:\!:u 'H; .Tc - sus, I i/ r y dark : ■- •-•■•-,;•;;-;,;:.';".;"'■:- • ^::;r i';:^/ •'-';'"-- ^^^^ liyiit of pea /^.-s.-ti - lion, Go not hcntv, . . . abide with in.- / J \ prayer, my soul's peti-ti,,,. abide wuh mc, Go not hence, abide with mc CIIOUIS. ^g3i:^?:^^?E3i •-^-^^ Thou my l.ti^ n,y on - ly .„id,., , inh;aVnor f:^?z3 M. Jt- M. JnrtrJr-fc::izr eii.'th I :usk hut the..;. Hear my praver. ' . '. . nn- soul's po -• -■ _• !e (»"»'; ' J niy.,onl'.s,,.ti- tion. Hear my -I — i/-t 1 i'-'^ ~ ■"- -m- -m. -■. -■_ -■_ M li !!"■ 11 Jfl J?; " {J- f 8; 9(notof;trr ioiti) Cfjer. Jknsir Carnktt. ^ T- -,v V V J L-l — 1 , Jno. R Swrnkv 1/ S'^-y^ g L^- 1U 1. Wli.ii iminor-tal souls aro (]y - in^r, r,„r,I. we wnnl.l not tliink of rest; '-'. If ainoiif: tlif poor and low - ly Tlioii (lout call iis liy tliy urace, .'i. Thouiill we may not sc- tho lruit-a}ie Of our toilin;; lure he - low, 4. Choosf for us our path of du - ty, T«uh us. Lord, our li.'arls aiv weak • ^. .#- ^m- M- M. «m --»-—- -^ -|— -f-^ -m- -w- ^m- -m- m. .m. '-V 1^ — 6^ -V — I 1 *- ^1^ :fr: i im^tj^^mMnrtmii Kut we a field of la - lM)r That will serve and plfa,so t!i(ol) At the post thy will as- sIl'hs us We are -lad to take our place. Ev-'ry precious soul we fiath - er In the lu-ture we shall know. May thy blessed, ho - ly S])ir - it <;ive tlie words that we >hall speak. ■Is— t=3"~l~* ♦ -•- rfrmimr-^ : ^_ CHORT.' -s-^j — N — N — ^ e_f gs '. -•- -P- -•. • — # • '■rs> •— H :-v— V— iz: ms f ^ ^rti -- »,r— •^• — ^- i^irl:::!^^^!!:^! Anywhere thy steps to fol - low, On a des-ert thou-di it \w M^ -• — i/ — h g -f- #- .». ^. m- -a-' ^— y B* V > 1 1 L ii=t:^ tl^, ._x_ An-ywhere. if thou lint lead us • — « — r--* — *- An - ywhere, f ) Lord, with thee. 80 «8 rtjo ?Uoi|) spirit, aofij, mont. Hknhihtta K. ii] AIK rest ; racf, l)W, El Ix'St. lee. low. Milk. \Vm J KiRKPATRICK. 1. Thy ir.. - ly Spir - it, |,,,nl, :i - Ion.' C;,,! t 2. Thv Ko urn oiir hearts from sin, His n' in ' spl.-e. I[i.( ! y Spir - it, I,„r.i, a- loM.-(un.i..i>. ,r \m, ']■ V:^ II" • '^^''"■- "• '-'l. '-'■■>..« Th..^ul.>w,.s...k inpnAvr,' UN 4. Ihy n„ - ly .Sp.r- it, Lonl,.aa;;u..Th,.pa... wene..,! thishour. Vml L ti 2Ji -•^— r- 3 Ef i'^t^^^s^ pow.T a- lone ran san.- - ti - fv An Hh: prav. And -Jt - <> Spir - it of Faith and T.ove. Oime in onr midst, we pray. And -O 8j)ir - it of I.ove, de- scend, Come in our midst, we ^ ' ^^-=^^-:^^:g-^^— ^ — F > — >- -t — - il !t r .tei m •J -O * o • -#- -5- -#- •-•-#- i.y- j)ur - i - ly each wait- ini: h % l/^ fy 1.0 I.I 1.25 bil^ |2.5 ^ i4i liiM 1.4 1.6 . if 1 89 me eomCn0 of ffiijsi iTeet LvMAN Whitney Allen *>^^ rr?i — N Jno. R. Swbnbv. > — Ni 1. In the crimson of the mominp;, in the whitenesa of the noon. In the 2. I li;ive heard his weury footsteps on the bujkIs of Gal-i - lee, On the 3. Down the minster isles of splendor, from betwixt the cherubim, Thro" Uie (S > N _ N .N > am- her frlory of the day's retreat, In the midnight robed in darkness, or the temple's marble paveraent,on the street.With the weight of sorrow falt'rine up the wond'ring throng, with motion strong and fleet, Sounds his victor tread approaching , ^ > N ^ [with a -^ ^ i T r *f A-^^p ^^j=f-i • 9 p s -V — W- — ^ — 1/ — ^ — ^ — ^ -V — 1/->- pleaming of the moon, I list - en for the com- in-^ of slopes of Cal-va- ry. The sot -row of thecom-ing of mu - sic far and dim — The mix - sic of the com- iiig of his feet his feet his feet. I am list'iiing, I am Usl-'ning for the com-ing of his feet. I am ing of his feet; He is coming, hal-le - In- jah ! he is fc f*-r — f — ^~ ^~ V- >-v- v t — ■ / — ■>- V I / - > — ;/ — b — It — /— f ■ -~y— ^— V— y-' 1- "^ :^t: list nine for ths comine of his feet : ' 9S rtit (tomiriQ of fMtia iTect— concluded. com- ing robed in light ! I list - en for the com-inK of his feet. -7-s-r:«:v ?-^- r -5 1^ u |t_ 3: 1 N I 4 Sandaled not with shoon of silver, girdled not with woven gold, \Vei<>;lited not with shimm'ring gems and odors sweet, "Wliite- winged and shod with glory in the TalKjr-light of old— The glory of the coming of his feet. 5 He is coming, O my spirit ! with his everlasting pejice. With his blessedness immortal and complete ; He is coming, O my spirit! and his coming brings release ; I listen for the coming of his leet. 90 T. C. O'K. FIUST VOICE. aJujQit iJrgoutr. T. C. O'KAmt. ^^P^^^S 1. Hear you ev - er an -gels singing. As around the throne they shine? 2. Hear you ev - er in your slumbers Songs from those who've gone before? 3. Do you ev - er feel like go-ing To that land so bright and fair? 4. Let us cher-ish uow and ev - er Glowing hopes of joys to come, , SECOND VOICE. . §:^mw^^mm Yes, I oft - en hear them chanting, Chanting hymns of love di - vine. Oh, how oft - en do I hear them. Singing on the oth - er shore. Oh, how oft - en would I gliwl - ly Go and join the loved ones there. And when earthly ties we sev - er Meet in heaven, our hap - py home. CIIORITS. K Heaven's plains are just before us, Just beyond the shores of time. -—1 y~H y- J 4^ -0-'-0- -m- -0- -»- "#-•-•• A ! p 1 1 f., p ^- ~y-- n- i q^ e'll join the mighty cho- rus, In that bright- er. bet- ter clime. Remark— The is', ad, and 3d stanzas should be sung by Solo voices, the 4lh sunza as a Duet. 8S (, i. 91 W.J. K. QUESTION W»f. J. KlRkPATHICK. !-«;- I ^ -» ^=t: ==)= ij.h.,.6,vl. Who, who i.s ho? Who, who is he? Who, who is he that o- ver- i R.,. ui. 6. 2. What shall he wear? What sliall he wear? What shall he wear that over- B.T. u. 7. 3. What shall he eat ? What shall he eat ? What shall he eat thai, o - ver- iut m II 4. What shall he be ? What shall he be ? What shall he be that o - ver- J. r li com-eth by th.c blood of com-cth by the blood of com-eth by the blood of com-eth bv the blood of the Lamb? He that be-liev-eth and is the Lamb? He shall be clothed in the Lamb? He shall eat of the the Lamb? He shall be a pil-lar in the bom of God, rai-ment white, tree of life, tem-ple of God, He that be-liev-eth and is bom of God, He shall be clothed in rai - ment white, He shall eat of the tree of life, He shall be a pil-lar in the temple of God, r — r — r 'v — «< — »' — ^ — ^ — >—i^ — ^ f- f :t= f -«-• '*^^ -^L^ "O"*- -♦- ■ • • • • - «-tg — g. ^'^^ —^ He that belicveth and is bora of God, Shall overcome by the blflod. He shall be clothed in raiment white, That overcomes by the blood. He shall cat of the tree of life. That ovcreomes by the blood. He shall be a pillar in the temple of God, That overcomes by the blood. 1 ^ -K " 0t>e«Om«r|!l."_-CONCLUDED O, the pn.ciou.s, precious blcxxl! O, the cleansing, healing flood ! I ^ ^ , ^ -^ ■«^* O, the pow'r and the love of God, Tluo' the blood of th^Li^M R«T iii. 5. 5||;\Vhat shall we lioar?:'! that over- 15y the blood of tlie Lamb? [comcth ||: He shall hear liis name con- 1 lessed in heaven, :] That overcomes by the blood. !!«». Hi. 7. 6||:^Vhat shall lie liavc?:!! that over- By Uie blood of tlie Lamb? [eometh ||:Gck1 will give him all things, and] make liim his son,: I That overcomes by the blood. Id: EL /::\\Tiere shall he sit?:i| that over- liy tlie blood of the Lamb? [cometh lt:He shall sit with | Jesus, on his throne, :|| That over«)mes by the blood. 1 John I 4 8 1]: What is the victory? ;|] that over- r.y the blood of the Lanib? [cometh I!: Faith is the victory that | over- eometh, ',': hy the bb.od of the Lamb. 92 mi m toag Ions it i& 3tma* 1 f O good old way, how sweet thou art! All the w.iy long it in Je - mis) I Ma^r none of uslroni thee de- part ; All the way long it is Je - sus.' | CHORUS. Ill ' ' Je - BtxB, Je - sns, Why, aU the way long it is Je - sus. 2 Biit may our actions always say i 3 This note above the rest shall swelL We re marching in the good old way. | That Jesus doeth all things weU. '^ *H I 93 I.t7ziF Edwards. DUET. CTe Sa^Cour toitli mr. Jno R. Swbnet. ^^i^^3^^ li 1. I must have the Saviour witli me, For I dare not walk alone. I must 2. I must have tlie Saviour with me.For my faith, at best, is weak; He lan 3. I must have the Saviour witli me In the onward march of lilc,Tliro' the 4. I must have the Saviour with me. And his eye the way mustguide,TiIl I ^^4> ^. ^iEE %-^ i i ^ 1^ u feel his presenee near me, And liis arm around me thrown. Then my •v.-hisper words of comfort Tliat no oth - er voice can speak, tempest and the .sunshine, Thro' the hat - tie and the strife, reach the vale of Jordan, Till I cross the roll- ing tide. ir, 51^ ^ soul shall fear no ill, Let him lead me where he will, Then my soul shall fear no ill, fear no iU. Let him lead me where he will.where he will 1/ 5- U* ^ 5^^-ircJ_v 'S^iign; 1 will j;o Without a mur- mur, And hi.s foot-steps follow still. I will go 11^ L — ^ -S-^—jzz — rjxz. n 94 E. A. Barnes. " Let us walk in th? liRhl of the Lord." Isa. ji. 5. Wm. J. KiRKPATmcr. 1. Liv-inK Ibr tlu' Mas - ter, han-m- in ),7« .... ' f^~^ V' -t~ gup to Je fius and ,n^ him re-joic - ,„«. Bear- in^ here a peasing ,n h.s.sight; I'^>11 of faith and conrage, wholly con -se-erat -ed path.s o peace and right; Patient in your tri -al.s. gen-tll and forbear- int record pure and bright; Life in him po.ssessing, 'as a crown in hi en' -•- I itz^ ^ > ^ V ami — ^^^^ — ^ -^^^^=^s^=:;i^^:=^^:"Z^— =x — ; " — \ — # — 2--—+^ — I — m~^r ::a::c5zt:zir^ CHORUS. =T Br.thers, thi.s i« walking in the light. Walk - - - ing, blest ^ ^ ■♦--#..». ^. |S Wjilk-ing in the light, — ' — — t 1 — #-- w ^ y V =^- ^~\=. ^^ N— A- k- * 1^ walk walk-ing- in the light, », ». ^ .. . ing! Brothers, are we walking in the light of' the Lord- lieht. ...... ' -^ — T^—T- y y y li -W:zt^- 9^ P ^ p -•- • 9 ^ ^^ -• •- £3- ■'-^^% -zH— t=m ^-TPJ -i — t- ^\alk - - ing,are we walk - Walking in the liizht -i — I — ^ a:::tejEe^= -^— fr a; i5 mi y v^r in;;, Walking in the light of the Lord Unlit, _ fc^ -I w.ilking in the lijiht, ■ V -»- »-! — 4^ — k— 5=^-t t=:^4pnM^l r ■*i, Ir If': I 95 Marv I!. Rrrsb. ^n tde s^t)oMa. T. C. O'KAh 1. A cry coints o-MTtlie deep, W'uiliiij; of Oal0._CONCLUDED tErfS^Et^t^ That he »/ho rule.s tho storm "'will K^„ .u ^ *~ n^^__^. ^VV.ll bring them ofl' the shoals T j - >-^ r^— ^^^i^ 96 R. Kelso Carter. SaltiatUin ijQf laear. Ja5 Warhukst. 3. Oh,theLord hasdied to ransom ev'.y one, 'Tis salvation full and iJee' - - - .•..■. a II,' He will take you to his tender, loving breast, Freely now be jus - ti- fl^ There IS room for all, in heaven there is room.God wilf safely bring v .„ hot. Wehavenaught to do, for Jesus all ha.s done, We shall livleter nal iv D.S.-no will give you perfect love without a fear, And forev- er save your soul CTIORTTS O.rejoice. the Lord has brought salvation nea" s" nd his from pole t7pole; m li 97 Sn Hettiaiifi. FaWMT J. C»OSBT. Wm. J. KiRKPATKICK. ^P^*i*te#^ri#? 1. 'Twas pool to sit at Je - sus' feet In Beth- u - ny, dear Betha- ny ! And 2. His welcome voice with joy they heard In Bethany, dear Bethany ! They 3. Whene'er he came tiieir souls were hlest In Bethany, dear Bethany ! Ilia 4. O Saviour, make tliese hearts of ours Thy Bethany, dear Bethany! And ^ ^ ^M^ -ftr.:^^ ztzztiiitu r t . ill A M ^ IS ^ I >. I rj Hh ^ — -p — j»— j 5'-r-N . I T 1 L-, — IV — nj — I — _ feel his ten - der love so sweet, In Beth - a - ny, dear Beth- a - ny ! treasured up each precious word, In Beth - a - ny. dear Beth- a - ny ! presence left a hallowed rest. In Beth - a- ny, dear Beth- a - ny! grant to us the balmy showers Of Beth - a - ny, dear Beth- a - ny ! cHon'Js. 1^ If now our faith and prayers agree. Our grateful hearts as glad may be As ^ those that Je - sus came to see In Beth- a - ny, dear Beth- a - ny ! -in -»■■ '^- I 100 Mt tfie etojQMr. Arr hy E F. Nickhuvw. 2; A .'..S^s'S^' 'ra^?i'[fn"7;rTy.r-^"'^ ^-t: 3.1 lM.stliyfe"t I V . ■^ ''^^'^''^^''''''''-'l"'/ soul- ^^'^Z lb--^i.r^r^-^..".''^ri: let mo here (or eT o TY^^^rL^^ hath made thee whole. < let mo h;;e To^ - Z" ^'^ l^^ '^L!''!!' »"^^h made t] _ , •ar-ev-er let thy love enthrari a! 1 l '^ *^'""-" ' ^^d. y iove enthrall, And keep me at^tho_ cross. ^^ :^i M ^".c™, „ U^.c™,..W.I fi„. .aJ.hol.g,,, i„j.H. M=^=f of my heart roU'd a ^Hd a - way. It ^-^ .u,.. , It was there by Jt. m_ m M ^ ■'' '■'' was the; ;*u T • I, I faith I receiv'd my Bzght, And now I am hap - py night and day! 1;> si ■ lit I :r.. 09 ^ntivt (tonuttvMion, Francis Ridi fv Clion.s liy W.J. K. Wm. J. KlRKrATHICX. 1. T;ike my lift-, and let it tx» Con - h<> - criit - cd, Lord, to tliee; 2. Tiike my iV'tt, uiid let tlii-m lie HwilY and Im-hu - ti - I'ul J'or tliee; 3. Take my li[)H, and let tln-m Iw Fill»'d with mc)4- aag- e.s for thee; 4. Take my moim nt,s and my ilay.s, Let them How in en^^>^iiin,.^.U^^'^^^ "'';;'> "•' •'—''X'kinK for thee; 4. spiri. in «ior,,wLhi::;;::;s^7;:X2';r''^"7^"'''"-'^^= »t. ^"ng lo .M-hold thee sale in the fold- -^k- ^ _ * "^^^=1=^ CHORUS. -^— M^4_ ^ r» fzitJ-r-M^-ft-fL Jesus is looking, Jesus i« -lling, Wh, dost thoujinge'wh, tarry away. ■^-^-^ r*^ Run to him quickly, say to hina gladly, Lord, I am coming, coming to-day i+ n 5 i I I 101 fj^e »t>aU iReau t>fi anlJ H^* I =N=^ rr Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. Martha J. Lankton. 1. In the cross of the Sav-iourOur re-.joic- inp; shall be, In the 2. In the midst of the sha-dows Tho' our .seed may he sown, Tho' our 3. Praise the Lord for the prom - ise Of a mansion a - hove. That liis 4. Let us work and be joy - ful While the daylight shall last. Let us =l:ifei -i~nz- :!=:*= -^■^=K J cross where he suffered That we all might be free ; For the love that came strength may be weakn.'ss, We can trust in his own; He will smile on our chil-dren may en - ter Thro' his mer-cy and love; When he makes up his wrrl till the summer And the harvest are past ; Then with sheaves rinc and seek-ing,And has not piissed us by, Lcf us work in his vineyard: Our re- la- bor Thro' the clouds drifting by, Let us work late and ear-ly; Oiir re- jew -els He will not ))ass us by. Let us work and not wi'a- rV- Our re- gold -en Home to rest let us fly. Singing jiraises to Je - sus With the m^t^dM ward is on high. We shall reap by and by. We shall reap by and .^//i z*. glad ones on liitrii. . _^__^ '"--"■ i^ IS m r- ^•- — «- f—^-crr- ^ Let us work and he iaith-fui, Wt* shiill reap l)y ;uul by i i i i r F^ 104 I 102 ^t)tr Ctiete. T. C. O-Kanb. 2. O think of the over there, Who before u. the journey havL tr,Kl 3. My Saviour ,s now over there.There my kindred und friends aratrS 4. 1 11 soon be at home over there, For the end of my journey I Z- ' I Where thesaintsad .mmortal and fair, Are robed in tneir garment, o wLe Then away from my sorrow and care, Let me fly to the land ot' the blest Many dear to my heart, over there, Are watching and waiting fo me Over there. O- ver there, O- ver there, O- ver there, O- ver there. o- ver there, o- ver there, o- ver there, o- ver there, O, think of a home over tliere, O, think of the friciids over there, My Saviour is now o- ver there, I"ll soon be at home over there, "ver there. O- ver there, O- ver there, O- ver there, O- ver there, P 5» over there, > ., over there, over there, O, think of a home over there over there, over there. O, think of the friends over there overthere,overthere,My Saviour IS now over there over there, over there, Til «,„,„ ]„, ,a home over there' -^T1~ i^ I 103 E. A. Barnes IXtjoitt, m^ s^uL _t:M=zzrr-::^z=- Jno R. Swkkby. 8U8, as the on - ly Son, Re-Joine, m'v soul, re - joice- 8US and his words divine Re -joice, my soul, re - joice •' 8US, who will help an• ft ,cr r^ m r In In In In Je - sus, as the ho - ly One, Je - sus, vho is ev- er thine, Je - sus, who is ev - er near, Je - sus, ev-en to the end. Re- joice, my soul, re-jo-ce. In Re-Joice, my soul, re -joice. He Re- joice, my soul, re -joice. He Re- joice, my soul, re -joice. And rt m--. — d — r* ? — X — S that he sumrod on the tree, In that he made salva- tion free, makes thy blessings to iucrrase, Thy faith to soar, thy fears to cease; loves to bless thy passing days. He loves to keep thee in his ways; th_^n on hfes e- ter-nal shore. Thy pr. s - ont ills and sorrows o'er who purchased thee, Thi>n in the Lord. . . . who is thy peace. Then in the Lord, . . . who is thy praise. Oh, in the Lord, . . . lor-cv-er-more Rejoice, my soul, re-joice. Rejoice, my soul, re-joice. Rejoice, my soul, re-joice. Rejoice, mv soul, re-joice. CHORUS. I ea— - Re-joicc, my soul, rejoice w- , • -,,,,„ »,. . . . ^ "'-rpjoice, Ke-joice, my -joice • 104 .. ;.,.-._., ., .^" We come, mate the strain, Ami ul it reach the skies. ^o'l I'' '''"' ''''' ^'■'^"^- •'"'' "" t''y torn- pie now with'Jred lays. !"d R •,■-..--:. -."L I 5 In this rest toil does not weary — I Toil for thee, mv Saviour; ■ In the gloom there's nothinj; drear' vYuu iiice,u my Saviour. it< 109 It I') '. I Rev. W. A. Spbncbr, D. D. m^^ 1. The seed I have .scattered -.n sprin,Mime with weepin,., Aud watered ^th ~. An- oth- er .nuy reap what in ,s,,n„K-tinu. Ive planted, An- oth - er re- 3. The thorns w>il have choked, and the summer sun hiasted The most of the u ^ S ^ tz fc b — •-•--—•- 'Sjji: — « ■ — ^ tearsand with dews from on bi«h ; a£ - oth - er may shout when the Cd U- . '"'' ■'' "'^ P'-^'"'-^^"' •^-^- '"^^ »' ' ^-- -hen in ^^^^^'^^ '" «pnn«-time I've sown ; But the Lord who ha.s watched while my t^**- 1- ^- T """■- -inxz — • -A ,- I har-vesters reaping Shall gathe^ m'y grain in th^- " sleet by and bT" summer I faint- ed While toiling sad-heart- ed in sunshine and rafn wea-ry tod last -ed Will give me a bar- vest for what I have done 1 O - ver and o^- ver, ye^s^ deep - er and deep- er M^ he^^^I^ through with life's so^r- row- ,ng cry, But the tears of the sow - er a^nd 110 Sarum mmt.- CONCLUDED. f^ne. "°" " '" "-- -.--;„.„-,.:. ;,.: J » ; j^ «C6e mtoH'H SlppUtD. R- Kblso Carter. Fine. The blood's applied, I'm jus- ti- lied Tf „ ^ £*" _f- .. . .... ^'''^' " Par-doasev-'ry sin; The 2 I've l)id farewell to every fear By faith r claim the p?iz?t' Now I can read my title ,loa; 10 mansions in the skies 4 Though cares and storms and sorrows Alwut me thick and fast, S •w ,Tf '~^'' i« Lord of ail,- ^^ \V dl brinjr p^e home at last But Jesus saves me through and Wi^fi '"-^ '"^•^ »"'! rest, In snitP «f nil *u.. , , "b" """I While shont.x f.r v,\>f„ „u.i, ^"' " '"''' ^'""^- ^^-"'^a".' *^om every ;;oaquerii,g^i;;^' Itt ! 109 Carrik M. Wilsom. S^inQ Oti* Jno. R. Swnnr. nt S^^ ::c —I — i—m-^ — T j_ -•- -#-•-#--#■ I 1. Sin^ on, yo Joy - fill pil - grims, Nor think the moments long; 2. Sing on, ye joy - t'ul pil - grims, While here on earth we stay 3. Sing on, ye joy - ful pil - grims, The time will not be long 3:E^ -I- — ± p s^^^ ^^ r4- J-^ 1 1 r 1 1 > r 1 ... ,,._ ._ J, . , — — _ I , Srv-*- -«i-^ -* *i i- ■zjfT^iz- -- --4 .^-^--j- - M en I 1 ; • f A • m m J My Let . Till ^: — ^ a • * 9 m f . • • « J, . 1 faith t ,/ 1 ; .-H ; , ^=^^ i±d i 3^ ^=t r ^ b r Lo! on the mount of bless - ing, The glo-rious mount! I stand, Sing on the grand old sto - ry Of his re-deem-ing love, — Where those we love are wait - ing To greet us on the shore, I J. i^l^ -f?- tp ^ I Sfe'^ — 1^ ,.^__^_ =t-— i '-m^^^ And. look - ing o - ver Jor - dan, I see the promised land. The ev - cr- last -ing cho - nis That fills the realms a - bove. We'll meet be-yond the riv - er, Where surg - es roll no more. "^^m^m i *=F.--=& us m^ I SCnjj 4^n. ;ONCLUDED. SioK on: oh, bliss -fnl mu - sic! With ev ry note you raise ^ My heart is filled with rap- tnre, My soul is lost in praise: .^^-^qt: ^ ~5~V ^ i^g ;^= f». — ^ — ^- I I -d- -0- -m- -0. ^ -^--i Sing on: oh, bliss- ful mu - sic! With Sing on ; bliss - ful, blis.; . ful mil - sic PV - 'ry note you raise * — ? — i/ — »-f I 1 t. i B^ My heart is filled with rap - tnre, My soul is lost in praise. I* ¥ ¥ y 113 m no Floha I-. rinsT Ainl.uitf If i)r lllott)fnfl to iJt(ii/j;. ' Whrrcwith ^ll. II 1 luiiic Ijefore ihc Lord?" — Mic li vi J Jmo, R. SwHNrr. .•iiiii.iiitr , v\ 1^ '^ I ^ ^ 1. Ivo ii(>th-in„' to W\x\% to thic, J.- - sui . I lit iv heart tlmt i.s 'J. r\r waiultrcd :i - I'^ir in Hk- tltn - aths thiit Wf re ;!. My Sav-iotir, I coiiic at tliy l)i.l - din^s I plfad by the 4. Oh, joy! like a star a-monf? sha - «l(.\vs, A ulini-intT of sin -fill and SDro, And a life that is wca - ry and wast - ed. Yet thorn -y and wihl, Thii tcniptsts nav .! beaten up - on me, A tliorns on thy l)ro\v; I'.y the eross, with uh burden of ser - row, Oh, brightness I see, For One, wi'h a crown on his fore - liead, Doth h^ ij^K II. »fi Vi :1 treinblin-? I knoek at the doo • ; I hear the swe<'t son}? of homeless and sor-row-ful ehihl; But 'mid the be - wil - der o- l)eu the door to mc no\v-, Perehanee, then, when reapers o-]>(n the door un - to iii • His arms are out-reached to are en- reap - ers. maz - t-s. licar - inj' A - way on t ;ie great liar - Thro' clouds -- i^C^S^ nothing to hrinK to tl.oo, Jo - sns. Not ev - en a shoaf of ,|,o «rUn <-am..asvv,.t voire and it whi.sp..n.d/() wander -rr, I am the Way'' .rms, m,d the least of the toil - ers. Some hloHHomn of fa,;h or of love' bears me from "Klory to glo - ry." My soul i.s e-ter-nal-ly blest -P- -f - -f- 1^^'^ -. ^ T-. K J 4J 1 cnoRrs. ...... ... ^ 1/ L. r XT .!.• . 1/ ;/ I k^ b i/ I Nothing to bring to thee, bring to thee. Still I im - plore, . noth - ing to bring. im- plore. K-H ,V-I- All my hopes cling to thee, '■^E3^. my hopes cling to thee, O - pen the door, O- pen the door to me ! r- ¥ — I «f— 5— i — » _•_ irt O - - - pen the door. . O- pen, now o - pen the door to -r-f-f- f- f-^ SE^^^ES X UA -fc hr rr 1 ti HI Irt mui9t iir SrttlrO to-nCfij^t A minfT in Kiijjl.itKl wrni to (,'liiir( h inc nii;lit and ln-i.iin(' ilitply cnticrrncfl for the Mlvilion cif his "lul WIkm tlie siTvicf . wfre rndrd In- nfu^i-d to Ir.ivr tlu- liou-e, al- thoiji^h tlif niiiii-.l.i toid liiin it A.i-, I.U •. .uid Sn- imiM R-i !;^>i!ii- .mc! S'-fk t!if S.ivif)ur Ihcrr. .in;lit. "I'Jo," -..nd iln- tiunri." It tnu^t t>r si-ttlrd to-nijjht, ta-inurrow Ill^;ht may •>« too late. ' So tin- ininisttr staved with limi nntd he found peace. Tlif nrxt day while at w(.rk in the mine', a ni.iss of roek fell upon Inin, and he was killed. His hist A ordb were. "Thank Cjod, It w. is settled last inghl. to-nit;lit it would have been too late. ' Rev c; li Rrndall. - . JomnJ. Hoou. X »— * 1. " It must Ih" wttled to '1. A Imr - (It'll weiulis my U. i rail - not rest till 4. oil, now I know "tis ni^lit, MOIll ptaet' Ti)-morrow may lie too 1 ciiii no loii^ - er V.w - lolil.s iiie Iroiu a - done! My peace is made witl -• •• I -'I lute;" iH'iir; iMive, — • (iod; J ^if: • ■-P- V— *< _J L-t, ■V— V The an- pel of death m;>y come, And seal for-ov-cr my fate. Un - less removed tliis iiij^ht, Twill sink 'le in - to ili- - spair. Till my Redeem - er speaks to me As- stir- aoee oi" his love. My par -don's f' uitl iu Je - .siis' name, Thro' faith in .le - su.s' bloml. It must W set-tied to - ni;;lit, ^M I*. Oh, now I know 'tis done! !-!_ m I can no lony - er wait, Sweet joy per ades my soul; M.'M. to-night, -^■•~n- - j_0_ - •- — • Peaoe with my (Jod I now must have. To-morrow may be too late. Peace with my (iod 1 now have loiind; His blood hath made me v iiole. ^ 4i_i-.fcrjf=:i*r i4^ — «— i ^ - i- -^-^L» -J —J •■ 5 c .= r 116 112 s ftt eame to Satir Mt. Mrnmiktta K. Buaih. . - ^ * k *•« J KlUKPATHICK. ^ » f^^ I ^^ J-.M .r.. . hum hu.I ,.r,.w„ a Ki.l... H.. .-ume t„ ^,,, -. I.. .ny poor l.rart hn .L.^ns to .Iw.ll. H,- ,.a,„., to s^uv ■^^. ^^..h ...„. ,1.. 1,,,,,, h.. i..uis ,„,. s,iii, ri.. ,.,»„« to ...... 4. 1.. h.m n.y,>- tuHMunKH, II.. ,.a„.e U. ,aiw. ? F)» W ? i- g- :g •' T — ^ — » — - U ■ ^ ^ J > * ' l>- Ir inr; IIH-; mo; m»'; .a. • ?^^3 ^^hen on tJu- .toss ho 1,1,>,1 an.J .li.,,, n.. eamo to save n.e (), pniis.. his nam.., I know it wHI. Ho rame to savo me' And tmst-ipK hi.a T ....r no ill, „.. ,.a,„o to ,savo me' To h.n. n.y h.-urt hn.ks up and siuKs. H. camo to savo ,nc' fell W^M I'm so glad, I'm so ghul, I'm «> phid that Jesns rame, And gnu-e is f rcp. \ X :t- I'm so triad. I'm so gliul, I'msoKhwl that Jesus.-ame. Hecamo tosav savp me. ^mu It lij ^ ' -V ^ V- 1^- ?3$^ fri U7 113 s^isittpinQ tf^vouQf) ttir (HSnttfi. T. C. O'K. " I'm bWeepi'^Q ihrou^jli the gates, a. ashed in the blood of the Lamb." I'jing words of Rev. A. C"Okvan. Sy§-4: — I -ts — fuj — , 1—4-- '■- ^ -r — lT :*i=^--S-i::tTH±r B^ T C. 0'K»NB, 1. Who, who are these 1)o - side the ehilly wave. Just on the bor-dera 2. These, these are they who in their youthful days Found .)osus ear - ly 3. These, these are they who in alilict ion's woes, Ev - er liave found in 4. These, these are tliey who in the contliet dire, IJokl - ly have stood a- of the silent {irave. Shouting Je-sus' power to save. Washed in the and in wisdom's ways, Proved the fulness of his j-jace. Washed in the Je-sus calm repose. Such lus from a pure heart flows. Washed in the mid the hottest lire, Jesus now says,"Conie up higher;"' Washed in the Mt :,*- qci: -::•- -•-Ph — r — CHORUS. ^ I I SI ± 8=tF=r^t= blood of the Lamb. "Sweepinji thro'thegates"tothe New Jeru.salem, "Washed -•--•. ^ -•-•♦-•-•--«-. [in the blood of the Lamb : '' " Sweeping thro' the gates" to the New Jerusalem, in the blood of the Lamb: -•--•-• ^ -•--•-■, in the blood of the Lamb: -•--•-• ^^ ;^ "•"*■•" "^ 'H^ N , _, f->-- -■— 5 Safe, snfc ujwn the ever-'^hiuim: shore, ~r~ Sin. ])ain, and diath.and sorrow ail are ^'pt Hapiiv now and t viiniore, [o'er; "Wash. .1 in the blood of the Lamb." Washed in the blond of fb<' Lamb. CAo. — Sweeping through the stn cts of.elc. (i May we, () Lord be now entirely thine, j-f-,f-^ Daily from sin be kept liy powtr di\ ilie, irP'^Ii: Then in heaven the saints we'll join. _t[____if: Washrd HI the hlooil ol the l.aiiih. » c /w.— Sweeping through the streets of, etc. :^ 'i- 114 Edwin H. Nhvin, D. D. 33nDfrr ^\% 'mxn% Jno. R. Swenbt. • ir-'-cz^ 't7 r -*■ 2 ""L^Z ',TT'"^' ' """"^ "«t-^'J''l« balmy peace rei«ns in my breast; •t WHI It °T '"" "' ^°""" "'^ ^"'^•^■^" -i«^' i-^ «•- nu thrown- ^1 WL.le tos.s„„ on th.- .tonny .-a, His lovin, win« still spreads oW me ; 4. The angels wuh th.ur p.uions bright Encamping round ,ne give delioht • " ^ : ' '"" "''»;"'- i^ucumpjng round me give delight; r-: g 1— Lc -* — J- — ''Mm. ■■ j • -•-• -P- -p- ■•- .p- A Q.-' ^' <"« to dread, While this bright wing is o'er me spread. It soothe... me with its magic power, And turns to light the darkest hour. Mtn .c.nes ot conflict and of grief Its presence gives mv soul relief. But with lar loftier tone I smg When sheltered 'neath the Saviour's wing Un -dcr his wing der his wing Un - der his wing, J ' , N J j^ ._^ -•- -•-•-•.J Un - - der his wing, Uii - (ier his wing, Un - der his wing. O may my heart tor - ev - er sing: Un - - der his wing. Un - dcr his win;;, '•hdi'iinj; wing. 5 Ifi.s heavenly wing so widely spread I (i When wa.sting on the Wd of death Is «>'er me where.sof'.r f trend; | I .•.till .mu sinu' with dvinir breath, ii iMiiisiies .lii giooni and leiir. j I'm- rnunil me I can eleariy .'erhaps my work ihr .Te - sua Soon in lu - ture may be low, hand, done, ^He- F~P i ^T^^^ E*^^fFf±f;=i; i ■6t s Where shall yonder fu- ture find And to those a- round l)e say All uiv earthly tri - als end me : Does but God in heav - en know ? iujr, Come and join his hap - py Imnd? ed, And my crown in heav - en won ; Shall I be a-mong the liv - iny? Shall I min- gle with the IVee? Come, for all things now are rea - dy, C, ^ K < ^ r > thr the ill ... - iiiri' lies be- tore me, fu - lure hes be - fore nic, .\iiJ I kiriw not where I'll be, t^^^ --?— y^ :e^3^ -+- -t- -^ L, 5^*- Aiid Oh, I the _t 120 tE^t)t iFtttUte.— CONCLUDED. know . not where I'll \n; B„t where'er - - my path be We h« ^„e And I_k^w no. where .'.. be, H^t where'er my path be J,Z, ZZr, lead - - inp, Saviour, keep . . .' my heart with thee. keep my heart with .hee. B.t where'er mv path be leadi.,,, Saviour, keep my heart with thee. 116 Edw. a, Barnbs. '^'t:^T=5=l Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. ^^*s=^i ;^±^^i 1 . The (lay will soon be past ; The lij^ht is fading fast ; The eall will come at last 2. The voyage will soon be o'er;The billows rage no more; 'Tis near the peaceful shore 3. The Siiud s are running low ; The tide will cease to How ; The final trump will blow 4. The goal will soon be won ; The race will socn be run ; 'Tis near the set of sun jE&-B.Ti*t£T ( 1/ w y REFUAIN. t -V— ^- ■^S — -f— I — t f-i 1 r-i- - '^- -"^ — \T 1 — ^ >-H»^ And lhen, oh! then: Then, a perfect day: Then, a blessed perfect day ; I l> c-3 1 • • • r«— • co-r •-: — •— 1 — ■__ lioriu': Then, a golden crown and harp In the world to come. b!t:s-s((i hnme; ^ ^ i!2_ -^h — h — I I -h =$1^ :t- -f- i^ li m 117 ®rar mVi ealL Fanny J. Crosby, A minuted. 'J Chas. J. Tatix)r. ^-^r - T it: — *— ^\ — ^ ^T J^izi:.- Pt -5*- gfl^^^^ 1. Li^Iit of all who come to tint-, Let mo now thy plo-ry soo, Shiniii}? 2. Hope of all who tnist in thiv, Thou whose blood was shed foriiie,Thro'ita :}. In thy strength, and not my own, This I ask l)elore thy throne, Blessed 4. Wluu ou earth I close mine eyes. When to life thou bidst me rise. To thy- ^^^^^3 :2:iz;^iz.t :^ ic^ ^r ^r g ir^^ *^^-i :v-t; down with beams divine, Mak-iii ^'^vsi.le, Hushing onward, to and fro. Oh the 2.„^. lor the water.That thoirsoulsmavdrink and li e Th. vare 3. Once He journej-.-u hy the way.ide.-Praisc- an.l ^lory to his nan,e!- K.S u' 1/ ■f^- Hi £^ — ^__^ —zn.ri'-...^:! ^_. | : . ^ many we may rescue From the path of sin an.l woe ; Sad and lonelv,heavy- longinj,^ lor the eonilort Tliat abetter life will give; Hear the plea.lin-. vo^e/of blessing.sweetest comfort, Filled the soul where'er he eame; And t\u.;rr;st of h?i ad /z,^." ^ ^ (V I a tfmno. iii " — !_^ hearted, None to heed their plaintive cry, Can we leave them thus to perish ' mer- ey. Bending now her loving eye, Jesus will not leave 'hem friendless creatures That to him for rHuge fly, Tho' a heartless worl.. forsake them' I ciionis. Can we pass them eol.lly by. Have them now! save them now ! Christian worker He will never pass f hem by. ' He will never i)ass them liy. ml lib. I TV ^ ^ ^'p^tiip^^^lE where art Ih^mi? To the rescue hasten (juickly, ,Te- sus ealletii. Save them now! i; . .^£ 1 — r -> -»«- :t=- ' ^P -^ ^- Jti r 123 4 4il it M 119 Wt art smovt t^nn eouauttotfl. Mrs. Flora D. IIakris. ' Suiui ye still, anil see the salvation of the Lord Chron. XX. 17 Jno. R. Swbnby. 1. What shall .^t-paratc usFr i the love that bought us?l^hull the pangs ol anguish 2. Things to eome or present,'er betide us.— Life nor death shall ever 3. Depthsthatarebeneathus,Heightsthat are above us,Havenopo\verto.snnder, 9 • P ,-P>- mm^^ agE£ Which the cross hath wrought us? Doubtinga and, Fier - y tri - als From our Lord divide us ; Angels, powers, do - min - ions,Tliese shall fall be- Sinee he stooi)ed to love us. Prince of our Redemp - tion. Sons to glo - ry -9-^- U: if=mmsM^w^^ prove us ; Yet am 1 per - suad - ed, None of these shall move us. fore us: Clothed in his sal- va - tion. With his banner o'er us. bring - ing. Thou hast made from sin- ners Victors, crowned and singing. I 1 We are more than con()U(Tors. ilore. yea. more ; We are more than conquerors, I More, yea, mo re, mon.', yea, mure; J I- More, yt'a. more ; More, yea, ni'T'-. more, vea. more ; ■♦' *♦" ^2 ~Si We are more than comiuerors, We are more than _XD I- ! {■ -t^-;: — t_i — i — [ — i—L 12i Wt aft fEortt etc.— CONCLUDED conquer- ors, We are more than conquerors Thro' him that loved us. 120 Henrietta E Blair -jv — ^ -^ rl IfHote iFaCtti fn 3tm&. KiKKVATRICK. 1. While struKfjlinji thro' this vale of tears I want more faith in Je-sus ; 2. T(t war against the fwa with- in I want more tiiith in Je-siis; 3. To hrave the storms that h< re I meet I want more liiitli in Je-sus; 4. I want a faith that works by love, A constant faith in Je - sus ; A- To To A -•- . -p- -* ^^=^ ^ ^ -p- . r r r -P- ^ S- -V-- D. 5.— And Fine. cnoRrs. -H 1 1- ^^ •-* 4^ziHVr:Sr 1^*--^*^^ mi mid tempta- tions, cares, and fears, I want more faith in .Je rise a- hove the powers of sin I want more faith in Je rest con - tid - ing at his feet I want more faith in Je faith that mountains can remove, A liv-ing faith in .Je ^ ^ ^. N N sus. SU.S. sus. sus. 1/ i/ thia my cry, as time rolls by, I want more faith in Je - sus. I J r -^- • — P— P— V -— r: D.S. m want more faith, I want niorefaitli, A clcarer,bri}j;hter.stronf;er faith in Jesus; H 1 1 1 — ^^MtMrniM 1 te: i & 1 — r T -^r 1- 126 i+ ^ 121 Kev ntXt anU WllUnQ to S^ni}t. O'Kanr We i>niisc tlice, <) - part, Now, oh. now make him your choico, III' will make tor you a least, J. M. Jt. Jt. jKi Let ^ L.t Lit Let Let the Saviour in ^ u ^ M him in; him in; him in, him in, let the Saviour in. m — I ^T — r*—* ■ r •» » * * • T 1/ ^ U U I lEgJ^^^f^ i=t: Let him in ore he is }ione. Let him in the Ho- ly One. Let him in, he is your Frirnd, He your soul will sure de - fend, He is stand-inji at tlie door, Joy to you he wil' re - store, He will sjuak your sins for- liiveu. And when earth ties ai. ire riven, r^:t=-t: S5 &i.:|zE»^ I T=^J=t &: i 41 Je-susC'hrist, the Father's Son, Let b i^ He will keep yon to the end, Let And his nunu' you will a - dore. Let He will take you home tu heaven, Let _ ^ _ _ ^-^ I Let the Saviour -£- -»^ -•- -P- -P. -■. -■- I hini in. him in. him in. him in. let the Saviour in ■ — — '-t> ^i ( ^ — ^T "r-Ff-r-T ' iz-y-y-v-t- ^ y !/ ^ 1^ 127 ru 4 E. A. H. J- " Thknft. ^m^^ki 1. Isticrea sin- ikt a-wait-in;i Mir- cy and lianlon to-day? ti. I'.ro liir. tlie Mast'Kak«. 1 Mike m.- 11 work- er lor Jo - sus, StoiMinwt an.l earnest and true ; •2 ' Let nu- 1.,. l.iiiv.. in the .on - lli<-t, Kea N ^ ]^ -^ 180 1:^3 mt fi^tnUnQ ;[outf). "Whrn she hrarfi of Jetui, c*mr in ttir prr»% Iwhind. anj tniiclird hi» garment Mr« E C. TlLswuhim. Mark V 37. Wm. J. KiKKPATHirK. 1. An ea - gfr, rostlcs-M ernwd drow near, And round theSiiviour prt>wd; 2. The mill - ti-ttidf, with curious oycs, .hist siizi-d up -on liis lace- 3. Oh, near to Christ the man - y came, In that most la- vored hour! 4. Of all who thronj: hi.s courts t<)-day Who shall re-ceive his word? 4 ^ But one, with warm and lov-in>; faith, Hia heal-ing power confessed. But she glanced up with liope aneau- ty and power, And still echoes far out over_Iite's troubled wave, And t (2-""= -^-EE^^ ^ =^ ± -r; -=n^- ^ m W\ T > t ^ -A- ^•— •- P =5^ sound-ed like music o'er the dark billows' roar : " Come this way. my lather ! ech- oed so char- 1 v oer the ;traiL'bt forme.Heresafeon tbesbore I am waiting lor lbee._ t«ss(d on life's sea..\iut on a bri-ht shon- I am waitm- lor thee.^^ Steer straight for nu.Hcrc safely in heavn 1 am waiting tor thee. 13S I steer &ivniQbt tot fHe,— concluded. father! oh,steer straight for me,Here safe on the shore I am waiting for thee " I I ""-^ F — iT-Mi^ — I !/ — m "^ f 128 Anon laLeater. T. C. O'Kanb. ^^^^^ cr 1 ' ^^~^*^ 1. When sunbeams gild my way, Se - rene the sky, Tempt - ing my 2 When tempests shroud the day. And earth is drear. Be thou, O 3 V/hen life's last puis- es wane, Je - sus, be near, My sink-ing It- ^- &^ H^ ^3^- til I soul to stray By God, my stay ; My heart sus- tain, Ban earthly joy: Lord, may thy gifts then be satlness cheer. And through the gath'ring night, ■ ish my fear. To thee my hands shall ilmg; It- 63 ^>- ■•- -#-• * :^ iC -t 1- &t^ I Fingers that point to thee. Glad voices calling me Near-er to thee Lead upward to the light. Thro' portals ev-erbnghf Near-er to thee Of thee mv lips shall sin<;. Mv .soul in gli>-ry bring, Near-er to thee |Q- 129 east tt)fi JSrtaH u»on tt)t ^ater0, , ^ \ i 1. Cast thy lirnul ui'-on tl,*' 2. Cast thy hivad iip-on the 3. Cast Miy hreail iip-fni t'l 4. Cast thy hioad up-on 5. Cast thy hn-ail up-on wa- ters, ■wa- t" ' H( who in his ri^jhteous balance Can vou not to those around you You may think it l-ist f..r-ev - er, For if you do closf- ly keep it, When vousleip in solePMl silenee. Doth eaeh human ac- tion weigh Sins some lit- tie song of hope, But. as sure as God is true, It will on - ly drag you down; 'Neath the morn iind evening dew, -t- --^^■- '^ 5^-<& your sac - ri - hee renieni- Der yon look with longing vision this life or in the oth - er, vou love it more than .le- sus, Will vour loving deeds re-pay. Thro' thitb's mighty tel - e- scope? It will vet return to you. It will keep you from your crown. vou love it more than .)e-sus. it win Kei-,, .>■•>.."... J— - .e^-hands, which von have stnngthened. .May strew lilies over you. fWert mt rtietrt. Wm. J. KlKKPATRICI 1. On the happy. goMen shore. Where the fiiithful part no more, When the 2. hero our fonciest hopes ar.' vain. Dearest links are rent in twain; But in 3. Where the harps of anj^els rinji, And the blest for-ev - er .sing, In the ~:^ T _^ ~ ~N<"H^ — >T ~^ ^ — N-H*-— ^--^ — ^— ' ^ — S-x storms of life are o'er, Meet me there; Where the nijjht di.ssolves away Into heav'n no throb of pain, Meet me there; By the river sparkling bright. In the palace of the King, Meet me there; Where in sweet <'ommunion blend Heart with =5 pure and i>erfeet day, I am going home to stay, Meet me there, ci - ty of delight, Wlure our liiith is lost in sight. Meet me there, heart, and friend with friend. In a world that ne'er shall end.Meet me there. D.S. FT -happy golden shore,Where the faithful part no more, Meet me there, CHORUS -A ^ rt-^— zA blooming, .M et lue there; When the storms of life are o'er. On the Meet inc ihere -?-v- ig: P it 135 131 3$s tt)t QStnit oi asois toe'U ^ttt Famny J. Crosby. --A ^- -^ - ^=jFr^ --tr^- -N — (- -^- ztzt^t^t^ T Jno. R. Swknbt. -A— J^- 1. Thro' the pa' s of pearl and jasper To the ci- ty paved with gold.Wlien tho 2. When the harvest work is ended. And the summer days are past, When the 3. Let us Ibl- low on with tirmness, keeping ev - er in the w;iy Where our ransomed host shall en-ter. And their gracious Lord be- hold, When they reap-ers go re- joic - ing To their bright re- ward at last; When the bles - sod Lord has taught us, Tc be faith- ful, watch and pray; Then, in meet in blisfv- ful triumph By the tree of white-robed an- gel leads th<'m to the gates of garments pure and spotless, By the tree of joy life fair fair, fair. Shall we Shall we Wc shall join the no - ble arm - y. And re-ceive a join their hap- py num-ber? Will they l)id us 8ing through endless ag - ea With the count - less wel - come there '.' wel- ctmie there? mil - lions there. grace of (iod we 11 meet the grace of God we'll meet the the iJfi tl^e mStntt of (Ron, ttt CONCLUDED. fTT=f ci - - ty's golden street, Shouting, glo - - - - ry ! hal-le- ci - ty's gold • en street , golden street, Shouting, glo- ry I hal- le - lu - jah I Shouting, k b r c! r 5 r b lu - - - - jah! At the dear Redeem- er's feet. glo - ry ! hal - le - lu - jahl At our dear Re- deem- er's leet. Re-deem -er's feet. ♦. :?t A- jtA- J^A' A A' > -g— t? 1^ g b g 132 3Jej9(UjQ( ai^efl iForeiJer. Rev. Jam«s Morrow. D. D. Wm. J. Kirkpatbick. 1. Sing,ye people, loud and high, Jesus lives forever! He is Lord of earth and sky, 2. Come, ye is rest — Jesus lives forever; As the birds return to nest, 3. Pray, ye people,nightand day, Jesus lives forever; Mount;iins,nation9 may decay, 4.Hope,yep«ople,fearnodoom,Jesuslivesforever;Sunlightglintso'erpainandgloom, y 1^ . Tohis people ever nigh; We mustsufifer,we must die.But Jesus lives forever. Souls findanswer to theirquestLeaningonhiswekomebreast.OurJesuslivesforever. Golden thrones Ix't'oine as day. Art and science pass away, But Jesns lives forever. Fai th will triumph .tho'wesoon touch the shadowsof the tomb,ForJe8Uslivefi forever. m m ' • -fc^ PS2^ -•---•-• — • — j i^-| (-- «- ff^f'^^n^feg 133 ea»t tt)S iJutUrn on tf)t HorOf. W.J. K. •C"asting all your care upon him, for he careth for you. I Pe. V. 7. Wm. J. KlRKPATBICK. ^^ -I ^ §EiEeti^ 1. Weary pil - prim on life's pathway, StrupRlins on beneath thy load, 2. Arc thy tir - fd feet unstead - y? Does thy laTnp no lij^ht a*- ford? 3. Are the ties of friendship severed ? Hushed the voices fondly heard? ^-k— jT- -h h ^ .0. 1. -#■ -iS»- Hear these words of con-sol-a- tion,— "Cast thy burden on the Lord." Is thy cross too great and heav - y ? Cast thy bur - den on the Lwrd. Breaks thy heart with weight of anguish, Cast thy bur - den on the Lord. -^^ j^-^ =l -» — V- ii^^ CnORTTS. 4~>- brJi:^ n inrj^-j:^ -4 j\--v > ^ ./ rres. r:?-.^--^ jn the Lord, And he wi Cast thy burden on the Lord, Cast thy burden on the Lord, And he will -n- rtd lib. ^ ^^--:i: -r ^_u-5_ strengthen thee, sustain and comfort thee ; Cast thy bur -jlen on ^e Lord. y—j — $— t/ — / — > — ^- ^-F — ^. — z — v^1 4 Does ihv heart with faintness falter? I 5 He will hold thee up from falling, Does thv mind forget his word? He will guide thy steps aright; . _ * _.» \. A ^ 1 .r.„*J I IT« iitill c<4i*<>VMrtkrm iinnV* «an'l Vl}^*- Cast thy burden on the Lord. 1 He will keep thee by his might. 138 134 T. C. O'K. e;reaj3iurt0 oC fl^tnijtn. ■n -T— <>— JkH« ■ — -* T. C, O'Kank. -I 1- -Nr- ' '■ r — r 1. There's ii crown in heaven ../rthe striviiifi soul.Whieh the blessed Jesiishim- 2. ThereVi a.jov in heaven lor the njourninn soiil/riio' the tears hmv tall ail the 3. There's a home iu heaven I'or the fuithlul soul, In the man- y mansions pre- lll^ -•- -• -»- ^ J3f JE^E^ 0E s >=F=F ^ — 1- . . ■elf will place On the head of each who shall faithful prove, Ev-en terth - ly night; Yet the clouds of sadness will break a - way. And re- shall for-ev - er sing, Of a aared a - bove, Where the glo- ri - fied 8 m m^ ■V- — v--i>- -t h- :fc&: -, KEFKAIN. :tit] r^tr- :t=t & ^ — N- ^ — un - to death, in the heavenly race. O may that crown ... in heav'n l)e joicicingcome with the morning light. O may that joy .... in heav'n be Saviour's free and unbound- ed love. O may that hoT^^ . . . in heav'n be t:-T-t- -• • • • ^-t4=«: Irzfet^ liei mine, And I a - mong . . . . the angels shine ; lJethou,0 in heav'n be mine, And I among the angels shine; , ^_i:i.»_i , — I — I — I — I 1 — • » • ■ « > i5_\ ^ ^i ^ Lord my daily guide. Let me ev-er in thy love a- bide. Be thou, () Lord, my daily guide, _.«._* ._«..^ &::n^; -•-•- "^1/ U 1/ t^ r 188 -V— *•" — *»■—♦- -i-t J • »- if I '. f 135 Mrs, C. L. Shacklock mi 'tin tf)t <©m. mn stors. \Vm. J. KiRKPATRICK. 1. Ah! "tis the olil, old sto - ry, Tempted and led iv - stray, 2. Kohbing the heart of lightness, Losing the bloom of youth, X lUit. ill an old, old sto - ry, Full of a };raee di - vine, :^^ -G- 'X—f9- t- -S-n -jin^-r-^-rzXL -4 1-* Leavint; the path of du - ty, Choosing the e - vil way, Dimming the eyes' ^lad ' ightness, Stilling the voice of truth. There is a- bun- dant par -don, Ev - en for sin like thi««. ^=s:: !-::£=: rrr^^^^z^ Breaking the hearts of mothers, Mi-ssing the pride of man - hood, Now, with a contrite spir - it. wms^mm "^ -0 r Slighting their fervent prayers, Missing a no - ble aim. Turn from the ways of sin, m zzt^z^: 'i^a^^^t Sowing the seed which bringeth Gaining a ship-wrecked na-ture. Knock at the gate of heav - en, On - Ty a wealth of tares. Gaining a sul - lied name. Entrance thy soul shall win. -r ^^^mm^^^ f- Ah! 'tis the old, old sto - ry, 'i;o«- y > I' Tempted and led a - stray. Full of a grace di - vine. [^ r ( 136 jj^m ^Ctti rt)te IStitrs ?^our, Mrs. R. Jno. R. Svvbney. 1. I'm with thee every hour, My word i.s .ver .sure ; I'll thee by my 2. I'm with thee cm ry hour, I am the living bread; If thou hut test its 3. I'm with thee every hour, I living waters give ; Flee then, to faith's strong 4. I'm with theeevcry hour, My flesh is meat indeed; My blood's all cleansing 5. I'm with thee every hour, Thou weary, laden, eomel A mansion is thy * ■• m , I I ciionrs. ^ power, And keep thee always ])ure. power, Thou art for - ev - er fed. tower. Stoop, thou, and drink and live, power Is suit - ed to all need. dower, Mv Father's house is home. -G- I'm with thee, O, I'm witJi thee! Thy 137 1. Saw ye my Sav - iour, siiw y(« ray Sav - iour, Saw ye my 2. He was ex-tend - cd, lie was ex - tend - ed, Shanie-lul - ly 3. .le - sus hunp Meed- inn ! Je - sus hun^; bleed - in^ ! Three dreiMllul 4. Darkness pre - vail - ed! dark-ness pre - vail - ed 1 Darkness pre- Sav - iour and God ? nailed to the cross; hours in pain ; vailed o'er the land; Oh ! he died on Cal - va - ry To »- Oh! he bowed his head and died; Thus my Oh! the sun re-fused to shine When his Oh ! the sol - id rocks were rent, Thro' ere- ^^^^ -^ r ^ 1 — r- t3- m L LS-_^ ^ , — k ~t J~ rt-^- -r ' — ^- — 4 U -Tirb tone for you and Lord was cru - ci - ma- jes - ty di - a- tion's vast ex - Hs— * * r -^^ me, fled vine tent, And to To a - Was de - When the :^ — ^— ^cii — •— pur- cha«e tone for rid - ed, Jews cru - our a \ in - ci - — I — -&h -i par - d( vorld tl suit - e tied tl p69 1 — f— 1 m with lat was d, and le God- ■ _p 1 blood. lost, slain, man. i ! 1 1 -nc ^-f=^ 4 r- -r- . 'T » I- 1-2^^ 6 When it was finished, when it was fin- And the atonement w;is made, [ished. He was taken by the jireat. And embalmed in spices sweet, And was in a new sepulchre laid. 6 Hail, mifihty Saviour! hail, mighty Saviour ! Prinw, and the Author of peace! Oh, he burst the banils of death. Ami, triumphant froiu the t-uiiii, He ascended to mansions of bliss. . 7 Now interceding, now interceding, Pleading that sinners may live; Crying, "Father, I have died; (Oh, behold my hands and side!) To redeem them— I pray thee,forgive!" 8" I will fbrgive them, I will forgive them. If they rei)ent and believe ; Let them now return to thee, tfi; 1 1 t «ji* And salvation they all shall receive.'' 138 C. Wkslkv. Tune. FEDERAL STREET. L. M. IS ?4 te in Ucnv (Id tlty mtrcies close nu- riMiiid Inured to j)(jv - er - ty and pain, Forever he thy name a doreil; A buti ring life my Mas- Icr led ; F^-F-^P^ .-:t^^ hot 1 ^^^ I lilush In all tliinj;s to The Son of (Jod, the Son a - of bound ; The servant Is a. - bove his Lord. Man, He had not where to lay his head. 3 But lo I a place he hath prepared For me, whom watchful angels keep; Yea, he himself becomes my guard; He smooths my bed, and gives me sleep. 4 Jesus protects; mv fears, be i;one ; What can the Rock of Ages move ? Safe in thy arms I lay me down, Thine everlasting arms of love. m^ 5 While thou art intimately nigh, Who, who shall violate my rest? Sin, earth, and hell I now defy: I lean upon my Saviour's breast. 6 I rest beneath the Almighty's shade; My griefs expire, my troubles cease; Thou, Lord, on whom my soul is stayed, Wilt keep me still in perfect peace. 139 e Whslrv. H^tptf) of $&tttv\ Tune, PLEYEL'SHYMN. ya. of sin- ners, spare? JJ5 iilSafe^ a I have long withstood his grace ; Long provoked him to his face; VVould not hearken to his calls; Grieved him by a thousand falls. 3 Now incline me to repent ; Let me now mv sins Inrnent ; Now my foul revolt deplore, Weep, believe, and sin no more. 143 Kindled his relentings are; Me he now delights to spare ; ("ries. " How shall I give thee up?" Lets the lifted thunder drop. There for me the Saviour stands, Sliows his wounds and spreads his <;od is love! I know, I feel; [hands; Jesus weeps, and love.s me still. J. f uo c:tje strnuflrr at tfte Jjoor. Kev. iii. J" T. r. 0'Kaw». J ^^^^^^^m 1. r.i hold !i stninper at the door, Ho nently kni — liiiskruHkcd iK-fon-, '2. (> love - Iv :it - litudr, — hi- stands With imltinn hi-arl and oiu-n hands; 3. Hut will he privc a friend indeed? He will,— the very friend yon need; 9?> d±rr. H:i.-i wait- cd lonjz. is wait- in>» still ; You treat no oth-er friend so ill. (.) niatehliss kindness, and lie shows This matchless kindness to his foes. The friend of sin - uers? Yes, 'tis he. With garments dyed ou Cal- va - ry. -^-1 v-^f cnnuus. ;r ^^ -0-' -0- -0- -d- \ \, I r . . Ill 1 t i i * Oh, let the dear Saviour come in. He'll cleanse the heart from sin ; Oh, come in, f™"> '*'" : -mssMwm keep him no more out at the door, But let the dear Saviour come in. come in t o 4 Rise, touched with prntitude divine. Turnout his enemy and thine; "IMi:;* ^onl-destroyini; monster. Sin, And let the heavenly Strauj^er iii. 5 Admit him. ere his anp>r hum,— His feet, departed, ne'er return; Admit him. or the hour's at hand You'll at Uis door rejected stand. 144 141 aol l^ounOr ti)t ridtone. MakvL. n.NCAN Tune. PAKK STREET LM I. Lo! round the throne, a glo - rious band, Tbc saints in nxint kss #-♦ -r^:) - mm^^^^m^mwfi it-^ ^m^^^m^^^im myr - iads stand; of ev - 'ry tongue rt'dcemtd to God, Arraytd in r- ■ — H \ — *-] H- — r-^^ — nu::4:r- pit 4 mji garments washed in blood, Arrayed in garments washed in blood. ?^ t* :r~i a Through tribulation ^jreat tliey cann- ; They bore the cross. despised theslianie, But now from all their l.ibors rest. In God's eternal glory blest. 3 They see the Savicjur fare to face ; They sing the triumph of his grace; And dayand night, with ceaselesspraise, To him their loud hosannas raise. 4 C) may we tre Now to the Lord. Now to the Lord a noble song: Awake, my soul, aw. ike, m\ tongue; Hosanna to the eternal name. And all his boundless love proclaim. See where it shines in Jesus' face, The brightest image of his grace; God, in the person of his Son, Has all his mightiest works outdone. And thy rich glorie'^ from afar Sparkle in every rolling star. 4 f'.race! 'tis a swe-t, a charming theme. My thoughts rejoice at Jesus name; Ye angels, dwell upon the S(JUiid, Ye heavens, retlect it to the ground. 5 Oh! may I reach that happy place, Where he unveils his lovelv face, Where all his beauties you behold. And sing his name to harjis of gold. — Isaac Watts. 143 Soon may the last glad song. 1 Soon may the last glad song arise, Through all the millions of the skies; That song of triumph which records That all the earth is now the Lord's. 2 Let thrones, and powers, and kingdoms Obedient, mighty (Jod.tothee; [be .\nd over land, and stre.itn, and main. Now w^ve the scepter of thy reign. 3 O let that glorious anthem swell ; Let host to host the triumph tell, Proclaim the wise and powerful God; But over all tiic S;iviour reigns. 146 —Mrs. VoUj t i 144 p^aCl, 3Cliott ®tice Bwjii^eir* John Bakkwell. Tunc, AUTUMN. 8.7.d. — N 1 * -r • I ^t /-*_! : i_ in I 1. Hail, thou once de-spis-td Je - sus ! Hail, thou Gal- i - le - an King! -T^^M-— >+0 *:ct ■e^ -•- 1-1— ^»- r . , ^ Fine. CJ €9- * ?3:z: P -o- Thou didst suf - fer to re- lease us ; Thou didst free sal - va- lion bring. D. S.—By thy mer - its we find fa - vor ; Life is giv - en thro' thy name. Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our sins on thee were laid : By almighty love annoiiited. Thou hast Cull atonement made. All thv people are forgiven, Through the virtue of thy blood ; Opened is the gate of heaven ; Peace is made twixt man and God. Jesus, hail ! enthroned in glury, There forever to abide ; All the heavenlv hosts adore thee. Seated at thy Father's side : There for sinners thou art pleading; There thou dost our place prepare : Ever for us iniercediiig. Till in glory we appear. ( Worship, honor, power, and blessing. Thou art worthy to receive ; Loudest praises, without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give Help, ve bright angelic spirits; Bring vour sweetest, noblest lays; Help to smg our Saviours merits, Help to chant Immanuel's praise ! Love Divine. 1 Love divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven, ti) earth come downl Fix in us thy humble dwelling; All thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, thou art all compassion, Pure unbounded love thou art; Visit us witli thy salvation ; Enter every trembling heart. 2 Come, almighty to deliver, Let us all thy life receive; Suddenly return, and never, Never more thy temples leave: Thee we would be always blessing, Serve thee as thy hosts above. Pray, and praise thee without ceasing, Glory in thy perfect love. 3 Finish then thy new creation; Pure and spotless let us be; Let us see thy great salvation, Perfecllv restored in thee: Changed frnm glory into glory. Till in heaven we take our place, ' Lost in wonder, love, and praise. j4g — C. Wbsiit. t I :ffi Tune, ELLESDIE. 8,7, d. Henry F". Lyih --+>■■ h-t— i ! v — I 1 — , — I -A 1^ — . — , I N 1 I . I ^ _> I I. Je- sus, I my cross have tjjk- en, All to leave and fol - low thee ; I I ^ ^ Fine. Na- ked, poor, despised, for- sak- en. Thou, from hence, my all shalt be : i>. -S. — Yet how rich is my con- d j^- tion, God and heavenare still my own ! ^-- rrr f I33E - frHMi— J >■- ! ' I H - H F». I I I 1^— I UJ— f— 2:^ ^— — • •— • — ^ V' J- ^ i V- * * » ' • ^ > d I t Per - ish ev - 'ry fond ambition, All I've sought and hoped, and known; 3 Let the world despise and leave m^ They have left my Saviour, too; Human hearts and looks deceive me; Thou art not, like man, untrue ; And, while thou shalt smile upon me, God of wisdom, love, and might, Foes may hate, and friends may shun me; Show thy face, and all is bright. 3 Go, then, earthly fame and treasure! Come, disaster, scorn, and pain ! In thy service, pain is pleasure ; With thy favor, U)ss is gain. I have called thee, "Abba, Father;" I have stayed my heart on thoe; Storms m;iy howl, and clouds may gather, All must work for good to me. 4 Man may trouble and distress me, 'Twill but drive me to ihv hrcar.t ; Life with trials hard mav press me, Heaven will brin^; me sweeter rest. O 'tis not in grief to harm me. While thy love is left to me ; i) 'twere not in joy to charm me. Were that joy utimi.xed with thee. 5 Know, my soul, thy full salvation ; Rise o'er sin. and fear, and care; Joy to tind in every station Something still to do or bear. Think what Spirit dwells within thee ; What a Father's smile is thine ; What a Saviour died to win thee : Child of heaven, shouldst thou repine? 6 Haste thee on from gr..ce to glory, Armed by faith, and winged by prayer; Heaven's eternal day's before thee, tiod s own hand shall guide thee there. Soon shall close thy earthly mission, Swift shall pass thy pilgrim days, Hope shall change to glad fruition, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. 147 Gently Lead Ui. 1 Gently, Lord, oh, gently lead us Through this lonely vale of tears, Tliroui;li the changes thou'st decreed us, Till our great change appears; Wlien lenipt.itioii's darts assail us. When in ilevions jjaths we stray, Let tliy i;oodness never fail us. Lead us in tliy perfect way. 2 In the hour of pain and anguisl^B In the luiu- whi-n dculli draws near, Suffer not our hearts to languish. Suffer not our souls to fear; And when mortal life is ended, Bid us in thine arms to rest, Till by angel bands attended We awake among the lilest. f 147 — Tiios. Hasting*. ^If 148 ig;iors to tlie Hamti. Isaac Watts. Wm. J. KlRKPAnUCK. r^<=«-^^ 1 1. Come, let us join our cheer- ful songs With angels round the throne, 2. "Worthy the Lamb that died, " they cry, "To be ex - alt - ed thus!" 3. Te - sus is wor - thy to re- ceive Hon- or and power di - vine ; 4 The whole ere - a - tion join in one. To bless the sa - cred name feii^ E&et ta -^• Ten thousind thousand are their tongues. But all their joys are one. "Wor- thy the Lamb!" our hearts re- ply, "For he was slain for us." And blessings more than we can give, Be, Lord, for - ev - er thin-^. Of him that sits up - on the throne. And to a - dore the Lamb. m- ^ pt=t- I — • — • — • — •- -• #- •- ■H 1 -(- ^. a I enoRt's. Glo - ry to the Lamb ! Glory to the Lamb ! Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! <-t — y — V — y- r* 5* ^ f I ;7t?=-1= tr-1^ itii^r: -•- -^91 ■zvzjcrfciX o- -t^ — ^ ^ ^ IN — I (V — H A-^- p-i-- — I \ \ h t-Jth* - N N N Glo-ry to the Lamb! Glory to the Lamb! Glory to the bleeding Laui'i! j^_i_ _LE_ > y -V iT- 148 149 BiNNHT sternal UiBtm Tune, NEWCASTLE. 8,6,8,8,6, \ I I I. Eternal light! eternal light! Howpure the soul must be When, placed beneath thy it —I 1 1— ^ 1 I » -•- t j searching sight, It shrinks not.but with calm delight Ca^live^nd look on thee' 2 The spirits that surround thy tiirone May bear the burning bliss; But that is surely their's alone, Since they have never, never known A fallen world like this. 3 Oh, how shall I, whose native sphere Is dark, whose mind is dim. Before the Ineffable appear, And on my naked spirit hear That uncreated beam? 4 There is a way for man to rise To that sublime abode: — An iifferinj; and a sacrifice, A Holy Spirit's energies. An Advocate with (iod : — 5 These, these prepare us for the sight or holiness above ; Th" sons .if Ignorance and night May dwell in the Eternal I-ight Through the Etern;:! Love! 150 I. Watts. Tune, LISBON. S. M. 1. Welcome, sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord a - rise- Wel- 2. The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to day;' Here %«rz:?^r-_-=:i: tome to this re we mav sit, and viv ing breast. .And these re-joic - iiig eyes! see hini lure, A'ul love, and praise, and pray. I 3 One day in such a place, Whe.'e thou, my (iod, art seen, >'■ ifii tiiousanii day: k^ 3Wt-l- IWl t I Of pleasurable sin. 4 My Willing soul would stay In such .1 frame as this, And sit and sinn hersell jway 148 To everlasting bliss i i 151 wt)tn all sriJS fWrrcie». Joseph Addison Tune, MANOAH^C. M. lhe:^g±^ f*!-r-J 1- 4- XJ et- m ^ 1. When all thy mer- cies, O my God. My ris - ing soul sur - veys, 2. Through hidden dangers, toils, and deaths, It gently cleared my way; Transport -ed with the view, I'm lost In won- der, love, and praise. And through the pleasing snares of vice. More to be feared than thev. ■4^- T^ ■O- p.: -e? Sag HQ 1- =5=-f * ■&' 3 Through every period of my life Thy goodness I'll pursue; And after death, in distant worlds, The pleasing theme renew. :^|g^ 4 Through all eternity to thee A grateful song I'll raise; But oh, eternity's too short To utter all thy praise. 152 John Newton. povo SVDtrt tilt Bamr* ^^- Tune, DOWNS. CM. it -ea — -e»- 5 -f- -e=h qfrict --a^-- -€3- -63- 1. How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a 4=: K^ be - liev - er's ear! -ea — l- 4^ -g -o 1. — ta- B -I — -t- ■ 63- -1^- 13- ::J==T: =a^ E:=I 1-63- It soothes his sor - rows, heals his wounds. And drives^away his fear. ?=& m <^^h- x|— *— ^mp-TI P H63- :Xzz -13- ES~I 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, U Jesus, mv Shepherd, Saviour, Friend, And calms the troubled breast; Mv Pro|)het, Priest, and King, 'Tis maiin.-i tu the hunij;ry soul, M/ Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, And to tin- weary, rest | Accept the praise I bring! 3 Dear name! the rock on whicii I build, j 5 I would l!-y boundless love proclaim My shield ;in(l hiding place; | ^ VVithevery Heeling breathj^ ivi V lie vei -i.iii iiiK li t^.tSiii'i . nilcd i DO :;::;;:: i::l" :::::r.:'.- ■■: ;::y ::a:xic Witl boundless stores of grace! Refresh my soul in death. 150 ' 153 mnmmm, Cell ua oi tf)t msbt , WATCH! I. Watchman, tell us of the night, What its signs of promise are; I .tveler, o'er yon mountain's height See that glo - ry-beam-ing star I Watchman, does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy for -tell? Watchmar, tell us of tlio night; Higher yet tliat star ascends. Traveler, blessedness and light, Peace and truth, its (ourse portends! Watchman, will its beams alone fiild the spot that gave tiieiu birth? Traveler, ages are its own, Sec, it t ursls o'er all the earth ! Watchman, tell us of the night. For the morning seems to dawn. Traveler, darkness takes its flight; Doubt and terror are withdrawn. Watchman, let thy wandering cease; Hie thee to thy quiet home! Traveler, lo! the Prince of Peace, Lo ! the Son of God is come ! 154 The Lord's my Shepherd. Tune, DOWNS. 1 The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want He makes me down to lie In pastures green ; he leadeth me The quiet waters by. 3 My soul he doth restore again, And nie to walk dorh make j Within the paths of righteousness, j E'en for his own name's sake. | J Yea, liiougii I walk liirougii lieatti s i Yet will 1 fear no ill [dark vale. lU For thou art with me, and thy rod And staff" me comfciit still. .\ table thou furnished me In presence of mv foes; My head thou dost with oil anoint, .'\nd my cup overtlows. G(iiKlness and merc\- all my life Shall snrelv follow me. And in iioU s hou^'. lorevermore My dwelling-place shall be. E v3 1 TO. Tune, MISSIONARY CHANT _l L ^i^^^ii Fa- ther's will ; I I Go, labor on; 'lis not for nausbt; I 4 Toil on, faint not; keep watch.and pray! Thine earthly loss is lieavenlv tjain; i Be wise the erring soul to w:n ; ' Men heed thee, iove thee, praise thee not ; | Go forth into the world's hi>>;hwayj ' The .\Lister praises,— what are men? 3 Go, labor on; yonr hands are weak; Your knees are faint, your soul cast down Yet falter not ; the prize you seek Is near,— a kingdom and a crown! Compel tlie wanderer to come in. 5 Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice; For toil comes rest, for exile home; Soon shall thou hear the Bridegroom's voice, The midnight peal, " Behold, I cornel" 156 p. Doddridge. ^is^nixt, mv> soul. ^^, Tune, CHRISTMAS. wake, my soul, stretch ev'ry nerve. And press with vigor . ■ &^^ • It JLT t^ heavenly race demands thy zeal And an immortal crown, Anil an immortal crown A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey : Forget the steps already trod, And (jnward urge tliy way. 'Tis God's all aniniating voice That calls fr'>TTi nw b.iiih 'Tis his own hand presents the To thine asi)irmg eye : — ries bright. prize T — r- 4 That prize, with peerless glor Whicli shall new luster boast. When victors' wreaths anil monarchs' Shall blend in common dust, [gems I <; Blest Saviour, introduced by the- Have 1 mv race begun : j And, crowneil with victory, at thy icci I'll lay my honors down. 162 157 C. Wesley. Hi Tune, LOU VAN. L. M. p^:^^^^fi 1. E ter - nal Beam of light divine, Fountain of un - exliaust-ed love, 2. Je - bus, the wea - ry wanderers rest, (iive me thy ea- sy yoke to bear; wm ^^ ara.aE;^* In whom the Father's glories shine. Thro' earth beneath, and heaven above; With steadfast patience arm my breast. With spotless love and low - ly fear. Thankful I take the cup from thee, Prepared and mingled by thy skill ; Though bitter to the taste it be. Powerful the woimded soul to heal. Be thou, O Rock of Ages, nigh ! fgone. So shall each murmuring thought be And grief, and fear, and care shall fly. As clouds before the midday sun. 5 Speak to my warring passions," Peace;" Say to my trembling heart, " Be still ;" Thy power my strength atid fortress is. For all things serve thy sovereign will. 6 O Death! where is thy sting? where Thy boasted victory, O Crave? [now W'ho shall contend with (iod? or who Can hurt whom God delights to save? 158 mtat i}t m mt ttjat mnnn. John Fawcbtt. Tune, DENNIS. S. M. -gr 1. Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Chris- tian love ; The 2. Be - fore our Fa - ther's throne We pour our ar - dent prayers ; Our fel - low -ship of kind - red minds Is like to that a-bove. fears, our hopes, our aims are one. Our com - forts and our cares. :*: o- 3= J *d- '^ fe*^ ^^^ -+- P= e;e g: 3 We sh.ire t.ur m\itual woes. Our mutual burdens bear; /lllll «_HH. 1 The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asunder part. It gives us inward pain , in -h;;P. ':t;l! hf* '.isi'^.t^d in heart. And hope to meet again. 159 ^t)t ^aUoVoeti S^pot Rev Wm. Hunter, D. D. Arr. byT. C. O'Kanb. Fine. a spot to me more dear Than native vale or mour A spot for which affection's tear Springs grateful from its four /?.5.— where I first mv Saviour found, And felt my sins for- giv-en. 41- ^-^ ^^^^j|lS^=Siie 'Tis not where kindred souls abound, The' that is most heaven, 2 Hard was my toil to reach the shore, Long tossed upon the ocean : Above me was the thunder's roar, Beneath the waves' commotion. Darkly the pal! of night was thrown Around me, faint with terror ; In that dark hour how did my groan Ascend for years of error. 3 Sinking and panting as for breath I knew not help was near me; I cried, "( )h, save me. Lord, froni death. Immortal Jesus, hear me ; Then quick as thought I felt him mine. My Saviour stood before me ; I saw his brightness round me shine, And shouted " Glory, glory." O sacred hour! O hallowed spot! Where love divine first found me; Wherever falls my distant lot My heart shall linger round thee. And when from earth I rise, to soar Up to my home in heaven, Down will I cast my eyes once more. Where I was first forgiven. Arr. by J. J. HcxJD. [ H'ords on opposite page. ^ ii r^r^n- -•-•—• — r* • • I • • • I C3 — » r*-* * 1 • • I 154 161 mhtn for mttnnl mot\n». An. by W. When for And faith in live ■ ly ex - er- cise, And distant' hills of Canaan rise ternal worlds I steer, And seas are calm and skies are clear, .„..„„..._! f With cheerful hope her eyes explore Each landmark on the distant shore, ( ( The tree of life, the pastures green, The pearly gates, the crystal stream; J -•- -PL felfefe£=«: ±* K 1— -V-iy V 1 ■V- tes -^^ sti My soul for joy then claps her wings, And loud her lovely sonnet sings, I'm Again for joy she claps her wings, And loud her lovely sonnet sings, I'm i- 4: -t*-— S H&5- -• — 63^ Fine. -. ft w S. - ing home, I'm go- ing home. And ■most home, I'm almost home, A- -•--f- c^ ■fe3- v-v-r The nearer still she draws to land More eager all her powers expand ; With steady helm and free bent pail. Her anchor drops within the vale; And now for joy she folds her wings. And lier celestial sonnet sings, : I'm safe at home, : And her celestial sonnet sings, I'm safe at home. / [Afusic on opposite pJg^■\ 1 Thou sweet, gliding Kedron, by thy silver stream, Our Saviour at midnight, when moonlight's pale beam Shnne brii;ht on thy waters, did frequt-ntly stray, And lose in thy niurmurs the toils of the day. 2 How damp were the vapors that fell on his head, Huw hard was his pillow, how humble his bed! The angt'ls. ;istoiiislu-d. grtw sad at the sight, And followed their .Master with silent delight. 3 O garden of Olivet — dear, honored spot. The fame of thv wonders shall ne'er be forgot; The theme most transporting to seraphs above, The wonder t)f iov and the wonder of love. ' ■ t 4 Come, saints, and adore him, come, bow at his feet, Oh. give him the L'lory. the praise that is meet: Let joytul hosannas umeasmg arise. And join the loud anthem that gladdens the skies. 166 162 mu0t 3tm» ©eat ttie ^tom. Thomas SHHrnKKi'. Alt. Tune, MAITLAND. CM. 1. Must Jc - f^&^^^'B^' sus bear the cross a- lonu, And all the world go free? No, there's a cross for ev - 'ry one, And there's a cross for ine. 2 How liap[)y are the saints above, Willi i)nce went sorrowing here! But now they taste vmniingled luve, An(4 joy without a tear. 3 The consecrated cross I'll bear, Till deatl) shall set me free; And then k" home my crown to wear, For there's a crown for me. 163 : \V'e«lky. 3Bloto fir tfje ^tumptt l.Icher h m. r hO' J Blow ye the trumpet.blow; The gladly sokmij sound ) ^,,^, of jubilee is (^ Letall the nationsknow, loearthsremotesl bound; ) ■' I Jesus, our ^reat Hi«h Priest, Hath full atonement made : \ j^^ .^j. ^^^ I Ye weary spirits, rest; Ye mournful souls, be glad, j > • ■ come: Return, ye ransomed sinners, home, Return, ye ran - somed sinners, h(5me. ■14 ^ ^ ^ . Extol the Lamb of (iod, Tile all-.itoniiii; Lamb : Redemption in his blood Throujjjiout the world proclaim Ye slaves of sin and hell. Your liberty receive. And sale in Jesus dwell, And blest in Jesus live. 5 Ye who have sold for naught Your heritaije above, Shall have it back unbought. The gift of Jesus' love. 6 The UMspi-l trumpet hear. Tile news of heavenly grace. And saveii from eariii, appear Before your Saviour's face. IM 164 C WmsLFV ^ (Sfi^lotiotm JMiopt, Tone, WILLOUGHBY. C.P M. [l.Oglorioushopeof perfect love' It lifts meuptothin({s above, It bears on eagles witigs; r. "L — . I I > • • • — r«- rfzct^fzztl It gives m V ravished soul a taste, And r. lakes me for some moments feast With Jesus' 00 [priests and kings. ;ttt& tl 2 RejoiciiiK now in earliest hope, I stand, and Iruin the mountain top See all the land below : Rivers of milk and honey rise, And all the fruits of paradise In endless plenty t^row. 3 A laud of corn, and wine, ard oil. Favored with Clod's peculiar smile. With every tilfssjuK blest; (ness. There dwells tlu^-ord our Righteous- And keeps his own in perfect peace, And everlasting; rest. 4 O that I minht at once go up; Nu more on this side Jordan stop, But now the land possess; Tliis moment end my legal years. Sorrows and sins, and doubts and fears, A howling wilderness! 16o Come on, my Partners. I Come on, my partners in distross. My conirades through the wikierness, Who still your bodies feel : Awhile forget your griefs and fears. And look beyond this vale of tears, To that celestial hill. 2 Heyond the bounds of time and space, Look forward to that heavenly place, The saints' secure abode; On faith's strong eagle pinions rise, And force \our passage to the skies, And scale the mount of God. 3 Who suffer w ith our Master here, We shall before his face appear And by his ' ide sit down; To patient faith the prize is sure, And all that to the end endure Tlie cross, shall wear the crown. 4 Thrice blessed, bliss-inspiring hope! It lifts the fainting spirits up, It brings to life the dead: Our conflicts here shall soon be past, And you and I ascend at last, Triumphant with our Head. 5 That great mysterious Deity We soon with open face shall see; The beatific sight [praise. Shall lill the heavenly courts with Anil wide ditVuse the golden blaze Of everlasting light. — C. Wesley. j('(j Welcome, Delightful Morn I Welcome, delightful morn, Thou day of sacred rest. We hail thy kind return, Lord, make these moments blest; From the low train of mortal toys We soar to reach immortal joys. And hll his throne of grace , Tune opposite. Thy scei)tre. Lord, extend. While saints aililress thy face: Let sinners feel thy quickening word. And learn to know and fear the Lord. Descend, celestial Dove I With all thy ipiickening powers, Disclose a Saviour's love, .And bless these sacred hours; Tiieii siiaii oui souis new iiii. LnMairi, Nor Sabbaths be bestowed in vain. J67 :!• l-^>7c.W. CTou ?l?C0lim Sbourtr. m 0m Tune, AKTILLO. 8s,6L Fiiif. I. TIkhi liidiitii source . C— To me, with thy great name, are given Pardon, and ho- li-nes8,and heaven. Mv help and refuge from my foes, Se - cure I am while thou art mine: Comfort It brings, and power, and peace, And joy and ever last- ing love : 1 — r i^^jsiiE^^E^t tfe.^y[ ] 3 Jesus, my all in all tlu'U art ; My rest in toil, my e;ise in pain; The medicine of ni) broken heart; In war, my peace; in loss, my gain; My smile beneath the tyrant's frown; In shame, my glory and my crown; ; 4 In want, my plentiful supply; I In weakness, my almighty power; I In bonds, my perfect liberty; I My iight, m Satan's darkest hour; j In grief, mv j- I. Je - sus hath died that I might live. Might live to God a - lone; m Saviour, I thank thee for the grace, The i;ift unspeakable; And wait with arms of faith to embrace. And all thy love to feel. My soul breaks out in strong desire The perfect bliss to prove; Ivly longing heait is aii ou uic To be dissolved in love. Give me thyself; from every boast, From every wish set free; Let all I am in thee be lost, But give thyself to me. Thy gifts, alas! cannot suffice. Unless thyself be given; And where thou art is heaveu. IM I INDRX. First Linei in roman : Titlei in capitals. Abipe with me, . AllI.K. AND WILLING T<1 A l)iircli'ii w,»s l.uil on inv A cry CDini-s over the A UANlil ri.L OK . All, my luMrt is hcivy . Ah! 'tis thcolcl,oUt storv Aliis ! ill. IS ! a w.ivwaril All Ihf il.iv III sweet All i UK WAY L()N(; ir All wi i ii [kms, An ea^or, restless crowd Anywhkrk w rni Are you drifting down . Asleep in jesus ! blessed As we journey by the At THK cross, . Awake, my soul, stretch Behold a stranger at the Bk riioi' kaiihki;l, . Weeding, dying. — all Klest be the tie that Blow ye the trumpet. Brother for Christ's By the crace of God Calvary, . Cassady. Cast thy bread upon thy hurden on Christ Jesus is my anch'- Christ on the cross, Christ thk Lord is . Come, let us join our . Come, needy sinners, . Come on, my partners . Come to Iesusnow,and Come, weary wanderer, Come, ye that love the . Coming to-day, CoMMi'NiDN wiiH Ik- Crown HIM, Depth of mercy, can . Divine GUIDANCE, Dwell in me, O blessed Dying, i'lkading, Enocgh kor me. Entirk consecration Erk the sun gous Eternal beam of light . h'orevei' with the Kord, Forward! beourwatch- BT¥?« Hhi Every day my soul is 121 49 9.S 8 9 135 8b I (Jently, I.oril.oti, gently Olory to thk Lamii, (iod kindly ki-epelh (iod Ujved the world so 92|(;oD S HOLY CHURCH . 83 (iol) SO LOVED I'HE . 126 (jo. labor on ; s|)end 87 (ire. It is the Lord, who 14 Great rejoicing, 28 118 Ilail, thou once despised 98 I Hail to the brightness 156^ Hallehjah, I Harvksi' itme. . 140 Hasten to the Gospel 13 Hear my call, . 46! you ever angels i58;Heavkn, 163 He CAME to save ME 8S Help just a little 131 He saves, . Holding on to Jesus, 70 Hold the i.i(;Hr vv 44 How do thy mercies 129 How goes the battle, 133 How '_wect the name of 36 29 I am glad, oh, so glad, . II 1 am 'hine, O Lord, from 148' I h.ive work enough to 52 j 1 hope to meet you all 165 I know not if yon fad 96 I 1 love my Saviour, his 6j 111 live kor him, 104! r.M HoLDINi; t)N, 100 I 1 must have the Saviour 29 I I'm with thee I'very hour 7 In He thaw, , In |esiis,.isth7 qoj 63! 112 85 12 48 19 138 18 152 124 81 lOJ 79 83 42 5 24 93 97 103 64 89 loi 76 31 60 62 64 Every day, 73 1 1 praise the Lord, when lfi9 lb remember a voice s It (or me, dear Sav- s there. I sinner aw.iiting t cliMnseth every hour 1 must be setlh-il to- . ve been to the held, . ve nothing to bring to w.indered 111 ilarkn"ss, WILL KOI. LOW JE-SUS, WILL IKI.L ir TO JE- esus died on Calvary's esus hath died that I . tsiis. I come to thee, , esus. I my cross have . esus I will trust thee, . ESI S IS CALLING YOU ESUS IS GOOD 10 ME, Est S IS VASSING III is esus, let me cling to . KLsus lives korever, esus loves thee, weary esus, .my own, . esus my Saviour, to . esus. Saviour, Lord of ust as I am. thine own UST UEYOND, .aboring and heavy- . ,EANiNG ON Jesus, , .ET him in, .El' mkclin(;to thee ,et not your heart be . .IKE OF LIKE. ,IET UP YOl^R heads, ,ight of all who come . .INGER NO L0N(;ER, . living for the Master, . .00k, ye saints, the sight .0, round the throne, . .ove divine all love ex- I.ike me a worker for . I.inv souls on life's lAKCHlNc; ON. . IKKI ME I'HERE, b)RE FAITH IN jESUS, lust lesusbe.irthecross ly life, my 'ove I give Nearer. No other refuge aTMM. 127 21 «23 2S III 01 no 84 57 39 69 168 74 14'i J3 4 42 123 si '32 56 84 '3 82 90 23 49 122 51 2 33 55 117 52 94 7 141 145 125 19 26 130 1 20 1(32 5 128 i7 Now to the Lord a noble 143 SONGS OF REDEEMING LOVE, No. O for a thousand . O glorious hope of per- O good old way, how . Oh, Messed communion Oh, 1 often sit and pon- Oh, why are you sli^ht- O 1 am singing of jesus, O lesus, Lord, thy dy- O love surpassing know- On Calvary's brow my . Only a beam of sunshine On the happy, golden . On the shoals. . O precious blood, O glo- O think of a home over OlR SONG OF I'RAISE. . Out on the desert, look- overcomers, Over there. Peace Praise and magnify Praise ve the Lord, the . Precious, loving Press on, press on, ye . Receive me as 1 am,. rkioice, mv soul, . Rest REsr BY AN I' nv. Rising in the Laster glo- Salvation is ne.ajr, . Saw ve my Saviour, SEEKlNr-.VoR ME, Shout for joy, ye holy . Simply trusting every . Sing ,?loty to (iod in . Si NO INC OF lESUS, Sing, mv soul ! proclaim Sing on', ye joyful pilgrim Sing.vepeople.loud and Soon'may the last glad 44 164 1 92 29 IIS 66 I 9« 20 70 67 130 95 25 102 104 100 91 102 3°! 78 75 46 451 82 1 1031 106 61 27 96 137 71 II 35 12 STEER STRAIGHT FOR, SWEEPING THROUGH . T.ake my life and let it . Tell it again. . Tell it to ev'rysin- I'HE ANCIH)R HOLDS, . The blood's applied, THE COMING OF H'S . The day will soonbep^st THE FUTURE, The HALLOWED spot, THE HEALING TOUCH, The Lord bless thee, . The Lord's my shepherd The Master is come, THE Master's call, . The Morning Star, . Then, oh! then. The numberless The OPEN arms, . There is a sjiot to me . There is great rejoicing. There s a crown in hea- Thert-'s a star that shines 1 There's a stranger at the 1 There's room for all and /There stands a Rock on JThe righteous they are . ! THE Saviour WITH JThe seed 1 have scat- I The stranger at the ! The sure foundation 'The world is growing . Though there may be . Though weak my faith . Thou hidden source of . 'Thou sweet gliding Ks- Thru' the gates of pearl Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, "Tis so sweet to truijt in JTO THE RESCUE, . I Touch my spirit with . 160 127 1 Treasures of heaven 113 I Troubled in heart and . JTRUE AND FAITHFUL, 99 j TRUSTING jESUS THAT 72! Trustingly, trustingly, . 29 i Trusting ONLY THEE. 36 i "Twas good to sit at Je- 108 1 89 Under his wing I sweet- i'ntil ye find, . Unto theutiermost lib 115 159 126 40 154 77 77 80 ii6 to 66 159 50 134 Walking in the Watchman, tell us of . W'e are coming once a- We are more than . We are pilgrims looking Wearv pilgrim on life's Welcome, delightful . Welcome, sweet day of We praise thee, O God, We shall rf:ap iiy . W'hat glory is tlime, O . 3^ What shall separate us, ! What! sitting at ease . '"i When all thy mercies, . ^t \ When for eternal worlds ^ j When immortal souls . ^'^ When Jesus laid his . ='■' ' When sunbeams gild . '°'' i When times of tempta- ^^? \ Wtien we enter the por- ^ While strugglin thro . ^^ Who IS ready ? v, iio will ^3 j w'ljp is this that comeih. ?■* ! Who, who are these be- 107 I, ,„ i,„ ;<= h„, 160 '3' With our colors waving Wonderful love of 88 47 1x8 106 134 37 41 35 34 3» 97 114 33 6 94 153 53 119 76 133 166 150 121 lOI 63 119 8 151 161 87 112 128 39 10 120 57 55 113 91 4 26 54 Yet there is room, . 15 14 i7 Ji 35 34 38 97 14 33 6 94 53 53 19 76 133 [66 150 121 101 63 119 8 151 161 87 112 12S 39 lo 120 57 55 113 91 4 26 54 15