«Hir_ ! M^ •«o*- f dATALOQUE^ OF y^ AND tx£;ic$ IS J^O^l S -^XjE BY ED. W. CASE, CITY DRUG STORE, Main Street, PICTON, 03" FOR TABLE OF CONTENTS SEE NEXT PAGE. so«- IMBIF) «& Graham, Printers. 26 4 39 Colborn* St.. Toront*. CONTENTS. Packs. Anthems 23, 59 to 61 Banjo Music .54 Baritone Songs 17, 18 Bass Songs 17, 18 Brass Band Music 5O Catholic Music 57 Choralist 58, 59 Clarionet Music 54 Comic Songs I9j 20 Comet Music. . 54 Easy Piano Duets 41 , 42 " Solos 35 to 38 Fantasias 24 to 38 Flute Music 53 French Songs 20, 2 1 Gavottes 24, 38 Glees 58 to 61 Humorous Songs 19, 20 talian Songs 20 Lancers 24 to 38 LibreUos 2 Marches 24 to 38 Military Band Music 56 Operas 2, 63, 64 Pages, Orchestral Music 54, 55 Organ Music 48, 49 Part Songs 23, 58 to 6' Piarioforte Albums 46, 47 " Duets 38 to 42 " Solos 24 to 38 Studies 43,44,45 Trios 43 Tutors 4.5 Polkas 24 to 38 Quadrilles 24 to 38 Sacred Songs 16, 17 Schottisches 24 to 38 Songs and Ballads 3 to 21 Standard Works 45, 46 Tenor Songs 18, 19 Violin Music 5° to 53 Violoncello Music 53 Vocal Methods 57 Scores 2 Waltzs 22 Duets 21, 22 Trios 23 Quartets 23, 58 to 61 A SEPARATE CATALOGUE -OF- LITOLFF EDITIONS OF CLASSICAL & MODERN MUSIC, AKBANOBD FOK Piano Solo, Piano Duets, Violin, Violin and Piano, two Violins, Violoncello, Flute, Trios, Quartets, etc., etc. -TTlIaL. BB M^JIiED rHElE OIT AFPIiICATIOK. COPYRIGHT NOTICE. X-N i A^ANADIAN Copyright has been secured in all the publications enumerated from pages 2 to 42 in this Catalogue. It is hereby respectfully notified that the importation of foreign reprints and arrangements of these wprks is prohibited by law. Tr==Jr= =Jr==J{ r:^7~= z!r^==Jr==Jr=3 f=~ Music not in stock will be procured anr' despatched promptly. Any piece of music mailed post free on receipt of retail price. * The most liberal discount allom l to the profession, schools and convents. Remittances under $1 may be forwarded in postage stamps. VOCAL METHODS. STUDIES. &c.. See Page 57, VOCAL SCORES. Dorothy (Comedy Opera) ^ CelUcr %\ 25 Do. Do. clotbgilt 1 75 Eli, (Orfttorlo) Sir Michael Costa 1 25 Erminie, (Co' "lie Opera.) E. Jahohowshi 1 25 iDdiana, (Opera Comiqae) Audran 1 50 PriDcess Ida, or Castle Adamant Sir A, Sullivan 1 25 Rip Van Winkle, ( A Romantic Comic Opera) .........i?. Planqnette 1 25 Haddigore, or The V^f^itches' Curse Sir A, Sullivan 1 (K) Do. Do. boards <. 1 25 The Mikado, or The Town of Titipu. Sir A. Sullivan 1 00 Do. Do. boards 1 25 The Old Guard, (Opera Comique) li. Planquette 1 25 The Saltan of Mocha, (Comic Opera) A, Cellicr 1 25 «« LIBRETTOS. Dorothy, (Comic Opera),... B. G. Stephenson 15 V,rminie, (Comic Opera) Bellamy ii Paulton 15 i^rincess Ida, or Castle Adamant ....ir. S, Gilbert ^ Ruddigore, or The Witches' Curse W. S, Gilbert 25 The Mikado, or The Town of Titija W, 5. Gilbert 2£ .. ,.' . • _- ,.* -= ^ ^^ — --A- - -^ SONGS AND BALLADS. JV. B. — 'The Italic letters before the Titles indicate the highest note of the lowest key in which the Song is publishedt from this the highest note of the other keys will reaaily be found, d A Bird in Hand, B2 & C ; i J, L, Roeckel 40 t A Banch of Cowslips, G *•. A,M, Wakejield 50 d A Dear Wifie, E;^ A, C. Mackenzie 50 ^ A Mother's Love» Ej, F & G ; Hope Temple 40 # A Nursery Story, G Hope Temple 50 / A Penny for Your Thoughts, G O^dle Hartog 50 , d A Shadow, D&F , Sir A. Sullivan 40 e A Simple Story, G A, H, Behrend 40 / A Soldier's Song (from Erminio), Ej E. Jakoboicxki 40 d A Song of a Soldier, A & B^ Michael Watson 50 e A Song of Night, F Lord H, Somerset 40 ^ A Toll, El;^, F & G F, Sevan 50 e A Winter Story, F Michael Watson 40 f A World Between, A F. H. Cowen 50 d After Long Years, & D ,... Caroline Lowthian 40 y Alice, Where Art Thou? B2 & D2 /. Aseher 40 e All in a Garden Fair, Ej, F & G M. Watson 40 d Alone on the Raft, D, F & G Pat^l Rodney 40 e An Old Garden, G, A^ k B2 Nope Temple 40 ^ An Old Maid's Heart, Bj Michael Watson 40 rf Angel's Tears, B;^, C & D H, Pontet 40 d Antiquary (The), B2 Js C Micluxel Watson 50 g April (Chanson d' A vril),* G A. Goring Thomas 60 i^ Arrow and the Song (The), C. D;^, D, E & F OK Gounod 60 g As When the Snow Drift (from Nadeshda), A^ A. G. Thomas 40 «! Ask Nothing More, E^ Theo, Marxials 40 d At Evensong, D & E .' ..vv... Caroline Lowthian 40 ^ g At Midnight on my Filiow (from Erminie), F......^. Jakobowski 40 ^ At The Ferry, Ej, F & G Aft/« Milton Wettings 40 ^> Be Mine Again, E;. Milton Wellings 40 e Beauteous Song, D, with organ accomp't O. Barri 50 e Beauty's Eyes, C, K & G, with violin oh F, P, Tosti 60 g Beauty Sleep (L'Ardita), G & B;^ L. Arditi 60 / Be Wise in ""ime, D, (from Dorothy) A. Cellier 40 e Better Land (The),A& C .-. F. II. Cowen 40 € Bid Me Good-bye, F, G & A F: Fa'^' ^hsti 40 d Big Ben, D, E^ &F ' o.itet 40 d Bird in Hand (A) B2 & C -. Eoeckel 40 d Bitter Sweet, D, F & G Caroline Lowthia7i 50 g Blue Alsatian Mountains (The), E2 Stephen Adams 50 d Boys in Blue (The), H. Trotire 50 d Brave Sentinel (The), B2 & Paul Rodney 40 «2 Bridge (The), E2 & F Miss M, Lindsay 40 ejr Broken Pitcher (The), A^j, Bj & C H, Pontet 40 / Brook (The), D Dolores 40 c Calvary (Sacred), A, C & D, with organ accomp't Paul Rodney 40 Do. Anthem (Solo and Chorus), 60 / Can I Forget (La Gitaua Waltz) E.Bumlossi 50 * Charity, A & ...(7. Pinsuti 50 /Children Asleep, F F,L.Moir 40 d Children of theCity (The), D & F Stephen Adams 40 d Children's Home (The), with organ, violin and cello a^comp*tt B>, C, E7 & F F. H. Cowen 50 d Choir Immortal (The), E>, F & G Paul Rodney 40 / Chord of Love, E21 with violin and cello aceomp't ... A. H, Behrend 60 e Chorister (The), with organ accomp't^ E..... Sir A, Sullivan 40 ei City of Rest (The), C. D & F G, Pinsuti 60 e Claude Duval, F J, L.Mottoy 50 el Close Thou, Gentle Sleep, (Slumber Song), El & F A.Gellier 40 «!2 Come Aa of Old, A2 A B2 Milton Wellings 40 e Come Back to Erin, Glaribel 50 e Come Unto Me, (Beaoteous Song), D ,.,.».,„.0. Barri 50 / Cumberland (Th^, D , C, Marshall 60 d Daddy, F ft A2 .„,.A. H. Behrend 40 / Daffodil Tima, E2... Theo. MarzidU 40 1^ ^UQEM Pwdi&i Wl 4( O.M«MMMt*t*«^4«*M*M«. .««««•*... •«....(?, PvHmti iO I Songs and Ballads — CofOhmed, € Darby and Joaa, F k A • «f. tt, Mottoy 46 / Darkest the Hour (from ErmiDie), E2 B.Jakobowski 40 d Dear Wifie (A), E2 A. a Mackmxis 60 d Dim Hilla Far Away (The). F & G W, M, HutcHton 40 tl Distant Shore (The), E2, F & G Sir A, SuUivan 50 «2 Do not Forget, B2 * Milton Welling 40 d Dolly's Revenge, D, E2 & F H, PonUt 40 g Dream of Home (II Bacio), BZ k C L. Arditi 60 f Dream Stars, F J. L, MoUoy 60 d Dreaming, 0, Ejj & F Milton Wellingt 40 e Dreams of the Sumr^er Night, F, A"», & B; F, P. Tosti 40 e Dresden China, J, L, MoUoy 40 d Drifting and Dreaming, G & B2 - Paul Rodney 40 d Drifting Down the River, G J, L, MoUoy 60 / Effie, G A, II, BeJirend 40 d Emmanuel (Orod with ns),B2^, C&D Paul Rodney 40 / Enchanted Ground, E|2 J. L, Roeckel 40 /Esmeralda, E W. CLevey 40 g Estudiantina, O & D P, Lacoms 60 g Ever, D2— Sir A, SuUivan 60 / Fairie Voicea, F ...A, G, Crowe 60 d Fairy Tales, G, Aj^, B2 & A, H, Behrend 40 $ Fan Song (The), G A, A, Ather 60 / Far Away, F Mis» M, Lindsay 40 € Fiddle and I, A &BJ2 with violin oh Mrs, A, Goodcvt 60 / Fine Feathers, F J, E, German 60 First in the Field, F, G & A .,..Thco, Bonheur 40 ^ Five O'clock Tea, Ejjh & F H. Poniet 40 g Flow, Stream, Flow, E2 ^ Milton WeUingt 40 f Flowers Have Blossomed (The), E2 Milton Wellingt 40 / Fly Forth, O Gentle Dove, Ai^Sc B^ O, Pinsuti 40 / For Her Alone, F P,Lacome 40 « Forget, Forgive {with violin and cello oh.) G, B2 & 0.,,M, Wellingt 60 « Foiget Me Not, D, E^ & F .^ W, Ganz 50 t Fortune of War (The), F, G & A Hieo, Bonheur 40 4|2 Garden of Sleep, A^^ti B2 k ^ /. deLara 40 f Garonne (The), G...... Stephen Adamt 60 # Gates of tbe West, D * F ...........^. Oarolme Lowthiam 40 4 Qm m» tiM Man of Hoaast Haar^ C 4 D».m**«..m..«M. Ho^atii ^ Songs and BaMeids— Continued. ^ Gife me Thy Love (Ave Maria), E^ k f MUton W4Unf$ 40 Do with organ and violin oh 60 d Glory to Thee, My God, this Night, B2, 0, D & E2...(7A. Gounod 40 d God with as (Emmannel), Bj, & D PtmlRodnty 40 i Going to Market, 0, D A E2 L. Diehl SO e Golden Love, F, G & By .Milton WelUngs 40 / Golden Path (The), with organ accomp't, F *..««•* H. Parker 60 d Golden Stars, D, £^, F & G..««*« ....* * L, Denza 60 Golden Threshold (The), A& F. N. Ldhr 40 Do. tvUh violin accomp*t..>.,t 60 ^Qone for Ever, %..........* »....* i?. Waldteufd 60 / Grood Oompany, F Stephen Adams 40 / Goodwin Sands (The), F Stephen Adams 60 d Grandfather's Darling, Bj &E2 A, H, Behrend 40 d Grandmother's Sweetheart, & D Michael Watson 40 / Grandpapa's Wooing, A|2 .Theo, Marziali 40 d Granny's Christmas, B2, C, D & Ej^. F, N, L9hr 40 J.s: .-,?>; d Happy Three, B^, & D J. L, Roeokel 40 «2 Hark my Soul, it is the Lord (Sacred), C, D & E>...(7A. Oounod 40 i Heart to Heart, A, B2, C & D ^. ^. Behrend 40 / Hearts do not Break (from Mikado), A Sir A. Sullivan 60 / Heaven and Earth, A O, Pinsuti 60 / Her Bright Smile, A> , W, T. Wrighton 40 d Home Dreams, F, G, A & B]]^ A, H. Behrer^d 40 dfel am Waiting, A|j, B|^, & D|^ F.Bireh 40 /■ I Cannot Sing the Old Songs, G Glaribel 60 d I Dare Yon to Forget, & Ej Stephen Adams 40 I Dream'd a Dream, Ej^, F, G & A2 Fdith Cooke 40 e I Fear no Foe, 0, Pinsuti 40 d I Haven't for a Long Time Now (Comic), G J, Tahrar 86 d I Keally am so Sleepy, G & B^ A, Cellier 40 # If You'll be True (Dorothy Waltz), G H. Parker 40 g H Bade (Dream of Home), B2 & .,...>....Z. Arditi 60 t In tlio Chinmey Comer, C » F. H. Oowen 40 4i It Came with the Merry May, Love, E2, F & kl,„F, Paolo Tosti 40 4i II was a Dream, k E p, H, Cotem 40 d Juk and Jffl, F ft O »*»..*...*..».....-**.*..........Z;. 2>mU 40 i iTtlNli •' Blue, Bq^, C 4 J>..*4««ii..*.i«k44«..«..«.M«.4J'« ^ ifadaMOMi 40 f Songs and Ballads— ConfiniMci* d Jernsalem (sacred), E21 F AO H. Par^ 00 00. (Chorus) 10 d JessAxny Town, Q A B7 J. L. Botekd 40 # Jester (The), C & D * OoUford Dick 40 /S Jesn, Lover of my Soai, D Berthuld Tours 40 t JoyoQS Life (Ben 6 Ridicolo), £, F & G A, Bandegger 40 / Jast for the Old Love's Sake, D Mn, H, ShUld 10 / Kerry Dance (The), E2 A F J, L. MoUoy 60 d Kin^ of Love My Shepherd is, G t E2 Ch. Gounod 40 d King's Minstrel (The), G & A O. PinsuH 60 Kingdom Blest (The), C 8cE^ Cot^ord Dick 40 . Do. loith organ accompH 60 /X Kingdom of Love, (The), EJ^ & G Paul Rodney 40 g Kiss Song (Dream of Home), Bi;^ & G L, Arditi 60 li;^ Laddie, A7, B\ 0, D & Ej C. Pintuti 40 ^2 Lads in Bed (The), E2 .,J, L. Molloy 50 g L'Ardita (Beauty Sleep), G & B^ L^ Arditi 60 J Later On (Mia Gara Waltz), F & A\^ P. Buoalotsi 60 ^Leaving, yet Loving, Ep- Theo. Marzialt 40 e Leetle Jan, G J, L, Molloy 50 / Let Me Dream Again, D Sir A. Sullivan 40 g Letter Seng (The), from Bip Van Winkle R, Planquette 40 Do. with gimplijied accomp*t .....* 40 e Life'lBomance, G Milton Wellingt 40 d Light of the Land (The), B2,C& Ejj G. Pineati 40 ri2Lightin Darkness (Sacred), D2... F, U. Goicen 50 d2 Light Upon the River (The), B i & D A. H. Behrend 40 s Lights of London Town (The), G r. L. Diehl 60 d Little Hero (The), Bj^, G & D Stephen Adams 60 e Little Maid of Arcadee, G Sir A. Sullivan 40 c Little Wonder (The), A, G & D Paul Rodney 40 J London Bridge, D & E J. L. Molloy 50 c Longing Hearts, G, E;^, F & G Leigh KingsmiU 40 I. ■- , -■ - - ^- ' - ■ ■.-• « '■"'-'. -. *'"' ". ^ - . . . "-•_■'*,-■ . Songfs and Ballads — Contintud, d Love that Came Too Late (The), B|j: mi., O mi., D mi., F, P. TosH 40 e Lovo Ties, 0. E^^ A F , F. Paolo Tosti 40 d LoTed and Saved, F, Q & Bj , Michael Watson 60 #^ P, D, Guglielmo 40 4&Love's Dreamland, Ej^ & G Paul Rodney 40 # Love's Labor Lost, C, D & E^ H, Pontet 40 « Love's Old Sweet Song,E2 & F J. L. Molloy 40 ci^Lullaby (from Erminie), A^ E. Jakobowski 40 J- /^Mabel (on the celebrated waltz) D, Godfrey 60 g Magnetic Waltz (L'Ardita), G & Bj L.Arditi 60 / Maid of the MiU (The), F Stephen Adams 40 d Many a Mile Away, G, A, B2 & C C. Pinsuti 40 s Midshipmite (The), Stephen Adams 60 d Mikado's Song (The), A Sir A, Sullivan 50 ^ Miller and the Maid (The), E!2 Theo, Marzials 40 d M-o-n-e-y (comic), G G, A, Page 35 , F & G Hope TempU 40 d My Lady's Bower, E^h, F & G , Hope Temple 60 e My Lady Sleeps, F, A> & B^ F, Paolo Tosti 40 d My Love and I, D, E & F F.Paolo Tosti 40 / My Queen, D J. Blumenthal 50 / My Sweetheart when a Boy, C & E2 Wilford Morgan 40 / Never Despair, E2 «/. L. Molloy 50 / Never More (Non i ver), E7 Tito Mattel 40 d Never to Know, G Theo. Marzials 40 d New Kingdom (The), B7, C & D, with organ, violin and cello acoomp't Berthold Tours 50 t No Sir! 0... A, M. Wakefield 60 d No Surrender, E, F & G 0. Barn 40 ^Nocturne, E!;r, F & G *..,L, Denza 50 / Non i ver (Never More), E2..... Tito Mattei 40 « Nursery Story (A),G Hope Temple 60 ' • -■. d Fair Dove I Fond Dove! F & A>;^ .....J. S. Gatty 40 d O Lady of my Love, E5, F & Aj^ F, Paolo Tosti 40 tf Old Brigade (The), F, G, A>, A & B|^ O, Barn 40 4^ Old DreamSi IS^ F & G (Queen of my Heart — Ladies' version), A, OeUier 40 f Sen^s and BsLllaLd^^-Contimted, ^ Old Fashions (Vocal Gavotfca), B^ & ^Milton Welling* 40 rf Old Finger Post (The), F ^\ J. L, Molloy 40 e Old Gardea (An), G, At & Bl^ Hope Temple 40 e Old Lock (The), D & E?.. Milton WeUinys 40 d Old Love (The), F *; Ky Paul Rodney 40 «2 Old Maid's Heart (An), B2 Michael Watson 40 el Old Mill (The), E2 Milton Wettings 40 / Old Sweet Years (The), F Milton Wettings 40 e Olivia, G Gotsford Dick 40 d On the Rolling Wave, D, E & F Godfrey Marks 60 e Once Again, D , Sir A, Sullivan 40 / Only Once More, E{j, F & G.c F, L. Moir 40 / Only the Sound of a Voice, B2 & D Michael Watson 40 / Open thy Lattice, F k A...., J, Uuttah 40 ^ Only To-Night (Our Last Waltz), B^, C & D J, L. MoUoy 40 d Only Youth is Happy, D J. L, Mottoy 60 d Orpheus with His Lute, G, A & B2 Sir A. Sullivan 60 ^ Our Last Waltz, B2, C «& D J. L, Mottoy 40 ^ Out in the Morning Early, C Miss M, Lindsay 40 e Out on the Deep, A , F, N, L6hr 60 " *V,' e Paradise Square, C, E^ & F F. N, LShr 40 el Peace, Perfect Peace, B2, C & D (Sacred) Gh. Oounod 60 Do. extra voice parts, for S. A. T. & B., each.... 10 e Peace^ Troubled Heart, Bji C & D. ....Giro Pinsuti 40 e Pedlar (The), C c .....F. N. Ldhr 40 / Penny for Your Thoughts (A), G '..Gicil^ Hartog 50 € Pepita; F, G k A ,..J. P. Knight 50 e Phyllis, C & F Gotsford Dick 40 <2 Pilgrim Lane, El?, F & G Berthold Toun 40 / Polly, E> J. L, Mott4)y 40 - e Polly and I (Bunch of Cowslips), G...c A. M, Wakefield 50 ' e Powder Monkey Joe, D, E7 & F O. Barri 40 d Powder Monkey (The), F & G .a M. Watson 40 ' c Primrose Farm, E2 & F Milton Wettings 40 / Pulaski, Hymn of the Moravian Nuns, AI2 Miss Lindsay 40 «2 Punch and Judy, E2, F & G A, H. Bekrend 40 -# Quaker (The), F Stephen Adams v- >•: '.^-'-^:^-t^^:K:T'^t^W^, i^ongs and Ballads — ConHnued f Bally Honnd the Old Flag, D Caroline Lowthian 30 g Reaper and the Flowers (The), G F, H, Gowen 60 d BeigQ of the Roses (The), C, D & F Caroline LowtMan 40 / Remember, A^y J. Blumenthal 50 / Remember Me,G J. de Sivrai 40 d Resignation (Sacred), Bi^ & £2 Miss Lindsay 40 «i2 Rest for the Weary, tcith organ accomp'tt G mi. & E mi., 0, Pirnuti 60 ^ River of Years (The), E2 A F Theo. MarziaU 40 / Roll a Man Down, E> A F A. G. Crowe 40 fS Ruby,E Virginia Gabriel 40 e Sailing, C Godfrey Maries 60 d Sans Adieu 1 OAF J. Blumenthal 60 / Saturday Night, A^ J. L, Molloy 40 d Saved from the Storm, A, & E;^ 0, Ba/rri 40 g See Saw, F A, G, Crowe 60 g Serenade, E G, Jensen 60 d Shadow (A), D & F Sir A, Sullivan 40 d Shells of Ocean, C, D & E ,..J, W. Cherry 40 g Sheriff's Man (The), F A. Cellier 40 /JjSighing Swain (from Erminie), A2 E, Jakobowski 40 d Simeon Sly, D..., J. L. Molloy 60 € Simple Story (A), A, H. Behrend 40 e Sing to Me, 0, D, E7 & F L. Denza 60 « Sion, 0, D & E Paul Rodney TO Six Songs for Contralto or Baritone F, Paolo Tosti 1 25 Six Songs for Soprano or Tenor F, Paolo Tosti 1 25 Skipper (The), C W. H. Jude 40 4 Skippers of St. Ives (The), C J. L.Eoeekel 40 # Snowy Breasted Pearl (The), 0, D, E2 & F Joseph Robinson 40 ^ Soldier's Good-bye (The), EH & F Stephen Aaani^ 40 / Soldier's Song (from Erminie), E2 E, Jakobowski 40 €^ Some Day, 0, Eg^ A F MUton WeUings 40 ^ Someone's Sweetheart, B2 A D C, Pinsuti 40 d Song for Me (The), E;. A F Michael Watson 40 d Song of a Soldier (A), A A Bjj Miohael Watson 50 / Song of Florian, D B, Godard 40 # Song of Night (A), F LordH, Somerset 40 / Star of Bethlehem (The), F Stephen Adams 60 ^ Stars of Earth (Raff's Cavatina), E2 A F Michael Watson 40 # Strangeri Yet, F ....•-.^.. Claribd 40 $ S«iudiiM»ndSbMtow,F..„.,M „..ifa$M WOM^t 40 u ■ >-. . U^ngs and Bullade-^CWitifiiMi. # Sorely, E2, F, G, A|^, Bj^ A ^....^..m...J[. JT. JMfMtf 4M ^Swixigingi 1*2 CletZ* Hartog 40 # Tar'i Far^^well (Th«), D & EJ; Stephen Adam 60 f lliady O'Flynn, F , J, L. Zlolloy 60 d The Antiquary, B2& Michael WaUon 60 #feTho Arrow and the Song, 0, D7, D, E & F Ch, Oounod 60 4 The Beanteons Song, D, mth organ accoinpH 0, Barri 60 # The Better Land, A &C i^. IT. (^oirm 40 f The Bhie Alsatian Monntaina, E> Stspher. Adams 60 4I The Boys in Blue, £f. Trotirs 60 T||0 lf*^8 W I^t ^^ •t.t.«t,*...*..f***f«**f<****ttt. .,.••<, & £2 P. D, Ouglielmo 40 / The Maid of the MiU, F Stephen Adams 40 € The Midshipmite, Stephen Adams 60 d The Mikado's Song, A Sir A, Sullivan 60 4i The MUler and the Maid, £};► Theo. Marzials 40 d The New Kingdom, with organ, violin ai^d ceUo accomp*t, B|^, & D '^''"' Berthold Tours 60 The Old Brigade, F, G, Aj, A & Bj^ O, Barri 40 d The Old Finger Post, F J.L.Molloy 40 $ The Old Lock, D & E2 Milton Wettings 40 d The Old Love, F & A2 Paul Rodney 40 ^ The Old Mill, E2 ..» MtZ^on Wettings 40 / The Old Sweet Years, F Milton Wettings 40 # The Pedlar, F, N, Lifhr 40 d The Powder Monkey, F & G Michael Watson 40 # The Quaker, F , Stephen Adams 60 ^ The Reaper and the Flowers, G F, H, Gowen 40 d The Reign of the Roses, C, D & F Caroline Lowthian 40 <;^The River of Years, E2& F Theo, Marzials 40 g The Sheriff's Man, F A, Cellier 4(? / The Sighing Swain (from Erminie), Aj^ Ed, JakobowsH 40 # The Skipper, '. W. H, Jude 40 •# The Skippers of St. Ives, G J, L, Roeokel 40 # The Snowy Breasted Pearl, 0, D, E;^ * ^ J* Robinson 40 «^The Soldier's Good-bye, E!& F Stephen Adams 40 d The Song for Me, E^* F Michael Watson 40 / The Song of Florian, D B, Oodard 40 / The Star of Bethlehem, F Stephen Adams 60 g The Sun Whose Rays (from Mikado), G Sir A. Suttivan 50 < The Tar's Farewell, D & EJ Stephen Adams 60 # The Three Beggars, D & B ^ J. L, Mottoy 40 ^ TlM Throe Sftiioi Bot^ A|^ ,,...,.,......♦.... Jft«». MarimU 40 w Songs and Ballads — Continued. 9- The Time has Come (from Dorofchy), A, OtOitr 40 «B The Unforgotten Soag, E^.... 0. Barri 40 d The ViaioQ Beautiful, G& Ey CotifordDick 40 Do/ * with organ accomp't 60 i^'^he Wide, Wide Sea, E2 Stephen Adams 60 e The Year's at the Spring, G C'icUe Hartog 40 / There Are None Like to Thee, E> Hope Temple 40 «;j They all Love Jack, E2&F Stephen Adam 60 ^ They Never would be Missed (from Mikado), Ej.^oSir A. Sullivan bO f This is my Dream, F Milton Wellings 40 g Thou art Sleeping, D & F Ivan Oaryll 60 Three Beggars (The), D & E J, L, MoUoy 40 d Three Old Maids of Lee, B2 & C J. L, Roeckel 40 «2 Three Sailor Boys (The), A? Theo, MarzirU 40 g Three Tokens, E2 H.Parker 40 e Three Wishes, & D O. Pintuti 40 e Thy Voice is Near, G& A W. T. Wrighton 40 d Till the Breaking of the Day, F, G, A|^, A & B7 G. Pinsuti 40 d Time and Tide, E^, F & A2 Paul Rodney 40 / Tired (Sacred), D Miss M.Lindsay 40 /'Tis all that I Can Say, F Hope Tenxple 40 ii'Tis Better So, with violin and cello oh., G & G Michael Watson 50 eJ2^'Tis Many Summers Since, By & C Felix Venner 40 d Tit for Tat, C & Ey H. Pcntet 40 ffjToU (A), Ey, F & G F. Sevan 60 with organ acoomp*t.,^,,^..i.^y,,.,n.i».,^.,i..,.^i.,i^tf 60 u Songs and Balladii— CtwitiHtt^l, ^- ^ - ■ v v^*^^ / Waiting, F ....,...,.*.....r..... ITwo, Marzidli 40 # Was it for Thin ? A E^ Afi«ofi WelHngi 40 « We'a Keep the OKI Grey Mare, John, C ,..J. L, Molloy 40 / Were We Lovers TiicQ ? F ; Hope Temple 40 d What Next ? C & E7 //. Pontet 40 # Wliat the Dicky- Birdd Say (from Erminie), 1^7.„E,Jahohowski 40 a When Logs on the lugie (from Indiana) E, Audran 50 / When Lo?e is Young (from Erminie), By E. Jakobowski 40 /l^When Sparrows Build,G Virginia Oabriel 40 y When the He»rt ia Youug, D & E2 Dudley Buck 40 / Whispered Vows, A? Milton Wellings 40 el White Wings, B2, C & D O, Pinsuti 40 d Who's that CaUing so Sweet? F, G & A T, Deveen 85 #lj^Wide, Wide Sea (The), Ej Stephen Adams 60 e Wildflower, C & D Oabriel Pierni 40 # Wai He Come ? D & F Sir A, SuUivan 40 ifjWillow Tit Willow, A2 Sir A, SuUivan 40 e Winter Story (A), F Michael Watson 40 d Wishes and Fishes, C & E> J. L. Roeokel 40 /^With a Welcome for All (from Dorothy), D A, CelUer 40 el Within the VeU, E^ & F Theo, Bonheur 40 / With Such a Dainty Maid (from Dorothy), A!? A, Cellier 40 / Wooing, Ej- & F Edith Cooke 40 / World Between (A), A F,H, Cowen 60 § Year's at the Spring (The), G ,.\,„\,,..,.Ceoile S, Hartog 40 € Yellow Roses, 0, D & F ..., Michael Watson 40 d You Know Best. B2 & D Milton Wellings 40 tf Your Story and Mine, F & A-^ Lady Arthur Hill 40 SONGS WITH ORCHESTRAL ACCOMPANIMENT. .-JVl>«i^ Beauteous Song, (The), F 0, Barri ♦! 00 Better Land, F, H. Cowen 1 00 Bitter Sweet, F Caroline Lowihian 1 00 Fan Song (The) A,A,Asher 1 00 Glory to Theo, My God, This Night Gh, Qounod 1 00 I Dream'd a Dream, F Edith Cooke 1 00 Jerusalem, F H. Parker 1 00 King of Love My Shepherd is Ch, Gounod 1 00 Load Cl^oyd (Th©), F ,..,.0.., ,,,...,.,,,,.,,.,,.,,, Sir 4» SuUivan X QH it Songs witii Orchestral Accompaniment— CWmu^d, Love is a Dream, E2 F, IT. Cowm 1 00 Loved Voices Edith Cooke 1 00 Maid of the Mill, F Stephen Adams 1 00 Only Once More, F F, L. Moir 1 00 Reaper and the Flowers (The), F F. H, Cowen 1 00 KeiguoF the Roses (The) Caroline Lowthian 1 00 River of Years (The).... Theo. Marziale 1 00 Star of Bethlehem (The), F Stephen Adams 1 00 Until We Meet Again, A2 Caroline Lowihian 1 00 SONGS WITH ORGAN ACCOMPANIMENT. At Vespers, G F, P. Tosti 60 Beanteons Song (The), D O. Barri 60 Better Land (The), A F, H. Cowen 60 Calvary, A, C & D Paul Rodney 60 Children's Home (The), B2, 0, EC & F F, H. Cowen 60 Chorister (The), E , Sir A, Sullivan 40 Give me Thy Love (Ave Maria), E2 & F Milton WelUngs 50 Golden Path (The), F H, Parker 60 Jerusalem, E;^, F & G H. Parker 60 Kmgdom Blest (The), C&E^ CotsfordDick 60 Lost Chord (The), F Sir A, Sullivan 50 New Kingdom (The), B7, C & D .Berthold Tours 50 Rest to the Wekry, & E mi C. Pinsuti 50 Sion, C, D & E Paul Rodney 60 Vision Beautiful, C & E2 Cotsford Dick 60 SONGS WITH VIOLIN OR CELLO ACCOMPANIMENT. Angel's Tears, C //. PontH 60 Beauty's Eyes, C, E & G F. P. TosH 50 Children's Home, B^.C, Ej^ A F.., F. H, Cowen Chord of Love, C, E(^ & F A. H. Behrend 60 Close thou, Gentle Sleep, E2 & F A, Ceilier 60 Fiddle and I, A & B2 Mrs, A. Ooodev4 60 Forget, Forgive, G, B^ft Milton Wemngi 60 Give me Thy Iioye (Ave Maria), £)> & F „..,ilft^on WtUmfi fO 16 Songs with Violin or Cello Accomp't. — Continued. Golden Threshold (The), A & C F. N. Ldhr 60 New Kingdom (The), B21 & D .....Berthold Tours 50 Sion, CD AE Paul Rodney 50 Stars of Earth, E5 & F Michael Watson 50 "Tis Better So, G & Michael Watson 60 You Know Best, Bl^ & D Milton WeUings 60 SACRED SONGS AND DUETS. d At Evensong, D &; E Caroline Lowthian 40 €l Ave Maria (Give me Thy Love) , Ej & F Milton WeUings 40 Do. With organ and violin oh 60 t Awake, O Happy Nation (solo and chorus), D J» M. Coward 40 e Beauteous Sonj; (Come unto Me) , D, with organ accompH. . . O. Barri 50 e Better Land (The), A & C F. H, Cowen 40 (I Calvary, A, G & D, with organ accomp't Paul Rodney 40 € Do. Anthemt solo and chorus, 50 d Children of the City (The), D «& F Stephen Adams 40 d Children's Home (The), with organ, violin and cello accomp'tt B2, C, E2 & F *. F. H. Cowen 60 Do. Arranged as a duet , 50 d Choir Immortal (The), E7, F & G Paul Rodney 40 e Chorister (The), E, with organ accomp't Sir A. Sullivan 40 *l^City of Rest (The), C, D & F C. Pinsuti 40 d Emmanuel (God with us), B>, C & D Paul Rodney 40 #2 Give me Thy Love (Ave Maria), E7 & F Milton Welling* 40 Do. With organ and violin accomp't 60 d Glory to Thee, my God, This Night, B2, C, D & E^...CA. Gounod 40 Do. Arranged assa duet 60 / Golden Path ^he), with organ accomp't, F Henry Parher 60 e Golden Threshold (The), A & C. F. N.LShr 40 s Do. * With violin accompH 60 ey Hark, my Soul, it is the Lord, C, D & E|^ Ch. Gounod 40 f Heaven and Earth, A C. Pinsuti 50 d Jerusalem, E^, F & G ....Henry Parker 60 / Jesu, Lover of my Soul, D .Berthold Tours 40 d King of Love my Shepherd is, C & E2 Ch, Gounod 40 Do. Arrayed as a duet 60 i Light of the Land (The), B2, & E|^ C. Pinsuti 40 4 Light in Dwrkneat, J>2 F, H, Ootom 60 17 Sacred Songs and Duets. — Continued, / Lost Chord (The), F & A|^, with organ accomp*t,.,8ir A, Sullivan 60 d New Kingdom (The)i B2| & DfWith organ and violin accompH^ Herthold Tours 60 42 Peace, Perfect Peace, Bi;^, & D, solo and chorus CA. Gounod 60 4 Peace, Troubled Heart, B2, & D 0. Pinsuti 40 g Reaper and the Flowers (The), G F, H. Coaen 50 d Hesignation, B7 & E2 Miss M. Lindsay 40 Do. Arranged as a duet 60 «2Ilest for the Weary, mi. &E mi., with organ aoo*t ... C. Pinsuti 60 ^ Sion, 0, D & E Paul Bodnty 60 / Star of Bethlehem' (The), F Stephen Adams 60 / Tired, D Miss M. Lindsay 40 Do. Arranged as a duet • 60 tf Until the Day Breaks, D, E & F Ch, Gounod 40 \ BARITONE AND BASS SONGS. d Alone on the Baft, D Paul Rodney 40 d Antiquary, B2 & Michael Watson 50 «^Arrow and the Song (The), C Ch, Gounod 60 «lj Ask Nothing More, E2 Theo, Marzials 40 d BigBen, D& E2 H, Pontet 40 d Boys in Blue (The), H. TrotSre 50 d Brave Sentinel (The), B^ & Paid Rodney 40 * Claude Duval, F J. L. MoUoy 50 / Cumberland (The), D C. MarshaU 50 e First in the Field, F, Q & A Theo, Bonheur 40 e Fortune of War, F, G &A iTheo, Bonheur 40 d Give Me the Man of Honest Heart, & D M» Hobson 40 / Goodwin Sands, F Stephen Adams 50 e I Dream'd a Dream, E>, F & G Edith Ooohe 40 e I Fear no Foe, C .., 6, Pinsuti 40 d I Haven't for a Long Time Now (Comic), G J". Tabrar ii5 e Jackets o' Blue, Bj ,J. A. Macmeihan 40 e Jester (The), C & D Cotsford J^ick 40 d King's Minstrel (The), G & A G. Pinsuti 50 «2Lads in Red (The), E2....* J* L, MoUoy .50 d Little Hero (The), B17, C & D Stephen Adams 50 d London Bridge, D & E /. L. MoUoy 60 d LoYed and Saved, F & G..>..... ,... UU-hael Walson 60 IS Baritone and Bast Songs-'Contmu$d. § SDdihipmile (The), i •« StepKgn Adamt 60 d MikAdo'f Song (The), A Sir A. SuUivam 60 4 M-o-n-e-y (Oomio), G O. A.Pagt 86 / NeTOT Despair, B2 /. L, MoUoy 60 4 NoSarrender. E k F 0. BarH 40 • OldBriKade(Tbe). F, Oft A> O, Barn iO 4 On the Rolliag Wave. D, E & F Godfrty Marki 60 • Ool on the Deep, A F, N, Ldhr 60 4 Pedlar (The), F, If, Ldhr 40 / PoUy, Bt? J* L. MoUoy 40 4 Powder Monkey (The), F & O Michael Watton 40 $ Powder Monkey Joe, D ft E2 0. ^am 40 # Qoaker (The), F... * Stephm Adams 60 ^ Qaeen of My Heart, E> ft F A. CdUer 40 / Bally Round the Old Flag, D Caroline Lowthian 40 , SaiUng, Godfrey Mark* 60 4 Simeon Sly, D J, L. MoUoy 50 « Skipper (The), W, U. Juds 40 Skippers of St Ives, J, L. Roeckel 40 4^ Soldier's Good-bye, E2 ft F 8tepli£n Adams 40 / Soldier's Song (A), E;? E, Jakohowski 40 d Song of a Soldier, A ft B2 o Miehael Watson 60 « Tar's Farewell (The), D ft E? /Sf^/yAw* ^rtomi 40 tfi^They All Love Jack, E2 ft F Stephen Adams 60 e Three Beggars (The), D J. L, MoUoy 40 i(^ Three Sailor Boys, A2 Tieo. Marzials 40 d Time and Tide, B{^ ft F Paul Rodney 40 ({ True Till Death, G ft A A, 8. Qatty 40 ^ Unforgotten Song (The), E2 0. Barri 40 # Vanderdecken, C ft D Steplien Adams 60 d Who's that Calling so Sweet ? F & G ^ T. Dewen 85 #2 Wide Wide Sea (The), E2 Suplien Adams 60 TENOR SONGS. g April (Chanson d'Avril) A, Ooring Thomas 50 g Beauty'- Eyes, E ft G i\ p, Tosti 60 g Bear.ty Sleep (L'Ardita), G ft B^ L. Arditi 60 ^ Blue Alsatian Mountains (The), Ej Stephen Adams 60 f Come as of Old, B2 MUtou WeUings 40 If Tenor Songs — Continued, f Distant Shore (The), F & G Sir Arthur Sullivan 66 g Dream of Home (U Bacio), B2 & C L. Arditi 60 /" Dreams of the Summer Night, Aj & C .....J. L. Roeckd 40 «E Broken Pitcher, A^^, B^ & C H. Pontet 40 d Dolly's Revenge, D, Ei^h & F .'. H, Pontet 40 Downy Jail Birds (daet)«.. J^. Jahohoweki 40 # ¥»i Song (Tbe}i G .. ft F B. Pontet 40 d Happy Three, B7, ft D J. L, Roeikd 40 d I HATon't for a Long Time Now, G ..J. Tabrar 85 d I Really am bo Sleepy, G ft 85^ A, Gellier 40 § Lost Key (The), an original parody, F O. Oroismith 40 # Love's Labour Lost, 0, 1>1 ft Ej //. Pontet 40 d Mikado*B Song (The), A Sir A, Sullivan 50 d M-o-n-e-y, G ^' ^. Page 85 ^ NoSirl A. M, Wakefield 50 # Quaker (The), P Stephen Adam 60 ^ SheBiff'B Man (The), F A. Ctllier 40 e Skippers of St. Ives (The), C J. L, Roeckel 40 #{:^They Never Would be Missed, E2 Sir A% Sullivan 50 /Tik for Tat, ft E2 H, Pontet 40 / Two Spoons, F A, J. Caldicott 50 # Turnham Toll, F ft G Milton Wellings 40 d WhatNiext? CftE;? //. Pontet 40 e What the Dicky Birds Say, E? E. JaJcobowski 40 rfJWillow Tit-Willow, Aj Sir A. Sullivan 40 d Wishes and Fishes, ft E^ «/• L, Boeckel 40 ITALIAN SONGS. / Alice (Homanza), B^^ *^» Ascker -0 e Ben ^ Ridicolo, Canzone, E, F ft G A. liandey^ r 5t g Ganta, Canta, Augel Carino, D Z^ D, Oiiglielmo '^ g II Bacio (Valzer), B?, C & D L, Arditi 60 g L'Ardita (Vahser brillante), G ft B2 L, Arditi 60 FRENCH SONGS. */ Alice, 6|^........< , J, Ascher 40 / C'estun Reve, Ej & F Milton Wellings 40 / Ce n'est pas vrai, Ej; Tito Mattei 40 y Chanson d'Avril, G A, Goring Thomas 50 e Chansoa de Fiorian, C&J) B.Oodard 40 ey Conseils d'une Grand'm^re, Bjj^ , Milton Wellings 40 g Estudiantina, C ft D .••*....... P. Laeoms 60 § Le PfbssQor, D ft F «,„... ,•..,«. ilftZ^on WeUings 40 n French Song^'^ Continusd. d Les Nocesd'or, G k B' Milton WMing$ 40 il Nuit Sereine, E2 k G Paul Rodney 40 # Ombre et Lamidre, F ..Sop. and Ck>n.. il^ift M, Zdndtety (SQ Shells of Ocean * Sop. and Ten J, W. Cherry 40 Some Day > «.. Sop. and Con.„MUton WeUings 60 Sarely « * Sop. and Goji,.,.»A, H, Bekrend 50 The Bridge .Sop. and Con,.Miss M, Lindsay 50 The Broken Pitcher Sop. and Con H, Pontet 50 The Children's Home Sop. and Con F, H. Cowen 60 The !< lower iHtfaerera ...^ Sop^ and Con Stephen Olover 50 The Gipsy Countess.......* ...Sop. and Bar Stephen Glover 40 The King d Loto My Shepherd is..Sop. and Con Oh, Gounod 50 The Old Brigade Ten. and Bar. O. Barri 50 Thy Voioi is Near .•.Sop. and Con.. W, T, Wrighton 40 Tired .• ..JSop. and Con..Mt»« M. Lindsay 50 Until Wft Meet Again •m.« Sop. and Con C Lowthtan 50 MJwt-'-^' '' ..................3162. anci won .••...•••......•*...... ou Venetian Boat Song Sop. and Con..../. Blumenthal 60 What are the Wild Wayea Saying ?.Sop. and Con..- 8, Olover 50 WhentheWindbJowslnfimntheSea.Sop. and Bar H, Smart 60 I VOCAL WALTZES 8UIUBLE FOR CHILDREN'S SINGING CLASSES, Fairie Voices Waltz ...., \,»A, O. Ormoe 60 Do. Vocal part, old notation 6 Do. Do. Tonic sol-fa 6 Little Sailors Walts A.G. Crowe 60 Do. Vocal part, old notation 6 Do. Do. Tonic sol-fa 6 Night and Mom Waltz •. P. Btiealotsi 60 Da Vocal part, old notation 10 Mill Stream Waltz 0, Lasserre 60 Do. Do. Vocal part, old notation 6 Do. Do. Tonic sol-fa 6 Playmates Waltz e, Jiucalom 60 Do. Vocal part, old notation 6 Do. Do. Tonic sol-fa 6 SeeSaw Waltz ,.,. a, Q, Crowe 60 Do. Vocal part, old notation .....,..,.*. 6 Do. Do, Tonic Bol.ffi •....•..,..,^ ^, 6 W«dding Bills Walts ...->-.«-.^>^^>^ ^,->«, « ......-6^. Jf, Ltau 60 ss VOCAL QUARTETS. Alice, Where art Thou ? ..»...»......».........j: Ascher 10 Awake, O Happy Nation ,.j, m. Coward 10 * Do. Male voices 1q Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day Sir A, Sullivan 26 Broken Pitcher (The) //. Pontet 10 Calvary Paul Rodney 50 Do. Voice parts 1q Children's Home (The) p, H. Cowm 10 Far Away Miss M. Lindsay 10 Good Night (from Erminie) E. Jahobowski 10 Hunting Chorus (from Dorothy) A. Cellier 8 Madrigal (from Ruddigore) Sir A. Sullivan 20 March Onward (from Eli) , Sir M, Costa 15 Old Brigade (The).... o, Barri 10 Do. Male voices 10 Peace, Perfect Peace Ch, Gounod 60 Dov . . Voice parts, 10 Praise Ye the Father (Marche Romaine) Ch. Gounod 8 You Swear to be Good and True (from Dorothy) A. Cellier 40 VOCAL TRIOS. Nocturne. L, Denza 15 Three Little Maida from School .;S't> A.Sullivan 25 N, B. — A further list of Vocal Trios and Quartets (Sacred and Secu/ar) wiii he found rni page 68 to 61, PIANOFORTE SOLOS. The degree of difficnlty of each piece is indicated by v, e. very easy ; #. easy ; m. e, moderately easy ; m. d, moderately diificult ; d. dif&oolt. m tf A Bird in Hand Polka (Illastrated) L, 0. Desormet 60 m e Al Fresco L, Zavertal 40 d Alice (Romance Transcrite) J, Ascher 60 m e Alice (Romance, easy transcription) H, Bernlioff 50 « Alice (Transcription tr^a facile) L, Streabbog 35 m e Alwiivs or Never (Tonjoura on Jamais) Waltz. ...^. Waldteufel 60 m^An der Wiege (Cradle Song) O, Langs 40 m ^ Andante in G (Batiste) Boyton Smith 40 md\t the Ferry (Welliugs) J, Pridham 60 me At the Ferry Waltz (Illustrated) 0. U Albert 60 tnekxd Immer (For Ever) Waltz Oscar Seydel 60 m e Auf Wiedersehen (Until We Meet Again) Waltz G, Lowthian 40 9« Do. easy arrangement W,Sniallwood 20 m e Aurora Schottische P. Bucalossi 40 dBaladine(La). Caprice Gh. B, Lysherg 70 md Beatrice Gavotte Gelian Kottaun 50 ve Do. easy arrangement W, SmaUwood 20 « Beanty Sleep (Arditi) D. Krug 40 m e Bella Bocca (Bonne Bouche) Polka £. Waldteufel 40 m d Bell Gavotte (The) Michael Watson 50 md Ben 6 Ridicolo (Randegger's popular Canzone) W, Kuhe 60 m d Ben 6 Ridicolo (Randegger) Brinley Richards 60 rn J Ben k Ridicolo (Randegger) F. Praeger 40 mdBen b Ridicolo (Randegger) Boyton Smith 60 m e Berceuse in A Q, Delbruck 40 m ri Bbttor Land (Cowen) W, Kuhe 60 me Bid me Good-bye (Tostij Boyton Smith 50 ve Do. ; W,Smallwood 20 m * Bid mo Good-bye Waltz , E» W, de Gamers 60 m t Bird in Hand Folka (A), (Illustrated) L, C, Desormes 60 m e Bitter Sweet Waltz Garoline Lowthian 60 »e Do, easy awacgomeiife W. SmaUwood 20 Pianoforte Solon— CanHntud. tn e Black and Tan Polka .«. Caroline Lowthian 40 ve Do. easy arraogement ^.....W. Smallwood 20 me Blackberries Polka A, Van Biene 40 mdBlne Alsatian Mountains (Adams) TF. KuJie 60 me Bine Alsatian Mountains Waltz (Illustrated) G. Lamothe 60 m^iBlue Bells (A Whisper from the Woodlands) Boy ton Smith 50 mtf Bonne Boucbe (Bella Bocca) Polka E, Waldteufel 40 ve easy arrangement , W. Smallwood 20 rndBouTT^Q Cotsford Dick 40 m« Bridge (The), (Lindsay) Brinley Richards 40 m^Bridge Waltz (The), (Illustrated) Carl Mahler 60 m^Brise des Nuits (Breezes of the Night)Waltz O. Lamothe 60 m^Bufifalo Bill Polka May Ostlere 40 e Bunch of CowsUps (Wakefield) , Michael Watson 86 mi Calvary (Bodney) , Boyton Smith 50 ffi « Cam arade Polka E. Waldteufel 40 TTti Canadian Boat Song (Fantasia) G.F. West 50 w > F. Lemoine 60 tf Far Away (Lindsay) C. Luini 40 m i Fanst (Fantasia) J, Leybaoh 60 m d Fanst (Fantasia) B, Favarger 60 m d Fanst (Fantasia) Boyton Smith 60 m « Fidelity Waltz G.Lamothe 60 m d First Kiss Waltz , G. Lamothe 60 m e Fleors des Champs (Polka Elegante) F, Lemoine 40 m e Flirtation Gavotte .0. Langey 40 m d Florence (Tarantella) G. Lamothe 60 m tf Flower Gatherers (Glover) W»S, Rockstro 60 m e Flying Colours (Polka March) ..« E. Bucalossi 40 m e For Ever (Anf Immer) Waltz Oscar Seydel 60 m d Forget-me-not (Transcription) W, Qanz 60 e Fragment de Mendelssohn (Un) O. A, Caspar 40 m d Frogs (Lea Grenouilles) Polka A» Dclbriiok 60 V e Garden of Sleep (Da Lara) W* Smallwood SO m & farden of Sleep Waltz P. Bucalossi 60 m ^ Gates of the West (Lowthian) ^ Boyton Smith 60 f» d Gavotte Viscount Dupplin 40 m e Gavotte in Bl; (Handel) Jules De Sivrai 40 m « Gavotte in F ».. H. Glendon 40 m d Gavotte Moderne en at .Berthold Tourt 60 m e German Love Songs Waltz Dr. A, Hartmann 60 »» i Gigae. Op. 103 Benjamin Godard 40 m e Gipsy Countess (Glover) W. S. Rockstro 60 m e Gitana Waltz (La) » E. Bucalossi 60 S8 Pianoforte Solos — Cotuinusd. m d Glory to Thee My God this Night (Gonnod) B, Toun 60 m c Going to Market Polka (Ulastratedj A, G. Pollock 60 m t Going to Market Waltz (Illastr ated) O, Godfrey GO m e Golden Loye Waltz (Illiistrated) G. Lamothe 60 d Golden Bells (Caprice de Concert) Sydney Smith 60 $ Golden Bella (S. Smith) Carl Kriiger 40 $ Golden Bells (S. Smith) E.Maoh 85 m d Golden Love (Wellings) Boyton Smith 60 m e Gondolier Walta Otto Boeder 60 m d Goanod'B Nazareth (Transcription) Sydney Smith 60 m d Graceful Dance (from Dorothy) A, Cellier 40 e Great Globe QuadriUe (The) S, Glover 40 v$ Da easy arrangement W% Smaliwood 20 m 6 Greeting Waltz E, St'^ausa 60 m e Handel's Gavotte in B^ ................iT'. de Sivrai 40 m g Hand over Hand Lancers (Ulostrated) W, M, Lutz 60 m i Hanky Panky Polka 0» Coote 40 vi Do. easy arrangement , W, SmaUwood 20 m i Harpe Eolienne (La) (Morceaa de Salon) Sydney Smith 60 m « Her Bright Smile (Wrighton) Brinley Richards 60 m d Her Bright Smile (Wrighton) H, Rosellen 60 m 4 Her Bright Smile Waltz H, S» Roberts 60 m I Hesperus Waltz Luhe Wheeler 60 m d Home Sweet Home (Fantasia) H, G. Walker 60 mil Gannot Sing the Old Songs (Olaribel) Brinley Richard* 60 mdl Dream'd a Dream (Cooke) H, Parher 60 m i II Bacio (Valse Brillante) L, Arditi 60 mdH Bacio (Arditi) B, Ketterer 60 «« n Bacio (Arditi) H, Thomat 60 m « U Bacio (Arditi) T, Oesten 60 mdU Bacio (Polka Mazurka) E, Berger 60 m ell Bacio Waltz G, Zotti 60 w « In the TwUight WaJtz C. Coote 60 V € Do. easy arrangement W, Smallwood 20 m e Indiana Lancers (on Audran's Opera) Liddell 60 m * Indiana Polka Do. Do Liddell 50 m e Indiana Waltz Do. Do LiddeU 60 m e Isis Waltz , May Ostlere 60 V # Do. easy arrangement..... W. Smallwood 20 m elt Came with the Merry May (Tosti) ^,„Boyton Smith 50 (H ^ 4f WW ^ Dr6fWUt. •»•».♦•..••• j...*^......,, ,♦».,„.,,, „,^<>, jP, £f^ CoM'tfft ^ Pianoforte Solos — C&iUiinuBd, Jeanne, JeannetteetJeannettoii (Piano Score) P, Lmmm 78 m d Jet d'Eau (Le) (Morceau Brillant) Sydney Smith 60 m e Joyeuse Reunion, Menuet H. Eoubier 40 m d Joyous Life (Randegger's popular Canzone) J, E. Newell 60 m c Joyoua Life Waltz (7. /f. B, MarrioU 75 m 6 Eatcina Waltz May Oitlere 00 d Eillarney (Fantasia on Irish Airs) Boyton Smith 60 m t King of Love my Shephord is (Gounod) B, Towr$ 50 d La Baladine (Caprice) « GK B, Lysberg 60 m ^ La Coquette Waltz Tito Mattei 60 m eh& Gitana Waltz E, Buealoui 60 mdh& Uarpe Eolienne (Morceau de Salon) Sydney Smith 60 m eL& Marquise Gavotte E. Doru^jowski 40 m d La Beine des F^es (Fairy Queen) Galop ^Sydney Smith 60 m J La Valine des Roses (Mazurka) H, B&ubisr 60 m« La Veronese Waltz A, Lmny 60 m «La Zingara Waltz E, H, Prout 60 mJ Laddie (Pinsuti) Boyton Smith 50 e Lady Betty » Seymour Smith 40 m d L'Ardita (Valse Brillante) L, Arditi 60 f» e L'Ardita (Arditi) .....«/. Hummel 40 « L'Ardita (Arditi) F.Loui 40 m <; Le Cavalier Polka P. Fahrbach 40 m e L'Escajpolette (Swing Song). O, Fontaine 40 mdliQ Jet d'Eau (Morceau Briilaut^ Sydney Smith 60 m elie Zephyr Polka G, Ddbriiek 40 m e L'Esprit Francais Polka E, Waldteufel 40 md Les Grenouilles Polka A.Ddbriick 60 m ^LesSir^nes Waltz E. Waldteufel 60 ve Do, easy arrangement W, Smaliwood 20 m «Le8 Sourires Waltz E. Waldteufel 60 m d Let me Dream Again (Sullivan) ,W, Kuhe 60 m e Letter Song (Plaaquette) }V. SmaUwood 40 e Lily Bells (Morceau de Salon) H» Stanislaut 40 m « Little SaUors Waltz A. O. Growe 60 V e Do. easy arrangement Michael Watson 85 m e London Life Quadrille G» Goote , 40 m « Longing Hearts Waltz (Illustrated) OttoRoeder 60 wi J Looking Back (Sullivan).., \„W. Kuhe 60 w d X^ost Chord (Sullivan) , „.. ...Fl Kuhe 6Q Pianoforte SoloB^CotUinued, m € Love's Dre&ml&nd Waltz (Illustrated) Otto Boeder 60 m I Lover and the Bird (The) (Transcription) P. D.Guglielmo 50 tn d Lover and the Bird (Mazurka) P. D, Guylielmo 50 m d Lover and the Bird (Valse Caprice) H. liupp 60 w d Lover and the Bird (Transcription varido) E. Berger CO m d Lover and the Bird (Transcription brillante)... H. Abram 50 m d Lover and the Bird (Guglielmo) W. Kulie 60 m d Lover and the Biid (Guglielmo) ^.Boyton Smith 60 m c Lover and the Bird (Guglielmo) Brinley Riohardi 50 m e Lover and the Bird Waltz C7. Godfrey 60 •I i Lover and the Bird Walto P. Z>. Guglielmo 76 jw « Mabd Waltz Dan Godfrey 60 m d Mabel Waltz (Transcription) E, Ketterer 60 m d Mabel Waltz (Transcription).... W. Kuhs 60 •I d Maid of the Mill (Adams) Sydney Smith 60 «i «Maid of the MiU Waltz LiddeU 60 m e March of the Israelites (irom Eli) .Sir MicJiael Costa 40 M e March in G W, Hill 40 m e March of the Old Brigade (The) 0. Barri 60 m e March of the Trojans Henry Parker 40 m d Marehe Nocturne (2nd) G, Baehmann 50 m e Marehe Bomaine CK Gounod 40 m « Marguerite Waltz Caroline Lowthian 60 ve Do. easy arrangement W,SmaUwood 20 m tf Mariana Waltz E. Waldteufel 60 m « Mar j or ie Waltz P. Bucalossi 60 m c Mar(]^ise Gavotte (La) E. Donajowski 40 m « Mayflower Lancers (on American airs) LiddeU 60 d Mazurk. Op. 103 Benjamin Godard 60 m d Mazurka Elegante G. Baehmann 40 m d Menuet Melodique Victor Delacour 40 t» e Merry i ootsteps Polka P. Bucalossi 40 m d Merry Peasant (Schumann) Boyton Smith 50 m e Mes Amis Waltz E,Prout 60 m e Mia Cara Waltz P. Bucalossi 60 m e Midshipmite Polka .* F.LoJfler 60 Mikado (The) (complete pianoforte score) Sir A. Sullivan 75 m d Mikado (The) (1 antasia) .....% IF. Euhe 75 m e Mikado Lancora.... P. Bucalossi 60 m 6 Mikado Polka „.. P. Bucalossi 60 m e Mikado Quadrilles...,*... , P. Bucalossi 60 f^ « Mikado Wftltis *•?•*!««<««;>**«...•.. ...i.**>***«*M.f.ttvM.^*-^*-^t^^^^ ^ Pianoforte Solos — Continued, n « Military Polka (The) E. SucaloiH 40 m tf Mill Stream Walta , Ch. Laserre 60 m « Mill Wheel (The) Boyton Smith 40 m «Mon Amoar Waltz P. Ducahssi 60 m «Mon Chef d'GEavre Pclka A, Delhrdch 60 m e Mirage Waltz.* Caroline Lowtkian 60 m tf Mother Habbard Polka Caroline Lowthian 40 v« Do. easy arrangement W, Smallwood 20 m « Marmnr of the Stream (Yalae Brillante) W, Borrow 60 m e Marmnriag Stream (The) L, Zavertcd 40 m (J Masical Box CThe) , /. Liehioh 40 m e My Pet Waltz r. P. Bucalotti 60 m ^ My Qneen (Transcription) «/. BlumenthaX 60 m # My Qneen Waltz P. Bucalossi 60 m tf My Sweetheart Sohottische 6, CooU 40 ve Do. eady arrangement W, Smallwood 20 m « Myosotis Waltz Caroline Lowtkian 60 v« Do. easy arrangement W, Smallwood 20 m i Myosotia Waltz (Transcription) H, Parker 60 m d Nazareth (Transcription) Sydney Smith 60 m e Night and Mom Waltz P, Buealossi 60 m d Ninon (Impromptu) Michael WatMon 60 mciNondver Tito Mattti 60 m d Non & ver (Mattei) E, Ketterer 60 m e Nous Deux Waltz E, de Valmenoey 60 m e Now and Then Polka C. (7 Mazurka .., lY. JMHer 00 mmmmmmmm Pianoforte Solon— ConHnwd. m d Yalse Ohampetro O. Laii^ 60 m $ Valse V^netienue E, Waldteufel 60 # Do. easy arrangement Michael WatMn 89 m e Vanity Fair Polka Caroline Lowthian 50 m « Venetia Waltz Caroline Lowthian 40 ve Do. easy arrangement W. SmaUuood 20 m i Voices from the Hillside (Sootoh Airs) W, 8, Rockstro 60 m e Warblings at Eve ; Brinle^ RicKardt 60 m e Wedding Bells Waltz Q, M, Lame 60 m d What are the Wild Waveg Saying ?.. Brinley Bicharde 60 m e What are the Wild Waves Saying? (Romance)... G. A, Osborne 40 m d When Sparrows Build (Gabriel) ,„H. Marcel 60 m « Whisper Low Waltz A, G. Crowe 60 m e Who's that Galling so Sweet Polka J. Meietler 60 m e With the Stream Waltz Theo, Marziale 60 m e Zephyr Polka (Le) O, DelbrUck 40 m c Zuigara Waltz (La) £, H, Front 60 EASY ARRANGEMENTS COPYBIQHT MEIiODIES. FOB PIANOFORTE SOLO. A Bnnch of Cowslips (Wakefield) , Michael Watson 86 Alice (Asher) L, Streabbog 35 Beanty Sleep (Arditi) D. Krug 40 Bridge (The) (Lindsay) W. SmaUwood 85 Chorister (Sullivan) , Michad Watson 35 DistantShore (Sullivan) W, Smallwood 35 Echo of Lucerne (Booh Albert) W, SmaUwood 35 Fairie Voices Waltz (Crowe) ....Michael Watson 85 Fairy Queen (The) (Sydney Smith) Frank Pereival 85 Far Away (Lindsay) W, SnuUlwood 35 Flower Gathere»s (Glover) W. SmaLlwood 86 Fragment of Mendelssohn (Caspar) W. Snudlwood 85 Gates of the West (Lowthian)... > «.... W. SmaUwood 35 Gij«y Countess (Glover) , W. Smallipo&d 85 0olde» Bells (Sydney Smith). .....,,,,,.?»•»».»»• j^.tv""*^^*"^ 4r^g^ iQ Pianoforte Solo — Easy Arrangements— Coweinu^rf. Great Globe Qaadrilles (Glover) W. Smallwood 85 Her Bright Smile (Wrighton) W* Smallwood 85 I Cannot Sing the Old Songs (Claribel) J. A, Wade 35 n Bacio (Arditi)..... Carlo Zotti 85 Isia Waltz (Ostlere) W. Smallwood 85 Joyous Life (Randegger) Frank Percival 85 L'Ardita (Arditi) O. Zotti 35 L'Ardita (Arditi) F, Lossi 40 Little Sailors Walte (Crowe) Michael Watton 85 Lover and the Bird (Guglielmo) Frank Percival 85 Mnsical Box (Liebich) W» Smallwood 85 O Fair Dove (Gatty) W, Smallwood 85 Osborne Quadrilles (Glover) W. Smallwood 85 Pas Bedoubl^ (Sydney Smith) Frank Percival 85 Pas Redouble (Sydney Smith) Oarl Kruger 40 Pulaski's Banner (Lindsay) TT. Smallwood 35 Queen's Jubilee March (Watson) W. Smallwood 35 Ruby (Gabriel) Michael Watson 85 See Saw Waltz (Crowe) Michael Watson 85 Star Rays (Cramer) Frank Percival 85 Thy Voice is Near (Wrighton) W, Smallwood 85 Tired (Lindsay) W. Smallwood 35 Trebelii-Polka-SiCazurka (Roubier)... Frank Percival 85 Two Marionettes (Cooke) W. Smallwood 85 Until the Day Breaks (Gounod)... W, Smallwood 85 Valse V^nitienne (Waldteufel) Michael Watson 35 Warblings at Eve (Richards) W. Smillwood 35 What are the Wild Waves Saymg ? (Glover) W, Smallwood 35 VERY EASY ARRANGEMENTS I OF V* COPYRIGHT MELODIES. -§ •" FOE PIANOFOETE SOLO, "^ - J- Auf Wiedersehen Walti (Lowthian) W, Smallwood 20 Beatrice Gavotte (Kottaun) w, Smallwood 20 Bid Me Good-Bye (Tost!) jy. Smallwood 20 Bitter Sweet Waltz (Lowthian) W, Smallwood 20 Black and Tan Polka (Lowljhian) W, Smallwood 20 P«we Bo^cb© Polka (Waldteufel)..,M,,.MMMMM.,,.,*^. SmUwogd ^ .. .t -:, ■', . ■ ' ^'«l'^ Pianoforte Solo— Very Easy Arrangements— CVmftniw(7. Chdfrey 60 m « March of the Trojans Henry Parker 50 m e March in Q W. Hill 60 m « Marche Romaine Ch, Gounod 50 m e Marguerite Waltz GaroUne Lowthian 60 Iff c Mariana Waltz E» Waldteufel 60 m « M^nnet Melodiqae V. Belacour 60 m d Merry Peasant (Schamann) Boyton Smith 60 m « Mia Cara Waltz « P. Bucalossi 60 m e Mikado Lancers P, Bucalossi 75 m e Mikado Quadrille P, Bucalossi 75 m e Mikado Waltz P, Bucalossi 75 m d Mikado Fantasia ". TF. Kuhe 90 m e Mon Amoar Waltz P, Bucalossi 60 m e Mother Hnhbard Polka Caroline Lowthian 60 e Musical Box (Liebich) W, Smallwood 40 m e Myosotis Waltz Caroline Lowthian 60 md Nazareth (Gounod) Sydney Smith 60 m « Old Fashion Cavotte Milton Wellings 60 m t Old Love and the New Waltz.. Caroline Lowthian 60 m e Osborne Quadrilles S. Olover 60 m « Parade March ..„ H. Stanislaus 60 m e Parthenia Waltz A. Levey 60 m d Pas Redoabl^ (Morceau Brillant) Sydney Smith 75 4 Pulaski'B Banner (Lindsay) W, Smallwood 40 m d Queen's Jubilee March Michael Watson 60 m 4 Qui ViT» (Galop de Concert) W, Qantf 76 m #R^tsa'AmoorWtl|i-^ E, Waldteufd 60 « d BigMdmi.,.^.*^^...^ ^Joachim Bioff 00 Pianoforte Duets — Cmtmued. m e Rip Van Winkle Lancers (7, l^ Albert 60 m #Boalette Galop q, Coou 60 m t See Saw Waltz a, G, Crowe 60 i Do. Easy arrangement a. G. Crowe 40 m d Shells of Ocean (Cherry) 5. JarvU 40 m . « 76 Hamilton's Modern Instructions for the Pianoforte 75 Hemy's Modern Pianoforte Tutor 1 00 Eobler's Practical Pianoforte School 60 Eohler's Practical Pianoforte Method, Op. 249, in 10 vols....... each 75 Do. Do. Do. Do. in 6 books each 1 60 Bichardson's New Method (for Pianoforte) 2 60 Sydney Smith's Pianoforte Tutor 7f \ ■*i PIANOFORTE STUDIES, &c. Baumfelder*s .Album for Beginnerst 24 Melodious and ProgressiTe Pieces ..••.....•«« 75 Bertini's 48 Studies, Op. 29 and 82 60 Do« 25 Studies, Op. 29, 2 Books, each ..«• 89 Do. 26 Easy Studies, Op. 100 «...< « ^ <0 Do. SMIm, Op. 32, 2 Books, eaoh «. ^ U 44 Pianoforte Studies, &c. — Cantuncd, - Olementrs Gradas and Parnassam, Vol. 1 1 00 Do. Do. Do. Vol.2 100 Do. Do. • Do. - Vol.8 ; 125 Do. Preludes and Exercises 75 Cramer's Complete Studies, Vol. 1 60 Do. Do. Vol.2 :, 60 Czemj, 100 Preparatory Lessons, Op 189 65 Do. — The same in 8 Books, Op. 139, each..;, 85 Do. 101 Exercises and 24 New Studies, Op. 261 60 Do. — The same in 2 Books, Op, 261, each 85 Do. School of Velocity (40 Exercises), Op. 299 75 Do. -— The same in 4 Books, Op. 299, each 85 Do. Legato and Staccato, Op. 885 90 Do. 40 Daily Studies, Op. 887 65 Do. School of the Virtuosi, Op. 866 1 50 Do. — The same in 8 Books, each 65 Do. Studies for Left Hand, Op. 899 75 Do. 110 Easy and Progressive Exercises, Op. 453 85 Do. 60 Studies for Beginners, Op. 481 60 Do. 60 Duet Exercises for Beginners, Op. 481 75 Do. Ootave Studies, Op. 558.... 80 Do. First Pianoforte Primer, Op. 599 60 Do. Introductory Finger Exercises, Op. 636 50 Do. The Art of Finger Practice, Op. 740 1 25 Do. — The same in 6 Books, each... 85 Do. 26 Exerdses for Small Hands, Op. 748 60 Do. — The same in 2 Books, each 85 Do. 160 Eight-Bar Exercises, Op, 821 75 Do. — The same in 3 Books, each , 85 Do. 80 Etudes de M^anigne, Op. 849 65 Herz's Scales, Exerdses and Chords 85 Kalkhrenner's 24 Studies, Op. 20, 2 Books, each 50 Do. 12 Studies, Op. 126 50 Do. 25 Studies, Op. 148, 2 Books, each 50 Eohler's 80 Melodious and Progressive Studies, Op. 205 75 Do. Progressive Studies, Book 1, Op. 224 60 Do. do. Book 2, Op. 208 60 Do. do. Book 8, Op, 209 , 60 Do. 20 Easy Studies, Op. 50 76 Do. Children's Album, Vol. 1. Op. 210..« 76 Pianoforte Stndies, Ac—Conilnufd, Knhner's Instruction Album, (96 approved Jpid^es In progifesslTS order from easiest to medium grade of difficulty), 4 Vols., each 75 Lemoine's Juvenile Studies, Op. 87 79 Loeschborn's Studies ior Beginners, Op. 65, 8 Books, each 1 00 Do. Do. to follow above, Op. 66, 8 Books, ....each 1 25 Do. Do. for more advanced Students, Op. 67, 8 Books ....each 1 25 Low's Album for the Yonng, (24 Pieces without Octaves) 76 Schmidt's Five-Finger Exercises 40 Do. Technical Studies, Op. 14 75 Schultz's Scales and Chords : ^ 25 Wolff's Octave Studies, Op. 106 1 00 Do. Melodious Studies, Op. 109 1 00 STANDARD CLASSICAL WORKS. Bach.— 48 Preludes and Fugues. 2 vols., each 1 00 Celebrated Gavottes and Bourr^es 60 15 Inventions and Symphonies SO Beethoven. — Sonatas 2 25 Do. Handsomely bound in cloth -. ^ 8 25 Symphonies. 2 vols., each 1 50 Chopin.— Waltzes 75 Mazurkas 1 25 Nocturnes 1 00 Polonaises 1 00 dementi. — 12 Sonatinas 60 Corelli. — Gigues, Gavottes, Sarabandes, etc 75 Field.— Nocturnes 60 Haydn. — 10 Selected Sonatas •••• 75 Heller, S.— Dana Les Bois— 21 Pieces, Op. 86, 128 and 136 1 60 Eestless Nights— (Nuits Blanches), complete 1 25 7 Tarantelles ....*.. 1 50 Hummel.— 5 Selected Sonatas •..•.••..•...•....•..•.••.*..•..*•.•• 1 25 Kirchner.—Albumblatter— (Album Leaves) 50 Kohlaa.— 12 Sonatinas. Op. 20, 56^ 59 ...o..m« 6& Standard Classical V/uvks— CuuUnusd* HendelBBohn.— SoDgs withont Words »••< 1 00 CompositioDS — YoL 1.— (Capriccio, Op. 6 ; Sonata, Op. 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Edited by Berthold Tours... 1 00 Vol. IV., 20 — (Bach, Boccherini, Chopin, Corelli, Couperin, « Clack, Handel, Mendelssohn, Rameau, Scarlatti) 1 00 Album of National Songs (22 transcriptions) 75 Album Moderne. — 10 Popular Pieces — (Ascljer, Blumenthal, Dreyschock, Ghys, Gottschalk, Jungmann, Ketterer, Lange, Reach, Voss) 1 00 Classical Album for the Young. — 50 Celebrated Pieces 1 00 Dance Music Albums.— (Various) each 85 English National Album. — 150 English, Irish, Scotch and Welsh Melodies 1 60 French Album. — 150 Popular Airs transcribed by R. de Vilbao ... 1 60 Gade, Niels. — 16 Favorite Pieces — (Albumblatter, Idylleia, Christ- mas Pieces, FantasiestUcke, etc 75 Heller, S. — 11 Favorite Pieces — (La Chasse, la Eermesse, la petite Mendiante, Eglogue, A Arabesques, 8 Promenades d'un Solitaire). Edited by A. 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Edited by Berthold Tours 1 25 Strauss. — Album — 9 Favorite Waltzes 1 25 Waldteufel.— Album, Yol. I — 20 of the most Popular Valses, Polkas and Galops, with Portrait of the Composer 1 50 Waldteufel.— Album, Vol. II 1 50 Wollonhaupt.— 8 Favorite Pieces 75 ORGAN MUSIO. (with pedal OBLIGATO.) Bach's Preludss, Fugues, etc. Edited by Dr. W, Folckmar 1 75 Beauteous Song (The) 0. Barri 50 Berceuse in A Q, Ddlruch 25 Better Land (Cowen) , Dr, W. Spark 50 Children's Home (Cowen) .". Dr, W, Sparle 60 Danae Pompense (Celiier) , , q^ j*. Smith 50 4$ Orga n Music — Con tinued, Gantte Moderne en nt Brrthold Tourt 60 Jeruialem (Parker) W,J. Westbrook 60 Joyewe Reunion (Menuet) H, Rouhier 40 Lost Chord (Sullivan) Dr, W. Spark 60 Marcbof the Israelites Sir M. Costa 40 March ♦! the Trojans (Parker) W, J. Wettbrook 60 March of the Old Brigade 0. Barn 60 March in G W. HiU 40 Marche Komaine (Gounod) E. F, Rimbault 40 Mendelssohn's Prelades, Fugaes and Sonatas 1 00 Qaeen's Jabiles Maroh (Watson) A. 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Vol. I. 10 Celebrated Pieces (Goltermann, GooBod, Haaser, Henselt, Baff, Rabiostein, Schamann, Spohr) 1 00 Albam C^l^bre. Vol. II. 10 Celebrated Pieces (Braga, Booth, Gbysi Haaser, Heller, Kirchuer, Schulhoft, Wagner, &c).... 1 00 ▲Ibom C^l^bre. Vol. III. 10 Celebrated Pieces (Qade, Jang. mann, Henselt, Spohr, Volkmann, &o.) 1 00 Albam C^Ubre. Vol. IV. 10 Celebrated Pieces (BeethoYen, Jongmann, Schubert, Vilbac, Wellings,Wollenhaapt, &c.)... 1 00 Alice (Fantasia on Asher's Popular Komance) S, EUiott 60 Andante in G (Batiste) Boyton Smith 60 Beatrice Gavotte „„OeUan KoUaun 60 Bell Gavotte (The) Miehad Watson 75 Brise des Nuits Waltz G. LamotJu 75 dassios for the Young. Easy Arrangements from the Works of the Great Masters. Edited by W. Lenz :— Pieces 1 00 1 00 , 1 00 V 1 00 . 1 00 / 1 00 - 1 00 Vol. Vin. Chopin, Dussek, Field, 20 Celebrated Pieces 1 00 Vol. IX. Mendelssohn, t ^^W^- "^ ^^o* ^ ^ Vol. X. Schumann, v = y^ ^ Do. 1 OO Concert aa Salon, Books I. to YL, 15 (Celebrated Pieces in each volume) , each 1 25 Cornflower Waltz 0, Goote 60 Cynthia (a right merrie dance) Michael Watson 75 Dorothy (Fantasia on the Opera) H, Farmer 75 Duos Dramatiques : — 4 Brilliant Operatic Fantaisies (Bellini) Vol. I ... 1 00 4 " " ^ " (Doaizetti,Ros8ini).Vol. II ... 1 00 4 " " " »• (Various) Vol. HI... 1 00 4 « •» " (Weber, Haydn) Vol. IV... 1 00 4 «• " •• (Mozart) Vol. V ... 1 00 4 «• «» " (Various) Vol. VI... 1 00 4 *• " " (Donizetti) Vol. VII.. 1 00 4 « »* ^? (Vftdoufl) TqI. Vpi. \ 9Q Vol. I. Bach, 20 CeJ lebrat< Vol. U. Beethoveni Do. Vol. m. Handel Do. Vol. IV. Haydn Do. Vol. V. Mozart Do. Vol. VL Schubert Do. Vol. vn. Weber Do. ft*. Violin and Piano— Cantmued. Echo of Lncerue (The)... R. Albert 60 Erminie (Fantasia ou the Opera) //. Farmer 1 00 Ermiaie Gavotte //. Farmer 40 Estudiautiua (Lacotnc) E, Perrier GO Far Away Miss M, Lindsay 50 First luss Walta (The) G. Lamothd 60 FHrfcation Gavotte 0. Langey 60 Gavotte in F H, Pontet 50 Gavotte Moderne en ut B. Tours 75 Gipsy Countess (The) S. Olover 50 Golden Hours for the Young VioUnist Dlumenstengel Books I., II. and III., in First Position each 60 Book IV., in Third Position 60 n Bacio Waltz L, Arditi 75 Joyeuse Reunion H, Rouhier 40 L'Ardita (Valse Brillante) L'Ardtti 50 La Marqniese Gavotte E, Donajowski 50 Lily Bells //. Stanislaus 40 Lover and the Bird (The) P. D, Ougliehno 50 March in G W, Hill 50 Merry Peasant (The) Schumann 50 Mikado (Fantasia on Salli van's Opera) H. Fanner 1 00 Did Fashions Gavotte Milton Wellings 60 Qneen of My Heart (from Dorothy) H. Fanner 60 Resignation Miss M, Lindsay 50 Rigandon .^ Joachim Raff 75 Ruddigore (Fantasia on Sullivan's Opera) H. Farmer 1 00 See Saw Waltz A, G. Crowe 75 Serenade G.PiernS 40 Star Rays O. Cramer 50 Thy Voice is Near W. T, Wrighton 50 Tired Miss M, Lindsay 50 Une F6te b, Trianon, ££, Rouhier 40 What are the Wild Waves Saying? 8. Glover 50 (Sea also Separate Catalogue of Litoljf Editions), TWO VIOLINS and PIANO. Barcarolle • E. Jaque 75 Godard's Six Duettini, Op. 18 2 00 Ia Fille du Regiment (Selection) ,.6'. Barnard 75 ^l^el'i Six Easy Doeto, 0|^. 8 MMf.M....tMMvt*Mt.f mim. 70 THEEE VIOLINS and PIANO. La Maiqnue Gayotito £» Donajawtki 60 TWO VIOLINS, CELLO and PIANO. March from Eli Sir M. Costa 60 {See alio Separate Catalogue of Litolff Editions), >fr J^-. VIOLONCELLO. ": Howell's First Book for Violoncello ,..•• 85 'violoncello and PIANO. Albnm G^Ubre. Vols. L to IV., each containiDg 10 Celebrated Pieces ,.... 1 00 Flirtation Gavotte 0. Langey 60 Gavotte Moderne en nt B. Tourt 75 Old Fashions Gavotte Milton WeUings 60 S^^nade O.Pierni 50 - > ^ I ,,, iM^— niTT-r-r Pratten's Flnte Tutor ......'...;. 85 Do. 100 Exercises and Studies.. 25 Young's Flute and Piccolo Tutor * 50 •FLUTE and PIANO. Album C^Ubre. Vols. I. to IV., each containing 10 Celebrated Pieces 1 00 Flirtation Gavotte ^ » 0. Langey 60 Flute Miscellany. Nos. 1 to 15 each 35 Mikado (The). Fantasia on the Opera J. Radolijf 1 00 Old Fashions Gavotte Milton WelUngs CO Raddigore, Fantasia on the Opera ,....J. Radcliff' 1 00 See Saw Waltz A, G, Crowe 60 Sardnade (?. Pierni 50 HABP and PIANO. I ]^|QiQ (Yaise BrillantQ) .,fMM..ft?*M*Mot.r!***Mvtv!Mt.i.f^' Arditi \ OQ COBNUT. SUmton JoQ^' Corset Tntof 85 Album of New and Popular Music •••^••r * *•* ^ COBNET and PIANO. Cornet Miscellany. Nos. 1 to 85 each 35 ^ CLAKIONET^, Eappey*B Clarionet Tutor Da Progresdive Studies and Exercises 86 50 Davies' Tutor for 5, 6 or 7 Stringed Banjo 60 Hall's Tutor (American method) 85 Hall's Banjo Songster 85 Howard's Tutor and Songs for 5, 6 or 7 Stringed Banjos 85 Francis' Banjo Solos (English System) 85 ORCHESTRAL MUSIC. A Bird in Hand Polka... £. Desorme$ 60 Al Preaco ...i. Zavertal 60 An der ^iega » G. Langa 60 At the Ferry Walti 0. D'AVbert 60 Auf Immer WaltK O. Seydel 60 Auf Wiedergehen Walt»..C. Lowthian 60 Awake,0 Happy Nation. J. M. Coward 60 Beatrice Gayotte C. Kottaun 60 Bell Gavotte Michael Watson 60 Berceuse O.Delbriuik 60 Better Land (Song) ., F. H, Cowen 60 Bid Me Good-Bye Waltz, H. Be Camors 60 Bitter Sweet Bon^ O, Lowthian 60 Hitter Sweet Waltz ..^...C. Lowthian 60 Black and Tan Polka. ..O. Lowthian 60 lilackberries Polka Van Biene 60 Brise dee Naits Walts.... O. Lamothe 60 Buffalo Bill Polka May Oatlere 40 Oamnrade Polka E. Waldteufel 60 Ohelaea China Polka O. R cder 60 CaoiBter Waltz E. E. Frout 60 Come ikkck to Erin Waltz F. Musgrave 60 Cornflower Walti C. Coote 60 CyniBca Waltz P. Perrot 60 Cynthia, a right merrie dance, Michael Watson 60 Do. Strings. A MKd Mom WeitiuP. Mutt a t mi M Old Fashions Gavotto...Jr. Wellinga 60 Old Lock Waltz O. Lamoths 60 0:d Love and New Waltz, O. Lowthian 1 25 Old Love Walts O. Roeder 60 Oliva Waltz O.B.R. Marriott 60 Only Once More Waltz ...May Oatlere 60 Our Last Waltz O. Lr.nwthe 60 P and O Polka P. Buealossi 40 Pandora Waltz „ E. Bucaloasi 60 Parthenia Walts..... A. Levey 60 Phyllis Walts .P. Bucaloasi 60 Playmates Walts .E. Bucaloasi 60 Polly Walts ^ O. Coote 60 Pr6s de Toi Waits .B. Waldteufel 6o Pretty Lips Sohottische C. CooU flo Queen of Mr Heart Wal ts..lf . Watson (fi Queen's JubUee March...ir. Watson 60 Beaper and the Flowers./''. B. Gowen 00 Kecit d'Amonr Waltz. ..£. Waldteufel 60 Rhoda Waltz P. Bucaloasi 60 Ringo* Bells Polka C. Lowthian 60 Rip Van Winkle Lancers.O. jy Albert 60 Rip Van Winkle Selection, M. Planquette 1 85 Rouge et Noir Polka...J5. Waldteufel 60 Ruddigore i/ancers P. Bucaloasi 60 Rnddjgore Polka P. Bucaloasi 60 Ruddigore Quadrille ..JP. Bucaloaxi 60 Ruddigore Selection Sullivan 1 26 Do. Octuor 75 Rnddigoro Waltz, P. Bi/catowi 60 Sea Breeze Polka L. Wheeler 80 Kee-Saw Waltz... A. O. Crowe 80 Short and Sweet Polka.O. Lowthian 60 Soiree d'Et^ Waltz E. Waldteufel 60 Sleigh Race Galop A.J. Caldicott 60 Some Day Waltz 0. Lamothe 60 SonnenEcheiu Waltz C. Lowthian 80 Star of Bethlehem (Song) ...s. Adams 60 Stephanie Polka P.Fahrbach 60 Sultan of Mocha I ancer3...0. Roeder 60 Sultan of Mocha Waltz 0. Roeder 00 Summer Nights Waltz. ..C. H. Stone 80 Sunny South Waltz V. Mdsaler 80 Sweet Vows Walt* 0. Boeder 80 Sweethearts Waltz C, D' Albert 80 Tabby Polka „P. Bucalosai 00 Tender and True Waltz.P. Bucaloasi 80 Tendresse Waltz E. Waldteufel 84 They all Love Jack Lanoers..i:(7ddi0U 80 They all Love Jack Waltz LiddeU SO Thine Alone Waltz J. Meiaaler 80 Tout en Rope Waltz.. .J5. Waldteufel 80 Tr^s Jolie Waltz B. Waldteufa 60 Under the Hawthorn Waltz, C. Lowthian 80 Une Ffite 4 Trianon H. Roubier 80 Until we Meet Again (Song) C, Lowthian 80 Valse y^netienne B. Waldteufel OQ Vanity Fair Polka C. Lowthian 60 Venetia Waltz ^^C. Lowthiem 80 Wedding Bells Walts 9. M. Lane 81 Wedding Mareh ...» MenAiieeohn n William Tell, Overture ...Roesitd 1 00 Whisper Low Walts ...A, 9, Onw* 80 MILITARY B A. ISTD MUSIC. At the Ferry Wn'tz 0. Lamothe 1 25 Auf Immer Waltz O.Seydel 1 25 AufWiedersehen Walts. (7. I^otx;f Titan 1 25 Beatrice Qavotte 0. Kottawn 1 00 Bitter Sweet Wftlte O. Lowthian 1 00 Black and Tan Polka... C7. Lowthian 75 Baflalo Bill Polka May Oatlere 1 25 Cornflower Walts O. Cnot« 1 Cyiithla .««„ M. Wateon Cyni&ca Walts ^.„ P.Perrot 1 Danse de Czechs O. Kottaun Dorothy Selection A. Cellier 1 Dorothy Laneen P. Bucalossi 1 Dorothy Walts P. Bucalo88i 1 Dove Walts F. Bo$e 1 Fairie Voices Waltz A. G. Crowe 1 Fan Waltz A. A. Asher 1 Gates of the West C. Lowthian 00 75 00 75 60 25 25 00 25 00 75 Oerman Loto fiongs Wtz. Hartmann 1 26 Going to Market Waltz ..C. Godfrey 1 00 Gondolier Waltz O. Boeder 1 26 II Bacio Waltz vL. Arditi 1 26 Jemsftlem (sacred song) ..H. Parher 1 00 Longing Hearts Walts O. Boeder 1 SS March ^ ,..W. SiU 1 Oe March of the Trojans H. Parker l oo Margnerite Waltz O. Lowthian 1 00 Mikado Quadrille ^JP. Bucalotti 1 00 Mikado Quick Step ^....JR. Smith 75 Mikado Selection Sir A. Sullivan 1 9o Mikado Waltz ^....P. Bucaloevi 1 25 Mill Stream Walts C. Laaeerre 1 95 Myosotis Walts O. Lowthian 1 00 Night and Morn WaItz...P.Bu<;aZom 1 00 Old Ticck Walts Q. Lamothe 1 P5 Old Love & New Wedtz LowtAian 1 2S Parthenia Walts A. Levey 1 25 Phyllis Waits P. Bucalossi 1 00 Queen of My Heart Quick March, A. Cellier 76 Rhoda Waltz...^...., P. Buealosai 60 Roulette Galop C. Coote 75 Ruddigore Se]ection. Sir A. Sullivan 1 60 See-Saw Waltz A. G. Crowe 1 85 Valse V^altienne .E. Waldtevfel 1 25 With the Stream Waltz. T. Marziala 1 00 Bid Me Odod-Bye Wa1tz.De Cantors \ . (^ LeaGrenouilles Polk& ..G.Delbruckl * "" Cj adle Song (An der Wi9ge),G.Langc Little Trumpeter Polka Gung'l 4 00 Thine Alcno Waltz J.Meiaeler Erminie Belection....H. Jdkohowski 4 00 Pp.hi-wohl Walts C. Lowthian \ . r^ Sea Breeze Polka L. Wheeler]^ "" Greeting Waltz E. Straxiss\. ^^ Berceuse A, Belbruckj* "" La Neigfl Overture Auber) Soiree d'Et^ Waltz .E. Waldteufel [ i 00 Ionian Polka Mrs. Wardroper) Les Sourires Walts....E. Waldteufel ). nn La Fanfare Galop „ Ftmst / * "0 Love's Dreamland Waltz .0. Bo€der\ Quick March, "Gablenz".J. Strauss Do. "Festa Nazionale".Bampe;e«oA^i Quick March, " Le Canzoni del Sol- dato" Bamvpezzotti Quick March "Joseph my Benja- min " Neuzerling Mariana Waltz E. Waldteufel Les Rameaux (Palm Sunday Hymn) ^ Faiire Mon Amour Walts P. Bucalossi) P audO Polka P. Bu<:alos8ii Pres de Toi Waltz E, Waldteufel) Now and Then Polka C. Coote) Tender and True Waltz.P.PttcaZosw ) Black and Tan Polka.. .C. Lowthian) Tendresse Walts JS. Waldteu/el\ Mayflower Lancers JAddeUi 4 00 400 400 400 400 400 BOOSEY'S BRASS BAND JOURNAL, Nos. 1 to 220. 60 and 75 cents each. ' DETAILED LIST ON APPLICATION, Each number contains — Soprano in E flnt, l8t cornet in B flat. Sad do. do. Itlpieno oerne^ Ist tenor in £ flat, tod tenor in B ttali Solo t^nor in E flat, Ist baritone in B flat, 2nd do. do. Ist tenor trombone, treble 2nd tenor ^ombon««, treble Euphonion in treble clef, Bombardon in bass clef, Side and bais dnuns, ^ vooaIj methods, exbbcisbs, etc. ^'b Yooal School, soprano or tenor $1 50 Do. Do. in 4 Books each 50 Do. contralto or mezzo-soprano 1 60 Do. Do. in 4 Books each 60 Do. baritone or bass 1 60 Do. - Do. in 3 Books each 60 Bordogni. 24 Easy and Progressive Vocalises for all Voices (Intro- ductory to the 36 Vocalises) 60 Dc. 86 Vocalises (soprano) 100 Do. — The same (soprano) in 8 Books eadi 60 Do. 8G Vocalises (mezzo-soprano or tenor) 1 00 Do. — The same (mezzo-sop. or tenor) in 3 Books ...each 60 Do. 8 Exercises and 12 New Vocalises (soprano or tenor... 60 Do. — The same for mezzo-soprano 60 Do. 24 Vocalises for mezzo-soprano or contralto 60 Do. 12 Vocalises (G with Italian words) for mezzO-soprano.. 60 The above Vocalises of Bordogni are Edited and Revised by Fkedinand Guhbert. Concone's Fifty Singing Lessons, (2 Books) each 35 Do. Do. complete in one volume 60 Do. Thirty Exercises (supplementary to above) 60 Do. Forty Singing Lessons, for bass or baritone 60 Pinsati's Daily Vocal Exercises 60 Dr. Spark's Handy Book of Choral Singing 86 Music for Kindergarten, cloth limp 90 CATHOLIC CHUBCH MUSIC. Bach's Mass in B Minor 1 00 Jomelli's Requiem Mass 1 25 Mendelssohn's 3 Motets (for Female voices) (Latin words)..*... 85 Vilbac's La Maitrise Catholique. Vol. I., containing 20 Motets for one voice, with Piano or Organ accompaniment 1 00 Do. Vol. II., 20 Motets for two or three equal voices 1 00 Do. Vol. III., 20 Motets for one or two yoices 1 00 SHORT MASSES EDITED BY SIR J. BENEDICT. Price 20 Cents Each. Webbe's Mass in A. Webbe's Maws in 0. Dumont's Mas?. Do. in D. Do. in D Minor. Missa in Dominicis. Do. in B:.' Do. in G. Missa pro Defimctis. Do. inF, Missa de Angelis. ____ Wesley's Gregorian Mail. THE CHOEALIST. Price FIVE CENTS each Number. SEVERAL NUMBERS CONTAIN TWO PIECES. Arranged for S.A,T,B,, unleu othei'wiu indUaUd^ . SECULAR SERIES. ORIGINAL PART-SONGS. 1 Bweet 1b the Hour of "R^^tMereaSante n Hinging Blithely (OarnoTa1e)...i2oMin< 64 Never Give Up B. Congrevfi. CI Ripe Strawberries (8.A.T.T.B.). .Haeton 92 Kallor'fl Soronade J. L, Hatton 65 Fairy Whirtpers J. L. Hatton 67 Lagendof the Rblne(T.T.B B.)...4 Flies B. Liissant 2:i5 There was an old Woman who LiVd in a Shoe F. A. Jarvis ?66 IMy H -art's in the Highlands Foster 277 Ti\e School Feast F. A. Jarvia 279 On the Moutitaius..v Oounod 284 Patriotic Hymn ..Gounod 285 Harvest Hymu Gounod 2S)0 Gather ye Rosebuds J. Bamby 291 A Morning Serenade J, Bamhy 882 La-^y Mine, Thy Casement Ci>vQ .J". Bamby 293 Sing a Joyous Boundelay (Madrigal) J. Bamhy 294 Hunting Song J. Bamhy 295 Lullaby J. Bambu 296 Riding Together JoeiaJi Booth OPERATIC GHDRUSES & AIRS. 9 Grentle Measure (FreischUtz) .. Weber 11 The Power of Love (Satanella) 12 Fair Shines the Moon (itigo- letto) Verdi 90 To Thee we Call (Mos^) Boasini 66 With Thy Prophetic (Norma) (T.TJB.B.) Bellini 86 Santa Maria (Diuorah) (b.t.b ) Meyerbeer 91 Good Night (Martha) ...Flotow 94 The Danoe Invites (Mirella) (S.SJL) Qoiifwd 127 Anvil Chorus (Trovatore) Verdi 128 Soldier's Chorii3 (Trovatore) (T.T.B.H.) Verdi 136 Hark|| 'Tis the Trumpet (Furi- tani) Bellini 137 See What Grace (Martha) Flotow 137 On Yonder Rock (Fra Piavolo)..iM&cr 140 Blithesome and Bright (WU- liam Tell) Boeeini 140 Tyrolese Chorus (Wm. Tell)... Boasini 145 Huntsmen'e Cho. (Freischtltz)... Weber 146 Lady Look Down (Genevieve) Ojfenbaah 146 The Gendarmes (Genevieve), OJEI'enbach 147 Gallant Hearts with Pure Love (Norma) Bellini 156 Bridal Chorus (Lohengrin) Wagner 158 Song of the Brotherhood (Madame Angot) Lecocq 158 Hence, Now Away (Madame Angot) Lecocq 163 List! the Trumpet Meyerbeer 182 Fair Shines ^he Moon (Rigo- letto) (T.B.B.) Verdi 230 Spinning Cho. (Flying Dutch- man) (8.8.\.A..) Wagner 271 Gipsy Cho. (Bohemian Girl) Balfe GERMAN PART-SONGS. 17 May (Spring's Delights) (a.t. B.B.) , Mullet 123 Watch on lihin& Wilhelm 142 The Happy re&3ants.........t9cfci*rmi7i» 143 Mourn Not ...........Mendelssohn 176 Qerman Fathorlu^nd (7,t.b»b). Wilhalm The Chorallst— Secular Series- -6*ou«inti#rf. ENGLISH MELODIES. 10 Homo, Sweet Home Bisliop U Old Towler (Hunting Qotig).. ..SliieUL 16 Tsleof Beau^ Whitmord 83 KQloorllfftDiuA. ••.«••••••••••••«•••••«•••••• •••••• S4 Qod Bare the Qaeen......^ 141 Cherry Ripe Horn 141 Dashing white Sergeant Bithop 143 Hearts of Oak Ame 144 Boast Beef of Old England 145 Tom Bowling Dibdin 150 Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be?... 165 British Grenadiers ^ 167 Here's to the Maiden 175 British Grenadiers (T.T.B.B.) 179 Hearts of Oak (t.b.b.) Ante 179 Down Among the Dead Men (1>3.B.)... 180 Come, Iiasaes and Lads (T.B.B.) 180 Here's to the Maiden (t.b.b.) 183 Boast Beef of Old England (T.B.B.> .« 184 Girl I Left Behind Me (t.b B.) 185 Drink to Me Only With Thine 185 There was a Jolly Miller (T.B.B.) 253 The White Squall G. Barker 857 The Bay of Biscay Davy 267 Come Lasses and Lada (17th eentury) IRISH MELODIES, '^jr^ 93 Last Rose of Summer 150 Moetingofthe Waters IGG Minstrel Boy 166 Harp That Ones Thro* Tara's Halls... 167 Bich and Bare were the Genu 866 John O'arady ••••••••••••••••wee* •••••• ••••••••• SCOTCH MELODIES. eee>e>>ese»»eeee»e» 8 Coming Thro' the Rye... 8 Auld Lan:; 83rne 9 Te Brinks and BraeSt 122 Bins Bella of Scotland.^. 133 Bonni'i Dundee 135 We^l MaytheKeH Row 139 My Love is Like the Red Rose 139 Scots^^nia Hae 153 Jock o' Hazladean 156 On the Buuks of Allan Water . 165 Annie Laurie 177 Scots Wha Hae (T.T3JB) 1B4 Annie Lanrie (TJBJI.) 229 Caller Herrin 254 John Grnmlie '••• •••*•••«•••• ••••e« •••«•••••••«••« WELSH MELODIES, 46 Men of Harlech 177 True Unto Death (t.t.b-B.) ..... 191 Forth to the Battle 241 The Bells of Aberdoyey :••••••••• MISCELLANEOUS. 13 My Native Land American 62 Softly Falls the Moonlight...^77ierican 53 Silver Moonlight Amerioan 182 Tramp, Tramp, Tramp (t.b b.) Amerioan 183 When Johnny Oom Christians, Awake I ».».... liet us Sing the Praise 217 I Hear Along the Street, .y^. £. MmtiMk CHRISTMAS HYMNS. 903 The Saviour ComM .^ Hark! theGlad sound...... Angels from the Bealms.M ^ While Shepherds Watoh.» Hark! What News Rj^zkt the aetftid Angobl^ THE PARISH ANTHEM BOOK. k Collection of Fifty Favorite Anthems, 8X7ZTABLS FOH L.ARaS AND SMAXiL CHOIRa Price FIVE CENTS Bach. CONTENTS. 1 Teaob Me, Ijord ...Thoiiuu Atttoood 2 Cotue Unto Me J. 8. Smith 8 Lord, for Thy Tender Mercies' Sake R.Firrant i Ooiue, Holy Ghost Thomas A ttwood 6 My Go i, Look Upon Me.John Jleyrwlda 6 Turn Thy Pace hom My Sin8..-4 ttwood 7 O How Amiable* V Bichardson 8 Enter Not Into Jvd'^ment Attwood 9 Thou Visiteat the Earth..... Dr. Oreeru 10 In Jewry is God Known Whitfeld 11 Uehold.How Good and Joyful, Whitfeld 13 HhiU ^ed he Thou, ljordliod.James Kent 13 Why do the Heathen? Jamea Kent 14 Lord, How Are They Increase J... iC^nt 16 O I 'Ord, our GoTernor Jams* Kent 16 I Was Glad when They Said ...Callcott 17 Grant, O Lord Mosart 18 Arise, Ye People, Clap the Hand Dr. Wm. Hayea 19 Makea Joyful NolBe..Dr. J. O. Whitfeld 20 How Blest the SiKbL... J)r. Wm. Hayes Bl O Praise the Lord. J. Weldon 22 I Will QiTe Thapka Unto Thee ...Kent 23 OLord, My God „ 24 How Dear are Thy CoiiuselB..l>r. Crotch 26 Holy ii the Lord Our God Vogler il Pri^M Gk>d in Hii Holiness... ITtfldon S7 Behold, t'he Lord is my Salvation, Dr.Gremt. 28 Enter Not Into Judgment Whitfeld 29 Awake, Put tn Strength. ..I}r. Calniott I Will Arise Bev. Bichard Cecil Hear My Prayer, O God ..James Kent Lord of all Power and Might... Mason The Lord Desoeuded From Above Dr. I'hilip Hayet 8i Lo t My Shepherd's Hand Divine, Haydn God is Gone np Dr. W. Croft Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem ...Clark Again My Mournful GiAh3...Battishill I Will Lift up Mi.je Eyes Whitfield 59 Saviour, Breathe an Evening Blessias. 40 Cry Aloud and Shout Dr. Croft 41 The Righteous BonlB.Highmore Skeats 43 Comfort, O Lord Dr. Oroteh 13 Out of the Deep Mozart 44 To Celebrate Thy Praise ...Dr. Chard 45 How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me, Handel How Long, O Lord? ,^.„„.^....Himme,l O God of Hosts ., 8mhr Praise the Lord John Soott Give Ear Unto Me B. Mareello As the Hart Panteth ...^...B, Mareello 80 31 32 83 S5 36 37 88 46 47 48 49 60 BISHOP'S GLEES. Price FIVE CENTS Bacli. 1 The Chough and Grow (s.r.b.) 2^ (Where art Thou, Beam of Light? \ (8.A.T.3.) I When the Wind Blows (t.t.b.) Foresters, Sound the Cheerful Horn (A.T.T.B.) The Winds Whistle Cold (S.8.B.) What Shall We Have that Killed the Deer (A.T.T.B.) T Come, Thou Monarch of the Vine (A.T.B.) 6 Blow, Gentle Gales (fl.S.T.T.B.) 9 Hark, Apollo Strikes the Lyre (s.s.B.) 10« ( Now Tramp o'er Mobs and Fell t (S.A.T. B.) 11 ( FilirBoys.and Drink About (A.T.T.B3) 12 Who is Sylvia?— What is she? (S.S.T.T.B) 13 Oh, by Rivers (b.8.a.t.b.) 14 Come o'er the Brook, Bessie (s.a.t.b.) The two Double Numbers (marked *) are Ten Cents each. 16 The Fox Jumped Over the Parson'! Gate (s s.T.T.B.) 16 The Tiger Couchesin the Wood f A.T.TJi) 17 Live, Henri Quatre (S.A.T.B.) 18 Allegiance We Swear (b.t.t.b.) 19 Daughter of Error (s.A.t.b.) 20 Now to the Forest We Repair (T T.B.) 21 Hail to the Chief (a. A. T.B.)— see No. 29. 22 Stay, Prithee Stay (8.s.a.t.t.b.) 23 Good Night (s.b.t.b.) 24 When Wearied Wretches (s.a.t.b ) 25 Halt for the Bugle's Sound, known as •• Hark J 'tis the Indian Drum " (s.T.T) 26 Calm be Thy Slumbers, known as " Sleep, Gentle Lady " (S.A.T3.) 27 Mynheer Van Dunck (a.T.B.) 28 Now by Day's Retiring Lamp (S.A.T.T3) 29 Hail to the Chief (T.T.B.B. or A.T.B3.) ■■4 NATION Ab GbEES, Nos. 1 to 61. Piloe FIVE CENTS Each. 61 MORLEY'S PART-SONG JOURNAL Edited by ALFRED J. OAIjDiaOTT, Mua. Bao., Oantab. PRICE TKN CENTS EACH, 1 The Children's Home (8.A.T.».)...CotOCTi 3 The Old brigade (s.a.t.b.) O. Barri 8 The Broken i'itcher (B.A.T.B.)...Pouffit 4 Laddie (8.A.T.B.) Ciro "Pintuti 6 Carrier John (8.A.T.B.) Giro Pinsuti 6 The Troubadours (male voices) Danish Melody 7 Jack Frost (8.A.T.B.) ....H.J. Stark 8 The Conquerors (male voices). Bon^ieur 9 The Holly Crowned King (8 a.t.b.J A. J. Oaldioott 10 The Old Brigade (male voice8).0. Barri 11 The Clang of the Hammer (male voices) Theo. Bonhewr 12 The Scout (m-^le voices) ..F. Campana 13 A Merrle Christmas Tide (8.A.T.B.) Theo. Bonheur 14 The Violet and the Bee (s.a.tji.) A. J. Oaldicott 15 The Merry May (minuet) (s.a.t.b.) A. J. Oaldioott 16 With Horao and Hoand (8.A.T.B.) A. J. Oaldibott 17 The Three Fishers (s.a.t.b.) A. W. Marchant 18 A Song In Autumn (male voioes). Mann 19 Under the Crescent Moc n (8.a.t.b.) Theo. Bonheur 20 The Song of the Sea (s.a-t.b.) Rjnhcur 21 Celia's Charms (s.A.TB.) Marchant 22 Summer. (8.A.T.B.)..Pear»on Bridgford 23 Reodyl (s.a.t.b.) F.N.JLohr 24 Gam the Laurels I {n.k.T.^.).0. Tirbuti 25 Our Queen (s.a.t.b.) B. Limpiu 26 Give it np (Humorous) {t.k.r.n.). Clarke 27 The Diver (s.a.t.b.) Edward Loder 88 Peaceful Echoes (s.a.t.b.) Bonheur 99 Ladies versus Gentlemen (Humorous) (8.A.T.B.) .A. W. Marclumt 80 Best of All (8.A.T.B.) F. L. Moir 31 Little Pilgrims (s.A.T.B.)...Ciro PineuU MORLEY'S SCHOOL SONGS. GlBLB* OB Boys' VOIOBS. Esi^OIALIiT ARBANOKD fob USB in SoUOOLS St 00X.IiKOBI Edited by HUMPHREY J. STARK, Mus. Bac. Oxon. PRICE TEN CENTS EACH. "Morley'd School Rongs" are intended to supply a want which has long been felt hy teachers of class singing in schools and colleges. The songs are of moderate diffl* cnlty, and are strictly limited to the ordinary compass of pirls or boys' voices. Great care has been exercised in the seieotSion of suitable words, and every effort has been made to facilitate the work of the teacher by the insertion of breath mark! and oopi> 0U8 direotiona for expression. SECTION A.--TWO-PART SONGS. 1 Echo Song n. J. Stark i When Night is Darkest Mdw. Land 3 The F/iiriea' Dance H. J. Stark 4 Two Wings ..Giro Pi7i3uti 5 The Eveniiig Hour H. J. Stark 6 Two Voicea T. Hutchinson 7 May Time H. J. Stark 8 The Angel's Gift OoUford Dick 9 The Spinning Wheel H. J. Stark 10 The New Kingdom Berthold Tours 11 Jack Frost H. J. Stcvrk 12 Sunshine ^....„.r. Hutchinson 13 The Daisy «....« H. J. 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