IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3] 7 ^^0 h A 'Z Z A ^ LO I.I 1.25 IS&|28 125 i^ 1^ 112 2 '" in A 1.8 JA 111.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 ^^ |\ iV :\ \ % vv-^Q f^ ^-c 'V' \ THE NEW TORONTO ONTARIO ^ Y n \ iv>> *> ox THE PERMANENT PRINCIPLE. -»-« — INCORPORATED 12th DECEMBER, 1868, PURi?UANT T») ACT OF PAKIJAMENT. -♦-»- TOUONTO: PRINTED AT TUB OLOBR BOOK AND JOB OFFirR, 25, KINO STRKF.T WRST. 1859. %, ' THE NEW TORONTO ONTARIO firit ON THE PERMANENT PRINCIPLE. -•-•- I INCORPORATED 12th DECEMBER, 1868, PURSUANT TO ACT OP PARLIAMENT. ■♦•«- TORONTO; PRINTED AT TBB GLOBE BOOK AND JOB OFHCa, 25, EIKQ STRCST WEST. 1859. A^ ^^V. DIRECTORS: GILMOR, Esq., President. FRANCIS RICHARDSON, Esq., Tice^Prendent. ANGUS MORRISON, Esq., M.P.P., Solicitor. ARTHUR LKPPER, Esq. ALEXANDER HENDERSON, Esq. THOMAS HEXNING Esq. JOSEPH DIXON, Esq., Ins^edor. BANKERS: CITY BANK OP MONTREAL. SECRETARY AND TREASURER : N. GATCHELL, Esq. m ■• <♦»■♦■ I Shares, £50 ; Konthly Sttlweriptioii, 16Bt 8d.; Xntraace Fee, 2i. 6d. ; ' Me&tUy Management Fee, 7Kd. PROSPECTUS. «•♦• mt. Vice-President. *., Solicitor. Q. ;EAL. SURER: 1 itrance Fee, 2i. 6d. ; Id. The early expiration of the Ontario Building Society (established 20th March, 1850) and the consequent inability to receive new members either as inverters or borrowers, has induced many of the Sharelioldera of the Society to associate for the cstablislimcnt of a Society to succeed the one about so successfully to tcrmi- nate. In establishing this society its projectors have availed themselves of several important improvements, in its mode of operation, which experience has shown to be safe, and conducive to the mutual advantage and convenience of members. From a number of systems, on which Building So- cieties arc conducted, the best features have been se- lected and embodied in a form, which by the simplicity of its operations, and the certainty of its results, cannot fail to be generally acceptable, as follows : — I. New members may join this Society at any time without being called on to pay any arrears or premium. II. A Shareholder is required to pay 168. 8d. per share monthly. His subscription or payments commencing from the time of his entrance and continuing until the 1st day of March A. D. 1864, wlien he will be entitled to receive the amount paid in, with the accumulated profits, from the time he became a Shareholder. III. A payment, at the time of entering, of a certain sum, agreed upon by the Directors, shall entitle a mem- ber to the full amount of his share with the profits accru- ing at the expiration of the time specified. m J equal numW of montl-a' credit .•i.hout'bofng au£t to V. A SImrchoWcr may withdraw at any time with notice, and after the first six montl.s be entitled in add t.on to the return of the amount paid on 'h" Shares, to compound interest at six per cent T, T t nne'hi f '*?''?'<'" «■"''""& '""'^elf nnalde to co^ Se' Ltri^fT' '"='^' «" ^-■■"°- «-- ""onths- remain at compound interest until the time ii.ed for the rcahzation of his Share. "«- ".tea lor VI To Charitable Institutions, Benefit SocieHn. Wardens or Trustees of Churehe . on wl ici. a S remams, or any other bodies requiring a Sink L FuS llT't''!, '• JT" *"»' » -" -""-too BunS Sttrt.'"""' "'^""'"^^^ -- -y other modf TO MEMBEES BOKROWING The Society will make advances for terms of from one to five years, repayable by monthly contributions covering pnncpal and interest according to the foUowtg *^ LOAX TABLE. £100 if to bo repaid in one year, a monthly pa/ment of. „„ , . , jeiOO if to bo renaid in tJ^ ^ * .v,^ .11 repam in two years, a monthly payment of. . . Vi ,. » 4 16 I over three of recover- 10 amount, llowcd an subject to "no, with c inontljs' Mtitlcd, in in on his t. per an- subscrip- 'o to con- J montlis* )rs, cease which lie ule, may fixed for Societies, a debt Iff Fund, Buildinp^ or mode 1 one to overing 8 4 5 5 iSlOO if to be repaid in three years, a monthly payment of.. <£8 7 4 i&lOO if to be repaid in four yearti, a monthly payment of 2 13 4 jSlOO if to be repaid in five years, a monthly payment of 2 5 A loan of one share £bO in proportion to the above rates. No member can be called on, under any circum- stances, to pay for a longer time, than what he chooses for himself wlien entering. TO DEPOSITORS This Society offers all the advantages of the Savings* Bank, together with a higher rate of interest and more accommodating terms than those institutions are able to allow. The whole capital of the Society is pledged for the security of money received on a deposit, and being all loaned on real estate, no safer guarantee can possibly be given or required. Although the difficulty of readily finding safe and pro- fitable investments is much less among a young and progressive people than in older and wealthier com- munities, still it is well known that very considerable amounts, in the aggregate, are scattered unproductive throughout the country, in sums of from £5 to iSlOO, when, through the medium of Societies such as this, the owners might be largely benefitted themselves, and pro- mote the enterprising industry of others, by bringing within their reach the capital necessary for its prosecu- tion. Among the agricultural population of the Province especially, has this unwise plan of simply hoarding been followed, principally from the fact of their being less accustomed to business operations, and, therefore, less competent to successfully employ their surplus means, t 6 worthy of ♦r *"" «7"* "' '"'"totio-". ""Oh an thte, worthy of their confidonco: the socurSty and certain profit guaranteed by this Society, both to depioTe and members, rocomn.ends it to the attentive cons deration ofth.s largo and in.portaut noction of the commuX As an ouconrafe'oment to habits of economy «r.« fore- thought among the young and others in the receipt ^ small or uncertain incomes. ,vho ,Io „ot feel warrSed n „„do,,aking to n.ak,, the n.onthly payn.en.s "S from SI,arohoIdorH, the Society will receive sun.s of one Pound and upwards on deposit, for which inte est w^ bo allowed according to the following TAB L E : TERMS. tolerert allow ^^^^t^"^ on.u» .. .ioo.tev,rc™. ;„, L •;,.„j: — ^ fipecial armngoraen.. '' All communications to be addressed to the undersigned OFFICE: Western Assm-anoe BuUdiags, Chureh btreet, Toronto. N. GATCHELL, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer, Subject lo calljSulvjerno^allo «'Uhoui i,„uce. SOUayMiouce. Jprc. pr. on. « « 5 pr c. p. an. « u Toronto, 16tb Pebruaxy, 1859. -»*.- ich an this, md curtain ositors and nsidoration wunity. ^ nM fore- rccoipt of warranted 8 rc<|Uired inis of ono crest will ti'rjectioeatia \ •0 «Jay« notice. pr c. p. an. << it Bubjeot to ersigncd, Church I Treasurer, L Y-LAWS. 1. This Society shall be called the Toronto Ontario Building Society, and .he in., nts and purposes fi>r which it is established are to assist the racmbers thereof in ihe acquisition of freehold or I'jasohold property ; in the erection of buildings, and otherwise improving the same ; and in the removal of incumbrances or liabilities upon property already held by them ; and to enable them to receive the amount of their shares in advance, upon furnishing good mortgage secuiity ; and to facilitate the accumulation and the borrowing and redemption of capital. 2. That all persons, upon taking Shares in the Society, shall Sign and Seal the Covenant to be kei)t by the Secretary and Treasurer for that purpose. And such Covenant shall be in the words folbwuig, that is to say : " For the duo observance and performance of all and every the By-Laws and Regulations of the 'Toronto Ontario Building Society, already made and adopted, or hereafter to be made and adopted, we the Members of the said Society who have hereunto sub- scribed and set our hands and seals, do hereby severally each for himself, his Executors and Administrators, and not jointly or the one for the other, covenant and declare to and with the President and Treasurer of the said Society, and their successors in Office, that wo and our several and respective Execufors and Administrators, shall and will, well and truly observe, perform, fulfil and keep all and singular the said By-Laws of. the said Society which on our several and respective parts are, or ought to be observed, performed, fulfilled and kept." I I a Society, or which fhaH il a„vt- t T "" "*'"*'«' "^ «'«' or advances to the sevor^ . , ^' P''*«='''"''«ans »ece.aaryexpe«selof t's cL rh?' ""' *°"''''' «"« entitled to receive by wav Irf ^ ' '"'""""ember shall be the amount of his' llar/o! T "" "'''""=•'• °'°^<' ''«'» should tha funds of ho%! • ! "' ^-^''^cribed for : or men^bers, at the „s„a, '^.ITI "ot be taken up by the Boch funds may be othe^! ^"^ ^^ ""^ »'>«<=tors. fe Society at L dL trrorihT D-'"^ ''^''^«' "^ members may, nevertheless, atiUhem e" e7 '''^'^''' *• Ane Shares shall h/. r.f *i i. . '^^^^t-s. 5- Monthly subs Jtts IVr^''' value of ^50. other payments, shal be paid at VT'"*^'* ""'''• «"«» the iirst Monday of every Sth oJlf ""'f^'' "'"'=*' °" upon a legal holiday, then on « 7 "^^''''"'''y ^^"« otherwise ordered by the Diro / ^Z ^°"°^""^' '««' for each share shall be 16s 8?r\^'"' subscription the time of entrance and 'to r '»''"<''.to eommence from of each month aft r whl 1 ^"1 "" '^' "^''^ M^nd-y and continue un il tln^l T"'^'' «'"'" ^'^ admitted' will be A. D. 1864 ' ^"'"^'^ '" ""'eh which fo 'hf;::;f rfr'u^ '--0 ^eposltof money . dues for any period mn"^' A ^''""'' *"""■' Monthly ? allowed intie's t on he am" f""° '"'^""^«' «•>-» "« ' rate of six per cent ner !, T '" ^"P"''"'^' at the j the amount'ha wu/ha, "r- 'V' ^''' ^'^ "-ths , ' subscriptions or ot L^", a, dX " '° f"" ^""'"''y ''^^ ^ advance, to be then dlductcd f ?."" "" "''"^'"'^ '■> i deposit, and interest at fe rate"' o •''"'"'"' °'^'"='' 1 annum be allowed upon the L !"" P""" '""'^- ?«' irae, be sub- >cnefit of the the Society, Iace,m loans toward the aber shall be % more than bed for : or 1 wp by the 2 Directors, e benefit of 8 of which • J of £50. fines, and s office on t day falls ^ing, until Ascription »encefrom t Monday admitted, ^b which >f money monthly shall be 1, at the nonths ; ^iety for Tients in of such ent. per for the i whole 9 amount deposited shall have been taken up in the pay- ment of the monthly dues to the Society ; or Shareholders paying any certain number of moutldy paynients in advance may, with the consent of the Directors, be allowed a like number of additional months credit with- out being subject to fines. I. The affairs of the Society shall be under the control and management of a Boardof seven Directors (of whom four shall form a quorum for the transaction of business,) who shall hold not less than five uuadvanccd Shares each ; and who shall choose from among themselves a President and Vice-President. No Director shall hold the office of Treasurer of the Society. 8. In the ctbscnce of both the President and Vice- President, the Directors present, at any meeting of the Board, shall have power to appoint a Chairman, pro tcm, and with such Chairman shall be competent to transact the business of the Society. 9. The election of Directors shall be by ballot ; and at such election any member, either personally present or represented by any other member as his proxy, shall be entitled to votes upon the following scale, viz. : For 1 to 4 Shares 1 vote For5 " 9 " 2 do For 10 " 14 " 3 do For 15 " 19 " 4 do For 20 " and upwards 5 do No Shareholder shall be entitled to more than five votes. 10. The Directors elected at the formation of the Society, or hereafter to be elected, shall continue in office till the election of their successors, unless in case of disqualification or resignation. II, The Directors shall, at a special meeting to be called for that purpose, have power to fill up any I* I < f; } ^ 10 anA J^^^ha^cd STf • "'* -'-"^-'''--ts with otrororZ:^^:^^^^;^^ ^'-^'-^^ '" t''^ City longing to theSociPfvl I r "'.'""^ securities be- been read and «iV„„^ *i n ■ . ""-''■''"ff shall have "« aua biguod, the Banker's Boob sl,»ii k auced and insnected inrl .i,„ ^" '"' P''''- count of the E ■ f """""*" ''^^''"'ed on ac clared Tad tt If'"" "'? l" ' "'^'=*'"^ ^I^-" "^^ d- «l.a!l be eu e«d „ the M ^p'",""' ''^ "'^ ^''"kers, c«io,. ror wiri: stdv!:^; iT.:f " ^f ^ and considered. *»^vcinccs sHall be recorded and under sucli relktl P^^^^^ ' '"*^'''' t''''^«f'"'. -oSks ! 1 trtTS fr f ^ ^'^ ^'■-- -P-t the j and .hail haveZwer to L^ , "''''■^''"''T™^^"'-^^; business for the Societt ^rr.""' ''^"'*' '° ^''''-^'''^t a»y the .ociety, and to pay them out of the funds f i : : j/S'-^ ^■'■i'i»!E:':¥'W. in the course r by a voiQ of present j and ' Bj-Iaws and ^ its Officers, 'h regulations 'ft or the Acts rements with in the City securities be- ? other finan- Rie, deem ne- ctors, imme- g shall have shall be pro- ived on ac- shall be de- the amount le Bankers, ^^h^ch appli- i)c recorded ' money for deposit^ m 't therefor, >ni time to ', either on ' they may nspect the treasurer ; knsact any the funds 11 of the Society such remuneration for their services as they shall think reasonable ; and subscriptions or repayments may be paid by members to such agents at the time hereinbefore provided ; and such agents shall transmit the same, with an account to the Secretary, before four o^clock on the monthly subscription day, or pay such fine as the Directors shall think proper. 16. If any Director shall die, or resign, or become in« capable to act as Director, or become bankrupt, or insol- vent, or compound with his creditors, or cease to hold the required number of unadvanced Shares, or be re- moved from his office by a resolution of a special gen- eral meeting of the members, or shall for three months successively be absent from the meetings of the Board, " without the consent of the Directors," he shall there- upon cease to be a Director of the Society ; and the President may convene a special meeting of the Directors, and at such special meeting they shall appoint another member of the Society to be a Director in his place as hereinbefore provided ; and no Director shall take any part in any discussion, or vote v^a any question, in which he shall be personally interested. It. A general annual meeting of the members shall be held at the office or rooms of the Society, or such place as the Directors may appoint, on the first Monday in the month of March, in each year, for the purpose of electing Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for all other general purposes relating to the management of the Society, and at each of the said general annual meetings shall be submitted a full and clear statement of the affairs of the Society for the previous twelve months. IS. The Directors shall have power to establish from time to time a minimum bonus for investing as well as borrowing members^ regulating the fiame according "pon c,,„„l to„L "* '° P''"'" »" the members "- to vote ut any .neoti^^.L ^ ^ ko . * "' ^""'^*>-' the advanced Sl.a.cs held by le "'''' '" '"'P'"'' "^ Witness, ^'S'"''!. u , Secretary. »i'eh iiHiuLcr shall be excluded rm... .1 "fany l.orti.,„ of the said , nfi/ . ? •''PP'»P"»ti«.. quired to cutribut to f,v d fi '"'' ''''''" "°' ""^ ^«- b- bein, notified of sC^.! It' ^ o':! 'If T'- office, or otl^rwise, at the aiseretio;:;; "dI t!"*" betore mentioaedj halTbc deeif.t'" "^ "'™'='°'-^' »' members, cither 'ii pe on of^ Pr/x: r^'"''^ "^'^« the meeting : the Chairman Z '^ ^' '"'P'^^^'^iod at Directors or men^bers hav, ° .7 r'""»^' "*'"'• "^"'^ to his vote as a member ^ '"^ ''"'"• '■" *'^'«"»« Efficient Sari. td'h^rnt" ■■" ^" ^^^^ t-* » prei ho duration of the members ho followin '> to be coun is my desire ^utc towards tlic Society, part in the » respect of 'propriation not be re- ^orcsaid, as 'hares, era of the the niem- » tlie Post- fectors. leral moet- ectors, as 'ity of the 'sented at tier of the I addition also per- ' empow- behalfof ses be a he Bank ion thoy IS amount to iflO. Uc shall attend all meetings of the Directors or members of tlic Society : enter minutes of all resolutions or proceedings in the minute book, and shall keep the accounts in order. — in proper books to be provided for that purpose, — and prepare the same, or a balance sheet thereof, for the inspection and signature of the Auditors. He shall summon the Directors to all meetings (by circular,) and issue all circulars and notices to members which may, from time to time, be thought necessary by the Directors : conduct the corres- pondence of the Society, and perform all other duties that the nature of his office may require. 23. No monies shall be drawn from the Bank without the signature of the President, (or in case of his absence or illness, of the Vice-President,) and of the Treasurer. 24. The proceedings of the Society shall be entered in a minute book, in detail, in such manner as the Directors may, from time to time, direct ; such entries to be signed by the President, Vice-President, or Chairman, as well as by the Secretary and Treasurer. 25. The name and place of abode of each Shareholder, shall be entered in a registry book, to be kept for the purpose ; and any member changing his residence shall, within one calendar month thereafter, give notice, in writing, to the Secretary of such change, and of his new place of abode an-a address, or in default thereof be fined 2s. 6d. 26. One or more Surveyors shall be appointed, who shall survey and examine the property offered by any member of the Society, if the Directors shall consider it necessary, and shall, in all cases, render, at the Society^s office, a report in writing, to the Directors, of the value and state of such property, in such form as the Directors shall prescribe, and who shall be paid such fees as the Direct- ors shall think reasonable. n . 14 "WI transact th ntir^tr' 'T^'^ '^"^ cty as the Directors ,TJ ^ business of the Soci- ety. and «hal!, in f„ cas " elA"'""n^ '^ "" ^"'^'• port, in writing, whether Lot-., k"" P"''''°" " ^<'- good and 8«ffici;nt ZZT *^ *" '''"^""^'' ''y him «haU prepare riUeeLarvrr" "',*'' ^"^''^'^ ' """ meuts ■•/ favour of" esTc^tf'^Tf t v^- "'' '"^*^- veyor's fees and other T ^' , " S»'«=>tor and Sur- curred "" '"^"'^'' *«<='""'' tf'«y may bo in- «HS-hfr:^:^°,^t2:e^trv^^^^^^^ ' of tho'whoIcTolr'rof Difrrr'a^l'^ ' '"'^''''' ' removal or resio-nafmn i* "^^^^''^^' ^»^ m case of a sons in Lis or their ZZT ^' ""'' P''"P'"- Per- Either of the aa f offi \:^. ^^^^^^^^ P-vided. office by the Director?sh^.l L"*^-. " """""""^ ''™'» special LotingTfth^stlt;* '"'"■!^ *° ''PP*^''' '" <^ purpose, and he IhaU T • '' *° *"^ '''^"^'^ ^""^ t'"'* fourl;f the L; L;^^^^^^^^^ Office if three. vote for anch re-instatement ""'*'"«^ ''"'" 30. AH persons upon takinff Stock in ♦!.» q • . . .. execute a covenant to observe fh! the Society shall kept for that purposrand /e? * ! "!.''' '" " ^""'^ *» ^ bera aa transferee £«« or'' *^'" ''*''"""'^ «^'»- .•■aU pay an entrance'SV W^r ShTr"'"'^'"^ 1 i wh< I i -■sanweBat*- I ^f (who shall Shares,) who ' of the Soci- which he ehall s title to any ty to the Soci- E)ircctors a rc- eemed by him Society; and ts and instru- citor and Sur- aH cases, bij ' may be in- id Treasurer, es except for t a meeting a majority I case of a ccrs, the Di- proper per- ' pi'ovided. noved from appeal to a tied for that ce if three- eting shall ciety shall | hook to be j «ing iacm- ' lentative,) I 15 If f 31. The fines, for the non-payment of tlio monthly sub- scriptions or unadvanced Shares, shall be — Three pence per Share for the 1st Month, Six pence per Share for the 2nd Month, Twelve pence per Share for the 3rd Month, doubling' the line for each succeeding month, till the expiration of the first six months, and after that time, if the same remains unpaid, the Share or Shares of such Member, or his representative, shall become forfeited. Provided, that after any Share shall be in default for the term of six months, the Directors shall have power to recover, from such Shareholder, the amount due to the Society, by an action of debt in any Court of competent jiirisdiction. The fines for the non-payment of monthly re-payments on advanced Shares, or of any other monies due by members, for which the fines aro not herein provided, shall be at the rate of 3d. in the pound per month on the amount duo. 32. At the time of paying each of the monthly sub- scriptions, each member shall pay therewith, towards the expenses of managemement, the sum <»f 7|d. pcrShars. 33. The Directors may accept property situated any- where within the limits of that part of the Province for- merly Upper Canada, on the unadvanced Shares of any member of the Society, as security for loans. 34. Any member entitling himself to an advance of a Share or Shares, shall give notice, in writing, to the Secretary, of the situation, tenure, description, and full particulars of the property proposed to be mortgaged by such member to the Society, in such form as the Direc- tors shall prescribe ; and shall deposit with the Secre- tary all necessary title deeds and documents relating thereto, and also such sum as the Secretary may con- •ider requisite to meet any necessary expenses. Should any Shareholder decline to take up the amount awarded I !.' 16 provisoes aL a„C„l\f ™' .l^^ « -f clause^ ciety shall think fit witl, .t Solicitor for the So- -a that .•„ caso1i:£.tj^rX ,«;«'- D-tors , times, neglect or refuse to n.„ r ^ ' ""^ ''">" <"• fees or other payments, for' the "L^c??™"'''' '"^'^ ""^ ««ssively, then the Directors ml' v^ "'' '"°"*''' ""«=• the concrreace of th Irtlt^i''^":'"' - -'tho«t -^ persons, ,vith such salarv iTr . ?'^?"" " ''"'•«°''. <" ^ tWnlc proper, to collect o r^lt Tl""" r" "^ ""^ '"='V ? gaged premises • with fl 7. '""'"'"' "'■ "'« "ort. ' ment as the Mor JI^ „- '/ '""''" "' ""''"■-'"ff P'^y to ael! and dispose of su ™ f '""^':°'-''^' ' '''^''' P»^er .' private sale, when the D^ '^ ?' ^^ P"'''"'= »'''=ii<»' or that in case\ho M .t:;ly 'r^ And ? occupier of such mortll^oL ' '• 'r^^'^ *''« ««=""»• ^ deed may contain stinuhtr/ ?'!"?''''="*'''' ""'t^agc : »nt to the SocieL at^?- "'"' '"' ^'"'" becom^t^ deed ; and the Sctolrs nU T" *" ''' "''"'"> '" ^-^h between landlord aS eni; "T/T' *" '''^"•■•"■" »» take place of any plcTt " „ ^ "''"" ""-y ««'" «•»«" the Director. ^/JIZT^TX ■'' ''^ ""''"^'y' much of the purchase monevTs *«! h " """ "PP'^ "<> the same sum as would beCmS t "'.''"''^-^ *•* P^^ Perty, pursuant to the loT- ""*"'"' *'«' P^o- ' '»Ie« J together with S otCl?"' '"""'''''^ '» these B surplus ■ pay thereof to the Mortgagor.' 17 securities to the '»e month, such re, whether any i Directors may I to such mem. * to the Society li" such clauses, itor for the So' the Directors • t any time or >''^cnts, fines and Jix months sue- ^ith or without t a person, or I as they may ts of the mort- ^nforcing pay. ' » also, power - ^Hc auction or l ' proper. And ^ If the actual I the mortga^ : hecomc ten- i ^ed in such 1 xJistrain as iy sab shail I he Society, j id apply 80 I sary to pay | '"» the pro- i ^^ in these "*es, Solicl- ^^y, and to 36. All property, secured to the Society, consisting of buildings, shall be insured by tlie Morto^agor, if required by the Directors, in such sum and office as they shall think advisable ; and the policy or policies shall ' be as- signed over to the Society. In case any member, having executed a mortgage to the Society, sljall make default in payment of the expenses which may be incurred, in and about insuring, and keeping insured, the mortgaged premises, or of the ground rent or other payments to which the said property may be subject, pursuant to the covenant in the mortgage deed, he shall pay a fine of five shillings ; and if default shall continue beyond one monthly subscription day, he shall pay in addition such fine as he would have incurred for the non-payment of an equal amount of re-payments, at the time appointed for the payment thereof: the Society not to be responsi- ble for any consequences arising from any omission in the payment of the premium, or other payment due on any Policy of Insurance. 37. In case of damage by fire, the Directors shall receive, from the Insurance Office, the amount payable in respect of such damage ; and the receipt of the Sec- retary and Treasurer of the Society, shall be a sufficient discharge, to the Insurance Office, for the money therein expressed to be received ; and the Directors shall have full power to settle and adjust with the Insurance Office any question relating to such insurance, and to accept the amount to be paid by the Insurance Office, in respect to the damage done to tl premises ; or to make such- arrangements with the Insurance office as to the rebuild- ing or repairing of the said premises, or relating thereto, as the Directors shall think reasonable. 38. The Directors shall, at their discretion, either lay out the money which shall be received from any Insur- ance office as aforesaid, or any part thereof, in repair- < i ! I i 18 fit. i„ or towar;:;i,s:r'; "-""^ '"""' ""•"•^ 'vhich shall be duo from tlt xr """'"^""'•■"""""t receive the .s,.,ao. (by direct to •hS; .T::;^u;::r!::xT'"'^"'"r"^"'''*'-sodety. the Secretary a WW te,/Z ""^'' ''''"'"■""• S'^-^ '» lara relati„/ta tie m- , ? '' "'^ "" «"'^^'' P"'>"o- -<. if at any «".^«c.i„?S I J7~ ^^ > trsr:; •:[:::-•-'• "'"---- '"'"- -^" Of thf Policy of iz; .: z i:,:^ fr' "--■ ^-^""-'^ givea ; and the nu^nd^rletinltf •'"'"' f'^'" '" meat «hall pay a fine, at the di^io of 'IL"n ' T"' ofnot more than ten 8lnlli„«s w ' / ' ' shillins- per week f,„. „ ^ o,' °' '''''' *''»■' one shall, rffllThink fit to/ ""', "'"' "" ^''•<''="'« vcar annns . ' '^'' ^"^ "t least once in everv year, appoint some competent person to ohhin J TJ ^ information he can with respect to tradesr ! .° ■' on in and about th,. m„.t~ i traaos, &c., earned ! to the DireetoL a^dSf ' ' "" *° "''°" 40. If any member who shill I.o,.^ « . , ea,e to the Society, shairde 1 ^ elHhe l: ""'''^ property, subject to the mortgage he s Ll boTf'^:'' 80 to do, With the consent of thn n ! * '''''"■*y auly transferring theraLf eclr^r^^^^^^^ '''' the intended purchaser i„ manner limed bv^"^'' rules ; and upon such transfer being comDletil f ' " ' retain ami ^ shall think 'tho amount the Society, a^V)r, or to ) clircct to 'he Society, ^»» give to 'h particii- ^uch mort- oinpanies ; ti bo com- 'lin^ .shall e validity t shall bo ich state- Directors, than one ; Directors 'I ill every i all the I , carried ) report a mort- >rtgagcd t liberty the first )rtgagc, y these and all , being ed,such re-pay- ! < ■5 i > J i i 19 rncnts payable in respect of such Shares ; and the Direc- tor may grant to the original mortgagor, and at his cosi r ..u charges, a rclcapc from all future liubility in respect thereof. 41. It shall bo lawful for any member, having executed a mortgage in favour of the Society, to substitute, at his own expense, and subject to the approval of the Direct- ors, any other property, as security to the Society, in lieu of the property originally mortgaged. 42. If any member shall desire to have his property discharged from a mortgage to the Society, before the expiration of the full term for which it has been taken, he shall be allowed to do so on payment of all repay, ments, and any fines, fees and other sums due in res- pect thereof, up to the time of the rec'emption of such mortgage, and of the present value of the future re-pay- ments, calculated to the term, and discounted at such rate of interest and on such terms as the Directors may determine. 43. On tlie redemption of any security by a member, or when all re-payments have been made by him on ad- vances pursuant to these rules, a full discharge of such security shall be executed, and the same shall bo deliv- ered to such member, with all other deeds and c' . lo.ts deposited hy him in connexion with such secur*.^ . and such discharge shall be prepared, and the necessary sig- natures obtained, and any matters relating thereto trans- acted, by the Solicitor to the Society, at the expense of such member. 44. In case of the death or insanity of a member be- fore receiving an advance, and upon the application of the legal representative of such deceased or insane mem- ber, to withdraw from the Society, such representative shall be entitled to preference before ordinary members, and to withdraw at any tim*?, and to receive back the t't^'Km xfmmwmi/imi!- ' i i tl.e fine.., anffct .TSV""' I"/'*" Society, Ion, all cc«HC..l member "t^C^r !'^ *'«' '-■""■- •'- But the d" i7':,?'P"""? .«ff " '"'^<' ''"on paid. than6perce,.l t„r^. '^ '"ff'-c- rate of interest <6. If the Directors shall bo nnahln «, ^:„ , . money i„ hand at the usual r 1„ *. ^'"' "^ *''" «ider it for the in e e ts of t, "'-=! ^ "^^ '""' . ' "'"'y """^ • . • --.of the .e-nh^: ^^l — SL:tuX:' I o^-a «eparately^nd .."s, a ' " t"""'" °''" many shares wni .arrLt/jo:i'::iT rr:t rK^^^^^^^ ■ ''^'^'^' ^"^ ^^^^^* tfaey shall have res- pective! the bnll ballottci (lr;i\v or ' share o , by causi J books of may app each trai iugf the I 4 original ■ 48. In : legatee I before b ; shareholc i lars of hi oty, or ir other do( ami satis try the s examinai 49. Th for each tively ha shall be i otherwise tion, coiK 60. No ."3?SSS^SW!^-"'^ v h dccoajjcd ty, Ic88 all anc or dc- c«th, with vaiicc, be- y part or »t of the notice in > fio, and at 6 per is nionth- 08, inter- • no mem- f>n which eon paid. ; ' interest ; ey think , e of the ; !iey con- J special ' o them, I sidcr it | fawing", I iken up I », or by i' •8, they g such be pre- sharcs nhand ot pre- )r the e res- it J pcctivcly subscribed, and the person or persons wliom I the ballot Hhall determino to take the share or shares so ballottcd for, s}»all within ten days be obli^red to with- dnvy or borrow from the Society to the extent of tho Hliare or shares so baUoted on liirn on the terms pre- viously determined on by the Directors, or sliail pay sucli lino as tho Directors may determine. The ballot shall have application to each unadvanced Share and not to individuals. 4T. Any shareholder may transfer his share or shares by causing an entry of such transfer to bo made in the books of tho Society, in 8uch manner as the Directors may appoint, and upon payment of the sum of 23 6d for each transfer, and thereupon tho transferee (after sign- ing: the rules) shall be entitled to all the privileges of the I original shareholder. 48. In case of the death or insanity of any member the legatee or legal representative of such member sliall, before becoming entitled to tlic privileges of an original sharehoiacr, procure his place of abode and the particu- lars of his title to be registered in the books of the Soci- ety, or in default thereof for one month, shall pay a fine of 2s. Od., and shall at tho same time exhibit the will or probate thereof, or grant of letters of administration or other document (as the case may be), for the inspection and satisfaction of the Directors, and payFfor such regis- try the sum of 2s. 6d. and 10s. to the Solicitor forliis examination of the will or probate, 49. The Directors shall be paid the sum of 10s. each for each Board or Committee meeting they may respec- tively have attended on the business of the Society, and shall be indemnified out of the funds of the Society, or otherwise, from all expenses in reference to the forma- tion, conduct, and management of the Society. 60. No dissolution of this Society shall take place un- m ill 22 less its affiiivs be deranged, or its principles prove inad. equate to promote its objects, or its funds be insufficient to meet the claims, or from any other such cause, render- ing the dissolution absolutely necessary, and then only by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present either in person or by proxy at a special general meeting to be called for that purpose. | 61. In the practical application of these rules or any rules heifeafter to be made in virtue thereof, the construc- tion put upon them by the Board of Directors shall be final and conclusive. Every word in the singular num- ber shall be applicable to the plural, and every word importing the masculine gender shall where necessary ^ be understood to mean a female as well as a male unless there be something in the subject matter or context re pugnant to such construction. i! -♦♦*- s prove inad. be insuflQcient cause, render- ind then only ibers present ncral meeting rules or any the construc- ors shall be ngular num- every word 'e necessary | male, unless I context re-