*■ -. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k /. ^M €^.4^ # ■ 1 A /' ■ 1.0 I.I 11.25 mm 125 |50 "^'^ ^ 1^ 12.0 2.2 ' ^ 6" in U ■ 1.6 ^Sciences Corporalion C^\^ ■^j^:^ 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SM (716) •72-4503 ^^■^ '^ s,h^^^^^^^^^^^^id^^^ mjiSt£^1^ ')^..Jk^'4»>Vil^»<>&j|i't V LiCt r L

- ■ ' . -,.'"■■ >. "" • OFFBBED BT THE MONTREAL BISTAICT AGBIi «ii 'l #- JTliEAL DISTRICT CATTLE SHOW. held at the uituU place, September 16 1880. JVo. Honee. Prem. 1. For tbtbMt draft SUllion kept in. : tfw Vtkfflct the last 6 mmdu, f 16 ■ For the next beat do. do. 12 For the thfrd beat do. dp. 8 For «be beat Stallion, calculated for , ■ ibe Saddle do. do. .t6 vFor the next beat do. do. 12 .For the tUrd beat do. dq. 8 Claaa 8. For die heat dnA Mare, kept in the . . Diatrictaa a blood Mare, )2 For the«ext bef« do. do. 9 j,<,-\ For the third.beat . do. . do. 6 Claaa 4. For the beat Kare, calculated for the 8addle,.keptaa a brood Hare. 12 For die next beat do. do. 9 For th9 third beat do.. do. 6 Symmetry, strength, activity, aplrit, thrift, bar- dineaa imd moderate size, will be the beat recom^ ' mendatibaa for draft Stalliona. N. B.4-N0 Mat^' will be intitled'to premi(im unleaa the, Colt iibrpqgtat forward, to enable the , Judgea mote accurately to determine the merit of the anhnal aa a brood Mare. lb, Canadumaraetieai Fannin only, for J\reat Cattle 6f improped Ccmadian-, breed. Claaa 5. For die best Bull 1o b^ kept in die District for 12 mondia, $]^ For die next best .do. do. 9 i For the third, best do. do. ,6 Claaa 6. For die best Bull one yearold do. do. *6 , For die next beat do. do. 4 aaaa 7. For dw hW pairof dtmft {(xen do. do. 6 . For the next bert, "> Jt^ do. 6 Claaa 8. For die two beat dbe year etd^ei- fers, do. do. 6 « For.thetwohextbest do. do. 4 Claaa 9. For the two best two year old Hei- fera, do. do. 6 1 . For the two next best do. do. 6 Claaa 10. For die beat Cow, do. do. ft For the next best do. do. 6 Fordiediirdbest do. , do. • 4 ^Forneat Cattleof other than Canadian breed. Claaa 11. Foe the best Bull owned and kept in the District die Ensuing 12 Mmtha $12 For the next beat do. do. 9 Fordiediirdbest db. da. 6 Clasa 12. For die beat Bull,one yearold do. do. 5 For the next beat io. do. 4 Claa#^l8.For the best pair of Steera, 8 yeara old, bred la the District, ^ 6 , For die next best - ^ do. do. 6 Claaa 14. For. die two beat Aeifora, one yist . dd, bred in the District, ,B For the twiLnext beat do. do. 4 Claaa IS. For. dib twS beat Heiien,1Ewo yean oM do. do. •S 'obtldned first prixea at any fooner .District Pkwghing Mabh, a'Si»«f ■ .. .ATerfo/ or odier reward. . CliM82. TodM peraonni^ho ahall pkmgh a girea qnandtr of lind fai the etiiiit- eat dme ^m the best Ibanner, To-die next beat do. do. ^ ,Todiedilrd,h«M do. do. ' PUnurhk^i Mateh/or duiadiane ontg. due 88. To die Canadian who shall ploua^ hi the beat loianner do. do. • To the next beat do. do. .... TodMtUrdbeat !do. %. Claaa 84. To the Ploughman Who riiatl per- form the Mat work' widi a ploudi drawn by one or two yoke of bxeh dUy, wfOi or witlftiut a driver. To the next best do., vdo. .. Todiediirdb^t .do. do. ChaaltS. Xo the owner of the best yoke of oi- en exhihited at die ploughbig . match and which riiall have been worked by the owner oa his farm the pre'eeedbig diree montba at plough cart. To the next best ^b. Tothediirdbest Jo, Claaa 86. To the owner of Aie best •draft, G^^K>> worked . ploughll^^Pch FbrdiedliPt do. For the wmitest do.' N. B.— NptiiJB will be diven indue^me. what day in October, the Pbughing Match ia to take place. ^ do. do. pair 'of at the db. do. « 6 4 on HFW d»$ or tfafert.. Claaa 88. For di« heaviest ani^best Atted Ox,. ovrned and fatted bi this District, $8 Fof the next best e. in- the Co elite 27. F ,, V ' .1 • -* -.-■^,- REMIUMS OFFBBEII BT THB T AGBICUIiTUBAIi SOCIETY. wMi '■0 1 »4i I anyiboner lU plOQcfa't intbe'wArt- wt'ltMAnier, >. do. >. io. diant ifttfy- JlpUmglim >. do. do. '. 4b. > sfaall per- di a plouj^ oke of bzeb k driver. ).. odo. I. do. :yokeofoi- ploughing , I nave been on his farm montba at I. do. , do. St pair -pf led at tbe 4 <. db. 5 I. ■ do, _4 indue time ^mi ng Match ia to ■ipCS, to takt lentfdtthehead best fatted \ trict,. $W do. s do. « ORfATANh t^i-Market, on L next. t fetted O*,. I district, 18 . • dte. 8 do.* 4 fatted Coir do. tnfri oi»)y. t felted Ox. idbeit fat- DUtrict, lo. do. Id. .do. 2 tiie Person or t expensive and Ho winter car- ution of cahots. i ■4 9 2 6 '4 8 4' t 6 4 8 6 4 ^Mi W. For the best Om-, o¥n^ ib tW County, KextbeM 'd6 Thirdbett 'd6 Sheep. ' ^ Oaia 16. For the best Kanr, HidA Uttiit^ )ittii in the County, Next beat 'do Thiidbest do Claas 17. For the best Bam. Viio shear 6r '1^ wards, ownbd Hi the ' itounty , Next best do do Third beM do . . 'db Class 18. For the JiesfiKi* o^tHrae Ewes, tee diear, bred in ihe ooiinty. Next beft do do Third best do . , do Claas 19. For the Best pen of diree Ewes,'e. Ui-the tmrntynfMonHrealtfor the y^ 1880. Clita 27. Fbr ihe largeft and best field bf wheat, not Ie« tham ibur Aerts, ■, rorthe2dbest. '^ Clise W. Fta- ihe. best do. of Barley, 10 Fiir the 2d best, Claas 29. Fbr)he best do. ofOalSt For the 2d best. do do 8 6 Chnir^ iConiimotu for the Montreal Dittriet C , .dgriet^tuml Society'M.C AT TLE SHOW, Ploughtng Matehee, ^e. Hre. fre.—Jl$ appro- ved and reeoloedby (fte Committee on the Uth April, 1829. O^BKAt. COirbtTIt>H8 Wt)% CATTLB SHOWS. 1. That no more Uitti three premiums beoffered in the same class. 2. That too peraoD shall be entitled to receive "■ore4ban one preintton In fte same class. 8. That no aiumal or lot can obtain the same pre- mium a aetoond time. 4. That aeparate prendams be oflbrad toCanadi- an Practical Fanners, for Neat Cattle of Ca- nadian, or iml>roved Canadian BrMd, and if any diflerenee of opinion should arise, as to die identity of die Breed, the Committee shall decide. 5. That no cow will be entitled to a premium, unless the judges are satisfied, she shall have firodueed a Calf orffcr after the first of Jan- uarv preeeedbr, or be e^entiy witii Calf at the time of the show^ tS. That Brooii Mares shalXhe d%udified un- less their Colts are brob^ht'mwaM with them, to enable the judge more AMurately to determine tiie merit oi the Anuqal as a Brood Mare. ^ ■ 7. That no persons be qpalified to receive pre- miums on Cows, Heifers, Steers, Sheep or Geldings; except Farmers. That no person obtifaaiing premiams on Male Aittnials shall reltase tiie use of such Anbnal to a teasmable, number of appBoints, at a modeirate change, i^i :— Stauioos fit fiv the Saddle-HMt over !lf\»eipe Dollars. Fit for Draft— ^not over P'&ttr DoHafs. Bulls and R*m»f-not over J9a{ral>oOar each. v That in future there shaillbe only one annual r District Cattle Showjo be held in Septem- . her, except ifor Fat Admals wbkb are tobe- shown in the winter. UtZ That an Animis cintered b the aaipe elass^PM shall be kept togetiier on tiie show ground , not allowinigc other stock to intermix In order thut the judges may be able tooompare, aqd. more accurately deiefnioe tiie comparative ^meritof each. That tile judges shall be appointed wUb the . incurrence M'at least Five Members of the Committee, that tiiey shall be swoni,and no £rson shall act as jiidge, wlw Is diieeUy or Urectiy interested In tiie decMon. That each candidate or person appearing for him, must enter his stock with the Secieta- ry in their proper class, va or before 11 o'- clock, ▲. it., on tiie day of show. The 8e- fcretaiy t»1 > »at Ae | > laee>t»»''etokrlBdwK^ ^^ 6 9 10. 11 12. *. *I ■% vi«,V >if '^- monwg Jbr &at purpose. cbwDiTibM *om TWB msrektcr i>i.ovoHiira- XATCHCS. 1. Any Candidate shaillbe disqualified, wfioM MM in settled, by any otiier, means, except ^ 1>fcm«fa, or the foot of the Plnof^-Man, IS the Ploagh-works, or who snflersany as- \t f Jor the next best - , do. do. . For the two best lifers, one yetfr old, lired in the District. For the two next best do. do. . For. the^o belt Heifers, iwo years old Ao. do. For the two next best 4;^ do. Class 16. For the beat Cow, ownedin the Dis^ trict, For the next best do. do. For the third ibest do. do. ^ Sheep, Class 17. F*or the best Ram, one shear, owned iod to be kept in the District th^ next IZmontbs. < For the next best do. ^ do. ', For the third best do. ' ,do. . ' Class 18. For the best Ram, two shears or upwards. For the next best do. do. . For the tliird best do. do. Class 19. For the best pen of three Cwes, one shear « dq. For the next best do. do. , For the third best do. do. Class 20. For the best pen of three £wes, two shears or upwards do. For the next best do. do. For the third best do. do. , SwvAef Class 21. For the best Bb4i:, six months old, & not exceedipg.twelve months to be kept in tiNs District, For the next best do. do. 'Class 22. For the best Boar, one year old and not exceeding 3 years, do. do. For the next best do. do. 'Class 23. For the best Sow, having produced a litter of pigs. Or evidently with young, do. do. For the Aext best do. do. For the third best do. do. Cfhee$e And Butter Class 24. For the three best Cheeses, weighing 18 lbs. each made in the District, For the three next best do. do. For the three third best do. do. 'Class 25. For the best Firkin of Butter, weigh- ing 66 jjbs. do. do. For the next best do. d6. For the third best do. do. I^ooilin and Linen Cloth. 'Class 26. For the best piece of Woollen Cloth, measuring 20 yards, manufactured in the District, For the next best do. do. For the third best do. do. Class 27. For the best Canadiab Etoffe 20 yards. For the next best do. do. For the third best do. do. 'Class 28. For the best piece of Linen Cloth> measuring 20 yard^ do. do. k For the next best do. do. For the thhrd best do. do. Class 29. For the six best Canadian manufac>- tured Straw JAats, or imitation Leg>^ . hom Hats, do. do. f'or tfie next best do. do. For the third best do. do. jigrieulturti Maehi$ug. Class 80. For inventing or improving Machl- tkbi fiir i^rfonning tta a superior manner or at a cheaper rate, any agricultural operation. The Com- mittee will award such nremtums as they shall judge the Machines praduoed and approved, intitled to. For the next best - do. do. For the third best do. do. To Ctmadian practical Farmer' o^^V- Class 40. For the heaviest and best ivtted Ox, ot Canadian bread. For the next best do. do. for the third best do*. do. Sheep. .Class 41. For the three heaviest and. best Tat- ted Sheep, fatted in the Districf, For the three next best do. do. ' For the three third best do. .do. The Society offer a. reward to tlie Person oj Persons who shall invent the least ex^nsive an simplest method of attachin<; shafts to wihter cai riages in order to prevent the formation of cahot^ T—A4so— FAr a new and simple description of winter Carriage ,drawn by one Horse, which might be substitnteid for the common train now in use and so constructed as not to form Cah'ots. These premiums to be Awarded next wmter. When there shall be sufficient snow to prove the soyeral new hiventions to the satiiifaction of the committee. At the District.show of Fat Cattle, the Society will award a premium to any person who shall in- troduce a new descriptipn of Yam or Potatoe, cal- culated for the feeding of cattle, and which shall be approved by the Committee MONTREAL COUNTY CATTLE SHOW, to be he held at Sf. Laurent On Thuriday the 9th day of September next. > Hornen. Class 1. For this best drail Stallion kept in the Country the last six months, $10 For the next best do.. do. 10 For the third best do. do. 8 Class 2. Far the best pair of Geldings, fit for the Plough, kept by a Fariner, For the next best do. do. Class 8. For the Vest draft brood Mare 6wned in the County, For the next best do. do. For the third best do. do. N. B. — Brood Mares isubject to the same regulations as at the District Show. 5rt> Canadxan.prdetieal Farmers finty,f0r JVVof Cattle oftheimproted Canadian breed. Class 4. For the best Bull of Canadian breed, to be kept in the County for 12 mondis, $10 Next best do. do. 8 Third best do. do. 6 Chtfs 6. Fer the best one year old Bull, do. 4 Next best ^ do. do. 8 Class 6. For the best pair of Oxen, do. 6 Nett best do. do. 4 Class 7. For the two bett one year old HeUers, 4 two nett best do. do. i For the ti«ro best two year old Heifers, p For next best do. do. 4 Clais 9. For the beat Cow, 6 Next best) . 6 third best, 4 JVeot Cattle, other than iCdnadian Steed. Class 10. For the best Bull, owned and kept in the County ne&t 12 moDtha. 10 Kextbeat do do 6 Third beat do do 6 Class It. For the beat one year old BuU, d6. 4 Next best do do 8 Claas 1% For the best pair of Steera, bred b die County. ; • Nett best, 4 Clasa 18. For the two beat one year old Heif- . era, bred in the County, 4 Nextbgit do ^_ JL 6 5 10 8 6 CUm 14. For the two beat t#b yeirsWEelf' era, do NextbMt ,/ A»; N. B.— Thi premiums for parative merit in respect to e Vpre be' made i Premiume oj 4re. in the < Class 27. For. yf , For Class 28. For For Class 29. For For Class 80. Fdi- V For CkuaSLFdr le! For Class 32. Foi- th For Class 33. For no For Class 34. For th For i'o Cam Class 35. For VI For Class 36. For For Class ta. For For Class 38. For For Class 89. For le For Class 40. For tl) For Class 41. For 01 For Claas 42. To F h< Toi Toi Claas 43. To P b to to N. B— A! and GiiMir SvMK«k Fj cretanr, on < In rature i umdiKtAall ooa spring; Newspapers' ish Church d Itisraeom tahle^-tadU atnugropeo Au Animi COVITTT 8f <^e1oek, A. I AllCandU theSocIety'i where doabi mTT»« Aa DIStRICT PLOUGHING MATCH— To »e hdd in October next. Claaa 81. To the beat of the Ploughmen who 5 4 TTyfil Montreal, ^ w^ffi^^X lo. 4o- do. armffs oviy. est foUed Ox, do. do. do. and. best Tat- he District, t do. do. t do. .do. to tlie Person oi fast ex'pensive ai ifts to wititer ca| irmation of cahol sscrlption of wiuifer which might be now in use and so , These premiums en there shall be ral new inventions battle, the Society I'rson who shall ip- imor Potatoe, cal- , and which shall rri.E SHOW, to Thurtday the 9th ion kept in the months, do.. do. do. do. ildings, fit for a Partner, do. ^o. 1 Mare owned do. do. do. do. t to ihe same District Show. r$pntjf,for JVeaf nadidift breed. inadian breed, bounty for 12 $10 $10 10 6 5 10 8 6 M do. do. Bull, do. do. Ken, do. do. ear old Heifers, do. ear old Heifers. do. tnadian Bteed. ned and kej^t 12 moDth*. do do old Butt, dd. do lteen,bred b year old Heif- anty, years WIW-' 10 6 6 4 8 N. B.— The .object of the Society in offering premiums for STEERS, Is to detemune the com^ parative merit of the different breeds, particularly in respect to parly maturity. Inl|uiry will there- Vpre be'made into the mode of feeding, &^. &c. Premiums offnedfor GRAi?r> Gbekn Crops, t(e. in tte Coitnty qf Montreal, for the ye6r Class 27. Class 28. Class 29. Class 80. Class 81. Class 32. Class 88 Class 34 to Class 36, Class 36. Class ^. Class 88. Class 88. aass40. Class 41. aaa8 42. Class 48. do do do For. the largest and best field 6f .Wheat, not less than four Acres, Jor the 2d best. For the best do. of Barley, ]^6r the 2d best. For the best do. of OalS) For the 2d best, Foi- the best do. of Peas, For the 2d best, F6r'the best do. of Indian Cora, iiot less than two Acf^s, For the 2d be% Foi- the best do.' of Potatoes, not less than four Acrcft, For the 2d best, , For the best do. of Mangle Wortzle not less than two Acres^ For the 2d best, , W the best do. of Turtiilw, notjess than one Acre, For the 2d best, Cancuiian practical Farmtil's only. For the largest and best field of Wheat not less than three Arpents, For the 2d best. For the b«st do. of Barley, For tbe 2d best. For the best do.' of Oats, For the 2d best. For the best do. of !Peas, For ihe 2d best. For the best do. of Indian Cotn, not less than two Ai1>ents, For tbe i!d best. For the best do. of Potatoes, not less than three Arpents, , For the 2d best. For t>ie best do. of Flax, notless than one Arpent, For the 21 best, , To the Canadian who shall have his Farm an-) stock generally in the best condititiD, To tbe 2d best do. To the 8d best do. . To the Canadian who shall have the greatest quantity of Land in the best state of Summer Fallow, to the 2d best do. T6 the 8d best do. do do do 10 8 6 8< 8 6 8 6 6 > 4 - 10 a 6 4 4 8 10 8 8 6 8 6 8 6 6 4 10 6 4 8 6 6 4 N. B.->-All claimants for Premiums on Graiit and 6»«> "t^ell managed Far^s and SuMicttt fAVJsbyir, to serve a notice on ib» Se- cretary, on or before the litof Junk next. In rature no Stallion shall be entitled to premi- um HM shall not have been advertised the previ- ous spring; (the place kept, and Rates,) in the Newspqiers— on three several Sundays at die par- ish Chui^ door, Where di« owAei- Msldes. Itisiecommetidedthat Bulls be rendered trae- table'-«lid if posrible, led to tbe phee of dww, by a strong rope or duun, to prevent accident AU Animals exhiMted at the DisrRXCr or CoviTTT Shows, to be on the ground at Elsvxn vcwck, A. M« All Candidates for Premiums to be soljeet to Om Society's general rules and regtlitlons, and where doubts may arise, the HAirAoinr o Com- MiTT»« Aall decide. • ^sr. BVANi!, Seeretaiy. Montreal, ISth AprO, IStO. indirectly interested li»«ibe decision. 12. That each candidate or person appearing for him, nrast enter his stock with the Secreta- ry in their proper class, on or before II vO'-<. clock, A. M., on the day of show. Tbe Se- cretary to be at the pUce at 9 o'clock In the ^ morning for that purpose. cbirniTioiirs roR thc sibtaict PLoirGHiNQ MATCH£S. 1. Any Candidate x^itt be disqualified, whom sod is settled, by anv oOier, means, except the t>loueh, or the foot of the Plougb-Man, , as the Plouffh- works, or who suffers any as- sistance, setting of irons, orotherw^, to be given tf the Plough-man. ' ^. Any person having obtained first premium*, at any former District Plougliiag match shall be disqualified ; but such persons may com- pete in a separate class, for bonorary or other reward. 8. The premiums diall be awarded to the Cnn- didates who shall perform the work in the shortest space of tlme,^ and In the best man- ner. I0> N. B. — The Judges appoir^td a$ for the ' Cattle Shows. , '' OENllRA]:. CONDITIONS VOR GRAIN & ORESN CROPS, &.C. &C. „1. AnyclaimantsforpremiumsonOrainorGreen croDS, whose farm generally doesnot appear to the judge tobe well managed, in proporti- on to the time they may have been in pos- Ression of it shall be disqualified. S. That premiums ofi*ered for Wheat shall only be adjudged where the wheathas been sow- ed af>er green crop or summer fallow. This rule however, not to be enforced before the next year. VRUIITmsOFrKRKDTO CANADIAN PRACTIC- AL rARXCRS ON1.T, IN THB CO0WTy or MONTkEAIi. 1. Three premiums offered to Canadian Prac- tical Farmers, for well managed Farms eenernlly. The Judges to Inspect the Til- lage, Drains. Fences, Stock and Barm of- each competitor, and report aci^ingly. 2. Three nrenUum* offered to Canadian Practi- cal Farmers, for the greatest quantity of summer Fallow. The Judges shall be par- ticular, that it is weQ Ploughisd, and clean from all lands of grass and weeds. INSTRTTCTIO*S TO THS JTUDOBS AT THB CAT- TXE SHOWS, k.e. fcc. Tou are to decile wUeh is tbe best Animal, or k)t of Animals in each class, having regard in form- ing your judgment to excellence and jutiUty of form, quantity of fledi, lightness of oflBd; propensity to mlQc or fatten, and eariy maturity; ah», in Sheep, to quantity and quality of wool. Having signed your adjudication, you are not to mention yonrde- drion until announced to the Committee, you are not to disclose the ophdons of each other, previone to your repwt, and the dedrion of the majority shall be conclusive, you shall withhold any premium when there shaU not appear to be snffident merit In the Animal or Its offspring, you diall number flie k>ts in each class. In the order of the cmnperatlve merit , Cr A*. J?.— When Judges are imwlntnd to the inspection of other tban live stock the Instraettooft to be altered so as to be applicable to that partlea- lartaMpeetioa; according to tbe general conditione of fee Soci ety, by which the Jndges an to b e go. Tenwf&tiwlr aUjudieatloBSi - - By Order, Wm.£VANS, SMretwy. [ &kk'€^^^^M'mhd*lM / / A ; *>