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MKROCOrv RHOtUTION TUT, CHART (<|NSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ' ^•: \M -^PPUeP l>^HG_P _U^ : |653, Eg>l Main StrMi (718) 482 - 0300 - Phont (7t«) 288 -5989 - FoK 7f8) - THE DE^ ■V H^iN\ ^^Jiim ,-•4 t. f ^1^': ^ r-'H'' .- \ ;>«!« ■ ■ ■*■ :*». f PREFACE. ;,.•.-■■ ■ . .■...•■•■■•, * , Tub following extract from a MSS. about to be broujjlit before, the public in a Work, en- titled " Wandoriiiga in the States," l*cii)ic ■neh ai cannot fail to be irilercitting to almost every subjccl.claiming Britain as a home, and more particulaily the solJicrs serving at pres- ent in the Canadaii,— the indJent upon which the extract i« founded js not only a fact, but Of very recent occurrence, and the Author, , who haa served in almost every part of the world, and whoje zeal for the Service has ever been mo!>t unremitting, made a point, during his short visit to the UhiijE State?, durlHg the month of November, WWiertain actually how oUr deserters were treated,— and from tlie peculiarity of Iho circumstance un- der which he wag induced to more especially to 80, the meeting of the corporal and four men of the 20th, he resolved upoa making it a particular subject for his intended new ^^ork, and at the same time hoped to be tlie simple means of preventing, if possible, our soldieif from subjecting themselves to 8u6h open misery, by describing their situations as they actually ate, in the columns of one of the Publip Journals, Having done- so, and fromtlje very favot^blo reception it has met with by very many, jand who all seemed to see the probable benefit that\|night accrue from its extensive ci!:culation amongst the soldiers, --but fearing that the circulation of a news- paper might be too limited, and tcareely tTtr fail into the hands of ihe soldier, the Author has thought fit to issue it in a pamphlet form, cheap, inorderthatit may be more extensivt? ly circulated amongst the Army— for whom it has been iexprcsaly extracted from the MSS^ The Author^ at the same time, would wish to remirtd the reader, that the langaage used ' to relate the short narrative, is drawa from the conversation and sentiments exprtssed by the parties introduced; and trusts that tha good intention will be appreciated bjr every soldier, and that he will not be misled with aa opinion that it has been made upexpressly for the soldiers* perusal. It was originally intended to form part of a Work iii common with othar . matter, biit was considered so intercstiof, aid so apifTicable to our Army, that it Js pnUiaiiad with the hope that every soldier would/jM able to either read it or bear it read, aad 'W thus warned from taking 8(r/ooli8h and fatal* step as desertion, which often occurs from thai' most simple and absurd causes, and ref alts la the most poignant distress, in both mfftd and prospects, which but a little forethought woidld p^vent; To meet bravely any difficulty or any punishment that may he the upshot of bla misdemeanor, however severe, will betri^pg, indeed, to the misery experienced by daaar- •* tion, as will be eeen in the cases related la the following true narrative. n-- . %. •'. 1* Vr-..., ...,a?^'"^p»^^i^^p 1 .'N» ! : TiiK i)i:^i:UTKKs. ' I On mjr piiijgtt riuiii Albiiijy (u N'cw Yorb,v iilill)ii Willi u '|;«.iilluiinii, my uiUniijii Mrst nrrc*U!tl by tiio oppujrurica of » crJiHl in lim l'or«-|iiirt of tlio htttm), wl^iiltur »»« bjlli wtut, ui,il Ulunicd oai IJ In Uticruiliiiij; I'urly iirjcciiiiiij; from I|u(r,(lu to New Yotk, willi a ilttatlinitiit cl' iiboMt »ixty rtcrulli ; tli.y appoprid fine imii^ varj in;; — -- I'rom- Iweiily to fyrly year* erf ujr, aiul stcmrd Uj •uircrmucli I'ruiH ubiolulc /ilili aiiij «vuiit of |iiO|iir : reilor iiourislunciit,— but Jiuil ij coiuinon uitli.it- vriJiU. I «xi»mliicil iKuli couiilenaMco ii.iimtt ly'; ui ' opportunity cflored, aiiij preKciitly 1 »aiv u I'jcJ 1 ftncitd I kne«v~tlioii unotkr— anotlicr— i nJ u fourth. I ivus 4lruil% with a fear Uitl ull im not right, and curioai(y Itif me. to come Jmiutluii over . Ihcm, oikI find out uH about llicii). The flr»t f »a»v, wl Ima trill much of the «vtjrld, both in Ilie 0«|«| ii'i.liir .I'lurlcrs, Olid, tlintfore, I hope you nill ra- tlnr pily tho fuUo »ifp 1 Imve token, tliaii bli|ina me, llit'ish 1 C.III neter cuuiidcr myiclf again woilliy of biiiijf callid II solJiur. It ivas on tho oveniiiK of tJie , ubuul live »vttl,s ago, f una tlie (.'or|)oral in chiiTifi) lif a i;u.ird u( (iucBiistoii, and cntruslcd to I nry euitoity nas a yOung man, a prisoner, who had •biiii broii;'l.t in Under urrcst } by some mishap dur- ii ;; tlif nielli lie tacuptd, and, when it uaadiscoter- ii!, Ihouluito guard I'uund tlicmstlvcs in a very uu- pLusaiit Mtiiution, nnd utll knew the siriousnutt of till' conmquunces uf iiuch u brcuch of trust, as to |ior- ' ji.il ll.c.«jarape faf a prisoner. Wo in vain tiled to di»cj»ir lii» hnuul, and at length I Mpoku to several 6f thiiii, nnil in tho derpcst manner painted the ru- ■ult of lliu iiUjir, and ul the same time pointed Out to tlaiii the means of escu|H). On guards at the dead iioi:r uf nielli, clcsu to the (erry-bout, and a livir \\W.d\, l.dLu few yards across, enabled ua to defy the power of tiie llrilisli-r-lho prospect of im- nicdiutely joining liic Ainericans, and thus prcvent>, iiij; eurselves from, perhaps, two y^ara' Imprisoii- metit^atl these pictures seemed to da)izle the minda of most ol tlie guard, and four out of aix acceded, aiH], niihmyatlf, left tlie guard, and rowed aeroaa tj tlie <' shore tliatsliields tlio soldier's crime." Wa had little or no money, and we traversed our way to Buffalo, wlicre a parly of the American Army wera recruiting. Havin^jio other object in view than en- listiiig, we tW at once joined them, and received half the ttouiity, (five dollars,) and look tlie oath of nalura- liaation, vowing, in the most aoletnn terma, to aup- part America In alt her undertakings— to fight moat v«jhemciuly againat every otlier nation, moat e«pc- cldlly that of Great Britain. The thought of th« lat< ter aecmed to choke me ; my heart throbbed, and my aensea seemed to recoil at the idea, — more eape- cially agaihat Great Britain, dear old Britain,. thought I,— can it be poasiblo I hate aworn ao! My country— whose aoil calls aloud for the aid of every heart to whom ahe gave bir^^whdaa nobility ' and fane has raised bcr high above every other na- - * . \ / ■ giPt Uf **'J.''i^:3^ ! ■ " ■ » I I i "tr^ • - ^ .'';""? ' j .; 'S R-w^i."r r "gw > «-*Ki^%- »\ THi; Di:iEnTCRii. \ on, a, |,c«».,, „ ala*c .»r(l.. My ■,o....l,,- .•I.O.C, eg,,!.! b„a„,^,„, ^i ,1^^ ^;,^,^ ^ ^^,^^ * «,r... «B.l...l lK.r. I lUl ,»y..|, ,„.,|J, ...M^n ,, . Otu.ly ra1.|..„. Co.ne ,.h«l ,vo«M, | ,1„„,.,„, ,,;, >.J tv.t A,r m„ «,, „,f.ir d.r, .,„U I wa. iu ,i, ,u... Ho somuHcU lusdlbcr, an.l lou.-f i,.o ..cmed lo •»o.kniu(u.»y I:. ,:ai|, bron.l. WIr.t »tHai„, h..*, w«M)oen-ul,^t„jrry, rm-u... c,.»ui.1!y .nl.j.tu ,„„| »'i'. Ht tall ouimIvw xuiit of Ilrliuii,-,i„ r. J-, „„i.|, ' ••II ••U.l la.hv.. „, tho U ,f ,|„„ „|,i,(, i/,.,^/ tno-t Uo<.r la ,„a„-,l.i. nalho I„„J. i,,,y ,,ra.r a ,,. rollfd 0.,, o„d a. thry rolled, cam, ,vM, ,!.,,,„ .,, ,, »pmor... T.VO of,„.y cu.,.,.a..i.,M. i...riH.r, ,„l...r. • I>l« omi Co„.driipc.,Ulil..'.., .Iryiv.icd (heir c.r... 1.1 drink } Lm ,),*. ^.„ul<| „vi drmvn mti.f, „,„f, ,rrti. he 0. her l,vo, ,vo ivcro Kit t-. ,,i„c. i.„varjiy „i „.« | lliouijhlt of (l,u,c ive had Itfl I., hh. J. ! Tho parly h«;r,„ to .^e „ iJiiiVr,,,^^ j„ ,„ ,,^^, I «nce, and .vould «o..a....>K.. .,,K..ioM mo u/tu the ' c.u.|., |,.,t,„y pridMhoHgh cooled imlccd,.Mill liudo I '•'«J call Hat...,al.ly, hurMi.,. .„ cueh Ino ui.h I .O.o« .train of b...a.lcd liberty, ,vhich U „« r..r (rur,. Amcric. «, it „«., from tho We.t I„die. rbrty vrur. ogo. .nd Ihoy ,om,Kd .u l,« sivn. uiih ihl W. ie«d>a, B;i,.lic.bl«.,o,..,,cir. I'i.brul.li,,., Ill « ...pc. .ycro fir<;arron. Ml ^id,.^ ,.„.l (•.„,„ tj„ .general re-.nl, „r th« 3|,r.ay. I . ,uld l. fhere ,ve c 't"'"ynu.r«,vho h,.d»crvcd u„de.- tU ISrilNh n,^ aim«.gtt the party, but I ms u-moIo la defend „.>: , «lf I felt a, i,j,u,,,, „„ „,,y ^.^,. ,j ^ ^^,^^^ ^,>^ j ^M l.«n I deserved, and, .hcrdo.e. h...t ,;.iet!y. „„a ; •n ughn.o.t„n.v.m,,,,y.,,,.,j,,,,,,„...,^„/;,,_,;;j Iront. We ,verc at. I^.^ti. ordered lu>roc..d tuNew i Vorit, to jam the depot at G ,v.rn,.r'« I.|„n,|. „„j glad, indeed. I >va, to get re.i.ovcd IVu.., IMY.h, im- i"g .t might , end ,0 nuiet my u. happy ...i..,. 'oil, Sir, he continued, were it possible for me .oj,ielur..lJ,o , .n..cry .It by a B.iton i„ ,ho army of the Anferic,nr t would, am Burc, prevent every other soldier fro., tanghu color.} r«,.e«klrom .x„.ri„nee. Z I am corroborated by m,ny others uhom , h^ve'lj «ncc my de.crtion. The de«crii.n h in itn-lf tad Uuuo ..ear to dra.v a .tri,.«r against tha land J your birth, i. p*,t all human comprehension. Oh ' hat I could get back to my old corp..a«d I am .ure Iho ,«i,,o w,.h .. i,^ „o., ,^,.„,„ ^.^ ^^ radeaj thatco.ld wo but bo ouce more rc.tLd'o th. aoccly of the regiment we left, and get pcrmi ° »»ontorelun.,uiththcpron,i»ecv,nof *. « "' . M •ft. uurU.omu,..U„. J\-., umild rtH^t wnlln^lyT «"-i:n„..hn,.M.,,,dle:u.e«,.„,.,,,^;*' »- re lo,n.. o „ ,,y ,;„ «„,.f,„i „ ^^ » I -.o....f.ho,nl.Uewp..r.o y.aod.LTdJ b^.n...v.oeU. .,.«,,,,,. ft .hen, .,.d.u(Ur!^ :\7 '''''' ''-^-''•-iMt.in.ebrfJit '\'7''''''-'«-Ur.Knl„«rio.ho' W I • '..dlMMuek,. OH our nearer approach I. «,. I " '-.,11 „ y „,,,, to .l.c<;(nfercf .he j,u.,4,„J ^ ■ ,-.Uoncu..,uek, tin, f„r » I.,,,., , ;;. |«'"';bcredha*m,.u.nlnoMn Imli. «,o year, a,! < I'und he ...emed .o much .urpri.ed at .j.ing „.' S ' H would be .dn.o.„ inip„„.ble to dc.Cr.be it.' c'p!™ bl^llu you are heat. aid r. I w„ ^oiuK ^ .»k " »^u:.eh..dcenration,wer.,wM.hhe,.;;^.',^^. %-.*n, a.,d,vh:ehh«d«dor,.edUbrea.irM ; M.U low. f.eh.,g.;l „,,.,, ,yi,.,.^^ : . '^ ,''^^ ' '"■" "■" rtr<>^l>l Tlli DMSftTKUN. r. 1 <'^^ ,V?. ■■fitj *^ •iiiti'riiir «A««r* iiiiKarf^l'i han liult or no roiiU<>l« ■^* fcr, whlU at drill, It »»«/i»««nit of »»»l« tnU «un- f v«r<«lMii, Ihi frunl |nni|iliui«'i** Oil alllior il'li'i no auluiiK,) I •II uMiiiad to be Dkl', Utll,aiia Turn. . * Tlu! liKlructtira al drill a«iiinii)l U( find an abia niidr of contrjiiij lliair Idima, by dojliii4 nut d blow on Iha aiila o( ilia hand, U iIkmo nlni/eimod ('), In lila opinion, lui'k iiupruviiiiiiil, am |H)li« li| tliu rib* ititii u •lick, toany nhoiniKlit nut hnppan locotnprchttiuiiu roadily a«h« wiilitdUicHi. Tin* I aa«v niXi illUr iy< — tenlati)it«Ht — llmi m^n, culUiiK lUcuutiUt^ " aoua l( > Unatlom," ihould prruiitlhciniilriji to lio'tUurk adl' Ihf y mmv «cliOwl-b(>ya. llowcvtr ,iiicii ivM ilin c3»i. . flU«i]l|kH4 lo go ronird IImi »i|i|!iriv in III') li< |i!: ol tWtdll^fajl IHciid, tlia Mrpgiul, and un uh«Mi n 7 *y% aOW^I, jtiat iliroMii, ua H. v\4 ir, ii>*o a 1 ><'< bi blua, lluiiip;, hidecd, liki- it leiilrybwi \\\.\w did I aee audi a liithl ! lli< ru hu atuol^ palo iinil dy nil »t'< uird lo rv eogniie me ( i dctcrniined to iv nit until lliu drill ti^.m oyer, and, in the mcAntimc, I ati'Tillcd tollui luiriack } ♦. i imall yord. like that of a court, ltd lltriiiit»|i--nn »r«h into a qnixdi-qn^ln of neatly urrsnjcrd hiiilrjlim, vpportlotied na burrock-rooii'S. Tl>o xeiiliiiil at I he trah, woa a ^ood-logkill,'; ytun/ iiiun, mof-li cltinir, «nd cviJuntly a beitir iiianu^uctiirid itiiJi' r lliah ■ any 1 had previoualy accn ; mid Im tviia «ai)iitcrin{{ along his otl>trod pati), with his muuth hnll' lilltd tyiih tobacco; nhililonohaniiiupportid Itis rnual;ut, tl:i ollwr hand »vas Ihrunt nearly <;lliow-dccp iii hja trou- Mra pocket, and hia elitiuldurs had, most uanurtdly, been once Mpiarc, but I >asc habit had inudi' liiin »t op. The barraik-rooniR were aniiill,and cnntniiicd from eijjbl to tiviilvo buds", Hic fl .era dirty, uiid uvtry tlilnj; '^■cemod deiolafo and irrif,ulnr; eysieni una libacnt, and comfort an enllrc strjinscr. The acccutrtiuitila were dirty, and there tyua mifhiog falculalcd lo entice thceye, when compavcd ^^ iili;lic wcllvrcyuhlcd, com- fortable barrttcka of our Siirvici', v.Iiero every iliing has a placr, and every lliing is in it!* pSiicc— nil cltuiy and all Bydtcm— obcdicnco cuutinj; 1"'' '"i*"* o^"! qUlelneM comfort ; wlurceachj^wli (iida pieawsireiM olcatdiiicju— aid diailpliiie hii» liiogUt hinvhi» liiity, wbitli beooinca n delight and un honour iXvhc/c each low rB" a cmtfl irncK In In* omrade, tti whom liabii |l»f« a fratmnal'llr. Ill d frrNn.a bnaii'M'iilly tirraiig«d tbulii u(r«fpoii*il>(lil), hkr ll ut Mlth wiikti iwr dlteifliii* la com cctpti, (It'll fida U n di'ly 'o inpporl It In all ri««<<. N>it lutvilltthi' ftir«lci> u< b.msUd fr»til'Ui>, niMiia uli I* ja I hatu dt,ii.'r>bi;d, wie «t*\\B if I'iaat* puliun ilii'l liiiiiiilt, and nil dtMrlplinr t •( llird«i}lttli«l crrmin/ua idva of 1 <|iMliiy. I lt"fi tin' yurd In pcrfael did tha bi^la •oniidl^ij lliit di>p:t'ii^ mtiii tl't:) lorru- boruli'd all I Imd !><»'i'i, by inl'groiinK nui iluit llwlr rulluna Wiito coarao anil Ijadly euoktd— tUr |ly .aoii- sUiiiiKOl toli pork aiiilbrciid, and ti)ii( liny ntvorggt pay-rivcrc allimi d tn g ' to llm canti? 11 and run up a ivtire,'iiil,ir In loid or diink, tiliiuU iv.ia pitid for Jy iliLir ('lliii^r al Ili« end bf tach i|iiirU'r, I iliiiill 111! lad, niul tliu biil.iiet, iC ui»y— ului.il, of couiar, »vn« aiMiin tlm cue— ivnt givtii lollio nun 11 tivKd Ij i'.. They h..d bud h diliiiy, uiid c'iinluU ivus un- kiioivn t'> them. No ri^ularily— no prOKpicl of hi| piiiiiii— 'ibM b.irruck, ivliieh to a a<'tdii!r 1* hia p«l»co, hit cliunilar and hia liunic, thcri: btcuAio 11 riindi x.»ang. Vet, aaid llicy, llii y will etiei.'urogo uur ii>(n on the margin of u lake, i-.i;liin 11 »i. iit.'B lltrijiyol" oiir aliores— hold out llio l.lgh"8t pi(,pptct«"ti>-lhi)i!i! who will ilcDcrl— Uma tn» irappiiip, ill tlie iHostdiijlurdly andcowuidly Diannor, iiitii from a iruHy free nniioii to wjc to nhoiii free- dini la UrtiOfolJed. Thry anid they had not yet rvceivijd the oilitr half of the bounty, and tliul iluy cxpwiiinl li) be drultt d oil' to Mexico hi a few weeks — ' and nioul li rvt ntly auuie of ihcm prayed that il Diia^it be eooiier, and Ihut tl.iy ijiiglil never return. Tlteir arrival from ItulTalo waa hailed by ull the did handi — (. e. dcH'tlcra— uithjoy, iimiinueh da they saw fresh tacct from OHiuin'a Ulc ; but the«urpoi'al aaiit liiat it was a gem-ral feeling of one uhd uU, I. A V .i man feil;^ .^Iho renrel at a J far forsetilng IheiftaeUts not only aa to desTt ro uood a i>(,i vice ait th« Uritith, but to i Ik tl w Mr (h IlK ye da mil nih mo •tl blia diJn tho frcli Itidi they one ( old 'i. Iwo] and c back Cirgel both I Um8i DriiUI relinqi , hypoci < K deat butt ar proud I fecla hi .. inaultf ••▼ere- again ti ted, am oflhrasi because Thoa< already mure de< dulgenec tolls hin Ueatmen knoiva ht fefe^ •^^^sTi^r^ -"^-^t r^M". ..#• ♦' h' f^l Tim lUiKHTfflil, \ i I...! «.,„!, . J,il|.(,..„.,aur ihu H.,„u . Ur.„,- J ,,!"^ "^' ?/ "^ '"»•• •»-«' •«rf'»o»% . • *.. no. , a.>e.„l „..u.... ^ Old K„„l Jl . I : 1 V I " '^'"'"'"»" >•« *• •'^"> «- '"Tl . ' ••'..«|lm; rmoli ,„ of ,h« |,e„, j,, ,,„^^ ,;^^„ *««»ir«tnt upon Itu, ,ln.|.io «„j flh.lkh .itp of^ , 1 11 "1 '"" "•••■ |«Hnieii out I B 10 -e «hiUl I tiooil llwre a. men having brlanged lo , "** '""• "'* '*"<"«'e"<10f U- oroor^J and re«r d.(r.rcnl cur,». of our $.r*icc. «,„| „,po„g,t „,;,„ I of OMr 2<)g. |t.gi„„„., (,. ,|.„ f;„lud%i.L Ar», the cl«n-lonki,ig young n,a« on .on.ry uudcr ll.e f ••""'•'"'. " "««•. •>«»< I"lrcd tflrcl, .0 ..ulio.i »«..,""! ' ''."* *"'"'»'«**-='* *«rUd from the !'" "'V °'" "'" •«"'^* ««»»"•«■ «o r«.U . .tcp ; 1,1 K.a« Urigade. 1 had now to bar, Hico, «nd .arry " '" """'' "' ''""^"''"K ''<"'"' »>"»••, fort-.d lo horn- »hey „.r. Ui.l lUpy could .ml .cco.npauy mc-ihtv '.'" """>'"'"• •" » i^o'ver G,.poMd .„ i|„|, ou„ .rn- ;,7 ""J '" •'"='"'■'■*' "'«' 'f ""•/ «o-l'l «.un, ,„ iJ •''"•"»• '"•' •*'"•'"-"' »"co«.e il,c ,„r„l.| drud.r, old MHh Ki^imenl .g,l„, .„„ ^uh „„ .^t^j,, ^' uf « colkcltd mob, h ho m.ke iorry .u„„pt ,i dV* Iwoyeir* Ittipriaoomem, lluy would gladly do .01 ' ' "'"' "I'l""*"-'' "«"«^r « m«J, than ... .,«„ •nd oh.Mld ono oi Ihom, .|H„,fci„g for all, if vou go "".'' "'r '"'"' '""' "I'l'-rluniiy of bd,g noionly I,;.* ' back to C.„,d. 4nd .c« Uk, l-Oih |lrgi„.„„. j,, „"i ;"'e"M'''t oppr...ivt...„dyou uu,ble.c n..*wliou,|.. C>rget (0 tell them (lie mlierablo •talo wo .ro in " ''*'""' *"""•""• "^'""^'-'X Jom are « dnerlA-^for both in miii.l .n^l.,_r_.. ••> > llii tlin I,...-..- r ii i.. "" » •J«r« no», rtiurn, to t«c..mo fol. ..•. ih,, „|d it ''•" | ^"d »h*y'IUn,«„ with pri ".the language of Uulw«r, " Ho i, i„d.,d unarmed who ha. no excuse fur crime }" ond then the fact of .wear,,,;; irost particularly lo Oght against your uatuc land, there i, .omplhing most heartrending i,. •l"o (hpught, „hich I f.cl n.u.t slnko ercry iJrUm, wUh horror, «,he„, if but fcr ■ moment, ho^ft.ot, a.,d a.ks, can I .l,,y my fa.hcr 1 my brotharl my I fnendaT Put but the qnoa.io,., can you le.w your country', cause, and .ulyect yourstU., toauchem- , bit crid orM'rc.sion, ond you will fed a. I feel, and whkh ,^. beautifully and emphatically pou^traytd lu the lines of a crIcbraUd poet :*- "^ ' f " •'There', a magical tie in the |.„d of my home Which the heart cannot break the' the foot.lcp, mar roam. ' Be ,1,0 land where it may-.,t the Line or the Pole^ lUUn holds the magnet that draw, back llie aoul 'Ti. loved by the freeman-'ti. lo,cd by tb. ,1m j Umi of mj lMi|*rE«s-i^jpa :-i - ■ ,. > -■•■■■^i- ■ ; ' 1^ • •■..-■•: --fr I.. ■ ' ' "' ■».' % I #v^» — ~t — V i — ' ' ' " — ^~ — . - ■w.'^^ t "npom ne t: •# • '■." *'"'«'nTi.iiii,, . *' . • UBBCHIPTIO.N. V- ', " ■■•" . '>• -' . ■ ' ■ ■"■•'•••. ■•■•.* ■ .■ ..■■■ ■. ■'••**• V^^ ",«J|.Fr»„coif XavicrS,r«;f,"M,yi,.r„|.| / ... . ' -, , .J ,. . ^^^ \^ •■:-. ■■■■•■•V r;^--- -i-V'-i.-: 'v;>*' '-'■ ■ .^ /\ m m § ^i J < ' 'i T li \ V m"I I 1 wm J ^r\