/ ^, m-" ®(«Xs)®®««)®®(?Xs)« p.m., in order to allow the Committees to meet. L. C. Peakk, E. L Bond, Secretary, Chairman. TREASURER'S REPORT. The Treasurer, Mr. W. H. Orr, presented his annual report as follows : 16 treasurer's statement of receipts and expenditurp:. RECEIPTS. Ontfirio Branch Assessment $4n and organization were the principal themes and vigorous w k was mapped out. The Convrfn. a wa :ed upon the Premier in the Legislative Chamber. The S^. es en. Rev. J. M. Harrison, Mr. W. W. Buchanan and Rev. ~\ Wright were introduced bj' President Taylor. The Premier ^> ly was very satisfactory and in brief was, that his Governmei 'ould introduce a measure of Provin- cial Prohibition at the firs ?ssion, and would look to the Alliance for advice and assistAnce " 't" preparation. The Convention decided upon immediate organization for practical political action. Mr. W. W. Buchanan was persuaded to take this work in hand, and within a couple of months gave a meeting and established a central committee in nearly every Electoral Division. In addition a chairman was appointed for each township. A Provincial Council was instituted, composed of one electea representative from each riding, with the under- standing that in the event of any serious crisis this body will be called to act for prohibitionists. A Legislative Committee was appointed to advise the Premier and true to his promise, this committee was consulted in the preparation of the Bill. 22 The Bill was introduced int«) the Assembly hy the Premier, and although debated at length on the second reading, when several strong antagonistic speeches were made, a division was not called for. While before thi committee it met with tremen- dous opposition, expressed by deputations representing the liquor trade and financial institutions, but it was reported to the House without any amendments effecting the principle of the Bill, and was made law. The Act prohibits entirely the sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes within the Province. The sale for use in the Arts, as a medicine and for the sacraments, is entrusted to the druggists, who take out special licenses and who will be deprived of their licenses if they violate the law. Doctors are permitted to administer alcoholic preparations for medicine under certain restrictions. Dentists and Veterinary Surgeons are allowed to keep small (juantities to administer in their practice. The penal- ties are adepresidents for each province, a correspomliiijj secretary, a recording jiecretary and a treasurer, who shall be elected at the annual meeting. VI. — EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The ofTioers named, together with twenty-one members of the Council who shall be elected at the annual meeting, shall constitute the General Executive, to carry ont the decisions of the Council and to attend to necessary business during the interim of sessions. The General Executive siiail also convene and arrange for the annual meetings of the Council The outgoing Executive shall retain office until the close of the annual meetinv;. The General Executive shall elect its own Chaiiinan, who sli;.ll preside at its meetings and sign orders and documents drawn in its name. At ;dl meetings of the General Executive five members shall constitute a quoium for the transaction of business. VII. — DUTIES OF CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. The Corresponding Secretary shall, under the I'.irection of the General Executive, assist by corresponding and otherwise, in organizing and carrying on the work in the various provinces, endeavor to secure the co-oix'raiion of leading workers and societies t+iroughout the Dominion, and report to the General Executive when required. He shall also prepare a repoit for sub- mission to the Council at its annual meeting. VIII. — DUTIES OF RECORDING SECRETARY. The Recording Secretary shall tjike the miiuites of the meetings of the Council and prepare the same for publication. IX. — DUTIES OF THE TREASURER. The Treasurer of the Alliance shall receive such funds as are under the control of the Council, distribute the same as instructed b\- that body only on the order of the Chairman and the Secretary of the Executive Committee, and present a report to the Council at its annual meeting. X. — COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION, There shall be appointed at the annual meeting a special staiuling com- mittee of the Council to be known as tiie Connnittee on Legislation, composed of members of both Houses of Parliament, and other members of the Council, which shall hold a special meeting at Ottawa during each session of Parlia- m.ent, to watch and advise concerning legislation. XL — Ft'NDS OF THF. COUNCIL OI' THE ALLIANCE. The funds of the Council shn!! be derived as follows : (i) By a-sossments npon Frovitu-ial branches ot tht- Alliance inade by the Council at its annual niecling, or in the form of grants or subscriptions. (2) Collections at public services in co'incclion with the annual meeting of the Council, or at public nioetini;-s hekl under the auspices of the Council or of the General Executive, and .at its expense. XII. -CHANGE OF CO STITLTION. This Constitution may be altered at any annual meeting of the Council, •j rovided there are present when such chansrc is mace, not less than twen^ regularly eleclcul representatives from bodies ent'lled to send delegates;^ «;n<'h mre'in''. \ rf*»