\ #■ -^ IMAGE EVALUATION ISf TARGET tMf^ t-t- ^ \.% ■A- 1.0 giaiss 1.1 £ LS, 12.0 1^ .,- JLLS. i^f \ _^ «/ tv, riiolDgFaphic Carporatii „.,-;■- 4.. ^v-^ 23 WBT IMAIN STRHT •„ WnSTM,N.Y. 14SW ( 71* ) 172-4503 on ji! *.A*; .'/ .1 tftJil i :# \^v CIHM Microfiche Series (IMonogrdphs)^ _<•■ ICi«H Collection de microfiches (monogfaphles) h \L-.. ■♦• Canadian iQStitiJta for Historical IWIIcroraproductiona / Inatitut Canadian da microraproductions liittoriquaa. 1 . i , , - - . J • ^w ^^W ^ ■jl^H ^^M ^BK ^^K .. -t' ' ^^^^^^^^^^^r ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^H^^ ^^H^^ « !•. \. Ttchnical and Bibliographic Not^ / Notat tachniquas at bibliograebiiu^ Tha Instituta-has anamptad to obtain tha batt original \ eopy availabia for filming. Faaturas of this copy which may ba bibfiographically uniqua. which may altar any of tha ima^in tha raproduction. or which may significantly ehanga tha usual mathod of filming, ara chackad balow. > i\i D, □ □ Covar titia missing/ Lfc Colou<|d covars/, ^ 7- Cou«artU(f da coulaur Covars damaga*- ^^-^^"^^ Quebec: POINTED AT THB '< MORNING OHRONIOLE " OFFICE MouMTAiN Hill, Lowbb ToWw. ^ ■m T / _ — I /.. ;'■•." \ tt':' ',-. «r i - 1 ,:'- ' i ■ \ ■ \ • » . «\ g ^fefc ■ / f^*^ ' ki*a Jrtiii'3ab^ii& ^ 1^ ■iJW ISrtT ^!*SSS V't&I^L^^tu^^fei^-Hf'b.&d&Wt^* ^S' /.. JOHN F/., 63, " Jems said unto them. Verily , vttUy, I say unit you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son man and drink His blood, ye have no Irn tn you. >» There were many words spoken by ouir blessed Lord which were so novel in their charact^ and so deeply spiritual in their meaning, thai they were immediately rejected by the majdtity of those who heard them.^ The Jews Wjpre still living under the rule of the ceremonial law, and saw npt how all the observances of the/Old Tes- tament dispensation pointed to and k^ their fulfilment, in the person of Christ. Thefmi} was upon their hearty even as it is now. Not tfet this adherence to the religion of their forefathers and theiir consequent rejection of the arguments and entreaties made by Christ was a justification of their conduct. Their want of c^indour in exa- mining the . claims of the Mesf^iah and their continued perversion of all that had been written in the Scriptures, left them without excuse,-and they shall stand hereafter in the presence of their Judge, condenmed by that very evidence which they once spumed and rejected. " The word which Jesus spoke tinto th&m, the same shall judge them at the last day.'j Christ would have gathered them even as a hen doth her chickens under her wings but they Avould not. I ■ ('S') ;,_^.-_.. v^mm^!^ Ji^- Now, if the Jew will stand hereafter incxcnn- able, what shall we say of that vast multituch- who, living under the greater privileges oi the Gospel dispensation, still disregard itM claims? We have not, thanks be to God, to deal, at the present day, with many individuals who dare to reject the terms of the Bible,, or to deny their obligations to the' Great Head of the Church, but we have that which it is as diffipuli to combat, viz., the indifference and lukewpm- ness of those who prpfess and call themselves christians, wlio readily acknowledge their beliei in the principles, of Christianity, and who show much outward compliance with it§, form^, and yet manifest no desire to advance beyond that point which the world has, as it were, prescribed and sanctioned, as reasonable and expedient. Human opinionis, alas ! the standard to which to<» many conform their practice, without considering , the requirements of God's holy word: and they shelter themselves in a fancied but false security, because so many are found to be, satisfied with the same imperfect obedience. " - No christian duty is more systematically set at naught by a large portion of professing mem- bers of Christ's flock, than that of receiving the jHoly Communion, and yet no duty is more positively and strictly enjoined. Let me then my brethren, bring this important subject under your consideration, with the eanjest hope, that those of you who have hitherto neglected this sacred ortiinance, may be led 4o consider your obligation to God, atid may cheerfully acquiesce in those repeated invitations which bid you cdm- mettforate the dying love of your Redeemer. That it is a solemn duty for eveVy member of Christ's Church to partake of the Holy Com- munion no one can reasonably deny. The\ :'^f (tommand stands forth in propilnent terms in tlie Sacred volume, and if "obedience « to the divine" requirements be a generally acknowledged prin- '''°d, ye have Z TiKrei,, yet another argument which is brous^ht lorward by many sincere christians in exK^nu- • l.on, ifnot.n justification, of their negl,.ct of tut ' si.ered ordmance; it is this,-ithey "affirm a ter the reception of the Hol^ Com^muS thf nay poss.b y fall into the. sins which hitliBrto have so easdy beset tiiem, and that to avoid thil' <:ont.ngeney they will wait to a more « convenient; .season" To suppose that any man can be placedi beyond the reach of temptation, or attain f post non from which he can never decline, is to ?ook lor more than th^ Scriptures warrLit us in expecting. All that we can do is diligent l to apply ours, ves to the use of those safe^i^ds wiich are wilhm our reach.and it is only when v.e thus act that we can hope to escape from the =.s.^anltsofh,m, who, with inveterate malice is *ver ready to eftect the ruin of our souls He then ^yho comes in kith to the Holy Communion is lacing to himself the whole armour of God Tnd .u that spiritual strength which he , thereby / «Oj,>ures, he will go forth into the world, and Z ^.bie to combat successfully with the grea^ / ■nemies of his saK;ation. To act otherwise is to ; ive batan the a^dvantage, and many have no doubt deplored with heartfelt sorrow their show <,omings and misdoings, who might have received ihat ■ strength they needed, by a regular and ' > devout attendance at the Lord's Table : One_ word let me say to those who declare (hat With the pressure of worldly business, they ia^. - 4.^ /• ;;i*- u?^ in vviiicii : ^'•, Ibj- t^sli or . ■ve tio ^f iiot consclcntrously and consisfently participate in so solemn, and sacred a rite. If this be the case you are evidently pnttlnc^ worldly claims before the claims of God — -you are substituting the ^iches of earth,.fbr the riches of Heaven, aid has not our blessed Lord, witli solernn eari^estness, asked the important question, What i^ a man profited if he shall gain the ^yhoU• vorld and lose his own soul, or what shrill a man give in exchange for his soul?" Such excuses, ^ be it remembered, are not so easily accepted * and allowed before God, and those who make Ihem will hereafter be counted unworthy of the Heavenly feast, when the Saints in glory shall ait down to the marriage supper of the Lainb. Urging then, as I would do upon you all, the necessity of complying with the Saviour's dying command "Do this in remembranqe of me," let me briejfly, in conclusion, remind you of the frame of mind iii which you should approach the Lord's Table. , If we regard this Service as commemorative ' of what our Saviour effected for us by HTIs (Jeath upon the cross, surely we should, be filled with heartfelt gratitude for such amazing mercies. And if we thus " remember the exceeding great love of our Master and only Saviour, thus dying for us," are we not irristably reminded of our naturally, lost condition on account of sin ? In our approach, therefore,' to the Lord's Table, we must confess our sins unto God, and being bowed down with a sense of unworthiness, and at the same time manifesting the most, sincere repentence we shall cry out in heartfelt sincerity "God be merciful to me a sinner." But while- this abject feeling leads us as humble suppliants to the throne of grace, we must also have a lively faith in God's mercy through Christ. "By h the merits and death of Jesus ri.Wo# ' :* through feith in Hi, blL°» ^o hu^f^.Z'* hevin^y look for "i^igglon^oMsins Mdsji "her benefits of His passion." C '^ ,t blessings we receive merely for The ^scn. The strength which.we thus aequire.-'he'^wZ; which IS thus imparted tons, will enable if L persevere in the good and the'right waj^ so ?hlT havingobtamed forgiveness for tBipast^d^ac, for the fotnre, we shall be able, like the S P'lS E°n»ch to«go on „nr Wa/r^ o«=S." May this subject, my brethren, s^ engafe vour »eripu8 consideration, that you maybe iTOioh, from time to time in this Sivine oi^inZe ind escape the condemnation which is eS'ed°n hose solemn words of our text "ExcepTve c« S.t''n^![:il%°!;?*--<'''™''«oot