<^^H C. Pilliii};. Ill Bureau uf othnnldgy firHt unniiul n^port ; liulf'-titlc lui hIhivk p. 55R, text p]i. 555-577, WiinhiiiKtoM. IWl, r»yn\ K . l8Hiii>d separately Avjtii cover title oh followH: CatalojjHt' I of I linguistic iiiaiiiiR<'ripts | intho | lilmiry of thti Bureau of etlinology | by | James ('. Pilling | (Kxtracted from the first annual report of the Bureau | of ethnology) | (Vignett4'| | Washington | (iovernment ]u-inting ottiee | 1881 Cover title as above, no iiiHido title, balf-titlu uh iiuiler 4-iitry next above p. 553, t«xt pp. 5.').5-.')77, rnynl H'-'. One liundred eopieH isNued. Smithsonian institution — Bureau of ethnol(»gy | J. W. Powell «li- rector | Proof-sheets | of a | bibliography | of | the languages | of the I North Ameri(;an Indians | by | James Constantine Pilling | (Distrib- uterinting office | 1885 Title vurHobhinkl 1. notic*- (signed .1. W. Powell) p. iii, preface (November 4, 1884) pp. v-viii, iutrodiictiou pp. ix-x, list of autliorities pp. xi-xxxvi, list of libraries re- ferred to by initials ]»p. xxxvii-xxxviii, list of fae-siniiles pp. xxxix-xl, text pp. 1-839, additions and corrections ]>]>. S4 1-1090, index of languages and dialects pp. 1091-1135, ]date8, l' . Arranged alpliabotieally l».v name of autbor, translator, or first word of title. One bundred and ten copies ])rinted, ten of tbem on one side of tbe sbeet only. Smith.sonian institution | Bureau of ethnoh>gy: .1. W. Powell, di- rector I Bibliography | of the | Eskimo language | by | James Constan- tine Pilling I [Vignette] | Washington | Government ]ninting office | 1887 Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. j»refac<' (April 20, 1887) pp.iii-v, text pp. 1-lOJ), cbronologic index pp. 111-11(>, H fac-similes, S . An edition of 100 copies was issneUIKU IJY THE UUHKAU OF ETHNOLOGY. Siiiithm>iiiaii iiiMtitiitiuii | Bureau of ethnology: .I.VV. I'owell, iliroctor I Jtibliography | of the | Iroquoian lauguuges | by | JaiuuHGuiiMtantlno PilliiiK I [Vignette I | Washington | Goveninient pri'iting oHIee | 18S8 Cover tit.lit aH ahovo, titl«< as aliovc v<«rHu Itlimk 1 1. prufaro (DvcuiiiIkt 15, 1H88) pp. iii-vi, t*-xt pp. 1-180, imUIuikIh )tp. 1K1-18!>, fhruuologic indox jtp. lUl-208, 9 fuu-Hiiiiiks, K'. All utUtion iif KM) cojiifH wan isHiiutl in royal 8' . Smithsonian iuHtitution | Jtureau of ethnology: 'I. W.Powell, director I liibliography | of the | Muskhogean languages | by | James (Jonstan- tine Pilling | [Vignette] | Washington | Government ])rinting ottlee | 1HH5> Cover tltln as ahove, titl« an al>ov« wrnn blank 1 1. preface (May 15, 1889) pp. iii-v, text pp. 1-103, ohrouolu};ic index pp. 105-111,8' . An edition of lOOrupieH was iHMued in royal 8". Bibliographic notes | on | Eliot's Indian bible | and | on his other translations and works in the | Indian language of Massachusetts | Extract froni a " Bibliography of the Algoiupiian languages" | [Vig- nette] I Washington | (iov<'rnnient i>Hnting ottice | 18JK) Cover title aH above, title an above verso blank 1 I. text pp. 1-58, 21 fac-HiniileH, n)yal 8 . Tornis i»p. 127-181 of tlie Ilibliogrupliy of tlie Algonquian lan^uageH, title of wbich follows. Two bnndrod and fifty copieH issued. Smithsonian institution | Bureau of ethnohigy : J. W. Powell, director I Bibliography | of the | Alg2 Cover title as above, title as altove verso blank 1 1. [list of | iinjj^nistic bibliopr. rapbies issued by the llureaii of Ethnology pp. iii-iv. preface (.hine 15, 1892) ])p. v-vii, introduction ]>. ix, index of languages j)p. xi-xii, list of facsimiles )>. xi>i, text pp. 1-112, addenda )ip. li;J-115, clirouolofjic index pp. 117-12.5, 1 fa<-siniiles, 8' . An edition of 100 copies wiisi.ssntd in royal 8 . Smithsonian institution ] Bureau of ethnology: J. W. Powell, director ] Bibliography | <>fthe ) (Miinookan languiiges | (iiu;lnding the Chinook Jargon) j by ] James Constantine Pilling | [Vignett**] ) Washingt(m [ Govi'mmcnt printing ollice ) 1803 Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. [list of] linguistic bibliog- raphies issued by tins Ilureau of Etliiiology jip. iii-iv, jirefact* (Mar<:li 10,189.3) i)]». v-viii, introduction p. ix. index of lau'niages p. xi. list of facsimib^s ]>. xiii, text pp. 1-7H, cbronuMiHli('i to have hecu tlio osaot locrality of tlif triln> of whicli lie givos an aiionynioiin vocabulary from tlio Dii]ioiic<^au colloctioii. Tlio triho is Htatod to liavo r«'Hi«ltMl upon ono of the braiichoH of thu Columbia liivcr, "which must be citlu'r tlio most Houtliern branch of ('larkc's liivcr or the most nortlnTn branch of I.,no near Port Townsend, tho other on the I'acific coast to the south of Cape Flattery, which were occupied by Chimakuan tribes. Eastern Vancouver Island to about midway of its length was also held by Salishan tribes, whil(> the grciit bulk of their territory lay on the mainland ojiposite and includey Lewis and Clarke. On tho northeast Salisli territ<»ry extended to about tho fifty-third parallel. In the northwest it did not reach tho Chilcat River. VI PREFACE. Within tho t4«rritory tlntH iiiriilil«t (lix'i^rHity of ciiHtoiiiH and II gHMitiT iliv«ry int<roN«M-iituil liy the former may nwult In th« union of tlio two, thouKli until roccntly (liny hav« Ikmmi ronHiitenul i|nit«MliNtinoursc he- in{; iHirsiied because a list of the jar}ic<>» literature apiiearsin the lUbli- o^raphy of the Chin(M)kan liangua^es. This bibliojjraphy embraces 320 titular entries, of which 250 relate to print4'd IxHiks and articles and 01 to nuinnscripts. Of these, 311 have been seen and collated by the writer (257 prints and 54 nmnu scripts) ; titles and descriptions of two of the prints and seven of tlie manuscripts have been obtained from outside sourci's. As far as possible, in the proof-read inj; of these pages comparison has been mtule direct with the works themselves. Miu'h of the mate- rial is in the library of the writer, and he has had access for the pur- pose to the libraries of ( 'ongress, the Smithsonian Institution, the Bureau of Ethnology, Georgetown University, as well as several well- stocked private (r(dle«*tions in the city of Washington. Mr. Wilber- force Eanu;s, whose libraiy is so rich in Americana, has compared the titles of works contained therein, as also those in tlie Lenox library, of which he now has charge. WmhingioH, 1>. 6'., J tine ^4, 1893. INTUODUCTrON. In the compilation of tliiH sorieM of (catalogues the aim has been to include in each biblioffiaphy everything, printed or in manuHcript, relat- ing to the family of languages to which it is devoted: books, pampli* lets, articles in maga/iines, triu'ts, serials, etc., and such reviews and announcements of publications as seemed worthy of notice. The e Skoyelpi. (Joiiiux. See Koinuk. Cowituhon. See K»\, i cheii. Cowlitz. See Kaalits. DwainiHh 10 Flathead. See Salish. Friendly Village 22 Kaliapel 34 Kaulits 34 Kawicheu 34 Kilamook. See Tilainuk. Klallam Xi Koinuk 35 Kowelits. Seo Kaulits. KuwalitHk. See Kaulits. Kwantlen 35 Kwinaiatl 35 Liloeet. See Lilowat. Lilowat 41 L^ungen. See Songish. Lumini 44 Nanaimoo. See Snanairank. Nehelim 48 Neklakapamuk. Seo Netlakapnmuk. Netlakapamuk 48 Nicoutemuch. See Nikntsviuuk. iz T X INDEX OF LANGUAGES. Niktitainuk 49 Niskwalli 49 NisquHlI:. See Niskwalli. Nooksahk. See Nuksahk. Noosdalum. See Klallam. Nsietshawus. See Tilamuk. Nuksahk 49 Nukwalimuk 49 Nusdalum. See Klallam. Nuskiletemb. See Nukwalimuk. Nusulph 49 Okiuagau 50 Pend d'Oieille. See Kalispel. Pentlash 50 Piskwau 51 Pisquous. See Piskwau. Ponderay. See Kalispel. Puyallup 5.3 Queniult. See Kwinaiutl. Salish 55 Samisli 50 Schwapmuth. See Shiwapumk. Schwoyelpi. See Skoyeli)i. Shiwapmuk (M) Shooawap. See Shuswap. Shuswap 60 Si(!atl 60 Sileta 60 Skagit 60 Skitaamiali. See Skitsuisli. Skitsuisli 60 Skokomish 61 Skoyelpi 61 Skwaksin 61 Skwale. SeeNiskwalli. Skwallyauiish. See Niskwalli. Sk wamisli 61 Skwaxon. See Skwaksin. Suanainioo. See Snanaimuk. Snanaimuk 66 Snohomish 65 Songish 65 Spokan 66 Sqaallyamish. See Niskwalli. Squoxon. See Skwaksin. INDEX OP LANGUAGES. XI Stailakuni '"'^jj^. Stsilo ^.^. Stillacuin. See Stiiilakum. Tait «7 Talamoh. See Tilainuk. ThoinpHon River Iiulians^ ^jy Tilanuik ^,- Tillamook. See Tilaiinik. Toanliucli ^.^ TsiUalis. See Chehalis, Twaiia jy Wakymikane. See Oldua^aii. VViuatsha. See IMskwau. F Fi Fi Ti LIST OF FACSIMILES. First page of Durieu's Skwamish Prayers ^^7 First page of the Kamloops Wawa " ' 33 First page of Le Jeune's Thompsoo Prayers ........'" 40 Title-page of Walker aud Bella's Spokau Primer ...... . . .. ... . 75 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SALISHAN LANGUAGES. By James (\ Filling. (An astoriak within paronthefi«H iudicatuH that tho vumpilor has Hoon no copy of the work referred to.) A. A ha a skoaiuJiitH [Ntlakapnioh]. Hen Le Jeune (J. M. K.) AdelungCJohanuChristoph) [and Vater (J. 8.)]- MithridaUm | odor | allgo- moino | Spracheiikundo | mit | dcm Vator Unser als Sprac^hprobe | iu Ley naho | fUnfhuudort Spraolienuud Mundarteii, I von I .Toliann Christoph Adoliiuf^, | Churf iirstl. SacliHischen Hofrath uiul Ober-BibliotUekar. | [Two lines quota- tion.] I Er8ter[-Viorter] Theil. | Berlin, { in der VoHHischeu Buchbaud- lung, I 1806[-1817]. 4 vols. (vol. 3 in three parts), 8^. Atnah-Fitzhugh-Sucd, vol. 3, pt. 3, pp.215- 217, is a general discusBinn of the langiiafre of thu8epeopleaudiuuludo8(p. 210)uvouubularyof 11 words (from Mackenzie) and t>iie of 6 words of the language spoken at Friendly Village, from the sanie source. Oopiei teen: Antor, Bancroft, Hrltish Mu- seam. Bureau of Ethnology, CongreHs, Kaiues, Lenox, Trumbull, Watkiuson. Priced by Triibnur (1850), no. (503, U. 16». Sold at Ihe Fischer sale, no. 17, for II. ; another copy, no. 2042, for 16«. At tho Field sale, no. 16, it brought $11.85; at tho Squler sale, no. '', $5. Lcclerc (18: ices it, no. 2042,. lO fr. At the Pinart sale, no. 1322, it sold for 25 fr. and at tho Murphy sale, no. 24, a half-calf, marble-edged copy brought (4. Anderson (Alexander Caultield). Notes on the Indian tribes of British North America, and the north we3t eoast. Coinuunioated to Oeo. Gibbs, esq. By Alex. C. Anderson, e8(i., lateof tho Hon. H. B. Co. And read before the New York Historical Society, November, 1862. Anderson (A. C.) — (7ontinned. In lliHtorical Mai;azino, first series, vol. 7, pp. 73-81, New York and London, 1863, sni. 4°. (Eames.) Includes a discussion of the Saelissor Shew- hapmusli language. Appendix to the Kalispel-English dic- tionary. See Oiorda (.1.) Aster: This word following a title or within paren- theses after a note indicates tliat a copy of the work referred to has been seen by the compiler in the Astor Library, New York City. Atna : General discassion S<« Adelung (,T. C.) and Vater (J. S.) General discussion Tribal names Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Words Words Authorities : See Dufosse (E.) Field (T. W.) Latliam (R. G.) I.ederc ((;.) Ludowig(lLE.) Pilling (J. (,'.) Pott (A. F.) Sahin (J.) Steiger (E.) Triiluicr A. Co. Tnimiuill (J.H.) Vater (J. S.) Halo (U.) Latliam (K.G.) Adelung (J. C.) and Vater (J. S.) Gallatin (A.) Hale(H.) Howso (J.) Lathiim (ItO.) Mackenzie (A.) Pinart ( A. L.) Dm (L. K.) 8chomburgk(K. B.) SAL- 2 BIBLIOGRAI'HY OP THE B. Baker (Theodor). tTber die Musik | der I nordamerikauisubeu Wilden | von | TUoodor Bakor. | [Design.] | Leipzig, ! Dntck uiid Yerlag von Breitkopf Jc Iliirtel. | 1882. CoTor title iia al>i>vo, titlo as nbovo vorao blauk 1 1. iirofooo pp. iii-iv,()i>nt«ata 1 1. test pp. 1-81, table p. 82, plates, 8°. Songfi with luiiHic; In the Ttvana and Clallam languages (from EelU in the A niurican Anti- quarian), pp. 75-77. OopitM leen: Uostou Athniiiouin, Briuton, Dorsey, Geological Survey, Pilling. Some (wpies have titlo-pngo as foUowH : — — Cber die Muaik | dor | uordumeri- kanischen Wilden. | Eiue Abhaudlung I zur I Erlaugiing der Docturwiirde | an der | Universitiit Leipzig | von | Theodor Baker. | Leipzig, 1 Druck vou Breitkopf & Ilartel. | 1882. Title verso blank 1 I. preface pp. iii-iv, con- tents and errata 1 1. text pp. 1-82 , vita 1 L plates, 8o. Linijfuistio conten ts as under title nextabove. Copies iten : Lenox. Bancroft : Tliis word following a title or within parent liosoa after a note indioatos that a copy of the work roferrnd to hiiii bi^on seou by tho oompller in tho librory of Mr. U. U. Bancroft, Son Francisco, Ciil. Bancroft (Hubert Howe). The | native races | of | tho Pacific st^ites | of | North America. | By | Hubert Howe Bancroft. 1 Volume I. | Wild tribe8[-V. Primitive history] . | Now York: | D. Apploton and com- pany. I 1874 [-1876]. 5 vols, inapa nnd plates, 8<>. Vol. I. Wild tribes; II. Civilized nations-, III. Myths nnd languages; IV. Autliiuitics; V. I'rimitivo his- tory. Some copies of voL 1 are dntconiUx pp. 443-SAl, index pp. 503-571, niupM, 8°. Keane (A. n.), Etlinn);rapby luiil Phllolngy of America, pp. 443-.'i61. Copies teen: BritiHli Muaeuni, ('nngresa, KanieH, Geological Survey, National MuHeuui. Stanford's | Compendiiuii of geogra- phy and travel | basnd on Hellwald's 'Die Erdo uud iliro Viilkfr' | Central America | the West Indies | uud | Soiitli America | Edited and extended | Hy H. W, Bates, | Author of [«&c. two lines] I With I ethnological appendix by A. H. Keane, M. A. J. | Maps and illustra- tions I Second and revised edition. | London | Edward Stanford, 55, Char- ing cross, S. W. I 1882. Ualftitle verso blank 1 1. title verso blank 1 l.pnifar.o jip. v-vi, contents pp. vii-xvi, list of illustrations pp. xvii-xviii, li^4t of maps p. xix, text pp. 1-441, ap|>ondix pp. 443-.')fll, index pp. 563-571, maps, 8°. Linguist ic contents as nnder t itU; next above. Ciipiei seen: British Museum, Harvard. Stanford's | Compendium of geogra- phy uud travel | bused on Hellwald's 'Die Erdo und ihre Volker' | Central America | the West Indies | and Soatli America | E7I, 13.50, and by Mttletield, Nov. 1887, no. 50, $4. Belacoola. See Bilknla. Berghaus (i>r. lleinrich). AUgenieiner I ethnographischor Atlas | oder | Atlas der Volker-Kundo. | Kiiie Summluiig | von uciiuzchn Kartell, | auf dciuui die, uniilie Mitto desnellu/.clinteii Jahrhun- derts statt findende | geogra)iiiisclio Vcrbreitung nller, nach ihnr Spradi- verwaiidtschaft geord- | neten, Volker dcs Erdballs, und ilire Vertheiluug iu die ReiclKt und Stuaten | der altt^ii wie der noiieii Welt abgobildet und vcrsinn- liclit worden ist. | EinVersiidi | vou | 1)'' Heinricb Berghaus. | Verlag von .liistus Perthes in (iotha. I 1852. Title of tlie series (Dr. Heinricb ]l<'rghans' IihysikHliHcber Atlas, etc.)vers» 1. 1 rectolilank, title as above verso blank 1 I. text pp. 1-Os, 19 maps, folio. No. 17. Die Oregon-Volkcr treats of the habitat and linguistiu relations of the peoples of that region, including among others I ho Tsihaili-Selesh, M'ith its dinli^cts, ]i. .lO.— Map no. 17 is entitled " Ktlinographische Karle vou Nordamerika,"' ''Nach All>. (iallatin, A. v(m Humboldt, Clavigcro, Hervng, Hale, Isbester, &c." Copieiset'n: Bureau of Kthuology. Bible: Matthew Spokaii See AValker l K.) Bible stories : K.-Uispel Big Sam. See (iiorda (,1.) SeeEellB(M.) Bilechnla. See Bilknla, Bilknla: (ieiieral iliscussion See Boas (F.) (ieneral discussion (ieneral discussion (irntes Grammati)' trciilisi' Numerals Kumerals llusclniiann(.I.C. K.) Tolmie (\V. I'\) .ind Ihi Hon (G.M.) lloilH (K.) Boas (K.) Boas |F.) Latham (R. Q.) 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP THE Bilkula — ('ontinuud. NiimorHlii NniiD'raU Itnlatiuimhliw HvDtcurcn Tribal nuineH Vocaliulury Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vtxjabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary V«H!abulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Hcoiilor (•!.) Tolml«(W.F.) BoaH(K.) Scoulur (J.) I.atbani (iC. tr(C.) Woida Worila WonU Words AVonin Worils AVonls Bilqala. S<'c Bilkula. Boaa: This word foUowliijLca titlc»•. Franz). Tbr liiiifriiago oftlio fiilhoola ill HritiHh Coliiinbia. In Scieiiee, vol. 7,1>.21H, New York, 18H6,4°. (Oeulogieal hurvey, IMlliiif;.) UraniiiialitMUseiiMHioii, i iiiieral HyHtum, aud coiiimeiitii iipuu tlieir vocalmlary. Spracho dcr Bclla-coola-ln«liain;r. In Uurlia UeaselHcbaft fiir AiitbroiMilogie, £tlil)olo(;iu uiid rrgest'liielite, Vurliaudlungen, vol. 18, ])p. 202-200, Berlin, 1K«0, 8°. ( Uurean of Ethnology.) Grauimalic diseuHHioii of the Bellaeoola luii- guago. Myths and ie>j;y J^r. Franz Boas. | Keiiriutod from American Autiquariau for July, 188S. [Cliicag(», 1888.] Ho'f-tltlo on cover, no inside title, text pp. 201-211, 8°. Linguistic (contents as under title next above. Copiet seen ; Welleslej'. —— IJio Mythologio dor nord-wcHt- umerikauischcu KiiHttMiviilki^r. In (ilobus, vol. !i3, pp. li;i-127, 15:t-157, 29U- 802, 315-310; vol. 54, pp. 10-14, Braunschweig. 1888, i°. (Geological Survey.) Boas(F.) — Continued. Terma of thu native languages of tho north- west coast of British America, including a few of the Bili|ula, passim. The Indiantt of IMtinh Columbia. My Franz Uoas, Ph.D. (I'resented by Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, May SO, 1888. ) In Itoyal Koe. (!anada. Trans, vol. (1, section 2, pp. 47-57, Montreal. 1880, 4°. (I'illiiig.) General comments npon tho Sallsh liiigiiistlu divisions, with exam|)leH, pp. 47-48. Comparu- tivo vocabulary (40 words, alpliabelically arranged by Knglish words) of the Lk'inigen, Snanainnui, Skipi'uiiR, Si'i^atl, 1'Anlliitc, and ^atlo'ltq, p. 48.— Comments on thu Itil<|ula, p. 40. — Comparative voeiibulary (20 words) of the Bili|ul» and Wik'enok, the latter "a tribe of Kwakiutl lin«ag(%" whli'h ha8"lMnTow'Ml"' many words from tlie Bllqula and vice vma, p. 40.— " English-lliliiula v(M:abiiIary, witli refer- ence to other. Salish dhile<;ts." Iieing a compar- ative vocabulary of .Vi words, alphabetically arranged by Knglish words, of tlui Uilqula, Lku'ngen, Sniinalmui), Skipi'mic, Sl'ciatl, P6ntlatc, anil Vatlo'ltq, p. I>0. NotcH on tlie Huanaiinuq. By Dr. Franz Boaz. In American Anthro)iologist, vol. 2, pp 321- 328, Washington, 1880, 8^. (Pilling.) liTamesof the Suauimuq chum, p. 321 Prayer to the sun, with English translation, p. 320. Issued separately with lieading as iVdlows : (From the American AnthropologiHt for October, 188!). ) Notes on tiie Snau- aimuq. By Dr. Franz Boas. No title-page, heading only; text jq). 321- 328, 8°. Linguistic contents as uudertitlo next above. Copies seen: I'illing. Preliminary notes on the Indians of liritish Ctdiunbia. In British Ass. for Adv. Sci. Keport of the tifty-eighth meeting, pp. 233-242, London, 1889, 8^. (Geological .Survey.) Gen<'ral discussion of tlie .Salishan ]wopleH and their linguiHticilivisiou.H, with a statement of material cidlei^ted, pp. 234, 230 — Salishan terms ]iassim. Issued also as follows. Preliminary not«i9 on the Indians of British Columbia. In British Ass. Adv. Sci. Fourtli Keport of the committ4)o . . . appointed for tlie pur- jioso of investigating and ]iubllshing reports on tlio . . . nortliweslern tribes of the Dominion of Canada, iq>. 4-10 | liondon, 1880], 8". (Karnes, Pilling.) Linguistic contents as under title next above, p. .1-7. First General Keport on the Indians of British Columbia. By Dr. Franz liuaa, 8AMSTIAN LANOrAOEP. rxt iilM)ve, luiliaiis r. Frauz Boai (F.) — (^""tinned. In llrilidh Ahh. Adv. St^i. licpt.of tlin tift.v ninth niiM'tlni!, PP- HtM-HU;i, London, IHW), K\ ((iiMilouiniil Survfj.) List of SnllHhiinilivlHionH with tlioirliitbltiit, pp. Hii5-M)n.- A Siiinininini| lfK<-mI(in Kniilixl') pp. s:i.'i KIO, rontainH ii niimlwr of ShIIhIi Uirnm puNsim.— SnliHli t<>rniH, pp. 847-848. I HHiietl aUu nH follows : FirHtOeiHTiil Kcporton tho ladiiiUH of ItritiHh Coliunliia. Hy Dr. Fruii/. KooM. In IJrltiHh A«H. Ailv. Scl. Flftli report of tlii< t'oiiimitteo . . , appointi^d fortluipuriioHiMil' invfHti(;ntinK nnil puliliHJiinK mporlH on tint . . . nortliwrn trilx'H of llio Dominion r. Franz Boas, In Briti«li A«h. Adv. Sci. Ronort of tho Hixtloth meeting, PI'- r.fi'.'-715, London, 18»1, 8". (Geoluf;ical Survey.) Thu Lku'IiKeu (|ip..'>vitli niuneralo, ]ironouns, and vcrlis, pp. 687-688. — Terms of relationship of tho Salish languages (pp. 68X- 002) includes thu Skipi'mic, pp. 688-680; the liilqula, p. 689; the Stlfi'tlumli, pp.689-600; the Shiishwap, pp. 600-691 ; the OkauiVken, pp. t<>nih, and Taliomh, p. 400. Issued also as follows: Third Report on tho IndiaiiHof Brit- ish Coliinihia. By Dr. Franz BuaH. In liritish Ass. Adv. .Sci. Seventh report on tlie luirthwesterii triiies of Canada, pp. 2-43, London 1 1892], 8'>. (Eames, I>illing.)| Linguistic cuntentsas under title next above, I.p.2-:i.3. [Texts in tho IVrntliito hinpiaKO-l Manuscript, 9 II. folio, written on one side only; In the library of the Kurcau of Kthnol- ogy. Collected in l8Sfi. Six legends in thel't^ntliitc lang\iage, aeeoni- Iinuied by an int^srlinear, literal translation inty a literal iiitATliueur Kngllsh transla- tion. — Vocabiihiry of tho (.'atlrilt(| (( '>innx) lan^fiiajje; Vanc^oiiver Island. Manu!red It^kves, folio, written on one side only; in the library of the Itiireau of Kthnology. Contains about 1.000 entries. The original slips of this vocabulary, mini- bered 1-1097, one wonl on each slip, am in the same library. [Cirainmatic notoH on tho ('athlltq hinKna^o.] Manuscript, 14 unnumbered leaves, folio, written on one side only; in the library of the Itiireau of ICtlinology. Xor-iini texts dbtainod at (iiitsop I'hiins, from ".lolin": .Inly, ISlK). ManiLscript, pp. 12, 8 '; recorded in ii blank book; ill till- liliriiry of tho Itureaii of Kthmd- <>sy- Two stories in the Xee'liiii language with interlinear translation into English. Siletz toxts obtained from " Ohl .lack "at the Siletz Reservation, Jnno, 1890. Manuscript, pp. 1-10, 8^; recorded in a blank Isiok : in tin* lilir.iry of tlie Itiireau of Kt linology. A legend in the Siletz, language, with inter- linear literal translation into Knglisli. 6 BIRLIOORAPIIY OP THE Boas (F.) — ('(•ntiiiiieil. TniiiiiiMik tuxtHoIit.aiiiMl fritiii HuicH Jitliii ttiul LoiiiH FiiUtT at tliH HilcU Kt!N4trvati(iii, .liini\ 1800. MuiiiiHrrlpI, {tp. 1-37,8°; rfciirilml lit n blank boiik ; III tlii'lihrnry nftlitt lliircaii of Kthnoliiiry. Kivo Htiirli'H til tint TiliiiiKMik laiiKiiiiKo with lutiTliiivar llt«THl trnDNlutlou lutoKiiKllHh. [Vocalnilurica of viiriiiiiH Suliabuii ItiufriiuKeH. I Maniiitcript, U. 1-30, folio, writt<>ii on ouoHJiIti only ; In tliulilirury of llio Hiinuiiiof KthnoIo);y. L«uvi>Hl-tl (iiiiiiilMtriMl I) iniloiililucoliininH, cont-iiin III tlio flnit a Nit'>'lliii niiil TIliiiiKHik voculmlar.v of 275 t'litrli'H, the wonlx of the ri^HiMM'l Ivu (liiil*-:iO (iiiimlMTiMl III) aro httadud Til- ainiHik and contain aliont 1.000 mitrlea. An accompany ill); notit aaya tho letter N following a word IndicntcH that it Ih common to the Tlla- niiNik and Xcc'lini dlah-ctit. Colloctored V), II. 1-lil, folio, wi'itleii im one aidu only; in (he lilinwy of the itiiieail of Kthilolo;ry. Lixt of Snaiiainiiiq Hept), 1. I.— Namea of tribes aa (;iven by the Snanahnuq, 1. 1.— I'honidogy, 1. 2.— (iraniinatic iiotcH, 11. 3-12.— Foriiiution of worda, 11. I'.'-l.'i Texts with int<'i'liiiear literal trauHlation inio KiigliHh, II. 10 19. Matcrialuii ziir Graiiiniatik ties Vil- ^iila, gcHaininolt iiii Janiiar 1K8K in lit'i'liii, von Dr. F. Boaa. ManUHcript, 14 unnumbered loavea, folio, written on one side only: in the library of tho Itureaii of Kthuohicy, Waahinjilon. I). (!. Krau/. lloaa was lairn in Miiidiui, Wustphalla, (iermany, .Inly '.», IWH. From 1877 to 18X2 he atleiuh'd tho lUiiverHitles of Heidelberg, Itonii, and Kiel. Th<> year 1882 he apt'tit in llerlln pre- paring for an .\i'ctic voyajie. and Hailed ■lime, IH8:i, to ('iiinberland Sound, Itailin Land, travel- ill;; inibatre^hui until .Septeinlier, 1884, return- ing vlu St JohiiH, Newfoundland, to New York. Boas ( F. ) — < 'ontiniieil. The winter of IMM 'Hfi be ii|wnl In WasliinK- Utn, preparlnu the ii'huIIm of hU Journey for |iubllcalhin and In Htiidyliiu In the National Musi'iini. From IHH.'i to 18M) Dr. Itoas was iiu iiHHlMtant In tlielUiyal Ktbno^raphicul MiiHeuni of Iterllii and docent of giurini; 1 MHO- 88 I>r. ItuiiH waa aHMlHtant edit^ir of S<'lence, ill New York, and from 1888 to 18»2 docent of anthro- pology at Clark I'niveraity, Worceater, Maas. Ouring theae yearn ho niiMie repealed .journey a to the PaclllccoiiMt with the ol^ect of continuing hia reaearcboa among the ludlaiia. In 1891 Kiel gave him the degriMt of Ph. It. Dr. lloaa'a ]iriiicl|ial wriliiigH arc: Katlln l.and,<>otlia,.luHtUH rerlhcH, I88.'i: riieCentral Ksk lino ( in theflth A niiiial l{e|Mirt of t he Kii reail of Kthmdogy); Iteiairta tii the llritiah AaaiMiu- tion for tbu Advancement of S'lence on the Indians of ItrltUh I'oliimbia, 1888-I8U2; Volks- aageiiaua BritiacliColiimbien, Verb, tier (ica.filr Antbropidogh', Kthnologle uml rrgeHchicble in Berlin, 1801. Bnldno: Tbia word lolbiwing a title or wilhiu pareiitheaea after a note Imlicatea that a copy of the work referred to haa het)- Mission | ilo la | ('olonibiA. | Lottre «^t journal | ile | Mr. .I.-H. Z. Holdnc. | niiH- Hionnairo do la Colonibio. | [Pii-turo of a church.] | (Quebec: | do I'if •^rimerio do .I.-B. Fr. '>• :il, iionttiulH |i. ;i'J, tini'.k invKr witli |iirtiint iiiiil two liiWH ill SiiiihiniiiHli, 1H\ Smiiiii coitiuM liiivn |irlutuil ut tlix top iif tlin oovi-r titio tint wiirilH: ('iiinpllinontH iif tlio Coiiipitur, I J. U. Uuiilft. ( Kiiiiius, Ptlling.) Horiiiii;; iukI ovuiiIiik praj'um with IiimuIIiikh ill KiikUhIi, pp. 5-U.^Cut!' luliilu, p. <'iifiieM$e«n: ConKrcMM, l^jiinitH. I*illiii){, Sliuii, \VrlUitiiii>n. Briuley ((ieitr^e). Sito Trumbull (J. II. ) Brinton: Tlila woni following ii titIo iirMrltliin piiruiitliitHuit itfUtr a iioU) iiiilicatfH tliiil iktMipy nf tliowroric rulornxl to liiut Imdhi himhi liy tint roiii- pilur in till) libritry of Dr. 1>. U. itriiitoii I'liilit- (lol])llill, I'u. Brinton {Dr. Diuiiol OiirriHoii). Tlio Itiii- )riiugo of paliuolitliic. iimn. In Aiiioricitu IMiiloHopli. Soc. I'roo. vol. 'J.'i, ]ip. 21^-225, riiiliMli'lpliiu, 18iW, K">. Torino for /, (Aon, man. iliv'iiity, in KilliiMilii luiil KiiwitHliln.' p.2in. IsHniMl axpnrntoly witli titlivpii);i> a.s I'oIIowm: The langiingo | of | paliiiolithic; man. I By I Uaniol ., | I'm- foHHorof Aiiioricaii Liullo»-in)r: Essays of an Aimtriunuist. | I. Kth- iioiogic and Archteologic. | II. Mythol- ofjy and Folk Lore. | III. Graphic Sys- tems and Literature. | IV. Liii^riiistic. 1 By I Daiiii'I O. Hriuton, A.M., M.l)., | Piofossor [&!•. nine linos.] | Philad.'lphia: | Port«r &. Coates. | 18!H). Title verHO copyriiflit iiotieo 1 1. prefiu'e pp. iii-iv, roiitvnts pp.v-xii, text pp. 17-4'17 iiiilex of aiitliors anil aiithoritiuH pp. 4)l!)-474, index of HiiliJectH pp. 475-lS9.8^. .V Rollecteil reprintofsoinuot' Dr.Brinton'Hiuore importiint eHHuyit. TlKtoiirlieHtformoI'linniangpeee lias revealed by Ainuriean t4in!i;ue!<(read before tlie Ainericaii I'liilo.sopbical Sm'iety in IKS.'iand pnldixhod in their proceeilinuH under tlio title of " Tliu Ian. gaageaof palieidithie man"), pp. :i9U-4)in. Brinton (D.O.) — Continiio«l. le- Hcriptionof the NativeT rihosof | North and South Aiiierica. | Hy | Daiiiid (•. Itrinlron, .V. .M., M. I)., | Professor [t.V.c. ten lines.] | New York : | N. 1). (J. Hi)dg.«, PiiU- lisher, | 17 Lafayette Place. | IWU. Title vurio eopyri|;lit notiee(IHOI) I l.dedi calioii verHo blanic 1 I. prefare pp. ix-xii, niii- teiilH pp. \iii xvl, tsxt pp. 17:132, liiii;iiiMtir ap|M, 1802.) In .Viiirnriiii Phllogoph. .Soe. I'roe. vol. :I0, pp. 4.'>-lU.-|, IMiiiadelphia. 18112. H<>. (Uiireau of Kthnolojxy,) ViM!abulary of 22 wonU, .SpaniKli and<'aloli|, and inniierala I -10 in (Jatolq, pp. H4-M3. -The name \ iivaliiilary tranxlated from >SpaiiiHli into KnjjliHh, and alpiiabetieally arranged, p. 85. Studies I in | South .Vniericau Native I Langua;;cs. | From mss and rare printed sources. ( By Daniel (J, Brin- ton, A. M., M. D., LL. 1)., I Piolissor of American Archaeology a!id Liiignistics in the I riiiversity of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: | MaeCalla iV Com- pany, Printers, 237-1) Dock Strt ( 1«!I2. Title verso blank 1 I. prefatorv note veroo blank I I. conti-iitH verao blank I I. text )ip. 7- (i7, H'. LinKiilitlliM'oiitentjiaH under titleiii-\t ubovn, pp 40-47. "Amoiii; the inaniiMeriptH in the ItritiHh Mnsenni there i.s one in SpaniHli (.Vdd. M.sm., No. 176:11) which wa.s obtained in IKtS frointhu V'e.iieznelanoxplorer. Mieheh'uay Itojas (author of the Kxploracion del America liel \ur, pub- lished in 1H07). Iteontiting several anonymous aceoiints, by ditfereut liandH, of a voyage (»t const of I'atagonia, ' desdo ('abo Itlaneo hasta la.ct iiKirit I'liwnly akin to tliu Thoii<»'u, uml tlio iiikino llonyiilr Ih nppllc Tt>liiii'lh)-t, nor to liny otliitr tonKiio with which I hiivtt roin|Nir)'d It. Tlio MS. Ih ifi-ni'Dilly IttKiliUt, thoiiKh to a few wordH I hBrubllHhcH tho following nott-, tho hiiIi- Htancc iif whirh alHo ap|iearM lu the l*ri>i'<-un xl udlci* of South Aiiiitrican lnii|;iiaf;<'H, principally from MS. HOiiricH, whit'li I piibliabtMl In (hit liiHt niimlHT of thi' rnii'i't'd- iniiH of tint Amt'rlcan I'liiiomiphii'al Sm;h'ty, on*i wan partly devoted to tli(< ' Ilonuoti' ' Ian- KiiiiKc a vot-aliulary of which I found In a miuta of documcntH in tlitt HritlHli Miixciim Htated to ritlat4t to I'ataK'xiia. I HjKikit of it aw an iiido- pcnditnt Htork, not rclatttd to other lan;!uagr. Franz KoaH he ]iointH out to nut that the ' Honfioto ' Ih certainly SallHli and muHt have been collected in the StraitH of Fucu, on the nortliwcHt coast. How It camo to lat in the MS. referred to I cannot imagine, but I liasltn to annoiinco tho correction aa promptly nH (mih- Hible." Copirx teen: Biiroan of Ethnolii(jy, KameH, Pilling. Daniel OarriHon Itrinton, nthiiologUt, born in ClutHter County, Pa., May 111, 1837. He waa graduated at Yale in IK.'iHand at the Ji'U'erxon Medical College In 1801, after which he Hpent a year 111 Kiiropo in Htudy and In travel. On his return ho entered the army, in August, 1862, as acting aHsistant surgeon. In February of tho following .year he was cominimrintenilent of hospitals at Qiilncy Biinton (I >.(>.) — CoiitiniiAil. and Sprlngtiehl. Ill , until Aiiguat, IfHKi, when, the civil war having cbiM'd. bo whs brevetttnl lleiit4tntant'Colonel and dlHcbargnl. Ho then settled In IMiltiulelphla, where be iHtcaino editor of The Medb-al and Surgical )U>|Mirter, ami also of tho<|iiarterly Com|Mtndluni of Mmllcal Science. Dr. Ilrlnlon has llkewimt lieen a constant contributor to other medical .journals, cbifltly on i|ueslions of public nieilicino and hygiene, and has edllitd MclRlly the |iap- nlar series known as Naphnys's Motlorn Ther- ajicutics, which has passed through so many itilitions. In the miMllcal controversies of the day, he has always taken tho]H>Hitlon that mitd. leal science should be base Hiibject. In 1884 he was appointeil professor Of elbmdogy and arclueology in the Academy of Natural Stdences, Philadelphia. For soniit years he has lieen president of the Niimismatle ami Anti- quarian Sth Hemispheres." Dr. Hrinton has estiiblislied a library ami ])ubllsli- ing house of alMiriginal American litoratunt, for tint pur]H>se of placing witlilu tho reach of scbidars authentic materials for the study of the languages and culture of tho native races of America. Each work is the pro«Iuct Ion of native minds and is jirintcd in the original. The serb's, niostof which were edited by Dr. Itrinton himself, inchide The Maya Chronicles (Phila- delphia. 1882); Xlio Iroquois Book of Rites (1883); The Giiegiience: A Conutdy Ballet in tho Nahuatl Spanish Dialect of Nicaragua (1883); A Migration Legend of the Creek In- dians (1884); The Lcnape and Their Legends (1885); Tho Annals of the Cakchiquels (1886) ; [Ancient Nahuatl Poetry (1887); Rig Veda Americanus (189U)]. Besides publishing numer- ous papers he baa contributed valuable re|iorts on bis examinations of nioundi<, shell-heaps, riH'k inscriptions, and other antiquities. He is theauthorof Tlie Fbiridian Peninsula: Its Lit- flALIftHAN LANOTTAOi^fl. Brlnton (D. O.) — Continue«l. entry HUlorjr, Iiiiliitn TrIlM'M, niiii Antk|ullli'« (I'hllailelphia, IHM)) The Myllm of tli« Ni-w World: A Tniia HuntiniKiit; A (.'uii. trlbntion to tlio 8<*i«ni'o bdiI I'hlliNMi|tliy of UellKioii (IHTflti AiiiKritan Hero Mythii: \ SttMly III the Nutivtt lU>llKl<>na of the W««t«rii C'oiitiiD-nt (I'liIUilf^l|ilil», IHM2)) AlMirl|{liiul Aiiicriniii Aiitliorit uiiil llii'ir rnNliictioiiit, KM|H- ami A (irainiiiurofthii I'akchlqiiul Lan- KuagB of (Suat«iuala(lHH4). — /(fiplrfoirf f V'of • o/ A in. Biog. Britlah MiiHeiiiii: TheaownrtlRfoIlowliiKa tltleor wltliln ]iar«iith<>iu>H aftur a note liultrate that a ropy of thit work r«l'«rri>il to haa Imm-h aefii by the compiler In the library of that InHtitiitlon, Loudon, Knu. Buliner( />r.Tlioma8 Siiii*lerH(in ). Chinook Jitrgoii I grttmiiiiir and dictionnry | oumpileaby | T. H. Iliilnicr, M.I)., CM., F. S. A., London, SnrKcon-Aciioiirlieiir, Uoyal CoUegoof KnrKeona, KiikIuiiiI. | Author of [<&<;. four lines.] (*) ManiiHiTlpt In poaHOHHion of ila author. Salt Lake City, Utah, who fiirnlabvd inn the aliovt' tranaoript of the title-pa);<>, and who writt'a nut, (li;t4>lHT, l80l,C4iii<'eniln){ itua follows: "lahall ianiieltonHalt'atypen'ritiT, and then diipllralo iMipit'H with anothi-r apnclal niachiiit>, and Uf ^ various typt-a on the iiiiu^hiii«, toHlIni; thn naca of carh. . . . Fifty paKea will be d<, both mis- sionaries to the Indians in WaHhingte<^lat noto for roadors vorso blonkl 1. ''niunioHtoguidiithureadur"211.t«xt Bulmer (T. fl.) — Continued. alphalM-tically arrantti'd by Kn|{lli«b wurda II. I ll<9, wrillt'ii on Olio Hide oid^ , I'ollii. liipoHMCH hIoii of Ila author, who kindly liianrd II to uio for exaniinallon. In Ills " int'inoa " thi< author Klvttt4-rH um«>nary oei'upb'H lo»l leaveM, a id many of the worda are followed by their for. Follow hit: the dlctliiiiary arn the fidlowi'' . (M^iiial Indian naniea of townititeH, rivers, miiuntaiim, etc., in the weMteru |iartH of tho Stale oi' WaahliiKtou : .Skokomiab, 2 11.; Chemakuni, Lower (Uiibalis, nuwamish, I 1.; ChlniMik, 211.i iniacellaneous, 3 11. — Nauioa of various places in the Klamath and Modr>c countrlus, :< U.—CumpinK places and other liicalitleH aniuiid tlie Tjiper Klamatli Lake, .-V II. [ ] Appendix to Hiilmer's Chinook Jargon graiiiiiiar an«I ilictionary. Manuscript, II, 1-70, 4^, in iiohhohhIoii of its author. tienerul phrases, as literal as iMissiblu, <,'hi- nook and KiiKlish, II.(t-2H. — I>etaclio«lHenteiiees, II. 27-29.— Prayer in English, II. :iO-:il ; same in .largon. 11. :!2;t:!.—" History" in Knglisb, ll.:i4- :«); same in .I:irgnn (by Mr. I'ktUs), with iult-r- liucar Knglisli tranHlaticiii, II. ;i7-4:i. -- An addn!.Hs in KiiuUsh, 11.44 40; same in .largon, with iiitorliuear Kllgli^4h translation. II. 47-5:i.— A scrinou in Eugli.Hb. II. .'It-.Vi; same In Jargon, with interlinear Knglish translation, 11. .^O-Ul, — Address in .largon to tho Indians of I'uget .Sound, by Mr. Kells, with interlinear Knglish traoslntion, 11. d'i-Mi. — VddreMs'Mlu Man," in Knglish, 1. iiitil*ii|liiii »( I liK nmi riiiu« "oi'V Ico, II 4 IK. ril<<> I vmi hi I Iflm Mii>iii>liirtl<>ii, >vllli iiili'i'liiii'iii' KiiuIIkIi IriiimlM (Inn Aililiiiliiru»ii. «^ nil lnliiir KiiuIIhIi ii'iiiihImIIiiii, II. i:l IT. " Viiiiii ,Vilill>i«li."lii.liir)iIU, Willi 'iili>i'lliiiI' iif iMi|.<|>i of .Siillnliiili iiriulli. limii.v •>)' hIiIi'Ii iiiv no ii\.lii.|ili'il, I - I N|U>l'lll| NI'ilMlltlW' llllll'M. MiiiiiixmIiiI, II. I T7. 4', III |iimiIi>niiIiiii iiC tin niilliiii Ui'iiiM'iil •'•'tiiiii'kii nil liiilliiii liiii|)iiiiui>i), II. t :i Uii^lii III lnli||im(i ICiiiiiiitiHii unit .\. liiii(tiiiiiiiiin tinlliinliiiiuiiii4t<"<. Il.lin (1:1, lintiiitiiii it biiinn im III NllliikniMiiiiiili.ll.lU <;.' .'IInIi iiiiniiM'iilN, I IH, l.ll.^ I,UI iif tillirxnl Alimttii iiinl tin iikIuIi Ihii'IiimiiI, I im riviiiui vi'iliN, I ilT NlNknuttv vmlw, l.lW Ctnlliiiii vortiii, I im t!<>niiirkiiiiii Hn> Yitkiiiiiii, 11.70 ".*. f — I'rilo Clii'lNMiin |irii\«>rM I III t'lil lionk |.ltii'HiinniM nrl'vli'K iiCllii. iniiKi. II y4 '^V* Tl'iiim till inn III' llii> t'tilniinU (iriivi't'ii liilii KnuUxli, II. 'Jit U.i rii|i\ iiTii aiiiniiin |n'iil li\ lti>\ |)r, KiOtx III Itir Initliinu III Wiilliiwiiltm willi inlnr liiii'iir t':ni;ll'ili liiin.n|' I'liliiiiiik inliilii. t / Niinlku, !l .Muttnli, TA KiiuIIhIi. 'J .tiuunn, unit It In l''ii'nrli" \rlli'li>i< 111' rcilili 111 till- »'iinmi>ni« tliiniil I'liiiii'li Ml SkiiKiinil-li. Wiir.lilnitliin, In Ilio it iirumi Willi inli'iltiii'Oi' t{ii|:ll«li li'iinnti (Inn, II, 4? nU, Di'iillnnlllClilniiiik •lili'il » till InlPl'tlliiiiii' KiiuIIrIi Iviiiixtiillnli, II M t\4 I'l'iiyi'l'M In «liiit In Xnulloli Itlmik vi'i'^o, It. !Vl Ml lln' muni' in.tiii'unii Willi lnti rlllliiiok >)»l'Kl't|il I nnlllln (uiuvi li<«t 1 1' ti«, 4 '. III iiiiiiaiwitlnii III' III) mil tint' SniiUD.I. I Siinu Willi tnilnli', It '.' :i .Si'lninl mn\^» liy Mr. KkUii, 11.4 n. MniigM ritmi Hi'. Buliiiiti t T. S.) -CimtlniKMl. tliKin, It. n I'J llMiinN III Mr Mix, II ta I'J All (till iltlllVii|»l1kwiilll li\ Ml ICi'IIn. I Hit. Dvinimlii.lni'uiiii li\ I'lMv Hl.diiui-, it 11 4A. II.Mnnin Vnkiiinii, tiv l'iMi> SI ttnui'. tl 1^ 41*1 Ilio Kiilnn III KiiuIIkIi. II, n? 114. Vilkiinni (1111110 Kiinn Iiv t''iittii'i' I'liinliwN, ullti Kii'tii>li Irnimtiiltiiii, II iki AM. Il\iiiiin In .liii'iinii tiy Mr. Kolln, It. 'ill ;! Il.vinii in Viikiiiiiti Willi Inli'i'llnoiii' Knatiali ii'iiiiKliiltnii, II i'J T:i. .Sniig ill Kiiiittiili. I 74i Hmiio ill Siwtiiili. It 7% 77 I Tito l.iiiil''* |irn,vixl 'Jl iiiiiiiiin. tmiitl ti'iivi'ii wi'IMii'iiil'tilniiiik .tiii'iinti. 1. ti In Vnkiiinit." I '} , III MlriiiHi'. I :i A vn Miiiiii In MtiMiini'.l '.I t.in'il'a |iiiiMtiiikt, II (t 1*1 |iiil'i> Miiiioi'titli'. I 7i .SnnliiimUti, I, 7| NlNkHiitll.' I .H, Ctntlnm.' I 11, ' 'l"wiiim,*l,tOi Slinu.t 11, nnlliiml.M fJil'im •Niiln,* I IV| 'I'liitliiin, I. 1:1, tliiiim,! t:)i IMink (Wil.l t:i, AliKUrtKI, I U:C'lniolil«,t 14, OllilWil. I. 14) AMinlliiittiiv I III .Si'iiri'ii, I. I.'ii I'liiiitliiiit wnuH. • I'm iilln'i' Mli'Mmi'.l III, 'I'nliiniir, t, tlli ISirn.t till Mlnlrk.M 17, Mhmi.'I tr, Almm i|iiln.^ I '.*'J, Itvniii In SiiiiiiiimlHti, II, '.M ;u 'I'tnmn iM'iivi'in iiinikiiil i\ nil iiii imlrrUk iiii< ;iitnii|iiillliMt liy nil inliirllliotir Knulliatl ll'MIIK lilt inn, 'I'lin riiintiilnr iiF IliU |iii|ii>i' iiil'iii'ini) iiii> II I* litn inlinilliin In iiilil iilii< liiiiiilitMl nltii'i' vrratnil* nfllio l.iiiit'a lu'nyiM, I'liini Itin riitiriii'iilnn nml Mi<\ti>iili tiinuniiurN III mill II Inn lnltiii. Hi |liilniili>qii|i|ii'iifi« tliiirii, i/ i'. I inn InilrtiliMt In tit tliilnii'i' fill (lii> iiiili<« ii|iiin wtilrli In tiiini>it llii> rnltiiwlnu iiri'iilllil i riiimtiixSiinilrtaiin llnliiioi wiiitlHntilti Is'ii.lti Viitkatlltii, t''imtii|iit llin loll ut'ilintiiiii' •i) MUM inlnillloil ii |in|ill nl llm Vmk unit til|iiin itiiH'Kaiiti i'iilti>iii> tin \\ lln ii|i|iiilntri| |nln ol|iii) of tiiiiniiiilni' iiiilnn iiLii liiillniiil m IhhiIn. lull aiinn iillni' fiiiltli'iiliMt III Ni>n \ in h 't'lii'lli till liiiih rliiii'iiii. iin lii'int niiixloi', ol' lii'initiit llMlnltloii'* Iri-n mtninl 'l'lii>nri> tin Wi'lll In l*|i|ii|ii'n numora In I,' A>iiioni|illnii .limntl riillit|tiv t'linn |lutli< wi'nl III Kiixti Ui(|inl In l.iiintiiii. wlii'iii'i' ln< |iiiiiil In Nrw /im» tiitiit, mill Mini ii|i|iii>iil>'it nii|iitllnulnii. In 'I'lnniniiiiii ninl RAl.milAM T.ANntTAORft. 11 U, n. i:i :\'i lUllnlilritna Ml l<;<'llx. I OlIUK, II .!« Oii|ti>. II l.^ I, Vitkillilit (III Ki't'iioli •Int'iiiiii l>\ tkitiiiit Willi » T.\. Hiiliii iiiN lixlliin 'JH iniiiiMii- il,V.4" aim. 1. 1 1 Ik vi< Mmln III iilmi'iil. I 4i l\ (l«ll \l>|v llllllltjIlllllK, '"l-llllO, 1 1, ■MiMW.* I III' .'\ rj,r,ii«. I!ii tUnik UiOllowit, 1 1 ('illiutillii liiiini'. I III, \i 1 Almm- il.VVI ', iIIkIi lintm lux till' M I* ll'i' Vl't-xlilll* rui'titiiii mill lliiliiii>i'l* i<|i|ii« III Nrwiiiii s r Cuiiii' . mill III' i>i' ViirU Hint illlril |ilt|| (il 111 liiiiilii ill 'I'linii I Di'iiotiil I' Wi'lll III nl llli< |ll'll mi' I'tlilll I'llllil l.illll *i'iili> Niif iilvi'i'nlty, lliiiti'il IiIn ml Mililll I III iiii'ill S 111' Wl'lll Ni'W /.I'll iiili'iil III timilit Hiiil Oulmai (T, H.) - ('iiiitliiii<>il. All«ll'ltllltlll< liolll dIIIIIIiII' |IIMllllllllt Itln IlKrtlllt lUllliiit. Iio wi'lll III Ku\|il. mill Irili'i ii'liii ii'il III KllUlitiiil. riii< Kiiull
  • l{ll««llltl (li'l|i|M ivIiii'iiimI III MhiiIii'mI, i'II iiiiiti'lin llll' DiH'ky Miiiiliiiiiiili'». Ill wliii'li III' liit« lii'i'ii itKitlalPil liy KiiitlUli t''.a\ I'liil'iul'il* t'l' lliilimr I* i« iiii'iiilu'i' .il' Ki'vi'i'itl mii'liilliit III Isiiulmiil mill Aiiinrli'it mill till' mitli'it' of ii niiiiilii'l' nl' wntk'- llll iiii'illoni mill «i'lnnlllli> KiilOn'lit, Httriimi iif Klliiiiilii|iy I'linnK wniila rnlliitrliiu ii I II III III' Willi III |ii>ri'illlii"ii"i' i» imlo IiiiIIi'iiIk Hint i»i'ii|iy III till' Will k li'l'iuti'il III liiK lii'i'ii Mi'i'ii li\ till' :'iiiii|iili>i' III III" llliiiiiy III' tliK lllll-i'nil of Kllitiiilii|iy,\Vii>liliiuli>ii, Il <' Biinnhinnitii (■loliHiiiiCiiil Kilimnh. I)|<< ViilKrr mill .*<|i''iii'liiMi Ni'ii Monloo'i* mill llol- Wi'kImoHimIi'H ItlltlNI'lll'll Noi'il- iiiit<Mli>llt villi lli'ii. IliiNi'li* iiiiiiiii. Ill Ivillilulii'lii' Vkiiil ili-r VVlRK. »il lli'lllll, Alitiiiiiilliiiiiii'ii, mm ili'iii .litliiii IX.ii, |i|i Villi) tU. Hi'illn. IM'-iH 4 ■ Will I \ I'lAiili'llllWuili'i l'llliii|llllli'll.l\llWllrlli'll, Niiimililliilii. Si|i|iiIIm)|I||i>Ii, iiinl (iKi'inln I'lllliniik ii'iitlilm^i'iiii'l ti|i Ufi :ltM Ciiiiiiiii'iii* llll ilio Itllliu'liiiiiln. |i, .IMJ Willi M'i'«i>lollllK*n ilm tll)lli liilliili' iliiil I'llllil |l. llitillxit. Iltlli'i'liiiiilii. mill Kitwtli'lii'ii, Willi It ti'W I'Miiii |i|iii<, |i. ;IINI, iNNllnil iin|inmli>ly wllli llllo |iii|ii> «» rnllnwu. tumm, |>|o Valkl'l' IIIKI M|t|-||l'Ulvli'ti'M I mill I ilof Wf'ilh'i'ilo I ili'N I Iii'IiImi'Iiimi NitriliiiiiiM'tUii'N | tttl^^l<*tl ili>i' \VlNHitiit
  • ilYt>ii I i^.ii llt'iiln ISf.7. I lli'lllll I K<>ilriii>Ul. Ill ilor IliK liilriiiI lloi' liilliili, ,\Kllill I iliT \\'i.'iNi«l. |i|> 'JiM 401. Itiliitlla (tlHMali'lit. |t|i, 4') 4IU, Viit'lii'n«i'riili||i'ii |i 414, 4". I'lllltlllal lo I'lilitt'lita iia iiiiilnr I ll|i< iii'Vl itliiit i<, BiiMolimrtini (.1. (\ K.> ^('oiiIIiiiumI, <'ii/ii(>t .n'fo ' Anlni.rii|i|{ii>aa. Kniiti'a, I'llllltK, ri'iiiiiiiiiii. riin i'n|iv III llll' I'lni'lii'i mill'. I'ltliilntiiiii iiii V'M, liiiniulil Hf I III tin* l''li'lil a>ili<, I'lilittiiiillK tin ail'*. ?>1 I'i'lilai (illi-i'il liy l.iii'liiiv, IKfH, nil, :Uit'-', \) r\\ mill liy rtlllMti'i. IH.h',1. in* I tit' .*4|turi'ii ilor i»/li>KUi'lu>ii ."^iiruoiH" llll tiiii'illlt'liiMi Mi<\ii>ii mill liitlioriMi itiiiiM'lkiiiilNi'lii'ii Niirili'ii, /.iiKli>ii>li i>iiii> Miinli'i'iiiiMili'i' ViilUini|ir Wt'ulNi'Hi' Niti'iluiiiKi'Ikii'N vitii liiit^iliiliiMii'ii Mil liln If mil MImiiuh'I', Villi .titli. i'di'I I'M. IIuni'Ii- IIIIIIIII. Ill Kiliiliitti'liii \ki»il iliT Wina an lli'illii, Aliliiiiiilliiiiui'ii mia ili'iii >liiliii> IM'il, /iM'iti'i' Sii|i|i llmiil, )itl I HlUiriiriiialliowliiili'Viilllliiii), lli'lllll, iM.-m. 4\ A iii'tli't'itl illai'iianliili nl I lii> |ii'ii|tli'n nnilfiitnlt mill Wiialilliiitnii (|i|i IIM >lil.<) liii'linli'a Ilm rali'uli Si'llall, Willi lU lliliill mill lllliililalli' ilhl'il.'lla. Iiilllilill, I'll' , |l|i ll.-'K llllll ,S|i Il ,>( I'lltti't Hnninl. I''\irit .Miilll. I'li- , (i 7l>. iiii'lliilim llll' .Nllialiiin ilh lilnlia Inaiioil ai>|iiiii)li'l,> nllli I It li< |iii|ji< na Inllnwa , .--"iMo I .' I llll iiiirillirlii'ii Mi'nIi'ii I mill liii|i(ii Niu'ili'ii, I /,ii){|iN Ili'lI'lltil'tllMI Mi'XIi'u'n I mill ilor Wi'hIni'IIo NiiI'iIiiiiii'I'IKii'n I vnnDiiH iliiliixiinv nil liiM rmii I'.Iniiiil(. I'li'iili'i UiiiiIhI. AUntloimo | ili<|- WInnimi- Mi'liiirii'ii. I ISftll. Hull Hill' M'lanlilmik I I uhiii'ImI lltin iif Ilm ii't ll"i \ I'l n>> I'liink I I mil' I) -I illidi I' I i>l .III lililltk I I. llllll nlllUn lllllilltn Ctli'l'ilrlil |i|i III \||, li'kl |i|i I i'II. Kliili'llinm III llllll tii'iiiiiii|ililai'lm lii'Ul^li'i' |i|i il4 ilM, iii'iiui'ii|ililai III' lii'tilali'i' |i|i ;\» Hti^. vi'i mini llll' NiU'liwi'laiiiiui'ii |i|i Mill HIM. \ iillli'amilllimi'll. |l Mill. 4'. l.illUillatn'rniili'lilaitaillliti'rtltIn in ". I alinvn i'Mfiii'D fciiii Valni'. Illllilnli, l''Hini'n, M.ilanii lii'ilvi'. I'lllliiu, i,liiiirilili. .Snililiiiiiniciii, I'liiin llllll I'nlillnlii'il III 'M> MmUii An iiiniil. Iiull inn llll' pv x\ >ia n, llll III Ilm l<'lni'lii>i niiti>, i>,i|ti Inuim 11.1 .'llll. Inl.liiiirllrli, liM'-'l. Ilv , Ilm Ultni' |ii II I'n I n n i'ii|ili"i. I iiliilniiim iin l'.':».T-'. mm ','/ 'U, llmnllli'l -'( lll> , llll' I'llllil I i'p.01-!);t, and appendix pp. i-xxxiv, . Quehof, 18H2, I'i'. (IMUins.) The iirst part of this i)a])or is an endeavor to show a reaeinMani'o bi>v:i : Origin | of the | aborigine.s of Can- ada. I A paper read before the Literary and historical society, | Quebec, | by | prof. J. Campbell, M. A., | (of Mon- treal,) I D(?16gu<5 (}<«n<>ral do I'lnstitn- tilicali|i. [2-4], 24^. Printed by tlu^ school boys at St. Ignatius Mission. Copies seen : Eames, Pilling. [Litany and prayer in iho Kalispel language. St. Ignatius Print, Montana, 1891.] Fr(inti8piece(vignetteof the Virgin and I'hild with the inscription N. S. del Carnieii) recto 1. 1, t(>xt pp. [2-3], 12^^. Print'>oi boys at St. l;;natius Mission. Three prayt^rs in the Kalispel language. Cojnes seen : Eames, Pilling. [ ] Stabat mater [in the Kalispel lan- guage.] [St. Ignatius Print, Montana, 1891.] 1 leaf, 8°. printed on one side only. Printed by theRcbool boys at St. (giiatins Mission. Copies seen : Kaiiies, I'illing. SAJJSHAN LANGUAGES. 13 -Oratio Carmany (J. H.) [The first three of the ten cominiindments, and the Lord's prayer in the Nanaiuio languajje.] In Bancroft (II. H.), Xutivo races of the I'niiflo Htates, vol. 3, |.p. tiU-612, New York, 1875, H°. Kejiriiitcd in tliu various editions of the same work. [Caruana (Rev. J. M. )] PronuHsiones Domini Nostri Jesu (.'hristi factae B. Marg. M. Alacu(iue. | Eupoti-entit la Jesus Christ zogoiiisliitfm la | npiilg- hues Marghorite Marie AlaccMine le | chesnkaiiiteniisto.s la ghul potenzutis, ghul I sengastns la czpo/. Colophon : V. A. Kemper, Dayton, O. (N.America.) [1890.] (Cii-ur d'Aleno, Indian. ) A small cnnl, 11 by 5 iiic.lira in xizc, hoailcd aa above, and routainiii;; twelve '• I'romisi'S of Our Lord to Blessed Margaret Mary," in the Ca'iir d'Aleno langua;;e. On tlio verso is a colored picture of tlie sacred heart, with four lines inscription beneath, in l''ngli»h. Mr. Komper lias issued a shnilar card in many languRKes. Copies seen : Eames, Pilling, Wellesley. Catalogue of the American library. See Trumbull (J.H.) Catechism : Kalispel Notlakapamuk Salish Snohomish Catechism See Giorda (J.) Lo Jcuno (J. M. R.) Cancstrelli (P.) Boulet(J.B.) . translated into Flat- head. See Canestrelll (P.) Catliii ( (rt'orgo) . North and South Amer- ican Indians. | Catalogue ( de.s(rii»tive and instructive | of | Catlin's | Indian Cartoonis. | Portraits, typos, an.— Vocabulary (U wonls) obtained from .Toyaska, a native, p. 26. — Account of the first knowledge of the whites (from Mackay), pp. 26-28, contains a number of pi'rsonal and geographic namee. — Mythology, pji. 28-33, con- tains a number of native words and phrases (partly IVoiu Mackay).— St;w, ini hides a num- ber of bird and geogriipliic name.s. -Names of the stars and moutliH. pp. :<0 40.— List of 220 place-names in the Sliutwap country, with Davtrson (G. M.) — Continued. meanings: 1, Shnswap names (130) of places on the Kamloops sheet, pp. 40-42 ; 2, Shnswap names (64) of places beyond the limits of the Kamloops sheet, pp. 43-44; 3, .Sliuswap name (20) of inhabited villages, p. 44.— A few (7) of the principal villages beyond the limits of the Kamloops sheet, ]i. 44. "I am indebted to Mr. W. Mackay, Indian agent at Kamloops, for several interesting con- tributions, which will be found embodied in ihe following pages." Issuentrciil. Hi> Wivs ef Canada, ett;. Ho was in 1H87 selected to take cbarijo of tho Yukon expedition. De Horsey {Lieut. Al^rernon F. K.) S-422, 8<^. CoutHiuB,pa8Hiin, titles of works relating to tlie Salislian lan^ages. Copies teen .- Karnes, Pilling. Xl>is series of cat-alogues was begun in 1870. Dunbar: This word following a title or witbin parentheses Bft<>r a note indicates that a copy of the work referred to has been seen by tho com- piler in the library, now dispersed, of Mr, John B. Dunbar, Bloomfleld, N. J. Durieu {Buhop Paul). By Rt. Rev. Bishop Durieu. O. M. I. | Hkwamish. | Morning Prayers. [Kamloops, B. C. : 1891.] No title-page, heading only) text pp. 1-32, 10°. See fac-.siu)il« of first page. Translated by Bishoj) Durieu into Skwaiu- ish and transcrilMxl into shorthand by Father Le Jeunc, e<1itor of the Kamloop$ Wawa, who printed it on the niiuieograph. Morning prayers, pp. 1-12. — Night prayers,^ pp. 12-16.— Preparation for confession, pp. 17- 32. Oopieii *eei^ : Pilling. Prayers in Stalo by Rt. Rev. Bishop Durieu. | O. M. I. | Stalo. | Morning Prayers. [Kamloops, B. C. : 1891.] No title-page, headingonly; textpp.1-16, 16°. Xrnnslated into Stalo by Bishop Durieu, nud transcribed into shorthand by Father Le Jeune, editor and publisher of the Kamloop$ Wawa, who reproduced it by aid of the mimeograph. Morning prayers, pp. 1-13. — The rosary, pp. 13-16. Copies teen .- Pilling. The Rev. A. G. Horice, of Stuart's Lake Mis- sion, British Columbia, a famous Athapascan scholar, has kindly furnished mo the following brief account of t lijs writer : Bishop Paul Durieu was bom at St. Pal-de- Moiis, in the diocese of Puy, Fr&uce, December 3, 1830. After his course in classics he entered tho novitiate of the Oblatcs at Notre Dame de rOzierinl847and made his religious profession in 1849. Ho was ordained priest at Marseilles March 11, 1854, and was sent to the missions of Oregon, where he occupied, successively, Sbv- eral posts. At the breaking out of tho reb< Uion among the Yakama Indians he had to leave for tho Jesuit mission at Spokane. He was after- wards sent to Victoria and then ic Okanagan by his superiors. Thence he was sent as superior of tho Fort Bupcrt Mission, and when, on June 2, 1875, he was apjtointed coat^jutor Bishop of British Columbia, ho was superior of St.Charles House at New Westminster. On Jiuie 3, 1890, ho succeeded Bishop L. Y. D'Herbalnez as vicar aj>ostollc of British Columbia Bishop I)urie\i understands, but does not speak, several Salishau dialects, and he is especially noted for his unqualified success nnioDg the Indians. Dwamish : Geographic nauies ,Seo Bulmor (T. S.> Geogra]iliie names ('oones (S. F.) Geograpliic names Kells (M.) Vocabulary StUisb, SALISHAN LANGUAGES. 17 S/{uhmJs(t . \ Mot/ii tmy />^^>-5 ; • ^^ -.Q \-.^-^_,i^ ■s ^(^o^^ '^S ^ 0^^ <^'^^ \ FACSIMILE OF FIRST PAGE OF DURIEU'8 SKWAMISH PRAYERS. HAL 2 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE E. i Eunes: ThJH word following a title or within parDDtlitutnH after a note iudioateH that a copy of the worlc refprntil t4> Iioh been neen by the com- piler in th't library of Mr. Wllborforco Eames, Brooklyn, N. T. Bells (Rev. Cashing). Sea 'Walker (E.) andE8lls(C.) At my request ller. Myron KrUh, a mm of the a'tovo, hoH fumiHlittl me the following bio- graphic iiot(!H : Rev. Ciifihing Kells waH bom at Hlandford, MaHs., Fobranry 16, 1810; was the Hon of Joseph and Klizubeth \Varner Eells ; was brought up at Blandford ; prepared fur collogo at Monson Academy, Mass. ; entered Williams College in 1830, from which he graduated four years later, and from East WindHor (Conn.) Theological Seminary in 1837, anil was ordained at Bland- ford, Mans., as a Congregational minister, Octo- ber 25, 1837. He was married March 5, 1838, to Misfl Myra Fairbank, who was born at Holdon, Mass., May 26, 1805. Having oU'ored themttolvcs to tlie American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, they were first appointed to tho Zulu mission in Africa, but owing to a war there among the natives they were delayed, until the call from Oregon became so urgent that they were sunt there, leaving home ia March and arriving at Wallawalla August 20, 1838. They 8|)cnt the next winter at Wnllawalla, and tho following spring with Rev. K. Walker opened a new station among the Spokan Indians at Tshiiuakain, Walkers Prairie, Washington. Here they ronmined until 1848. Mr. Eolls ttiught a small school part of tho time, besides preaching and doing general miHsiouary work. The results as they appeared nt that time were not satisfactory, but thirty-five years later it was plain that the seed then sowed had grown until two churches of one hundred and thirty- seven menil)ers were the result. During tho Cayuso war of 1848 and the Vakama war of 1855-1858 tho tribe roniaiued friendly to the whites, although strongly urged by the ho.stiies to join them. As the Government (rould not assure them of protection from the hostile (JayuKc, they found it necessary to move to the Willamette Valley in 1848, under an escort of Oregon volunteers. Mr. Eells did not immediately sever his con- nection with the missionary boanl, hoping that the way would ojien to return to the Spokau Indians, but it never did. For many years mo.tt of his time was spent in t4 — Coutinued. dent from the beginning (1859) to tho time of his death. He has siuco 1872 preached at a large nnmber of places in Washington as a general self-supporting missionary, but mainly at .Skokomish, among the Indians, and among the whites at Colfax, Medical Lake, and Cheney, and the results of his labors have been the organization of Congregational chnrclies at those pla<'es and at Spraguo and Chawelah. Not till 1891, at the ago of about 81, did he give up active preaching. Ho has given to Whitman College nearly $10,000, besides sei^aring for it about $12,000 more by a canvass in the east in 1883-1884 (the only time he has visited the east since he first wont west), to various churches in Oregon and Washington over $7,000, and to various missionary societies about $4,000. He received the degree of D.D. from Pacific University, on account of his work for Whit- man College and was assistant moderator of the Kational Congregatiimal Council, at Con- cord, N. H., in 1883. Ho died at Tacoma Febru- ary 10, 1893, on his eighty- third birthday. Mrs. Eellsdiod at Skokomish, Wash. .August 9, 1878, aged 73 years. He left two sons, both of whom have been at work among the Indians at Puget Sound, one as Indian agent since 1871, and the other as missionary since 1874. Bells (Rev. Myron). Art. IV. Twana Indi.iMB of the Skokomish reservation in Washington territory. By rev. M. Eells, Missionary among these Indians. In Hayden(F.V.), Bulletinof tho U.S.Geol. and Geog. Survey of the Territories, vol. 3, pp. 57-114, Washington, 1877,8°. (Pilling.) Section 8, Measuring and valuing (pp. 86- 88), contains the numerals 1-1000, pp. 86-87; names of days, months, and points of the com- pass, pj). 87-88.— Section 13, Language and liter- ature (pp. 93-101), contains a Twana vocabulary of 211 words, pp. 93-98. Issued separately with cover title as follows: Author's edition. | Department of the interior. | United States geological and geographical survey. | F. V. Hay- den, U. S. Geologist-in-Charge. | Tlio | Twana Indians | of tlie | Skokomish reservaticm in Washington territory. | By I rev. M. Eells, | missionary among these Indians. | Extracted from the bulletin of tho survey, Vol. Ill, No. 1. I Wa.shiiigton, April 9, 1877. Cover title as a' - e, no inside title, text pp. .'i7-ll4,8o. Linguistic contents as under title next aliove. Copies seen : Itrjntou, Eames, Natioiml Museum, Pilling, m HALIHHAN LANGUAGES. 19 above, utiounl Bella (M.) — Contiuiied. ludiau music. By rev. M. Eulla. In American Antiquarian, vol. 1, pp. 249-25.1, Chicago, 187a-'7B, 8^. (Kiirnituof Kthnolo^y.) Hhort soogB in Clallam anil ('hemakiim, with muHic, p. 2S2. TheTwana lauguagu of Washington territory. Wy rev. M. EuUs. In American Antiqnarlan, vol. 3, pp. 296-303, Chicago, 1880-81,8°. (Buroniiof Kthnology.) (Intmmatlc forms of the Twana or Skoko. miHb, pp.2iie-298; of the Skwaksin dinleot of the Nlakwklly, pp. 298-200; of the Clalliun, pp. 299-.')01 i of the Spokane, pp. 302-303. HiBtoryof | Indian niissiona | on the PaciAo coast. | Oregon, Washington and Idaho. | By | rev. Myron Eells, | Missionary of the American Missionary Association. | With | an introduction | by I rev. G. H. Atkinson, D.D. | Philadelphia : | the American Snnday- school union, | 1122 Chestnut Street. | 10 Bible house, Now York [1882.] Frontispiece 1 1. title vorso copyright notice (1882) 1 1. (letlicatiun verso blank 1 1. contents pp. v-vi, introduction by G. II. Atkinson pp. vii-xi, preface (dated October, 1882) pp. xiii- ivi, text pp. 17-270, 12°. Chapter v, Literature, science, education, morals, and religion (pp. 202-226) contains a short list of books, papers, and manuscripts relating to the Indians of the northwest coast, among them the Salishan, pp. 203-207, 200-211. Oopie* teen : Congress, Pilling. Tlie Indian languages of Puget Sound. In the Seattle Weekly Post-Intelligem-or, vol. 5, no. 8, p. 4, .Seattle, Washington Ty., November 26, 1885. (Pilling, Wellosley .) Bemarks on the peculiarities and grammatic forms of the .Snohomish, Nisqually, Clallam, Chomuknm, Upper Chehalis, and Lower Clie- halis languages.— Partial coigugatiou of the verb to drink in .Snohomish. Ton years | of | missionary work | among the Indians | at | Skokomish, Wasliiugton territory. | 1S74-1884. | l^y Rev. M. Eolls, I Missionary of the Amorican Missionary Association. | Boston: | Congregational Sunday- Scliool Piiblisliing .Socioty, | Congrega- tional house, I Corner Beacon and Som- erset Streets. [1886. J Uivlf-title (Ten years at Skokomisli) verso blank 1 1, frontispiece 1 1. title verso copyright notice (1886) and names of printers 1 1, preface 1 1 . dedication verso uote 1 I. contents pp. vii-x, introduction pp. 11-13, text pp. 15-271, 12\ Indian hymns (pp. 244-2.'>.'>) rontains a two- verse hymn in Twana with Kngllsh transla- tion, pp. 250-251 ; one in Clallam with KnglisU Bella (M.) — Continued. translation, pp. 251-252 •, and one in the Sqnaxon diale<^t of the Nisqually, p. 252 ; seven ditferent ways of expniHsing / will go home in Clallam, pp. 2S:i; a hymn in Twoua and Clallam, pp. 253- 254. Oopiet I'u; Congress, Pilling, In. n44; Lumiiii and Skagit, p. 645.— KtniiarkHon tlin hhiiio, pp- (M&-64a.— TliK wiinl for 0(»d In Twana, NlaW walli.Hud Kliillani, ii. 670. This artivlu wim i'tHiied Heparatnly, without ohanK<<, ami u|>. .i aH IbllnwH : - — Tlio Twana, Choniakiiin, and Klallaiu Indians of WaHhington territory. By Kov, Myron EoIIh. In Sniitlmoninn IiiHt. MIh. PaiwrH rulattuK to anthro|)nlt));.v, I'roiii thH, rilling.) LinKiiiHticiMintvntHaH under titlu next aliovu. Original Indian names of town aitos, rivers, uiountains, etc., of western Wasliington. In Ooonea (S. F.), Dictionary of the Cliinoolc JarKon. pp. .15-38. Seattle [1891], 18o. Names (13) in the Twana or .Slcokouiish Ian- giiage, p. 35; ^MHqllaUy (25), innliullng S<|uak- son, Piiyallup, and Snohomish lanKuagi^s, p. 30; Clallam lanKi>af;e (8), p. 37; Duwamish liiu- gnaK« (25), pp. 37-38. • Aboriginal goographio names in the state of Washington. By Myron Eells. In Aniericnn Anthropologist, vol. 5, pp. 27-35, Wiishington, 1892, 8°. (Pilling.) Arranged alphnbotically and derivations given. The langiiagesreprcsented are: Chinook, Chinook Jargon, Nez Perc6, ChehaliH, Clallam, Twana, Calinpol, Cayuse, Puyallup, and Spo- kane. The IndiauH of I'nget Sound. By Kev. Myron Eells. Manuscri]>t, pp. 1-705, sm. 4° ; in possession of its author. Chaptor xii. Measuring and valuing, i)p.249- 271, contains the nnnu'rnls in Twnna, Nisk- walli, Clallam, Cpper and Lower Chuhalis, Chemakuni, Kwill-li-ut, lloli, Cowichan, Chi- n(Hik Jargon, and Lnnimt, witli remarks on the same. Cliaptcr xvi. Writing itnd language, pp. 300- 352, includes a granuuatir treatiseof thuTwaua, Niskwalli, Snohomish, Claihuu, Cliemakum, Upper and Lower Chehali«, and of t lie Chinook Jargon, with a comparison of tliese languages. [Words, i)liraso8, and sentences in the Klallani language; recorded by Rev. Myron Ei'lls, Washington Terri- tory, February -.J uiu', 1878.] Manuscript. iii>. 8 102 and 3 nnnumberod leaves, 4° ; in the library of tlie iSurouii of Eth- nology, Washington, I). C. Kecordcd in a copy of I'owoU's lulruduction to the study of Indian languages, flrst etlilioii. Stihedules 1,3,0-12,14-21, 23, and 24 are each nearly tilled ; Hehedules 4, 5, 13, and 22 partially so. The uniiumltered leaves at tliO)ruary-Hep- tember, 1878.] Manuscript, pp. 8-102, and 4 unnumlMtnHl leaves at the end, 4°; In the library of the Jiureauof Kthnology, Washington, O. C. Keeorded In a copy of Powell's Introduction to the study of Indian languages, Hrst (xlition. Most of the schedules given therein have been completely illled, the nMnainder partially ho. The unnumbered leaves at the end treat of nouns, possessive case, gender, diminutives, atljectives, pronouns, and verbs with conjuga- tions. [Words, ])hra8es, seutenees, and granimatic material relating to the Twana language. Recorded by Rev. Myron Eells, Washington Territory, 1878.] Manuscript, pp. 8-102 and 2 unnumbered leaves at the end, 4°; in ])OHse8slon of its author. Recorded in a copy of Powell's Introduction to the study of Indian languages, first edition, all the schedules of which are filled or nearly 80. The unnumbered leaves at the end treat of nouns, their plural forms, possessive case, gender, comparison of adjectives, possessive case of pronouns, and partial coujugaticmsof the Twana synonyms of the verbs to eat and to drink. [Words, phrases, and sentences in the language of the lower Tsi-he-lls (Chehalis) of the southwestern portion of Washington Territory. Recorded by Rev. Myron Eells, March, 1882. Manuscript, pi». 8-102, 4°; in possession of its author. Recorded in a copy of Po%veU's Introduction to the study of Indian languages, first tMlitiou. "Collected with tlio aid of John Clip, an Indian doctor who talks goml English." [Words, phrases, sentences, and granimatic material of the language of the upper Chehalis Indians of the western portioti of Washington Terri- tory. Recorded by Rev. Myron Eells, January-March, 1885.] Manuscript, pp. 77-228 ami 2 uunuml>ereikviH, uMHiatvd by Wilt Siiiii, tho foniiur nii »(IiioaU«l yoiinK man, Ihii \i\tUT iin iinoiliicntucl old ouo." Tlio Twaiiii laiiguago. Hy Rev. M. K.'IIh. (•) Miiiiiisoript, pp. 1-2:I2, 8°, in poHaesaion of it* author, who hiw kindly I'lirniHlitxl mo nduHcrlp- tion of it under date of Augunt 12. IH»2, aa fiil- loWH: Volume I. Part 1, Grammnr. Part 2, Twana- Eu«lUh Dictionary, I'.l pagen, S^. Vol. II. Part 3, EuglUh-Twaiia Dictionary. Part 4, Ilyrana and pruytTa (not piibliahcdanywliuri'), 84 pngra, 8°. "Some yonra ago I thought of loarning thU languagi-, and prot^oodcd far iMioiigh to ac<|uiru ODD or two hundrud worda and u few aoutencoa and obtain a little idea of thucon.struotion. The material lay in a, box of old papora until lately, and I liavu thought it worth while to enlarge itand put it into good ahape, not for ])ublli'a- tion, but for proaorvatiou in my library. Tim larger number of the nouna aru the aamn aa thoHe I furniahud Mivjor Powell in a copy of liia Introduetion to tho atudy of Indian languagea aonio yeara ago." All nratiou in the Twaiia language. In Bnlmer (X.), Part II of Uulmer's appen- dix to tho Ghue-Chinook Orammar and Die- tiounry, II. 20-22. (Mauuanrlpt.) Orationin Eugliah, 1. 20.— Tlio aame in Twikna with interlinear KngliHh tranalntioii, II. 21-22. A tradition in theTwana language. In Bulmer (T. K.), Part II of liulmer'a Apiiendix to the ChcoChinook Grammar and Dictionary, 11. 2;i-25. (Mannaoript.) Tradition in Twaua with Interlinear Engliah tranalation, 1. 23, — The aame in Engliah, II. 24- 2.'-.. Cojjy of a sermon preached to the Indians of Walla- Walla. In Bulmer (T. S.), Chriatiau prayura in (Uilnook, 11. :i9-4G. (Manuacript.) "Of the 97 worda uaed 40 are of Chinook origin, 17 Xootka, 3 Saliah, 23 Engliah, 2 Jar- gon, and 6 in Freneh." Theae three nianiiacripta are in po.saeaaioii of Dr. Dulmer, Salt Lake City, Utah. Buv. Myron Eella waa born at Walkcr'a Prairie, Waahington Territory, October 7, 1843; lie ia the Hon of Ker. Ouahiug Eella. D. D., and Jlra. M. F. Eella, who went to Oregon in 1838 aa miaaionariea to tho Spokan Indiana. IIu left Walker'aPrairioin 1848 on ucconntdf the Whit- man ni.isMavre at Wallawalla and Cayuao war, and went to Salem, Oregon, where he began to go to aehool. In 184U ho moved to Foreat Grove, Bella (M.) — rnntinncd. Oregon : In IK.'il to IIIIlHbiro, Oregon, and in 1857 again In Kon-at (irove, at which placea he continued hia achool life. In IMO'J be moved to Wallawalla, Hpcniling the time in fanning and the W0041 bu.tineaa initll 18l>8, except the falla, wintera, and apringa of t8n;i-'04, I8ti4-'6,'i, and ISOrj-'On, when he waa at Korent Grove in college, graduating from Paclllc I'nlveraity In 18*10, in the aeoond chiaa which ever graduate)! from that inatitutiiui. In 1808 he went to llarlt'ord, Conn., to atndy for tho mlnialry, entering the Hartford Theological Seminary that year, grad- uating from it in 1871. and being ordaimul at llartlord, June l.'i, 1871, aa a Congregational niini8t4ii.] | liOixloti: I Trllliiior & co., Luilguto Hill. I 1M85[-188!)J. | (All rit;htB ru- mu'veil.) 3 voIm. 8". A uuncrnl iliHc.iixHitm of ii niimbtirof North Amnrlritu l'iiiiiiU«HoriHirH In vol. ;i, iuiiou;{ tlioiii tho NUquitllU, p. ^IfiO; tlio SulUli propur, pp. 300-:i69. Copiet If en : ( !oii);reM. Field (ThoniaH Warroii). An essay | towanlH ail | Intliaii bibliojrrapliy. | Heinga | uatalogii*; of hooka, | relating to the I history, antiquities, languages, customs, religion, [wars, literature, and origin of the | American Indians, | in the library of | Thomas VV. Field. | With bibliographical and historical notes, and I synopses of the contents of some of I the works least known. | New York: | Scribner, Armstrong, anvu. Contains titles of a number of works relating to tho Salisliun languages. (lopieiteen: Uuntauof Kthuobigy,(,'ongres«, Kanies. At tlie Squier sale, no. 1178, an uucut copy brought $1.25. First catechism in Thompson language. See Le Jeime (J. M. K.) Flathead. See Saliah. Friendly Village : (Innoral discussion Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary See nallatin (A.) Adeluug (.1. C) and Vater(.r.S.) Gallatin (A.) Latham (U. a.) Maokeii/'ic (A.) Frost (.r. \l.) See Lee (D.) and Frost (.1.11.) Fuller ( Louis). See Boas (F.) G. Gabelentz (HansOoorg Cot>or von der). Die Sprachwissensuhaft, | ihre Aiif- gabeu, Mothodea | nnd | bisherigen Ergebnisse. |Von | Georg von der Gabe- lentz. I [Vignette.] | Leipzig, I T. O. Weigol nacbfolger | (Chr,Herm.Tauchnitz). | 1891. Cover title as aI>o vu, title as above verso blank 1 1. Vorwort pp. iii-vii, Inhalts-Verzeichiiiss pp. viii-xx, text pp. 1-406, Register pp. 467-502, Derichtigungen p. 502, 8'. Itrief discussion and a few exiuuples of tho Seliah language, pp. 34, 368. Cujnen «««/).■ Gatschot. Oallatin (Albfrfc^. A synopsis of the In- r«|{oii divlitlon, p. 0, iimludim iiumlloiitif tho 8«»'» f'i/oJ«/<. nf \in. Hioj;. Oataohat: This word followiiitc a tide or within piu>'iillii- 171, Vow York, 1877, sm. 4". A ){uneral diHi'iiHshiii of tho iieoples of I lie region with examples, passim. Vhe .SaliMhun family with iti linguiittlc dlvialona la treated of on pp. 100-170. lasuetl sepiiraloly with half-title as foUowa i Indian languagort | of the | I'milio Htates and territories | by | Albert H. (tatschrt I Reprinted from March Num- ber of The Maga/.ine of American History [New York: 1877.] Half title verso bUiik I I. text pp. 14S-171,40. Linguistic contents as under title next alMive. Vopumaeen: Astor, Congress, Eaiue.t, Pilling, Wellesley. lieprinted in thu following works : Beach (W. \V.), Indian Miscellany, pp. 410- 447, Albany, 1877, 8°. Drake (S. G.), Aboriginal races of North America, pp. 748-763, New York, [1882], 8°. A later article with similar title as follows : Indian languages of the PaciHo states and territories and of the Pueblos of New Mexico. In Magazine of Am. History, vol. 8, pp. 2.'>4- 263, New York, 1882, 4°. (Pilling.) Brief referouoo to the Selish stock (Oregon- ian dialects), p. 256. Issued separately with title-pnge aa follows: Indian languages | of tho | Pacific states and territories | and of | The Pueblos of New Mexico. | Hy Alliert H. Gatschet. | Keprinted from the Mag- azine of American History, April, 1882. I New York: | A. S. Barnes »feco. | i^82. Cover title, no inside title, text 5 unnum- bered leaves, 4°. Linguistic; contents as undertitle next above. Copies teen : Astor, Brinton, Kamea, National Museum, Wellesley. Winko f iir das Studium der ameri- kanischen Sprachen. Von Albert S. Gatschet, in Washington, Dist. Col. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE i; Oatsohet (A. S.) — Continued. Separat-Abdrm'k ans Jmii CorroHjMmdpn/.- Blattder I>«)iitH(;hoii aiillin>]H)l(igi8clifr< (ioatill- Hiiliaft, pp. 20-23, nos. 3-4, 1892. 4°. (PiUiiij;.) A general ii of tlio grammatlu |ie<^iil. larities of a iiuiiil)or of Amurican laiigiiagoH, aiiiung tbeiii tbu Salishan. [ Vocabulary of the NonHtuki or NeHtiii'ca luiigiiago. Collected by A. 8. UatHchet in Tillauiuk county, Oregon, November, 1877.] Manuscript, 10 II. 4°. Iii*tho library of tlie Bureau of Ethnology. Uerordetl ou a hlaiilc form (no. 170) issued by tlio Sniitlmonian Insti- tution. It contains about 220 wonlH. In tho same library is a copy of this voi^abu- lary, made by its compiler, 7 II. folio, written on one side only. Albert Samuel Oatscliet was born in St. Boat- enbers, in the Bernose Oberland, Switzerland, October 3, 1832. His propicdeuticediication'waH acquired in the lyceums of Neuchatel (1843- 1845) and of Bemo (1846-1852), after which he followed courses in tho universities of Berne and Berlin (1852-1858). His studies hay aid of tho mimeograph. Copies teen ; Pilling. General discussion; Atna See Adelung (J. C.) and Vater (J. S. ) Atna Halo (H.) Bilkula Boas (F.) Itilkula Bnschmaun (.T. C. E.) Bilkula Tolmio (W. F.) and -.• - - Dawson (O.M.) Chohalis Hale (II.) Chehalis Swan (J. G.) Chehalis Tolmio (W. K.) and Dawson (G.M.) Friendly Village Gallatin (A.) KalisprHiiii (A.(<'.) nnii«rol't(H. H.) Uonch (W.W.) I4itli«mian (A.) Oabelentz (H. C. O.) GuUatin (A.) (}atHclit>t. :i7-,19. — Names of Lnninil chiefs, p. 40. Oopiet teen : Astur, Boston Atheniinim, Con- gress, Dnnbar, Eanie.s, National Mnseuni, Pilling, Tnimbnll,Well6sb'y. Another issne v.'ith title-|>age as follows : Alphabetical vocabtilaries | of the I Clallain aiitl Lniiinii. | By | George Gibbs. I Published under the auspices of the SinithHouiiiii institution. | New York: | Cramoisy press. | 18(5;^. Title verso blank I 1. profaee pp. v-vii, te.st pp. 9-4U. octavo form on large cpiarto. Linguistic contents as II v'derti tie lit^xt above. Copif* seen: Georgetown, Lenox, I'illing, Smithsonian. iSiuithsoniau luisccllancous collec- tions. I 16() I Instructions | lor research relative to tlio | erhnology and ]ihiloI- ogy I of I America. | Prepared fiu- the Smithsonian institution. | Hy | (Jeorgo Gll)b8. I [Seal of the iustitutioa.] | Washington: | Smithsonian institu- tion : I March, 18(J3. Title vorso blank 1 1. contents verso blank 1 1. introduction p. 1, text pp. 2-,'>l,8^'. .Mso forms part of vol. 7, Smithsonian Institution Miscel- laneous Collections. I'rciiarj'd IVu' and distrib- uted to collectors, resulting iu ilu' .securing of many manuscripts, mostly philologic, which are now in the lil)rary of the Ibireauof Etluio!- Numerals l-ll) of the Selish or Flathead, two sets, OIH5 "relating to things," tim otiier " relati:ig to iier.sons " (Itoth from Meugarini), p. 42 —Numerals 1-10 of the NiMqualli, two sets, one " applied to men," the other "a]>plied to money," j). 42. ' Ciipiit Keen ; Astor, Karnes, .National Mu- seum, I'illing, Trumbull, Wellesley. At the Field sale, no. 810, a copy brought ItO cts. ; at tlio Sipiier sale, no. 41.'>, 45 cts. ; at the I'inart sule, no. 40(1. 1 fr. I'rii cd by KiHjhU'r, catalogue 4(m, n... 2.!;), 1 M. ."iO I'f. Iteprinted, in ])art, as follows: Indian Systtuns of Numerals? - In Historical Magazine, tirst series.vol.O. pp. 24(t-2;)2. New Vork, I8fl.'>, sm. 4°. ((ieological Slli-Vi^y.) Liiiguistic contents as undertitle next aliove, ji. 2.")0. Smithsonian miscellaneous (collec- tions. I 161 I A I di-lionary | of the | Chinook .Jargon, | or | tnide iangiiago 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY CP THE ' 1 li. OlbbB (O.) — CoutinuMl. of Oregon. | Prepared for tlio Smith- BtmiiiniiiHtitiitioii. | By | OeorgeCSililm. I [Seal of the institution, J | Wii.sliiugtou: I .Sniithsoniiiii inHticii- tion: I March, 1863. Title vemo udvurtiseiuout 1 1. (^oiitonta p. iii, prefiice pp. v-xi, bibliography pp. xiii-xiv, half- titlu (Part I. Cliinook-Englisli) verso note 1 1. text pp. 1-29, half-title (Part II. Knglish- Chinook) p. ai, tt-xt pp. 33-44, 8°. AunlogioH between the Chinook and other native languages incliiden words in tlie Cow- litz, Kwantieu, Seliah, Chihalis, and Nisqually, p. X.— Tlio Chinook-English and English- Chinook dictionary, pp. 1-43, contains 39 wonls of Salislian origin, and are so designated. Copiet leen : Astor, Jlancroft, Di>ubar, Eames, Filling, Trunil)uU, Wollosley. "Some years ago the Smithsonian Institu- tion printed a small vocabulary of the Chinook Jargon, famished by Dr. B. R. Mltcliell, of the U. S. NaA'y, and prepared, as I afterwards learnotl, by Mr. Lionnet, a Catholic priest, for bis own use while studying the language at Chinook Point. It was submitted by tlio Institution, for revision and preparation for the press, to the late Prof. W. W. Turner. Although it received the critical examination of that distinguishcil philologist and was of use in directing attention to tlie language, it was deficient iu the ntimbor of words in use, contained many wbieli did not properly belong to tho J'.irgon, aiui did not give the sources from wLlch the words were derived. " Ml . Uale had previously given a vocabulary and account of this Jargon in his ' Ethnography of the United States Exploring Expedition,' whicii was noticed by Mr. Gallatin in tlie Transactions of tlio American Ethnological Society, vol. ii. He however fell into some errors iu his derivation of the words, chiefly from ignoring tlie Clielialis element of the Jar- gon, and the number of words given by him amounted only to about two liundred and fifty. "A copy of Mr. Lioiinet'svocabulary having been sent to me with a request to make such corrections as itmiglit require, I concluded not mer»'ly to coUale the words contained in this and other printed and manuscript vocabularies, but to ascertain, so far as possible, the luii- guages which had contributed to it, with the original Indian words. Tliis had liecomo the more im))ortant as its extended uso by dilTer- ent tribes had led to ethnological errors in the classing together of essentially distinct fami- lies." — Preface. Issued also with title-page as follows: A I dictionary | of the | Chinook Jargon, | or, | trade Liuguage of Oregon. | By George Gibbs. | Now York : | C'runioi.sy pr 88. | 18(53. Half title (Sliea's Library of American Lin- guistics. XII) verso blank 1 1. title verso bhiuk OibbB (G.) — t'ontmned. 1 1. preface pp. v-xi, bililiograpby of IlieCliinook Jargon pp. xiii-xiv, half-title of » art i verso note 1 I.Chinook-English diet: /oary jip. 1 -'iit, half-title of part II verso blank 1 I. Eiiglisb- Chiuook dictionary pp. 33-43, tho Lord's prayer in Jargon p. [44], 8^. Salishan contents ns unu, Shwoyelpi, Spolcaii (from a chief of tlie tT ibe), and Pislcwauit or Winatsha, pp. 252- 265. — Comparati ve vocabulary of the Kiilispttlin (from a man of the tribe), Belhoola (from a woman of the tribe), Lilowat (from a chief of the village), Tait (from u woman), Kouiooklis (from a man), and Kuwolitsk, pp. 270-283.— Dictionary of the Niiikwalli, I. Xiskwalli- English (double columns, alphabetically arranged), pp. 28'' -307; II. KnglishNiskwalli (alphalM'tii^ally arranged, with many etymolo- gies and derivati'-es), pp. 309-361. Account of Indian tribes uiiou tlus northwest coast of America. Manuscript, 10 leaves folio, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. ContAins words in a number of Salishan lan- guages, pas%im. Comparison of the languages of the luiUans of the north-west. Manuscript, 23 leaves. 4°. and folio (odds and ends), in the library of the Bureau of Ethnol- ogy- Contains words null ^lammatic notes in a number of Salishan languages. Local Indian names, partly Selish. Manuscript, 4 unnumbered loaves folio; iu the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Contains the names of about 120 geographic points on the uorthwest coast. Nearly all are Salishan, and 30 of them are in the Lummi language. Miscellaneous notes on the Eskimo, Kiuai and Atnah lauguiiges. Atauuscript, 2." leaves, 4° and folio (otlds aud ends); in tl 'lilirury of the Bureau of Ethnol- ogy' Ni.t ini u 'anguage of the Selish tril- , Zaai '-,> i ,; .1-0 ves, folio; in the library nl' the Bureai; ^ ' .r)iho,'»gy. Fragmentary ,« , "evidently jottecred leaves, most of which are written on l.^ith sides, aud sonic few of which are blank, 12°; in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Most of the viH;abu- laries were copiod on separate forms by Mr. OibbH. Those belonging to the Salishan family are ir 'ollows; I.iluwat, 8 pages; Saamcna, 12 payt. ; '.li' t, 8 pages; Chilohweck, 3 pages; Bilhir', , 'i^cesi Okiuaken, C pages; Siniil- kamc t, ••,-«, J iskwoiise, 13 pages; Spo- kane, 2'i\:ji,^-S; Kalispelm, 12papes; ShooHwnp, 4 pages; Nooksahk, 1 page; >'>skwaUy, 4 pages. Qibbs (G.) — Continued. Vocabulary of the C'laltaui. Manuscript, 3 unnumbered leaves folio; in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. (JoJ- lected at Port Townsend, in Ifi.iS. Kecorded on a blank form of 180 words, equivalents of all of which are given. [Vocabulary of the Kwautleii lan- guage; Fraser Kiver, around Fort Langley.] M.-tnu!4Cri)>t, 5 unnumbered leaves folio, written on one aide only ; in the library of the Bureau of Ethnohtgy. Recorded July, IH.W. Contains about 200 words. Vocabuliiry of the Kwillehyute, aud of the Cowlitz. Manuscript, lOunnumliered leaves, 4<^ ; iu the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Kecorderof law at Harvard UuiverHity. Iu 1848 Mr. Gibbs went overland from St. I.ouis to Oregon aud established himself at Columbia. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP THE mm 1 aibbs {(i.) — Co.itinuotl. Til 1854 ho received lljeiippnintmniitof coUnnttir of tbu port of A.storiii, wbicW lio li«lil iliiriut; Mr. FiUinoro'x niliuiiiiHtratioii. Later lio ru- movi-xl from Oregon to WaHlitngtoii Territory, and nettled upou a ranch a t'fw milea from I'Nirt Stcilat'oom. Here he liad bin hi'iuliiiiartorH for several years, devoting liiiiiHelf to tho study of the Indian languages and to ilie i^ollo(!tioii of vocabularies and tnuUtioiis of tlie iiorthwext- iTii tribes. During a great part of tlie time he was attached to tho Uiiito. Mengarini, who, lirst of all the Jesuit missionaries, possessed hiinsi'lf of tho genius of this language, and, besliles speaking it with the perfection of a native Indian, reduced it also to tlie rules of gram- mar. — Pre/aee. Copies seen: (Congress, Do'Oiar, Kamos, Pilling, Trumbull, AVellesley. Appended is the following : [ ] Appendix | to the | KaliHpel- English Dictionary. | Compiled by th<' I missionariesof the .Society of Jestis | St. Ignatius Print, Moutaoa. | 1870 Qiorda (J.) — Continued. Title verso blank 1 I. preface (unsigned) 1 1. text pp. 1-30, R^. The verb to be with substantives, pp. 1-2; Willi double possessive personal pronouns, ]>. It ; with an ad,ie<5tivo, p. ,">.— Verb transitive tn be mad, pji. 6-U. — Verb transitive indefinite to work, pp. 10-14. — Verb transitive to work, p. 18.— 'I'^erb transitive to catch, p. 19.--C ]ironouiiciation of the Indian al|)l!ab< t used in this dictionary 1 jiuge, key to both jiarts of the dictioiuiry 2 pages, verso of the last one blank, text pp. 1-456, 8°. Copies xien: CoiigresR, Dunbar, Kames, Pilling, Trumbull, WeilesUiy. [ ] Ln I tel kaimintis koliuzutcn | kuitltsmiimii. | Some Narratives, From the Holy Bible, in Kalispel. | Compiled by the | missionaries of the Society of Jesus. I St. Ignatius Print, Montana. | 1879. Cover title as above, title as above verso "Part I" 1 1. copyright notice (1879, by Rev. J. M. Caraldo) vorso " prei'ace of the publisiit^rs" 1 I. text pp. 1-30, half title " Part 11" verso blank 1 1. text pp. 39-140, contents part first (In Englisli) pp. 1-2, contents of part second (in EuglLsli) pp. 3-7, iiub^x of the gospels of tho Siinibiys pp. 8-9, errata pp. 10-14, 8°. Copies seen : Congress, Dunbar, Kamos, Pillhig, Wellesley. [ ] Szmim6ie-s .Jesus Christ. | •{- ( A catechism | of tin; | Christian doctrine I in the | Flat-Head or Kalisp61 Lan- guage I composed by the | missionaries of the Society of Jesus. | St. Ignatius print, Montana. | 1880 Cover title as above, title as above verso (■opyright notice (1880, by Rev.. I. Kundini) 1 I. half-title "Part I" recto blank 1 1. text pp. I- 17, holf title " Part II," p. 18, t«ixt pp. 19-4.5, 8°. (Jateiliisrii, p|). 1-33.— Hymns, pp 3!)-45. Copies Keen : Congress, Kumes, Pilling, Trum- bull, Wellesley. tiKiiwl) 1 1. an, pp. 1-2; ■iinouiis, p. ausitive to iiUittnite to I) wnrk, p. — ConJiiK'i- t, pp. 20-23; /, pp. 23-2.'-.; (p.26, 28; to pp. 30-31.— ;)li(!atlun of t of several ar, Eamcs, I Knlispel igo, I com- 8 of tho I Euglifh- .1 1877-8-9. (by Rev. J. I verso blank tho Indian 1>UK0, key to i.versoof the bar, Eames, liuziiton I ives, From Compiled Society of SALISHAN LANGUAGES. 29 la it 1879. above verso '9, by Kev. J. pM\)li»ber«" II" verso part first (In t second (in ospols of the i°. ibar, Kanics, ri«t. I + I A an doctiiiio lisp61 Lan- lissionaries iia. I 1880 above verso Uiiudini) 1 I. 1. text pp. 1- t pp. 1&-I.5, 8°. l)j) 3,')-45. Pilling, Trum- Oiorda (J.) — Continued. Tlicse works were put in ty|>e and printed by tlie Indian schoios of each were printed." "ThoiSaint Ignatius mission maintains two schools for Indian boys and girls, at tlie Flat- heofl Agency, on tlie Joi^ko reservation in Mim- tana. From a population of abxut 2,(lU0 Indians are collected enough pupils to make an average attendance of 150, who are tauglit industrial ])ursuitB as well as letters. The agent reports that t'je art of printing is also taught in a neat little printing office, whore dictionarit^s of the Kalispel language, the gospels, and innumer- able ]iainphlelg and circulars have been neatly printed."— Btile Soe. Iteeord, ,Vo«. 17, l/iS7. llev. Father Joseph ti iorda, S. J., who died of heart disease at Desmot Mission, among tlie C(Bur d'Ali'ne Indians, about tlie beginning of August, 1882, was a native of Piedmont; born March 10, 1823. lie joined the Jesuit order when twenty -two years old, and for some time filled the chair of divinity and held other important offices in the colleges of the society in Europe. In W.^S Father (liorda arrived in St. Louis, and soon after started for the wilds of tho northwest as superior general of the Kocky Mountain missions, wliicb office he held until increasing infirmitius, dui» to arduous labors and constant exposure, obliged tlioso in authority to relieve him of it. While superior he established many new missions among the whites and Indians throughout Montana and the adjoining Territories. Ho had a wonderful aptitude for languages, and, besides speaking fiueiitly the principal continental languages, mastered, during his manifold duties, the HIackfoot, Xez I'oree, Flathead, Yakama, Kool- oiiay, and (iros Ventre dialecits, and |ireaclieil to the different tribes in all iliese hiugiiages. For several years he was pastor of the ('liurcb of t lie Sacred Heart at St. Ignatius, Montana. — Van (lorp. God 8ivve tlio Qa»!eu [Notlakapamiik). SooOood (J.B.) [Good (/ftr. John Bootli).] Tho Moriiinf; and Evening I'layer, | And tlu* Litany, I With Prayers and Thanksgivings, | traiiHlatud into tho | Nelclakiipaniuk | Tongno, I for tho use of tho Indians of tho I St. Panl's mission, | l^ytton, Hrit- ish Cidiiinhia. | Vietori:t, H.C. | I'linlod by tlie St. Paul's mission pross, | 1878. Good (J. H.) — Contiuiied. OoKfr title : The Morning and Evening Prayer, | And tlio I^itany, | Also Prayers and Thanksgivings, | with | Office for the Holy Cominnnion. and | S«dect Hymns. | Translated iut<> the I Noklakcpamiik Tongue | for tho use of the Indians of t<\e | St. Faul's mission, { Lytton, British ('olnmbia. | Victoria, B. C. | Printed by the St. Paul's mission ]iregs. | 1878. Cover title, title verso blank 1 1. text pp. 3-48, 12°. Moriiin/ and evening prayer, pp. 3-33. —Ad- ministration of the Lord's supi>er, pp. 34-48. (h/iu'i teen : Bancroft, Wellesley. The latter portion of tills work was issut-d h.'paratoly, with title-page as follows : [ ] The Office for the Holy Com- nuinion | translated into the | Nekla- knpamiik | tongue, | fur the use of the Indians of the | St. Paul's mission, | Lytton, British Columbia. | Vi<'toria, K. C. | Printed by the St. Paul's mission press. | 1878. Cover title: The | Office for tho Holy Com- munion, and I Select Hymns. | Translated into the Noklakapaniuk Tongue, | for the use of tho Indians of the | St. Paul's mission, | Lytton, British Columbia. { Victoria, B. C. | Printed by the St. Paul's mission press. ] 1878. (?over title, title p. [33] verso beginning of text which occupies pp. 34-48. 12°. Lord's prayer. Prayer for duty, p. 34.— Ten commandments, pp. 35-36. — Prayer for tho (Jueeii, jip. 3f>-;t7.— The creed, pp. 37-38.— Tho offertory sentences, ji. 38. — Prayer for the church militant, pp. 38-40.— Exhort.-vtion, p. 41. — Theeonfession, pp. 41-42.— The absolution, tho invitation, ]ip. 42-43. — Siirsiiin corda, p. 43 Preface to tho sanctus, p. 43,— Prayer of humble access, pp. 43-44.— Praye™ for conserva- tion, p. 44. —The conimuiilon, tho Lord's prayer, p. 45. — The thanksgiving, jip. 46-4'i Thebless- ing, p. 47. — Hymns and doxology, pp. 47-48.— ( )ffice for the reception of catechumens, p. 48. ('opies Keen : Wellesley. [ ] The I Office for Public Haptism | And the Order of Conlirmation, | with I seloct hymns and ])rayer8 ( translated into tin- I Neklakapamiik | or | Thomp- son tongue I for the use of the Indians of the I St. Paul's mission, | Lytton, Hritish C(diimbia. | {',iy aid of the Venerable, society for promoting chris- tian ( knowledge.) | Vietoriii, B. C. | iiriuted by tho S. Paul's mission press (S. P. C. K.) | Col- legiate sehodl. I 1879. Cover title as above, title as above verso begliiiiillg of text, which occiiliies ](p. 232, 8"'. The ministration of public baptism of 39 BIELIOGRAPIIY OF THE f f : Good (J. B.) — Continued. infanta, pp. 2. 4, 6. 10. 12, 14. 16, 18 ()>. S blauk).- Tlio niiniHtration of baptism to hiu:1i as are of ri|i«r years and able to answer for tbemselves, pp. 3, 6,7, 0, 11, 17, ie(pp.l3 and 15 blank).— Select hymnM for the Omuu. p. 20. — The order of contlrination, pp. 21-24.— Select hymns, pHalniH, and prayers, pp. 2.'>-32. Onpie* Meen : Dunbar, Eaines, Pilling, Welles- Offices for the | 8olemnizat[i]on of inivtrimony | the viaitation of the sick, I and I The Burial of the Dead. | Translated into the | Nitlakapamuk | or I Thompson Indian Tongue. | By J. B. Good, S. P. G. missionary, Yale-Lyt- ton. I By aid of a Grant from the Van. Society for Promoting | Christian Knowledge. | Victoria, B. C. | Printed by the St. Paul's Mission Press, (S. P. C. K.) | Col- legiate School, 1880. Cover title as above, title as above verso blank 1 1. text with headings in English pp. 3- 15, 8°. The fonn of solemnization of matrimony, pp. 3-6.— Order lor the visitation of the sick, pp. 7-9.— The order for tho burial of the dead, pp. 10-14.— Collect:), p. 15. Copiet seen; Bancroft, Eames, Pilling, Wellesley. A vocabulary | and | outlines of grammar | of the | Nitlakapamuk | or I Thompson tongue, | (Tho Indian lan- guage spoken between Yale, Lillooet, I Cache Creek and Nicola Lake.'* ( Together with a | Phonetic Cliinook Dictionary, | Adapted for use in the Province of | BritLsh Columbia. ( By J. B. Good, S. P. G. missionary, Yale- Lytton. I By aid of a Grant from the Riglit Hnipson, p. 35.— Ontlines of [lliu liitlakapamiik] gramnnir, (pp. 37-46) Oood (J. B.) — Continued. includes a story in five parts with iutcrline.tr English translation, furnished by Dr. Ellis, of Yale. IM>. 38-40. Copiri teen : Damsroft, Dunbar, Eames, Mal- let, Pilling, Wellesley. [ ] God save the Queen. A seven-line verse in the Netlakapamuk or Thompson Indian tongue, with hea<1ing in English ns above, on one side of a small slip, which looks aa though it were struck otf as a proof-sheet. Oopie$»een: Wellesley. See Bancroft (II. H.) Orammar : See Mengarini (G.) Eells (M.) Salish Twana Oranunatic treatise Bilkula Chehalis Chohalis Chehalis Kalispel Klallam Klallani Komuk Netlakapamuk Netlakapamuk Kiskwalli Niskwqili Okinagan Puyallup Salish Salish Salish Salish Salish Sbuswap Shuswap Shuswap Skwaksin Snanaimuk Snohomish Spokan Stailakum Tilamuk Tilamuk Twana Twana See Boas (F.) Eells (M.) Gallatin (A.) Halo(H.) (}iorda(J.) Buhner (T.S.) Eells (M.) Boas iF.) Bancroft (H.H.) Good (J. B.) Bulmer (T. S.) Eells (M.) Boas (F.) McCaw (S. R.) Bancroft (H.H.) Gallatin (A.) Hale (H.) Petitet(E.F.S.J.) Shea (J. G.) Boas(F.) Gallatin (A.) Hale(H.) Eells (M.) Boas (F.) Eells (H.) Eells (M.) Boa8(F.) Gallatin (A.) Hale(n.) Bulmer (T. S.) Eells (M.) Grant (Walter Colquhoim). Description of Vancouver Island. By its first Colo- nist, W. Colqiihouii Gr.int, Esq., F. K. (}. S., of the 2nd Dragoon Guards, and late Lieut. -Col. of tho Cavalry of the Turkish Contingent. In Itoynl Geog. Soc. Jour. vol. 27, pp. 268- 120, London [1858], 8°. (Geological Survey.) Brief discussion of the language of Van- couver Island, and numerals 1-10, 100, of the TMclalIum.s,p.293. 8ALI8HAN LANGUAGES. 81 •I lunar lliH, uf ). Mal- auk or ling In 11 M1T iM a H. > n.) .) H.) S.J.) [•iption It Colo- F.K. \la, iinne), H. Piskwaus (Piscous); mid- die branch: I. Skwale (Nasqually) ; western l»rauch: J. Tsihailish (Chlckailis, Chilts) \J. Xsihailish, «ntH pp. T-vii, alphabet pp. Ix-xli, liulf-titln I v- rentlii, 7tli sitAHiou, pp. 375-387, Berlin, 1890,8°. (Koini-H, Filling.) Table of the pronoiiim /. thou, we (inc.), we (ex<;.), ye, and they in tlie languu|{«xuf I'olynuxia and of weatern America, pp. 386-387, includes tlieSeliab. laaucd separately with title-page as foUowa : Was America peopled from Polyne- sia f I A study in comparative Philol- ogy. I By I Horatio Hale. | From the Proceedings of tlio luternutional Con- gress of AmericaniHts | at Berlin, in October 1888. | Berlia 1890. | Printed by H.S.Her- mann. Title vorao bh.nk 1 1. text pp. 3-15, 8°. rronouna in the IanKnn){ea of Polynesia and of western America, including the Seliah, p. 14. Copies see}i : IMUing, Wellealej'. An international idiom. | A manual of tlio I Oregon trade language, | or | "Chinook Jargon." | By Horatio Hale, M. A., F. R. S. C, I member [&c. six lines.] I London: | Whittaker &, co.. White Hart Street, | Paternoster square. 1890. Half-title verao blank 1 1. title verao namtw <)f printers 1 1. prefatory note verso extr".c,t from a work by Quatrefagca 1 1. contenta verao blank 1 1. text pp. 1-63, 10°. Trade language and Snulisli dii^tiouarv, pp. 39-52 ; and the Eugliali and trade language, pp. 53-63, each contain a number of words of Saliahan origin ; in the ttrat iMirtiou thrae words are marked with the letter S. "Thia dictionary, it should be atat«d, ia. in the main, a copy (with some addttiona iind cor- rwtiona) of that of George Gibba (. S9. Copies heen : Eames, Pilling. For critical reviewa of tliia work, see Oha- rencey (H. de), Orane (A.), Leland (C G.), Reade (J.), and Weitem. — SoeOallatin (A.) Horatio Hale, ethnidogisl. Iiorn in Newport, K. U,, May 3, 1817, waa graduated at Harvard in Hale (H.) — Continued. 1837 and was ap|Hiint«er of many learned societies, both in Europe and in America, and in 1886 was vice- president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, presiding over the aectionof anthropology. — Appleton's Cyclop, of Am. Biog. Harvard: Thia word following a title or within parentheses after a note indicates that a copy of the work referred to haa been acen by the C(mipilor in the library of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. [Hayden (Ferdinand Vandever)], in charge. Department of the interior. | Bulletin | of | the United States | Geo- logical and geographical survey | of | the territories. | No. l[-Vol. VI]. | Washington : | Government printing office. I 1874C-1881]. 5 vols, and two numbers of vol. 6, 8^. It was not the intention, M-hcn these bulletins were atarteomorpliic and other ethnologic datu. has visited most of the aboriginal trilios of the United States and the northwest coast of America. In 1881 he visited tho Manilans, Hidatsa, and Arikara, to study tho sign lan- guage, pictographs, and secret society of the Arikara. In 18M2 ho made a trip to the Cali- fornia and Nevada tribes and all known local- ities abounding in pictographs, gathered vocab- ularies of Smiiwitsh (Santa liarbara), Kawi'ah (at Tulle River), etc. In 1883 he visited Ottawa, near Mockin.aw, Mich., and Mdewakantnwan, at Meudota, Minn., studying pictographs and linguistics, etc. In 1884 ho studieecially their pictography, sign language, and tattooing. In 1886 he visited lietroglyphs in West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, and Penn8ylv,inia. In 1887-1890 he miule visits to thoOjibwaof Minnesota, to study their Grand Medii ine ritual anil initiation. In 1890-'9l be visitcil the Mouomini of Wisconsin and OJibwa of Minnesota, to study their ritual and nicdi- eino society. Ho\7se (Joseph). Vocabularies of cer- tain North American languages. By T. (J.?) Howse, Esq. In I'hiloIo;jical Sue. [of London] Proc. vol. 4, pp. 191-200, London, 1850. K°. (Congress.) Vocabulary of tho Flathead, Okanagen.and Atnaor Slioiishwhap, pp. 190-200. Hymn-book : Xetlakaparauk Hymns : Kalispel Klallam Netlakapamuk Netlakapamuk Niskwalli Niskwalli Okinagan Skwaksin .Snohomish Twana Hymns in the Thompson tongue. Seo Le Jeuue (J.M.R.) See Le Jeuno (.1. M. R.) See Giorda (J. B.) Eell8(M.) Gooeo|{rii|>hio naiiinH HyniiiB Litany Lonl's prayer Lord's prayer Lord's prayer Lord's prayer Numerals Prayers Prayers Prayers Text Votabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Sp. xi-xvii, list of illustrations p. [xviii], text pp. 1-455, appendix i- 11. 8°. List of peoples in the uorthwost, including theSalishan tribes, 4 unnumbered leaves itt end. Copiet teen: Bancroft, Boston Athcntciim, Britisli Museum, Congress, Harvard. The edition : Les Indiens de la Bai ciission Buscliinann (■!. C. E.) Geueral diseiiMsion Tolmie (W. F.) and Dawson (G. M.) I.K>rd's prayer Youth's. Numerals Eells (M.) Numerals Se.juler (.f.) Numerals Tolmio (W.F.) Sentences Scouler (.1 .) Sentences Tolmie (W.F.) Songs Boas (F.) Vocabulary Pinart (A. L.) Vocabulary Scouler (J.) Vociibnlary Tolmio (W.F.) Vocabulary Tolmie (W. F.) and Dawson (G. M.) Words Brinton (D.G.) Words Buschmann (J. C. E.) Words Chamberlain (A. F.) Words Daa (L. K.) Words Latham (R. G.) Keane (Augustas H.) Ethuography and philology of America. By A. H. Keane. lu Bates (H. W.), Central America, the West Indies, etc., pp. 443-571, London, 1878, 8°. General scheme of American races and lan- guages (pp. 460-497) includes a list of the Columbian races, embracing the Salish or Flat- head, p. 474. -Alphabetical list of all known American tribes and languages, pp. 498-545. Reprinted in tliel88'2and 1885eiUtion8of the same work and on the same pages. SALISHiVN LANGUAGES. 86 Keane ( A. H ) — ContiniuHl. Aiiiorioan IiidiiiiiM. In KnryclopioUa Itritnnnirn. iili:tli (Mlitinn, pp. 822-8.10, New Yi>rk, 1881, royal H^. (1 iin-Bil of Ethnolocy,PllHnK.) (,'ohinil)ian ra11«(.M.) C'oones (S. F.) K«ll.s(M.) (ilbbs (C) HiiImcr(T. S.) E.'1U(M.) Ei>U8(M.) Bulmer (T.S.) Youth's. £ell8(M.) Grant (W.C.) .Scoulor (J.) Tolnile (W. F.) Scouler (J.) Baker (T.) Eclls (M.) KellH (M.) Gibbs (G.) Latham (R. G.) rinart(A.L.) Koclirig (F.L.O.) Scouler (J.) 'rolmio(\V. F.) Baiicroft(U.U.) Klallam — Continiiml. Words Iluscbinunii (■!. <'. E.) Words I)aa(I..K.) Words Latham (U.O.) WonlH Youth's, Komuk : (iraniiiiatic tniatUe SiHS lloiM (F.) LucwkI" »ous(F.) Nuniiirals llrintoM (l>. U.) Nuniiiiseula, for title ot which see below. On the languages of the Oregon ter- ritory. By R. G. Latluuu, M. I). In Ethnological Soc. of Loudim,.Tour. vol. 1, pp. 154-106, Edinburgh [1848], 8°. (('.mjrre.ss.) Comparative vocabulary <11 words) of Fri(!ndly Villaj;*' (from McKen/.ie) aud the Billechoola (from Tolmie), p. 155.— Numerals 2-7, 10 of the IJillechoila compared with those of Fitzhugh Sound, and Haeltzuk, p. 155. — Comparative vocabulary (10 words) of the Atiia (from MoKonzio) and Noosdalum, p. 157.— Comparative vocabulary (12 words and numer- als 1-10) of the Salish (from (iallatln), and Okinsgen (from Tolmie), p. 158 —Vocabulary of the Shoshoni (24 words) showing aflinities with a number of other languages, among them Latham(R. G.) — Continued. the Kawitchen, pp. 159-100.— Table of words showing adinities between the E.skimo anil other languages, among them the ISillechoola, Kawitchen, and Squnllyamish, pp. 104-165. This article rcprinttid in the muw author's Oputcula, with added notes ; for title see below. Tlie I nattiralli. story | of ( the varie- ties of man. | Hy j K(>l)ert (Jordou Latliain, M. D., F. U. S., | late fellow of King's college, Cambridge; | one of tlie vi«!e-pre8ident8of the Kthn(dogieul soci- ety, London; | corresponding meui'"'" to the ethnological society, | I\cw York, etc. | [Monogram in shield.] | London: | John Van Voorst, I'ater- nosterrow. | M. 1). CCCL [1850]. Half-title verso bl.auk 1 1. title verso names of printers I 1. dedication verso blank 1 1. preface pp. vii-xi, bibliograj)liy j)p. xiii-xv, explanation of plates verso blank 1 1. contents pp. xix-xxviii, text pp.l-56G, index pp. bW7-r>7i, list of works by Dr. Latham verso blank 1 1. 8°. A comparative vocabulary (10 words) of the ' t; I i] i 1 1 36 BIBLIOOKAPHV OP THE Latham (R. G.) — Continued. Friitnilly VillaKit (from McKitnzIc) iind Bilk clioulu (friMii ToIiiiIk), |>. 300. — (Joinparntivu VM'ultiilary {Vi woriU> or tlie I'iHkwauH (IVoiii Oallntin) and SiiUmIi, p, au.— Coinpiirativit vociilmlnry (ID wonlw) of thn ('lickt^ull anil Wakaiili (fn)in Sronlur), |). 315. Cupim leett: Buruuii of KthiioluKy, ('oii- grcHH, Kniiios. The I I'thnology | of | tho HritiHli colonioH I iind | (lupttnihnK-ieN. { Ky | K. (J. Liithiun, M. 1)., F. U. S., | rofessorof English | in University college, liOiidon, late assistant plij'sician | at the Middlesex hospital. I Williams & Norgate, | 14 Henrietta street, Covent garden, London | and | 20 8onth Frederick street, Edinburgh. I Leipzig, R. Hartmann. | 1860. Title verso nunie of printer 1 1. preface pp. iil-iv, contents pp. v-vi, text pp. 1-377, addenda and corrigenda pp. 378-418, 8'. A reprint of a number of papers retvd before tho ethnological and pliilological societies of London, among them the following : On the languages of tlio Oregon territory (pp. 249-265) contsins : Coir parative vocabulary (10 words) of tho language of Friendly Village (from McKenzie) and Billochula (from Tol- mie), p. 250.— Vocabulary (10 words) of tho Atnah (from McKenzie) and of the Noosda- lum, compared, p. 252.— Vocabulary (12 words and aumeroU 1-10) of the Salish (f^om Galla- Latham (R. G.) — Coutinuod. till) aiid()kinagen(froin Tolniiu),pp. 25:i-254.— List of words hIiowIu^ alBnitles Isdween tliu li'iiguages of Oregon territory and the Ksliiiiio Includes words of tlie Billeclioola and Okina- gen. pp. 20(1-203. Miseellaiieoiis rontribiitions to the etlinog- raphy of Nortli America, pp. 27.V297, <'oiituin* n niimlier of Salishan words in tlie compara- tive lists. Addenda and corrigenda, IHIiO (pp. 378-418) eontaiiiH a few additional remarks upon tlie Atiia group and tlie Billechula. p. :i88 Short Solisli vocabulary (12 words), pp. 415-410. Cnpiet si-'-n: Astor, Hoston I'ublie, Ilriiiton, Bureau of lCtlimdogy,Cungres8, Kanies, IMIIing, Watkinson. At the Sqiiier sale a iirosentation cop^', no. 03fl, brought $2.37. The Murphy copy, no. 1438, sold for$l. Elements | of | comparative iihilol- ogy- I l«y I R.(i. Latham, M.A., M. D., F. R. 8., &c., I late fellow of King'scol- lege, Cambridge ; and late professor of English I in University college, Lon- don. I Loudon : Walton and Maberly,! Upper Gowor street, and Ivy lane, Paternoster row; I Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, | Paternoster row. I 1802. I The Right of Translation is Reserved. Half-title verso n.imo of printer 1 I. title verso blank 1 I. dedication verso blank 1 1. preface pp. vii-xi, contents pp. xiii-xx, tabular view of languages and diale<'ls pp. xxi-xxviii, chief authorities pp. xxix-xxxii, errata verso blank 1 1. text pp. 1-7.52, addenda and corri- genda pp. 753-757, iudoK pp. 758-774, list of works by Br. Latham verso blank 1 1. 8°. (ieneral account of the Tsibali-Selish, with a list of linguistic divisions, p. 390.— Compara- tive vocabulary (50 words and numerals 1-10) of the Atna (from Hale), Fiskwaus, .Skwali, and Kowelitsk, pp. 399-400.— Vocabulary (50 words and iiunierals 1-10) of the Nsictshawiia or Kilamitk, a hingiingc of thu Selish or Atna group, compared with the AVatlala and Xutka, pp. 402-403. — Vocabulary (12 words) of the Selish coniinpared with the Tshiuiik and Sho- slioni, p. 404. Copies geen .- Astor, British Museum, Bureau of Ethnology, (Congress, Eamcs, Watkinsou. Kobort Gordon Latham, the oldest son of the Bev. Thomas Latham, was born in the vicarage of Blllingsborough, Lincolnshire, March 24, 1812. Inl819hewa8enteredatEton. Twoyears afterwards he was admitted on tho foundation, and in 1829 went to Kings, where he took his fellowship and degrees. Ethnology was hia first iiaasiou and his last, though for botany he had a very strong taste. He died March 9, IHii.— Theodore WatttiiiThgAtheMum, March 17, 1888. - 8ALI»HAN LANGITAOKS. 37 Leolero (ChnrloH). BililiotluMit | itiiiuri- cniiit I (,'tita1oKuit rniMonii*; | d'liiio tri-H- jirc^cioiiHo I colh'ctioii do livrt'H aiiclt'HH I »'t motlerneH | hiu rAni(r Hale, no. Ool, $l.ririnted on cards which have the verse beneath the picture in French. (Ennies.) Nelh to skoalwtz .lesu-Kri | n St(^ Marguerite Mali Alacok. Shoat koo lamhal a tn HptenoHc m. Colophon: P. A. K ■ mper, Dayton, O. (N. America.) [IHiK).] Lillooet, Br. Columbia. A smiiU card, 3 by 5 inches in size, headed an above and <:ontaining twelve " I'mniisis of Our Lord to Hlessed Margaret Mary "in the Lill(ieneath which is a flve-line verse in English. Copies seen : Kitmes, I'illing, Wellesley. Mr. Kemper has issued similar cards in many languages. [ ] [Two lines stenographic charac- ters.] I No. 1. Kamloops Wawa May 2. '91 [-No. 76 30, Apr. 1893]. A periodical in tlie (Chinook Jargon, hteno- graphic characters, intended as a weekly, hut issued in its curly stages at irregular intervals, at Kamloops, ISritish Columbia, under tlic edi- torship of Father Le.leune, and rcpriwhu'cd l>y him with the aid of the mimeograph. Si'e tiw- fiimiie of the lirst page of the initial issue, p. 38. Adetaileii description of tlie issues iinil their contents to no. 07. inclusive, is given in the Bibliography of the Cliinookaii languages. Night prayers in Shush wap, no. 9, \)\i. 1-4 (pp. 51-54 of the series). [ ] Prayers in | Shushwap. | I. Night Prayers. [Kamloops, B. C. : 1892.] No title-page, heading as above ; text (in the Shushwap language, stonographiu (characters, 38 BIWLIOGRAPHY OF THE 1 ':»£ ': cy' Kocn'i loops O^f V -^6^^^ / ^5- c/C^9^ *//" wantj (HMcC SpeaJii WaurJ- to Ccar^ to ivfitic. /^e/t,\ \ FACSIMILE OF THE FIRST PAGE OF 1 HE KAMLOOf-S WAWA. MJ 8ALIRHAN LANOUAOES. 39 I Le Jeune (J. M. R.) — Continnod. with EngliHh anil Latin lutaiUn^iH in ital'.CH, reproduced by the mimeograph), pp.1-10, lti°. Venl Sancti, p. 1. — Act. of faith, p. 1 ; of hope, p. 2 J of love, pp. 2-3; of contrition, p. 3; of adoration, pp. 3-4; of thaukA^ivinp, pp. 4-5.— Prayer for 'ight, pp. 5-6; examon, pp. 0-7; ttrm purpose, pp. 7-8; confiotor, p. '.).— >tiscr('atur and ludulKentiam, p. 10. — Tlie ton connnand- nimitfi, pp. 10-11 Proci>pt« of tlio church, pp. 11-12.— Seven capital nina, p. 12. — Night offer- ing, p. 13.— Prayer for the living and tlio dead, pp. 14-15.— Sub tuura, pp. 15-18. Copiet *«■«)» : Pilling. SuliHequently incorporated in tlie folh)wing; [ ] Prayei'H in Shiishwii]). | Morning Prayers. [Kamloops, II. C: 1892.] No title-page, heading as above; text (in the Shushwap language, st^nograiihic iharacters, with English and Latin hendingH In italics, reproduced by the mimeograph), pp. 1-48, 10°. Morning Prayers: VeniSanct<>, p. 1. — Ailora- tioii, p. 1. — Th;ink!. 7; of contrition, pp. (-8. —To the Messed Virgin, etc., pp. 8-0 — Angel us, iip. 9- 10. — Gloria patri. p. 11.— Sub tuuni, i>. U.— The rosary, pp. 12-10. Night prayers; Detailed contents as under title next above, pp. 17-32. Prayers before communion: ll,Miin. pp. S.!- 34.— Act of fail pp. 34-3.1; of hiiniilit.v. pp. 35-36; of contrit in, pp. 36-37 : of love. p. 37 ; of desire, pp. 38-39. After communion: Prayer, p. 40.— 'rhank,>)- giviug, p. 41. — Petition, p. 42. -KcsoliUion, pp. 43-44.— OtTering, pp. 44-45. - Intercession, p. 45.-HjTnns,pp.46 48. Copieg teen : Pilling. Prayers in Thomp.^ou. | liy ,J. M. R. Le .Tonne O. M. I. [KamloopH, B. C. : 1891.] No title-page, heading only; text (intirely in the language of the Indians of Tlioiiipson river, «t"• f*''" facsiuiili^ of the Ursl. page. ]). tO. Copuii teen : Pilling. [ y ] Vrayors. | in 'i''honi]>8on. | or Mtla- kapiiiali. I Morninj; I'rii.vors. [Kamloops, U. V.: 1892.] No title-page, heading onlv; text (in tlie Mtlakapniah, steiiograpliic iliaractcrs, witli Unglish headings in italics; reiirciduccd liy tlie mimeograph), pp. l-IO, 10^. Veui Saucte, p. 1.— Adciration, p. 2 Tiiaiiks- ^.ving, pp. 2-3.— Rcsulutiou, ]>p. IJ-4.— Tetilion, pp. t-5.— Pater, pp. 5 0,— Ave, ji. 0.— Credo, pp. 7-8. — Septflm sacranienta, p. 8. — .\ctof faith, pp. 8-9.— Act of hope, p. H, — Act of love and of Le Jcune (.T. M. R.) — Continned. contrition, p. 10.— Invocation, p. 11.- To the B. Virgin, p. 11.— To tlie guardian nngelpp. 11- 12.— To the saints, p. 12 Angelas, p. 13.— On^mus, ad Gloria I'atri, p. 14. -Sub tuum, p. l.^. — Ort'oring of i lie mass, pp. 15-16. Copi''^ wn: Pilling. I [ ] Primer and 1"' Lessons in Thomp- son. I hy. J. M. K. Li'.li'um; <). M. L [Kamloops, H. (!. : 1891.] Ko title-page, headings only ; text (in steno- graphic diameters, with headings in Knglish and Latin in italics, reproduced on the iiiiiiieo- graph) 4 iinniimlicrecl p:iges, 10°. Passion liyiu.i. p. 1.- I'riiiier lesson, pp. 2-3. — O ill S' Jo.Heph. p. 4. Copim ueeii .- filling. [Ilynins in the Thompson tongue. By R<'V. .1. M. R. Le Jenne, (). M. L Kamloops, B. C. : 1891.] No title-page, text (in steni>graphic charac- ters, reprodiiceil by the aid of the mimeograph), 4 uiiniiiiiliered jiages, 10°. Passion hymn, jip. 1-2.— Hoe kanmcntam, p. 3.— O ia St..Toseph. p. 4. Copies teen; Pilling. Sliorthiinil j)rim('r Ibrtho Tliompson Langnage | by .F. M. R. I^e Jeune O. M. I. [Kamloops, B. C: 1891.] No title-page, heading only; text (in steuo- grajiliic characters and italics, reproduced by the iuiuieogri;pli) 4 iiununiliered poges, 10'. Cojii-x teen : Pilling. [ ] I'Mrst Catocliisin, | in | Thompson L;ingiiago. [Kanihmps, B.C.: 1892.] No title-page, heading only ; text (in the lan- guage of the Indians of Tliiinipson Kiver, steiioKrajiliii^ characterc, reprtHluced by the niiiiieograpli), pp. 1-.32, 10°. Eight chapters, referring respectively to: God, Prinity, pp 1-2, Creation, ji]!. 2-4; Jesua f.'hiist, p)i. 4-8; Sin, pp. 8-10; Itaptisni.pp. 11- 12; Coiilirmation.pp. 12-14; Penance, pp. 14-28; Holy Kiieharist.pp. 2H-32. t'lijiieg reeii : Pilling. [ ] I'Mrst C'atccliism , in Shnshwap. [Kamloops, B. V 189!^.] No titlcpiige, he;idMig only; text (in the .Shushwap hiiigiiage. steiiograpliic chiiracfeid, with lie:i(liii^NiM Kiiglisli mi italics, reproduced >r. Ill, ;:>i!iie.)grapli), iij). l-:!2. 16°. Nine cliapters, headed respwtively : (Jod, Trinity, crea.'ion, etc., pp. 1-2. — Creation, pp. 2-3 .lesiis Christ, pp. ,'l-0.--Gn sin, pp. 0-7. — Death, pp. 7 9. — I'enance, pp. 9-10. — Eucharist, pp. 17-18.— C'iiitlniiation. pp. 18-19.— (JiiestionF from .iiiotiicr cnti'chisiii, not included in tho above, pp. l!l-32. Vitpiii sirn .- I'ilUin;. i^ 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP THE 2/^ erimenting Urst upon a young Indian boy who learned the short- hand after a single lesson and begin to help him teach the others. The work went on slowly until last winter, wlien tliey began to be interested in it all over the country, and since tlien they have been learning it with eagerness and teaching it to one another. Lenox: This word following a title or within l)arcntln'ses after a note indicates that a copy of the work referred to has l)eeu seen by the com- piler in the Lenox I ibrary, New York City. Lettre an Saint-Pere on Langno Kalis- pel, ( Anglice Flathead. ) In Societ6 Philologique, Aetes, vol. 15, pp. 110-112, Alen^on, 1877, »°. (Bureau of Ethnol- ogy, ruling. ) Thnie versions, Latin, English, and RalisfM)!, of a letter to the Pone. Liloeet. See Lilowat. Iiilowat: Numerals Prayers Text Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary gee Eella (M.) Le Jeune (J. H. R.) Le Jeune (J, H. R.) Boas (F.) Gibbs (G.) Powell (J. W.) Roehrig (F. L. O.) Tolmie (W. F.) Dawson (G. M,> and Litany : Kalispel See Canestrelli (P.) Netlakapamuk Good (J. B.) L'knngen, See Songiih, Lord's prayer: Kalispel See .Shea (J. O.) Kalispel Smalley (E. V.) Kalispel S met (P. J. de). Kalispel Van Gorp (L.) Ka w ich en Youtli 's. Klallam Bulmerf civilisiition | und the | i)riuiitiv<' con- dition ofniiin. I Mental and Hocial eon- dition of Huvitges. | liy ( Hir .John Lnlt- bock, Hart., M. P., F. K. S. | author [&c, two lines.] | London : | Longmans, Green, and co. I 1870. Half-title verso nnmes of printers 1 1. front- ispiece 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. preface pp. v- viii, contents p, ix. list of illustratiims pp. xi- xii, list of principal works quoti-d pp. xiil-xvi, text pp. 1-323, appendix pp. 3'25-3B2. notes pp. 3tt3-3«5, index pp. 307-380, four other plates, 8°. A few words in the Niskwalli language, p. 288. Copie* teen: Astor, British Museum, Con- gress, Fames. Harvard. ITT i'i 42 BIHLIOGKAPHY OF THE Lubbock (J.) — Continued. Thf I origin of civilisation | and the I primitive condition of man. | Mental and Hocial condition of savages. | By | sir John Lubbock, Bart., M. P., F. R. 8. I author[«&c. two lines.] | New York: | D. Appletc.n and com- pany, ! 90, 92 & 94 Grand street. ] 1870. Half-atleverHO blank 1 1. frontigpiece 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. i)rclnc« ''itbc Anicrican edition pp. iii-iv, preCaco pp. v-viii, coiitonts p. ix, illnstrations pp. xi-xii, list of principal works quoted pp. xiii-xvi. toxtpp. 1-3211, ap|)ondix pp. 325-362, notes pp. 3«3-365, index pp. 307-380, four other plates, 12°. Linguisticeoutents as under title next aoove. Copies teeii: Harvard, Pilling. The I origin of civilisation | and the I primitive condition of man. | Mental and social condition of savages. | By | Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M. P., F. R. S. I author [&c. two lines.] | Second edition, with addititms. | London : | Longmans, Green, and co. I 1870. Hair-title verso pames of printers 1 1. front- ispiece 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. preface pp. v- viii, contents pp. ix-xiii, illustrations pp. xv- ivi, listof princi|)al worksquotod pp. xvii-xx, text pp. 1-367, appendix 369-40!). notes pp. 411- 413, index pp. 415-426, list of books 1 1. five otlior plates. 8°. Linguistic contents as under titles above, ]). 327. Copiet teen: J'ritish Museum, Kamcs, H.ir- vard. The I origin of civilisation | and the I primitive conditi(m of man. | Mental and social condition of savages. | By | sii John Lubbock, Bart., M. P., F. R. S. I vice-chancellor [&c. three lines.] I Third edition, with numerous addi- tions. I London : | Longmans, Green, and co. I 1875. Half-title verso names of printer 1 1. front is- piecel 1. title verso blank 1 1. prefaee])p. v-viii, contents pp. ix-xiii, illnstr.itions pp. xv-xvi, llBt of the principal works quoted pp. xvii-xx, text pp. 1-463. appendix pp. 465-507, notes pp. 609-514, index pp. 515 -.528, five other plates, 8°. Linguistic contents as under titles above, p. 416. Copies teen: British Museum, Eames. ——The I origin of civilisation | and the I primitive condition of man. | Mental and social condition of savages. | By | Sir John Lubbock, Bart. M. P. F. R. S. Lubbock (J.) — Continued. I D. C. L. LL. D. I President [&c. five lines.] I Fourth edition, with nnmerouB additions. | London : | Longmans, Green, and co. I 1882. Half-title verso list of works " by the same author" 1 I. frontispiece 1 1. title verso names of printers 1 1. preface pp. v-viii, contents pp. ix-xiii, illustrations pp. y v-xvi, list of the prin- cipal works quoted Jip. xvii-xx, text pp. 1-480, appendix pp. 481-524, notes pp. 525-533, index pp. 535 !)48, five other plates, 8°. Linguistic contents as under titles above, p. 427. Vopiea seen: Boston Athenrenni, Eames, Harv.ird. The I origin of civilisation | and the I primitive condition of man { Mental and social condition of savages | By | Sir John Lubbock, bart. | M. P., F. R. S., D. C. L., LL D. I author [&c. four lines] I Fifth Edition, with numerous Additions | London | Longmans, Green, and co | 1889 I All rights reserved Half-title verso names of printers 1 1. frontis- piece 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. preface (February, 1870) pp. vii-x. contents pp. xi-x\ i. illustrations P)). xvii-xviii, list of principal works quoted pp. xix-xxiii, text pp. 1-486, appendix pp. 487- 520, notes pp. 531-,539, index ;ip. 541-554. list of works by the same author veiio blank 1 1. five other plates. 8°. Lin|j;uistic contents as under titles above, p. 432. Copies seen : Eames. Ludewig (Hermann Ernst). The | liter- ature I of I American aboriginal lan- guages. I By I Hermann E. Ludewig. | With additions and corrections ( by professor Wni. W. Turner, | Edited by Nicolas Triibncr. | London : i Triibner and co., 60, Pater- noster row. I MDCCCLVIII [1858]. Half-title ' I'riibner's bildiotheca glottica 1 " vr r.so blanK 1 1 t itle as above verso name of printer 1 1. pn laee pp. v-viii, contents verso Id auk 1 1. editors iiilvertisement pp. ix-xii,bio- j;rai)lii7-258,8o. Arranged alphabetically by languages. Addenda by Wm. W. Turner and Nicolas Triibner, pp. 210-246. Contains a listof grammars and vocabularies and anumg others of the following peoples: American languages generall p]). xv-xxlv; Atnah or Klnn, pp. 15,212; Kluthead, SelisU (Atnab, Schousihnsp), pp. 7: 74, 216, 221; Kawitschen, p. 01 ; StjuallaymiHli, p. 230. SALISHAN LANGUAGES, 48 Turner Iiudewig (II. E.) — Contiiin«Ml. Copies seen: nureaii of Ktlinol, no. !)9U, ii I'opy bronglitS*. 6d.- at the Field Hiile, no. 140:i, #2.0;i; at the Sqniersalo, no.6!)9. $2.02; another «'0|y. no. 1900, $2.38. Priced by Leclerc, 1S7«, no. 207,5. 1"> fr. The Pinart coi)y, no. 505, solil for 2.'> fr., and the Murphy copy, no. 1540, for $2. .'ill. "Dr. Ludewig liaH liimM.'lf so fully detailed the plan and purport of this work that little more remains for mo to add beyoiul the mere Htatomentof the origiji of my 6. no more than 172 pages wore printed off, and these constitute the only portion of the work which had the beneilt of his valuable personal and ilnal revision. "Similarity of pursuits led, during my stay in New York in 1855. to an intimacy with Dr. Ludewig, during which he mentioned that he, like myself, h.-vd been ranking bibliogr.-vphical memoranda for years of ali books which servo to illustrate the history of spoken language. As a first section of a more extended work on the literary history of language generally, ho had pre])arcd a bibliographical memoir of the remains of ah; riginal languages of America. The maiuiscript had been deposited by him in the library of the Kthnological Society at Xow York, but at my reiiucst he at once most kindly placed it at my disposal, stipulating only that it should be printed in Europe, under my per- sonal suijorintendence. " Upon my return to England, I lost no time in carrying out the trust thus contided to mo, intending then to contineniyself simply to pro- ducing aeorrect copy of my friend's manuscript. But it soon bec.ime obvious that the transcript had been hastily miule. and but for the valuable assistance of literary frieiuls, both in this country and in America, tlie work would prob- ably have been abandoned. My thanks are more particularly due to Mr. E. (i. Squier, and to Prof. \ViIliara W. Turner, of Washingt(Ui, by whoso <'onsiderate and valuable cooper, tion many ditliculties were cleared away and my edi- torial labors greatly lightened. This en(i>\i raged me to spare neither personal labor nor (Expense in the attempt to render the work as perfect as po.ssible, with what success must he left to the Judgmentof those who can fairly appreciate the labors of a pioneer in any new tield of lit- erary research." — Editor's advertisement. "Dr. Ludewig. though but littb' known in this country [England], was lu'ld in consider- ablecstoem as a, jurist, bothindermanyand the United States of America. Born at Dresden in 1809, with but little exception he conliuued to reside in his native city until 1844. when he emi- grated to America; but, though ii> both coun- Ludexirig (H. E.) — ContiniiDcl. tries he praiitHehloin uivt witli lieyond tho confluoM of the Fatlierland." — Bio- graphic memoir. Lnmmi : Oeographio names Lord'« prayor Kiinierals Voi'abulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Words Words See Gibbfl ((}.) Youth's. Sellx (M.) Gibbs (G.) Plnart(A.L.) Roehrig ( F. L. O.) Bancroft (H. H.) Youth's. M. ¥\ : MoCa'V7 (Saninol R.) [Words, phr ;!■'««, sentences, and granimatic mat< ck \ relating to the Pnyallup language.] Manuscript, pp. 77-2'28, and 4 unnumbered leaves, 4"^. In tho library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Kecorded in a copy of Powell's Introdacti(m to the study of Indian lan};uagos, 8C(^oud edition. (;ollect. | London | Longman, Green, Longman, Koberts, &, Green | 1862. HuU-title verso name of printer 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. prefu<'e pp. v-vii, contents pp. ix-xiii, text pp. 1-142, appendices pp. 445-524, map, 8°. Projior names of thirteen members of the Songisb tril)o, pp. 104-105. Cojiies seen : IJritish ^luseum. Congress. Sabin's Dictionary, no. 4:1149. mentions : Sec- ond edition, I.ondon, Longmans, IHOIt, 8°. McEvoy (J.) See Dawson (G. M.) Maokay (J. W.) See Dawson (G. M. ) Mackenzie (iSir Alexander). VoyageR | from I Mouti'eal, | on the river St. Laurence, | through the | continent of North America, | to the | Frozen and Pacific oceans; | In the Years 1789 and 1793. I With a preliminary account | of the rise, progress, aiul present dtate of I the fur trade | of that country. | Illus- trated with maps. | By Alexander Mackenzie, esq. | London : | printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, Strand ; Cobbett and Morgan, | Pall-mall; andW. Creech, at Edinburgh. | By R. Noble, Old-Bailey. I M.DCCC.I [1801]. Half-title verso blank 1 1. portrait 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. dedication verso blank 1 1. preface pp. iii-viii, general history of the fui trade etc. pp. i-cxxxii, text pp. 1-412, errata 1 1. 3 maps, 4°. Vocabulary of the Atnah or Carrier Indians (25 words), pp. 257-258.— VocabuUiry of the Indians of Friendly Village (25 M-ords), p. 376. Copies sefii : Aster, Bancroft, Boston Athe- niBum, British Museum, Congress, Dunbar, Earacs, Geological Survey, Harvard, Tniuiuull, Watkinson. Stevens's Nuggets, no. 1775, priced a copy lOt. Orf. At tho Fischer sale, no. 1006, it brought 5s. j another copy, no. 2532, 2s. 6d. ; at the Field sale, no. 1447, $2..38 ; at the Squier sale, no. 709, $1.02; at the Murphy sale, no. 1548, $2.25. Priced by Quaritch. no. 12206, 7«. Gd. ; no. 28953, a half- russia copy, 12.; Clarke & co. 1886, no. 4049, $5.50 ; Stevens, 1887, priced a copy 11. 7#. Od. Voyages | from | Montreal, | on the river St. Laurence, i through the| conti- nent of Nortb America, | to the | Frozen and Pacific oceans: ( in the years 1789 and 1793. | With a preliminary account of I tho rise, progress, and present state of I the fur trade | of | that country. | Illustrated with a map. | By Alexander Mackenzie, esq. | First American edi- tion. I SALISHAN LANGUAGES. 45 Mackenzie (A.) — Coatiuncd. New- York: | Printed and Sold by G. F. Hox)kiu8,at WaBliinfjton'H Head, No. 118, Pearl-street, | 1802. Title vorHo blank 1 i. (leilioation vomo blank 1 1, preface to thoLo' .ilou edition \>}>. v-viii, tttxt (Genornl history of tlio fiir trade) pp. 1-M, (■rournal of a voyage) pp. 1-296, map, 8°. Lint^uistic contents aa under title next above, pp. 180, 271 (second pagination). (■opiet teen : Aator, UoHton Athonioiim. Voyago.s | from | Moutroal, | ou the river St. Limrtmco, ; through the | conti- nent of North America, 1 to the | Frozfu and Pacitic oceans ; | in the years 1789 and 1793. | With a preliminary account I of the rise, progress, and present state I of I the fur trade | of that country, j Illustrated with | a general map of the country. | By sir Alexander Mac- kenzie. I Philadelphia: | published by John M»ngan. j R. Carr, printer. | 1802. 2 vols, in one : half-title verso blank 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. dedication vorso bli nk 1 1. pref- ace ]ip. i-viii, text pp. i-cxxvi, l-ll") ; 115-392, map, 8°. Linguistic contents as in the London edition of 1801 titled aliove, pp. cxiil-cxxvi, 240. Copies teen: Geolosjical Survey, Hai-vard. Some copies haveou tlie title-piif^e tlie words ; " Illnstrated witli a general niiip of the country and a portrait of tlie autlior." (*) At tlie Field sale, a copy, no. 1418, brought $2.62. Voyages I D'Alex.''^" Mackenzie;! dans I'intdrieur | de | rAni^ri([ue Sep- tentrionalo, | Faits on 1789, 1792 et 1793; I Le I.''', de Montreal an fortChi- piouyanota la mer Glaciule ; j 1^0 2.""', du fort Chipiouyan jusciu'aux bords do rO(!6an I pacitiipie. | Pnicoch^s d'nnTa bleaii historique et politique .sur | le commerce des pelleterie.s, danu le Ca- nada. I Traduits de I'Anglais, j I'iir J. Cast6ra, | Avec des Notes et un Itiud- raire, tirds en partie des | i>apier8 du vice-amiral Bougainville. | Tome Pre- mier [-III]. I Paris, I Dentu, Imprimeur-Libraire, Palais du Tribunal, | galeries de bois, n." 240. I An X.— 1802. :i vols, maps, 8°. Linguistic contents as iu the first edition titled above, vol. 'J. p. 20, 277. C pies sent : Astor, Congress. At the Fischer sale, no. 25:!!!, a copj' brought 1*. Priced by (Jagnou, Quebec, 1888, $:). For title of an extract from this edition sue under date of 1807 below. Mackenzie (A.) — Continued. Alexander Mackenzie's E8(i. | Reisen I von I Montreal durch Nordwestame- rika | nachdem | Eismecr unddorHiid- See I in den Jahren 1789 und 1793. | Nebst I einer Geschichto des Pelzhan- dels in Canada, | Aus dem Englist^hen. I Mit einer allgemeiiicn Karte und dem Bild- I nisse des Verfassers. | Berlin und Hamburg. | 1802. Pp. i-x, 11-408, map, 80. Linguistic contents as under titles above, pp. 36.5, 480. Copies seen : British Museum. Voyages | from | Montreal, | on the river 8t, Laurence, j through the | conti- nent of Not "^^h America, | to the I Frozen and Pacific ooeans ; | In the Years 1789 and 1793. | With a preliminary account I of the rise, prog ess, and present state of I the fur trado | of that country. | With original notes by BouguiKville, and Volnoy, | Moi.ibers of the French senate. | Illustrated wita maps. | By Alexander Mackenzie, es'i. | Vol. I [-II]. I London: | printed for T, Cadell, ,jun, and W. Davios, Strand ; | Cobbett and Morgan, Pall-mall; and W.Creech, | at Edinburgh. 1 By K. Noble, Old-bailey, | M. UCCC. II [1802]. 2 vols, in one; half-title verso blank 1 1. title vcr.so blank 1 1. dedic.ition verso blank 1 1. pref- ace pi>. vii-xiv, text pp. 1-284, contents pp. 285- 290; hair-tithi verso blank 1 1. title (varying suim^wliat iu punctuation from tliat of vol. 1) verso blank 1 1. text pji. 5-310 (wrongly num- bered 210), notes pp. 311-312, appendix pp. 313- 32.J, cont'^i-ts pp. 320-332, majis, 8°. Linguistic contents as in the first edition, titled aliove, vol. 2, pp. 48-149, 273. Copies seen ; Congress, ilcologieal Sur-. ey. Harvard. Clarki- vfc CO., 1886, priced a copy, no. 4050, at *3.,->0. Voyages | from | Montreal, | ou the river St. Tvaurence, through the ! conti- nent of North- America, : to the I Frozen and Pacific oceans: | in the years 1789 and 1793. | With a Pndiminary Account of I the rise, progress, and present state of the I fur trade | of that country. | Illustrated witli a map. | By Alexander Mackenzie, esq. | Third American edi- tion. I New - York : | published by Evert Duyckinck, bookseller, j Lewis Nichols, printer, | 1803. in M ^f!. I 4f I,'!;' iV 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Mackenzie (A.) — <'ontiniied. Title verHO blnnk 1 I. detUcution vergo blank 1 1. preface pp. v-vill, text pp. 9-437, 16°. LingulHtlo contouts iih iu previous iMlltioiiH titled almve, pp. 314. 400. Copies Keen : CongrcRg. Tableau | hi8torit|u« ot politique | tin cumtnorce ()*m polloturics | daiiH le Oaiiada, IdepuiH 1608,juH(|u'a ii<>8 Joiiih. I (Nontenant beaiicoiii> ilo tlc^tailH Niir leti nati(»i8 8au- | vages <[iii I'liabitunt, et Hiir lea vasttm cuiitrous qui y | sont rontiguiJB; | Avec un Vocabulairo d«i la lauguo de plusieurs peupleM de ces | vastes coutr^es. | Par Alexandre Mac- kenzie. I Tradait de I'Anglaiu, | par J. Ca8t6ra.| Ornd du portrait de I'auteur. | Paris I Dentu, Iinpriiu.-Lib.™,ruedu Pont-do-Lody, n." 3. | M. D. CCC. VII [1807]. Half-title 1 1. title vorso blank 1 1. text pp. 1- 310, table dcs mati6res 1 nnnumbered page, 8^. An extract from vol. 1 of the Parin edition of 1802, titled above. Linguistic contents as in previous editions, titled above, pp. 304-310. Copies teen : Congress. Leclerc, 1867, gold a copy, no. 920, for 4 fr. ; priced by him, 1878, no. 756, 20 fr. Voyages | from | Montreal, | on tbo river St. Laurence, ' through the j conti- nent of North America, to the I Frozen and Pacific oceans; | in the years 1789 and 1793. | With a preliminary account I of tlie rise, progress, and present state I of I the fur trade | of that country. | Illustrated with maps and a portrait of the author. | By sir Alexander Mac- kenzie. I Vol. I [-II]. I New- York : | published by W. B. Gil- ley. I 1814. 2 vols.: 3 p. 11. pp. i-viii, i-cxxvi, 1-113; 11. pp. 115-392, 8=. Linguistic contents as under previoug titles, vol. 1, pp. 247, 358-359. Copies teen : Congress. Sir Alexander Mackenzie, explorer, born in Inverness, Scotland, about 17.55, died in Ual- bousie, Scotland, March 12.1820. In bis youth he emigrated to (^anada. In Juno, 1789, he set out on liis expedition. At the weatoni end of Great Slave Lake ho entered a river, to which he gavehis n.imo, and explored it until July 12, when he readied the Arctic Ocean. He then returned to FortCliippewyan, where he arrived Oil Sopteinl)er27. In October, 1792, he undertook amore liazardous expedition to the western coast of North Amerii'a and succeeded in reaching CapeMcnzies,im the I'acilicOcean. He returned to Kngland in 1801 and was knighted the fol- lowing year. — Appleton'i Cyclop, of Am. Biog. Mallet : This word following a title or within parentheses after a note indicates that a copy of the work referred to has been soon by the compiler In the library of Mi^or Kdmond Mallet, Washington, D.C. Marletti (Pietro), editor. Oratio Domi- nica ' in cci,. lingvas versa | et CLXXX, i^haractervmformisivcl nostrutibvs \nl percgrinis expressa | cvrante | Petro Marietti Etivite Typographo Pontifn-io I Socio Administro | Typographei | S. Consilii de Propaganda Fide | [Print- er's device] | Romae | AnnoM. DCCC. LXX [1870]. Half-title 1 1. title 1 1. dedication 3 11. pp. xl- xxvii, 1-319, indexes 4 11. 4°. Includes 59 versions of the Lord's prayer iu various American dialects, among them the Orogonice, which may or may not be Salishan, p. 303. I have had no recent opportunity to investigate the matter. Copiet teen : Trumbu 11. Massachasetts Historical Society: These words following a title or within parttntheses after a note indicate that a copy of the work referred to liai been seen by the compiler in the library of that society, Boston, Mass. Maximilian (Alexiuider Philipp) Prinz ron ll'ied-Xeuwied. Reise | in | das in- nereNord- America | inden.Tahren 1832 bis 1834 I von | Maximilian Prinz zu Wied. I Mit 48 Kupfern, 33 Vignetten, vielen Holzschnittcn und einer Charte. I Erster[-ZweiterJ Band. | Coblenz, 1839[-1841]. | Bei J, Hcel- Hcher. 2 vols.: title verso blank 1 1. dedication 1 1. half-title verso blank 1 1. Vorwort jip. vii-xiv, Tuhaltpp. xv-xvi, half-title verso blank 1 1, text pp. 3-030, Anhang j)p. 631-653, errato p. 654, colo- plion verso hhiiik 1 1. ; title verso blank 1 1. half- title verso blank 11. list of subscribers jip.v-xvi, Inhalt pp. xvli-xix, list of plates pp. xx-xxii, errata 1 1. text pp. 1-425, Anhang pp. 427-687, colophon p. [688], 4°. Atlas in folio. Einige Worts (25) der Flatheads in den Kocky Mountains, vol. 2, pp. 501-502. Copies seen : Astor, Congress, Eames. At the Field sale, no. 1512, a copy of this edition, together witli one of the London, 1843 edition, brought $40.50. Voyage | dans I'intfirieur | de | I'Amdrique du Nord, | ex<5cut6 pendant les ann<«e8 1832, 1833 et 1834. | par | le prince Maximilien de Wied-Neuwied. | Ouvrage | accorapagni^ d'un Atlas de 80 planches environ, | format demi-colom- bier, | dessinces sur les lieiix | Par M. Charles Bodmer, | et | gravies par les SALISHAN LANGUAGES. 47 Maximilian (A. P.) — Continnod. plus habiles artistes (1m Paris et de Londrea. I Tome premier [-troisi^ine]. | Poris, I die/, Arthiis Bertraud, ddi- teur, I librairo do la Soci^t<^ do geo- graphic de Paris I etdelaSoci(^t(^royalo des antiquaires dii iiord, | rue llauto- feuille, 25. | 1840[-1843]. 3 vols. 8°. Notice gur log laiifi^oH tlo ntcs imtiouH ail iiortl-oii(>st , vol. 3. pp. 373-398, contaiDH a votiabulary of ID wonlH of the 23 different languageii truutoil in tlio (loruuiu edi- tion, pp. 379-382. Tlio Flatlicad occiipica lincH no. 8. — De la laugue den Mignes en UHflge chcz les Indiens, pp. 389-398. Copies teen: Congress, The English edition, London, 1843, 4°, con- tains no Salishan linguistics. (Astor, Boston Athenieum, Congress, Lenox, Watkinson.) Alexander Fhilipp Maximilian, Prince of Neawibd, German naturalist, born in Neuwied Sept. 23, 1782, died there, Feb. 3, 1807. In 1815, after attaining the rank of major-general in the Prussian army, he devoted nearly three years to explorations in Brazil. In 1833 he travtled through the United States, giving especial attention to ethnological investigations con ceming the Indian tribes. — Appleton'l Cyclop. of Am. Biog. Mengarlni (Rev. Gregory), A | Selish or Flat-licad | grammar. | By the | rev. Gregory Meugariui, | of the Society of .Tesus. I [Design.],! New York : | Cramoisy press. | 1861. Second title: (irarom.itica | liiiguso Solicn). | Atictore | P. Gregorio Mengarini, | Soc.Iesii. | Neo-Eboraci. | 1861. Half-title (Library of American linguistics, II) verso blank 1 1. English title verso blank 1 1. Latin title vorao blank 1 1. ])roaimium pp.vii- viii, text in Selish and Latin pp. 1-122, 8°. Pars prima Grammatiru linguie Sclicio, pp. 1-62. — Pars secunde, Dilucidationes in rudi- menta, pp. 62-78.— Pars tertia. lutroductio ad syntaxin, pp. 79-116. — Appendix, pj). 117-121. — Oratio doiniuicales, with interlinear Latin translation, pp. 122. Copie* seen : Astor, Boston Athena'iim. Brit- ish Museum. Congress, Dunbar, Eames, Lenox, Wellesley. Indians of Oregon, Grand Onler of the Iroquois. This liaroved. To become better acquainted with the social polity of tlie Indians, young Morgan visited the aborigines rcmniniug iu New York, a mere remnant, but yet retaining to a great extent their ancient laws and customs ; nml he went so far as to be adopt ed as a memlwr by the Senecas. Before the (M)iincil of tlm order, iu the years 1844, 1845, and 1846, ho rend it series of papers on the Iroquois, which wore published underthe nom nlary (iibhs(G.) 261, New York, IHSQiH^i. (Huroun of Ktliiioloity, Vwrabulary I(oehrig(F. L.O.) Filling.) Nakwalimak: Oriicin of tho Oliliinok JitrK<>n, iiii'liiilini; G (in tea See B»nH (F.) words from a niiinb«r (H.) Klallam Eells (M.) Gouural discusHion Toliuie (W. F.) nnd Klallam Grant (W'.C.) Dawson (G. M.) Klallam Scouler (J.) Geogiapliit; names ('oones (S. F.) Klallam Tolmio (W. F.> Gcograpliio nniiies KcUs (M.) Komuk Brinton(D.G.) Gcograph' -lames Wick.rsham (.1.) Koniuk Eells (M.) Gramniu ."catiso IJulmiT (T. S.) Kwuntlen Eells (M.) Gramiiiatic trcatiMO EcllH (M.) Kwinaiutl Eells (M.) UymnH Buhner (T.S.) Lilowat Eells (M.) Hymns Eells (M.) I.unimi Eells (M.) Lord's praytT Huluier(T.S.) Netlaknpamuk Go(m1 (J. B.) Lord's prayer Youth's. Nikutanmk Eclls ;m.) Numerals Eells (M.) Niskwaili Eells (M.) Numerals Gibbs (G.) Niskwalli Gibbs (G.) Numerals Montgomcrin (J. E.) Niskwaili Montgonierie (.1. E.) Numerals Scouler (J.) Niskwalli Scouler (J.) Vocabulary Cami)bcll (J.) Niskwaili Tolmie (W. F.) Vocabulary Canadian. Dkinagan Boas (F.) Vocabulary Eells ;M.) Okiuagan Scouler (J.) Vocabulary Gallatin (A.) Okinagau Tolmie (.1.) Vo(^abulary Halo(U.) Piskwau Eells 'M \ Viwabulary Latham (K.(;.) .Salisli Bulmer (T. S.) Vocabulary Montgonierie (J. E.) Salisli Eells (M.) Vocabulary riiiart(A.L.) Salish Gibbs (G.) Vocabulary Sulisli. Salish Hortman (W.J.) Vocabulary .Scouler (J.) Salish Mengarini (G.) Vocabulary Tolmio(W.F.) Salish Salish. Vocabulary Tolniie (W. F.) and Sliiwapiiuik Eells (M.) Dawson (G.M.) Shu.swap Dawson ((J. M.) Vocabulary Wickcrsham (J.) Shuswap Eells (M.) Vocabulary Wilson (E. F.) Skagit Eells (M.) Words Bancroft (11. II.) Skitsuish Eells (M.) Words Biilmer (T. S.) Skokomish Eells (M.) Words Buschmann (J. C. E.) Skoyclpi ChamlKJilain (A. F.) Words Chainbcrlaiu (A.F.) Skoyi'lpi Kells(M.) AVords Daa (L. K.) Snanaimuk Eells (M.) Words Giblis (G.) Songish Eells (M.) Words Latliam (U.G.) Spokau Eells (M.) Words Lubbock (J.) Tait Eells (M.) Words Pott (A.F.) Twana Eells (M.) Words Youth's, NuKdalnm. See Klallam. Nisqualli. See Niskwalli. Nnskiletemh. Sec Nukwalimnk. Nooksahk. See Nuksahk. Nnsulph : Vo<:abuIary Noosdalnm. See Klallam. See Gibbs (G.) Nsietihawns. See Tilamnk. Vocabulary Koehrig(F.L.O. SAL 4 49 60 BIBLIOGBAPHY OF TUB 0. Offloe for ]nililii^ baptism . . . Xt^klii- knpiuuiik. Su() Oood (.1. li.) Offloe for tho holy coinniiiiiiou . . , Nekluk;ipiiiiiiik. Hco Oood (.1. It.) Oklnagan : Oraininutlii treatinn Hyiiiim NuilllTllllI NiimtTiilH Niiinprala PrayiTH I'ropnr natiiM I'n>IHir naiuea Kelatioiinliiim H«lHti<>Iltlhi|M Itelatluusbipa Sentcnrt^s Seiitt'Dcua S«« ItoiiH (F.) TiiltMC M.) JllllM (K.) Scoiilrr (.J.) Tolmio(\V. K.) Lo .ti-iinu (J. M. U.) UoHH (A.) Stuiilc.v (-r. M.) UoiiH (!■".) Aloruuii (L. II.) KOHH (A.) SiMHilor (.1.) Tolmie (W.F.) Okiuagau — CoiitiniHMl, TrxtM VucabtiUry Viicabuliiry Vi>uiibiiliiry ViH'almliiry Ym-abiiliiry Viii^uliiiliiry Voiolmliiry V'oi'iibiilary NVordH Itoa* (P.) ISOBH (K.) <>ibbH((}.) HoWHIt (J.) LatbuiM (R. a.) I'ow.'ll (J. \V.> Koubri|{(F. L.().) Sc(iiilir(J.) T.iliiil.. (\V. F.) I)aa(I.. K.) Oppert ((iiistav). On the chiHsification of l!iii);iiiigcH. A ( iiiitrilintiou to coni- ])iii'ativo ])Iu Idiocy, III MailraxJoiiriial of Lltnrului'e ami Science lor 1H79. i>|). 1 137, liomlon, IHTtt.H". lt('lati(itiHlii|ii« of Ibe Selinb family (from Morgan), pp. 1 10-112. P. [Palladine {Rev. L.)J rromis8ioni>H Domini NoHtri Jcsu ChriHti lai^tao H. Marg. M. Alaco<(no. | T kuckolin^.iitcu JneiiB C'hrist | zogshltH lii pagpiY^t Margarite Marie Ahicotiue | neu I'shci m'ageists hi potciiziititi | lu npoo.sz JesuB Christ. Colophon : P. A. Kemper, Dayton, O. (N. America.) [1890.J Sclish, Indian. A small card, 3 by 5 iiicbe.s in hi/.o, b<-a(U<(l an abovo and containiuj; twelve "PromiHCH of Our Lord to Blessed Margaret Mary" iu the Selish language. On tlio verso is a colored picture of the sacred heart, with live-line inscription below iu Euglish. Mr. Kemper has issued a similar card in many languages. Copies seen : Eames, Pilling, Wellesley. Fend d'Oreille. See Kalispel. Pentlash : Legends See lioas liitessession of the compiler of this bibliography. Pilling ( J aiuoti Conntiintiuo). Smithson- ian iastitntion — Bureau of othnoloKy | J. W. Powell direotor |Proof-8he«it8 | of a I bibliography | of | the languageH | of the I North American Indians | by [ James Constantine Pilling | (Distrib- uted only to collaborators) | Washington | Government jirinting ofluu; I 1886 Title verso blank 1 I. notice aigne (llblis^a.) Hale (H.) Latham (R. a.) Powell (J. \V.) Rhrl)r(K. L.O.) lf.^iot8cliaw, pp. 51, Oa ; .Stilish, pp. 18;l, 181 ; Skitsuish, p. 42 ; Sliwalo, p. 42. ilopies seen : A.stor, lii'itisli MiiS(Miin, EameH. — — Einleitiiii{^ in dio allgemeiuo Sprach- wissoiiiHchaii,. Ill Iiit«niatloiialo Zeitsohrift f iir allj^oraeine Spr.iciiwi.s.sc'uscliaft.vul. 1, pp. 1-08, ',VS)-\ihi, vol. 2, pp. .'il-tl.'). l.'0!)-251, vol. ;!, pp. UO-126, 24!»-275, Supp. pp. l-l«;t, vol. 4, pp. 07-96, vol. 5, pp. 3-18, Leipzig, 1H84-1887, anil H«nllironn,18S9, liirKoBo. Thelitoraturoot' AiuHricaulinjjuistic.s, vol.4, pp. 07-90. Tills jHirtion wa.i publiHluMl alter Mr. Pott's ik-atli, wliicU occiuTb ' T.ilyS, 1887. Tho gmicral wlitor of tho Zoitsuhrift, Mr. Toehmor, 8tat<'8 in a notd th.it I'ott's paiier i.i continued from tii« mainisiript.s which hc^ left and that it is to tilose with tho lanf;iiaj;iss of Australia. In tliii section of Aiuoric ii liujiiiistics publica- tions inall l\w iiuiri) iiiiportant stocksof North Auiurica are menUonod, with brief characteri- zation. Powell: This word following a title or within Iiaroiithcscs alter uuote iiulicat-'S tliatacopyof the work rcfomMl to hiia been semi by the com- piler in the library of Major J. W. Powell, Washi'igton, 1). C. Powell {Muj. .John W< sl«\v). Indian liu- Kiiistio fiiiiiilios of Anieiica mirth of Mexico. i5y J. W. i\>wi;li. In Bureau of Ktlinology, seventh annual report, pj). 1-142, Wasliiu;j;ton, 1891, royal ?". Salishau family, with a listoi' synonyms and principal tribes, d.-rivatum of the name, hab- itat, etc., pp. 102-10.'). Issiip^i .separately with (over title a» follows : Itwliau linguistic f'aniili(vsot'Am«rica I nortl' of Mexico | by | J. W. I'owcll I Kxtract from tho seventh annual report of the Huroaii of ethnoU)<;y j [Vignette] I WaMhingtoii | ( tovernmcint printinjj office I IHitl (;o\cc title .asabove, no iiisidi- title, half-title p. 1, contents pp. 3-6, test pp. 7-U'-^ map, royal 8°. Mnguistic, contents as under title next above. VopieH seen • Uiireau of Kthnolo;;y, Kamcs, I'iUing, I'owt 11. ill. vliarge. l)cj-..rtiiuiiit of the inte- rior. I IT. S. yeogTtiphiciil and jreolojj- ical survey of the liocl-y mountain vcoion. I J. AV. I'owell, 'ieologint in (Uuivgo. I Conti'ilintionH | to | North American etlinohiy;y. | V'oluuieI|-VlI]. I [Soul of the deiiartnient. I | Washinjutou : | (iovcruuient printiiif.^ office. I 1877[-1890J. Powell ( J. W. ) ~ Continued. 7 vols. 4°. Vol. 1, 1877 ; vol. II (pi.Nrt» 1 and 2), 1890; vol. III. 1877; vol. IV, 1881; vol. V, 1882; vol. VI, 1890; vol. VII, 18!H). O-ibbs (G.), Vocabulary of the Shihwipinukb, vol. 1, pp. 252-205. Vocabulary of tho Niknteniukh, vol. 1, pp. 232-205. Vocabulary of the Okiuakeu, vol. 1, pp. 252-265. Vocabulary of the Shwoyeliii, vol. l,pi». 252-205. Vocabulary of the Spokan, vol. I, pp. 252- 2(ii. Vocabulary of tho Fiskwaus, vui. i, pp. 252-265. Vocabulary of the Kalispelm, vol. l,pp. 270-283. Vocabulary of the liilhoola, vol. 1, pp. 270- 283. Vocabulary of the Lilowat, vol. 1, pp. 270- 2.^3. Vocabulary o.' the Tail, pp. 270-283 \'ocabulary of tlio Koniookhs, vol. ],pp. 270-283. Vocabulary of thu Kuwalitsk, vol. 1, pp. 270-283. Dictionary of the Niskwalli:Xiskwalli- English, vol. 1, 285-,i07. Dictionary of the Niskwalli : English- Xisif walli. vol. 1, pj). 309-301. Mongarini (G .), Vocabulary of the Skoyelpeli, vol. l,pp.2.V2-266. Vocabulary of the Schitzui,vol. 1, jip. 270- 283. Vocabulary of the Selish proper, vol. 1, pp. 270-283. Tolmie (W. F.), Vocabulary of tho Shoos- waap, vol. l,pp 252-205. Vocabulary of the AVakynakaine, vol. 1, pp. 2")2-205. Vocabulary of tho Ktillcspelni, vol, 1, pp. 270-283. Prayer book, Netlakaiiamnk Netlakapamuk Shuswap Snohomish Prayer book SuohoHiiwh. Prayers ; Halispd Kalispol N('llaka|..uiiuk Netlakapamuk Okinafian ISalish Salish Saniish Shuswap Shuswap J^kltsiuish .Skwitniidh Snanaiiiiuk Stale Twanj See'lowUJ.B.) Le .Tonne (J M.R.) Let»ounn(,r. M. R.) Boulet (J. ]1.) and catechism . . See Boulet (J. B.) See (;;uiicslrelli (P.) Sniet (P.J.de). Good (J. n.) Le.leuno (.1. ».i.U.) Lo Jeune <',. M. R.) Ca-'eslrelli (P.) Palladine (I..) Smet (P.J.de). Gendre ( — ) L .Teune(,T. M.K.) oaruana (J. M.i l)uiieu(P.) Boas (K.) J Durieu (P.) Eells (M.) m fiALISHAN LANGUAGES. 53 Praycis lu Shnshwap. Seo Le Jeune (J. M.R.) Prayers in Shuswap. Seo Gendre ( — ). Prayers in ThompHou. Seo Le Jeune (J.M.R.) I'riohard(Jamo8Cowles). Reaearclies | into i;hn | phyicul history | of | man- kind. I By I Jamon Cowlcs Pricliard, M.D. F. R.S. M. R. I. A. I «'orrfsiH)n(l- ing member [&o. thrse lines.] | Third edition. | Vol. I[-V]. | London: | Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, I Paternoster row; | and J. and A. Arch, I Cornhill. | 183(![-1847]. Svol'i. 8°. The vor(l8"Tliiiil edition, "wliic!) are contained on tho titles of vols. 1-4 (diiliMl ' njHpoctivelylSSO, ia37, 1H41, 1844), arouoton tho ' titleof vol. 5. Vol. 3 wa-s originsilly i.saiied with a title numbered "Vol. ITI.— Part I." This titlo was afterwafd cancclcMl and a new one (niim- bored "Vol. III.") substitute!' in its idacc. Vol. 1 was reissued with n now tit., contaiiiiiij; the words "Fotirtli editu)n'' and bearii'i; tho im- print " London : I Sherw<><>d,(iill)ert,and Viper. I Paternoster row. ] 1841.'" (.Vstor); and iigain "Fourth edition. | Vol.1. | London; | Houl.slon and .Stononian, | (i.">, I'aternonter row. | 1S.">1." (Congress, Hiirvard.) Aeoordiiig to Sabiu's Dictionary (no. 05477, note),-, ol. 2 also appeared in a "Fourth edition," with the latter imprint. These several issues ditVer only in the insert ion of new titles in t'.ieplaees of th ■original titles. Urief rel'erenee to tho Sii'ishan family, its divisions and allinities, vol, ii, pp. 437-438. Citpifn mm: Uiinerofl, Boston Ath.>na:iini, Congress, Fames. Tho earlier editions, Lrndon, 18i;i, 8"", and Limdon, IH'Jfl, 2 vols.. S'', lontain no .Salislian material. Nattirjit'Hcliiclito | dcs | Mciisclirii- gesch)<'('lit.s vdii I .liimc.'iCowit'.s I'rieli- ard, I Med. 1). \&-c,. three lines. ) | Nacli Prichard (J. C.) — Continned. der [\('. tnrt'e lines] | von | Dr. Rn- doljjli Wagnt r, | [A. cone line.] Krster [-Vierter] Band. | Lei2>zi}i;, | vcrlajj; von Leopold Uo8k. I 18-10[-1«18]. I 4 vr.'>:«. ; vol. 4 in tw-iiarts, 12^'. A Irnnslution of the !"i vol. edithm of the Thysieal History. Diseiissicm of Anieriean lHngnagCH,vol. 4, pp. 31 1-341. ;;;)7-;io;t,4.-.8. Copies feen : Jlritish Museum. Primer : Netlakapannik See T,e .feiine (,T. M. 11.) Spokan \Valker(K.):!ndEell8(C.) Primer . . .in Tbompson. See Le Jeune (.I.M.R.) Promissiones Domini Nostn Jtsn Christi [(\viir d'Alenc^]. See Caniana (.).M.) Promissiones Domini Nostri .lesn {'lirisli [Lih)\viit Miid Net]ai)anink]. See Le Jeune (^ t. M. R.) Promissiones Domini Nostri .lesn ('liri.sti[Siilisii]. See Palladine (L.) Proper names ; Okinagiui See Ross (.\,) Okinagan St;inli>y (.r. M.) Snlish Call in (('..) Shuswa]' Dawson ((i.Al.) Songish Manlonald (I>. (i. F.) Spokan Oatlin ((i.) Spokan Stanley (.1, M.) Puyallup : (ieoyriiphii- names Si r Coiinis (S. F.) licograpliie names Kells O') { J ramniiitii- treatise .M<.('..iv (S. K.) Sentences .MeC^aw (S. K ) Voeiiliulary MeCinv (S. 1..) Voeabnlarv .Salish. Q. R. Queninlt. See Kwinaiutl. Ptlationnhips; Bilknla Okinagnn Okiniigan Okinagan Snlish Shuswap Skokomish Spokan Spoltan See Boas (F.) Boas (F.) JMorgan (L. II ) Ross (A.) Oppert((i.j Boas (I''.) - - Boas (F.) Gibhs (O.) Morgan (L. H.) Report of the governoi* <)1' Washington territory See Squire (W.C.) Roehrig (F. L. O.) Compiiriitive vocab- idary of tlie Seli.sli liinj.;iia' linri'au of Kthnology. Tho viieabnlary, ('onsisting of l^O words, is arranged b,\ Knglish words as headings, equiv- alents in the following languages being gict>n luider each; Selisb proper or Flatlio.id, Kidls pelni, .Spokan. Skoyelpl, Okinakeii, Sehitsni, .SehwaiMuuth, and Piskwaua. Comparative Voeubnlary of the Selisli laiigniijj;cH. Ilnd Hcrirs, Ithaea, N. Y. NoveniluT ir.tb, 1870. 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE I': Roehrlg (F. L. O.) — Continued. MiiuiiHcript, SO IcavcH, 4°, written im one side only. In the library of tlio Bureau of Ethnol- ogy- The vixiabulary, conxiHting of J8I) wonls. is arranged by English wohIh us beadin$;s, ei]uiv- alents in the following languaK''" being given under each : Clallam. Luinr<)i, NookHubk, Nanniinook, Kwantlou.and Tnit. Synoptical vocabulary of the Selish languages. Manuscript, 8 unnumbereil leaven folio, ■written on both Bides. In tlie lil)rary of tlie Bureau of Ethnology. The vocabulary, lonsLstiiig of 180 words, is arranged iu 15 colunniw as fiillows: Englisli, ClallHin. Lummi, NooksaliU, Jfanairaook, Kwantlcn, Tait, Toanliooch, N'oosolnpsh, Skagit, ■Romookh, Kwinaiutl,(!owlitz, Lilowat, and Uelhoola. Ross (Alexander). Adveiitur<'s | of the first settlers on the | Oregon or C'olnni- hia river: | heing | a narrative of the expedition fitted out by | .John Jacob Astor, I to establish the | "I'acific fur company ;" | ■with nii account of some I Indian tribes on the coast of the Pacific. I By Alexander Koss, | one of th«> adventurers. | London : | .Smith, Elder and eo., (m, Cornhill. I 1849. Rosa (A.) — Continued. Title verso names of printers 1 l.prtifacepp. ill -V, (contents pp. vii-xv,erratii p. (xvl), t«xt pp. ]-;i52, map, 12^. Jiolfttiouship.i of tile Oklnackens and per- Honal names, p. 'i'26. CpfiipJl tren: Astor. Uaneroft. Jtoston Ath- ena-iim. BritishMuseum, Bureau of Etlinology, ('ongreK.s, Trumbull. Alexander Boss, author, born in Kairnshire, Scotland, May 9, 178'J, died in Colony Oardens (nowin Winnipeg, Mauit(>ba),r{cdlliver Settle- ment, British Xorth America, October 23, 18,50. He came toCanada in 1805, taught inGlcngarry, D.C., and in 1810 joined John Jacob Astor's expendit ion to Oregon. Until 1824 bo was a, fur- trader and in tho service of the Hudson Bay Comjiany. About 1825 he removed to the Red ]{iver settlement and was a member of the connciliif A.ssineboia, J ud was sbeiiff of the Red River settlement for se veral years. Ho was for lifteen years a resides t in tlio territories of the Hudson Bay Compan; •, atid has given the result of his observations i a the works : Adventures of the First Settlers .in the Oregon or Columbia River; being a Narrative of the Expedition fitting out by John Jacob A(»tor to establish the Pacific Tur Con.pany, with an Account of some Indian Tribes Oi. t he Coast of tlio Pacitic (London, 1849)) Tho Fur-Hunters of tho Far West, a Narrative of Adventures in the Oregon and Rocky ^lountains (2 vols. 18.55), and TheRed River Settlement (1850). — Appletnn's Cyclop, of Am.Bing. Sabin (Joseph). A | dictionary | of | Hooks relating to America, | from its discovery to the jiresent time. | Hy Joseph Sabin. | Volume If-XX]. | [Three lines quotation.] | Nevr-York : | Joseph Sabiu, S4 Nassau street. | lHr)X[-lH92]. 20 vols. iF. Still in course of ]iublication. Parts cxv-cxvi, wliich begin vol. xx, ri-iicb the article "Smith.' Now edited by Mr. Willier- force Eanu's. Contains tith's of a number of Inrnks in and relaling to the Siilishan languages. Co/iii'i Kvii : Congress, Eames, (ieologieal Survej', I.enox. See Field (T.AV.) St. Onge (/iVr. Louis Naii(deon). Se.i Bulmer (T. S.) "The subject of this 'iketcli, the !te\-. Louis N. St. Onge, of St. Alphonse de Liguori ) lavish. was born [in the village of St. C'psaire] a fe«- miles south of Mentrcnl, Canada, April H , 1842. He finished his classical course when yet very youDK. after which he stu li satiiifact.o.. :!)8eouot, only a com fort. iblc vcsi- •lenr.e, but also a uent cburcli,»>rcct<>d, and a fine tract of land iiluntcd with fruit tri'os, and in a profitable slain of ciillivatioii, wlunv fonuerly only ruin and dcHpearance. stoutly built and six feet and four inches in height, has not yet entirely recovered his health and strength. The French population of Glenn Falls have good cause for feeling very much gratified wit li I he present condition of tlie affairs of tlie jiarish of St. Alpboiiai! de Liguori, and should receive tlio hearty congratulations of I lie entire comiiiii. nity. FatherSt. Onge, aman of great eriulii ics to make much more complete than that of Father Pan- i\oAy. pnblisluMi in Dr. Shea's Library of Am(>r- ican Unguistics. I have adopted the spelling of his name as it apiiears on the title-page of his work "Yakama Alplial)et," etc., though the true spelling, and thv one he uses now, is Saintonge— that of a French province in which his ancestors lived and fnmi which four or five families camo in loot!, ail adopting the name. His family name is Payant. Salish. [Vocalttilaries of some of the IitdiiUi trihcs of Northwest Aiuerioa.] AJanuacript, 2 vols.,82 pages folio. Bought by the Library of Congress at Washington, at the sale of the library of the lato Mr. Geo. Brin- ley, the sale catalogue of which says they came from the library of Dr. .Tohn Pickering, to whom, probably, they were presented by Mr. Duponceau. They were presented "to Peter S. Duponceau, Escj., with J. K. Townsbend's respects. Fort Vancouver, Columbia River, September, 18;i5." " Specimens (72 words] of a language Bpokcn by the f(dlowingtribi>8 in Puget Sound, vi/. : the Nisqually, Poo yal-aw-poo, Tongh-no- waw-misb, Lo-qua-mish, Skay-wa-mish, and Too-wanne-iioo." Salish. Vociibiihiry of the laiiguago of tho Siilish or the Fhithead uatiou occupy- ing the sources of tlie Cohimhia. Manuscript, in the library of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. It is a copy niiule by Mr. Duponceau, and forms no. Ixiii of a collect i(ni recorded by him in a ftdio account book, of which it oc(tnpio3 pp. 219-221). It is written four columns to the page, two in Knglish, two in S:ilisbau, and contains about 12U words and the numerals 1-10. • Salish : See CnJK^strelli (P.) Bancroft (11. H.) Catechi.sm Classification Clas.iilication Classllicatioii Classiticati(ui Classilicatioii Classitication Classilicatiiui ClasNiticatiou Classiucaliou Classilicatioii Classilicatioii Classilicatioii ClassiHiatidii Classilicatioii Classification Cbi.'isilii'atioii (Mivssiltcatiou Classiticatiou ("lasslficatiou Classification Bates (H. W.) Beach (W.W.) llcigbaiis (H.) I teas (!•'.) Briiiton (1>. C) Itiiscliiiiaiiii (.1. (' Dawson ((r. M.) Drake (S. (i.) Kells (M.) (iailatin (A.) (i.itschot(A. S.) (iibbs (li.) Haines (K. M.) Keane (A. H.) Latham (K. U.) I'bitzmanu (J.) Powell (J. W.) Prichard (J. 0.) Sayco (A.H.) K.) ■■it m v: I 56 Salish — Con tinned CliisHification ClitHHiflcation (ienoral diHcnHRion General discussion General diHcuHsinn Guiioriil (lis('ii5)Hiiiii Gcr ;rnl disi'iishion Gei.oral diat'iissiun General discussion General discussion General discussion General discussion General discussion General discussion Geographic names Grammar Grammatic treatise Grammatic treatise Grammatic treatise Grammatic treatise Grammatic treatise Legends Lord's prayer Lord's prayer Lord's prayer Lord's prayer Lord's prayer Lord's prayer Numerals Numfrnls Numerals Nuiiierals Numerals Numerals Prayers Prayers Proper names Relati;f-3ti3, index pp. 3«5-421, 12°. A cla.ssiiicatiou of American langu.ages (vid. 2, pp. .57-04) iiu^liulcs the Selish, pp. 57-60. Copie>> seen: Bureau of Ethnology, Eajncs. Introduction to the | science of lan- guage. I By I A. H. Sayce, | dc])uty- ])rofcssor of coinj)arativo philology, Oxford, I Hon. LL. 1). Dublin. | In two voliuucs. I Vol. I[-II]. I [Design.] | Second edition. | London : | Kegan Paul, Trench, & CO., 1, Paternoster square. | 1883. 2 vols. : half-title verso blank 1 1. title verso (piotation and notice 1 1. table of contents verso blank 1 1. ])reface to the second edition pp. v-xv verso blank, preface ])p. xvii-xx, text j)]!. 1-44' colophon verso blank 1 1.; half-title verso blank 1 1. title verso quotation and notice 1 1. table of contents verso blan'.; 1 1. t«xt pp. 1 -Ji.Vi, .selected list of works pp. :tr)3-Hf>3 verso blank, index l)p. ;ior>-421, 12'''. Linguistit's as in the first edition, vol. 2, pp, .')7-(M). Copiet leen ; Fames. Schomburgk (.nVc Robert Herman). Con- tributions to the Philological Ethnog- raphy of South America. By Sir R. H. Schoniburgk. SALISHAN LANGUAGES. 57 le versd Ih vei'Ho I). 1-44- In blank litbli' of i^loctoil |lex pp. .2, pp. Schomburgk (R. II.) — Continued. In Fliil(>lo;;i('iil Scio. [of London] I'rot'. vol. 3, pp. 228 -'JUT. London, 184K, S"^. Aflinity of words in tlio Guinaii with other liingn;ii;('» uml dlaliM'ts in Amnrica, pp . 2.'iO-2.17, contains, araon;; oth(T8, oxample.s in Atnali. Tlio.so uxaiuplos may 1)0 of the Athapascan stock or of the Salishaii. I have had no oppor- tunity recently to examine into tbo matter. Schoolcraft (Henry Rowe). Historical | and I statisticiil information, | respect- in}j the | liistory, condition and pros- pects I of tho I Indian tribss of the United States : | collected and prepared under the direction | of the | bureau of Inilian affairs, | per act of Congress of March 3d, 1847, | by Henry R. School- craft, LL.D. niustrated by S. Eastman, capt. U. S. A. I Published by Authority of Congress. | Part I[-VI]. | Philadelphia: ' Lippinc()tt,Grauibo& company, | (.successors to Grigg, Elliot &co.) I 18.")1[-1857]. ICnijraved title : [Engraving.] | Ilistorical | and I statistical information | rosi)ecting the | liistory, condition and prospects of tho \ Indian tribes of tho United States: | Collected and pro- pared nnder tlio | direction of tlie bureau of Indian ailairs, per act of Congress | of March ;!"! 1847,1 l)y Henry R.Sclioolcraft L.L.I). | Illus- trated by I S. Kastman, capt. TJ. S. army. | [Coat of arms.] | Published by authority of Con- gress. I Part I[-VI]. I Pliiladclphia: | Lijtpineott, Grambo & oo. vols. 4". Beginning with vol. 2 tho words "Historical and statistical" are left oil' tho title pages, both engraved and printed. Subse- quently (185.'t) vol. 1 was also issued with the abridged title beginning "Information respect- ing I bo history, condition, .and prospects of tho Indian tribes," uiiiking it uniform with tho otlior parts. Two editions with these title-pages were pub- lisbiil by tho same, bouse, rmo on thinner and somewhat smaller paper, of which but vols. 1-5 wcr(^ issued. Part I, 1851. Half-title (Kthnological ro- sean'lies, 'respecting' the red man of America) verso bhuik 1 1. engraved title as above verso blank 1 L printed titleas above vcrso blank 1 1. introductory documents pp. iii-vi, preface pp. j vii-x, list of plates pp. xi-xii, contents pp. xlii- | xviii, text pi). 13-524, appendix pj). ,525-.''ili8, I plates, colored lithographs and nuips numliered 1-76. Part II, 1852. Half-title (ns in part I) verso ' blank 1 l.engraveil title (Information respe( iiig tlio history, condition iind prospects, etc.) verso t blank 1 1. printed titb> (Information respecting tliehistory, condition and prospects, etc.) vcrso printers 11. dedication verso blank 1 1. introduo- tory document pp.vii-xiv, contents p]i. xv-xxit, | list of plates pp. ixiii-xxiv, text pp. 17-008, ; Schoolcraft (II. R.)~ Continued. idates and maps numbered 1-29, :!1~78, and 2 plates exhibiting theCborokce alphabet and its application. I'art lu. 185;). Half-title (as in part l) verso blank ll.ongraved title (as in jiartu) versoblank 1 1. printed title (as in iiart ii) verso printer 1 1. third report pp. v-viii, list of divisions p. ir, contents pp. xi-x\ , list of ]i)utes pp. xvii-xviii, text pp. 19-0;i5, plates and maps numbered 1-21,25-45. Part IV, 1854. Half-title (as in part i) verso blank 11. engraved title (as in part n) verso blank 1 1. printed title (as in part II) verso blank 1 1. dedication pp. v-vi, fourth report pp. vii-x, list of divisions p. xl, contents pp. xiii-xxiii, list of plates pp. xxv-xxvi, text pp. 19-688, jilates and maps numbered 1-42. Part v, 1855. Ilalf-tit'o (as in part I) verso blank 1 1. engraved title (.-.s in part II) versobhink 1 l.print. xxvii-xxviii. text ])p. 2."i-744. index pp. 74.''i-7.')6, flfty-seven plates, part ly »elix:ted from the other volumes, and three tables. Oallatin (A.), Table of generic Indian fami- lies of languages, vol. 3, pp. .197-402. Copict teen: Astor, liancroft, Boston Athe- niiMiiii, British Sliiseum, Congress, Kames, National Museum, Powell, Shea, Trumbull. A t the Fischer siile, no. l.''>81 , (Juaritch bought 1' copy foril. lO*. The I'ield copy, no. 2075, sold for $72; tlio Menzies copy, no. 1705, for$i;i2; tho .Sipiier copies, no. 1214, $120; no. 20.12, $00; llio liaiui rcz copy. no. 773 (5 vols.), 51. S,*. j thePinart copy, IIO.K28 (5 vols, in 4), 208 fr.i tho Murphy copy, no. 2228, $69. PricedbyQiwiriteli, no. 30017, lOMOs.; by Clarke &, co. 1886. .$05; byQuaritch, in 1888, X:,l. ItcisKued with title-pages as follows: Archives ' of Aboriginal Knowledge. I Containing all the | Original Papers laid before Congress | respt-cting the | History, Anti4t's Sound (numerals 1-100 and 150 word.s and phrases), pp. 242-247. The vocabularies worn furuisbed by Dr. W. r. Toliiiie. Dr. Scouler's couiineiits \ip»n them are scattt^red through pp. 218-220. Sentencet : Bilkula Chehalia Kawicben Kawicben Klallam Okinagan Okinngan Puyallup Salish Salish Salish Skoyelpi Snohomish Xilamuk 18 Oil the I coast of ll. D., F. |iir. vol. 11, {ical Sur> See Si'ouler (J.) Swan (J. G.) Soouler (J.) Tobnle(W.r.) Scouler (J.) Soouler (J.) Tolmio (W. F.) McCaw(S.R.) Hoffman ( W. J.) Smet (P.J.de). Whympcr (F.) Chamberlain (A. F.) Youth's. Lee (D.) and Frost (J. H.) Shea (Joliti Gilmary). History | of the I Catholic missions | among tho | In- dian tribes of the United States, I 1529- 1854. I By John Gilniary Shea, | .luthor [&<'.tlirce lines.] | [Design.] | New York: | Edward Diinigan & brother, 151 Fulton-street, near Broad- way. I 1&55. Engraved title : Catholic missions | among the Indian tribes | of the Unit4'd States, | [en- graviug with the words "Catharine Tebgak- wita"] I by John G. Shea. | New York: | E. Dunigaii & brother, 151 Ful- ton st. Portrait of John Bapst 1 1. engraved title a.s above verso blank 1 1. jirinted title ns above verso copyright notice (18.">4) 1 1. dedication verso blank 1 1. contents ])]). 5-13, preface jip. 15-17, text pp. 19-495, ai)pen(Ux pp. 497-508, index pp. 507-514, fac-similes pp. i-iv, foiirotluT portraits (Peyri,Brobeuf, Joguea, Do Smet), 12°. The Lord's prayer in Flathead and Pend.s d'Oreilles (from De Smet), footnote, p. 4CK. Copies teen : Astor, British Museum, ('on- gross, Earners, Trumbull. At the Field sale a copy, no. 2112*^, sold for $2.25; at the Murphy sale. no. 2204, for $3.25. History | of the | Catholic missions | amongthe | Indian tribes of the United States, I 1529-18.54. | By .John Gilniar.v Shea, I author [&c. throe lines] ( rOrother, [Catholic pub- lishing house, I 599 Broadway. [1870.] Bngraved title : (Jatliolic missions | among the Indian tribes | of the t'nited States, | [engraving with the words "Catherine Teh- gakwita"] | by John (i. Shea. | New York : | E. Dnnigan & brotlier, 599 Broadway, [n. d.] Frontispiece, engraved title verso bl.ink 1 1. ]>riuted title as above verso coijyright notice I 1. dedication verso blank 1 1. <'ontent8 pp. 5-13, preface pj). 15-17, text pp. 19-495, appendix pp. 497-506, index iip. 507-514, 8'. Linguistic contents as under titles aliove. Copieis seen : Congress, Powell. Priced by Clarke and co. 1880, no. 6620. $2. History | of the | Catholic missicms | amongthe | Indian tribes of the United States, I 1529-1854. | By John Gilmary Shea, I author[&c. three lines.] | [De- sign.] I New York: | P. J. Kenedy, | Excel- sior Catholic ])tiblishing liouse, | 5 Barclay Street, [u. d.] i«0 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP THE ''! Shea (J. G.) — Continued. Engraved title: ('i\\l\Mo misHiuns | among the Indian tribos | of tliu United SUt«H, | [engraving with tlio woids " Catherino Teli* galiwita"] I by Joliii (i.Sliea. | New Yorlc:|E. Duuigau & brother, 699 Broadway, [n.d.] Engraved title verao blank 1 i. printed title verso copyright notice (1854) 1 I. dedication verao blank 1 1. contents pp. 5-13, preface pp. 16-17, text pp. 19-405, appendix pp. 407-506, index pp. 807-514, 8°. Linguistic contents as under titlen above. Copies seen: Pilling. — Languages of the American Intlians. In American Cyclopoedia, vol. 1, pp. 407-414, New York, 1873, 8°. Contains grammatlo exompleH of a number of American languages, among them the Selish or Flathead. John Dawson Gllniary Shea, author, born in New York City July 22, 1824; (died in Eliza- beth, N. J., 1891]. He was educated at the grammar school of Columbia College, of wlilch hiH fatliur was principal, studied law, and was admitted to the bar, but has devoted himaulf chiefly to literature. He edited the Hi8tori<;al Magazine from 1850 till 1865, was one of tho founders and llrst president of the United States Catholic Historical Society, is a member or corresponding member of tho principal liis- torical societies in this country and Canada, and corresponding member of tho Koyal Acad- emy of History, Motlrid. Ho has received tlie degree of LL.D. from St. Francis Xavier Col- lege, New York, and St. John's College, Ford- ham. His writings include The Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley (New York, 1853) ; History of the Catholic Missions Among tho Indian Tribes of the United States (1854; Geraiiin translation, WUrzburg, 1856); The Fallen Brave (1861); Early Voyages up and down tho Mississippi (Albany, 1862) ; Novum Bi'lgium, an Account of tho New Neth- erlands in 1643-'44 (New York, 1862) ; The Opcr- atioiiH of tho French Fleet under Count do Grasae (1864) ; The Lincoln Memorial (1865); Translations of Charlevoix's History and General Description of New France (6 vol., 1866-1872); Hennepin's Description of Louisiana (1880) ; Le Clercq's Establishment of tho Faith (1881), and Penalosa's Expedition (1882); Catholic Chunih in Colonial Days (1886); Catholic Hierarchy of tho United States (1886); and Life and Times of Arch- bishop Carroll (1888). He also translated De Courcoy's Catholic Church in tho United States (1856) and edited the Cramoisy scries of narratives and documents l)caring on the early history of the French- American colonies (26 vols., 1857-1808); Washington's Private Diary (1861) ; Cadwallaund^i, and letters lacking in the language, pp. 454-455. — Lord's prayer in Kalispel (from Van (iorp), p. 455. Eugene Virgil Smalh^y, j(mrnaligt, born in Randolph, Portage County, Ohio, July 18. 1841. He was educated in the public schools of Ohio and New York, and passed one year in New York central college at McGrawville. He enlisted at the beginning of the civil war in the Seventh (^hio Infantry and frequently sent let- ters about dift'crent eugagomcnt.s to t\\f news- papers, for wliich dcscriptiou.s he had sluiwn a predilection bt^fore entering the flehl. Hci served until nearly the close of the struggle, w\m\ he wa.s discharged on account of wounds, and as soon as he was able went to AVa.shiug- ton, 1). C, where, in 1865, he was appointed clerk of the military committee of the House of Ueprcsentatives. He retained the post until 1873. In 1882 lieent«?rcd the employment of the Northern Pacitic Kailroad and in 1884 estab- lished the "Northwest," an illustrated maga- zine, in St. Paul, Minn., of which he is still (1888) the editor and publisher. — Appleton'a Cyclop, of Am. Biog. Smet (liev. Peter John de). Letters and sketches | with | a narrative of a year's residence | among | the Indian tribes | of I The Rocky Mountains. | By | P. J. De Smet. S. J. I Smet (P. J.) — Continued. Philadelphia: | published by M. Fithian, 61 n. Second street. | 1843. Frontispiece roctublank I l.tith^vorao blank 1 1. preface ))p. v-ix, half-title verso blank 1 I. toxtpp. 1:1-282,12°. A fevr Flathead words and phrases, p. inn. Copies teen : Boston Atbenoium, BMnes, Georgetown, Harvard. Voyages | aiix | niontagnes Kocbeti- ses, I et I line aiin<^o do H. ix-xii, text pp. 9-268, list of pubUca- tions 2 11. list on back covvt, 12°. Priei-os en langue Teto-Plate et I'ond^tras, as in the preceding edition, )ip. 265-'JU8. Copies seen : Eames. Sabin's Dictionary mentions , (!riMl()) cii laiiKiio 'IV'le- IMitto ct rmiilitraH. Oiipien tivn : liiincnift. A (iiTiiiiiii tniimlation uh roUiiwH: Keiscii I /,u I d<«n Kclscn-GebirjjteM | iiud I fill .luhr | luitcr d<«n | wildcn Indian(^r-.StiinnnondeN<)ioj;(>u-(!<'bieteH I von I r. J. d<« Smut, S. J. | Aiis diMU Frauzfmischou iiliorsotzt | von ( L. Hinssen, Priostor. | St. Louis, Mo. I Druck uud Verlag von Franz 8aler. | 18(5,5. Titlo verso blank 1 1. Vorwort pp. iii-iv, tt-xt pp. 1-220, 12^ Lord's iirayer, Ave, anilCrcilo in t1i>0an;j;iiag)i of the Kliitlioad and Pondoras. with intrrliuear German translation, pp. 04-05. Copien teen : CongrpSH. Kami's. Voyaj^es | aiix | niontugnuH Rociiou- Bes I ot s^jour clmz lo.s | trihua in- dieuues do rOr^gon | (fitats-Uuis) | par I lo R. P. de Smot | do la Coinpagnie de JdauM | Nouvello <^dition | revue et conHidorableinent augmeut<^e | Bruxelles | Victor Devaux etC | 2t>, rue Saint-Jean, 20 | Paris | H. Repos et C'', dtliteurs | 70, ruo Bonaparte, 70 I 1873 Cover titlo as abovti, Imlftitlo verso licwnce etc. 1 1. portrait of tiio author 1 1. f itio as above verso blank 1 1. preface pp. v-xii, Itineralre abr^'ge pp. xiii-xxxv, plate of St. Louis 1 1. text pp. 1-40,'), table dos inatieres ])p. 407-408, foldo-2:i7. Copien Keen: Eames. 'I'liere is another issue of this same edition, with a new cover title as ftdlows; I.e 11. P. de .Smet | Voyages] a>.x{montagne8 I Koelieiises | ehe/ les trihus indiennes du vasto territoiro de I'Ortgon | dC'i)endant des filats-Knis d'Anii'TKiue. | Librairio de J. Lefort { imprimeur 6diteiir | Lille ] rueCharles de MuysHart,2t | Parij | rue des Saint«P6res, liO. [1887. J Copieii gem: Kames. Oregon missions ( and | Travels | over the Rocky iriiiiitaius, | in 1845-46. I By I father J .do Smet, | Of the Society of Jesus. | New- York: | published by Edward l)iinigau,il,''.l,FuUou-btrcot.l M DCCC XLVII[1847]. ICiifirareil title : Oregon missions | and Trav- el.H over the | Kocky mountains, | in 1845-40. | [VIgnetleof " MaryQnille in tbeb.'ittleajcainst tlie Crows.") | by Father P. J. \>e> Smet. | of the Society of ilesus. | New York, | Published by Edward Dunigan I 1847. Half-title (Oregon missions. )ver.so blank 1 1. portrait of Flathead chief recto Idank 1 1. en- graved title verso blank 1 1. title verso copy- right notice (1847) 1 1. dedication verso blank 1 1. preface pp. xi-xii, map, text jiii. I:i-I08, Lord's prayer, etc., in several Indian lanuiuagcs, 2 II. twelve other jilates, 16°. Sign 0/ the 0. Missions de I'Ort^gon | et Voyages | auxmoutagnesRoclieuses | aux sources I de la Colonibie, de I'Athabasca et dti Sascatshawin, | en 1845-46.' [Picture of "Marie (Juillax dans la bataille centre li I d [< sa pi C vo &. tai de 8ALI8I1AN LANGUAGES. 63 prayer in I language, p.l4U').l- kd, p. [412.] Itbcna'um, la, Ooorge- ^roii(ll>t^i th«( Mur- jyagea | : sources Bca ct dii Picture of lie contre Smet (f'> J-) — Continued, les Corheaux," etc.] | Pur lo pi^re P.J. do Smet, | do la Suci(^t<^ do Jc^sus. | (Jand, I impr. &, lith. de V' . VundiT Hcheldcn, | <^ditcur. [IW8.] Cover litle: MIhhIoiih | lin rOn'gon | et | voy- ayoH I iuixniontn;;noH-liiirli('nst'M, | mix miurrt'H lie I la Coloniliiu.do rAtha)iiiHntIunl rnniu'o 1H45-40. | I'ar lo p6rii. | Onnd, I I'lioz V."Vandor .Solieldon, | Im- prinioiir-I'MUonr. Cover title portrait of a Kbitlicdd cliiot' 1 1. engraved tltlo verso blank 1 1. llcenso to print (dated 20 I'eb. 1848) verso 2 lineHot'text 1 1. dedieation (dated (innd, 20 fevrier 1848) pp. i- li, pri^faco do I'editenr ]>]>. iii-ix. map, iiotieo mir le territoiro do r()r<''gon pp. O-IiO. ball'-tltlo (MiHsionH do I'OrC-gon | et | voyages | aiix niontagnc8-Koclieu.sc8 { nnx xoiirecM do { In Colonibie, do TAtbaba-scaot du SaHualHbawin, I en 1845-40. | Par le IVro I'.-.F.do Smet, do la Comp. do JesuM.) verso blank 1 1. text pp. 41- 350, notro p6ro cte. In sttveral Indian languages pp. 351-:t59, orlglno des Aniericains j)p. :)G0-;178, table pp. 379-U80, iiotieo on biM'k C()\or, two other maps and fourteen otiier plateH, 10'. The date of publieation, 1848, i» printed on the li.irk of the volume. Tho notice on tho linok cover reads: "Sous ])re880 cbo/. lo ni('nie: Le ni/'^nie ouvroge en llamand. nvpo gravures et earte«." Lo nigno do la croix et Xotro poro en langno T6to-PlBto et Pond d'Oreille, with interlinear French translation, p. ;i:tl Voealiulary (11 words) of tho Tete- Plato and of tlui ('lieealisb, p. 338. Coi>iet seen: Bancroft, Congress, Kaines, Georgetown. This translation was probably made under the supervision of the author. It contains HlClU>U^ do J6suR. I Ouvrage traduitde ranglais, | Par M. Ronrloz. | [Ornament.] ' Paris, I llbrairio do PouHHielgue-UiisHnd, | ruedulVtit-IlourlMin Saint.Sulpii'o, 3; | a Lyon, cheji .1. » P^lagaiul et Cie. | 1848 Covertitlo, half-title (Missions | dd'Or^gon.) vorso name of printer I 1. portrait of Klallieap. 370-31*, postfaco pp. 30» 4011, table pji. 407-408, twelve other plates, list of iiubllcations on back cover, 12°. Lo signo d<( la croix et N-46. | [Picture of "Maria Quillac- in den stryd tegtm de Corbeanx," etc.] | Door den pater P. J. de Smet, | Van de S<»cicteit van .Jesus, I nit bet fransch | door con klooster- ling van Latrappe. | Gent, I lidok- on Steendrnkkory van WW. Vandor Scholden, | Ondorstraet, N" 37. I 1849. Ciiver title: Missii'n | vanden | Or(igon I en | Rcizeu naar do Itotsbergon, | door] pater P. -J. deSuH't, I van desoeieteit van Jesus. | Versierd nu't 10 platen en 3 kiu\rten. | [Ornament.] | Gent, liui.s heiligen Joseph, | lioekdrukkerij van H. Vander Schelden, | < )nderstraal , 2ti. (;ovcr title, portrait of a Flathead chief 1 1. engraved title verso blank 1 1. license to print • (dated 11 Oct. 1848) vcr.so 2 linos of text 1 1. ded- ication (dated Gent, den 20 fel)ruary 1848) pp. vii-viii, vorredo van don uitgevor pp. ix-xv, map, verslag over bet grondgebiod van den OrCigon )ip. 17-49, half-title vorso blank 1 1. text pp. 53-382, bet onzo vader etc. in several Indian languages jip. 383-391, oorsprong dor Ameri- kanen pp. 392^11, inhoud pp. 413-423, list of publi(;ations on back cover, two other maps and fourteen other plates, 16°. Het onze vader (and Het teeken des kniises) in do tael TAtePlato en Pend d'Oroillo, with 64 UIHLIOOUAPUY OF TlIK li li Smet (I*. J.) —Continued. Interlinear Diitrb traimlation, p. 3H:i.-' Vocabu- lary (11 wonlH) of the TAt«-I>litte, anil of the Choi nliHh, p. :ino. Copii* turn : Kumoit. Tlio Frunt'li version, " TroiHiDi» ^lUtlou," Itriixnllnit ut I'iiHh, 1874 (EunxiH), iIoxh nut con- tain till) aliovivmimtiuui'il lingiiiHtim. Now Indian Hketchus. | Hy | rov. P. J. do Hniet, H. J. | New York: | D. &, J. Sadlier & co., 31 «arclay-Bt. | Uoston— 128 Kudonil- Btroet. I Montreal— cor. Notre-danio and St. Francis Xavior sts. | 1863. Frontiapiocn 1 1. titlororMo blank 1 1. profaco pp. 6-0, I'dntontH pp. 7-8, text pp. 9-175, plato oppoalti* p. m, 10°.. " The Hhort Indian catochlHin in iimo among the Flatbonds, KnliH)MtlH, Pi'nd irOrnilli'H, anil other Ro«;ky Mountain InilianH," alt4, 10°, Linguiatic contentH as under title nexta1)ove. Copies seen; Uoston Athenicum, EamoH, PlUing. Sobin's Dictionary mentions an edition of [18'71. A later edition with title-page as follows : Now Indian sketches. | By | rov. P. J. de Smet, S. J. | Now York: | D. & J. Sadlier &. co., 31 Barclay-st. | Montreal — cor. Notre- dameandSt. FrancisXaviersts. [1885.] Cover title: Sadiiers' HouKi-bold Library. | No. 91. Price 15 cts. | New Indian Sketi'lies. | By rev. P. J. do Smet, S. J. | Complete and una- bridged edition. | Now York : | D. &.I. Sadlier & Co., 31 Barclay at. I Montreal: 275 Notre dame strei^t. [I8M5.] Cover title, title verso copyright (1885) 1 1. preface pp. 5-6, contents pp. 7-8, text i)p. 9-175, 16°. Linguistic contents as under title next above. Copies seen: Brintou, British Museum, Con- gress, Karnes, Georgetown, Pilling. Lettres | choisies | du rdvdrend pi're I Pierre-Jean do Smet | de la Compugnie de J(isn8 | niissionnaire anx Utats-Unis d'Am<5rique | 1855-1861 | Troisicme 6dition aoiguensi'nient revue et corrig^e d'apris Ics manuscrits | do I'auteur | et augiuent^e de uombroiises uotes I Bmet (P. J.) — Continued. Bruxclles | F. llaenen, liliraire-MU tour I 8, me des ParoiMHii>nii, 8 | Paris | H. Hupos «t tM'',(^ditonrs | 70 Hue Houa- parte, 70 | 1876 Cover title as alwive, half-title (T^ttrea | choises I ilii r/ivCTend iii^re | I'ierv '"an do Smet) vorsoapproltation I I. title as alMive verso names of print<>rH I 1. preface pp. v-x. text pp. 1-414, table lies mati^res pp. 415-410, list on back cover, li!°. Names of animals in tlie (Neur d'AlAne lan- guage, about n dii/.en words, wit h definitions in Freucli, foot nolo on p. 397. j Copies seen : Kames. I The first series of these " Lettres cliolsles," I 184U-1H,')7, Bruzelles, 1875 (Eamea), contains no Salishan linguistics. LettroM I choisies | ilu r(Sv^rcud pcre I I'ierre-Joaii de Smet | de la (Jom- pagnie do J<^uub iniHsionnaire anx Eitas- Unis Ihw'] d'Ainf^riquo ( TroiHiome H(8 hn \vi>k. Hit built a iliopi^l, I'ri'ctfd u nchool, whirli wan Boon crowdi'il with pu|illi«, anil In a Hhort tluio ninvortt'il niont of tho trlln>. In 1840 lii< Im'hri'iI tlii> bishop of St. TiOuIh to pnrnilt lilni to labor aniont; thn Flat- hftailH of thn Koi^ky Mountalim, anil Het out on April 30. 1840. He nrrlviil on Jiily 14 In tbit camp of I'liter VaUoy, whcr« about 1,600 Indianx hail aHsembled to inret him. With tboaiil of an IntcrprotrrhnfranBlati-*! tboLord'H prnyiT, thn Creed, and tho CominandmrntH into their Inn- guage, and in a fortni|;bt nil tlio FlathendH knew thoBo prnyorn and oonimaudmi-ntM, which worn nfterwaril explained to thimi. In tho BprlD); of 18(1 hn get out OKain. and, after paHB- lnj[ through several tribes, croBHed tlio Platte and met nt Fort Hall a body of FlntbcnilB who had eomo 800 mllos to escort tho nilM.sionarins. On September 24 tho party ronched Jiitterroot River, where It wa» decided to form a permanent Hettlemnnt. The lay brothers built a church and residence, while De Smet went to Colville to obtain provisions. On his return ... he remnini'd in thn village, faiuillnrlzing himself with thn Inn^iiage. Into which he translated tho catechism. He then resolved to visit Fort Vancouver; . . on his return to St. Mary's ho resolved to cross the wilderness again to St. I.ouis. There be laid the condition of his niission before bis superiors, who directed him to go to Europe and appeal for aid to the people of Belgium and France. He sailed from Antwerp in December, 1843, with five Jesuits and six sisters, and reaclieil Fort A'an- couver In August, 1844. In 1845 he began aserios of missions among tho Zingomencs, Sinpoils, Okonagancs, Flatbowa, and Koetenays, which extended to the watershed of thn Snskatclin wan and Columbia, the camps of tho wandering Asslnlbolns and Creeks, and thn st.itions of Fort St. Annoand BourasHa. He visited Kuropo several times in search of aid for his missions. During his last visit to Europe hn met with a Severn ncoident, in which several of bis ribs were broken, and on his return to St. Louis he wasted slowly ayfnj.—AppUton't Cyclop, of Am. Biog. Snanaimoo. See Snanaimak. Snanaimuk : Gentes See Boas (F.) Grammatio treatise Boas (F.) Legends Boas (F.) Lord's prayer Bancroft (H. H.) SAL 6 Snanaimuk — Continued. t.ord'H prayer NiimeraU Prayers Ten cnnimandmeiits Ten commandmentH Texts Voenbiilary Vocabulary ViH'abulary Vocabulary Words Snohomish : (^atei'blHm •'«<' Oco|;rapliic nnines Geographii' names (Irnmmatio treatlso Hymns Lord's prayer Lord's prayer Prayer Imok Sentences Vocabulary Vocabulary Voca])ulary Words Words Carmany (■!. H.) KelU(M.) Boas :F.) Bancroft (H. H.) Carmany (.1. H.) Boaa (F.) Boas (F.) PInart (A. L.> Ko«hrlg(l'. L.O.I Tolmie (W. F.I Dawson ((!. Ml Boas (F.I oBouletM.B.) Coones (S. F.) Fells (M.) Fells (M.) Boulet (.1.11.1 Bulmer (T. S.) Youth's. Boulet (.1. II. I Youth's. Bolduc(.r. It.Z.) Chlrouzn (-1 Craig (R.O.) Boaa (F.) Youth'*. iiiid Songish: (ientes Numerals Proper nnmes Vocabulary Vocabulary Words Songa : Kawlcben Klallam Elallam Twana S -e Boos (F.) Rolls (M.I MncdonabKD.G. F.) Boas (F.I Tolmie (\V. F.I nuil Dawson (G. M.) Uoa8(F.) See Boas (F.) Baker (T. I EellsfM.) Baker (T.) Spokan : Bible, Matthew See Geographic names Grammatic treatise Numerals Primer Proper names Proper nanu-s Belationsblps lielationsbips ■Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary A'ocabulary Walker (E.) EcUh (M.) EellB(M.) Eells(M.) Walker (K.| and Eclls (C.) Catlln (G.) Stanh'y (J.M.I Gibbs(G.) Morgan (L.H.) Glbbs (G.) Hale (H.) PInart (A. L.) Powell (J. W.) RoebriK(F.L.O.) Squallyamish. SeeNUkwalli. [Squire ( (^/or. Watson C.)J Report | of tho I governor of WaHliingtoii territory I for I the year 1884. | 66 BIBLIOGKAPHY OF THE Squho (W.C.) — Continued. Washington : j Government priutiu/;; office. I 1884. Cover title as above, title r.it abov«) verso blank 1 1. text pp. 3 ■i>^, map, 8° A few Salifli plant nn ".ames, pp. 12, 13. Copies teen r J Boas (F.) SeoDurieu (P.) .vtrjiits I of I North t ! Squoxon. Stabat mate treili (P.) Stall; Jcu:n: • iramiuatic treatise Vocabnl' ry S*.alo : Prayers Stanley (J. M.) P Aro- lit'an IndiaLS, | with sketches ,of scenery, etc., | pninted hy | J, M. Stan- ley, i DepositeO \vi
  • er, ^852. Cover title as abo^-e, titln as atjove verso names of printers 1 1. prcfaeevorso contents 1 1. text pp. r.-72, index p)), 7",-76, 8=. Forms Smithsonian T'jstitiitioi! Jiscellanooiis CoUec lions, .'>.'!; also part of vol. 2 of the «ame scries, Washingtcn, 18fi2. Contains tlit ui.mes of pi^rsonages of many Indian tribes of t ! e tl'nitod i-ituteH, to a number of which is added tho t-.'.iglish signification. Among the pecplus reprenenti'd are the Spo- kanes, pp. 68-'; 1; Stony Island Indians, p. 71; Okinagaus, v. 72. opiet leen : Bureau of Ethnology, Eames, 'Geological Surpey,Pillin.jf, Powell, Smithsonian Institution. [Stelger(E,) Steiger's | liihliotheca glot- 'tica, j part first, | Acataloguo of | Dic- tionaries, Grammars, Eeatlers, Exposi- tors, otc. i of mostly 1 Diodern languages \ I spoken ii ill parts of tl:e earth, | excjipt of I English, French, German, andSpaui.'h. | Fir"t division: [Abenaki to Jlehrew, | E, Steiger, | 22 & 24 Kniukfort Street, I Now York. [1874.] Half-title on cover, title as above verso name of printer 3 1. notice dated Sept. 1874 verso b'.nk 1 1. ti.'xt pp. 1-40. advertisements 2 11. col- ophon on back cover, 12<^. Titles of works relating to Anitrican lan- guages generally, p. II ; to the Chillmo, p. 24. The second division of the tirst part was not publishiMl. I'art second is on (he KHj^lish lun guage and part third on the Oennan language. In liis uotic^o the compiler states : " i'his com- pilation must not be regarded as an attempt at • couiplute Unguistiu l)ibU( graphy , but solely as Steiger (E.) — Continued. a booliseller's catalogue for business purimsos. with special regard to the study of philology in America." Copies »een . Eames, Pilling. StlUacum. See Slailakum. I Stumpf (C.) Lieler der lUlakula Indianer. Von C. Pt\. mpf. In \ierteljabrs'hrift fii Musik-AVissen- scbalt, vol. 2, p. 408 [1885 M (*) Swau (James Gilchrist). The | north- west (;oa8t; I or, | three years' resi- dence in Washington | territory. | By James G. Swan. | [^Territorial seal.] | With numerous illustrations, | New York: | Harper & brothers, publishers, | Franklin square. | 1857. Frontispiece 1 1. title verso copyright notice (J857) 1 1. dedication verso blan'' 1 1. introduc- tion pp. v-vii, contents pp. ix-xiv, list of illus- trations p. [xv], map. text pp. 17-409, appendix pp. 411-120, index jip. 431-435, 12- Chapter xviii, Language of the ludiaus ipp. ,')00-;i26), contains a comparison of Chehalis words with the Mexicau, . . 313; geiicral difj- cuBsion with examples of the Chehalis lan- guage, pp. 315-317.— Vocabularv of the Che- halis (180 words and sentences), alphabetically arranged by Chehalis words, pp. 412-415.— Xumerals 1-1000 of the Chehalis, pp. 420-421.— Many Chehalis terras passim. Copies ietn : .tstor, liancroft, Boston Athenamm, British Museum, Congress, Eames, Gej^ogital Survey, Harvard, Mallei, Pilling. Issued also with title-page as follows: The I north vest coast ; | or, | three years' lesidenci; in Washington | terri- tory. I By I James G. Swan. | With numerous illustratioin". | London: | Sampstm Low, Son & co., 47 Ludgate hill. | New York : Harper &, brothers. | 18.57. Frontispiece 1 1. title 1 1. dedication verso blank 1 1. introduction pp. v-vi, contents pp. ix-iiv, list of iMustrations p. [xv], map, text jfp. 17-409, appeiidix pp. 411-429, index pp. 431- 4"5, 12°. Linguistic couteuts asundertitlenextnbove. Copies seen: Charles L. 'Wo arrived ater Bay, ) retur.ied ml; ilin-.e Iquarters. In Juno, lu Makab SALI8HAN LAN(JUAGES. Sw^an (.1. (i.) — Contiuucd. Inilian IJoHcrvai m.wlicni horcniHiiiodtill ISOCi. In 18G9 lio went to Aliiska, and in May, 187.'), he went a sooniid time to Al.iaka. this time under thodircetiouof tlie Sraitlisouiaii InHtitution, as a eoiumi.ssioner to purv riaHu articles ui' Indian jiianufactnre Uic the Philadeljiliia Centennial Kxpo.'itidii. This tine eolleetion is now in the U.S. National Mii.si'inn at WaMliinstou. July ;)1, 1878, Mr. Swan wa.t apjHiinti'd an inspector of oustoius at Neali Bay, Capo Flattery, and Sv^an (J. (t.) — Continued. remained thereuntil Auiin.st, IhS.'t, adding: inncli to our knowledge ol the Makah Indians, wliieh was reported to Prof. liaird and published in a hi'Vietin of the U. S. National Museinn. In 188:1 lO went to Queen Charlotte Islands for tlio Smithsonian Institution and made another col- lection for the U. S. National iluseum. Szmimeie-s.IosusC'hrist [Kali8i)cl]. Giordi (J.) See T. Tail: Numerals Voeabulary Vocalinlary Vocabulary SeeEells(M.) Cibbs (G.) Touell (,T, W.) Uoehng (F. L.O.) Tal'moh. i>ee Tilamuk. Tate (/iVr. Charles Montgomery). [Hymn ill theAiikauieiiiim hiiiyjuage of Fra.scr lliver, British Coliiiiihia.] Manuscript, 1 leaf, 1", in i he possession of tlir compiler of this bil)l!oi,rra|>liy. Two verses an-eeii the whites and the Indians. He was app inted chief factor of tho Hudson's Hay ('omjiany in 1H,')5, removed to Vancouver Island in lS.')il, whin he went into stock-raising, being the lirst to intioduce thoioiiglibrcd stock into Rritish Columbia; was a number of the local legis'iiture two terms, until 1878; wasamiimber of the tirst boarilof education for several years, i exercising a great iiitUiciice in educational niat- \ tcrs; licldmiiiiyoHices of trust, and wasalw.ays I a \aliieil and respected citizen. Ml Tolmie was known toethnolog'stsforhis contributions to the history and lirguistics of I the native races of the West Coa.st. and dated Ilia interest in ethnological matters from his contact with Mr. Horatio Hale, who visited the West Coast as an ethnologist to the Wilkes exploring expedition. Ho afterwards trans- mitted vocabularies of a number of the trilies to Dr. Scouler and to Mr. (ieorge Gibbs, some of which were published in Contributions to Xorth American Kthniilogy. In 1884 ho pub- lished, in conjunction with Dr. C. M. Dawson, a nearly complete series of short vocabularies of the piincijial languages met with in Uritish Columbia, and his name is to bo found fre- quently quoted as an authority on the history of the Xortliwcst Coast and itsefhnidogy. Hefre- ipiently contributed to the jiress upon public questions and events now historical. Tonghwamisb. See Dwamish. Treasury. The Treasury of Languages. I A I rudimentary dictionary | of | universal jihilology. | Daniel iii. 4. | [One lino in Hebrew.] | Hall and Co., 25, Paternoster row, London. (Allrightsreserved.) [1873?] Colophon : Londiui ; | )iriiited by Grant and CO., 72-78, Turnmill street, E. C. Title ver.so blank 1 1. advertisement (dated February 7lh, 1H73) verso blank 1 1. introduction (signed .1. It. and dated ( litober Klst, 1873) pp. i-iv, dictionary of languages (in alphalictical order) pp. 1-301, list of contributors ji. [30'2), errata verso colophon 1 1. 12'. ICdited by .lames lloiiwick, Ksq..F. R. G. .S., Msisted by about twenty -two contributoir*, SALISHAN LANGUAGES. 69 of I 4.1 I row, bt ami Idiitud jet ion M) 1>I>. I)ctical 1 (^'^l. Jg.s,, lutura, Treasury — Coiitiimod. w)iiis« initiulH aroHiKiii'il to tliriiiciat import an t of tlicir rcsiii'i'tivo articlfH. lu the comi)ila- tioii (if tilt) work frf'ouse was iiiailooC IJagator'i* ISihleof Every ]jandi\\u\ \h\\i:Mi;im'>iKleincnt8 of Comparative I'hilologij. TIiiTo ai'o also rofmeucnx to an appendix, conci'rnin}; wliirli tlu'ioistlio following note on \t.'M\ : "Noticn. - Owiu;; to tho nnoxpciti'il rnlaigenuiit of tliis Hook in i-'onrso of jirintin;;, tlio Appendix is n()C(^ssarily i)OMtponi'd ; and tlu! niorm'spccially as additional mat tci' lias I iwni'iMi'ivcd sniliricnt to make a second volume. Aiid it will lie pro- ceeded with 80 soon as an adeiinate list of Suli- Hcriliors shall he obtained. " Under the name of each lan{;ua>;e is a brief sf at]. Pricefk/. | Suh- scrijition | 5.s'. jx'r Annum, | Post Free. [London: Triihner A co. IHG.VIH?!).] 12 vols, in 9, large H\ No title-pages, head- ings only. No. 1 to nos. 2:! \ 24 (March lit), 1867) are paged 1~4.!4; no. 25 (May ".V IH(i7) to no. fiO (August 2.'). lH70)are pagcil 1 8lt>. The number- ing by voI'inH'S begin.-i with no. til (.Septtunher 28.1870), wliich is marked vol. VI, no. 1. Vols. VltoXIlcoiilaiiiiip.l-lHCi; l-272i 1-204; 1-184; 1-170; 1-1.V2; 1 104. ln;uhlitionthereisaMpecial number for Septi'mber, 1874 (pp. 1-72), and an extra no. 128* for Octages, huge 8 '. No moie jmblished. Titles of works in and relating to the Sali- slian languages are sc;ittered through the periodiiieshil1in verso contents 1 I. no i n- siile title; Ciitalogue p](. 1 184,<'olophon vim's'; advertisi'inents 1 I. lO'^. Workson lhealMirigiii:il hingnagcs of .\mer- ica, pp. 102-184, cont:iins a list of books (alpha- betically arranged by languages) on this sub- ject, including: (lenerai works, ]>p. 102-1(18} (Mallam and Lnnimi, p. 170; .Selish.p. 184. Copies seen: Lames. Pilling. A I catalogue j of | dictionaries and frrammars jof the Princi|)iil Lau>i;najje» and Dial-'cts | of tho World. | For sale by I Triibner & co. | London : | TrilbniT & co., S & fiO Pti- ternoster row. | 1872. Cover title as above, title as abov rso names of printers I I. notice verso hi >i. I I. (Mtalo^iie pp. 1 M. addenda iind corri;:iiiil;i 1 I. ailvertisemeiits verso blank 1 I a list of works 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP THE m ■ Triibner & Co.— Coiitinnod. ri'laliii;; to tlin Hcirnco of laiiKiiii<;it i^U-. jip. j (,'oiilaiim titles of ii, i'nw «orkH in Cliilliiiii i and J^iiiiiMii, p. 12; in SeliHii.p. 54. | Copies ueeti; Kiiiiie», I'illuig. } A liitur udition witli title-jiago us follows: Triihiier's | (catalogue | of | dictiouii- rios ami giiunmars | of the | Principal Languaj^e.s and Dialects of the World. | Sficond edition, | considerably enlarged and revised, with an alphabetical in- dex. I A guide for students and book- sellers. I [Monogram.] | Loudon : | Triibner «V;. co., t),l and 59, Ludgate Iiill. | 1882. CoviM' t it I(( lis above, title ns above verso list of eatalojriii's 1 1. iiotii e and jiroliice to the secmnl edition )>. iii, index i))i. iv-viii, text |)p. 1-H!8, additions pj). 10!) 170, Tiiibner's Oriental A Lingiiistie. I'ublioations pp. l-!l."), g'"". Contains titli's of works in American Ian- KuaKi's (general), ii.:t; (Mallani.p. .18; Selish, p. 142. Copies teen : Kaiues, Pilliuj;. No. 1[-12]. .lannary 1874r-May, 1875]. I A (catalogue | of | choice, rare, and curious books, | selected from the stock I of I Triibner iV Co., | 57 \ .59, Luilgate bill, London. [Loudon: Triibner & CO. 1874-1875.] 12 parts; no titles, headings only; catiilogue (paged eontinuoiisly) pp. l-li)'.2, larg(! S^. This series of eatalognes was prepared liy .Mr. .Taiiii'S (Jeorgo Stuart Hurges Jiidin. Sti^ Triiliner's Amirican, Eirnpean, it Oriental lAtcrar,, Her- wc/, new series, vol. 1, pp.IO-11 (Kebraary, 1880). AVorkson tlie aboriginal languages of Amer- ica, no. H. pp. li:!-118, including titles iinfier the headings Clalhiin and Lunimi. anil Keli.sli. (■oinet seen; Kamea, Trumbull: Tliis word following a title or within pan'nthesesaft.er a noteindicaleathatacopy of the work n^fi^rred to luis been seen by the com- piler in the librjiry of Dr. .J. Hammond Trum- bull, Hartford, Conn. Trumbull (^ />r. .lames Hammond). Indian languages of America. In iJohnson 8 New Xlnivors.al CyclopieUia, vol.2, pp.lir).->-Um,New York, 1877. 8°. (Bureau of Ethnology, Congress.) A general diseussion of the sub.jeit, in- eliuling linguisljc. divisions, etc., treating .iniong others the Salishan. [ ] Catalogiio I of tlio I American Li- brary I oftliclato I mr. George Mrinley, I of Hartford, Conn. | Part I. | A..icri(a m geueral | New Priinct'C'anada etc. ] theHriti.sh <'ohinies to 177r» | New Eng- liind I [-Part V. | General and niisctl- laueuus. I I tS^c. eight iini's. J Trumbull (.1. H.) — Continued. Hiirtford | Press of the Vumi Lock- wood tV lirainard (!ompiuiy | 1878 [-1893] .'■> jiarta, H^. . (.'ompiled by Dr. J. H. Trumbull. indian languages: general treatises and col- lections, jtart .'!, p|i. 12:t-]'J4; Northwei.t coast, p. 141. Copies .leen : Karnes, rilling. James Hammond Trumbull, phihdogist, was born in Stoningtcm.t'onn., December 20, 1821. He entered Vale in 1838, and though, owing to ill health, lui was not giaduateio Spraelio, pp. 134-178. Oopietteen: British Musenm. The international scientific scries | Anthropology | an introduction to the study of I man and civilizatiiui | By Edward B.Tylor, D. C. L., F.R.S. j With illustrations | New York | 1). Appleton and com- pany I 1888 Half-title of tlie seric verso blank 1 I. title an above verso blank 1 I. preface pp. v-vili, con- tents pp. ix-xii, list of illnstratioiispp. xiii-ziv, text pi>. l-i40, selected lnHtks pp. 441-442, index pp. 4 43-4 (8, 8°. Linguiotie c^intentsas nnder titles above. Copies Heeiy. Harvard. Anthropology: | an introduction to the study of I man and civili/.ation. | By I Edward B. Tylor, D. C. L., F. R. S. I With illustrations. | .Second edition, revised. | London: I Mainnillan and co. | and New York. | 1889. | Tlic Right of Trans- lation and RcprodiK'tiou is Reserved. Half title verso design 1 1. title ver.io names of print«;rs tto. 1 1. preface pp. v-vii, contents pp. ix xii, list of illnstrations pp. xiii-xv, loxt pp. 1^40, selected bonks etc. pp. 441-442, index pp. 443-448, 120. Linguistic contents as nnder atlea above. »•. .Tohaun Sevcriu). Liiigiiarum totius orbis | Indc>c | alphabet Umis, | quarum | (Jrammaticiie, Lcxica, | col- lectioncs vocabuloruiu | rtMiousentur, | patria signilicatur, bistoria adum- bratur | a | .Joanne Sever! no Vatero, | Thof/!. I^oct.ot Profess. Bibliothecario Reg., Ord. I 8. Wlailirairi e(iuito. | Beroiiiii j fn ofHcina libraria Fr. Nicolai. | MrK;CCXV[18l5]. Second title: I.itleratiir I der | (irammatiken. Lexica | iind | Wortorsammlungen { alter Spraohen der Krde | nacb | alpbalietischerOrd nuug der Spraidion, | mit eiiier | gedriingteii Uoborstoht I des Valerlandes. der Schii'ksale | Vater (J. S.) — Continued. und Vorwandtselmft derselben | von j Dr. ■loliann Severiu Vater, | Professor nnd Biblii>- tbekar zii Kouigsberg dcs S. Wladiiuir- | Or- dens Ulller. | Berlin | in der Nicolaischen BuchliandluDg. I 1810. Latin title verso 1. 1 rocto blank, German title rurto I 2 verso blank, dedication verso blank 1 1. address to the king 1 1. preface pp. i-ii, to tlie reader pp. iii-iv. half title verso blank I I. text pp. 3-2!)0, 8 \ Alphabetically arranged by names of languages, ilouhle columns, (ieiiuan and Latin. Notices of works relating to the .Vtnah Ian- SllUlgCJl 21. Copies teen: Bureau of Kthuotogy, Eames, Pilling. .V lattT e. 542-563, AutorcnrogiHter pp. 504-592, VerbcH- Boningou 211.8°. LiHtof workx rolatin); to tho Atnab, pp. .'. 49(1; KawitHchen, p. 5o:!; Niisdalum, p. 528; Okauagan, p. 335; Spokan- Indianer, p. 483; !j(iiiallyaini.sb, p. 382. Copietteeii: Congress, Kaniea, Harvard. At tbe Fischer Hale, no. 1710, a copy »old lor Id. See Adelung (J. C ) and Vater ( J. S. ) Vocabulary : Atna SeoAdeliing (J. 0.) imd Vater {.J .S.) Atna Gallatin (A.) Atna Hale (K.) Atna llowse (.1.) Atna Latham (K.G.) Atna , Mackenzie (A.) Atna Pinart (A. L.) IJilkiila Bancroft (H.H.) Hilkula Boas(b.) liilkiila Gallatin (/v.) Bilkula Gil)bi4((i.) liilkula Latham (K.(r.) Bilkula . . riuart(A. L.) Bilkula I'owoll (J. W ) Hilkula Roelirig(F. L.O.) Bilkula Scouler (.1.) Bilkula Tolmie (W. F.) Bilkula Tolmie ''. V.) and l)a»„on ((>. M.) ("hehalis Kell,s(M.) Chehalis Hale (II.) ChehaliH Latham (K.(>.) Chehalitt I'inart (A. L.) Cheh.iliM Smet (I'.d.de). ChehaliH Swan (J. G.) Chehalia Tolmie (W. F.) and Dawson (G. M.) Uwami.sh Salish. Kriendlv Village Adelnng (J. C.) iind Vater (J.S.) Friendly Village (iallatin (A.) Friendly \'illage Latham (K. G.) Friendl.v Village Markenzie (A.) Kalispcl Gihl)s(G.) Kalispel Hale(H.) Kalispel Vinart (.\.L.) Kalispel I'owelU.I. \V.) Kiilispel Koehrijj (F. L. (),) Kiil Tolmie (W. F.) kL«Ii»4>vl Toluiii' (\V. F.) all'' Dawson (G M.) Vocabulary — f Kanlits KaulilH KaulitH Kaulitg KaulitH KaulitH Kaulitx Kawicbeo Kawitdieu Kawichen Kawielien Klallam Klallam Klallam Klallam Klallam Klallam Klallam Koniuk Komuk Komuk Komuk Kumiik Komuk Kwantlon Kwantlen Kwantlen Kwinaiutl Kwinaiutl Kwinaiutl Kwinaiutl Lilowat liilowat Lilowat Lilowat Lilowat Lnmmi Ltimnii Lummi Ni^helim Netlakapanmk Netlakapanuik Netlakapamuk Niakwalli Niakwalli Niakwalli Viskwalli Niskwalli .Niskwalli Niskwalli N'isk« alii N'iskwalli Niskwalli Niskwalli Niskwalli Niskwalli Niskwalli Niiksabk Nnksahk Nuk.siihk Xusalph !ontinued. Gallatin (A.) (tibbs (G.) llaledL) Latham (K. G.) Powell (J. W.) Rmdirig(F. L.O.) \VabaHS(W.G.) riuart (A. L.) Scouler (J.) Tolmie (W. F.) Tolmie (W. F.) and Dawson (G.M.) Kells (M.) Giblis (G.) Latham (H. G.) Pinart (.V.L.) Roehrig (F. L. O.) Scoulor (J.) • Tolmie (W.F.) Boas(F.) Brintou (D. G.) Gibbs (G.) Pinart (A L.) Powell (J. W.) Roehrig (F. L.O.) .. . Gibbs (tJ.) Roehrig (F. L.O.) Tolmie (\V. F.) and Dawson (G. M.) Gibbs (G.) Hale (11.) Pinart (A. L.) Roehrig (F. L. 0.) Boa8(F.) Gibbs (G.) Powell (.r. W.) Roehrig (F. L.O.) Tolmie (W. F.) and Dawson (G.M.) Gibbs (G.) Pinart (A. L.) Roehrig (F. L. O.) Boas(F.) Boas (F.) tribbs ((t.) Powell (.r. W.) ■ ('ampbell (J.) (Jana Salmli KaliKli SaliHli Snllx)! SaliHb SuIImIi Solisli Salisli SaliHh Salisli SaliHli SaliHli SaliHli SaliHli Salisli Sliiwapiuiik Sliiwapniiik Sliiwapiniik SliiiHWap Slniswap SliiiHwap SlixJswap Sluihwai) SliiiHV. up SliiiHwaji Slui8\vai> Siiatl SllKtH Skagit -Contiuiied. KoeliriK (K. I,. ().) JtuaH (K.) .) Ilali- (H.) Latham (U.G.) Powell (J. W.) Roehrig(K.L.O.) MrCaw (S. R.) Salisli. Caiidian. CoojMir (J. (r.) Oallatiu (A.) Oilihs (G.) Honry (A.) Hoftniau (W.,T.) HoWHC (J.) Latham (R.G.) Maximilian (A. P.) Powell (J. W.) Ro(ihrig(F.L.O.) Saliah. Smet (I'.J.de) Wilken (C.) AVn8on(K.F.) Gilibs (G.) Powell (J. W.) Koehrig(F L.O.) Boas a.s(F.) Boas (F.) ('raij{(R.O.) Vocabulary - Skagit SkitsuiHli SkitHiiish Skitsnisli Skitsuish Skitsuinh SkltHlllHll SkitHiiish Skokominh Skiikominh Skoyel])i Skoyelpi Skoyelpi Skoyelpi Skoyelpi Skoyelpi Skwamish Snanaiimtk Snanainiuk Snanainiiik Snanuimiik SnohoiniHli Snoliomisli Snohomish Son gi si I Songish Spokan Siiokaii Spokan Spokan Spokan Stailakiim Tait Tait Tait Tilamiik Tilamiik Tilaiiiiik Tilamiik Tilamiik Toanliiieh Toaiiliueh Toaiil".:ii-li Tv ana -ContinniMl. Roehiig (F.L.O.) Qallalin (A.) Hale(H.) Mengariiii (G.) Piiiart (A. L.) Powell (,).W.) Uoehrig (F. L.O.) Siiiet (I'.J.de.) Boas (F.) Salisli. Ohaiiiberlaiii (.V.F.) GililiH(. .Tin. 1st, 1840. I ecipied it from an older niaiiii' seri|)t, which I bi^lieve my father had, and whieii I piesiinie has been limned. It iiintaiiis I I 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP THR 'Walker (K.) — f'ontinniMl. iiiilv I'liiiplcrt I II mill clmiittT-l, vor»eH I US It wiiH iicvrr |irjiiti'il. I liclirvp. iior am 1 iiwiiic lliiH till' tniiiHliitliiii wiiH I'ViT llniHiuMl." r iiiid Eells (C.)] Etshiit | thlu | sitHkai I tlilii I HiaiH | tlilii | Sitskai- MitliniHli. I [Pictmo.] | l.iiltwai: I 18-12. Literal trannlation: FirHt | tlin | writei) I tlui I li-88(iii I tlie I writes Creator. Title p. 1, text in the S)iokiiii laiiKUUKO |i|>. '-- l be the third biMik ]ii'iiiti'il ill the I'liileil Stali'H went iil'the Itiicky Moinitiiiim. Key to thenlphnliet. )i, 'J. — Siiiitt JHiMtUing IcH- soiih| 1-iii, pp. ;1-4. — Siiii« Iremliii); lii8»<>nH| iv- \\i, pp. 5-1(1. Seethe CaiHiiiiileof thetitle-pojje. CopicK neen: Kaiiien. Ki-IIm, l'iUiii({, Wicker- hIiuiii (Tiu;onin,\Vash.), I'aeitie I'liiversity (For- est drove, Oregon). The last ineiitiiiiietl is the only perfeeteopy I have seen. I'roC.I.W.Marsli, the president of the university, kindly per- mit led me t(>|ilioto);ra])li Hie lirst four pages, in order tn eiimplete the other eopies mentioned. I am iiidelited to Hev. Myron Kells for the I'ollinvinK notes: " Uev. Klkiinali Walker was horn at North Yarmouth, Me., .\uj;iist 7. I80.'i. Converted at the a^e of HO, he soon lie^aii to study for the ministry. He took an aeademie eonrse, biitdid not ji" to eollejie. He graduated from llangor Theolojrical Seminary, Me., In 18;i7, and jrave himself to the foreign missionary work under the Amiriian Hoard of ('ommissioners for Foreign Missions. At first he was ajipointed toSoe.th Al'riiii with liov. C. Kells, hut a tierce war lietween two native eliiefs detained them, and in the meantime the call from Oregon became .so urgent that, with their consent, their destination was changed. "He was ordained at Hrewer, Me., as a, Con- ;jref;atioiial minister in February, 18:!:i, and was married March ."i, IKW, to Miss Mary Kichanl- son, who was horn at ISaldwin, Me., April 1, 1811. licfore her eufia^ement to Mr. Walker she was ajijiointed as a missionary to Siani ; but after that event her destination was chanKml first to .M'rica and then loOreKO!:. March 0, 18;!8, they started to cross the continent, in eomiiaiiy with three other mi.ssionaries and their wives, where no white women had ever been cxcejit Mrs. Whitman and Mrs. Spalding. From Missouri to Oii'fron the Journey was on borseback. They leached Walhiwalla .\ujiust 29, 18;iH, where they wintered, and tlic next sprini; went to Tshinialiaiii, Walkers I'rairie, anion;; the Spokan Indians, with Hev. C. Eells and wife. The next ten years were spent at this place. At first t he Indians were miicb interested, but, when they found that Christianity meant that they should give up gambliiig, incanta- tions, and the like, their interest grew less, so that none united with the church helore they left. Snlmeniient events have shown, however. j Walker (E.) — Coiitinnfi<1. that many of them were Chrlsliaim, for their lives have proved it, " Mr. Walker studied the Spokan language <|llit<^ thoroughly and learned its sclent Ittc and grainmatie construction more thoroughly than Ills eola1)orer. He prejiared [with the assist- ance of Kev. CnBliiiig Kellsj a snuiU jtrimer in the language, which was prii.ied in 184L' ut Lapwai, Idaho, the only book ever i>rinteil in that language. (See title next above.] "On account of the Whitman massacre, in 1847, at Wallawalla, he was obliged to remove, with his family, to the Willamette Valley, Oregon, in 1848. I'ntil 1K.'>0 he nmdit bis home at Oregon City, and from that time nntll bis death at Forest Orove. In 1848 he aided in organi/.ing the Congregational .Vssociation of Oregon. The same year be assisted in found- lug Tualatin Academy and I'acilic rniversii,*, at Forest (trove, to which he gave i|il,(K)nnndof which he was a trustee eleven years previiiiis to his death. He ]ireacbed at Forest drove and in the vicinity nearly all the time he lived there, and during his )iastorat<^ of the Congre- gational church at that place thechnreh build- ing there was erected which cost $7,000, of which he gave $1,000. In 1870 he returned to Maine, on his only visit east. He died at Forest Grove, NovemlKir 21. 1877, aged 72 years. His wife still lives there (1802), and of his eightcliil- dren seven are living; five have been engaged in active ('hristian work among the Indians of tiie I'lU'ific. coast, and one is a missionary in China, The eldest one is the first white boy horn in Oregon. Idaho, or Washington." Watkinson: This word following a title or within parentheses atVranote indicates that a copy of the work referred to has been seen by the com- piler in the Watkinson library, i-.artford, t.'onn. Wellesley: This word following a title or within parentheses afteranot«Mndicates thataeopyof the work referred to has been seen by the com- ])iler in the library of Wellesley college, Wol- lesley, Mass. "Whymper (Frederick). Travel and ad- venture I in the | territory of Alaska, | f'orinefly Knssian Americ^a — now eeded to the I United States — and in various other I |»arts of the north Paeifie. | Hy Frederick Whymper. | [Desijjn.] | With iua|) and illiiHtrations. | London | John Murray. Albemarle street. | 1868. j The rifjht of Translation 18 reserved. Half-title verso blank 1 1. title verso names of printers 1 1. dedication verso blank 1 l.prefa<'o lip. vii-ix, contents pp. xi-xix, list of illustra- tions p. [xx|, text pp. 1-30(1, appendix jip. :!07- :i:tl, map, plates, 8°. A few Salishan phrases, pp. 4.'t, 47. Vopiii xe^n : Host^in Public, Hritish Museum, Congress. SALI8HAN LANUUAOES. 76 Ilirir (' lUlll tliaii • HHIHI • HT ill in i.t ••<• ill ( re, in IIOVI", iillry, lionii' il IliH , 1 3(led ions ' 1 Hy \ith ... ,■* ■ * LAPWAL- IS42» arlo tiiin . , - t i. ^ PS of efa<'u Mtra- :t(l7- FACSIMILE OF THE TITLE-PAGE OF THE SPOKAN PRIMER. eiini, " 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP THE 'f Wbymper (F.) —Continued, Al tlin FiiOil Hitlc, nilalouiiK (III. 'J'lilll, II tiipy liroiiKlit ^li.Tri. An Amuricuii mlition titlcil uh rollowH: Travid luul ailvtiiitiiro | in the | torritory of Alimka, | formerly liiiHKi.m Aiiiericii — now c^iuled to tJie | United 8tat. xix, tt>xt Ii|i. 21-31)2, a|i|)«ii(lix pp. 333-:ir>:i, iiiiip ami pllltCN, H". Liiu;iiiHti<'.cotiti(>ntiiimuii<1orMt.l«tiiixtHlMivi-, pp. (i:i, on. Co/iieK nern : llaiiiMiil't, liimtou Atliciui'iiiii. (ii'dlogical Siirvuy, I'DWell. Kcprintcil, 1871, pp. xix, 21-;ir>;i, H». (*) l''rt''d(''rick VVhympor | Voyagt's t^t avcntnn'H | dans | I'AhiNka | (ancicn Amoricpio russo) | Oiivrago tradnit dc I'AnglaiH | avoc I'initorisatiou iiiitt>r»l 1. titl«aHnIi<)v<' viTNoblaiik 1 1. in-cfacc pp. i-ii, liulf-titlo vtTso Idaiik 1 1. toxt pji. ;t-lO,"i, tnblo (les oliapilrcn jip. 407-412, map. «^. LiiiguiHtic coiitents a.s uiulcr (ItlcH aliiivr, pp. 58, «">. Copies seen : I'illiuf;. 'Wickeraham {Jiidfie James). The name is ''Tacoma." Ill t he W<)ukly Lodger, Tacoma, Wat Iiiiijitiiii. Ki-iilay, February 10, 1893. (I'illiiig.) A iiKiiiiitaiu, " Is it Ta(M)ma or Kaiiiicr." NLskwalli ami I'liyalliip g<>ogra])liic teriiiH. Keprint<'(l, with adilitioiis, an IoIIowh: Proceedings | of the | Tacoma aiad- emy of science, ( Pel)ruary 6, 1893. | [Ornament.] | Paper by lion. .lames Wickershani. | Is it "Mt. Tacoma " or "Rainier."! What Do Hi,st<'isi|iially, I'u- yalliip, Klikltal.and Yakaiiia war of IK.I.'i-'.'id on I'liget Sound. I am getting, in tlie best pos- slide manner, a eomplete voeabiilaiy of the Nisciually, million pure, and inteml to keep at it until I luive everything obtainable. "My idea now in to jirepare the IilBtory of lliese peo]d(^ Hineo the advent of the whiten, their legends and mythH, their language, hnh- its. form of government, etc., in a small volume for jireservatlon. It will have, of eourMe,only a local interest, except to ethnologistH, but it can still be made of so great interest to the jieople of our Stale a.s to become practicilly a history of the State of WuHhiiigton." JunieH Wickersham was born In Mariiui county, Illinois, in 18.17; leiM'ived a coniinon- school education. .\t 20 went into lawoflii'(si)])hi('al Hiiciety, ot(\ I lu live voliiuios, and an atlas. I Vol. 1[-V]. I Philadelphia: | jirintitl hy ('. .Shor- inan. | 181 1. .') voIh. mill iitlax, iiiii|m, |ilati>>t iiiiil Hteis, I^I'IIOX. Otily II liiiiitcil niiiiilii'r of this is.mii', "!> riipiu.s. I lii'lic'vi', wi'n? jiriiiti'il. mill tlit'.si' wnn for iircsi'iitalidii. 'I'lio ro|iii'si)f I lie quarto rdi lion isHueil lor salt' an' ilatcil 1H4."), n.s ili'HiiiliiMl in tlii> next following; title. Titlctt id' Mineral ortavo iilitions mo also ;;ivi'ii liiOow. Tlio i|iiarlo Mi'rii's wan rontiiiiii'il liy tlio |iiil)- llration of llio .sriiMilillc risiilts of till) cxjiedi- tioii tovoliiiiiK 24. of which vols. 18, 10,'il, auil 22 ftro yiit iiivimbli.sli(Ml. Thi'V liavo ii H!i;;htly chauKi'iltith'. lirjfinniii'i: rnitcil Stati'Hvxploi- inn oxpi'ilition. 'I'lin only ono containing lin- guistic matter is Hale (Horatio), I'liilolo;;y, vol. 0, riiiladelliliia. 1840, for title of wliich see p. ;jl of this liil)llo;;raiiliy. Narrative | of the ( United Stat(^s | exploring expi'ditioii. | During; the years | 1838, 18;«), 1810, 1841, 1842. | Hy I Charles Wilkes, U. S.N. , | cominander of the expedition, | member of the Ainoriean ])hilo.sopliical Hociety, etc. | In five volumes, and an atlas. | Vol. I[-V]. I Philadelphia: | Lea Sc. Blaiiehard. | 184.5. r> vols, and atlas, nia]is, plates, and Ht«el vignettes, 4°. This is the Haiiie editiiin as the ]ire('ediii^, but with new title. Names of the months in tlio Flathtiad Ian- giinijc. vol.4. 11.478. Copies ge.en : Kames, Loiitix. Tho following aro reprints; Narrative | of the | United States | oxplorinjj expedition. | During the , years 1 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. | IJy I Charles \Vilkes,U. S.N. ' o.i.inander of the expedition, | mi iii'i' r > f the Ainerieaii iihilosophical i>eiet> , ate. | In five volumes, and an ;>.ilas | Vol. I[-V]. I Philadelphia: I Le,i & Blauchard. | 1845. "Wilkes (C.)— Continued. .') viiIn. and atliiH, nia|iM, iiliitiiH. and Hliiel vlgnellcs, royal 8 '. Names of tliii iiiontliH in Klatlmud, with moan- iiigM, vol. 4, p. 4.'>(). Ciipieii M-i'n : lloHton Athonii'iini, Ilritlsh MiiHeiini, (Jongri'ss, ( Jeologlcal Survey, I.enox. Narrative | of the | United Stati-s | exploring ex|iedition. | During the years | 1838, 183!», 1840. 1841, 1842. | Hy I Charles WilkeSjU. S.N. | eommaniler of tlio exjiedition, | member of tin* Ameri(;an ]diiloso|diiral society, ete. | In five volumes and an atliis. | Vol. I[-VJ. I London: | Wiley .■iiid Putnam. | (I'rinti'd by ('. Sherman, Philadel])hia, U.S.A.) I 1845. •I vids. and atlas, maps, plBtcs, royal 8f>. Names of the months in Flathond, witlimean- inKSi vol.4, p. 4.'>0. <\)]iie.i Mefln: lirltish MiiRnum, Hiirvanl. Narrative | of tlici | United States | ex]tloiing expedition. | During the years | 1838, 183!t, 1810,1811, 1812. | Hy I Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. | eommaniler of the ex]ieditii)n, | member of the American philosophical society, etc. | With illustrations and maps. | Vol. I[-V]. I Philadelphia: | Lea Si^ HIancliard. | 184"). 5 vols, maps, plutes, 8^. This edition differs from the quarto and royal octavo editions in tliat woodcuts have been substituted for the 47 stcol vignettes, in having only 11 of tho 14 maps bound in, in being printed on somewhat Ihinner paper, in the omission in most copies of the 04 plates, mid in not being accoiiiiianiod by the atla.s. NamcHof the months in Flathead, with nioau- iiigs, vol. 4, p. 450. Copiet ftcfu : Congress. Narrative | of the | United States | exploring expedition. | During the years | 1838, 1830, 1840, 1811, 1842. | Hy I Charles Wilkes, U. S.N. | commander of the expedition, | member of the American philo8o))hical society, etc. | In live volumes, with thirteen maps. | Vol. I[-V]. I Philadelphia: i 1850. n vols, maps, plates, 8°. Names of the months in Flat head, with moan- iiins, vol. 4, !>. 4!)0. ('iipii'n seen: Astor, ISostoii Atheiui'iim, Con- gre.-J ^J^ ^ Hiotographic Sciences Corporalion 33WIS£ M/i-IlirUST WnSTIR.r.Y. USM (716)I73-4S03 M \ \\ 4^ T8 BIULIOOKAPriY OP THE ^KTilkes (O.)— (Nmtiiiuetl. I Iiavo Hiwn mention of "a now wlition," New York, 1850. Chai'!o8 WilktiM, iiaviil oflicor, lioni in New York City, April 3, ITUH.iIiwl in Wa«liiiigtoii, D.C., February 8, 1877. Ilu cutenxl tlio iiavy B8 a mler 14, IHIVi, and when the civil war opened was plac, d in command of the steamer San Jacinto in 1861 and saile the San Jacinto, in which they were taken to Fort AVam>n. in Boston Harbor. The navy depart- ment gave Capt. Wilkes an emphatic coiumon- dation, Congress ))asH>dlc»tlon. As be bad failed to do so and I ■Wilkes (C.)—Contiimeil. had constitute*! himself a Judge in the matter, I to appntva bis act would be to sanction the ; "right of s4>aroh," which had always l>een i denied by the United States tiovernmont. Tlie prisoners wore therefore released. In 19ffi Wilkes conimandod the James River fiotilla and shelled City Point. He was pnmioted to otinimudore Ju!y 1(1,1862, and took charge of a i s|iocial si|uudron in tlie West Indies. Ho was ! ]>iaceU9),and Theory of tho Winds (New York, 1850).— Ap|>i«roir« Cyclop, of Am. Biog. Willoughby (C.) IndiaiiH of the Qui- iiaielt agency, Wasliingtoii territory. I «yC. Wlllongh'»y. In Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rcpt. for 18.16, par^. 1, pp. 267-282, WaHhini;t»i..18«n. 8°. (Pilling.) A few Qiiinaielt tenna passim. 'Wilson (Her. Eilwiirtl Fiiiiicia). A oom- parativo vocalmliiry. In Canadian Indian, vol. 1 (no, 4), pp. 104-107, I Owen Sound. Ontario, January, 1891, 8°. [ A vocabulary of ten words in alKiut .lO lan- guages, mostly North American, and including j tho Flathead and Nlsqually. Rev Edward Francis Wilson, son of the late Rev. Daniel Wilson, Islington, preliendury of St. Paul's cathcdnil, and grandson of Daniel Wilson, hisliop of Caloiittn, was born in London I)ecember7, 1844, and at the ageof 17 left hcIkioI and emigrated to Canada for the pui'iKiseof lead- i ing an agricultural life; soon after bis arrival I he was led tf which time was spent among the Indians, he returned to England, and iu DtHMtmber, 1807, was ordained deacon. Sliortly 'heronfter it was arranged that haa (L K.) 8choinbar«lc(Ii.H.) A com- Atna Atua llilknla Bilkttla liillinU nilltala DilkuU Bilkula nUkula Cliehalia Chehalis Chehalis Kalbipel KauliU Kawichen Kawivhen Kawiolien Kawichen KAwleben Klallam Klallam KlalUm Klallam KlalUm Komuk Kwantlen Kwinaiutl Liimmi Liimmi Netlakapamuk Niakwalli Niakwalli Niakwalli Boaa (F.) Brinton(D.O.> Baachmann (J. C. E.) Chamberlain (A. F.) t)aa(L.K.) Latham (R. O.) Stumpf(C.) Banoroft (H. H.) Gibba (O.) Xicoll(B.H.) Youth's. Oibbs (Q.) Brinton(D.O.) Baaohniann (J. C. K.) Cliamberlaiu (A. F.) l)aa(L.K.) Latham (R. O.) Bancroft (H. H.) Biischmann Bulmeriing. DiHcoutinuod after May. lH86,on account of the protracted illness of the e. 28; inChUlam,p.86i in Cowlitoh, p.l06.-T:ia name for God in seventy different languages, including the Kootsauk, Kalispel, LuiumI, Snohomish, and Clallam, vol. 2, p. l.'M.— Sen- tence in " Indian" [Snohomish], vol. 2. p. 247. Voi>ie§ ttn : Congreaa, Georgetown, Pilling, Wt^Uesley. v4ipwpj^ (JHRONOLOGIC INDKX. INOl Atna anil Frientlly ViUaKi* A'oi'aliularles MiK^keuzie ( A .) 1802 Atna and FritmiUy Village Vocabularies Mackeu7.ie (A.) 180-.' Atna and tVlendly VillnKo Vofabnlariea Ma«'keuzi<<(A.) mi2 Atna and Friendly Villuf;<) Vocabuluries Markcnzie (A.) imri Atna and Friendly VillnKe ^'o<■abuhlrieH Mackenzie (A.) 1W)2 Atna and Friendly Village Vo<-abuluries Mackenzie (A.) IWM Atna and Friendly VillaKit Vocabularies Mackencio (A.) 1806-1NI7 Atna and Friendly Village Voeabularies Adelung (•!.('.) 1807 Atna and Friendly Village Vocabularies Mackenzie (A.) 1807- 1H09 SaliHh Vot-abularies Henry (A.) 1814 Atnii and Friendly VllUgl! Vocabularies Mackenzie (A.) 1815 Saliali Itihliographio Vater (J. 8.) 18Mf VariuiiH Vocabularies Salish. I8se VuriouH Vo<;abularies (isUatin (A.) 18S6 IH47 Salisli Classitlcation I'rlcliard (JC.) 1NS9-INII Saliali V.H^abulury Maxiniiliaii (A.) 1840-184N SaliHli Vocabulary Maxiniilian (A.) 1841 Saliah < 'luHsilicntiou l*richard(J.C.) IK41 VariouH Vot'abularics Scouler (J.) 1641 Various ViH-abularics Tolniie(W. K.) 1842 Spokan Primer Walker (E.) and »lls(C.) 184S Saliah Woi-ds Siiiftd'.J.de). 1843 SnuhomiHli Vocabulai'\' Bolduc(.T. H.Z.) 1844 Saliah and Kalitt|H-l I'rayers Smet (IV.l do. 1R44 Salixli Wonla Wilkea ((;.) 1844 Tilaniiik iiiid Cbvlii \i^ Vm-abulary Prayers Lee (I).) and Kliisr (-1.) 184t Salisl) and KuUhjh-I Smet(P..I.dei. 1845 Salisli Wonls Wilk"s (C.) 1845 Saliali Wonls Wilkes (C.) 1845 Salish Wonls Wilkes {('.) 1846 Salisli Words Wilk.(.(C.) 1846 SiMtkau Matthew Walker (K.) 184U VariuuM liraniniiitic uiid vis'iilMiliiric H Hale (II.) 1846 VarioiiH tirauiniHtic and vcK'sbuhirio 1 llali'dl.) 1846 VarioiiH Words I.iitliani (K.*i.) 1847 SuUhIi ilibliogrH|>hic Viitor(.I.S.> 1847 SaliHh and Kaliii|)el Prayers and vocHbuhirx Sunt (I'.J.de). 1848 Atna Words Si hiiiMliurgk (K. 11.) 1848 XiHkwulli and Cli.l iilix ViM-almlarv Miiiituonierie (J. K.) 1848 SaliHli and KaliM|>el PniyiTK anil mm ubiilary S t (1*. .I.de). 1848 Saliwli and Kaliopel Prayers and vocabularx Slll.l (P..T. de). 1848 Various Various abularies llowse (.T.) 1850 Various \'ocal-x>larles I.athani (R.O.) ISftl nUknIa (MassiCcation Lathaui (!(.(;.) 18»« Saliah Classittcatinn lleighaiiH(H.) 1862 Various Proper names Stanley (J. M.) IMS Itelish ( Inasiflcation liallatin (A.) «1 82 CHRONOLOOIO INDEX. tMU SalUh IMMHiHfBtion 8«haoli!nifl(H.R.| 1M4 ClirtllllU Vwahiilary ('ou|H.) MM Liiniiiii N'lN'ahiilar) (>il>bH((i.) 1164 Tiiiiiihiii'h ViMttbiiUry Utbbii (li.) 1N55 SaliHli iinil KmIIi<|m-1 lionl'a jirayiT Shu* (J.li.) 1M5« A tint ClaiiHiflcatliiii Uthaiii (K.tt.i 18H NiHkwulli WonU Tolinio (W. V.) mi SiiIIhIi iinil KaliM|H'l l.iinl'H prayiT Shea (.!.(}.) tun VariiiiiH Vaa(L.K.) IMH KaiiliU ViH'abuIarj- WabuHH (W. O.) 1868 KIoIIhiii Ninni>ralH (iraiit(W. C.) IMS Klallam ViM'iihulary (ilbiw ((i.) UM Kwaiilli'ii ViH'alinlary IlillllH «i.) UM Skagit Vwaliiilary • VaiKdl. O.) USB SaliHli IliliHiigraiihir l.iiilewiK (H. K.) 1868 SallHli anil KallH|H-l l.iinl'H jiruyiT Sliva (■!.({.) 18W SiioIkhdUIi ViH-ahiilary Craig (K.O.) 1868 V«rii>u» ViN-aKnlaripH liiiHchniann (J.C. K.) 18S8 VarioiiH ViicalinlaripH ItiiHchniann (J. C £.) IMltt SalUli ClaHHiliratioii IluHubmann (J. C. K.) 1860 Salixh ClanHiflcatioii ItiiHibnianu (J.C.E.) 1860 SaliHli ClaHHiniatioii Kane (P.) 18ri» SaliMh hikI KaliH|HO 1.111'irH jirayiT Siiiia(r. .1. ilf) 1MM» ShUmIi t'liMHiHraiiiin liallatin (A.) 1880 SaliHli <'laHHiHratioii StbiHilrrart (H. K.) 1880 Variolic ViH-alinlHrii!H I.athitin (K. ti.i 1H«I SaliHli • iraiiiiiiar Mmi^arini (li.) IM* S 1883 SaliHli tii;' Triil r & Co. 1867 Salinli ltil>liii);ra|ihir LeilpiT (('.) 186H SaliHli IMiraHi'H Whyiii|H!r {¥.) 1808-18'J-.' SaliHh ltililiii):ra))liir Sabiii (.1.) 1N60 SiiUhIi riirawM WhyniiM-r (F ) 1870 Xinkwalli Wonln l.iibbiK'k (J.) 1870 XiHkwalli WonlH l.nlibiH'k (J.) UTO NiHkwalli n'orilH LiiblHH'k (J.) mo SaliHli lH Whymper (F.) 1871 Spokiin and Salinli T'roper iianirH Collin Kriipliv Itililidurapli.v Vlll'illllH ViiriiiiiH tifiicriil illM'uni<':>ii Woriln llil)liii|{rapliir Ti-xl liilili(i(crapliio V Siiii;;)« llililiiij;nipliii' Itllilo ntiirics Dictiiiiiarv I'rayiT Ixmk lt('lati(>iiKlM|ii I'raycr Imm'U I'alt^i'liiHiii I'ntvfr 1 k ViM'aUiilary.i'tc. r|a milicatiiiii tiraiiiiiiatii' tri>atiHi' ClaMMiliiatiiiii \V<)in (II. II.) Ilaiicruft (II. II.) Ilayib'ii (K. V.) l.ubl)iH'k (•!.) Kl.lil .T. W.) Cariiaiia (•!. M.) I'lat7.iiiaiiii (J.) IVtil.>l(ft. V. S.J.) Stiii't (V. .1. do). I.i'ltr«. Toliiii.'(W. K.) «!iblw ((i.) t (A.S.) \f). (iaiHcliil (A.S.) K<'IIh(M.i (iililm ((i.) I'ow.ll (.1. \V.) 1U(M.) Tniiiibiill (J. II.) liiiinla (.I.) (iiiirila (•).) ll (.1.) <'aitiplM-ll (.1.1 KublMH'k (.!.) Rella (M.) Triibner & ( 'i>. ltaU-H(lI. W.) Drake (.S.(i.) <>atRebct (A.S.) iJalHvbut (A.S.) 84 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. i im BalUh (HaMlflraiinn KnMie (A. If.), note. im TwMiAaiKl Klallnni SoiiKH Itaker (T.) im 'I'waiinMnil Kliilliiiii StiDK* llaker (T.) 1M3 VarioiiM VariouH Hanrnin(H.H.) liM ShIImIi rlaMHlHration 8»ylit<' Pott (A. V.) IHM llilkiilii Wonia Htiinipr(r.) IBMS ChBlialiH Dic^tlonary EelU (11.) Uit> KalU|Ml Lord'H prayor Smalloy (K. V.) jMU KalUH Lonl'H prayer VanQoni (I.) IflSA ShIIhIi Diril naiiii'i HoAnMi (\V..r.) lasB HulUli ItililinKrapliir I'illinK(J.(-.) law SalUh naHNititatioii ltat«H (H. W.) im SallNti naHHiliialiiiii K«ann(A. II.), iioIp. MM SaliHli anil K»lii«|H'l TrayorM ami vocaliiilarixH Hiu<'t(I*.J.il<>). ifwn VarioiiM (ii'aiiimatir Kella(M.) 188r>.lMW SaliHh ClaHNilliMitlon P«athi>rniann (A.) 18M Hilknla Oraiiiinntic UnaH (F.) UM lUlkula Drainmatin Iloaa (F.) law KuDiuk (irammatio IkNM (V.) uaa Koinuk Ti'xts Boaa (K.) . uaa Koiiiiik \'o<-aliiilary KnaH(K.) lais I'entlaHli 'IVxtH Bo»H (F.) vm I'liynllnii Vo<'ahiilary Mo(.'aw (S. K,) uaa SaliHb Voi'almlary IIomiian(W..T.) laaa VarioiiH HyninH K<>11h(M.) laaa ViiriouB Vot'iiltiilarii'H Iloan (F.) 188? SaliHh llil)Iiot;ra|)liii- DllfoHH^ (K.) laar SaliBh anil KnllHiH-l I'myor* Sniet(P. .). de). 1I8T VarioiiH NiimfnilH I<>I1h (.M.) lawr Various XiiiiuTalH K«<11h(.M.) laer VarlouH NnnicraU K<>llH(M.).not«. t8S8 IlilknU (iraininntir IhMIH (F.) laaa Kilkula Wiiriln HoaH (F.) laas Hilknla anil Kawii'lirn \Vonl» llrinlon(I>.(i.) lan Bilkula and Kiinichoi; WonlH ltiintoii(l>.\U (M.) 1888 ChnhaliB WordH Xiuoll(K.II.) uaa Kwinaiiitl WonlH WilUniKliby (C.) uaa XiHkwalli WonlH Lubbock (J.) uaa SiiUhIi f'laHHiflcatlon Jloaa (F.) U8B SaliHli ClaoHiflrjition Itoaa (F.) 1880 Salisli WonlH Tylor(K.n.) laaa Skoyelpl A'ocabulary, etc. Cbainlierlaln (A. F.) uaa Snanaimnk (ient«n Itoaa (F.) U8B Snaiiainiiik Oontea Iloaa (F.) uaa VarioiiH. Hymnn Kolla (M.) laae VariouH VorabnbirleN UoM(F.) laaa VarioHH VocabnIariPH ChamberUin (A. F.) 1880 llllknl* anil Kawirhen Worda llrintou^D.G.) 1880 LUowat Text LeJeune(J.M.lt.) 1188 KebeUm Texto B0M(r.) CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. 85 I Dnwiion law Netlakapaniiik Testa laM HulUh Texta laao Salish WonU IMO SiUtoh Word* 1800 itelUh Wopla 1800 8Ueta TexU 1800 SnMAlnnk iMigcndit 1800 KnaiuUuiiik legend* 180U Tllamiik Toxti. 1800-1808 Klallam I.onl'H praviT 1800-189,1 Ninkwalll Worda 1800-1803 HalUli Ilyinna l800-18Sa SnIUli Word* 1800-1803 SalUh Word* 1800-1803 SiUUh WonlM 1800-1803 SaliKli Wonia IHW) 1803 Varioiit Oeograplitf nuim-H 1800- IWKt Vnrionii Nompralx 1H»I KiiIIhH f'ati<(ililHni 1801 K«lliip«l ('at««rhiHiii 1801 KaliHH l.itany 1801 KallHpol Trayero 1801 Kaliaiwl Prayer'^ 1801 Netlaknpumnk HyninH 1801 NetlnkapRiiiiik ' vlmer 1801 Nftlakapaiinik I'rlninr 1801 Niakwalll VoraUulnry 1801 Halixh rianMi.liatioii 1801 Saliuli ClHMIliflriltlDn 1801 SalUli and XUkwnlll Vwalinlary 1801 Sallah ' WonlK 1801 SliiiHwap I'raycrH 1801 SkwanilHh PrayerB 1801 St4ll0 I'mycro 1801 ViirioiiH (ie* 1801 VaridiiH riMigrapliio nn.-ranimatio 1802 Sallah A'ocabiilary 1802 Shiiawnp I'rayPi-8 1883 Shiiawap l*ray»r« 1802 Sliiiiiwa|> Varinii" 1802 Slinawap Variolic 1802 Twana Tt>x» 1802 Twaua Text 1802 Twana Text 1802 Vurioim tSeiigraplilr names 1802 Various (it-ntt'H 1802 Variona HlMltl-M 1H9S XUkwalH IMi'tiiiiian IMKt Niakwalli and Piiyalliip \Vord» 1803 NiHkwalli and Piiyalliip \Vni>ral dlHfnssinn N.d. Netlakaimmiik Hymn N.d. Nnkaahk Valladim<(l..) IIal«(H.) Kali'dl.) HaliMd.) lions (F.) lllHIH (F.) IWins (F.) Iloas (K.) Kill r (T.S.) Iliilnii-r (T. 8.) Itiilmer (T. S.) Ilulmor (T. 8.1 niilmer (T. 8.) Ilulnifr (T. S.) Kuliml| JlipPPiPP^PiliiiiPP 86 CHBONOLOOICAL INDEX. ».d. HiOlah N.d. SalUh N.<]. HiUiali ».il. Snohominh N.d. Twana N.d. Varioim N..1. VariiiiM N..1. Vartona Wonla Wordi Wwrda Vocabnlarv Orammatlt) Varioiia VnrabiilnrltNi VooabuUricM nibba (Q.)