(^Ijy6r /^<^'/ V-e cO"" ^ I r c^, ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS IN ITS EARLY DAYS UNDER THE FRENCH AND SPANISH DOMINATIONS COMPILED BY FREDERIC L. BILLON FROM AUTHENTIC DATA ST. LOUIS PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR. 1886 Entered according: to Act of Cong:ress In the year 1886, by FREDERIC L. BILLON, In t;.e Otfice of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. PRISS of NiXON-JONfS Printinq Co., 910 AND ai3 Pmi Street, St. Louis, Mo. PREFACE. To M\ Readers : It has been frequently urged upon me, by perhaps too pa.'tial friends, that •• my long residence of exceeding sixty years in the place," (coming here when it was yet almost in its infancy, when there were yet still living a goodly number of it', original settlers, with many of whom, from my familiarity with their language and customs, being de- scended from the same nationality, I had soon become on intimate terms) gave me facilities not, perhaps, possessed by any other one to the same extent, to prepare, so far as it could be done with the scant materials at command for the purpose, what had long been a desideratum not easily supplied, viz., an authentic history of St. Louis during its French and Spanish days, its origin and progress. In compliance with that oft preferred request, and in fur- therance of my own views on the subject, I submit to you, as the result of my long researches and investigations in that field, the following pages, with the simple observation that however deficient they may prove as a literary effort, they will at least possess the merit of authenticity and relia- bility ; and, I flatter myself, will establish beyond contro- versy many facts heretofore vague and obscure, connected with the early history of our place. I am v/ell aware of the difficulty of eradicating from the minds of the majority of mankind their preconceived (Hi) It pkepace. ideas, however erroneous, upon iiny subject-mnttor whatso ever — ideiiH thnt they have pcrhnps imbibed from their childhood, cominj? down to them with the authority and prestige of parents to children, partlcuhvrly of occurrences that transpired before their day, and which have reached them through tradition alone, with its manifold errors and exaggerations ; and the almost useless task one undertakes in endeavoring to correct these erroneou:. impressions. This I shall not endeavor to do, but will simply present the facts in all cases as I found them, derived from the original official Sjjanish and French documents, most of them trans- lated by myself, some of them yet in the archives, and others placed in my possession by descendants of the orig- inal participants therein. Much of the information I have gathered relating to St. Louis I have obtained froiu certain works on Illinois and Indiana, the materials for a reliable history of the early days of the settlement of this upper country on the other side of the river, now Illinois, Indiana, etc., being much more abundant and authentic than those of this side. From the time the English received possession of that side in 1765, during the thirteen years they held it, and subsequently when taken by Clark for the Virginians in 1778, down to the date of the transfer of the country on the west side of the river to the United States in 1804, a period of nearly forty years, courts had been established and records kept, from which a reliable, although but a brief, history could be produced. But not so with the country on this side, which dates its settlement only from the time of that transfer to the British, and to which cir PKEFACE. V cumstancc mainly it owes ita sudden growth. For what- ever documents there might have been, if any, in the so-called Spanish archives of St. Louis of a political or historical nature, calculated to furnish materials for his- tory, were carried away with the cannon and munitions of war at the evacuation by De Lassus in 1804. As Sy the terms of the treaty of purchase, and his instruction)- from the governor-general at New Orleans, he was directed to leave only such papers as related to the private affairs of individuals, such as deeds, concessions, etc., affording but little information of a historical nature, and throwing but little light upon matters of public interest, consequently much of what we have hitherto regarded as history of those early days had come down to us through oral tradition alone, with the manifold exaggerations and misstatements to which all unrecorded history is liable in transmission. Many facts connected with the abandonment of Fort Chartres, St. Phillippe and Kaskaskia have been brought to light in works on these two States and Kentucky that can- not be found in any work on Upper Louisiana. Major Amos Stoddard, United States army, was the first who ever wrote anything in the shape of a sketch of St. Louis, and here is all he has to say of it in 1804, from his own observation : — '•In 1764 St. Louis was founded by Pierre Laclede, Maxan & Co., as a trading post. In 1766 the village re- ceived an accession of inhabitants from the other side of the river, who preferred the Spanish to the English gov- ernnient. It contains about 180 houses, the best of them of stone. A small sloping hill extends along the rear of VI I'ltEFACE. the town, on the Hiuntnit of which is ii giiri'ison, and beyond it i» an extensive pmirio which iilFords plenty of hay. ••After the Indian attack on St. Louis in 1780, the gov- ernment deemed it neconsary to fortify the town. It was immediately stockaded and the stone bastion and the demi- lune at the upper end of it were constructed. The suc- ceeding peace of 1783 lessened the danger and the works were suspended. In 1794, the garrison on the hill in the rear of the town and government house was completed. In 1797, when an unfriendly visit was expected from Can- ada, four stone towers were erected at nearly equal dis- tances in a circular direction around the town, as also a wooden block house near the lower end of it. It was con- templated to enclose the town by a regular chain of works, and the towers were intended to answer the purposes of bastions. But as the times grew more auspicious the de- sign was abandoned, and the works left in an unfinished state." In his ♦' Sketches of Louisiana," Phila., 1812, Stoddard says in his preface : •♦ It fell to my lot in the month of March, 1804, to take possession of Upper Louisiana under the treaty of cession. » * * The records and other public documents were open to my inspection ; and, as it was my fortune to be stationed about five years on various parts of the Lower Mississippi, and nearly six months on Red river, ray inquiries gradually extended to Louisiana in general. *' That country, even at that day, was less known than any other ( inhabited by a civilized people ) , of the same extent on PRRFAOB. Vii the globe. While it was in possosHion of France and Spain, at least till near the close of the American Kovolution, it was almost inaccoMsiblo to us; nor were we influenced by mo- tives of interest or curiosity to visit it. The entrance of our vessels into its ports was cither interdicted, or its com- merce too unimportant to incite maritime adventures, and the mountains and uninhabited wilderness on our frontiers presented strong barriers to enterprise overland. The Spanish government, in particular, was always actuated by a dark and intricate policy; it was careful to exclude strangers from its dominions * • * No wonder, then, that Louisiana at the time of the cession was so little known to the United States * * * I, therefore, in- dulge the hope that my sketches, however imperfect may not prove unacceptable, particularly as no one before me, to my knowledge, has attempted an history and description of this territory. Amos Stoddard., Major U. 8. Artillery.''^ •' Fort Columbus, 1812. Stoddard further says: '* The causes that led the Ameri- cans to cross from the east to the west side, were: First, the Ordinance of 1787, accepting by the United States the coun- try on the east side from Virginia, which prohibited slavery ; and secondly, the rupture of 1797, vhen an attack from Canada was apprehended on the Spanish possessions of the Mississippi, to strengthen which they held out inducements to the Americans to come over and settle." 1 Stoddard was In the United States Army from 1794 to his death In 1814, twenty years. • •• Vlll PREFACE. The incidonts narrated in theae pages, are derived largely from original manuscripts of the day, all in the French and Spanish languages: the French being that of the inhabi- tants of the country, nearly all of whom were descendants of that nationality, and the Spanish, the official language of the government from the year 1770. For the use of many of these documents I am indebted to my friend Augustus DeLassus.the only son of the last of the Spanish lieutenant-governors of this upper portion of Louisiana, residing, as he has for many years past, in St. Francois County, who sent me a large mass of his father's official and private papers; to my old friend G. S. Chouteau, the last sui-viving son of the original Col. Augte. Chouteau, who had much to do with the founding of the place, and who lived with us a period of sixty-five years until his death in 1829, at the ripe old age of seventy-nine; to Dr. Charles Gratiot and sister, of Cheltenham, in this city, grand chil- dren of the first Charles Gratiot, a prominent personage of the little village from the year 1780 until his death at the age of sixty-five years in 1817, and others to whom I am largely indebted for the invaluable aid I derived from the use of their documents. Fked'c L. Billon. St. Louis, 1886. 0!5 (4 •0 Q ^ o m "b t^ »N (fl K l-H O ^ z ii l-H >-l r'* l-i « m H^ )v l-H O "2 8 o fi, »J l>< j: en tn o < ^ » INTRODUCTORY CHRONOLOGY. DISCOVERY AND DESCENT OP TFIE MTSSISSim RIVER. {From Father Marquette's Journal, iniblislied hy Thevenot, Paris, 1082.) Prior to the year 16G8, Michilimackinac was the extreme point of trade of the Canadians with the In- dian tribes of the ;N"orthwest. In that year tlie Jesuit Missionaries, Fathers Claude Allouez, Claude Dablon and James Marquette, reached the western extremity of Lake Superior. 1673, May 13th. — The Sieur Joliet of Quebec, a Canadian trader, and Father Marquette, a missionary priest, with five French hands, seven in the party, embarked in two bark canoes at Mackinaw, to seek the great river of the west, of which they had fre- quently heard throug'h the Indians of that region. The first nation they met was the Folic Avoines (Menominees) . They next arrived at the Pottawato- niies at Green Bay. Entering Fox River they arrived on June 7th at the villages of the Maskouteiis and Miamies. June 10th, taking with them two Indian guides, they ascended the Fox Kiver, crossed the portage of one and a half miles, carrying their canoes, (1) 2 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. which thoy louiichedin the Meskonsiiig (Ouisconsin), dismissed their guides and descended that river. June 17th, they entered the Mis8i8sii)pi River at about the forty-second degree of north latitude, and commenced its descent. 25th. Found tracks of men which led to their village, two leagues inland ; they were of the Indians called the Illinois. Passed the mouth of the Pekitanoui (Missouri) on their right, then the Ouabouskigou (Ouabache) , In- dian name of the Ohio, coming in from the east in latitude north about thirty-six. Below here they met Indians, the Chicachas (Chicasaws), descended to near the thirty-thii-d degree and passed on their right the village of the Michigamias, and ten leagues be low the large village called Akamsca (Arkansas) . Here, being within one and a half degrees, or two or three days' journey to the Gulf of Florida, after a day's rest, they left this village of Akamsca on July 17th, on their return up the Mississippi, being one month in descending that river from the forty- second degree to below tho thirty- fourth. On arriv- ing at the thirty-ninth degree they left the Mississippi to enter another river of the east side (the Illinois) which shortened their return to the lake of the Illi- nois Indians (Lake Michigan), and reached Green Bay at the close of September, having been over four months on their voyage. INTRODUCTORY CHRONOLOGY. 8 1675, May 13. — Louis, the fourteenth king' of France, made to Robert (Javalier de La Salle a grant of lands at Frontenac, Canada. 1678, May 12. — Another grant from the king, confirming and extending the first, with instructions to prosecute the discoveries in New France — the name given the countiy on the Mississippi. 1681, December. — La Salle and Lieut. Tonty left Chekagou, on Lake Michigan, with twenty-two Fi-enchmen and eighteen Indians, Hurons, etc., descended the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, and on April 6, 1682, arrived at the three outlets of the river into the Gulf, and having selected a suitable spot they, on the 9th, planted a column with a cross l)earing the Arms of France and this inscription : LOUIS THE GRAND, KING OF FRANCE AND NAVARRE. ArRiL 0, 1682. The Te Deum, Exaudiat and the Domine Salvuni fac Begem were chanted by the whole party, and after a salute of fire-arms and shouts of " Long live the king," M. de La Salle delivered an address and pro- claimed the country taken possession of in the name of the king of France, and then buried at the foot of the cross a metallic plate on which was engraved the arms of France and an appropriate inscription. 4 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. A vei'bul process was di'awn up by Jacques La Metairie, and signatures atKxed : — De La Salle, Father Zenol)!) Meinbro, recollet missionary, Henri de Tonty, Francois de Boisrondet, Jean Bourdon, Sieur d'Autray, Jacques Caucliois, Pierre You, Gilles Meucret, Jean Michel, surgeon, Jean Mas, Jean Dulignon, Nicholas De La Salle, La Metairie, notary. 16S3. — Further instructions were issued to La Salle to open a communication to Xew France by the Gulf of Mexico. FROM CAPT. d' Iberville's report, july 3, 1699. 1698, Oct. lii. — M. Capt. d' Iberville sailed from Brest in his flagship "La Badine," with the fri^^ate " Le Marin," Capt. de Suriiceres, to take possession of Louisiana, cast anchor at the Chandeleur Islands early in February, 1699, and on the 21st, with his brothers, Sauvolle and Bienville and others, and fifty-three men, left the vessels in two boats and some canoes, found the mouth of the Mississippi, and entered the river on March 2d, which he as- INTRODUCTORY CHRONOLOGY. 5 ceiidud u.H i'jir up Jis the Natchez tribe of Indians, then returned down the river to the Bayou ^[anchac. Here leaving the larg'e boats to descend the river, he passed in a canoe throug-h the Bayou, the Aniitie River and the lakes Maurepas, Pontchartrain and Borgne, which he so named, and reached his ships on the 31st. l099, April — Commenced the erection of a fort (Maurepas) at Biloxi, on the main land, and on its completion he sailed for France May 3, 1G91), leav- ing M. De Sauvolle in command with Lieut. De Bien- ville of the navy, a chaplain, a major, two captains, two cannoniors, four sailors, eighteen filil)uster8, ten mechanics, six masons, thirteen Canadians and twenty sub-ofticers and privates — eighty in all — to commence the colony. 1699, December 7. — The second arrival of Iber- ville from France. Sauvolle had been appointed by the king the first governor of Louisiana. 1700, Jan. 17. — Iberville and Bienville went up the Mississippi and selected a site for a fort fifty-four miles from the mouth. On May 3d, Iberville sailed again for France. 1701, July 22. — Death of Sauvolle, the first governor. 1702, March 18. — Capt. Iberville's third arrival with two ships from France and return there in June. ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. 1703. — War (U'cliired between Great Britain and France and Spain. Au<^uHt 15, arrival of Chatean- ^uay, another brother of Bienville. 1707. — Death of Iberville at San Domingo. Bienville acting governor ad interim. 1708. — Poi)ulation 279 Fi-ench and 60 Canadians. 1712, Sept. 14. — The king granted to M. Crozat a charter of the colony. 1713, May 17. — Arrival of Laniothe Cadillac, new governor for Crozat. 1710. — Recall of Cadillac and resumption by Bienville. 1717, March 0. — Arrival of the new governor M. De L' Epinay. August 13, Crozat surrendered his charter to the King, and Jno. Laws' India Company was established to succeed him in the proprietorship. 1718. — De I' Epinay recalled to France and Bien- ville reappointed governor ; Bienville selected a site for a new capital on the Mississippi, and New Orleans was commenced. 1723. — Seat of government transferred to the new city New Orleans. 1724, Jan. 16. — Gov. Bienville was called to France ; he sailed in 1725 — And Boisbriant succeeded him ad interim. 1726, Aug. 9. — M. Perier appointed governor. 1731, Jan. 23. — The India Company surrendered their charter to the king. INTRODUCTORY CHRONOLOGY. 7 1733. — Gov. Bienville reuppointud uiid returned after eight years' abwence. 1742. — Gov. Bienville requested to be recalled. 1743, May 10. — The Marquis De Vaudreuil, his successor, arrived, and Bienville left the country for Franco forever. 1753. — The Marquis De Vaudreuil was appointed governor-general of Canada. February 9, he was succeeded in Louisiana by Capt. Kerlerec of the navy. 1760, Dec. 21. — The fortifications of New Or- leans were completed. 1762, Nov. 3. — By a treaty at Fontainebleau Fi'ance ceded to Spain all of Louisiana, which was accepted by the Spanish king November 13. This treaty was kept secret for a time. 1763, Feb. 10. — Final treaty of peace at Paris be- tween France and Spain and Great Britain, by which France ceded to Great Britain all her possessions east of the Mississippi River and north of the Iberville, which excluded the Island of New Orleans, also her pretensions to Nova Scotia and the Canadas, and Spain her claims to Florida. All North America then belonged only to Spain and Great Britain. Arrival at Pensacola of Mr. George Johnson, the new English governor of Florida, who received pos- 8 ANNALS OF 8T. LOUIS. session, nccoiiipmiied by the liritish Major Loftus to ascend the Mississippi und take command of the Illinois country. June 29. — Arrival at New Orleans of Mr. D'Abadie from Paris, appointed by the king of France Director General, to relieve Gov. Kerlerec, ad interim^ and turn over tie country to the Spanish authorities when they would arrive to receive it. In October the British Capt. Farmer was in pos- session of Mobile, and Capt. Ford at Tombeckbec. Capt. Kerlerec was the last French governor of Louisiana, which he had been for the ten years preceding the arrival of Mr. D'Abadie in June, 1763, when Kerlerec was recalled to France to render an account of the mal-administration of the affairs of the colony under his governorship, consequently the license to Maxent, Laclede & Co., to establish Indian trade on the u])per Missouri, if issued in 1762, as Chouteau states in his narrative, came from Ker- lerec, the then governor, and not from D'Abadie, who never was governor, but called director-general, appointed by Louis XV. after the country was no longer his ovvii, but belonged to England and Spain, between whom he had divided it, consequently could no longer appoint a governor for it. He named D'Abadie " director-general" and sent him over from France as soon as he had parted with INTRODUCTORY CHRONOLOGY. 9 the country, to relieve Kerlcruc, gather together the French troops Hcattcred at the variouH posts throtigh- out the country, and send them all back to France l)iit four companies, which he was to retain with him until he hIiouUI turn over the country to the new owners so soon as they would ai'rive to receive pos- H(!8sion. This the English did without delay, they being alrciidy at hand in Florida, but the Spanish were so dilatory in the matter that poor D'Abadie was compelled to remain until he fell a victim to the effects of the climate. Letter of Louis XV. to Mr. D'Abadie. {Frmn State Papers, Vol. 17, page 240) :— "By a special act executed at Fontainebleau November 13, 17C2, having ceded of my own free will to my well beloved cousin, the King of Si)ain, and to his successors and heirs, with- out any reservation, all the country known under the mime of LouiHiana, including New Orleans, and the island on which that city is situated, and by another act executed at the Escunal, signed by tlic King of Spain the 13th of November of the same year, his Catholic Majesty having accepted the cession of the said country of Louisiana and the city and island of New Orleans, in conformity with the said cession whicii you will find herewith, I make you this letter to say to you that my intention is at the receipt of the present, let it come to you by officers of his Catho- lic Majesty, or directly by French vessels charged with it, you will at once place in the bands of the governor, or the officer appointed for the purpuse by the King of Spain, the said country and colony of Louisiana and dependant posts, with the city and island of New Orleans, as it was on the day of the cession, so that in the future it may belong to his Catholic Majesty, to be governed by his officers as belonging to him in full right, without 10 ANNAL8 UF 8T. LOUia any ronurvation. I thcrvforo direct you, titat mo aoon an the Oov- ornor and troopH of IiIh Catholic MaJoHty will Imvc arrived in Maid rolonicH, you will phicu tlicni in poHUfHHlr. ], and wittidraw all the oftlours, BoldicrH and cmployoH in luy Hervice thai may yut be there In garrison, to be aont to France, or to my other colonieM in America, those who may not think proi)er to remain under the Hpanisii domination. " I desire furtlier that after the complete evacuation of said posts and city of New Orleans, you gather all the papers and documents relating to the flnanceH and administriition of the colony of Louisiana and (tome to France to settle them ; my in- tention is, nevertheless, that you liand over to said Governor, or his proper olllcer, all the papers and documents that especially concern the government of said colony in relation to the country and its boundaries, to llic Indians and various posts, talcing proper receipt! for them for your safety ; and that you give said governor all the information in your power to enable him to gov- ern said colony to the satisfaction of ids Catholic Majesty ; to the end that said cession be reciprocally satisfactory to the two nations ; my will is that an inventory be made in duplicate be- tween you and the commissioner of his Catholic Majesty >f all artillery, arms, munitions, effects, stores, buildings, vessels, etc., which l)elong to me in said colony, and duly appraised, so that after having put the S[)anish commissioner in possession of the buildings, etc., an appraisement be made of the value of what may be left to be paid for by his Catholic Majesty. " I hope, for the advantage and tranquillity of the inhabitants of the colony of Louisiana, and I promise in consequence of the friendship and affection of his Catholic Majesty that he will give orders to his Governor, and all others in his service in said city and colony, that the clergy and religious establishments who de- serve protection, may continue their functions, and enjoy the rights, privileges and exceptions now enjoyed by them ; that the civil magistrates be continued, as also the Superior Council, to render Justice according to the laws, forms and usages of the colony, that the inhabitants be protected and maintained in their possessions, and their lands be confirmed according to the con- cessions that have been made them by the former governors, etc., INTRODUCTOKY fHKONOLOOV. 11 of the colony — that nadl conocMiilonit be ooDtlrmcd hy IiIh Catlio* lie Mftjcuty, nltlioiigli tht^y Imvc not yt't lifon no hy inynclf, lio|>- Ing abov(> nil tliiiif^n Unit liU Cntlu^lic MiiJ<>8ty will ^Ivo to liU n«>w ■iibjects of l^oiiiHinnit the sumc niurkx of ({ood will ami protcetino that they had found under my { no other object. " I pray (Jod, Mr. D'Abadio, to have you in his holy keeping. " [Signed] " Loris, "The Dfc vk Ciioiskul." " ViHSAii.LKs, April 21, 1764." CONORVSATTON OF PRECEDiyO FACTS. In 1702, ^[iixi'nt, Laclede & C/O., incrchantH at N^ew Orleans, obtained from Gov. Kerleret; a license to trade with the IndianH on the Ui)per MinHissipi)! and MisHonri, and commenced making- their pivpara- tions for that trade by procniing their goods from Cuba at once. On November 13 of that year, 1762, Fi-ance ceded to Spain by a secret treaty at Fontainebleau all her possessions on the Mississippi Itiver, and by another treaty at Paris, Fel)ruary 10, 1763, Fi-ance anarture for the Upper Missi. pi on Au- gust 3, 1703. Of course the fact of the session of the country to Spain could hardly have been a secret then, although the king's ofHcial letter proclaiming the cession Avas not promulgated until the following year, 17G4. Consequently, when Laclede arrived and established hiuiself here, the country no longer belonged to France, and he was in some sense, per- haps unwittingly, a ti'espasser on the soil of another sovereignty, as were also all those who followed him from the other side, until after the establishment of the Spanish authority ; they became subjects of that power by remaining in the countr}' ond taking the oath of allegiance to the new authorities. And here let us take a retrospective glance and look back in our history to some of the remote causes that led to the cession of the Louisianas to Spain and England. "\Ve gather from Charles Gayarre's works on Louisiana, that down to the treaty of ces- sion to Spain, N^ovember 3, 1762, the long continued efforts of France to colonize the lower province, so INTRODUCTOUY CHKONOLOOY. 18 far from provin^j;' a 8oiirce of groat i-evonue to the French exchequer, as had heen fondly anticipated from the exaggerated niisi-epresentatiouH of ita early enthusiastic and sanguine ex[)lorers of the unlimited richness of the country, even in the precious metals, etc., had not only caused the hankruptcy of the early companies of adventurers, but had also been a con- stant drain on the finances of France, to so gi'eat an extent that she herself was on the verge of hank- ruptcy and Avould willingly have parted with it before this period had she known in what manner to get rid of it. The treaty between the three [)owers which put an end to the seven years' war, afforded the French king an excellent occasion to part with his "ele- phant," by generously bestowing it upon his royal cousin of Spain, who, it appears, not appreciating it so highly as the generous donor of the princely gift, was in no huny to take immediate possession of it, as he suffered seven years to elapse before he sent O'Reilly to enforce his authority in his new acquisition. 1763, Aug. 3. — Laclede left !New Orleans with his boat, arrived at Ste. Genevieve, and i)roceeded on to Fort Chartres where he ai'rived November 3. In December with a small [)Mrty he proceeded by land as far as the mouth of the Missouri lliver, selected 14 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. and inai'kod the spot for his trtidhig- post and returned to Fort Chartres, where he passed the winter of 1703-61, awaiting the opening of the river in the 8[)ring to come up and establish his new trading post at the point selected. During I'ms period orders were received by Lieut.-Gov. Neyon de Villiers, the French commandant at that fort, from Mr. D' Abadie at New Oi'leans to "collect his men together from the few Fi-ench posts then in this upi)er country, turn over possession to the British, then daily expected, when they should appear, and with his men come down to New Orleans." The receipt of the news of the transfer to Great Britain, produced great excitement and indignation in the minds of the inhabitants of the Upper Illinois. To be thus transferred body and soul, without their consent, and compelled to live as the subjects of a nation that for long ages back they had regarded in the light of hereditary enemies and heretics in religion, was an outrage on their feelings not to be silently acquiesced in. So, as in the case of their fellow- countrymcni below, they gave free expression to their discontent and disgust, many resolving not to remain in the country. From this circumstance Laclede imbibed the idea of establishing a village immediately around his con- templated "trading post," and cordially invited all INTRODUCTOUY CHRONOLOGY. 16 those dissatisfied with the transfer of that sice of the country to the British, to come over with him and estabUsh themselves on this side. Hence, the aLnost immediate springin*^ iij) of the new village. (In the meantime the British being detained by mi- foreseen circumstances, from ap[)earing at Fort Char- tres as early as expected, to be placed in possession, De Villiers, disgusted with the turn in affairs, became impatient to be gone. So after waiting until the 15th of June, and still no appearance of the British, his patience being completely exhausted, he left on that day and arrived at New Orleans on July 2d, with six officers and sixty-three men in his command — sev- enty in all — accompanied by eighty inhabitants, in- cluding women and children, whom he had induced to go below with assurances that they would receive land there from the authorities in lieu of that they had abandoned up here. He loft at Fort Chartres Capt. St. Ange De Belle- rive with some twenty officers and men expecting to follow him in a few days, but who were detained there for sixteen months longer. The British High- landers, inider Capt. Sterling, finally reaching there, October 10, ]7G5, when Capt. St. Ange delivered him possession of the fort, and with it the countiy, and crossed over to St. Louis, then all life and bustle in building up.) 16 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Oil the opening of navigation in the spring, La- clede dispatched his boat in charge of Chouteau, on which were thirty men and boys, with the following instructions to C. : "You will proceed and land where we marked the trees, commence to have the place cleared, build a large shed to protect the pro- visions and tools, and some cabins to shelter the men. I give you two men on whom you can depend to aid you, and I will join you before long." Chouteau then proceeds: "I landed at the place designated on the l^tth of March, and on the morn- ing of the next day (March 15th) I put the men to work." ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. PART FIRST. THE FRENCH DOMINATION. 1764-1770. I commence these Annals with the names of those thirty wortliies wlio, conducted by Laclede, were the pioneers that led the way in opening up to settle- ment a boundless territory then inhabited but by a few roving savages and the Avild animals of the for- est, but now after a lapse of one hundred and twenty years the flourishing homes of so many thousands of happy human beings. I head the list with the name of — Antoiiie Riviere, Sr. , the patriarch of the colony, who born in 1706, was fifty-eight years of ago iu 17G4, when he drove up tlie cart with Mrs. Chouteau and children from Fort Cliartres to Cahokia, and died at St. Ferdinand iu 1816, having attained the age of one hundred and ten years, the oldest person wo have any knowledge of to that day. August Chouteau, born in 1750 was fourteen years old, and died in 1829 at seventy-nine years of age. Joseph Taillon, miller, born in 1715 was forty-nine years old, and died iu 1807 at ninety-two years of age. 2 (17) 18 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Roger Taillon, miller. Joseph ISIaiiiville, carpenter, born in 1740 was twenty-four year;4 old, and died in 1795 at flfty-flve years of aid the following year ; but the greatest progress in building ui> the village was made in this year. Many of those coming over from the other side brought with them not only all they possessed that was movable, but in numerous instances even dismantling their houses and bringing the doors and windows, planking, in fact everything that could be removed, leaving but the logs and chimneys. So anxious diM, would take early possession of New Orleans, and the district of country ceded them below, but it seems they were in no hurry to do 80. While awaiting their arrival, Mr. D'Abadie, an European Frenchman, fell a victim to the climate, and died on Fcbruaiy 4, 1705, after a residence in the place of but twenty months, and Cai)t. Aubry, of the French regular service, the senior ofHcei' in the place, succeeded to the command. In the meantime the delay of the S[)anish in tak- ing possession tended lar<^ely to strengthen the pop- ular belief of the French inhabitants below, that the cession to S[)ain was but a tem})oraiy measure for political reasons, and that before long they would be retroceded to France, and when eventually after ex- ceeding three years' delay, Ulloa did appear there, although no opposition was made to his landing with his two com[)anies, yet the French there declined to make to him a formal transfer of the place as is usual in these cases, and Ulloa would not assume the re- sponsibility of endeavoring to take a forcible posses- sion. This delay led to the subsequent troubles below, which resulted so disastrously for the French population of the place. S4 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. AiiKiii^ tln' flpHt of thoHt; who came over from Port ChiirtiVH, wtTo .Io«t'|)li U'liiglcbtTt, DcbruiHMeau, and JoHeph riUlmHcieiT. Di'l)niis8i'aii had been a prominent man there in his arrangement the temporary administra- tion of Acting-Gov. St. Ange and his colleagues went into operation on January 21, 1766, that being 26 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. the date of the first recorded document on file in the archives. It is stated in some of the early annnls of the Illi- nois side, that after the death of Capt. Sterling, within three months after he was placed in possession at Fort Chai'tres, that St. Ang-e, at the request of the people there, went over and took temporary connnand in December, 1705, until the new British command- ant, Maj. Frazer, should ai'i-ive. There is no reason to doubt the correctness of this statement, for the reason that although many crossed over to this side in 17G5 as stated, yet a much larger numl)er yet inhabited the other side, and as St. Ange had been for so long a period their military com- mandant, they entertained for him kindly feelings of affection and great respect for his authoi'ity. Again, St. Ange's name does not appear on any document, as commandant, for some time after the "govern- ment " on this side was set in motion in January, 17GG. Lefebvre, who styles himself judge in St. Louis, hav- ing been such at Fort Chartres, and Labusciere who had been the royal notary and attorney, on the other side, appear to have taken charge of the civil affairs of the new place, as all the early papers found in the archives appear to have been executed in the presence of one or the other of these last two parties. Labusciere appears to have been the custodian of the public papers during this temporary government CAPT. ST. ANGE. 27 uiuk'r St. Aii'ij'e, and ho delivcM'cd tlu'in over to the first Spanish governor, Piernas. St. Ang-e content- ing himself with 8ini[»ly atHxing his signatnre to tlie land grants as commandant. Capt. Lonis St. Ange de Bellerive was a Canadian hy hirth, was well advanced in years at the date of the transfer to Cai)t. Sterling at Fort Chartres, Oc- toher 10, 17()5, and had been in the military service of Fi'ance in the Canadas and the Illinois country from his youth, and had only attained the rank of captain, promotion in these western wilds being at that early day but very slow. After having placed Capt. Sterling in ])ossession of Fort Chartres, and with it the u])per portion of the country on the east side of the Mississippi River, St. Ange came over to St. Louis with his few sol- diers, numbering some twenty, bringing with them, as instructed, the arms, stores and mnnitions of Avar belonging to the king of France, which had been left there the j)revious 3'ear Avhen abandoned by Gov. De Yilliers, finally abandoning altogethei the east side of the river. Shoi'tly afterwards the people of the new place, after having waited patiently for exceeding a year in the constant expectation of the new authori- ties of the country making their appearance, as had l)een done by the English on the east side, 28 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. the rapid and sudden growth of the village, and above all the necessity for some authority to grant lands for cultivation, compelled the people to assume the responsibility of vesting this authority tempo- rarily in some person for that purpose ; hence the establishment, by the peo[)le themselves collectively, of the temporary government, and the assumption by St. Ange and associates, with the approbation of the inhabitants, of the positions they had filled on the other side of the river. True, it was nothing more than a self-constituted government of the whole people of the place, adopted, inider the circumstances in which they found themselves placed, for their safety and protection until the new owners of the country should appear and receive possession, which from the example of their new neighbors, the English on the other side, who had already been in possession for a considerable time, they naturally expected as soon to occur, never for a moment dreaming that through the ill-advised action of their misguided countrymen below (and for which they subsequently paid so severe a penalty) so long a pei'iod as four years would elapse before the authority of their new sovereign would be established. This temporary government of the people of the place then went into operation with the first recorded concession in April, 17G6. Previously to this date a few papers of a private nature executed JOSEPH i^ABUSCIERE. 29 before Labiiseiere in hk^ „quality as notary ; the first, on Jaiuiary 21, 1776, 'were entered by him in the archives ; this is the oldest document of the place. Joseph Labusciere came from Canada to the Illi- nois country, and was married at the little village of St. Phillippe on the other side, now extinct, to Catherine Vifvarenne, who was born in that village of Canadian parents; possessing some education, he claimed to be the deputy of the king's attorney, and acted in the capacity of notary and writer. He Avas among the first to come over to the west side in 17G5, and participated with Laclede, St. Ange and Lefebvre in setting in operation the temporary gov- ernment in January, 176G, of which he did nearly all the writing during its existence of over four years. The land grant books and nearly all the original documents in the early archives are in his hand- writing ; his first official document on record is of date January 21, 1766, and his last in May, 1770. The concession to him of block Xo. 13 in the village is the first on record in the Livre Terrien, April 27, 1766. St. Ange was associated with Judge Lefebvre in the first fifteen of these concessions, and after- wards Labusciere with Gov. St. Ange until the close of the French administration. After the establish- ment of the Spanish authority by Capt. Pedro 30 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Piernas May 10, 1770, ho had nothing further to do with the nianageinont of piihHc affairs, but continued to exercise the calling of notary and scrivener in the place for many years. lie died elsewhere, I think at N^ew Madi'id, and left three sons, — Joseph, Jr., Louis and Francis. Joseph Lefebvre, D'Inglebert Debruisseau, was a native of France, and came to Louisiana with his wife and infant son in 1713, with the new governor- general, De Vaudreuil. In 1744 he came up from !N^ew Orleans with a license from the governor granting him "the exclusive privilege of the Indian trade in the upper country, or Illinois district, for five years," and settled at Fort Chartres, where in after years he officiated as judge of that district. Judge Ticf'^bvre was among the first in 1765 to come to this side, and in conjunction with Joseph Labu- sciere, were the two parties that first assumed to set the ciml government of St. Louis in oj)eration, while jiwaiting the arrival of the Spanish officials to take possession of the country. He received from La- clede in 1765 a verbal gi-ant of the north half of block No. 11, where he built a small house of posts at the southeast corner of Main and Locust. When the system of Livre Terriens, or "Land Books" was commenced in April, 1766, Lefebvre DE LA FERNE. 81 was associated with Capt. St. Ange in the grants of lots and lands ; this position he filled for a few months and was then appointed by Acting Governor St. Ange to the office of the king's military store- keeper. He died on April 8, 17G7, one of the earliest deaths in the new village of less than two years' existence. His son, Pierre Francois Brnnot Joseph D'lngle- bert Lefebvre, was married November 10, 1768, to Miss Margaret, danghter of Bardet de la Feme, sur- geon in the khig's service. Lieut. Lefebvre died in New Orleans in 1770, at the age of twenty-seven years, leaving no children. His widow became sub- sequently the wife of Joseph Segond, a merchant of the early day from France. She died there in 1844:, at exceeding ninety years of age, leaving a numerous posterity. Pierre Ignace Bardet de la Feme, a surgeon-major in the French service at Fort Chartres, was the hus- band of Marie Anne Barrois. They had two daught- ers, the oldest, Marie Anne, who was married to Dr. Auguste Conde, also a surgeon in the French service at Fort Chartres, July 16, 1763, and a younger one. Marguerite, then about ten years of age. Dr. Bar- det de la Feme died, whether before or after the 32 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. marriage of his eldest daugliter to Dr. Coiide, we have not found on record. Subsequently his widow also died and named Mr. Henry Cai'pentier, of Ste. Gene- vieve, her executor and guardian for her ujinor daughter Marguerite. In the year 1766, Dr. Conde being about to remove to St. Louis ; for the convenience of all parties, with the consent of the court, Dr. Conde was appointed guardian to t.'ie minor daughter. Miss Mai'guerite, then about twelve and a half years of age, and received from Mr. Carpeutier all the property, real and per- sonal as mentioned in the inventory of the widow, Madame Bardet de la Perne. This was done at Ste. Genevieve In presence of Francois Duchouquet and Pierre Fauche, November 12, 1766. Two years thereafter, on Noveml)er 10, 1768, when the youug lady had attained the age of fourteen and a half years, as stated above, she Avas maiTied to Pierre Francois Brunot Joseph D' Inglebert Lefebvre. The first document recorded in the archives of St. Louis was a sale January 21, 1766, by James Denis, a joiner, to Antoine Hubert, merchant, of a half lot of ground, sixty feet front by one hundred and fifty deep at the southeast corner of Walnut and Second, with a house of posts on the same built by himself, AN EARLY INVENTORY. 83 the lot haviiif'' been f^raiited him l)y the coininaiuler verbally, the sale made for ^^220 (the house $200, the ground $20) . Another sale by the said Denis to the same Hubert on ^Mareh 15, 17(50, of the other half lot, ad- joining the first, GO by 150, for $20 and six quarts of rum, the whole being 120 feet on 8eeond by 150 on Walnut, opposite the lot where Barnum's Hotel now stands. The '^Livres Terriens,"' or register of grants of lots in the village of St. Louis, commenced on April 27, 17GG, with a grant to Labusciere of the present block 1^0. i:J, 300 feet French from Vine to Wash- ington Avenue by 150 from Main to the river. The document that follows is one of the earliest inventories and is introduced as a specimen : — AN EARLY INVENTOUY. "In the year ITfifi, March 15, at nine o'clock, a. ni., we, Joseph Lefebvre d' Inglebert, Deputy of the Onlercr of Louisiana, and Judge in the Royal Jurisdiction of the Illinois, on the request of Mr. Joseph Labusciere, attorney for the vacant localities in this said jurisdiction, who represented to us in his petition of the 12th instant, that he liad been informed of tlie capture of Mr. Cazeau by Indians on the Mississippi in ascending from Now Or- leans, said Mr. Cazeau having goods on the boat of Mr. Lambert, which arrived with the said goods at the post of Ste. Genevieve, and requested us to repair to said post of Ste. Genevieve to take cognizance of the same, and place our seals on the goods belong- 3 34 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Ing 10 the Haiti Mr. Cazeaii ; to preserve liis rights, ami that of others to whom they may bclouj;, ami in consequence of our or- dinance, atHxcd to the bottom of tlie petition of the said attor- ney for vacant localities, dated the same tlay, wo repaired to the said Ste. Genevieve, twenty-one leaj^ues distant from our post, accompanied by the said attorney for vacant places, and l)y Mr. Cabazie, writer at said Ste. Genevieve, where on our arrival, we went to the house of Mr. Lambert, and after summoning him to show us the effects, trunks and l)ales belonging to Mr. Cazoau, and after liaving sworn him in the usual manner, gave us in evidence what follows, where we found the seals already applied by Mr. Du Breuil, du Rieu and Larralde, and which we found whole and perfect, said merchandise consisting, viz. : "A cloth portmanteau on which we found the seals afHxed at three places on the covering, after removing it in the presence of Messrs. Kocheblave, Lambert, Datchurut, Vallc, Blondeau, Bloin, Leclerc and Fagot, all merchants at said place of Ste. Genevieve, we found the following articles : — Two silver spoons, no mark, Two Beaufort sheets, Twelve liueu shirts, Four small cotton lmntlland8, Nineteen cotton handkerchiefs, A small pack of gold and silver twist, A pack of thread. Three pair gloves, a wash-bale, A pocket-book we did not open, Several papers and two small books, put back in trunk, A small casket in which there was a gold watch in a snuff-box, A paper of pins, A mother of pearl siiuff-l)ox, Three sliell-handled razors. Several letters put back In the boxes, A gold cross with gold buckles, claimed by Mr. Lagrange's negress, handed to Mr. Lambert. "The foregoing articles were put bacic in the portraauteaii, as also ill the said trunk, each in its place, and after shutting up the said goods, we i)laced on them our seals, and gave thena into the hands of Mr. Lamliert to produce them wlien found necessary, and after maturely considering the circumstances, and that Mr. Cazeau might have partners interested at New Orleans, the attor- ney of the vacant places required us to have a meeting of the most prominent meichants of this post, to consider the most ad- visable steps to take for the interests of the said Cazeau and oth- ers interested, and in consequence of his request we assembled, Messrs. Rocheblave, Lambert, Datchurut, Valle, Blondeau, \ 30 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Blouin, Leclerc and Fagot, who, after inaturcly coDHidcring, con- cliulcd that all tliu racrcliandisc and tilings of said Mr. Ca/.cau uliall l)e left in custody of -Mr. Lambert, until inforntatiou was given to Mr. Dovaugine, relative of Hnid Mr. Cazeau, and those in interest witli liim, which is to he done in a statement in the shape of an inventory of the bales by numbers and marks, bar- rels, boxes and other things wliicli may be found shut up, without opening them, for all is to be put in the care of Mr. Lambert, who has voluntarily taken charge of them, saving all unforeseeu risks, accidents and dangers, and we proceed as follows : — Four boxes which appeared to con- Two baskets with two ilccaaters tiiln (Iriiikul)lcs marked i' B, each of cordials, Four ankers oi brandy, C B, One box of 22 bottles of wine, A small box, fastened with lock Uue (juarter of sii^ar, and key, (' B, Six guns, half stocks, 3 axes, a piece Four kegs powder, two of 50 lbs, of rope, two of 80 lbs, C B, A large green blanket, a white one. Two pieces of Beaufort marked C B bad, two hatchets, Five barrels Tatlla (Rum) marked A mattress and pillow, a piece of L B on a cross, coarse brln, marked C B, Five bales, marked C B, "Two negroes, one named Samson, and the other Larose, which were turned over this day to j\Ir. Fngot to be sent to Mr. Vnu- gine, at New Orleans, and of which we relieved Mr. Lambert. The above mentioned articles, are all that said Mr. Lambert says he had any knowledge of as belonging to Mr. Cazeau and which we have entrusted to him, to be produced when called for, as in the hands of the court. " Lefebvue d' Inglebert, Judge." Laclede's verbal guaxts of village lots. Laclede made verbal grants in 17G5 to varions pai'ties of a lot each npon which to bnild his house, as soon as it was possible to accomplish it. The largest portion of thom, of upright posts set in the VKKUAL GKANTS BV LACLEDE. 37 ground, were put up tlic same yi-nr, a few of Mtone, Mvvw, built Moon afterwards: — Block No. 1, north li.ilf to Gillus Clioinin, house 20 x 17 feet No. 2, south linlf to Chinks rnrtMit, do. 20x25 feet. No. 2, north half to AU-xis Cotte, first post, then stone do., in 1774, No. 3, south half to Louis Lnroi-lio, post do., 2.3x20. No. 3, north liaif to Louis Maroheli'au, post (U)., 20 x .'50. No. 4, Boutli iiulf to Constantine Quirigoust, post do., 20x20. No. 4, north half to Louis Martheteati, post do., 15x20. No. 5, south iiaif to Julien Lcroj-, post, 2;{ x 2.'J, post in a wall do. No. 5, north half to Anmble Guion, first u small post, then n stone do. No. 0, soutli iialf to Louis Ride, Sr., post do. No. 6, north lialf to .John H. Martigny, first post, then a stone do. No. 7, reserved for Place d'Armos. No, 8, south half to Alexander Langlois, post and stone do. No. 8, north half to Francis llissonct, stone do. No. 9, south half to .Joseph Duhe, small cabin. No. 1), north half to Rene Kiersereau, 20x25 do. No. 10, south iialf to Charles Koutier, mason, 1)5x20 do. No. 10, north half to Alexis Picard, 25 x 2(i do. No. 11, south half to John B. Bayet, 25x20 do. No. 11, north half to Judge Joseph Lefebvre, 40x22 do. No. 12, south half to John B. Ilervieux, gunsmith, 30xlG do. No. 21), southeast quarter to John B. Jacquemin, 15 x 18 do. No. 2'J, southwest quarter to Isidor Peltier, 15 x 20 do. No. 30, northwest quarter to Francis Larche, 15x20 do. No. 30, southeast quarter to John B. Bidet, 15x20 do. No. 31, southeast quarter to John B. ( Jamache, 20 x 25 do. No. 31, northwest quarter to Francis Thibaut, carpenter, 15x20 do. No. 32, northeast quarter to Louis Deshetres, stone do. No. 32, northwest quarter to Paul G. Kiersereau, 25x20 do. No. 32, southeast quarter to Nicholas Marechal, 20 x 25 do. No. 32, southwest quarter to Joseph Denoj-er Marcheteau, 15x18 do. No. 33, northeastquartertoLacledcforMrs. Chouteau, stone do. 38 ANNALS OF 8T. LOUIS. Block No. 33, northwcHt riuurtor to.ToMopli I^nhrosHi-, 8tonoliou80. No. 33, Houtli linlf to JoHi'pli Tiiilloii, hIoiic do. No. 31, Lat;lijtlt('H IJlock for Mftxcnt. & Co., intone do. No. 35, noi'tlicaHt qunrter to Lniulu>i t Uonviirlot, cabin. No. 3.'), nortliwcHt (|iiurtor to JncqucH DoiiIh, carpenter, cabin. No. 35, soutlu-UHt (|iiiirter to .lolin H. DcHcliiunpH, 20x25 do. No. 35, Houtiiwcst (juartfr to Marccroiiu. No. 3(5, northeast qiiartiT to Klery Desnoyers, 20 x 25 do. No. 3f>, Houtiicast qiiurter to John U. Itucquet, 20 x Iti do. No. 3r>, nortiiweHt ((iiiirttT to (labriol Dodier, Jr., 21 x 22 do. No. 3(), southwcttt (luurter to (iabricl Dodier'a, Sr., widow, 20x22 do. No. 87 No. 37 No. 38 Ifix No. 38 No. 38 No. 31) No. 31) No. to No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 40 U 41 41 41 44 52 53 54 57 57 58 62 02 63 64 No. 82 No. 82 HOiithcast quarter to JftCiiiies Noise dii Labb£, 22x30 do. southwcHt quarter to Antoiiie Riviere, Sr. , stone do. nortltcast ([uarter to Uougcau & iJuHfonds, pottts, 15 do. nortliwestijuarter to I'ierre Montardy, posts, 20 x 18 do. soutli luilf to Igna0 cedar stakes. "All whieh I have sold to Mr. Datchurut, who has this day taken possession of the whole, except the ground in suit with Mr. Catalan until after the decision of the suit before the coun- cil which will be Datchurut's if decided in my favor. "The whole for the sum of forty-nine thousand six hundred livres (49,000) in genuine money, which I have received in cash, for which I hold the said Datchurut released. " The deed to be executed with the same date. " Datciiukit — Blouin." The deed for the above was executed m St. Louis, Januaiy 17, 17G7. Isidor Peltier sold to Louis Blouin, both of Ste. Genevieve, October 7, 1767, a negro man, and house and lot in that place for one thousand two hundred and fifty livres, and gave his note for the amount, upon whieh he paid April 23, 17G8, nine himdred lives. (Archives.) 42 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. MADAME STE. ANGE — FORT CIIARTRES. The following- receipt is found on record in the earliest archives of St. Louis : — I, the undersigned, acknowledge to have received from Mr. De Volsay the sum of three thousand three hundred and forty livres, accruing to ray wife, Joaciiina De Villiers from the estate of Madame Ste. Ange, her grandmother, with which I am satis- fied in regard to 8aid estate, and release the said M. De Volsay and all others, for wliich this is a general release. Moreover, I acknowledge the receipt of my brother-in-law's portion, the Chevallier de Villiers, of three thousand, three hun- dred and forty livres, wiiich I will deliver to him when he comes of age. Done at Fort Chartres the 10th of May, 1705. PicoTE Belkstke, St. Ange, witness, Lekebvke, Judge. This statement was made hy De Volsay about a year after De Villiers had abandoned Fort Chartres and gone below. Mrs. St. Ange, the old lady, mother of Capt. St. Ange and his sister Mrs. De Villiers, and grandmother of De Villiers' three children, had died some years previously. Judge Lefebvre was still there that summer. lExtract from the Registry of Ste. Genevieve, of the 24th of December, 1769.-] " This day December 24, 1769, personally appeared at the Register's office in Ste. Genevieve, one Chatal, a lead miner, who affirmed tliat lie has never presented an application to prospect, or CAPT. STERLING'S REPORT. 43 had extracted any lead mineral from the Mine Lamothe ; that the commandants had never been importuned by him nor by Gaignon, his associate, to which deposition he adheres as veritable. " Done at Stc. Genevieve the day and year above written. "A true copy. " Cabazik, Register. " In presence of Messrs. Deguirre and Girard Langlois, witnesses." "Having full knowledge that Mr. Picar did not work, nor ex- tract mineral from the hole of Mr. Larose, having full knowledge is why we have given him this certificate. " Done at Mine Lamothe the 2l3t November, 1770. " Mr. Pepir's X mark, " Menager, " FoNBLON, WiUiess." Immediately after Captain Sterling- had received possession of Fort Charti'es, and with it the Illinois country in 17G5. Capt. Phili[) Pitman, of the British Engineer Corps, a man in every way competent, was sent out by General Gage to make a survey of the forts, and report on the condition of the villages and settlements of the country ; this he did in 17G6. His report, a very complete one of one hundred and eight pages, was published in London in 1770. In it he gives a full and minute descri[)tion of the Fort Chartres and the various buildings in it, and concludes his description by saying that "it was generally considered the most convenient and best built fort in ^orth America." 44 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. KASKASKIA. Then ho proceeds with the vilUiges, commencing with Kuskaskia, the most important, which he thus describes : — " ' Cascasqnias ' is by far the most considerable set- tlement in the Illinois country. It has a church and Jesuit's house, which with a few other houses are of stone. There are sixty-five families in the village, with a few merchants and traders. A Mr. Paget built the first water mill in the country, on the Kas- kaskia, about a mile above the village, Avhere he was killed Avith his two negroes by the Cherokees in 1764. The Jesuits had a plantation of 240 arpents in cultivation, with a stock of cattle and a l)rewery, all of which Avas sold by the French commander after the cession to the English, the order being- suppressed ; a Mr. Beauvais, the richest man here, possessing eighty slaves, was the purchaser. The fort on the bluffs across the Kaskaskia River, of wooden timbers, was burnt down in Octobei-, 1766. An officer and twenty soldiers are now quartered in the village." Pitman does not give the mimber of houses in the village nor its population, but allowing each of the sixty-five families a house to itself, there could not have been more than seventy, and the population, say five hundred whites and slaves, a very large estimate. VARIOUS VILLAGES. 45 "CAHOKIA. "The village ' Kaokias,' twenty leagues from Kaskaskia, was the first settlement in the country by a few French Canadians ; it is the next in size to Kaskaskia, and contains forty-live dwellings and a church. A house in the village where a few soldiers Avere kept Avas called the ' garrison.' " Pitman did not give its population — it was but a few hundred. " PRAIKIE DU ROCIIER "Fourteen miles north of Kaskaskia is a village of twenty-two houses and the same number of families, with a little chapel." "saint PIITLLIPrE, "Five miles north from Fort Chartres on the road to Cahokia, has " about sixtt;en deserted houses and a small church still standing, all having been deserted in 17G5, the inhabitants crossing over to the French side, leaving only the captain of the militia, who was compelled to remain, having a grist and saw mill which he could not dispose of." " FORT CHARTRES VILLAGE " Was the seat of government, and in the year 1764 contained forty families in the village adjoining the fort, and a parish church." 46 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. " In the next year, 1765, when the English received possession of the country, they all, with the exception of three or four families, abandoned their houses and removed over to the west side of the Mississippi, choosing- to continue under the French government." " The first fort was built in 1720; rebuilt as now in 175G." (In 1772 the inundation caused the fall of the west wall and two bastions ; the fort was then abandoned, and the British garrison removed to Fort Gage at Kaskaskia, wdiich then became the seat of government.) Capt. Pitman was a man of ability, for which reason he was selected by Gen' I Gage for his mission, in which it so happened he was engaged at the very moment that St. Louis had just sprung into exist- ence. His report, therefore, furnishes conclusive ])roof that St. Louis, then in her infancy of barely two years, was already in every respect, — size, pop- ulation, etc., — in advance of what Kaskaskia had ever attained in her most i)rosperous period, and that the old traditions of large po})ulation, great wealth, etc., etc., so freely bestowed upon her in her early days, were neither more nor less than the gratuitous exaggerations of visionaries. Judge Lefebvre acted in his official capacity as the colleague of St. Ange in the first few land con- cessions but for a few months, as we find his last official act as such on August 15, 17G6, when he PUBLIC PROPEUTY. 47 was appointed keeper of the king's warehouse, St. Ange having- brought ovcv from Fort Chartres with his men the military stores left there by Capt. Neyon de Villiers. Labusoiere then assumed Lefe- bvre's place as the associate in the government with Capt. St. Ange, and ai)pears to have discharged the functions of that office almost exclusively until the assumption of the Spanish authority in May, 1770, as all the official documents are in his handwriting or executed in his presence, the signature of St. Auge appearing but rarely. From the following document found in the archives we k'arn that Judge Lefcbvre Desbruisseau died on April 3, 17G7. "In the year one thousand, seven humlred and sixtj'-seven, the seventh of April ut 8 o'clock, a. m. , l)efore Joseph Labus- ciere, Deputy of the Attorney-General of the King in Illinois, acting as judge in the place of Judge Lefebvre, deceased ; in pres- ence of j\Ir. St. Ange de Bellerive, Captain, commanding on the French side of the Illinois, of Mr. De Bergueville, otlicer of in- fantry of this garrison, and Mr. Laclede Liguest, merchant, all residing at the post of St. Louis. " In virtue of our act of placing the seals on the king's ware- house on the tliird of this month, in coi's-equence of the death on that day of Mr. Lefebvre, we repaired Uiis day to the house of Laclede, accompanied' by Mr. Peri, scrivener of this place, to remove our seals from the door of the stoi e, which we had left in the cliarge and care of Mr. Lefebvre Dost ruisseau, where being arrived and summoning the said Desbruisseau, Louis Deshetres, Indian interpreter and Louis Chancellicr, inhabitant, as witnesses, we caused the door to be oi)ened with the key which had been sent us I)}- Mr. St. Ange, and immediatel3' proceeded to the de- 48 ANNALS OF 8T. LOUIS. scription of the effects and mcrchnndisc wliich we found in said store, shown and placed before us hy said Lefebvre Deabruisseau as follows, and which we signed on the same day and year, said Dcshetres saying he coultl not sign it." "First: — G131 pounds of wool. 14 grenadiers' guns. 10 htilf axes. 27 tomaliawks. 14 ll)s. dainiigeil powder. A block of copper to press paper. 15 minots of corn. 40 minots more. 844 lbs. of balls. 1000 lbs. of bar lead. 2 pairs small copper scales. Cl<; dog-head knives. 13i dozen butcliers' knives. A case of surgeons' instru- ments. 59 blankets, two and a half point. 9 three point y Xfaxc'iit and LacltMlo, which amountt'd to (kIS.') livivH 8 Hols, i'(iual to $1, 'JOT. •• In the yt'iir Hcvi'iitpcii Iminlrt'il atnl sixty-sfvon, A|>ril .'t(», iit H o'riock 11. 111., I»(rforo .Foscpli liiihiisi-itMc, tlH> (Uipiity of thu iittonicy-j^enprul of the king, actiiiK as jikI;^*! in the royal Jur- isdiction of tiic Illinois, on the petition of .Mr. IMcrro Luclcde Lij{ii('Ht, merrhant on tlin French side of the country, an w\\ in h\n own name au in tliat of Maxcut aitd Coin|)any, desiring to have a re-examination in the shape of nn inventory of the merehandise tiiiit had been seized on his petition, tlie — day of April, ITti.'i, as having the exclusive eontiol of the trade from Mr. D'Ahltadie, ConnnisHioner of Louisiana, witii the purpose of ascertaining the deficit which may l)e found in said merchandise since the date of the seizure to tliiH day, ami their pnsent actual value, and in conformity to our decree of yesterday, we have this day repaired to .Mr. Tayon's, the custodian of the said goods, accompanied l»y Messrs. Joseph Pupin, William Bissette and Alexander Rondeau (Langlois), all merchants* of .St. Louis, arbitrators and referee olliciiilly appointed in this jurisdiction, where we summoned the said custo contained hut sonu' ii(>v(>nty houHCH and cabiiiH in which to Nhrlter at leant double that nuiiiher of fainilieH, henideM all the Ninn^li> Htraj,'^lerM that had flocked to the phu'c from the other side to eHcape IJritish rnli"), judieiouHly con- cluded, to avoid ('(dlihion, to erect at Honic Huitahle |>oint In ItH near vicinity a fort anh- raent of Jefferson Barracks In 1826. 54 ANNALS OF ST, LOUIS. Capt. Francis Rlo.s brought ii[> with him fi'oin New Oi'leans : — Don Fernando de Gomez, liis Lieut. Don Joseph Barchis, a cadet engineer. Doct. Jno. B. Valieau, surgeon. Charles Covos, orderly sergeant. IVIiciiael Viguera, corimral. Manuel Martini, do. Benjn. Moureau, do. Lion, do. Carlos Ilerrara, drummer. Jourdan, cook and baker. Francis Tiendra, soldier. Jean Mignon, do. Gaspard Deraarque, do. Dominic Auterre, do. Antonio Tagouais, do. Alex'r Peguoles, do. Pierre Perez, do. Jos. Nich's Navarro, do. And a few others whose names are not found in the archives. During the period that Rios' company were at " Fort Charles the Prince," they were under the command of his Lieutenant Gomez, who fi-om the testimony of witnesses in several trials that occurred there that summer, must have exercised great severity and oppression over the men, Rios spending much of his time in St. Louis. A JUDICIAL INQUIRY. 55 " An iiKiuir}' made by me, Mr. Jonoph LabuHcicre, king's attorne>', acting as judge and deputy of the commander of Louisiana: — " On the petition of Micliael Tiille, a stone mason, working at Fort Charles tlie Prince, near the moutli of the Missouri River, accused and lield in irons in the i)rison at the French post of St. Louis, on the complaint brought against him by Monr. De Rive for Don Fernando de Gomez, Lieut, at the fort. Having re- paired to the place this June 15, \7('>H, I proceeded on the follow- ing day to take the depositions of the following witnesses, through the interpretations of John liap. Dehetres and William Boyer, aa follows, viz. : Francis Solid, sailor, a Catholic. Antoiue de Thaguas, mason, do. Charles Herrara, drummer, do. Wm. Boyer his X cross, sailor, do. Antoinc X Dargaud, blacksmith. Josoph X Segue, stonecutter. Pierre X Perez, stonecutter. " Being then about to proceed to take the depositions of the soldiers within the fort, I Avas unable to do so for want of an in- terpreter, after requesting Mr. Joseph Barelas, a cadet officer, Jno. B. Dcshetres, Indian interpreter, the king's baker, and one Boyer, a sailor, who severally refused to interpret and retired into the fort, also declining to sign their refusal to act. Seeing this I withdrew, having finished the declaration at the fort, June 16, 17G8. " JOSEl'H LaBUSCIERE." The substance of the testimony of the above wit- nesses was to the foliowin<^ effect : — ''Trille was a Spaniard, a stone mason, at work on the fort. One day he had a piece of fresh fish on the ground within the fort; a corporal. Lion, passing along, said the lish smelt bad, and 56 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. ordered it to be thrown out. Trille objected, saying it smelt no worse than tlie salt meat issued to them in tlieir rations, this provoked the corporal, iiot words ensued, wiien another corporal, Moreau, attempted to knock Trille down with the butt of his musket ; at this moment Lieutenant Gomez came on the ground, and without knowing anything of the cause of the fracas, ordered Trille to be handcuffed and sent a prisoner to St. Louis, at the same time kicking and striking him." All the witnesses examined, testified to the good character of Trille, as a peaceable man and steady workman. One of the witnesses closely questioned as to the cause of the ill-will displayed by Gomez towards Trille, had no doubt it arose from the fact that Trille Avhen he came to work at the fort, brought with him from St. Louis, a small keg of brandy, from which he occasionally gave his fellow-workmen a small dram ; this was so much out of Gomez's pocket, who besides being the lieutenant-command- ant was also purveyor (sutler). ;N"othing further appears in regard to the affair, Trille being released from confinement. "An inquiry made by me, Joseph Labusciere, acting as judge and deputy of the commander of Louisiana, and proxy of the king's attorney-general of the Illinois. On the petition of IVIr. Joseph Barolas, a cadet engineer of the garrison of "Fort Charles, the Prince," near the mouth of the Missouri, against Don Fernando de Gomez, lieutenant command- ing at the fort, and Charles Covos, first sergeant of the garrison. By virtue of orders from Mr. De Rive, civil and military governor of the Missouri section, we repaired on said date to the fort A JUDICIAL INQUIRY. 57 accompanied by M. Milony Duraldc, to act as inti'ri)rcter, I not understanding the Sj)anish language, wiiere on my arrival, I caused to appear before me : — 1. Francis Soleil. 2. Carlos Ilcrrara, drummer. ;3. Ante. Victorine, blacksmith. 4. Michel Peguero, corporal. .'). AVm. Boyer, caulker. (>. Francois Tiendra, soldier. 7. Manuel Martine, corporal. 8. Joseph Marin, carpenter. 9. Jean ]\Iignon, soldier. 10. Gaspard de Marqua, do. 11. Francisco Poutau. 12. Jean Marie Moulin. 13. Antoine Tagouais, mason. 14. Dominic Auterre, soldier. Ifj. Joseph Segue, stone-cutter. 16. Benito Maureau, corporal. 17. Francois Sespedes, carpenter. 18. Alex'r Pegnoles. 19. Pierre Perez, stone mason. 20. Man'l Aug'n Abreon, carpenter. 21. Jourdan, baker. 22. Nicholas Navarro. 23. Charles Coves, sergeant. These witnesses being all sworn, testified successively to the same purport, that in their frequent disputes Gomez was in the habit of applying to Barelas offensive epithets, as horse, mule, animal, etc., which Barelas could not resent, Gomez being his superior officer. They all agreed that Barelas was faithful and trusty in the discharge of his official duties. "AuorsT 8, 17C8. Milony Di'Ralde," Joseph Labisciere." 68 ANNALS OF ST. LOULS. DOCT. JXO. «. VALLEAL'. IMiis gi'iitleiiian, ii native of France from La Ro- chelle, in the Spanish service, came up to 8t. Louis from New Orleans with Capt. Rios, as sui'g-eon of his company, arriving- here late in the year 1767. Expecting- to be stationed here for some time, and houses difficult to be obtained, immediately after his arrival he made application foi* a lot in the village upon which to build one for his family, whom he had left in France. According-ly he received a grant from St. Ange, dated January 2, 1708, of the north- east quarter of our present block No. Gl, being- 120 French feet on the west side of Second by 150 deep west u}) the hill on the south side of Pine (the quarter block on which stood the Mechanics' Bank) . After Valleau received the grant of his lot, it was several months before he found any one to undertake to build him a house, owing to the scarcity of workmen in that curly day of the village, finally, he entered into an agreement on April 23, 1768, with one Peter Tousignan, a carpenter, " for a house of one story, eighteen feet long by fourteen wide on the outside, of posts set in the ground, with a partition of small square posts in the center to divide it into two rooms of 9 by 14 feet, xxouse to be shingled, with a stone chinmey in the center, with two doors, one outside and one between the rooms, a window in each room DOCT. VALLEAU. 59 with shutters, floored and ceiled witli hewn cotton- wood, the whole to be completed by the 15th of July. Foi- which Doct. Yalleau is to pay, when completed, the sum of sixty silver dollars, and to furnish all the iron and nails necessary for the house, but nothing else." The agreement drawn ui) by Labusciere is signed by Vallean and Tousignan's X mark, and Avitnessed by Lal)usciere. The house was never built — why, does not appear. The lot of Joseph Calve, adjoining Yalleau' s on the south, of the same size, 120 by I.IO feet, with a small log house of 10 feet square, was purchased by Yal- leau September 20, 1708, at a public sale by the gov- ernor to pay the debts of Calve, who had absconded, for the sum of six hundred livres — $120. Yalleau then owned the front from Chestnut to Pine — 240 feet French measure. Doct. Yallean, in the discharge of his duty as sui'geon of the Spanish troops here, had to make frequent tri[)s back and forth to the garrison on the Missouri, Avhere the troops were then building the fort. T^owards the close of November, being seri- ously ill, and finding his end a])i)roaching, in con- formity to a custom almost universally followed by devout Catholics here at that day, he executed his will on November 23d, and expired on the following" day, a young man scarcely in his prime, surviving GO ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. l)ut oiH' wliort year his a Labuscieue, Notary. EAKLY FRENCH MERCHANTS. Much of the early emi^n'ation to lower Louisiana came from the southwest part of France, bordering on Spain and along the shores of the Atlantic and Mediterranean, many of them well educated business men of the best families, from the principal towns SHOWING ALL THE HOUSES BUILT IN I There were lOO Wood and IJ Stone Butldii.);s. The wo EARLY FRENCH MERCHANTS. 75 tliroufi^hout tluH region of country, quite a number of tjjein fnnling their way up to St. J^ouis : — Papiii, Jos. M. Kouliiciix, Gaspard Yo«ti, Emclicn Viijo, Fmneis Bargus, Domingo Poiircell}', John P. Gratiot, Cliarles Clamoigan, Jacques Bonis, A. v., Marseilles Sorin, Joseph, Larocbelle Collel, Bonaventura, Barcelona Sarp3', Gregoire, Funcl Sarpy, Pierre Silvestre, Funel Sarpy, Pierre Berald, Funel Ri'illie, Antoine Manniilon, Francois Fusilier de la Claire, Gabriel Delorier, Louis Merlet Barrouselle, Francois, St. Do- mingo. Coignard, Louis, Chatillon Cabanno, John P., Pau Rutgers, Arend Delaunay, David Laclede Ligucst, Pierre Bidet, Jno. B. Langoumois Butaud, Jno. B. Briiid'amour Eloi, Francis Duhreuil, Louis Cbauvet Barsalou, Nicliolns Thonlouse, Jno. M. Hubert, Antoine Durcy, Francis Lambert, Louis Foiiche, Pierre Dutlllet, M. Borard, Antoine, Bordeau Lepage, Francois Peri, Pierre Aus^ust Conde, Surgeon Valeau, Jno. B., Sur. Motard, J. A. J., Avignon Suri»y, Jno. B., Funel St'gond, Joseph Labbadie, Silvestre, Tarbes Duralde, M. M. C'onand, Joseph Duclos, Jno. Barre, Etienne Lagarciniere. By an examination of the plat of the village and tables, it will be seen that St. Louis contained in the year 1770, at the conclusion of her first and French administration, one hundred and fifteen houses — one hundred of wood and fifteen of stone — of which number seventy-five, about two-thirds of the whole. PLAT OF ST. LOU SHOWING ALL THE HOUSES BUILT IN ITS FIRST SIX YEARS WHILE UNDER THE FRr.NCl Tliere were loo Wood and 15 Stuiic niiililinK». The wood arc indicsted in lolid black ; the ttonc In outline. No Church ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r ■ I ■ ■ i G 1 ■ ■ ■ ID ■ ■ "■ CHURCH BLOCK lACUOfS BLOCK- TIaco S'Armes IS IN i7;^D. H ADMINISTRATION OF ST. ANGE AND HIS ASSOCIATKS IN THE GOVERNMENT. I ntillillnK until 1770, prior to whlcli data there Wiu it itniall \og Chapel at northoait corner o( Church Block. ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ n D a ■ ■ I I fe 1 1 — [-ri I ■ I ■ ■ a UB"«»B .n 76 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. had been put up in her two first years — 1765 and 1766 — with a population of about 500 souls. And at the transfer of the country to the United States in 1804 they had increasr ^ to one hundred and thirty of wood and fifty-one of stone — one hundred and eighty-one in all ; an increase in the thirty-four years under Spanish rule of sixty-six buildings ; an aver- age of barely two per annum, and this included stores, warehouses, kitchens and other buildings, etc., some twenty or so. The dwellings being about one hundred and sixty, and the population 925 souls — an average of less than six to a house. St. Louis in her first five years of existence, with her one hundred and fifteen houses, had become larger than Kaskaskia ever had been in her best days, drawing the largest portion of her new comers from the Illinois side of the river, reducing somewhat the populations of Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Prairie du Rocher, and completely depopulating and annihi- lating the two villages of Fort Chartres and St. Phillippe, which ceased to exist. During the thirty-four years of Spanish authority succeeding the first six years of French rule, the place continued to be French in every essential but the partial use of Spanish in a fewoflicial documents ; the intercourse of the people with each other, and THE EARLY PRIESTS. 77 their goycrnors, their commerce, trade, habits, cus- toms, manners, amusements, marriages, funerals, services in church, parish registers, everything was French ; the governors and officers all spoke French, it was a sme qua non in their appointment ; the few Spaniards that settled in the country soon became Frenchmen, and all manied French wives ; no French- man became a Spaniard ; two or thi'ce of the gov- ernors were Frenchmen by birth ; the wives of Gov. Piernas and Trudeau were French ladies. Outside of the Spanish officials and soldiers not moi'e than a dozen Spaniards came to the place during the dom- ination of Spain ; Govei-nor Delassus was born in France and Trudeau of French stock, and nearly all the papers in the archives were in the French lan- guage. The country was only Spanish by possession , but practically French in all else. THE EARLY PRIESTS. Father I. L. Meurin, parish curate of our Lady of Cahokia, was the first, and after him Father Gibault, curate of the Immaculate Conception at Kaskaskia, and Vicar General of my Lord Bishop of Quebec, the second who came over occasionally from the other side, and officiated for a few years in a tent, and from the summer of 17G8 hi a small log 78 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. chapel put up for temporary use on the northeast corner of the church square, which sei'ved until the erection of the first church in 177G. The first public sale at the door of the chapel took place on Sunday, September 12, 1768, by Cottin, the first constable.* During the French period prior to 1770, the churches iu this pi'ovince were under the ecclesi- astical authority of the Bishopric of Quebec, after the establishment of the Si)anish authority by Don Pedro Piernas May 20, 1770, they came under that of the Bishopric of Cuba. The first book in whicli were registered the bap- tisms, marriages and deaths of this parish of St. Louis, was commenced on October 4, 1770, by Rene Kiersereau, the sexton of the church, there being tlicn no parish priest as yet, who on that date in- terred the body of Gregory, a free negro man, and who continued, as sexton, to inter until March 25, 1772, up to which date he had interred thirty-four bodies, when Father Valentin, who had just been appointed the first curate of the parish of St. Louis, entered upon his duties, and took charge of the church register. * Archives, vol. 2, page 24, No. 24. FIRST PARISH REGISTER. n The first baptism in St. Louis was by Father Meuriii in May, 17G6, of Marie Deschamps, born in September, 17G5 md his last one, of Marie Jo- sepha Kiersereau, February 7, 1769 — numbering twenty-nine by him and three by Kierso'cau — thirty- two in the three years. They were noted down at the time on loose sheets of paper, and after- wards, when the fii'st register book was procured by Governor Piernas, copied therein, several of them imperfect, torn and mice-eaten. 1. Marie Deschamps, 17G5, 1700. 2. Veronica Ride, May 9. 3. Aiitoine, abalf-breedPanis, May 9. 4. Catherine Bissonnet, May 7, 17G7. 5. Helen Hebert, May 7, 1707. 0. Pelagie Kiersereau 7. Marie Langevin, 8. Henry Francois Leroy " " 9. Joseph Guion, June 21, 1707. 10. Gabriel Dodier, Aug. 10, 1707. 11. Claude , Sept. 1, 1707. 12. Pad, a slave. Sept, 1, 1707. 13. Paul Gregory, a free negro, Sept. 1, 1707. 14. Catherine RoUet, Sept. 1, 1707. 15. Jno. B. Gamache, May 3, 1708. 16. Angelica Bissonnet, May 3, 1768. 17. Peter Berger, May 3, 1768. 18. Louis Denoycr, " " 19. Angelica Grammont, " 20. Elizabeth Hunand 21. Constance Labusciere, " 22. Marie M. Robert, " 23. Louis Denoyer's daughter, 1709. 24. Marie Josa. Kiersereau, Feb. 7, 1709. The last by Father Meurin, and eight others, slaves and Indians. 80 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. So, also, with the deaths during these five years, no register of them was kept, but through the ar- chives, wills and inventories we have ascertained the most prominent of the men to the extent of ten or twelve. - ' 1766. — Mr. Legrain, who came in the boat with Chouteau. 1767, April 3d. — Judge Joseph Lefebvre, De- bruisseau. 1767, April 3d. — Mr. Francis Eloy, at :N'ew Orleans. 1768, ;N^ov. 25. — Doc. Jno. B. Valleau, army surgeon. 1769, May. — Mr. Thos. Blondeau, son of Joseph Blondcau. 1769, Aug. — Paul Sigle, tanner, from the Island of Malta. 1769, Aug. — John Ante. D'Annis, alias St Yin- cent, merchant. 1769, Aug. — Mrs. Nicholas H. Beaugenou. 1769 or 1770. — Mr. Constantine Quirigou Phillip. 1770, xVug. 12. — Mr. Louis Deshetres, Indian in- terpreter. 1770. — Lieut. P. F. B. I. Debruisseau, son of Judge Lefebvre, at !New Orleans. 1770, Sept. — Nicholas Marechal, native of France. 1771, Oct. 25.— Mr. Joseph Detailly, Indian in- terpreter. EARLY HOUSES. 81 As to the marriages, they are all preserved in the archives, as the law required all contracts to be exe- cuted in presence of the governor, for which a fee was exacted. This first church register served for fifteen years, from 1766 to 1781 , after which a separate book was used for marriages, baptisms and deaths. EARLY HOUSES. Until some years after the transfer in 1804, the houses were of but two materials, stone and timber. The stone was quarried with a crow-bar and sledge- hammer, from along the river bluffs in front of the village, and much of the timber for the first houses was cut on the ground and in the near vicinity. The houses were uniformly of one style, such as prevails in the South, one story in height, with a loft above and a steep roof, the largest and best with galleries all around, some with galleries in front and sides, and a few of the poorer sort only in front, generally covered with clapboards, the best shingled. About four-fifths of the houses were of posts set in the ground, the best of them hewed about nine inches square, the others of round posts set about three feet deep ; a few of the best of these houses were of hewed posts set on a stone wall from four to five feet high above ground. The largest portion of these hoiises were from twenty to thirty feet in 82 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. size, divided usually into two and some of them three rooms ; some smaller, of fifteeH to twenty feet square, a single room, which had to serve as parlor, bed and dining-room and kitchen ; a few had a shed attached to the house for the latter purpose. A few of the larger houses were divided into three rooms, with a stone chimney in the center and a fire-place in each room ; they were mostly floored with hewed puncheons, the ceilings from eight to ten feet high. A few of the largest stone houses were divided into five rooms, a large one in the center extending from front to rear, and two small ones on each side, opening into the large center room ; the floor some ten feet above ground, the lower part used for cellar or store-rooms ; the flooring sawed with whip-saws, there being no saw-mill in the country, with ceilings about ten feet high, with from one to two windows in a room, opening, in the French style, on hinges, and glazed with 8 by 10 lights, a few with 10 by 12, the largest size used in the country for many years. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. It is plainly evident that in houses of the sizes as described there was but little room for furniture, however desirable it might have been to possess it ; with many, a bedstead and bedding, table, a few chairs, with a cupboard for their few articles of table WATt.R. 83 ware, and a chest or trunk for their apparel, consti- tnted the snm total of then* possessions in that line, with some few in larg-er houses, a bureau or clothes- press, with other necessary articles. Of course the few comparatively wealthy ones with larger houses had more and better furniture, and some of them a little silverware and i)late, but floor carpets wei'e not introduced into the country for many long years thereafter. WATEH. For some years after the commencement of the village settlement there were no wells sunk, the underlying formation being limestone but a few feet below the surface and crop[)ing out at various points, particulai'ly on the edge of the bluffs, where the rock Avas bare along the whole front. With the exception of two or three springs, the inhabitants used the river water for all purposes, and for this reason the lots along the river front were first sought and built upon. The water was hauled up from the river in a barrel laid across two sappling poles which served for shafts, called a " drag." After a time a fcnv wells were sunk, back on the second and third streets, but as they had to bore thi'ough the limestone bed-rock of the village in their excavation they cost much money and but few undertook them. Col. Chouteau, who lived on his block almost 84 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. sixty-five years, had made two attempts on different parts of the same ; one of them was unsuccessful, the other, after going- to the depth of one hundred feet, at great cost, procured a Uttle water, but a very inadequate supply. Besides, it was only in the summer time that a little cold water was needed for drinking purposes, there being then no ice put up, l)ut the river water was universally preferred, as being more wholesome and palatable. FUEL. Stone ooal, if even then discovered, was not made use of generally until long after the American days. There was no need of it, wood being abundant and cheap all over the country. Even as late as 1825, when the supply in the near vicinity began to grow short, it was brought on rafts from the upper rivers, and sold at from |1.25 to |1.50 per cord. The little fuel used by blacksmiths was charcoal burnt near the villages. AGRICUL7'UBE. The agricultural operations in the early develop- ment of the settlement were on a very limited scale, confined at first mainly to corn for their bread ; potatoes and turnips, pumpkins and melons in their common fields, and no more of these than were necessary for their own consumption, as there would AGRICULTURE. have been no market for any surplus, and each one his little gfarden i)atch contiguous to his residence, where he raised his Httle supply of kitchen tnick. In a few years, after the erection of Laclede's water mill, they added wheat to their bread stuffs. The cultivation of these products constituted the whole of their agricultural labors during these early years. They needed no meadows, the wild prairie grass abounding all over the country affording abundance of nutritious hay foi* their animals, upon which they thrived and kept in the best of condition throughout the year, grain seldom being given, except occasionally to a working animal, they had no need of oats. Their gardens furnished them peas, beans, cabbages, beets, carrots, etc., the woods and prairies plenty of wild game, the streams plenty of fish, and with their beef, poultry, eggs, milk and butter there was abundance in the land, because the consumers were but few. The only article in the country on wheels for long years was a charrette, a pnmitive cart, constructed of two pieces of scantling some ten or twelve feet long framed together by two or more cross pieces, upon one end of which the body, of wicker-work, was placed, and the front ends rounded to serve as the shafts, and the whole set on the axletree of the wheels. Almost the only use they had for it was to haul in 86 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. their com and hay to thoir 1)anis back of the village. It was sometimes used to take ladies and children out on a ride. All the nuiles and most of the females made their riding- on horse-back. Laclede brought up his family. from Fort Chartres in 1764 in one of these carts, and the writer rode uj) in one from Ste. Genevieve in 1818 — rather rough. Their agricultural implements were very limited in variety and of the most primitive construction, such as ploughs, hoes, spades and shovels, grubbing hoes, rakes, etc. ; occasionally, a harrow, a joint-stock con- cern serving a neighborhood. * AMUSEMENTS. For the men, the amusements were billiards, cards and pony races, for amusement only — rarely any- thing staked. For the females, fiddling and dancing and the usual amount of gossiping and small-talk. In 1707, the village hardly two years old, there were two billiard establishments, and a year or two later, a third. Their horses for many years being exclu- sively a small breed of Indian ponies peculiar to the country, mostly natural pacers, their I'aces were sel- dom more than a few huu(h'ed yards in length, or at most, a quarter of a mile to the extent, usually in the prairie back of the village, there being then no race track. ^ After the Americans became possessed of the PUBLIC BALES. 87 country on the other side, larger liornes were intro- duced here from Kentucky for work and di'aft only. And in 1818, when I came to the place, a horse of fifteen hands high was considei-ed a large horse, and when the first Conestoga from Pennsylvania was seen here he created quite a sensation. They had no idea that there could be any such horses in existence. Their dancing parties were sometimes on a Satiu'- day evening, after the labors of the week were ended, and were always kei)t up until daylight the next morning. But more frequently on Sundays, afternoons and evenings, the Sabbath being con- sidered over by most of the people at the conclusion of the High Mass at twelve o'clock noon, — the after- noons were devoted to anuisement, a few^ only of the most devout, largely females, would attend the evening vespers. Th«nr judgment sales, by decree of the governor, always took place on Sundays at the church door, ;it the close of the Mass at twelve o'clock noon, that being the only idle day of the week when a small crowd could be gathered together for such a pnrpose, the most of the people being engaged during the other days in their varions avocations, and with the majority of the people the religious duties of the day being discharged at that hour, and as all made it a special duty to attend the Mass, usually all the inhabitants of the place were there assembled. 88 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Previous notice having been given of the sale, the property was cried out for three successive Sundays, and then awarded to the highest bidder on the third day ; as thei'e were usually no other biddci's than the two or three who might desire the house for a resi- dence, the sale required but little time, the property was generally knocked off at the value of the improve- ments, the lot generally considered as part of the appurtenances of the improvements. (No speculation in town-lots at that day.) MARRIAGE CONTRACTS. The laws and customs relating to marriages were those of Paris and Castile, designated " a community of interest," — that is to say, unless otherwise specified in the civil contract, whatever property either party possessed before marriage made a common fund to be equally enjoyed by both. On the death of either party intestate ; the survivor was entitled to one-half of the estate, and the children of the marriage, if any, the other half ; if no children, then the legal heirs of the deceased party, — such as parents, brothers and sis- ters, etc., — hence it was customary upon the death of a married pei'son to proceed at once to take an inventory of his or her effects. If so specified in the contract, the survivor could elect to " renounce " the community of interest, and withdraw whatever amount he or she may have put in. This did not LIVRE. 89 prevent eithei* party from leaving to the survivor the whole of the property where there were no children, which was the usual course, but hi all cases where there were children they were to have one-half col- lectively. This was the civil marriage, the p ■•^•- i l)eing afterwards united with the rites of the church by the parish pi'iest. Inventories being required in nearly all cases of death, where the deceased person possessed any prop- erty, it was the duty of the governor or commandant, on receiving notice of the death of any one, to repair to the residence of the deceased with his clerks and Avitnesses, and there take an inventory of the effects of said deceased, which being done, might remain in the custody of the sumvor, or, if a single person, in charge of some responsible person appointed by the governor. In the case of wills, where the party, from sickness or other disability, could not appear before him in his office, it was made his duty to repair to the bed- side of the sick person and there have the will exe- cuted and attested in his presence. All papers, to give them validity, had to be executed in presence of the governor. The French word "iivre" signifies in English a hook, a pound weight, and down to the date of the 90 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. French Republican Constitution of 1792, was the name of a coin of the vahie of 18j cents of our currency, which for long centuries back under the ancient monarchy of France, was established as the unit of that nation in which all their money calcula- tions were figured up and their account-books kept. The French Revolutionists, in their zeal to do away with every thing that savored in the slightest of the ^^ ancien regime,'''' abolished the " i*we," and substituted therefor their new coin the ^'' franc,'"' which they made one mill or one-tenth of a cent heavier than the " Z^^57'e," otherwise it would have been merely the *' same old thing" Avith a new name ; since which day the word '"^livre" as applied to a "money-coin," has become obsolete, and is known to but few of the present age. The par value of five livres by act of Congress was 92^ cents U. S. cur- rency, and that of five francs 93 cents. As this term ' ' livi'e ' ' occurs in every French document on record in our archives relating to money matters, the persons who were employed to translate these papers into English some years back, behig doubtless ignorant that there ever had been a coin of that designation, have almost invariably translated it into ^'' pound," therebv making the document trans- lated meaningless in its most essential particular, the consideration. Let it be understood that the above remarks in COMMONS AND COMMON -FIELDS. 91 relation to the ^'■livre^'' apply solely to the mode of ^'- keeping ^^ theh* accounts, there beuig but little, if any, coin seen in the country, the circulating me- dium being furs and peltries at a fixed price per pound — 40 cents the finest, 30 for medium, and 20 cents inferior, whether established by law or custom does not appear ; but unless otherwise stipulated by contract all transactions were understood to be in the above medium.* After the transfer to Spain, the coin of that khigdom began to appear, but in limited amounts, as we find a few transactions for " hard dollars,'''' in conti'adistinction no doubt to the soft, or ^^fur''^ dollars. As to paper money, none had ever been seen in the country at that early day, and even xiad there been any, but few could have made out the denomination . COMMOXS AXD COMMOX-FIELDS. Of those who were the first to come over to this from the other side, far the largest portion were tillers of the soil, who, by their labors in the field, produced their own subsistence and that of their stock. Some of them, in seasons when not engaged in their agricultural avocations, exercised the calling ♦ Even after the transfer to the United States, transactions were made in peltries, as we And tliat Judge Juo. B. C. Lucas made his first purchase of a house for his residence from Pierre Duchouquette and wife Decem- ber 14, 1807, for $G00 in peltries. (Boole A, 525.) 92 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. of rough artisans, such as blacksmiths, carpenters, stone masons, hewers, etc., employed in building. Others, procuring small outfits of merchandise spent the winters trading with Indians and trapping, con- sequently it wais a matter of pnme necessity with them, so soon as they had erected their domicile in the village, to proceed at once to the production of their bread-stuffs. For this pui-pose the land imme- diately adjoining the village on the northwest, being the most suitable, was set aside for cultivation, and conceded in strips of one arpent in front by forty in depth, and each applicant allotted one cr more, according to his ability to cultivate it. This was called the common-field lots, and the tract extended from a little below Market Street on the south, to opposite the big mound on the north, and from Broadway to Jefferson Avenue, east to west. The land lying southwest of the village being well wa^ered with numerous springs and well covered with timber, was set aside for the village commons, hi which the cattle and stock of the inhabitants were kept for safety and convenience. These two tracts of land were at once enclosed by the people in 1764 and 1765, and their eastern fence formed the western boundary of the village for many years.* • Col. Chouteau's testimony before the Board of Land CommlsslonerB, 1806. NAMING ST. LOUIS. 93 The idea that St. Louis was named in honor of the then king of France, Louis XV., first appears in print in Jno. A. Paxton's brief sketch of the place in his Directory of 1821, and has since been accepted by others in default of more reliable in- foi-mation on that head. This idea, to say the least, is preposterous, as can be clearly demonstrated. At the time St. Louis received its appellation, its people had just been driven from the other side, where many of them were born, abandoning their little property, their homes, all the little comforts a lifelong laborious avocation had enabled them to acquire, by the act of this very man who was the cause of all their troubles and misfortunes, in trans- ferring them and their country to a nation that they had always regarded as their natural enemies, com- pelling them either to live under a detested govern- ment or fly to another, and this latter alternative was their choice as the least of the two evils. Is it not more likely that, instead of honoring this man by naming their new location after him, they would unite in execrations on his head? A man who so far from being a saint was the very anti jodes of one, leading a depraved and dissolute life, and who, had he lived at a later period in our history, would have doubtless perished on the scaffold, instead of his grandson and successor, the virtuous but unfortunate Louis XVI. 94 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. It received its name from King Louis IX., who, centuries back, had sacrificed his life in his zeal for the cause of religion and Christianity in the prosecu- tion of the holy wars in the East, and was subse- quently canonized by the head of the church. It always was and is yet, I believe, to some extent, the custom of devout Catholics in all places named after a saint to consider him or her the patron saint of the place so named, and for that reason the "Fete St. Louis," St. Louis' day, August 25th, was, in the early days of St. Louis, and for a number of years after my advent to the place, always observed with appropriate religious ceremonies and processions of the clergy and others through the cemetery and grounds of the church. We conclude the first book of our annals, being its early French history, with a full catalogue of all the documents found m the archives, all written by, or in presence of, Joseph Labusciere, from April, 1766, to May 20, 1770, the day on which the French domi- nation terminated in St. Louis, and that of Spain commenced, under the administration of Governor Pedro Piernas. Copied from the original in the handwriting of Labusciere : — Deeds for sales of lots and lands 61 Sales made under execution 11 Bonds and obligations 30 Barsains or trades 24 END OF THE FRENCH DOMINATION. 95 Marriage contracts 16 Exchanges of real estate 8 Engagements for services 11 Acquittances being receipts 5 Donations or gifts of property 5 Inventories of property of deceased persons 3 Do merchandise 4 Indentures 1 Copartnerships 2 Agreements 2 Emancipations of slaves 2 Affidavits 2 Ordinances or decrees 1 Powers of attorney 1 Wills 1 Leases 2 Miscellaneous 2 Documents in all 194 All the above enumerated papers were executed by Labusciere, as notary, and ex-officio secretary of the temporary government, in whose custody they were kept until handed over by him to Governor Piernas, May 20, 1770, on which day our infant vil- lage had grown to contain 100 wooden and 15 stone houses, a total of 115, -with a population of about five hundred souls, in the six years since its com- mencement in the year 1764. 96 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. This house of upright posts, 35 feet frout by 25 deep, built by Nicholas Beaugenou, Sr., at the south- west comer of Almond and Main streets, in the year 1765, was one of the first built in St. Louis, and in which the first marriage on record in the archives of St. Louis took place, on April 20, 1766, that of Beaugenou's eldest daughter, Maria Josepha, then in her eighteenth year, to Toussaint Hunaut, a young Canadian trader. • - The house was occupied by the Beaugenou family for some years. Subsequently by othei's until 1815, when it was purchased by Gen. Wm. Clark. It was occupied by Major Mackey Wheriy, our first Town Register, for a number of years from about that period, and was removed not many years back to give place to the present brick structure. ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. PART SECOND. THE SPANISH DOMINATION. 1770-180^. The Spanish doiiihuition in Upper Louisiana dates from May 20, 1770, on which day Capt. Pierre Joseph Piernas, appointed by O'Reilly, assumed authority as lieutenant-governor and military commandant of the upper portion of the province. Piernas was a Spaniard by birth, and came to New Orleans, a captain in the Spanish service, with Count Ulloa in 1766. He was married in that city to Felicite Portneuf , a French lady of the place, and came to St. Louis with his family in the spring of 1770. On May 20 of that year Capt. St. Ange de Bellerive delivered over to him the possession of this Upper Louisiana, and from that date the Spanish rule on this side commenced. 7 (97) 98 ANNAL8 OP ST. LOUIS. The first official act of Gov. Piernas was the appointment of M. Milony Duralde to survey tlie lines of the village lots and out-lots that had been granted to individuals by his predecessors, the French authoi'ities. A small temporary log cha^iol was erected at the northeast corner of the cluu'ch block — a tent having heretofore served the purpose. In this chapel the Revd. Father Gibault, curate of Kaskaskia, who paid the new village an occasional visit, celebrated his fiist baptism in 8t. Louis on June 20, 1770, that of Felicite M., infant daughter of Lieut. Picote do Belestre, and grand-daughter of Neyon de Villiers, the last French governor of Upper Illinois. Under the laws and customs of Paris and Castile in force in the provinces of France and Spain, the governors exercised the powers and prerogatives of courts of justice for the trial of venial offenses. Several cases of this nature were heard by Gov. Piernas, — that of Michael Galas for slander, June 23 ; Amable Letourneau for seditious language, August 27 ; and one Jeannot for immoral conduct and disturbance, September 17, and each one found guilty and sentenced to ten years banishment from the province, under penalty of being jjublicly chas- tised should he dare to return. AN AGREEMENT. 09 AN AOUEEMENT. " Before us, Don Pedro Tiernas, captain of infantry, lieuten- ant governor of the establlHliment of tlie IlliiioiH, l)elongiDg to his Catliolic majesty, personally appeared Mr. Louis Diard, iner- rhant, usually at New Orleans, at present at the post of St. Louis, of one part, and Mr. John Datchurut, also a merchant, residing at the post of St. Genevieve, an 80 1 do. vestb, 30. CO 1 Red velvet 30 1 Camlet do 20 2 Summer do. 15 30 9 do. 10 90 1 do. 5 1 do. 8 1 :lo 2 10 6 do. 2 10 1 Pair breeches 12 4 do. 8 32 3 do. C 18 I do 1 10 1 Hat 20 1 do 10 Indian pipe ti Uvrti. Sous. Hunting knife 12 1 lb. Powder I 5 Ox hair 10 2 Purses, 5 10 2 Looking; glasses, (3... . 13 Yardctick 8 Candlestick 2 10 Brush 10 Powder buy 1 6 Clock 26 Muff S Capot 1 8 Curling Iron 15 Plates 12 Tureen 4 Bottles 5 Basket 2 10 Bowl 10 Pot 2 2 do. 2.10 5 Copper kettle 5 Barrel 1 10 Bird & cage 2 10 Deer skins 63 Dressed do 70 Sundries 48 5 3,347 17 MEMORANDA OF NOTES, OBLIGATIONS, ETC., DUE HIM. No. Livrtt. Soui. 12 Francois Marc St.Geu 289 13 Thomas Bernie 72 12 14 Blouinat Kas 116 15 Perrln 1,200 IG Bulchy 25 17 Vaudry, St. Louis.. . 82 18 Cond6, to collect.... 20, 327 7 19 Same, goods 1,025 10 22 Blouln, Kas,to collect 558 5 24 Sans Chagrin 14 Ko. 63 Claude Roussel. 64 Same 65 Carriard 60 Pierre Oliver... 67 Pierre Abel 68 Decoigne 00 Bazile Dauoyer. 70TousGalllard.... 71 Francois 72Tous GalUard... Livra. Soui. 60 . 454 60 . 360 91 . 120 40 . 190 30 35 112 ANNALS OP ST. LOUW. Livru. Sous, 25 Muslin Barbp 104 2C Barrd- 11 5 27 Duchemln 40 2 2eOullle Paget 13 6 at) Chamard 200 30 Ant(5 ReRls 903 10 31 Baiulry 2» fl2 Laiuarguilliere (to collect) 2,815 16 33 Francois FranclMcu^. 18 3G Several orders 212 10 37 Jacques Renard 688 12 38 Juan De Larifp 8G2 12 39 Bols I)or6 20 12 40 Joseph Blalf (i5 12 41 Joseph Lafleur 32 42 Pierre Montardy ... . 1,955 43 Kenneday 100 44Pertul8, Senr 12 10 45 Cavalier Brother- .. . 3,(i97 13.fi 46 Joseph Cochon 123 19.C 60 to 55 1,272 5 57 Noel Galllen 70 58 Antolne CoulUard ... 133 59 Ant6 Mallet, et als. . 200 GO Bernard Moran 25 Gl Toussaint Gaillard.. 400 C2 Francois Jean Morrisot 1 50 LlrrM. Sou$. 73 Lu Ooffre, aHa$ Le Bretan G4 74 Martin the Spaniard. 215 75 Pelletler C7 10 7G St. Marc 75 77 Joseph Oliver 24 78 Denis Dufanlx 77 10 79 LIssot 844 Lefebvre Debrulsseau 4H0 Datcherut (to collect) 17,539 9.8 Legrain 61 St. Germain, bot. brandy 5 OrainraoD, do 5 Paul Segond 80 Dorloncourt 308 Sans Quartier (bot. Rhuin) 5 * Vincent Lesperancc. 2C5 Mat. Kenneday 79 Table 5 Bedstead 10 Desk 25 3 pieces Iron, 15 46 House & lot 1,000 G3,830 3.2 ITEMS OF NO. 30. Livres. Sous. Labonne, 2 bot. wine.... 10 Mallet, 18 lbs. peltries . . 36 Motard, 4 lbs. nails 8 Do. 2 lbs. sugar Do. a blanket 30 Labusciere, 3 lbs. nails.. G Do. bottle Rhum. 5 Do. 5 yds. cord.. 1 10 Do. nails 15 Do. bottle wine.. 5 Livres. Sous. Resar, 2 bottles wine 12 Debrulsseau, 4 bars soap 51 Same, peltries 12 Hervieux, 14 lbs. nails.. 3 Lapierre, bottle wine 5 Laville, yard & i ribbon. 4 10 Cottin, quart brandy.. .. 2 10 212 10 JEAN DELAOE'S WILL. 113 ITKMti NO. 18 WITH CONUi. Ltvru. Sou*. NIchS Royer 474 17 Jno. H. Faplllon.. Morlflscy & Co 3,422 L. Jt B. DcBuoyei-" Aut. De Oro Chas. l)u Chfinln. Sans Qimrtler. . . . Miircclml FiUbusclere Bar.xalon Fcaiich6 C82 Grainoii <>5 Bloiilu 708 Case iH'iive 75 Louis IJlanclH't 1,438 Sans Quartler 5 Jullen Le Uoy 83 I) iiincois Cadlcn 103 Seraplilm 12C (Sigue pist on August first of the above year, by the will wliich tlie said Jolui Deiage in- dited himself on tlie 10th of July of this present year, asking that it be done on removing the seals, wliich by our order were attaclied to the; aforesaid effects of Jean Delago immediately af- ter his deatii, and proceed to tlie inventory of them. We re- paired to the house of said Alexander Langlois, wliere said testa- tor died and left the above effects, where we summoned the said Alexaniler Langlois, to show and to declare to us all that he knows to belong to said deceased, and after lie showed tiiem to us, and recognized tliat our seals were whole and unbroken, we removed them and [)roceeded to the inventory, as hereafter de- clared, in presence of IMr. Nicholas Augustus Vincent, sergeant of his Majesty's troops, a'ul Martin Duralde, assistant witnesses, and Messrs. Rene Kierscreau and Jno. B. Provenohe, arbitrators named by said Alexander Langlois, and Mr. Francis Bissonet, third arbitrator ollicially named, to appraise and value each ar- ticle, on their souls and consciences, according to the oath to that effect they took before us and the witnesses in the usual manner, all to be valued at prices in silver. First opened a trunk and found as follows : An ordinary coat and vest 5 cotton hamlkor., red uiul liv. valued 25 liv. blue. 12 " A camlet coat. 10 " 3 pair cotton stockings. 12 " A vest and Ijreeclics, brown 2 pair silk. 4 " Cadiz. 12 " Cotton l)!iiid, ribbon, etc. 6 " .'5 Breeches, 1 clotii, 2 Lim- A worked towel and i)illow- l)onri'. 16 " case. 2 " JEAN DELAGE'S WILL. •115 2 do. 1 green cloth, 1 plush 10 liv, A cottou vest and large breeches. 20 " 3 pair do. of cotton. 15 " 1 vest, white, and large breeche.s. 10 " 3 large breeches, 2 linen, 1 cotton. 5 " 3 pr. gaiters, 2 calico, 1 Spanish '2 pr. large linen breeches A linen Blrette, scull cap. A winding sheet. 3 pr. large linen breeches. 2 linen shirts, flue trimmed. '2 do. not so flue 2 do. flue. 4 do. do. 1 wool blanket, 2i points. 2 red woolen cups. 2 sillc caps. 3 cotton caps. A butcher knife, fish line, towel, &c. 5 or 6 lbs. lead, sliot & ball. A wooden box and key. Another, partly broken. A gun, horn and shot pouch. Au iron pot and lid. 7 carrots tobacco, al)out 10 lbs. 10 " 2 pr. .-^hoes and pr. brass ouckles. 7 " A blanket capote (i •' A feather bed and ticking, a faucet, pillow and linen cover. 25 " A pr. large shoe buckles, pr. small do., pair sleeve buttons, all silver. 25 " A memorandum of those who Delage said were indebted to him. c 3 10 8 t; 12 10 12 20 5 2 3 1 2 (t 1.; 10. 5 u 3 ^i 15 a 10 (( 2 spring knives, snuff-box, brushes. A hat, gold band. The trunk containing fore- going. A cake of soap, French, 4 lbs. in a chest. 1) pieces of soap do. 2 pr. old breeches, do. Small roll of tape. Case of two razors, horn and ivory combs, etc. An old blanket cai)ote. A bunch of white thread. A mason's square and ham- mer. 2 basins, 4 plates, a pewter goblet. 5 empty bottles. Au old pair stockings and hat. 2 pr. mocksins. A poor small pistol. A pen knife. 17 pewter vest buttons. A pai)er of pins, &c. A gold hat band. A piece of linen galloon. A small English casket. A power of attorney from Pierre Jourdan to Juo. De- lase to collect from rierre Becquet eight 11 vres in silver. 1.10. 10 <' 10 " 4 '• 4 " 1 " 1 " 3 " 3 '< 5 " 10 (t 3 i( 1 <( 1 i< 1.05 .05 1 ii .10 2 .10 .10 3 u Amounting to 446 livres "And after a careful investigation by ih to sue if there was nothing omitted l)elonging to tlie estate of said .Ino. Delage, de- 11(5 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS, ceased, we finished the present inventory, amounting to the sum of four hundred and forty-six livres, and left with j\Ir. Langlois all the above mentioned articles, in presence of the same witnesses above mentioned, to be produced whenever it will be necessary to proceed to tlielr sale. St. Louis, same day and year above. " Jean B. Phovenciie, Bissonkt's x mark, Vincent, M. Duralde, "Rene Kiekseueau, Pieunas." "In the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two, the fourth day of the month of August, before us, don Pedro Piernas, captain of infantry and lieutenant-governor of the establishments and dependencies of the Illinois, personall3^ appeared Mr. Alex- ander Langlois, an inhabitant of this post of St. Louis, who, hav- ing been informed of the multiplicity of the creditors of the above named Jno. Delage, who died at iiis house the first of the said month, and considering the scantiness of the estate of the said deceased, who nametl him his heir general by his will of the IGth July, of the same year, has declared that he declines, and totally renounces the estate, and claims only what is due him by tlie deceased Delage for his board, lodging and other necessaries he furnished him during his sickness, placing himself on the same footing as the other creditors. In testimony of which, and that no one claiming from the estate can have anj' cause of action against him in consequence of having been made its heir, he exe- cutes this present under his mark in the presence of Nicholas Vincent, sergeant of this garrison, and Mr. IM. Duralde, witnesses ther(!of, at St. Louis, the same day and year above. " M. DtruALDE, Vincent, Alexk. x LANCrLOts, Pieknas." "In the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two, the twenty-sixth of October, at 9V2 a. m., I, don Pedro Piernas, caji- tain of infantry and lieutenant-governor of the establishments and dependencies of the Illinois, on the application of IMr. Alexander Langlois, an inhabitant of this post of St. Louis, calling himself a creditor, and not the heir, of the deceased John De Lage, who died at Langlois' house on the first day of the month of August of this present year, in virtue of the relinquishment he made before us and the witnesses at the foot of the general inventory of the BILL OF EXCHANGE. 117 effects of the said deceased Jno. Delage, executed the fourth day of August of the same jear ; we repaired to the ho use of said Langlois, and after giving notice in all the public places of this post, and the public being assembled, it was announced that the purchasers would pay the price of their purchases in deer skins, beaver, or silver dollars, according to the valuation of this day, during the course of the month of May, 1773, and will be held to give good security resident in this post. " (The sale then proceeded, and was concluded on the next daj', the 27th, producing the sum of 83G livres, nearly double the amount of the appraisement, and just sufficient to liquidate the liabilities of the estate.) " Oct. 27, 1772. " Martin Duualde, " Pedro Pieunas, " We, the undersigned creditors of Jean Delage, certify to hav- ing received altogether the proceeds of the auction sale of his effects, the sum of eight hundred and thirtj'-six livres in silver, to wit : — " I, Alexander Langlois, boarding, &c .'i.'JO.lO Martin Duralde, legal fees, &c 127.10 F. Valentin, Curate, church 67 E. Kiersereau, grave 8 Lachance, a debt 13 Conand, medical bill GO Aug. Conde, do 20 Louis Dubreuil, an acct 10 836 " Settled by Govr. Piernas, Sept. 1, 1774. BILL OF EXCHANGE. " This day, September 16, 1772, appeared in the government chamber before us, Don Pedro Piernas, captain of infantry and lieutenant-governor of the establishments anc dependencies of the Illinois, belonging to his Catholic Majestj', Mr. Louis Perrault, 118 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. merchant, residing in this post of St. Louis, who asked us to grant him the registration of the following paper, to have re- course to it in case of necessity, said paper was then registered as follows : — " For 8300 livres." " New Orleans, February 15, 1772. " Sir: You wiH please pay by this first of exchange, if you have not paid my second or third, to the order of Mr. Louis Perrault, your brother, the sum of 8500 livres, in dollars at five livres, for value received of him in six negroes, including a negress, which he sold and delivered to me. Said amount you will pay from the first funds you have received, or are to re- ceive from the effects arising from the estate of the deceased Miss Duplcssis, for which you have our power of attorney to sell the same, and receive the proceeds without further advice. " I am your very humble and obedient servant, "[Signed.]" " Olivier Devezin «& Dl'I'lessis Olivier." " To Mr. James Perrault, Merchant, Quebec, Canada: — Endorsed: "My brother James Perrault, pay to yourself the within amount, and place it to the credit of my account, N. O., February 27, 1772. Louis Perrault." " This day, May 7, 1772, appeared before the undersigned notaries public in Quebec, Mr. James Perrault, citizen and merchant of this town, residing in the street of the Sailor's falls, on behalf and with the power of attorney of his brother, Louis Perrault, merchant at New Orleans, bearing the order from him of February 27, last, on the bill of exchange of 8500 livres, drawn by Mr. Olivier Devezin and Duplessis Ol- ivier, his wife, residing in New Orleans, February 15, last, on said Mr. James Perrault, bearer of their power of attorney for the estate of Duplessis, laid before the undersigned notaries, who protested against the payment of said bill of exchange ; that whereas, in the first place, he has at present no funds in hand belonging to said estate ; secondly, that the draft being for 8500 livres, he is satisfied that the estate will not produce sufficient to meet it, adding besides such other protestations BOND OF DE ORO. , 119 as in such cases are but just and proper, of which said Mr. Per- rault, in said name, requested from the undersigned notaries a statement in writing for his benefit, which in justice was accorded him. " Done at Quebec in the office of Mr. Saillant, place of the notaries, undersigned in duplicate, the day and year above, af- ter being read, and was signed by the parties and notaries. " Saillant, Panet, Jacques Pebkault." " The original bill of exchanf^e was immediately returned to said Louis Perrault, and these presents deposited in the govern- ment chamber for reference when needed, in presence of Messrs. Don Antonio de Oro, officer of this garrison and M. Duralde, witnesses, who with us, the governor and party have signed after being read. " L. Peukaulte, Mx. Duralde Pedro Pieknas." BOND OF DE OKO. " Before us don Pedro Piernas, captain of infantry and lieutenant-governor of the establishments and dependancies of the Illinois, belonging to his Catholic Majesty, was personally present, Mr. don Antonio de Oro, an officer of the garrison of St. Louis, who by these presents acknowledges that he is indebted to and promises to pay Mr. William Lecompte, merchant, residing at present in this port, the sum of 1705 livres in money, for good merchandize that said Wm. Lecompte has this day sold and delivered to him, and witli which he is satisfied — said amount of 1705 livres in money, said de Oro binds himself to pay in all the month of May of the year 1774, in two modes to wit: 1500 Hvres in coin dollars, and the 205 livres in peltries at the current valuation of this post, in default of which, all costs, damages, and interest ; and in the event tliat said de Oro is compelled to leave this Illinois country by the King's order, to whicii he is liable, said de Oro promises to pay to said Lecompte, or holder of this obligation, the said amount of 1705 livres, one-half in coin dollars, 120 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. and the other half in peltries, at the cnrreiit valuation in this post, in the course of the month of May, 1773, the sale and delivery of the goods having been made here, the parties consent that the payment of the same be also made in tiiis place, notwith- standing an}' absence or ciiauge of residence of said de Oro. Executed in St. Louis, in the government chamber, in presence of Vincent, asergeanf of tiie garrison, and Martin Duralde, witnesses called in, who with us and the parties have signed the same with the exception of W. Lecomple, who declares he knows not how to sign, after being read. St. Louis, Oct. 7, 1772. Antonio X. Joseph de Oro. M. DURALUE, ViNCKNT, PlEUNAS, WitUCSSCS. I certify that I have received the amount of this obligation, and release Mr. de Oro, annulling the same as of no value. St. Louis, June 8, 1775. Lecompte'i?, X M. DUKALDE. mark. witness. mabille letter. "Paris, July 28, 1772. " Mr. John B. Berard, Bordeaux: > " Sir — On receipt of your letter of the 21st, I had the honor to see Mr. Bezodis, whose motiier owes an annuity of 150 livres to Mr. Renout. He tells me had written to yon on the 4th of this month, and said to j'ou that having paid in December, 1765, all the arrearages of that annuity up to and including that year, 1765, nothing then remains due but from January 1, 1766. The payments he made up to tiiat time are very regular, and for which he has receipts in presence of notaries. As to the arrear- ages due, since, they are assigned by the said Mr. Renout to Messrs. Dyvernay, priests and missionaries in the Illinois, who had advanced him a sum of about 1,000 livres, until it would repay them ; besides that assignment, of wiiich these gentlemen are holders, they made opposition in the hands of Mr. Bezodis for the security of their payments, so when they will be in readi- A BRIEF WILL. 121 11093 to receive they will take from it more than what may be due, iiichiding the entire year 1772, which can be paid but with a life certificate of 1773. " You see that you can expect notiiing from that annuity from now until the end of the next year, for those gentlemen will still receive it, and the payment that your son has made to liis grantor for fourteen years of that annuity falls to the ground, and the transfer that said Renout may have made to your son is an illusion ; in consequence you should forget tiiat matter, and if Mr. Renout sliould yet live for some years, and you are able to prove that he receives his life annuity every year, and that he has not transferred it to any other person, you may in two years think of the affair. " I would have been pleased to have given you more satisfactory information, but it appears to me that your son has had to do with men of but little conscience. " I have the honor to be, sir, your very humble and obedient servant "A. Mabille." This J. B. Berard was the father of Antoine Berard, a yoiin*^ merchant who died in St. Lonis, 1776. A BRIEF WILL. "Before me, Don Pedro Piernas, captain of infantry and lieutenant-governor of this western part of the Illinois, in pres- sence of Pierre Lavillc and Pierre Montardy, witnesses, I, Foubert La Grammont, born at Grandville, diocese of Coutance, France, being about to leave for Detroit, and considering the danger of the journey, I name in case of death as my heir Mr. De Volsey, either in this countrj^ France, or any other place. So that he may enjoy all I possess, in this or an}' other place. So that no other person can make any opposition thereto. This l)eing my last will, which I have signed in the presence of the r.bove witnesses, in St. Louis, September 17, 1872. " Laville, Montakdy, Witnesses. Foubert. "Piernas." 122 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. SALE OF AX ANNUITY. "Before us, Louis St. Ange ile Bellerivc, late captain of infan- try, formerly coinmandinj^ the province of Illinois and dependan- cies belonging to liis Catholic Majesty, ai)peared Lady Felicite Robineau de Portneuf, wife of Don Pierre Joseph de Piernas, captain in the battalion of Louisiana, lieutenant-governor of the establishments of the Illinois and dependancies of his Catholic Majesty. The said Lady liobineau de Portneuf, with the con- sent and authority of said Mr. de Piernas, her husband, as the sole heiress of the deceased, Mr. Louis Niciiolas Robineau de Portneuf, and also as heiress of half the estate of the deceased Mad'e Marguerite Phillipe D'Aneau de Muid, widow of the de- ceased Rene Robineau, ?]sq'r, lord of Portneuf, according to her holograph will of May 8, 1770, deposited in the office of Mr. Panet, royal notary at Quebec — said Lady de Piernas as heiress aforesaid, and with authority of her said husband, does l^y these presents, cede, transfer and convey, and promises to guarantee from all trouble and hindrances of any nature wiiatever, except primitive acts, to Mr. Louis Dubreuil, merchant, at present of the Illinois, in the dependancy of iiis Catholic Majesty, now pres- ent and accepting purchaser for himself, his heirs and assigns, the sum of 81 livres, 12 sols 9 deniers of annuities to be taken from 261 livres 5 sols of annuities, created and registered at the City Hall in Paris, July 27, 1722, which were reduced from a capital of 418 livres of perpetual revenue, established on the ex- cises and Impost on salt, by agreement executed l)efore Courtois, a notary of Paris, January 31, 171.5, for the benefit of Peter Rob- ineau, Rene Robineau, James Robineau and Louise Catherine Robineau, wife of E'rancis de Sourdy. And also 48 livres 19 sols 8 deniers of annuity to be taken from that above mentioned 261 livres and 5 sols, being one-half of the annuity of 97 livres 19 sols and 4 deniers, which belonged to said Lady D'aneau, widow Portneuf, on said excises and imposts of France on said contract of creation, which said half is now the property of the said Lady de Piernas, as co-heiress in the estate of the said Lady D'aneau de Portneuf, with demoiselle Catherine Robineau de Portneuf, the SALE OF AN ANNUITY. 123 two ladies beiiij^ the ilaugliter ami <;jran(l-(liuigliter of tlie naid de- ceased Lady dc I'ortueuf, according to the intent of her before mentioned will, said two sums, forming togetiier tlie sum of l.'H livres 12 sols and dealers, for said .Mr. Diihreuil, his heirs and assigns, to enjoy and dispose of the said annuity of 81 livres, 19 sols and 9 deniers, and of tliat of 18 livres 19 sols and 8 deniers, now due to said Lady de Piernas, by the decease of said Lady D'Aneau, widow Portneuf, lier grandmotlier, in full ownership and belonging to him, entitled to receive the arrearages from the day they became due — to that end the said L\dy de Piernas malting to said Mr. Dubreuil all transfers necessary concerning said two portions of the annuity belonging to her as sole heiress of one-half in tlie estate of said deceased Lady D'an- eaii, widow of Mr. Rene Robineau de Portneuf, her grandfather, to whom by decree of the court of the City Hall, in Paris, da'ed July 10, 17G7, it was ordered that said annuities belonged as fel- lows, to Livres. Soli. Den. Mr. Nicholas Robineau de Portneuf . . 81 12. 9 Dec'dMad'e D'Aneau widow Portneuf 97 19. 4 Miss Catherine de Portneuf 81 12. 9 261 livres 5 sols. } "This present ti'ansfcr is made for the price and sum of 5,225 livres. for both the principal of said annuities, and the arrearages now due and to become due to the said Madame de Piernas in the estate of her deceased father, and half that in the estate of said Madame de Muit de Portneuf, her grandmother. Said amount of 5,225 livres said Ladyde Piernas acknowledges having received from said Dubreuil, from which she releases him in full. "Done in the government chamber at St. Louis of the Ilinois, in the presence of Messrs. A. Berard, Martin Duralde and Joseph Labusciere, of said place, witnesses, who have, with the parties and myself, former commandant, signed the same, after being read in accordance with the law. St. Louis, Nov. 2, 1774. " It is also expressly agreed that the sale made by the lady De Piernas to said Dubreuil, July 10, 1771, is null and void and of 124 ANNALS OF 8T. LOUIS. no effect, tliis last sale superseding it and being tlie only one in full force and value, PeDUO PiEKNAS, FkLICIT^ lioHINEAT PoUTNEUF P1EUNA8. Louis Duukeiii., A. Heuaku, Mn. Dubaluk, Lahuscieke, St. AN(iE. Ill the year 1774, there bein, LABUsnr.UK, Jos. Laiiuossk, J. B. Maktiont. I'l.DUO PlKUNAS. 128 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Ciipt. St. Ange died the same night, and was in- terred on the following day, December 27, 1774:, by Father Valentin, the first parish curate ; * his age is not stated. A.ft3r Gov. Eiernas had assumed the government, Capt. St. Ange was admitted into the Spanish regi- ment of Louisiana, with the same rank as captain, on half pay. April 19, 1775. — Easter festival the inhabitants as- sembled again, and having perfected their plans and specifications for a church of 30 feet front by 60 feet in depth, and li feet high, of hewn posts set in the ground, and made their award for the building of the same ; the agreement was signed by the seventy-eight householders of the village, some thirty with their autograph signatures, and the others with his accustomed mark of a cross x. The foregoing comprise about all the official acts of Gov. Piernas of any public interest, his others relating entirely to individual matters. Gov. Piernas and lady, during their residence here, had the misfortune of losing their two young children, a son, Charles Rafael Victor, March 20, 1774, and a young daughter on January 9, 1775. * As per record in the parish church register: — "In the year 1774, tlic L'7th of December, I, tlie uiulertiigned, have interred la the cemetery of this parisli tlie Ijody of Mr. Louis St. Ange, captain attached to the LouisiaiM regiment, administered with the sacra- ments of tlie clmrch. Bho Valentin, Cwrate." PIERNAS' TESTIMONIAL. 129 The death of Capt. St. Aiige de Bellorive also occurred on Dec. 26, 1774. The administration of Gov. Piernas continued just five years, terminating on May 20, 1775, on which day he relinquished the o-overnment to his successor, Gov. Francis Cruzat. The exercise of authority by Gov. Piernas of this upper portion C'f the country was so much more mild and conciliatory than the; French inhabitants here had any reason to expect, considering their long delay in placing the Spanish in possession, and the open resistance to the assumption of Spanish au- thority below at New Orleans, that at the close of his administration the principal inhabitants of the village held a meeting and united unanimously in expressing their satisfaction at the same in the fol- lowing testimonial to that effect, as follows : — " To Pedro Piernas^ at the close of his Administration , May 19, 1775: " We, the unclersigued inhabitants, merchants, tradesmen, hunters and traders of the post of St. Louis, assembled in the government chamber, by direction of Governor Don Francisco Cruzat, of tiie Illinois, certify to all whom it may concern, that we have no subject of complaint to allege against the manner in which we were governed by his excellency, the late Governor Don Pedro Piernas, that he rendered us all the justice to which we were entitled. That neither himself, nor the company of soldiers he commanded in this post, ever committed any excesses or extor- tions, or were guilty of an}- wrong on anj' of the inhabitants, that said company occasioned no trouble, nor gave any scandal 9 130 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. nor bad example ; that no oue received any violence or bad treat- ment without cause ; that we are not aware that he had any pecu- niary agreement or understanding with any one whomsoever, on this or the otlier side, in regard to business. It was never per- ceived by any one tliat he had injured the public in restricting trade ; that he never exacted any thing either from traders or merchants for licenses or pass-ports necessary for their affairs, neither in setting out nor on their return. That he never excluded any one from the benefit of this trade, which he distributed alter- nately each year to the best of his judgment for the public inter- est, and the number of traders. That no one I'eceived any ill treatment from the Indian tribes for having been badly received by him at this post. That they never heard from said Indians any complaints of him, his behaviour, nor of the Spanish govern- ment, and that they are peaceable and contented, as well as we ourselves. •' In short, we can only speak well of him, and with respect and gratitude." " St. Louis, June 6, 1775. Signed by 50 names, comprising the largest por- tion of the male adnlts of the post, in presence of Francisco Crnzat. Copy presented Fiernas July 8, 1775. LIEUT. -COL. FRANCIS CRUZAT succeeded Capt. Pieriias as lieutenant-g'overnor of this upper part of Louisiana on May 20, 1775, ap- pointed by Gov. -Gen. Unzaga. He was of Spanish birth, as was also his lady, a man of middle age, having attained the rank of lieutenant-colonel of the regiment of Louisiana. We find but few official acts of his during his first brief administration of three years which would seem to merit any particular notice ; the principal occur- rences were : — 1775, June. — The unaccountable disa})pearance of Father F. Valentin, the first curate of the parish, no where found of record either in the archives oi' parish register. Sept. 15, the death of old Pierre Lapointc, over one hundred years of age. Sept. 22, the death of Francis Xavier Cruzat, a young son of the governor. Oct. 18, the death of Peter Lui)ii'n, alias Baron, the contractor then engaged in building the church. PETITION OF ETIENNE BARUE. " The undersigned lias the honor to represent to j'ou, tliat having received on board his boat at New Orleans, six barrels of rum and a quantity of dry goods from Mr. Boisdorc, according to (131) 132 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. receipt, tit the rate of twenty-flve dollars freight on each barrel, all to be delivered to Benito Basquez, in the Illinois on paying the freight according to agreement. The undersigned having delivered to Basquez, the Gth instant, the above articles by one Roy, of this place, said Basquez proposed to pay him his freight in peltries, which was not his agreement. He refused, demanding his freight in dollars as per agreement, he being obliged to pay his outfit and expenses in dollars. After repeated demands, he is com- pelled to have recourse to your justice to compel said Basquez to pay him as per agreement ; and in default of the same to sell such portion of the goods as may be necessary to pay him the one hundred and fifty dollars. St. Louis, May 10, 1775. " Etiknne Bahkh:. " To Lieut. -Gov. " Franciiico Criizat." On the same day (Jruzat notified Basquez to ap- pear the next day, Thursday the 11th, and make answer to the above. The distinction l)etween a fur trader and a mer- chant was tliis : The trader was one who went among the Indians, usually for the winter, trading off his goods, and receiving in payment their furs and pelt- ries ; the merchant was one who resided permanently in a place, furnishing the outfits for the traders on credit, and receiving in payment the proceeds of his trade, usually the following spring. The exclusive trade with the Indians of the Mis- souri, claimed by the house of Maxent, Laclede & FURS AND PELTRIES. 133 Co., under their license from Gov. Kerlerec in 1702, came to an end with the establishment of the Spanish authority in 1770, Avhen the trade was opened to all who chose to embark in it. In the year 1770 there were some six or eight merchants in St. Louis then engaged in it. As much of the peltries brought to the place by th(! traders were more or less damaged through the neglect of their owners in properly caring for them, and as they were becoming almost the only circulating medium of the country, there being but very little coin in the country, and it in the hands of a fortunate few, the merchants united in a petition to Gov. Cruzat, for the purpose of creating some regu- lations on the sul^ject Avhich would conduce to the mutual interest of both parties, merchant and trader, in which they present their views as to the rules they deemed it expedient to adopt for the benefit of all concerned. " To the Lieutenant Governor of the Illinois : "Siu; We, the uiulersignecl, merchants in this village, with due respect, have tlie honor to present to your consideration, tliat for some time back, tiie custom has grown up between the merchants, traders and hunters of settling the accounts Ijetween them with /«)•'« and jieltries, at certain prices, which vary accord- ing to the kind, qualit}^ and condition, etc. , etc. " St. Louis, March 4, 177(5. "Signed, Martin Dukaldk, Bknito Basquez, J. M. PAPiNi " Saupt, Ante. Berakd, J. F. Peuuaii.t, Jos. Motakd. " After examination and considering the foregoing raemo- 13J: ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. rial of the merchants of St. Louis, and the forcible reasons with whicli it is supported, it is " Decreed, that from this time in future, no skin shall be weighed before it is thoroughly examined and passed inspection as sound ; but in order that no merchant can hold back from this reform, nor delay on frivolous pretexts the time of examination, and after the refuse is separated, the skins that are to be warranted shall be exposed to dry in the sun and air to be disposed of. And it is further ordered that it is the merchant's business to ex- amine and discriminate his own skins, soon after the trader has delivered them to liim, and shall have them weighed immediately, so that by this method no injury nor detriment will be done the trader. " Done in the government hall, March 5, 1776. " Franco. Cuuzat." AXTOINE BEllAKD. One of the names attached to the foregoing peti- tion was that of Antoine Berard, who had left his native France a young man with bright prospects before him to come to Louisiana, the El Dorado of North America, in pursuit of fortune, and one of the many who soon fell victims in its pursuit to the dele- terious effects of the climate, pai'ticularly upon Euro- peans at that early day of its settlement. Antoine Berard, son of Jno. Bap. Berard, a mer- chant of Bordeaux, and Antoinette Valle, was born in the i)ari8h of St. Pierre in that city in the year 1740. lie came like numberless others in search of wealth to New Orleans, and about the year 1768, following the footsteps of Laclede, a friend and fellow-country- man, he arrived in St. Louis and embarked in busi- DO.MINICK BARGAS. 135 ness. Being* well educated and of fine business capacity he soon acquii'ed prominence, and during the few years of his life he was quite successful and acquired property, when his days were suddenly cut short. In the year 1774 he became the purchaser of the quarter block at the northwest corner of Main and Locust, with a small house of posts divided into four small rooms, his store, bed room, kitchen and store room, nearly double the usual number of that day, where he had resided for a couple of years. He died on October 13, 1776, at the age of 36 years, at the house of Alexis P. Marie, at the southwest opposite coi'ner, to which he had been removed for better nursing, and was interred in the cemetery grounds the following day. His will, a brief one, was made on the 12th Octo- ber, in the presence of the Governoi* Cruzat, his friends, Laclede, Sarpy and others. " He left his sis- ter, Genevieve, then living with her parents at Bor- deaux, his sole heiress, and names his friends above to execute his last will and testament. His house was ])urchased by another young merchant not long in the place, Dominick Bargas, who had barely oc- cupied it a coui)le of j^'ars, when he, too, followed Berard to his last home, dying suddenly with appo- plexy, on the night of July 18, 1779, at the age of 136 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. 38 years, found dead in hi.s bud the followhi'j;' nioni- ing, A somewhat singular coincidence regarding these two gentlemen, both merchants from Europe, unmarried about the same age, and owners and resi- dents of the same house at death. riERRE MASSE AND PR*. VALLE. " 1875, February 23, Peter Masse, alias Picard, petitions Don Pedro Piernas, and complains as follows: In Ma3', 1 773, he entered into an engagement in writing with Peter Gadobert, of Ste. Gen- evieve, to work for six montlis at tlie lead mines of said Gadobert at Mine Lamothe, for one hundred francs per montii, to be paid him in lead at five cents per pound, the current price at that time. " When the time was out he applied to Mrs. Gadobert, who had charge of her husband's business in liis absence, for his wages. She went with him to Mr. Valle's, ,, ho had her lead in his pos- session. Lead had advanced in price, and Mr. Valle proposed to pay him in money, as he had the other hands at the rate of eight cents the iiound ; declining this, an altercation ensued, and he was thrown violently on a trunk by Mr. Valle, who threatened to have him imprisoned, and directed his clerk, Mr. LeClerc, to write on the back of his engagement paper an ac- ceptance of his pay as proposed by Mr. Vallo, and a relin- quisliment of his claim on tlio lead, and this over his mark of the cross, which he had signed when he entered into the agreement to work witli Mr. Dagobert, all this in the presence of Madame Dagobert, and Mr. Carpentier, the attorney of Mr. Dagobert at Ste. Genevieve. Your petitioner then applied to Mr. Carpentier, who told him he had no control over the lead, it being in the hands of Mr. Valle as security. Your petitioner therefore applies to you for redress, and for proof of his statement refers to Mr. Car- pentier, who was present and witnessed it. PiEURE X Masse dit Picart. March 10, 1775. — Gov. Piernas refers the petition and papers to Mr. Cai'pentier, to investigate and report the result. The MASSE AND VALLE. 137 papers were, first, a copy of agreement. May 2, 1773; second, JIasse's receipt to Mr. Gadobert, relinquisliing liis claim to the mineral, Novcml)er 9, 1773 — registered at Ste. Genevieve by Mr. Vallo, Feliruary 8, 177"); tliird, Madame Gadobort's statement tliat she liad settled witli Masse in full — taken by Louis Villars, lieutenant-commandant at Ste. Genevieve, November 29, 177 1, and a copy sent to Gov. Cruzat, March 24, 1775. March 30, 1775. — Testimony of Mr. Carpentier taken by L. Vil- lars, by order of Piornas — Juan Purzada and Louis Chamard, witnesses. 31st. — Statement of Krancis Valle, and request to Gov. Piernas, with Madame Gadobcrt's account of lead. 1775, June 4, — Governor Cruzat's decision exonerates Vallu, and condemns Masse to a [)ublic retraction and an apology to Mr. Valle, for the injurious imputations cast on him in his petition above, in the presence of three notable citizens, to l)e selected by Don Louis Villars, and eight days' imprisonment. Nov. 7. — Masse asks permission to laj' his case before the gov- ernor-general below at New Orleans. Nov. 20. — Permission granted him by Gov. Cruzat. The decision was confirmed, and the retraction and apology to be made in the Government hall in St. Louis. 1776, June. — Governor Cruzat's notice that he appoints Pierre Laclede, Henry Carpentier, and Martin Duralde to receive the apology, and Diego Blanco, sergeant, and Juan Olivier, soldier, witnesses, and will give due notice of the day. Oct. 28. — The Lieut.-governor fixed a day early in November. Nov. 2. — Mr. Valle, being sick could not attend in person, and named Joseph Conand, merchant of St. Louis, to represent him. On the day appointed Masse declined making the apology, say- ing " he had not given any offense to 3Ir. Vallo." Subsequently, however, it appears he changed his mind on reflection ; and on Nov. 12. — Informed the governor in writing that "he would comply with the decision in the case." This must have ended the matter, as we find no further mention of it in the archives, his written ac- 138 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. quiescence in the decision l)eing accepted as apology HiilUeicnt, where it would a})pear that he considered hiiuself the injured party, or it may have ended in smoke. Masse died in St. Louis four years later, on July 24, 1780, at the house of Doct. Reynal, on the north side of Market Street, east of Third, between it and the alley, opposite the cemetery grounds, where he was interred. The temporary chapel, built at the northeast cor- ner of the church block in 1770, being now too small to accommodate the increased population, a meeting of the inhabitants took place December 25, 1771:, at the priest's residence, at which they resolved to build a new church of 30 by 60 feet. April 19, 1775. — They awarded the contract to Pierre Lupien, a carpenter, to be finished in the fall. October 18, Lupien, the contractor died, church un- finished. January 28, 177G. — Another meeting was held. Jean Cambas agreed to finish it, wliieh he did in the course of the summer, when it was consecrated. FATHER BERNAKD THE KEW CURATE. May 19. — Arrival of Father Bernard de Limpach, the new parish curate, bearing his credentials, and i o X n > O « > '^ cn ^. 2 » CO t33 n ON FATHER BERNARD SECOND CURATE. lUO the tniiislVr of the [)aiiHh IVoiii the Dioce.sc of Quebec to that of Cuba. " Fiitlier Dagobort dc Lontfwy, principal Cipuchiii Priest, ati<' V^lcar General of the Mission of Louisiana, in tiie diocese of Havana Witnesses. Auguste Choutead. Adrien de la Plaza, ) Leonardo Mazenge, Notary. Up to the period of the death of Laclede, Chou- teau had been in the employ of Maxent & Co., as chief clerk of the house. After he had closed up the affairs of Laclede he continued in business for his own account. For some unexplained reason Col. Maxent, now the owner of the square and buildings, made no disposition of the property for some ten years after- wards, it continuing to be occupied by the lieutenant- governor and soldiers as tenants, he being the colonel of the Louisiana regiment, was perhaps satis- SALE OF LACLEDE'S HOUSE. 149 fied with the rent he received. In meantime for Avant of the necessary repairs the projierty was rapidly going- to decay, nntil finally the owner con- cluded to sell it, as appears from the following docu- ments — " Col. Gilberto Antonio Maxent informs me that he will send by this opportunity his power of attorney to Mr. Gabriel Cerre to sell, as he may deem best, eitiier at public or private sale, the house and lot he acquired from the estate of Mr. Laclede, de- ceased, of which I apprise you that you may facilitate said Cerre, permitting liim to sell the same as he may deem best for the interested parties. " If the purchaser of the property will put the necessary repairs on the bouse, now occupied as your company's quarters, which are indispensable to make it fit and comfortable for their occu- panc3', you raaj' rent it, taking care to exchange contracts with said purchaser, and to observe the greatest possible economy for the royal interests. " May God have you in his keeping. "New Orleans, May 13, 1788. "Stephen Mirot, Gov. Genl." "To Mu. Don Manuel Perez, "St. Louis." Substance of the deed of sale : — "A piece of ground 300 feet square, unenclosed, with a stone house 60 by 23 feet, falling to ruins, the roof rotten ; another stone house, 50 by 30 feet, no floors, also in ruins, and another small house, the property of Col. Gil't A. Maxent, as ))rincipal creditor of the deceased Laclede, according to the relinquishment made by Laclede, Dec. 13, 1777, and the decree of Bernard de Galvez, of Jan. 15, 1779, for three thousand dollars cash, posses- sion from this day. St. Louis, Jay. 6, 1789. " August Chouteau, Cerre. "In presence of Louis Dubreuil, James Glamorgan and M. Papin. " Manuel Perez, Comd't." 150 ANNALS OF 8T. LOUIS. " Autoine Oilbert Maxent, Colonel and Indian Arjent at New Or- leans, to Oabriel Cerri, at St. Louis, May 10, 1788: " Power to sell a piece of ground in St. Louis three hundred feet square, with three houses, bounded nortli by ground of Tayon, and south Mr. \Vm. Ilebert, witli full authority as to price and terras.* " Antoink RoDRKiUKZ, ) " Gil't Ante. I)E Maxent, Witnesses. 3. 5 "Franco. Carcasses, 5 ' " Augdste Chouteau, " before the Notary, " Cerre. " Rafael Perdemo." Ill September, 1764, when this house was com- pleted, Laclede brought over from Cahokia Mrs. Chouteau's family. They were domiciled in it until 1708, when Laclede's own dwelling, at the corner of Main and Chestnut, being completed, they moved into that. Afterwards it was occupied by the lieutenant- governors for a number of years, commencing with Piernas in 1770, their families in the upper part, and the soldiers quartered in part of the ground floor. Laclede had transacted his business in it from 1704 to 1778, 14 years. The ground was originally en- closed with a fence of stakes. After Laclede's death it went rapidly to ruin, only the soldiers being quartered in it until purchased by Chouteau in 1789. * The sale was approved and ratified by Col. Maxent, at New Orleans, June 9, 1789. r -^^ " 3 n ^S a i^ o 2 " c 5_ ^ > ^ 2 ^ 5 c s >'n > 2! » HH o >3 vxi fe §= » DENOYER VS. TINON. 151 In the year 1775, August 28th, one Jno. B. Per- rault, alias Duchene " being about to go among the Indians," and for fear of his death occurring while absent on his perilous "trip," made his will, in which he names his friend Lieut. Jos. Piernas as his universal heir to his little i)roperty, after the pay- ment of his debts. It was no unusual thing in those eai'ly days of our settlements, for any one, particu- larly a devout Catholic, going on a voyage or jour- ney, involving some personal risk, to leave a will disposing of his property, and directing i)rayers to be said for the salvation of his soul. It seems ho returned in safety from this first ad- venture, as going again on a similar voyage, August 18, 1778, he made another will, in which he substi- tutes for Piernas, who had left the country, the new Governor De Leyba as his heir and execut r, saying he would find in his trunk at Mr. Labrosse's, notes for the money owed to him. Who he was does not ap- pear, as his name is not again found in the archives but that he had faith in men of high position is clear from his making choice of a governor, and a brother of another for his heii's. JOSEPH MARCHETAUD DEKOYER AND CLAUDE TINON. "1. To his Excellency the Oovernor: " Your petitioner lias tlic honor to state to you that one Tinon, an inhabitant of Catalan (Carondelet), sold him, about three 152 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. years since, a lot in this place, between Beaugenou and Coussot, for a yearling heifer, which I delivered him at once. This lot being afterwards found to be the property of one Lardoise (Vachard), by a concession from Don Pedro Piernas, our ex-lieutenant-governor, I demanded from Tinon the return of my heifer, which he refused, and which he yet retains. She has now become a mother cow, having had a calf this last spring. " As all should in justice belong to me, I pray you condemn him to return tlie cow and calf, and pay the costs and damages. St. Louis, Oct. 14, 1778." " Joseph x Marchetaud." Denoyek. "Furnish a copy of this petition to Tinon for his reply within three days. — De Leyba." Substance of Tinon's reply : — "2. Claude Tinon respectfully states that under the government of St. Ange he received a concession of a lot and an half lot ; he built and established himself on the lot, reserving the half lot for necessary outbuildings. He afterwards sold the lot and house to Francis Ilenr -i, reserving the half lot, which he had inclosed and used as iiis garden. Subsequently deciding to remove to Catalan, !ie sold this half lot to Marchetaud Denoyer for a heifer and pair of cart-wheels, which heifer he received, but has not as yet received the wheels. Your petitioner has frequently offered to make him a deed, but D., being too stingy to pay the costs, has always deferred it and allowed the fence and ground to go to ruin, although Henrion, his neighbor, has several timos sum- moned him before Gov. Piernas to keep up the division fence, which he was obliged to do, but afterwards tore them up and sold them to one Gascon, and removed to Catalan, where he has re- ceived no concession, proving hi? negligence. The indolence and laziness of the said Denoyer obliged Gov. Piernas to reunite tlie lot to the public domain and to re-grant it to Lardoise. Denoyers did not dare appear before Gov. Piernas, but waited until Gov. Cruzat succeeded him, before whom he presented himself witli the hope of imposing on him, but this commandant, having learned TINON VS. DENOYER. 153 all the facts of tlie case, cast him, and adiudged the heifer to your petitioner, who is still more astonished that at this day the said Denoyer ventures to present himself before your tribunal with a claim of the kind. He sees that by his own neglect he has lost his lot, and that by the care of your suppliant the heifer has become a cow and a mother, and this is why he seeks by unlawful means and subtlety to surprise justice, as he attempted through Mr. Cruzat to extort the cow of your petitioner. " The original concession of the lot and half is entered in St. Ange's register of concessions in the archives ; a copy of this was given to Ilenrion when he purchased the lot and house, con- sequently it f'ould not go to Marchetaud with his half lot. Under these circumstances your petitioner has recourse to your author- ity that it may please you to cast a second time the said Denoyer, that you sentence him to leave your petitioner in peaceful posses- sion of the cow, that he delivers over the pair of cart-wheels which lie owes to your petitioner, and that he pay all the costs and expenses of this suit and the lost time and expenses he has entailed on your petitioner at this time of harvesting the corn crop. And your petitioner, as in duty bound, &c., &c. St. Louis, Oct. 9, 177S. " Claude Tinon." Counter suit — Claude Tinon vs. Jos. Marcheteaud Denoyer. " To his Excellency the Governor; ' ' Your petitioner respectfully represents that for nine years past Joseph Marc'd Denoyer owes him the squared timbers of a house he purchased from Mr. Dubrcuil, as per tiie inclosed trans- fer, which he has repeatedly promised to deliver, but has never taken care to keep his word, and has put it off as long as possible, telling your petitioner to have patience, which through kindness he has always granted him. But as he now sees that Denoyer has no intention of ever keeping his word, he is compelled to have recourse to your authority, sir, that 3'ou please to order him to deliver witiiout further delay the timbers he contracted to get out for Mr. Dubreuil, with the exception of fifty-three stakes, wliich he delivered to me. Besides to return him seventeen shingle blocks loaned him to shingle the house of the deceased 154 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Lacroix, also the spokos for two wheels likewise loaned him, and further, two days' wages for a man to assist him in making wheels. Your petitioner hopes, from your justice, that you will order the said Denoyer to satisfy these claims, and he will ever pray, &c. St. Louis, Oct. 9, 1778. Claude Tinon." " Having heard this day the parties in the above case at our audience, and the said Denoyer admitting the justness of the claim of Tinon, and begging a delay of three weeks to get out the timbers, we allowed him the same, without any further delay, under penalty of additional costs, and sentenced him to pay the costs, (fee, &c. Oct. 16, 1778. De Leyba." " Decision of the Governor — ' After mature consideration and full examination we decide that Denoyer, having forfeited his lot by his own failure to comply with the requisitions of tlie laws on the subject, furnislies him no pretext for withholding from Tinon the consideration for said lot. Consequently we decide the cow to be the property of Tinon, and direct Deno3'er to deliver to him the pair of cart-wheels, and pay the costs of this suit. " ' Feun'do df, Letba.' St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1778. PETIT VS. MENARD. One John B. Menard, an inhabitant of the newly estabUshed village of Catalan's prairie (now Caron- delet), at the house of Clement Delor, in that vil- lage, in presence of several ladies, in speaking of the wife of John B. Petit, of that village, accusing her of faithlessness to her marriage vows, applied to said lady very offensive and degrading terms. The facts being reported to the governor, Menard was brought before him and ordered to pi'oduce his proofs of what SENTENCE OF J. B. MENARD. 155 he had alleged against the honor and reputation of said lady, failing in which he should receive the pun- ishment his offense justly mei'ited, to which he re- plied as follows : — " To Don Fernando de Leyba, Captain of Regiment of Louisiana, and Commander-in-Chief of the Western part of the IUinois,&c. .* "Sir, Jean Bap. Menard takes the liberty of informing you, tliat by virtue of your order at the foot o2 the petition presented you by Mrs. Petit, against him, Ijy wliich he is required to prove what he stated against the honor and reputation of said Mad'e Petit, or to pubUcly retract, or to undergo the punisiiment it may please j'ou to inflict on him, said petition and order being notified to him at the prison bars. Consequently, sir, as your kindness gives me choice of my punishment, I accept that of public repa- ration, and I declare that it was wickedly and wrongfully that I made to these ladies the statements I did ; that it was while under the influence of liquor that I calumniated lier honor and reputa- tion, having always known her, as I now know her, for a virtuous woman, with nothing with which to reproach her integrity. I crave pardon from God, the king, and the said lady, begging her to forgive me, and promising to respect her on all occasions, oeseeching you to ask her the kindness to accept the present declaration, which I am ready to make to tlie said lady, publicly, whenever you may deem proper, and I will ever pray for your prosi)erity. "St. Louis, 4 Deer., 1778. his " Jko. Bap, x Menard. mark. "Considering the gravity of the offence, and that the written recantation is not adequate to the injury done the lady, we order that the said Menard be conducted, on the next Sunday, to the door of the parish church, at the close of the mass, where he will publicly make the necessary reparation, as stated in his written 156 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. recantation. And will then undergo an imprisonment of 15 days, as an example to others. And is also condemned in the costs and expenses of the suit. " St. Louis, Dec. 4, 1778. " Fernando de Letba. "Sentence publicly executed, Sunday, Dec. 5, 1778, by John B. Lachapelle, constable." " Trial of Louis Mahas, an Indian, Deer. 31, 1778: — " To Don Fernando de Leyha, Lieut. -Oovr. , &c. : — " Joseph Labusciere, Silvester Labbadie and Francois Beauro- sier, citizens of this post of St. Louis, respectfully submit to you, that they have been appointed by the citizens of the place to make known to you that several years since there appeared in this place an Indian named as above, who had been a slave in Canada. For six or seven years this Indian has lived, at intervals, in this village and in the woods, committing a number of outrages, steal- ing, running off cattle, debauching slaves with liquor, insulting citizens, even trying to shoot some one, committing all sorts of atrocities, threatening to take tlie scalps of French and Spanish. As we all know him capable of committing any excess, and that he might take the life of some one of us, or of our slaves while at work in the fields, and that it would be dangerous to any one to punish him if left at large at this poste, as he would revenge him- self at the first opportunitj'^, on ourselves, our children or slaves, we apply to your authority to have said Mahas arrested and ban- isiied from this colony, as one dangerous to the peace and safety of our people, having already committed various acts that should have been punished, and that he be sent to the superior authority below to be there disposed of. "Joseph Labusciere, " Silvester Labbadie, " Frans. Beaurosier. ' ' I direct an investigation of this matter. " De Letba. LOUIS MAHAS' TRIAL. 157 " 1st. I, Angelo Isaguiere, soldier of tlie garrison, testify that about two years ago, one evening after retreat, about 7 o'clock, I had occasion to go to the rear of the guard house, where I en- countered this Mahas armed with his tomahawk. As soon as he perceived me he rushed at me, raising it to strike, which I suc- ceeded in warding off with a large stick I fortunately carried, and after a fierce struggle succeeded in wrenching it from liim, and gave him a severe blow with it on the left arm, the mark of which he will carry with him to his grave. He then cried out, ' you have cut me,' to which I replied, ' why did you attack me? You sought it.' He said, ' it's trice,' and then walked off without another word. " Angelo Isaguiere, Soldier. "Jany. 2, 1779. " 2nd. I, Noel Langlais, testify that Louis Mahas, the Indian, former slave, now claiming to be free, was at one time the slave of Mr. Darpentigny, captain of the Canadian troops, wlio sold him to an English trader, whom the said slave Mahas assassinated, and then made his escape among the Indian tribes of Canada, wiio drove him off, and he then came to St. Louis, where he has shewn himsf^lf a bad subject. "Noel Langlais." "Jany. 2, 1779. "I, Joseph Mainville Deschenes, testify, that some four years ago, during the governorship of Mr. Cruzat, Louis Mahas, the Indian, passing along in front of ray house about eight o'clock in the morning, with his gun, without the least cause, but from pure wickedness only, fired his gun at my cow insRie of my yard, which my negress was just on the point of milking, from which shot the cow fell dead, and which came near killing my woman. "When asked the reason for this outrage, he replied, 'it was only for fun,' and he would paj-- me for the cow, and having made my complaint before Govr. Plernas, then about to leave the country, and also before Govr. Cruzat, his successor, he was or- dered to give security for the payment, which he could never find, and to this day I am in for my cow. January 2, 1779. his Joseph x Mainville. mark Ortes, Witness. Jos. M. Papin, Witness. 158 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. "I, Francis ViUet,St. Cloux, certify, that on tlie first of this month of December, 1778, being hunting on the Illinois river, at Hon- ores camp, the said Louis Mahas being near by, took his gun, say- ing he would kill some Frenchman, and fired the shot with that intention, but I, St. Cloux, having escaped the shot, he grapi)led me around the body, and seeing that he would overpower me from his superior strength, and wicked design to take my life, I called on some river hunters who were near us for assistance, when we secured him by tying him with thongs. The next morning being untied, he came down with me in the boat to St. Louis. He boarded with me, and arriving home, he went up to the loft, and brought down his scalp-lock, saying he had dressed long enough as a Frenchman, he would now dress as an Indian warrior and go and take scalps. The same day the sergeant with the guard came and arrested him at my house. I know this Indian as go- ing frequently with the neighboring Indian tribes, and capable of instigating them to the perpetration of great mischief to the people of our village. And that he should be driven from the country, for if he is let loose from the prison, he will doubtless revenge himself on some one by taking his life. Francis Viellette. January 2, 1779. P. M. Papin, Witness. " January 3 the Governor sentenced him to perpetual banishment from the country, to be sent below for the governor-general's dis- position. While in the prison here to be sent below, he made his escape on the night of the 27th, by filing off iiis shackles, and making a hole in the bottom of the wall, through which he passed out. Louis Richard, Diego Blanco, Sergeant. Phillippe Firazano, Soldiers. Trial of Lorine, negro slave of Gaspard Roubieu, for an assault on Marianne, the mulatto slave of Govr. De Leyba, at 10 o'clock a. m., January 22, 1779. TRIAL OF LORINE. 159 Govr. De Leyba being the owner of the in- jured woman, placed the matter in charge of Capt. De Volsay, then post adjutant, fo/ investigation, and report his decision . Doctor Reynal's written report, as to the condition of the woman on the 22nd and 23rd, much hurt but not dangerously so. First witness. — Fanchon, negress of the widow Dodier, sworn : " Yesterday at 10 a. m., being on the ice at the mill creek, wash- ing, Marianne was washing in a hole in the ice, and had some words with Louison (Duralde's slave), about the right to use the hole, and they gave each otlier some slaps. Afterwards, Lorlne, who was washing at some little distance off, rose from her place and came and assaulted Marianne, who tried to defend herself, but Lorine being the strongest threw Marianne into the water, and would have drowned her but for this deponent, who ran to her assistance, and drew her out. Then Lorine attacked her again, giving her several blows, and knocking her into the fire, from which the deponent drew her, and did all she could to separate them." Melanie, negro woman of Rev. Father Bernard, the curate, sworn and testified to about the same purport. Joseph Cotte, aged 14 years, grandson of Mad'e Dodier, sworn and testified, in substance as before. Said that " after the few slaps between Louison and Marianne, Lorine, who was washing some distance from the fii'st two, ran from her place without any apparent cause, and came and fell upon Mai-ianne, 160 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. throwing her down and giving her several blows on her head and body, and who was rescned again by Fanchon. Marianne then started for the villaofe crying, with her clothes partially burnt." Sentence by De Volsay : — "To receive one hundred lashes, fifty to be intlicted this day at 4 o'clock, on the public place, and fifty to-morrow, the 24th, at the same liour and place, and that henceforth she refrain from any further violence towards said Marianne, as to all other persons, either by word or deed on pain of more severe chastise- ment. " Ordered furthermore, that Mr. Roubieu and wife, owners of said slave Lorine, be held responsible for her appearance in case of the death of Marianne, and until her perfect recovery, and that they pay the surgeon's bill for attendance until her com- plete recovery, and all costs and cliarges of tliis prosecution. " Diego Blanco, witness. " Lablsciebe, Notary. " DeVolsay," LABBADIE VS. MARIE. Block Ko. 9 is that between Chestnut and Pine, and Main Street and the Mississippi. The north half was granted by Laclede in 1765 to Rene Kiersereau, one who came over in the first boat with Chouteau. He built a good house on it the same year at his Pine Street coi-nei-, where he lived ten years and sold it in 1776 to P. Alexis Marie. The south half Laclede granted to one Beor, who also built a small house on it the same year, 1765, sold it to Pepin Lachance, a LABRADIE VS. MAKIE. l6l 8tone mason, in 1708, who built a stone house, which he sold in 1771 to Joseph Conand, surgeon. C. lived in it near seven years, and sold in to Silvestre Lah- badie, merchant, March 1778. After Kiersereau and Beor had built each his house they enclosed their respective lots, putting the division fence as near on its projier line as they could then ascertain it at that early day of the village, with neither land-marks nor surveyors to guide them, and caring nothing for a few feet of groiuid more or less on either side. As soon as K. had enclosed his ground he impi'oved it by making a garden, orchard, etc. ; he set out a row of six apple trees along and just inside the south fence, for the fi'uit and shade, as also gi*ape vines, etc., etc., which thrived well and soon produced fine fruit. Things went on thus very harmoniously and neighborly for some ten or twelve yeai's, but shortly after Labbadie had become the owner of the south half block, he pei'ceived that it was not quite as large in front as the north half, he had it surveyed, and found that the division fence ought to be re- moved some ten feet or so further north to give him the same quantity as the north half. On representing the matter to Mr. Marie, who thought it a small business in Labbadie to claim what he had never owned, they each having bought their re- spective lots just as they found them, and just as they 11 162 ANNALS OF 8T. LOUI8. liad existed from the very earliest days of tlie village, yet being an accommodating man, he made no ob- jection to Labbadie's demand, removed his fruit trees and the fence, and relin(iuished to him the strip he claimed. Hut this liberality on the pai't of Marie did not satisfy Labbadie ; he wanted the fruit trees, and insinuated that Marie in removing the trees took away that which was not his to take, and then pe- titions the governor for damages and costs. (( 1, To Mr. Don Fernando de Leyhu, Caplam of Infantry and Coinmauder in Chief of the western part of the Illinois, and Lieut, -Oovernor of same: " Siu — Silvestre Labbadie takes the liberty to represent to you that since the last year he perceived that Mr. Marie, his noijjhbor, had eiioroached on his lot fourteen feet at one end, and about six feet at the other, tliat the first owner of the lot of Mr. I\Iarie planted six fruit trees and a grape vine on that said encroached piece which produced much fruit. Your petitioner finding himself much restricted by the deprivation of this piece of ground, requested ]Mr. Marie to move back his fence, which he did as requested ; but from downright malice, cut down and rooted up said trees, after the division fence had been made, despite the remonstrances and prohibitions of your petitioner. These trees being an ornament to the ground, their removal is a manifest injury to 3'our petitioner, causing him much pain and chagrin — and that such violent acts are not permitted, but prohibited, by the laws. The petitioner resorts to you, sir, that it may please you to order, with all tlie rigors of the law, and condemn him in the damages done to your petitioner, and also to the expenses. '< St. Louis, March C, 1779, " Silvestre Labbadie." i( I 2. Alexis Marie takes the liberty to reply before you to the petition of Mr. Labadie, by shewing you how pained and hurt in LABBADIE VS. MARIE. 163 his feelings he (liuls hiniscif, in l)oiiig eoinpelled to defeiul himself from the charges, altogether witlmiit foundation, that Mr. Lab- badie has taken so indirectly to annoy him by bringing this suit before you. " The points presented by Mr. Labl)iidie have no connection with those which existed and which still exist. The forestalling of the ground of which Mr. Labbadie complains, your petitioner had no hand in, as the lot was sold to him as it is at present. He had the riglit to remove the trees, which are the cause of the suit, ns they were part of the lot acuired b}' your petitioner; and Mr. La- chance, pri ir owner of tlie lot of Mr. Labbadie, never understood that he sold to Mr. Conand, the second owner, but tlie lot as then enclosed, and that said Conaml never sought any ditllculty with your petitioner about it, who himself made no objection to restore to Mr. Labbadie tiie ground he claimed had l)een fore-occupied; and the said Labbadie himself said to your petitioner, when re- quiring the fence to be set back, that if I (Marie) did not remove the trees, that he would cut them down himself ; that they were old and good for nothing. Again, your petitioner removed back the trees while removing back the fence, and not after the fence was made, as improperly stated by Mr. Labbadie. Said Labbadie said I had torn up a grapevine, when it was himself that cut it off, and when the fence was changed nothing was left of it but the stump, besides it was l)arren and never produced any fruit. '' Mr. Jjal)badie falsely states that he forbid me to remove his trees ; he forgets that it is only the orders of the lieutenant-gov- ernor that are to be respected at this post ; as to the interdict of Mr. Labbadie, your petitioner gives tliem no consideration. "Mr. Labbadie should not forget tiie proposition, unjust and indiscreet, that he made me, that if I would give him an apple tree, that he would send me six, or even twelve, that he could take them from Mr. Laclede's orchard, and that he would send tliem to me, and which I refused, which evinces the little delicacy of Mr. Labbadie ; besides he cut down himself one of the trees which was in the line of the fence with Mr. Marie. " Mr. Labbadie said several times to your petitioner that if he did not remove his trees he would cut them down, on account of the shade they gave his garden, which injured his vegetables, 164 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. pro\ing that your petitioner was never actuated by spite, as Mr. Labbadle declares in his petition. "Your petitioner thinks he had the right to remove his trees, as both Lachance and Conand iwo prior owners of Labbadie's lot, never considered them as theirs, and that they never had the slightest difference about them, which Mr. Lachance is ready to certify whenever required. Besides, Mr. Chancellier, of this place, was present wlien Mr, Labbadie said to ;/our petitioner that he would not give 20 cents for those trees, and that he might remove them, which Mr. C. likewise offers to affirm. " All this, which your petitioner takes the liberty of submitting to you, sir, proves sufficiently the obstinacy, the disturbing mind and the litigious disposition of Mr. Labbadie. "In these circumstances your petitioner hopes that it may please you to decide said trees his property, which he had a right to remove as part of his purchase, as any oth3r movable included in the sale, and that Mr. Labbadie be condemned to all the costs. Alexis Marie. St. Louts, March 8, 1779. Testimony of the following witnesses taken before the governor in the case, all being duly sworn on the holy cross as Roman Catholics : — First. "Jean M. Pepin dit Lachanse: Am about 40 years; was one of the first owners of the lot now Mr. Labbadie's; that he never considered these trees as his ; they were planted by Kiersereau, who sold his lot to Mr. Marie, and always thought they belonged to him. I never had any pretensions to them. When I sold my lot to Mr. Conand, I alwp.ys thou^^bt I had my quantity of ground, and I never would have sought any trouble on that head, and by the sale to Conand he was not including the trees, knowing they did not belong to him, but did legitimately belong to Kiersereau, who afterwards sold his lot to IMr. Marie. That it Wiis himself, Lachanse, that planted the stakes that sepsi- LABBADIK KS. MARIE. 165 rated the lower parts of their lots, and he thought at the time he was putting them up on the true line. " March 8, 1779. bis •' Jno. M. Pepin x dit Lachance." marlc. Second. " Louis Chancellier, farmer of this place, aged 37 3'ears : Passing along the street lately with Mr. Marie, in front of Mr. Labbcdie's house, they there met him, to whom Mr. Marie remarked : ' I come from Mr. the commander, to speak with him about these trees. He tells me that the tax on trees is 50 sols (cents) ; that I could arrange it with you, if you wished them, aa I was the owner.' To this Mr. Labbadie replied that ' he wouldn't give 5 cents for all the trees ; they are good for nothing, and you can keep them, and do as you like with them.' "March 8, 1779. "Louis Chancellier." Third. " Nicholas Francis Guion, blacksmith, about 39 years of age : Assisted in removing the trees from where they originally stood to where Mr. Mane transplanted them, at which time the old fence had been removed, but the new one not yet put up. "March 8, 1779. his " NiCHS. F. X GoiON." mark. Fourth. " Louis Lirette, boatman, aged 37 years : Assisted in transplanting the trees ; the old fence was gone, but the new one was not then put up. " March 9, 1779. his " Louis X LiUETTE. mark. " In presence of Louis Richard, soldier, and Jos. Labusoiebe. Between Sil'e Labbadie, merchant, and Alex's 166 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. Marie, resident. The governor recites the evidence and gives his decision, viz. : — "All this examined and maturely considered, we find that there was no occasion for a suit between these parties. That by the testimony of Mr. Lachanse and the three other witnesses, there were no grounds for the action of Mr. Labbadie against Mr. Marie ; that it proceeds from a spirit of chicanery and obstinacy subversive of the harmony tliat should exist between neighbors. "Finding, besides, neither motive nor reasons for condemning Mr. Marie, it being proven by Messrs. Guion and Lirette that Mr. Labbadie was lacliing in truth, in falsely alleging in his peti- tion that Mr. Marie tore up and cut the trees, after the new divis- ion fence had been put up, the contrary beicg proven by said deponents. Therefore, " In view of the facts, and to render justice in the case, we throw out of court Mr. Labbadie's demand and pretensions, as they hixv/j no foundation in reason, condemning said Labbadie in the costs of t'iis suit, which will be executed. "Given at St. Louis, in the government chamber by us the governor. «• March 10, 1779. "Fernando de Letba. " I executed the above decree this 13th of March, 1779, by delivering to Mr. Labbadie in person, at his own residence, a copy of the sentence with a notification to conform thereto, so that he may not pretend ignorance. "Demebs, Constable." FIRST INQUEST. Domingo de Bargas, a young Spanish merchant, who came to the place about the year 1777, died suddenly in the night of July 18, 1779. Father Bernard, the parish curate, being uncer- FIRST INQUEST. 167 tain as to the cause of his death, and the propriety of interring his body in consecrated ground, for fear he had died troin intoxication, or some other unnatural cause, Governor de Leyba directed Doc. Bernard Gilkins to hold a post mortem examination of the body, and report as to the cause of his death. Repairing to the house of the deceased, he examined the following witnesses : — " 1. Joseph Mainville testified, that M. De Bargas came across the street to his house yesterday afternoon, and remained there until about 5V2 p. m., in conversation, apparently in good health and not having been drinking. From my house he recrossed the street to his own." (Mainville lived at the southeast corner of Main and Locust, and De Bargas diagonally across, at the northwest corner of the same.) •' 2nd. Ignace Laroche and wife testify: Said De Bargas came to their house last evening, at about nine o'clock, to invite them to supper '; ith him, but Laroche being already in bed declined the invitation. De Bargas then cut a piece from a cake he had with him, and gave it to them and retired instantly ; did not appear to have been drinking, and seemed apparently well." (Laroche's were neighbors at the n. e. corner of Locust and Second. ) " 3rd. Francis Larche, another near neighbor at the s.e. corner of Locust and Second, reported to Governor de Leyba at SVa a. m. that he found De Bargas' dead body on his bed, whereupon the governor, a '^ended by Sergeant Blanco and Labusciere, repaired at once to the bouse and placed his seal upon the prop- erty of De Bargas, he being single and living alone. Doct. Gilkins made his report : — "That De Bargas had died from apoplexy superinduced by the excessive ^^eat." De Bargas was 38 years of age, and was in- terred on the 20th. 168 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. THE BOAT CASE OP VASQUEZ AND MOTARD. Early in the summer of 1770 a party of five men descended the Ohio River to Louisville, on their way to join Clark at Kaskaskia. At Louisville they found a boat in charge of one Slater and one Cal- lender with a family on board bound, as they stated to the party, for Kaskaskia. On this boat the party of five — Andrew McDonald, Aaron Barrett, Pat- erick Shone, Andrew Coil and Tarrence Mooney — took passage for Kaskaskia. Entering the Missis- sippi, the boat continued its course down the river as far as the River St. Francois, where, meeting a bat- teau with two Spanish gentlemen, Messrs. Motard and Benito, bound for Ste. Genevieve, they were unde- ceived, and leai'nt that they were 150 leagues below the mouth of the Ohio ; whereupon they took possession of the boat in the name of the States, made prisoners of Slater and his hand, and commenced their return up the river, accompanied by the two Spanish gen- tlemen in the batteau, who took passage with them. When they reached the mouth of the Kaskaskia River, being entirely ignorant as to their locality, they passed it and reached the landing at Ste. Gene- vieve, where these Spanish gentlemen hoisted the Spanish flag, and gave protection to iL'-. two pris- oners, threatening the Americans with violence if THE BOAT CASE. 168 they made any opposition. On the following day, June 11th, the party having crossed to Kaskaskia, made affidavit of the facts before Col. John Todd, judge and civil commandant of the county of Illi- nois, who addressed the following note : — " To Col. Geo. R. Clark: "Sir — Included herewith you have the depositions of several persons, which indicates a conduct but little generous on the part of some gentlemen of the other side, which is perfectly known to Monsieur Cartabona ; a remonstrance from you I think would not be illy received by him. If the Boat and prisoners are restored to Justice, as by the depositions they should be, the Spanish honor will remain untarnished. "The crew being of your command, en route to join you, should consequently be under your jurisdiction. " I am with respect. Sir, " Your very humble servant, "John Todd, iTwdgfe." "Declaration of several witnesses concerning a certain Boat and Passengers landed at Ste. Genevieve — taken before me, John Todd, Judge at Kaskaskia, June 11, 1779, to wit: — "Andrew McDonald, Aaron Barrett, PatricI: Shone, Andrew Coil and Tarrence Mooney, being all passengers in a boat, coming from the falls of the Ohio River to the Illinois, have together and with one accord made the following narration, viz. : ' Relying on a certain Slater, who commanded or steered their Boat, and who had a description of the Ohio river ; the said Slater brought them as far as the River St. Francis, the declarants believing all the time that the}' were in the Ohio ; and declare that they are very certain that the said Slater and one named Callender were per- fectly knowing of the place where they were, but that their de- sign was to take them to Natchez, or so near it that it would be impracticable to return. Meeting a Spanish Batteau, they were undeceived, and learnt that they were one hundred and fifty 170 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. leagues below the Ohio. Upon which the said afHants seized, in the name of the States, the said Boat and the persons who thus deceived them, and who by that proved traitors to their country, in trying to escape to the English and taking with them your aflQants. " Having possession of said Boat they rowed her up stream, without any assistance from the cowardly runaways, to try to reach Kaskaskia. "The affiants having taken as passengers Messrs. Benito and Motard, Spanish subjects, who profited by the ignorance of the affiants of the places on the Mississippi, and brought them to Ste. Genevieve, telling them they were going to Kaskaskia ; not- withstanding all the enquiries they made to learn the entrance into the Kaskaskia River, these parties kept constantly telling them that they had not yet arrived there, and thus deceived them until they arrived at the landing in sight of Ste. Genevieve, where these Spanish gentlemen hoisted their Spanish flag on the Boat of the States, and gave Spanish protection to the two aforesaid prisoners, on the same Boat that had been seized in the name of the States by the affiants, and threatening them with violence if they made any opposition. ' ' In conclusion they affirm that they seized the above Boat and equipments in the name of the States for having violated their fidelity, and that they compelled them to return, with the inten- tion of taking them to Kaskaskia to prosecute them for their offense, and were able and would have accomplished it, and de- livered them to justice, had the Boat and prisoners not been taken under the protection of the Spanish flag by the deceitful and treacherous artifice of those Spanish Passengers. "Andrew McDonald, " Aahon Barrett, " Tarranoe Moonet, "Andrew Coil, "Patrick Shone. "The above affiants were solemnly sworn as to the truth of the foregoing deposition before me this Uth June, 1779. "John Todd, Judge." THE BOAT CASE. 171 The facts of this case havinp^ been forwarded to Gov. De Leyba, by his lieutenant and commandant at Ste. Genevieve, Don Francisco De Carta Bona ; he summoned these two parties, Benito and Motard, to appear before him and answer to the charge. Their defense was that " when they got on loard the boot, they arranged for their passages witli the man Slater, who claimed to own the boat, to take them to Ste. Genevieve, and as those who had as- sumed control of the boat to bring her up to Kas- kaskia, their destination, did not deny his ownership, and although they were aware of the inten- tion of the captors to take the boat to Kas- kaskia, finding they knew nothing of where Kas- kaskia was, and desiring to land at Ste. Genevieve, they allowed them to pass the mouth of the Kaskas- kia, and come up on to Ste. Genevieve." Having heard the statement made by these parties in their defense, after maturely considering the case, he sentenced them to pay the value of the boat to the proper parties, whoever they might be, residing on the American side. VALUATION OP THE BOAT AND CAEGO. In the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine, the 30th of June, at 10 o'clock a. m., by order of Don Fernando de Leyba, Captain of Infantry, and Commandant and Lieuten- ant-Governor of the Western part of the Illinois, of the 22nd inst., before me, Don Francisco Valle, Captain of Militia, and 172 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. Civil Judge of St. Genevieve, were present: Daniel Murray and Thomas Tyler, appraisers named by Col. George Rogers Clark, Colonel of the United States Troops on the east side of the river, and Francis Lalumandiere and Louis Bolduc, residents of this place, and also appraisers, proceeded to appraise, on their souls and conscience, the said American barge and cargo, to wit: — The barge of nine oars, chains and seats 400 livres. A lage wooden chest of old clothes and hnen 100 " Another do do 100 " A middle size box, filled with flax for spinning 100 " A do do do do 100 " A small box of do do do 75 " 8 small do do do 100 " 10 iron pots, 1 large brass kettle, and several kitchen utensils 450 " A lot of pewter and other household utensils 100 " 3 feather beds, 6 sheets, 3 bolsters, 3 blankets, all old.. 200 " 2 small spinning wheels 60 " 4 old rifles 400 '♦ 2185 (( And the aforesaid effects were left in the keeping of the patroon of the boat and his family. Thomas Tiler, Daniel Mubbat, his LaLUMANDIEBE, LoDIS X BOLDCC. mark In presence of Juan Purzada and Dupre. FeANCOIS VALLfe. 1779. — This year witnessed another declaration of war on the part of Spain against England, the ef- fects of which, although but little felt in this remote region, yet tended in a large measure to further complicate the then existing state of affairs between the four nations, the young republic of the United States being involved therein. COMPLAINT OP MRS. MONTARDY. 178 A SLANDER SUIT. In the year 1779, there lived in the vicinity of Main and Elm Streets, a coterie of middle aged mar- ried ladies, who found it pleasant to spend some of their surplus time hi scrutinizing into the affairs of their neighbors, and in disseminating among them- selves the result of their observations. One was Mrs. Deschamps, at the northwest corner, a lady of a certain age, which gave her precedence. Another, Mrs. Louis Desnoyer, at the southwest corner, a star performer of great brilliancy on an instrument called " the uni'uly member," and a third, Mrs. . Louis Ride at the northeast corner, younger than the others and not long in the neighborhood, figured m'^re as a good listener than a participant in their slanderous tales. A Mrs. Montardy, wife of a somewhat prominent man in the place, happened to incur the ill-will of this Mrs. Desnoyer, who, in giving loose reign to her tongue, related to the others certain matters in the conduct of Mrs. Montardy that she had witnessed, with innuendoes as to her character, etc., and that " she thought her no better than she should be." Whereupon Mrs. M., feeling herself aggrieved, pe- titioned the governor for redress, and that Mrs. Des- noyer be punished for defamation, etc. The gov- 174 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. ernor, ha\nng had all the parties before him, exam- ined on their affidavits, rendered the following- de- cision. He recites the several papers in the case, sums up the evidence, is particnlarly severe on the wife of Des- canips, as the principal insti-iunent in fomenting- dis- cord and dissensions between the parties, and con- cludes his decision as follows : — " All attentively considered and examined, it appears that there are no grounds for a suit in this case, it being at most but the idle scandal of babbling women, which took place long since and now revived by dissensions and broils among themselves. I throw the matter out of court as too trivial. Impose silence in future on the subject on all complicated therein, strictly forbid- ding any reflections on each other that might tend to the injury of tlicir reputations, under the utmost rigor of the law, to be im- posed upon the first transgressor ; and condemn the two parties in the case, each to one-half the costs and expenses of the suit. " Feknando DeLetba. " Done in the government hall, St. Louis, October 7, 1779. COMPLAINT OF JOSEPH ROBIDOU. " To his Excellency, Oovr. de Leyba: "Your petitioner respectfully represents to you that he finds himself shamefully injured in name and reputation by the wicked calumnies invented against him by individuals always ready to injure their neighbors, and blacken the purest reputations. " Having, for some time past, visited the daughter of Mr. Bequet, the blacksmith, with a view to marriage, and having obtained the.ponsent of the young lady, asked her hand from her father, who appeared pleased with the proposal, and asked for three days to consider it, your petitioner was very much surprised COMPLAINT OP JOSEPH ROBIDOU. 175 at the expiration of the time, that Mr. Bequet should say to him that lie would not give his consent to the marriage because he had learnt that there were some in your petitioner's family who had surrendered their souls to the devil, and as there were no wicked ones in the Bequet family, he would not introduce any ; that Pierre Bequet, uncle of the young lady, had told Mad'e Laroche, her sister, that he had learnt that your petitioner had an uncle who had killed his wife, and that having made his escape, he had killed a citizen for whom he worked, and that after these murders he had retired to Cahokia, on the American side, and that he stole and carried off the wife of one Agon, and took her to Post Vincennes. "Your petitioner having found an opportunity of speaking to Miss Bequet, siie told him of her father's prohibition, and what had been said against him, which compelled him to demand from Mr. Bequet from what source he derived these foul aspersions, which he B. refused to give him. This compelled your petitioner to obtain from old inhabitants and travelers from Canada, who knew his family, to ascertain if tliere was any blemish or htain on it. These persons have given him certificates, here accompanying, which prove that there never was any stain of dishonor on his family's good name, and that it never was tarnished by the law, and that all that has been said against him is false and calumni- ous. " Your petitioner not being able to obtain from Mr. Bequet the names of dis informants, determined to obtain himself light on the subject, and applied to old Mr. Tabeau, a Canadian resident of this place for many years, who knew your petitioner's family connections. " ' Of what are you accused?' asked he. 'There Is nothing to repeat about your family. I know them, and it is through mis- chief only that these things are said.' Your petitioner replied that Pierre Bequet told the mother of Miss Bequet that one Demer, an uncle of your petitioner, had killed his wife and employer, and carried off the latter' s wife. That Tabeau said it was true that T. Bequet had inquired from him, but he answered him that it was false, and that he knew of no stain on the family of your petitioner. 176 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. " Having demanded of Pierre Bequet who told liim all this^ replied that he could not inform him on that point. For this rea- son your petitioner prays you to compel Bequet to disclose his in- formant in your presence. Your petitioner not being deterred by the avowal of Madame Bequet, mother of the girl, that it was Mr. Marly, blacksmith, and Mr. Robert, Sr., both of this post, who put these injurious reports into circulation, and that it was from them that Mr. Bequet had forbidden his daughter to spealc with your petitioner. "As he finds himself injured in the most sensible point to an honest man, and that his reputation is seriously injured in the public estimation, by the malicious reports of Marly and Robert, he relies on your justice, that it may please you to order these two men to prove what they so wickedly advanced against the honor of your petitioner's family, and that they be held to repair authentically and publicly the gross wrong done his character and reputation. '* The petitioner ro-assures himself of your uprightness, and hop-" i from your justice that the said Marly and Robert will be restrained in their calumnies and slanders against him, and he will continue his vows for your prosperity. "St. Louis, Jany. 28, 1780. his "Joseph x Robidou." mark. To this petition are appended certificates tastify- ing to the respectability of his family, from liouis Lambert, Raymond Quenel, Hubert Lacroix, L'ange Nicholas, Louis Vachard, Grigue and Ta- beau. " The respondents, Louis Robert, Senr., and Jno. B. Marly, both respectable citizens of St. Louis, deny the truth of Robidou' s allegations, that they ever said anything about him whatever, as they knew nothing at all of this particular Robidou. GRATIOT VS. SANGUINET. 177 Governor De Leyba, in his decision of the matter, refers to the evidence pro and con as pretty evenly balanced, throws the case out of court, enjoining upon all parties to curb their tongues in fut"'e, id particularly recommends it to Robidou to procure the requisite documents from Canada in support of the respectability of his branch of the Robidou' s, and gives a year to establish it in court. Whether Ro- bidoux took in good part the kindly advice of Gov. De Leyba, and profited by it, or it was the result of chance, he became a successful business man of our place, and was prominent as a merchant, dying in easy circumstances, and leaving a half dozen sons, one of whom in time became the founder of the city of St. Joseph, Mo. GRATIOT AND SANGUINET SUIT. During the winter of 1779-80, the people of Ca- hokia were very much exercised by the continued fear of an attack on their village by the British and their Indian allies with a view to its recapture. However, as the winter wore along without bringing with it the expected attack, apprehensions in a great measure subsided, and with the approach of spring, matters resumed theii* usual routine. In the month of March, 1780, Charles Gratiot, then doing business in Cahokia, of which place ho 12 178 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. had been a resident something over a couple of years, to replenish his stock of merchandise, came over to St. Louis and made a purchase of an invoice of goods from Charles Sanguinet, for which he give his note, payable in July following, and took them over to his store in Cahokia. Some little time after this pur- chase, and apprehensions of an attack were revived, in the month of April Mr. Gratiot, at the urgent request of the people of that village, went at great personal risk in search of Col. Clark, then engaged in building Fort Jefferson, at the iron mines on the Mississippi, a short distance below the mouth of the Ohio, to urge him for assistance to repel the antici- pated attack. Mr. G-ratiot, fearing that in his temporary absence on this mission the expected attack might occur, and knowing well that the Indian allies of the British were only tempted by the expectation of pillage and plunder, took the precaution to send his goods and valuables across the river to St. Louis, where he knew they would be perfectly safe. He sent them over by his clerk, Ducheneau, who left them in the care of Mr. Charles Sanguinet, the only person he knew in St. Louis, who gave him a receipt for the same. After Mr. Gratiot's return to Cahokia from his unsuccessful mission in search of Clark, who had GRATIOT VS. SANGUINET. 179 pi'one up to Louisville through orders from the gov- ernor of Virginia, and apprehensions of an immediate attack had subsided, desirous of having his goods for sale, he sent the same clerk over to St. Louis for them, but Mr. Sanguinet declined returning them unless Gratiot gave him another indorser on the note he had given for the goods in March, alleging that the first indorser was an insolvent. Hence the suit commenced by Gratiot May 8, 1780, and terminated by Gov. De Leyba's decision in his favoi* May 26, 1780, day of the " grand coup." " To Don Fernando De Le.yha, Captain and Lieutenant-Oovernor of the Western Part of the Illinois, and its Dependencies, &c., &c.: Sir — Tb petitioner has the honor to inform you that he pur* chased from Mr. Sanguinet this last spring, merchandise for about sixty bales (peltries), for which amount he gave his obligation, which is not due until July next ; that at the earnest request of the inhabitants of Cahokia, having gone to solicit from Col. Clark, prompt assis*;ance against the incursion of the Indians, with which they were menaced ; that he caused to be sent over to said Mr. Sanguinet, with his approval, and to guarantee his pay- ment in case of misfortune to which all men are liable, the said merchandise, with the intention of retaking them on his return from his journey, to sell them and meet his obligation. That Mr. Sanguinet, on his request for the same, absolutely refuse; to return not only them, but also those that belonged to Mr. Gratiot, and which had also been deposited with him. "The petitioner, sir, is also the more surprised at such a re- fusal, as they belong to him, the time of payment for them not having as yet arrived. That Mr. Sanguinet sunders, by this ill- advised step, all obligations, formal and reciprocal, having already received on account of the above-mentioned obligation, fourteen 180 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. bales. That he withholds, moreover, goods that in no wise belong to him ; that he acts contrary to all established laws of commerce and against the fidelity of the depositor. "In view of the above, may it please you, sir, to order Mr. Sanguinet to restore me without delay the above mentioned mer- chandise, and the other effects placed with him on deposit. " In so doing you will be rendering justice. '< St. Louis, May 8, 1780. "Charles Gkatiot. " Ordered, that a copy of this be furnished to Mr. Sanguinet, for his reply within three days from this date. "Mays, 1780. " Fernando de Leyba. " To Mr. don Fernando De Leyha, Commander-in-Chief and Lieut. -Governor of the Western Part of the Illinois: "Sir — Charles Sanguinet takes the liberty of respresenting to you, in reply to Mr. Gratiot of the 8th, that it is true that Mr. Gratiot delivered up to him a quantity of merchandise as securit3' for 54 bales of peltries that he owes to Mr. Sanguinet, according to his note due in July next. "Mr. Gratiot, before his departure to seek Col. Clark, sent him word by his clerk to receive these goods at his warehouse as security for what he owed him, for fear of accident, which your petitioner willingly accepted, owing to the critical state of affairs. "The receipt given for them by your petitioner proves, sir, that he received them but as security for what Mr. Gratiot owes him, and which Mr. Gratiot says himself in his petition. The petitioner has never refused to deliver the goods and other effects to Mr. Gratiot, but thinks he is justified in delivering them, to require from Mr. Gratiot a security to pay him, in case of his de- fault at the maturity of the note, as Mr. Gratiot might at that time be absent on business or accidentally. "At the time Mr. Gratiot purchased from the petitioner he gave his note jointly with one Cardinal, who is at this time insol- vent, and the business even of Mr. Gratiot may be much de- ranged. GRATIOT VS. SANGUINET. 181 "It is absurd for him to say that he has paid on account to your supj Uant fourteen bales, as he has paid him only f)'/2 bales, and that i.e has at Mr. Duhreuil's about 8 bales, without a receipt and to whom he owes a considei-able number of bales. He must admit that he delivered to your suppliant these goods only as security for what he owes him, since he saj's so in his petition, and that the receipt of the undersigned conforms to it. Besides, he has never refused to deliver these goods, but he thinlis himself, as already said before, justified in asking an endorser resident at this post. If Mr. Gratiot knows himself above board in his business matters, he can certainly find an endorser. It is all that your petitioner asks for his safety. It is unjust to now omit a guarantee that Mr. Gratiot had agreed to, and which he now withholds from his creditor, giving grounds for a suspicion to the disadvantage of Mr. Gratiot in refusing to furnish the aforesaid indorser, inasmuch as he resides on a foreign shore, and in pres- ent circumstances his business might be embarrassed in the event of a war which threatens them. " The petitioner has the honor to inform you, sir, that yester- day, the 9th inst., in presence of Duchesne, perceiving that Mr. Gratiot had not asked him for a casket which contains documents (as was told him by Mr. Gratiot's clerk when leaving it in his care), he offered it yesterday to his above named clerk, under the supposition that Mr. Gratiot might have occasion for the papers it contained, and that he might, perhaps, use it as a pre- text for an injurious sutjpicion of your suppliant in having re- tained it in his custody. He again, sir, offers to return it to Mr. Gratiot in the same condition as he received it. " In view of these circumstances, he prays you, sir, to enjoin on Mr. Gratiot to give him a good and suflflcient endorser of this place, and to accept his goods in the same condition that it had been received by him, and in which he had already offered to re- turn it, both goods and peltries, and condemn Mr. Gratiot in all costs and expenses. " Your suppliant continues his wishes for your prosperity'. "St. Louis, May 10, 1780. " CllAKLES SaNGUINET, 182 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. " Ordered, that a copy be passed to Mr. Gratiot, to be replied to in writing within three days from date of this decree. •' St. Louis, May 11, 1780. " Ferd'o De Leyba. " Copy of Charles Gratiot & Jno. B. Cardinal's note: — " In the course of the month of July next, we promise to pay to the order of Mr. Charles Sanguinet, the sum of five thousand, nine hundred and seventy-one livres, in beaver and deer skins, for value received from said Sanguinet, and we will pay in the course of the next month as much as comes to five hundred livres on account of the above. "St. Louis, March 13, 1780. " Charles Gratiot. his " Jno. Bap. x Cardinal. mark. "St. Louis of Iixinois, May 11, 1780. " We, Don Fernando De Leyba, Commander-in-Chief and Lieutenant-Governor of the Western part of the Illinois : "Having been informed by Francis Duchenau, clerk of Mr. Gratiot, of the instructions he had received from Mr. Gratiot to bring over to this side his goods, «&c., being duly sworn to tell the truth. Declares that Mr. Gratiot instructed him to seek a house in St. Louis, to store his goods, some peltries and other things. Knowing no one in St. Louis, he applied to Mr. Sanguinet, who said to him, ' if you will put your goods in my house, the}' will there be safe, and you can retake them when you choose ; ' that the affiant agreed to it, and delivered them to said Mr. Sanguinet, who gave him a receipt worded contrary to the understanding and intention of your affiant — not knowing how to read, and having had it read to him subsequently, he discovered that Mr. San- guinet had given him a receipt in different terms from Mr. Gratiot's instructions, and stating in the receipt that they ' were received as security for what IVIr. Gratiot owed him,' when, on the contrary, he had only deposited them for safe keeping in the fear that they might be plundered by the Indians if left in Caho- kia during the absence of Mr. Gratiot. That he then ran back to GRATIOT VS. SANGUINET. 183 Mr. Sanguinet to get from him a different receipt, which he re- fused to give, saying, ' don't be uneasy ; I Itnow very well that you leave Mr. Gratiot's goods with me only for safe keeping, and that you can take them when you choose.' " Question: ' Was any one present when you ran back to Mr. Sanguinet for a new receipt? ' "Answer: 'No, there was no one present,' and he again re- peated that Mr. Sanguinet said to him he knew very well the goods were only left with him for safe keeping, and not for secur- ity, and that he could have them whenever he chose to come for them ; that seeing the frankness in which Mr. Sanguinet spoke to him, he left all to the good faith of that gentlemen,' ' which is all he had to say ; ' it being read to him, he said it contained the whole truth, ' to the best of his knowledge,' and not knowing how to write, he made his mark in presence of Antoine Stefanelly and Mr. Joseph Labusciere, witnesses, who with us, the governor, have signed these presents. " Labuscieke, his " Antoine Stefanelly, Francis x Duciienac. mark. " Fern 'do De Letba. "We order Mr. Sanguinet to deliver to Mr. Duchenau a small casket of papers, which he has in his possession, belonging to Mr. Gratiot, and which is not included in the receipt for goods be gave to M. Duchenau. " St. Louis, May 11, 1780. " De Letba. " To Don Fernando De Letba, Commandant-in- Chief and Lieut.- Governor of the Western part of the Illinois : "Sir — In reply to the petition presented you b}' Mr. Chas. Sanguinet, of the 10th inst. , your petitioner has the honor to ex- press to you his surprise at the small amount of truth that his adversary alleges in his defense, in stating that the goods of your petitioner that w.ere taken to the house of the defendant, were deposited with him as securitj' for a sum of money which is not due him until July next, a statement of which it is easy to prove 184 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. the falsity, by the affidavit of the clerk of the plaintiff, who proves OH oath that they were deposited only for their safety in the absence of your petitioner, in his mission to Col. Clark for assistance to repel the attack of the Indians, witli which we were threatened on our side of the river, and the petitioner had no other view than to retake his property on his return, to sell them and fulfill his obligations to the defendant. " As to the receipt which Mr. Sanguinet gave your petitioner's clerk, it proves his lack of sincerity, by the reiterated assurances made to him that he could carry away the goods whenever it suited him, saying to him that your petitioner owed him nothing, but when the said clerk had returned to this village, and that he had had read to him the said receipt, not being able himself to read nor write, he was very much surprised to see that the tenor of the receipt differed from the assurances that the said Sanguinet had given him, upon which he immediately returned to said San- guinet to sliew him that the receipt did not in any wise conform to their agreement, and foimally refusing such conditions. " To which in reply, Mr. Sanguinet said to him ' that he might if he wished, take his goods at that very moment, or tliat he would take care of them until he or your petitioner should think fit to take them away ; that if he had, as was true, put at the foot of this receipt that he had received them as security for money not yet due him until in the course of July next, it was merely that in case of death, or other grievous occurrence at that critical period, and that he sought to render a service, and be useful to your petitioner as mucli as lay in his power.' " It is by these means, sir, he imposed on the good faith and credulity of the clerk of your petitioner, who, believing that after such promise Mr. Sanguinet would not be so dishonest as to dis- own or retract what he had said, and refuse to restore to the plaintiff his goods on his demand for the same, made in the pres- ence of Mr. Dubreuil, alleging in reply that he was sustained by the tenor of his receipt. Facts which he now denies by his statements made to you, that he requires but an indorser residing on this side as the one he had exacted at first at the time he sold the goods, is, as he now pretends, insolvent, and that the business of the plaintiff might be found embarrassed. GRATIOT VS. SANGUINET. 185 "Your suppliant is very much surprised to see that Mr. San- guinet assumes to see so clearly into the business transactions of your petitioner, and would be pleased that he would point out to liim in what, and towards whom he has failed to fulfill any engage- ment he has entered into. It would seem by his statement as if he was seeking to injure your petitioner's credit, with the view of sustaining his own cause, but he deceives himself ; he is dealing with a tribunal too upright, a judge too wise and enlightened not to discern the just and reasonable demand of your petitioner, presenting him nothing without the proofs to sustain his position. " As respects the peltries which the petitioner states he sent to Mr. Sanguinet, his receipts can convince you that it was to him and not to Mr. Dubreuil, that they were sent, and in regard to the merchandises, they were never deposited as security with him, as your petitioner has already previously explained, seeing that he owes him nothing at this time. That if he had them sent over to him, it was to endeavor to insure them from the possible events they were daily expecting to occur on this side ; that he even sent all his private valuable papers, and he believes that neither Mr. Sanguinet, nor any other one whomsoever, can controvert the propriety of the act. " It would seem as if Mr. Sanguinet was endeavoring, in acting contrary to all the laws of commerce, in abusing the good faitli and confidence of the trustee, in even seeking to affect his credit, alleging in his statement only acts, the falsity of wliich are so well proven, shows that he is sensible of the weakness of his cause in straying so far from the truth. "Perceiving all this, will it please you, sir, to order, in the event of his refusal to return at once the goods which belong to your petitioner, that he keep them for his own account, and for which he will pay according to the bill which will be presented to him by the plaintiff ; and that ho be required to pay all the costs, expenses and damages arising therefrom — and your petitioner will not cease to address his vows to heaven for your prosperity and just decision in the case. " Cahokia, May 12, 1780. "Chart.es Gratiot. 186 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. '• Considering tlic present petition, we summoned Mr. Clias. Sanguinct to appear before us, to declare if he consented to keep ttie goods wliich lie has in his hands belonging to Mr. Charles Gratiot, for himself, according to the prices Mr. Gratiot Axes on them. Who replied that ' he agree*! to keep them if the prices set on them l)y Mr. Gratiot is reasonable, and in case he values them too high, that we please to name four arbitrators in this post to fix a price that will be neither to the disadvantage of Mr. Gratiot nor to himself ; that he had no knowledge of the quality and amount of the goods that are contained in the bales that had been placed in his hands, requiring that before taking them for his own account, the eight bales that are at Mr. Dubreuil's be sent hira on account, according to the receipt which shall be made for them by the arbitrators.' " Which he signed in the presence of Mr. Jos. Labusciere and Louis Richard, soldier, witnesses, St. Louis, May 13, 1780. " Labuscieue, Louis Richard. Chaules Sanguinet. " A copy of which rci)!}' we direct to be furnished to Mr. Gratiot, with the present order, so that said Mr. Gratiot may send us the invoice of the said goods within three days of the present order, with the prices he intends to fix on said merchandise. " Ferd'o de Letba. " Given at St. Louis, May 13, 1780. *' To Don Fernandn de Leyba, Capt. of the Regiment of Infantry of Louisiana, Commandant-in-Chief and Lieut.- Governor of the Western part of the Illinois: " Sir — According to the order at the foot of the petition which your suppliant had the honor of addressing to you from this place, and the reply that Mr. Sangninet made thereto, by which he accepts and consents to keep for his own account the merchan- dise, provided the plaintiff puts them at a reasonable price ; if not, he prays you to name four arbitrators to fix their value. To which your petitioner has the honor to represent to you that, although Mr. Sanguinet has unjustly and without any legitimate grounds, kept his goods, and refused to return them when de- manded, and that the plaintiff has left them with him since for his own account, seeing that he was bent on keeping them; that GRATIOT VS. SANGUINET. 187 be does not Intend to fix any higher price on them thnn lie is accustomed to aull them at licre ; and tliat he does not think that Mr. Sanguinet possesses the least riglit to have assessed the goods that do not belong to him, and wiiich your petitioner de- ci(Eedly opposes and rejects. Seeing tiiey are articles sid)ject to fluctuations in their prices, according to their abundance or scarcity in the country, and which your petitioner himself pur- chased at i.:a.orbitant prices. " Consequently, may it please you, sir, to order him to keep the goods at the prices which your petitioner sends you in the memorandum herewith enclosed, being the prices at which he sells daily the majority of the articles mentioned. And that it please you to appoint two persons, or allow each party to appoint one, to make an inventory of said goods, in the presence of the clerk of your petitioner, and append the prices as given in the memor- andum, which the plaintiff has the honor to send you, to make out the invoice and foot up the amount, of which Mr. Sani^uinet will render him a statement. " In regard to the peltries which your petitioner has in the cel- lar of Mr. Dubreuil, as per receipt of the defendant, and which your petitioner thinks are coming to him from Mr. Sanguinet, he does not consider himself under obligations to send them to him, seeing that he expects to receive some from him, as he owes him nothing. But, nevertheless, if the balance is in favor of the de- fendant, the plaintiff agrees with pleasure to remit that amount, and even a larger amount if necessary. " In view of the losses of the sale of my goods since the time I demanded them from him up to to-day, may it please you to condemn him in all costs, expenses and damages, should he refuse to keep the goods at the prices named in the schedule, and do justice, &c. " Cahokia, May Ifi, 1780. "Charles Gratiot. " Ordered, that a copy of the present petition and the memor- andum of prices of the merchandise attached be furnished to Mr. Sanguinet, to reply within three days from this date. " St. Louis, May 18, 1780. " Fernando de Leyba. 188 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. »• No. 8 Is the memornn<1um of the prices of the goods l)elong- ing to Cbarlofi (tnitiot, and loft for IIk; account of Mr. Cliarlus Sanguinet, mercli .nt of St. Louis, unnuccHsary to copy. ♦' To Mr. Don Fernando da Leyha, Commandnnt-in-Chief and Lieut. -Governor of the Western part of the IllinoiH, &c. : " Siu — Charles Sanguinet htis tlie honor to represent to you that in reply to tlie petition of i>lr. Charles Gratiot, which was notified to him the 18th Inst., with the memorandum in wliich he fixes himself the prices of the goods which he placed in the hands of the petitioner, and which he finds excessively exorbitant, and pushed to the utmost limits. Mr. Gratiot docs not reflect that such a proposition cannot be entertained, and that the i)rices are higher even than retail prices. Your petitioner, sir, will willingly accept the goods, but not at a price which would entail tlic ruin of himself and family, especially as Mr. Gratiot should recollect that the petitioner sold to him at 150 % less than the prices he fixes on them to-day, and for that reason he should not resort to such cunning devices to pay off one who so generously profited him, and who would not have withheld tlie goods if Mr. Gratiot had informed him at tiic time he purchased of his resources for paying for them, but whicli in the position in whicli tlie country is now found, fortune changes from day to day, and your peti- tioner's only reason for requiring an endorser was to be certain of receiving the payment of his goods at the time when it became due. But since he offers his goods your petitioner accepts them, but not at Mr. Gratiot's prices, who, in a litigious transaction of this nature, should not expect to be the sole arbiter, and fix the prices so utterly beyond all reason as those he sets down in his memorandum, since the retail prices at this time are much lower, and in a sale of this nature it is not to Ije expected to establish them at retail prices, and your petitioner in selling them asks only to be refunded the amount at which they will be charged to him in the valuation, &c. This is why he persists, in conclusion, that it may please you, sir, to appoint arbitrators to value tlie said goods, the said arbitrators to be sworn by you, sir, to conscien- tiously value the same according to the present value of the arti- OHATIOT VS. 8ANOUINET. 189 cles, or permit each of tlie parties to name one cacli, wlio may iippoint a tliird oue, aud conUetau Mr. Gratiot iu tliu cuuts uiul expenaes. "St. L0UI8, May 20, 1780. *' Chakles Sanouinet. " In view of tlie present petition, togetlier witlj those lieretofore presented by Messrs. Gratiot and Sanguiuet, we order both parties to appoint eacli one arbitrator, who will meet at H o'clock a. m on Monday next, at Mr. Cerro's lioiise in the post of St. Louis, whom we officially appoint in conjunction with tlie two named by the respective parties, to assess the value of the goods in question and report their action in the case. " St. Louis, May 20, 1780. " Fer'do di Letba." " Appointed by Don Fernando de Leyba, captain of the regi- ment of Louisiana, comraandant-in-chief and lieutenant-governor of the western part of Louisiana. We met by his order to arbi- trate and estimate the merchandise belonging to Mr. Charles Gra- tiot, and deposited with Mr. Charles Sanguinet. When about to commence Messrs. Gratiot and Sanguinet presented themselves — the one declarin^^ to us that no one in the world but himself, had the right to value his goods, and the other having challenged the arbitrator appointed by the adverse party, we unanimously re- nounced the arbitration, and returned back all proceedings therein between these parties to the judicious enlightenment and decision of Mr. de Leyba. " C&RRi. " St. Louis, May 21, 1780." " Between Charles Gratiot, merchant of the village of Cahokia, plaintiff, versus Charles Sanguinet, merchant of this post of St. Louis, defendant. " Decision. — All the evidence in this case having been atten- tively examined and duly considered, we decide that Mr. San- guinet is not sustained in his defense, that he wrongfully re- tained the goods of Mr. Gratiot, that had merely been entrusted 190 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. to his care for safe keeping, as is proven by all the evidence in the case. " In consequence we condemn the said Mr. Sanguinet in all the costs, expenses and damages of this suit, and direct him to re- store to Mr. Gratiot all the merchandise, etc., deposited with him by said Gratiot ior safe keeping, under the penalty of imprison- ment, etc. " Given at St. Louis in the government room by we, Don Fer- nando de Leyba, commander-in-chief and lieutenant-governor of the western part of Louisiana. " Feb' DO DE Leyba. " St. Louis, May 26, 1780." 'No better proof can be adduced of the impai'tiality and uprightness of De Leyba as a judge than his decision in this case of Gratiot and Sanguinet. Sanguuiet, a Canadian, was identified with St. liOuis, where he had resided for some years engaged in business, had married a daughter of Dr. Conde, a former surgeon in the French service, with an ex- tensive and hicrative practice, who had come over to this side with Laclede, with numerous family con- nections and influential friends in the place, who could not but feel interested in his success. Whereas Gratiot was almost a stranger in the place, but little over two years in the country on the other or American side of the river, without a single relative or connection in the country, and his busi- ness heretofore confined exclusively to Illinois. Yet with all these advantages in favor of Sanguinet, of which Gratiot was well aware when he declined arbi- INROAD OF MAY 26, 1780. 191 tratioii, we find De Lcyba, regardless of the sympa- thies of the friends of Sangiiinet, deciding the case according to his conscience in favor of Gratiot, regardless of the effect it might pi'oduce on his own personal popularity. The causes which led to the affair of May 26, 1780 : Four years previously (1776) the British colonies on the Atlantic coast had renounced their allegiance to the mother country and asserted their indepen- dence. Two years later (1778) the Virginians under Clark had surprised and taken possession of the English or Illinois side of the Mississippi. In the winter of 1778-79 the British from Detroit under Hamilton had retaken Vinccnnes from the Virginians, and expected to be soon able to retake the whole country and again establish the authority of Great Britain. This Illinois side had been British for fourteen years, a number of its principal inhabitants were either Canadians or Englishmen, and had thriven and acquired property under British rule, conse- quently were Tories in sentiment and interest, with a firm belief on their part, as with many on the Atlantic border, that the rebellion of the American people of the colonies would soon be put down, and the rule of the legitimate sovereign restored. 192 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. The Illinois Indians were at that period all under the influence of the Canadian traders and their emis- saries, hence the troubled and unsettled condition of the Illinois side, more particularly at Cahokia, where the next attempt of the British to recover possession was more especially apprehended. But not so the Spanish portion on the west side, where the people were mostly all French ; they had lived in peace and harmony with the Indians since the first settlement of the country, and there was no cause whatever for apprehension, nor did they feel the least, as the sudden inroad on to their side was so totally unex- pected and astounding as to create as much surprise as consternation. In proof of the condition of affairs on the Amer- ican side of the river at that period, and the con- stant apprehensions of the people over there of another attempt of the British to recapture Cahokia from the Americans. I append an extract from the cor- respondence of Charles Gratiot, then a resident over there. Cahokia, December 16, 1779. " Col. Montgomery,* Kaskaskia: " I write you in haste by Mr. Girardin to apprise you of the calamitous occurrences with which we are threatened at every moment. " This night at about midnight I was awakened and told that * American officer then in command at Kaskaskia. INROAD OF MAY 20, 1780. 193 the cantiiie (soldiers' dramshop), near the place of Mr. Labbe, was taken by the Indians. I got up immediately to go to Mr. Lacroix's to know the truth of the report; reaching there 1 found a Peoria Indian, a hand at the said cantine, who told me ' that he liad started yesterday with Charley, an Indian interpreter, and son of the Wolf chief of the Kickapoos, to go to the mammelles, on the hills about a league distance from tiie said cantine, that on arriving there they found a large Indian lodge with a number of Indians in it, who immediately seized Charley and tied him ; for iiimself, a woman warned him that if he did not escape at once he would be killed with the others.' He also said the son of the Wolf was complicated with the other Indians of the party. From what I see and learn they are Wabash Indians, and may number about 50 or GO men, having eiglit lodges united as one. Whereupon, to be prepared against so pressing a danger, I im- mediately caused to be assembed all the people at my house, to deliberate on wiiat we sliould do, where we determined to at once despatch twenty of tlio bravest and most resolute of our young men, well mounted and armed, witli a written order to Mr. Saucier as their commandant, ' to demand from these Indians the reason why they made a prisoner of Cliarley, and to bring him to the village,' and if the Indians opposed it to clmrge on them like brave soldiers ; and if the Indians wanted to enter into a parley, to have nothing to say to them, more than ' that they send with them two or three of their chief men to confer with the old inhab- itants of the village.' I have just this moment despatched the said horsemen well armed with a white flag to offer them peace or war. Chakles Gratiot. Ill another letter later in December , in reply to one from Col. Montgomery , Mr. Gratiot says : — " All has been very quiet since that time, and we have heard no further rumors of the approach of any enemies." " P. S. — As soon as I received your hist, I sent it to Cardi- nal, who lives on tlie Mississippi a few leagues above Cahokia, 18 194 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. translated into French, with instructions to caution all those of the other side, who had any intention of going up the Illinois river, not to expose themselves to the risk seeing the danger they would incur in so doing. " Charles Gratiot." This day, Friday, May 26, 1780, had been set by the governor for his final judgment in the Gratiot- Sangninet suit, at which were assembled in the gov- ernment hall the principal business men of the place, all greatly interested in the decision of so important a matter. While so engaged, and doubtless at the very hour itself, this marauding party of savages, for it was nothing more, were also engaged, at a safe distance from the village, in their hellish work of shooting down in cold blood those innocent and un- suspecting inhabitants whose lives were so ruthlessly sacrificed on that eventful day. All the circumstances connected with this massacre, all the facts and occurrences previously, prove con- clusively that no combined attack was ever made, if ever meditated, on St. Louis, with whom the Indians were and always had been on a friendly footing, but that it was the design of the British to make one more attempt to re-establish their authority in Illinois by the surprise of Caholda, the easiest assailable point on that side, if it could be accom- plished with but little or no loss to themselves, but which attempt, if ever conceived, subsequent events INROAD OF MAY 26, 1780. 195 admonished them to abandon as hopeless ; and that some few of then* Indian alUes, disappointed in their chief inducement for aiding in it — pillage and plun- der — crossed the river to seek revenge for their dis- appointment by shooting down any straggler they might come across in the fields, taking good care to keep at a safe distance from the village, as the nearest body found, that of Amable Guion, was on his land more than a mile from the village, and the others from one to four miles distant ; and as there was no Indian found dead, it is conclusive that there was neither battle nor attack on the village, but simply a one-sided affair, in which the lives of seven peaceable persons, theretofore their friends, were liarbarously sacrificed in the gratification of malice and revenge. And here let me add that when, long since, I first read all that had been alleged against De Leyba by the few early writers on St. Louis, I imbibed to a great extent the prejudices unjustly entertained by them against him ; but after I had become familiar with his decisions on cases brought before him, and read his impartial and apparently just decisions in most of these cases, I became convinced that he had been a much villified and abused man and grossly misrepresented, and when we consider the troubles and perplexities of his l^rief administration of the government, coupled with the irreparable loss of his young wife, leaving two motherless little girls to the 196 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIfc'. care of strangers in a strange land, it should not excite surprise that he should become somewhat intemperate in his latter days, as is alleged against him by some of those early writers, although without proof. Gov. De Leyba's decision in the Gratiot and San- guinet case seems to have been about his ^ast official act as governor, as we find nothing further from him in that capacity in our ai'chives. He took to his bed with his last illness very shortly after the sad affair of May 26th, sending to Ste. Genevieve for his lieutenant, Don Silvio de Carta- bona, to be at ha)\d to administer the government, in the event of las death, which it appears he antici- pated. On the arrival of Cartabona, he executed his last will on June 10, 1780, in the presence of this latter and others, and expired on the 28th, a brief month after the sad affair of May 26th, his death doubtless hastened by the occurrences of that day, and his remains were interred in the body of the church. Brief sketches of those who were killed on May 26, 1780: — 1. Amahle Guion, Sr., came from the vicinity of Fort Chartres with his wife and infant son Am- able, among the first to come here in 1765. He CHARLES BISSETTE. 197 built a stone house on his lot, the north half of block No. 5 (the 8. e. corner of Main and Elm), where he lived until his death on the above day, at the age of about thirty-eight years. His widow married Wm. Hebert Leconte, a trader, a native of Quebec, on November 3, 1780, about five months after the death of her first husband, Guion. She died in 1835, leaving a numerous progeny of grand and great-grandchildren, all descended fi'om her only child, the Amable Guion No. 2 above men- tioned. Guion had a forty arpent concession extending fi'om Broadway to Jefferson Avenue about a mile north of the village where Cass Avenue is now located, a part then in cultivation on which he was killed. The writei" of this sketch occupied a part of this old stone house in 1818-19. 2. Charles Bissette was born in Montreal, Canada, in the year 1747, and was amongst the first that came over from Fort Chartres in 1765, with an older brother, Wm. Bissette, a thriviug business man, who died unmarried in 1772, and several mai'ried sisters. Charles B. married January 29, 1774, at the age of twenty-seven, a Miss Marie Christine Pepin, aged twenty-eight years, likewise a native of Canada, daughter of Jno. M. Pepin, dit Lachanse, a stone mason, who built several of the early stone houses of the village. 198 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. About the time of CharlcH Bissette's marriage, he built a stone house of 40 by 20 feet, a large one for the day, on his lot, the south half of block No. 54, at the northwest corner of Poplar and Second, where he was living at the time of his death. May 26, 1780, at the age of thirty-three, leaving his widow and two small boys, Paul and Antoine, and Marie, an infant daughter, who when grown became the wife of Louis Boissy. After the death of Chas. Bissette, his widow, Maiie Christine, married a second husband on Sep- tember 1, 1781, one Jno. Baptist Provencher, a wheel- wright, who died in 1813 at the northeast corner of Pine and Second, where now stands the Boat- mail's Banh, of which lot he was the original ownei* in 1765, and where his widow died a few years after him. The Bissette stone house on l^lock ^o. 54 became in time the property of old Pierre Didier, a watch-maker fi-oni Paris, about the year 1795, who, after the transfer of the country to the United States, was for a time the treasurer of the territory, and sev- eral of our early Fourth of July celebrations came off in " Old Didier'' s Apple Orchard.'''' Charles Bissette owned a tract of 2\ by 40, 100 arpents, in the Grand Prairie, between the concessions of Mme. Hebert and Mme. Dodier, of which he had a few arpents in cultivation. He was killed on this land, or between it and the village. JOHN M. CARDINAL. 109 3. Joseph Calve ^ whose son, a young lad, was also one of the victims, was an early settlei* of the place, having received from St. Ange the second recorded concession of a lot in the village, April 30, 1766, being the east half of the present block No. 61, on the west side of Second Street, from Chestnut to Pine, ruiniing back to the alley, upon which he built a small log house, where he lived a cou})le of years. He bore an indifferent character for honesty, and being suspected of robbery, absconded in the night time in 1768. We find, however, his family living at the southeast corner of our Vine and Second Streets in January, 1770, and until 1786. This Calve was a trader, and spent most of his time with the Indians. The age of his son killed is not stated nor where fovmd. 4. Joseph Chancellier'* s negro. — Nothing is found respecting this person, his name, age, nor any other particular except the bare fact that he was interred, with the others named, by the priest. Father Bernard, on the same day. May 26, 1780. These comprise the four whose bodies were brought into the village and interred on the same evening. 5. John Marie Cardinal and wife Marianne, came over from the little village of St. Phillippe, a few miles above Fort Chartrcs, near the southwest corner of the present Monroe County, his family being one 2()0 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. of the fit'toon then constituting the little vilhige, all of whom abandoned the place and came over to this side in 17G5, except the commandant of the post, whom they left there " «/o«e in his glory.'''' He lived on the southeast (puirter of block No. 20, being the northwest corner of our present Main and Green Streets. Cardinal when killed was a man somewhat advanced in years, having a family of several chil- dren, his eldest daughter, Genevieve, wife of Jno. B. Vifvarenne, being about twenty-three years of age, with a couple of children. He was killed on a piece of land he owned in the Grand Prairie, about three miles northwest of our present court-house, east of the Faii'-grounds, now Lindell Park, and was buried where his body was found. 6. Francis Hebert. — There were two Hebert fam- ilies here from the start. One, the Ileberts proper, from Fort Chartres, and the others, the Heberts Leconte, from Canada. Previous to the establishment of St. Louis, Ignace Hebert, the father of this Francis, died on the other side, at Fort Chartres, as his widow, Helene Danis, was here and possessed a house and lot, the south half of block N^o. 38, prior to the concessions. Francis Hebert (called Belhomme), their son, was born at Fort Chartres about 1750. He married in PUANCIS HEUEKT. 201 St. Lou; on FebfiKuy 4, 1771, at the aHtolic and Roman Cliristian, he commends his soul to God, besut^'hing the BlesHcd Vir<^in Mary, and all the Saints of the celestial court to intercede for him, so that the Almighty may receive him among the Hlesscd. '• The testator wishes and ordains that his l)ody be buried in the church of this parish by the side of his deceased wife, and a solemn service be celebrated the day of iiis funeral ; moreover, fifty low masses and one Solemn Service at the end of the year for the repose of his soul, and tliat of his wife, " The said Testator having two daughters born of his marriage, the one named Pepita, and tlie other named llita, he acknowl- edges them as being liis legitimate daughters. " He wisiies and ordains that tliere shall be remitted out of his goods to Madame Joseph Viscageaux, his mother, at Barcelona, the sum of one thousand hard dollars, wliich sum she shall receive without any charge or cost, ard if there be any, it shall lie on account of the heirs of the saiu testator, and as regards all the other goods which he possesses in this colony, he leaves them to the care of M. do Galvcz, governor-general of Louisiana, to be invested, and the annual interest thereof to be employed in ed- ucating his two daughters, either in the convent or any other boarding school. " The said Testator has appointed for his Testamentary Exe- cutor, Francis Vigo, merchant, residing in tliis post, and for his substitute, Benito Vasquez, Lieutenant of Militia, requesting them to take this cliarge, and placing in their hands all his goods. " The said Testator declares that all the furniture existing in the Government House is his personal property, so that no person can claim anything thereof, excepting, nevertheless, the goods which Mr. Vigo has brought upon his last voyage, and which belong to the presents for the Indians. " The testator wishes anick8, iron & bolt... 1 pick, hoe, boat-hook 20 carots of tobacco. . . 1 demijohn, 1 pitcher grease H small shirts, traders 3 boxes 1 box old iron 2 gridirons, fork, tri- pod, Ac 1 mattock, Slbs 1 do. 41bs 10 Horttiz. 5 10 Sanguln't. 20 Blanco. 58 Tardif. 25 Horttiz. 20 Chevall'r. 15 Sanguin't. fl 10 Blanco. 2 10 Same. 37 Same. 19 10 Cheval'r. 39 Sang't. 12 10 Chartran. 15 10 Guion. 15 40 30 Sanguin't. Taillon. Chevallier. About 100 empty bottles 12 china plates 12 do 20 carots tobacco 20 do. 20 do. 26 do. 12 plates 5 dishes 6 goblets, a colfee cup A funnel, piercer, corks, &c A scarlet cloak A pot of shooting powder Locks and old iron. . . 1 pair of oxen 1 tumbrel 3rised somebody in this offense, he shall be reputed an abettor of the crime, condemned to pay the same fine and damage, and be subjected to the same penalty above mentioned. " 13th. — The owners of fences shall be refjuired to stamp them with their names in full, under the penalty of a fine of 15 livres. " 14th. — The person who shall take a horse tied in the prairie to use it without the consent of the owner, shall be fined 25 220 ANNALS OF 8T, LOUIS. livres, and imprisoned 24 hours ; and should any accident befall the horse, he shall pay therefor according to the appraisement which shall be made. " 15th. — If horses or animals tied in the prairie, breaking their ropes, should be taken in the fields, those who take them up shall require five 5 livres for each head, and the owner of the land upon wliich they are arrested, shall require the payment of the damages to be valued by umpires. " 16th. — When it shall be proven that any person has taken away the rope of an animal tied in the prairie, he shall pay ten livres for it, besides the damages caused tl'^reby according to the appraisement thereof by umpires. " 17th. — It is forbidden to any person to tie horses or other ani- mals upon the land of another person, without his special consent; should it be otherwise, the owner of ;;he land may seize the ani- mals and require from those to whom tliey belong five livres per head, and it shall be lawful for him to claim the damage in case any had been done. " 18th. — When slaves shall be found to transgress any of the foregoing articles, their masters shall pay the fines, arrests and damages prescribed, and the above said slaves shall be punished by whipping, according to the gravity of the case. " 19th. — All the fines shall be deposited with the sindic ap- pointed by the lieutenant-governor from the two that are to be nominated yearly for the police and keeping of the village, and they shall revert to the public works of the community. " Done and passed in the government hall in the presence of the aforesaid lieutenant-governor, who has signed with us the same day and year as above. " Perbault, Ceuu^, Rene Kiercereaux, Brazeau, mark of mark of Mr. Joseph x Tayon. Mr. Joseph x Mainville. Chauvin, Aug'te Chouteau, Fran'co Cruzat. CHARLES GRATIOT. 221 CHARLES GRATIOT. Daiing the progress of the xVmerican revolution, the country, as all well know, had become flooded with continental scrip which had so depreciated as to be almost worthless, and of which Mr. Gratiot possessed a large amount, which as an enthusiastic American he had cheerfully accepted from the Ameri- can officers in Illinois, having unbounded confidence in its ultimate redemption. After some unsuccess- ful endeavors to collect a portion of his claims through the agency of others, Mr. Gratiot, in the the spring of 1783, hostilities between the United States and Great Britain having ceased, and negotia- tions for peace then pending, thinking he might realize at least a portion of his claims on Virginia if he presented them in person, set out on horseback, the only mode of locomotion at that day in the wild west, and after a journey of 1,500 miles through the al- most trackless wilds of Illinois, Kentucky and West Virginia, arrived in safety at Richmond, the then new capital of Virginia, being the first actual resident of St. Louis that ever up to that time had made the journey. After an absence of over a vear, in which he made the personal acquaintance of Patrick Henry, Thos. Jefferson and other Revolutionary worthies of the 222 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. day, he got homo to St. Louis late in June, 1784, un- successful, however, in the object for which he under- took his long and hazardous journey, the exchequers of the United States and Virginia being then ex- hausted. I append here the action of the Virginia authorities on two or three of his claims, found among his papers, as curious documents, exhibiting the spirit of the times : — " Fort Patrick Henry, in the Illinois, lltli Aug., 1779. " Exchange 405 2/3 Dolls., No. 151. " On sight of this my first of exchange (tlie second of the same tenor and date not paid), please pay Mr. Joseph Anderson, or order, the sum of four hundred and five dollars and two-thirds, it being his pay for going express from Kaskaskias to Kentucky, and for sundry articles lost, provisions furnished for himself and comrade as per account to me rendered, with or without advice from, sir, ' ' Your most obedient humble servant, " To the Treasurer of Virginia. Wm. Shannon, Comdr. -General, etc. INDORSED. August 12th, 1779. " Received of Capt. Helm, the amount of the within bills in cash on behalf of the State. " Joseph Anderson." " I do assign the within to Mr. Josh. Andrews; it being for value received. " Leonard Helm. " " I do assign the within to Pierre Mallet, June 10, 1780. " Joseph Andr^." " I do assign the within to Charles Gratiot, June 10, 1780. (( Pierre Mallet. CHARLES GRATIOT. 223 " On this clay, being the tenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eightj'-three, I John Beckle}', mayor of the city of Richmond, in the Commonwealth of Vir- ginia (there being no notary- public in said Commonwealth), at the request of Charles Gratiot aforesaid, diil exhiljit the original of which the above bill of exchange is a true copy, to the treas- urer aforesaid, on whom the same is drawn, and demanded pay- ment thereof ; whereunto tlie said treasurer gave for answer that he would only pay twenty pounds * for the same, which was re- fused by the said Charles Gratiot. " Tlierefore, I the said Mayor, do hereby at the request of Charles Gratiot aforesaid, solemnly protest against the drawer of said bill, and against all other persons concerned, for all change, exchange, reexchange, costs, interest and damages suffered and to be suffered for want of payment of the said bill. This done and protested in the said city of Richmond on the da}', month and year aforesaid. In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of said city of Richmond to be hereunto affixed. " John Becki.ey, Mayor." " Received of Joseph Andre twelve bottles taffla, at different times, for the use of friendly Indians, two bushels of corn, one hog. Fort Patrick Henry, May 20, 1780. " Val'e Tiios. Dalton, Dep. Indian Agent." THE STATE OF VIIIGINIA. " 12 bottles taffla 20 dollars, 240 2 bushels corn 10 1 hog 30 280 dollars." INDORSATIONS. " I assign the within to Pierre Mallet, June 10th, 1780. " Joseph Andre." " I assign the within to Charles Gratiot, June 10, 1780. " Pierre Mallet." ♦ 20 pounds Virginia currency $66.67. 224 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. " On this clay, being the tenth clay of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, I, Jolui Beckley, Mayor of the City of Richmond, in the Commonwealth of Virginia (there being no notary public in said Commonwealth of Virginia), at tlie request of Charles Gratiot, aforesaid, did exhibit the original of which the above certificate is a true copy, to the auditors of public accounts of the Commonwealth of Virginia, who by the laws of the said Commonwealth are author- ized to liquidate and pay all claims and demands whatsoever against the said Commonwealth, and demanded payment of the same, whereunto tlie said auditors gave for answer that they would only pay seventeen pounds ten shillings for the same, which was refused by the said Charles Gratiot. Therefore, I, the said Mayor, do hereby, at the request aforesaid, solemnly protest against the drawer of the said certificate and against all other persons concerned, for all change, exchange, re-exchange, cost, interest and damages suffered and to be suffered for want payment of the said certificate. "This done and protested in the City of Richmond the day, month and year aforesaid. In testimony whereof I liave caused the seal of the said City of Richmond to be hereunto aflSxed. " John Beckley, Mayor." ' ' The State of Virginia, Dr. to Joseph Andre. Provisions found four Delaware chiefs four days, two dollars each, thirty-two dollars, being in council at St. Vincents, April 5, 1780. I do certify the above to be true. " Val'e Thos. Dalton, Dep. I. A. " Indorsations : — " I assign the within to Pierre Mallet, June 10, 1780. "Joseph Andr^. " I assign the within to Charles Gratiot, June 10, 1780. " Pierre Mallet." " On this day, being the tenth day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, I, John Beckley, Mayor of the City of Richmond, in the Commonwealth FLOOD OF 1784. 225 of Virginia (there being no notary public in said Commonwealth), at the request of Charles Gratiot, aforesaid, did exhibit the original, of which the above certificate is a true copj', to the auditors of public accounts of the Commonwealth of Virginia, who, by the laws of the said Commonwealth, are authorized to liquidate and pay all claims and demands whatsoever against the said Commonwealth, and demanded payment of the same, where- unto the said auditors gave for answer that they would only pay three pounds for the same, which was refused by the said Charles Gratiot. Therefore, I, the said Mayor, do hereby, at the request of the aforesaid, solemnly protest against the drawer of the said certificate and against all other persons concerned, for all change, exchange, re-exchange, costs, interests and damages suffered and to be suffered for want of payment of tiie said certificate. Thus done and protested in the said City of Richmond, the day, month and year aforesaid. In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the said City of Richmond to be thereunto affixed. "John Becklet, Mayor." During his stay at Richmond Mr. Gratiot effected an arrangement with the Virginia authorities respect- ing aportion of his claims, for which they agreed to give him lands in Kentucky so soon as land offices were established and lands surveyed, but I believe he never realized anything from them. 1784. — The annual floods of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers usually occur at different periods in the spring of the year, that from the Missouri the earliest. In the early summer of 1784 they occurred at the same time. The combined waters of the two rivers caused a destructive inundation at all points below their junction. As this was the first occur- 15 226 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. rence of this nature noticed in the experience of our earliest settlers, it became a noted epoch in its annals, and the year 1784 was always from that period desig- nated by the French inhabitants " I'ann^e des grands eaux," the year of the great waters. The original village of Ste. Genevieve on the flat near the river, a couple of miles below the present one, was swept away entirely, the present town of Ste. Genevieve dating from the year 1785. By marks kept at Ste. Genevieve and Kaskaskia the flood of 1844 rose some four feet above that of 1785. Nicholas Francis Guion, a blacksmith, had his shop on the north half of block No. 14 in 1769, and kept it there for a number of years, the farthest house at the north end of the village. He died up the Mississippi River in 1784. The inventory of his estate was taken by Governor Cruzat on December 4, 1784, at the house of his friend and neighbor, Jno. Bap. Ortes, the carpenter, viz : — Personal effects 459 livres. Magdalena, 31 years, an Indian Slave 600 Alexis, 10 " do. K Joseph, 4 or 5 " Amable, 2 " do. A trunk with a plated cross, A receipt of Joseph Viez for '! 400 150 80 5 100 Total livres 1794, Emilien Yosti, Joseph Mainville, V Appraisers. Luke Marly, ) Francisco Cruzat. He had disposed of his house, which is not on record. SUIT AGAINST ISABEL BISSETTE VACHARD. 227 " Marie Cardinal, the widow of Jean M. Cardinal, murdered by the British Indians, May 26th, 1780, having a family of seven children, petitions your Excellency for an inventory of the prop- erty of her deceased husband's estate, to enable her to dispose of the same, &c.," viz. : — Valuation personal effects A pair of oxen 510 livres. .500 " A cow 200 n A horse 150 n A mare and colt 300 Total 1660. By Louis POTIER & ) ^,,„^„;,g-., Nicholas Hkbert, ] ^IWai^ers. Aug. 2, 1784. Approved, Fkan'co Cruzat, 1784. — Action against Isabel Bissette Vachard, wife of Louis Vachard dit Lardoise, of St. Louis, on the complaint of Datchu- rut, Jno. B. Valle and Louis Bolduc of St. Genevieve, made Dec'r 11, 1783 to Don Silvio Francisco de Cartabona Lieut, and acting judge at St. Genevieve, for a violation of the laws, in this, in bringing in her boat from St. Louis to the salt works of Dat- churut & Valle, near St. Genevieve, articles of clothing and dry goods, which she traded off to slaves and others, for salt, corn, meal, grain, &c., to the manifest injury of these parties, in caus- ing the slaves to steal from their owners, and in some instances to run off to avoid punishment. Dec. 11, 1783. Affidavit of Jno. B. Racine, taken before Car- tabona in St. Genevieve. " 12. do. of Alexis Griffard, the boss at the Salt Works, do., establishing the facts set out in the declaration of tlie plaintiffs. " 18 & 19. Affidavits of parties in St. Lonis, confirming the above. Her boat and cargo were seized and confiscated, and sold at public sale at St. Louis, and the proceeds held by the governor, awaiting the issue of the suit, as to the claims of parties in St. Louis (ladies), who owned a part of the goods. 228 ANNALS OP 8T. LOUIS. " 1784, March 24. The prosecutors at St. Genevieve above naraetl, considering her ignorance of tlie laws, the standing of her- self, relatives and connections in St. Louis, relinquished their claims on her for indenanity for their losses, requiring her to pay all costs of the suit, and refund the amounts some of them had expended in the prosecution. " Gov. Cruzat presented his general account of costs, &c. : March 23. Amount realized from the sale 1095 reals of ]2^c. 136. 87§ u u Paid Demers, constable, services at sale 21 reals. 2.62^ April 4. ' ' costs at St. Genevieve papers, &c., &c. 85 a u> o o H ! s S H bo n 8 I ' LOUIS CREPEAU, SALE OF HIS HOUSE. 259 village the seventh clay of the present month, where, on our arrival, we convoked a meeting of all the inhabitants and citizens of the pariah and its dependencies to consider the must conven- ient method for the advantage of all to establish the fences of the Fields and preserve the crops from the depredations of animals. "All the inhabitants having expressed their views, it was de- cided by the majority tliat it was important to the safety of the crops that the lands should be all enclosed, conformably to the regulations of the present year, of which a copy is in the archives of said village of Ste. Genevieve, to remain so the whole year, excepting a certain interval of time, when it is allowed to turn in cattle, after the crops are gathered in, to give tiiem pasture, and that only to the time when the Trustee will be required to order the execution, or shall himself so order, which must be executed without opposition on the part of the owners of animals, to restore the said fields for ploughing and sewing anew, under the guarantee of their same fences. This we have (conformably to the orders of the Governor General) agreed to, and ratified, to re- main permanent, in accordance with the wishes and intentions of the large majority of the people of said village. Wherefore, we order all others to conform to this regulation in its full sense, which each year's sindic will see duly enforced, under the penalty of offenders being treated as refractory to good order and gov- ernment. " Done and agreed to at the village o*' Ste. Genevieve, before Messrs. Francois & Batiste Vall6, the requisite witnesses, who with us the commandant in chief, have signed the seventh d ay of the month of September, one thousand seven hundred and ninety- three. " Francois Vall^, "J. Btb. Vall:^;, Zescn Trcdeau." SALE OF THE CREPEAU HOUSE. " To the Lieutenant Governor: " Eugenio Alvarez, an inhabitant and resident of this town of St. Louis in Illinois, with due respect appears before you, and says, that one Louis Crepeau is the owner of an old and dilapi- 260 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. dated house on a piece of ground in the town, bounded one s.kle by the widow of Jacques Labbe, on another by the widow of Lardoise, on another side by the second principal street, and on the other by a cross street, and the said Louis Crepeau being absent for six or seven years, having contracted some debts, and particularly a sum of considerable amount to the petitioner, and desirous that the said house should not be entirely ruined, no one living in it, to the prejudice of its owner and of his creditors, humbly requests you to order a valuation to be made of said ground and house, * by sworn arbiters, so that the person named Alexander Grimeau, the brother in law of the said Crepeau, may take possession thereof before it falls entirely to ruin, the said Grimeau remaining responsible for re-imbursing to said Crepeau, or to his creditors, the full amount of the valuation. A favor he expects to receive from your well known justice. " EUGENIO AtVAREZ." " St. Louis in Illinois March 20, 1794. "Petition granted, for which purpose I appoint Don Joseph Robidou, Don Benturu Collell and Don Gregorio Sarpy to make tlie valuation of tbd house to-morrow the 21st before me, and the said Grimeaa may remain therein, for the price of the ap- praisement, for 'vhich he will be responsible to the said Crepeau, or to his creditors. Tbudeau." SYLVESTER LABBADIE. Silvester Labbadie Sr., son of Dominick Labadie and Anne Beclac was born in Tarbes, Bearne, France — his name is first found in the Archives of St. Louis in the year 1769, and in 1773 associated in 1 This lot, at the corner of Second and Poplar, was cut up by a deep gully through it, had no enclosure, and a very old house of posts, 20 by 16 feet, was valued at sixty dollars. 8YLVFSTER LA.BBADIE. 261 business with Jos. M. Papin. He was married July 27, 1776, to Pelag-io the second daughter of Mrs. Marie Therese Bourgeois Chouteau. After a suc- cessful business of some 20 years, in which he ac- fjuired a handsome compcitency, he died on June 19, 1794 — his age is not stated. HIS WILL. " In the town of St. Louis of Illinois, the eighteenth day of the month of June, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety four, Don Silvestre Labbadie, merchant in the said town, has declared that he had made his will, in the presence of Pedro Pedesclaux, notary public in the City of New Orleans, on the twenty eighth day of May, one thousand seven hundred and ninety one ; and that for the satisfactio.i of his conscience and that of his heirs, he will add as a codicil, what follows, to wit: That his Majesty having allowed to Fathers of Families the right of ap- pointing such intelligent persons as they wish, for dividing tlieir estate and regulating their interests, the said Silvestre Labbadie, using this privilege has named Bernard Pratto, his nephew (son inlaw) and Auguste Chouteau his cousin (brother in law) to make the Inventory and the division of all his property, accord- ing to the form prescribed in the said will, and he wishes and ordains that Pelagic Chouteau, executrix, appointed in the same will for the same purpose, shall execute it in what is not con- trary to this present codicil, which shall remain in force and vigor. " Made and executed in the presence of Antoine Reilhe, Manuel Gonzales Moro, Benito Vasquez, Mathurin Bouvet, be- fore me Zenon Trudeau, captain of the Regiment of Infantry stationed in Louisiana, Lieutenant Governor, and commandant of the western bank of the Illinois, in default of a Notary in this jurisdiction. Don Silvestre Labbadie. " M. BoDVET, Benito Vasquez, Manuel Gonzales Moro, Ant'e Reilhe. " Zenon Trudeau. 2G2 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Silvcstre Labbadie died on the next day, the 19th June. When thii estate was finally closed in November, 1795, there were five children living-, all minors, Sil- vestre, Emily, Pelagic, Sophie and Marie Antionette. Emily, the oldest, had been married to Bei-nardPratte a month before her father's death. LOUIS CIIAUVET DUBREUIL, was born at Rochelle, Aunis, in France, in the year 1736, son of Rene Chauvet Dnbreuil, attorney tor the king, and Marie Dagnau. He came to St. Louis in 17G5, at the age of twenty-nine, and married there on September 19, 1772, Miss Susanne Sahi- tous, aged seventeen, daughter of John Saintous, de- ceased, and Subada Tuyaret. Louis Dnbreuil' 8 will is dated July 15, 1794 ; he died four days afterwards, on the 19th, leaving to his widow and nine children, two sons and seven daugh- ters, all minors at his death, a handsome property he had acquired in his business. They all lived to be- come married men and women. It is somewhat singular in the lives of these two men, Labbadie and Dnbreuil, that they both came from the western part of France, were friends and near neighbors for over 25 years, and died within a month of each other, each leaving a large family of children, all minors, and all living to become married. OUIOIN OP NEW MADRID. 2G3 MANUMI88IOX. " This day the 2l9t(lay of April 1790 before me Don Louis Charles Blanc, Captain in the Army of the King, civil and military commandant of the I'oat of Natchitoches and depend- encies. In default of a Notary in this place, was personally present Mr. John Baptist Grappe, inliahitant of tliis district, who declares and affirms by these presents, that he voluntarily gives freedom to his mulatto woman named Catiche, aiied about twenty six years, whom he purchased from Mr. Louis Fontenau of this said place, recorded in this olHce tiie first of this present month of April. This is granted her so that she may enjoy it without any hindrance, with all the privileges granted to the enfranciiised for this is the pleasure of the donor, wlio forever renounces all claims of service upon said liberated slave. " Done at said place of Natchitoches in presence of Mr. Joseph Tauzin and Andre Rambin witnesses who with said Jno. B. Grappe and myself the above commandant have signed the same. JosKi'H Tauzin, Andke Ramuin, Loiis Di:Br.ANC. Jno. Bai't. Gkaitk. Don Louis Charles De Blanc, Captain of Infantry. ORIGIX OF NEW MADRID AXD FIRST CENSUS. " New Madrid, Dec. 31, 1796. *' To Mr. Charles Dehault Delassus, Lieut. Colonel admitted into the Stationary Regiment of Louisiana, and Military and Civil Commandant of the Posts and Districts of New Madrid: — " Sir, the Commandant, " Before handing j'^ou the first census of New Madrid under your commandment, I have ventured upon a sketch upon the origin of the settlement of this Post, and tlie causes which have retarded its growth and chiefly its cultivation. If former defects have kept it until this time in a species of stupefaction, your saga- cious views and the zeal you exhibit to second the good will of Mr. the Governor General of this Province towards this settlement, 264 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. can in n little while efface the trutible it experienced in its birth. " I was present Mr. Commanrtiint wiien you pronounced with effusion these words, wliich I wisli that all the inhabitants wight have heard ; words which depicted ho frankly your kind intentions, and the interest which Mr. the Governor takes in us. "'The Governor,' said you, "is surprised at the languor ex- hibited by this settlement and its little advance, he desires its prosperity. I will rellect ' upon its failure,' added you, ' and will endeavor to remedy it, I ask your assistance. If the inhabi- tants need encouragement, if they sliind in need of help, let them inform me of their wants, and I will convey them to the Gov- ernor General.' This offer was appreciated by those near you, little accustomed to hear the like they wondered at you, admired you, and appeared to rest content, "Nevertheless, different statements were spread amongst those who heard you ; Why so long a silence since your generous offer? Is it distrust on their part? Is it mistrust of their own misunder- standing? Is it profound reflection to better further your views? or may it not be self-interest that induces some to remain silent? I am ignorant of their motives, and limit myself to the hope that they will eventually break their silonce and make known to you their salutary reHections. " If my knowledge equalled my desires, I would hasten with all my power, sir, the commandant, to tender you the homage of my services, but they fall too far shoit to allow me to hope that they could be of any utility to you. I will confine myself solely to communicate to you such knowledge as I have acquired, and my reflections thereon since I have been at this Post, and may a series of these reflections assist in your benevolent heart some happy idea that may tend to the advantage and prosperity of this colony. " Some traders in pursuit of gain, came to I'ansea la graisse, {cove of fat or grease,) a rendezvous or gathering place of sev- eral Indian nations, and where, as we are told by tradition, they found abundance of game, and especially bears and buffaloes* hence the name of I'anse a la graisse. A first year of success in- duced them to try a second, and to this others. Some of them de- termined to establish their homes where they found a sure trade and ORIGIN OF NEW MADRID. 265 unlimited advantages, dividetl tliere among ttiomselves the lands. Tiie l)ayou, named since St. Jolu), was the rallying point, and the land the nearest to this then became settled, therefore we find that Messrs. Francis and Joseph Lesiener, Ambrose Dumay, Chatoillicr, and ethers, dividitl among themselves this neighborhood ; property which Mr. Foucho, the first commandant considered as sacred, and which he di'- OUIGIN OF NEW MADlUD. 267 ing five years, the population did not increase under his administra- tion and the growth of agricultural labour was but slightl}- percepti- ble. M. Portell ^ did not value the inhal)itants sufficiently to do them a substantial favour, nor did he use the proper means to im- prove the condition of tiie colony, he was not a man of the people, and when by chance uis interest required him to assume the cliar- acter, he was extremely awkward in it, they peceived that he could not play his part, and that a residence at court would have in- finitely better suited Iiim than one in a new settlement mostly ill- composed. M. Portell liad a good heart, he was by nature noble and generous, but his mind was somewhat mistrustful and suspic- ious, and his age placed him in a position to be influenced by his surroundings. I am convinced tliat if M. Portell had come alone to thic colony, he would have exhibited much less weakness, and that his time would liave been much more taken up for the public good, tiian it had been. The little progress made b\' the Col- on}^, must not hovvever be attributed to the apparent indifference which seemed to formtlie base of M. Portell' s character, phj'sical and moral causes retarded its advancement. " At the period when M. Portell assumed his command, he found tlie inhabitants at this post made up of traders, hunters and boat- men, trade was still prett}' fair for tlie first two 3'ears of his resi- dence here, so that nearly every one, high or low, would meddle with the trade, and not a soul cultivate the soil. It was so con- venient with a little powder and lead, some cloth, and a few blan- kets, which they obtained on credit from the stores, to procure themselves the meat, grease and suet necessary for their sustenance and pay off a part of their indebtedness with some peltries. Some of them, but a very few, seeded, equally well as badly, about an acre of corn, and they all found time to smoke their pipes, and give balls and entertainments. How often have I heard them re- gretting those happy daj's, when they swam in grease, and when abundance of every description, was the cause of waste and ex- 1 M. Portell, a man of distinguished merit, equalh' in the military as in the cabinet, was superior to his position, and if he failed, it was because hi3 did not place himself on a level wtih the sort of people he had to govern. — P. A. L. 268 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. travagance, and the stores of flsh from their drag-nets gave them whiskey at 4 or 5 reaux (bit of 12 ^) a gallon, and flour at 4 or 5 dollars a barrel maintained and kept up these festivals and pleasures, which only came to an end when the purses were exhausted. "Mr. Foucher, a young man, who during his command of the Post, never neglected his work or business f(jr amusements, yet, found time to be at them all, and often was tlie first to start them, but M. Portell was not so sociable in this respect, he found fault with this giddiness and folly, and judged that a colony peopled by such indviduals could not attain a very brilliant success. "At last game in tiiese parts becoming scarcer, the Indians re- moved themselves further off and were seldom here, the traders knew very well where to find them, but the inhabitants waited for them in vain, then grease, suet, meat and peltries being no longer brought by the Indians it was only ;i few resident hunters and the traders themselves that provisioned the village, the unfortunate habit of not working had gained the day, it was too difficult to overcome it, so, great distress was often seen in the country before they could snatch a few ears of green corn from a badly cultivated field, three or four Americans at most, as far back as 1793, had risqued the settlement of farms on large tracts of land, the Creoles under valued them, did not eat their fill of dry corn bread, and smoked their pipes quietly, they were however sur- prised to see that with several cows, they often had not a drop of milk, while these three or four Americans gorged themselves with it, and sold them butter, cheese, eggs and chickens &c. " By dint of looking into the matter, and waiting in vain for the Indians to supply them with provisions, it str-ick them that the most prudent thing they could do, would be to become farmers. It became then a species of epidemic, and the malady spreading from one to the other, there was not a single one of them but who, without energy, spirit, animals or ploughs, and furnished only with his pipe and steel, must needs possess a farm. "It was towards the close of the year 1793, that this disease spread itself, and towards the spring of 1794 all the !j,nds in the vicinity of New Madrid were to be broken up and torn into rags, to be seeded and watered by the sweat of these new farmers. Who can ORIGIN OF NEW MADRID, 269 tell how far this newly awakened enthusiasm might have been carried? It might have produced a salutaiy crisis, and self love and necessity combined, we should be supplied with farmers at all hazards, and whose apprenticeship might perpaps have resulted in some success. " An unlooked for occurrence calmed this effervescence, all ■were enrolled into a militia to be paid from January 1, 1794, and they found it much pleasanter to eat the King's bread, receive his pay, and smoke his pipes, than to laboriousl}-^ grub some patches of land to make it produce some corn and potatoes. These militia men were disbanded about the middle of 1794, their pay was already wasted, they found it a great hardship to be no longer furnished with bread by the King, the largest portion of them had neglected their planting, they found themselves at the j'^ear's end in want, and clamored as thieves against the King, saying, ' it was all his fault.' M. Portell knew well his people and disregarded these outcries. " In the meantime fivegallies had come up in the course of this year, and had passed all the summer at New Madrid, and they had caused a great consumption of food ; M. Portell found nothing in the village for their subsistence and drew his supplies for them in part from Illinois and from Kentucky. He did not let pass the opportunity of making it felt b}- those of the inliabi- tants of long residence, that should iiave been in a condition to have furnished a part of these supplies, but the blows he struck came too late and made but little impression — the hot fever which had occasioned the delirium, where every one saw himself a farmer, had now subsided ; no one thought any more of it, some of them who had made a trial of tlieir experience at Lake St. Isidor, had so poorly succeeded, that the laugh was not on their side, and it needed but little for hunting, rowing and smoking the pipe to resume their ancient authorit}' over nearly all the colony. " In 1795 a new fit of the fever struck the inhabitants, the set- tlement of Fort St. Fernando occasioned a hasty cleaning out of the little corn the/e was in the colony. Kentucky furnished a little, and Ste. Genevieve supplied a great deal, even to New Madrid that fell shoit after having consumed her own supply. This example struck the inhabitants, tbey saw tliat if they had 270 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. harvested extensively, thej' could have well disposed of their surplus — new desires to go on farms to raise stock and to make crops. "During these occurrences several American families came to New Madrid, some of them placed themselves at once on farms, and like children, our Creoles from a state of jealousy, clamored against the Americans whom they thought too wonderful, jealousy stimulated them and they would also place themselves on farms. " It is in reality then onl}' since the year 1796, that we may regard the inhabitants of this post as having engaged in cultiva- tion, and that it is but yet absolutely in its infancy ; a new scarc- ity they have just experienced before the last crop, has convinced them of the importance of raising them, not only to provide against such inflictions, to enable them also, with the surplus above their own consumption, they may procure their other indis- pensable necessaries. " The population of the years 1794, 1795 and 1796, is nearly about the same, but the crops have increased from year to year, and all tends to the belief that this increase will be infinitely more perceptible in future years. " In the year 1794 the corn crop was 6,000 bushels. " '« 1795 " " 10,000 " " " 1796 " " 17,000 " " It was in this condition of things that M. Portell left hia command. " It was perhaps impossible, from the foregoing facts, that the settlement at New Madrid could have made greater progress than it has up to this time. It was not husbandmen who came and laid the foundation, it was tradesmen, cooks and others, who would live there with but little expense and labor, who being once fixed there, having their lands and their cattle, the Indians having removed themselves to a distance, and trade no longer within the reach of all the worll, necessity taught them that to procure the means necessary to live they must resort to tiLing the soil. The first attempts were difficult, but the inducement of disposing with ease of their crops determined them to labor. " The first steps iiave been taken, nothing remains for a wise ORIGIN OF NEW MADRID. 271 CoiniBandant but to manage '^verytliing with prudence, according to tiie views of the Government, to firmly repel idleness and lazi- ness, to welcome and encourage activity, and exhibit to the industrious man that he is distinguished above others, and has earned the protection of tlis government ; in giving him tangible proof, either by preference in imrcliasing from him, or some other manner of recompense. The honest man, the active and indus- trious man is sensible of the slightest proceeding on the part of his Superior, and it is to him a great expansion to reflect that his labors and fatigues have not been ignored, and that they have given him a claim on the good will and benevolence of the heads of a Province. " What a vast field is open to a Commandant who would reap advantage by these means, and gain the benedictions of all the worthy inhabitants of a Colony. " I stop here, Mr. Commandant, what I might say further would add but little to the good purposes you design for the pro- gress and success of this place. I have made a concise narrative of the origin of the post of New Madrid, and the reasons of its slow growth in agriculture. The census which follows will give you a correct view of its present position. It will prove to you tiiat courage and emulation need but a slight support to emerge from the giddiness where they have so long remained. But for certain the Creoles will never make this a flourishing settlement, it will be the Americans, Germans and other active people who will reap the glory of it. " Observe if it please you, sir, that amongst the habitations granted long since, those given in by Francis Racine, by Hunot, Sr., the Hunot sons, Paquin, Laderoute, dec'd, Gamelin, Lalotte, &c. , have not yet had a single tree cut on them ; that those of the three brothers Saint Marie, Meloche and other Creoles are barely commenced. You will see, on the contrary, that the Americans who obtain grants of land have nothing more at heart but to settle on them at once and improve them to the extent of their ability, and from this it is easy to draw conclusions. "Another observation which will surely not escape you, sir, is that the total of heads of families amount, according to the cen- sus I exhibit to you, to 159, and that in this number there arc 53 272 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. who have no property. This, I think, i8 an evii to which it would be easy for you to f-pply a remedy. In a country destined to agricultural pursuits and to the breeding of domestic animals, it is too much that one-third of its inhabitants should stand isolated from the general interest, and that the other two-thirds should be exposed to be tb.e victims of a set of idle and lazy people, always at hand in their slightest necessities to satiate their hunger by preying on the industrious. " I think Mr. Commandant that several habitations left by per- sons who have absented themselves from this post for a long time should be re-united to the Domain. " The following are of this class : — " One Enie Bolduc, absent for over 2 years, had a place at Lake St. Francis No. 2. " John Easton, absent over three years, had a place at Lake St. Eulalie ; it is now abandoned. Mr. Waters says he has claims on it. What are they? " Tournay had a place at Lake St. Isidor; he associated with to cultivate it, one Gamard. Tournay returned to France, and Gamard has worked for two years at Fort Saint Fernandez. "M. Desrocher, why has he not worked his place in the Mill prairie, which he holds for over four years — has he not enough with the one he holds at St. Isidor? " M. Chisholra holds three places; he lives on one he has just commenced to clear ; a second is in litigation, and for over four years he has done nothing on a third near the village — has he not enough with two? Why hold land uselessly, and above all near the village? " The examination you will give the census and the information concerning the property of each head of a family will lead you probably to other reflections. I append to the whole a new map of the village and its environs, as taken after the last abrasion of lands by the Mississippi ; this work claims your indulgence, it is not that of an artist, but of one of the most zealous subjects of his majesty ; and the only merit it may possess is to demonstrate to you with correctness the number of places that have been con- FENCES OF PL0RI8ANT. 273 ceded in tho village, the houses that are built thereon, and the names of the proprietors on the general list, which correspond with the same numbers as those placed on each conceded place. ' ' I pray you to believe me with profound respect, " Sir, the commandant, " Your verj' affectionate & devoted " Servant, " Peter Anthony Lafokoe. "New Madrid, Deer. 31, 1796." FENCES OF FLORISANT. " To Captain Zenon Trudeau, commandant in chief of the west- ern part of Illinois — " Sir, being clothed with full authority, and having charge of the public affairs of the village of Florisant, in regard to the young men who refuse to connect with the public enclosure own- ing stock, who are Antoine Riviere, Sr., and Antoine Riviere, Jr., Joseph Riviere, Jr., and Francis Riviere, Jr., and little Blanc, and Bonaventura Marion, and we have Americans who made the said connexion without any difficulty. " Sir, we remind you that you granted us the commons ver- bally, and it began by costing the village one day's time of Mr. Beaurosier and twelve men with him to mark it out, and sec- ondly it cost the village to survey it and mark its bounds, thirty- four minots of wheat, also 12 men's labor, without the above named being at any cost. Sir, it is Mr. Antoine Riviere, Jun'r, who acts for all the above named, and tried to hinder the Americans from making their share, but they did not listen to him, as it is for their interest as well as ours, first for fire wood, next, for hay and thirdly for the live stock. " Done at St. F'erdinand this April 17, 1797, the foregoing statement approved by Mr. Francis Dunegant, with the signatures 18 274 ANNALS OF BT. LOUIS. of all the former siiidics, and of Mr. Amable Gngne, the present sindic for this service chosen by the people. his his his "Joseph x Rapieu, Antoine x Makechal, Francis x Maurau, mark. mark. mark, his his his Francis M. x Challe, Pierre x Devos, Francis x DeLaurier, mark. mark. mark, bis Amable x Gaon^, Francis Duneqant." mark. •' St. Louis, Aug't 21, 1797." " All Citizens without land united to that which it is desirable to enclose, are not liable for the Commons enclosure, which protects them from animals ; but said citizens should contribute in all that is of public benefit, as roads, bridges, commons for stock, and other matters that they make use of, consequently should assist in pay- ing the survey of the commons, the men's hire, &c. " Zenon Trudeac." leclercq and father didier. " To Mr. Zenon Trndeau Lieut. Colonel of the Stationary Regi- ment of Louisiana, and Lieutenant Governor of the Western part of the Illinois, " Sir, Augustus LeClercq, a resident of this town informs you that after the presentation that has been made at several times, to your knowledge, to Mr. Joseph Didier, curate of this town, of a note for two thousand and fifty livres, drawn by him in my favor, the one half payable on January first next, and the other half on January 1st of the succeeding year, for value re- ceived by him in the proceeds of the goods wliioh your said pe- titioner had left to his children, on his departure for France in the month of June. 1792. Said demand simply requesting the said Mr. Didier to convert said note into two others jointly for the same amount, each for one half at same dates, to your said ORDINANCES OF NEW ORLEANS. 275 petitioner, and after re-iterated replies which said Didier made, t!;nt ' he did not owe the amount of said note to said petitioner, that he would noitlier change nor pay it when it became due,' your petitioner, who is about to depart for New Orleans, has reason to believe that the above mentioned Mr. Didier will make the saine answer when tiie note becomes due. To obviate trouble and to know on what to depend before lie leaves the town, he has recourse ti> you to interpose, for a settlement between Mr. Di- dier and himself according to what you might l)e pleased to direct, and you will render justice. " LeClkrcq. " St. Louis, October 11, 1797." " Mr. Pierre Joseph Didier, Benedictine friar, curate of St. Louis, replies to the above petition read to him, that he consents to assign the reasons he has for refusing to pay the amount of the note which Mr. LeClercq reclaims, before arbitrators chosen by the two parties, by means of which, if his refusal is not a just one, he consents to pay it. " PiEURE Joseph Didier. " St. Louis Oct. 11, 1797." " In view of the above demand and reply, the parties will each choose his arbitrators, who being sworn will meet where it may suit them, to terminate with another one offlciall}' appointed, the controversy in question. ' ' Zenon Trcdeau. " St. Louis Oct. 11. 1797." Ml". Leclercq selected Charles Sanguinet and James Glamorgan, and Father Didier selected Charles Gratiot and Antoine Reilhe. regulations for the government of new ORLEANS. " Don Manuel Gayoso de Lemos. "Brigadier of the armies of the King, Governor General, Vice Royal Patron of the Provinces of Louisiana and West Florida, Inspector of the Regular Troops and Militia of the same, &c. 276 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Desirous of maintaining good oriler and the pulilic Irnnqiiility, upon which dcpenda the safety of the inhabitants, we have deemed it proper, following the established custom, to publish tlio following order or rognlati(jns, for the execution of the same we will employ all the autliority and power which his Majesty has deigned to contlde to us iu giving us charge of this Govern- ment. " I. All persons, of whatsoever class it may be, who, under any pretext whatever, will have the audacity to blaspheme the name of God our Lord, tiie Virgin Mary our Lady, or sacred tilings, or make use of threatening oaths, will incur tlie penalties established by the laws of these kingdoms. All workmen or artisans, witliout exception, of whatever class or profession it may be, who will be convicted of having worked on Sunday or a holy day, during which one can only attend to work in cases of necessity by especial permission, will be sentenced to a fine of ten dollars, or if he is insolvent, to six days' imprisonment ; and his employer will pay double the amount. "It is prohibited, under penalty of 24 hours' imprisonment to run carts on holy days and Sundays. "II. No person of whatever state, sex, quality or condition he may be, can keep, neither in his or other i)ersons houses, nor in the suburbs or vicinity of this city, any game of cards or dice, or other forbidden games, and notably those known under the names of Lansquenet, Monte, Albures, Primera, Rolette, Crabs and others, which are, unfortunately, but too much in use causing the unhappiness and destruction of the young. Whoever may infringe this prohibition, will be punished rigorously to the extent of the law, by a fine of fifty dollars on the one wiio plays, and of one hundred on the keeper of the house. And for the second offense the fine will be double, and for the third the fine will be again doubled, and they will be sentenced to banishment. And in the case of the insolvency of the parties, the players will re- ceive six days' imprisonment, and the proprietors twenty days for the first offense, and a proportionate increase for repetitions. If slaves, they will be chastised with twenty-five blows of the whip. "III. All those who carry arms that are prohibited bylaw, either fire arms or especially poignards, sheath-knives, butcher- ORDINANCES OF NEW 0ULEAN8. 277 knives, floinish knives, i)ayonet8, or all other descriptions of pen- etrating instruments, that are proliihitod which the wickedness of mankind has, or may invent for the dcstriictiou of his fellow man, will be punished witli the utmost rigor of the law, without any exception and without regard to privileges, " IV. All vagabonds and vagrants without homes, and of vicious life, who fcjllow no trade or known employment in this city, by which they may prove the employment of their time, must leave this jurisdiction within three days, after whicli term, they will be arrested and made to work in such manner as may be judged suitable, giving notice thiit no one shall secrete or harb(jr them in his own or the houses of others, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars, or ten days' imprisonment for those who may be insolvent. " V. To compel the observance of these regulations and others, whicii have for their object the maintainance of good order and tranquility in this city, they will uphold in all its strength and vitality tlie proclamation proclaimed by mj' predecessor the Baron of Carondelot, the i!6th January, 1792, on the division of the city into four parts, and tlie appointment of their magistrates or trustees, reviving in its full force the 3rd Article of the said Proclamation, in which it is provided that so liiat the Government may have a perfect knowledge of all the individuals who compose these divisions, and of those who come to and leave tlie Cit}-, who- ever lets out a house or a room, or furnisiies lodging to any stranger, must make it known during the day, or the day following at the latest, to the magistrate or commissioner of his division, under a penalty of two dollars for tlie first offense, and four dol- lars for tlie second ; and for insolvents eight days' imprisonment for the first, and fifteen days the second offense ; those who neglect it the third time, will l>e condemned to a much longer im- prisonment, or to such other punishment as the government may deem proper to inflict. " VI. Taverns and Billiard-rooms must be positively shut up at the hour of the tattoo, at all seasons, under a penalty of eight dollars fine for the first offense, and sixteen for the second, be- sides that, the proprietors of said places will forfeit the privilege of keeping them. The said Billiard- rooms must not be opened on 278 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Holy (lays until after tho High Mass; and on working dnySi mc- cbanicd and woritracn will not ho porniittt'd :o frequent them dur- ing working liours; as to minors and slaves they are forbidden to be found there at any time, under the penalties expressed above. "It is permitted, however, to have in the doors of Taverns a wicket of afoot scpniro, thnugli which to deliver those ankles of great necessity that sick pcr^tons may require at unaeasv nahle hours ; well understood, however, that the door is not to be opened for any purpose whatever after retreat (tattoo) until the dawn. " VII. To escape as far as possible the harm caused by flres, it is again recommended to follow the fifth article of the above cited Proclamation, which pres(;ril)es that tliere shall be at the bouse of the Magistrate of each division, a place of deposit for buckets, axes, and ladders, which will be distributed by him to all those who may come and offer themselves to work ; with the understanding that the government will take the most effective measures to locate the Engines in various quarters, so that tho Magistrates of the quarters having knowledge of the same may make use of tiiem promptly whenever requisite. With the same view, it is ordained to all proprietors to open within llfteeri days, on his lot, one well at least, of a sulflcient diameter, and to all tenants to have it done at the expense of the owner, otherwise it will be done at their expense by tlie galley slaves. The Magis- trates of the (juarters will appoint each month from the citizens of their respective districts, fifteen men used to iiandlc the axe, and fifteen bucket carriers, to whom he will distribute axes and buckets, so that so soon as they find that a fire lias broken out in their quarter, they will immediately repair to the place with their axes and buckets, where they will obey no orders but from an experienced citizen of the quarter, who will be appointed each month for that purpose by the commissioner. In cases where the fire may make rapid progress, the Magistrate of the Quarter may ask assistance, without for that reason that other citizens, carpen- ters and masons, can consider themselves exempted from assist- ing as much as they possibly can, as it is their duty to do on occasions of the kind. " VIII. The Register of the month, whose turn it may be to per- ORDINANCES OP NEW ORLEANS. 279 form tho functions of clerk of tlie market will post up in the City every .Saturday the price of rarat, of beef or pork, ami liread for the succeeding week, and be who sells at a higlier price, or does not give the full weight or measure, will pay a line of four dollars fur the first offense, and eight for the second. "IX. No retailer of game, flsh or other eatables whatever, coal, wood, lime, etc., will be allowed to go outside the gates of St. Charles, St. Louis, St. John and St. Ferdinand to find those who sell, or inliahitants who come from the vicinity and different directions to sell their provisions, for the purpose of purchasing and hrinjilng them Into tlie city as belonjjing to them, and within tlie enclosure of the City they can only purchase them after eight o'clock A. M. during the summer, and after ton o'clock in winter, and after they had been exposed for sale for over two hours, so that the people may promptly p'ovlde for themselvts; no one either can sell the provisions he may bring in the night time, before he has exposed them the day following up to the hour Indi- cated as above for tlie summer and winter, under a penalty of four dollars fine for the llrst offence. " As a general rule. It Is forbidden to all retailers to purchase within the distance of five leagues from the City, without giving notice to the Government or Reglstei *or the month. No negress or mulatress slave will be permitted to sell In the streets, or on the levee without a written permission from the government, and a list of her articles for sale signed by her master. " Free negresses and mulattresses, that it would be more suit- able to see employed in some more useful manner, will also not be allowed to sell in the streets without a like written permission, and a list for their articles signed by the commissioner of the Quarter. '*X. No person, without exception, can sell to slaves, without a written permission from their masters, guns, balls, or powder, nor any fire arras whatsoever, under a penalty of fifty dollars fine, or one month of imprisonment for those who are insolvent. "XI. No person is allowed to sell on credit, traffic, nor pur- chase from the soldiers, without permission in writing from their officers, nor to children without that of their parents, nor to slaves without that of their masters, under penalty of twenty 280 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. dollars fine for the first time, and forty for the second, and in case of other relapses, justice will inflict on the delinquents irapriaonmeut or banishment and the loss of the articles bought or traded for, and which if found to have been stolen, the said delin- quent will be tried as an accomplice and receiver of stolen goods. " This an'- le is applicable to the Indians also, from whom it is only allowt' o purchase wild meat obtained from hunting and peltries. " XII. W ver sells to Indians, or to slaves without permission from their nit. ter, liquors, wine or brandy, will be sentenced to four or six dollars penalty for the first oifence, and to double the amount for the second ; and should it be ri dram shop keeper, his license will be forfeited, nor can he in the future obtain another. " XIII, No one can keep a Tavern, without a written permis- sion from the Government and the Intendant, under penalty o f ten dollars fine, or one month's imprisonment if insolvent, for the first offence, and of double for the second. "XIV. Every citizen will be required to keep the sidewalk along the whole front of his lot, in a good and clean condition, and lo have the same swept and sprinkltd, at least once a day in summer, and to have the mud cleaned off every time it maj' be practicable in the winter, under a penalty of two dollars' fine for thei first neglect, and four for the second, and if the delinquent has/ not wherewith to pay, he will be punished by four days' im- prisonment the first time, and eight the second; and in all cases, wtcre the first notification has not been complied with, the owners of the lot will be required to pay whatever has been expended to hnve it put in good condition. " XV. Every citizen is expressly required under the same pen- a ties to keep the chimnies of his liouse in gool repair, and to have t'lera cleaned out at least once a month in winter, and once in two rionths in summer. "XVI. Under no pretext, nor for any reason whatever, either in building or repairing houses, will it be permitted to put the en- le con>- mission to receive these subscriptions be intrusted in each place to persons who unite external distinction to a well-established reputation for disinterestedness, integrity and patriotism. " IV. There will be sent to all those who will be intrusted with this commission, printed forms of both subscriptions, so that it will only be necessary for them to fill the blank spaces, and that they uniformly follow one and the same method. " V. The subscribers to the voluntary gift, will contract by the act of affixing their signatures, the distinct and formal obligation to send to our Royal Mints the articles of gold and silver of which they will designate the weight, or to remit to the order of my act- ing Treasurer-general the said articles, or the amount of specie money for which each one may have subscribed, and to effect said remittance, without deviating from the conditions established by themselves at the time of the subscription. " VI. Accordingly as these subscriptions are gathered in, either by the Governor of my council, or the Presidents and heads of my chancellorships and Royal courts of Spain, or through their indi- vidual representatives, who will pass them over with the least pos- sible delay, they will be sent to my Treasurer General to enable him to provide for gathering in the specie in the convenient time, and to receive the other precious articles by the most prompt and economical means, well understood that for the sake of good order and compatibility they will observe in these operations the usual formalities. " VII. In America the Vice-Roys and Captains General will take the necessary steps to gather into the treasuries of my Royal ex- chequer, with punctuality, the sum total of these subscriptions, where they will be kept separately until the first opportunity to send them to Spain, or until I give them some other destination, in sending me notice by all opportunities of their actual condition. " VIII. The patriotic loan will be composed of an indefinite number of shares of one thousand reals each, of which a certain number will be divided into four portions, so that even persons of very little means may, in depriving themselves for a time of the use of two hundred and fifty reals, procure for themselves the 292 ANNALS OF ST, LOUIS. honour of perpetuating the memory of their zeal for the interest of the State. " IX. The ofHccrs and pereons appointed in Articles I., II. and in. to receive the subscriptions in the whole Kingdom, will also receive and send those for this loan to ray Treasurer General, who will take suitable steps to pass them into my principal Treasury, or in those of the army or the nearest Provinces without any expense to the lenders, the amount of their shares, or portions of shares, for which they had subscribed, by giving or sending them letters of credit, issued in their favour, to the end that they may serve as legitimate titles for their loans. " X. My Vice-Roys and Captains-general of the Americas and Pliillippinc Islands, will also see that there are given to Subscribers in the treasuries of my Royal exchequer, provisional acknowledge- ments of the amounts they have contributed, and so that in the three days preceding the departure of each messenger, the Treas- urers remit them a single statement of receipts, which will include the saiil amounts as received for the account of my Treasurer General and to be sent to Spain, on which will be specified the names and residences of those interested ; and by virtue of these papers, which the said Vice- Roys and Captains-general will send me by the conveyance reserved for the public treasure, my princi- pal Treasury will despatch the certificates relative thereto, which will be sent to the same Principals, to be sent by them to the parties to whom they properly belong. "XI, These certificates will be printed with a plate engraved expressly therefor ; they will be invested with the signatures of my Grand Treasurer and Comptroller of my principal Treasury ; there will be a blank space left to insert the name of the contrib- utor, and in numbering them they will, pursue the ordinary usual mode, without leaving any one void. " XII. The subscription will date in Spain, the 31st of Decem- ber of the present year, 1798, and in America the 30th of June of the next year, 1799, the loan to be counted by the number of shares filled at that date, ' ' XIII. At the close of each of the ten years which will follow the two first years of peace, counting from the day it will be pro- claimed, the one-tenth part of these certificates will be cancelled ; THE KINO'S REPLENIHIllNU SCHEME. 293 for this purpose thoy will draw lots for the numbers of those to be cancelled, und the full ru-pnymcnt of their value will be made st the same place where the amount was delivered, or where the lender may find convenient. "XIV. Seeing that this patriotic loan is for the defence and the common safety of the State, I declare, in my character of supreme administrator, that in all time it will bo considered as a national debt, and in my own proper name, as in the names of my successors, I pledge all the revenues of my Crown to its punc* tual repayment in the manner before prescribed. " XV. I desire also that the subscription to the voluntary gift, to the patriotic loan, or to both, be regarded as a positive act ; and eo that in all future time it may be distinguished as an act of honor and great merit in the persons of the subscribers and their descendants, there will be printed and published full lists of all their names, specifying the amount subscribed and the date cf payment ; and certified copies of these lists will be deposited in the offices of my Secretaries of State, in those of the Chambers of Castile and the Americas, and in all the other Tribunals, Royal Bureaus and public Archives of the nation in both domains, so that the memory of these services may be perpetuated, and that particulars may be drawn from it whenever it might become a question of dignity, employment and honor. " Of this you will consider yourself apprised, and will issue the orders and instructions necessary for its execution. " Signed by the Royal hand of the King, at Aranjuez, May 27, 1798. ' ' To Don Fran' CO Saavedra. ' ' " A copy conforming to the original Decree that the King has deigned to address to me. Aranjuez, May 28, 1798. " Signed, Saavedra. " Copy conforming to the original. " New Orleans, this 28th February, seventeen hundred and ninety nine. " Andres Lopez, Signature. 294 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. The latter years of Trudeau's administration adds but little of general interest to our annals. Don Manuel Gayoso de Lemos had succeeded Baron de C'arondelet as governor-general below in 1797. He died in !N^ew Orleans, July 18, 1799, and the Mar- quis de Casa Calvo, came over from Havana to act ad interim. Trudeau's administration up here ended on Au- gust 29, 1799. COL. CHARLES DEHAULT DELASSUS, who had been commandant at New Madrid for the previous three years, and whose appointment as lieutenant-governor was made by express orders from Spain, succeeded Gov. Trudeau on the same day, August 29, 1799. GIFT OF ZENON TRUDEAU TO THE SONS OF JNO B. TRUDEAU. " Be it known by this indenture that I, Don Zenon Trudeau, Lieut. Colonel and Captain of grenadiers of the Regiment of Louisiana, declare that I am under grateful acknowledgements to to Don Juan Bap'a Trudeau, schoolmaster of this town, he having for some years educated my numerous family with particular care, and having received many favors at his hands, and being my relative, and my eldest son, Don Renato, being god-father to his eldest son, Rene Louis, with my free consent, without any inducement nor persuasion, in the best form of law, and well knowing my rights in such cases, I acknowledge and declare that I make a pure and perfect gift, which the law calls ' intervivos,' and irrevocable, to the male children born, and to be born, with the exclusion of the females, of the said Juan Bap'a Trudeau, of four hundred dollars which he owes me, which I advanced for the purchase of his liouse, and now henceforward and forever I relinquish and abandon all right, title, actions and recourse to the said four hundred dollars, and cede, relinquish and transfer them to the said male children of the said Juan Baptiste Trudeau, that he may administer the same during their minority, and that the interest thereof be applied to their supj)port and education, without touching the capital, which must be delivered to them entire on their reaching the age of twenty-live years, or when (295) 296 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. their father may think them capable of managing their property. And I grant the said Trudeau full power in the name of his chil- dren, to hold possession of the said four hundred dollars. And I renounce the laws of large and general donations of all the property, because I have a sufficiency in my remaining property, and the sum donated does not exceed the five hundred ' sueldos ' of gold allowed by law, and should it exceed this I empower tlie said Juan Bap. Trudeau, and any other person he may appoint to urge the same before the competent judge, making him approve thereof, and interpose his authority and judicial decree, and from this moment I consider the same acted upon and executed with the necessary solemnity, and request that any deficiency of clause requisite, or circumstance for the validity thereof be sup- plied. " And I swear by the lord our God and by the sign of the cross, that I will not revoke by deed, will, or any other form whatever, neither tacitly nor expressedly, nor in any other way, although al- lowed to me by law, and should I do so (besides not being heard in law), it may be seen that I approve the same and invalidate it ; adding strength to strength and contract to contract, for the due performance I bind my person and goods (estate), actual and future, and authorize his Majesty's justices, and especially those of this province, to whose jurisdiction I submit myself and goods, and I renounce my domicil and any other privilege conceded to me, and all laws and privileges in my favor and the general law that I be compelled thereto as if sentence had been given in the case, and with my consent. " And I, the said Jno. Bap. Trudeau, here present, acknowl- edge to owe the said Don Zenon Trudeau, the aforesaid, four hundred dollars, and in the name of my male children, horn and to be born, I accept the donation to be used as above stated, and highly esteem the kindness conferred on me, and to secure to my children the sum to them donated by this deed, I expressly mort- gage a dwelling house to me belonging, situated in this town, bounded south by ground of Don Bernard Pratte, east (west) by Main street, north by another street which separates it from the widow Labbadie, and east by the river Mississippi, which is my own property, and was paid for with the four hundred dollars ZENON TRUDEAU TO SONS OF JNO. B. TRUDEAU. 297 mentioned in this deed, and free from any other incumbrance whatever, and I now bind and incumber the same so that I can not sell or alienate it until the payment of the said four hundred dollars, and anything done contrary thereto will be null, and ex- ecution can be issued on said house, and I empower his Majes- ty's justices, and especially those of this jurisdiction to whom I submit myself and goods, and I renounce my domicil (legal residence), and any other privilege in my favour, together with all laws and ordinances in my favour, and the general laws in due form, that they may proceed against me as if sentence had been given, and with my consent. And I, Don Carlos Dehault De- Lassus, Lieut. Colonel of the royal army, and Lieut. Gov- ernor of the western part of Illinois, bear testimony that the contracting parties are known to me, that they executed this deed before me, in default of a notary in this jurisdiction, in pres- ence of the attending witnesses, Don Eugenio Alvarez and Jo- seph Hortiz,, and the^' signed with me in St. Louis in Illinois the eighteenth day of the month of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine. Zeno Trudeau, Jno. Bap. Trudead, Joseph Hortiz, Carlos Dehault Delassus. The above is copied verbatim from the record in the archives. The translation from the Spanish is wretchedly absurd and ridiculous, rendering the English version almost incomprehensible. Under the French and Spanish laws of the olden time, a man even free from debt, could not gra- tuitously give away his property beyond a certain amount, the one-half being in law the property of his wife and children, but when in debt his whole property was held to be mortgaged for his debts, even if not so expressed in writing, and he could make no legal disposition of it until his debts were paid. 298 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. A male was a minor until the age of 25 years, a female until 20 years. MURDER OF ADA.M HOUSE on the waters of the Maramec, by Indians in 1800: — I. Pierre Treget, commandant at Carondelet, pursuant to orders from Don Carlos Dehault Delassus, commandant at St. Louis, repaired to tlie Renault Forks, with the few militia men I could assemble, in pursuit of the Indians ; on reaching the place, I found an old man dead, head cut off, and laid at his side, scalp taken and body full of wounds from musket shots, and a few paces off, a boy 8 or 9 3'ears old, head cut off and lying near him, face smeared with blood, with a small piece of maple sugar in bis mouth, no wound on his body from either musket or knife. A dead cow, one horn carried off, dead calf, head cut off, beds in the house cut to pieces, utensils broken and strewed about the house. " Ascertained the murder had been committed by the Osages ; buried the bodies, not known at the time. " Cabondklet, March 19, 1800. " PiEKKE DE Treget. " Renault's Forks, March 25. " I, Pascal Leon Cerre, Ensign of Militia, repaired to the above place by order of the Governor, where I ascertained that the per- sons killed were Adam House and Jacob House, his son — from his son John, 14 j-ears of age, who escaped wounded by a musket shot, and finding no will in the house to ascertain his disposition of his property, I appointed as witnesses to the inventory of his effects, John Cummins and Joshua Donald. I appointed as guardian of the minors, Betsy, John and Peggy House, Mr. Robert Owen, of Marais des Liards (Owens Station). " Matthew Loud, James Ckaig, Pascal L. Cerke, " Andrew Park, John Johnston, Robert Owen, Ouardian. " James Gray, Adam Stroud, John Brown, Security. " JuDATiiAN Kendall, Thos. Williams, Jno. Cummins & "Jos' HA McDonald, Witnesses. " Bart Harrington, Levi Thiel & John Jack, Appraisers. EDWAKDS VS. KISHLER 209 The negro fork of the Meramec, is our present Big River, which is a large branch coming into the Meramec on tne soiitli side in Jefferson County. Fourche a lienault is Renault's fork, or minei-al fork of Big river in Washington C^ounty, 8 or 10 miles north-west of Mine a Burton, now Potosi. This is the Renault found in Gayarre and others, who came over from France about 1722 with a large force to work the mines, and brought the bricks necessary for the furnaces from Paris, with his name on them. Cozens unearthed one of them in surveying in that locality in 18 — . EDWARDS versus KISIILER. "John Bishop sworn, saith that said Edwards embarked in said Kishler's pirogue at the forl\s of Lici ANNAL8 OP ST. LOUIS. a (lispiito butwucn the Defendant John Colfi;in and Morducai, the phiintiff William Bell interfered by talking in favor of said Mor- decai Bell on which said defendant called tlie Plaintiff a lyar and that he would call hitn a lyar when he pleased and tiiat he east bim and that he had his bogs and that the Defcndatit shook his tomiliawk over his head, on which the Plaintiff called witness and said that his bogs should come home, and further he saith not. John Murphy who hath sworn on the Holy Evangelist that on a quarrel between John Colgin and Mordecai Bell, the said Wm. Bell said that Mordecai was not fit to fight with Colgin because that he was lame and that said Colgin said to the Plaintiff Wm. Bell that he was a lyar. " Mrs. Colvin sworn saith that some time after the trial in the winter before last John Colgin and John Bell quarreled at her bouse and that on Joiin Bells making some reflections on the de- fendant the said defendant answered. I suppose you want to make me out a hog thief because I took 2 of your father's pigs to which said Jno. Bell son to the plaintiff replyed that he did not call bim a hog thief, but he thouglit it was the next thing to it. '^ Dan Ricbison sworn saith that on the same night, as specified in John Ridenhours affidavit, be was at Mrs. Henry's bouse where be beard the Defendant John Coligen say to the Defendant be was a lyar and recorded such that be could prove it and that be bad bis hogs. "John Carpenter sworn saith that be was at Mrs. Henry's house when the said Bell and Coligen quarreled and that Coligen called Bell a lyar and he could prove it, that be was a damned hog and might go and stay with bis hogs. " Nathaniel Porter sworn saith that be heard John Colgin say to Wm. Bell, to hell with the lying Bells. " Seeing by the testimony taken and examined, as before men- tioned, that said Colgin was in tbe wrong. We have condemned the defendant John Coligen to pay said Wm. Bell, ten dollars in Peltries and twelve dollars in peltries for the costs. " St. ANDBi, the 19th Feb'y, 1801. "J. Mackat." SAMUEL PALUS. 307 AOUEEMENT TO MARRY. " Upper Louisiana the year one thousand eijjht Imndrcd and one^ the first day of April. Before me Don Jamea Mnckay, commandant of St. Andre of Missouri, were present William Tardy and Madame Joanah Henry, inhabitants of this district of St. Andrew, who hereby declare that being on the point of being married together, their marriage contract has been agreed on, made and concluded on the following conditions viz: the said Madame Henry declares by this, that neither the said Mr. Tardy, nor his creditors, nor any person whatever on the'r part, never had any right, nor pow- er to sell, or dispose of in any manner, none of the effects, or property belonging to said Madame Henry, which consists of four cows, two young steers, one heifer, three calves, sixty hogs, a furnished bed, two iron pots, an oven, six crockery plates, two pewter dishes, two sad-irons, a spinning wheel, the above articles with all the produce in future, being by right Mrs. Henry's property, are confirmed to her and her sucessors by this contract forever. And it is declared hereby, that neither their marriage, nor any other pretext, gives any right to said Tardy, or any other person, over the articles above mentioned, and that said Madame Henry alone has any right to dispose of as she thinks fit, any of the above articles. And said Mr. Tardy declares that he accepts all the above conditions. In testimony whereof the contracting parties have signed with their marks, in presence of witnesses and I the commandant. his HcGH Graham William x Tardy. mark her Samuel Graham. Joanah x Hbnry. mark James Mackat. In the year 1801, the northeast portion of this county, north of the present village of Baden, was un- 308 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. del* the charge of one Edmund Hodges, an unedu- cated but efficient man, as supervisor for Gov. Delassus of that portion of this district. Tiie Spanish Pond, 12 miles due north of St. Louis, then the res- idence of Jacques De St. Vrain, a brother of Gov. Delassus, was the central point in the surrounding settlements. A young man named Samuel Fallis, whose parents lived across the Missouri in St. Charles county, spent much of his time in this district. For some time back a number of horses had been missing from the pastures of some of the inhabitants, which at first were supposed to be stolen by rovuig Indians from both sides of the Mississippi, but from certain cir- cumstances that subsequently transpired, Fallis was strongly suspected of being a party to their dis- appearance ; thereupon he was apprehended by Hodges assisted by others and brought to St. Louis, where, after an examination by Gov. Delassus, he was committed to prison August 20th, 1801, to await his trial, pending which the following petition was pre- pared and presented to the governor : — *' To Don Chas. Dehault Delassus, Lieutenant Oovemor of Upper Louisiana : " Sib. — Isaac Fallis and Susan Fallis petitioners, have the honor to represent to you, with all the respect which is your due,that the detention of their son Samuel, causes them g:eat injury, seeing that he is the one of their children who is their greatest help in their old age. SAMUEL FALLIS. 309 ''Your petitioners are far from excusing tlieir child, he is no doubt guilty since the law has punished him severely ; but Sir, will you not allow yourself to be softened by the tears of a whole virtuous family, afflicted by the misdeed of one of its members, who all his life had been brought up in correct principles, with which they are themselves penetrated. Cannot the rigors of the law be softened on behalf of a son who was always correct up to the moment when, perhaps misled and encouraged by evil advice, he wandered from the straight path of duty, and brought grief to the bosom of his family, your heart is compassionate Sir, allow mercy to act in behalf of a father and mother, be pleased as judge to ameliorate the law whicli condemns our son, deign to grant pardon to Samuel Fallis, not alone to his parents but also to the honest inhabitants who join with us to obtain it from your clem- ency ; Samuel Fallis raised in the principles of an honest man, will easily recover from the correction you inflicted on him, the punishment from which he will escape but by an especial favour is almost a certain guarantie that he will in the future conduct himself as he should, his parents may venture to be responsible to you on that score, and cheerfully pledge themselves to pay all the costs, which their son may have occasioned by his misconduct. St. Louis Sept. 20th, 1801. Isaac Fallis, Alexander Clark, Joseph Todd, Susanna Fallis, Robert Owen, James De St. Vkain, Wm. Patterson, James Mitchels, Samuel Duncan, John Brown, Hezekiah Crosby, Louis Labeaume, "This may certify that I know no harm of him or any of the family before this. Samuel Griffeth. M. James Du B. Brown. " I John Lar do Her sartify that I Never Heard Anything of thay family Till this Time «&c. Amos Richardson. "This may Certify that 1 Never New any harm of him before tliis. Vincent Carrico. "Mr. Samuel f alas Dr. to Edmund Hodges, August the 4d 1801 By sining one pirtision for Mr. piper to fetch Mr. fa'as Be- fore us to answer to Mr. piper's complaint D. S. 0. 4. 310 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. for one Days tendance on a troial for one tachment to take Mr. f alas bom By going 2 Leags to Serve the tachment for going one Day me and hors after Mr. falas to take him 19 of august, 1801 By one order to take mr. falas to St. Lewey By going Down with Mr. falas 2 days to St. Lewey 7 Leags By going with old Mr. falas to St. Lewey 2 days 7 Leags the above is a verbatim copy of Mr. Hodges bill of costs — "Samuel Dunken and William Heart and Larance Huf and Ira Nash you are Comanded to gow and take Amos Dunken and Conway to Sant Luis and ameadatly, fale not, given under my hand this 14 day of March 1801. '* Edmund Hodges, Comander. Translation. " Regiment of Infantry of Louisiana, District of Illinois. " Statement shewing the time the Englishman named Folis was fed by the company of this Post in this Fort of St. Louis, having entered it August 20th and left on Sept. 22nd 1801 — 33 days at two reals a day — amount in dollars $8.25. •' St. Louis, July 3, 1802. " Juan Robatma, Serg't. The confidence of his parents in the future good conduct of their son was verified, as we find him a few years later purchasing from Adam Brown a farm of 140 acres near Owen's Station at $4 per acre, $560. A brother, Geo. Fallis had a large farm in the St. Ferdinand prairie. SARPY VS. SAFFRAY. " To all who shall see these present letters, greeting: '• Be it known that before us Don Thomas Portell, Captain of In- fantry in the Stationary Regiment of Louisiana, and civil and I SARPY VS. SAFFRAY. 311 military commandant of the District of New Madrid, residing at Fort Celeste, undersigned, was present Mr. Saffray, an inhabitant of this district, who acknowleges that he is indebted to Mr. Joseph O'Neille residing usually at St. Louis, of the Illinois, at present in this town, in the sum of three thousand, six hundred and thirteen livres, eighteen sols, for goods advanced him in this Post up till the twelfth of May, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, which said sum of three thousand, six hundred and thirteen livres, eighteen sols tournois, said Peter Saffray promises and binds himself to pay to said Mr. O'Neille, or holder of this present bond, in one year from this day in current money of this place of New Madrid, under penalty of all losses, costs, damages and interests. "And to further secure said Joseph O'Neille the payment due him by said Saffray, he by these presents has bound and hypothe- cated for security of said sum, — first, a farm on which he now resides, situated at the place called Lake St. Isidor, with all buildings and appurtenances now on it or which may be in future. Secondly, a town house on a lot of forty foot front on the public place in New Madrid, by the usual depth of one hundred and eighty, also three pairs of oxen, two cows and twelve hogs which said Saffray now owns, and also all the other effects which he may acquire up to the date of the payment of this bond, and all the animals he may acquire in any way from now to the same time, said Saffray consenting to make no sale of said effects nor animals until the said sum of three thousand six hundred and thirteen livres, eighteen sols tournois, which he owes to said Mr. O'Neille, are fully paid to him, or to the holder of the present obligation. However, said Joseph O'Neille hereby consents, that if said Mr. Pierre Saffray finds opportunity to sell the house in town above designated, he may do it, provided that the proceeds of the same be converted into live stock for the advantage of the farm of said Saffray, said live stock representing said house will remain bound for the payment of said sum due to Mr. O'Neille. "Executed at Fort Celeste of New Madrid, April second, one thousand seven hundred and ninety four, Peter Anthony Laforge, commissary of police of that town, and John Barna y ferru Sola, at present in this town of New Madrid, being witnesses, who have 312 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. with said O'Neille and Saffray, signed these presents, thus signed at the moment. " P. Saffray, John Barna y ferru Sola, Jh O'Neille, "Peter A. Laforge. " Before me, the commandant, Thomas Portell. "I certify that the present is a copy of the original in the archives of this command of Fort Celeste of New Madrid, April 4, 1795. "Thomas Portell. "The year eighteen hundred and two, the thirteenth of Jan- uary, I, Peter A. Laforge, discharging the functions of notary at this poste of New Madrid, have informed and notified Mr. Gabriel Cerre of the decision rendered by M. the commandant of New Madrid, this day, at the bottom of the petition presented to him. And I have also informed, notified and given a copy to Mr. Peter Saffray at his known residence in this village, at the house occupied by Mr. Francis Pasquin, verbally to said Pasquin in person, of the petition of Mr. Cerre against him dated the twelfth of this month, and the order given in consequence by the com- mandant of this poste the next day, the thirteenth, so that all said gentlemen may be informed, and conform to it. "In testimony of which I have signed said copy and this one. "Peter Anthony Laforge." INQUEST on the BODY OF JOSEPH BATES, DROWNED. "In the town of St. Louis of Illinois, the 7th day of the month of July, of the year oi.e thousand eight hundred and two. "I, Don Joseph Horttiz, performing the functions of notary public in the place, being informed from Seuor Don Carlos Dehault Delassus, Lieutenant Governor of this upper Louisiana, that at the lower end of the town on the bank of the Mississippi river, a body had been washed ashore. By order of said Gov ernor, being in the Royal Service, I repaired to the place indicated, accompanied by Mr. Francois Valois and Joseph Robidoux, Jr., INQUEST OF PAHISIEN. 313 to examine and identify the body which we found on the river bank opposite the residence of Pierre Gueret Dumont, and pro- ceeded to the examination, which consumed much time to find any one who could identify it, when Calvin Adams, of this town, de- clared that it was the body of an American named John or Joseph Bates, who worked for his living in the settlement of St. Andre, on the Missouri, in this district, who had a brother in said settle- ment, and was a Roman Catholic, and about five or six weeks ago, a pirogue was destroyed and washed ashore at Cahokia. "Thereupon said Adams went to the Governor with the permis- sion of Father Pedro Janin, curate of this parisli, to procure a coffin for said body, which was taken to the (;emetery and there interred the same day. " In testimony whereof, and by direction of the Governor, this certificate, signed and attested by the witnesses and myself, was made to serve if needed. "Jos. C. RoBiDOUx, Fran's Valois, Joseph Horttiz, Delassus. inquest on pakisien. "In the town of St. Louis of Illinois, this 13th day of July, eighteen hundred and two: I, Joseph Horttiz, notary of this town, by order of Don Carlos Dchault Delassus, Lieut. Colonel, exercising the functions of Lieut. Governor of this Upper Louisi- iana, having received information that a dead body was discov- ered floating in the Mississippi river, between the plantations of Mr. Joseph Brazeau and James Coburn, about three-fourths of a league south of the village, I repaired to the place, accompanied by Francis Valois and Auguste Chereau, witnesses, to identify the body, which proved to be that of an Indian named Pierre Parisien, who lived at the establishment of St. Charles of the Missouri, and who, as we had heard from Don Carlos Tayon, had gone fishing on the 9th of the previous month, June, and had never been heard from. With the assistance of four men the body was drawn from the river, which being in too putrified a condition to be taken to the village, a grave was dug on the spot to the depth of five feet, and the corpse buried therein, and a cross placed at the head of 314 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. the grave ; all thia in ray presence. There being neither wounds nor bruises found on his body, it was declared to be a case of accidental death. *' AuoDSTE Chereac, Francis Vaxois, "Approved same day. Joseph Hobttiz, Not'y. "De Lassus. MOTARD ft LOISEL. " In the town of St. Louis, of the Illinois, this 29th day of the month of October, of the year eighteen hundred and two: We, Joseph Motard and Regis Loisel, citizens of this town, have agreed with the present knowledge and consent of Mr. Charles De- bault Delassus, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Louisiana, to come to submit ourselves to an arbitration in regard to the boarding of Joseph Motard at Regis Loisel' s, as also some other matter of interest that there is to settle, and for this purpose they have appointed for arbitrators, Charles Sanguinet and Manuel Moro, the first for me, Joseph Motard, and the other for Regis Loisel, to whose judgment and decision we will conform in all, and if the said arbitrators disagree, and come not to one mind, it will then be passed over to the Lieut. Governor, to the end that he be pleased to decide it by a third arbitrator. In testi- mony whereof, we have signed these presents, the day and year above. Joseph Motard. Regis Loisel. "We, Charles Sanguinet and Manuel Moro, arbitrators chosen by Joseph Motard and Regis Loisel, after having heard the two parties in a strict examination of their arguments and understandings, have resolved and determined as follows, in re- gard to their difference, to wit " As one of the two said parties asks a little too much for his boarding from the other, and that this other will not agree and give a fair price, and in view of the many verbal complications branching out from the main point, which would require further enlighten- ment, and having found both parties much soured against each MOTARD AND LOISEL. 315 other, and consequently difficult to lead to an agreement, we send it back to the Lieutenant Governor, so that it may please him to make such a decision as he may find suitable, or terminate their differ- ences by such a decision as seems to him best. " St. Louis of Illinois, November 17, 1802. " Manuel Gonzales Moro. Charles Sangcinet." " In view of the statement of Messrs Charles Sanguinet and Man- uel Moro, arbitrators appointed by Joseph Motard and Regis Loisel, in regard to their difficulty about the payment of the board- ing. As it is a difficulty impossible for us to terminate, as there is no written agreement, nor other evidence than that of the interested parties themselves, and that can only be decided by a fair estimate made by impartial parties, we will appoint Mr. Hebert Lecompte, who with Messrs. Sanguinet and Moro, may be able to end the matter according to their souls and consciences. " Chas. Dehault Delassus. "St. Louis, November 22, 1802." "We the undersigned, with one accord, on our souls and con- sciences, have decided and decreed that Mr. Motard will pay Mr. Loisel the sum of one hundred and thirty-four dollars and five bits (134f^), that we have made up from their respective state- ments, in money current in this country. In testimony of which we have signed this present, at St. Louis of Illinois, December 1, 1802. "Charles Sanguinet. Man'l Gonzales Moro. " Wm. Hebert Lecompte." " The parties to the above judgment will be notified to conform to the same. " Delassus. "St. Louis, December 1, 1802." 1 Old Motard died on the 29th December, at the age of 80 years, just four weeks after this feeding contest, so that Loisel just '^ saved his bacon." 316 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. OFFICIAL NOTES TO OOVR. DELA8SU3, PRECEDING HIS EXPEDITION TO NEW MADRID. "In complianne with your otficial orders of yesterday, Mr. James Boyer of the Saint Genevieve Company, and Mr. of the Platin Company, bearers of tlie same, have orders to report themselves to you prepared to inarch. " God have you in his holy keeping, " Fran' CO VallA. " St. GenevIeve, Nov. 10, 1802. " No. 74. I received by your messenger your official note No. 71 of the 19th Inst. I immediately dispatched the messengers, as you instructed me, to apprise the Chiefs of the Mascou or Taliposa Indians, who may be found in the vicinity of this dis- trict, that I learnt from one of the said tribe now at '.his post, they were in the direction of the Mararaeque ; and I charged the said Messenger, that if he encountered old Canaloue, the Shawnee Mascou, to report with him at New Madrid the 15tb Deer, prox- imo — to be present at the council there to be held in compliance with the instructions of the Governor General of New Orleans, in regard to the disposition of the Mascou prisoners now held there. " God have you in his holy keeping, " St. Genevieve, Nov. 22, 1802. " Fran' CO Vall6. " To Gov'r Charles De Lassus. " In reply to your official note No 72, I send you herewith a list of those persons at this post able to bear arms, and who pos- sess arms and horses. St. Genevieve, Nov. 24, 1802. " God have you in his holy keeping. " Fran'co Vall6. "To Gov'r Charles De Lassus. " No. 76. In conformity to orders received in your official note No. 73, I have this day organized for active service the Detach- ment under my command, and they are ready for the march. I OFFICIAL NOTES TO GOVR DELASSUS. 317 would have sent you the muater-roll, but that I was constantly expecting your t rrival, as you had written me. " God have you in his holy keeping. "8t. Gknkvikvk, Dec'r 4, 1802. " Fran' CO Vall^. "Don C. Dehault De Lassus, " Lieut. OovW. "No. 77. I received by your mounted orderly the orders of the 8th and 9th lasts. , sent me by Don Camille De Lassua, Lieut, and Aid-de-Carap, and at once made them known to the com- manding officers of the militia of Saint Genevieve and Platin, so that they may carry them into execution without delay. God have you in his holy keeping. St. Gbvevieve, Dec'r 10, 1802. Don Chas. Dehault Delassus, Fhan'oo Vall^. Commanding Officer. 78. Hereto appended is the roll of the New Bourbon Company, examined by myself. In execution of the orders of last evening, I ordered the St. Genevieve and Platin companies to re-assemble at 2 o'clock p. m., to have read to them the order of march. God have you in his holy keeping, St. Genevieve, Dec'r 12, 1802. Don Chas. D. DELAastna, Fran'co Vall^. Lieut. Oover'r. "No. 1. Conformably to your official notice No. 23, I caused inquiry to be made in all the adjacent parts of this district, if there were any Indians of the Mascoux or Talipoux tribe therea- bouts. I am assured that there are none of that nation hereabouts. God have you in his holy keeping, New Bourbon, Nov. 23, 1802. Cahille De Lassus. " No. 2. Included is the list of those inhabitants of this post and district who possess horses and arms, and whom I have directed to hold themselves ready to repair to New Madrid, early in the month of December next, or when it may be requisite in the course of that month. Consequently apprise me in time to 318 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. give them due notice, some of tliem living at a long distance from this Post. Apprise me also if these men are to carry with them their provisions for the journey, tlie length of time they may remain at New Madrid, and for their return to their homes. " This is in reply to your official note, No. 24. God have you in his holy keeping. Nkw Boukbon, Nov. 23, 1802 Camille De Lassus. "No. 49, Don Charles Dehault De Lassus. " In conformity to your official note No. 64, which I received the 22nd inst. , I repaired the next day and the succeeding one, to the village of the Loups and Chaouanons Indians and made known to them your orders. "As they are nearly all absent on their hunt, I think there will be but few of them at the Council ; however, the principal chief of the Loups will be present with some others. God have you. Sir, in his holy keeping. Cape Girardeau, Nov'r 29, 1802. L. LORIMIER. "No. 50. Don Charles Dehault De Lassus. " Subjoined is the list of the Inhabitants of this Post able to bear arms, as you required of me by your No. 65. God have you. Sir, in his holy keeping. Cape Girardeau, Nov'r 29, 1802. L. LORIMIER. MILITARY ORDERS OF GOVERNOR DELA8SUS, in his expedition to New Madrid, Dec'r. and Jan'y. 1802-1803. ORDERS OF THE 8tH TO 9tH DECEMBER, 1802. The assembled inhabitants will recognize Capt. Don Francois Valle, as Second in command of the expedition. Lieut. Don Joseph Pratte as commandant of the St. Genevieve Company. MILITARY OKDERS OP GOVR DELA88U8. 319 Second Lieut. Don F'rancois Valid, Jr., as commandant of the Platin company. Second Lieut. Don Camille Delassus as commandant of the New- Bourbon company, and aid-de-camp and Adjutant. Tliey will be obeyed in all their orders, verbal or written, for the King'a Service. Tliis order will be read to-morrow on assembling the companies. After which the commandants will appoint the Sergeants and cor- porals of their respective companies. Delassus. ORDER OF THE 9tH DECR. " Commencing this day, each company will appoint a mounted and armed Orderly, wiio will remain near the Lieut. Governor, and will be successively relieved every twenty-four hours ; the Sergeants of each company will report every day at Sunset at the house of Mr. Eauge to receive the orders of the Adjutant Don Camille De Lassus to the commandants of companies, for the observance of their respective commands. Should the Sergeants be engaged in other duties, which would prevent their being there at the time designated, he will be replaced by the first corporal, and so on successively. Delassus. ORDER OF THE llvH DECR. " Messrs. the commandants of companies will hold them- selves in readiness to form on to-morrow at the hour which will be given them by the 2nd in command, Don Franc's Valle, to hear read the order of March. Chas. Dehault Delassus. ORDERS FOR THE MARCH OF THE EXPEDITION. " Ist. Seven men will be taken from each company to form the advance guard, which will be commanded by each Sergeant alter- nately. "2nd. This guard will have twelve axes, and will start every morning, two hours before the main body of the mihtia — when 320 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. towards noon they will have reached a suitable place for the noon-day lialt, tiiey will stop there and kindle two fires, at the dis- tance of an arpcnt apart. " 3d. On the arrival of the main body at the lialting place, the van guard will remount and proceed on to select the company ground for the night, where they will kindle Ave fires, at a dis- tance of half an arpent apart, taking care to select the said camp- ing ground, early enougii to enable the main i)ody to reach it a half hour before sun set. " 4th. The Van-guard will be relieved every morning, and will then form the rear guard for the day. " 5th. The Sergeant commanding the Van-guard will proceed on a slow trot in good roads, and at n walk in bad places. " 6th. Should there be met in the route which will be indicated to him, any serious impediments, such u srivers, creeks, bad cross- ings, &c., he will await the arrival of the main body of tlie militia. " 7th. Should he meet with any gathering of Indians, or other armed men he will at once communicate the same to the chief commandant, by a mounted messenger. " 8th. In such bad places as may not require his waiting for the main body, as per Article 6tb, be will expedite the passage of the said body as much as possible, by cutting the ice if not strong enough to bear the horses, or bridging it with branches of trees, or saplings, to make the crossing practicable. ' ' 9th. The main body of the detachment will start two hours after the van-guard, going on a trot in good places, and at a walk in bad, and will maintain as far as possible the order of march which will be given them at starting. " 10th. In all cases where Messrs. the Officers may command silence, or other orders, we doubt not that all who compose our Detachment will be eager to obey. " 11th. Immediately on arriving at a camping ground, a guard will be formed of seven men from each company, commanded by an officer, a Sergeant and a corpord, who will place the sentinels that the location may require to guard against surprises, and pre- vent the escape of any of the horses. The officer commanding the guard will report every morning, and his Sergeant will imme- diately take the command of the advance guard. EXPEDITION TO NEW MADI.ID. 321 " 12th. The officers will carefully watch over tholr . ^ ectlve companies, and have the roll called every morning, they will sec that no arms arc loaded without orders, and make their report on each day before resuming the march. " 13th. If while marching, the officer or Sergeant at the rear per- ceives that they go too fast, he will immediately notify the com- mandant at the front by passing the word to halt. " 14th. All the horses, packed or loose, with their drivers, will he plpoed between the Detachment and the rear-guard, allowing none to pass to the front by the Hanks, nor remain in rear of the said guard. " 15th. The rear-guard will keep at about two arpents in rear of the Detachment, and will take care to pick up anything that may have been dropped. Should any one from sickness, or fault of his horse be corapelleorals, and fifteen militia men on horses, they will post a sentinel before the guard house, and another on the square of the powder magazine, they will be on foot during the day, and on horse at night for the rest observe my previous orders. " C. DeLassus." ORDER JANUARY 6, 1803. The militia of the upper Posts here assembled, will present themselves at three o'clock P. M. to receive their rations to Cape Girardeau. To-morrow at 10 o'clock A. M. they will assemble in the street opposite the Colours, and as soon as formed we will start for our first Camp at the hole — an officer, a sergeant, a cor- poral and seven men a company, will start at nine o'clock A. M, to prepare the encampment in the same manner as in coming. The officers will be careful to have gathered up the axes brought with us, and to have them delivered to tiie van guard. The main guard for this daj- will be detailed from the company 830 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. of mounted men of tliis post, and will comprise a corporal and four men, who need not patrol the village, but only an armed sen- tinel on duty day and night. Charles Dehault Delassus. "OKDEUS FOR THE MIUTIA OF THE POST OF NEW MADRID. " which the commandant of the said post will cause to be observed; and of which each Captain will have a copy for his own observ- ance, and that of the officers and men composing his company. " Notwithstanding that tlie Mashkou Tewanaye has been exe- cuted in presence of one of his chiefs, and one of consideration of their nation, who have approved of his sentence, and who have promised us to live in the most perfect friendship with us, it may occur that some scoundrel of that nation or another may seek to revenge the death of their comrade — and to frustrate the accom- plishment of such evil intention, it is absolutely necessary that the militia of this post, which to ray great surprise, I found with- out the slightest order or organization whatever, for lack of dis- position, although the same zeal that I found in the subaltern officers on my arrival here, should be put in better shape. Commencing on the next Sunday, Mr. Henry Peyroux, com- mandant of this Post, will assemble all the miUtia men, including therein all persons able to bear arms, from the age of 14 years up to 50 and not above, as I perceived on my arrival here children of not more than 8 or 9 years, who were on guard of the Mash- kous prisoners ; and each Captain, or commandant of each com- pany, will organize his own in the best manner possible, and he will make them understand that no matter at what hour it may be, at the signal of assembling, which will be the same promulgated in our order of the they will immediately report them- selves at the place indicated for that purpose. " Mr. H. PejToux will immediately issue his orders to the mili- tary storekeeper, that he will always keep all the arms in the King's Storehouse in good order ready for service, and a suffi- cient number of cartridges ready for distribution in an urgent case to those persons who may not possess arms nor powder, and of lead for those who have arms. ORDERS FOR NEW MADRID. 331 ♦' Should there be fouiul some militia men living at distant habita- tions, and who are without arms, Mr. I'eyroux will distribute to them a number of the guns from the King's Store, and some am- munition, to enable them to defend themselves, while awaiting such measures as the commandant may take to hasten to their assistance with the first who may repair to the place of meeting indicated ; the said militia men will give a receipt for the arms and ammunition that may be entrusted to them, and for which they will be responsible. '* Innovation or not the militia will assemble every fifteen days on Sundays, commencing on the Sunday next, and each commandant will exercise his in marching by file, or in sections of four and eight, according to the number of tlieir men, to teach them the manual of loading and firing, to enable them to execute it i)romplly and with regularity. "All enrolled militia men who exhibit an indisposition to com- ply with the order, by not appearing at the place of assembling when required, thus giving an unequivocal proof of his little love of country, will for the first offense be reprimanded by eight days imprisonment, and eight dollars fine — the second time double the length of imprisonment and fine, and for tiie third time, it will be signified to him to settle up his affairs within a reasonable period and leave the country. Understood that in the oath of allegiance administered to all new comers to the country, before a conces- sion of land is granted him ; he must obligate himself to take arras against the enemies of the State, and all malefactors whenever it will be required of him. As there may be found some of the in- habitants who have not yet had the oath, the commandant will administer the same to all those he may find on each Sunday of assembling. " In the event of an alarm, ascertained to be from Indians, or other malefactors who have committed any excesses, or who may be preparing to commit tlu-m, the Cavalry company will at once begin and contiue patrolling, for which purpose having purposely chosen persons of position and mounted, they should always be ready the first, and if the danger appears to be of some duration, the commandant will order a daily guard and patrol by all the militia according to the exigency of the case. It being ascer- 332 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. taincd that it is a premeditated attack, and that tlie enemy are in great numbers, the commandant of tiiis Post will dispatoli an ox- press to the commandant at Cape Girardeau, Don Louis Lori- mier, eitiier to come and reinforce the militia of this place, or to keei) himself on the lookout to which puriuwe we will give him the necessary instructions. This course should only he taken in a case well ascertained to be as explained above, and not from vague rumors emanating from cowardly persons, so that no use- less ahirm may be spread tlirough the country, nor the inhabi- tants intenu|)ted in their daily labors without an urgent neces- sity. " As the position of the cannons, and the manner in which they are pointed in the square which encloses the flag, and the powder magazine, is cimtrary to all the general rules of tactics, consider- ing also that there are no regular troops at this post, the com- manding ofHcer will avail himself of the militia men on the next Sunday, to place them in battery on the river, leaving the first that are mounted on pivots, to be enabled to lire in case of neces- sity on the four fronts. " This order will be read to the assembled militia on every >Sun- day of meeting, as also those the commandant may deem neces- sary to issue. "Orders will be issued to Mr. Francis Lesieur, Lieut, of the militia living at the little Prairie at the distance of ten leagues from this vdlage, to strictly observe and report all he maj' learn of news and rumors of the Indians, and that he keep himself on the alert and send notice to this post of all he may learn of con- sequence, making him resiionsible for all inconsiderate and im- probable reports that might cause alarm. ' ' Governor Delassus appointed the following officers, viz. : — Rich'd F. Waters Capt., Geo. K. Reagan Lieut., Jno. B. Barsalou Ensign, of the company of Cavalry. John Lavallee Capt., Pierre A. Laforge Lieut., John Charpen- tier ICnsign, of the first company of Infantry. Robert McCoy Capt., Joseph Hunot Lieut., Jno. Hart Ensign of the second company of Infantry. The Captains of companies to appoint Sergeants and corporals. ORDEKS CONCERNINO TAVERNS AND DRAM-SUOPS. 33^3 GENERAL OKDKK TO ALL TAVERN KEEPERS, TRADERS AND DRAMSHOP KEEPERS AT ALL THE POSTS OF TH.K UPPER LOUISIANA. Mr. Charles Dehault DelasHus, Lieut. Col. of the Retjiment of Louisiana and Lieutenant Oovrnor of Upper Louisiana and dep^ndencieii : " In virtue of strict orders conveyed to us from liis lordship, the Governor-General of this Province, to entirely eradicate the prime cause of all the disorders occasioned by licjuors sold by tavern iceeps, dramshop keepers, traders and other inhabitants to the Inilians, in spite of tlie reiterated proliibitionsof our predecessors and ourselves, and without the fines whicli have been paid by the delinquents sei-ving as an ex -mple to prevent it, being generally proven that the said Indians commit no excesses but when drunk ; this is proven by tlie assassination of Mr. Trotier by the Indians to whom he had traded liquor ; all this compels us to use the most rigorous measures for the public tranquility. " 1st. At each post there shall be but a certain number of tavern and dramshop keepers that we will appoint, and who shall be persons of good conduct and devoted to the government ; these, under no pretext can either sell or give liquor to Indians or to Slaves. " They will give immediate notice of the least disturbance at their house which may lead to disorder, to the commandant or nearest Syndic of its occurrence, so that he may apply the most prompt remedy. And all otiier persons than tliose who shall be authorized to keep tavern, or dramsliop, who shall be found to have sold liquor, will undergo for the first offence, three days' imprisonment and two dollars' fine, the second offence 50 dollars' fine and 15 days' imprisonment, and for a third relapse, they shall be sent to New Orleans under safe conduct at their own cost and expense. " 2nd. Every person whomsoever, either keeper of Tavern or dramshop, or any other who shall be found to have given or sold liquor to Indians will be at once arrested, i)ut in irons, and sent under escort of a detachment of militia at his cost and expense to New Orleans, and his effects will be seized and sequestered, until the decision of his lordship, the Governor General. 334 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. " 3rd. All commmxlers of every Post will bo held rcaponsiblc to the govornment for tlio loant neglect of the articles above, and of the least negligence, in listening to the complaints which may be made him on the subject, and to make the strictest inquiry, and investigation to ascertain the truth. '^4th. For this post of New Madrid, one single tave n 'teiug suUlcient, Mr. John B. Olive will be the only one who will have the privilege of selling and putting off liquors in conformity to present regiilationn, and for the convenience of travellers on the road to Illinois, in tliis district, Mr. Kdward Koberson will have the right to sell and put off li(pior, in conforming strictly to present regulations, and at the little prairie, Mr. Charles Guil- bault, «&c., &c. "i5t/i. The two tavern keepers al)Ove named will pay per annum such sum as a tax that the Governor General may doom just to l)e applied to the construction of a prison at this Post. "This order will be translated into English by the Interpreter of the King, Mr. J. Char|)entier, ijublislied and posted up in the public places of tliis post, and at the doors of the tavern keepers above named, and a copy will be sent to each district dependant on this post.' CHOUTEAU VS. LISA. In the year 1802, four merchants of St. Louis, en- gaged in the Indian trade up the Missouri River, viz., Manuel Lisa, Francis M. Benoit, Gregory Sarpy and Charles Sanguinet, entered into an association under the style of "Manuel Lisa, Benoit & Com- pany," with a view to extend their trade with the tribes of the Little Osage nation. In some transaction, Mr. Aug't Chouteau became 1 The causes which led to the foregoing military demonstration will be found in Delassus' letter to Capt. Stoddard of March 30, 1804 on page. — CHOUTEAU VS. LISA. 335 the possessor of an obligation of tho company, which became due April 30, 1803, and which lie presented for payment to Mi'. Liwa, who declined paying it, and Mr. Chouteau had it protested and put in suit, whereupon Messrs. Benoit, Sarpy and Sanguinet wrote at once to Mr. Chouteau, pr(>[)osin<,'' to pay each his respective one-fourth oi- three hundred and seventy-five dollars each. " To Mr Charles Dehaultde La sans, Lieutenant-Cohnel of the Ar- mit'9 and Lieutenant Governor of Uiqyer Louisiana: " Sir: Auguste Chouteau humbly bogs and has the honor to represent to you, that he is the owner of an obligation dated Au- gust 7th luht, of tlie amount of fifteen hundred dollars, due this day, agreed to by the i)artners of the ' Trade of the Osage Na- tion,' under the name of 'Manuel Lisa, Benoit and Company,' from which associates your petitioner demanded payment of the said amount, to wiiicli IMr. Manuel Lisa, the only one of the above partners, refused as far as concerned his portion of interest in said partnership. However Mr. Manuel Lisa should know as well as any one else, that a merchant who has accepted a simple obliga- tion, payable to bearer at a certain time without any reservation or especial condition, can i)rosent no reasons whicli will exempt iiim from fulfilling his written promises. For if it was otherwise, what would become of tlie safety and confidence tiiat one sliould possess in such actions, which alone form tlie founda- tions and supi)ort of commerce. For these reasons your petitioner prays it may please you to direct Mr. Manuel Lisa, Benoit and Company to pay at once and without delay, the above named sum of fifteen hundred dollars, witiiout excepting any portion which Mr. Manuel Lisa pretends he sliould refuse to pay, on pain of seeing himself constrained for all losses, delay, claims and in- terest, and so do justice " AuGcsTE Chouteau. " St. Louis of Illinois, April 30, 1803 " 336 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. " Mr. Josef Horttiz will notify Messrs. Manuel Lisa, Francis M. Benoit, Gregoire Sarpy and Char) as Sanguinet, partners in the ' Trade of the Osage Nation,' to pay in one amount the said obligation. " Delassus." " To Mr. Charles Dehault de Lasms, Lieut. Col. Commandant, and Lieutenant Governor of Upper Louisiana, Sir, " The undersigned have the honor to represent to you that Mr. Chouteau presented the petition against them April 30th last, to collect the amount of an obligation of fifteen hundred dollars, signed ' Manuel Lisa, Benoit & Company.' Tiie undersigned did not refuse its payment, tliey expect to pay each one his portion separately, recognizing between themselves no title of a partner- ship, and having no contract whatever. It is true they explored together the posts of the Osages, each one furnishing his in- dividual part, but assuming no responsibility ; thej' had no style or title authorizing them to enter into obligations in the name of the association, as it is true none ewv existed. and the payments were always made individually. Tl j have decided to pay each his portion. " The petitioners hope you will do justice to their request. " vSt. Lol-18, May 2, IFOo. " Gregoiue Sarpy. " Charles Sanguinet. " Frans. M. Benoit. ^^ To Don Charles Dehault de Lassns Lieut. Governor &c., sub- stance. "• Acknowledges the receipt of the Governor's order to pay Mr. Chouteau 375 dollars his i)roportion of the 1500 dollars claimed by Mr. Chouteau, amount of the note of ' Manuel Lisa, Benoit and Company. ' protested by Chouteau, the protest sent by C. to the Superior Tribunal of this province at New Orleans, with power amply sufTicient to Sir Knight Register, Don John de Castanado, to establish the nullity of other notes for this same debt. "He humbly replies to Mr. Chouteau's petition his firm de- termination to postpone for the present any further steps in CHOUTEAU FS. LISA. 337 the matter, until the Superior Tribunal shall deliberate, and justly decide the merits of the cai-e, and give a final decree tliereon. "His course in the matter does not proceed from malicious motives, but from necessity. " With all due respect &c. "St. Louis, May 2, 1803. " Manuel De Lisa. " " To Mr. Charles Dehault de Lassus, Lieut. Col. of the Army, and Lieut. Governor of Upper Louisiana : "Sir — Your petitioner has the honor to represent to you, that he has been notified by Mr. Miuiuel Lisa of his formal refusal to pay the sum of three hundred and seventy five dollars, for his proportion of the obligation consented to by liim in the name of those interested in the trade of the Osage Nation. Since that re- fusal Messrs. Charles Sanguinet,Gregoire Sarpy and Frans. M Ben- oit notified the holder that they were ready each to pay his part, amounting together to eleven hundred and twenty five dollars — owing to which and the refusal of the fourtli party in interested, your petitioner requests your justice to direct Messrs. Greg'e Sarpy, Chas. Sanguinet and Frans. M. Benoit depositories of the funds of all interested, to withhold in their hands the sum of three hundred and seventy five dollars, which is due by Mr. Lisa, to release it at once from the liands of your petit- ioner, so that with the sum of eleven luindrcd and twenty five from the three other interested parties in said trade, for whose operations, the above payment is clauned and do justice. " August Chouteau. " " St. Louis, May 3, 1803. " On the same day, May 3rd, the Governor by his notary, decreed to Mr. De Lisa to pay his proportion as the others, and at same time to the three others, Sarpy, Sanguinet and Benoit to with- hold from the funds of the association the amount due by Lisa, with the costs &c. 338 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. The bill for which made out by Horttiz is as follows": To the Judge (Governor) 5 decrees and sig- natures, 4 Reals 20 R $2.50, " " Notary 8 notifications 4 " 32 4.00, 13 4 52 86.50, Received Payment of this bill of costs, St. Louis, May 4, 1803. J08EPH HOBTTIZ. NICHOLAS ST. ANDUE. " In the town of St. Louis of Illinois, May 11th, 1803, 1, Joseph Horttiz, Notary public in this town, by order of Don Carlos Dehault Delassus, Lieut. Col. and Lieut. Governor, went to the residence of Nicliolas Andre in this same village, accompanied by Francis Valois and Francis A. Horttiz witnesses, to take an exact note of a Pirogue that the said Nicliolas St. Andre met adrift in the middle of the Mississippi with no one in it, filled with water, and the following articles, — One deei skin, one shaved deer skin, two large beaver pelts, to do. middling size, and eight others small, all wet, which after being dryed, were weighed and marked, and I the Notary took possession of said peltries, until the Government should dispose of them, and the pirogue was left with the said Nicholas St. Andre, until disposed of in like manner, and finding nothing more, the said St. Andre certified that it was all the contents of the pirogue, which was signed by all but the exp(ment who made his cross after being read to him, tiie same day, month and year as above. Fkancis Valois, " Francis Houtiz, "Joseph Hokttiz. INQUEST ON A MOSCOU INDLAN. " In the town of St. Louis of Illinois January third, eighteen hundred and four, I, Joseph Horttiz in virtue of orders from Don Carlos Dehault Deiassus, Lieul;. Col. and Lieutenant Governor PURCHASE OP LOUISIANA. 339 of this Upper Louisiana, that in one of the cross streets of the town, a dead body was lying. I, said Notary repaired with the necessary witnesses Juan Robayna and Pedro Castaneda to ex- amine into tlie affair, and having reached the place, we found the body to be that of an Indian rolled up in a blanket, with a white handkerchief in the cavity, and immediately came and reported the same to the Governor. "At once and by his orders to obtain all the necessary infor- mation concerning the body, and how he came by his death, we went again to the place, and met there Batiste Thibeau, opposite whose house the dead body lay, who appeared to be a Mascou Indian, and learnt that he and three or four others in company of the same nation, had been visiting the place several times that same morning. We sent the body to the quarters of the soldiers, to be interred according to the usual custom in similar cases, put the body in a coffin, buried it and enclosed the grave with a fence of stakes and a white banderita, and with the witnesses certified to the same, and made our report to the Governor. " Juan Robayna. " Joseph HoRTTiz, Pedro Castaneda." TREATY OF PURCHASE OF LOUISIANA, BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FROM THE REPUBLIC OF FRANCE, APRIL 30, 1803. "The President of the United States of America, and the first Consul of the French Republic, in the name of the French people, always animated with the desire to remove all misunderstandings in relation to the subjects of discussion mentioned in the second and fifteenth articles of the convention of the 8th Veudemiaire, year 9, (Sept. 30, 1800), in relation to tlie claims of tlie United States, in virtue of the treaty concluded at Madrid, the 27th of October, 1795, between his Catholic Majesty and the said United States: wishing to maintain the union and friendship which at the period of the aforesaid convention was happily re-established between the two nations, have named respectively their plenipo- tentiaries as follows : — " The President of the United States of America, with the advice 340 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. and consent of the Senate of said States, names as bis minister plenipotentiary Robert R. Livingston, and James Monroe, minis- ter plenipotentiary, and envoy extraordinary of the United States to the government of the French Republic — and the first Consul in the name of the French people, names the citizen Francis Barbe Marbois, minister of the public Treasury, who after hav- ing exchanged their respective powers have agreed upon the fol- lowing articles : — " ARTICLE 1st. •' In virtue of article 3rd, of the treaty concluded at St. Ilde- fonso, the 9th Vendemiaire year 9 (October 1, 1800) between the First Consul of the French Republic and his Catholic Majesty, it was stipulated as follows : His Catholic Majesty promises and binds himself on his part, to cede to the French Republic, six months after the full and complete execution of the conditions and agreements of the said article in relation to his Royal High- ness, the Duke of Parma ; the colony and Province of Louisiana, in all its extent as now actually possessed by Spain and other States. " In consequence of said treaty, and particularly of the third ar- ticle, the French Republic enjoying the incontestible right of domain and possession of the said territory, the First Consul de- sirous of giving to the United States, incontestible preofs of his friendship, cedes to them by these presents, in ihe name of the French Republic forever, and in full sovereignty, the said Territory, with all its rights and dependencies, as fullj' and In the same manner as he acquired it, in virtue of the above cited treaty concluded with his Catholic Majesty. •' ARTICLE 2nd. " In the cession made by the preceding article, there is included all the Islands adjacent and belonging to Louisiana, all the lots and public places, the vacant levees, the buildings, fortifications, Barracks, and other buildings that have no owners ; the archives, papers, and instructions relating to the domain and Sovereignty of Louisiana, will be placed into the possession of the commissioners PURCHASE OP LOUISIANA. 341 of the United States, and copies of the same in good and due form will be furnished to the magistrates and municipal officers that may be necessary' to them. " ARTICLE 3kd. "The inhabitants of the ceded territory, will be incorporated into the Union of the States and admitted, as soon as possible, conformably to the requirements of tlie Federal Constitution, to enjoy all the rights, advantages and immunities of the citizens of the United States, and during this time they will be upheld and protected in the enjoyment of their libertj', property, and religion they profess. " ARTICLE 4th. "The French governmentwill send a commissioner to Louisiana, who will prepare all that is necessary ; as much to receive from the officers of his Catliolic Majesty the said territory with its de- pendencies in behalf of the French Republic, if that has not already been done ; as to transmit it in the name of the French Republic to the commiasi.ou^s or agent of the United States. " ARTICLE 5th. " Immediately after the ratification of the present treaty on the part of the President of the United States, and of that of the First Consul if it has been done ; the commissioner of the French Republic, will deliver up all the military posts of New Orleans, as of other parts of the said Territory, to the commissioner ap- pointed by the President to receive possession ; all the French and Spanish troops that may he there, will cease to occupy the said Posts, from the moment of the delivery of possession, and will be embarked, if possible, in the course of three months after the ratification of this treaty. " ARTICLE 6th. ' ' The United States engages and promises to execute all the treat- ies and articles, that might have been agreed on between the Indian 342 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. tribes antl Spain, until such time as, by mutual consent between the United States and said tribes or people, other suitable articles are agreed on, "article 7th. " As it is equally advantageous to the commerce of France and the United States to foster the intercourse of the two nations for a limited period, in the country ceded by the present treaty, until arrangements are made relative to the commerce of the two na- tions ; the contracting parties have agreed that all the French vessels coming directly from France or her colonies, loaded exclu- sively with her productions, and also that those coming directly from Spain or her colonies, and loaded in like manner with her productions, will be admitted for the period of twelve years into the ports of New Orleans, as well as in all tliose of the ceded Territory, in the same manner as the vessels of the United States coming directly from France or Spain or their colonies ; without being subject to other duties on their cargoes or other imposts than those paid by the citizens of the United States, during the period of time above specified no other nation shall partake of this privilege in the said Territory ; the twelve years to commence three months after the exchange of ratifications, whether at Paris or in the United States ; well understood that this artic^ has for its object to favor the manufactures, commerce, cha'.ges and navigation of France and Spain alone, as to the im- portations'which these two nations may make into the above said ports of the United States, without detriment to the regulations which the said United States may adopt for the exportation of the products or merchandise of their States — nor to their rights to establish others. " ARTICLE 8th. " After the expiration of the twelve years, all french vessels will be treated on the same footing as the most favored nation, in the above mentioned ports. " ARTICLE 9th. "The especial convention signed this day by the respective ministers, having for its object the payment of the debts due to PURCHASE OP LOUISIANA. 343 citizens of the United States by the French Republic, prior to the 30th Sept. 1800, 8th Vendemiaire year 9, is approved; anu to be put in full execution, as stipulated in the present treaty, it will be ratified at the same time, and in the same manner ; so that the one will not be without the other. Anotlier special convention, signed the same date as the present treat}', relative to the definitive law between the contracting^ parties, and which has been in like manner approved, will also be confirmed at the same time. " AKTicLE 10th. " The present treaty will be ratified in good and proper form, and the ratifications exchanged within six montiis after the date of sig- natures of the ministers plenipotentiary, or sooner if possible ; in faith of which the ministers plenipotentiary have signed these ar- ticles in French and in English, remarking however that the present treaty is primitively in the f rench idiom, and have thereto affixed their seals. " Executed at Paris the tenth Floreal, eleventh year of the French Repulilic, the 30th April 1803. " Signed Robert R. Livingston, " James Monroe, " F. Barbe Marbois." convention between the united states of AMERICA, AND THE FRENCH REPUBLIC. " The President of the United States of America, and the First Consul of the French Republic, in the name of the french people: In consequence of the treaty of cession of Louisiana which has been signed this day, desiring to settle definitively all matters pertaining to the said cession, have for that purpose authorized the plenipotentiaries ; to wit, the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the Senate of the said States, has appointed for their plenipotentiary Robert R. Liv- ingston minister plenipotentiary of the United States, and James Monroe, Minister plenipotentiary and Envoy extraordinary of the said States to the government of the French Republic, and 344 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. the first Consul of the French Repul)lic in the name of the french people, has appointed for plenipotentiary of the said Republic, the citizen Francis Barbe Marbols ; who in virtue of their full powers, this day exchanged, have agreed upon the following articles — " The government of the the United States obligates itself to to pay to the french government in the manner specified in the next article, the sum of sixty million of livres, independent of that which will be fixed upon, by another convention, to paj' the debts which France has contracted towards the citzens of the United States. " For the payment of the sixty millions of livres stipulated in the preceding:; article, the United States will create a stock of eleven millions two hundred and fifty tliousand dollars, bearing interest at six per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly at Lon- don, Amsterdam, or at Paris, being the sum of three hundred and thirty seven thousand five hundred dollars for six months, in the proportions that the French government will determine on for these places. The principal of this fund re-imbursed at the Treasury of the United States in annual payments of not less than three millions each, the first of which will commence fifteen years after the date of the exchange of ratifications ; tliis fund will be remitted to the French government, or to any other person who will be empowered to receive it, in three months, at the furthest, after the exchange of ratifications of the treaty, and of the possession of Louisiana on part of the United States ; it is also agreed that if the French government desires to earlier realize the capital of this stock by disposing of it in Europe, they will take the proper steps, as well to augment the credit of the United States, as to give greater value to said stock. " ARTICLE THIRD. *' It is also agreed that the dollar of the United States, speci- fied in the present convention shall be fixed at five livres and PUKCHASE OF LOUISIANA. 345 eight sous tournois ; the present convention shall be ratified in good and due form, and the ratifications exciianged in the period of six montlis from this day's date, or sooner if jmssible. In faith of which tlie respective i)lenipotentiaries have signed the said articles, in both French and Knglish, declaring also that the present treaty was made and primitively written in the french idiom, to which they have attached their seals. " Done at Paris the lUth Floreal, the Uth year of the French Republic, April 30, 1803. " RoBEUT R. Livingston, " James Monroe, " Fran's Bakbe Marbois." convention between the french heplblic and the united states ok america. " The president of the United States of America, and the First Consul of the French Republic in the name of the french people, after having, by a treaty of this date, terminated all dilficulties relating to Louisiana ; always desiring to establish on a solid basis, the friendship which unites the two nations ; more and more animated with the desire to accomplish the 2nd and 15th articles of the Convention of the 8th Vendemiaire, year 9 of tlie French Republic (30th Sept.) 1800, and to assure the payment of the amount due by France to Citizens of the United States, have respectively appointed for their plenipotentiaries, namely, the President of the United States of America with the ad- vice and consent of their Senate, has appointed Robert R. Livingston Minister plenipotentiary, and James Monroe, also min- ister plenipotentiary, and Envoy extraordinary of the said United States near the government of the Frencli Republic ; and the First Consul in the name of the French pe^ple has appointed the citizen Francis Barbe Marbois, minister of the public Treasury, who after exchanging their full powers, agreed upon the follow- ing articles — " ARTICLE IST. " The debts due by France to citizens of the United States, contracted prior to the 8th Vendemiaire, year 9 of the French 34(3 ANNALS OF 8T. LOUIS. Republic (Sept. 30, 1800) will be paid in the following manner, with interest at Hix per cent fruiu the date of the presentation of ttieir claims by the parties interested to the Freoch Governmeot. " ARTICLE 2nd. " The clairaa to be paid by the preceding article, are those des- ignated in the note annexed to the present convention, which with interest must not exceed the sum of twenty millions of livres ; the claims included in said note which will be found rejected in the Articles following, caanot be admitted to the benefit of this provision. " ARTICLE 3rd. " The principal and interest of said debts will be paid by the United States, through orders drawn by their ministers plenipotentiary on their Treasury ; these orders will be payable sixty days after the exchange of the ratifications of the treaty and conventions this day signed ; and after the french commis- sioners shall have placed tliose of the United States in possession of Louisiana. "article 4Tn. " It is especially agreed tliat tlie foregoing articles are confined exclusively to the debts contracted to the citizens collectively who have been, or may yet be creditors of France for provisions em- bargoed and taken on the high seas, and for which tlie claim was duly made within the time specified in said convention of 8th Vendemiaire, year 9 (Sept. 30, 1800). "ARTICLE Sth. "The preceding articles will be only applicable (I. O. ): Jirst. to prizes which the prize court have ordered to be restored, well understood that the claimant can have no relief from the United States, otherwise than he could have had from the French gov- ernment. Second, to the claims specified in the above-mentioned, 2nd article of the convention, contra 3ted prior to the 8th Ven- demiaire, year 9 (Sept. 30, 1800) the payment of which has here- PUKCIIASE OF LOUISIANA. 847 tofore been demanded from the actual government of France, and for whicli the creditors liave the right to demand tlie protection of the United States. AKTici-E (Jth. "For tlie purpose of amicably clearineir chiefs named Aypaletchy , and another of consideration called K. iloua ; this sentence, af- ter some representations of these twc "efs, without bitterness, was finally put in execution with their . consent, and after they had again admitted in full council that ras but an act of well merited Justice, and that their principal cuiefs would be satisfied with it, as it is stated in the copy of the sentence of execution, which I transmit you herewith, and which is verified by a party of their nation who came to accompany the chiefs of said nation, to collect the balance of this gang of vagabonds, as you will see by the ofi3cial statement appended hereto, of the council held by the commandant of New Madrid Mr. John Lavallee, in which the chief very clearly says, to ' run after and chastise them and cut off their ears, and if they cannot be caught to fire on them as deer.' But the above cited execution and arrangement with their nation has not put an end to their barbarities ; for last autumn I received notice that one Gabriel Bolon and his two nephews were beaten and killed by a party of Osages on the grand glaize river — it was a Delaware woman who was with them and who escaped, that came and reported this to me, but a few days afterwards. " I learnt that a party of seven or eight Mashcoux's came into the Village of Ste. Genevieve singing the war song and dance, and danced the scalp dance, and when questioned as to whose scalp they had, they denied it and said that they had met with the Osages, that they had fired on them, but they had no man wounded who was of the Band; shortly afterwards, their falsehood was discovered, in that they were in possession of the spoils of the unfortunate per- sons they had murdered, that is, the blanket-coat of one of the nephews of Hypolite Bolon, his rifle and his horse. They also had the insolence some days afterwards to come to the post of St. Louis with the said rifle. I was about to have them arrested to ascertain the facts, but in the interval some imprudent persons who went to see them, wanted to take this rifle from them, they THE MASCOU INDIANS. 375 resisted and made their escape. Since then HypoUte Bolon came and brought me these two gun-barrels, which I send you, with this was a tomahawk ; and whicli he told me were found near the corpses of his brother and his two children, and which he says were arms of these Mascoux's, and the tomahawk left as a sig- nal of war, and added that the man who found them would come here this spring. I awaited this period to proceed and demand reparation from the chiefs of that nation, in the event of not be- ing enabled to take the guilty parties, and on the second of Jan- uary I was informed that these same barbarians were in the vil- lage, that they went drunk from house to house. I found it im- possible to discover them by a heavy rain, and one of the darkest of nights, 1 could only warn the various houses, for the inmates to remain quiet, and to keep their doors fastened, and in case of insult or attack from them to defend themselves if they had not the time to apprise me. The next day January 3, I was informed early that there was a dead Indian in the street opposite the house of one Thibault, and that he was supposed to be a Mashcoux, be- cause two others of that nation had passed the body which they had looked at, one weeping, another singing the war song, and that they had started off immediately. " After a proper examination of the body, it was taken up and interred, as is verified and stated in a document now on file in the archives, which I have delivered over to you. I immediately notified the commandants and sindics of the lower posts, includ- ing New Madrid, to be on the alert, and to bear with nothing from those Brigands, and to be ready to protect themselves if insulted by them. "Five Indians of that nation came to talk with me, and brought me the subjoined letter. I held a talk with them ; they said they had no head man, and they would go and seek him — they left, and I did not see them again. " The 19th day of the month of February, the Sindic of Mara- meck came to bring me his report, that there were five of that band that were killed by the inhabitants of the two banks of the river who gave chase to them to recover a canoe or pirogue that they had stolen from the salt works on the Maramek, and which was afterwards confirmed by a paragraph subjoined, from a letter of 376 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. the deceased Don Franci ico Vall^, commandant of Ste. Genevieve. I also made known this affair to all the commandants and Sindics including New Madrid, in reiterating to them to be on the look- out. " All this I communicate for your information, so that it may be of use to you in the steps you may judge proper to take. ' ' I have the honor to be " With the highest consideration, " Sir, Yours, &c., "Charles Dehault Delassus." "St. Louis of Illinois, March 30, 1804. "To M. Amos Stoddard, Capt. of Artillery of the U. S., First Civil Commandant of Upper Louisiana: "Sir: On the 17th of last month I received from his C. M.'s captain commandant, par interim of the Post of Ste. Genevieve, M. Jno. Bap. Valle, an official letter with a petition from Mr. Madden, appointed assistant surveyor for the said Post and its dependencies, by the surveyor of this Upper Louisiana, Mr. Antoine Soulard. The said letter and petition were a complaint on the part of the said Madden against certain inhabitants of Mine a Breton, who presented themselves armed against him, and opposed iu the name of the United States, his surveying the land of Mr. Pascal Detchemendy, which he had been authorized to do by one of my orders, and making use of offensive and injurious expressions, carrying their audacity even so far as to threaten the said Madden, and the said Pascal, who was there to be present at the survey of his land. "After having attentively considered the contents of these papers, there remained no doubt on my part, that it constituted a mutinous opposition against the rights of the territory and author- ity of his C. M., and a contempt of the orders of the officers under whose authority the inhabitants then were, and I have every rea- son to believe that they were instigated to the commission of this act of violence in armed force ; and I am more confirmed in this view, by the complaint brought me by said M. Antoine Soulard, who added thereto a paragraph from the letter written him by his MINE A BRETON. 377 said assistant on tliis affair, and requesting me to verify the fact and sustain his operations in virtue of his appointment of Surveyor of this Upper Louisiana by the Government. In view of these charges and petitions, I found myself obliged to prepare myself to adopt the most effectual means to substantiate the fact and inflict punishment on the principal movers and most culpable of this sedition, but I was delayed the nineteenth of the month by the arrival of your courier from Kaskaskia at the moment I was about to send an express to said commandant Jean Bap. Valle to obtain the proper information, and if necessary to arm the force to inflict punishment on the guilty and compel them to respect the territory and rights of his Majesty, by sending the said assistant Surveyor escorted by a detachment of militia to verify his opera- tions and be regarded as a public officer on duty — when, on the said day the 19th of the month of February your disp^.tches with those of Messrs., the commissioners of his C. M., enjoining me to deliver over those posts to the commissioner of the prefect Fran- cois Pierre Clement Laussat, so soon as he would present himself ; and as you notified me by your letter that you would arrive as soon as possible with your soldiers, I thought, therefore, that my duty obliged me to suspend this act of justice, that would not suffer by the delay, tO devote myself entirely to the cares neces- sary to be ready to receive you, and transfer to you this Territory without delay and in a state of tranquility ; in consequence I sim- ply wrote to said commandant Valle of date 20th in returning him his papers, that in view of the circumstances he had only to send some one to the Mine a Breton to take the declarations neces- sary to identify the principal movers in the seditious move- ment, to the end that the violence done his majesty's territory should not go unpunished, notwithstanding the change of govern- ment ; proposing to appeal to the representative authority as I do this day. " But it seems these seditious persons were so determined, that the said commandant was not able to have my above cited order carried into execution. To not expose the person he would have sent, in view of the fact that I did not instruct him to send a de- tachment of militia for his protection, he simply ordered the com- issary of Police of the said Mines to signify, in presence of two 378 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. witnesses, to all the parties named in Madden's report, to appear before him within eight days, under penalty of being prosecuted under the laws, etc., as the said commandant informed me by bis official letter of February 25th. " Following this, I awaited the result of these investigations to apply to you, as I have already stated, and make known to you the guilty ones, but the said commandant, whom you have retained in his office, by a letter of the 19th of this month, tells me that those people instead of complying with the summons made them to appear before liim, have sent him a petition that he forwarded to you, and of which he sent me a copy. As the contents of this copy are of an incendiary nature, and a characteristic sequel of their sedition against the Spanish government under which these same inhabitants bad received but favors, and had they had any grievances to complain of at this time ? they should have presented them and never have revolted, above all in specifying the limits to which they were willing that the lands should be surveyed, and probably reserve for themselves, without title, those within their said limits, which they think probably they may possess through this act of violence. "After the exposition of the facts of the case, I leave it to your knowledge and sagacity to pursue the course you may deem proper to take on this outrage committed against the rights of sovereignty of the King my master ; and 1 pray you to take the steps that are in your power that the person interested Mr. Paschal Detchemendy be not wronged by the delay occasioned him by the interference of these seditious persons, by having surveyed the land which was granted him. I add hereto copies of the papers referred to in the present — as follows: — " From Mr. B. Valle marked A. and the papers there cited with the official note of A. Soulard in possession of said commandant, if he has not recently sent them to you, with the petition of the inhabitants of the Mine a Breton. " Copy of the Paragraph of Mr. Madden's letter marked B •' Also my official note to said Valle •' "Also M. B. Valla's reply to my above " D ' • Also from same with copy of the petition above cited • ' K STODDARD'S REPLY TO DELAS8U8. 379 " The good feeling that has always subsisted between the Officers of his C. M. and the United States, and particularly, under pre- sent circumstances, between you and myself, for the accomplish- ment of the duties of our respective commissions, leaves me no room to doubt that you will find nothing but what is just and rea- sonable in the request that I have the honor to address to you. I will be obliged to you to forward your reply, that I may trans- mit the same to the commissioners of his C. M. " I have the honor to be with the highest consideration Sir, your very humble and Obd't. Servant, " Chas. Dehault Delassus. " St. Louis, 3rd April, 1804. " Sir: I have received your letter of the 30th ultimo, as also the several papers accompanying it relative to the conduct of the people at Belleview in preventing the surveys of the lands at that place. "As this transaction happened under the Spanish Government, I have my doubts, whether the United States can take cognizance of it. A crime of this nature committed against one government, seems not to be punishable by another ; tho' if any private injury be in- volved in it, perhaps a reparation in damages may be legally obtained. To prevent such excesses for the future, as well as to save un- necessary expenses, I have conceived advisable to suspend all surveys under Spanish Grants and concessions, and orders to this effect have been given to the Surveyor-General. These two points, however, I shall reserve for the consideration of the act- ing Governor-General and Intendant, to whom I will write on the subject, and, at the same time, transmit him the necessary Docu- ments by the first safe conveyance by water. "I am, sir, with sentiments of respect, " Your very humble Servant, "Amos Stoddard, " Capt & first Civil Comd't, Upper Louisiana. "To Col. Delassus." 380 ANNALS OP ST. LOUIS. " To Capt. Amos Stoddard, first civil command' t of St. Louia dis- trict : " Complains James Culbertson against Michael Mackey, for that Haid Mackey at St. Louis in saidU. Louisiana, on tlie twenty- seventli day of April last past, with force and arms, did take, steal, and carry away, the following articles of clotliing the prop- erty of your complainant, viz., one silver watch, valued at fifteen Dollars, one great coat, valued at ten Dollars, one roundabout jacket, valued at ten Dollars, one vest, valued at five Dollars, one pair of blue pantaloons, valued at ten Dollars, and one pair of buckskin leather pantaloons, valued at fifteen Dollars. Where- fore your complainant prays that said Mackey may be appre- hended and held to answer to the above complaint, and further to be dealt with as to law and justice shall appertain. St. Louia, May 4, 1801. Jahe» Culbertson. " Daniel Fralee and Calvin Adams are authorized to apprehend the body of the said Michael Mackey and have him before us. " St. Louis, 4 May, 1804. "A. Stoddard." *• We now present the body of the said Mackey to the com- mandant. '« Mat 4, 1804. " Daniel Fralee " Calvin Adams." "And now Michael Mackey is arraigned on the complaint of James Culbertson, in which he is charged with stealing sundry articles of wearing apparel belonging to said Culbertson — to which said complaint the said Mackey pleaded Guilty. It is, therefore, considered and decreed by us, that the said Michael Mackey pay to the said James Culbertson the sum of fifteen Dol- lars, which with some of the articles of wearing apparel returned, amounts to the value of the goods stolen, and also that the said Mackey pay the further sum of thirty Dollars, being the costs of prosecution ; and if the said Mackey does not pay the aforesaid sums, amounting in the whole to forty-five Dollars by 12 o'clock at DELASSUS TO JNO. B. VALLE 381 noon to-morrow, the said Culbertson shall have full power and authority to sell and dispose of said Mackey for the term of four calendar months from this date, to any person whomsoever, for the purpose of paying the aforesaid sum of forty-flve Dollars. " Due to Culbertson 015, A. Stoddard, Capt. " to Calvin Adams 4, and Jirst C. Comd't. U. Louisiana. " to Danl, Fralee, 24, " to the Commandant 2, for warrant and tryal." $45 " To Mr. John Bapt. Valli, Civil Commandant of the Post of St. Genevieve : " In the superior orders which I have received from the commis- sioners of his Catholic Majesty, dated Dec. 30th of the last year, to deliver up this post, and which were also sent to you ; it is there expressly ordered to also deliver the archives with such papers and documents as would appear to have connection with the inhabitants of the district and their property, taking a receipt for yverything, and a statement of those papers not delivered. So that it may be known what has been delivered up to the French Republic, and specify the same in the general inventory, &c., &c. ' 'And by another order which I received from the Marquis of Casa Calvo, June 24th, 1 am enjoined to bring luith me the govern- ment correspondence now in all the posts of Upper Louisiana, that has no relation to suits, deeds, grants of land, &c., or with the individual fortunes and interests of the inhabitants, , married Susaune Dodier 1779 at twenty-three. 2. Madelaine, Fort Chartres, 1758, to Francis Hubert, 1774, at sixteen. 3. Julien, Jr., Fort Chartres, 17(50, to Marie Louise Cotte, in 1784. She died in 1793, and ho married the widow of Pierre A. Marie in 1797. 4. Pierre Patrick, St. Louis, married to Victoire Stark. 5. Henri Francois, St. Louis, 1767, married to Jeanne Montardy, 1793. 6. Louis, St. Louis, 1773. 7. Etienne, St. Louis, 1776. Julien Lelloy was a well informed, enterprising man, and a useful citizen, having built several houses in the village, by obtaining a lot, building on it, and then selling it to some one who needed a house at once. Several of his sons re- moved to Carondelot whore their posterity still reside, hav- ing dropped the '* Lo " from their name and calling them- selves simply '* Roy." As the death of LeRoy is not on the church I'ogister, he perhaps died elsewhere. THE MARTIQNY BROTHERS, JNO. B. AND JOS. L., were also of those who came in the first boat with Chouteau, 1764. Jno. Bap. Martigny, born in 1712, at Varenne, Quebec, Canada, married to Helene Hebert at Fort Chartres. She was born in 1732 at Fort Chartres, was sister of Ignace and Joseph Hebert, Sr. J. B. Martigny was a prominent and well to do man, he built, in 1768, the stone house at the southeast corner of Main and Walnut, which in after years became noted in the 426 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. early history of the viUage and town as appears in another article. He was for a long time captain of the militia of the village, died September 22, 1792, aged eighty, and Mrs. M., February 25, 1802, at seventy, having no children, they left their property to Mrs. M.'s niece, Helene Hebert, the wife of Hyacinthe St. Cir. Joseph Lemoine Martigny built his house of posts in 17B5-6, on the west side of Main, between Plum and Cedar, where he lived about a year, and then sold it to Nicholas Royer, dit Sansquartier, a soldier. He was engaged in the Indian trade as late as July 3, 1789, when his name is last found in the archives. JEAN SALLE, DIT LAJOIE, was born in Saintes, Saintous, France, about the year 1741. He came to St. Louis in 1764 in the boat with Chouteau from Fort Chartres, and was married to Marie Rose Vidalpano, born in Taos, New Mexico, July 3 1770, by Father Valentin, curate of the parish of St. Loi is. Their daughter, Helen Salle Lajoie, was married to Ben- jamin Leroii, merchant, January 17, 1792 vv^hose children were one son, Wutkius Lerou, and two daughters, Marie Angelique, who was married to Peter Primm, from Virginia, on January 18, 1809, and Helene Lerou, who married Capt. Jas. Lafferty, in 1827, Aug. 27. The old lady, Marie Rose V. Salle, died on July 27, 1830, at the house of her daughter, Mrs. Lerou, on Elm Street, between Fourth and Fifth, at the remarkable age of one one hundred and seven years, and Mrs. Lerou in 1854 at the age of eighty-one. OLD JOSEPH MABCHETEAU DENOYER, the second brother, a cabinet maker, had been twice mar- ried before coming over to St. Louis, and three married APPENDIX. 427 (laughters with their husbands and children came over with him, viz. : — 1. Marie Jeanne and husband, Charles Routier, stone mason, daughter of his first wife, Madeline Robert. 2. Elizabeth, and husband, Jno. B. Becquet, a miller, and — 3. Catherine and husband, Francis Bissonet, farmer, were daughters by his second wife, Elizabeth Leduc, a sister of the first wife of his elder brother, Louis, Sr. CHARLES ROUTIER, stone mason, born in 1703, married on the other side, died in St. Louis March 10, 1777, at northeast corner of Main and Pine, aged seventy-four, and his widow February 20, 1800, aged seventy-two. JXO. B. BECQUET, miller, born 1723, married also at Fort Chartres, removed to Ste. Genevieve. FRANCIS BISSONNET, farmer, born in 1741, married in 1772 at Kaskaskia, died at St. Louis January 1, 1787, aged forty-six. LOUIS BISSONNET, an older brother of Francis B., born in 1731, married Genevieve Routier, only child of Chas. Routier above, April 30, 1771 ; he forty; she twenty-two. He died April 20, 1786, a2;ed fifty-five, at the corner of Main and Pine, and his widow in May, 1804, also aged fifty- five years, leaving seven children, Louis, thirty-five ; Charles, thirty-three; Joseph, thirty-one; Pascal, twenty-nine. 428 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. Angelica Ladouceur had died, Pelagie, wife of Paul Priiuo, and Helene, wife of Henry Delaurier. Her will is dated May 24, 1804, by Capt. Stoddard. She died northwest corner Main and Olive. OLD TRANCIS MARCHETEAU, DENOYER, the third brother, a carpenter, came over with his two brothers in 1765, and built himself a small house. We have but few particulars of this Marcheteau. His wife was Marie Josepha Noiselle. A son, Joseph Marcheteau, Jr., married, in 1779, Ursula Cardinal. A daughter, Marie Josette, was married to John B. Du- rand in 1768. She died in 1769-70, leaving an infant daughter, Theotiste, and Jno. B. Duraud died in 1773 at the age of thirty-one. When this child grew up to be a young woman she was married in 1783 to Emilien Yosti, an Italian from Novarra, in Piedmont. He was for many years a prominent man in our place, and died in his house, southwest corner of Main and Locust, in 1818, aged seventy-eight years, and his widow six years thereafter in 1824, at the age of fifty-five years. They raised to maturity five children. 1. Pelagie, married to Alfred Crutsinger, from Virginia, in 1809. 2. Marie, married to John C. Potter in 1816. 3. Joseph, born in 1791, died single in 1820, at twenty- nine years. 4. Louis, born 1796, died on his farm, St. Louis County in 1853 at fifty-seven. 5. Francis, born 1798, died at St. Charles, August 19, 1879, aged eighty-one. APPENDIX. 429 NICHOLAS MARECHAL, SR., a native of Verdun, France, had beta a soldier in the Freneii service and married his wife, Mario Jeanne Isleret, a half-breed Indian, at Fort Chartres, previous to 1753. They came over to St Louis in 1765, with a family of eight children, five sons and three daughters and received from Laclede a verbal grant of the northwest corner of Main and Chestnut, upon which he built a house, etc. Here he died in Septenber, 1770. Their children were: — 1. Marie, married to Joseph Calve, Sr. She died in 1791, and Calve in 1792. 2. Francis, who married Marie Therese Riviere, in 1770. 3. Catherine, to Joseph Francis Moreau, in 1767. 4. Marie Elizabeth, to Antoine Martin Ladouceur, in 1774, and after his death, to Jno. B. Priineau, in 1791. 5. Jacques, married Genevieve Cardinal, widow of J. B. Vifvarenne. 6. Antoine, to Catherine Tabeau, 1777. 7. Joseph. 8. Nicholas, Jr. GABRIEL DODIER, SR., was a blacksmith at Fort Chartres, where he had been es- tablished for some years, his wife was Marie Francoise Millet. He hud been industrious and prosperous and had accumulated quite a handsome property for the times. He died over there August 1, 1763, leaving five children, one son and four daughters, viz. : — 1. Gabriel, Jr., born in 1740, was twenty-three years of age, and had been married to Miss Becquet about a year. 2. Marie Francoise, married to Jno. B. Becquet about a year. , 3. Jeanne. 430 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. 4. Elizabeth. 5. Marie Therese, three daughters, all minors. An inventory of his estate was taken on August 4, 1763, by John V. Bobe, Desclausau, orderer and judge of Illinois, consisting in his house and lot, slaves, shop and tools, money, furniture, horses and cattle, etc., to the amount of 29,214 livres ; deducting expenses, debts, etc., 2,104 livres, the estate netted 27,110 livres; the widow's half 13,555 livres and the five children 13,555 livres. The family came to this side in 1765, comprising the widow of Gabriel, Sr., she died February 10, 1783, aged I'.bout sixty. 1. Gabriel Dodier, Jr., who died in 1805, aged sixty- five years. 2. Marie Francoise Becquetj^died in 1785, age 1 forty- one years. 3. Jeanne. 4. Elizabeth, wife of Alexis Cotte. 5. Marie Therese, wife of Simon Coussot, died in 1782, at twenty-five. JOHN BATISTE ^ BECQUET. There were two of this name that came over with the first crowd in 1765. One was Jno. B. B., the blacksmith, whose wife was Francoise Dodier, and who received a verbal grant from Laclede, of the northwest corner of Main and Myrtle, upon which he built his house and shop, and where he lived during the whole of his residence in St. Louis, of thirty-two years, from 1765, dying in it October 21, 1797, aged seventy-four years. His wife had died there twelve years previously, April 19, 1785. The other, Jno. B. B., was a miller, whose wife was ^ The John Batistes were very numerous here In those early days, al- most every family of several sons, having one la the number. APPENDIX. 431 Elizabeth, a daufrhter of Joseph Marchetiui, dit Desnoyer. This Becquet had built a small house, likewise on a verbal grant from Laclede, on the southwest corner of Main and Olive, where he lived until 1772, when he exchanged it with Pierre Gagnon for the southeast quarter of block No. 26, corner of Main and Green ; here he lived until 1776-77, when he removed to Ste. Genevieve, selling it to Jno. M. Cardinal, who was occupying it when killed by Indians in 1780. THE HEBERTS. Helene Danis, widow of Ignacc Hebert, Sr., received a concession of the south half of Block No. 38, from Gov. St. Ange, July 18, 1769. She, or her husband Hebert (as there is no record of the date of his death or where he died), had built on this lot in 1765 with the then usual verbal per- mission of Laclede, and had occupied it about twenty years at the date of her death, November 28, 1784. Inventory and sale of her eflfects in January, 1785, by Chas Sanguinet, executor, and partition between the repre- sentatives of the seven heirs in July 1786, as follows : — 1. Ignace Hebert, Jr., born 1730, then dead, with three heirs. 2. Helene Hebert, wife of Jno. B. Martigny, 1732, then fifty-four years of age . 3. Joseph Hebert. 4. Auguste Hebert. 5. Pelagie Carpentier,a grand-child, parents deceased. 6. Francois Hebert, born 1750, killed by Indians in 1780, his widow living. 7. Marie Hebert Berger, deceased, with a son, Pierre, grand-child. These were all born in Illinois, and lived there, the only two of them who came over to this place were Mrs. Martigny, and Francois, deceased. 432 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. .T08EPH HEBERT, SR., born at Fort Chartrcs in 1741, came over in 17G5. Hg (lied in St. Louis January 28, 1801, aged sixty years. His wife, Agnea Michel Pliilipe, born in 1744, died March 21, 1814, at seventy; their children, all l)orn in St. Louis, were, — 1. Helene, born 1767, May. 2. Joseph, Jr., September, 1771, married to Victoire A. Hortiz, May 2, 1801 : he twenty-six, she sixteen. 3. Constance, 1774, July. 4. Marie, October, 1776. AMABLS UUION, JR., the only son of Amable Guion, Sr., and wife, Margaret Blondeau, born at Fort Chartres in 1763, came over with his parents in 1705. He was married in 1783, at the age of twenty years, to Irene Felicite Robert, and settled in Carondelet. Their children were: — 1. Clara Margaret, born 1787, married to Antoine Dangen, from Marseilles, France, July 22, 1807. Dangen died April 12, 1827, and Mrs. D. July 8th, less than three months after her husband leaving several children. 2. Hubert, 1789, married Josephine Didier from Be- ^ancon, France, May 7, 1811; he died at Jefferson Bar- racks, May 23, 1833, aged 44. 3. Vincent, 1791, married Eulalie Derouin, 1813, who died January 5, 1817 ; and secondly, Genevieve Bouvet. 4. Louis, 1793, to Clarissa Delisle, 1818, and Cath- erine Mackay, 1832. 5. Joseph, 1797, to Monica Boudon, 1818, and Theodo- sia Chouquet, 1836. APPENDIX. i:\:\ fi. Irene Foliuito, 1800, to Richard Milligen, 1822, and then to Jno. B. Dclislc. 7. Bartholomew, 1803, to Mar4, coming out to St. Louis the same year, where he re- ceived the appointment of '• King's Surveyor" for upper Louisiana, which office he held until the transfer to the United States in 1804. Mr. Soulard was married on Nov. 16, 1795, to Miss Marie Julie Ccrre, the youngest daughter of Gabriel Cerrc, merchant of St. Louis. Ho died Nov. 9, 1825, aged fifty-nine years, and Mrs. Soulard, May 9, 1845, in her seventieth year. Their children were: — 1. James G., born in 1797, married March 20, 1820, to Miss Eliza N., daughter of the late Col. Tlios. Hunt, United States army. 2. Henry G., born May, 1801, to Miss Lane, daughter of Doctor Harvey Lane, formerly of St. Genevieve. 3. Eliza, born , died Feb. 3, 1845, unmarried. 4. Benjamin A., born married Miss Closey, Pittsburg. FHANCI8 M, BENOIT, SR., a fur merchant, son of Louis Antoine Benoit and Mirie Rouse Snmande, born in Quebec, in 1768, married Marie Catherine Sanguinet in St. Louis, Nov. 22, 1798. He died Oct. 21, 1819. Aged fifty-one years, leaving three sons and two daughters, and his widow Dec. 8, 1859, in her seventy- ninth year. 1. Francis, Jr., born 1799, died in Louisiana. 2. Louis A. (Conde), Aug. 13, 1803, and died Jan. 17, 1867, at sixty-four; first wife Miss Barton, two children; second. Miss Hackney, five children; third. Miss Wilson, eight children, fifteen in all. 3. Saniiuint't, 1805, to Miss Dubois; separated. APPENDIX. 473 4. Adeline, 1807, to .las. M. Riley at Liberty, Sept. 20, 1831. 5. Amanda, 1809, to Cyrus Curtis, March 27, 1827. FRANCIS nARROUSEL, born in Cape Francois, Island of St. Dominjijo, a refuj^ee from that island at the negro insurrection of 1793, came to Baltimore, and established himself in business there with Nicholas Lesconfliiires. In 1796-97 he came to St. Louis on business. He executed his will before Governor Tru- deau, dated April 18, 1797, in which ho names his friend, Charles Gratiot, of St. Louis, his executor, directs him to pay his debts in Philadelphia, to John West, $354, and to John Mallett, $4.55; and being unmarried, and no family, he leaves his partner the balance of his in- terest in the store ; and to his brothers and sisters his claims for indemnity on St. Domingo and his property in France. He died at Ste. Genevieve, July 31, 1797. This Mr. Barrousel was the grand uncle of the late Ed- ward P. Tesson, of St. Louis, whose mother was a niece of Barrousel. JOHN P. CABANNE, Merchant, son of Jean Cabanne and Jeanne Dutilh, his wife, was born in the city of Pau, Bearne, France, Octo- ber 18, 1773, and came a young man to New Orleans, where he remained for a time, and then came up to St. Louis, in the year 1798. He married Julia, the eldest daughter of Charles Gratiot, merchant, born July 24, 1782, on April 8, 1799. He died June 27, 1841, aged sixty-eight years, and Mrs, Cabanne, April 14, 1852, in her seventieth year. Their children were : — 474 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. 1. Batiste Gregoiro, bom February 8, 1800, died in 1801. 2. Jeiiaiie Victoire, bora November Iti, lb03, ulao died young. 3. Adelle, born in 1805, was married to John B. Sarpy, No. 2, on September U, 1820, -and died March 27, 1832, aged twenty-seven. 4. John Charles, born November 4, 180B, married to Virginia, second daughter of Judge Wm. C. Carr, Febru- ary 12, 1835. He died on July 17, 1854, leaving three sons ; the eldest, John Pierre, died, unmarried, April 18, 18(53, aged twenty-six years ; the two others, J. C. and S. C. Cubanne, both married, with families, and their mother, the widow, are living. 5. Augustus Eneas, born March 28, 1808, died January 23, 1825, aged seventeen years. 6. Julia A., born July 8, 1809, married to Lieut. James W. Kingsbury, U. S. A., May 25, 1830. She died in 1836, and Capt. K. in 1854, and their only son, Julius, was killed by lightning in 18()8, at the age of thirty-two. Their two daughters, Mrs. Givervillo and Mrs. A. M. Waterman, both widows, are living. 7. Louisa, born August 12, 1811, was married to Lieut. Albert G. Edwards, U. S. A., April 28, 1835. She died August 4, 1841, at the age of thirty years, her infant son in his third year, having preceded her about twenty days. 8. Lucien Dutilh, born July 28, 1814, married Miss Susan Shepard. He died April 10, 1875, in his sixty-first year, leaving but one son. Dr. Shepard Cabanne. 9. Francis, born January 1, 1816, died, unmarried, No- Yeml)er 9, 1876, in his sixty-first year. 10. Louis Julius, born February 22, 1818, was married to Stella McNair, November 24, 1846, and died up the Mississippi, leaving several children. 11. Isabella, born in 1820, died an infant. APPENDIX. 475 Mr. John P. Cabanne, Sr., was prominent in the fur trade of St. Louia for exceeding forty yours. MARIE PHILLIPPK LEDUO, was born in St. Denis, Paris, in 1772. When a young man he ctune over to Louisiunu with liis mother and two hrotliors and rcnmined for some time at Now Orleans, and then came up to New Madrid in 1793. When Governor Delassus relieved Portell in the command at Now Madrid, in 1796, he employed Leduc as his private secretary, and in 1799, when appointed lieutenant-governor of this upper Louisiana, Leduc came with him to St. Louis as secretary of the province, and continued to serve in vari- ous civil positions for the balance of his protracted life of seventy years. On August 30, 1802, he was married to Marguerite, the eldest daughter of Jos. M. Papin. She died April 1, 1808, after a brief married life of less than six years, having lost two infant sons, and leaving a third child, a daugliler, Zoe, born in 1807, who lived to become a young lady of sixteen years, completing her education, and then died on May 6, 1823, thus leaving the sorely afflicted old gentleman with- out kinsmen, — his last brother, Joseph Leduc, had died in St. Louis, May 21, 1810, at the age of forty-two. He devoted the balance of his life to public usefulness, filling the various positions of recorder, alderman, justice of the peace, notary, clerk of the circuit and county courts, judge of probate, member of the legislature, etc., discharging all his duties with ability and to the general satisfaction. Judge Leduc died at the reaidence of his brother-in-law, Hy polite Papin, at Cote Brilliante, Monday, August 15, 1842, having reached the age of seventy years. 470 ANNAL8 OP ST. LOUIS. DOCT. ANTOINK FBANCOIH HAUOIiAIN, was born in tli« cjMiter of Piiris, called Islo do la Cite in Feb- ruary, 17(53. His paternal ancoHtors wore book-sollcrH for nearly two centuries. He was a chemist and minoraloj^irtt, and when u young man of a<^o, about ITSi-H/), he wont in the aerviuo of the king of Spain, to examine into the minus and mineral productions of Mexico, from which he returned to France the same year, 1785. In 17H(), he went again to Mexico and returned to France. In 1787, ho went to the United Slates, accompanied by two young Parisian friends, M. Pique, a botanist, and M. Ragiict, bearing a letter of in- troduction to Doct. Franklin, from Mr. Le Veillard, an old Parisian friend of tl»e doctor, as per the doctor's reply: — " PiiiLADKLPiiiA, February 17, 1788. ♦• To M. Le Veillard: " My Deaii Friend — I received your kind letter of June 23d, by Mr. Saugrain, and it is the last of yours that is come to my hands. I find Mr. Saugrain to answer well the good character you give of him, and shall with pleasure render him any services in my power. He is now gone down the Ohio to reconnoitre that country, «fec., &c. " Benj. Franklin." After remaining a time in Philadelphia, he, in the winter of 1787-88, being then twenty-four years of age, proceeded with his two young French companions, Messrs. Pique and Raguet, to Pittsburg. Early in the spring of 1788, having been joined there by an American, a Mr. Pierce, the four left Pittsburg in a flat boat, or broad horn, then so called, with their horses and I)aft hand, crushing his forotingor, and yolling to uh to laud, but hoping to oscapo thuni we continuod on our course I)urrtUud l>y tho ludiauH in their canooH. Seeing wo niUHt bo overtaken, we jun)|)ed overboard, hoping to roaeh tho K«'ntucky slioro and (!Hoapo to tho woods. Mr. I'iqiic, liadly wounded, wan drowned in the attempt. Mr. Ruguot, on reaching shore, encountered two on tho watch for ua, who soon despatched and scalped him. Mr. Pierce and myself escaped to land, but wore pursued and captured by the two who had killed M. Raguet, who bound our hands and started after our boat which the others had taken. During the next night 1 contrived to loosen my hands while our captors were sound asleop, we stole away quietly, keeping in the woods down tho river, in hopes ot being overtaken by a desceutling boat. After tiirce . W. Barlow, Stephen D. Barnard, Geo. D. Barnes, Robert A., P copies Bahnett, Geo. I. Barney, Chas. E, Baukr, Alfrkd G. Bauman, L., Jewelry Co., 2 copies Beauvais, F. a. Bkll, Leverett Benoist, Conde L., 2 copies Benoist, Eugene H. Benoist, Theodokb Benoist, Sanguinet Bent, Silas Bernays, a. le — M. D. Bkrthold, Augustus Bkrthold, Bartholomew Bkrthold, Pierre A. Bieuingek, Frkd'k W, Bland, John H. Blank, Alois Blair, Frank P. Blattneh, Jacob Bliss, Wm. W. Block, Jno. C. H. D. Blossom, H. M. Blythe, James E. BoBB, Charles BoECK, Adam BOECKLER, A. BOKDICKER, L. BoFiNOER, Jno. N. Boland, John L. Boyle, Wilbur F. Brady, V. Rkv'd Philip P. Branch, Joseph W. Brazeau, Augustus G. Bueckenridge, Hon. S. M. Bredell, Edward Broadhead, Hon. James 0. Brookmeir, Ja.mes H. Bruenemann, Ernst Bull, Jno. C. Buck, Myron M. Burr, Wm. B. Bush, Isidor 3yrne, John Cabann£, J. Shepard — M. D., 3 copies Cabann£, Jos. C. (501) 502 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS, CAHANNfi, Saiu'Y C. Cady, Hon. Chas, F. Cami'hkli,, Hob't a. (No. 1), Cami'BKI.l, Kon'T A. (No. 2), Campbell, VV. D. Capkn, Gko. 1). Caki'Kntkk, Jah. M. Carii, Alfuki) Cakb, CHARLKd Bent Carr, .Iamks Cauu, Lucikn, Carabrldi?c, Mass. CARRifeRK, Mrs. C. Cati.in, Danikl Catlis, Epiikaim Ck.ntral Typk Foundry Chadbournk, G. W. Chapman, Joskph G. Cuarlot, C. S. Chase, Edward Chouteau, Chas. P., 5 copies Chouteau, J. Oilman Christian Brothers, 3 copies Church, Alonzo C. Claiborne, Jas. R. Clauk, Henry L. Clark, Hinman H. Clark, Jefferson K. Clark, Wm. G. Clemens, B. M. Clemens, Jere \V. Clendenin, Wm. A. Clover, Hon. H. A. Cobb, Seth W. CoLBURN, Fred. M. Cole, Hon. Nathan Collins, L. E. Collins, Martin COMPTON, Rich'd J. Comstock, T. G. — M. D. Copp, Samuel Cornet, Francis CosTE, Felix CouziNS, Jno. E. D. Cox, Mrs. Chas. A. Crawford, David Crunden, F. M. Cruttknden, U. W. Daen/.er, Carl Davim and Davis Davis, John T. Delakield, Wallace Delany, John O'Fallon DeLASSUS, AUdUSTUS Deslo(.k, Jules DeYong, a. Dillon, John A Dimmock, Mrs. Thomas, 2 copies DiTTMANN, George F. Dodd, S. M. DODSWORTH, KEV'D C. DOERR, P. J. Donaldson, Andrew Donaldson, John W. Donaldson, Wm. R. Donavan, Frank J. Dowlino, Richard Downing, Edwin Drake, Geo. S. Drew, Francis A. Drummond, J. T. DuESTRow, Louis Durkee, Dwight Dyer, John N., 2 copies Dyer, Trusten P. Easton, Alton R. Edgar, T. B. Edwards, Albert Q. Ehlermann, Chas. Eisenhardt, Herman Eliot, Rev'd W.m. G. Engelmann, Geo. S. — M. D. Erskine, Greene Essex, James C. Essex, Wm. T. Ewald, Philip — M. D. Ewing, Augustus B. "> Faerber, Rev'd. Wm. Faris, Charles A., 2 copies LIST OF SUBSC1UBEH8. 503 FAUirtii, Kdwauu T. Fakmkr, Jamk8 B. Faukak, Jam km 8, Faukklly, Thoh, F. Fatii, Conkau Faust, Anthony Fkroltson, 1). K. FiLLKV, GiLKa F. FiNNKY, !}KUNAia) F188K, John II. FiTZOKKAi.D, Miss M. Flai), Coi.. IIknky F-.KTCHKR, Hon. Tiios. C FOSTKK, BkX.I. R. Fox, Patrick FoY, Mrs. P. L. Francis, Hon. I). R. Franklin, Joski'h Frost, Gkn'l. D. M. Fruin, Jkukmiah Fusz, Louis Galks, Skhs.mund, J. Gantt, Tiios. T. Gardnkr, a. M. Garkschk, a. J. P. Garland, Nathan Garrison, Danl. R. Gaylord, Saml. a. Gehner, Augustus Gibson, Charles, 2 copies Gibson, James H. Gilfillan, John A. GiLKESON, John W., 2 copies Gill, George H. GiLMORE, Col. P. 8., New York Glasgow, Edward J. Glasgow, \Vm. Jr. goddard, e. goode, robt. w. GooDiN, John GoRK, Stephen A. Gould, David B, Grand Lodge Mo., A. F. and A.M. Gratiot, Adolpii Giutiot, Charles B. — .M. I). Gratiot, Paul B. Guav, Melvin L. Greeley, Carlos S. Grrrn, Charles Gregory, G. H. — M. P. GiiETHEit, John (iRISHOM, 1). M. GuGERTY, Thomas GuiHoR, Henri Haarstick, Henry C. Haeuslkr, Herman A. ILvRNEY, John M. Harrington, Henry F. Harris, James A. Hart, Oliver A. Hauck's, Brothers — M. D. Hayward, G. a. Helkenstein, John P. Hennessy, Rkv'd John J. Henry, Ri;v'd James Hill, Brittox A. Hirschherg, F. D. HiRsciiiiERG, Louis C. Hitchcock, Henry hoblit/elle, c. l. HoGAN, Mrs. John HoGAN, Mrs. Lizzie W., Cnliforula Homes, Charles R. Homes, Fred'k B., 2 copies Hosi'Es, Richard Hough, Henry W. Hough, Warwick Houser, D. M. How, James F. Howard, Francis A. Hubbard, K. M. Humphrey, F. H. HuRLHURT, Geo. F. — .M. D. Hyde, William Irwin, Charles W. Isaacs, J. L. Ittner, Anthony 504 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. JaCCAIID, RtJOKVR Jacouh, Aur'm S. Jkwett, Dan'i. T. Johnson, Chas. 1'. Johnson, John B. — M. I). Jonah, Ukv'h J, F. JONIM, Wm. C. Karst, Kmii.k Karst, Kuoknk Kaukkman, J. \V. Kkkvil, Wm. II. Kkhk, Kdwahd C. Kkii.tv, Rkv'i) F. M. KKI8KR, John P. Kkllev, Mrs. A. M., Stamford, Connt. Kellogo Newspaper Co. Krmpland, Arthur Kknnahi), Ham'i, L. Kenrick, M. Rev'd 1'etkr R. Kershaw, J. M. KiMBAI.L, Bknj. Klein, Jacoh Knapp, Andrew J. Knapp, Col. John Knapp, Thos. M. koehler, c. Krieckhaus, AuaiTSTUS Krum, Chkster H. Lackland, Rufus J. Ladd, John A. Lammert, Martin LaMotte, j. Soulari) Lancaster, R. J. Lane, Francis A. Leeds, Ellis N. Leffingwell, Hiram W. Leighton, Col. Geo. E., 2 copie.", Lemp, Wm. j. Leonard, Nicholas Lewis, Hon. E. A. Lewis, John Lewis, Martrom D. Liohtnkr, John H. LiNDLEV, Hon. Jah. J. LiPPMAN, MOHRH J. LoDOE, Joseph (i. LOUDERMAN, JOHN H., 2 COplOS LuiiKE, Hon. Geo. W. Lucas, John B. C. Lucas, Roht. J. Ludlow, R. C. LuEDEKiNo, Roht. — M. D. LuNOSTKAss Company, LuvTiKs, H. C. G. Lynch, Geo. N. McCabe, Fran's. X. McCluney, j, H. McCoy, John T. McDonald, Ai.ex'r. McKiNLEY, Andrew McKiMsocK, Thos. McRee, Wm. T. Madill, Hon. Geo. A. Mafkitt, Chas. C. Mafkitt, p. Chouteau Maffitt, W.m. C. Maguire, John Mallinckrodt, Edw'd Martin, Alex. Martin, John G. Mastbrook, Ale.\. Mauntel, John G. Mayo, Wm. H. Mead, Edward H. Mechin, Augs. V. R. Meier, Adolpiius Meikr, E. F. VV. Meyer, C. F. G. Meyer, Rev'd R. J. Meyerson, Mrs. L. G. Mincke, Geo. H. Missouri Historical Society, Missouri Lodge, No. 1, of A. F. and A. M. Moll, Adolph Morrison, J. L. Don LIST OF SUBSUUlbERa. 505 MoaKB, O. A. — M. D. Mutt, Fkkd'k W. Naoki., Charles Nahsk, AirousT Nrun, John Nkun, riiii.ip Nkwman, S(k;iutk8, 2 copies Nicholson, Pktkr NiDKLKT, JaMKH C. — M. I). Norwood, Jos. G. — M. Ih, Col- umblii. Mo. NUUKNT, Danl. C. O'Brikn, John O'Fallon, John J. O'Nkil, Fuank K. O'Ukilly, I'H.iJi' S. — M. D. Ohkah, EI'HRAIM O. OKTHWEIN — UKOTHRR8 0VKR.>iTOLy., IIknuy Paddock, Orvii.lk Pagk, J. C — M. 1). PA(5K, Wm. M. Fallen, Mrs, A. E. Papin, ThKOI'HILK. Pai'IN, Timothy — M. D. Parker, Geo. \V. Parsons, Charles Patterson, Rout. D. Peck, Chas. H. Percy, J. T. Pettus, Wm. H. H. Peugnet, Ernst Pkugnet, Mrs. V. S., Paris, France Pkyinghaus, Robert Phelan, Rev'd U. S. Philibert, Wm. B,, 2 copies PicoT, Louis D. Pierce, N. G. Pitzman, Julius Polkowski, E. S. Powell, R. W, Power, Rev'd G. D. Pratiirr, Col. John O. PRATTE, OeN'L BRRNAHD, SR., JoneNbuTK Prrktoriuh, Emil Price, Crlhuh Priest, John O. pri.m.vi, huheiit Phovenchrrk, p. Wm. PuLLis, Augustus PULLIB, Thos. R. Randall, John F. Ranken, David Rankkn, Hugh L. Rassieur, Leo Reustock, Charles Rrnhhaw, Morrison Rbnshaw, Wu.liam Rex, John Reybuiun, Mrs. Julia V. Richardson, Jack P. RiciiEsoN, Thus. R'lnniNs, K. C. ROBIDOUX, ClIAH. E. RoEMER, Bernard — M. D. Rogers, Henry L. Roi.vMEYER, Joseph RoMBAUER, Hon. Rod'k E. Roos, Leonard RowsE, E. S. Russell, Chas. S. Ruthereurd, Thos. S,, 2 copies Ryan, M Rev'd P. J. Sampson, Clarke H. Samuel, Webster M. Sander, Enno Sander, M. K. Sauohain, Frederick Saunders, V. O. Scanlan, Mrs. Mary F. Sciiad£, Frederick — M. D. ScHAEKER Duos, and Powell, ScHKRpfi, John F. Schmieding, Frederick SciiNAiDER, Joseph M. 506 ANNALS OF ST. LOUIS. SCHULKNBKUO, OtTO G. Scott, Rohkut K. Skllkks, John M., 2 copies Sklls, Milks Hkssinuhaum, Tiikodouk SlCXTON, UlCMtY C. SiiAri-Kitiii, A. V. SiiAri.inoii, Fkank SllATTINGKK, Al>AM Shaw, IIknuy SlIICKl.K, Frkdk.uick Simmons, C. C. Simmons, Ed. C. Simmons, Samukl Simon, IIknuy T. Skinkku, Thomas Skinkku, T. K. Skkainka, Wii.r.iAM Smith, Andukw J. Smith, Rev'd Coxs'k P. Smith, Pkroy F. Smithkrs, John A. Sl'AUNIIOUST, HkNKY J. Spkcht, Joskph, 2 copies Sl'KCK, ClIARLKS SONNKSOHKIN, KKV'D S. ll. SouLARD, Mrs. II'y G. St. Louis Stamping Co., 2 coplt-s Steinberg, Mrs. M. J. Stevens, Chas. U. — M. I). Stevenson, Gen'l Jno. D. Stewart, A. W. Sticknky, Benjamin Stikel, Chas. G. Stiles, Henry A., Philaclolphla. Stippich, Joseph Stouuart, T. A. Stu.mpk, Jacob Sutton, Henry L. Tallon, Uev'i) p. W. Tamm, Jacob Tansey, Rob't p. Taussig, Charles Taussig, John J. Teichmann, Chas. II. Tesson, Ki>wari> M. Thomas, \Vm. L. TH0MP8t)N, Hon. S. D. Thomson, \Vm. II. Thonssen, G. H. Tiemkyer, John C. TiERNAN, Jajies, 2 coples TiERNAN, Jos. H., 3 copies TiTTMAN, ElMJENE C. Toni), Charles TOENHKELDT, J. Tt)Mi'KiNs, Cornelius Tracy, Dan'l O'C'onnell Treat, Samuel Tripi.ett, John R. , Troklicih', J. H. Tunstall, R. J. Turner, Charles H. Turner, John W. Turner, J, Lucas Valljc, Mrs. Aglae Van Stuuoikoui), Henry — M, 1). Vasqukz, .Vntoine B. ViNciL, John I). VoGEL, Charles F., 10 copies Von Piiul, Be.njamin WaCIITER, I'^MILE Wagner, VVm. E. Wagoner, Henry H. Wahl, .Ioiin Wainwright, Mrs. C. D. Waldauer, Auguste Wallis, a. II. Walsh, Julius S. Walsh, Rev'd W.vi. Wamsganz, John Waterhouse, Silvester Waters, W. H. Waterworth, Jas. a. Wash, Milton II. Washburne, Mrs. A. G., Clilcago Wehrhkim, a. G. LIST OF SUBSCItlBEKS. 507 Weioei,, Eitoknk F. Wkiskk, Martin Wki.ls, Ror.LA Wkht, Washington Wkssklek, F, W. — M. D. WiiKRHY, Miss Mauoahkt WicKiiAM, IIo.v. John WiKHusii, Hknhy WlOOANS, J. F. Williams, Hknuy W. WiNFtKLMKiion, C, Brewery WiNTHUoi', John S. Tallahassee, Florida Witt, Thomas D. WoKUNKK, Hon. J. Q. Wolff, Marcus A. Wl'LI'lNG, ClIAKLKS Xaui'i, El). J. Yeatman, James E. Young, John Zeiglku, Rkv'i) Charles