IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■ 50 ^^ Hi ■■■ IM 2.0 1.8 U III 1.6 6' Photographic Scmces Corporation « ^ ^ !\ <^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 % v ^.^^ .» ''23 '^^ 2* / 25 3 07 308 309 422 427 433 443 444 445 459 400 604 460 455 310 311 335 NAME. Alton Samuel AJton Daniel Agar John Anderson William Anderson Acrhibald Addison Kobert Armstrong Walter Armstrong William Armstrong John Agnew James Agiiew William Asqnith George .409 Vtio ^oa / ;m8 mi 26/51 '27 384 28 391 29/407 3Qi'411 31 511 ;S"420 :l3 421 ^ iJurnJWilliam JJtirfSThomas Bn'v/A James BaVber William IS^iiir John lirfirbc'r (Charles Haird William Baird Kobert Berber William Barmby Bobert 34 ■ .% 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 65 66 67 68 69 420 430 431 437 454 337 338 406 439 'ajmAell ] Caj^ijliell Peter jilter John aiueron Donald Gaaeron Alexi^nder (Jummings James Uv\/fcn liobert tllillajhan Patrick ('larke Peter Carrol Dennis CiMiieron Alexander Cesar John Campbell James Oam))bell (xeorge Campbell John Cameron Alexander Donaldson William Donaldson James Emerson James Ellis William 280 Frazar John 365 Eerrier Wesley 367 Eerrier David 369 li'errier Benjamin 404 I Fallen Micheal 438 iFowley James Jr. 457 lEorster Ju-^ph 326 'Cordon William 327 (iordon John 333 (Jlasij'ow Andrew 351 j Cnins'il tiames 371 (iraham John 388 I Gaimt ]<;dvvin 389 iCaunt Jolm 401 I Grant Doniild 419 ;Gavnor ('ornelius 442 iGelldies William Eh Ph F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F ^ F F F F F F !? F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F P F F r F F F F F F Lot ok Paut OP Lot or Number of House &c. pt 13 s h nh e h 13 II -le h 13 n h 16 nh 19 sh 24 pt 16 ptl5 pt 15. pt23, pt 23 A n e 1] 21 n w ci21 n w c 13 28 29 n h 24 s h 24 13 «l-'7 n h 27 w h 14 pt 1 2 pt 18 Rk" \.'.KS, iSt Helens u h whl4 eh2111wh20 ;^ihl5 (j n h 15 s h 18 n h 20 8 h 27 12 eh 27 3 15 16 17 o h 15 s hl8 18 s h 21 n h 21 nh26 eh 20 H h 25 s h 25 n h 25 sh.l3 e ql516whl7 pt 22 n h 23 s h 2:> w h sh 25 w h 27 8h21 wh 141 14! 10 10 12 12 12 13 j Belfast St Helens \ s c 8 Smith James F 136 447 Shorts John F 1.37 449 Sherriff John F 138 46'^ Steward .John l<' 139 463 Steward Angus F 1401 ,31 (i Treleaven .John 141, .318 Took William F 142 331 Todd David T 143 343 Troy Thomas F 144 356 Todd Thomas F 145 370 'J'aylor .lohn H. F 14(i 373 Taylor 'I'liomas F 147 390 Thorn William F 148 448 Thorn ('harlcs F T 149 .321 Woods Alexander 1.50 328 Wilson James 161 340 Webster (ieoruc F 152 .374 Wellwood iriiliam F 153 375 Welhvoo.l .lohn .Jr. F 1 154 376 JFellwood John Sr. 1-' 1.55 377 Wellwood ]{obert V i I 1.56 395 Wilson Adam F t 1.57 400 IWeathevliead George F 1 1.58 403 iWebster James V 159 405 'Walls Edmund T 160 414 Webste. Thomas T i Kil 415 Woods Vv^illiam V 162 429 Webb John V 163 432 Webb AVilliani E 9 nhl8 11 ptlOlO pt 1911 pt 19 10 pt 19 11 w h 23 n hl5 n h 25 u h 17 sh 17 e h 23 \v h 15 pt e h 14 n h 16 10 H h Ki lO e h 20 10 e h 2.3 10 nh 25 10 nh 27 10 nh 18 11 n;^ 19 11 s e q 22 11 wh 14 121 n q 13 13 sh 19 13 eh 17 14 nh 18 14 prt 24 14 prt 24 14 ■^ h 15 10 n h 16 10 e h 21 s h 22 10 s h 27 10 ]irt IK 11 eh 24 11 s h 25 11 n h 18 12 e h 17 14! eh 17 10 e h 20 10 w h 26 10 w h 26 11 eh 26 11 s.M|26 12 eh 2611s. .|26 12 eh2611s . (i26 12 s h 21 12 sh 19 12 ;ih 24 12 sh 25 12 K h n h 13 13 n hshl3 13 20 13 w h 22 13 •/ s w f| 26 12 T, KOBEUT iMUEL'AY, Clerk of tho Municipality of the Towiisliip of West W'uwanosli, in the County of Huion, do cortii'y tliiit tho i'ore,i,'oing list is a correct list of the iianits of all jjcrsona entitled to vote for incndjcrs of the Legi-slativo Assembly in Polling Division IS'o. 3, of tho To\vn.ship of "West Wawanosli, according to tho last revised Asssessniei^t JioUs, being for the year A. J). 187."). And I furtlior certify that ft copy of tho foregoing w.'is first jiosted up iu my office on the Tenth day of July, 1875. And I hereby call upon all elector.s to examine tho said list, and if omissions or other (U'lors are perceived therein, to take inimcdiato proceedings to have tho said errors corrected according to law. ROBERT MURRAY, ToiBiinh Ip Clerk. WestWawanosh Tp. Clerk's Office, 10th July, 1875. « SE17TZ1TEL" Frint, Lucknow. ^ < 1 UlUilll «f t 'III& .'tr>\ 'MH '(hiiiut Kdwiu m r,7 '•iS'J (iaunt tidhii ■101 |(iraiit DdiiiiM 41!l ;(}iiviiiir (lonieliuB U2 iOeildifs William 11 li 17 Hhl7 e h U;i w h 15 Tow II nil !p Chrli, "WustWrtwanosli Tp. Clerk's Oftice, 10th July, 1875. "SENTINEii" Print, Luckno-w. ■..> :::;; Cl.t-.n,' An.Uew -r ■ V.' 1, ..> II) ..... r>:{ ;;.-.! (iniUMil .lilUU'rt '1' n h l.-> i 1 1 ' 1 5t 371 (Jraliiiin .luliii F n h 25 IL i />ri 388 (iuiiiit JMlwiu F uh 17 12 .5(5 38!) (iai\iit .Icliii F sh 17 12 AVesfWawa f.7 401 (iraiit DiiiKild F f h 23 12 f>8 419 IJaynin- (^ornulius F w h 15 13 "SE!b 6l» 442 GeiUiies William F pt c h 14 14 OAX 60 34.-; HayneH Edward T 8 h 27 10 61 344 Huync's Arthur T « h 27 10 62 3(i0 Humiiliray William F w h 20 11 63 361 Haynes Edward F e h 20 11 64 460 Hamilton Geoge F wh 27 14 65 325 Irwin John F n w cor s h 19 10 66 435 Inglin John F n.h 25 13 67 304 Johnstone James F wh 25 10 68 402 Jarvis Edwin F nh 24 12 69 410 Jury Flank F 811 13 13 70 319 Morton Edward F w h 17 10 71 345 Mullin Jamt's F B w