IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 1.0 I.I 1,25 1.4 11^ IIS 112.0 I™ 1.6 Photpgraphic QHpnppQ Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREtiT WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 8/2-4503 Bl CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical MIcroreproductions / Institut canadien dt, microreproductio;.s historiques AND i ,1 m k IS^^U^X^^^ <^lS^ CS>I3ai3D OF CLINTON DmSION, NO. 88, 4> •>i si OF THE I I #> '.r ,:^ {*) SONS OP TEMPERANCE, OF " ^ "'v • ■■* ' INSTITUTET) AT BEAMSVILLE, APRIL G, 1850. • ■ ■if ST. CATHAI?1NF.|^ PRINTED BY BKO. H. LEAVjjflWOETH. 1850. , I i '•' ft! rt' ^.*i- .'^*i*>*X«'«i*l*;*i' >!•,•'' i;. ftSw* ;;^^^gg»g&* »!»»k*v«)m;f »g»i ^p«gstg)f«A«»x«)*'* jf?^':^ gg^'f— !- 1/ >'i \l \' CONSTITUTION, ^ n\'~JLJi if « , AND 1 o:^ ""^^ Li^ i:^ ^;c2 i32iiad OF CLIITO]^ DIVISION, ^0. 88, OF THE SONS OF TEMPERANCE, OF ©iisriiiDii wias^d INST'TUTED AT BEAMSVILLE, APRIL 6, 1850. ♦ ti ■'■ ST. CATHARINES : PRINTED BY BRO. H. LEAVENWORTH. 1850. -•"-- - ■-'-■■-^ -' ■^■■--tto^^^.at^^- .-, --.1^-,.^,.,,, ,, _^_ ■I t .tmii i mi i^ Vu i n w ir ii ift My i i i i « * J < » lNTRODi:c TION. j .._ if The Order of "Sons of Temperance" has been institu- ted for the purpose of uniting more closely the friends of Total Abstinence, and to afford mutual aid in the hour of afflictiun. It is an Institution of such a ch-aracter, that while tionc are so elevated in life, as not to be honored by a <'onnexion with it, so none are so humble, if honest and up- ; right, as to be debarred its immunities and blessings: an Institution in which are needed no undue excitement, or extraordinary eflbrts, to keep alive those principles of Total ''Abstinence Reform, so essential to the welfare of mankind ; an Institution in which honors and labors are so admirably distributed as to create and maintain an interest which secures the greatest harmon)^, and insures habits of sobriety and industry. **It has brought into the field a great body of men whose influence might otherwise have been lost, and who are now advocating, in pubhc and in private, at their social meetings, and in all places, the great principle of Temperance and love to mankind ; has united in one noble phalanx a host of efficient and enterprising men, who are living witnesses to its benefits, and brought together men of different religious and political opinions, who, by a sys- tematic organization, are unitedly laboring for the public good, as well as for their own mutual benefit." I Our beneficence is not that of beneficial societies in gene- ral — ^limited to our ow^n particular members. A brother, i. I thouo-li a st.mnf/er — M'licn in distress, slum's our Tinniifi- " cenco, and receives sucli succor a.s his wants may require, and uur circumstances admit The sick among onr own brethren are not left to the (rt)ld hand of public cliarity. They are visited, and iheir wants provided for, out of funds wliich Ihev have ceuitributed to raise, and which, in time of need, they can honorably clairn, %vithout the humiliation of parochial or individual j(dief — from -which the free born mind recoils witli disdain until overwhehned in insufferable want and misery. The desolate and friendless claim from us not only pe- cuniary aid, but oiTr personal attention ; nor does our duty terminate with life — our care is extended to the remains of our departed brethren ; we are to attend, if need be, to the last solemn offices of the dead — to see them consio-ned with respectful decency to the bosom of our mother earth, where the last of human attention ceases. To the living, our fraternal solicitude is not less exerci- ' Bed ; it is our enjoined duty to watcli over the conduct of our brethren, even in their common intercourse with men, as well as with one another, and remonstrate with those ^Vho wander from the path of Temperance, or trespass on the rules of morality. Such we profess to be, and those wdio doubt, we respect- fully invite to come and prove for themselves the excellency of a UNION secured by the ties of Love, Purity and Fi- delity, for the purpose of rescuing our fellow men from tbe degradation and ruin produced by Intempe^rance, and in spreading the principles of Temperance from the "rivers to the ends of the earth." I •# « « f » • » -' 4 t < -•'"^-*-*^^ -r*Y O- • * ■• i ■ i ■ CONSTITUTION. • 1 i r » • » ' 4 PREAMULi:. We, whoso names are annexed, desirous of forming a so- ciety t(» shield us from the evils of Intemperance, afford mu- tual assistance in case of sickness, and elevate our charac- . tjts as men— do pledge ourselves to be governed by the iullowing Constitutiun and 13y-Laws. ARTICLE I. NAME. This Association shall be known as the Clinton Division •JNo. 88, OF THE Sons of TEMPE.iANCE, of Canada West. ARTICLE IL— PLEDGE. No brother shall make, buy, sell, or use, as a beverao-e, an^ fepiiituous or Malt Liquors, Wine or Cider * ° ARTICLE III. OFFICERS, The officers shall consist of a W. P W A R S A \^"^l\^r^.-'^-'^- ^-^- ^-^^"^^ ^- ^^-aii of whom shall be elected by. ballot, every three- months, viz- last regular meetinos in September, December, March, and June; and installed the first regular meetinos in October January, April, and July. ^ ' * The follovvinpr resolution, explanatorv of the Pledjre of the Order was iinanmiously acloi>te(i at the recent session of the National Divi- ^ - Hesohed, That the National Division hereby declare that the true intent and nieamn^ of the Pled^re is to prohibit tiie manufacture, pur- chase, sale, and use of nil alcoholic or intoxicating liquors as a beve- rage, waether enumerated by name in the pledge or not." m w s ! I 6 *'• ARTICLE IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Sec. 1. Tt shall be the duty of the W P. to preside in the Division, enforce a due observance ot the Constitution and By-Laws, and exact a c each notice. At the end of Ins term, he shall. make out for the Division a full report; and furnish the K .S. with the amount of receipts for initia- tion fees and dues during his term, with any other infor- mation connected with his office necessaiy to enable the R. S. to prepare correct returns for the Grand Division. He shall perform such other duties as the Division or his charge may require of him. He shall deliver up to his successor all matters appertaining to his office in his pos- session. ^ Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the T. to pay all orders drawn on him by the W. P., attested by the R. S., and none others ; he shall receive all moneys of, the Division, and hold the same until the expiration of his term, unless otherwise I 1^ i H i k ordered by the Division. He shall keep a full and correct account of all moneys received and expended. He shall give the Division a monthly statement of the funds ; and de- liver up when called upon, all moneys, books, papers, and other property of the Division, to his successor in office, or to whom the Division may especially appoint. He shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Division or his charge. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the C. to introduce for initiation persons who have been previously elected. He shall also introduce visitors, and furnisli them with suitable regalia. He shall, with the aid of the A. C, examine those present at the opening of the Division. He shall see that the officers' regalia are in their proper places at the open- ing of che Division, and take charge of the same at the close. He shall have charge of such property of the Divi- sion as may not be otherwise provided for, and render a full report to the Division at the end of his term. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the A. C. to render such services as the C. or the Division may require of him. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the I, S. to attend the door — to admit none but members of the Order, and caudi dates for initiation. Sec. 10. The 0. S. shall guard the door outside, and keep off intruders. ARTICLE V. ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 1. No person shall be initiated into the Division under eighteen years of age, nor for a less sum than ten shillings. Sec. 2. Xo person shall be admitted into this Division who does not possess a good moral character, or who is in any way incapacitated from earning a livelihood, or who has no visible means of support. Sec. 3, The name of a person offered for membership, must be proposed by a member in wiiung, stating age, resi- dence and business, which must be entered on the record, • • ' * » t • J * 9 • and the subject referred to tliree Brothei's for investiiva- tion, who shall report in writing- at a succeeding meeting, * when the candidate shall be balloted for with ball ballots, and if not more than four black balls appear against him, he shall be declared elected: but \i five or more black balls appear, he shall be rejected, and so declared. No person so rejected shall be again proposed in any Division of the Order under six months. Sec. 4. A proposition for membership shall not be with- drawn after it has been referred to a committee for investi- gafion, without the consent of a majority of the members present. Sec. 5. A vote of rejection may be reconsidered within three meetings, exclusive of the meeting at which the vote w^as taken. But a vote that has resulted in an election, shall not be reconsidered. Sec. 6. The name of a candidate or Brother constitution- ally suspended, rejected, or expelled, shall not be published in any other manner than the usual iiotice to the Divisions. Sec. 1. x\ny Brother applying for membership by de- posite of card, shall be subject to the same ballot as a new applicant. ARTICLE VI. CONTRIBUTIONS AND BENEFITS. Sec. 1. The regular dues to this Division shall not be less than 3d. per week. Sec. 2. Every bona fide m'ember, who shall be qualified as required by the Constitution and By-Laws of this Divi- sion, shall, in case of sickness or disability, be entitled to, and receive weekly, not less than five shillings; except it be shown that such sickness or disability be brought on by his own improper conduct. Nevertheless, this Division may suspend benefits by a two-third vote of the members present at a regular meeting, after two weeks notice of such action. ^ Sec. 3. No Brother residing within five miles of the Di- vision of which he is a member, shall be entitled to benefits for more than one week previous to his case being reported f 10 to such Division. No benefits shall be granted for a less time than one week. All arrears, either for dues or fines, ^ shall, in every case, be deducted from the first payment. Sec 4. In case of the death of a Brother entitled to benefits, the sum of not less than £S 15, shall be appropria- ted as a funeral benefit. The W. P., in the absence of com- petent relations or friends, shall take charge of the funeral, and keep an account of the disbursements. Sec. 5. On the death of the wife of a Brother, also bene- ficial, he shall be entitled to the" sum of not less than £2ilO as a funeral benefit. ARTICLE VII. OFFENCE. Sec. 1. Any member who shall affend against these Ar- ticles or the By-Laws, shall be subject to be fined, repriman- ded, suspended or expelled, as two-thirds of the members present, at any regular meeting, may determine. . Sec. 2. Every member shall be entitled to a fair trial for any offence involving reprimand, suspension, or expul- sion ; but no member shall be put on trial unless charges, duly specifying his offence, be submitted in writing by a member of the Division. Sec. 3. When charges have been preferred against 'a brother in a proper manner, or any matters of grievance be- tween brothers are brought -before the Division, they shall be referred to a special committee of five members, who shall, with as littie delay as the case will admit, summon the parties, examine and determine the matter in question; and if their decision does not involve the suspension or expulsion of a member, and no appeal be taken from it to the Division, it shall be final, without other action. Should the commit- tee be convinced of the necessity of suspending or expelhng a member, they shall submit a motion for the purpose to the Division, for action. Sec. 4. When a motion for the expulsion or suspension of a member shall have been submitted in due form, it shall * • I \ I • 11 be announced at one regular meeting previous to action be- ing taken ; and the accused shall be summoned to be in at- tendance at the Division, at the time when it may have been determmed to consider the question— at which time whether the implicated member be present or not, the Divi' sion may proceed to consider and determine it. Two-thirds of the members present voting in favor of the motion, it shall be earned; but the Division shall be fully competent, while such motion is under consideration, to vary the penal- ty from the original motion. Sec. 5. When the decision of a committee appointed un- der bee. 3 of this Article, otherwise final, shall not be satis- tactory to all parties, either of those interested shall have the privilege of an appeal to the Division ; and at the time appointed for trying the appeal, the committee shall present to the Division in writing, the grounds on which their deci- sion was founded; and the parties shall have the privilege of beino- heard before the Division ; and the Division shall determine the correctness of the decision of the committee by a majority of the votes present. Sec. 6, Any member, having been expelled, shall not be proposed for membership, under six months from the date ol expulsion. Sec. 7. The provisions of this ArUcle shall not extend to violation of Article 2. * ARTICLE VIII. TERMS. Regular Quarterly Terms shall commence on the first of October, January, April, and July. Officers elected previ- ous o the expiration of half the term, shall be entitled to the full honors^of the Term ; those elected after half the term has expired shall not count the honors, except where they be elected to fill vacancies occasioned by resignation, sus- pension expulsion or death, in which case the brother who serves the residue of the Term shall be entitled to the full 12 • ARTICLE IX.-— ELIGIBILITV FOIl CHIEF OFFICERS. Sec. 1. After a Division has been instituted tliree terms, no brother shall be eligible to the office of W. P., unless he has served a regular quarterly term as W. A., nor shall any brother be eligible to the office of W. A., unless he has served two terms in a subordinate office or offices. m Sec. 2. No brother shall serve two terms in the same office, during the 'term of one year, except in the offices of R. S,~~F. S., and T. Sec. 3. No brother shall be eligible to the office of W. P.,-— W. A., or T., who is under twenty -one years of age. ARTICLE X. VIOLATING ARTICLE IL Sec. 1. Any member who knows a brother to have vio- lated Article 2, and neglects to prefer the charge and spe- cify the offence to the Division within three weeks after the violation shall have come to his knowledge, shall be fined five shillings. Sec. 2. The charge for violation of Article 2, shall be presented in writing, duly signed, when it shall be referred to a committee of five members, who shall, as soon as prac- ticable, summon the parties and investigate the matter. Sec. 3. The committee shall. organize by appointing a chairman and secretary. The secretary shall make a cor- rect record of the proceedings, with such testimony as may be presented, which record shall be produced to the Divi- sion on the call of any member, after the committee have reported. Sec. 4. If the committee agree that the charge is sus- tained, they shall report the fact to the Division by resolu- tion, with a second resolution to the effect that the brother be reinstated or expelled, as the case may be — which report and resolutions shall lie upon the table at least one week, and the offending brother shall be notified of the character of the resolutions by the R, S., and requested to be present 3 c h ■ ( j J - i 1 1 ■ I t r vio- r r 13 at the time appointed for considering the same, M'ith a view of ^»iYino' him an opportunity of making a defence. Sec. 5. If the committee agree that the charge is not sustained, they shall report a resolution to that eltect, and if the resolution be adopted, the charge shall be dismissed. Sec, 6. When the committee report the charge sustain- ed, and a majority' of the members picsent at a regular meeting ballot in favor thereof, the oifending person shall forfeit his membership, and the W. P. shall direct his name to be erased from the Constitution. If a majority of the Division vote in opposition to the resolution, all further proceedings shall be stayed, subject to appeal. Sec. 7. If two-thirds of those voting are in favor of rein- stating a member who has been found guilty of violating Ar- ticle 2, he shall be restored to membership by re-signing the Constitution, and paying, for the first offence, live shiUings, and for the second offence, ten shillings, which shall be paid to the F. S. at the meeting succeeding the vote, or the mem- ber to stand suspended until the fine is paid. The power to reinstate, however, shall not extend over the term of one month from the time the offence was proven. Sec. 8. When the Division vote in favor of reinstate- ment, and the member neglects to come forward to sign the Constitution for one month thereafter, he may be declared expelled by a two-third vote. Sec. 9. If a Division refuse to reinstate « member, he shall be declared expe'k i by the W. P., and the 11 S. shall give the usual notice. Sec. 10. A member convicted for the third time of hav- ing violated Article 2, shall lose the privilege of rein- statement, and shall be declared expelled, and the R. S. shall give the usual notice. Sec, 11. . If a brother come forward and acknowledge that he has violated Article 2, (except it be the third of- fence,) the Divisioifi, after erasure of name, &c., may at I * <• M 14 their option reinstate him on the same evening, if two-thirds SX Sembers voting are in favor thereof. _ Skc. 1'2: An officer ^'r^JZ^'Z^.Tl'^^ty^'om. SptatSe^tis-e the^ime he is reinsta- ^^t , , A member expelled under this Article, shall ARTICLE XI. « • y>5 I » • -'• '« >f • i • »i'« « m thirds 1 Divi- ly offi- einsta- 4 • 2, shall reafter. • »nstitu- * • sion. * i 1 1 1 » • 1 « tl« BY-LyiWS »£'* ARTICLE I. MEETINGS. Sec, 1. The Division shall assemble on Thursday even- * ing of each week, for the transaction of general business. No sectarian or political matters shall be introduced at the meetings of the Division. Sec. 2. The Division shall be opened within ten minutes of the appointed time. In case of the absence of the W. P., the W, A. or a P. W. P. shall preside in his place, pro tern* No Brother shall be permitted to remain in the Divi- sion, or take part in the proceedings, unless in regalia. ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 1. Every Brother at the time of proposing a candi- date for membership, shall be responsible to the F. S. for 2s. 6d., and shall give two respectable references. If the candidate be rejected, the amount shall be returned — if elected and he neglect to appear for initiation for one month after notice of his election, the amount shall be forfeited. — All monej^s received on propositions shall pass into the trea- sury as other moneys. Sec. 2. The initiation fee — including use of 'regalia- shall be as follows : From the age of 18 to 25 years, - - - £0 10 " " 25 to 50 " ... 12 6 Over 50, for each additional year, - - 2 6 AH above the age of 50 years admitted as members of this Division, shall, upon paying £0 15 0, part of the initiation fee, have the privilege of giving their bond, with interest, for the balance due by them after such payments. Th€ •moimt of said bonds to be deducted from the first beiie^- . 10 I fits to which they may be entitled. Every person admit- ted a member of this Division, either by initiation or card, shall, previous to his admission, pay the full amount of his initiation or admission fee, as provided by these By-Laws, except as excepted in this section. * 4 Sec. 3. When a proposition for membership is made to the Division, the same shall be referred to a committee of in- vestigation, who shall, if possible, see the candidate in per- . son, and strictly inquire into his health and character — said committee or a majority thereof, shall report in writing on the next night of meeting, when — unless the Division should deem it advisable to allow further inquiries— the candidate shall be ballotted for. Sec. 4. IShould a candidate be rejected, no reconsidera- tion of such rejection can be had on the same evening, nor shall a vote of rejection be reconsidered more than once within six months. -, Sec. 5. Propositions for membership by deposite of , card, shall be referred to a committee for investigation, who shall report, and the matter be disposed of as provided in Section 3rd of this Article. Members of the Order may be received by card into this Division, on paying half . the initiation fee of the Brothers, according to age, | Sec. 6. Every member on being admitted, shall sign the Constitution and By-Laws of this ]3i vision. Sec. 1. No Brother shall take part in the proceedings, on the night of his admission to membership. Sec. 8. When a Brother desires to withdraw froni fcl- ; lowship with this Division, he shall signify the same in open "^ Division, or if impracticable to do so in person, he shall ap- ply in writing; and if he be clear of the books he shall be entitled to a card of withdrawal, on his paying for the same i to the F. S. the sura of one shilling and three pence, unless *^ there be a charge pending against him, or in the opinion of 4 two-thirds of the members present, he has been guilty of 1 conduct which renders him liable to a charge. Should A member wish to dissolve his connexion with the Order, he I rson admit- on or card, lount of his i By-Laws, • is made to mittee of in- late in per- character — rt in writing he Division ^uiries— -the reconsidera- ivening, nor i than once deposite of igation, who as provided f the Order paying half age. ihal] sign the proceedings, iw from fcl- same in open lie shall ap- 5 he shall be for the same Dence, unless he opinion of sen guilty of Should « be Order, he ■•< 17 shall pay all demands against him on the books of the Divi- : ion a, a then tender a°vritten resignat.on, V nch res |,na- tion shall lay upon the table one week, when if st 11 desired, sha be rLted, unless there be a charge pemhng agamst him or inlhe opinion of two-thirds of the members present ho h^ been gu Ity of conduct which renders h.m liable to llTJ^'provldcd, however, that such resignation shall Lt take keet until the expiration of the quarter m which such resio-nation is tendered. • . . . j Seco" Every suspended member, on being reinstated shal pa; the amount standing against him at the of WssuCension, together with the whole sum to winch he would have been subject had he not been suspended.- Eve y Brother, during the time of his suspension from Slmbership. shall not be permitted to enter into the ^'&riO. Beneficial card members may receive tlie usual benefits allowed in these laws, in three months after they have been admitted members of this Division: FrovM, nevertheless, that they have been a member in good stand- ing in some other Division for three months previous. Sec 11. Whcn-the A. C. retires to ascertain who are in waiting to be initiated, it shall be the duty of the F. S. to retire with him, and obtain the initiation fees of all candi- dates previous to their being introduced. ARTICLE III. COMMITTEES. • Sec 1. The W. P. on the. night of his installation, shall appoint the following Standing Committees: Ist A Committee of Finance, to consist of 3 members. 2nd A Property Committee, to. consist of three mem- bers, including the C., ^' -^ shall be the Chairman thereof, ** £^2. It shall be the duty of the Committee of Finance to audit the accounts of the F. S. and Treasurer of the quar- ter last past ; and also all claims against the Division for the current quarter, and report the same in writing at the next regular meeting* of the Division. tl^ * w 18 sr t^rsio? Kr'"^ °«-r "^^^^^^^^^^^ Tade^^Kh^^p^f^t:'- r^ ^'^'^' '^^^'^^'^^^'^^ Division as to hfrm^.t/X'" V'^'' ^'"^'^'y "^ «'« may direct, and to mTkL?,Trn^"l"'e cbsT?thc then present ,,uarter, and in open Division eal over c names (om.ttmg such as have previously paid.) of the num bers as they are entered in hi!! Ui.JXnA^poH ZZ W. . m wr t.nff, the names of all such as are in arrears with the amount of their indebtedness be allowed to speak or vote on any question before the Di v.s.on nor shall the Q. P. W. be giv.en to him durin,? the time he remams so disqualified. '^ ARTICLE V. DENEFITS. ca.f'^hlll ,^';"*=fi^''"l '"'■'"bers, except those admitted by caid, .shal be those who have been six months members of tins Div,s,on, and who are not disqualified by A r Me 6th of the Constuution, who shall through sicknes^s or acliden be rendered meapablo of following, "superinUmdin/or Pc" S-om"! ;""■ ^'''^''""1''^ i'^''"'-. "^ doli,g any business of proht, shal receive weekly the sum of 15s during such inca pacity, dating not more than one week prior to^thei i a.^ reported to the Division sick, excepfing^Brotlers w'; f be at a distance of ten miles or more from Beamsville, provt 1 th"r ptT '^ ''"-" '"' P'-^'^'^^'i f-- ""I-P- conduct _ Sec. 2. No Benef-t sl^all be paid by the T. unless a ma jonty of the Commiiuo ofT.sitition aLent thereto 'wri- ting and should a nv.jority of said Committee decline allow- ing the payment of Benefits to any Brother, they shall re- port the same to the Division, with their re;son therefor Sec. 3 A Brother residing- more than ten miles from Beamsville, shall, in case of sickness, send to the W P ^ true statement of his case, signed by him and certified 'to be correct by his attending Physician or the W. P. of the nearest Division, or by a Justice of the Peace. Should such a statement be satisfactory, the Brother will be allowed Be- nefits during his sickness. t 1* I member, se of tho over tho lie mem- rt to the arrears, not com-' le, shall the Di- ring the ittcd by nbers of icle (3th iccident or per- incss of ch in ca- ll" ijvij]^ ho niav ', provi- jonduct s a ma- in wri- } allow- ball re- refor. s from '. P. a fied to of the d such 3d Be- • 1* ♦> 1 I 21 Sec. 4. The Widow of a Brother wlm, at the time of bis decease, was entitled to Henelits, shall, upon recommen- d}iii(»n of a Committee, after a ])r(»p(T investigation of her circumstances, receive from the Widow arid Orphan fund, such sum or sums as the Division may direct, while slu; re- mains his Widow, conducts herself properly, and strictly ad- heres to the Total Abstinence Pledoe. Sec. 5. Orphans of a deceased l^rother who, at the lime of his death, was entitled to Benefits, upon the recommenda- tion of a Committee, shall be entitled to receive, until four- teen years of age, such sum or sums as the Division may determine; and when such Orphan? have no Guardian, they shall be und(;r the charge of the Visiting Committee, %vho shall watch over them with parental care, and from time to time report their circumstances to the Division. Sec. 6. No Brother shall be entitled to receive Benefits for a shorter period than one week. Sec. 1. In case of the death of a Brother entitled to Be- nefits, the sum of £5, and on the death of the wife of a Bro- ther, also Beneficial, £3, shall be .apphed as a Funeral Benefit RELIEF IN SPECIAL CASES. Sec. 8. Whenever it m.ay become known to the Division, that any Brother of this Division has been reduced to a state of pecuniary distress, by any sudden and unlooked for dispensation, his case shall be referred to a Special Committee of three Brothers, whose duty it shall be to examine into the same, and report to the Division whether any, and what sum, in their opinion, should be granted for his relief, from the Division; and it shall be competent for the Division, at a regular meeting, by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the Brothers present, to grant him any sum not exceeding such amount as may be recommended by said Committee. Sec. 9. Should a Brother of another or distant Division apply to this Division for relief, on presentation of his Card, his case shall be referred to a Committee of three or more r I i m . ■■) i !l 22 p' w^'r"']''*'^ Comraittee shall consist of the W. P. and i . W. 1 . s, If a sufficient number bo present in the Division jvhose duty .t shall be to examine in^o the same, Jdlepln to the Division m writing, whether any, and what sum. in their opinion, should be granted for his relief, from the funds of the Division; and it shall be competent for the Division, by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the Brothers present su..h'!£!^ 7"''*'"^'.'^ ^''"'^ '^'■^ ^"y ^^-^ n^' exceeding such amount as may be thus recommended. .Vc. 10. Should the case of any such Brother of this division, or from a distant Division, appear to the W. P to be too urgent to admit of the delay which a formal applica- tion to the Division- would require, the W. P. shall have power to grant either of them any sum not exceeding one pound, from the funds of the Division— reporting, always such grant to the Divi.sion, in writing, at its neft reouW meeting. '^ ^ ARTICLE VI. FUNERALS. « ^'^Irl' iJ" ^^]^ ''^^^ ""^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^f a Brother, a Broth- ers Wife, Daughter, or Cadet of Temperance, the W P shall direct the K S. to call a special meeting of this Divi- sion to attend the Funeral, if in the township of Chnton, or within one mjle thereof. Sec, 2. The members shall assemble one hour previous to the time appointed for the Funeral, and proceed to the nouse ot the deceased, wearing the mourning badge of the Order, which shall be worn at Funeral processions, by the members of the same. > J *^ ARTICLE VII. PAYMENT OF MONEY. Sec 1. No money shall be paid out of the Treasury ex- by a vote of the Division, or for Sick or Funeral Bene- JXCent as hofnro r^roxrirl/i^ . All 1 r cept X ^ ^- — ^.,-^....., ^^x ,..ji ^loiv ui r uut^rai Dene- tits, except as before provided. All orders for money vo- ted by the Division, shall be signed .by the W. P. and at- tested by the R. S. All orders for Benefits shall be signed by the W. P. and one other member of the Visitino^ Com- mittee, and attested by the Ft. S. The Treasurer shall take receipts in all cases of money paid out by him, as his vouchers tor such payments. • I •i ( ^. p. and Division, id report . sum, in ihe funds Division, 5 present cceedino' ' of this W, P. to applica- all have ling one always, regular I Broth- W. P. is Divi- riton, or revious to the i of the by the luj ex- i Bene- ley ve- nd at- signed Com- ' shall as his <• 23 Sec 2 The Treasurer shall, prior to his Installation, o-ive to the Worthy Patriarch and W. A. a joint and seve- ral Bond ^vith two Sureties, in the sum of £400, to be ap- proved by the Division, conditioned for the true and laith- ful discharoe of the duties of his office. He shall retam ni his hands a sum not exceeding £12 10, at all times to meet drafts made on him. All sums over £12 10, shall be m- vested in such Stock as the Division shall dnect; and such funds shall not be drawn from deposite, only upon a two- thirds vote of the members of the Division present. ihe T. shall submit the Bank-book of the Division to the W. 1 . on demand, who shall report the same to the Division. ARTICLE VIII.— NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Sec 1. Nomination for officers of this Division, except in cases of vacancies, shall be made at a regular meeting one week previous to the Election.. All Elections for offi- cers of this Division, shall be by ballot. • Sec 2 At the time of holding any Election for officers required by these laws, the W. P. shall appoint three In- spectors, who shall be denominated Inspectors of Elec- Sec 3 The ballot shall be a paper ticket, which shall contain written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, the names of the persons for whom the Elector m- tends to vote, and shall designate the office to .which each person so named is intended by him to be chosen ; but no ballot shall contain a greater number of names of persons as designated to any office than there are persons to be chosen at the Election to fill such office. Sec, 4. No nomination for officers shall be received, un- less the Brother nominated signify his consent thereto; nor shall any nomination be held to be of force at the time of proceeding to Election, unless such Brother be then present, or have sent to the Division a sufficient excuse in writing. Sec. 5. Every officer must be clear of the boc^'s of the Division; and otherwise in good standing, at the t .le of his Installati^^n. 24 See. 6. It shall be the duty of the Inspectors to see that the Election is fairly conducted: they shall settle all disagTeements that may arise during the Election: the de- cision of a majority being final ; and canvass the votes, an- nouncmg the result to the W. P.--a majority of votes in all cases being decisive of an Election: Provided always, that where only one Brother shall be nominated for an office, it shall be the d';ty of the W. P. to declare him duly elected, without the formality of a ballot. ■ Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the R. S. and A. R. S,, to keep a regular Poll List,-on which they shall enter the name of each Elector : and should there appear on canvassing, more ballots than Electors, the excess, not exceeding three ballots, one of the Inspectors shall draw indifferently from the box, and the election shall be declared regular: but should the excess of ballots over the poll Hst exceed three, the W. P. shall order a new election immediately. Sec. 8. No officer shall receive any fee or salary for services rendered to this Division. Sec. 9. Every officer who may be required to state his duties, or to deliver any charge, except the W. -P., shall commit his part to memory within two weeks from the time of his installation, and in default thereof, shall be fined 1\± for each and every week so remaining unqualified. ARTICI.E IX. FINES, PENALTIES, AND DISABILITIES. Sec. 1. The seat of any officer of this Division may be declared vacant for neglect of duty for three successive meetings, by a vote of two-thirds of the members .present at a regular meeting, after one week's previous notice has been given, and the W. P., after such notice, shall order a new election to fill such vacancy, to be held immediately. Sec. 2. Every Brother who shall accept an appointment on a Co-nmittee, and neglect his duties,' shall be fined 1^&, Sec. 3. Every Brother who has been notified of the death of a Brother of this Division, and fails to attend the funeral, shall be fined Is. 3d., unless a satisfactory excuse be given to the Division. rs to see settle all : the de- motes, an- )tes in all ays, that I office, it f elected, R. S., to the name nvassing, ng three itly from liar: but ed three, alary for state his P., shall the time ned 7|d. lES. may be iccessive present jtice has order a iiately. )intment 3d 7id. I of the tend the J excuse I ■i I- • 25 See 4 Should a Brother ascertain that another Brother is .ick and not report him to the Division, or a member of ho Committee of ^Visitation within forty-eight hours for he shall be fined Is. 3d., unless a satisfactory excuse be ^X 5 Any Brother making use of any profane or in- aec^ni LffuaJe in the Division? or who shall refuse to obey the coimnLds of the W. P. when called to order or use disrespl^ful expressions towards the Officers or Brothers. '''I 'f"ly Brother who shall he notified by the A. B. S to attend a sick Brother during the night, and neglects to n;rform such duty, shall be fined 2s. 6d. Sickness or ah- ETrom Clinton shall be deemed a sufficient excuse for Ton-attendance, but other unavoidable c'^c-™^^"^^; ?' r^Lnable cause mav be received as an excuse in all ca^es when submiUed to the Division at a regular meeting, which ^^iV^ti'oK'^ifeL^^^^^ a.-^nst him, shall be permitted to speak in the Division on any sub] ct other than such charges, nor t« vote on any ■q/esion whatever. No Brother, who -ay be more than Lrteen weeks in arrears for any Division due ,shaU be permitted to speak or vote in the Division untd such arrears are m d in full. No Brother while under charges du y preflrred against him, shall be held entitled to any benefit unless under a special two-thirds vote of the members Then present in-the'Division (entitled Xo vote) to that effect; but if afterwards acquitted'in due course, such Brother shall be then forthwith entitled to any benefat or benefits Ihth for such charges might of r^^^t become paj^Me to him while the same were pending. Should any Brother Kre than thirteen weeks in arrears for dues at anj time he shall not be entitled to receive, any benefits for one month after he has paid all arrears m iuU. Any Brother rn,4cted of violating Article 2. of the Constitution shall Tot be entitled to releive any benefits for three months af- ter being reinstated. 26 Sec. 8. Every member who is six months in arrears for dues, taxes or fines, shall be notified thereof, by the F. 8., if practicable ; and if at the end of seven months his ac- counts remain unsettled, he shall be suspended during the pleasure of the Division, or expelled. Sec. 9. Any Brother feigning sickness or disability, for ■ the purpose of receiving benefits ; or being convicted of felo- ny, fi-aud, or other crimes ; or following any notoriously wicked practices* or gambling ; or using any unlawful means to obtain a livelihood ; or guilty of any conduct, either in or out of the Division, that is calculated to mar the proceed- ings, by which the most prominent objects of our institu- tion — Temperance, Benevolence, Harmony, and Brotherly Love — may be diminished ; or who shall knowingly mis- represent the qualifications of any candidate for admission ; or who shall abuse a Brother, or attempt to abuse in any way, the benevolent intentions of the Order, shall be fined, suspended, or expelled, as the Division may determine. Sec. 10. Any member who shall divulge the name of a Brother who has voted against any candidate for member- ship, or misrepresent the discussions of the Division, or re-' veal the business done in the Division, shall be fined not less than 5s., suspended, or expelled, as a majority may de- termine. Sec. 11. Any member who shall maliciously bring charges against a Brother, which he is unable to prove, or. shall knowingly propose unworthy characters, shall be sub- ject to fine, suspension, or expulsion, according to the na- ture of the offence. Sec. 12. Any Brother knowing of an Officer or Brother having violated Article 2 of the Constitution, and who shall neglect to inform the W. P. for two weeks after, shall be fined 5s. Sec. 13. No fines shall be remitted, excepi by a two- thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting. Sec. 14. Any Officer of this Division, while under char- ges, duly preferred against him, shall be immediately sus- . I, I . 2 • i V.-; • 1' ^ arrears 7 the F. i his ac- ting the llit3% for [ of felo- oriously 1 means ler in or iroceed- institu- ^otherly ly mis- nission ; J in any e fined, line. lame of lember- I, or re-' led not nay de- • bring rove, or. be sub- the na- Brother 10 shall hall be a two- eting. Y char- ly sus- «7 pendcd from office, ^f^^^^'^frtl^l'^^^^l U ^^^'^'^lfl^^^;lVio:^^r:or under Wb ::St;ion jf/X'Slon. s Ju fortlnvith be deliver- ed by Wm to the W. P., or officer presiding. ABTICUE X. ^TBIAU. ,,,./*».» «».<. 1 When there are strong grounds of behcf that Sec. 1. "','?^" .,." , V„ Rrnthpr is feioned, or has arisen the illness or disabihty of a Brother IS tu„ne, fhl tetSeSSr yUSu^a Ihe result of such '*T;t1t1h1utTh:d:;'of the Ch^n of every Kpt for the use of the Division, and shall be falcd v^ith the B. S. ARTICLn XI. FUNDS. fkhcMU the funds of this Division at any time be exhaus- entitled to benefits. ARTICLE Xn. TAX. This Division shall have the power to tax it^ me™ber^ » o«,r, rot exceedinff 2s. 6d., for any object, by a vote ot two Soi th: Diviion present at any -gular meeUng^^^^^^ one week's notice shall have been given to the Division. ARTICLE XIII. NOTICES. AH notices required to be served by this Division, shall be served by the A. R. S. 28 } ^ ! i ARTICLE XIV.— HARMONY. f^ee, 1. It is particularly enjoined, that all members of this Division shall treat each other during its sittings, with all true delicacy and respect ; and that ungenerous remarks, personal allusions, or sarcastic language, be carefully avoid- ed, by which the feelings of any Brother may be wounded, and the most.prominent objects of our Institution — ^Tempe- rance; Benevolence, and Harmony — be diminished or inter- rupted; and that all our discussions be conducted in that spirit of candor, moderation, and open generosity, which leads men to the altar of concord and good fellowship; and it shall be the duty of the W. P. to repress every thing to the contrary. ^rticlk xv.—accounts. Sec. 1. All accounts or bills, ordered to be paid by this Division, shall be handed by the R. S. to the W. A., whose duty it shall be to deUver the said bills or accounts to the parties entitled to receive the amount thereof, immediately after entering the names of the parties, the amounts of the bills or accounts, and the date when ordered paid, into a book, by him kept for that purpose ; he shall, also, enter in said book, the amount of Division receipts at each meeting, and all moneys ordered paid by the Division, and to whom paid ; which book he shall regularly balance, at the end of each quarter-— and shall be the property of the Division, and open at every regular meeting to the inspection of every member thereof; and the W. A. failing or neglecting to at- tend to said duties, shall be fined* Is. 3d. for each offence. article XVI. AMENDMENTS. No additions, alterations or amendments shall be made to these By-Laws, nor shall any part of them be repealed or suspended, unless a proposition for that purpose be present- ed, in writing, to the Division, at least two regular meetings previous to the discussion — when, if two-thirds of the mem- bers present, voting, agree thereto, it shall be adopted. The above is a correct copy of the By-Laws of this Di- vision, adopted April 23, 1850. .Si* •• I • II I • iaft^rt ..J .W(»««f" mOmm 1 1 lull I. ii/iiiiiwiiiMiMMIiillilliMBI mbcrs of igs, with remarks, ly avoid- vounded, -Tempe- or inter- d in that y, which hip; and thing to d by this v., whose its to the mediately nts of the id, into a ►, enter in I meeting, to whom he end of ision, and i of every ting to at- offence. )e made to ipealed or le present- r meetings the mem- opted. if this Di' RUI-BS or ORDER. I I « « II « ■t t • nidP 1 The Order of Bushiess as here arranged, may at a«y time rum far the transaction of business. Knh 9 The Division shall be opened by singing, and by reading no^ne leaving the room Avithout the rel.rn.gpa»s-word Bute 4. Every elected Officer and Brother shall be designated, .n debate or by his proper office or title., K,y/» 5 It shall be the dutv of the W. P. to preserve order, and to endeavor to coilduct ail business before the Uiv.Bioa to a speedy uuU ^'ZITh. .ball state every question properly pr^semed to the Division; and. ^etore pu.|ng .t to vo^e. haU^ '^peak. he shaU relo^-p'uUt;'*"^ "alter be ts'L'ruotlber shalfbe perniitted to speak upon it. . , . Lu 7 The W. P. shall have a casting vote m case of a t e, but inSnloJatsheshallnotvot.^^^ 6^ch 'an appeal, no Brother shall speak more than once R„ln q When an appeal is made from the decision of the W. r^ he shall pnt^e question thus:-" Shall the decision of the Cha.r be *" p^J/^lVlt shall be the dntv of the presiding officer, and the pn- vilfge of any memierVf the Division, t^ call a member to order who violates an established Rule of Older. rI 1 1 A motion must be seconded, and afterwards repeated fromthe Chat, or read aloud before it is debated. A motion shall 1» reduced to writing, if any Brother require it I 30 Tiuh ip. All resolutions shall be submittod in writing. livle 13. Any Brother havings inado a motion, may withdraw iL with leave of his second, before it is debated, but not afterward*. Without leave of the Division. Rule 14. A motion to amend an amendment, shall bo in order; but to amend an amendmonl to an amendment, shall not be entertained. RniG 15. An amendment destrovin^r or altering the intention of a motion, shall be in order; but an amendment relating to a different BUbject, shall not be in order. Rule 16. On an amendment to "strike out and insert," the para- 8:raph to be amended shall first be read as it stands ; then the words proposed to bo struck out, and those to bo inserted; and finally, the paragraph as it would stand, if so amended. Rtile 17. On the call for a division of the question, the majority shall decide. The call can only be granted, when the division called lor Will leave distinct and entire propositions. RulelQ. When a member speaks, or offers a motion, he shall rise m his place, and respectfully addressing the W. P., confine himself io tne question under consideration, and avoid Personality, or unbecom- mg language. ^ Rule 19. When a member Is called to order, he shall take his seat until the point is determined. /?w/c 20. When two or more members rise io speak at the same time, the presiding officer shall decide who is entitled to the floor. Rule 21. No Brother shall speak more than twice, nor longer than* ton minutes each t;me, on any question, without leave of the Division —which leave shall be granted or refused without debate. No mem- ber shall speak more than once on anv rogress, ort from shall lie moljon, dered as y ^ ' •■' I .> r i^ "■v ~^y N*^ "v "V ORDER OF BUSINESS F I I mi V»i\ 1> 3. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11- 12. 13; ^1 I 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Opening Division. llpU of Offujers called. Services of Chaplain. Receiving Cards of Visiting Brothers. Reading Minutes of previous Meeting. Reports of Investigating Committees. Balloting for Candidates. Initiation of Candidates. Reception of Communications. Attending to unfinished business on the docket. ^ New business. Election of Officers. The W. r. shall imjuire :— 1st, Are any of the Brethren sickl m 2nd, Has any Brother violated his Pledge ^. ^ , 3rd, Has any Brother a friend to propose,^^ as a proper j>erson to become a Son of /|^ Temperance 1 Reports of Visiting Committees. Reports of Standing Committees. Reports of Special Committees. /^ Has any Brother any thing to offer for ^k^ 1^;^^ benefit of our Institution 1 Miscellaneous business. Adjournment. \ ■ vX \ ;%/V ,. .'