- ip. AmmMImIwi MM«aikMf»aM«eMMal . «ifM0 .... *.,'"- ■"'>: SOI/HI7-lli| ■^'' i ^ 3 4 5 6 Inches Id .^ -i'ti- \t n 11 1S-14 15 iiiiii MMURICflMiO TO ASm ■o • • * . ■ ■ ; ■'■■ "■; ' ' .' ' ' ■ .'■' ' -., • '":...,.'■ ■■>'■ 0. ■■■ ■ • i •# V '* \. . ■ « 1 CIHM ■ « iClillH ' Microfiche Coilection de 1 Series microfiches « (Monographs) (monographles) \ 7^ , ■^^i'-f- * • . - ' ■ . "i '■. '■ ■ ■ ■ . ■- '■ ■ ■■"■.. % ' ■ ■ '■ ■ ■ ■"':■■ ■" ■ . . ''- ■ ,1 ■ ■■J ■ ■ ■ . ^ Cmmmmt tmOMm f^ MIsttlosi Mfc minpio^iK ti iii /towteit tmmtim <■ ^1 TlMliMflMli^ ^M ^kfa ^^^^^ M^^^k' •ItfWiMipiltl «f fWwIt, aw '*!*' D a I lutHra* D at CaloMNrf Jnk a4.atfMrlNn Mm or WMk)/ (U-Mtra^MMMNMI □ GoloMMdplMMMi/brHliMtraliom/ riMMiiM ttMtt WiMtrfttoM m D D wMl OVMf MMtttWf Ti^t U raliim Mrrto pMit «MMr it I'omkraoM rfs la dtoianion it tout di to HMvp ipHWMira pn^ WmklMM ' ' within tfM Wml wpwwai' pawlpto* wtoia mm Immi omitMrf fraM fitoiinfr 11 M pavt 4M flMruiMi pipi btoMlM aiOMtlH tow #M» mtomatiaw ■ppiri F iiiB t dww to torti, iMii. Iw u M aato *trtt pa w i M i. aw papa w'owt r D C eaw i ia wi aifM l appl t iiiai na i wi' TMi ittm ii fHmad at «M raiMtieii ratio' Ca deeMiwit ait fitoi* ao taon ' ItX 22X (-^ V f • » 12X ItX DX Ma«ll fMH 0^ m/m □ QiMHtvaf QmIM il'l t)ila on Imiw tahan from:/ U'tHra 4t i'Mi-tlla'proviant: □ THI.I».i NfitfitH OfiMM/ titrt dt la livraiaon pn Caplioiiof iMu^ □ Titra ifc iipart da la livraiioA J. X Olni r ^Mi (plriediquai) da la IHrraiion ■ y. ^■/" 1_ /■ 1 ■ «■ ' ' ■ .- ■. ■ ■■■■ '.■ ■ .. ;•-■' '•■■';■ ./■;■. r' .'-■:;■.'■ ■■■■■■■.->^ ::■■/' ■ . .■" ikadb »aW«*iii.''--"^"''-'"'"^--- '-■/•■■•■.'-, ; ' ' ■'-': ''-/■' ■ ■■ ■ -'^ t itx ax MX »X , v ' ■ - '.■ \ aox MX 2IX m fllmsd h«ff« Hm b««n rtprodHoad tttanka gcfMroalty of: « . ^ ■ >■ t •■'■•'. AfeMvM of Ontario quoMtr logibWty Tho tOtlM Tho imogoo oppooriiHI horo oro tho poMlhIo eonoidodnf tho eondltlon of tho orisinol oopy ahri In kooping fllminf eomroot o po oW lootiono. Orltilnil ebploo in printod popor oovora aio fllmo-'"% ■ ■ ' *. ■ ' ■ ■ Y 1 ."2;':: * ' ■ ■ ■ ■ »■ • , A ... :/■■„■ : .5: ::;■ \ , v . ^ ..». ■■■■-■-■ ■ . - " ■i-tflik \ r liiesd tttanka L'wMii^tok* nmk hit ivprotfuh griM * I* mquaUtr rfl«fl-2 - : 3- ■- Y 1 ■'^■'A 3 ;., ' ■■.•■'■■"■'. ■■■■ . - ■■ 4 ft 5 •^ « a %:i- .*':. x ■*;. 'IS ^B '\ -^ «« j^^9 if^N ^^^■^^<; ' - ' ' 4 ^F| 1 ^E^ ^^■CttiK ^ '''w "v M ¥■€ :^' • ii y 51 * n I*-" V\n 4 1 # • ,. ^. ,h .r m u ■»] i- ,.'■»;; 'iA.- %.. \ >4 •^^ 4 » -•^. t^ta ■*■- ./' ■'-■■■$ • :\ .'r i-l ''i: .1*: •I 'J r -\ V. f- r '% :>» ^^i»;<,i».jift, ^ \?*" ■^: iK' t ** # ♦- w, #• « m'_ s jt^ **# *.. .1^^. .'If" a»:- / / :^*^»^ ^" ''^•':#^ii- /• ■|%- *v A .!•• TJfr '^ffli^ • •^ i .'V1 ;m' *J^ 4k • "». ti*- ilk SUNDAf lOHOOL fBAiOHlW ' ""K' OtnDE, ^% ■ .^, ;^ g_ ■ ' - "-**: :7«iB mMH >w S^^ 4»; . ite# iPMi ■Byiyi^ '. IS / * • MAI* . iiyL tVifVltlrft'- f I. tl. toii i;;^i^£i&i£i^w':&ur^. * } f *.iiiu£^ '"fe." Vj' •^- > i, * ' :^*i .'v> ■V 'f^f #^'J3 '> Ifi nj *■ i'j' -*' ^^' a. 4.1 ^' ¥ Vl» •«f •?«■ i^l »8 A.5S» . '4 tj. b y ♦* ■ 'J ■■■ ■•* IN ^.1 ■ i '^'"S pi ■^.1 ^ w -^ •■pc , » . -li .f'#-#''^iiii^' '"•rf "-i? *nii||-^ 4i IK- ■*. I f, W' r''*»*,-F ^ ** ., < FREFACB, ';-;'.♦ ^ "VIt li i fefoiilllt IdM wHIi ««rteiB loiifi of «ite|pl M thqr w««» thftt tlie world b out oTmwm, UmI it hat dsgonmttd, tad wntfamM to d^(«imlov i*' |kt| subordinates to itself all that is gr«at, and lii^ ev^lhroBed on the riehes of the universe.*' ^^ > « tJfcii the crther great schemes of henevotaneahy^ ^^rtdelitfaJa age is distinguished, the Sund^ SWmoI^ .Initkntfam Is ifi^ i» kiqi^ noie ainpl^ and Blaid% ^ ^ iih«iibeeAlnadeinte«tttlwinaeldn^ ftfjii tl ; # wHnpaelnaaa and I *. i' •■■r V 'is Cm mmob ]imW^ % #rii i^ ^fMtopli soloBidy kid dowB, apiN^ ^Ki^makM of tlie Teaohcr as siMkf wliitefir ehngr *llMra nuijr be in the tyBteiiii. Anotbtr tmkitmm^' IMMB la to be found in Mx, JiAKsa V filaUleililiM «t^;|iMdeal i^ritar. It would h^^pfmrntf^k' im tm to attempt an enlogy iaf tl» jni^Mr ai^#|/ JfiminrV €hikk-^2%§ Amiitm Wk^ m H^li^ Wm p a wonilly , admiring ttegiwtly, anAm lOt^MluUMr him among a data 6f idindp\ €MMiin iMbiatry, ratidrat In tiie Faltooi lAaaa wordi he has not langnagg loi writer ean' only say, that he deenii pmw of tht AinnrioMi Sipadiy Bdwol Uidon; and li tlMnAire» in lome vetpooliy aol oafy . MOM oompktey Wt morr valuablo. I^op. tel ipi«% liovifVvr^ wofakolpa^ to Mj, hstofinpotodid •OM InvahiaUe littlo works for the i nrtf i cmtt ^ fTaoahaw In tho Tarioos details oi tiieir iwrftwittiii •mA. Tlitae we niiglitpartieQlariia; and attin, -muft time oaU tlie atttatlon of Teaehers of JMMoh in sthis oonnlrf.to oonsidfltationa. ■ajatton to lie poeoliar Ibatorea of Hwir pooMip.; %ltl H la ftk ,tet oar Umka have heen -^eajsdad ; and'UMBalbire we eonolnde hy miiptt^ftMBf ^' enmmwidfag them to God,/and to ^f^l^tlMnioflda gfMa^ wUeh la able to ^ 4|^|Mfd to ^ive tiiem an lidieritanee among^aDi iSbim '^^ "^mlMiFiapai aaifoliAed.** o '. ■ ' -y^-* it m ite t ih MUmmt^t 1841. t' ''%\ et 7 \f h-*"*. * i '< (ft . < \ ( S . '. ' f - i / fl 1^* iL,-J A!^ *»., i«i-^ :r' ( I*. ■( ' f 4l^ CBAPTBB VIII. lH^INito41ligttMlttlMw«A ^MBo W rt ftWoM of «iy ktei HiitJhrr< %«Ni^|nfir ^^f9Hf0iil^ >v >.•• •• •• .v IM \ tfMi •*'*if!L> « 4 ii^*Li ■f . ^ t ' 1^ M. :t#^' 'f^ f^\* Mi^ I , y^ A':/ •■ J •■"•«;* t f / ft. .A'^-t.f'>JF"*<,'. •^* K#. ;>•»* '^*t^t'>'*t ,^g?Vi._^.. J ^ V ♦ M ■ •7\/, 1^*5 ! K^ - V» • • f^ » ^s ^>i^*.'#>^».-*»-J ■*V-?.>''."i /- 'USii'^ .,< A /»lt 'ft**'" <• ;V '(j^jt?-^ 'm'*4- ,. A*. >j i *L* '''>''' Ai' 1- • ' . .- » H( < '! ^ m r jHji s ' * ' C t •i . ' A ^ • '"1 m ^ ' f . ■^ • , 1 *.W, 1 •'■■ • 1 J^W J m * ^ s: J* ^ * * ■ ' -. , . / ■ « ■. . . » .. # A. --'i » i ^ M ^%'/.i? w^^^B^p^^. PP^^ Ifa^ 'U INTEODUCtlOk: '1 -^-4t SCHOOL STfTllf OV XDUOAnoir. ;1 X^TEAgia ^iglitr^ to its toQi^ hip «iiii It 'Rrtoe tt oMu tftto di# OQM. iM ^ikt of ifMth to aa oi^faw,^^ ;-^t to M^f^ tlM iii«ilwii^r7ir^^^ ^^^ to <*wv^ •• It ttb(^ l^^tbat dwdl iipoii iti iNiik 1^ ■ ffPi •f^ ^^- pBOfpmi Htti» tfimi in r-Tp»Tnw "TT7w*'-^'^:llil5 r^/fes ^.*#v':-r?j, 'm' ItdDlQ* oMp after tlie ooeaa itielf ihill ilntb notilg. Jmtiiy, therefore, may H ited an »ol(|eot wordiy our attention to ^.»,, by a n^iid furrey, the orkri% the progreu, andimproreinentafthe 3inn>AT Soh^ IxtTivir- ..TiOH^'' • ::'■ --^ '■':■'■■•";■:.■;■'',.,■..• ■■,•.-• ^..'■-■■-HU^ To the greater part of those who are employed ^ in diffhidng the benefits of this admirable ayatem, H is almost unpossible to form an adequate idea of the eztireme ignoranee of the poor, bcobre its hitro* dttotion. Except where a happy few of their diil- ^ dren were gathered beneath the winsn of some oha- « ritable insatntion, the flreat mass of their oflbpring grew up in the most depkvrable ignorance. Myria£ of chilaren of both seies were contfalttally rising into lifo, to whom the letters of the aIphiA«t w^n a set of nigrstic symbol and every page of ins{dred Jr uninspired writ, an insoluble en%ma. This wism least part of their eidamity. Ignorance b the pio- lUb mother of crlnies and of miseries. It is du- ring a state of mental nitfht; that the worst vices of tiie human character steal from thefar coverts in the heart, to prey upon tho peioe and the conoforts ef sopi^ty. To the diildren ofthepoor, theSabbaiObi seemed to suspend, the tdls of tho hbdff mdjy to if^ , r foi4 them giwer leirare for eibot^ flK^sonls. llieydbimedthesiMffedm^ own, iM dObentljr epn^ to idd liie^ hi vnckedneiB. In the vich% of #v^ town, multitudes were to be se«hjprBOi(lt% eviy boyish qpcNrt ; whSo olberi m^aC ovei urn iimM m o^nntiy, to conai^ ^ di^pi^^^ IttMr wpa detained from jitMbipmbfy tojp tuL •4^ "i gei% «6 liie liMMo 4 I %M.^ lelfiiiftll »,iiiayit Btion to irogreM, KtTIYU- mployed idM of tf intro- ttdrdiil- meoha- Mj dnginto ire a 8|t iwittho tbo pfo- k is dtt- i^eetof B in the iforft of Sabbtth I fnfai of w wntT tllO ■:^. » not 01% bad thdr mia^ dlrtubedt Iml thairpeaoo intflnuptod, bj nomoroiit btadi of tkoto uabtppfv jmitlif of whom the mora doipirati, ■mipiftHm — o fliat id fcr tht pnrpoto of molmtii^ thoM whom ttUMokiioo lod to wonUp hi tho moeting^hoiiM; ndier than the chm^ Thna erenr generatioii of wjpoor waa growliig iq> anobeniTaly, without any Jf^mmatt to hiatniet thdr ignmnoe^ to cheek ©•fr. irlolaiioe, to reprem thfir ▼ioes, or to form :tliifr.m«miers,;::, ,.,:.,:, ;..,;_;^^,,^^ in Us In tub sdie nuiltiBn j^ great goodnass raised up a man. whose memory in- numemble multitudes wiU Uessi and to whose name, lelif^on wiU assign a dbtiiaguished rank in the fofl IM li i i to toito wtlT^ •nfito* itoiMiC'iiiif lii^ '!« to/" ' ^" ^" ■%l vhW|!|^'lP»- yi i u i i i l ii ^ iw^^iitoiitofwtor - *m*fe*Nft3|ri^gp» ▲ 3 ^: tmm>^f9itimtm§M toit Hm '^''^"•^^ B^^^^Hi'^BpiBp" "^m^B AMIS flHPMIMMM>9MHii^^^HHfc Milb ■ ■ M iiiii r f It b i iJi Mri ^ hi iyyn iSL M' OAMI mK99 I gifili Wte tfM ailltel Mid ^^^^^H^ Wr,mK^ mMhamX ijliti »> I aia ti M jr jMf gi hi liii iliiy.-if varif MMMnkl otmtJIhImmwqii ■ * 1 i WH w Hn, iriht akrt df Qai»t hih i mI Urii i U __ ^^ ^^M^a ^^^^^^ ^^ ii =:i^^-¥i^ 'i'^.-n ^^#f>>#t^ ^^^ m k WjKkt^' 'I \ '"V"'- •«hMV^*M Ml WUtf. Mr MtlTl. Hifc M ilM. It«MS£TMMlw .^lei^S, ■• urn': ^.-v^^. '- i««^-„ V.C.- ■" ti0»*,>me'i ^^ffNri^ "^W^*^ 8^^ iir ilM '*^te5^ ■^'•^^yj^mmm. mi^m t>*7.i.". ik->HV tt^ few i>indwM» tihin Tjgwir. Caref^ idMiii2£ 1&i|h th^^ Ooo of its tot olieoSriSr® ^ S"!?^*"'* wl%loiii burtmoticni lliaii aai <90iiia nna iliiiBidy in adiitMieo. TIds i«iBets 110 «iidl d^^ OB iti Pifto^tlio eomitif w«i^^iic,itdo3So^ J ■» '■ w m ^ ".■t*«n >^;'»«if«nv>?n» HI <*iWren ul this Idngdcmi, they are left of co-._ „ |o»^care of their parents, multitudes of whS, in- 4iljWeirt to the wellkre of thehr own soWJfeelno «o^tim for the salvation of their o%ring. Q^. ««[]Oi|g: Jlid ocnniniserating the condittondf thei^ n0U0h^^ y<^lth, who in great numbers snent ibe «&4 espedally the Sabbatk evemngs, in ml vice, the friends of religion fteftied ^,eesohitbn of ooUectiug them toge&r ott *m4^j eveninffB, for the piurpose-^td^nart- Jpus knowledge. They aasemuie aTjix and are dismissed about eight; durtogi^t^ •^ '^B"*^ is made to instruct them ^^ wiy' ^, and to urge them forward in the ^^ 9dmirab])e system oonunended iti ;.,^;year'^1787, and soon spread .|db%Md towns of Scotliad. How I ihottuL pass the Tweed, aikd hp^ ***^ There is one class of youol; me B^ hiioalculable bless&g j -Lit'^ «*d «»K>^o have just M ^jfipo aregenerally considered m '~'jmp' Thus abandoned by .us, W S ease, that Oiey lose aO^Oie tt^ hive recdved whild uiidle] " "* tlhey be colleeted togei^ be taught by ^liie qeo^ of oiir churaw^ who ii._. : ♦ '1. . ■>^- 1: .•\. / '. ■i. f intmn ihemsehw in ihelr wdUkre, wlitt f n^^ b« Mqpected to t4Nsrne. B^jna^md •dorned her romantio and detnra^ ^m$ with nu&erouB a^limis for the iiistiiietbtt^ Andhew itis but jwrtioe #the Sandaj Sihoaif ><>^^ tfflioiii^ fy fame it may be a^^ Igi, to awert ila daima to tiSe htfi honor of Wrth to tiie moat aabUme, and diolaat aod^ ^S^-^,^? ^*P^ Vy mw, « bleaaad }» God. ^Wi/ gd talenta, « moi^ iwiili^ tm%iM^ plwe in thei^of moSSySiSS pUSoM^hefB. *,^^^„ ^ ated with ivhftt ia done on ^ii"^ «y^ all tlie rioiy ofMi fer li» brtg^ honw of l»^ and Qodlab aeheme. % neana ^ Snndat Sohooi ^^ • jwny to Iiondon^, owSyof eonfeiaatian on tl^an^|i|i»|, |» one itindm inonaiiiii ^>s.r.:.-;/. r^i?^"^ "^ ti» wh^ wwld ahwob «• oi^foy t MtiMy ^ . ■■^., : -i .; ; . ■ ■ ■■:• ■ ■■•;■■■ ■ • \ ■ ■;.",* HIM MMtUmiietiii «» the dMatfaic.^ .1^ S».,'Kt!.U 11. ,.- i.v..- « "?iip*mf^^wm If l» ^JBFMy ^'^■iliiii; mm. i^# ■ / 'C "■»->■-■ *■ .**f * .ft^'ifijirv ■i|*»:»!i^^;,w^^;jt... -« nf^i^f- "Urn Jfck^SSf'i. •^M'. '.'..'srwf T^mwrn' ■IkVr* -vv. 1 w^ -^nf^ "^ rTiwiniinil nf ill nm ■nWMriwiiii m •I ■ "■£ "' ' ■-•fj ^m^m ^;'^T#*''^w# Mi ft^*V,;i4t;i^.- *^' L t *' ;«'3' S^il^tl^)«.:^>^e' .-'T^?,'«W'^«>-,i i^ ^mm-:^.:, 1 ,• ^'itif! ^m^m»^fg^- i'^ '' !.♦ ' .,B ■«y-.- L •, ."llAt b* aUe to tster '''-»«» «--ftwi^ VmmtA and ^?5l»#i» !*-! *■: tip«b. footworks to ^mooiNMhe .<>!!»p|iier 4aftb« «iN Hal •BBouaioeA^lBflbi'. 'te4taM|ig|«|K- sa3S^s3)aaaKi!s>s 'ilit4WMl)r^S5^' ** "!(■*'•( '■lil ^?SSS2!SSI^SJ*S '1^ # ls:^!SIfir=.¥?!t • * 1 labm, ^ ^^liBir terr^ilrial pouitted iiitiii'it t 1* bmwotoio?, nd w«* ST^-^ CfcL«Zi^^5!"!?^ ■?* w«* Mm MM. 55=5i''VSS».^2!i]&5: ^^f^fomily mHsf^ agin ««• ''-li^tt ofjpto^, toSfl iSSS^ Soadfty Sfliiod. M whoMi K •'- ' :k' •4 / 02 4r / 't-^ff p' HiW 'H'^i'i i r*( K ,?r '#^i'i jp "♦ifiiW^ 4»» F---* • 1 i Tr c V ■ '.^4,. > ^HB P f. 4 I* v/ ' • . .? , < mn' \i4 lir.-^. i:. / f. * I' M»m(im rt// --^r?rTi|s { ™JJ»«»* wmc .mtttt Mii««. »i»eM«i 'v^^^i^ IMP* ,!£-^**^,*"»«i^; ■^"■i* Mnif 1 «9 •«*^*?8&^Sl'^,**^*>» Alitor J, ' .' J v' ^ I V r ip#*,i m ■^m-A iStwK-*' /",., iHsa& '^j^jjNJt'i f^U^ M ^a»fe its ?JNi txJ^^iiifl^^lTM^^ i»^-^( ^^ttSAC*' •in' Mfie*4!^.ir >''l'v?'!.-.' l»s^ kW^^F'^^- ki.Jit r, ar-^^l^^, Ji^tiife'^'l/ £^4 %i^^^4?jjj hf^mf" 'mi^ip0. mMH^nmmm i^H iMllltf 'K ffp* ..... ■A'S i"^^ti^«»*r' m-Mf^ ^^''" -WTI!!. 1- ■^': / i;. 'ji-S,^W.is.«Ajt » ■?. jwmjm^'f ^ tt>i^iMMi>i»i mmirf0imi c la I how mid li te grovlh ii< n»-*-«#^ ^ ••4 Mil 11, tl^ yon tM ■*ii*. ttsisxai*^ ;'i ; .1^* Trm j'>, .-"i -aj, m^ ?!': T^^mSSl^ ^'^^^^^'^P^^BBJ^W^^ps ■ *^S*?i»'jifi!^S, ^."•j^^^i'-irs^^ s«iiri;#*%-;jj^' '■^m%mm' y^Mm- .^i m- w '''^'^ fvj#«fe' ^•'13^; T^-^HfSiOfS ., Mixfr^.-'x, » ■f'-^^^fimr^^m^.i^^^^i^f^, i^\i^ -r '-rm^^i^'tiPii HTIP|I"J 'miHWH 'C»«»«*f'T |p^^^||M»#iw: M l-h\t ,' \f.?2 i» -ftl '^.•^>- WT '^Tl?^ 'Mi »-*,;, .r, it«-: ii | i i M i n^ .-HM^ .«iiNii ^w r!«»>if i^f- m %^W'm>h 4; I^^^T^^^H By ^^ --i^#l^.««^*fWf :j^r^^^*^-.^^ ' fwK- mM^IImw iintfiWilliiA^^ ■|'«i':jifr «(!'* #j i.jy. 'Tp^'m ■'fiwim-'"'' I 1 I r ,- v: < r > , m w ■tmn^mm. ;* mitm' WKp Wm' w-'ii. MMiiinMAi^ ^^1 im^ fMivfbgit 9«» mn^^' m^m" S5- ^IrWsf* ^^^ «^ /I .- **!^frr mm.^immmm ' 'I •<^ 'IMiMilJ If'' I aMMm" H 0Mi J«M Gbrirt ka^r all iwr Immh r IMilM of dMtt wlM fN*M to h« 111 fMfk ?" ^m\ U flMU'lHtfi'lif .__*•«!> Mt ft ^iMtor flfiMt.'' '• Cm yM «il w i»liii.f» ViirtttoihtiM««*#CMr ^^ib^i^M^iMriiML •* Win yM f^— tni ^rr itwrtiT iifcii I iitfiJifiWii tyCirii^ tlAtowa ti i f' '•Hit oMlMi«rMi •!« llM ii i t ii > l H i B Wrtf M wbft ^ in m m^9i.mmil^m9mm «<«rt*?" «.X»| mitamm . T«« lim 1m(« rvodd^ iHddi te til* AMBonnrfiMk litiiMtoreittiitUitfte: and b Ik* nHuif Mia, tM :«w m* 111 mMiunI ft m «*.» ft 'tr ^ivtfit th« cutir IB iilitohr pf Jtiii • ti.:,«J' 1/ il' I'fWiMQ^ mA tn^ilM; mm to MMi.if 1irto,«0t|4lsr, and niii >|Mff^ _ impivfmqNi m ttie , i a ■i.-J -♦^S , "^1 .1 'iV mfmlBKUttSMm^ "^ cf |OBr iiirttoag, jfiw i^ Ml^prMi^ at irdi «• inpii.|iiitii tHU ^^^^ M did the «liiUNii niAj bt tlMililJIiMliJiil :^ " i» liitrnnwiMir' uJiiff liii iima'a^ttii' ' iiitiiiliiiiitiml 1^ ail iiii^ktf «- -- - %iWdi(ii|limi '' V W' * ^T^^Sf^' V|?* ^'fQf: nMHiMii y.^?r ., CHAPTBB 8BCOND. •ttOULB SaiK to FOtSlflf . lirijlNurtortlwia] «iti BiAii Mir i ■.*>v-*#»^^- towUehtil* •^i ^}^ . •-■; ,;■!«'. -; ♦\ ,;., ■ft , <^} ■y^-!t^-, .» ■ it 3^. ■ - '««p.«^ir' .»-..' ,|->- •>.■.., ^ .^ 'M. V ^ -i-Y-l* .-*-■■»-♦ Vj. '"■■'^5«^ ►Ji4i^V^i^*>;^l^i!dft A jIiB.",; T -.:r-.,^c»i».;;vy::;.^-,---:-- ■ ,5, ;^^,|^5j^^,^^,j..,-„^, .,- ,jr»-,.^p«^j^y. h^h.f1 ■o f. :^^^MlLl±^ M^^^m^^ ■ "^fl ^•^'■' ■-•': ■!*•»•' . ■* 'A ,,««.^. TSr^Av' .-T • T m V^(~iVf.^?*K^-ry','^'-''^ '- Hm^ ** Iw iy hliMdf to wdtdrthi SwriSi 1^ laiidst ^ IMi flf ^mN lmMr«l^, lliftt t^ rtiiuiiAtUii^ lisf Jb^kno tiiiV •Mp 6rmii»ai^K)itt^ ill 1^011^ '%lli«! .**^*(r- ofiiii! k«diiii< 4 ^M^tr ^w-oonttBO,, more elos^ ^ ^m^^^ *«te ^f^^ We llEiMXIiiit an nMiaiteHti«at -- m caught the atjfe^Pfrftliig^' ii i'jfjssrlsissi ■ i i>< ir'* H' llii|«^ m~^^ # 1^ |M»r«iid orpet«dii0 Is dmif daiit itiikiii tMii 1ft ■ ■■'it stri&rtt S^KfiSSKtelS 2f!!i^*^ ******* • ■M'iSwMfftrSLZ ^'litoi 41^1^1 ^!W^> «rtD^ fwiMWllirf. * ■■*■> •f'lafPI* h..^:..n ■* CMhIral TT^h ' k^. mS ^ ialiiioilMMnroihfi i »w | t i% i iito tto»JNypi» 1 JoMwr iMd'vttiitod mdwrrt yorfct iiltliil0 iotolNli- -miiaikvi^iknm ]M^flBt.BN|rfiqMm ^niMib' tciioid; mAiy MllMli fl^ylfe^: ' M i il i llii i»»»«>ii, » ' I*. -IliiUliyJlMlll ||i»|| ■ Si?, ^'J3 «3CTP /^-- ^'«®Jft '^■■M'^.^-f^^!^ ^O ''fs:'^^m.. 'I k •.■ >■ ^lOan U anaiille'^-lii. -^--~ thit iAsteT«^ eWi%<4HMa tar 2P22«»,»M«*liBedlew attmtimi, to meh^ »W *ffl <«M be huniBd ttto escSwi^iSiS^ ^- to wiridf «»d tafoiton. WjtwnteD^' I I id €l - < I* Jill gpt^by » harty and t«^ ^ *^ ^ oowehet, and find te tUbiTitadk I/- /. 15 . ' mmn; oih&n to be thhiim biek Sto tlii iMi. JmM need to have thair liiziiriaiiljnowtfei iwimmA; tiflftiAjnova 41110k, oMliiofSf mora r^tontif^, mm Fkil woold be indiMtry in one, nMmld be Mn taioe la Motiier. Of thli the to^dier didttlirSe m^^ ^ ezpectiiijr the aeiae la both eaeee^ he . iioAloe..0eqKHi4em7 in the fiwiaer, oraoiirie|ildle?> lyia the Utter. Notiiing Is mon dkoooiMh^ ^rmubont tiM) whole nage of edue«%i» ^SmT M^^Ui» Buad pnt iq^n eiTertione, to^hkk^lli iKBiiltief ere anequaL The epint hi ii|fi>hT«Riii m % hor^e that haflfsunk beneath his bni^iy Hee Anm hi desfiair with ifcarody a stmgg]^ to Hie. ^ It if orimniMise importance that yoa sfibuld ^nf» fe imI eapadl^ of Your children, and that yoa ■^m^ mmf reai»re of them hnposslhiHties; Yoa wVi 4BlNi,aeed mnoh^penefratioa to discrho^iato betiraeik aamt of uidmaticm, and a want of ihii%: ^^ liMie|^n«l^ bo easily acmvML . ;a u.1 gN.^piMV ai^i# lie theiamcj; ^ nMahieJM ^^^ — * pdns to produce mm eipnffibiJMi la Bra ace iNrprard apd mnat^be-'.ai^ to im mm m4«Sr^^^^ ; otheiaan utfyl iUda4adipfi(e|ft. n^*wirffliif TT^nw be ■I. '-••S^ --i 1 , ' ' V 1 i 2"y «i». They iie»wr wrv UmI^ZKic.^ i^if ^^^ •^^'^^ ti lifttl «^ _ „ mA •fbl^a ■ r fi 1 2?*^¥ ffw a i B aitu iCS*Wlie''-'M»*a*.'' -.^ •*W3»*-' ^:?^-.'««}^ .-^« -ft»*:^*i * . \ ' !t, ^%||pi/>;-j.v;. _3ji 1^I?pp^ {\8 "' .^1 -r« lfiil K i[|?iit r . ;^^^-* ^^^ *-' '*' ""' *^ __ _ t ._' .^ . - .If , *. '^i0rkiif^wvMmMkj' myMPttiii tvf* kA^d0i»i»tliiW _ thMst, Md Ml te Tfifllin oflMT oim Ml tamper. Jl fii9»boy it RuililiiMttC firaaBMiii tiiitfiWliHtiil iilmiMi il w ■v^/' lis- ' S ' ^Ml: ♦^Jw-Vviis' •:' 'E^l" V m»t^'r *" 'tm^ '"*k iT't -m-^t^fOK'' imp '^m :-%««».. : 'i^?«;^'i»#«%5j-^'- ,t A-^.;; .i-'-.. ^/-Ti ,Mm vt -■S.H, *'^1 m 22Sl!^ be_«««lie-\A , V M om:etna ctm* , 3. IHtcharffe the MkB oj leiiiaHnff and BtteeliofD9^ mai^Mr God who framed the conatitiitioii^^of the niii^ Hiiod tiid coDstmcted ftDi its inec h a iiwwi ,* has mni<<>Tv self kiformed us, what ale ^e qiriiigs of aetiini lirhich hy those who have any thhig t^do in gi#hiflr III opemons^ should be chiefly touched. >♦ I drew, them,'* saith JehoTij^ speaking of his eotaduct .to- ^irards the lii^^ of loyeand 4he htnds of a man." fHere then, in Hm single : ilhort ennresnon, wehaye compendioas^f expressed ^the whoU theory of human government, whether It ^ply to ftmOies, to schools, or nations ; v^heth^it ;be dedgned to control |he savage or the sage; This iverte iMuoh eonlsins the philosophy of gOTeminent, .ahoi^ be studied by every one who has any thing to do wifh hi^ spes^ies in the way of enlightening their minds, improving th^ hearts, forming theii' manners, or exacting their obedience. The cords iafhv€ are the hands of a man,* In prescribmg to - you therefore the manner in which your duties are to be disdiarged, I must enjoin an affectionate and ., conciliating temper. Here I would not be under « /ftood as inculcadng that weak and foolish indol- fgenee, which drops the reins of authority, and b^ abandoning the children to their own inclinations, is >stiQ more destrtit li captives to itselJt It represaei^ dH tet f i ^iiii ee wMidi the ignorance, the fbUltfi^ asd^o ( ■ ■ '■'"*■ 'H < #1 'i^SM "* •K T m: iMive snch a imdmcy to produoe; and readdrt ill Q poBMiBor Icu^ oondoiceiidiiiff. y| iMfiher a^imi^ gpoh a melliod, takes the neareit row to tiie liearts of the youths committed to hla we. Ho wifl aeonre their aibctiimi and thus hold Inliu hand the key of thehr di^jodfion. . You nda^ 'h J«% gwt%/Bi»take if you suppoBe a stem, tyrn& " W^]^'^^^ ** neoessary to inaktain your autli^it^r *ww,it ^comes you to recollect that ydn ai« ^ mer^oi^inttry scho^^ you aw teaohew to do mth kwa It is the dufrf ^of your office to • teaj* the children the knowledge of that sreat • Bong, of whom it is said, "God is low r— to fsoint to the cross of Jesus^ and histruct them i^ the ^^ andhisadih, and length, and depth ei^.to o taUea, ^e wtnAe «e B, and in of i|i^di irorid to eli/aiirfy n^t, aa iii^art; reQgion, relQr ao ilr won .* ' ' f€(ntutiO».'fWfpn§sMoia afoAalali^oi^liiet. Cm* jjaaoenaion ia not nopeaiaTily aoroieelad nitlidegif* iation: nor iaitiaqiiirite^toliiateiilltr, b^orMla lia.aMile. Bemember you «re |taed onaiie«ri* iMRMi^ alxii!re yowt children, «ttd lK»revw affBeden May lead yon to sioop from it iritb hindheea, in carder the more- eflbetually to reaeh thei% atS^ yon mnat never, deaoend from it to be npoa r if you oiamot ensure obedience you had better retire. Xiet your miihod of addres^nlf ih«m in common oonveraationy be dig^ nifted andic^iqpcetftii. Call them by their pnqper Aamea, aiid never aj^ly ibB Maen^M i/^t^^^ phraseology. Avoid afl jeslSii^ 0A' Ww n^f ioge^er with t^ broa^Joud hn^ of '^vierriment. ^,^10'' K ycfu w«iuU h«v^ th^ ffl^^ hever trifle with it Your^U:: X2t them see 4i«l you goveni from priiimplt^^'Wd n^ from capricei In order to tUs, nev^i^^dve myllilagbq^whil is reasonable, and insist upon the .perforinaw!>e of sH yoiijrequire. Always dehbcarate bdbra you ^ "" (Mr tiirMlen, and then never relax dlieHraiia,< jgreat aim ahoiyd be that they may b0th Id^ aad • 5. Jiirm0 your exertums witmwmeained ptrm' It waa ]i^ t6'jthe honcnr ^ Betuben when his diviiur flii&er thus di^hMMiled hJb ebaiaetcr. ** Unati- bb aa wito tihdkvl^i no* «mi;;*V Bijialnliiy »a greal blaniiah (af.ahpuraeCar, whic^ ieea«Mial aleal- hmces mi^ ooMil for a seaaeo^ bi^ do ML^tf^gm' >. ./t- '■■■■:■ \':'^ ^'^ ■ \'-' '■''■',"'^\'''-' ■' ttji ta genera <^^ fcnt in the mum of >«evolenoe, it i. wueL Uke the flg-twe, wU^ fte SgWonr W«ted, it exdft. onr ^jSTUTIo ftaji^t them. There «e ^miej^S^nTK i» Mr*? "T" " P^fP""- JPw "whUe they •rejU bnsde and eneigy, but it u only for kwhil/. IjiB not g«y (hat their ekertiong u« ntteiiy n.e. tfth ^^^ "7*« **P«" of thunder stoma rnttw atmomhere of benerolence. Its roU is im. jraWTe, uuf its Hashes ,i^ „ lightning Za «^«»^ though ma Tenr subordinate de^ee to ^ ^^TA^S^t^ "^ permane^«,d more gnual. How often hare we had to lament ^ZdlS.r''^'' of.te^Aers, whSeffi «P' lA. II ,.: . mmit ^ 00 ^m^ mm who to iibtm If to ivUfv MbIm tiMi fM« of « iHI» iHMnqpteMlDOi, I entraiitlte t94MwAi«r tlM^^inpor.. tiM« of lii» opiM k9 is ibpoitd: to itaidiMi. L9t italtiiiidltflli ttpoB tib* worth of gonlt, and iiU im ' tli»^ t»f i w i ito of two iPoridB» yMflfc d i yrtid ao mmm mtt fliliMi Inatnielliiii, ina then mf^ht eadiig hmofolnnoe^ < •"^^Mia liiioMi hope iem iitdimd to ^ m^ tMr mplojfmmt a» ae^semu ofa nUmm^mm^ iHjf^wmtkar ^aaooinlit: It to ittttflli to dto ro* fMii^ of hii]iia& wmm^ A^ Ihero to no ot^ mmm0f romolo Anxbi te natud ty»dt of #ieaii, hof#/. .. 't »i '^'^: IWrt Oolfidkwiw thM into itMir wSmS. •WW, tttt they nwrt wrifer for tli» wwr ♦hw^^ ^^* J25**^ *»! w»«» MM*jr jwMfc Md km^M^ rg»*"g»< Btli»TCbidi;*. €!MiA««Mr rsiztsirfato??^^ mm mmmmf mm "«*-»-* ihrtlihtpopowi^a^ cf 1^ iatiiiiioiL «ii ' » but (^ inni rwtafokl^ and hii Modatw Oie pooreit of tMohin. If howvfvr |ott nnutt h«fe fellow workerv who«i« your •mmh w iaperiow, you h«Te onljto look up with te^of Biiniweri and mMonaries ; proi^iote and tpotOiiii ™lISl"!!i »«2? ^^•^ •«•» wko liat*15rS«i Py^r^* ^•"«*» ^ anotbar way, the tarn grand oMict 4at you are .aeUiy . Aid eten all^S what la it to the thought ofheing, althoujrh fa a5 hombkat senM, a fellow woridi' wiA God anff^ IJ^t^fa the ledraiption of a lost and miaerahlt ^^Marru^ has >eiy ibquently put an untimely tZ^'r^.}'^^ ha^^^eiylS«| faatanoea fa wU^ the next Sabhaih alitor tfcie eag^ haa been formed, both parties ha^ imqi^tdMd thenr ofioe at tiie 8ehonL^)oea Ihar M . iliiufham of aoeie^ raleM ua Amn m ' " ofa^ttimitoM^ Ordow«( Maa^ef dmraelirnt Urn hymtMid ahar wmH' Or jb Hb ftander «iwtfamr ndiiah ^Ul^- piateai. miit the n^^ for ttiMiiei mhialb ia lovef I m»^pmlmf§immmt eaaaa, the hMnaa» matter «f n e emaily i MM^ S^aav i9i)Mi:>;alteMiiim ijg^v ' ^^ fy #j>i^ -iifc he >■■ ^ ''.■:^ ■■^^w. % 1^ fcmay of Ui own fi«ftr mm just mdl Jli«d ebim. upon Ws ti»o, than the dSdrm^ *• poor, it is both ahtnrd and crool toiSo k ^•^i^them: How owi ha hottar pmwe Wm^ 8filfto\|econiethepreoeptoroftheUttIe(£de that may one day snnonadlrff own flM-dde, thiInX iMi^ the art of imitruotion amonir theioS jnddaughtew of the stranger. . .. /* "^ /^ J ^neh aie the more pwmling^«iiiriiiit.|,,i,,^^^ •iJSf^k^ persererance, and su«h. the maanar ia whiah ihay may be remored. J>!! -TTf^ 5. J«an|ibii Ckmatmicy as £igc€€dmoiu imm^^ Aii^ ^^^ "**y »•» Mke^wetition^ the f»«taon just expressed. But ifate iTa ^i^J^^ Sg^yj^r S^^,* 'f^h. uiiifonn,.and undlS ^'i / f i ^ fe- 91 otttoftheooaimoii vsy. That, at tlMy an Mniad •long a» itNta of pr i ft w i on, Ulw Iwipt lad elilpi that ir» ioaiinff Mar Ilia edga af ari^r, thajr are intanaptad by efary waad, and wldriad in ««nry little add^.' . M:rA..H«-, . ' IN If yau wttttld be a vaenil, ar reapeetabla taadiar, ymk miat aol belong to tbia deBominalion. It ^aaa not rank Tenr bigb in heaTan above, or eardi banealk rooUT Ma pwnuule^ yon, tbat like tho bee > anting honey from efery flower; bnt LO the butterfly, they roae mouffli' dU the 'of the Iiord, not to aip the moatmxnrioitt, Aflutter vi^ n tain and naeleaaTolatility rannd the moat gandy bloaaom within the aaerad indaann. Be alrwi^ al yovr poat, and let it be yoor glory to . And what powerftil attractiona yon ean resiat, rather diaai be ahaani flrom your needy charge. ; ^e. PrntdrndHy m a ttMcker u pUvifif c(mec$ad -wiih Aepr^^ptHlmtfAe •ckoU, rM{'**^ ii}\^>^l H( fWhen out oomndars the iwportanoa of the oblect in wMdi yon am engaged, and add to this the mde .time at oMMt^ yott oan oonunand flnr leaking % m» ^Plight hate preeiuned that it wonld be qidta tm- noaaiiiry to oantion you foainet nuddng that littie iaaa. And yat it k pafnAd to be oUiged to aaaarl^ that thei^ li acaroefy one eiil^ under -arldidl iSie whole 8T8tein mora aeteraly suffers, than « tMsi^ of fmmtti a t ih f in the taaeiera. It is nn evil wUA aala into ^ vary^oora'of Hm mstitiition. Pli^aMy In the tatee t» wldoh it exists, the order of #0 ^flhool must be intennqitid, the aolalpndly «f ' %a distaribad, Old tiM wMa naiddne be llor i>ai|lin.4Biaahiaf stopt hmn^'^gtt tilnlklt is naaless n wfll flak into the mom li«lMP^Hit«Biioii tad iM|fl«et. Lat» jttMlen mim ai^PBie mh6Lun. 'lb uMtoM ftir TNI 10 odsMHiih yoor olaif lo bo^ eifjf, if 1^ flKiBipk yoii inetroot thon to bo l«t«i IlioN aro irrena OMMi wbioiiiioil.to the eipii«| whioh I now ooapkin. .^ y^A Aim§kMm$ ditrtgard to the umtartanoew^ prnMHuaUty m pmierui, is obtenfoMe m s^mm ntfmm. Tbej are ahroyi and in every thing behind. If thi^ have an engamnent to jperform, th«Qr never think of preparing fork till the tine of MnmeneeiMot is paet On the Sabbath they do notaetofftopubUoworriiip, till the oIocIl Mminde then they ought at thai nonmit to be hi theirpew. **A fow mkmtee, they laally oidahn, oan make no l^eat diiferenoe.*' A few minntea make no differ** enoel 1 1 If every one and in every thing, vrere to act nnon tUa prindj^ bnt %i» one day, the world wonldbeaehaoe. Thli proeraatbath^p temper is a bane under the hifluenoe of wUdi, the intercets of soelety are saffning in a thousand ways; and that maa^woald deserve the thanka of hbqpecies, who eould ftanish the most effBclnal antidote egainst it «efs if u time far even M^: emd Ut eoM IMnmf ^ dmemU$ii$M, In oommon kngnegt, me :lo in eanr«Mfa^^ W*ensiois. ^^by mmgr piotohig «hpMimi the season of shimber Is pretaetod to an mnanil day twiiAh was mereift% httondoi Oa g ssnacm of ito% li^slttAdly oenvertod mto • period elMoMee* g2 /■ / ;f '4 1*. ' \ H ■«»' ,» , •'«* ii ■r^: ■/;: :%■ v?*** ..# :% r A'' ■.•4-->_- 1* ' • V •■ -1-. • 'V •. ■ • • fin ' - - 9 m ' , u V •* ■■ ' , • * ■' -> *■ * * 1 - . , • , « t '[> , m ' ■ : • A '^'*-. * ■■ , 'i ' • n' * 'V ' 9. '' ■ « - ', » • . ^ . V ■ ■ ■ ■ ■- ■.'■■.;. • ■ ' ■' ' ' '. '■_■'■'•■' •. . ' .,■ ■,. ■ , '■• , .-, ■•^■.'■- ,.j|fc ■' ■ .':;'..■' '.,■'" '■ ' * ' ' ' ■ ■' ' . 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'f i '■"■*' - "■\'"'- '■■..-:';: .:!/;V"' ■■.'•':'•■ ^JP- ,.■.-- ;"'-^^"- y- ' ■■;■'" :■ ■■'..", '. ■ . ' ,. .; .... . . . a ,. ■ ■■ ■'■■' ' '".-''." V ■" "■ "■-. :^^S."- .'T-.'---.^ _(_■ . ,;■ . . , ,. ■ , .- .^ ,. . -,■■■•'.'•■■ .-■'■.■..... ; V :^BP' -r*! " .'.■ ■"■-■/->,' - . ■ -1 ■■ j^" ..; .._^ ■■ " " ■ .Xi'"--."' ■■' ... .".^''j,^ "' ■' ■ Jli ' ■ ^ ...■; ..■'.v.:--''- ■■.. ■. 'i>*: '■' ■■' ■ ■■ . ■. ■■ " '■■'. ,.^M.< _^'' ,' ■■ J ; 4 ntr^-'A', , n gNMrfMig hum tloMly iH3f«rld and its ooSobtIu ^ *?# H*'"P*^^^ '""^ u» SiiSai ■• loot Aai Mt our toidi fai a alite orWh iplriSl Pwyri»> we thoidd, ]ik« iht kffk, Si^odbff t*. imdi hiBf«B iipon the wii^ ^«>fiter pwt of the woild belim oTiSt m mpft to dtaoe and in eleep, aad, lUka Hie niiMi* M% Mtiiive t» Mr ftirtliiNir ioiiM ia ih»lM& iiAiii^lli^jndt^ «•. to^e&fejttietSGS fmL Jkit oyrf ii r, Mwr ilotli deftMds not oidf ^P^ T^."^^^^ ^ •oak ofyrar difldiMM thetobod. The dveuie of Mekibitote *J ^¥J?f"*^!?"!» •houW preeent you witliji •hephefd depiiti^ hie hunbe ^thiir IM. Bkbim late, jm ore often drirea to the sehool wilhoal oftMiJoQg heldnd the thne. JtfiiT beam of tiie iBMBia^ as H gentfy tooohes the lida of joiir eyaa. aeana lo addraaa jon in the laaffnam of CMrt to hia^ afai»^«iaff Jaeiplea, " Wl^r^ yeTBlS and ]gay/V Or if thia he too gontlea lofee townlj ^^^fSL^f'^ atOBahera,. letliarahar tonea dia^ilj^ yoi^ <' What meaneat thoa O akaepar, ariae. edU ^^--Another oanae of late attendanoe iaiO»iiiiei O^Mtea who detiete l^ Sahbaih to^i^liM^ fS^^!^^^ oTlhe ^alma, and ipho H aiiinnla ^ y ji i ay e ha a dnit^^ \ yit>::.. pf;W<.' .• %'■ its Bttiiit tiui IMiitkii^ gB ranitwi • MMniift*^ niBg, wUlii li IMS mil isiHM vNnm nk to iMv b BOi onfy MD itaftbif "OH with ft id. Bkbig ml wiihoai n then am Bam of tiw n CAfiat to /•r Bito Metovooto Mwi» : ferinrS^ jMli iBflfMt to the IiOmii^^o^^ om«it pnmHr ahoold ho tht May aoiil vtMwmp oaMipot. WiilfmirmiiflXidi^ |whiiPtihoiiirhiM^ YoathoS .(iil49i9l#i hotiioialbonoadlholMiMtidbof llib. ^^p^^^^ foA to 4i«ir tiNi Mm \mmL X0m €hmi ahc houHito mmm acpBi of fwf Mixiify te thiir viMlwt ^ppf vt i yi Pi of hoBo^PiJ M d hMiBa^ ^ yHmii jwiar ^1 ' i^ mfmSi .^^^E^ j^^^^^s^-* \ 1 i— i H i l to t wf iwto . Ood lo?w dM.pmMn «i VMS QtMiTMMM*. JvpoRiuM luiii tMrilhr% «v Mm your efforti. OiiiiMt lo Um thtt tlM ^pviii i^tmmdmktn hit 0101. Hmmt tiw fattmiH V .tli»eelMoI apoQ lib wm, tad hy imm doim in Hii HghKif UboomiteniNmt. j^ F iplrii lly <» I^i»prw6y ef <*• ^SbMolA, la tfit Miif III oTyiar oirteMi BMEtloyottrowiigivwtii 1^ to be mid* niflclMllbr vtipit Ih>. Enirail of God to rmm mm ftw InfciwiiiH B tM, md to tnarii yw to feel tfo 1 '' #1 oOflf Mii^^^ 1^ WfijIMr Imi* 10 9Mli| ibr 7«mr diet. .„ MioiMte ii^^iii • Ael li prodnMd emM anr Miiii^«id €ndm # ouKlieart, •foy ol^ nrlMi itfiiilwioes. It it not the pleadfaig ofTl^vlfaiff •dvoetto, who after \tiie most ehqaakt wmiSL mottmjxk fee, Md^jfeifMs bis dioA; mlZ mmnmkm of genttbl Am%, wldeh It Jaiaiiiod o^iwiidt itt oljeol I7 ftt om ia^Mitiontd mniotlitt tad inlliitiiot of ow oatiird tdfitlmttt. I»d foa ^^M» to^the tduMa oftrjr Sabbiiili moniiQt, &e lijj^iwi A. l|^Viib^ lh»^r;SltMt AiA'^M oenwto oC Ckid, Migtaf tU UMTtoltaMi ^g;*y *^ wldeh jot had tiiimlkM^ #. ^Wta^^ what a tfaameltviimii «§#««%, imdlator^ Hit bta«t il^^ -^'— Tr^w«dd bt liiiblo upon ymt tommmmmm - |ht notkMit of Jttut, ani ibo mefefWbit ,:>>■■■ WtIB •♦i ml , tint It WM iSl tiMb liMbir had Qod.*' WVMdd to ■h >*!rrfi>'' Otto limlWoiihiii jy ill IttMUbtlMd fai^ w^y nbitoil lmiii|» 1^ ttlBtiMfM Md briM. WlMMW W dudl bo nmt IPO boor ofii dtmo of iiHMM wffldfl^fll^ ttdiitonish «^7£r it it ittt ol JilMiviai, «Mr*%e liemdi prayor. ^ .'?« !'l i^ [APTEB FOURTH. ^'**^^^ ov nA«»nno 10 sack oTsm^ :.H X M^giMM/ilofoifte Ao oo«iioik«n, on Hi* ^miftliiBd. IWilai iHiii ranrt^^ tlMo ioimli to bo otamii amjilfciii^ y ll' c i* * y ^*t mMHIm Hi m '0ltl0kmam^ IraHnif kif*, wUeh «ii9t in •vMt mm, your efarmiiBstaMM iiMjr modMr of omMiMNMb iNight Uidty of «i»tfoQ, Mrtainlj «tUf ftir imltjr of aftetioii; Ibr dw^teair witiioiti difl^ Mlo^ digMo, and lit eroim^ oi% wMi ^ oT Oftiy MhooL Aflbetioiittihr doirolod to iho 4|NI of te iMtftiilioii. ymi ilioiilA lofo omy oM 1^ ilalritalM in IIm loMt MM^ Worldfy, and ovwi iHokod MMMiatioasi loii to HMf dfcolioB botwoM Hw ttiiiltdl mkImi tko loldifr mtiMli A ttfoiif iiiMlibn fe ]S^Kj8**Nr by hb ildo^ tiM Mmnil wlM It iMMf dofolid to Mt mtltr^i iattntt, iMlt « imrt in whom iM dittoftii Uji tnio MtU^i tiM trmUtr Imnt t mwtav IHtodtldp ^^^^- f ^— ifliniti 111 hti liiifliii»ilff mtt with on tbt raiid, tndiHth wtiom lit riitM m t^ tndthtdangtnofthtWAy^ tftn tiM fhUmUr of fobbtn, gontrtttt lon^ttimtt t tort of tSbeHoii |irttflli 0^ Gtrttln^ fhtn, t to^yptntei to btntfolint in its oUtet tt that in wUdi y^ il« tttMgtd, and to holf ii lit MibKytrMgia^lM^ plim, ought to prodQet t high dMrtt of ChiMan w T^Ci«^^^i^,iA^i^^^^^,^^ nf hnwwftil mlt; that oaatt inifhloh tht Stfionr tptnt Ut ^.^ thtd «r1A»dr tot tmt idSritiii^ htgimrfnarto tnd it onqihatfa " Jitiitho«U«iilti«n^ twawrt of hiBowod «Miid^ vlt%«dl __^ mt^mwiM n tttto«i^oMn tiBnity^ i i^ ^^ " <>■< ywi"iitlihihi4 Hnijir iiiu^ ijiiilihwi^ or t eold aaidfil iWtrtwwi j tlfiili it X 1--^ -^1 jl^jAfl^ of iHMMfivllllMHHIHlif'<' ' fhUkmmm Mil':- Mi .todb ottMir iHd itiMar tlMl ib^ ar* not to bt admHtod lo^ «lMtM«,frni|tfdMortlMirewii. DttW^ mm^^ QBtelMivptod ratttfMofoidliiiiTlNSaii. y ^?y ■«. ttaii wt» an oibM» o0Q»t, «m# #iiiili| nf opiBioQ takM pliM, the aMrftTirtUali iBrtMiajr formtd OWMli ffliitiiVdlMDida niplodii. potiM wliiAh had bM attfM^. and it k tiMnftfe, Ptetleakr yvtf.] aaatdi t '■'■ '..w lajbim bat arnol ii not tMA yutt waUi la eomptBy I^Mill rmmhrnt to aapamte a iim tBfiMh ^ thMAflU of ti Mlmii^i 'Mih pmiiimm i^ ^ J^nnklM^ a^m^ idtk tiia whole boc^iiSNMw •^ ai»i(aiwrttei%^^^^ opMliii, I '-immi^^^mtm ^Mh thefafafe do i^i harm 15^ r?"»» 'iW L nf tn MM diMrtmmntjt pivMMilf fai kwnaa natOM to wImI }m Um- qr miklny tU Jwilti of m abut ptwoa th» i l j iit, ■ rf tottar coniiwariwi. TUa Is atiat i» / la pMdbrroaa, ao oowasd^; ao BtiaiaM, aa irdl aa of iMSfnltgrr tital jpiui ahMM bate k, aad afiry wiaa aMft flCU. O wlMl wiadoBi. iHiaft OMmrt 11^ Ima liaastarfll Our braAn^ li«a in ottr Loid'a ^DiMtkm. ^'Zf ^ ^ trupiaa agabal tliM» fa aad toll Urn lila Miy aloiia dteto iba bahitoiij of MBfidMtolabasp t» tonl^ » tod NltlMMlf9i| riot 49 la , ill iMNUrtlMMk Mtnnrwvp Mvnhniiitlfar iianptliiiUBii Ami liHHPfMl Mr MiA«r Igftkiiinnd, Itiolrii iiii , Jfej&',^tJ£w4 »^sfT^fl»r--*rtii«(!w*rT« -b wUlli«^ PP^^Ip^jU^VP o V • nVdi It wmM bt fn|iniiitfif %lMr jwtwfir ArMfm tkiw '■* #ixectecf •Ij55^^^ii^i.«i^ mmi^^ ^IBIUIItUinL 11 wmmmmik mm^m ^'.&^iiSik.M*k^*;ft. l««^» w tilking to lOBit IwMae •niynimiiiggy amp an MmOiljr of poor olOUfon, one o€ lOmim mim iiiOTfo Mwom llio onpoilto Mo iio Mdy to ooi>y with oiHfi% ODT inu^ dmrai ^ th^ toMdMn^ ibo tiify i^^ ^y^itfop frm tlio ttriet rako of imiiiiify it » cMjio not oofyjigidiiit OMir maoiMn, W agpiiniti tmo^ AMCiJw. uiMwr moh oinmmstaiio^ tfio flMot^ Aad iMmi poriiipo, it iiiaj be nflR^ iior miniQ0i»i7, to ewitkm joimg penoitt igiOiisi^ Mag M Into m^iMsed oonnoctioii^ ^ Ao wwiomo Oiojr nooaiswilj mnit lunre iriUi omIi ow«v iiur 010!^ nile oCdeoomm liasbMn obiorfo^ llifo ttdtti no roosoD wlij a ocniiiectiQii oomiBeBOMl «l i aipto adiool tfaoiddiioeefiMri^ mm on Hio oilHrluBid, irinr it OimMwcmmO^m amdoM. PonoQs nuj $e T-^r^rnlkiiitiniw&iwi m jttlio totjr iU adaptod Ibr Imsbaadi or.i^Mt **»^^gfioatiana nqaimed 1^ iliMe rapo^ivs *^tl4«ipaj jiw of an orte, in some ntpeeti mi aatoiia^r ««n«iV tliat ai«i» is na aigoiSrSoM te o«o totlie otliar. -j -*So ni otim oi ira dull find & tho aame aefao^ %lii g%? J^y«?> y attantfam to Hie dntfif S&!ffte*^i^ '^^ andlietterediwSi VpMa of we Ime eOiBBiiua% ahonld bovoiiiM linAa nte tfie prida of ata«io% and at &eM^ £ UMM^4^ ^ *-^ n iBiitawin It ia nimililwiil /MairtajMip^ '^" ^'^^•'illa^feM^fSi^asiJskr^ ' tfllMMli witlMmtndclMII^ J fboit wlMiii pf«^4aaM0 Jim diitliitd to l^^ib pmilMliqMi, wiU alto 4o ir^J29il« ilMNOd^aliTM^^ lit M^ieUbt iOl «Mf ^ to emet tf^m iMof mxS^Am, k m mt "^^^imjxk tho datitt of Mm tdioo^ wiilMl^bo ^1^^ 7 ija wo are oonmuuicUld to moko fii^p^ei^a« to m niin, OT^ finr Oiooe with wbom wo Imto ib oaor ommoetioti tiiin whtt k ootabMihod bj dli !; *gy«Hy^ »» my podtiooo, with^iomw^ mmmpfKmf «■ wo liivo lOiOi^ oouiteod in thooaooo ft^ chafroo, w0ild bo pnSu^ bt ^tto^ent in the dosot, to ta^A tibuSbv (tf liter of dmfitmf wm^wkKt m Mr toiwSr^^ "-■* jianea io flio aooy iot|rt IWVB tbe tbroBt^ wv can rmStr ooiMehi tiM# ^iM ttoie qp«edtt)r eileh 111* tir aMtto^ ^mmm wim t^>ted Jhun our gnttiv mm^-m^ ■nail wok In Yiiii ibr gpot MQiiofteM onr inflNiflil Radeenier know o«r WMknMo^ and y™'g?!' wfaqi hopat into oiur 1^ ilMNnMio. lilMo peCiihMiy •*l«id ni noi Into tomptalloD**^ *^*y ittttmont, fliaa wAV0HFiri.irat8, and whai Is itmenodeMaryP How Inomnbent thk in, on thoae S2!jy* J!P¥*^ ^ *""* •c^To dntlea of a Sunday o Ite 8d>lMtli, if tlM espNHkn ihonid not be ?*«««h« too low, I. the mirket day rfttTiKwU U^j^tbejuteriab wUeh are to enmlor ber. AnWtheeiimiNriraek : tftHfadaTbemuSSowl 221.2:1!!:' g«)dlfa.- win «>t «*fcie ItielfS i«5£ toS ^"^21; fcnt •tfli dMN 1^ botii »||pl>ttopiiB)Bete to BftiMd power. " Th»a^!^ 3i l*'.««'«< -^ «'^««h ««>« Mitfcett dty anwMHIitni. Mhnee >n thoio niio «re ootioornedtor thoytoip l i lij f of iMr fpiiiciial intmsts, tnd an who ttr Uke aelOolloii of anaiis to promote them, M/^-m Ntfir withottt great ewe a Sandiy SchwAHiiJin ii iB IttariiMlii daagfop oTloiiiigmtKiilirteMiiilt of tiio CWatfan 8d>batfi. Ae Toter aiteMlum % required pMtfy eaity at the aehool, |im ait «ikto evpoiad to^tfio tiinptiitiQn ofnegieeting iPu ' ityili i ti oa the Simdnr WMkig. Wi&ont a moat MiJIe and eelf-denyiiig liahit of early riaiiig^ ym uMib wy ftofilai^ hmnM aurmy to tho aehoiii hdlbte you ha^e had ume, ezeept in a ifeiy haa^ mti^ to aii^Koalia Ueirfiig lirom God upon tha aaimas of m di^v A Sahbath that eommeiioea IrldlMt prayeri le Ihely to be amnt withoatj^Mamre, ittd ektoed nMoat profit '11a ia the doi^ tiial tfb ' ia HMMred fbr the bleasiiiga of the aaa^tUtf!^: . erstuiafaiffiadeiu«dibriiiatriaete, iHm-hmt aelleiiid'for imfffOBeloii: 'III ti^ ^hat^Ood emsilii tibe epliltiial hiuiger lad li^ iMA>hi lAenrarda hitends to ii3lal^ mHHH^ pMNMwa of Ma hotr teaiple. Evaiy ?^ -^^ • • •to^thefiMiiiath a dt^dw^ 4magrm aeaiim oreameat and aeei^ litifairr liiMlh ^fiil^^^imwaf iMBt^tetorarfiied hiiStitmA»immmt% ^Ma fflMir^ ia Mli|iaqoBiioe of engaiiH^ i. 'M JgM^gto wit— of i C ii M i, ii tetndaMAiMo MntUiau of MdML th* «v»ta4MSv^a» .w* W wHri tog; «^>NM«n M A«vS ^»»»n»! •« gwoe, bat iBti«i«tHdii«!li«iSM «fti. Wgw, ttd dfflgvBihr wiHoh aipUail it Km^ fa' y^ tm wStlmmt» oqaet of joar «BUfllQii% aiK^ Mmn$ $f^ ^bmmtm ooauuniieatfoii, #iiialiiili«, to'tha iahadan nf tlM fauRMtalaoiil^ •piitaal aikail^ aa jmi aaii flz your aidad iMMIiof ^la utiflkhw, and la^ar alfeelioaiiclf JMi| fos giard againal ikt aaeakiWi^ Imttm #iilka ilvdfaMiry adiool JmiiuM, and ana ahetkihig ' 'I avaiy mj friendly to your own plalgr;^ it iha anijaal of aamaal anpplleai i on, tfyit €k>d woidd p taw rt a yon from iha daafar to wiil el l a apifl '.yon. gm aiDuaad- llaWia af aSniia » yo« 0OB1 1 Bndaafonr and ordir, Hial ail b aai h' ilwy te «foidad, and avary f^ m iamimij^ E inpioy ^^^Mfc^dl^^M' ^^^^^ .^Mi^^^ftM^ tlMt ciwriMtinfr faitewsti hut QIKitt^to ttwtfn whteh yon temS to tlie iMdrw, wT^uit ttafe na nnor of leaniing thom, in a ooniid«fi|ilo. iMM^^ be «n Imitalion of joiir muai» ii fmheim ii liio ffreaier need of ifai^hing agdnti «1^ to wUoh yoor own neraonal fMr b eonoied -^nr oflloe as a teaeber, as of aU cauiea «f I dedenaion, tfaia is the moiil'llkely toi h* jby a deoeWed eonaoienoe. Iathe^o#iaff padr^MMmfaig new to yon P <«f1la Mil hM MiMr of kto ao«ttenth^ lb p e w i o tt al i rf hifoii gg fr'?* ?y "^^r «nd it nittit be eonftaM^diftoo »«ai»««Bet me leia poweiltaUy than they' enoe ^ * negleet waa pfodneed by ^ «a attentlett to >ti of oAienr, Iris quite na^lonaUe^ 1^^ if Jept my own lineyiid 'I have keot the ' «/WVi 9 and tiierelbre 1 eoBslder tttt# 4i^ii.irL ■•^ ahonld be considered Mieiite fr^Hght of a saisriiee, ttei ^idfel -Mmmm^ MMtL^a^ tkp* as mi dotieMS^ineaimSS^ ibiatiii^:'lld^/.iiilli^ nor tile most frdsnt- Mial^> i^^i^ ■'I" . ^ ■/- !■ r . a "Ml A* 4itiift nf s fliiiigr fkkooiy^ fcr d« k% iato th» ■ III howvravi 'iia CiSLMiir Ml mudujiiktm t Am « ^ tNmlAM Hw ■ *it mm Um^kUimM mkM Amdt^ MM| >>'!•'>• A flf « nirte •f ««bimi to te iufvilti IpMi m mn ^ t yr ly niMdid tt n Mtibi to te UtoKii'to Hi» wfar aa w } to MgrtooM Wt a i Hk to aaothtr go and 1m goetL l iHMw ilt t itoatiim n^ieh Im Ht miwrn kmrn wmk wMb htsf hunA folto ^^ to«iii •llivtoliM ilMiiaMKi^jaiiM jk^S^tt' :^c -'-* ,k'4n;!.-?i^ •;?-v-';i '$4hii»iiiieHii^«r 'm^mimMtw It voqU iMUdI W'- .^1 — ^ OMmbtfi, I teiw^wUali 11 n^i^ ao p«Mtntloii to d^ fWHl •!« atliBd ft MMOBy ilk« that in wlildi w« lift, of mrautt Un ify uMij. Ilio aiodo of doitt ifMi In iho piMMit ago, wMi aU Hi fc^^^J^-^iry? «dfiBUigii-to iho JbrtwMte of uMakind t ktfM, ' tt;«roMiitWatdiiyMii,bo(boiitlit|M^^ diipoii t ioe , tUs obMiu%, to toitala in dlitinguldMd kooor^ whUk of in iamrto to tlio , ^ .^ ilteifDra HwitoMd of tiMir hammj It « dtooMail BottoktfopdMlgrtho MMMMthiiaMli wlrBo woald bo tt ofll iH4ib out isfo^onM to d«loit wlAi JvBior/teBibOTi iho^ o«i» witfi tiio ipiril of pildi. 1 ^gNJ titlprtloikr fiiwtod to >Mi^ lyg flMli^ ... Arltlo^nltoom^pAfrtiiK ^i^]^^ to oi^iil ymiipl «Mteao to^ initoMtoeity of oanylBi^ tho toiio ittd air df IS 4' •r .:./ mp. ■ W- ^ ^tr- PMurU ftirm«d bj iMpmtptiliU ifegmt, dlml^^ iMmt ooMdowoM^ Md not hnkmt wWm _4|jA,{$# 4*t >.<^«.i 'f^iiilt, -vt^'riilfeSiii., ^♦»^.>4-/«V*4- :/Mt--p(l»0$k, P ^U'". ^..^^» . , ^f 5?«"rti| 5tW 4J H A P TKB,^ 8 1 X T; ■i^ •tHDAT tCBbdL vJwWT CMi» wWA ip worth vapportiiig, wfll htm % jBopimtor difficultiM: and ^ewm MiiM^ jfoportiMMt^ |o th« -valii9 (^ ih« ' " "* ^^ aoeqniplialwd. T|ie otrair of beneyo Mtb of flowwp, lendiqg down » miUMi wlMre m phttm^hropiit trendi softk and fm^lpiiftb the ooiuAles whieh oppose her pi ym^mg^c^, iM9ooinp9iM oii& bj that i^d^ (p poMoa^. moat attoomi to do -^ jiMr 4i4 n©^ 4mPfe tbm r I'^HBp '' m MwMlntelNirlt; ofhtr IntmtlMi mi iil4l»'0mdd: Tte Mhftd titolMr IMP wfli mm tOilMito. I will BOW «lliaB|flto, tii mmitlif wffl to imw Mii^JtanvtSe iiiortlftttlioiildittd IMi vrogTMi to bgiii madt. and , _^ , , —•—«.«» tiiimc liMiiy to UiiMlilit^^^^ * «««• ^^■■■WwiBw ©mil llhBOwHiErai'BL- iiir i^'t'^ i^'iK. ' JJikliiMfitf^k ' r^S if '^WV '\,i iitiitiftr ufliii ^18 i^x. /♦ fc^lgfr-^i t^'' -/i/r ii' '."fWyifliirHnr " * ■ wt ■ i; " f - > w' '\ 1 r' f» * ■■''■^^'^^:t;^',/^/M)- El' ' # wKwMfM and a giileftil aaloiowlediaiait of tM^ •Wl gaHw i i . iDstetd of thii jfoq qAoi nrn iiiMiit itl0rlyfk»titot0aflM|b: triffin^OfefOMirMtiiiigip «i If «b«gr wit<» iilrlh noOi^ to Hbm^ mAm fimM au towards yon, aa if H ooat noUiing to invint tdiiii. Pavodtuig that yoor kindnaaa la inaUA ippoB oUaeta whkh it fSaa to Impmaa, yon M aomfltimea dIapoMd to wl&draw your eietliolM^^ wliiali am ao IHilo valaed and iiiipi^Ti^ -^1 aonaite, tbia t^ atote of lUie ahfldna'a jninA^^ ifMtoad .of Indneing yon to nkai your crtfinHniiaj, 4MHd4 atfmnlate y(w to m^tar mcAity,)im ajpyi#that dwian^ rfheart of ^bai«otor» Ibr the rinnoval of wtiusk ^bm^ wm Inttnaled to your oara. To'ahandon tiieni oil liifc m^; would be like the i^yaieiaQ gifinf 19 Ida MJiifi liiiiiiiiuu he is dBaeasedw Themorekiaeaalb^ jMAimratofiil^you ind them, the more ahonld mi iplMf for mo^ iawroiFement, ainoe tbeae^irleaa. iiaii mman^^ oiul^boodi aielike^ toattainadffeadAi mnlV^ bl fhtQie:lifo.^ .:■ '-:..K'il- ' ■ v^t < - jy^ V > mkimginmemmU €fper^ ._ ^4liamindef thdr inatmetm 'W^olMi^ ^linielimoa exnerienoed a^oMUin^ depiaarfoai IlIm haaWked round uple eftol,^^ Mw kind, 18 produced, I admit; lmt7 fiffo^l^ been witnesaed. Could jou lodh at im ipgNgate of auoeesa, which has 4^feiMli> IbOoS gip^ejwtlona, j^ iMd. ^ jrour attention in aUent wtnukr. or S jMJiy-. liwii» b^a«tgr;-...o(m|d yon wtoim ^ mn^IiI^ tjKm ^mkikik W diStmA €1^ Hieir tnaoB^ tmAhbm ttM melii ii|i^ the dtrone^ « often ai tiwy^^jeiy tbirliMMo#iMai« of their beloved' «etciMr,aiMi^- agnttflitt beA)^ saeli a soeneiroiild InetMidr milM^' il#ittoiited h<^ wonM Jtt He plMe. ^^^ ^^^ m i i l tofpoa dgmy ^leqilng ^awwigh y- ^ • • ■ • ^'' ;■•• ' ok..\x^. ?mv ii nl^eaaes^ tiie seidiQf teldiigdofli bliglii^ ^^''-'— — kx^l^Mtaieifmire^dia^^ A eeoMrnnoiK li giduf <%^^i4iaii nftddtt im lililiirei iigiti uf i^f tf-*fiMt*rTiT r iift fti iii f iriir ii Mir i fiiSi^it IM mtty^ igM Imt U* idko with in te^ mmmm^ men th^ tt jome ^stimt^tinieiMe^ 1^ « lich harveit ftom ihe aeed ii^ lt>sin^ ^ itiHi^liiptQt to tMn, wwn in ten* mJimm, J &jMiti^ olmeti^^ ^liWdef Ih© hewpi ww/#ngiW* CaSJ IIMbaeQt»^#proin^ B«tino wfo^ iie^«Qil|il^ plfap omning^^^^ to Hi© «innflr li^liiMiMy Sift^'^?^ na Uin^ji «w»ri^ IIiSmwS ^I^Mie i^«aein^ oi m vm^ whmm^tmk ^^Jl^prefi^ the Jw^nd^^llMi^ ^'^iWiPw^i;'- ^*o^ hafe > % cleiNrMr iiwdiiiiSiS """^-^i^J^hMiftj^^kedmiel^i " ^ ^i ;|l^&^ ; \ litf£li%-V in «Ma2,«MM viiist bi JnstiDebfi «liared hftibi^m^ yw^Mii, with t^ itA^Amimi wtitiit TUUe flifaet is prodaoed Iqr imviailniD#' tlwilt Jy a jwt lif dhim^ ollabor inibe lNii|^ IpwB lietiiMdiioed, in <^ ^^moijoar 1^ but the eye of €iod k iMi Ui^owit fiw, aiii he wffl^^ 7Mi| aSlhithedoeil^ veil; k* ^^MOdlMveedBeeled^ thai a mkhty ^kmm$ im M:mm\mimMit befine It ^)teaam^3m0 y: Wy to? iH£h i ■,.'■ . ,•: ... V ■:■ .■'/--■ ■ i.if ■■?; -v " • - -■ • 1^ ftillA liilis^oirMge, wisdtmb, and edwrienet, m W to |im IbfiBd in the wtoter bilw^ o[J»«r ^f ^ MogngitkHUl, sbonia be WtNly wiibltiid fr«»^ A| liitewiitf of tbe cbiMiwi ; M nil of Oie «chobr^ This ariM ;|«^ aj^li^ m thMo^^Wngs beloM exi^tti^l? .*» # li tbew Iny tldng, I would MAibkim ui»iu<«p, wbieb woiild render it a dittpNUMi ftr liii iicitiili^ l^id^tdilmsmenA^ert ^"6^ IlliS^li^Wii^tiidfilft £SB et^M^beneaib bimf I am ndt mt Mi^ ^ a«ea to at down upon th6 bendi a^ytnag, o^'tbluMkt the toOs ^labor waMstiSt»^ianmm ^^'^Z t am not urging tbei^tbert^ii^liMI^ Wtit^mn oftpiSig* ^ ^^«' to ^>'^''^!^' Mi^m^ikti^, AUIilriE,aIlI1rliiiiiiwi wo^ a«oit>^iflr a Utely and eonatant adUdfiidi weHk^ ^iiie wsboo^ and q/trnWUttikA^ 4filialM giiidv mMA i|^J^jo«ife liuMRiitjNigr il )li^ JUjOior t fow in iiiii|ib€r, or amsamawowam lli.i^«i|b;«qiiia|jlcatioii8^ TJ^oiti^^i^lf ;)rxm Uo# «ro Adapted to pv^ ^PI^'flM, w eoimteraotoa 1^ ^ !gnoi«ti# aid ttmj^piiuieaiofvoiirfe^^ ToQamlill liilfiovid. ^ThwartodandiiimeM, TonaW^ite tM4|» tfl! quit tho fiold ^hwo yoS* - - ^^^^^ m^lM iod your tuilbliiofs d" protortata p oo, faiat^ad of being a m j ^ m^ mk f i^ovM opetfte aa » t« mnoemait ft» your ooutmttaiiee. iW are to catty on the 8c3io<4» or tSbo ubi^ a«.««.nr i«nr JpiMeatlowL Oie more erf^nal woidd It b« & iwi t^w&n. Thiairouidbe^i^toBaketheMmial^ jmm^, and take ym p W aixuxii^^ li^Na ^<^ its pronienty. -JNiftt^ ooi lie £S 9«Mmlnt oUe«t, fhe mnw btWrnpoMd t^ 'M*m ' ; -m ! tai &wmn of vvi ovficb. ;;*, i,.,fi»flt ■ V ^.1 all «ni^Mi09 inforet, tliailnft let ht Mig oomtatijr Ip i4gbk iSAoflii power to inlerwt 'ZAiMm to «A^KViiPlmigorotdted^ •«im#8 _ _.^j:: itfi J ibo ftrw of ftnt fol^ WitNJfit tb bout itteasis for'tee^^ iit liitlmeaiL '^«s*fr J ;if,.'-- i W m iMpMi^i ottoe. Bit tihit i meait^ "m of Iff dtUies wm vi0cr. ^HUreiL .^ , in oppqiitbii to timt llibt^ jMl lipiMMr of ^G^iin^ ^brot^lk thein miipipa wiib niaiiy. iai9ft) lin^ ire «ttM& to in *^ *^ ivo eMI \» ^W!^ ^* ®^ Willi i{Qlidtii4e. WlutteTer b nioi teno^ 0|e necieMit^ of I yoiiriiiM,l|# *iOfill h "Mm-'mm m 'mm\ im4jr< ,»i.",V! * I I kMP offc t^ spirit of tlM oOm, It Is to Sr Si ^btmente as thM. ^m yon fSiymir hwC f^i^Fjior. Slid mkur Into • liikewm stZ^ IQ Hie crown %tbd(^||Ml%^ pfXf' If my thfosr esii keep yonr^l^^ ^SS?^\»^^f together irith Hie l^tereMb^ < ffl i fni inl ^ti oi|s aadiiiatiiil ea(hort»tioiii iHii^^ m tM sttne cause, hu aid ekUliriitbii SlilLL^^S®^^ '^'*f' one and anolhta^i " JWMt ojf soc^Mttftil eien^ans. Kbt *^i-; ,i-v,5'aj5^. '^\ ■'M'Mi MMidifiiig. The tmdben who im aMK SmX S«rl«i«erto their •lUpUthm to h<)fi| M ttMmk oftho offloe. i i^» 4li-iL«. W a# ta-M #o»«»l/»r camteriofian .«^_?^J«' JJ jIT^ thing! *««jt'^!J?*; auSMid whkh ooeirt in the ooiina 4^^ flStt^ement Eadi one ihoold feel htawiinder ^ZSoTto^ rander theM friendly interflg^g^ LtaneiAr •• he eaa» by mdking known efwj tttog "••^"^nSiefcij tli X^of TiOft d^ Id ilMaally counter^ their h«i«flro to Ket iHth new i^fomation and facts illutftratiire of &e advan- tages bf the work in whicK you aie emnoiedl You #£&las!-" i^M \ ^ija. K«L ^■f,^ 'i^'l '' » vH.. 114 ...J ftfili «M«niflti. You Me what othan dik ttid Doir ' thtj 4o It; thus while you are direoted, jg "dor or ^eir spirit, to rokindle the fervor of your own. 7, OeeaeitmaUy dev^ng a pcrtUm of time to egamme the itate of the mind m re/ereiic« to $cwr dtOieif wmid be a meane of improvement. ^^ Xlie true spirit of religion is very powenully siria tff d by extraordinary seasons of devotion. The attention is more arrested and fixed by what !• i&i* uiaal, than what occurs |n the ordinary routine oC eiwtomaiy engagements. Half an hour occasionally devoted to a scvfous examination of the state of th^ iMirt in reference to the obiect you have anbraoed, wlMn you could deliberately survey its magnitude aaeertvn the manner in which it should be regai^id, Mooileot the way in which it had been pursued by ^ yiNk route your zeal frtmi its slumber, and stlanlile yo«r hMil to fresh activity, would be attended wiWh the^u^^est ei^ets.^' ' 1^^Sb^j»e impressed npon your n^nd^ thU teM li fea the liumwi s^Mt a limentable' ^tir petpetnid iMg|^ i nn i tin< .:m|iplidatiaa al the UiimM otdhimtenm^ UMt God bgr hii H0I7 Spirit, wmUdUn^SmZ^ yovf.hmH thorn feelbig* of holr ImMTOtoaM aiii pioM Mtl, in which the tpirit of Um oflhse eMcotianr eouiiti. '»s» CHAPTER EIGHTH. ■■ A ■ MOTiinit TO mLiaiHoa ni THB woftK. If k addition to what haa boen aiMdr^adraiiead^ ! angr thuig be ftill wanting to ptinmbte fimrwH ymd to Oio influence of the following mottfea. ^^ ' .yihtfeUfqton the vaiue qf Swukm Sekoak 1^ alt ik§nre$mi inieresU ofmwefy. A» Bntona and ai Cwitiana yon mmt ]of» H» oeuatiy that gare von bhrth : and that ma» it unworthy to Iread the soil, or breathe the tki «f E^^and, who is insenaible to the hVwdnffi of tfali *^l«lghti|»eckupon theboMmof theoeean?^ Ifo^f if we loie Mr country, we muat^Mre to leo hmi pm amjldit |he nations of ihe earth, uAmaAMi I^Npw^^i^rJMd happy fai her saftiy. And 1^. ^^¥^*^foimi^ that wiadomaS laioiiliK> n^ht^iftiaUfyofhertfaM^ .BMtigmSS^' "•^«9w»*>llM har happiness, all rest^naii tlMkv fl|9M«hieiMNi^ of her population. TYhalwMj uii j fiMthls,:«idla «e 11^^^^, K^ U>SS!mmS^^ M|.#iWge»siI; . »Ada . 1^ #lihi«fmitt dniweter i^ & people, iv« can scivoeljr pmoiil ^<> detemiDe, because the experiment hltoneteirlMiMf'. tHed; hnt tlit the oonimunication of fil^M^i InQiiiliclie has a most beneficial tendem^ it wotditj be au^wely ridienloua to atteni|pt to nrom It^ Mf be lueftil however to remind yon hm of thoii>: /mat national fiteta which are so ofl^ appealed (o^ ' mWtmOi§^&m of the good effects of rdigloaaediioa*'^ tiaii imonf tiie poor. It is generaQy known and' dibwied Ibat Scouand, and the lower, eonnties of^if ' iilMliealar, lare dbtingnishled from all other parts «f Oit British Emp^ by the attrition iriB^ li besHnved on early education, and thepi^Oiriridn wMeh St^^'iMe Ibr the wide and re|;QlardiiAtiion',cl^ Its biamiii. It is prorided by law in Se^ufi^ that lliviifhatt b« a school established, and a mMm' i^SMinted In evei^ parish. Ifenyad3itionals<(di0^ are ito Ibnnded by donations and legacietr^iotlM iiP^li^ioathem parts of the kingdom, it iafeiy^^)^^ l»#i«d a j»erson who cttmot boUl teid ani^ilil )i JumHt iiaemed aeandUllis not to bep op^si i id Mii iMm Nbw iriiat are ^ etM» of dl ^faii^^^ mfiiiiabditta^ramdhahka t more than eight hiL pMMMs, being but one half of the 'ii^timi miaaiidiij.iiok8a#iaii four hiiii4)red!iwi m^^ik^' eilniaab w«re eondemned to death !h ilie apm W tiPtoty-ihree years; which is an amiQal aijpr^^ ^ QiEiariy nineteen capital convicta: beaidM hmidied ana sevto^-foor sentenced to ttani ti^ The double population of Scotllii^ .^^ tmn hito the aoeoont, there is thns a ^flbr^we; Hi fhvoTi in this important point, hi tiie iaio of SM to thirty-drfit>^ *^ ^^^^ «•, Jlow it riioiild be observed, that the edoei||ki^ i^ Seotlaad to which this superiority mi^ be a^%iitedL' eiiAtaoes much that is mmrnl and reJ^iinis. MuflSk . iNwMtfaovertofi^dweshaltihidthedMeil' patl of ttie empire with respect to edncalio% tin mait llmitftil 0rciimes and miseries. Th^ titrMSl' i|«l6 «f that nnluippy cougiy is ^^^mAiSSm be tlraeed up toihl|>x^aIenbe i^»i^4^A^ -m its characteristie eradtr, nmmk Ihnn the poor. " ^^Ff then Whai benefits yon.fffe f l^IM'CMiloting thereUdk^ '« But beridea the MK'Hiiii iQr toflutt liwi, yon ari te iS^mSSmSi!! Hk' ^ : •1*1' . ■■■"'■■ ^"M^lStoWi^ the cohort, "/-rt^™^ ''^'•^^•^JKw OTT&dr gratitude i^ to*»- ji4^ wAm. If. All ^] sped i(|iC yet vgi ebamst, inreter-. ptinaple al ilQwerj 9nns, tlie;, for indttg-ji^ ^ «i their , ^ (ii(ttiiiiiiil<^: |b ^thr^e. and (lie teiiatd In fiiH conyeiilioii, ^.^ ^tf ^e mbQte of adiiiintioii to the utility dt jfoior ^^^0118. Ton are admitted to be some of t&«t bait MuA c^ the eommimity, and the most eflleieii^ ii^hfoplttaomepoor. ToiireffortoiHredireeted Id iii^^ent ei^^ of pimishing mt^ t^'preiieiit misery, instead of merely reoMiir It. Ftm^ yofii' labors with increased 4WKin^ "^^ ^idr tendency him stren(^en the j^i^miii^SMiB «tpd^ -^iiternthefcbricofsodety^^^ ^ ^ It. i>wettl^&n the incaUklahie w^^immmrtdi $o iirifi the children are indi'ddcially cbHeMiA I attain remind you ^t their temporal intereats are the /otoe^t olject of fiiiirsuit. xoat last and ^hest end is the salvation of ike immortid soul. Tpi Ujfour aim, ^ be instrumental in oonverdn^ thii^ soub of the children from the dror of their i^ys^ and training them up in the fear of Ood for g^lory eterksthig. 1Vhat an object! The immortal soul i The saltation of the human spirit I The soul was & last and noblest work of/God in the fbrmation df the world ; the flysh and omameUt of tfiis mateifal ti^e, on whidi the divine architect beHowed his "^it matnre deliberadon, jpd exp^ded his richest ,-,jiiims. It stood amidst creation the fidr and fisaiiti^oiis Image of the creator. This was ^ ^Mjneit wldeh upon his ezpulmon from Faradiiie wst mugiH the envious eye of Satan, and hi the vi/tm oir irldch, hb miBdice sought a A^d^e sblioe mt ^ kMi of ti^a?en. Thfii vras the olject iirli|^ In fk iA dMtt^ the creation into a voi^^ l^t£«^(il(^ by the g!reit ^6kid il -"' ■'■'' 1a i^itemilf, whose sldfii»^ of c i d i iid tl tL t#^ 'WM *«,. ,AJto, «^^« *^ o^it tor 1^ .united rMO«cM. Thw w ^« ^ ^ ^i ,roiMi^ ^mlen^ «PP??'?;°i«rintere8t8 tender «iigel»: gnchUiher^e attends ^^ ^ then 4«to whose trw yjVrvuman soul? NowjW - J, » mm proBted^rt l%Zt shall » nuin gite to toe his «5» »»"^,?..'Nowswperoeiyethi. is n»l,yperhoU, and *»* "gJJ^^pi^t, i. less thw ^ •*! !&eKe fcmainent toto a gem, 41 this Ws no PW[^2^^;^*n,ta hertofnoBse) j^iflaMtlc.^ with •'^J^^^g ■ *TMnk of Uie i«"- M*°^ wises It _rt ww »u ^ ^ ^ 1>* mimm^* '^lililer tiim of haptMiieM thin the temporil dalbw*' «tte« of an empire for a thouiiand ajges, for lli« ktler will oome to aiT end but not the fonner. By thp^ itme argumenTihe loss of one soul ia Ji groaler eataatrophe thin the snm total of all the temporal lldaenr endnrect upon the face of the globe from the period of thie &U to the general coofl^rration. Say noWf^—ia not aucfi an object worthy all the meana that are, or can be employ^ for ita attdnntent ? Do you hesitate ? Ponaer, intensely ponder again. iSlie sutject can never be exhausted ; the mona it ia ' litudied^ the wider inUits compass appear. : Should you be the happy instrument of converting^ but one soul to God, what honor ar^ you providing for jonrselfes, what happmess for otherSf^ ^^^ ^ My fancy has sometimes presented i^e with this picture of afoithfol teacher s entrance to the stale of her everlasting rest. The agony of dissolution fa ^slosed, the triumpb of faith completed, and the oonauerin^ spirit hastens to bar crown, upon the ^confines of the h*Is this Gabriel, chief of all the heavenly Ii08ta» ^and am I honored with Am aid to guide me to the i'^rane of God ? With a smilf glwy, asilw firrt^ ftrairiidinff Ilia oaoe IliougfaaesSj i^vant, witt|p WmtMk^ ttiie worl4 of graee. AH, teq^ «| ^ Pail^lflm»edof the Lofdl Hall|^dflli««nNr Mil "Hiaa t6#te worM of eternal i^xny I- > .i tswiitiiwe^die soene no fitt^er. I eanttotpainl iw ^a^MMf ^pio^Nsod in the honored ^teaiobai^ boaoai br ^& j *i>^ ^«^ L#. a>1||,^^ ttfiihif ftudi imtanees* In id| piohal^%^ iHU oeenf igalp^ Ib4 aie Mrly withii^ the scope oC four a«lifitai^ In.andi i^ case whq can teace ^ oiogMai^ni^el yowf nse fo hi e ss, or tell iatohow wmnslMiin^il, ■hatt 4ipan4 aa U roUa fiirwnnl in a eoniao nmm-^ heniisl|tedll^l%the aenndoif thai trn^^ nhfanh pnaiatwa that time shall be notmow. ? 4m 3M^ tmn ^ y*^ oiBoe.^ Img wti^»> '*^— ^^^ ^yjB giq^pott Hir ^^*aa^htiaat aitflltfiits t .v.» ^ ■ I I .' V-;VV ■ ■I'-- ,7 ■ jpCNir ottc6, and when pronssbig to labor Iblr rnntk m ^IjMC, indolenoe would be ineiKoiMable aibMil ^ liniife of oenturies. But you hiyenot eentlaieB'at ^Hnmand. **What is joior Ufel it i» e^eil as « inpottr that appeareth for a lit^ir while, and then' iMiiisheth away.** The unoerMPty of life la « ^rtiferb, which we hear e?ery day repeated ;' Mmt .iHttch we see erery day proved. Ton may be soon and suddenly caUdi 9mbj froni the scene of labor. You quit tile school erery Sabbath without knowinil thtfc you shall return to it asMdn. Death paji i^ipeot neither to youth nor useftihiess, but Mws ioifn to^Rether the tender herb) tiie fragrant flower/ aaid nonous weed. The next stroke of his setthe lii^ reach you. Among the names tiiat wiu be inserted in the report of the present ywir's proceed^ H^ as blotted ftom^the book of mortal Uro,yimr's Mr be read at the next anniversary amkbt the %l^ and tibe tears of your follow tead^ierSi '^e pbce which knows you now may then know you ifb ttiOre for ever. You are labonng in the gardenf of lieLiMPd^butiniheffardenisakei^ ^^Work while it is called to day, the niffht cometh when u^ litti can work. Whatsoever thy hand findiBth to Adi db It witii thy might ; for there is no work, n«i:^ iimi^ 11^ knowledge, nor wisdom in l^e grave ^mdiir thou goest.'^ Enter upon e^r^ Sabbttii!|i imtahm itiHtk the reflection thayt numUymt ^mi isdboas ^Bligent as if you Siwtiiatit woiM '^ But deatii h not the only way in whieh « pmMl ^mtWTSfi^t to your exertions. In a few y iii » l !iH» wms mA tile cares of ^ risfaig ihmily m#f deiiaiit jfllBie at home. For lie»»eve> eowiiBy^i ' to^continufryoiir li i gw (rf^lii»iifa»IPiiiiil M i il i^ st» '5g«r**^*.«^rMc I K- 4v. ft vrm90^ ,iol iinii MidliiMii. Ambuji tki.. J^ lliiiflioiiii I jhonot '-wi iiwi)fHij ' nam i. ^ * nMHili ^ MiMMUfld Iwi pnbliilt tmt wf iiiuiiiriil ffoodt vtulk ^' p(^ - Jilmmii^MM w m i^^^ _ i|fait«il lieii0fili.i ij<*«»»^f,-'. -/fj^i-i/" mm- 4iM%^?^; •||B^' ^"aWS^jid*.- • ■-•*. -, , •' . ■' ;^| ^iJ'-&iat^j^.j|tlt^.^''^ 'Mi^''feifax^tejt iKtjL_.ft:ai^3a. . fc.j..:! :ii^. , . ^ ,,. ^ -, . ;„.*IUiesi'f4t*fe*^"f iQi w u ii ii ih *• ««»«w* of A* '■j*Ji*!!2J2ll amt « tlmilnr to •*«; to « "S JEL^ Sot itit— "-^ the hewtof ^•B***'*'**^^! ^dM Holy Spirit 1«» P«J^ ««* *''?L,SIa ZttMAMMd fcojor then to *• "WJ^ •'SEK ?Arb«oa«Kido«ai go«i. A ttaA«t*.trt25 S^^J^^lAdllS^^meiiU of pWowpliy* * ITmiji li iiiliiiiit M^ livmtfi ^Bt^^y^SS. 'SKK^Mlto* f^'-rf^^ MP wMmi !• pnniiil^ m Mfor flig^ thuall tlM rN% «iA mmnMng into regkNH Ibr elenilid abov^ tkft' 7. GtMfMir iviUil r«fiilf0 mMi h€ €Mp§eMtjf «yMpy ltadk«r vmre po$$ei$€d cfalimHabU mujyi'' f^^jkum^mdwere to devoU AttMt jf to M# 4mk$^ t*ii mtkj be lafely Affirmed tm we haire aefer jel MWr IheA we have ■inirih yet coiyeeliifid ikm iNudhredlh pert of the braeAt whioli tbe BaMa^ Seboel tTstem might be made to prodoee whw applied under all te adtantagea of wbkh it.la iuaeeptlble. Its adaptation and eapaaMit hf isiDfOfIng the eonditlon of the poor aiw adn^pMe tm iaoafeiilable. Tal^ the aggregbte nHwiii if »rnat . iw 1 i w ji f ^^^faiAdit viiok IniiAMiH ^iaatoiMiiMitiiAtii' SMaSMrin^batimof tha £S^»taflmM|dM tiwU wivw ta da ^"^ akma oaa fwd« iw* BlthrtiMii in adiltiMi to d^ mmMwe than »«•■■' MMMiHwaaa toaaather tobaiimwwJiy alM M g iV iia. iimmiftil. aatipg iv pfrf^''^**™''}^ W"*' SJmm. Mk^maet. When wa «om^ .JM SSttai of dTfflrtMn itaalf to ivpart MltfMn SaM^Ilt that :i^(^oBs adneaUma .!• aa^ik* IkMn InrtitniiA moMU of «on«iria»: ■' '-^a ' iS ■i^^i'A.'^ *r*!d?^!tftraiW,*4i^iL'iAi5 i ps P l ll flj^iP^-^ry $w wm^ iTftmti i,jiih". f^^-fWW -^%W ilpwitf oottikniallj witiiiiilny^iiiBWMitillMiiii ■imm: w Onom dt«B rmhttt the gfitoii ^ MmtimdiNd lynppy 1^ te voMil litofgltiiii li^ ^Mir iipee JbobMUttnt tad nitimavm ^igMtitg'^ XhAtdHuelk ^Mid the world would botk^^^t^^ ^oltrto ike Simdi^ Sehool Initiliitioii m oao ^ tliiiiMileil blesiL^ ever beitowdl 1^^ fWoplttij^etm ij|l k^Utepiiur Qtilirl^ a^fofwe, io^^^ lierodttMlfti^ M yittn y ii described that li In^K^iMibie, mTSm k ^UHi i» ckMrfamt r|i%. liifteiii ofieioifiit it W»waMi$ body wM a despoiling wfak iStt ir iiMBMeed ietttiielj what. Il should be« ilei egilF; iMdifidial kok in upon blmselfi ildt i tf mi ll ed Hiiiy Miwnit' viBKni. If we wow obtala 1^ iMIl' iM9li#»««eitioiia of all would prodoee, wotiMit «MJI||br«lw eoatribtttloiioriiid^tidhS^^ ^MMit:tiie eoiiiplaiiito wM(^ 1 lam nllKii Imnf ilt«a««uit of aueoess, it bas loog been im 4(mmm ^ liis want is to be attiflmted to^e diibeH ^^ nil liaeheiu. Proper viewH^ proper qni^ililMittgiiSL^ pt pp6per diligenoe in those who hmm Ml'tbilp^ lm^«he work, would be ibUowed iritk mMi flMer^fesi^ksal eflbct Uian it has evvr yotibesii Oi# Mi%^wiliieM. '^ itTTflnrt is nitt in ihii giaCutt, l^illioie^r ..f^- t' ' i^J».fc n- tetvldeti i»ii&li jour liiiniBfy im n^ llilik aliBdit uDWfiHh; of ^1^^^^^ tmt ^wljini !& ipwiy will not ioifer himHieB fo ot^^rloc^ tlftm Mhm mtuB defidi of bfroes iliall be |mMed over 'fk jMeooet ormetltoed%ithreiirobetioit ; iHtenpoe^. .jpoeKtiioseJiB har^ suog to the liaif^of |Kie^ ; end liilosopMp^ eiEetqpt euch at |»ni empUgred l^f^ reeearohei to^ mamlbet ^ glonr of -the mt 4Aiu^ ehall^^k doim^i^ In the jgmiml mm/ then shall the hol^ uselbl teacher,^ attended by the ohUdren he had been th^ mete iit Ifedaimfaft be presented beftne ^ ftee of an •SSBomblea nnirerBe, arrayed with iofioi^ honor and jlory: not the ndghly host of pstiiarehs and )pro|«iet8'--apo8des and efa^lh^ mA .^pirlpSy-^^nin^ |imMiiig to |iif«M« the^erewns sHiil throw Am hito ^fitbmt&f #deprlfe|iii of his reward; bntamldltsmomi" Ipie m^^ shall stand single and m# to ^d^il^^tt^jhmd^ ^%|i ^iiBh^as yon hare done it imto the ]e»t of ^lelsWr 4rPX>4V^^. iHIJ * A FnmomB of just eni laiiiRfale einiAlthm Inay ;^Be ^olanted anid eherished, wit^t tranafoimte tfliMlinvialtlliOiiii^ iiAl^ &«.,,>....-. '-. _ - ••'. ■ ,;. M: ..«■ ■•■ ■ .. '■■; 'y.: of ili6ipei»ctii on irhpm it U ^on&rfeiL If Hut li : copi^ ## chiy^ren df a Sunday 8^^ ' fypoMd^^tUA a»poittb]0# 1^ applialK' i# loira of dinlay ii^rery soonpiMiiiciid, tiid with 0iwl ^UBenlty des^y^ Nor is die miachi«f ^nfiiMi m Uuwo who are- the subjeets of pnUio^ wtisfltioK 1>B Ntt of the diOdreii; instead of diree^ atlei^MMi to in^praremoDt on its own aeeovnt, bofb . to ranrd it» and pnnne it only u the road to |^ n&Sopi and distinction. Let^ther pride or yan% ^ hoAmtty gonoratty eherished abong the laboniiw nlaSpnit aS the worst oonse^iigiiioeiVBaT^ieexpplea to aoofiMi .f«i wwety. 'IKfiMls wWdi were^^^^^^ 'i^ :^9i}ld ii^anlt iy^i >t^ Muimelumid^ ^ptm the oiese chhneias of aiBiordeirod^teigrr >lhe imprehensiona whieh mtupQii^^^^ i^fiife the mmth i^Mfiit wn^Hmmt^ ■' the tl0i^UeUM^dkekrhwU, ^iM _^ ^ee^ wfaiidi theJwmn wooliaa^ ^II Iftatls a msn dfeiBtiial. obstacle in ^ way^^ «( SiiaJNation, Ihan pride. «*How can ye bdioto,^ ~ our gMoos Eodeem^r to tho Fhariseea^ ;-p',;^*/:.#%? «fWehjreoflive honors one of another. .t; ; f\ > ^?ovlNqlwill|f^^^^^ ^livr' •*f>: .Aif^ .''W.' /i'. wjf ijlii ii ; ii»Bady im iTili plil lh9gh(vh^iifmf' AM 11% eoondtriiig ^ good eomiimi^Wi ^^aMOfli%,;^ ^vil Mmnied. On Hm ftnU.^ _,. ^^^-'alii0%^]iii|ieeiiioiiM4w^ Tlilii fii tiijiatitiiiiy"" "^ ant J&oonolivablie. i shall, boir^f^, «M#r ftflNr ▼SBw0H«< Nowv adndtii •krttuDff moiMitti I meDMr^wliiidi Haa been &oofi««4: Jjioiiraaeiilpioflkicy of ^ultiradaii of iliia 1|| daM% iBid liiiB akrttuDff inoitiaa or j«f«liitt»^; r" if, '4 taop^ laallWi^ ^rtiiMo j««ni|.affi htm tifta iM'tfooqant tiie owitet naateopr p >»f» ^H l( | \^il aboidd bo m^oBeolod, 1^ * ^^ "" aJNlia^oiitttiy baftanalM to ' Tbii baa bfiiii"llt«j^i|iiiiii>t eoait^ atolBAwaaoofpq^BSl. Ilfanol toowNb^ i$w0- (tt&em l&af wi-lilNL.. lioifpvaBllftetttte dbiiriola, lUKfo • iiB#PidBoo Robert Baikoa 4 "IpMi Mi^aiimooater. I«t it bo , „ m^ hxm boeii tiM atalo^of tbfaigBiiflli^ •P^molalM maiaea of tboff^iiliitMii bid iiin imeObetai^^iaoa fev^tiw^diit ofiU^ . Ifoad vqpott amldat the elouda idi^mmi: tll^ i^ ^ • IMI pps 10 tao « a t io a ^i|mia. ii:4ipdttot ooli'of Ibe 'JiBbttaaod 'liife ft2ktiiiJ*>>i^k*rf.-.S', '-T; - y ■{>'.,? "T--- TE'> r 1 ■■ft.tM'.gt!-4?'4fc'Jitf.<." aM .i^mip-'m^t.r' ■'#I*S||-; ^^*^ -.v"";'/*"i..v-'5^,' ''i.''''!r''%'-*''' *4ife*§%- ki^-i ^iMNfif!)^ I 1 ' *^ •' r-' *• - ^ iV» ^ ¥ ^' ii- #' .•I* ct v^ #. * * ■* #•.'> r ' V ■•. 't-i.** % £ 'W ■»• ,*•■•»'' fe^l ^ii i'S.-* ■tJR % -..v'x Vii*?' :4' •* • 51 '. i .*«, #%i(f«' -. m n .K m ifi k., ..'-TJ^ ^-^9 «" a */.f i^'f\ .'> .^^y >. t'. !■»' -^ -•*■ ■ V '«' 'Is. • . ' J tf . , ' • -t v^ ■< .1 V .«5?r' •' 5-^ : -it ;•* ■0. i:^ V ir»A'^ .V ># .i'-^vfe. Sf^i*. r;iJt&te.,-Ma':j Pi /