-^ « v" CIHM Microfiche SeNes (iUlonographs) <%, /' •*; •/ V -[ ^- h T«chmc«l Mtd Bibltofrapltic MoM« / NofM MchnH|«Mt ct btbliofiapliMluM Th« iMtitHM hM •ttamptMl to oktwn itM bMt o««ttn«l copy avMlaM* for fMnimf. FMturvt of ttiu eoffV «*«i«eh may Im Mbdotraohtcaily unHl«<«. «vhicl« moy altor Miy of itM imafM Ml tiM r«|Moduci(on, or wl«tah may il«rMfia«ntty clianft ttM hhmI nt«lf«od of ftlminfl. arc cfiachad balow. / L'ln«1iiul a microfilm4 la ma«)fa 12X 16X 20X 22X 26 X »X 24X 28X 32X 1;' ' Th« copy flltviad h«r« has b—n r«produc«d thank* to tha gaiMroaliy of: ■ t * ThomAi FMiw Ran took LHkrary, Unl««nHy of Toronto Li^try Tha imaga* appaaring h^rm ara tha bast quality poaaibla contldaring tha condition and laglblllty dl tha original copy and in kaaping with thf filming contract apacifteatio|ia. Original xopiaa In prlntad pofMr covara ara filmad baglnning with tha front covar and anding on tha laat paga with a prlntad or illuatratad impraa- •ion. or tha baok covar whan appropriata. All othar original copiaa ara filmad baglnning on tha firat paga with a prlntad or illuatratad impraa- alon. and anding on tha laat paga with a prlntad or illuatratad impraation. Tha laat racordad frama on aach microfleha ahali contain tha aymbol — ^ (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha aymbol V (maaning "END"), whichavar appliaa. Mapa. plataa. charta. ate, may ba fHmad at diffarant raductlon ratloa. Thoa4 too larga to ba antiraly includad in ona axpoaura ara filmad beginning in tha uppar laft hand cornar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raqulrad. Tht following diagrama llluatrata tha mathod: . fe L'axamplaka fllm4 fut raproduit grica i la g4n4roalt4 da; thomai Fithar Mwa Book Library/ iJnIvanity of Toronto Library Laa linagaa aulvantaa ont «t« raprodultaa avac la plus grand aoin, compta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* da (axamplalra fllm4, at an eonformit« ayac laa conditiona du oontrat do fllmaga. ^ . Laa axampHairaa orlglnaux dont ja couvartura an paplar aat lmpHm«a aont fllm4^ m commandant par la pramlar plat at an tarmlnant aolt par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una ampralnta d'i/hpraaslon ou d'llluatratlon. aoit par la tacond plat, talon la cas. Tout laa autraa axamplalraa orlglnaux tont fiimia mn commandant par la pramlAra paga qui comporta una ampralnta d'Impraaslon ou d 'Illustration at an tarmlnant par la darni4ra paga qui comporta una talla ampralnta. Vn daa symbolaa sulvants apparattra aur la darnlAra imaga da chaqu%microficha. salon lo '^ cas: la symbola ^-^ algnlfia "A 8UIVRE", la * aymbola V algnlfia "FIN". A h** ?■'!••• P'""c»'«». tablaaux, ate. pauvant Atra fllmaa « daa taux da. reduction dlffiranta. Loraqua la documant oat trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un aaul cllch4. 11 oat film* A partk da I'angia aupAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droit*, at da haut an bas, an pranant la nombro d'Imagas nAcassalra. Laa diagrammaa aulvanta illuatrant la mAthodai. |#.' ■ . • "■; ' -— ' ' 2 '■*■ " "•'•■■■.■. ; - . ' . '■ C i * , ' ■. ■■/■^^...•■i 3 ^_i ' " y • ' V 1 1^ It ■ ■ ■ '■ • — ■ . .' . ' ■ ".. ■ . ''■' • 1 2 3 ."' > * ■ :. . 1- ■ n' *'»■ ■■ ■ . ■ ■ a- ♦. * _r —' ■ " 4 . V 5 6 . -." ■ -,■'.• ■ . ' . . ■ ■ \. . •': ■.■,;;■'"' .-■-'. ^ ^a ■ «■» ■ «v"^-T-I .,_. •.,,iaa t^^^'k^.'^^-i'tmr.^si^-^ -.y, '■ ■ , . '-.,'.. ■ . ' ■ ^- ■■•:.>•■- .. ■ f • ; " . '^ -■- ; ^■■\r^-.-^M^t^-. ' . '■ _ *MC«OCOrv RnOOJTIOM TUT CHAn (ANSI and ISO TIST CHA«T N«. 2) '\ ->^ w I.I l«25 2.5 22 .7 ^^ I 1.8 1.4 mi6 2.0 . §1.6 ;l^ :/ \. ^ /^PPLI^D IN/MGE Inc 1 85 J Coil Main StrMi Rochmtcr. Nn YofK 14809 USA (718) 4«2 - 0300 - Ption. "^ (716) 28a-SM9>-F«w T^ / -I I I /. \ 27 Vic. CAP. LXI. Acte IK)UP incorporor hi coinpagnie tin chotnin dc for dcs rucM do Qii^^lKic. [ Sumtionn^ te 1 5 (ku,hrt, 1863. ] pONSIDKRANT que Ifn |KMn<«iiiiHii| c^ikmutuH iiuiiitiiAea unt, ^ |Mir letir iiAtitioN, dfiimruU x|)U>itpr dnx eh^fit^N (1« (br ctaiiH ten ruet (J« la citt ct l>anli<(>c, juiiA'^iStix iWri^rcH dc p^ngo | et eormldArttnt qu'il ent ox|)4di«iit ilj^q^ltler 4 la detiiande det p^titiunatinw i A ct* caunen, Ha MHJ^«A^*.p«r et do I'avla et da ooiiMnteinent du eonMeil lAgiiilatif et'dA*J'«iiMnibl4e llgiiilatiYt du (!ana John Glaflfl, Boniuh Prior, Wi'tiam (Jaqailiv Vcnry Dinning, Fiiiher Langloiii, I>fo4l Hill Rowen, et tout^fi autren pordonncaqui deviendront action?iaire« de la dite compagnie, lont par le prAncnt conntituifl on un corpa politique et IncorporA, pour lei ^ionnic8 dano le prAnent acte, rous le nom de " la com- pagnie du oheinhr-d«J$r des ruea de Quebec." 9. Le fonds sooial do laodmpagaiesera de cent mill^ piastrek, divia6 enactions de cinquante piaaSeTdiaOttne. 8. La compagnie pourra commencer aes opiratioDS et ezercer lea pouvoini par le priaent conftria auaeitdt que vingt mille piaatrea du fonda aocial aeront aouaoritea et qu'il aura M payi vingt^inq pour cent du montant aoaaorit. 4. La compagnie eat par lea priaent autoria^ ^t pouToir lui X % i 1\^ C ' ^« Ml«<>n(»r4 «!• wwlnJir., •oh.rtr, #nir.t.nlf rt 0. lamp.* •Qtr. .1. h«ri«.«« tl MtTM roW«iw« f •'i*|»«*^ «ir •! U I.Mig.l« !• ru« Hi. Vdkr ( Ju«u'A U Uf»i*r», ) ♦!•«• »• Unlbut .l« QuW-«, •* wr tl !• loV a«i ruw on ir«n.l- of«t.,ln. •» •"» mirklion. ^. «(iunc«M •! pwrtf r .K p..rtipr It. v«,.mt.ir« .uf —i ^ chtntSii} rt 0. cutivf?fr« *t -Hirftrnir Urn. I« imv.ui, idifloM «t \Au>mn ft i4i«<»V«"» «" •l*|«<'tl*"t, a. •v'y»«»'"» -i* f'' •♦ '• c»rcukliun d« m* obtf. •! chwioti. 5 mj;il At Mm p- Fr.ul. 4 \m co.n,*g..i« dM ruM et |T«ndii cheinint, ft la voi« du ch«mln d» fcr d«vr» .«iT«., MUot qu« p««»i6l«, I" «i^-"« •*'• "»•• •* «'*';*^" ohemini, d« mwi*rt4 prA^nUf U moin. duUUol. poMil. • adtraflo ordinaire dw*. )it«i rue. .t grwd. ch.«.a*} et la kr«ur Mr* UlU qu. Iw voitupe. ordlnalr«i e«.ploy«e«,aujour. dlTul pui««nt pa««rli«r Im diie« troie., ce qu'elfc. pourront Jr.. pourvu qu'elle. ne g«Qent ou n>mp4chent I. croulatioa d- char, de la compagnl. , •! dw. tou. tei ca-, toute volture M trourant .ur 1» TOte detra Wre place aux char, et la.M« la TOW. ^ • L«i affaire, de la corapagnle wront iou. le contr«le et la •Mtion d'un bureau de wpt directeur., troi. dc«iuel« formewnt on quorum, et chaque directeur .era un acUonnaire A un mon. tant de pas moin. de cinq cenU pia«tre., et Mra *lu A 1 MM™- bU« f*n4r»l« •nna.ne de la coinpagnia qui m tiendrt le euHitMHin^ I «( l>»til«« UrlUti Alvoiiima mi tet»nl an Msruiin, A I* ^ tiiii>»ritA »i»* *"i« «!•• »43»iunMairii« |>r4t«enl t «liiK|Ut Mtbn tut |»|uoll« «*>•! *i* |H*jr4« U)UM lt>4 %vrM'Hi«tiU diM, il>>nn»r« ttruil 4 iui« V..U, •! \e* •«lU»iMni»r»* h'^Uiil ^ |if*«#ni<« •« |«wu«tt« |)iiMv»nl vt>{»r |i«r |»r»»«Mr»h"iu H !•?<• »Urw?t#ur«, aiitMi 4Im», 4liruiil, BUiMmik HMV mil* m \nmrt^ mi il'mUi tm ootmii* 4ir4«(it|<>Ml, «t !«' iM-**!*!!!!!"*, i»Ui«i t\m U«« iliwctruM, contltm«r»ml ^•ii vUurift* |i«nit«nt iiiir iwiii*« fi Jii««H«'A l'*l«^ioii de Uur» •tiwciMWiif* I »\>r*n Itt |»r*iiii*ir« *l#}3l»yti tlr* r4»«ra iole, iiulH* |i^i«»«i Ju •"•»»««*• "t*'*' «*• •• «IU« eiiiii^lpit* Mi* CMiiftwm U«lij4l.tf« *>^*' "* •"• •»'•**♦ ^M<»4U« |»eiuiiiui Ii!* tfttla iiioL«< .k*\j^Nn.lrJ«r «u mulii* atMi 4r joiir .If rihUcUoM, .hi .i«* r*«»fli'|bilf ||*»4r»lf * Uqutltt Uuivtiil vuUtr l«M «cti»nii»ir«ii. '. '•• •, t. Un iUl •••cl t«l .Utuill* .r«;Jl'J|l!Uirt«, «iu pM«if «t d« Tiiclif dt U c.>m|»ttg»ip, pr*|mr* JH'»I|ii,V" trent«-uni*iue jour cU d4ticiit(Hre ili» chivjue •iiiiAf, wra mmifti* a»x »ctlynn»lrt« 4 cliii.|ii« Ml'l*« J*« •cUoniAlir^ wre coiivoqu4« pftr •vblRPo i".'*r* j»iid»ot rMp«ct'Je iwufjouri fr«no« pr4- cMant iiiiiii*.liiit«^n»«>nt I'anMiiibi**, d»n» au luoitu uo journal Anglaiii «t un journal fran^ais publi*« en la cit* de Qu4b««y pour *lire len dircctcur»de U dite compagnie, ct le» dir«ot«ur« alom *luii rcnterunt en oharg^juinio'ftu premier luodi de ftvrlef •uivant. V "^ •. Led dirccteur de la ooinpagnio, auront pUin pouvoU et autortti de (kire, amcnder, r*voqucr ct ritablir toue lea riglr menta, riglen, rAuolutione et iiUtuts qui leur poraltront conr^ nablcfl ct n«cc«»ircH, an eujet du bou gouvcrncnicut de la «oonipagnic, rfte4iuiHition, adininistratlon et emploide aee fonde, bieu et effete et de eca aflWree et traneactioM, rftudilion de It 1 ..asm-. d «»M, l« .t.to ».a« (III tM M.MMMn,.!,.*, »|j.«<„i.^ ,1 ,. flowml*. •liNi Om «h«Mii^ A tMrfMri^ .1. |,^r,», „.^^ ,„ „^ ,^ ^^^ d. I. o.m.,Kiank, .( M:Ufn.hnmt,U q«j y ..nml fl»ik mt^nt •Pt»r..u»4. par I. m»^4 .|„ •«»lonn.lf, pr4-«i., .„ «,, ' •on,.., o« p., i^KuroAr;-* tuu.. a*-,,,!,!*, d. 1. «o«. J«i. U«n.d- <^,Mr,iclp«||U».j|,ro4 pM^r* k dil ch.r,Un .J. for •Ofont pl..n p.»,.»«i, d.«lHt« A iiAculUm, p*r r4g|.m#„U. p^ -liir«po„rr*jkm«nl%rj» c«n.ln.ofion el I'Mplolnlon du dil chimin, d. hr, d. mAy^rt i .„,j^h., ,,,„,„ ,„^^^^ ^^.^^, ^^^ •« .rtrto .mlindr, HA I'.umh, d.. rut. k kngdttqutlk. *•: ^ •«»'<>•»• d« I* <»mpHnl« ttront rApuiAt. ,„.ubkt. II. Si I'AlaoMon dt« dirtckurt o'a pM Ika k jr |)imir ^* \mm4n» 4* U «rMiti|NmnM, Mitto MiMiNw .«» aontiMM H'»t«4«Jitiii |Ni« »n lmi( ti> hkihIimiI An (.tt^m4imi %rr*A» |iMtirvMi|w« U, umhmi t\ni *i»%m lir« aiit*! «tii|>ruMi« ^irk«4Ui |nU tiim|imnl« mill* pkiairv*, an Mtu>»N .|«* I'^MliMittlt .If U»tM »HI iMlwMlur**, «ll M/IHMtM 4v |NM ll»«»l«« •!« OTM |M#lf»«, HUM l«ftiMM«i cmatilotia <|iriU JMftnrtH «««»♦• •••y»'> «i lU |»mrruiil vuKii||»r im tipr|iii4|i4N|utr Uiwt j^Mgnf, t'iM«|MiU»Mt»iii .!•« .i«ni«r« ftiM^ |>r%tft «'" ••»|jru«i»- yt I'm- t^rit il'ici>if I i iwiirMi lutij«iiir% qiu'^.c^uacnlAiu^ut 4«4*hji 1^ •n v«l«ur Um solkHitMi^rm •!• lV»Mii|«gHN. •I.>r» pr«p«ni», «ti iMTMrnntuii j^rpnMunuf, Mi(fa«)|ij^l«y»a.Nin4 tl «M«iiu A Nn« MMiuU4« iip4«ibi« ciiHwl^iltitl l«nu« A ««« tlM, n I'objtl *J« l'aiiMnil*l«« Mm 4nl^^^tl4 If |>i>A««nt M(«{ A |MM«r dca rdKlaiurnU «t, q«i«n«l totit^ijy. piirtl««N^»)(»nmt «f* c«l •vU, A l« •iii«iid«r, abrntceroii rAulilir aux flaa i^lunnar auiU A toU arninK«m««(« on ■tt|wlaU<>nii, h oonl#nant toutM Im d i m — , ikpimitHmn, rA(i«tal rAglriiHrnU nAceMairoii prmr la Ki>iivrrn« tj« tuii* Im inUbrvMAn, h pitur Im (Wirt n«ttr« A tsA- euUoti, «t pour r4gl<>tnenU>r l« trade at la condnl»# «l« loutM |«r pemoniKM qui voyagrnmt dil ohamln da Ibr j poarva toujoum, quo nuJ lal rAglemenl n* portera attainta aux privilAg«« conArAa A la dita compagnia par 1« prAaaot aota. 15. Nul aotlonnaire da la dlt« oonipagnia na sera reapoa- •abla d«a dAfkiUa uu obligatiuaa do la compagnlf, ui d«a cnga /I 7 s « . J^ ■ftflWl •X" f«mf nU, iiolaii>atiuiii>, p«icni«ntii, perten (luinmaftM, lran»«o- Uqii*^ nmti^a ou cli »«.•« qiirloffnque« dti rei«iK>rt de 1« iih« comijugiiic, All (lulA igni«; ct xi iin actionnMir* do In di(« ouni|j«gfii« iiian(|iJHii d'ac^uUter ftuciin den vmrnneiiUt tuiyat)l(>«i par liii •ur MM acllon«, ou riiii«r«t par liii dO, loa dirwU-ur. pourront, •n toot tempt, apr^i I'cxpiralion d«« tnna muiN qui Miivniatia I)*ri.Hle flx*« pour Ip paiviiientde cm. verwmeajn, d6clarer le- pri«^ do la dite con.pagme, qui cfr^U^M^ra A aa vdont*. 1«. Nullo action ife-Udito- compagnio no aora trans^ario junqu'A CO quo toUH Jvl .tcrwmeuta dun ou domand*^ n'aicnt *t*pay*H ou juHqu'4 w;que la tfito action u'ait «l6daiiiout d6olario forfaite ruut•^t9^ielnont. IT. Dobpour-uitcAViloiouea *quit4 pourront «tre iaten- t*ea et maintcnuos pjfr.tout rncinbre individuol centre la ditc con.pagnio; ot nul wiiy',»»re ««« U compagnio n'itant pas en «a capacity individuellc y*rUc k telle ponrsuites, ne ecra inh«- bilo A agir comme t^moin dana lea pourauitoa et prwj^duree legale* iateotiea pa;-^onicoutre la compagnie. 1^3^ le can ou lea dirccteura auadita jugeraient plus A propoa d'obligor au'^C^nent dea vcr«>ment8 non fay^s que de confla()uer lea actions, la compagnie pourra en pourauivre ct woouvrer le montant de I'acUonnaire avec int«r«t, dans toute acUon dedette, devant toute cour ajant juridiction civile poar Jo roontant r6clam* j et lora de telle aotioa il sufBra d'all6guer que le dAfcndeur eat propri«taire d'une ou pkiaieura aotiont, en indiquant le nombre, e* q«'i| doit A U compagnie la somme & Miuelle ao montent Im arrirages dea veraismenta 5 ^t pour mam- tenir telle action, il aera suffiaantque I6d6fendeur aUsigaft daiia quelquelivre.ou document conatiuant qu'il a aouwjrit tellea actiona et quo le nombre dea vorflemeofai arriiria a M rtgulidrement demand^. ,^^^^,tAl yf-'r. > 1 HI. Toui« pcnonntqai, Tolontairfinent, oUtruera I« dil oheriiin do ft'r, »■» y laJHtaiit «lofi wagons, oluuir«tt«a, voiturctou. autn?a cinbttrnm, ou en rcfuMMit ou n*glig«ant «J« tkxte place aiix oharp, on en brinani, eiidomiiiageant ou d^truiHunt, «ivco malice, It dit cliemin de fcr ou l«« bliani, ou auoune de« ohosee app«rt«nant & k-dite OMmpagnie, ncra, eur ooiivio)ion du fkit Jcvant l« llpconler pour la ell* de QuMiec ou le J4ige des 8e»- ' •iimn da la. I'aix poyr la oit* de Qu*l)«5, ou devont uu Juge de PiMi (laiiMou priH la l(H:alilA oil los doiituinj;«>a aurutU hUs cau- •*!«, oondaiiiri^ 4 pajret toua lefi dgfiiiAagt^ ^pn)uv6« par la. ooinpagnic, lenquela jjMunt oonnUt^ |mV1(} llcconJei^ le Juge oa Jtfge de Pttijt aaiaif^a plainte; aiiwf :4*Vuu« amende de pa» plua de vingt |riastrea ni de inuina de • . - ■ - i • ■\'-'%'^-:. ' '-■ . ' : ■ , ■ -- W'- * ■■"^■..■'; ■ "1 . - ■«.■ - • , i^-, ■ .' : ■ • .■ -'.i r "* ' f • : ■ ■ ■' '• ■. ' •,■■'1 I ■ 'l . 1 1 N ' ■ ' . . l- '■■ ' '- I 1 " Zf^' > ■ ' ^ .^T^ .J* '•yi 'I' "■■' !-;■ • • • • • • : . ; V • * • •••• ^ • QUEI ••••• 1 > PaiNTEl .i'%^:^Aj»^..-~t -i^,' . t.4 '■.{.•■ • .* »' HY-LAWS «r TUB QUEBEC STREHI RAILWAY ••••• COMPANY. ) 1 ♦ • . • I • ■ ■ > p Printed BY a DARVEAU, No. 8, Mount AiN Hill. .i! ► v r : 1864. k »• ' ■ - -.v _ ■ ■ - V -^ ^i-nsjl-lj, i.i»M«to v^fm^^-^^^Tfs^^^i^^'jr^ J ■ ''"'^*- • • * ••••• • • • • • • • • • . . / • • •♦ • • •• • • •• • •• • •• • • • ••: ' • •• • • ••••• J i- \ /.. !-^ /■ 'if BY-LAWS or TBI QDBBEI! STREET p^if If CONriNY: lo The property and balineM of th««)iiipMiy AtU, except when otherwiae ■peciaUy proWed, be maMged and oontroUed by ^^^ a hoard of um^dtreeton, -eleoted from the shareholdew of the *«««»* company (and of whom three ihall torn: » quonim) in the manner hereinafter preaoribed. The directora ahaU hold their officea unta othera are elected in their plaoea, and ahall have power to fill vaoanoiea in their body from the ahareholdera at any meeting of the board anbaeqnent to that at which aach vacancy ahaU be made known. The vote of a majority i^ the nnmber of directora then exiating ahaU be requiaite to dect a director. If more than one vacancy in the board ahould occur in any one year, the acoond and every anbaequent vacancy ahall be filled at a apecial general meeting of atookholdera which ahaU be called for that purpoee. 2** Stated meetinga of the ahareholdeis for the election ofgi^oHonof directora diall be held at One O'clock in the afternoon on the Dl«clora. first monday in february in every year, at the office of the com- pany, and all anoh eleetiona ahaU be by ballot by plurality of tha votea of the aha re holdera pr eac nt And a h o u ld an y - two of mora * Andlton. Balloto. ISteetion of President and Yice-Prett Vica-Prett. may act in Kbsetice of Precident. Statatorj Holidaya. the Ui^^t numW of votei shall deoido whtah ahall bo elooMd. Each sharfli upon whioh all inaUlmoaU due have been paid iHall give one vote, and atookhnldoni not peraohally preywnt may noU by proiy, and the >aid tDeeting ihali immediately after appoint^b ohairnian and Seorotary, name three Hurutinoori who ahall not bo offioom or direoton to uonduot the aaid election and the Ballot Box ahall rom^m opon from throe till four O'clock i^the afternoon of the aaid day, when it ahall bo opened by the aorutinoen and the ballota therein oontaiaed ahall be aa certained and verified, and the seven poraonif thUy qualified found to have the groateat namber of votes shall* bif declared duly elected, provided howtver, that nothing ahall pf |)«y lh« intrrmt f..r iM IMM .1 Iho riUof neY-n i»r o«.l pw Mmim, from tho d.y .ppoinUKl for tha p*jiii«nl ihanwf to Ui« ti«« of Mttt.l p-ynif nk 21" No 0.11 .sowing ftro dolUr. por ia>.r« per month, ih.1 An^»of V^ a wj iitao bo niado. 22" Tho board of dlr«iolor. .hall appoint Um principal oftowg of »h. oompan, ooo.i.tinK of a pr..id«.t • ^»«^F-id-t, ^ ^J^*^^, jgcrttwy-irwauror and a roporint«ndant, and auoh other oflioeni^ «.„«!.. ok»ka, oooduotora, aUrton, drivam, •tor*ko«p*r. and auBlomon a. th«t may fro«n *»•*»• *« *'*"® '^'*"* neooiaary. bul no ponwo addicUKi to tho aa. of inU)iioati»,g drink*, ot who b habltaally tioioua or uncivil in hU deportment, Aan be .mployod, or reUined in th« wrrioe of tho company. \ • 230 No officer ahall bo abeent from his datie. withoul *h«AWnceof apwialponniwion of the directors. ^ F«.tob«p.ld • 24<» No officer employ^ of the company or any other P«»n "^^^ •hall ride In the oars without paying the usual faro. imfU>j4». 2BO Tho said prinofpal officer, -hall report to tho board »* V- ^ MMh sUtod meeting and oftener, when required, the operations of ^J^ their retpectite departement. during the recess with a sUtement of the receipt, and expenditure., purchases made, working mate- rial ordered, and the prices thereof, and t^ supplies on hand. 26» The officers shall hold office at the pleasure of the board Tsrm of oflc ^o Vaoancie. caused by death, resignation, or otherwise may y,,^^^ ^ be filled at any meeting of the board provided due notice thereof ii given to the members thereof prior to its meeting. 289 Tlje salarie. of *U officers attd other employes of the oom- giji^es. puiy tbidl be fixed by resolution of the board. 29<» Before entering upon the duties of their respective offiow every offio« « employ^ of the o^mpsny fVom whom the directors s^soritj. •ftv see fit to require the sam^aU give socuritjfcto the satis- fte^ oT the dirertots for tke dXf ulfiUnent of tfiilttties of hi» i^sL^x , /J»^ ^ 4_ - rf^ rf _ f ^ 6 - -».:S*r1tf :\:-: > _Atf«J it.iltf..ikJii. aO" Eiwpt in o«iw of lh« |^«id«til *n«l vio»(««rid«iil, n» ot^emr ' $ha\\ U • in«»b«r of tho bo^rU of dirtoUim an.! Ihfl Mc«piano« hl^iTJUin^ of mn •pp.Mntiii«tit by » dlwotor, •h.U b« dr«m«.l • r««i«n«Uoii of hi* Mmi at Um bo«rd, bul * diwctor ni«y ii«verthfll«i* bo (loNignAl* •d to dlncharge Uw duti«ii of an offio«r Ujuiix.rmrily during ft VManoj or disabiUtj. 81® U •h»ll b« th« doty of lh« pr«Mild«nt to prep«w •wmtlly ' in tlniD to b« •obmitled to tho it«»khold«ni at thn annoal ro««ting **"llij^. »n aocotint of the <.pfir»tioii« of tho ov«»p«ny during tho pmwding year, and a atatoiuent of tho pr«)pwrty and rMonrooa of tho oom- pmy. It* ttindad and floating d«sbt. if any ouUUnding oontraota, and Gontinijp>nt liabilitiaa. IaapM>t(onor 82** The preaidont, vico^pr«iid«it . or managing dire^ thaU Depdto. yi,n god Inapqct the d^^pOt and ita appartonanooa at loaat onoo In ottoh wock, and report to the board at iU next mooting tho rcauU ot auoh viait or inapoctioo. Dotiaao/Bw. 33® It aball be the duty of tho aocrctary troaaurer to reoelfe Treaaurer. ^j| ,„„^„yB belonging to tho company and forthwith to depodt tho aamo in a Bank, in the name of the Quebec Street Railway Company, and the aame ahall bo drawn by tlie cheqnf of the Moretary treaaurer, oountcraigned by tho preaident, vioe-premdent, DiaboTMOMot HT two directoni. He ahall diaburae all moneya directed aa autho- riied to be paid by the board. He shall keep tree and aourate aooounU of all moneya received or diaburaed and no bUl or account shall be paid by him until paaaod by the board of direo- tora and certified by the president, vice-president or chairman. He *T** %!" ■^■11 "'FW** *' ^« *°""'* general meeting in eAch year the flnan- n mee ng. ^^^ ^^jj^q^ ^f ^jjo company, and all items of money received and disbursed for the previous year. He shall render an account B^^ at each stoted meeting of the board, of the items, and amounta of the receipts and expenditure of the preceding month. It shall be Minnte and hi, duty to be in constant attendance during office hours, at the '^'general office of the company and to be present at the meetings — of the board and to keep full and p e rf e ct minut e s of tho pro ceed - ings, keep all the books «nd records of the company and gift t mm ■^^- r ip^" t writtM Of |»rlnl«l notkw lo •(! tht dlt««oi« .if tl» iIumi •nd pl««« „,„^ ^ oT aU w^iUr •«fi^ly »dar«M»l or oaiuibm wah •hHIomi Io U U(% »t thu tv^lmtm .if pUj^^UMt.„ tti.^izkj.'.f. K^^j-.jiJh^r'-^^j^A^i't If* 10 rapAlnng 0«iMr«t o«l nparl* in wriltsf. of Um •ppoinlmoMl or «m|tlrijBMint of CMlt, anJ lh« amoonl of vifM wbiok li« b u> r«(Mrf*«, aImI «h«nf MJ ffMiofy, or m*- pmndm of any iMraoo «h«ll Im mtiki, Im ^NaU mnk» an ontrj tK(«r««f fai IIm book*. li« «ti«U whoa r«i|air»d m lo <1<> atipttlft. . t«nr B^nl of iha fHiinpAky m tH maltoai inirufltml to hiiti hy th* vot« of Itwi iMMnl of «||rM(oni, «i|ji| •! —ch atatml ntfwttng tnak* • written nifmrt in dimil of bia pr»- •iMHiinK* for ibn numth tnditig on »n(l inottMling uio Mtarday prwMMling iiMb ni«wlinfr, with mj information b« w«jr p* "" * '— •fM)tin}i( th« intoTMt of thfl oompnojr, or any ohangM thnt bftvo teken plaod in thn (Mmdition of ita pmpnrty under bin aupDnriaion. 36* Dividnnda ahall bo J|Nnr«d Mmi tnnnsllj pmvid««J th« proflta <^ th« o^ipanj, warrinl t|)|0 bonrd of dinwtoni in deoUring Ihfl aamfl. U aball b« (b« dnty of tb« wmrotarf tr^Miimr to •ttond Ufthm prnparin|<( of th« tcoountii th«r«of, to pay out th« MBM by obaqnMl, pnyabl* to th« ordnr of th« pnrtim tmtitlod to rte^T* tbfi Mm«, and to lAkt Mid prttMrV^ trottohtra tharefor in % book pn^pari'd for that parpoat, ' 30^ All leandWra of atook ahall bo mado by th« atookholdar. in peraon, or by an attorney duly aotboriud, in *^>ly|iC(^vidml for th« purpoaa, and ahall oonlj^ a deolaration <>fvPHKH^af wtUng forth, tho numbeir of anarea, the poraon mUBff'^tr^^*^ timo when tho aame aro tranaferrud, and tho poraon ib whom anoh trahafer ia mado, ahall accept tho aame and aign an agreement ; himaolf to conform to tho act of incorporation and by iawa tm,^, and at Uie timo of the traoafur the old certificate oaiittme auriendered to the aeorotary ^aaurer who the aai|gMa, cancelled, by writing aoroM tho face nute of tm iranafer and of the numbera of the certi- floatea iained in lien thereof, and the cancelled oertlfio^te ahall then be filed and preaenred in tho office. \ 37^ All tranafeza made pravioua to the enactment of th« pr eaeot by-lawa ahall be yalid. «n of pai an< ^^ in, no ati '-^T'^'9qT"f^W"''^~'^f^'''~rf^^^i ^ .^M "% II trmalWr, tiMpi of tAtmk fid in AtH, wiQ W ▼•H4 ^ ,T«i bj Um Imm4 of 4lr^tori, •ad no lr«iuAr if* pMt of A iImm will b« allowdl. ^.^ St* Th« •«ir«Ufy trmuiarM- ahAlt report Ui ih* b«»«f4 »l •*»tdi nmfMmrj %» MMtinfpi lh« nuBilHir and •iwitml «»r UMnowtiflMlM m «m«Baiir J^J;^**^ f«d ■ln«» Um iMt HMWIing, bjr whom ({{twi tip, and Ihfl nl»tIt^X9T •«ir«ailr*UM *na «moont ofiharM fur whiuh a«« iMrliftMtMUvolMW towlj^ll^^**' ftsd to whum. 40« No tr«naAH> thAll bo ro»«Ui In th« book* of lb« ck)»| for fliWn days t»«il |^»loa« Ui lh« MiottAl «U«Uo« of »d by. «oant«niii{n«d by Iho MoroUry troMuror undor luoh other obH|t»- lioM M ihfl dirootoni thftU from Umo to tim« prvooribo. 1 ^^^ 42* No (wrttAaatM ah*!! b« liwuwl In plwo of ooo fUtod tobt j^^ cm^^. loot unloM by dirootion of th« board on I«k<^ evidoBOO of tho loM, Mto|. «nd loAoiflnt lodoninity agaimit Iom to th« floin|wny. 430 Dwda, aontrtfltii, and oth«r logal doottmeot, wh«n autho- ^ ^^^^ riicd by the board, ihall bo aigned by the pr«aid«nt or Tioo-preai da*«l»Ar.. doni md oottBteraignod by tha ■oorotary-lwaaurer, and no ofioar **• ** «*fn^ •hall dga or eotintenrign any doounient in blank. U** WWofor any nogoeiable papor ii iiiaod by th« board in |ff«fMiMbto payment (f( ^ obllgaaona of tho company, it ahall bo in tho form P*'^'j]JjJ of drafta, drawn by ibo proaident or . vioo-proaideot npon the ooia' pooy, poyabl* to <^e ordkr of tho penon entitled to tho poymenl, and AOQ^ted bj ^ Mwretory troMRuror on bohalf of tho oompanj. Thoae by-lawi may be am«nd«d by tho direotoro at any moot- ing by a vote or majority uf (lie whole number of tho then exiai. ing direoton, aubjoot to the approral of the atookholden, proridod notice of Uie motion to omond, ibaU have boon girok at a pfOTioaa atated meeting of the board. we I -tM? - -^^nr - -js^i^ ?- ;=a-^^_ -s.^. i^.P^?r^^^ ^.f^=^iSi^!^^:^3^--^::si i;i?d^ ■■ -a;^ _ f"1 « ' )pir ** < *■*■* f ;■■■ CORPORATION BY-LAW OF THE COMPANY '^1 ]To To wit: CITT OF QUEBEC, n, TBI BBiMor o» at™"*". /T . SMdd Mating »t tk« C»mdl «f *• C'^ «' «»*"> .^rZta »d p«md.a. .i W1.W. »«f« r:, r^UTf - ^LJt, tr' f;*^'^^'^^"^' ^"RS^pr iW^ Hia Worship the MAYOR, Mmh. OoanoiUon ALAIN, BOLWIO, BOWLES, BIJHNS, DINNINO, GERMAIN, OIBLIN, .HAMEL, , BEARN, H08SACK, JOLICOBUB, KIBWIN, XiAIRD, tAVOa, ^ LEME8URIER, . KBNAUD, RINFBKT, BOY, 81*.. MICHEL, ; The pceMot By-Uw wm paned, to wit :^-> . « ■ ■ . ■ ■ A Bjf-lanbf allowing the Quebec Street RaUvoajf Company to eonttnieta BaUway in certain Strettt in the QUy of QnAee. ■ * It ia ordamed and efiaoted by the aidd OonneO, anl tke laid Oounoil doth ordain and enact by theee preeente, u foUowi to It iriU be linirfla ihr the said QMbec Stnet Railway Gonpaiiy to eonalruot, under the oonditiona aad atipnlationa hereinafter ■entioiMd, a nitway in the ei^ cf Qnebee, toearfy peaeeBgare iB.ean, drawn by IboiMa, in the atreeti kernnafler mentioned •ad divided for that pnrpoae, in five aeparafte dirtrieta at Jheninttfler ddngnated, the Mid railwey to ho eoutraeted aa ilattd ind nqaired hy and b virtne of an act of the Lepaletore «£ thiAPionnoo, paaMd in the 27th year e( Hob M^wty'a iiig«, diipter 61, «id InUtukd " A. Ml to i.wtpor.tt Ite Q^bii g«rtil BMlwftj Compwiy." 1 Th««Titdbtriot will be: -from Champltln mtrkot, loR'throogb 8t. Pefr,"8t. Paul and 8t. JotepH ..twta, wd t«riiiio»Ung »t th« WMl Une of the rity. * Tlie ieoond dUtrict :-From OhampUin market sad going through OhtrnpUin •twet m far m the Cove toU^la. The third d«triot:-From the foot of Mountain Hill, and ap Mountain HUl, through Boade atreet^and termlnaUng at the Upper Town market place. The fbiirtlh d6t*t:-From 0- Upper Town market and going through Fabrlqne street, and 8t John atre^ ^ Sekentire length, and terminating at the weei Une «f the dty. The ilfth diatriot :-.From the Upper Town market plaoe and going through IH-rdina, Bonaoona, P*rloir and St. Lotti. •treete, to the weat Une of the city. . , 2 A alngle track only than be allowed in each of the said atroeta, with aU neo«-ary riding., tai-ottti «d W^rtcaanoe., 3. The railway track. No. 1 district, .hall be com^etod ta4 open to the public, thirty month, after the "^ ^^^^l^t "^ tarial agroement between the Corporation and the Comply he,?^ ^r^tioned, it being nnderrtood that the «.d Compaq Aall forfeit the privUege of comitmcting the ijotk. In any of Ae Gaining sectioli. that shaU not be b«lt wittun Atc yeat. from the date of the e«cutioa of the .aid «>ota.ial agroement. 4 All the works necessary for constructing and laying, dpwn the «.id r^hray seVcral track, shall be made i«^ "^^^ "^J"" Tud a^^dfng to the rule, of art, under the iupervialoD of the Oi^ t^^:2\o the satisfy of the Road Committee of the -■ said«Aty. ' •?■■;■ -■• '!'■ '■: *-^..',v, B Tl»0«mp..jAJl k. bomid to pot th. rtm^bwUd. / ■ •r ".M v»yj»^«ra»-»~w"jpr^ "n- i. *wS!'i^'^^''^;*T''^1^'^St^''0V.- '"f f" ,5 .e M th«7 were previoai to the comraonooment of Huch works, und^ to maintain in like good condition, any portion of said streets disturbed for the porposes of the Company, for thespaoo of three- months afler such distarbanoe, and the Company shall be bound to maintain that portion of the roade Iwiwuen tho railway track during the time that'' tlio Company rihall enjoy tho privileges to be oonforred by this By-law, 6. The said Company, in the construction of thi said railway track, shall conform to the ghides of the various streets through which the said track will mif, i|^ furnished by tlie City Surveyor, and shall not, in any way, change cir alter the same. 7. The location of the track of the satjd line of railway, in any of tho said streets, shall not be made until the plans thereof shewing the position of the roils and other works to bo done by the Company, in each 8troet| shall have been submitted to and Approved of by the Road Committee and the City Surveyor. 8. The said Council shall have the right to take up the streets traversed by the rails, either for the purppee of altering the grades thereof, constructing or repairing idrains, or for laying down or repairing water or gas pipes, or for all other purposes within the province and privileges of tho said Council, without the said Company being entitled to any oompensat^n or damage therefor. Provided always that the woVks so disturbed shall bo relaid in as good condition as they were before such disturbance took place, and with the least possible delay. 9. The rails to be employed for the construction of the said railway, shall be of the quality uied for these purposes, subject .to the approval of the Road Committee. /^l 10. No suoh railVay shall be opened to the public and put in operation, until the sanction of the said Council shall have been previously obtained by means of a special resolution to that effect ; and such sanction shall only be granted upon a certificate from the City Sunreyor, or upon a report from the Road Committee deelaring the said road to be in good condition, and constructed conformably to ^e conditions prescribed in this By-Law. ■'!■ .vv^«-V''T *--^^ ■*!**• "^^V ^*k^ti_£. t ""^^ '9 •'!■ ^•" 11. Eiteh oar omployod by th« uud Company ■hall bo num- berod, and none »hall bo uaod unloM tho laid Company paj^ an annual Ux of |20 therefor. ' " 12. That tho time forrunning ihall bo mttlod by the Company . 13. The ipeed of the oan ahall never o'xooed aix mile* an hour, Dor be falter than a walk at tho turning of oomera. 14. No oar shall be allowed to atop on a croM ilralk, nor in front of an interaeoting street, except to avoid ooUiiiion or aooidont 15. No oar shall stop near any intorsooting street unless it has oompletely passed by tho space in front of the said street. IG. No car BhalPstop in the street longer than it nooonsary to allow passengers to leave or eoier tho same, with ail possible despatch. - % 17. No person shall bo allowed to enter or leave tho oars unless tho oara be at full stop. 18. The conduotorti shall annuonoo to the passengers the names of the streets and public squares as the oar reaches them. 19. The conductors HhsS\ keep a vigilant watch to^void all manner of accidents, and stop the cars whenever they shall per- ceive on tho track, or moving in the direction qf tho tracks, any ' person, pattle, vehicle or other obstruction likely to oause an accident. ,* 20. The cars shall be used only for the oonveyanoe of passen- gers. 21. When the accumulation of snow or ioe on the roadway shitll be such as to prevent the oars from running with safety, the Company shall not be permitted to have it removed, but they shall have the passengers conveyed by means of suitable and com- fortable sleighs. 22. The said Company shall not have a right to charge more than the following rates for the convey an'oo of passengers on their ■^liiie, vi^:-^ ' - * 26. Should the said Cqmpany at any time give up the said Bailway, jor cease to exerolfe the privileges thereby granted to them, they $hall be bound to remoVe the rails after three months notice from the Corporation, and to put the streets traversed by the rails in repair and condition. 27. If the said Company violate or feil to exeouto any one of the conditionft orjbbligations hereby imposwl upoo them, and especially it they faU to complete the said raUway within the time J XOb.^ JiA-3« iv^ i t-wmm— ' - ■- ■» ♦ ■ '•*., ■tipuUUHl fbr OMh of Uifl (liiitriota aforoMld, tho OoQiicil mty roTokfl and annul th« priTilflgwi granUnl to tha aaid Compan; by a riMolutioa to that offiMt, panMHl bj • TOt« of th« two-thirda of th« in«iub«n of the said Council, and without being bound to bring a auit al law. 28. Each oar, altar dark, ahall b« fiimiahod within, with ft inftoiont number of lighti. 29. Tho laid Company, or pomoBi in ohargo of tho can run- ning upon tho laid raib, ihall bo liablo for OTory infKng«mont of iny of tho Motiona of thia By-Uw, to-«Jino not oxoooding flvo pounda, recovarMt aooording to kw. ., 30. Thia preatnt By-Law ahall not oomo into foroo and offeot until an agreement baaed upon the oonditiona and atipulationa borein aft ar ' atipulatod, ahiU have been ozeouted by a notariii dood, entered into by and on the part o^ tho aaid Oompony and tho aaid Corporation, on whooe behalf the Mayor ia hereby aa> thoriied to sign the Mud agreement. AP. Q. TOURANQBAU, Mayor of Qoeboo. / ■ . Attested. > L. A, CANNON, City Clark. k Qaoboc, Nov. 21, 1864. ■n rym -^■'"—^f 1 ^^ '-rt f -- "! ; / i 1 /' , "> l' «• ■ .-...l R • .■■■.-' -^ '■ , -'V •• s » J ^ ;, *• . ^ ■ * ' •>^ . .;■ > . * ;w- ^■■3*.- ">-' C.-^,.^,-:^»,^^^j_J:< MtaMVMOTin*' w f*