IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // .^^1^* i< f/j 1.0 I.I ■so ""'^= ^ 2 120 0,085 70 a,:iin Ho 1,590 20 populations and distances above the intake at Montreal are as follows : ■ Kingston (iananoiiue . . . , *ClnytoM *I'resc()tt *OKle fairly expresses our present ideas upon the relation of the number of bacteria to the purity of water ; Exceptionally pure water contains to 10 per c.c. Very pure " " 10 to KM) Pure " " 100 to 1,(KK) Mediocre " " 1,000 to 10,000 Impure Very impure 10,000 to 100,000 100,(K)0 and over. The number of bacteria in filtered water should not, accord- ing to Koch, habitually exceed 100 per c.c. I was agreeably surprised to find that the Montreal water, instead of teeming with bacteria, was conspicuously free from them, as compared with other bodies of running water, so that whatever might be the nature of the organic matter present it did not appear to be specially favourable to bacterial growth. The following table shows the average number of bacteria found in some well known surface waters, most of which are * MoGill, Bulletin No. 15, Department of Inland Revenue, Ottawa. 15 used as sources of drinking water, before being distributed : These marked * are filtered Montreal . St. Louis. . . . Vienna ... . Above Paris Ottawa 220 St. Lawrence ;^(K) Mississippi H0(( 5 ♦Danube 2,0(»0 ' Seine :W,(K)(). *Tlianies 19, 7.t()j Above London . Croton Aqueduct 4,28();Ne\v York Hudson 3,(KJ.'5i Albany Potomac ;J,774i Washington. . . Neva 5, 77281. Fetersl)urK. Rhone 75 Geneva llhine 20,;«)l) LMulheim *Main 2,0.50 Frankfort •Spree «5,000 Above Berlin . . Authority. fohnston. Currier. Kowalsky. Miquel. P. Frankland. Health Report. Prudden. Thos. Smith. Poehl. Fol. Moers. Rosenberg. Frank. Number of Bacteria found each month. — The following table shows the average number of bacteria per c.c. found each month in the reservoir, settling basin, St. Cunegonde and St. Law- rence samples : Bacteria per c.c. Tempera- Level of water at . , "d . Date. ture of 'S S -5 S 1> f- a; « « Lachine in > 3T3 rt S .n ^ water "C. i 0^ ^S . 4) a V feet. ^ 1)09 *1 U s< December l8t,'90 4°. 11 1 8 313 473 265 284 January 5th, '01. 0°. 120 31 44 :«) (51 41 February 2nd . . . 0°. 10-9 20 89 m 29 50 March 5th 0^ 12 2 185 1(54 310 577 310 April IHth 0". 13-0 171 :M7 m^ 161 260 May 4th 10". 9 i:r.o 15 13 (1 79 42 121 18!) 156 324 210 167 .Tune 2nt. Cunecronde 278 316 71 St. Lawrence 189 281 Tbe above tables show that during the greater part of the year the number of bacteria per c.c. of the water varies between 100 and 200. During the early part of the summer and in midwinter ibis number falls considerably below 100, and during the spring and early fall it rises for a short period to between L,000 and 2,000. These temporary elevations coincide with a period of heavy rainfall which ushers in the winter, and with the melting of the snow in the spring, on both of which occasions the river level rises considerably. The interval of one month between the taking of samples is so great, that the temporary rise in the number of bacteria might pass unooticed, if this sample did not happen to be taken exactly at the time when it occurred. Suspecting that this was the case in 1891, I made private examinations of the tap water at intervals of one week, with the result that a rise to 1940 per c.c. (compared with 847 per c.c. in the official sample taken a few days before) was observed, the number falling to 117 by the time the next official collection became due. The number obtained in the official settling basin being 121. It is evident that the 1,2 months covered by the analysis comprises the early winter increases in bacteria for both 1890 and 1891, which makes the average number for the year higher than would otherwise be the case. This spring contamination of the water was also studied in -lufw ~'"^I"'T ' •■^*' '' ■■'%T''^ (---r-T- ^~w- ^^ i M f water samples. n tap water (luring April, 1892. The following table 8how8 the variation in the number of bacteria : Diite. April 2 I) l(t 2« m Hactt'i'ia per c.c. 112 2m) 122 Mi The two periods characterized by low numbers of bacteria (midwinter and early fall) correspond with seasons when the level is very low. These relations are shown graphically in Fig. 6. Although rainfall, when sufficient to produce a marked rise in the water level of the rivers, was found to be associated with an increased number of bacteria, due no doubt to the washings of the soil, no increase was noted corresponding to the ordinary local rainfall. Comparison of tim': Four Samples Examined. Reservoir. — One is struck by the marked superiority of the reservoir water shown by its small number of bacteria, as com- pared with the other samples. During 9 months of the 12, the number of bacteria was below 100, while the average number was less than one-third of the number found in the settling basin. This, apparently, is due to the beneficial effects of sedi- mentation, although the reservoir is not well constructed for that process (not having separate inlet and outlet pipes), but chiefly serves to secure a head of water with constant pressure and to form a reserve in case of need. That the reservoir water does not deteriorate, and that its (juality remains unim[)aived in spite of a large accumulation of mud and slime at the botcom, is a matter which can be readily accounted for. We know now that the agencies .vhich produce the series of oxidative and nitrifying changes, leading to the self purification of waters, are a special class of organisms (nitro-bacteria) which are most abundant in that very slime which is generally regarded with so much suspicion by the public. To secure the proper perform- 2 lUOO ieoo leoo lioo 2K1MI, XIHH} aoo l-OO zoo 600 — Fig. 6-DiaKram showing the results of the monthly e sooo J600 IMO izoo of the monthly examination oi water samples. 18 ance of this beneficial process, by wbicb tbo nlbumenoici and ammoniacal bodies, products of pollution, are (perbaps after being first decomposed into more readily assimilable forms by the agency of the water bacteria) changed itto the more stable forms of nitrates, it is necessary that there shall be a sufficient supply of dissolved oxygen in the water and a sufficient circu- lation to promote oxidation and check any tendency to anaerobic putrefaction. For this reason shallow reservoirs of 16 to 30 feet in depth are better than deeper ones. Sunlight has been supposed to act powerfully in keeping in check any tendency to bacterial overgrowth, but although I have not yet been able to practically test the matter, it seems probable that the opacity of the Montreal water supply in summer would render the effect of sunlight very 8li;;lit. That the improvement which reservoir waters undergo during sedimentation is not merely due to a mechanical sinking of the bacteria, is shown bv the fact that the number found in the deeper strata does not show any corresponding increase. This was seen in the following observations : Lower No Lower No Reservoir 5(U Reservoir 504a Lower Reservoir No. .570 Ijfil[)er dimensions of the settling basin is a biological as well as an engineering one, and a series of examinations should be made to find out what amount oi surface area would bo sufficient to secure, by sedimentation, the requisite reduction in the number of bacteria*. St. Vunegonde. — The samples from the St. Cunegonde source in the Nuns Island Channel showed about the same number of bacteria as those from the settling basin, and were decidedly inferior in (piality to both the reservoir and St. Lawrence water. Evidently the theory of the supposed superiority of this water arose through a mistaken inter[)retation of the chemical analyses by the Inland Revenue Department, and simply consists in a lessened amount of organic matter due to larger dilution by the St. Lawrence water. As the organic matter, characteristic of the Ottawa water, has been shown by Dr. Ruttan to be of the nature of a harmless pigment (crenic and apocrenic acids), the most exact proportion in which it may be present is a matter of indifference from a sanitary point of view. That the mere passage over the rapids in anyway imi)rove3 the water by oxidation has never been demonstrated, and as we now know that the oxidation of water is not simply a matter of aceration, bui is due to the action of the nitrifying bacteria, there is no longer this theoretical argument in favour of this point of supply. On the other hand, a special investigation, made jointly by * The question of the undo«irabio proxiinity of the RiirbiiRo depot to the settling basin had not arisen at tlie tiin« wiieri thin imalyiiiii was uiide, and I have since had no opportunity of investigatini; the uiuttur. 20 Dr. Ruttan and myself in July, 1891, brought to light facts which show that the intake of the St. Cunegonde supply is not very favourably situated. The discharge from the tailrace, which empties into the Nuns Island channel 150 yards above the St. Cunegonde intake, brings with it the contents of the river St. Pierre. This little stream receives the drainage of al! the land lying to the north of the canal between Montreal and Lachine, with the result that its water half a mile west of Cote St. Paul was found to contain over 13,000 bacteria per cc. A little further on it receives the washings of the West End Abattoir. This addition gives the water a very offensive character, and I found it to contain 172,000 bacteria per cc. In examining the tailrace water upon several occasions I never failed to detect floating portions of offal and animal debris. After receiving the tailrace water this number was reduced to 92,500 per cc. owing to the dilution,* As the discharge of a large volume of this filthy water at a point 450 feet above the St. Cunegonde intake which is situated, 900 feet from the shore, was so obvious an objection, I made, jointly with Dr. lluttan, an examination of samples obtained on July 7th, 1891, at 5 points in the line between the shore and the intake in order to see how far out the zone of pollution extended. The wind was offshore and its velocity l^) miles per hour. The water level was fairly high in tlie channel. The water close inshore opposite the intake contained (59,000 bacteria per cc. ; at 100 feet out it contained tjt!9 per cc. ; at 200 feet out it coi.tained l.i38 per cc. ; and at 400 feet 157 per cc. The number obtained from a sample of tap water at the pumping station was 127 per cc. which one would expect in pure water. The chemical results obtained by Dr. Ruttan showed marked pollution inshore and at 100 feet, with s'ight {)ollutions at 200 feet and none at 400 feet, thus corresi)ondiiig closely with the biological result. It is evident that on that occasion the zone oi pollution * This uontiuuinatioii of thu tailrace has no lioaring upon tliu Muntreul Hupply itii he water only becomes polluted uftur leaving tho settling Itutiin. 21 ceased between 200 and 400 feet from the shore or 500 and 700 feet from the intake, and it is unlikely that under ordinary conditions the contents of the tailrace enter the St. Cunegonde supply. Still, a-i under altered conditions of the current, water level or led of the river it is not impossible that this may occasionally hafipen, especially when the shallow flats lying inshore ; packed with ice. It would seem safer to divert the drainage of the St. Pierre into the city sewen,, though I never found any evidence of such pollution in the samples examined. I was not able to detect any evidence of pollution from the tanneries either in the water or the ice of this locality, but the probability that the Verdun shore may soon become densely po[)ulated is a further objection to the site. An interesting point in the analysis was the increase in bac- teria, was almost entirely caused by a species apparently iden- tical with the colon bacillus. Corresponding with this increase there was a falling off in the proportion of the Bacillus jiiiores- cena Uijuefacieni<, which formed from 80 to 40 per cent, of all the colonies in the pure water of the river and only 0.5 to 1 .0 per cent, of those in the polluted water of the tailrace. At 100 feet out the proportion of P UiorescetiH liq., rose to 12 per cei»t. at 200 feet to 25 per cent, and at 400 feet to 8') per cent. It would seem that axiy -nusual deficiency of the propor- tion o( this or;'anism to the total colonies durin'jj summer should be regarded with great suspicion. St. IjdwreMce Water. — The results of the examinations do not show that this water is better from a sanitary point of view than the present city .supply, as lar as can be judged from the number of bacteria and the nature of the sediment. Although inlonned that the line of the pure St. Lawrence water would always bo met with at a {)oint 800 feet south of Nun's Island, I have on two occasions seen the Ottawa water extend as far as 1500 feet south of the island. Of the St. Lawrence water it can saftdy Ite said that it is a perfectly clean and pure river water. One point in favor of the St. Lawrence is that it is far less 22 affected than the present city supply by temporary pollution due to heavy rainfall or melting snow. II. — Examination of Local Conditions Affecting the Montreal Water Supi'ly. Tap Water. — In order to determine whether the water as supplied y taps was similar in quality to that of the mains, numerous samples were examined during July and August of 1891. The taps were in all cases allowed to run for at least 30 minutes before samples were taken and two or more samples were always examined, in order to make sure that the number obtained was typical for the day. Besides taking samples each day from one special tap which was allowed to run continuously, I made frequent examinations from taps in various parts of the city. The tap water was found to contain practically the same number of bacteria as the water of the settling basin and, as a rule more than that of the reservoir. The number of bacteria was found as a rule remarkably constant, irrespective of the points from which the samples were obtained. Usually, but not always, the taps on the circuit supplied by the upper reservoir (the water from which is pumped up from the lower reservoir) contained fewer bacteria than those in the lower circuit. I have given the results in the following table. Comparison of Upper and Lower Circuit Date. Number of Ba Lower Circuit. •.m\ 210 140 ijO 30 cteria per cc. Upper Circuit. 1891. May 1 8 117 " 14 66 " 22 105 J uue 215 48 " 30 22 As far as it goes this supports the view that the water is improved by standing in the reservoir. During July ths daily examination showed for the upper cir- 28 cuit a maximum number of 136 bacteria per cc. and a minimum of 28, the average being 68. During August the maximum was 160 per cc the minimum 17 and the average 5^). A comparison was made of the water from the lower and upper circuits with the following results. Ii< ■' . ; Circuit. Ujjper ( Jircuit. Reservoir. 1 Taps. Reservoir. Taps. Sept. 23 3» 37 nii 49 41 2!) ,tO Oct. 2.. . 54 AUI.ough this shows relatively slightly more bacteria in the upper than the lower circuits, the difference is not large enough to be outside the limits of experimental error. Aqueduct. — Two examinations of samples taken at 5 points along the aqueduct gave : Aug. 7. Sept. 12. Mfixlmnm Mininiuin 173 !»3 224 11.-) 102 as Settling Hasiu 113 Lacliine Iiitalve 80 The variation is not suflBcient to show any material change in the water during its passage from Lachine. Bead Ends. — In districts where the circulation in the mains is not complete complaints are often made of turbidity of the water. This turbidity appears to be due to rust from the mains but as the consumers are inclined to consider this condition as unwholesome, I made on Aug. 24th, 1891, an examination of the water from 11 different districts supplied from dead ends. The average number of bacteria found per cc. was 94, and therefore such as to exclude any idea of a polluted or stagnant state of the water. The vital statistics from the streets supplied by dead ends do not show any greater frequency of typhoid than other parts of the city. Iron rust is, as we know used as a means of precipitant for freeing water of organic matter. 24 :i III. — Study of the Rivku Water at Points Ai?ove Montreal. Ottawa Water. — In order to study the iiiHuence o( the towns along the course of tlie river upon the character of tlie water, two sets of examinations were made in 1891, one on July ;5rd, and the other on Sept. 24th. Sam[)le8 were collected from the bow of a steamboat by means of a tishin;:; rod and line to which small weighted bottles were attached, and the cultures made immediately. Duplicate samjiles were taken at IT) points on each trip, and a sample was also obtained from lake Dcs ( 'henes, 10 miles above Ottawa. Owing to an accident, several of the cultures made during the first trip could not be made use of. The results obtained are given in the following table together with the distances below Ottawa. Distances i)el()\v Ottawa. Hacteria jicr ce. Above Ottawa (C.P.R. Ilridse) (iatiiii-au thiiiilit'rlaiid Miles. :i(i Cm SO SKI Kill 12(1 170 (i,St) iriiiii (ireiivilk- Carillon *Coino *St. Anne IS 00 72 11 lij-neli's Id 49 •In lake of Two Moinitiiins. These are shown graphically in Fig. (]. This showed a marked increase in the number of bacteria below the city of Ottawa, diminishing to the normal for river water by Grenville and reaching a minimum in the lake of Two Mountains, and increasing slightly in the river channel below St. Anne. None of the smaller towns appeared to have any perceptible pollutory effect on the water. In the second test on Sept. 24th and 25th, a much more thorough examination was obtained, but the results corresponded to a remarkable extent with those of the former examination. I have given the table in full in order to show the measure in which samples taken from the same points on two succeed- 25 ing days resembled one another in regard to the number of bacteria : I,(iciilil>. I Max. '!) Tri]. Mill. Aver. Down Tr !>• ( 'oiiiltiiicii A\(M';ij:;i' Max. (i ;i65 7:v2 Min. 1 250 .•!2!) AVIT. 5.2 :i07 .5:{2 of hotii 1 lijjK. Lakt'Dt'sClii'iip.s. 1 Mirsbciou Otfa. •> 5S0 52S ICO 155 172 :ill 17 10 2() :i7 IS 10 21 IS :(7S rM) •ITl 12:{ i:to i:u It; 2() I!) :{| 10 fi 15 S 1 17!) 5(K) :{77 110 117 257 l(i :<;{ 2:1 :«) 11 17 i s IS 12 :!!):{ 5 10 ;>20 15 ' 20 CnniluTliiiKl. ;10 Tluirso .5(1 Moiiti'hcllo. . (iO i;()rit,'iial .. . . <)5 (iiviiville. . . . 17^ H 1 1 ? « S ■m !5 5! >» 9> «! Fig. 8 -Diagram sliowingtlie condition of Ottawa water above Montreal. (Second examination, Sept. 2ttli, IHOl.) and a map prepared showing the position of all privies, barns, etc., in order that any possible source of infection should be eliminated. The key to the safety of the Montreal drinking supply may be said to lie between St. Anne and the intake. 27 The entrance to the intake is confidingly placed so as to catch all washings from the adjacent portions of the lower Lachine road. Question of typhoid infection. — The followinj^ inquiry iiito the possibility of water-borne typhoid in connection with the Montreal water may be of interest : Com/iariso/t of fyrijtwnei/ o/' 7'f//.'/' su}* at Otfary-a a/ul Jllonir^ct/ /zoo noo tooo uoo 60O /aoo ooo jsuo JIOO ooo 700 600 - aoo oo ZOO lOO Fig. y. The number of cases reported each month at the health office are shown in figure 6. It is evident that if the frequency of typhoid fever depended upon general contamination of the water supply, it would, allowing for the period of incubation, be ex- pected to appear in the month following the greatest contamina- tion of the water. As no increase in typhoid occurred in these 28 If months, that disease beinj^ most prevalent when the number of bacteria in the water reached its lowest point, it is evident that the turbidity and increase in bacteria which jjcriodically aU'ects the Montreal sapj)ly is not of such a nature as to cause or ]»redis- pose to typhoid infection. In this connection it was interesting to see if there was any relation between the frocjuency of typhoid at Ottawa and at Montreal. Unfortunately non-fatal cases of typhoid are not reported to the Ottawa health olHce, and it is a well-known fact that less than half of the cases are reported at the Montreal office. As the deaths from typhoid are reported however, I have taken these as my basis, calculating the mortality at 10 per cent. As shown by figure 9 there is not only no constant relation between the fre(iuency of typhoid in the two cities, but that even the severe epidemic of typhoid at Ottawa in 1888, was not accompanied by any increase in the number of cases in Montreal. It appears therefore that general pollution of the Montreal water as may occur is probably of a harmless nature and does not form a source of infection. St. Lawrence above Montreal. — A double series of observa- tions was made m the same manner as in the case of Ottawa, the samples being taken on July "27th, 1891, between Brockvillc .and Laohine, and on Sept. BOth, 1891, between Kingston and Lachine. The result with the distances above the Montreal intake at which the samples were taken, arc shown in the following table and in figures 10 and 11 : Sample from DiNlancc aliove intakf. Lake Oiidirio near iviiiiistmi. . !!(() mi I-i)iiK Point ISO Clavtoii 17.") Hrockvillo 125 (;al(ip Rapid i)8 Ik'ad of LoiifT Saiilt. ... 75 l'\)0t of LoiiK Sault ()H Coi'iiwiill i ()5 Coteuu U5 Caughiiawaga I 2 les, Max. Hactoria \)i'v cc. .Iul\ 27tli - Sept. :iOtli - Aver ane. 7() ;w 210 lot) i.>-. 77 74 Mill. U ■■M 70 141 iH) 2() 4!) Aver- age. Max. 2! I 51 44 :i7 121 1.51 i;{i) 47 (11 15 :5;i Mill. 1(! 22 4H 41) 25 21) 5(} 10 20 IH 7(i m 12 29 This examination ahowed an interestinji increase in the nurahcr of bacteria on both occasions iti the swii't and relatively shallow stretch of river below I'rescott, the number falling again in Lake St. Francis and rising soraewhat below Lake St, Louis. Sum/tif fltjr/rftil 4 7J H i__L Fig. Aiiir/i/r 10— Diiinriim sliowing condition of St. Liiwrence water above Montreiil. (First examination, .July 2(itli, 18(51). |. Uiiihr,,/ si IT.\ - 3- ■J ^5 w •51 35 ^1 T- FiK- 11 Diiifii-fUM siiowiiiji condit inn of Si. Ij.'iurciu'c water aiiove Montioiil. (Secon'l examination, Octoi)er 1st, l.^i)l.) It also shows throughout a relatively smaller number of bacteria in the water in September than in July. IV. SURFACK WaTKKS IN OTIIEK PaRTS OP CaNADA. Water from (Jninh'ihUed Districts. — A number of examina- tions made for the purpose of comparing the Ottawa water with I I ■I; 80 similar peaty waters for uninhabited diatricta, may be briefly recorded here by means of the following table, which shows that the water of the large rivers of the far north, coming from a desolate and almost unexplored country, contain as many bac- teria as the Montreal water supply. It must be mentioned however that some of the samples were taken during a period of heavy rainfall late in the autumn. Date. 1891. Auk, 30, Oct. 7. Sainplo. Biu'teria per cc. Mux. SiiKUi-nay above Chicoutimi 70 Oiiiatcliouan I'M .\.sliiia]) Motuliuan | 7 beginners, but would obviate to some extent the causes which tend to confuse the work." Not feeling myself competent to take the lead in a project of this sort, I refrained from taking any steps in the matter, but it may be mentioned that with the co-operation of Professor Adami, of Montreal, an attempt is now being made to organize somewliat upon the lines just laid down a scheme for the co- operative study of the water bacteria. Bacteria Found in Montreal Water. — The forms which oc- curred were almost exclusively bacilli, only two species of micrococci being met with. During the pollution due to heavy rains and melting snow a considerable number of mohls, were present. A form of Fusariani was once detected in taj) water. The relative [iroportions of the species present often gave valuable indication ot slight degrees of pollution when the total number of colonies was not Biiflicient to attract attention * an.l certain species, notably II. inycoides, apfjcared wben the water waa exposed to the wasliinj^s of cultivated land. Aa a rule •'> to 7 forinH wore detected in each sample when the water was pure, while in impure samples from the Montreal harbour, I have isolated as matiy us 1(! species from the sample. On the otiier hand when a large number of bacteria deve. id in stored waters which were pure nearly 90 per cent of the colonies would belong to one species, usually B. Fluorescens liquefaoienK, and if during the summer the [)roportion of this or- ganism (which was normally from 'M) to 40 per cent of the total colonies) fell to below 12 per cent, other proofs of pollution were usually forthcoming. A singular circumstance was that in winter this ratio fell to 5 or 10 per cent, although the water was pure, the proportion suddenly rising again when the warm weather returned, while B. Aquatilis and other members of the yellow pigment- forming group formed the leading flora during winter. This transition ia shown in the following table of analyses : N\ V2H 121) 14(t 140 i;hh IHl Suiiiple. Tap Taj) Tai> Iti'servoir Hiisiii St. t'micKondc St. fiawriMici'.. Tap St. Lawrence Date. May (I, IMM. .May 7 T.'inp. of water. May May May May May II II i:i i:( i:< ■liiiie I. •June H. . I) (S II) i:< 11 . 10 II 14 UK! 8(M) 1(H) UN! IK! \m 245 no 12;^ 3 r" I H 15 15 12 10 10 40 ;«) :!5 20 21) 20 15 25 2 4 The following were among the common forms met with in Montreal water : B. arboresccus, B. afiuatilis, B. floureifcens, B. fluores- cent liquefaciens, B. janthenuH, B. i/laiicuis, B. megatherium, ' See page 21. IK 34 B. mnUipedimlus, B. mycoide», B. nacreosm, B. aurantiacus B. raniosus, B. aquatilis suloatiis, B. mesentrieus vulyatus, B. mexmterious fiiscus, B. proteus, B. fulims, B. fmcus, B. ochri'ceus, B. pUeatus, B. implexus, B. ruber. Among the rare forms may be mentioned B. Borolinensis, of which one single colony was met with. Spirilla were not detected, but it must be mentioned that the plan of cultivating in weak peptotie solutions was not kn)wn at the time. I was able by means of the Pariotti and P^r