N F' m 1H 1 <)X THK Suspension Bridge AT THE IAt4ftA V4]iIiS« I I- I \ -* •r- * "••^Si^^fc,' ( REPORT OF SAMUEL KEEFER CTVIL ENGINEER. TO THE Fresidetit and Directors of the Js''iagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company, and to the President and Directors of the Clifton Suspension Bridge Company. FEINTED BY ORDER OF THE DIRECTORS. BBOCKVILLE, 0:STAIiIO, MARCH lat, 1869. ^FF1CZF^3 OF Under whom the Bridge was constructed in 1868. -—*-• Hon. JOHN T. BUSH, President, - - Clifton Place, Canada DELOS Dw WOLF, Esq., Treasurer, - - - - 08WEG0, N. Y. HOLLIS WHITE, Esq., Vice President, - Niagara Falls, N. Y. W. G. FARGO, Esq., Director, - - - - Buffalo, N. Y, VIVUS W. SMITH, Esq., Secretary, Auditor and General Superintendent, - - - Stracuse, N. Y. -♦- SAMUEL KEEFER, Chief Engineer. Member of the 'Ambmoah Society or Citil Bmoimekhs," and formerly Chief Xnglneer of the Department of Public Works of Canada, etc. , etc. » Hon. WILLIAM J. McALPINE, Consulting Engineer. President of the "Amkbicam Booibtt ov Civil ENoursxits," member of the " Inbtitutiov OF Cini. ENononms," London, and formerly State Sngineer of New York, and Eng:i- neer In Chief of the United States Dry Dock at Brooklyn, etc., etc. ♦ Capital stock authorized under Charter from the State of New York, $200,000 00 Capital stock authorized under Charter from the Domin- ion of Canada, - - 200,000 00 Total, $400,000 00 vf ^i -R-EiFoiEirrf. To the President and J>irectora of the " Niagara Falls Sus- pension Bridoe Company," and to the President and Direct- ora of the " Clifton Suspension Bridge Company :" Gentlemen — • The bridge which I have had tlie honor of constructing for your joint Companies was so far completed on the 4th January last as to be opened on that day for public traffic. It has also been . examined and approved for public use by the Government Inspectors appointed by the State of New York and by the Dominion of Canada. For your intbrmation I now submit the following particulars in reference to its construction : The wonderful structure completed by Mr. Boebling in 1855 — • the only successful railway suspension bridge yet constructed — ^has for a period of fourteen years fully answered the purpose for which it was designed, *'. <»., to form a connecting liiik between the Great Western Railway of Canada and the New York Cen- tral. The freight and passenger trains of both roads are contin- ually passing over it, only limited to a walking pace, or speed .of five miles an hour. Its span is 821 feet 4 inches. Your bridge has been designed, not for heavy traffic, like the one below, but for the accommodation cliiefly of the pleasure travel; for foot passengers, and for carriages employed by the visi- tors to the Falls, as well as tor the local traffic between the five small towns, Chippewa, Drummondville and Cli^n, on the Canada side, and Niagara city (so called) and Niagara Falls, on the New York side. For this purpose it was assumed that the ordinary transitory load of passengers and vehicles passing over it at any one time 6 would seKloiM uxceoil lit'fv tons, wliilt) on sonio Mccasions it niii'lit be as iiiueli as oiio liuiidrod tons. My lirst Wesij^n was for a loa«l of 5(> tons, hut the lirid^o has Ijock huilt of adecjuatc streiigtli in all its parts to sustain tlio <r sleij^h at any jx^tint on the suspended roadway, and hy the adoption of pro|»er regulations tor the use of it, as provided hy the Canadian Act, will afford all the acconuTifMJation the puhlic will retpiire tl)r many years to come. Situated oidy three hundred yards below the American Fall, it is consequently ex[»f)sed in winter to the spray from that Fall, drifting and freezing upf»n it. It was impossible to f(»rm any just conception of the extent to which it might accumulate during the winter months, or to decide ])ositively bef<>rehand whether it would endanger its stability or not. Indeed, the |)osHibility of maintaining any bridge of so great span in such (tlose proximity to tlie Falls, was only a matter of opinion. F'rom this and other considerations, your Engineer was limited in expenditure, and the construction of the bridge was in some degree tentative, but he had no fears of the result. Having built the Suspension bridge over the Ottawa River, close to the Chaudiorc Falls, which tor a quarter of a century has stood in that oxjxwed j)osition without suttering the slightest injury from spray, lie ajjprehended no danger from that cause. From motives of economy, as well as to insure the speedy coni- pletion of the work, and an immediate return for the outlay, the bridge was built with a single track, and the towei-s construct d of wood. But the towers can at any time be rejilaced by stone or iron, and when this is done the bridge becomes a permanent structure; and by tlie widening of the roadway, and the addition of more ropes, all the accommodation that is needed can readily be provided. When the towers are covered with corrugated iron, as intended, and so protected against lire and the intluence of the weather, they can be made to last for many years. The bridge spans the gorge just below the cataract, command- ing a view southward of both Falls, as well as of a portion of the rapids above them, of Goat Island and Table Rock. Northward the course of the river is traced lor two miles down to the Rail- wav Sii-^ponsiun l'>ri«lji('. wliicli, witii tlic trniiis <'n»Ksini; it, is jdainly visililc tVniii tlic new briilp'. I lore the rivor turns to tlio left and is lo8t t<> viow. Tlic end rostin«i<>n tlio rij^lit hsvjik is sitiiatod in Porter's tjrovO'T jit tlio toot of Niiij^ani street, three hundred yards helow the Ameri- can Full. The end restinuj on the left hank lands u]K»n the iruiin road riuininj^ alont^ the lumk of the river, and is one hundr(>d yards below the Olit^on House, and three-»juarters (if a mile he- low the (ireat lloi*se Shoe Fall, on the Canada side. The niairnetie hearinn of the hridije is S. 4(» dei;. K., or nearlv Southeast ami Nnrth-west. It crosses the river at right an«jjles to its «;eneral C(nii*se at this ])oint. A section of the river an the line of the hridj^e j^ives a distance oflllM>feet froui rock to rock, at the to]» f>f the clitf, and 850 feet at the water's surface. The rock on the let^ hank is 175 feet above the water, and on the ri«>;ht bank ISO t'eet. The American Fall is 10-4 feet. On the Canada side the rock is covered M'ith two feet of earth. It falls off perpendicularly fith'-t<»ur feet to the debris which covers the foot, and slopes away to the water's es of the towers being in the same horizontal plan, are therefore l<>r> feet high on the letl bank, and 100 feet high on tlie right bank. The length of tl»e cables at medium temj>eratnre is 128G feet between the centres of towers, 1828 feet between the anchor j)ins, where tliey are connected with the anchor chains, and 1888 feet in all, between tl»e anchors end)edded in the masonry on either side. The prf>h>ngation of the cables under gror.nd is effected by anclior chains ot Lownuxir Iron thirty feet in length, in links of ten feet each, tinnly built in hydraulic masonry. THK OI'ERATIONS. When 1 v/as appointed your Chief Engineer on the ITth June, 1867, the locatif>n had previously been made, and the work com- menced by stripping the rock on both sides for the seats of the towers. Having fixed upon the line, and laid out ujK>n the groHud the j»osition9 for the towers and anchorages, and fnrnished plans ami written instructions fijr the guidance of my assistant, by your re(piest I proceeded to England in August, 1807, tor the purpose of procuring the necessary material. It was at first proixjsed to use steel ropes for the cables, and the choice between steel and charcoal iron was left to my discretion; but upon making encpiiries in England, I was induced to relin- quish the idea of employmg steel. In a work so hastily under- taken, and proceeded with so rapidly, there was no time to institute the tests and enquiries necessary to settle the question as to the dependence to be placed upon it; and, as at the outset there was plainly no saving of cost, it was considered best to adhere to a material which up to this time had proved reliable. Accordingly all the ropes for the bridge were made of the best charcoal iron wire. These and the tension plates for the under- ground uiiclior chains were muniifactured in England tomyonier, and ftliippcil tor (.'uiuida bt'turo the cloee of the year, and I returned home in November. Durinf^ my ahHence the t^iwers wore framed and erected, and Bonie progress was niarle with the anchorages. By your orders the works were su.speiidermed in the month of February, for the taking across the two carrier ropes sulwequently used tor the erection of the bridge. This feat was accomplished with economy and dispatch, under the personal superintendence of your President. The winter months wen? occupied by your Engineer at Brock- ville, in maturing his plans and making his calculations for the next season's operations. It was first intended to me the Erie and Ontario Railway for uncoiling the cable ropes, but when it could not be leased, the ropes were 8j)un out from a turn-table, upon a tem}X)rary plat- form, laid down for that purjx^e, where they were examined, cleaned, ]>ainted, strained and marked; and then run down the hiil until the leading end, with the yoke attached tr> it, reached the anchorage. The ropes had been so well saturated in linseed oil, that it filled up all the pores between the wires, but where exposed on the outside, the oil, in places, was rubbed off, and oxidation had commenced. When cleaned they received a good coating of paint, consisting (►f the red oxide of iron mixed with l)oiled lin- seed oil, and a second coat was added after they were suspended between the towers. A base line of 1800 feet was accurately nieasured off upon the . platform by means of a pine rod fifty feet in length, the same that had been used for measuring the base from which the span of the bridge had been determined. In order that the levels for the bridge might be arranged with some degree of accuracy, it was necessary to know beforehand how much the roj»e would stretch when loaded wiih the bridge. There being no facts to establish the law of elongation in Bolid wire ropes of this description f its towers, and set in large sheaves that jjrevented any lateral stress upon them, and other sheaves, in pairs, placed also on the 11 towei-s, close siloiigaido the saddles, the cable ropes were all suc- cessfully taken r)ver in these, and on the carrier ropes, and were then cut, yoked, anchored and regulated to ihe same degree of detiection. After a second coat of paint, they were temporarily clamped in cable form. While engaged in these operations, the Chinese Embassy visited the Niagara Falls, and by request of your Vice-President I had the ]>lea8ure of taking over the Ambassador and his Eng- lish Secretary in one of the "buggies" used in the construction. This buggy, as you are aware, runs upon a single wheel uix)n one of the carrier ropes. I accompanied them from the East to the West tower, and back again, delighting his Celestial Highness with the sublimity of the view and the novelty of the adventure* The carrier ropes, with the "buggies" and "cradles" nmning upon them, afforded the means of readily attaching the cable buiuls and suspcndei-s, and as soon as this was effected, the hang- ing of the roadway was proceeded with as rapidly as possible. As the season advanced, the work was a good deal delayed by winds and rain, and the ]>remature setting in of winter. Still, notwitlistauding these hindrances, we succeeded in joining the framework of tlie tlr)or at the middle of the bridge by the 15th October, and from that time forward, convenient and unintM"- rupted communication was estaljlished and maintained for the workmen between the opposite banks of the river. It was opened for tratlie on the -tth January last. Deducting the time during which the works were suspended, we find that this, the longest-spanner the accomplishment of a w^ork involving every princi2)le aiul demanding all the care and consideration of one of ten times the cost, especially under the ditiiculty of ol> taining skilled labor, and (kf procuring materials from a distance. Your board havinjj wiselv determined not to let the work bv contract, the responsibility of selecting materials and directing the operations rested entirely with your Engineer. He considers himself fortunate in having secured the services of Mr. E. F.Far- rington, as superintendent of construction during the most critical and important part, since the month of June, 1868, and by whom, with the assistance of an intelligent and faitliful body of 13 niechuiiics and vvorkiiien, his i»lans have been carried out t<» his entire Hatisfaction; and it affords him sincere gratification to be able to state that this ditticult and hazardous achievement Inis been accomplished without failure or accident of any kind. The cost ()f the Ijridge when completed, including purchase of land and prelimiiuiry expenses, will be about $150,000, U. S. currency. U])on submitting my plans tor your approval in April last, the Directors very naturally, and, ^s I tliought, very properly proposed to have the opinion of the highest professional author- ity in America on such a bold undertaking. To this your En- gineer cf»rdially assented, and by mutual consent my plans and calculations were submitted to the Hon. William J. McAlpine, late cliief Engineer of the United States dry dock in Brooklyn, State Engineer of New York, President of the American Society of Civil Engineei*s, &c., &c. By this reference your Board Wiis at once Jissured, and your Engineer gratified, by the entire aj> proval of the design by an Engineer of his acknowledged stand- ing, sound judgment, and varietl experience. At his subsequent visits the works themselves met his approval, and as evidence of his opinion his final repoi-t since the opening of the bridge is ap- pended to this. The inspection required by the charter from the State of New- York was made by Judge Gardiner on the 16th January. That required by the Canadian charter was made by the Hon. Hamil- ton H. Killaly, C. E., M. A., late President of the Board of Pub- lic Works, Canada, on the 25th January. Copies of their re- spective rejwrts are also appended. • It was a matter of great importance that the calculations for the strength of the bridge should be determined with perfect accuracy in accordance with dearlv established scientific princi- pies. Special attention was devoted to this branch of the subject, and it was very gratifying to me to have my calculations verified by an accomplished mathematician, the Rev. Edmund John Senkler, M. A. Cambridge, of Brock ville, Ontario, who from his pure love of analytical investigations, requested the favor, and took upon himself tlie trouble of testing the results by independent methods The following particulars in reference to the strength of the bridge are added for the information of the directors : 18 I. — ^TIIK LOVD. Tlie welglit of the suspended }>ortioii of the bridge between tlie towers, including tlie cables, the roadway, the stays, stay braces, bridle stays, suspenders and guys is 263 tons of 2000. This constitutes the permanent load. The ordinary moving load, as before stated, is fifty tons, and the extraordinary load 100 tons. This is equal ti the weight of 1300 people, or one man to every scpiare yard of the platform; or it is etpial to a load of thirty carriages and three hundred peoj>le. This is assumed as the transitory load. The permanent and transitory loads will not exceed 363 tons. This load is supported by the united strength of the cables and stays. II. THE CABLES. Tliere are two cables, one on each side of the bridge, descend- ing to the level of the roadway at the middle, where tliey are twelve feet apart between the centres, while at the towers they are 42 feet apart — the sway on each side being iitleen feet from the perpendicular. Their vertical defiection at medium temper- ature is 91 feet, but in the plane of tlie swayed cable it is 92.22 feet. The horizontal projection of the cables or birds-eye view from above, represents the landward portions as tangential to the curve between the towers which is formed by swaying them in at the centre. The angle of depression from the points of sus- pension varies so little on either side of the towers, that the result- ant of all the forces in both horizontal and vertical planes, produces only a direct vertical pressure upon the towers. The suspended system has in fact been so arranged as to exert no lateral strain upon them, excej^t that which is unavoidable from the force of the wind, and this, it Mill be seen, is modified to a considerable extent bv the manner in which the cables are in- clined tosrether at the centre, but more eftectuallv met and neu- tralized by the use of stays and guys. Where the cables pass over the towers there is necessarily a movement of three inches arising from atmospheric changes; but the cables rest in cast-iron saddles which move freely upon rollers interposed between them and the cast-iron cap which crowns the summit of the tower, and in this way the irresistible force of contraction is eluded. Each cable is composed of seven ropes, each rope of seven strand^s, and each strand of nineteen wires 0.155 inch indiame'er, rji 14 tliis size being between No. 8 and No. I) of tlie Birminn;liani wire gauge. By a new process all the wires wore drawn of sufHciont length (1910 feet,) to make one rope without s[>lice or weld from end to end. There are 133 wires in eacli rope, and 931 wire?* in eacli cable. The ropes are 2h inches in diameter, Ti inches in circumference, and weiglit 54 pounds to the fathom. The calcu- lated breaking strain of one of these rojies is 121 tons net. The giuiranteed breaking strain was 100 gn>ss tons = 112 not tons, and they bore the test of 108 tons net without tractiiro — the fasten- ings having given way under that stniiii. When a solid rope of this kind is subujittod to a dead [)ullj the central strand being straight, while the (»thors are si)irally ar ranged around it, it is the first to feel it, and would, were they all alike, be the lirst to break. To obviate this unocpial stress upon the strands, it is usual to put a liompon core in ro[)es used for naval pur]>ose9. In our case a solid rope is wanted, and the central strand is made of softer wire than the other strands. The soft wire havius "greater ductilitv will stretch until the surround- ing strands are brought to full tension, and thoy will then all pull evenl}' together. If any one thinks it an easv matter to lav hold of a rope of 121 tons strength and fairly break it, just lot him try it. lie will find that all the- fastenings heretofore used are either too complicated or too weak. The rope will render round the eye, or break in the splice or socket before the full power is reached. A piece of rope of this description was submitted for trial at the Liverpool testing machine at Birkenhead. The maker of it secured one end after his own plan, your Elngineer the other. The former doubled one end round a cast-iron eye 14 i inches in diameter, and fastened it by means of four heavy screw clamps to the main rope. The clamj^s were made of CxlJ inch iron, leaving six inches of space between them. This fastening had a very impos- ing look. Your Engineer had the other end fastened in a wrought-iron conical socket six inches Ions;, 2i inches in diame- ter at one end, and Sh inches at the other. The end of the rope was drawn through this socket and protrude it from ]>nlHno' out of the boU-shajied soeket. At t\\Q first triiil, the clamps, under a .train of 36 tons, hegjin \ to move towards the eye. At 50 tons the}' began to touch each (tther; at 57 i tons they were in two pairs, witli inches of 8j)ace between them, and the eye liad turned round 45 degrees. The trial couhJ go no further. Tlie other end stf>od h'rm, and tlie rope was uninjured. At tlie second trial both ends M'ere fastened in the same man- ner in sockets, but one of them pulled out under a strain of 88 i tons, owing to insufliciefit fastem'ng. At the third trial the r()])e bore a strain of 96 i tons gross, = 108 tons net, withe uit breaking, but the end pulled through the socket, and the recoil injured it so much that the trial could not be repeated. This test gave 96 J per cent, of the guaranteed strength. It was desiraltle, if possible, to tind a mode of fastening that would give 100 ])er cent, of the strength of the rope. Ilavin"- witnessed several experiments on spliced ropes of a smaller size, I found they always broke in the splice before their full power was reached. None of the methods heretofore used gave assur- ance of holding. On my return to Canada the following experi- ment was made : One eiul of a rope was fastened in the usual manner in a wrought-iron socket, the other end in a cast-iron yoke, and at every trial the end fastened in the socket was the first to give way. The result was decidedly in favor of the yoke. Tlie yoke is simply an elongated eccentric, the least diameter of which is about twice the circumference of the ro])e, and the length about three times the diameter. There are two holes at the upper enlarged end, one of which is cylindrical, and of the same size as the rope; the other conical, into which the end is tastened as in the socket. The r^pe is passed through the cylin- drical hole, then round the eccentric in a hollow groove, and then fastened in the usual manner in the conical socket. The jwint of attachment being eccentric, near to one side of the yoke, it falls directly in line with the rope as soon as it is sub- mitted to strain. The eye of this yoke is slotted to allow of a movement of six inches for adjusting the ropes when suspended. It is obrious, trom mechanical considerations, that if the tastening 16 in tho socket end of the yoke ia only 25 per cent, of the hreaking strength of tho rope, tho r<)i)e must be fairly broken before tho fastening will give way. Jhit since fully 90 i per cent, can bo connted on, as decided by the Ijirkcidiciul tost, it is (piito impos- sible for the fastening to yield before the rojio breaks. There- fore, by adopting this plan, tlie full strength of the rope can be relied upon. For suspension bridges, more especially, tho inij>ort ance of this device can scarcely be overrated. The ropes were adjusted at the centre with the greatest facility by means of tho slot, and with perfect confidence in the nnvielding nature of the fastenings at either end. At the anchorage the ropes are connected with the under- ground anchor chains by means of adjusting links of 4, 8i and 13 feet in length of an nnifonn section of C x 1 inches. Three of the yokes are in the direct line of tension, two are thrown down, and two up, in order that all the ropes may be gathered into cable form and clamped as nearly as possible to the i)oint of attacli- ment. Tlie solid sectional area of the cables is 37.8 square inches; that of the anchor chains 84 scpiare inches. The aggre- gate force, or ultimate strength of both cables, 121 x 14 -- 1,094 tons net; that of the Lowmoor anclior chains 84 x 32, — 2,088 tons net. The ropes of which the cables were made were manufactured by R. S. Newall & Co., of Gateshead-on-Tyne, from wires drawn by Messrs. Richard Johnson & Nej)hew, of Manchester. Wires of 1,910 feet in length were made whole, without weld joint, or splice. The rods were rolled from the billets by one operation in less than a minute. Billets weighhig 140 lbs., 1.5 feet long and II inches square, were heated to a white heat in a gas furnace, and passed through a series of rollers set close to the furnace, until they were gradually reduced to rods of Ko. 3, B. W. G. One end of the billet was in the furnace, while the other end was being wound upon the reel. The rods were then drawn thrr»ngh three holes down to the required size of 0.155 inch diameter. As they were required to bear a tensile strain before break- ing of 100,000 lbs. to the square inch, tests were made from time to time as they were run oft', and a daily register was kept of the results, of which the manufacturers have furnished me a copy. By this register it appears that a few ot the wires fell 17 short of the .spccititMl strongtli, but that nearly all <»t' them ex- ceeded it. Some of these, it appeai-s, were drawn to go hij^^h a degree of tension as 1 '20,000 lbs., an determined by direet weights and lever jKiwer, while by the hylraulie test the strength was mueh greater. The ropes are beautiful h])eeimens ot the art of rope-nuiking. For their size they possess u wonderful tlexihility, and there can be no doubt of their having been fabricated of tiie best t' the stays. The aggre«j;:ite strength of the whole assemhhige of stays, 48 ill niimher, is 1344- toil'* net. By the rosohition of torcos this affords 628 J tons of vertical lifting power. Riverward, the stays pass in straight lines, directly from tlie saddle to the roadway, passing down the inclined plane formed ])y the suspenders, and to which they are seized at the crossings. Landward, they are stayed to the cahles; and since contraction 'and expansion, under the van'ous clianges of temj)erature, nuist affect them er gU3s offer a more direct resistance to it. They check i>otii the verticd and transverse motion. As fur as hoth stays and guys reach, /.«.'., half-way t<> tlie centre, there is little or no vihratiun. Heyond this tlic guys alone extend two- thirds of the way to the centre, and owing to their great length there must necessarily ho some movement, but it is limited to the expansi(Mi of the nuiterial. from changes of temperature, and to the sagging of the rope under different degiees of strain. Within these limits tiio wind can sway the platform, but it can do no harm. . , • The number of guys attaciied is fifty-four. Of these twenty- eight are on the upstream and twenty-six on the downstream side, the wind being stronger down than up the river. Some go out horizontally to the top of the ('iff, some go down vertically, hut the greater numbc^r occupy an inclined position, reaching down to large boulders embedded in tlie slope of the bank. In Spring it is iiitendeil to add a few more guys, stretching all the way to the centre, w ith compensating adjustment for changes of temperature. These guys are made of the same size rope as that used tor the suspenders. Atogether, they contain a reserve power of 540 tons, and offer a resistance of 200 tons to the wind, whichever way it blows ; and yet, to all appearance they are mere gossamer threads, scarcely visible to the naked eve. The ropes used for the stays, susj^enders anors 12xlti inchos in each (•(►rner of tho pyramid, iJ'avin^ a sj)aco of ono inch liotwcon thoni for vontihition, through whicli tlio connoi-ting holts pasH. Ilori/ontal girths 1) x 12 inchos bind thcni together at every ten feet in hciglit, and above tlie roadway these girtlia extend all across, l)inding the two pyramids together into one tower. A series of heavy dia- gonal traces on all four sides, cf»nd)ined with the girtlis, and Vmt- tled together, servo to keep the ]>ost9 fairly in lino, and prevent any lateral bending or vil)ration. The lower ends of these tim- bers are stepped into cast-iron shoes, having cells for tho re- ception of each p<>st. The 8hr)es are set in the solid sock in beds rut out fairly to receive them at right angles to the direction of the posts. The 16 timbers of the 4 ])08ts all come together at the top, wliero they arc crowned by a heavy cast-iron cap having 10 colls on tho under sido to receive them individually, and deep flanges on tho ujipor side, forming channels for tho reception o' the saddles and rollers which carry tho cables and stays. The timbers break joints with each other, and arc finidy bottled to- gether. Wrought-iron plates, l-12th of an inch thick, with cen- tral dowels, are i,iscrted in every butt joint. Tiie posts are so finnly built and braced as to warrant their being considered in de- tail, as short s(piare pillars or struts, having a breadth of base equal to one-fifth their height, and tlierefore not liable to bending under a heavy load. The mode of framing, too, cuts so lightly into the wood, that every single piece of timber of 12 x 12 inches may be taken as having an effective sectional area of 12 x 11, =• 132 square inchos. The crushing force of white pine being about 5,000 lbs to the S(juare inch, or 2i tons net, the weight required to crush down one of the towers will be 132 x 32 x 2i, = 10,560 tons, or forty times the weight of the permanent load it has to carry. The effective strength of pine is estimated at one-tenth of its crushing force, and hence tiie towers should be able to bear a load of ~^, -= 1,056 tons. This is four times as much as the 111 ' ' permanent load, q,nd three times as much as both the permanent and transitory load taken together. Should occasion rei:][uirc it, it will therefore be perfectly safe to SI take out any oiio of the fi»ur tinibcrH oftlie eight corner poetg and replace it bv aiiotlier, and the mode of framing jul<>j>tolane. The end resting on the right hank is five feet the highest, hut in so great a span the difference is inii)erceptihle. • The two ends of the roadway are fixed to the nx;k on either side, but the middle must necessarilv rise and full the three feet just stated. The framing is therefore adapted to this variation. It is sufficiently rigid to resist the influence of a moving load and distribute it over 100 feet of the plutform, but is not t(X» rigid to yield fairly to the necessary changes in the position of its centre. Tlie platform is wonderfully stiftene«l by a light, yet strong reticulated truss on either side, GJ feet deep, going down two feet below the road, and rising 4 J feet above it, formuig at the same time a strong })arapet for the protection of fon the lower chord of the truss, which passes under them and are fastened to it by screw-bolts. The floor is uiade of two courses of Norway pine, 1 J inch thick. Be tween it and the floor beams there is a series of horizontal braces acting with the floor to keep the bridge in line. The upper chord is C x 7i inches, made of two pieces of pine 3x6 inches, covered with an oak cap 7xlJ inches, breaking joints, and bolted together. Tension braces from the floor beams to this chord serve to keep the truss in a vertical position. The lower cliord is also made of pine 6x8 inches, in two pieces of 3 X 8 inches, and under them a wrought-iron channel bar Ox k inch, with flanges turned downwards two inches deep^ and weigh- ing 30 lbs to the lineal yard. These channel bars extend all across from shore to shore. The joints are fished with cr^vering plates 15 X 5 X I inches, and eight screw bolts to each joint, the )mIm beiii^ Hlottt'd to iiiiuw r«tr tiic coiitractiun titid cxiiuitHioii iif the iiictHl. TIiIh fuiiiu'cti<»ii of wroiiglit-imii uihUt tlio trii«M givt's* it grout luMlfHuml Htitt'nesH, a?* well as toiHili* sfroiigtli, hihI pro- veiitti tlie Htuys pulling the chonl usiiiMlcr. To couiitcnu'ttho horizontnl tiiniHt oftlio ntays, the lower chonl is graduull}' eiilurgocl from tin* point when' tlu- longest stay id Hftached, toward lM»th towern. I'lom ♦» xS inclit'sat the iniddlejt is IncreaHcd to H x 8 iiu'he^ at thisi ]>i>inr, and ono inch in added to itH width at every CO feet until the lower «hord in enlari;ed to lli X 8 inches at the landinj's. Abuttinj' blocks and transverse heaniH of oak an; bolte\('avatolane at ri^ht anj;lt»s with the direction of the anchor chains. The sides and lower edges of the anchoix have thus a tinu and even bearing a^jainst a stratinu of rock six feet in thick- ness, and the top l»(»ars a^^ainst a large key -stone jdaced over the chains which, as it were, lfiillv irrouteil. 8u as perfectly to fill all cavities. On the !Xew Vork side the anchors are similarly set in ii niait of solid masoTirv, the course of the chains beinix lined throur and cover for the chains, and bv means (»f bond stones and the adhesion of the cement, to bind the whole mass together as one soli«l stone. The bodvof masonrv in both anchorairt^s below the uld have to be moved, and the total resistance opposed to the tlirect strain of the cables and stays will not be less than 2400 tons. On the Canada side, the an(;hora have a linn hold of the solid rock, and the resistance is incalculably greater. The weight of the bridge, and its greatest load, 803 tons, will j)roduce a maximum strain of 705 tons upon the cables and stays but one-tenth of this strain is thrown down vertically on the bearing stones where the cables enter the ground, by virtue of the change of direction of that point. Hence the greatest pull upon the anchors cannot exceed 684J tons, and as inis strain scarcely exceeds one-fourth of the dead weight opposed to it, it is appa. rent that the anchorages cannot be disturbed or in any way afiected by the greatest tension of the cables and stays. . • 24 THE STREN'OTH OF THE BRIDGE. The cables, as they hung freely between the towers, before they were loaded with the roadway, formed u pure t*atenuriaii curve, the properties of which are well known to the niatheniati. cian; but when the roadway was added, which in any suspension bridge is much, or many times greater than the weight of the cables themselves, their primitive character was changed, and under the influence of an equally distributed load they assumed the form of a parabolic curve. The difference between these two curves, in deducinjj: the strength of the bridge, is inconsiderable, but in calculating the lengths of the suspenders, and fixing the curve of the roadway, it cannot be disregarded. The parabola gives the readiest means of finding them, and the lines it furnishes approximate more nearly to the curve of equilibrium. A foreshortened view of the br'.dge, as seen from either bank, brings out the harmony of these lines in a very ogreeable manner. THE CABLES. A y 1 D I \ / c X ^y • To find the length of the arc A C B considered as a parabolic curve : Let *S' = J. 6' = half the arc. y == AD'= half the span. X ^=M J) C = the depression of cables at centre. y^^m^^ry^ y + ^4:?n* + y'' Theii accurately, S =^ + m. log. — —- 4 7?i € 2 m The symbol log. standing for the hyperbolic logarithm. By the equation to the parabola : 2/5=-= 4: m X, . and — — 4 ?7i — the parameter. X The vertical deflection of the cables at medium teinjjerature is 91 feet, consequently the swayed cables have an inclinef 100,000 lbs on the scpiare inch, and the regis- try of tests proves tiiat on the whole they greatly exceeded that limit. While the rf>pe3 were being made at Gateshead, I wit- nessed the breaking of one of the wires by direct weights and lever power. Tlie guage was .154 inch. The weight per fathom .376 lbs, per yard .188 lb.- It broke with a weight of 1,920 lbs. Since a bar of wrought-iron, one yard long and one inch square, weighs ten pounds, we haye -1'^ = 53.2 wires of this size to the square inch, and the strength of the wire is 53.2 X 1,920 = 102,144 lbs per sipuire inch. The strength of the rope by this single test is therefore 133 X 1,920 =- 255,360 lbs — 127.660 tons. Deducting 5 per cent, tor rope making — 6.384 " B =. 121.295 " It is fairly within bounds to assume that the breaking strain is 121 tons, anry loads taken to- gether do not exceed one-fourth the breaking weight. Let /* = the weight of the bridge = the permanent load. L = the greatest load admissable upon it. T =- the factor of tension in cables and stays produced by the permanent and transitory loads P and Z. B = breaking weights of cables and stays. Then allowing a strain of 25 per cent of the breaking strains, the greatest load : B Z" r 4 T 29 By snhstitution for cables: 1694 Z -=, 107.60 ^ 66.37 tons. 4 X 1.81 and by substitution for stays : 1344 Z 95.40— 61.37 tons. 4 X 2.14 max. load on bridge - - 127.74 net tons. . While tlieretbre a load of 127.74 tons equally distributed, would not strain the ropes more than 25 i)er cent of their full strength, there can be no doubt of their sufficiency to sustain safely the load of one hundred tons, for which the bridge was designed. In point of fact, in the course of construction, the cables were put to a test which is er|uivalent to this load. Betbre any of the stays, which carry one-half the load were stretched, before they relieved the cables of any part of it, the cables alone sustained tor some weeks during the storms ot autumn nearly the whole weight of the bridge. The dead w^eight they bore at such disadvantage, including their own, was 211 tons. Their deflection at that time being 88.80 feet, the strain produced by this load was 391 tons, equal to 28 x tons upon each rope, the same as that of the maximum load \ of 100 tons. In this way, therefore, the cables have already been tested to the full strain of the maximum load. THE EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE. It is assumed that under the modifying influence of the Falls, the greatest cold will not be below zero of Fahrenheit, and the greatest heat will not exceed 100 degrees by the same scale. The range of temperature provided tor in the adjustment of the levels and the construction of the roadway was 100*^ Fah't. The length of the cables exposed to atmospheric changes is 1800 ft. It is known by exjjeriments that wrought iron expands .0012 parts of its length between the freezing and the boiling points of water, that is, between 32? and 212'^, equal to a range of 180 degrees. The expansion ot the cables for 100° range of temperature is therefore ||g x 1800 x .0012= 1.20 feet in the whole length. By (2) .38 : .98 : : 1.20 : 3.09. 30 Tliftt is, tlie increase (»i' 1.20 jti tlie lengtli of tlie rabies will produce an increase in the dofkction (.f'.S.OO t'oet, wliicli is the rise and fall of the bridge due to changes of temperature alone. THE KFFKCrS OF THK WIND. It would seem as if every wind that blows rusjios into the chasm crossed by this bridge with re(lonbl<.»d force. Winds that are but gentle breezes on the land strike the bridge with the force of a brisk gale, and a gale on land becomes a storm on the water. They press through the gorge as through a funnel, with increased velocity and power. Even in calm weather ]»nlfs of wind come lip from the mysterious depths of the P^dls as from the cave of ^olus, surcharged with spray, and then there may be seen, in sunshine, the new plienomenon ot a rainbow both over and un DiRKCTORS O/* t/lC XlAC.ARA FaLLS SUAPENSIOK Bridge Companv, and tn the President and Directors o^<^ Clifton S('!*rEN;*K>N' Briikje CoMPANr: Gentlemen — Your bridge Ininj^ now ready to ^i)e opened for public travel, and completed in all particulars, except a few comparatively unim- portant oncH, I avail myself of this occasion to report to you in writing the results of my connection with the undertaking as Con- sulting Engineer. In May last your chief Engineer, ^Ir. Samuel Keefer, invited me to examine the plans which he had pre))ared for the work, and I spent a week in carefully revising his calculations of the strains, and of the dimensions to meet those strains, and in the examina- tion of the cables and ropes which had been prepared, and of the towers, then nearly completed. At this time I expressed to you verbally the following opinion: That the plans had been prepared in the most complete manner, including the most minute details, and that they had been ar- ranged of the most ample strength in every part to sustain the greatest load or strain to which they would be piubjected undei any circumstances, and four times as great as that which the heaviest contemplated load would impose. I also found that the arrangement of the whole structure, and of its various parts, had been admirably adjusted so as to produce the desired strength with no unnecessary outlay. The cables and ropes, which had been purchased by Mr. Keefer in England, from R. S. Newall