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But Scri])ture attirms that a man wrestled .icith Jacob, and jmwailed 7iot,— the very opposite to tho view taken by commentators in general. Jacob wrestling with a man. and a man wrestling with Jacob, are two totally ditferent tbings ; in the form- er case Jacob tries to overcome the man, in the latter case the man tries to ovcj'come Jacob.* The whole history of Jacob is wonderful, show- , * See Notes on Geiwdx, etc., by C. H. M., an admiraWo (yet J not infallible) work of deep spiritual research, and moist ueetnl to eveiy Student of the Word of God. The whole history of Jacob is noticed in this work, wath .-^-iews on this portion oi it einular to those above. ingon tho one Imnd tlio imrposo of God's l|h. « graco, a..d on tho other, an onorgetic, cunning, dt- | ^^ coitt'ul churaotoi— human nature at its NVor«t- and n^ ^^ yet this was the man that tho Lord loved (soe.Kom. f| ^.^^^ i» 11-13). Well may wo say with the Apostle, ' | /t^ ^^ '«0 the depth of tho rielies hoth of the wis.lom and |f ^^< knowledge of Gad ! how unsearchable arc His judg- f. ^ ^^ mcnts,and His ways past rinding out 1 " (Jiom.x\.33). The more dei)rave(l a man is, the more does God's grace shine in his deliverance from condomnati(m: wonderful verso— lie hath not l.eheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath He Been perverseness in Is- rael " (^Ximbers xxiii. 21), is tho forerunnerof those ^ ^^^^.^^^ blessed truths, bringing rest and peace to the sinnor'B |. ^.^^^ ,,ul. through tho perfect sacrificeof Christ. '-There f-r-^^ .^^ ^ lias a ^ ^^'toset walkin aitht'u !ihis pa •sins w; MS liiit kliorne of Goc to ace I ithie ac ho con dom a soul, tnrougn luo p is therefore now no conoemnativ^n to them which are in Christ Jesus" {liomans viii. 1). " Aud hy Him. all that believe are justiried from all tiiinos, from which ye could not be justitiod by the law of Moses" (Acts xiii. 39). *' He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of tho world. . . Vn whom also after that yo believed, yo were s^saled with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the ear-i ^ nest of our inheritance." etc. (is>/i. i. 3-14). What r^>^^ i^^ afoast to tho poor sinner's soul are these verses,Avheni^'^^ ^^ received into the heart by faith with all ^^^^^^i^^^)' '|ri^i^ ^ Let it be understood clearly that tho above qaotw-|«J^^^^^^^ tions show the exceeding grace of God; and ^hati ^^ although Ho does not see sin on tho believer (f*^,'"» -^ \ his sins were laid on Christ on tho cross) Ho ^^oe^T .^^^ BOO sin in the believer, for he sins daily and hourly,! ^^^^^^ and it is these sins that we have to confess to Godj'v h I's sovoroi^'n |^^»'^^ <^^^" ^""^'"""^''" ^"'^ •'^^" '" ^^''^^ *'"^^ ""^ '*** liiv dir^ J^Jroken. Nogloctod confo^^si()n noon hrin^s (hirkuosH ^w""lt^''and |of s'>ul and ubstmoeof bpiritiial coiniuuDioii. AVl.on- Vfljuojn R«ver wo sin, wc leave the privileges under Ww law ^^ \'^Jj'!W liberty, 'and enter int.. Londago, '' servantn of "isdoin and r^'" " (^'-"^^'"^' ^''- 1<^)- ^^''^^'" '"'"^ ^""^''''' ""'' ''""* ^'"^ "* . , I'ito our FaMior, wo arc set free from this l)ondjigo. and ,vGilx^m^-u^^ br- .^-.t again into the freedom of cliiklren valking in conununion Avilh their Fatlier. The aithl'ulness and justice of Ciod is al>o nientione ^.^^^ ^^_^^ promised hy God througli Christ, and "Ho ) Wl^ arcHisjiid (Bom.K'\.33). ■ redoes(.Toas idenuiati i(» .»% 9 foolislincss and helplessness witliout the Lord — as iilso Job did when God revoalod Himself to him : he exclaimed — "I have hoard of Theoby the hear- ing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth Tliee. Where- fore I abhor my^^olf, and repent in dust and aslies" {Job xlii. 5, G). It is at this moment that thcLord ^ays— '' Let Me ao ". And for 'at rea.son was this but to stimulate Jacob to supplicate a blessing from Him ? So Clod says — ''■ I will yet for tliis be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it foii tiie^i " (Ezek- iel xxxvi. 37) ; and again, Jesus, in the journey to Emmaus, '• made as though He would have gone further" {Luke xxiv. 28), and this was simply to make the two dist-iplos a^k Jesus to abide with them. It is written— "Ask, and it ^su^ll bo given you; seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" {Luke xi. 9). Again, "There- fore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, uelieve that ye receive them, iind ye shall have them " {Mark xi. 24). Note also those precious verses in Ephcskuis i. 17-23. If be- lievers had more faith in pleading with Gi)d with His own Word and promises, what might they not accomplish : the ])rayer of the poor Jew may ever be on our lips, "Lord, I believe; help Thou my unbelief" {Mark ix. 24). Jacob, being humbled, and finding now utter nothingness and helplessness in himself— his thigh being out of joint — sees his necessity for seeking strength from tho Lord, and says, "I will not lot Thee go, except ^Thou bless me " {verse 26). He (2-B) Ili^^ |! 10 clings now ;to the jLord, his only hope; in what niunner, wo lind thus recited-'' Yea, he had power over the angel, and prevailed ; ho wept, and made supplication unto him " {Hosea xii. 4). Now Jacob prevailed, for the Lord loves to be constrained to bless by the importunity of the prayers of thopo who earnestly seek Messing from a deep sense of their want of it ; roa, but 1811 AEL (verse 28). His old name, typical of all evil, is now taken away: he gets a new name, and a marvellous change of i i • V th •f \4 (•t in what ad power iid made ow Jacob rained to of thopo » sense of :)finstriic- its object, 5-8. his indeed 10 Lord to his name, iiswer, V)ut c meaning nter ! ! In don of sin;, ob's previ- specially). ingel now cter 80 as Ind of the time aH it Romans x. jonfcsHion ? ) true con- m the bond- saint, and neeforth to (verse 28). aken away: , change of 11 position. So is it now the glorious privilege of every sinner who believes in Christ as his own Savi- our, with the hoarl-grasp of a loving 'faith. lie immediately becomes cleansed and forgiven ; it is u present salvation, not a future one, as is written — *' [The Father] who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son ; in whom we have redemption through His blood, even tholforgivonoss of sins " (Colossians I 13, 14). " Unto Him that loveth us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us a kingdom, — priests unto God and His Father ; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever " (Revelation i. 5, 6). How won- derful, how gracious, how incomprehensible, save to those taught by the Spirit of God, are these words ; but to such, how inexpressibly blessed ! And Jacob asked, " Tell me, I pray thee, thy name ? " (verse 29). He does not at this moment get this question answered, but he does got a bless- ing. A parallel passage occurs in Judges xiii. 18, where Manoah asks the name of the Angel of the Lord. The answer then given was, that the name was secret or ivonderful, showing that the Angel was the Lord Himself (see Isaiah ix. 6). It is not always that the Lord reveals Himself when giving a blessing to a [sinner's soul ; faith is often ;)rwe<:? before the realization of the truths of the Gospel is given, but which, when given, causes the soui TO rejoice ■ wiiii joy aur^puaKiiwiu an^ i«ii of glory " (1 Peter i. 8). 'jaqvo are many who pray for salvation. This is a mistake. If they read God'» I' 12 Word careluUy, tliey will find that salvation is free- ly offered io all who will take it. The message is, "Whosoever WILL, lot hiin take of the water of lil'c freely" (BeveUtion xxii. H). How can the Lord offer salvation more freely tlian this? And yet how often is a poor sinner told by Satan that salvation is offered only to those whom God elects ? We do indeed read in God's Word that lie has an elect people, saints, according to foreknowledge (1 Peter i. 2), but there is no such thing in God's Word .as reprobation, or a people elected to be damned ; for God says, "JJe is not willing that ANY should perish " (2 Peter iii. 9). Every soul in hell will tind that it came there of its own act and will, but never find that God sent it there; Christ says, A man loses his own soul {3ratthew xvi. 26). Similar truth re- garding man's responsibilicy is taught in Proverbs viii. 30. God sent His Son Je.-^us to bo a " propitia- tion for the sins of the WaiOLE worhl " (IJo/mii. 2). Jesus came a ransom for ALL (1 Timothj n. 6), both Jews and Gentiles,— not for all the elect people of God only, as some false teachers would have it, thus adding to God's Word, against which God especially warns us {Deuteronomy xi. 32), etc. Thus seeing that Jesus died, and by Ills shed blood He became a ransom for ALL, both the saved and unsaved, none need perish if they truly believe in Him (see 2 Peter ii. 1). God is even NOW BE- SEECHING us to bo reconciled to Him (2 Corinthi- xiM v. 20). These ai-e truths that God gives us, leaving no excuse for the sinner, who finds himself ix lost soul. But how differently some men teach, "« 1 )n is frco- 388ago is, water of ' can the IB ? And atan that 0(1 elects ? Lo has an vvledge (1 od'ttWord damned ; ^Y should II will lind but never man loses ti'dth re- i Proverbs " propitia- (1 John ii. Vimothj ii. [ the elect Lcrs would inHt which i. 32), etc. • His shed li the saved uly believe NOW BE- (2 Corinthi- i gives US, Dds himself men teach, *9 13 tisscrting that a sinner must wait, and remain wil- fully in 8in,nntil God calls him ; that he is unable to accept the free salvation of God without some fancied special message from Him, when Ho dis- tinctly tells us in His Word that He commands all men everywhereto repent {Acts xvii. 30); and if a man believes not God's written message, neither would he believe though one rose from thedoad (Liikexyi. 31). Such false teaching is pleasant to the natural mind of man, for it places responsibility on God, and puts away from themselves the duty of listen- ing to and following the commands of God ; so they continue in sin, waiting for a call from God; a mgn, just like the Pharisees of old, spoken of in Matthexo xvi. 4—" A wicked and adulterous genera- tion secketh after a sign ; and there shall be no sign ^iven unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas"; the sign of Jonas being that of death and resurrec- tion— -a type of salvation through Christ. One of the most successful delusions of the devil is this, by which he tempts souls to put off to a future time the acceptance of God's freely offered salvation. Othere again teach poor sinners that salvation is a state that comes by degrees, and so, l>y little and little, we become better and bettev ; and so at last we may attain to such a state of faith in Christ, and good works for Christ, that they may win eternal life. The Lord's own children are often robbed of peace by listening to the subtlewhisperingof theevil y>«.. T..>fV>/^i. «^v..ji> fojfhfiilh' Imliftvlnfy God'aown word. To pray that we may/eei that we are saved, be- fore wc have truly believed, is another way of wish- t 14 ing to be saved without faith. True faith in God^n promises must eomo first : assvronce of salvation is the reward of true aud steadfast faith. Many weak timid believers will be saved, who never had assur- ance There are Home who think it premmption to feel assured of eternal life. I would ask such whether it is not /ar wore presumptuous to lacc where we shall find rest, peace, sunshine, and joy. " But unto you that fear my Name shall the Sun of Righteousn'jss arise, with healing in His wingn " {Maktchl iv. 2). The more wo see of the unsearch- able riches of Christ, the morespiritual communion wo have with God, the more we realize our high position as one UHthChrist, " members of His body", so much the more shall we soo our own utter em])ti- noss and un worthiness, as Job did (c7ia/).xlii.5.6),and therefore shall wo more truly soo tho necessity of following these precepts contained in Cohssians iii. 1-17, keeping dead this old man that is still in us, and crucifying it continually, so that wo may live the life of Christ that is in us (GaMians ii. 20), separating ourselves from ovcrything that is evil, for "wo are tho temples of the living God" (2 Corinthians vi. 14-18 ; vii. 1, etc.). c I? i )on him 8. After Hiiction, 8iipi)li- ing and » Jacob's iial i'om- itual dis- 1 give,— o Jacob he found brought waiting, ly ])lacc and joy. le Sun of wingH " msearch- nmunion mv high is ^'Ody", cr em])ti- .5,6),and essity of 'SsiaM iii. nil in lis, may live s ii. 20), ,t IH eVix, God" (2 I I 19 What gloriouH rest it in for those believers who can realize these wonderful truths uttered by our Saviour, " Verily, verily, I say unto you, "He that hcareth my word, and bolieveth on llini that sent Mo, IIATII EYEELASTING LIFE, u.mI shall not come into condemnation; but IS PASSED from death unto life" (.Mn -v. 24). Al.iO, ''My sheep hear My voice, and 1 know them, and they folhtv/ Me: and l^give unto them eternal life, and they shall NEVEll jterish, jieithei* shall any man phick them out of my hand " {John x. 27, 28). So also hy Peter, " Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Chi'ist, which a^'cording to His abundart mercy hath begotten us again untoalively hope bo the resurrec- tion of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritaneo incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadcth not away, EESEIIVEJ) in heaven tor vou, who are K lOPT m THE POWER OF GOD through faiih unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now foi- :i sea- son, if need be, ye are in heaviness through mani- Ibld temj)tations : that the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold t\vut perisiieth, though it bo tried with fire, might be fotind utito praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ " (1 Peter i. 3-7). But this peace, joy and rest, will only be ibund at the feet of Jesus, — entire separation from every un- clean thing, entire coming out from all the follies, vanities. Avovhlliness, hisi of the flesh, pride f>f life, every appearance of evil, and setting our aHeetions on things above, daily ''washing our foot "' by the ^^ 20 "water of tho word ". If wo really follow God'n Word, w© cannot have any iViondslui> with tho WORLD, under any excuse wlmtover : IN IT, a» witnensort of tho truth, and of Josuh— as " living ^jpiHlloH " read of all men, but not OF IT. (Head carefully Jo/m xiii. 10, Eiihcsiansx. 2^,2 Corinthians V. 14-21, Jdjnes iv. 4, and 2 Tivwthij iii. 1-5). Thou it is that "tho work of righteousness shall bo peace ; and tho oti'eet of righteousness, quietness and assurance for over" (haiah xxxii. 17). F.B. Mq. i.-l WAS ONCE A CHILD OF WRAHT. I AM NOW A CHILD OF GOD. Mq. ^'-TJHl mETfuNG WJTH JACOB. ^Q. ^.-THE'ToOK^ OF RUTH. mq. 4.-exod7s1vl^ the manna. M^. &-PEfERJjrPRJSON._ ACTS XI L Mq. e.-BAPTIoM7cC0RDI!^'P ; , ^HE HOLYJCR^PTU^REo. eT®, m-THE^BmrOF THE LAMB. WH O^ 1^ SHJ ? __ ■^Q. c^^THE MYSTIC CITIES OF SCRIP- TURT: ZION AND BABYLON. Copies of either of the above, or complete nets, tient pont free to any part of Canada or th.e Viiiteil Stfiten of Amcrlcd. JOSEPH tOVKPAY, PRINTER AND PUBLISHER, OTTAWA, CANADA. i^.