o^^.i^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I |50 ""«^ 25 1.8 1-25 1.4 1.6 .« 6" ► m <^ /}. /: ^^/ *. «.!%■ ^ 7 -^ Photographic Sciences Corporation \ d V ^ ■%i^;i:' ^-^ CONSTITUTION, ^: BY-LAWS AMD ■:$ STANDING RULES AND ORDERS Of .THE ^ .3 ^* BRITISH COLUMBIA ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY. VKTORIA, B. 0.: WM. A. CALHOUN, HOOK AN^) JOH PKINTER, FORT ST. 410 ijjjjpiiii «ni|» ,a::i.1h m $'«i»! M > OJ rjl cn I Ik 5$ I ■« J % o o CO CO O O CO o (/> OG p N ^^ ^v^StK 3 <='*^ < h ui o CO S '-J Q "^^ ^^?! •mtlH >• < h UJ QC O lU CO B. C. St. Geortre's Society. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE T. Section 1. This Society ^hall bo oallofl and known as ^'The British Columbia Saint (loorjre's Society." It is designed to be, and is, a benevolent an 1 social organiza- tion, and its special mirposes are: Tiie bringing togetiier of Englishmen for their mutual biMielit and support; and the maintenance of the British connection. 1st. To create and maintain a fund for charitable pur- poses, and to relieve sick im(^ destitute members. 2nd. To cultivate social intercourse and to promote tlie intellectual recreation and improvement of its members. 8rd. To purchase and own real estate and other prop- erty as may be ne(;essary for the purpose of the Society. ^^ A pTke^rincipal place of business of the Society sHairb2t&TfifJ«^>^ Victoria. fc?> B tf^J^Rt'TiiSSsB.g, CONSTI'llTTION. AliTKJLK 11. 8ECT10N 1. All English born subjects of the Queen, and all sons of English parents, or of an English parent, who j are British subjects, and have attained the age of eighteen years, shall be eligible for membership. Sec. 2. Any person, duly qualified, desiring to become a member of this Society shall be proposed and balloted for in tlie manner prescribed in the By-Laws; and any person who shall liave been once balloted for and rejected, shall not again be proposed for membership within three months from the iate of such rejection. ARTICLE III. Section I. Each person on admission shall pay such entrance fee and monthly dues as shall be prescribed in the By-Laws, and all funds arising therefrom, or from donations, shall, after the current expenses have been paid, be devoted solely to the objects declared in Article I. ARTICLE IV. Section 1,— The elective officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary and five directors, an Auditor and a Physician. All of said officers shall be residents of the City of Victoria, or within five miles thereof, and the four first mentioned shall be members of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE V. Section 1. The regular meetings of the Society for the transaction of business shall be held on the day prescrib- ed by the By-Laws, and at such other times as the Presi- dent shall deem necessary. ('()XSTrrrTM)N. Skc. '2. 'Vvi\ m('iMl>ers sliall (.•(Histilutc m (Hioiiiin. Hi:c .'i. Tho annual nu'ctin^ of tlu* Society si'all Im* held on the day of the monthly meeting iinniediatcly precodinjr St. Georj^c's Day every year, at whieh meeting!: the election of ottlcers shall take place. The election shall he hy hallot, and shall he decided hy i plurality of votes for each otticer. In case of an eciuali.v of V(»tes the casting vote vshall he given hy the l*res. u'lit or piesiding officer. Sec. 4. The otlicters of the Society shall iiold otiice for one year, and until their successors are elected anECORUM. 19. If any member, in speaking or otherwise, trans- gresses the Rules of the Society, the President shall, or any member may, call to order, in which case the mem- ber so called to order shall iimnediately sit down, unless permitterl to ex])lain, and if called to order by a member, such member shall immediately state the point of order. If the point of order he sustained by the Chair, the mem- ber shall not he allowed to proce^ed, but if it is not sus- tained, then he shall l)e permitted to go on. No discus- sion of a ([uestion of order shall be allowed, unless an appeal be taken from the decision of the ('hair. 20. When two or more members shall rise at once, the l*resident shall name the member who has tlie floor. MOTIONS. 21. No motion shall be del)ate(J until the same be sec- onded, and