IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) / <' €i.. % ^ Va 1.0 I.I 2.0 36 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation '23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ,\ iV « 1. ^ # Ay <^ o L
Text — ' ' Hebrews. ' ' /// e. , 4 v.
''He that built all tliinirs /s (;<)(i.''
Most Worshipful Sir, Worshipkui. Sirs, Hrkthrkn:
^?«w?T is with sincere regret tliat I have to announce that
^11^ the Hisliop of CoUnnbia is unable, throuj^h ilhiess, to
speak to us to-day, I have been asked, as Cliaphiin
of United Service Lodj^e to take his pUice.
In all relij»ious institutions there are affiliated bodies
which lay special emphasis on certain truths, and perform
special duties; associations for mutual benefit, guilds for
deepening the spiritual life.
These are not religions but the handmaids of
A Religious Faith must be based on a revelation
from (jod. Our reasoning faculties cannot prove the ex-
istence of (lod, although as a matter of inference it is
almost indisputable.
This fundamental truth, together with the other
articles of the faith, which we who are Christians prize
above all things, are based on the revelation of himself
which God has made by His vSon.
The question we will consider this afternoon is
this: Is Masonrv a Religion or an aid to the Religious
Undoubtedly the latter. It is ba.sed on the volume
of the Sacred La7c\ the revelation which God has made of
Himself to man.
It selects out of that volume certain fundamental
truths and it .sets forth, illustrates and emphasises these
truths in such a manner that they become peculiarly ac-
ceptable to men of mature age, of intelligent and thought-
ful minds, and above all of pure intentions.
It is careful not to dogmatise on matters which
separate the various branches of Christendom from each
other, while it lutila^ in one b rotherhood those who en-
deavour to carryjoutArfattvj^actipal precepts of the Divine
British Columbia
Founder of the Christian religion in zeal and sincerity; it
points them on to a more complete acceptance of Him,
who is the express image of Fathei in wiiom the fulness
of the Godhead dwelleth bodily.
What then are the fundamental truths on which so
much stress is laid ? They are contained in the text ' ' He
that built all things is God."
Brethren we are not operative but speculative
At a very early period men saw the marked resem-
blance which exists between the constructive works of man
and the vast incomprehensible works of God.
There is little doubt but that in mediaeval times
operative and speculative Masons were one.
The old guild books that have come down to us
show that the Masonic Craft was governed by religious
rules and purified by religious aspirations.
One dominant idea ran through their work as opera-
tive and as speculative Ma.sons. The Glory of (iod, the
Divine Architect of the Universe.
They sought to embody in concrete form the imper-
ishable truths which guided \\\^ great architect in produc-
ing His Mighty Works. Their ideal has never been
equalled, never snrpas.sed in subsequent tim^s,
A vital truth was impressed on every detail of con-
struction and intricacy of plan; it characterised every
aspect of the completed edifice.
If you scrutinise their work, as happily ma\ still be
done in Europe, you will find an almost perfect adaptation
of means to ends, and a most marvellous elaboraiion of
detail, full of purpose, worthy of the great theme which
these buildings were intended to teach and emphasize
*'all glory to thk most high."
The wonderful results shown in these fabrics of
stone and marble impres.sed men with a deep reverence
for the instruments by means of which they were acliieved.
These instruments became to them most instructive
symbols. For passing from the operative to the specula-
tive side of Masonry they realized that the individual in
his moral aspect is a builder.
Tliat everyone is bound to develop and improve or
lo deface and destroy the most important Fact of which
the Human Mind is coj^nisant, viz: Human Life ex-
pressed in Human Character.
Hence to them the instruments of operative Ma-
sonry symbolised the means by whicli the nearest approach
to a perfect human character can be developed. For ex-
ample the V^olume of the Sacred Law, that unerrinj^
standard of Truth and Justice, teaches the necessitv of
Rectitude, Strength, Heauty, Faith, Hope, Charity, Tem-
perance, Fortitude, Prudence, Virtue, Honor and Mercy.
FVom operative Masonry were adopted the symbols
(so familiar to us all) of these qualities by means of which
a perfect Masonic character stands.
" Four square to all the Winds of Heaven."
Heloved by God and reverenced by man.
But, alas! all Masons are not loyal to the teachings
of the Craft, some never take the trouble to realize, much
less practise the truths so beautifully symbolised.
Their work is defective, faulty. Men when they
build the pillars on the right hand and the left, which
uphold the temple of their lives, strong and erect, forget
to carve the pomegranates granates and the lily work on
the chapiters, the symbols of grace and beauty which so
distinguished the temple of Solnion.
There must be truth, and uprightness, there must
be justice and strength, there must be wisdom and power
in true Masonic character. But with these must be com-
*^ bined the graces of charity and mutual forbearance,
brotherly love and self-sacrifice, kindly feeling and
Our unfailing resources must be the Sacred Law
where we find knowledge and poiver to help us in the
arduous and difficult process of growing more and more
into the likeness of the Image of God wherein we were
originally formed.
« His Master Hand is seen in the wonderful constitu-
tion of nature in His masterpiece Man, in the adaptations
of means to ends, which are inexplicable except on the
hypothesis of a Master Hnililei, a jjieat First Cause, (how-
ever men may theorise on the tvolntionary process, hy
means ot which He brinj>[s mighty things to pass. )
His Hand is seen in the annnal provision made tor
the race, in the objects and joys of family life, in the Pro-
vidential workings in the affairs of men. "And (iod saw
everything that He had made, and behold it was very
lirethren, we too in onr several spheres are master
builders, master Masons. That which (lod calls by His
Spirit "The Temple of the Holy (Ihost," the body with its
complex c