% t \\ ^ .v^- SMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 [|JLI_ 11.25 lii|2£ 12.5 Ijj ^^ ■■■ ^ lii |22 2f 1)4 "^ £ 1^ |2.0 IE I U i L6 I 1 u •'I Hiotographic Sdences Corporation 23 WBT MAIN f TRHT WeBSTiR,N.Y. MSM (716) •72-4503 ^^% H ^1 3 1 I .¥ R mim '•— *"^«^i. iJnnS ii'T!iniff uinitrtd -"^****?4V*\^^ ..:Wi^,*>*>3^5.^ . . !.^v..^.-^^*% \' fiiV'U :r^^ 'laTKLl-l .;e.v f ;i : / 11,'^; » r ■1 ; oirr > ■ > J 1 ARTt III* ,1 • r k Sec. 1. This Society shall consist of Honorary^ Corresponding, and Ordinary Merober»,jj.. .j^j^^^,,,j Sec. 2. AH Candidates for Membership shall be proposed by a Member in writing, stating name* occupation, and residence; and ballotted for at the next ordinary meeting, a three-fourth vote being requisite to constitute an election. ART. IV, , , Sec. 1 . The Officers shall consist of a Presi- dent, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary, who shall be elected by ballot semi- annually, at the last regular meetings in June and December; and in case of a vacancy occuriing in resi- and isemi- and g in COUBTITUTION. any office, the Society shall proceed to an imme- dJAte elecUoo to fiU the same. .■tij*«!»»' >it 1 .■.. .• ' 6rc. 2. It shall be the daty of tho President to preside at all meetings of the Society, or in his absence, one of the Vice Presideritfi, or lb their atbsence, aOhahman chosea by the meethig. ' 8 KG 3. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect all moneys due, and pay all bills ordered by the Society, keep an account of all moneys received aud expended, and at the expiration of his term of office, to present a Beport of the Fi- nancial condition of the Society. Sbc. 4. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the Minutes of the Society, notify candidates of their election, register the names of the mem- bers, and perform such other duties pertaining to his office, as the Society may require of him, and at the expiration of his term, to present a Report of the general condition of the Society. Sec. 5. Any Officer absenting himself for three consecutive meetings, without a sufficient reason, shall vacate his office. •■i?iii' j-"5j^ii f^ r, rK^fititiiiios. -oinnn ifl-) t"* Tliut no additionp, alterationp, or amendmeiitr,' shall bo made to ibis Constitation, except at the semi-annual mrotin^s of the Society, of which thres weeits notice Hhall have beeq previously given, and subject to u mnjority of votes of the members thea present. C'l T-. -rT'l' 'At fjr^ tlilif il r*^.r| ;aibflii,iiii'.l) ^ts ,f)')iTl.. ;4d i i i. 'In, ■(.i>i .'•.4 otherwise ordered '"'H^t^'^^ °'^'°^^' ««less ^ held 00 the firSr "/ "'" ^"^"^ oonth, and on such «m* "' "■*'""« » ««<"• •leterniined on by a t.ilnV T"*'™^ "' ^i"" ^ •'-P^senUta^/oX^^'i^-^he^en,. ii;^\t\hfLr:ri^tr'^^^-' »f th« Committee of All™? ^' '''''""™' f '/I 8 llV-LAW.'S. Sec. 3. Time allowed each Speaker on a Dr. bate, or in reading an Essaj, shall be fifteen minutes, the Openers on Debates to hava an addi- tional five minutes to K^plj. r^ri'/' Sec. 4. The question debated at each ordinary meeting shall, after a suuiming up by the Chairman, be decided by a meyority of the members present, and at public meetings by a majority of both mem- bers and visitors present. Sec. 5. The Speakers for each Public Debate shall be selected by ballot at the ordinary meeting next preceeding such Public Debal£. J i-:.'.'iuiii ru >•» COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. ■ Seo. 1. The .Cojipmittee of Maof^geme&t shall consist of the Officers of the Society, whose duty it shall be to manage the busiiiie^s of the Society, approve subjects for Debate, appoint Speakers, except for Public Debates, and shall at every ordinary noeeting submit a d^atafole quetiCion, with speakers duly appointed; and it shall be tiie duty of the Committee to appoint an Essayist for ai least every alterntAe ordinary meeting if prt^cti- cable, ,, . ,. ., L'St •»: >tit\. i tipH' bY-LAWfci. 9 y a Dp- fifteen Q addi- irdinary lairmao, present, ^ mem' Debate meeting iHil > ;• ' L ■ ■ iat shall I duty it ociety, akers, every laetifiOn, be l^e ist for priM^i- OFFENCES. 1 1 '± !n\'ii Sec. 1. Any member who shall, at the meet- ings, make uge of improper language, or refuse to obey the President when ca)led to order, shall be fined, suspended, or expelled, at the pleasure of the Society. ' '' • " Sec. 2. No motion for the suppension or ex- pulsion of a member cap, be acted on without one week's, previous notice having^ been giyen, and shall be decided by a majofit^ o^ the members present. Art. V. . (■ ' 'S^c?'!^. The 15ntrarice Fee shall be Fifty centp, and a further Qtiarterly Snbficriptidn of Thirty- seven and a-half cents, t)ayable in advance. Seo. 2. Any imembcr being in arrears three months after being notified by the Treasurer, and neglecting to pay the' siame, shall ceaEe to be a menoiberv' '■^' ';^^:'!!■'i'^■i ■''■■ '"'-" ••'■• - ■ '■ No adiJition, atentfon,' or' amen^ineri. V can be made to these By-lawp, nor can any part thereof be repealed, without two weeks' notice and a majority of votes of the members present. I f ' ''I HULES OB ORDER. L J I .1 .oiB RULE I. . ' ,, . l^qi^o^ ,s)«fil| h% fi{^^ wAmk moved and {|^0ipi^ft4 ^ bi«,9];P^ f^K <)a»side^a!tiaQ antil' put from the Chair. . . . « . N9 iQ(>t|km ^ImII hf ; pnl from tfie'tlhair tmfess fi^b^|i||9d.m vritiQg, except a molioa to adjonrn^ tjptto Q9>liA.tabi^ oitthapi«iidoiiB(|ii6stioiu ' • /; When a member int^f^s^ tQ speak, he shall rise in his place wicovere^, 9>J^^ respectfally address hi^ remarks tp the Pife^^^l;^ C^Qft ^ms^lf tothe qi^esU^D, a^d-^vQJ^^ pjra^ji,^^^ ^l^Ottld iq9ji;^ than one member la^ tp^^ ^tj <^q j|ama tinjic^. the President 8h|dl^dipt!^noLi|||y(^ ipLq^tiU^d ^t^e door. e '.■ Members shall have thd privilege of speiOdDg' ^w|ce on apj qu^tion, butnotoileoer wtthqat tibe QOD^eut o>f the Society, and no member shall speak p\ore than oft^e* uqtil eve^y m^mbw wi^i** ^ speak shall have sppfe^n. ^,,,,., ,._,,, .,„. ., .,,,„ ... r i ., .oaB fit .B'^iui Bd and m pat r QBless stdjoarn* ft. )Ip'^i> ,f4> lall rise address ilfWthe d iiW« d liftUie iakiog Iqat tbe [U spQt^k UDg to ?5 RUIZES or ORDER. RULE IV. U r- \ U All questions, unless otherwise fixed by law, shall be determined by a majority of votes. RULE V. The President shall preserve order and decorami and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society. \, 'it'^ ' ' " " • .1^ ' , ?„ .•sniSjiitak . ' A . '•*^' RULE VI. That when the President is called upon to ex- plain a point of order, he is to state the rule appli- cable to the case without argument or comment. J RULE VII. No amendment to a motion can be received after an amendment to an amendment, unless for the previous question or for adjournment ■.imr fi*i^r- 1< ' RULE VIII. '' *''-f No alteration can be made to these rules, with- out two weeks' notice and a majority agreeing thereto, nor any rule be suspended but by a like vote, and for the evening only. /•,■■■■, JIJ. 'Mlr^i'iitJf*!.^! Hr> ftr^i '...tiiVi-t'c^*- ^-*«■.•«"J»»'.- w. .-•f-' .4. ['■ I l-.f ; f .nana*'! -lO «h.1!>i .71 .'1,17;? ,7;iil vd IjozA c^pTf/uiio «i-5f,irT ,!j.ciolJ?.oi!p IIA .aylov 10 v/hoj/iffi £ ^d fooniimslyb od llsila ,aij;iiooiii him 'id'-m t;7'vr>a'-«q Ifarfa ifloWsoi'I 94'!' iKj 0^ ^oet,^r/B ,'ra5io lo gi^WROJip bhhoh llaiin bur iaoiujT'iTofb.i 'iQl io ml^aH^p Fuobmq tjiii -ilHv/ ^sIl'i o?,9di ?>t sroit cd csj iioMfiia^lB o'51 oifil «} vi! jOiO'f^uJi M%Mp^ -•■..■ l^bj ■' - ■:# ^ r:- ?H' ■I ,i (Dtitartn iritBrarij IntiHti. LIST OF MEMBERS. OFFICERS. . . : • President— it, /J. ALHulilUUU, Aimuliuut. T^^'7?7aSi,^.A, Ut Vict PrewdcHt— mfcJtBQiHiwiujj ^'^'^'^^'^^^ 7?tcyyfi 2nd F»c« Pre««rf«»»t— ( Treasurer — ^Daniel Spry, Secretary — M. Willoughby, Jr. '■■ ,:.' ■• ■:(!.' -*;iv ( ■.>.'■■- • .I' i .1 .r«i • !;f ■ .i"''. '*' HONORAKY. R. A. Uarrisua, B.C.L. James Beatty, Esq., Barrister. E. Wiman, Esoy Press. , ^ _ /; COKKUSl'ONDIXU. G. F. Belling, D.D.S., Loudon, England, M. Sweetiaiii, P. O. In^p., Kingston. James J. Hunter, M.D., Newmarket.' D. McKiunon, Student at Law, Hamilton. W. A. Castleman, M.D., Aultsoille. T. C. Walton, Lanark. /I -'A . »i 14 LIST Ui' MEMBEUH. ■i\ ,; A ^' ORDINARY '7B}iifi) Aloxaader, Honry Allen, C. VV., Anderson, W. Jieresfoid, W. H. Bunting, 0. W. Badanack, Win., Campbell, John Coulsun, Duncan Coldwell, M. Cullen, Wm. Dorrau, W. M. ^ - Downey J. Eastwood, D. S. Emery, G.W. - Foster, W. A. F'anagau, Wm. Fuller, Thomas Freeman, J. Graham, Alexander Griffith, W. E. Grey, Robert Hamilton, J. C, B Hay, Henry E. Hays, Howard Higgius, Moore, A. Hunter, Robert Harden, L. Jaggor, W. H. •, Kiug,E.F. .; lU Hik'\Cr Morgan, 0. J. Maughan, J. Murdoch, E. Miller, W. H. MosH, ThooQi^'p, B.A. Vtunro, Alexander M. McKinnon, D. 0. McGillivrdy, W. L. Mackenzie, G. Pollock, Charles Rattmy, W. J., B.A. Rattray, F. A. ^. Rowsell, H. Rutherford, Alex. Rogers. S., Sale?, Jules Smart, W H, G. Smith, Alexander Spry, Daniel Sullivan, R. Stewart, J. C Smitb, JariioK E. Sullivan, W. B., Turner, J. Weir, W. . ^. Wiman, E. Walker, John Willoughby, M. Wright James, i'^ .1,1 .21 «. "% *U-'' 1. /S/3^f )ii(3) \ -ttf-' 3Sf 'i * ■ ^ J !i • -s mJ| ^ i ! . i ■^^■li J j^;