4W IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 4i & o *j ^ M- ,<° WJ'.. V .y ///. r r y Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV iV # \ \ ' % v^ ' ' The promise you made Him was liever kept When dowir by the grave-side you mourned and wept ; Turn to Him now and His free grace accept ; O will you not come to Him now ? 3 Darkness is deepening, and oh, 'tis so late ! Jesus is calling you now ; What if the Spirit left you to your fate ? Jesus is calling you now. Escape for thy life, tarry not, soul, Escape for your life, you may miss the goal ; " And if you miss it, what horrors, O soul I will you not come to Him now? 4 1 WILL you come, will you come, with your poor broken heart, Burdened and sin-oppressed ? Lay It down at the feet of your Saviour and Lord Jesus will give you rest. ' Ref.— Oh, happy rest ! sweet, happy rest ! Jesus will give you rest. Oh ! why won't you come in simple,' trusting faith ? ^ »' Jesus will give you rest. II OOSFEL TENT UYMNS. 2 Will you come, will you come ? there is mercy Balm for your aching breast ; [for you, Only come as you are, and believe on His name, Jesus will give you rest. 3 Will you come, will you come ? you have nothing Jesus, who loves you best, [to pay ; By His death on the cross purchased life for Jesus will give you rest. [your soul, 4 Will you come, will you come ? how He pleads Fly to His loving breast ; [with you now ; And whatever your sin or your sorrow may be, Jesus will give you rest. 6 " 1 QOFTLY and tenderly Jesus is calling, lU Calling for you and for me ; See, on the portals He's waiting and watching,' Watching for you and for me. Cho. — Come home, come home. Ye who are weary, come home ; Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling, O sinner, come home ! 2 Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading. Pleading for you and for me ? Why should we linger and heed not His mercies ? Mercies for you and for me. 3 Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing, Passing from you and from me ; Shadows are gathering, death-beds are coming, Coming for you and for me. 4 Oh ! for the wonderful love He has promised, Promised for you and for me ; Tho' we have sinned, He has mercy and pardon, Pardon for you and for me, INVITATION. 1 TESUS bids you come, Jesus bidri you come, Now for you He's interceding, Gently at thy heart He's pleading, • * Come unto Me, come unto Me." 2 Jesus bids you come, Jesus bids you come, Weary trav'Ier, do not tarry, Jesus will thy burdens carry, Oh, will you come ? Oh, will you come ? 3 Jesus bids you come, Jesus bids you come. Voices may not always call you, ** Late, too late," may yet befall you, Why will ye die ? Why will ye die ? " 7 (( 4 Jesus bids you come, Jesus bids you come. Where 'tis love and joy forever, Where we'll meet to part, no, never, Sinner, come home, oh, come, come home. 7 1 TJARK ! the Saviour's voice from heaven J.l Speaks a pardon full and free ; Come, and thou shalt be forgiven ; Boundless mercy flows for thee — Even thee ! 2 See the healing fountain springing From the Saviour on the tree ; Pardon, peace, and cleansing bringing, Lost one, loved one, 'tis for thee— Even thee! 3 Hear His love and mercy speaking, ** Come, and lay thy soul on Me ; Though thy heart for sin be breaking, I have ret t and peace for thee— Even thee I " m f OOSPEL TENT HYMNS. ♦ 4 Sinner, come, to Jesus flying, From thy sin and woe be free ; Burdened, guilty, wounded, dying. Gladly will He welcome thee— Even thee ! 5 Every sin shall be forgiven, r.u^,^^^i through grace, a child shalt be ; Child of God and heir of heaven, Yes, a mansion waits for thee— Even thee I 6 Then in love forever dwelling, Jesus all thy joy shall be ; And thy songs shall still be telling All His mercy did for thee— Even thee ! 8 Cho. 1 nOME, ye sinners, poor and wretched, \J Weak and wounded, sick and sore ; Jesus ready stands to save you. Full of pity, love, and power ; He is able, He is willing ; doubt no more. -Turn to the Lord and seek salvation, Sound the praise of His dear name ; Glory, honor, and salvation, Christ the Lord has come to reign. 2 Come, ye needy, come, and welcome, God s free bounty glorify ; True belief, and true repentance, Every grace that brings us nigh, Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He requireth. Is to feel your need of Him : This He gives you ; . Tis the Spirit's rising beam. 9 INVITATION. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Bruised and mai^led by the fall ; If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all : Not the righteous. Sinners Jesus came to call. 5 Lo ! the incarnate God, ascended, Pleads the merit of His blood : Venture on Him, venture wholly, Let no other trust intrude ; None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners good. 9 1 W anderer from Jesus, weary, ead and lone, Hear Him gently calling now for thee ; ,^r ^?f P^^^ious promise to the erring one, 1 will love you fieely : come to Me." CHO.-^We are coming, loving Saviour, We are coming in our wretchedness and woe ; Oh, receive us ! oh, relieve us ! Do the fulness of Thy grace on us bestow. 2 He wiUlove you freely, your backslidings heal ; -tie will turn your darkness into day : Pleasant paths of peace the Spirit will reveal He will lead you in the King's highway. ' 3 Wanderer from Jesus, why not now return ' Why m sm and darkness longer stay ' Hasten to the feet of Jesus, there to leara All about the life, the truth, the way. 10 1 ARE you coming Home, ye wanderers, n horn Jesus died to wiu?--- All footsore, lawie, e^nd wpary, Sfour garments stained wiib gin? i i,-» li i l;;i.jni^j i |i ii ^|ljlin»pi ,, , wmm 10 GOSPICL TENT HYMNS. Will you seek the blood oi Jesus To wash your garments white ? Will you trust His precious promise ? Are you coming Home to-night ? Are you coming Home to-night ? Are you coming Home to-night? Are you coming Home to Jesus, Out of dai'kness into light ? Are you coming Home to-night ? Are you coming Home to-night? To your loving heavenly Father, Are you coming Home to-night ? 2 Are you coming Home, ye lost ones ? Behold, your Lord doth wait : Come then ! no longer linger ! Come, ere it be too late ! Will you come, and let Him save you ? Oh, trust His love and might ! Will you come while He is calling ? Are you coming Home to-night ? 3 Are you coming Home, ye guilty, Who bear the load of sin ? Outside you've long been standing, Come now, and venture in ! Will you heed the Saviour's promise, And dare to trust Him quite ? — ** Come unto Me ! " saith Jesus : Are you coming Home to-night ? 11 1 JESUS is pleading with thy poor soul. Will you be saved to-night ? If you believe. He will make thee whole, Will you be saved to-night? Tenderly, lovingly hear Him say» How can you grieve Me from day to day Will you go on in the same old way, Or will yoit be saved to-night ? INVITATION. Jl 2 Jesus has died oa %he cross for thee, ? Will you be saved to-night ? How can thy heart so ungrateful be ? Will you be saved to-night ? Now He will save thee by grace divine, Now, if you will, you may call Him thine. Will you the follies of sin resign ? Oh, will you be saved to-night ? 3 Jesus is knocking at thy closed heart, Will you be saved to night ? What if His Spirit should now depart ! Will you be saved to-night ? Over and over His voice you hear. Softy it falls on thy list'ning ear. Will you reject Him, this Friend o dear. Or will you be saved to-night ? 4 What if that voice you should hear no more ? Will you be saved to-night ? Say, Now I'll open the bolted door, Save me, Lord, to-night ! Blessed Redeemer, come in, come in, Pity my folly, forgive my sin, Now let Thy work in my soul begin. For I will be saved to-night. 12 1 T WAS once far away from the Saviour, X And as vile as a sinner could be, I wondered if Christ the Redeemer Gould save a poor sinner like me ; I wandered on in the darkness, Not a ray of light pould 1 see, And the thought filled my heart with sadness, There's no hope for a sinner like me. 2 But there in that dark, lonely hour A voice sweetly whispered to me. Saying Christ the Redeemer hath power ^ To sav^ a poor sinner like thee ; h GOSPEL TENT HYMNS. I listened, and lo ! 'twas the S^aviour ' ■ Who waa speaking so kind to me ; I cried, I'm the chief of sinners, Thou canst save a poor sinner like me. 3 Fully then trusted I. in Jesus, And ! what a joy came to me ; My heart was filled with praises For saving a sinner like me ; No longer in darkness I'm walking, For the light is shining on me, And now untb others I'm telling How he saved a poor sinner like me. 4 I will tell to the glory of Jesus As long as I live here below% How He saves me and keeps me from sinning, How His blood washes whiter than snow ; And when this life's journey is over, And I the dear Saviour shall see, I will praise Him for ever and ever, For saving a sinner like me. 13 1 n PRODIGAL, don't stay away ! \J The Father is waiting to-day ; There's room and to spare, There's raiment to wear, prodigal, don't stay away. Cho. — Will you come, will you come? Will you come, come home to-day ? Will you come ? There is welcome for you. There's a kiss kind and true ; Then, O prodigal, don't stay away. 2 O prodigal, brother, come home ! Why longer in wretchedness roam ? You're lonely and lost, You are driven and tossed ; O prodigal, brother, come home. &•< INVITATION. 1^ 14 3 prodigal, what will you do ? Love's table is waiting for you ; Forgiveness so sweet, Sure, your coming will greet ; prodigal, what will you do ? 4 prodigal, brother, arise ! For pardon, look up to the skies ; No longer, then, stray From thy Father away ; prodigal ]brother, arise. 1 rpHE door of God's mercy is open 1 To all who are weary of sin, And Jesus is patiently waiting, Still waiting, to welcome you in. C HO.— Come, says the Saviour, come enter the gate, I watch by the portals both early and late, Lest some precious soul, Not far from the gotl, Should wander away into darkness and hate, And miss it forever, the pearly gate. 2 The world is e'er wantonly wooing Your soul from the ways of the blest. But Jesus is tenderly bidding You turn to His heavenly rest. 3 So many who hear the glad message, Will never its mandates obey, But turn from the precious, dear pleadings, And wilfully wander away. 4 Sad hearts there will surely be moaning Outside of the gateway of life, And praying to Him they rejected When earth with gay pleasure was rife. £ 5 The door of God's mercy is open. Invitingly open to all Who list to the voice of the Master, And hearing shall heed His swee call . 14 GOSPEti TENT HVMNS. 15 16 1 QINNERS, turn, why will ye die ? U God, your Maker, asks you why ? God, who did your beiug give, Made you with Himself to live ; He the fatal cause demands, Asks the work of His own hands, Why, ye thankless creatures, why Will ye cross His love, and die? 2 Sinners, turn, why will ye die ? God, your Saviour, asks you why ? God, who did your souls retrieve, Died Himself, that ye might live ; Will you let Him die in vain ? . Crucify your Lord again ? Why, ye ransomed sinners, why Will ye slight His grace, and die ? 3 Sinners, turn, why will ye die ? God, the Spirit, asks you why ? He who all your lives hath strove, Wooed you to embrace His love ; Will you not His grace receive ? ' Will you still refuse to live ? Why, ye long-sought sinners, why Will ye grieve your God, and die ? 1 pOME, ye weary sinners, come, \J All who groan beneath your load , Jesus calls His wanderers home ; Hasten to your pardoning God ! Come, ye guilty spirits, oppressed, Answer to the Saviour's call ; ** Come, and I will give you rest ; Come, and I will save you all." 2 Jesus, full of truth and love. We Thy kindest word obey ; Faithful let thy mercies prove ; Take our load of guilt away. 7s. 17 18 INVITATION. ;> Fain we would on Thee rely, Cast on Thee our every care ; To Thine arms of mercy fly, Find our lasting quiet there. 3 Burdened with a world of grief, Burdened with our sinful load, Burdened with this unbelief, Burdened with the wrath of God ; Lo ! we come to Thee for ease, True and gracious as Thou art ; Now our groaning souls release, Write forgiveness on our heart. 1 "pETURN, and come to God, Xi Cast all your sins away ; Seek ye the Saviour's cleansing blood, Repent, believe, obey ! 2 Say not ye cannot come. For Jesus bled and died That none who ask in humble faith Should ever be denied. 3 Say not ye will not come ; 'Tis God vouchsafes to call ; And fearful will their end be found, On whom His wrath shall fall. 4 Come, then, whoever will ; Come, while 'tis called to-day ; Seek ye the Saviour's cleansing blood ; Repent, believe, obey ! 1 TT AKE haste, man, to live, Ifi For thou so soon must die, Time hurries past thee like the breeze ; How swift its moments fly ! 2 Make haste, man, to do Whatever must be done j 15. S M. I S.M. Si !6 19 GOSPFL TRNT HYMNS. I" Thou hast no time to lose in sloth, Thy day will soon be gone. 3 Up, then, with speed, and work ; Fling ease* and self away : This is no time for thee to sleep, Up, watch and work and pray ! 4 Make haste, man, to live, Thy time is almost o'er, sleep not, dream not, but arise, The Judge is at the door. 1 TIJHERP] is my wandering boy to-night - W The boy of my tenderest care. The boy that was once my joy and light. The child of my love and prayer ? Oh, where is my boy to-night ? Oh, where is my boy to night? My heart o'erflows, for I love him he 'knows ; Oh, whore is my boy to-night ? 2 Once he was pure as morning dew, As he knelt at his mother's knee ; No face was so bright, no heart more true. And none was so sweet as he. 3 Oh, could I see you now, my boy. As fair as in olden time. When prattle and smile made home a joy. And life was a merry chime ! 4 Go for my wandering boy to-night ; Go, search for him where you will ; But bring him to me with all his blight, And tell him I love him still. 20 1 /"TOME to Jesus, come to Jesus, \J Come to Jesus just now ; Just now come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now. 7NVITAfI0N. 17 2 He will save you. 3 Oh, believe Him^ 4 He is able. 5 He is willing. 6 He'll receive you. 7 Call upon Him. 8 He'll forgive you. 21 9 Only trust Him. 10 Jesus loves you. 11 Don't reject Him. 12 I do trust Him. 13 Jesus save me. 14 I love Jesus. 15 Hallelujah, Amen. r •5' i L.M. 1 TJO ! every one that thirsts, draw nigh ; Xl 'Tis God invites the fallen race ; Mercy and free salvation buy ; Buy wine, and milk, and Gospel grace. 2 Come to the living waters, come ! Sinners, obey your Maker's call ; Return, ye weary wanderers, home, And find My grace is free for all. 3 See from the Rock a fountain rise ! For you in healing streams it rolls ; Money ye need not bring, nor price, Ye laboring, burdened, sin-sick souls, 4 Nothing ye in exchange shall give. Leave all you have and are behind : Frankly the gift of God receive. Pardon and peace in Jesus find. 5 I bid you all My goodness prove ; My promises for all are free ; Come taste the manna of My love, And let your souls delight in Me. 6 Your willing ear and heart incline, My words believingly receive ; Quickened your souls by faith divine An everlasting life shainj,y(B. 2 * *! K* »'i, ** ^ l8 22 GOSPEL TENT HYMNS. 23 1 OINNERS, obey the go&pel-word, io Haste to the supper of your Lord ! Be wise to know your gracious day ; All things are ready, come away ! 2 Ready the Father is to own And kiss His late-returning son ; Ready your loving Saviour stands, . And spreads for you His bleeding hands. 3 Ready the Spirit of His love Just now the hardness to remove, To apply and witness with the blood, And wash and seal the sons of God. 4 Ready for you the angels wait, To triumph in your blest- estate ; Tuning their harps, they long to praise The wonders of redeeming grace. 5 The Father, Son and Holy Ghost Are ready, with their shining host ; All heaven is ready to resound, *' The dead's alive ! the lost is found ! " 1 VITHY do you wait, dear brother? V V O why do you tarry so long ? Your Saviour is waiting to give you A place in His sanctified throng. Cho.— Why not? Why not? Why not come to Him now ? Why not? Why not? Why not come to Him now ? 2 What da you hope, dear brother, To gain by a further delay ? There s no one to save you but Jesuia, There's no other way but His way. L. M. 24 INVITATIOSr, 3 Do you not feel, dear brother, His Spirit now striving within ? O why not accept His salvation, And throw off thy burden of sin? 4 Why do you wait, dear brother ? The harvest is passing away ; Your Saviour is longing to bless you, ihere s danger and death in delay. 1 T17HAT could your Redeemer do, y y More than He hath done for you ^ To procure your peace with God, Could He more than shed His blood ' After all His waste of love, All His drawings from above, Why will you your Lord deny ? Why will you resolve to die ? 2 Turn, He cries, ye sinners, turn ; By His life your God hath sv/orn, He would have you turn and live, He would all the world receive. If your death were His delight. Would He you to life invite ? Would He ask, entrea ; and cry, vV hy will you resolve to die ? 3 Sinners, turn, while God is near ; Dare not think Him insincere f Now, even now, your Saviour stands ; . AH day long He spreads His hands ; Cries, ** Ye will not happy be ! No, ye will not come to Me ! Me, who life to none deny ; Why will you resolve to die ? ** 4 Can you doubt if Godls love, If to all His mercies move ? Will you not His word receive ? Will you not His oath believe ? 19 7s. I .iij^ 2D gospeI/:tewt hymns. 25 ;r 7s. See ! the suffering God appears ! »n. Jesus Weeps ; believe His tears 1 Mingled with His blood, they cry, ** Why will you resolve to die ? " 1 -nROTHER, hast thou wandered far 1) From thy Father's happy home, With thyself and God at war ? Turn thee, brother ; homeward come. 2 Hast thou wasted all the powers God for noble uses gave ? Squandered life's most golden hours ? Turn thee, brother ; God can save ! 3 Is a mighty famine now In thy heart and in thy soul ? Discontent upon thy brow ? Turn thee; God will make thee whole. 4 He can heal thy bitterest wound, He thy gentlest prayer can hear ; Seek Him, for He may be found ; Call upon Him ; He is near. 26 1 YI7H0EVER receiveth the Crucified One, VV Whoever belie veth on God's only Son, A free and a perfect salvation shall have, For He is abundantly able to save. Cho, — My brother, the Master is calling for thee ; His grace and His mercy are wondrously free ; His blood as a ransom for sinners He gave, And He is abundantly able to save. 2 Whoever receiveth the message of God, And trusts in the power of the soul- cleansing blood, A full and eternal salvation shall have. For He is both aMe and willing to save. INVITATION. SI 3 Whoever repents and forsakes every sin, And opens his heart for the Lord to come in, A present and perfect salvation shall have. For Jesus is ready this moment to save. 27 1 TESUS is tenderly calling thee home — I' lO ^:\ J Calling to-day, callinfif to-day ; Why from the sunshine of love wilt thou roam Farther and farther away? Ref. — Calling to-day, calling to-day, Jesus is calling, is tenderly calling to-day. 2 Jesus is calling the weary to rest — Callinsf to-day, calling to-day ; Bring Him thy burden, and thou shalt be blest ; He will not turn thee away, 3 Jesus is waiting, oh, come to Him now — Waiting to-day, waiting to-day ; Come with thy sins, at His feet lowly bow ; Come, and no longer delay. 4 Jesus is pleading, oh, list to His voice — Hear Him to-day, hear Him to-day ; They who believe on His name shall rejoice ; Quickly arise and away. 28 1 rpO the fountain flowing free, JL Come away, come away ; there's mercy there for thee. Why delay ? why delay ? From the Saviour's bleeding side, At the cross where once He died. See the blessecLJiealing tide, Flowing free, flowing free. m s ' .. ' ^ 'f' m-'t 'r i f > ' V ' .'t^" ' ^\%'.:K ' *v^ '' : GOSPEL TENT HYMNS. Cho. — Come, sinner cotne, the moments fly apace, i(» o i Soon, ah, too soon, may end thy day of To the fountain flowing free, [grace ; .tHi To the blood that cleanseth me, Where the Saviour waits lor thee, Come away, come away. 2 He has called thee o'er and o*er. Come away, come away ; But He soon may call no more, Why delay ? why delay ? Tho' thy sins like billows roll, Tho' their weight oppress thy soul, If thou wilt, He'll make thee whole. Come away, come away. 8 Hast thou faith in Christ, the Lord ? Come away, come away; Wilt thou take Him at His word. Why delay ? why delay ? If repenting, thou believe, And no more the Spirit grieve. Then His love thou shalt receive. Come away, come away. *v. 29 1 npHERE'S a gentle voice within, calls away, X 'Tis a warning I have heard o'er and o'er, But my heart is melted now, I obey. From my Saviour I will wander no more, Cho. — Yes, I will go ; yes, I will go ; To Jesus I will go and be saved ; Yes, I will go ; yes, I will go ; To Jesus 1 will go and be saved, 2 I will try to bear the cross in my youth. And l^e faithful to the cause till I die ; If with cheerful step I walk in the truth, I shall wear a starry %rown by»and-by. tNVtTATiON. 23 80 Still the gentle voice within, calls wayj-^ on'-t And its warning I have heard o'er and o*er ; But my heart is melted now, I obey ; From my Saviour I will wander no more. 1 /^OME home ! come home ! \j You are weary at heart, For the way has been dark, And so lonely and wild i prodigal child I Come home ; oh, come home I Ref. — Come home ! Come I oh, come home I 2 Come home ! come home I For we watch and we wait ; And we stand at the gate, While the shadows are piled : O prodigal child ! Come home I oh, come home ! 3 Come home I come home ! v From the sorrow and blame, From the sin and the shame, And the tempter that smiled ; v: O prodigal child I Come home ! oh, come home I 4 Come home ! come home ! There is bread and to spare, And a warm welcome there : Then, to friends reconciled, prodigal child ! Come home ! oh, come home ! 31 1 /lOME, every soul by sin oppressed, Vj There's mercy with the Lord : And He will surely give you rest. By trusting in His word. ^ rm* 24 r,2 GOSPEL TENT HYMNS. '( '. » / ". 't Cho. — Only trust Him, only trust Him, Only trust Him now ; He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now. 2 For Jesus shed His precious blood, Rich blessings to bestow ; Plunge now into the crimson flood That washes white as snow. 3 Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Way That leads you into rest ; Believe in Him without delay, And you are fully bl^^st. 4 Jesus, blessed Jesus, dear, I'm coming now to Thee ; Since Thou hast made the way so clear, And full salvation free. 5 Come, then, and join this holy band, And on to glory go ; To dwell in that celestial land. Where joys immortal flow. Section II. PENITENTIAL HYMNS. 32 . h\ 1 T\EPTH of mercy ! can there be U Mercy still reserved for me ? Can my God His wrath forbear? — Me, the chief of sinners, spare ? Chorus. I am kneeling at the mercy seat, I am kneeling at the mercy seat, I am kneeling at the mercy seat, Where Jesus answers prayer. .mv:'in -iKai' dn'Stio^ 33 i' PENITENTIAL. v>-^:> .>;j.iii :i^/ii'i^ 2nd Chorus. i>2 25 Yia' '.». \> I can, I will, 1 do believe, I can, I will, I do believe, I can, I will, I do believe That Jesus saves me now. 3rd Chorus. He writes the pardon on my heart, He writes the pardon on my heart. He writes the pardon on my heart. This moment I believe. 2 I have long withstood His grace. Long provoked Rim to His face ; Would not hearken to His calls. Grieved Him by a thousand falls. 3 Whence to me this waste of love ? Ask my Advocate above ! See the cause in Jesus' face. Now before the throne of grace. 4 There for me the Saviour stands, Shows His wounds, and spreads His hands ; God is love, I know, I feel ; Jesus weeps, and loves me still. 5 If I rightly read Thy heart, If Thou all compassion art. Bow Thine ear, in mercy bow. Pardon and accept me now ! C. M. 1 rpHOU Son of God, whose flaming eyea X Our inmost thoughts perceive, Accept the evening; sacrifice Which now to Thee we give. 2 We bow before Thy gracioiis throne, And think ourselves sincere ; ; But show us, Lord, is every oi^e Thy real worshipper! 1% GOSPEL TENT HYMNS. ii il! 'f t{ 1| 3 Is here a soul that knows Thee not, Nor feels his want of Thee,- A s*tranger to the blood which bought His pardon on the tree ? 4 Convince him now of unbelief, His desperate state explain ; And fill his heart with sacred grief, And penitential pain. 5 Speak with that voice which wakes the dead And bid the sleeper rise ! And bid his guilty conscience dread The death that never dies. 6 Extort the cry, ** What must be done To save a wretch like me ? How shall a trembling sinner shuu That endless misery ? " 34 1 T UST as I am, v/ithout one plea fj But that Thy blood was shed for mo, And that thou bid*st me come to Thee, Lamb of God, I come ! Cho. — Take me as I am. Take me as I am; O ! bring Thy free salvation nigh, And take me as I am. 2 Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot. To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, Lamb of God, I come ! 3 Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict) many a doubti With fears within, and foes without, Lamb of God, 1 come I PElCITENlJlAti ^? %d 4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind ; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in Thee to findj Lamb of God, I come I 6 Just as I am, thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve j Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come ! 6 Just as I am, — Thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down ; Now to be Thine, yea. Thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come ! 36 I T OVING Saviour, |j: hear my cry, (|: Jj Trembling to Thy arms I fly, save me at the cross. I have sinned, but ||: Thou hast died, In Thy merey let me hide, save me at the cross. Cho. — Dear Jesus, receive me, No more would I grieve Thee, • Now, blessed Redeemer,;' save me at the cross. 2 Though I perish, |1: I will pray. Thou, of life, the living way, O save me at the cross. Thou hast said Thy ||: grace is free, Have compassion. Lord, on me, save me at the cross. 3 Wash me in Thy ](: cleansing blood. Plunge me now beneath the flood, save me at the cross. Only faith will ||: pardon bring, jH* In that faith to Thee I cling, save me at the cross. ■m 28 36 37 GOSPEL TENT HYMNS. 1 rilAKE me to the precious fountain X Where the crystal waters flow, There on Calvary's holy mountain Make me whiter than the snow. Cho. — Take me to the fountain, Precious in its overflow ; In its crystal waters Make me whiter than the snow. 2 Take me to the precious fountain, Stain of sin shall disappear, And on Zion's blessed mountain With the ransomed I'll appear. 3 Take me to the precious fountain, Pure and holy 1 will be ; Seal my heart by Thine own Spirit, Make me more and more like Thee. 1 ** rr HERE shall be showers of blessings : " i This is the promise of love ; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above. Cho. — Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need ; Mercy -drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead ! 2 " There shall be showers of blessing " — Precious reviving again ; Over the hills and the valleys, Sound of abundance of ram. 3 *• There shall be showers of blessing : " Send them upon us, O Lord ! Grant to us now a refreshing ; Come and now honor Thy word. ' js vr 7?^NITENTIA-I.^. - ■ , . 29 4 *^ There shall be showers of blessing : " ^y Oh, that to-day they might fall, : " Now, as to God, we're coiitessing^, i Now, as on Jesus we call I 38 39 1 TTAVE mercy, Lord, on me^ il As Thou wert ever kind ; Let me, oppressed with loads of guilt, Thy wonted mercy find. Chorus. I am kneeling, I am pleading, 1 am kneeling, pleading, waiting to be saved ; I am. kneeling, I am pleading, [saved. There I'm kneeling, pleading, waiting to be 2 Blot out, Lord, my sins. And me in pity view ; Create in me a heart that's clean, An upright mind renew. 3 Withdraw not then Thy help, Nor cast me from Thy sight ; Nor let Thy Holy Spirit take His everlasting flight. 4 The joy thy favor gives, Let me just now obtain, And Thy* free Spirit's firm support My fainting soul maintain. 1 T AM coming to the cross ; JL I am poor, and weak, and blind;; I am counting all but dross ; ? I shall full salvation find. I am trusting, Lord, in Thee, . Blessed Lamb of Calvary > ^n .>^ Humbly at Thy cross I bow | -j^*x, > Save me, Jesus I save me aow !> 80 . OOSFEL TENT HTMNS. 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee, Long has evil reigned within ; Jesus sweetly speaks to me — ** I will cleanse you from all sin," 3 Here I give my all to Thee, Friends, and time, and earthly store, Soul and body thine to be — Wholly Thine, for evermore. 4 In the promises I trust, Now I know the blood applied ; I am prostrate in the dust, I with Christ am crucified. 6 Jesus comes I He fills my soul ! Perfected in Him I am ; I am every whit made whole; Glory, glory to the Lamb ! Still I'm trusting, Lord, in Thee, Blessed Lamb of Calvary ; Humbly at Thy cross I bow ; Jesus saves me — saves me now ! 40 ! 1 TESUS, my Lord, to Thee I cry, J Unless Thou help me I must die, Oh, bring Thy free salvation nigh, And take me as I am. 1st Cho. — II: Now take me as I am, :|| Oh, bring Thy free salvation nigh, And take me as I am. 2nd Cho. — 1|: He takes me as I am, :|| He brings His free salvation nigh. And takes me as I am. 2 Helpless I am, and full of guilt, But yet for me Thy blood was spilt, And Thou canst make me what Thou wilt, But take me as I am. ^ FBl^iTENTIAL. 3 No preparation can I make, — My best resolves I only break, — Yet save me for Thine own name's sake, And take me as I am. 4 I thirst, I long to know Thy love, Thy full salvation I would prove ; And now to Thee my soul does move ; Oh, take me as I am. 5 Spirit of God, now breathe on me, The Saviour's glory make me see ; Changed to His image let me be ; Come, take me as I am. 31 41 L. M. 1 TI7ITH broken heart and contrite sigh, Vf A trembling sinner. Lord, I cry ; Thy pardoning grace is rich and free : God, be merciful to me ! 2 I smite upon my troubled breast, With deep and conscious guilt oppressed ; Christ and His cross my only plea : God, be merciful to me ! 3 Far off I stand with tearful eyes, Nor dare uplift them to the skies ; But thou dost all my anguish see : O God, be merciful to me ! 4 Nor alms, nor deeds that I have done, Can for a single sin atone ; To Calvary alone I flee : O God, be merciful to me ! 5 And when, redeemed from sin and hell^ With all the ransomed throng I dwell, My t-aptured song shall ever be, That God was merciful to me ! '\.> % 42 GOSPEL TENT HYJklNS. My*Jbmp$Lny before-is gpn!?/. A nd* 1 am left alon^ wjtK Xhee ; With Tlfee all night I mean to stay,- And wrestle till the brealt of day. 2 I need not tell Thee who I am-, My mi«ery and sin declare ; Thyself hasli called me by my name, Look on Thy hands, and read it there ; But who^ I ask Thee, who "art Thou ? Tell me Thy name/ a^d tell me now. 3 In vain Thou strugglest to?get free, I neyer will unloose my hold ! Art "Thou' tliJe Man that died' for me ? The secret of "Jhy love ^nfold ; Wrestliti^," 1' Will not let Thee*go .' Till I Thy naiiie, llj'y nature know. 4^ Wilt Thou not yet to fne reveal '' '• Thy new, unutterable nanie ? Tell me,' I ^till beseech 'Thee, tell ; To know'it libw resolved I am ; Wrestling, I will not let Thee go, Till I Thy' iiame,"Hiy nature know. r 5 Wh£tit« though my shrinking flesh complain, And murmur to contend so long ? I rise €luperipr.to my pain, ' When I am weak^ then I am strong ; And when my all of strength shall fail, . I shall with the God-maii prevail. 43 6-8s 1 TTIELD to m^ now, for I arri.weak* X But confident in self -despair ; Speak to m;^' hfearty in blessings speak, Be conquered by my inst^^nt prayer ; Speak* pjr Thou uever hence sbalt ^iiQve, A»d tell me if thy. N^iiOie ia Lov^# . ^rE^jiTE^rtUr..'^*^-''' • i s » 1 ft iiy t*^y**^ ^^*^ pbwcr with God ; the graeo t^uspea^abls I tiow receive ; 'jpiu'ough f *ith I Ste The« f»C3 to f a?« • ^ fioe Tlieo face to face, an-i Hre ! Iq vaiii f. h%yQ nob w6ut aad strove ; Thy Nttturo aud Thy NarzM is L6v6. €<^l0|it6(I uow upon u^y thigh I h^U till life's short journey and ; 4.11 holplesauess, all weakne^, I Oh inee «.lono for strength depend ; Nor have I power from Thoc to move ; Thy ^fature aad Thy Name is Love. Lame 1^,9 I am, I take tlie prey ; |IeU, earth; and sin, with ea^e o'ercome, I le'ip for joy, pursue my way, And, as a bounding h^rt fly homo ; TiirougU all eternity I prove Thy Nature and Thy Name is Lov«. ^i' 1 1 MY God, ray God, to Thee I cry ; ill Thee oUly would I know ; Thy puiifying blood apply, And wash me white aa snow. 2 Touch me, and make the lopor clean, l*arge my iniquity ; Unless Thou wash my eoul from sin, J have no part iu Thee. 3 put urtThou not already mine? A^sweir, if uiine Thou art ; • W within, Thou love divine, ' I Aud cheer ray drooping heart. 4 ^hold, for me ihe Victim Weeds, fii^ wmu^s are opened wide ; car. For me the blood of sprinkling pi And ftpe%ks rae ju«5t»^rjed«- - eadfl, 9 ill I'iilli :l I i; !i' I 'i-'^ii Sf '.% (io;u'K'fi'^£f»#'flH'!iixst. . Of "nSXtWii^fted love, urn I •: A 2 What dJft.'lCi^y. only Son enduro Tefore X 4*#^' ^^V? ^H'^atli, ; . Wlifvt Pfiij^y what i*bpr, to ,w let me hear lliy quiekemiig A^ice*? - And tiiste Tiiy pardoning gi*ace. ^ #" L.M. 1 QTAY, thou-ltiifiilt^d S-piiit, stay 8 n Thou^'i.I hS^WdWii Tliee sncii cle3|>ite or cast ih^lniliief iqutt^e awftf Nor tific TMae (iver'la^rtfng 4 - ■r/ • ft*. ai And still sU^okioUf inygnimyrfj^i'Ji, V * And vexed, ftiul ur.v;^ Tuo^ to cl^pai;|j,rri For many long rebollioi|5i;yj€|a}r§,H, \{j {i Tiio-.ig'vJ have nio^t unfaithful been "* or hill yxWe^er Thy frrrideVeceirfM^^ J A ^T i r..; Ten thousan;! tiinefs Thy ^66tlrTci<'« bc^ii, r\ Ten thmiisithcH times l^hygoodriess gi*icvci], 4 Yet, the chief of sinnors spare ! In honor of my great Hi^h PricSt;' ^•'■^i * * Nor in Thj^ righteous anger »wai*6. -^ '*:^-\ ^^ To exclaSc ine from Thy jy&ypWs'tcriff!'''^ J- Vij», 5 Now, Lord, my^/>veary sovil release, Upraise rae'with Thy grij^ious hand ^ >« ■" And guide ijitdT^iy^>f»erfcfrt peace, ' • I' AM-Wing iiief to^'hy prbmiwd land/ 47 r;j^: CM. I riOME, thou; ivVl victor touB I/^rdy \J Thy power to ua make knoM'n;;. . Strike with the hammer of Thy word, And brea^k these hearts of stone. ■» .■ 2 that we aU mighJi ncw^ begin Ouj foolishness to mourn ;:. ' ' An^ tu rn at once from e vei*y isin, i ; i ; ; And to Qur Saviour turn ! 3 Give us oursel tea and Tlicetek!ia»{..v^' Iii this onrgrfvcioxis day. ;« . .» j:il v*IC RepentaneeJiiutiJlifeibes^to^^' xcZcu^^di-i^^^rC j^4 . And take our sins away. "4 Convinceru^fiystof wb^lfef,;;^.'!^ ,Y/ T ; ."i:^4nrt fm^y J*?:»i r«^a|j^jii i .;,u.it ^" Fill eveipr a^i^l w|fel>^sacM^,gri.^ ,^,j .,,// Anditlif.'ifc >y:Atli-^a^ea i^^.\-,,:^ ^ ;. ^ 9 III T» M 00 Tt^.? TSyr STSiyir C Impoverish, I^ord, and thou rolieyj^^i And theu ertrich th6 p<^pr . 7^ "'rr, Th» lijiwwledgo of oiir ftlol^iiesa i^\% , The knoM^ledgil 6f oiiV diiist); G That blesaed sen«e of gnilt iinpart, Aiul then remove the load \,. TrpubiQ, ajid WiVsU the troubl^4 }^^¥'t Iw -the atoniug blood. ', '^ ' - ' ■ ■ . • • ■ . ••-.•iO f?J y^^ I L.M» *iif'^!* SECTION lit ..; ■ A UTKOR of f aiHif ^t^rt! Word , • ^ JUL Whose Spit it brotithes tho active flame j Falbh» like its Finisher and Lord, To-day, as yesterday, the same : •2 To Thee onr humble hearts aspire, And ask the gHt nnspea.v able ;* ^ Inorettse in us the kindled fire, lu us the work of faith fulfil. •3 By faitli we know Thee sbrdnd; to save^ Save U3, a present Saviour Thou ! Whatever we hope, by faith we have,* Future and past sub&istiug now. 4 To him thfikt in tby n^nie believes ; IJternai life with Thee is^given : Into hlmdelf W all receiv^Qs. Pardon, and holiuefis, and heaven. f) T|i^j^hin2cs unknown to feeble sense, ' ' • H&naeen fey reason V gUmqimng ray^ .With 8trong,>o^nii4ndi5S evideuoe »^''^^rhofr h^^nly otigin display. - I V m 49 The douife i(\ i^^'^^^.^%il^V^94:•^^^f[y^ Th3 l4ivi;iiblo an|H>av4 tA'^wU^^ wIT AadGDU iasooa oymurfca! ovd. , . t^. n C.Mi V.I Th&ttg'a pvbssatl hyoy-tvy foe : That will not tremble on the brink Of any earthly woej 2 Th it >yiil iic^t inurni'ir or c )inplciiu lieneatli the chastcinng rod. Bub, in the hour of i^ii; f .ruvpj|Mi, Will leau xxi^oii iU UotVV ^ -" ' S A faith t^at shiuQa me^i'>bri,^]it auA cle:(p« Wheu tomiycM'S rago witi^o^ity : 'J / • , ThiU whfiii hi d?4ii*»oivJlfn9i>»^ia]i<> fear, I , . • ■ * •' • * 4 That bcava, wnmov^ct; th'W wbrld^s dread fi own, Nar heoda iti3 aoomfvil s»>ml« ^ ■"; ^ That 8ea$« ol.t**oublo oannot dcowAV'^'- Or SAtaii^a aVijabBguik y * -> -^^^^ - '• -It 5 A fiiiLh that kdopV tiiQ n wrow WAy ,, , TUlUfe»8WtKj\u'hll\id, Aad wit)\ a pur© und hoavo4*ly vay ' '... IUiimo9 a dy ittg bed* ^' ' . ■ . ' - ■ *' " Lord* glvo lu 8uch a faith aa Uns* c Aud thea> wh;Uo*oe juay o^m^K "NVq*!! ta%to, while hoo j, tu« hallo wad bli^a OX an GtQniid h?T^(&?)iiay, claim Kach, iit*ri^y; pvojn Jee tsw r^ | , ; . / Aml'aiway^ triy<^^t;i in i'ky iiamc. And to th« ehd enduro. 3 Iiior<^asii <«it fi^itb> Q Lord, we ipray, That we may not. depart • From Thy jCoinmands, but ull obey- With free and faithful iieurt. 4 Increa«6;Ottrffj?IHi,'that never dim fr Or filtering it' may ''bii; ' ' Crowned with the perfect pea'ie of him .^ Whose mind is sta^^ed on Thee. 5 Inoreaiie our faith, that unto Thcd Mor4 fruit juay still abound ; Thafj-U the harvest time may bo '- . To Thy great ^toiy found. -* ■ ■ '■■'. .J Jx hio' 6;Jricre^se our faith, Saviour, dear, By Tiiy rich , ^sovereign ]grace, - /jTiil, changing faiith for .vision clcar^ . We 'see Thee face t> face. * ^']->l -5^ 51 CM. 1 1 ORD, I l>sReve Tiiy every word, •: iJjI, Thy every. promise,. true; And, h> I I wait on Thee, my Lord>- /;-»• 4 Faith to be hea-lccl Thou knowest I have^ Able Thou art ftiomsiatX) *^^ 5 I shall, a weak afTfl'lielplGsd'^brm, Thrdngh Jesus etrengthenrngiiKj, Impo8sii>ilities perform, -^ fii.i " And live irom sinning free. 6 For this in steadfast hope I wait ; Now, Lor^^ my soul restore ; " * Now the iiQW heavens and eai^h 'Oreate, "- • And I shall sin no more, vi* v/oi) 52 I TNTO a teat where a gi pay boy lay, ':t*iU I Dying alone at the -clo^o of the day, . • News of salvation WG carried — said he, ** Nob'jdv ever has told it to me ! " Cho. — Tell it again ! tell it again 1' Salvation's story repeat o*er and o'er, Till none c?n say of the ohil^ren of. men, ** Nobody ever has told me before ! " 2 *' Did He so lov^ me— a poor little boy ? Send unto me tlie good tidings of joy ?• » Need I not perish ? my hand will. He liold ? Nobody ever the* story has told !'* -" S Banding, we caught the last words of his breath, Just: as le entered the valley of death ; ' ** UkI sen'j (-fis Son — v!ios->over? "-^said he : ^* Thin i am suro that He sent Hiu4 foi* inc ! " 4 Smiling, he said, as his la^t J^igh wa^s spent, *' Is%V? ^Q ^^^'^ ^'^'^^ for me He w'as soiit t "' AViv.sp^red, wi^ilo low sank tU^ aunl^h Ihe v/cst»^ . ** ri')rd, T helM-ej-t^lt it nrv^v t^'ttft'o iy3»t : " > I ; S3 tiQ^t^tU tKT^X HYilXH. t.Mi.^ 1 "nAlTir b a Ih^ng pawct from h,<>«rvdU. Jj Which grasp?* trie i;rom!s3 God Ua.6 given, ^'Gourely fixed on C**.i rlst alono, A trust tkftfc cfimiob bo o-erfeVi»Jhr/u. 2 Fditli fiirls ia Chrjlat whate'er Are nee^l To save and 3ti*" tn 2 No man can truly fcay . , "ft. .*» That Jeaufe is the Lord, ^^^^-^^ ' ' Unless Thou take^ the yell kxiy, And breailie the living word ;; ' ' . Then, anjy then, Owe feel ' Our,ittterj^)}ia l|i« hlo$d«. -r. a^v. # And cry, wlth^py unspsako^H T * " Tkow art mj Lf r^ my Oo4 1 •^ *^« ■fe. 'vy-ii'v en. PJ 8. M. f ii' i • KA ITil. s: u4 ^ ^ s 3 O that Ui^ W).Hld.|^igut*.lvvi^^^^ ? ^ The al^a^uo^ia5.Iia.^il^l, jjj^M ,(.,jfr^ * [ ^ **" Spirit of faith, ae^siend;, aaij ihoyr j f^j f;or« " The virtue QfHiaNa^i^i;;;^- , '.i'itini ii The gracd which atll may nnd. The sgiiriug po^er impart ; ,,. % irn^ /l^i^/' • An4.tij6M.fy to all inaukiud. And §][>e^ in every heart, :>: :ii ^i^fy-i^'^i 4 Iiwj^re the living faith, • '^^'*^ ' ** Which whosoe'er receiver, , » The wifeaess iu kiHiself he hath,'' ^^^ ^^ ' !' !; And otjuacioudy believed ;*" ^" ^ ^^ • ^'' i^ ^ -(^ 'J'lveiaibh that eonijti^ra all; ^^^ ^^'^^ \^ And doth 4he iriountaiii niovbi*^ '^''^ "^^'^ And saves wlioe'er on Jesas cali. And perfeeia them iii love, ' * ' 55 ' --^^ V v' '■ -^^^'i\ • "*"'•■ c.'H* 1 Tl OW sad iwtr »tate^ by ifiaturc is J 11 Our siny hoW deep it 'sl^ins ! And Sat«in binds our captive soiila Fast in hh slavish chains. 2 Bat there's a voioo of aov^ereign gmcc; Sounds f roini the «aered word : fT •* Ho, ye despairing eiiiners> xjoniiB,: . u Aud tru^t upon the IiQi\l l^* ; ■ iT 3 My soul obsy^ thft Almisjhty's cfttl, ^ And mas' to this relief; 1 would believe Thy promise; Lord,* help my unbelie.f ! 4 To the blest fouubaln of Thy bloody IncaruAte Cicd,. I % ; li i-tdt -i l[ti^c% Ut lue Wivsh my spotted sbut/. Fk^on^ iim of >in3 to my help, p'ouoiiace tiie worl, . A^d bid ray troable&ieiid, ;• «' 2 Deliverance fo my soul prpcjlaiqi, ^ t Aiul life, and libarty ; .;,; •, ; Shed forth the virtue of Thy Name, And Jesus nrove t) mo ! r v, '••; 3 Salvation in that Name \k found, Balm of my griel a.ud eiire ; \ A medicine for my every wound, All, all I want is there. •4^ 4 Faith to bo helled thonknow/stl have, For Thou that faith Jiast given ; Thou caiist, Thau \vilt the sinner sa^ve, And lU iko .lie inoet for heciveiii 5 ThfkU catiat o'erc^m^i this hearb of miwe ; Thou v/ilt vfttt »H^ui prove; 7'\n* everla.^ting strength is Thine, And cvorlastincc love. >-\) 1 A M I a sold i<5r of the cross, /l -A follower of the Lamb, And 8haM I feiu* t) own UiacAU^e, :u Oi;.,"blUdh to s -;cak kiU name ? - * ■ ' • I » ^' ji .' 1 ». ' ■ ' ■ ■ ' ■ ' 2 Musf'I ]>s carjJe.l to the skies On tlowery bedsj ot ea-^o,, ' • "'' While othoid fought t > win tht? priz^, Pr Siiled thro;^ .'h blooily sqxhI S Are fe^ro no f(xc« for me to f^co ? ^ruc>feln:/t ^tointho^i! lod ? 1% th J vdu world a fruiud t3 gi'aoe, To help me on to (4od ? C.iM. ^-v FAITH. - 4 Siu'c: I liUisbfljVxb if I ijhoula ral^n ; • ' '• Ivicroa^e my colu*a:'e, lMf>r J ; • V^ beif t^Ve toil/' %*4liVe- tk ^ VilST I Sut)pt>rkoii by^ Thy u^rd. fr 'i' U . 5 -Thy saiuta in. all -this glarion's w^^ Shall conquer, though they die ; TJ'iiev see th« ti'hiVn v)' i iVonl' afar j ■ '^'' ^' Dy faith thoy bi lA^'^t nff^h; «^^- 6 Whoi tUa'i illiisbrloui duy shaU*'iso> Airl all Thy arnves shino la robos of victory throiig)v taO'i&li*^.si- The glory shiUl be Thme; • • ^I 43 89 58 CM, .1, T OBD, I heU*?vG, a re§t rem^tmi?;,, : _. J J To all Thy peojjld known jr A rest where pure oi» joy inent r<.'I*^T4S, And Thou art lov^t alone : 2 A rest wlvere all our aouFa tlcsiie Is fixed on things ivbove : Where feu*, and sin, and grief e:C.ire> Cast out by perfect love. • • «• 2 that I now the rest might k»u>vr, r; Balieve andentor in ! Now, Savio'.;r, n )W the power bciv'to.s', And letkic c«a;se from is in. . • ■ * 4 11 'move this hawlnefrS from my heart, Txiis aal>^li»j^reur>ve.; 'J/, Twfe,. ' » The Sab'xith^f Thy iovVj "i // I wou'd be Thine. Tlurr icnowVi I '.r juld^ And have Th;>ic all my axvn t r? .\ . ■ . The?, !ny all-saiuaient fiood ! 1 . I MMut, and Til ^je/iUoa'-^v'. • ri 5 VI i: hi I! I I! i I! ' ^i S9 ih'\z^ ojuly thi:* be given ; Jvotliirt^ 1>esMc ii>y God I w/uat ; Nothiii;; iu earth or jbc&vcxi. A-n4 sii*I lae i*h53» a"bode s L7t all I ait^ in. TJiee 1>» loiit ; Xfc^S; a!! he lo^t in Qod. 1 ^ «ageY^ restlcsra croTrS drew neair^ Cat). Ijtatt ojib; "ivith warm air^Ol Iotisi^ tilth, -She lia4ii6ra|ilsi^ii>lMi bciD of Bis ^niM«t, For evV/l^Wi^^ Wt^:eli»Tt«ig Jc^^ ^ Can make Tiie ''':tmMi^J^ liiiu^jA.' > . ^' 2 The nuiltltmlevpijeh curious «ye8, * Just gazstl u)^.pu Hi^ tac'e ; . .. iUitfehc gfaiiced up Wiih Le^>e atd l<>ve, Xo feel If is fiavittj^ favored hour ! E\itkcw« ^iet^l^d cittt tlie hamiot falt||« ^^;id tciti^hekl Sis tii»»li|ig ^wer/ 4 Of a'l '^Ifotlviieiig His iottrts to*d»y, Who «haJi}. receive His word ? AVho «haUTeaMif6rth With faith glnceto, To touch tHdliialihgXofd? T % *' *d lint X I1X./5 ,1(<^-r«a ?j^>.1, ^'^f/IT 'i'>l I{c ,vU>^ 'i<*iv:^t« 'h^ L^Q «W' If- ft. * '[■■* •:»■ * lASii^ *T^vli^na 7 iff .^^ijT f.* -riff:/;?! , ' . i» ' ii i - *» « ' i'>' *' f J J f 1 7(^7i CONSEOEATtON-.. ; '. » •iii* '», Pi, V 68 1 rr AKE ray Hfo »^kt1t bo j 1 Couseorated, £o^ to T^^ i Take ray laoments^c^iO)^ 4i^v Let tliem Bjow H emtlwNi p¥ia<%f > Quo. — Wash rao in the Saviour^i preotomi Claanso me ia its ^ui^'iiying flood, 2 Ta]?e ray feet and l&t them be Swift und beautiful for Thee ; Take my voioe and let me sing Alway« -^ouly^for my King* 8 Take my Ujmi and let them be Filled with raessaaei for Theaf Take JT^ «ilver and my gold, ' Not a. i|iite wioittld X wltl^bold. . 4 Take my moment* and my daya, tiOt them flow in endlem praise i Take my li^o)]||oti and uae Kv'ry x>owef m Thou ehalt oHoote« 5 Take my wUl i^mt make it Thix^» It ahskU be no longer mine ; U\ike my hv^rt, it is Thine own^ It s^iall he Thy royal throne« Take my love, my God, I ponr At Thy feet its treasured store j[ Tak^ myself, and I will be Eveiv only, ^1 for Thee* ti wsmt Xi I want 'JpHee tdt't^eri^o live m my soul 5 Break '^Idwii every ivlol, cast out every fo^^-* Now wash ' iiie, and I shall : be whiiei: than "Clio,— Whiter than jsivowj, ves, whiter tllarl ^now, *" ' '.'ijfo w wash m6;|*4n a * shall- be Wlfit^r ;than •*■•• , • • 'J < « ' ■ • f •■ r 2 Lo (1 Je&iisy let nothing unholy r«main„, Apply Thine .(*wn blojod and ex tract .every stain-; To get tli^ble^t cleansing I all tliiitgn forego— Na^y wa«h m^, fend tahan, be whiteV than aiib\v. V ? LWd Jq8us, look tlowii froih Thy throne in the skies, ,. ;> - _ ^v And help me t^ljiii^cj a (jtyniplete kacn J give up my«6lf and whatever I know- Now wash we, m\d I shall be whitci- than snow. i Lord Jesus, for this I most hum'dy entreat ; . I M'ai t, blessed Lot^l, at; Thy erucified feet ; , . By faithj far my'^cleanaing,- 1 see Thy blood Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than suow. ■'•■•■■-••■■■" ..'-f AiinciitA) p. 5 Lord Jesus, Tlw/a fgp^t I patientsly ^\ iut ; Coir.6 now, and wilSirtVa^a ii^^v jae^rt create j To tiiua^ tt^ho huve »ought Thee, 'J'hoit never saidst, Not-t , .. , .j. Now wash me, arial^^iall l>e wlrfter than saiow, *" ^ * 62 r^nii^u^ ^ I T ORDjl |Lm Thine, entirely Thine, ylj , J^u|clSra3ed'fiind saved by btomi divine ; f'^itu Jii'l consent Thiiie would I be, nd own Thy aovci'signnght In me. L. -M, ':..• t* /\' than V ■ It a . ,/ • ■ ■• 2 GiUiit one poor sinner niore a'place Among the children of. Thj^ grace ; ;.;;4v)*'V«*p!^e5l.8mn^ii,^o^fc'|p\(Wd.^ . "^ ::3MM>i^8oifl.Qy:i^y:jitiii34itugrs%b(!;/'^' 7 3 Thirie' woti^d I- Hv*, 'Thine would i dfe, ^ ; [ itiii^j .jj- Thine thpongh"- all eternity; ij.^/ >;;., / The vow is past U*yond reptal^, r tlwe llr^i ^VLi^i^g, wait ng, Waiting^ / . I'm \vaiting for the fire. 2 Jesus, miglity Saviour, I trust in Thy great nam/O t I loolt for Thy salvation j: , v ■■ ^ •/) Thy pt-omiue i*«w 1 clRim. .: .,.>T i^.S Oaet.,thje fire descend iri^ 't'---^- >- y .Jttsfc now upon my s-iil, '■^''' ''■'^*'-^' Colisn me my* humble ofForin^, And clcauac and make me tvdiQle. ^^^ %47 > 63 'f.'. . ■\ ; :- •/J; i. r •« V' vJ /, » » I'" f/ TSBi !'■ I ! i t I! i ^ •13- "f. abovo I -itJOii BittWy W^^ala 6t earthly love. 65 ^ (X IcJ, Thy isAcred "proaence.filU •*" 4*^1 80* my longing spirit free, : Wi^lch p;uit<3 tp h^v© iiO'oWierAviU, .*'"^*JBiat clay and night to feast on Thee ! S W4yQ;|» tills region Jiere below, Noy<^Y^|' good will I pursue ; I'll bUL^tto world of ttoii^ and show, ,With «»IL Its glittering, ^ixarps, adieu I 4 Thati^th With hu'mble>iieed I'll seek, Iii whio^ my Saviour's footsteps shine; w'.^Nor will i hear, hbr will t &peak, Of any other love but Thine. - .=.(? ■>■ 5 ll^^iet&forth may ho profane delight • i)ivitle tiiis consecrated soul ; Posssas it Thou, who hast the right, ' As Lord and. Mooter of the whole. .» -• f • < • • • • ."i ■ i i~.: ,■ . : , • J ■ ■• • •• \ • ■ " • ■ ■ - 6 Wealth ^ honor, pleasure, and what else This short- end itMrig world: ean give, 'Jt^Ttlpiliiii'ye wtH, my soul repels. To Christ iaibne resolved to live. 7 NothingMiCAtth dijrld^fi^e, /^ ^ But Thy pure love v/ithiri my breast ; This, only this, will I require, * And freely jgl^ % all the i^^^ • 1 p OD orfiiB.y^ifer'^^bat just return Ij Can aiiiiul dust ana ash^s gl^e ? 1 oiily live pkya^inlto jttcfttrii fV^J^^"- -^ To l^fufcmt i^od^ L<>nly UM' ^ "^ .^iikiiil -IB/Vit ,l^Vi/;l i^^^^ 4- L^^. 66 - - cc»sr.onATioit. •/T ,fta 'io Thco, beingn and Baying Puwtjr. ''"'^ Willie, iil^'k.Ad with VicsB^igjr, eve^y hour Shall fcpeuk Thy co-ex j^Jlc^, praise. 3 Be all my added life employed Tnine imag6 in my soul to see; *' , Fill with Thyself the mighty vbi^ ; Pjularge my heart to com]>dss lluie, 4 The blessing of Thy love bestow ; , . For this my cries shall liever fajl; '' Wrestling, I will not let Thee go,- ,. I will not till my suit pi^evaiiv. ii » 5 Come tlieti, my Hope, my Life, my Loi-d, And fix in iT»e Thy lasting h^me C Be mindful of Thy gracious word ; "^ Thou wilt Thy promised Fatlier cotne. 6 Prepare, and then possess my heart ; O take me, seize mo from above ;• -. .. Thee may I love, for God Thqu av* ; Thee may I feel, for God is L'pye. A. 1 TESUS, my sti-ength, my Tiope^ ... J On Thee I cast my x?are- ; i • ,v,. With' humble confidence look!, up, r ' And know Thou hear'^t my prayed. Give me on Thee to wait. Till I can'all things do ; On Thee^ almighty to create, \ ; i.' ■ ; . J ^.j.j^lmightY ^ renew* . • ; ■■' '^ * • ' 2 I want a heart to pr^y, ;.,7, To ']^i*ay atid heVei" cease ; Never to murmur at Thy stay, 8. U4 •H ac Or wiph my. sufferings iesffi? . ^^^litJjjjwtog, above all. Always ifs^ij^r^yyl imvitf ^^'^^ ' Out oi' tpt» dee^ on Thee to calif And never, never fauit. \j m i- IJi'il il:!i ii no OOSfEL TEKT HYM^'3. • »' 1 67 ^ ... ... . ... . ,3vnOij. A sirt^'e, iitejv.ly aUn, Utx J}. X/9X by threat Miin<» . or r aiKl.Thy gcQx% naiua ; A jealo-us, juat goncera For Thins immortal praise ; A pure desire that all may loam And glbt ify Thy grace. • ' A I rest "upon Thy word, The promise is for me ; My siiLicour and salvation, Lord, Shall surely come from Tiioe ; ]»at let me sbill abido, ' Nor fCv>m myMhopo reinoY€|^ Till Thow my patient a[)irit guide Into Thy perfect love. C M. 1 pEING of beings, God of love ! 1) . To Thee our hearts we raise ; Thy all sustaining power we prove, And gladly sing Thy praise. .2 Thine, only Thine, we pant to be ; Onr sacrifice receive ; Made, and preserved, and saved by Thee, To Thee ouri^elves W;e,giv04,:.j -iV/" 3 Heaveiiward otiv every wish aspires j. " ^. For air Thy mercies' store, .. The sole return Thy love requires " c. ' Is that we aiLkf jr more. . . ' 4 For more we ask ; we open xthi^ji '■ Our hearts to^ em^brace Thy w^lM j . , Turn, an I reviVeiis, Lord, agaiiy,! *i With ail Triy fulness fill. .>* 5 Com6 , Holy G %(^y t ki9 Savibur *a iovo Shed in;oiu'?h^arts abroad ! ' ■ vio shiUl wc a^'sB.live.and mo^re, - And be with Christ in Got. , i.».> A'ld by T-.oo 111 :'.'o, .4Hlh;Th:^i ^if 6/:'^' J • »• ^' Till Thm Thy q3u\s!ceiii!tg 'Stpli'ie bts^iUiio? Thou ;:^iv sib thi po^v n* Thy |^t*av;v>-to iii ^>V.j /n i) How can it be, TIviu haavonly Kuij, That Thou sb.ouhUt U3 to g'Oi-y l>:iiig ? Make bhi.ve3 cho partners of I'ay thr-'no, Decked with a ntVer f.idm.o; eiowii ? C First 1)^1'!) of ni'\,iiy brethren Tliou ! • To Thoe, lo ! (^U our uowh wc bow : UJ < t 'Jo Theo Oiir haalts ^lud handu we giv^;^ Tlun*^ may wo dio, Tfaino may wc liVti I "*'*' -rf. '-'Qui . . ■ . -.U ■ . iff 'jv 'I!-*''/;., ,■ ^; i ''^ j'i^ 75 CM. 1 rv FOIv a heart to ora'so my Cod, ' \J A heart from sin fet frecj ! A heart tliat always feel?> Thy blood So freely gpilb for me I 2 A heart re?iigned, submr-isive, meek, My great Hxit^emer'rf tiiroae, Where ouly Uhrist u heavvl to apesi'kr Where J^vi9 reigns alOiie s . 3 A humble, lowly, contrite heart, Believing, triie, raid clcjlii ; ^ , Wiiich neither life nor < » . «^ V- ..itlK/ .f ^1 'ii m 'ill II ! 4 A lievvt in evoiy tliouglio rr^newcd, Aiuifttll ^f \6v^ divine ; * '";^ , f^o Piftvf^rQtr,' ?^iid ri'^ht^, h,nd piire, aiid good, T) Thy trfncler hearfc is still tlio same, And rne't*^ at liamii wo3 ; ? • Jo.'siu-j, for Tiiec distieascfl I am, : - ' 1 vv.uxt Tiiy 16 vo to know. 173 V7 C. M. J pOAIE, my God, tlie proiiaise sqal^ w This^moinit tin, sin, reihovG ; Kr^v in fnyg;i.5?pin 7 soul repeal Tiio wt'tt>j of Th/ loy©;''^*; 2 I ^i^ant Tliy l^fo, Thy pnrity, T 1 1 y r igh t e o u&iiass, b roiigh tin; I a^k, de^uro, and tvi\:^j,:iu. Thee, To b^ redeemed f^'om sin. Anther and &loth, desiro and pi'ido, This )>r)iiidnt b"; siilidaed ; I>,3 cast into the crimaon tide Of my Redeemer's blood. 4 Saviour, to Thee lii^ ibtil look.'S up-, iM^y present S.iyioui% Thou ! Jn all the confidence of hops, ' . . I claim the ble3siu£r now. 'Ti^ d.ono ; Thoit dost this' iliOHiisnt 3avo, AVith full salvation bless ; ]vedemption.-throiigh_5?hy blpodl hstvc, An;V spofcleas lu ve ■ a|id .'pv^ei&,i H A COME-^'o^dawen in me, Spirit of power withiji I And4?iiag tli« ijiorixjus libei'ty, I '^^' m 3 Go, labor on,>rIviJe it J^ ^ayiu: I xA ' Spsed, s^ed4ifeylv<^3s^, Qa^^otrh Hway ; It is not thus that} souls ar^Wvon, ,.*."., 4 . . i *i; *-» ft V J •-> * > i • - ' • 4 !Mcn die in darknes-^.at tny siae' ' Without a hope to cheer the toml>; Take up the toi'ch, and wave it wide, The torch that lights time's thiokpgt ^luf^iv 6 Toil on,. faint not, keep wajjchiftiid pray '^ Be'\v4se,^th^;enihig,.soul to win ^•• '■[ Go forth hito_tihe woiid> highwa^fiT Compel the wanderer to come iu.. ' i ',: 6 Toll on, and in thy toil rtjj pice. ;j , For toil comes' test, for ejiile horfjfJ- ; Soon shalt thoii hear thp.. Brid'5groom*s voije^ The miduighi} peal, **.El'Uold I come T' 72 GOB of all redeeming grace, _r By thy pardoning love compelled, Up to Thee our souls we raise. Up to Thee oiu' bodies yield ; Now our sacriQpe receive ; .: • ■; Ni>w accept U3 thvougli Thy Soft, \Yhileto Thee alone we liye, - While we die to Thee aluuti^ 7^. ?"As siobn as it' Sthil we b'olieve,\ .- By faith of Hb Spiiit we ttilt^ ; And freely forgiven receive ' The mercy for JcdUsVsjike; ; V , i We gain a .pur 3 drop of ITiii jppQ,^ { j The lUa of, eternijjy linow, ; i-^, l [ 1 1 . Angelical liijPBii^ea^ P>!oV)^» j :-. ^. itic i'l And w.itn<^ss a heaven below,. ,v II'HJ ! ! , ! (1! X liii : • • •»• * G^ospfiV &:%^ nxms. tl .f*. Vxiu\^:> by all to Tjitjo be given, 2 If so poor a'wngU' a receive ; (,ia.|ia :wj lor J ay yci'Vio.3, cliiui ^VM, I ;W> ^j li^iivl Jill 1 ar.i. 3 l;i,Uj lijy 3'ja! and bo(1y's powers: 'lake uiy memory, ml Uli, aiitl Will, •AU itiy'^ootis and all iiiy hours, All I Uaovv, aurV^ill I tel, AVI I fc'iiuk. of sp^dU, H>r w, O 0x1, Tain ^ own I am ; Vn^w I giv'e T'lie -biiijk Thin 3 T>wn ; Fro iiloni, frbnvls, and health, a'ld fauio, ■ • (^'ouJiecr it»i to Ttie8.i\lo4ld ;. \ 'J"nno [ live, tlirijo hanpy 1, Happier still if Th:n.i I die ! '' > 74 [ CpM^lv X:iou vtrvnd^d L\"tib o" a.)d, .L Tj wa^h mji ii T.iy clrj.v* .hig blo^.l ; TJ re-jt ]>jn'TJ,t i ih/ cr »sii,' tii'iii pAi^i I^ f^^Tjvjt'^ a ■id' lite w tJk)\i;th i^ gain. L. Xf. . « -.J : J I . 'i i ' t2 j*iL v3, n\y p.^ur ,h'>i,\ivb, j,ui I let it )je Forev if ci. /ssfcjd to all but Thee ! V S-!jkd U'iiou-.Mijy djrtast .a'lKl let me w-ciar /ji. Tiuit:[tlela»3-; ' And trenil^ling to its source rotunv/ lu humble pra^^ei- iind foi v en t*'p raise. ' ' • 3 Jesus, confirm my hej,rt's d^^iiffe* ' -_ To work, anil speak, ami think .{or Thcc ; Stili let mo guard ti»e holy "firfci . And still 'itir'up Thy gift iii'/ne. 4 R;ady for all Thy per/oct wiirj My acta otifaifcli and love repeat, 'Jill death Thv oiidloss niercies'^iSeaL And make the sacriftce coipplete. :%. ."Sk 1 T'ORTH in Thy liame, O Lavd/ 1 go, J. My dady labor to pursue, T' ce, ouly Tnee, res'lvod to kuow, lu all I think, or speak, or do. 2 The task Thy wisdom hath assigned, let'ine cheerfully fuilil, In all"my, works Thy presence find, t-'-' And prove thy acceptable will. >■ ■ "!'• ■ l. ■^*"Thee may I set at my right hand, ' Whose eyes my. inmost substance see ; And labor on at Thy command. And ofF^r all niy wbrlis to Thefei 4 Give me to bear Thy easy yokes^ - And every m :ment wutcfe and pray, And BtilJ to tliija^^ etcrni^l look, ,, . - ' And hu^en toTby^loriou^ clky^ L.SS. i I I I I ! liii! ■4::? OS r EL My 'S HY il N'S. 5 FoivThoe deli^^htfuUy eraplby;fl'>Y. «i'--* -ir^ j\.n.(|;si^ i^y^-<5?xiirfce with even joj^ . ^UfV«losely walk with Thee to heaven. 70 . '. ; 1 1 tl Y gra^(iid\iS t.brfi; I own Tliy right _ ; To every service I can pay, And call it my snpreniG delight To heav Thy coiinseis and obe3^ C What h my being but for Thee, ^"^ ' lt$ mvG support, its iiobltst cad ? Tis my delight Tiiy face to aee. Ami BCi'Ve the cause of .such a Friend. 3 I woiild not High for worMly joy, 1 Oi' tj inercaate my M^orldly good ; Kor future day^ nor powers employ To fepri'ivl a souiidiij^ name abroad. 4 To Cjlirist niy Savioui* I would live, To Him who for my ransom died ; Nor.qouUi nU woiddly hoiior give ift\ip\i Wi3ij as .^•o>vnft i»c?at His side. 5 Ifid work my Tioary "hgc shall bless, VVIWiii youth ml yig'or is no more ; JKiul my ia:it hour of life eonfess Kla dyino' loye, His saving povvef. L. M. i 0% l<>bai' onj spci^d, and be spent, ti Thy- joy to do the J'at her 's will'; Itisihe-^ay the Master wenti trirc-I. JSiWld ^)Qit the aer vaut '. tread it still? t (ro^ i»lpr oil j 'tis not for noa^t, •Tjijy.iocUtS^yloswia heavenly gain; ., . ^ it cleanse th ine^ r . . Jt cieaowreth mo» -yes, cleausetk uic. ! : ! : I •! ^ «• fC- f '(». COSPJil- (JOi^tl ^IWil.V'S. • '• ' ■ •.»> ; ' I hear the speaking l)loo(rr *;'''/ .^f'/ :^^*^ '*• '^- ' ' It iSj)e ■Above the world of sLn, , ,, liVith heart mado piu;e,' and sarmentfi U^^hitoi • And Cliii^t cnthiM^ed witiiiu.. ' .: 4 Amazing grace ! 'tis h-»a von bolo.v, " . To feel the l>lood ap; iittl ; 4^id;;Je3n;S, on^y Jesus know, "Mv t^f^SiUS cracilied. m \ . ' 1 I VDAVN at the cros.s, where iny Saviolir tlied, XJ Down where tor eieansin^' from siu I cried, There to my heart was the bio o:l applied, • (i lory- to His name; ' «. 'v^,, .,i Clio. — Glory to Hi*? lianVf^, 'gl6ry't6 "Pl.^^namc ; Tliere to my liyart was the blood applied, . Glcry^b Ilii name. '^^**'^ 2 I am so wondrou'dy sav^ed from 'sin, •• Jesua so sweetly abides within, * There at the cross, where He took me^ in, _ . G iory to His name. , , ' • /. ' ' 3 Oh, precious founttxin that aalrtjs fr6m «in, I am so glad 1 have entered i^ ; . There Jesus saves me, and keeps me clean,^ Glory to His i-ame. 4 Come to this'f/juntain, &o rich and si\^cfct, Cast thy jxjor son I at the Saviovir^s feet, Plunge in tt)-day.Hfid*'b« ma^de complete, Glory to Hi4i,namo, 1 TO the leross o^.Christ, my Saviour, X .., , I Jiad brougti't m y weary ' sot^V ; l^iircienfed, f^'itit, aM brok^th-heattidi . .VraJ;iu^, ** Jesu^ make me wbole." •*^. **'' If iSbi,i!ffs*.''4' lfi(*'. » h 3 V»'hc:i th^Biidcgrobih'coaiiHh A^ll'VoUrV'^iibe Piire and white ;i« %he bltK>y ^ tlfe^ -iiHjnbJ^ AVi II your soiil be i^eady for the hw^i^ sKmus :!^) rigb t ? And be .washed in tUe blco;! of the Lp.u\b jf .>. 4 X^ay aside the garments thkttii*^ staified with sin, And be WAShcil in the blood of the L uub i Tl\ere's a fomitaiii flowing for the ^jul uuclean — O bo wafehed In the blood oi the Lij-nj.!:^ I , 81 y.-.fti v*.f. 5 • 1 T 1ST, the Spirit calls to thee,,;,"^^ i i Will you be washed in t)ie WoQd^ Jesu» died to make you free, .Will vou be washed in the blood T . . ^ -. . :. Pcvr.dpn freely given, ijClt'ansing you for heaven. ■'"'- - Ch^,-^ Will youi>e washed — . Washt!d tn^'thti blood of the Lamb? •a .^^,}ViU yuu bo washed W'ashed in the blc ocd of the Lamb ? 2 Sinner, now thisi blcssiug claim, Will you be washed in the blood ? Through the dear Redeemer's uaiiie. Will von be washed in the blood V Claim Him aa your Saviour, Me can save forever, 3 lie can Wash y*ou white as snow," < \V' ill you be washed iu the blooS ? And the witness you may know, •'Will you be waslied in the blood ?..,,. ,J^'' 'You e^if know this houii'f : .:'> . V J . Of His saving po w e r . ^ , ; j 4^"Cyrist did drink that cup^for tttl, ' . .^ViU'^'ou bQ Wii^hed in the Ijlupd? Ta I't r^^t, t^^e Sjaint 6 call, ; :;:,:^[1 you.^; waslicd. K*^^ k!f!94;? ' ^.-W^f^fejjl^oundins;^^ Joy through neaven resounding. m K m iiiiiii IB 0OSPEL TENT iJYMKSb „ »^.H"' -^ "(If.'. K) 1 1 I 1 ■ ii III • 1 i T STAND all >ewy(Jei'^/i with wouderi X And gaze on tb^iopeain o-f love^ Aud over its wave^ i^o my spirit, Comes peace liite a lieaA'erilydb.Vtt.. " I, Cho.— The croiss now covers my sins Vv;«7< '• ■ Tlie past is under the hlooi.} -^ I'm trusting in Jesus for all, :t^? My will is the will of my Gpd, 2 I struggled And wrestled to wih it^^"^ •♦ The blessing that setteth me free ;^ But when I ha-^^ ceased from s^trugglea^ His peace, Jesus gqkve ;^n^ in^* ^ . ■•'■. 3 He laid His -hand on me and healfj^ me, And bade' me be every whit 'Whole : I touched but the hem of His garmeiij^^ And glory came thrilling m^rsoul. " 4 The Prince of my peace is now passing, The light of Jlis fa^aHs oh Mo*^ But listen, be^o.ved. He speaketh ;, ; "^ *^ My x>eace I now give ^uto.,thee.** 83 ' . ■.''"' -ti' 1 T KNEW that feod in His WoH'had spoken. X The power of .>sin can all be broken, ..^ The heart held captive, yet be free': " Lord, is this blessing hot for iiie ? Cif07— -|;:The blood, tlie blood, is all my ple^ Hallelujah, it cleauseth m,e..:4, 2 ikust I'go On'msm and sorroTf^ :6Ui^ V^ Tf^-day in sunshine^ clouds to-motrbVi - ;';t Firra* I'm suining» then t repenting, ! '^ r^^i^ Now I'm s.iubb©rn, then relenting." 3 niih »a,3TakI> wrahg, I cried, nxy Lord, Isi there nafe powe^r in Joi^^ia* bloxinlt: • J. Tof raikfe oa Bfte ai perf eqt oore.,, ,)i^,, l^:s^ T cUause my heart diid "keep. it Pwilf ..w' -li::' 1 The Seed of tin's di&casc^ Bpirit of healtli, remove, Spirit r>f fiiUtihf'd holircss,--^ HAL I Spiiit of .'I>crfec4j love, '^ '^^^'A i'^'^- , 2 Hasten the jpyful uay, . ; > . -. - .,,* i Which shall my sins consume,. WheiVOld thing?? shall be pasaetVtiway; And all things new became. The original offence Out of my soul erase ; Enter Thyself, and drive it houcc» And take up all the place. &8 3t n 78 I Avant the witness, Lord, That all I do is righfr, According to. Thy will and avoi^, . Well- pleaajng in Thy sight :• .6 I ask no higjiec State ; Indulge me b\t tin this, And so an or later then trausl*to {9?o- my feternal bJfes. 1 T^^ECrdUB Jcstts}, Thou hast saved Thine, and only Thine, I am : p mfi Oh ! the cleansing blood has reached lUis, , .." ;'^01ory, glory t^tih"^ Lambi . i CUGT. — Olory, glory, Jesus 'sr.ve* me, GloVy, glory to *he Lamfe 1 1 ok ! the cleansing blood has reached me. Glory, glory to the Lamb 3 2 Long my yearning heart was tryiii|{ ,. « 1^0 enjoy this perfect rest. But I gave all trying over : Simply trusting, I was bleat. ■ ' • ■ * - 3 Consecrated to Thy service, I wllHive anddieiforTlieei . ^-^ ,.,. j* , I s,m witness- tb-Thi^.^Wfy; I ^.^^.^;;'f ;: K, •(■f\ m a3"" .5^ f^\ da^.-. K i:y. 1 A^C i'l I t^ou-}it T vvguUfj^il !\vjilv Jesus, \ ) Yet suoh c;Km';;cful feeling'' had ;' Sometinia^ trufibing, somoa ?:os (ioubtia;g, /, Sv»me times joyful, *w>m'jt lines tad. Clio. — Oh, tho poa.'c tli3 Scivioiu- gives — Pea e I iievcr kiuw before ; Anuc He Called hie closer to Him, Biule my doubting, foariri.^, ccRse ;. And v/bcu I had fully yieided? Filled my soiii with pjrfect peace. 3 Now, I'm trustii)^ every i!ii6ment, Nothiii^. k'sy can be enough ; • And the Saviour l)ea? g me i-ently O'er those idacGij once 5o rough* t t 80 T ^ ■ I rjAVE yoi) been to Jesus for the cloatiishig H I «. power? Are you washed in the blo^d of the Lamb? ; Arc you fully trusting in His grace this hour? Arc .you Avashed in the blood, of the Lamb.? Clio. — Are y oit waSih ed in th e blood , ' '^' ^ • , In tjie^soiilrcleansins; blo?)d of the L^nb.f . nArf ji^our^f^^ii^en^^ .■ Are th^y wl^tQ as snoM^ ? 'i Are y<)u.wawied in the blood of thti Lamb ? '."•4 ■k- , iil iiOJ i>j<:^-?. (^ "■4 Clio.- -Gii^ry, glovylii^ti'd^e^iR!^'^''-^ j!^^^^^ •:^''^'- 1 aiHcouuliiii all in titim'l, ; ' ''f^"^ I avc found it full salvation,"' ; '^•^•v^^o.lj I h am renting at tlio cr • M CT 2 At the cross, while metk'y howm^^ui\t'(a Jeans, smiliiig, .bade i]iie live ; .'rf^^.'n:' '^ ** I have died fur your transgres.sioa«, And I freely all forgive." ' ' 3 At the cro3s, while living dailyv ' Further light bhone in my sou^, ' And my Saviour gently whini^^Te*!, Now "Xhiy faith hatU made thee\vh6ltt.*' 4 At the cross rnioalndy resting, Every moment now is, 9;weet ; ^ lam tasting of Ilis jglory, » • < . I am resting at His feet. ■/:]-■ . . L. M. 1 TIE M'ills that I should holy be ; ^ J I That holiness I long to feel ; That full divine conformity To all my Saviour's righteous will^ 2 Sod, L6rdiHhe travail of Tliy sonl \Accrmiplished in the change of mine, j^iVd phiiige me, every whit made whole, - In all the depths of love divine. 3 Ou i^ltec, O God, my soul is stayed, • »• And waits to prove Thine utm^st^will ; vt ; -^ livhi6h caunbt m(i\^> ^ ir.isten the louo'.( x^pficted houri '^^^*>' ' And b!cs< m'6nrttflr Thy perfect lora '*•' sfm H •%i V,^-f' ' . - • And all my soul be love, 1 r\ THOU, our Saviour, Brother, l^lfieuJ, * \J Behold n. cloud of Ineonse rjse ! .' T **;^. Tic pray evs of saints to heaven asceud, iJrateful, accepted sacrifice. 2 Regard aur prayers for 7* '**^ ^^ Shed iu our hearts Th> . ^ .' Thy gifts «^bu ndan tly" iucrv ^-se^ , ' ' ,^ ^^ Enlarge and fill U3 all witli G »d'. ' . ,. » » 3 Take Ihc dear purcnase of Thy biood^:; Thy bio dd iSh all wash us| >v^hit;e as snow. Present us sanctified to Cfbd, A^d |'>ei:f^cted in love below, ^ ^•^ M. • » ••f iiU 4 That bloq^ yl^iv'>,def^u8€3 fio^i.alha^ That ' cifecacidiiS bit^o^ ajpp^y », , t' * ' .^ jl^i^^m all Iniquity redeem, ' C]i^rvs0 by, the water anttthlT'il^ol'di And fr^akom evecy i^pot of blarney A^d make the aei*v;u)t as hU Lofd I . . J. . '. . 91 L. M. 1 /1 OD of all power, and trutli, and ^race, \T WUi'jh shall from age to age endure, Whose word, when lieaven ai^d earth shall pass, Bemaius and stands forever &ure ; 2 That I Thy mercy may proclaim. That all mankind iXv truth may see. Hallow Thy great and glorious name, And perfect holulcss in me. 3 Thy sanctifying Spirit pour, To quencn my thirst, and make me clean ; jTow, Father, let the gracious shower Descend, and make nle pure from siii. 4 Purge me from every sinful blot ; My idols ail be cast aside ; Cleanse mo from every sinful thought, JVom all the filth of self and pride. 5 Gi^o ii>e a ;iew, a perfect heart, Firom doubt, and fear, and sorrow free ; Tj^e-itiina which was iu Christ impavti.f;' Attd j^et any spirit cleave to Thi,'s its ready victims tind, . Sci/jt;30Q,.aiHM>ins, and \ ura up all, y- * Xor leave the least rem. uus behiud ! 4 Then sliall our prostrjttc sQulfi adore,^;*, Tiie Lord, He is tl>e(jrubl<3S ihake, An end of all my "^in. ' - . .. I ■ 2 I will, throu^^li grace, 1 will, T ^ believin'^ Th^e Ind M-aiting for Tiiy.)>lbo«l Uii/n;)ai:^ The spotless puvi.t-v ; s ^^ ■Mi I. M. /-W S M, While at Tliy crpsB I Ho, £6 K-Ow Thy all-cleanp4Jig Jjl^o^ l^jyTyij 1 TTJHAT ia our caUing'& glorious l^opvar4 holiness ? ■ For thin to cksus I look up, I Ci'vlwjly wait for this.v i ft 2 I wait, till He shall tonchnie cletin, • ^ Shall life and |X)\ver Hiipart, Give mc the faith that casts ou^^j^ * Aud purifies tlie hoait-, 3 This is the dear re Redeem me ivom all 4iin : 31. V iK'.'irt would now rvctive Thio, Lord ; Como in, my I,ot1, cOmo in I 1^ \ • Kt I I ■ I • Q AVKD to the r.t^crmoat?, Iti\u the Lord's, lU Jesus, my iSaviour, aalvatiou affords, (^ives iHv; HwSpiVh a wJtucRswithi;i, Whisu'. uc of pftT^cnJ, Qf saving fr^tu ftin. ,i !;;; m ii3f!ti oosrKL wii't ' ft rM xip titteiT.losk, * Jesus, the Savlotiis is mine. * . 2 Saved t^o tlifi utteniaost, Jesus It near, ; / Keeping me. safely,. He ca&tetli out feai*; Ti^istii^g His proiuTO*iS> how I am bleibt, Leaning upon Hiiii, how sweet is m}' refct, 3 Saved to the uttermost, this. I can sa3% ** Once all w^s clurk»ess, ]mt now it is day, Beautiful visions of glory I ace, ; Jesus, in bri^htu'Qss, revealed unto me. 4 Savcfl to t!ie utteriViqst, cheerfully sing ~ Loud hallelujahs i6 Jesus, my King ; Ransomed and j)ardlQf jt?dt^f44?jeiAed by His: blood, ' ." '.■.•■ Cleansed from ii^r|ghteou«ue&'j, glory to Gotl. 93*"^' ' ''•■■ ■■•■■•■ '^ ■ 1 TF you \vant pardon, if you want peace, X If you want sighing and sorrow to cease, Look up to Jesus, who died on the tree, • To purchase a full salvation,!^*^*'^' Cue. —Living benoatlv the shado of th« croii^ ; Qouiitii)g the iewels of earth but dro««, Wasliecl in tue blood that Ho wed from His side. Enjoying a full salvation. ^ 2 If you want Josua to reign in your Boul, Plunge iftttte fountoip and you shall be whole, Washed in the blood of the crucified One, , &^J9yi"g a ^»A salvation. 3 If you want bold n eds, ttike part ila the flght, If yon want pui^ty, walk in th« Hj;ht, If you ^'Aut li^wsrty, about ahd be f reo, iJnjnying a fuH solvation. :Hi[)i^i.^i>.s .. Q9^M 4 If yon yt^Ai^ h^lujc^^^.ejlng-t© .1il^ft•cro^v*•.'•2•V,^iH':' Conntlu^:^ the ?7i;iie^;f^trpii •H^;be.7V\lc^\iltby muI M*ise, *' fiujoyiug »,,fj*ll .gan!^^!^!^^ •j'ill ,. • >'. 5 If you \vaTibTip(hteotisnGSgj?\irftigiiig wilMA^^^ '^ Go to .thelbiintaift thatVdpenfoi' siii, v, i^i' t'>i^ - Soldiers of Jesus be spotkfes Arid' cle^\\y^^*'-V ^ i. Enjoying a full salvation. -r?dr!i--J 1 QIXS of yoars ar.e washefl uwayj •*'^ UiJxi^-iH. ; O Lllackcst staius-becomie a» fAoav, ' ' Darkest iiiglit^sclian^ecl, to. day^ .• - .» When y^; » 3 Eass-;an'd" Wc >! eaith "betiomto as drosy, tliles^^ eatth's deli dit and i ho W i:-'A\\ y'cfnv' boast iis in the (Jr6ss, ; ' When you to the rivp.r go.' ' ' 4 Selfishness ii^ Ipst in )ove,_. ._ . , , ., Lore'Fot* Hiin who^ie jiove ypuknow ^. rpf'i ' :ill j^iJui^'ti'^Vure is A^ ^^^^y^^'t6tl|o);iyeT , ; 5 Fiditjng. i^ a great.d'&Ught^ii r>i<»«l 3S ever will y.ov feoo: w)c (oe ^ Armed by.King.Jeho.YaU'« i^ii^t,Mi».7#. VVhcn you to th^ viyor go. -ni rn iii. • ♦ ,5a : 93 ?1 GOSPEL TE^TT IIVZ^I.VS. • ■•■■' n/ ;.f, .111 li 1 . ,-. , : .- • ' ' • a-fi fit t'fjif.' ' ^ 4 N the bright aUflshinittg way ,Mre ai*© W>archiiig Living ih a full aalva-iion ; . jic: f;.:A , We are giving up our uU to the bl(Dss,C(l Master *s And we praise Him for a fujj dalva^I^iii'^ 'Clio. — Fiiil salvation ! Hallelujah to His' hame ! *"' ..Full salvation through His precious blood v»riiw^ (^laiai ; . AVi^tianEden here below when SjUclvperfoct .'1;^,'?? peace we know ; ' . Hallelujah ! for a full salvation. 2 We are on%jn 'Christ, the LoEtV.»^d«;abidiuo;Jft Living in 'a full salvation ^n ft»/xia h^uV AVe are looking for a home with the happy ones < above, . . . > There to praise Him for a filu saivation. S AVe can read our title clear to a man«iott in the %^ '•'* skv ' •■ii.v.'.v avj.i/l . Living in a full salvation; \..- We shall gather with the Lor4 -i^ jljis/. kingdom ; by-and-by, ,^,,i ,,,,,^:|,V V.' There to praise Him for a fall sahfo-tirm, 4 We are truatlns in His- c.i>a3c, w^e willtiiisbHtu »'^'i5? evermore, " * ' ■ :;^^:>v*' « : si ng in a fiij,! ai Q'thfe sons: tha'f we phail sin^r when '^t-e irii'aoh the Livini? in a fui;l salvation ; vi .ii u; other fjhore, v r - There to pyaisc Him f Or a fi4l aalv(»Itibn^ "^ 99 ■ P "^ '^, ':: •'".'':'' , ' l.mHE blood that Jesus shect^c^.i^^:';''* ' J. When groaning, dying^oVthe'ttte, From all transgressioni clcAnfeeUa n><>, •. ^ • And saves n\? through and through. ■'. f \ '^i^A-^Sm, I'^mu 7D7 CU'^.— Savfil, saved, yef, I anvsaved, 66 The bluod of Jtfiis cle^\^ls.^lMj[j^^n<>. J[ And savxs m«J^.QUgU:&n4 yK^ijigJ?,! * 2 tri perfect trust T nVAvVeJsiVn, • *' V ^'i*ij)'ff My all to Him \^;U^Ba- wiU is niiim^ ' '*. He fills my soul with l^ve ctiviiv«. ' ♦'^*'^ * . . And saves me through and tUipiigh, . „,., ^ 3 No tiiicrel tongue such iiraiaecanbxiiig, Nor learn the sori'^ that liow i Hiug to Him, my Propheb. Pt4tst»and' Kin^<, Who. saves me thYoiigh and through. 4 I know not what my joy will bs . . When, face to face, my Lord I see; ■.■ // .. , But this I know, lie cleanseth m«^- And saves me through and thrcmgh.,. ; • ■ • ' <.''-!<' f ,. 'f.-v -! ■ . - . . 'J i ■ ■ ■■ • • ■- ' ; J T ' 1 T AM coming to Jesus fur rest;, 1 Rest, sucli as the puiittetlf^ know ; Mv.soiil.isj abhlrst to be hh'5t, .r . To be wa5»lied and made wliitcr tUan'ahaw. Ciio.— I. beli^Vv^ Jesus saves, j AriiMiis blood wa,shcs whiter thaii'inoMr; I bolie\:e Josus pavec«, And His blbftid' wasiies whiter tlian-sriow. :.n.i\ ^ 'I i 2 -In 'doming, my s'u I d opl )re, ,. My weakness and poverty aHow | -. I lor>g to be savpd evcrmoro, , ?.: " \lL'o il>e Washed and niude wiiiteriha\s|ipj\\(j^ 'i. • I -V 3 Tvj^asu? I^ivc up !uy ?dl, ' , ^- > Kv ry tir* asiirc an T i T'.j I 1:'V;W ; • ' '' ' ' Tar llh fuhuiss of be? iuj, l.ciill, , ,, ._. ;i;in. His Uuod walT- ^,.y \rt. Itof tiof^'feiiibV , 4 I ;im *n^.'«inirin Tr tvi-^ alouefij \y. tno'vi m pi'- II I % ;■, i< H 'dih Vj-m K.i>^; iS'ilJ om v-iuvj^II s may fiiul, . . ,, i ..a If Btiil Thbiidoat'cju'Sihitos W!, ^'^ ^'"^ Q-oiti^ 'a« a krflghty rirshingsViiuVr^''' ^'''* ^ Great gi:ao©J^^p^>v,ujvp^j*3.4U5 av/^t^ X^^ •I /f ORD Ood; tTi^ Kd!y Cftib^' . •'... Jj In thia adocptc*! Tiour, i\3 on the (lay of T*t»at$cost, l)0£?ccncl in all 1 hy power. Wc meet with one accord In our apnoin bod place. And wait the prriiHij»e of onv LcTiL . . ... : • /:Th9f*Spirit or all gx aeo. ^ ' •' ^ • i^- ^ ^- *2 Like mighty riusldngAvind [Jpon the waves beneath, Move*'Tvith ^ie impnlsa eveiy mind, One soul, one feeling, breathe, ,. .^ The 3^0ini^» t'he olvl, inspire With wisdojn froni^aboye ; And give ns hearts and tongues of ilro ■ ., To prayyand praise, ami lorn ^-^^'^ 3 Spirit of li^ht, explore '.. A nd chase our gloom away With lustre shining more aiid rnrno Unto th© perfect day; Spirit of Xnith, be Thou la life and death our guide; O Spirit of adoption, now a Imll May we be sanctified. ■'lln'-l ^ 103 , , , 1 'rpiS the very same power,, th^ ycry, sajiae pf35\|ffeT, X *Tis the very same power 'tUe^^;;l>tdrM Pentecost. ' ! , . y;r»H ^^'-^ Tia the power, the power, 'tis the poW'dr That Jeans pronii^ d s^hould eonife do vrifl * * ^ /► 2 W hilc with one accord asfs€mbl6voultl c )m?, . . . ,y . 5 Some thoi^^fht thoy w.:>PviJaiil(itio, if! ij^-j .■»♦.%'•. Oi' wero druukcn'with.iiev/ wia?., • • . 'iVas tho v'owef, bto. (?'til*Uree thousaiul avgj'O oouvertOvl , "^ ^ 7 TJie martyrs hftd this powor/^' ''^*^'* luiu-c^^-v- 'As they trill iiiphed in the ilaiiiisar; -**'■'' V By thp povv.e r, ate, , J • »; . S^OiiY fathers had this power, fciioiiic^icu -^^C Aud we may luvvc it too^ ,i i!i i :/ f v .* i.4 .^ , 'T is. the. po'w^t, etc.;V; 1/ '^|^l3 th.e very ^ame power, c;.,a J;i#^ii oh:*'/-* •= For^ feel it in my ^ou\y. i^ i^i^i^t^nt u;.]a- ^ Tis the pow;cr;.-,ctfi;;, >^ T 1 T\|Y ("lod ! I know,: I feel Theemina,,:,. iU- And will not qiiib my claim, ' ' Till aU I have i3 lost in Thine, And all renewed I am. s- .i «• ■ i 2 I, l>pUl Thee with^a trem)>ling haiul,^. ,&» : ' ■ But will not let Tiiee go, . ^ ^ , 7; .^fi;i I'ill steadfastly^ by faith I JBtivad;, ;, ^.y..- >;jr Aud'all Thy'goidnesa kiiow/ * jj^..;;^ o that;.in m^tthc.^atu'fid fire ^ ,;-j ..: j^^;:. r M%htJi6w begin to glo\\% }ft^« '; • Bnni up th^^j;^)^^ 9^ ii^tfe^.i^lwrew U;i ii.rr And 'Tiaketllc nipiyjfc^^jiij'^ l{0W^,iv ... ';. • • ,.-,•*!. JT l-ifm'coSTittj 'Vr. "4 tli:^t it nowjrbtti h^aHreti 'mt^W^^^^^^^^ Aud all my Sln^ cons\itiio"f ' " ' ^' Com(fe, Holy pho^t, for Thee I call, Spirit or bwruliigj coitift U :.» ' J il i .w r .». v^ '\ ' 4 5 Rcfiuiag fire, go through my heart, HTumiaate my aoul ; »Seatber Thy life through every pai*t;'' ''"'^ ^* And saiiotify the whole. ;.'" ':>'*> ,o 148 1 QPIRltmauc, attend (^f j>j!kyWst ^"•'^ JU AnHVtaaic'e t^s hojus^e Thy home ; l)a.scead withAlt-iUy^esii^qus: powersr^ . . come» -gi'eat -Sipirit, come i : ; i . « • ; - / 2 Come as the light I to U3 revoal Our emptiness and w<>e ; ' And lead ua iu tho*e paths of life ' • - - Where *Ji the. righteoua go. 3 Com3 as the fire ! aiid purge our hoariCa , ?- Like sacrifici J flame ; * Lpt oMt whole soul an offering be To our Redeemer's name. >-i '. ^^i ■i / 'i Come' a^ the dejv ;! and sv/eetly bless Tiiis consecrated hour ; May barren nes.3 rejoice to 6wn Thy fertilizing power, r> Come as tlits'dovc \ and spread Thy wlhgrs, The win;- Si of ])eactfui love ;. *, " ^ , Aud let Thy Church on earth bcc:>Tivo^ . lilett as th(i Church above; ' . 1; riio glory of Xhy'tWcc. .*,' Tl III % t 's VO ^, ;ao.sri:L ti:kt: UIVMns. 7 Suirit i>iW1i^^n.tfaen(VoTiit'|riV(yti^;^^^>^*^ "- ])oM«ha with A,H Thy ^r&.ei<>(u"fi6wtii^i ^ lOG O: ocnip., grefit »Sr>irtt' conic !' *: -^ .. J / tO^T|), Holy Spirit, IvQavqnly.pove,^ * . I ; Wiv'i ji U Tny qriickomn^ij iWy,bi^ ; K 'lulle i'l llainc of 3ioro(l 16 vo 111 thOFis qaitl heiu't.} of oiira, . . • 12 III %'ain wo tir.i-^. oui* formal songs, 111 vaiii we fJ^jivo to rise ; Ifoianiia^'lAn^aish on oiU'itongUDs, '• * *'**• And buL* clovotion dies. } - 3 And 3 li^l I vro th(\n for 6 vor liy q At this poor (lyiiig- ratQ.?.'''*"'^. .«-.. r Oiirlov^e so'falrit, sQly SpMt^Hiiavbfril'y Povoj Witli all Thy quickening powers ; . Oonie, s'hecl ttbroad the;Samilr*s love, . And that shall kindle ours; 107 • • • ■ ■ •■ - .\ ■•.■;V'''^""'' ■ 1 pOMJ^, Holy Ohost, all-quiokening fire, \J ,CA«ne,.and in me delight to rest' j: Drawn by the lure of strong deslrej' * ' CO ne ftivl oau33cr*ite my breast t The temple of my soul prepare,' i^'^ And fix Thy sacri^d presence there; 2 If now Tliy iiaflaWc© I feel, ,, . If now in^Cfiw b^gih t<> lixrift. ^'^'^^ Sbill to my heart Tiiyself reveal F'^'^^^^j Give uio;Tiiyself, for ever ^We ; - A point my g9od) 8/ drop m^ itorci , Kagei* I ask^ I pAiitlav m^'fti ' »Z'»T.\iii:i^t\L TviWif!*. i^ M. 8 Eagtr f ar/¥ifie^, I ask antl j;antV x-i Ji;a]Ci V 80 atrong the j^^Hnc^iyile divitiej e?! mM Carries me qvi>> ,wi>ib m wee^ con«tf ik»t,"'^ Till all lay halloweid a'^ulvi^- iiu-^o ^ > Plunged in the Uodheaira JoeneLt sta, 7^0 r And lost in its immensit}'. . . ^ . '^ ': ii" ' ■ ^ 4 My peace, my life, my c>mfurt Thou* > My treasure and my all T bo a art ; True v.itness of my Son^hip, now Kngravint; pardon on my heart ; Seal of my Bir»3 in Chriafc forgiven, Earnest of love, and pled^^e of heavcfl. 6 Oomc then, my God, mark out Thine heir, Of heaven a larger earnest give ; ' With clearer light 1 hy witness. )^>;ari. More sensiWy >vitfe|in nip live ;; ;. ; Let aU my powers Thy entrance feel,, t . And deeper atamb Thyself the seal. . 108 -^KiS'^ g3g^ 1 T ^yANT the Spirit of powsv within, JL Of love and of a healthl'ul mind.; Of power, to conquer inbred sin ; Of love, to Thee »and all mankind ; Of health, that pain and death dcQcii, "U^ . Most vlgo;-ou» When the fajKly dit;s. .: \ 2 When shall Ihcai'thc in\rjird Vdlcc, Which only faithful aonis can' hetrl^' Pardoii, and peace, and heavenly joy iB^,. Attend the promised Comforter; ^''^l coine,-%iid nghteou«»nes« divine, '-'' ' ''^* And Christ, and all with Christ, are mine! ^3 ill at the Comforter would come, / Nor visit as a transient guest ; » r>ut fix in.ine Ili^ constant home^ ' And iake po^aeFsiou of my bixjast ; And fix iiim^^fi:ii^loye.d abode, ^i'he ton) pie of ind^ivellinir C^gdi TS G^J^i^fiT. TENT- UYM^H. !!i;; 109 4 Conic, Holy Cihost, luy heart iaaptre, Attciit that 1 am hii 11 agul^^ ;::;'' (jlt^ilic!, on I luptizti i\i« iiow with fii*e, Nor let Thy t^Tinor gifts be vaiu ; , I cani^pt i^ea\ in &iua loeglven ; . : Where is the carncitt of my heaveu ? %'5' VVheie the indubitable seal Th• : Fulness, of love, of lieaUS, we on tl^e wftrduWp^d, L. Ml J .Spoken l>y Th«6^%diile prCS3nt hert — **Tho Father in iiy name shall send Th^^ioly Clhost, tha Comforter. ^' *2* That promise made to Adam*s race, ^'ii^fow, Lord, in ua, even us, fi^ltll ; Aiid give the Spirit of Thy Jjjraue, /iV teach us all thy,p!e):(€j(?t .will* 3 That he?ivenly Teacher 6f mfitikind. That Guide infallible impart, ' To bring Thy sayings to our mind, And write thcni oa our taitliful hi^eart. • ' ' • - . , ■ T • t «t ■ ' . 4 Heonly can the wosds appl^^r ■ ^ - ^* « Through which AvcejadlessUfe^sseas ; And deal to each his l«^/acy, ... . ' ; Our Lord's unutterable p^^e, . 5 That p'-'ftce of God, that peace of Tliiaei might He «ow to us bring iii» ] ' And iilliivu' souls with power divine, And make an end of fear and sin, G The li^ngtn ajid breacl^h of , loVe reveal, ' Tb^^Jhdght and^tkpth of p<.a]^^ ; . _ Aii4 i*^i .the sons of gh>i7 seal, ^ .. • Aud chaugcjjwxvlmiike us alf like Tfefc^ r»!Sfit-i^i. }*^V^iL i'.>:?T * Scarehiuir the iauiost of the miutl, To purge all liercq and foul dosire, And kindle life more puliv^er of cancelled fein, Tread down it«j strength, o'evtu rn its swa3v And sjiill tl)e o,on(j[uejt more than win. 6. Th(v Spirit breathe of inward lif«.*^ ' " * AVhicli in our hearts Thy law may write; Then giief expires, and pain, and strife, " UHsuature all, and ail delight. ; ' w>^«: 111 1 'A ^iPIElTof tlie living God, •0 L. M. In adl Thy pknitude of grace j W here^e;:! (trhe foot of man hath ttrod, ,Dt^oend.ouMQur apostate race. i u 2 (Jive tongues of fire antlJ;^ea,^tSi-of loyo, •-To i>i^a<:?hth^ree6iicili% word r!^ * ■ Givj pt6wl^-lhuiuilotlait'fn>«) ii^^'bre,' K it*\^- •■wiiiiiimini il « M X OOHVlih TKNr m'M.N». 112 3 Be darkness, at Thy coming, light ; J Confusion — ordw, itr Thy potiL; Qoxiln without strength inspire with might; Bid incYcy triumph over wrath. 4 Baptke the uatioiia ; far and nigh The triumphs of tJic cross record ; The ntimc of Jesus glorify. Till every kindred call flim I<>W*RI Can you .bea*i^ theithmigjif'of 1o8ittg-'»^^> -J'^ All the. jo-ys . tbab are above r'^^'t^;^'-^'; ' No, my; hrotherv'moj my sistep/JOriiiv/i-iir'^ *God will: perfect you. in lbyfe.'v>T\'a Liil 81 (h 5 May a mighfry sdtmd frotn hetiV^eh Suddenly e'O'me rushing down ! Cloven tongues like as of fire, May ijh-ey sit on all around : On the soul of e«.ch believer May the Iloly Ghost come He is coming ! He is coming ! Glory, glory to the Lamb ! .ff f •»'.» 114 J1 'i '"'. '^ 113 1 n RACIOUS Spirit, Love divine, VJ Let Thy light vvithin me shine, All my guiliy fear^ remove, Fill me with Thy heavenly love, 2 Speak Thy pardoning grace to me, Set the burdened sinner free ; Lead me to the Lamb of God ; Wash me in His precious blood. 3 Life and peace to me impart, Seal salvation on my heart ; Breathe Thyself into my breastj Earnest of eternal rest. • •••■• 4 Let me' n^-ver; from Thee stray ; Keep me in the narrow way ; Fill my soul with joy divine ; Keep mo Lord forever Thine. 1 TjOLy Ghost, with light diviiie,i JlI Shine upon this heart of mifte*; "r la Is. Chase the shades of* night away,^^ .;^o .*ay'A Turn my darJindlTinfo SayT ' .J' » *** iT 82 GOgPFX TENT HYMNii. 1 1 A f .i 1 i 1' i It j \ 1 1 ill 'i| i 2 Holy Ghost, with power divine, Cleanse this guilty heart of mine ; Long hath sin, without control, Held dominion o'er my soul. 3 Holy Ghost, with joy divine. Cheer this saddened heart of mine ; Bid my many woes depart. Heal my wounded, bleeding heart. 4 Holy Spirit, all divine, Dwell withm this heart of mine ; Cast down every idol-throne, Reign supreme, and reign alone. 115 1 n OVER o'er me, Holy Spirit ; XI Bathe my trembling heart and brow ; Fill me with Thy hallowed presence. Come, oh, come and fill me now. Cho. — fill me now, fill me now, Jesus, come, and fill me now ; Fill me with Thy hallowed presence, — Come, oh, come and fill me now. 2 Thou canst fill me, gracious Spirit, Though I cannot tell Thee how ; But I need Thee, greatly need Thee, Come, oh, come and fill me now. 3 I am weakness, full of weakness, At Thy sacred feet I bow ; Blest, divine, eternal Spirit, Fill with power, and fill me now. 4 Cleanse and comfort, bless and save me ; Bathe^ oh, bath« my heart and brow ! Thou art comforting and saving, Thou art sweetly filling now, wfmummi^v^^K PRAISE. 83 Section YII. PRAISE. 116 1 Y\7E praise Thee, God, for the Son of Thy VV love, For Jesus who died, and is now gone above ! Cho. — Hallelujah ! Thine the glory, Hallelujah 1 Amen. Hallelujah ! Thine the glory, revive us again. 2 We praise Thee, God, for Thy Spirit of light, Who has shown us our Saviour, and scattered our night. 3 All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, Who has borne all our sins, and has cleansed every stain. 4 All glory and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us, and sought us, and guided our ways. 6 Revive us again : fill each heart with thy love May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. 117 1 V[OW the chains of sin are broken, IN I am free, I'm free ; Christ the word of power has spoken, Unto me, to me. Cho. — Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Jesus died for me ; Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! 84 GOSPEL TENT HYMNS. 2 Soon as I by faith received Him, Fled the night, the night ; In jthe moment I believed Him, Came the light, the light. 3 All the fetters that oppressed me Now are riven, are riven ; With His precious blood He blessed me, This to me is heaven. 4 I will tell the wondrous story Of His grace and love ; He has filled my soul with glory, ^ Praise the Lord above ! 'M 118 Y Saviour suffered on the tree , Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! come and praise the Lamb with me ; Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! Clio. — The Lamb, the Lamb, the bleeding Lamb, I love the sound of Jesus' name ; fit sets my spirit on a flame ; Glory to the bleeding Lamb I 2 He bore my sins, and curse, and shame, And I am saved through Jesus' name. 3 I know my sins are all forgiven, And I am on my way to heaven. 4 And when the fighting here is o'er, I'll sing upon a happier shore. 5 And this my ceaseless song shall be, riiat Jesus tasted death for mc. 119 1 T'M a soldier, bound for glory, X .Marching at my King's command ; Let me tell my pleasing story As we march to Canaan's land. PRAISE. %8 Cho. — Oh, it is glory, oh, it is glory, Oh, it is glory in my soul, [ment, For I have touched the hem of His gar- And His blood hath made me whole. 2 I was once so sad and weary, Weary of myself and sin. And I cried, *' Lord Jesus, save me," And He smiled and took me in. 3 Jesus loves me, Jesus saves me, Jesus is my sweetest song, Jesus altogether lovely, Jesus, Jesus, all along, 4 Now my life is constant pleasure, Jesus is my bosom friend ; He is such a precious treasure That my joys can never end. 5 I shall meet Him in the glory, I shall see Him face to face ; He will take me to my mansion Where He has prepared a place. 6 There upon the golden pavement. Robed in glory I shall stand ; Praising Him who died to save me. Glory, glory to the Lamb ! 120 1 VrOTHING to say for Jesus, iN When He has done all for me ; Nothing to say for Jesus, Who suffered on Calvary. Redeeming my soul from sorrow, And fitting it for the skes ; Oh, how can I then be silent. In view of the heavenly prize ? Cho.— I'll tell it, I'll tell it, To every poor sinner and slave ; I'll tell of His love * And His wonderful power to save. a MtiLM - -Hf - ^^>^'*-a*^f^»»t^; 86 121 GOSPEL TENT HYMNS* 2 Nothing to say for Jesus, When sinners are dying too ; Nothing to say for Jesus, Just telling what they must do, To flee from the wrath that's coming, Escaping the fires of hell ; Then why of His great salvation Can I not have something to tell. 3 Nothing to say for Jesus, When angels before Him bow ; Nothing to say for Jesus, Ashamed of my Saviour now, Oh, does He not plainly tell ys, ** If thou wilt say naught for me, In glory before my Father, I will say naught for thee," 1 TrlS so sweet to trust in Jesus, J. Just to take Him at His word ; Just to rest upon His promise ; Just to know, ** Thus saith the Lord." Cho. — Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him ! How I've proved Him o'er and o'er I Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus ! for grace to trust Him more ! 2 0, how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cleansing blood ; Just in simple faith to plunge me 'Neath the healing, cleansing flood, 3 Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease ; Just from Jesus simply taking Life, and rest, and joy, and peace. 4 I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Saviour, Friend ; And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end. PRAISE. . 122 1 T'VE reached the land of corn and wine, i And all its riches freely niine ; Here shines undimmed one blissful day, For all my night has passed away. Cho. — Beulah land ! sweet Beulah land ! As on thy highest mount I stand, I look away across the sea, Where mansions are prepared for me. And view the shining glory shore, My heaven, my home, for evermore ! 2 The Saviour comes and walks with me. And sweet communion here have we ; He gently leads me with His hand, For this is heaven's border land. 3 The zephyrs seem to float to me, Sweet sounds of heaven's melody, As angels, with the white-robed throng, . Join in the sweet redemption song. 123 1 rrHANKS be to Jesus, His mercy is free ; X Mercy is free, mercy is free ; - Sinner, that mercy is flowing for thee, Mercy is boundless and free. If thou art willing on Him to believe, Mercy is free, mercy is free ; Life everlasting thy soul may receive, Mercy is boundless and free. Ref. — Jesus, the Saviour, is looking for thee, Looking for thee, looking for thee ; Lovingly, tenderly calling for thee, Calling and looking for thee. 2 Why on the mountain of sin wilt thou roam ? Mercy is free, mercy is free ; Gently the Spirit is calling ** Come home,'* Mercy is boundleSB and free. ,«? K'rJ- ^8 GOSPEL TENT HYMNS. 5 Thou art in darkness, come to the light, Mercy is free, mercy is free ; Jesus is waiting, He'll save you to-night, Mercy is boundless and free. 3 Think of His goodness, His patience and love ; Mercy is free, mercy is free ; Why will you longer away from Him rove ? Mercy is boundless and free. Come, and repenting, give Him thy heart, Mercy is free, mercy is free ; Grieve Him no longer, but come as thou art, Mercy is boundless and free. 4 Yes, there is pardon for all who believe ; Mercy is free, mercy is free ; Come, and this moment a blessing receive, Mercy is boundless and free. Jesus is waiting, O hear Him proclaim, Mercy U free, mercy is free ; Cling to His mercy, believe on His name, Mercy is boundless and free. 124 1 in PI EN I was far away and lost ; W Oh, 'tis wonderful ! That I was saved at such a cost ! Oh, 'tis wonderful ! Cho. — Oh, 'tis wonderful ! Oh, 'tis wonderful ! That Jesus gave His life for me ! Oh, 'tis wonderful ! 2 I once was blind, but now I see ; Oh, 'tis wonderful ! Was bound by sin, but now I'm free ; Oh, 'tis wonderful ! 3 This great salvation all may sha^re j Oh, 'tis wonderful I PRAISE. w 125 Throughout the world the message bear ;• Oh, 'tis wonderful ! 4 Come, sinner, now and seek His grace ; Oh, 'tis wonderful ! And find in Him a resting-place ; Oh, 'tis wonderful I « 1 AF Him who did salvation bring, \) I'm at the fountain drinking ; With all my heart I love to sing, I'm on my journey Home. Glory to God, I'm at the fountain drinking, Glory to God, I'm on my journey Home. 2 Ask but His grace, and lo ! 'tis given ; Ask, and He turns your hell to heaven. 3 Though sin and sorrow hurt my soul, Jesus, Thy balm has made me whole, 4 Let all the world come here and know What saving love our God will show. 5 Where'er I am, where'er I move, I meet the object of my love. 126 1 r HAVE been at the fountain, at the wonderful JL fountain, Where the streams of blessing flow ; I have washed my garments in the blood of cleansing. And am made as white as snow. Cho. — Yes, I've been at the fountain, at the life- giving fountain, And, believing, entered in ; I have washed my garments in the blood, hallelujah ! And am saved from all my sin. 90 GOSPEL TENT HYMNS. ■'V 2 I am saved, hallelujah ! and my heart is re- joicing In the gracious One who died, And who made atonement by the blood so precious, 'Flowing from His wounded side. 3 what joy and what comTort day by day to be •drinking From the depths of love divine, And to know that Jesus, who so fully saves me, Is forever wholly mine ! 4 On His faithfulness resting, in His great love confiding I can feel no earthly need ; Oh, how sweet the trusting and the calm re- posing This is peace and rest indeed ! 127 1 fpHERE'S a shout in the camp, for the Lord is X here. Hallelujah ! praise His name ; To the feast of His love we again draw near. Praise, oh, praise His name. Cho. — Room for the millions ! room for all ! Hallelujah ! praise His name ; Come to the banquet, great and small, Praise, oh, praise His name. 2 There's a shout in the camp, like the shout of old, Hallelujah ! praise His name ; For the cloud of His glory we now behold, Praise, oh, praise His name. 3 There's a shout in the ranks of the King of kings. Hallelujah ! praise His name ; While we drink at the rock, at the living springs. Praise, oh, praise His name. 1 PRAISE. n e- so be e, ve e- 4 There's a shout in the camp, while our souls repeat, Hallelujah ! praise His name ; * There's room for the world at the Saviour's feet, Praise, oh, praise His name. is )j 128 1 WOULD you know why I love Jesus ? Why He is so dear to me ? 'Tis because my blessed Jesus From my sins has ransomed me. Cho. — This is why I love my Jesus, This is why I love Him so ; He atoned for my transgressions, He has washed me white as snow. 2 Would you know why I love Jesus ? Why He is so dear to me ? 'Tis because the blood of Jesus Fully saves and cleanses me. 3 Would you know why I love Jesus ? Why He is so dear to me ? 'Tis because, amid temptation. He supports and strengthens me. 4 Would you know why I love Jesus ? Why He is so dear to me ? Hlib because, in every conflict, , Jesus gives me victory. 6 Would you know why I love Jesus? Why He is so dear to me ? 'Tis because my Friend and Saviour, He will ever, ever be. 129 1 A HOW happy are they \J Who the Saviour obey, And have laid up their treasures above I Tongue can never express The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in its earliest love. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // <" c^ V /,,, ^ s V ^^ <; V 4k- 1.0 I.I 1.25 ?,5 mil 28 IIIII2 5 iU 'I JO 1.4 2.0 1= 1.6 % <^ o /# e. ei ^j m W '/ #' Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 # V iV \\ % V ^>'\ « ^'^^ %^ .> GOSPEL TENT HYMNS. |i I H Cho. — At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart rolled away — It was there, by faith, I received my sight, And now I am happy all the day. 2 This sv eet comfort was mine, When the favor divine I received through the blood of the Lamb ; When my heart first believed, What a joy I received — What a heaven in Jesus' Name ! • 3 Jesus, all the day long, Was my joy and my song ; that all His salvation might see ! '* He hath loved me," I cried, ** He hath suffered and died, To redeem even rebels like me." i the rapturous height Of that holy delight Which I felt in the life-giving blood ! Of my Saviour possessed, I was perfectly blest. As if filled with the fulness of God, J. K i ' ■ll 130 1 r\ HOW happy are we, \J Who in Jesus agree To expect His return from above ! We sit under our Vine And deligiitfully join In the praise of His excellent love, CHO.-T-It is good to be here, it is good to be here, Thy perfect love drives away fear. And the light streaming down makes the pathway all clear. It is good for us, Lord, to be here. '^^'- PRAIiSfi.^t^'l*^^^ 08 aw ht, e, bhe 2 how pleasant arid sweet Is His name when we meet, Is His fruit to our .spiritual taste ! We are banquetins/ here On angelical cheer, And the joys that eternally last. 3 All invited by Him, We now drink of the stream, Ever flowing in bliss from the throne. ^ Who in*.Iesus believe, We the Spirit receive, That proceeds from the Father and Son. 131 ^ 1 T'VE found a Friend in Jesus, He's everything X to me. He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul ; The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I see AH I need to cleanse and make me fully whole. In sorrow He's my comfort, in trouble He's my stay, * He tells me every care on Him to roll. He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and morn- ing Star, He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. Cho. — In sorrow He's my comfort, in trouble He's my stay, He tells me every care on Him to roll, He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and morning Star, He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. 2 He all my griefs has taken, and all my sorrows borne ; In temptation He's my strong and mighty tower ; I've sin for Him forsaken, I've all my idols torn From my heart, and now He keeps me by His power. - if OOSPEL TENT HYMNS. '''\ 1 1 ' i i ( 1 ' If Though all the world forsake me, and Satan hoi)V' tempts me Bore, Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal. He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and mom* ing Star, ♦ He*s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul, 3 He'll never, never leave me, nor yet forsake me here, While I live by faith and do His blessed will ; A wall of fire about me, I've*nothing now to fear ; With His manna He my hungry soul shall fill ; Then sweeping up jfco glory to see His blessed face. Where rivers of delight shall ever roll. He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and morn- ing Star, He'fii the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. 132 1 IX/HO, who is he ? Who, who is he ? VV Who, who is he that overcometh by tne blood of the Lamb ? He that belie veth and is born of God, He that believeth and is born of God, He that believeth and is born of God, Shall overcome by the blood. Cho. — O the precious, precious blood 1 O the cleansing, healing flood ! ' O the power and the love of God, Through the blood of the Lamb. 2 What shall he wear ? What shall he wear? W^hat shall he wear that overcometh by the blood of the Lamb? II : He shall be clothed in raiment white ;|! That overcomes by the blood. PllAISB. 96 le 3 What shall he eat ? What shall he eat ? What shall he eat that overcometh by the blood of the Lamb ? II: He shall eat of the tree of life :|| That ovecromes by the blood, 4 What shall he be ? What shall he be ? What shall he be that overcometh by the blood of the Lamb ? !|: He shall be a pillar in the temple of God :|| That overcomes by the blood. 5 What shall he hear ? What shall he hear ? What shall he hear that overcometh by the blood of the Lamb? ||: He shall hear his name confessed in heaven :|| That overcomes by the blood. 6 What shall he have ? What shall he have ? What shall he have that overcometh by the blood of the Lamb ? II: God will give all things, and make him His son :|| That overcomes by the blood. 7 Where shall he sit ? Where shall he sit ? Where shall he sit that overcometh by the blood of the Lamb ? II: He shall sit with Jesus on His throne :|| That overcomes by the blood. 8 What is the victory? What is the victory ? What is the victory that overcometh by the blood of the Lamb ? II : Faith is the victory that overcometh :j| By the blood of the Lamb. 133 1 rijE are never, never weary of the grand old n song ; Glory to God, Hallelujah ! 96 GOSPEL TENT HYMNS. \'\r i i. ' it r I Ji We can sing it loud as ever, with out faith more strong ; Glory to God, Hallelujah ! Cho. — 0, the children of the Lord have a right to shout and sing. For the way is growing bright, dnd our souls are on the wing j We are going, by -and -by, to the palace • of a king ! Glory to God, Hallelujah ! 2 We are lost amid the raptures of redeeming love ; Glory to God, Hallelujah! We are rising on its pinions to the hills above ; Glory to God, Hallelujah ! 3 We are going to a palace that is built of gold ; Glory to God, Hallelujah ! Where the King in all His splendor we shall soon behold ; Glory to God, Hallelujah ! 4 There we'll shout redeeming mercy, in a glad new song ; Glory to God, Hallelujah ! There we'll sing the praise of Jesus with the blood-washed throng ; Glory to God, Hallelujah ! 134 1 MY God, I am thine! what a comfort divine, iU. What a blessing to know that my Jesus is mine ! In the heavenly Lamb thrice happy I am.. And my heart it doth dance at the sound of His name. 2 True pleasures abound in the rapturous sound : And whoeveir hath found it^ hath paradise found. My Jesus to know, and feel His blood flow, 'Tis life everlasting, 'tis heaven below. mm F'KATSR. .i S Yet onward I haste to the heavenly feast ; That, that is the fulness, but this is the taste. And this I shall prove, till with joy I remove To the heaven of heavens in Jesus' love. 135 1 A FOR a thousand tongues to sing \J My great Redeemer's praise ; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace ! 2 My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim. To spread throup^h all the earth abroad, The honors of Thy name. 3 Jesus ! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music in the sinner's ear, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancelled sin. And sets the prisoner free ; His blood can make the foulest clean. His blood availed for me, 136 1 AH> good old way, how sweet thou art, U Bless the Lord, I'm happy on the way, May none of us from Thee depart ; Bless the Lord, I'm happy on the way. Cho.— Happy on the way; happy on the way, Bless the Lord, I'm happy on the way. 2 But may our actions always say, Bless the Lord, I'm happy on the way, We're marching in the good old way, Bless the Lord, I'm happy on the way, c. IVI. 98 GOSPEL TBN5C HYMNS. I kV. 3 This note above the rest shall swell, Bless the Lord, I'rn happy on the way, That Jesus doeth all things well, Bless the Lord, I'm happy on the way. 137 1 TTTHERE'ER we meet, you always say, VV What's the new? ? What's the news? Pray, what's the order of the day ? W hat's the news ? What's the news ? Oh, I have got good news to tell, My Saviour hath done all things well, And triumphed over death and hell ; That's the news ! That's the news ! 2 His work's reviving all around ; That's the news ! That's the news ! His saints are making songs resound ; That's the news ! That's the news ! Poor sinners doomed in sin and woe, Are now rejoicing as they go, And shouting glory here below, That's the news ! That's the news ! 3 He took my sorrows all away ; That's the news ! That's the news ! He turned my darkness into day ; That's the news ! That's the news ! Yes, Jesus saves me now, I know His blood has washed me white as snow, And now I'm glad His love to show ; That's the news ! That's the news ! 4 And Christ, the Lord, can save you now ; That's the news ! That's the news I Your sinful heart he can renew ; That's the news ! That's the news ! This moment, if for sins you grieve, This moment, if you now believe, A full acquittal you'll receive j > That*8 the news ! ThatV the newft I i; OHILDRBK. VJ**.' 99 5 And now, if any one should say, What's the news ? What's the news ? Oh, tell them you've begun to pray ; That's the news ! That's the news I That you've joined the conquering band, And now, with joy, at God's command, You're marching to the better land ; That's the news ! That's the news 1 Section VIII. CHILDREN. 138 1 APEN the door for the children, yj Tenderly gather them in ; In from the highways and hedges. In from the places of sin ; . Some are so young and so helpless, Some are so hungry and cold ; Open the door for the children, Gather them into the fold. Oho. — Open the door, open the door, Gather them in, gather them in ; Open the door for the children, Gather them into the fold. 2 Open the door for the children, See, they are coming in throngs ; Bid them sit down to the banquet, Teach them your beautiful songs | Pray you the Father to bless them. Pray you that grace may be given ; Open the door for the children, Theirs is the kingdom of God, 100 139 140 GOHPEL TlfijyT HYMNS. 3 Open the door for the chiUhen, Take. the dear lambs by the hand, Point them to truth and to goodness, Lead them to Canaan's bright land. Some are so young and so helpless, Some are so hungry and cold ; Open the door for the children, Gather them into the fold. 1 p ENTLE Jesus, meek and mild, VJ Look upon a little child ; Pity my simplicity ; Su&r me to come to Thee. 2 Fain I would to Thee be brought ; Gracious Lord, forbid it not ; Give a little child a place In the kingdom of Thy grace. 3 Lamb of God, I look to Thee, Thou shalt my example be ; Thou art gentle, meek, and mild. Thou wast once a little child. 4 Fain I would be as Thou artj G ive me Thy obedient heart ; Thou art pitiful and kind, Let me have Thy loving mind. 1 Q AFE in the arms of Jesus, O Safe on His gentle breast, There by His love o'ershaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest. Hark ! 'tis the voice of angels, Borne in a song to me. Over the fields of glory, : Over the jasper sea. 7s. mmm^mm ■WIP""!" ., ' ■ ' jt" ^ .I^V '/Tjl 141 iOHlLBREN. Cho. — Safe in the arnia of Jesiw, Safe on His gentle breast, There by His love o*ershaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest. 2 Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe from corroding care, Safe from the world's temptations, Sin cannot harm me there. Free from the blight of sorrow, Free from my doubts and fears ; Only a few more trials. Only a few more tears ! 3 Jesus, my heart's dear refuge, Jesus has died for me ; Firm on the Rock of Ages, Ever my trust shall be. Here let me wait with patience, Wait till the night is o'er ; Wait till I see the morning Break on the golden shore. 101 w 1 T) ARENTS, won't you come along ? X Parents, won't you come along ? Parents, won't you come along ? To the New Jerusalem. Cho. — There we'll have a happy time. There we'll have a happy time, There we'll have a happy time, In the New Jerusalem. 2 There we'll sit at Jesus' feet, etc. 3 Children, won't you come along, etc. 4 There we shall our loved ones meet, etc. 102 GOSPEL TENT HYMKS. 142 1 A LITTLE boy lay down to rest ii Close by his father's side, And dreamed of heaven— that city fair, Whose gates stand open wide ; He saw the Saviour's loving face, He oft had longed to see, While from his lips went forth a prayer, " Make room in heaven for me." Cho. — Make room for me, Lord Jesus, Make room in heaven for me ; Hast thou not room up yonder. Lord, For a little boy like me ? 2 The father heard the simple prayer, And closely held his boy, When o'er his face a light broke forth Of heaven's lasting joy ; No other words came from his heart Save these, said earnestly : ** Dear, blessed Lord, make room in heaven, ' For a little boy like me." 3 The Saviour heard his yearning plea, And sent an angel down. To tell the child to enter in, And take his golden crown ; Up through the sky he sped his way To yonder city fair, And found, indeed, a room in heaven. Forever his — up there. ii# 143 1 4 PRAYER on the wings of an angel XI. Is borne to the portals of light ; I feel in my heart the assurance That mother is praying to-night. wmmm CHILDREN. My spirit is wounded and broken, My sins with contrition I see ; To Jesus I'll go and confess them, While mother is praying for me. loa Cho. — My mother is praying for me, My mother is praying, is praying for hie ; To Jesus I'll go, who will pardon, I know, While mother is praying for me. 2 I know I am weak and unworthy, No merit of mine would I bring ; The cross of my Lord is before me, And there, though I perish, I'll cling. Oh, yes, I will go to my Saviour ! His child from this moment I'll be ; My faith shall look and receive Him, While mother is praying for me. 3 Too long I have wandered, unheeding Her warnings so tender and true. The tears she has wept o'er my childhood, That fell on my cheeks like the dew ; But now while she kneels in her closet, Where no one but Jesus can see, I'll ask for His loving forgiveness. While mother is praying for me. 144 1 npHE road to heaven by Christ was made, 1 With heavenly truth the rails are laid, From earth to heaven the line extends To life eternal where it ends. Cho. — We are going home, we are going home, We are going home to die no more. 2 Repentance is the station, then, Where passengers are taken in ; No fee for them is there to pay, iPor Jesus is Himself the way. ^ lot (J OS PEL TKNT ITVMNS. 3 The Bible is the engineer— It points the way to heaven so clear, Through tunnels dark and dreary here — It does. the way to glory steer. 4 God's love the fire, His truth the steam, W hich drives the engine and the train ; All you who would to glory ride, Must come to Christ — in Him abide. Come, then, poor sinner, now's the time, At any station on the line ; If you repent and turn from sin. The train will stop and take you in. o 145 1 \TJ^HEN His salvation bringing, \V To Zion Jesus came, The children all stood singing Hosanna to His name ; Nor did their zeal offend Him, But as He rode along, He let them still attend Him, And smiled to hear their song. 2 And since the Lord retaineth His love to children still. Though now as King He reigneth On Zion's heavenly hill. We'll flock around His standard. We'll bow before His throne, And cry alond, '* Hosanna To David's royal Son." 3 For should we fail proclaiming Our great Redeemer's praise, The stones, our silence shaming. Would their hosannas raise. But shall we only render The tribute of our words ? No ; while our hearts are tender They too shall be the Lord's. CHILDREN. 105 146 Farewell. n^ t7^*^ y^" ^^^^ ^^ ^®^* again, o7-./ i}}^ counsels guide, uphold you, With His sheep securely fold you, Cxod be with you till we meet again. REF.—Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jesus' feet ; Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. 2 God be with you till we meet again, _Neath His wings securely hide you, Daily manna still provide you, God be with you till we meet again. 3 God be with you till we meet again, When life's perils thick confound you, J^ut His arms unfailing round you, g, God be with you till we meet again. 1 God be with you till we meet again, Keep love's banner floating o'er you. Smite death's threat'ning wave before vou, God be with you till we meet again t:}. INDEX TO FIRST LINES. A little boy A prayer on Am I a soldier . . An eager, restless Are you coming: home Author of faith . . Being of beings . . Brother, hast thou Come, every soul, by sin Come, Holy Ghost Come, Holy Spirit Come, Holy Spirit, raise Come home, come home Come, O my God Come, Q thou all Come, O thou traveller . . Come, Saviour, Jesus . . Come, sinners to the Come to Jesus Come, ye sinners Come, ye weary . . Depth of mercy . . Down at the cross Faith, is a living . . Father, I aar^ .. 1 1 I » 142 143 57 69 10 48 67 26 81 107 106 101 80 76 47 42 64 1 20 8 16 82 86 68 108 INDEX. Father, I stretch my . . Father, if justly . . Father, Son and . . For ever, here Forth in thy name Gentle Jesus Go, labor on God be with you , . God of all power God of all God of my life . . Gracious Spirit . . Hark ! the Saviour's voice Have VQvcy, Lord Have you been to Jesus He wills that I ,. Ho I every one . . Holy Ghost, with Hover o'er me How sad our state How sweet the call I am coming- to , . I am coming- to Jesus . . I come, thou wounded . . If you want pardon I have been at I knew that God . . I'm a soldier Increase our faith In the brig:ht, and shining- Into a tent where a Gipsy boy r stand all bewildered .*. I've found a friend I've reached the land . . I want the spirit I was once far away . 45 . 110 73 . 89 . 69 . 139 . 71 . 146 91 . 72 65 . 113 7 38 80 . 88 21 114 115 65 145 39 100 74 96 126 83 119 50 98 52 82 181 122 ICS 12 INDEX. 45 110 73 89 69 139 71 146 91 72 65 113 7 38 80 88 .21 114 116 65 145 Jesus bids you come Jesus is pleading- Jesus is tenderly calling- Jesus, my Lord . . Jesus, my strength Jesus, Redeemer . . Jesus, we on Just as I am List, the Spirit . . Lord God, the Holy Ghost Lord, I am thine Lord, I believe Lord, I believe a rest Lord, Jesus, I long- Loving Saviour . . Make haste, O man My body, soul, and My God, I am thine My God, I know ... My God, my God My gracious Lord My Saviour suffered Nothing to say for Now, the chains . . O come and dwell O for a faith O for a heart • • • • O for a thousand O how happy are they O how happy are we O prodigal don't O Spirit of.. O thou our Saviour O thou who thou who did 109 6 ..11 . . 27 .. 40 .. 66 56 . . 109 34 81 . 102 . 62 . 51 . 58 61 35 18 63 133 104 44 70 118 120 117 77 49 75 135 129 130 13^ 111' 90 68 125 no IKDEX. Oh, now I see Oh, good old May Oh, why thus stand Once I thought . . Open the door .. Parents, won't you Precious Jesus Keturn and come Safe in the arms Saved to the She only touched Sinners obey Sinners turn Sins of years Softly and tenderly Spirit divine Spirit of faith Stay thou insulted Take me to the precious Take my life Thanks be to Jesus The blood that Jesus The door of God's mercy The road to heaven There is a fountain There's a gentle voice . . There's a shout . • • • • There shall be showers Thou God that . . Thou Son of God 'Tis so sweet . . # *Tis the very same power To the cross of To the fountain ., .! 85 . 186 2 . 79 . 138 . 141 . 78 17 140 95 94 22 15 97 5 105 64 46 86 60 123 99 14 144 84 29 127 87 92 33 121 108 87 INDEX. itr 85 2 79 138 140 94 22 15 97 5 105 54 46 Wanderer from Jesus . . We are never, never We praise thee What could your Redeemer . . What is our calling's glorious hope When I was far When His salvation bringing . . Where'er we meet Where is ui}' wandering boy . . Whoever receiveth Who, who is he ►Why do you wait Why do you wait, dear brother Will you come With broken heart Would you know why . . Ye who know Yield to me now 9 133 116 24 94 124 145 137 19 26 132 3 23 4 41 128 112 48