IMAGE EVALUATEON TEST TARGET (MT-3) :/. u. e (/. 1.0 I.I 1.25 S ^ IIM :!f 1^ 12.0 III 1.^ 6" 1.6 riiuiugi'dpiuC Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-'' j03 \ iV '^ > ■*>l O «KU' I ' / I ( ii ) Legislative Council, Monday, 8th March, 1824. Resolved,— That the Members of the Legis- lative Council be permitted, during the Recess of the Provincial Legislature, to take from the Library of this House, one or two volumes of Books at the same time, and to keep the same during fourteen days, on giving the Librarian a receipt for the same. Resolved,— That no Member shall lend a book belonging to the Library, or shall keep a book for a longer time than is prescribed by the rule of this House. ACCO Acts o Aikin' Ainsw Annus Anstrt CATALOGUE OP ENGLISH BOOKS IN THE LIBRARV OF TRE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Qutbec, Isf November^ 1832. ACCOUNT of the Poor Colonies in Holland, 1 Acts of Parliament, 31 Aikin's Annals of Geo. 111. 2 Ainsworth*s Latin and Engl isliDitionary, 1 Annual Register, till 1831, 73 Anstruther's Reports in the Court of Exchequer, 3 Shelf- 5 Case, * E F 1 • Not complete— in the Law Clerk'* room. f^Mi, (2) iJ« (3) iUCON's Abridgement, ■ Works, iiarnewall and Alderson's Reports, Barncwall andCresswelTs do. Barncwall and Adolphus do. Barringion on the Statutes, Jiaylc's General Dictionary, folio, Buyley's Dictionary, Ueatson's Political Index, Beckman on Inventions, Bentliam's Rationale of Evidence, Bigland on Nations, Bissett's History of the Reign of Geo. III. Blackstone's Commentaries, Bligh's Reports in House of Lords, Bligh's ditto, (new series,) Bouchette's Topographical History of Canada, Ditto, ditto, new edition, Beyer's Dictionary, Brougham's Colonial Policy, Brown's Reports in House of Lords, Burke's Works, Burke's Peerage, Burnet, History of his own times, Buroi's Justice, " Ecclesiastical Laws, Burrow's Report?, Buxton, on Prison discipline, Vols Shelf. Cast 7 2 10 3 5 C 10 C 1 C 1 B 10 6 2 C 3 H 4 B 5 3 1 B 6 H 4 B 3 3 3 3 1 B 2 5 1 F 2 B 8 3 16 B 1 & 4 E 5 B 4 H 5 C 1 'o (4 ) i ( r» ) i CAMPBELL'S Reports, Chalmer*s Opinions, . Political Annals, (2 copies) . Civic Econouiv, (doiiblt') Treaties, — Estimates, Chambaud's French and Engliijh Dic- tionaries, (Scopit's) Cliitty on the Crown Prerogative, Criminal Laws, . Commercial Laws, Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, — — — History, - Ditto, Collection of the Parliamentary De})ates in England, from 1()G8 to 1744, Colonial Policy of Great Britain, Colquhoun on Wealth, on the Police of London, ' ^ on Indigence, ■ on Parochial Education, Comyn's Digest, Conversations on Political Economy, on Mineralogy, Constitution of the United States of America, Cornish on the Fisheries, Craig's Political J^ciencf, Cuvier's Theory, Considerations on the Law of Entail in Scotland, Vols. \Sheir. frt.-f. 4 c^ p, 2 n H 2 |[ I 5 4 F 1 C 4 c 4 c 38 A 3G A 34 * 24 rt 1 J5 1 F 1 C 1 C c 8 n 1 F^ Q it 1 c 1 \i 8 C I 1 U =>( No( ho Hpl«('1~in (he f^i)oakci's iooiU. (6) DAL Dani Dcbi Dcbi Dew Oicls Diet Do\. Dun (n DALRYMPLE'S Anuals of Great Britain, Daniell's Reports, Bevy's Agricultural Chemistry, Debates of the House of Lords, of ditto, ditto, . of the House of Commons, .-^-,-«. of ditto, ditto, Dcbrett's Peerage, Dcwes's Journal of Parliament, Dickenson's Justice of the l*eace, Dictionary of Universal History, Che- mistry, &c. Do\. 3 Reports in House of Lords, Durnford and East's Reports, VolsAShelf. ' 9 1 1 8 8 14 14 2 1 3 3 6 8 Cate, B G B B H B H G E B B M (8) I EAS £dii Edw Enc 'I Ellis Elsy Essa Essa Eun Evai Exti (9) 1 Vols. Shelf. EASTS Reports, 16 Edinburgh Review, till 1832, 24 ■Magazine, do. 31 Edward's West Indies and Atlas, 6 Encyclopaedia Britannica, (supplement,) 6 i Metropolitana, in 34 parts, Ellis's Precedents, 1 Elsynge*s Parliament, 1 Essays on pursuit of Truth, 1 5 Essays on formation of Opinions, 1 5 Eunomus, hy E. Wynne, 2 Evan's Parliamentary Reports, ^ 2 Extract from the Journals of the Legis- lative Council of Lower Canada, 1 C 1 G B H A A B F E ( 10) FAC Fost Fox' Frar Frai ( 11 ) FACULTY Decisions, Foster's Crown Law, Fox's History of James IL Franklin's Narrative, — ™ Second Expedition, Franklin's Memoirs and Life, You. Shelf. 19 1 1 2 1 6 3 Case. c B C 4 .§ f ^ In tho Speaker*! room. ( 12; I ( 13) GODWIN'S Commonwealth of En- gland, * Gordon's History of Ireland, Gregory's Dictionary, Grey's Debates, Ditto, same edition^ Gough's Camden's Britannia;j Vols Shelf- 4 3 2 2 10 10 4 6 Case, B F B « In (he Speaker's room. ( 14) ( 15) HALE'S Works, Jurisdiction of the House of Lords, Powers of Parliament, Hallam's England, Hammond's Treaties on the Practice in Parliament, Harrison's Digest, Hatsell's Precedents, 7ieiv edition^ Ditto, Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, fol- lowing Cobbctt's Parliamentary History and Debates, Debates, till 18S0, Hansard's ditto, 3d series, Analitical Index, Harris's Lives of James L &c. &c. Heron's Custom Laws of Ireland, Herts] ett's Treatise, Higbmore on Excise, History of Colleges and Free-Schools^ in England, ivith Plates, of Great Britain, Belsham, of ditto, Henry, of ditto, Hiqun, — of the United States, of the Rebellion, by Clarendon, ■ of Canada, by Mr. Smith, Holy Bible, Howard's Colonial Laws, Hortus Gramineus, Humbolt's Personal Narrative, .^ —New Spain, Hume's Essays, * In the Speaker's Room, Voh. SW' Crtw. 2 ■ B 1 F 1 A % B 1 A 2 5 2 B 4 * 6 A 25 A 9 A 1 A 5 B i C 2 H 2 B 1 E 5 B 12 E 21 E 1 H 8 H 2 C 1 E 2 3 1 G 7 H 4 H 2 E \% ( 16) Hume's Laws of the Customs, f^owi/e^ 2** ^' C**' Humphrey's on real Property, Hutchinson's Justice, — — Massachusett's Bay, 1 4 1 H B (17) IShe^A Case. H B JACOB'S Law Dictionary, Jardine on Education, Jefferson's Memoirs, Jickling's Law of Customs, Johnson's Dictionary, (2 copies,) —Debates, Irish Statutes to 1800, with Index, &c. Journals of the House of Lords to 1831, with Index, &c. Journals of House of Lords to 1767.* Journals of House Commons to ISLl, with Index, &c. Journals of House of Lords of Ireland, Journals of Legislative Council, En- glish and French, complete. Journals of House of Assembly, En- glish and French, complete^ Journal of Science and Arts, 1st series, Ditto, ditto. New series. Journal of the Royal Institution, (2 parts,) Vols. SU\f, 2 1 5 4 3 2 8 1 21 64 7-8 31 — 90 9-11 8 9 21 7 1 E F B G G H H H * Not complete— in the Law Clerk's Room, ^ { 18 ) KAIV Kna[ ( 19 ) Vols. KAME's Law Tracts, 2 I Knapp's Reports on Colonial Appeals, 1 She(f. 3 Caae, (20) LA7 Law Law Lex nm L^^ (21 ) LATHAM on PDnitcntians Laws of Lower Canada, English and , French, and Index, completcy Laws of Upper Canada, for 1824 ah J 1827, Lex Mercatcria, Parliamentaria, Constitutionis, Library of Useful Knowledge, Life of Lord Russell, Locke on Government, London Catalogue, Lords' Protests, Lord Somers' Tracts, Foil. Shelf. 1 Cat: 1 5 5 5 2 B 1 A 1 A 4 5 2 5 1 F 1 5 2 13 B H (22) MAC (d ;Malt iMalt #Malt Mart ;m'ci M'Cl McG Maul Mecl Midi Mill Mills MiiT Moni Most Mun Musi ( ^^3 ) MACULLOCH on Political Economy, (double) vMalthus' definitions on Economy, : Maltlms on Political Economy, IMaltlius on Population, Martens's Laws of Nations, M'Clelland's Repci'ts on the Court of Exchequer, McClelland and Young's Reports, McGregor's North American Colonies, Maule and Sehvin's Reports, Mechanics' Maganize, [the 11th vol. not received,] Michaux the North American Sylva, Mill on Political Economy, Millar on English Government, Mirror of Parliament, Montmorris's Irish Parliament, Mosheism's History, Murray's Reports of Trials by Jury, in Scotland, Mushet on Currency, Vols. I 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 16 2 1 4 13 2 6 1 1 Shelf. Case. H H H E H C C 6 5 G G H B B B H (24) m \ ( 25 ) i Vols. PARLIAMENTARY Abstract, and Papers for 1826-27, J «_ Review and Abstract, ^ . Review, J 826, ^ . .. ■ Register, following' ''Col- lection of Parliamentary De- bates, &c." ^ J -Rolls, ^ Shelf. Parliamentary or Constitutional His- torv of England, ^^ Parliamentary Debates, Stockdale s Edition, ^^^ . Debates following Chandler s Edition^ Parry's Voyage, Paley's Works, Parochial Returns on Education, Peel's Acts, Phillipps on Evidence, Pinkerton's Modern Geography, — Atlas, Playfair's Statistical Tables, Pope's Customs, „ •.- u Pownal's Administration of British Colonies, Practice of Parliament, Price's Reports, {the \Qth missing.) Pye's Duties of a Justice of the Peace, 7 1 7 3 2 -2 2 1 Case. H H H D + A D B C 6 5 3 F F F B B A C B N. B. Privileges of House of Lords, 1 FoL Lost. • {Double)— In the Law Clerk's B jom. t In the Speaker's Room, J m (26) QUAI t f I ! (27) QUARTERLY Review, till 1832, VoU. 26 Shelf. Case, 1 (as) 8 2 1 2 1 (29) Vols RAYMOND'S Reports ^ Repertory of Arts, 1st Series, J» ZL . of do. 2d do. 46 Remembrances of Standing Orders of House of Lords, ^ Reports of House of Commons, com;;/e^e, lb . of ditto, 2 copies, not complete, . on Education, - on do. Reports on real Property, Reports on Common Law, Reports on Prison Disciphne by M. E. Livingston, . Reports of the Prison DiscipUne So- ciety at Boston, Review of the proceedings of the Legislature of Lower Canada, Reid's Essays, Repertory of P tent Inventions, Ricardo on Ecc >my, •————•Tracts. Robertson's History of America ^— History of Charles V. Robinson's Analysis on Criminal Statutes, Royal Calendar, 1831. Rules of the Legislative Council, Rules of the House of Assembly, Rushworth'g Collections, Russel on Crimes, Russell's Reports, Shelf Case. c G G 1 1 3 13 1 1 4 3 I I 1 1 8 2 4 9 6 E G E G E E B H A A E C C * In the Law Clerk's Room. (30) sAur Selclei n Senio Sliovvi Smitli Sou til Sou til Soutl: Siulg Statu Stutu State Stapj Stepl Stew Stok( ( 31 ) SAUNDERS'S Reports, Selden's of the Judicature of Parlia- ment, Senior's Essays on Political Economy, Shower's Reports, Smith's Wealth of Nations, Southey's Peninsular War, _ — ditto, Southey's Life of Nelson, Southey's Colloquies, Sudgen and Humphrey's Letters, Statutes at large, to 26th Geo. III. Statutes at large, complete till J»J1, Slate Trials, with Index, Stapylton Letters on Prison Disciplme, Stephen on Pleading, Stewart's Political Economy, , on Mind, . Essays, . Life of Smith, Stoke's British Colonies, Volt. . S7i<://. Case. 3 it c 1 A 1 H 2 C 4 C 1 B 3 G 1 5 2 5 1 H 14 * 26 5 B 34 F 1 1 3 6 C 2 '-\ E 1 ••• E 1 1 B B » Not complete-in the Law Clerk's room. C ( 32 ) (33) THORNTON on Paper Credit, Thompson A Icedo, _— — 's Inquiry on Wealth, Toone's Magistrates' Manual, Torrcns on Wealth, on the External Corn Trade, Tracts on Savings Banks, Trcdgold on Warming and Ventilating, Buildings, Tredgold on Rail Roads, Transactions of the Quebec Historical Society, Tucker's Records of Newfoundland, Turner's Middle Ages, Turner's Anglo-Saxons, Vo Is. Shelf. Cate. c I H B M H C H H 5 3 5 3 3 3 (34) VATT! (35) VATTEL's Law of Nations, VoU.\Sl.elf. Cane, 1 i c II ( 36 n ( 37 ) WATKINS on Conveyancing, Walker's Dictionary, Wentworth's Australasia, Westminster Review, Wightwick's Reports, Williams's Digest, Wilson's Reports, Whitelocke on the King's Writs, Wocdeson on the Laws of England, Wright on Tenures, Ward's Mexico, Wilmot's Opinions, Voh, Shelf. I 1 2 IG 1 2 o 2 3 1 2 5 ] Young and Jarvis's Reports, II c c G C B C B C H C (38) (39 ) 1 6 2 3 AMERICAN LAW BOOKS. Vols. Addison's Reports, Biiiney's do. Browne's do. Cainc's do. Code of Practice in Civil Cases for the State of Louisiana^ English and French, Covven's Reports, Caine's Cases, Coleman and Caines' Cases, Dane's Abridgment, Johnson's Reports, Kent's Commentary, Legislative Treasure, or Civil Code of Louisiana, English & French, Louisiana Digest, English & French, Livingston on Prison Discipline, Martin's Louisiana Reports from 1809 to 1823, Martin's ditto ditto, till 1829, New Series, Massachusett's Reports, Peter's Condensed Reports, Pickering's Reports, Revised Statutes, N. Y. Rawle's Reports, Sergeant and Rawle's Reports^ Wendell's Reports Yeate's Reports, Shelf. 2 2 2 2 Casj. 1 9 1 1 9 20 4 2 4 1 11 7 17 3 8 3 2 17 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 (40) "I- 1. The 2. (( 3. ct 4. (e 5. ce 6. u 7. a 8. ce 9. a 10. (I 11. a 12. ei 13. cc 14. (C 15. ce 16. ee 17 u ( 41 ) NEWSPAPERS. Quebec Gazette, OfficiaU Quebec Gazette, NeilsorCs, Quebec Mercury, Le Canadien, Montreal Gazette, Official. Montreal Gazette, New, Montreal Herald, Canadian Courant. La Mi nerve. Vindicator. New York Albion. New York Spectator. L'Observateur. St. Francis Courier. L'Ami du Peuple. Courier des Etats Unis. Kingston Chronicle. M (42 ) ,i'l'i ! ■ n ( 43 ) GLOBES, Celestial and Terrestrial. MAPS, Of South America, Of Lower Canada, by Bouehette, (doiihle,) [and the New Edition.] General, of Lower and Upper Canada, by do. {do,) Of Upper Canada, by llidout. Ditto, ditto, Smiley. Of the United States, by Lay. (44 ) EXTRAIT des Journaux du ConseULi- gislaiif pour les Annies 1819, 1820, 1821 (Sr 1852. IL EST ORDONNE', Q ^UE tous les Lundis, Mercredis, et Vendredis de chaque Semaine, la Bibliotheque du Conseil Legislatif soit ouverte au Gouv^erneur e* au Lieutenant-Gouverneur, aax Membres du Con- seil Legislatif, du Conseil Executif et de la Chambre d'Assemblee, et aux Officiers des deux Chambres, pour le terns d'alors ; aux Juges de Sa Majeste, au Greffier du Conseil Executif et aux Avocats de la Couronne. Et qu'il ne sera permis a aucune personne qui y aura acc^s^ d'em- porter aucun Livre hors de la Batisse, a I'ex- ception du Gouverneur, du Lieutenant-Gouver- neur, ou de la Personne ayant 1' Administration du Gouverneinent ; et qu'il sera donne un Recu pour tout Livre qui sera delivre h. Son Excel- lence. I (ii) Conseil Legislatif, Lundi, 8 Mars, 1824. . Resolu, — Qu'il sera permis aux Membres dii Conseil Legislatif dc prendre a la ibis pendant les vacances de la Legislature Provinciale, et de gartler pendant quatorze jours, un ou deux vo- lumes des Livres de la Bibliotheque de cette Chambre, pour lesquels ils donneront un recu au Bibliothecaire. Resolu,— Qu'aucun Membrene pretera aucun Livre appartenant k la Bibliotbcque, ni x.e pourra le garder plus long-tems qu'il n'est or- doilnepar la R^gle de cette Che ALM/ f Apperc Argou ? CATALOGUE oil LIVRES FRANCOIS 6 DANS LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DU CONSEIL LEGISLATIF. Qiidbec, ler. Novemhre, 1832. Vols. Tablh.] Bis. ALMANACK Royal, pour 18S1 & 1832, 2 Apper9u des Etats-Unis, par Beaujonr, 1 Argou, Institiuions au droit Francois, 2 5 5 r w f##'* (48 ) nioG IJaert, Iki'tia Ronrg ■I Hi 'I ; ( 49 ) niOGRAPIlIE ilea Pttii3et des Dq)U- les de France, Baert, Tableau de la Grande Brelafjne, Ijertrand de Molle ville, Ilistoirc de la Revolution Fran<;oise, Bonrgoiniij, Tableau de I'Kspagnc avec Atlas. Vols. TabUt. 2 4 U 4 c c c c (50) caus Code < CoUeci Comte Const! Cottu- Cours Coutu Coiitu Crimei Mi ! . ( 51 ) Vols. CAUSES c^lebres par Pitaval, 26 Code de Procedure Civile, 1 . de Napoleon, 1 Collection de Decisions, par Denisart, 13 Comte, Traite de Legislation, 4 Constitution de TAngleterre, par Delolme, 2 Cottu — Justice Criminelle en An- gleterre, Cours d'Agriculture, par Rosier, Coutumede Paris, Coutume do. 8° petit format, Crimes des Reines de France, par Prud'homme, 1 J2 1 2 1 1 abtts 5 2 4 2 1 Bts. B B B C C (52) DEGE Destae Dictioi Dictio Droit Dupir ( 53 ) DEGE'llANDO, de VEducation des Sourds-Muets, Destael, Lettres sur TAngleterre, Uictionnaire de Droit, par Ferri^re, _ -des Condamnes a mort, par Prud'homme, -de rindustrie, .— de Trevoux, -de TAcademie. — Grammatique, —de Furetiere, -de la Langue Fran9oise, {Laveaux) _«do. • Boiste^ —des Ephitb^tes, -des Domaines, DictionnaJre de Rivarol, Droit des Colonies, par Petit, . de la Guerre par Grotius^ Dupin, Forces productives & Com- merciales de la France, Vols.\Tahlls 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Bts. C c E F C F F F F F F F Q i ( r)4 ) ECO Edits Espii Essa) Extr'i I ( 55) ECONOMIE Politique de Ricavdo, . ruUiique de Ganilh, Edits et Ordonnances, Esprit des Loix, par Montesquieu, — 1— do. par do. Nouvclle Lditioii, Essav Politique, par HurnboUit, Extraitdes Arrets, &c. par Mr. Perrault, Vols Tahlts Q 2 2 2 2 5 4 4 2 5 2 1 Bis. (56) L'Ami^ L'Euro] Le Cull L'Angli L^visy 1 Lesirac Lt!9oni Lcs'isU ;ir' ■ hi 18 1 2 2 4 SO ( 57 ) Vols.\TahUs\ Bis. LACRATELLE, Histoire de Fiance, 14 2 L'AmidesHommes, ^ L'Europe tourmentee, par Piud homme, ^ Le CuUivateur Anglois, L'Angleterre an commencement du 19e. Siecle, par Levis, Uvis, Maximes et Essais sur la Morale et la Politique, Lesirade, lea nuits Romaines, Ltcons des droits des Gens et de la Nature, {Felice) Legislation Civile, C C c c G C A (58) 1. 1 f! MANl Miroii Memc Merlii I ( 59 ) MANUEL du Droit Francois, Miroir de Paris, par Prud'homnipj Memoires de I'Abb^ Gdorgel, Merlin, Recueil des Questions de Droit, Voi8.\TahUi. 1 6 6 Bta, c c c 11^ (00) CEU\ m G Trait Trai ( 61 ) CEUVRES a'Aguesseau, de Mabiv, — de Machiavel, (Fjiccres de Pothier en 28 Volumes. Traiies : des Obligations, du Contrat de Marl, 'e, de la CommunaiUt3, des Conlrats de Bienfliisance, . des Contrats de vente et des ret raits, . du Douaire, des Donations, des droits de Propriete, — ide la possession et prescrip- tion, —des Contrats de Constitution, de vente et de cbanj^e, , des Contrats Aleatoires, du Contrat de Louage, . Supplenient a do. -Coutume d'Orleans, Traite: CEiivres Fosthumes, de do. • -des Fiefrt, -de la Garde Noble, -des Successions, -des Propres, -des Donations entre-vifs, -de la Procedure Civile, Vols. ] tubus. nts. \3 U 15 C 8 1 S c 2 C 2 c c s c 1 c 1 c 1 c 1 c 1 c 1 c 1 c 1 c 2 c 2 c 1 c 1 c 1 c 1 c 2 c (02 ) PAND I'asiorc Pouquc Pouquc Pigeaii (63) PANDECTESFranraises, l^lslorct, Ilistoirc cle la Lcg.siation, Pouqueville, Uistoirc de la Rcgcnc- ration Je la Greece, PoiHiueviUe, Voyaj^e de la Grcce avec Cartes, Picroaii, Procedures Clvilcs, yoli.Vl'ablU. lils, 9 I 1. 4 6 1 13 (G4) \ ( 65) REPERTOIRE dp Janspru- dence, Revolution de Paris, pav P':»^^7^^^,^' Revue Encyclopedia ue, 18^1 & 1»^^, Rey, Institutions Judiciau'es de I An- gleterre, . Richesses des Nations, par Smith, Ricbesses Commerciales, Rulhieres, Histoire de Pologne, Raynal, Histoire des Indes, (avec Atlas^) Vols. 17 17 5 2 5 2 4: tahilsX BU. B C 4 1 1 is! SAL^ Segui Sism Sync ( ^1 ) SALVADOR, Histoire de3 Ins- titutions de Moise, Segur, Histoire de France, Histoire llorraine, — . Histoire Ancienne, . Histoire du Bas Empire, ^ ^Galerie Morale, , — Memoires oii Souvenirs, &c. „ —Decade, ou Tableau Politique de I'Europe, {avec Atlas^) Sismondi, Histoire des Fran9ois, Synonimes Fran9ois, roU\Talhls. Bis. i f '.ill. 31 I (C8) M TOPC Traite Thisb Toulc (69) TOPOGRAPHIE du Canada, par Boucheite, Traite d'Economie, Politique par Say, —do. do. par Slurcli, de la Police, par Delamare, Thisbault, Frederick le Grand, Toulotte, Histoire des Empdreurs Remains, Vols Tahlta. 1 2 2 6 2 4 4 3 . Bis. B E C (70) I |i