/. .. ■' ■ ■/ ciHiyi Miorofiche Series (Monographs) . . \ ICMH Cbllection de microfiches (monographies) >■> •■(<■. Canadian Instituta for Hiatorical Microraproductiont / tnstitut Canadian da microraproducflont hiatoriquaa ■• . -',,' ' ■:■■ '..•■■ '' ' . ' >■■. e-f i • * ,■'. ».. • TM tmtttuM ItM •ttam^Md to obtakn th« bMt or««MMl copy avMlaMs fof tilmtnt. I^MturM of thi* copy wltMl m«y ha Mbl«or«l>(i slgnlfib"A SgiVRE". It .symbotf V signlflo "FIN". — ^ —.■-•. '^ IMapa, plataa. charts, at a, may ba fllmad ot diffarant raduetion rotios. Thoso too larga to bo ontlroly includod In ono axpoaura ara fllmad baglnning in tha uppar iaft hand cornor, loft to right and top to bottom, as many framaa as raqiiirad. Tha foHowIng diagrams illustrata tha • mothpd: W-:-J4-: M'^ ■', >' '■'■i ■■ " 2 3 2 > \ Las eartos, plonohos, tablaaiix, ato.. pauvantAlra filmAa A daa taux da rAduction diff Aronta. ' Loraquo lo doeumont o^t trop grand pour Atro roproduit on un •OUI cllehA, 11 ••t filmA A portir do I'angia •u|kArlaur gaucha. da gaucha A droito. ot da haut an' baa, an ^anant la nombro d'imagaa nAcaa^air|i. Las diagrammaa auivanta IHustrant la mAthoda. ."^. A MKIOCOrV MMIUTION TBI CNAIT ^^'p'l^pw^fc^ (ANSI ond ISO riST CHAIT No. 3) ..!?■ /1PPLIED IM/OE I, nc 1053 East Main SIrMt Roch«*t«r. N«« Yorh 14609 USA (718) 4«2 - 0300 - Phon* (718) 288 'MM -rax I • / X. \i^U '0 '^. I*' . I • I li •*':. \ / T0M0>T0. \ Pre^ 4 ' • T MM 5 tl I ■j'V i-. , » i;«»V .> / y^\^^ u 7 .' 1 «l\ ^ / 'J^ o <;» \ f^ A large impression of this Sorrooa was printed lor gratuitous circulation. Sovoral thousaua copies still remain on hand, which will be supplied to any Clergyman or Lay Delegate, In packets of flfty or more, on application at the Oazton Press, cor. King & Jarvla Sts. ^ ToMO>Tti. 9tli JttM, 1S80. \ A FEW REASON^ W^Y TUOSB WHO CALL TltCMBELVIM CHRIHTIAJd MHOULO NOT RBTUII TO rARTARB Of TkE LORD'S SUPPEIt ■*— "f*?" A. SERM;oisr. . ' BY TKI , lUetor qf St, thonuu' ChurA, BanUHa». ^, in "All SainU'." Toronto. 8unda:ir» Auffuat 18th, 187a y MM 54 CIS ■.r\ -V ■-.- .1 *^ u ( . ].' ♦. ■- • .\ . .. >». .ji.."- ^. ■ I- - •■ -• • . -'" •i \ ■ \\A._^,, ^ ' y < mmMMmMHife'^ irt ^.'^^'£,.A^u-.^^.^~i^'^-^w~^£^^^^B^^^m^i£i& .4'-*-.'.V^'*V-W- , • I • " ' »^-..;. '^ r ; » '■ ■ Ik ,«■'. ir CkKtoQ Pr«fi, MitMr Klaf •n4 JirvM MrMtn, T lwrM m a <* . ■ f ♦ . \ - \ .<}, ■ ■'■■ > ' ■ 1 ^ Km we conduct G ChrUt, w termt. not »eein ■, thriMiini of friend u we Uii ality of « ti-eaied Mrere Qd them. When dwell u] / Mtateme would A undent whooe 1 Hit life Day ing the hlind, 1 # ' uotwitl ■ iU an a . " though God H **■ "^ ^,-^ -. . I ■■.,'T?I|-" ^-l.-^'- '.""»' '^' " ■» ' > ; I r ,, 5. , ., A. w« from our .Und point look Wk »I»n *^ ..n^'ducT of rj.w^ in ''""'^"^X SX^ ni.-;-» wii u« led to denounce them m ine ouwr*-* aKty of J-u.. th.T Aoul* w. co™to.^to«t » aw.U upon HU »i^- "•'j'S'TkU^r.^t^ " oly'^r d.y. J-u. «»t .bout dojn, 9»d : k^ iSfnd, jnd pricking th. Gojpd '^J^^^X notwithiunding H« ™ '""JV'^riiL Wk.n Ho M an arwnt impoater "id^* '*»?,*''^^nl« wbom diougkt of .U Ho tad performod for »« P~P'? '"j|t« GodllU Fatkor kad cko»n M Hi. own, *""'•" ^ ^- : -. ^ / 1 *— <'<*.^ u P ■ t » - • « 1 D 1. • v m tiouteut p lat e d wlia t "' ^ "^."J'^^Sl ,^ IZ,piy moved, future time bring upon them, He wm ^^^^JJT^^ a!^ with feeling of profoundc-t. sorrow an^pity. H* — . : — -—? — — — . . ' ' ' !■ . — =^-^— . ,1 '' r I ' > « Vi WILL NOT COmt TO HI. THAT Yl MiCHT HA¥i Lift, MVi. ** Vf «()t not foiti* lo nii>, tlint v<» miKhl lmv« lin*." Vuu will not WIUho ilmt I nut Ilia H«m of (}od, til* wetA of tht woninn w|k> U to briiiiM* tho »«r)»«»nl*t lirntl, th« on# in->»lioni all tli« fniiiilift of tbf Mrih Mr* to ht blcMrtl th« RrrfiMfnirr, t}i« Holy Ono of IimH. Your vyt% arc flo»«»»l tliut vfl r«nnot You Are toniblr Mihti thiit xv will not iirrccivo Umt mj nets Art iiurh tlmt nrocldun mo to lo Mnt fVom Oo(L You lUl ailuiit tW Mo«M wiui Divinely oom- nil«HionQt to Hit will. I, by thece acta, declare MvM'lf to lie your Saviour, I aiik you to ht»- lieve in ^fc, and I pmuiive ypu in return, eternal life with Me, but ye will not. All will agree in pronouncing the Jews very pei verse. Oh ! how, you excluiin, they atood in thfir own light in the way of their aalvation. Again and agitin, cuch ofyou hnH Hxid, "Had I lived when Jeaut wuA u|K)rt earth, I would have been one of Hit dinciplea; I would have glndly followed Him; I would never have \u%t an opportunity of being with Him to catch HiH lifr'.giving wordu, «nd to nae His wonderful dfKida. Thf-n Hg>un, Ho heenm to hnvo been so very amiable and go<^, thitt He muNt have hid the power of drawing mo to Him. I cpuld have laid down my life for so exrcllent and wilf-denying a |MjrHon. Aa to doing w*hat bo ohIcciI me, it would have boea a per- fect pleasui*.'* • : * Have yon, while tlius thinking of what you would have done nnd how you would have acted, if you had bwn in JcrusHl<;in with JtiH\\H,/orffoUen that He ia H till alive an < l clo:-tc to yo u, nnd giving yo u conn ta ntly V all' A way of t<;sting your devotioh to Him 1 Why ia it to f ^Isf^ r""^'- V ipi- fi WILL HOT COMi TO tit, WAT Vt tHOHT MA¥t U^t. m iii.iny of jrou w»*lly llvn on aiiil on, «• If y«Mi ili*iil«t| tlio fitct t)( tiif* rmiiriYK'tiuii: m if Jmim wntu c|«iai1, tir if jrott Mi«v« Him to Im ttlivo, no rtmoto from Mirth, NO (kr mnovMi fhiw you, Ui«l ll !■ a tiMilUir of no tionMqiMiMt wh«l)i<«r you livt unto Him or poi t Hmhw In nothing Initwi^rn you And Chrint that r«n ooiMful you fi-om Iliut* H« , and holding out to thvui tho offv.n of aalvation. Ho haa made it imperative too thnt thoao who be- lieve in Him ahould by their obatuvnnce of thia aimple riu*, make known their truat in Him. Many of you who hnvo thonght you would hav» ^iccn Mniongat the diaciplea, hiid you livo B#nU of tht facta to ha found In tht flrHpturm From th« vrry ♦wginnlng, Otui han t\em»tuM on tht (tart of mnn outwani acta, hy which to girt evidtnflt of Mirf in 11 im. In patriarchial timta, thty con»Ut#*l of drcnimciaion and tacriAot ; In tht Moaalc rconoiny, of cin^tmd iion, aacrifict, and off«ring«of »liffVr»ni klnda ; in th« Cbriatitn dinpriuntion, that ih which wt livt, thty conaiat of two -BArrian and TmI Ix>iiu't BvrFiB. ilt thtn, who would bt aocount«d a tnit followrr of tht liord Jwiua, cannot deatiiaa r ithtr of theai ordi- Banc«a. To do ao, in to tliaobry Clod ; la, in fact, to act ln(le|M'nd««ntIy of Him, and ia to try to diao©vtr a road to tternal hapninraa, altogether dinerent U> that mark- od out by tht hand of inRpiration aa the omlt right, aafe and proper one. Now aa tht Jewa, who fulfilled tht requiremtnta of tht law, enjoytd ccrUin f rivllcgca, and ware aaaured of Ootl'i proitction, ao all who endeavour to carry out Chriat'a injunctiona— the partaking of the Holy Com- munion amongst otlttra— arc guarBntetd pcculuur and tpocial bltaainga. Tht moat important of all the promiaea attached to tht dutica devolring upon Chriatiana, art thoat con- nected with the lyjrd'a Supper, and paramount ia tht gift of eternal life. Etonial life ia that which belongn eaaentially to Chriaej and which can be imparted to ua only after aincere confewiion of our aina and hearty rt- (tentance, by partaking in faith of thoae elemtnta which reprcacnt Hia liody and Hia blood. " Ejioe[it, said Jeaua, yt eat the flcnh of the Son of Man, and drink Hia blood ye have no lift in yon." When you tyttematically atoy away froM th!aTlt>t«, ^ --4 ' 'i ■-« I t % ••r fi wtu mif ctmt ro #c ri»4r ri iri^drf iy4yf u^l wtum yoii tt#v«f «itt of ih# iuc»Um abti* gift of rUinmf lift t To »|MN(k (ifUir Ihr ttimiiKn of mrti : liow tKiritlMlr «on«W«n»t# h«« Owl liwni In lli# •rnii»g«»«M«nU of H»« ahuniirU of gr»r* Tli#y m« %\%c\% tlint cnn r«nily •»» mmAfi mm of ty racli mul rvriy iii«1ivi it in fttitli, in tlir flini iirniuniiion (li«t by ttnd Ihrougii the ni«Hti of tlir OomiiikI P«Miion. yoM nlon«« obtAin it»nuwii<»n of ywir •in^ unH hit nm«l« i>«rt«k«r« of th«» Kingiloin of ficMvmi. and I will givn yew Mpiritiml Htn-ngth in fnct, gi\« you of^tlmt lif« wliicJi i« lii(M«n in (lii-iiit. and whi^h will UtC with InefTMblft glory tlirougliout iH«mity. n«fc«UM*, miiil Jrnui to Hi« followrm, •• I live, ye nhall live aluo." !■ it not Rtmnge no inMuy who cell tlietneelreft ChriNiinnii reject thene nitmnt of naUiitioilt If hereafter, thoee of you who «lo ko, find youneiver thruat *iiio«iug, to Uke a very liinple illuatmtion, iiny of vou were to |H"e|i(»re • fen»t dtllr for yo«ir neetho 80 act have no desire to curb the«J nropenaiUee, Jlo not care to give yourselv^i the trouble to do ■0, you will not go to Chriti, that ye might have life. You are quite right when you say that a communi- ' cant should lead a godly life. This ordinance » » ' Mci-nment, by which those who partake of »*• o*™ themselves by an oath to the serviehind, and presented a claim for a recent .ILsa.ster or accident, do you not know your application would be rejected, and with perfect faimesal - Now look at the case of one standing in the preaence ' of God. His life is being looked into— the raUier gone over. He hopes ho is going to-be permitted to mss in beyond those hhining gates into the home of . the blessed dead, from which are being wafted the ' Hweetest sounds. Tlie scmtiny proceeda, his life showt^ years of neglectem of the earth less, the imUflerent and the unbelieving ' , ^ . ^ Would it be reasonable, right or ^UST in God to treat the open violator of His laws in the same inan- oer •• the neison who hait all along through life kent and observed His commandments 1 Surely, surely not, and you know it. Can the Judge not turn to the one who has set at naught HU wUl and say "Ye would not come unto me when you could, that ye miffht have life 1 think of this, you who do not care to prepare yourselves to e«t and drink at the table of the LoTd, who do not wish to put youi-selves to the exertion of serving Christ fully; to whom it^api^ears as nothing that He has sufferetl and died to become a Hiah Priest in the CourU of Heaven, to intei-cede for your souls with God, that He shed his blood tliat He micht become a Mediator for you, that you might live and not die eternally. Let me again ask you to «»» • •^\.- I •» ^ "•>'■ .#- ^ ^: t I * ' * 4 •* .. -. -.* • r« wiU not come to Mt, that y§ might hav« Ufa. f ■ai— i— III I f W ill I II ■■■ ii H iiiii I I — !■ ■ I I »«i^— 111— — M I ■ »—«■—*» I* cliooting, which is an hftbitAtioii with th6 devil and hia Angela. Oh that scene! How awAiIII Surely you, yoa who NOW htive the opportunity of laying hold of life, will never allow yourselvea to be amid that unhappr throng of Chriat'a despiaers, Christ's reiecters, Chnsts forgotten ones. Come forward then and begin at the Table of the Lord, to follow your Saviour — to seek to find eternal life. As you kneel in the sight of those blessed emblems of Christ's love, you cannot but think of the past when He suffered for you, died for your Htns; and you cannot but think, and with gladness that those same elements serve to remind you of the future, of the hour when He shall again visit this earth, to . gather to Him foirever His faithful followers. To those who look for happiness in earthly things, the world is very unsatisfactory ; they do not realize it is a path to a better; they see disappointment stamp- ed upon their^ondest hopes, and their future looks fearfully dark. The sincere Christian, on the other hand, regards this life as a passage to a far happier land; as he passes along, he stoops and drinks of the brooks by the way, draws refreshment from prayer, and when ever he can from that bles8e^-^^----—^^ Each oooision is to him more joyous than the last, for he knows he is one stage nearer to Him who has Haid "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" As the birds and sea- weeds sonietimes tell the mariner he is close to a haven where he may find shel- ter from the stormy winds and tem[iestuous waves, so do the Heasbns of Holy Communion proclaim to those, who in faith. draw nigh, that they are' rapidly ap> iroaching the JeruHalem which b above, where, face to Y§ will w^ ^ ; Will any of J Christi Willt. when it ii too la tion,** Ye would "^ Seek y« **»«* ' Call upon Him the next opport the Holy Con yourt to feel yc ** Here. O m Here W( Here ara* And all ^Here ww Here i Heiet ThUist TWsi Here let , Thelj Too BOO The! Thebn Near V ■ Feast I Yet Oiving The J face, they Khali be with those who having followed Jesus, have gone before, ahd with Him, whose presence visible to them by the eye of faith has quietly, yet Kafely, led them through life's journey. 10 ^^^ ■"ti'ji f .' 1 ■ .- '^ i , % •k . . • % J . ' ■ , ^ > 1 >AL T . ■ 4 ''# . s|._ . . • *. r- »■ • ^ ' /' • V • ■ ' ■ ( 'i • » » » * • , ■ ■ * • your, to fed J0» «•» •»' Here would ltj«chw ^^ ."V -, kl Too Mon we me ; ^'A^S^^Jv J>1?Si^ «* ^« » fl» j . i ■f '4 4k vV ,J-.- 'i' , • ■ ■■ \ ■. ^•. ■ •■'— H^^^pt ", • '1 ♦ • .■•'■-.'•• .,■■.■..■■ • ♦ •*.■•:■. ^ ■■■;■• ■ ■. ■ j^l^K <4 - ' ** ' * f * ' ' « •'- ' .''.■:f- '^ . • ', ' - , ■■ '1^ i^;^;,.;s.-..-:''-'^ .::.:;;^"^^^ t^". "* •'*-.*»'^^'^ -'•" 4^, -.-*'»* .... • , , , . . ..» ^i|H||HHHHH^HHHBHHHHHH[ n ■■■' . : ^ .■'" ' ' • ."■■;■■■ '^^^^L '" i .' ■ ■' 'V ^^^ :,:• /■ / ^^^ '•■■.'■■,■ ■ : 1. ! - 1 •■ •'■'■'■/' 'I ' / '" ■ ■ ■ - ' / ■'^ ■ ' . ■ ■ '■"■."" <: .■■.■:: ■:.■■:.■■:/-:•■/• ■■"■ -V ■■■■;' ■-■■;.: ■ ' N ■ " ■ .'■■■■. ^. ' ■■ ;■■• / ■ ■• *- * - '■ ' V / .- f ■■ • / / / *-' ' r ^_^ ■ . ^t^^.u '' . ... ; '.ilHfe. ^^■^^^UM \ ;•• •• if - % .-.It - i 'Sr