IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I «PIIM IIIII2..5 ■ m : m .. li 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 6" — ► v: ou]d a member remove to another circuit, or emigrate to distant lands, application should be made to the pastor of the church for a removal card, or letter of standing. Each Society has an officer denominated the Steward. Classes, When a Society becomes too numerous to meet together con- veniently, it is usual to divide it into Classes, which meet at such times and places as are approved by the Elders' Meeting. It is advisable that, in general, each Class should not contain more than twenty members, and not less than ten. Each Class meets once a-week ; and one of the number, elected to that office, is denominated its Leader. Circuits. A Circuit embraces a variable number of Societies and places of worship, put in charge of one pastor, and from one of its places, or an adjacent town, it derives its name. Circuits, not self-sustaining, are called Mission Circuits, which, on becoming 6 Kl'LES AND UKGI'LATIONS. self-sustaiiiiiifz, ai'»' placcil in older of seniority above tlie mis- sions, in their respective Di.^jtricts. Each (.'ircuit lias two stewards. Districts. A District comprises any number of Circuits not exceeding eij^lit, the jtrecise nund)er Ix'ing determined by eacli Annual Conference, and indicated on the Preachers" liist of Stations. Its name is taken from one of the Circuits, or a contiguous town. Leaders. The Leaders' duties are : — 1. To meet those committed to his care weekly — sucli meeting should not extend beyond one hour ; eiKjuire into their religious experiences, and briefly en- courage them to forget " the things that are behind/' to reach forward, and " ])ress toward the mark for the prize of their high calling of God in Christ .lesus ;" to "comfort the feeble- minded, support the weak, and be patient toward all." Phil, ii. 13, U; 1 Thes. v. U. 2. To visit those who may be absent, and enquire into tho cause of their aV)sence ; to visit those who are sick ; and in every case affectionately and faithfully to counsel, admonish, advise, reprove, or console, as their state and circumstances may re- quire. In cases where a Leader cannot find time to visit absentees himself, and where thei-e is no Associated Leader ap- pointed, he may select a suitable person, or a small committee from his class to do so. 3. To attend the Elders' Meeting, and there present his class-book for inspection ; give an account of the sick and absent members ; furnish all necessary information respecting his charge ; and unite with the other members of the Elders' Meeting in settling all cases which it may be their province to determine. 4. When there is no Elders' Meeting, he must present his lass-book to the preacher, and advise with him respecting the spiritual welfare of his charge. 5. To Lwi!\;.Tse witii, counsel, and encourage any that may > Ill T.ES AND RKOUI.ATIONS. 7 bo under serious impressions, :in, an«l receive of the So- ciety Stewanls all nion»;ys which they may hav«* receiver unable to attend the District Meevin*/ unil (.'onference as a Represen- tative, if api)ointed to do Sv' die (juart* ly Meeting is ompovv- ered to elect another ]»erstjn to su' -rsede him in office, or to authorize the second Steward t'- aicend, provided the first ap- pointed prove unable to do so. Representatives of Stations. 1 Each Circuit or Mission Quarterly Meeting shall ha"e the privilege of sending from its fourth gathering to each and every Annual District Meeting within the bounds of which it is in- eluded, the two Circuit Stewards, as members thereoi", provided there are two Preachers on the station ; but if only one Preacher, then only one Steward can be sent. The duties of Representatives are : — 1. To attend the District Meeting and assist in the examina- tion of all the accounts brought before that meeting. 2. In unison with their Pastor, to see that all matters con- cerning the Circuit are duly brought before that meeting, and properly represented therein. 3. To attend the Conference as the Representatives of the District, if appointed so to do. 4. To determine which among the District Representatives shall represent the District as a member of the Committees. 10 RULES AND RPXJULATIONS. RephI'.skntativks KiiuM Districts. The duties of Tlepresentatives from Districts are : — To attend the Conference and assist in dispatching all the business laid before it, and, in conjunction with the Superintendent of their District, to see that its affairs are properly represented before the Conference. The liepresentative of a District, who is to be chosen by his brethren as such, shall attend the Annual Meeting of the Con- nexional. Stationing, Missionary, and Book Committees, as a member thereof. Local Preachers. In each Circuit such persons as feel persuaded that it is their duty to call sinners to repentance, but are not given wholly to the work of the ministry, are denominated Local Preachers. Their duties are : — 1. To co-operate with the Itinerant Preachers in forwarding the work of God, and to preach in their appointments as they appear on the Circuit Plan (or get them supplied by other ac- credited persons), and assist in holding prayer meetings. 2. To attend the Elders', Preachers', and Qu.trterly Meet- ings, and aid in the despatch of business thereto belonging. Itinerant Preachers. Each Circuit has one or more Itinerant Preachers stationed on it by the Annual Conference : when only one is stationed on a Circuit, he is the Pastor ; but when more than one are stationed, the Pastor's name is the first on the list of stations, and his colleague or colleagues are considered as Assistant Pas- tors. Brethren who have filled the otfice of Pastors are again sometimes appointed as Assistant Pastors ; and such appoint- ment is not proof of incompetency, as a variety of circum- stances may occur to render such an arrangement necessary. The Itinerant Preachers are wholly given up to the work of the ministry, preaching, and administering the Sacraments. They usually preach twice or thrice on the Sabbath, and on the week evenings preach, teach classes, hold prayer meetings, and II RULES AND REGULATIONS. 11 y. preside at Rible or mutual improvement classes, as may be ar- ranged for on their respective stations. The duties of the Itinerants are : — 1. To " preach tlie word ; " — to " be instant in season, out of season ; " — to " reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and doctrine ; " — to teacli " publicly and from house to house, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." To visit the sick, and to endeavour by all means to save some ; and to administer suitable spiritual instruction to all, as they have opportunity. 2. They are requested to preach in the open air as often as practicable, t^ecause many are perishing for lack of knowledge, who attend no place of religious worship. The duties of a Pastor are : — 1. To appoint the times and places of preaching in unison with the decision of the Preachers' Meeting ; also to appoint the Sacraments, the Love-feasts, the renewal of Tickets, and the usual collections ; the Elders', the Preachers', and Quarterly Meetings, and other ordinary and extraordinary meetings, always taking care to consult the wishes of persons, societies, and meetings cly the Circuit with the Magazines, Hymn Books and other publications sold by the Book Committee. 5. To preside at Trustee Meetings, and advise with the Trustees on the best method of managing their affairs and ira- f 12 RULES AND REGULATIONS. proving the trust property, consistent with the spread of pure Christianity, and in harmony with our genernl church re- gulations. 6 To see that his colleagues attend to their several duties as Assistant Pastors ; that those on trial are using all proper means for their advancement in C'lristian experience, and the improvement of their minds in theology, and such branches of general knowledge as are likely to be useful to them in their work ; and be prepared to report thereon to the Annual Dis- trict Meeting. Also to give necessary instruction and en- couragement to persons likely to become candidates for the Itinerant Ministry. 7. If labouring on a Mission station, to keep a journal of his labours, and report quarterly to the Missionary Secretary, the number of week-night meetings he has held, distinguishing be- tween preaching meetings, prayer-meetings and bible-classes. He must forego the giving up of any appointment on his station without the consent of his District Superintendent, extend his field of labour into the regions beyond, as opportunity offers, and labour in every possible way for the glory of God. 8. To prepare, in conjunction with his colleagues, a report of the state of his Circuit, to be laid before the Fourth Quarterly Meeting for their approval (or amendment as the case may be) and adoption ; and to forward it to the Superintendent of the District, to be laid before the District Meeting. The Pastors on Mission stations must also forward a copy of said report to the Missionary Secretary. 9. To forward to the Secretary of the Missionary Society on or before the 1st of May in each year, a correct statement of the Missionary accounts for his Circuit, as they will have to be printed in the report. 10. To forward to the District Superintendent his Annual Schedule properly filled up, immediately after the Fourth Quarterly Meeting. 11. Any Pastor omitting to send in his accounts within the time required in the discipline, shall be subject to a fine of $1 for each such omission. (^ ■1 ' RULES AND REGULATIONS. 13 1 2. To see that the Annual A-ddress of the Conference and all other documents issued for that purpose be read to the So- cieties, or circulated among them ; or laid before official meet- ings pursuant to the instructions given. 13. To see that the business of official meetings and the affairs of the Circuit generally are done "decently and in order." 14. To take the Circuit Book to the District Meeting for in- spection. 15. The Pastor of each Station receiving a grant from the Missionary Society, must forward to the Secretary of that In- stitution immediately after the Fourth Quarterly Meeting, the re- quest of that meeting respecting a grant for the ensuing year, accompanied with a statement of the total receipts and particu- lars of the disbursements for the year then closed. 16. To keep a roll of the members of each society, see to its careful revision, and, with a view to prevent unworthy mem- bers being returned to Conference, strike off the names of all who do not evince a desire to live as becometh the gospel ; this to be done through the Elders' meeting, or, if there be none, after consulting with the Leader. And further, should any Elders' Meeting refuse to drop the name of any member guilty of immoral conduct, or habitual neglect of the means of grace, it shall be the province of the Pastor to withhold his ticket of membership, appealing to his Quarterly Meeting, whose decision shall be final. 17. When changing stations, to remain on his old Circuit two Sabbaths after Conference, and be in his new station by the third, if a married man ; but if single, to preach on his old Circuit one Sabbath after Conference, and be in his new station by the Sabbath following. (2.) To leave a complete list of members, subscribers to the B. C. Magazine Observer, and other Connexional periodicals, together with any other information that may be deemed useful, for the guidance of the incoming Pastor. N. B. — The other Itinerant Preachers must assist their Pastor on all proper occasions, and attend to his directions and ap- pointments ; or they will be liable to be called to account for their neglect in this particular at a District Meeting. 14 RULES AND REGULATIONS. Supernumeraries. Itinerant Preacliers in a delicate state of health, who cannot take regular work, are appointed to Circuits as Supernumeraries. It is their duty to afford all the help they can to the other preachers in their respective Circuits, and to promote the spread of the Gospel as far as practicable ; and they are entitled to re- ceive what support they need, so long as their conduct is satis- factory to the Quarterly and District Meetings, and the Con- ference. When their health permits, they are stationed again as regular Itinerant Preachers. If, through age, they be un- e()ual to full vvoi'k, and yet, from their capabilities for useful- ness, it shall be undesirable to superannuate them, they shall receive appointments to suitable spheres of labour ; and the stations to which they shall be appointed, shall find them house and furniture, and pay them $200 per annum for their labour. Superannuated Preachers. When the Conference judges proper, it declares a Preacher to be Superannuated ; and from that time he becomes a claimant on the Preachers' Annuitant Society, if he be a member thereof. Superannuated Preachers are expected — 1. To reside under the supervision of some Pastor, and re- gularly meet in class. They are still considered in Full Con- nexion, and therefore eligible to be members of the District Meeting and Conference. 2. They must be subject to an inquiry at the Annual Meet- ing of the District in which they reside, and produce a certifi cate from a medical practitioner respecting the stjite of their health, whenever such certificate shall be called for by the Pre- sident of the Conference. 3. Should any superannuated brother reside beyond the bounds of the Denomination, he must forward annually to Con- ference, from some competent person, a certificate as to moral character and health. 4. When agreeable to themselves and to the Circuits, (if H ■ % RULES AND REGULATIONS. 15 ' thereby the number of Travelling Preachers will be lessened), they may be appointed by the Stationing Committee and Con- ference to a Circuit, and be remunerated in proportion to the labour they ])erform. Such remuneration, including their al- lowance from the Preachers' Fund, not to exceed in any case the salary tlu;y would have received if engaged in the regular work. 5. They shall receive, at the first Quarterly Meeting after they are superannuated, their full quarter's salary, from either the Contingent or Mission Fund. 6. Should they wish to marry, they must obtain the consent of the Conference, in the same way as those Preachers who are regularly engaged in the work of the ministry among us. 7. If they marry, their wives and families will receive no support from any Connexional Fund. Itinerant Female Preachers. We beheve that God, in certain instances, calls women as well as men to publish salvation to their fellow-sinners ; seeing that, in many cases, the Almighty has sealed their ministra- tions by the conversion of souls. The Conference (regarding the following Scriptures as sanctioning it : — Joel ii. 28, 29 ; Acts ii. 17, 18, and xxi. 9 ; 1 Cor. xi. 5, G), holds itself ready to enter into special arrangements with any sister of unques- tionable piety and acceptable talents, who may believe herself called of God to engage in this work. Superintendents of Districts. The duties of a Superintendent of a District are : — 1. To attend each Quarterly INIeeting in his District, if he judge proper, and preside at those meetings. 2. To call a Special District Meeting, when necessary, and proceed according to the rules under that head ; and also to at- tend any other District Meeting, when called upon to do so by a person duly authorized to convene such meeting. 3. To appoint the time and place for assembling 16 RULES AND REGULATIONS. District Meeting ; arrange for the religious services to be lield in connection therewith, and give notice to the brethren who are to take part therein at least one week before the time of meeting. 4. In case of the death of any ministerial brother, to write any minister or lay friends acquainted with the deceased, for information to enable him to prepare a brief memoir of his ex- perience, character and labours, for the approval of Conference, with a view to its insertion in the printed minutes. 5. To preside at District Meetings, and see that the business is regularly attended to ; and to take custody of Probationers' Certificates, and all other documents to be presented to the Conference ; and to appoint the time and meet all Probationers prior to the commencement of the Business Meeting ; superin- tend their examination, and forward result to the Secretary of the General Examining Committee. 6. To transmit, immediately after the District Meeting, the returns required by the Secretaries of the several departments, according to the schedules furnished for that purpose, also to the Secretary of Conference, and Pastor of Station in which Conference is held, the names of all persons, both Preachers and Representatives, authorized to attend the Conference. 7. To attend the preparatory Committee Meetings and Con- ference, according to the appointments on the Minutes, and produce his District Book. 8. The District Superintendent for the past year has to in- form the Preachers on his District, so soon as the stations are finally arranged, of their appointments ; and likewise commu- nicate to the parties concerned, in his District, all decisions of Conference having reference to them. President of the Conference. It is the duty of the PreGideiil of the Conference to preside at its Annual Assembly ; to see that all the business is duly transacted ; that all the proceedings are orderly ; that the Minutes of the Conference are regularly entered on the Jour- nals, and officially sign them on behalf of the Conference. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 17 5 In the intervals between the Conferences, it is his duty : — 1. To see that the matter for the printed Minutes is extracted from the Conference Journal, and, with the assistance of the Secretary, to see that the said extracts are correctly printed. 2. To take custody of the duplicate Journals of the Confer- ence, and issue all orders to the persons concerned for carrying the decisions of the Conference into eftect, in all cases not con- nected with the printed Minutes. 3. To enter on the list of reserve the name of every candi- date for the Itinerant Ministry regularly recommended by his Quarterly Meeting. 4. To preside at Special District Meetings, when officially re- quested, and endeavour to see that justice is done to all parties. 5. To conduct all the affairs of the Connection according to the Rules ; and in all cases, for which no special provision is made, to act according to the best of his judgment. 6. To enter all official letters on important affairs, and all ap- pointments which he may make, in the President's Journal. 7. To notify the members of the Executive Committee of the time and place of meeting ; attend, preside, and duly sign the record of business transacted. 8. With the assistance of the Pastor of the Circuit where the Conference is to be held, to make out a plan of appoint- ments for all public services to be conducted by persons attend- ing the Conference during its sittings. 9. To attend the next Conference, and preside till his successor is chosen. 10. To deliver a charge to the Preachers received into full connection, and prepare the Annual Address to the Societies, to be laid before the Conference for its approval and adop- tion. Secretary of the Conference. The duties of the Secretary of the Conference are : — 1. To furnish the Journal and Duplicate Secretaries with copy, and superintend the preparation of copy for the printed Minutes. n 18 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 2. To assist the President in setting the ^liiiutes of Confer- ence correctly printed. 3. To attend all Conference and Executive Committee Meet- ings, and make a correct record of business done. 4. To tabulate the statistics sent from the various Districts, and present them in due time to the Conference. 5. To prepare a list of all Preachers anoss«vss«'s authority over all tho other meetings in the Circuit, «U'ciiles all Circuit business, and determines all appeals from any of the subordinate meet- ings. Nevertheless, each subi^rdinate meeting is expected to settle its own affairs, when practicable. PRE.VCHERS' Meetings. The Preachers' Meeting is composed of all the Itinerant Preachers, and all the approved Local Preachers in the Cir- cuit ; and is usually appointed to meet once in three months. The Pastor presides, or a deputy whom he may appoint. The business of the meeting is : — 1. To inquire respecting all the Preachers on the Plan, whe- ther their characters continue good, their doctrines sound, and their attendance to their appointments regular. 2. To determine what shall be done in the case of any Local Preacher who may be charged with having acted inconsist- ently. 3. To decide on the place and times of preaching. 4. To inquire, if it be thought proper, what steps any Local Preacher has taken to improve his mind ; and to receive candi- dates as probationers. 5. To endeavour to stimulate and encourage each other to diligence, and perseverance in their '' work of faith, and labour of love." Should any one be aggrieved at any of its decisions, he may appeal to the Quarterly Meeting, on giWng notice of his inten- tion to do so. District Meetings. The Annual District Meeting is composed of all the Itiner- ant Preachers in the District whose names are on the Minutes of Conference, and the representatives of Circuits ; and is lield as early as practicable after the Fourth" Quarterly Meeting. The business of the Annual District Meeting' is : — 24 RULES AND REGULATIONS. "I I 1 1. To inqnire into tlie spiiituiil state of cacli of its stations, and insert its views thereon in the District Book. 2. To audit the four quarters' accounts of all stations receiv- ing grants from the Missionary Society ; to record, in the Dis- trict Book, the Total Receipts and Disbursements of each sta- tion in the District, ascertain the appropriation of all surplus moneys, and report thereon to the Conference. 3. To inquire into the amount received in each Circuit for the Missionary Society, the Preachers' Annuitant Society, Con- tingent Fund, Chihlren's allowances, District Fund, and any other Connexional Fund ; and see that the list for the Secretary of each department is correctly prepared. 4. To hear the Christian experience of its members, examine the Probationers' Certificates, question those on trial as to their course of reading and study, investigate their progress in ministerial qualifications, and report thereon to the Conference. 5. To prepare a draft of the Stations of the Itinerant Preach- ers in the District, and so far as may be practicable to arrange them according to the requests and suggestions of the Quarterly Meetings. 6. To examine all candidates for the Itinerant Ministry, who may have been recommended by their respective Quarterly Meetings, and report thereon to the Conference. 7. To consider the requests and suggestions agreed on at any Quarterly Meeting in the District, to be laid before the Conference, and report the oi)inion of the meeting thereon. 8. To consider if any additional steps can be taken to pro- mot(? the spread of pure Christianity ; and to determine on any requests or suggestions to be laid before the Conference. 9. To prepare a statistical account of the District, according to the Schedule provided for that purpose. 10. To appoint one or more (not exceeding the number of Preachers sent) of the Circuit representatives to attend the Conference; and every fifth year from 1830, to appoint as many Representatives as thg:e are Preachers authorized by the Meet- ing to attend the Conference. 11. To authorize as many Pieachers in tnll connexiun as the RULES AND REGULATIONS. 25 Meeting may deem proper, except every fifth year from 1830, when no more Preachers must be authorized to attend than there are Representatives appointed. N. B.— Probationers desirous of attending the Conference as visitors, must first obtain the consent of the District Meetings. Special District Meetings. The following are the Ptules laid down respecting Special District Meetings, to investigate the case of an Itinerant Preacher who may be charged with immorality, a flagrant breach of discipline, or any other procedure manifestly tending to injure the work of God among us : — 1. The Superintendent of the District in which an accused Preacher may be stationed at the time the accusation is made, shall, as soon as possible after he shall have a knowledge there- of, assemble all the Preachers in full connexion in the District, the two Circuit Stewards, and the three male Local Preachers whose names are first on the list of Preachers on the Plan in the Circuit where the accused Preacher may reside ; and, if he judge proper, he may call in the aid of the President of the Conference also ; and when those parties are assembled, they shall take the case into impartial consideration, and if the ma- jority of tliem judge proper, they may suspend such Preacher till the ensuing Conference. In case any of the above-mentioned persons do not attend, after due notice, those who do assemble shall proceed to settle the matter. 2. Should an accusation be brought against a Superinten- dent of a District, the President of the Conference shall, as soon as he receives information thereof from any of the Itiner- ant Preachers, or any Circuit Quarterly Meeting in that District, summon all the Preachers in full connexion in the District, to meet him ; and to proceed to settle the business as in the case afore-mentioned. 3. Should it unhappily occur that an accusation be brought against the President of the Conference, the last survivhig ex- President, on receiving information from the Pastor of any Circuit in the District, in which the off'ending President may 26 RULES AND KEGULATIONS. I r ' •\l be stationed, shall invite the Superintendents of Districts, and the Connexional Committee to meet him ; and if the majority of those persons shall consider it proper and necessary, they may suspend the offending President, and communicate their de- cision to all the other Superintendents of Districts in the Con- nexion ; and the said last surviving ex-President shall fill the office of President of the Conference, until the next Annual Meeting thereof. 4. No Preacher, however, shall be suspended, unless there be five Preachers in full connexion present, besides the accus- ing and accused parties; but in case a District in which a spe- cial or regular District Meeting shall be appointed, for the aforementioned purpose, does not contain five Preachers in full connection, besides the accusing and accused parties, the Super- intendent of District (or, should he be either the accusing or ac- cused party, then the President of the Conference,) shall call as many Preachers, in full connection, from the adjoining Districts, as may be needed to make up that number. 5. In all cases where a charge or charges are to be preferred against a Preacher, a copy of such charges with the name or names of his accuser or accusers, shall be forwarded to him, five full days, at least, before he shall be called upon to answer to them at a District Meeting. 6. Neither the accusing nor accused parties shall have votes in the decision of their own cause, as they may be both con- sidered interested in its decision. 7. In all cases of the suspension of the Preacher, resolutions expressive of the charge or charges, evidence of guilt, and the decision of the meeting shall be entered in the District Book, and shall be produced at the ensuing Conference ; but it shall not be binding on the District Meeting to give a copy of such resolutions, either to the person suspended, or to any other person. 8. In all cases brought before either the Annual or a Special District Meeting, two things should always be kept in view ; namely, first, that no Preaclier'ii feelings or character be wounded lightly, on any trilling account ; and, secondly, that no person of known improper character be allowed to continue in the ministry among us. f i' RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Annual Conference. 27 This Assembly is composed of the President and Secretary of the preceding Conference, the Superintendents and Repre- sentatives of Districts, and as many other Itinerant Preachers in full connexion as may be authorized by their respective Annual District Meetings. Provision is made in the deed for identifying the Conference, that, every fifth year from 1830, each District Meeting shall send as many Representatives of the District to the Confer- ence, as there may be Itinerant Preachers authorized to attend as members of the Conference, in order that the numbers of Preachers and Representatives composing t\w Conference may be exactly equal ; but it is optional with each District Meeting, whether the number of Representatives shall be increased, or the number of Preachers restricted, in order to effect this equality in their numbers. It is also provided that if any District Meet- ing omit sending anyRepresentatives, that this shall not prevent the Superintendent of the District or any other ex-officio mem- ber or members of the Conference in that District, from being acknowledged as members of the Conference for such fifth year. At the time appointed for holding the Conference, the re- tiring President shall take the chair, and arrange for the devo- tional exercises ; after which, he ascertains who are sent by the several District Meetings and assigns to each his place. He then calls for nominations for the office of President, who is immediately elected and assumes the chair — the ex-President occupying a seat on the platform at the President's right, unless otherwise officially placed, during the sessions of that Confer- ence. The newly elected President may nominate the Confer- ence Secretary ; otherwise the nomination and election of that officer rests with the Conference. The following are then severally elected, in the order in which they hereinafter appear, viz., Journal Secretary, Duplicate Secretary, and Reporters for the Press. The Conference shall then examine the list of Approved Preachers ; inspect the Certificates of Probationers, assigning them their places on the printed Minutes, and receive Candi- dates duly recommended for the Itinerancy. It furthermore receives into full connexion therewith all those who have ful- ) I 28 IIULES AND RP]GULATIONS. filled their period of probation, provided it is satisfied with their abilities, Christian experience, and conduct, during their time of trial ; and provided also that they produce satisfactory testimonials from their respective Quarterly and District Meet- ings and the examining committee ; stations the Preachers ; receives the Eeports of the various Committees appointed to manage the business and funds of the Connexion ; hears appeals made from other official meetings ; and makes rules and regu- lations for the management of the affliirs of the Connexion ; generally taking up the items of business in the order in which they appear on the list prepared for the President's guidance. The Annual Conference being the supreme assembly in the Connexion, decides Connexional affairs, and determines all appeals from the Quarterly and District meetings ; but it is still very strongly recommended to refer no business to the consideiTttion of the Conference, which can be settled at the Local Meetings. i Preachers in full Connexion. Itinerant Preachers in Full Connexion are such as appear on the Minutes of the current year, on the list of " approved preachers." Preachers on Probation. 1. When a Local Preacher, or other eligible person, feels per- suaded that it is his duty to give himself wholly to the work of the ministry among us, he may, at any Quarterly Meeting of his Circuit, give notice, verbally or in writing of his intention to ofi'er himself to the next Quarterly Meeting as a Candidate for the Itinerant Ministry. ^ 2. He must attend the next Quarterly Meeting, give a state- ment of his call to the work, undergo an examination, and an- swer the following questions, namely : — (i.) Were you ever made'acquainted with your depraved and sinful state by nature ; your condemned state as a sinner ; and the necessity of obtaining mercy through our Lord Jesus Christ 1 f RULES AND REGULATIONS. 29 (ii.) Have you truly repented of all your sins, both against God and man ; and forsaken them entirely ] (iii.) Have you the witness of the HolySpirit that God, for Christ's sake, has pardoned all your sins 1 (iv.) Do you enjoy entire sanctification, or are you seeking to obtain it. (v.) Do you live in the habit of mortification and'self-denial ? (vi.) Are you in debt, or responsible for the debt of another ? (vii. ) Have you taken any steps towards marriage which may prove detrimental to you in the work of the ministry, or which may prevent your waiting until you can be allowed to marry according to our rules 1 * (viii.) Do you enjoy good health, and are you free from all such bodily infirmities as would be an impediment to an Itiner- ant minister ? (ix.) Do you make use of intoxicating drinks, tobacco, or snuff? (x.) Do you know of anything that may become a hindrance to your usefulness in that work 1 (xi.) Do you believe our doctrines ? (xii.) Do you understand our rules, and will you strictly con- form to and enforce our discipline 1 (xiii.) Will you earnestly strive to attain all such knowledge as is necessary for you to possess in order that you may " do the work of an Evangelist ; " and " make full proof of your ministry 1 " (xiv. ) What steps have you taken to acquire such knowledge ; and what books are you in the habit of reading 1 (xv.) What are your views of the motives which should influ- ence a person to enter on the duties of the Christian ministry, and of the responsibilities attached to that sacred office ? (xvi.) Have you carefully read through the Old and New Tes- taments ? Preachers are not to marry during the term of their Probation 30 RULES AND REGULATIONS. (xvii.) Do you believe you are moved by the Holy Ghost to give yourself whollj'' to the work of the ministry 1 3. If the meeting be Statisfied with his answers, and he is persuaded that he is called of God to be wholly engaged in the work of the ministry, it must give him a recommendation to the District Meeting and the Conference. The following is the form of certificate from the Quarterly Meeting : — " Quarterly Meeting of the Circuit, held at on the day 18... We recommend Brother , who was born on the day of 18..., and who has been an ap- proved Local Preacher in this Circuit for the last year [or, if othenvise, state particulars] as a Candidate for the Itin- erant Ministry among us. " Signed, Pastor. Ct. Stewards." of (( } 4. He must next appear before the Examining Committee of his distiict, at the time and place appointed by the chair- man, and submit to such further examination as the Committee shall think proper. The Committee shall report, through the District Meeting, to the Secretary of the General Examining Committee ; and in no case shall a candidate pass from his Circuit into the work of the Ministry until he has met this requirement. 5. If approved by the Committee, and the Conference need his services immediately, his name is put down on the Min- utes as being received on trial, and the Pastor of the Circuit recommending him, will be required to make and subscribe the following declaration : — " I Pastor of ...Circuit, do, on this day of., 18..,, declare that I have known Brother for the last , that I believe him to be a decidedly pious man, possessing abilities which justify the Quavterly and District Meetings in recommending his case to the consideration of the Conference, and I further declare that RULES AND REGULATIONS. 31 I I believe him to be well reported of by the friends generally in the Circuit, where he has been an approved Local Preacher for the last " Signed, Pastor of Circuit." If not needed at once, his name is entered on the President's list of reserve, with a statement appended thereto, signifying what notice he will need before entering on his labours as an Itinerant Preacher. Any Brother duly recommended by his Quarterly and Dis- trict Meeting, and in other respects approved of by the Con- ference, failing to pass the examination required, may be employed as a helper, and be appointed to any Circuit the Conference may from year to year deem best ; but his proba- tion for the regular ministry shall not commence until the Examining Committee shall have certified their satisfaction with his attainments. 6. During the four years of his probation he is subjected to an examination, at each of his annual District Meetings, upon the various subjects prescribed in the course of the year. [See Appendix.] 7. When his period of probation is expired, his fourth Quarterly Meeting, and the subsequent District Meeting, ex- press their opinion by resolution respecting his fitness to be received into full connexion. 8. He then appears for final examination before the Com- mittee, and receives a certificate according to merit. 9. If his Fourth Quarterly Meeting, District jMeeting, and the Examining Committee recommend him as a proper person to take into full connexion, the following questions are pro- posed to him through the President : — (i.) Are you satisfied that you have been moving in the order of Providence while regularly engaged in the work of the ministry among us. (ii.) What is the present state of your Christian experience ? (iii.) What evidence have you that your labours have been owned of God during your probation 'I 32 RULES AND REGULATIONS. I (iv.) Do you firmly believe our doctrines, and heartily ap- prove of our discipline ? (v.) Will you continue to preach the one and enforce the other 1 (vi.) Do you find your health and strength equal to the du- ties of an Itinerant Preacher ! (vii.) Do you use intoxicating beverages, tobacco, or snuff? (viii.) Are you in debt, or responsible for the debt of another 1 (ix.) Are you desirous of btring received into full connexion with us 1 And should you be received, are you deliberately resolved solemnly to devote yourself to God, and to the work of the Ministry ; to pray daily for the prosperity and exten- sion of the Redeemer's kingdom ; and, by the grace of God strengthening you, to " endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ ; " labouring diligently to bring souls to the knowledge of the truth, and to build up believers in their holy faith ? (x.) Do you feel so united to our Connexion, and approve of its rules and regulations, in such a manner that you can cor- dially unite with your brethren in the Ministry, should you be received into full connexion i and is it your intention to re- main with us in the ministerial oflBce as long as you are capable of continuing in the work ? 10. If the Conference approve of his Christian experience, his general conduct, his preaching abilities, the state of his health, and his answers to the foregoing questions, he is by motion received into full connexion, first in the Conference. 11. Subsequently a meeting is convened for the purpose, when the Church is asked to ratify the action of the Con- ference. The following is the order of the service — the President in the Chair : — i. The Brother, being seated in a convenient part of the congregation — after the usual devotional exercises — at the call of tbe President, stands up and briefly relates the circumstances of his conversion, gives a short sketch of his Christian expe- RULKS AND RKOT'LATIONS. 88 rience, and some account of his call to the work of the min- ist^J^ ii. The President inquires: ''Brother , are you de- sirous tluit this congregation shall confirm the action of the Conference, and receive you as a fully accredited minister of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ? and will you, if so received, endeavour, God's grace assisting you, to do the work of an evangelist, and make full proof of your min- istry ? " The Brother replies, and then resumes his seat. iii. The President calls on three brethren to move, second, and support the proposition, viz. : That Brother be re- ceived as a fully accredited minister of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in connection with this Conference. iv. The question is then put, and the congregation answer by raising the right hand. At this stage of the meeting the President presents the newly received Brother or Brethren, with a copy of the Holy Scriptures and a Certificate of Ordination. v. The Ex-President delivers the charge ; after which his brethren and the congregation solemnly engage in prayer for him, that he may be endued with all necessary gifts and graces to fit him to discharge the arduous duties of his important sta- tion in the Church of Christ. vi. Every Probationer, in order to his being considered eligible for continuance in the ministry, must be annually fur- nished with a Certificate of Approval from his Fourth Quar- terly Meeting, according to the following form : — Q. 1. Did Brother arrive in the Circuit as soon after Conference as could have been reasonably expected ? A. Q. 2. Does he continue to give evidence of genuine piety and devotedness to God ] A. Q. 3. Has he satisfactorily discharged his ministerial, pasto- ral, and other duties 1 A. Q. 4. Do you consirlor him possessed of the necessary abili- ties for the ministerial office 1 A. 34 RULES AND KKGULATIONS. This is to certify to tliu District Meeting and Conference of tlie Bible Ciiristian Church, that the above answers contain the serious and deliberate views of this meeting respecting Brother while among us, since the last Conference. Signed in behalf and by order of the (Quarterly Meeting, held at for the Circuit, this day of 18 Circuit Stewards 7. The Conference has no law against receiving married men on probation for the ministry. Nevertheless, every such case must be treated as a special one, and be dealt with on its own merits. Hired Local Preachers. It is not allowed that any person shall be employed as a Hired Local Preacher, without the consent of the President or Connexional Committee. When a Brother is so employed he must be furnished with a certificate of moral character by the Circuit from which he goes ; and also a certificate of moral character and ministerial ability at the end of the year, fr(*m the Quarterly Meeting of the Circuit on which he has laboured. When such Brother ar- rives on a station before the first Quarterly Meeting for the year, the connexional charges must invariably be made in full. When a Preacher is taken out to travel between the Confer- ence, his name not being on the Minutes, he is not entitled to be a member of the District Meeting for that year ; but in case a Brother is employed and enters upon his work previous to the first Quarterly Meeting, the full year, should he continue to travel, shall be allowed him. 1 Local Preachers. In the appointment of this useful class of labourers, great dis- cretion is enjoined. They should be unquestionably pious, possessing much scriptural knowledge, of good reputation, " es- ! of aiu ing eld ed ts following is RULES AND UECJULATIONS. 86 tablislied with grace," iiiid '' apt to teach." Tht the order of their appointment : — 1. Any person persuaded that it is his duty to engage in the work, is expected to make it known to his Pastor, who will bring the sul)ject before the Elders' Meeting, and if that meet- ing approve of it, he brings it before the Preachers' Meeting. If the Preachers' Meeting approve of the person proposed, his initials will appear on the next Circuit Plan. 2. If he gives satisfaction till the next meeting, his name in full is set down on the Plan. 3. At the next Preachers' Meeting he undergoes an examina- tion, and if approved, his name appears among the approved Local Preachers. It is recommended that all Local Preachers, and especially candidates for that office, should pursue the following course of study, viz : — (i.) Heading, in prose and poetry with a view to gaining the sense of the subject, or meaning of the text ; and aiming at correct tone, pronunciation, and emphasis, as well as appropri- ateness of manner. (ii.) English Grammar. Text-book, '' Kirkham." (iii.) Rhetoric. Text-book recommended, " Quackenbos." (iv.) Scripture study in the following, viz : — General contents of the various books of the Bible, authors and dates of the several books of the Bible. Plan of studying the Sacred Scrip- tures. We recommend, as aids " Biblical Reason Why," "Home's Introduction, Abridged," " Union Bible Dictionary," "Key to the Pronunciation of Scripture Words," and a Concordance. The doctrines of the Bible. Human Depravity, Universal Atone- ment, Faith, Justification, Regeneration, Sanctification, Baptism, Attributes of the Deity, Future Rewards and Punishments. Books recommended : Cook's Deity, Cook's Theology and Phi- losophy of the Plan of Salvation. (v.) Preparation for the Pulpit, in reference to text : meaning of text, collection of matter ; selection of lessons and hymns ; meditation and prayer ; chastity of language, manner, and per- :in RULES AND UF.CMTI^ATIONS. son ; expository teaching. Books : " Klem«'nts of English Coin- position," ])}' (^>uackenbos, and " Barnes' Notes." N.B.- -It is deemed wise by Conference, that a day, quarterly, either immediately preceding or following the usual (Quarterly Meeting, be given to the carrying out of the above programme — the Pastor or the dej)uty to })resi(le. Previous notice should be given to the Brethnni concerned, of the subjects on which the examination is to be conducted. Appointment of Officials. V'l Leaders any a vote of tlie Di.strict Meeting. Financial Kki;l*latioxs. Treasurers of Connexioiud Funds. 1. The Pastor is the Circuit Treasurer of all Connexional Funds; and should he have cash on hand it is his duty to re- mit it to the District Treasurer «juarterly, and settle accounts with him at the Annual District Meeting. 2. Superintendents of Districts are the Treasurers for their respective Districts, for all Connexional Funds. They are ex- pected to make remittances to the Connexional Treasurer as often as practicable, and must settle all balances with him at the Annual Conference. 3. The time for closing the current year's accounts of every Connexional Fund is the 1st »»f May except otherwise appointed by the Conference, unless it f;dl on the Sabbath, in which case it must be closed on the 2nd. Each Superintendent of a Dis- trict must therefore see that the P\»urth Quarterly meeting and the Annual District Meeting are held so as to allow sufficient time for transcribing and forwardirg to the Secretary of each depart- ment a correct statement of the year's accounts that it may ar- rive by the 20th of ^lay. Strict attention to this regulation will greatly facilitate the business of the Conference. N. B. No claims will be received after the 1st. An lead — the singing and prayers should be short and fervent ; several should engage in the service ; blessings should be implored and expected ; and every heart should )je lifted to God. Class Meetings are very beneficial means for encouraging seekers of salvation, and building up believers. The Leader, after singing auvl prayer, speaks his experience, and inquires into the spiritual state of each member, giving them, individu- ally, such exhortation, counsel, &c., as he judges proper. Two or three should be requested to pray short, and the Leader should conclude the service in about an hour. After the spiritual exercises are concluded, the attendance of the mem- bers should be marked on the class-books. A Fellowship Meeting consists of a meeting of the several classes of a Society, for the purpose of relating their christian experience, as in a Love Feast. The friends should speak short, and the meeting should be concluded in about an hour and a half. The Lord's Sui'PER. — In celebrating this solemn memorial of the death of the Lord Jesus ; and thus " as often as we do it, showing fortli his death until he come," we receive the ele- ments in a sitting posture, as we believe that practice is more conformable to the posture of the body in which it was first received by the Apostles of our Lord. For a Form of celebration, see Appendix 5. Love Feasts are held in imitation of the feasts of charity ill ' ^1 li 44 RULES AND REGULATIONS. t I I t- mentioiiL'd in tlu? New TeRtaiiient ; and arc generally a very profitable means of grace, when the members speak short, without losing time by waiting one for another. After com- mencing in the regular way by singing and prayer, bread and water may be handed around, as a token of christian affection. The friends then very briefly relate their christian experience, the preacher occasionally giving out a verse of a hymn to en- liven the meeting. After which some time is spent in earnestly pleading with God for a present blessing suited to the wants of those present. Several should pray, and the meeting close in about two hours. Baptism. — This ordinance is administered to penitent be- lievers not before baptized, and to children whose parents de- sire to devote them to the Lord. It is generally performed after sermon befor dnging and prayer. In the case of child- ren, the parents should both be present if practicable. For the form of administration see Appendix 4. SuMM^VRY OF Doctrines. We believe, 1. That the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments contain a revelation of the will of God concerning man, and are a complete rule of faith and practice. 2. That God is unoriginated. unchangeable, and independ- ent ; almighty in power, everywhere present, and knowing all things ; infinitely gracious, holy, just, and true ; and that He is the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all things. 3. That in the Godhead there are a plurality of persons, termed in the Scriptures, the Father, the Word or Son, and the Holy Ghost ; and these are co-equal and co-eternal. 4. That man was created free from all moral impurity, in righteousness and true holiness, capable of continuing in that state, but liable to fall. 5. That by th(^ abuse of his free agency he fell from that state, became morally depraved, and transmitted defilement to all his posterity. 6. That to redeem mankind from the consequences of the fall, the Eternal Word assumed human nature," tasted death u RULES AND REGULATIONS. 45 for every man, and thereby made a complete atonement for the sin of all the human race, and procured the influence of the Holy Spirit to help their infirmities ; and having confirmed the efficacy of that atonement by His resurrection. He ascended into heaven, where He " ever livetli to make intercession " for them. 7. That repentance towards God, and fjiith in our Lord Jesus Christ are the only conditions on which the benefits of Christ's death are offered to those who are partakers of the light of the Gospel. 8. That all those who thus repent and believe the Gospel are regenerated, and have the witness in themselves that they are justified freely by His grace. 9. That it is the privilege of every true believer to be sancti- fied wholly, " in the name of our Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." 10. That the christian's continuance in this state of sal- vation depends upon his maintaining a life of humble and obe- dient faith, 11. That there are two sacraments appointed by Christ to be observed in His Church, namely : Baptism and the Lord's Sup- per : the former showing the necessity and prefiguring the re- generation of the soul ; and the latter commemorating the death of Christ Jesus, and containing on His part a pledge of Gospel benefits, and on the part of the communicant, a mani- festation of his firm trust in the Redeemer, and a solemn act of dedication to Him. 12. That there will be a general resurrection of the dead, both of the just raid the unjust. 13. That there will be a day of judgment, at which God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, and unalterably determine the eternal destinies of all men according to their works. 14. That the punishment of the ungodly in hell, and the happiness of the saints in heaven, will endure for ever and ever. 46 Itl'LES AND KEOULATIONS. Financial Regulations. lit' i ■ t • s 1. Scat Rents, Annivei-sar}' Collections, and all other items of receipts arising from the premises, as rents and other in- come, must be appropriated towards the defraying of such ex- penses as are immediately connected with the church and pre- mis- s (except as hereinafter stated,) exclusive of lighting and cleaning, which in all cases must be borne by the Society. 2. When churches are in easy circumstances, and the income regularly exceeds the expenditure, the Trustees are desired to devote at least a portion of their surplus to the Quarter Board when the funds of the Circuit require it. 3. The receipts of churches, free from debt, after the cost of repairs, insurances, and other necessary expenses are met, are a regular item of receipts at the Quarter Board of the Circuit on which such churches are situated, unless otherwise ordered by the Conference. 4. No subscription or collection must be made in aid of any church or minister's residence that is not regularly made to the connection, without the sanction of the Quarterly Meeting of the Circuit ; and the Quarterly M«-eting may not consent thereto if the premises be not in some way secured or about to be secured to the connexion. BuiLiuNG Re<^;ulations. All parties wishing to build, enlarge or purchase a cliurch or minister's residence, are expected to lay their plans and pro- spects before the Connectional Committee for advice, and pro- vided any church or minister's residence shall be built, enlarged or purchased without the sanction of said Committee, the par- ties so proceeding shall have no claim whatever upon any Con- ference Fund. When it is proposed to make a church or minister's resid- ence, held as private property, connexi utterly at variance with the Divine law, and the piinci[)les of all right legislation, and would therefore earnestly labour for the entire abolition of this iniquitou-. system by means of a pro- hibitory liquor law. Collecting for Churches. — No person is allowtd to col lect for any Church out of his own Circuit, without leave from the Executive Committee, and in any case in which such leave is obtained, the Committee shall furnish the party so employed with the necessary testimonials. The Trustees of Churches cannot be allowed to pay for the coUe :!> n of moneys, and no collection must be made in any of oui v^ongregations without the sanction of the Pastor, or Elders' Meeting. Registration of Members. —Each Circuit and Mission Circuit must provide a book for the purpose of keeping a per- manent register of persons joining our Societies ; showing the name, age, time of uniting -with the Church, circumstances under which any have left, time of dying, and any general re- marks deemed necessary. h. i. 50 RI'MIS AND HEOrLATlOXS. f' t Ki\rf>t'iit«-le card, .signifying h'ui admission, ■" ami in ordtT to his continuance as a mumber, his ticket of mi mbersliip sliall be renewed quarterly. QUAIiTKHLY MEKTIN(;S AND THKII! 1M{HA( HKRS. — The mu- tual arrangements entered into by Pr(;a('hers and tlu*ir Quarterly Meetings as to the re-a])pointment of the Preacher to station, shall not be distuilx'd bv the Conference, unless it o«? evidently necessary for the general w(lfar«>, provided, neverthe- less, that no arrangement sliall be allowed beyond a term of four years, that being the maximum of time pt-rmitted to any preacher on a station, unless Conference exigencies dt-mand otherwise. Bii5LE Classes.— Bible Classes should be generally held among us, that the youth maybe rightly trained and the Sacred Scriptures better understood ; and where Bible Classes and week-night preaching cannot ])e conveniently held, then the for- mer should be substituted for the latter, provided the Society consent thereto. Departmental Eeturns to TiiEASUiiER. — It is the duty each Departmental Secretary, upon the reception of their re- ports by their respective Committees, to furnish the Treasurer, in schedule form, with a statement of what he has tt) pay to, or receive from, the several Superintendents of Districts on account of their several departments. Settlements of Accounts by the Treasurer. — The Gen- eral Treasurer shall receive from, or pay to the several Super- intendents of Districts, the balances due from or to them as early as practicable after the assembling of the Conference, so as to allow them the opportunity of settling any balances due from them to the Pastors in their respective Distri . He shall also present a balance sheet to the Conference. Executive Committee. — The Executive and all other Com- mittees are appointed annually by the Conference. The Ex- ecutive Committee acts as the President's Council, and with * At the first reneM*al of tickets after admission a^; an approved mem- ber, he receives the usual ticket, which certifies his membership RILES AND Ht(;ri.ATIoXs. 51 whom lie's on all inip<»rtant tjuestions, — cousimi'.m utly tlieir jurisdiction extends over the entire Connexion. To them tlui particulars of expenses incurre«l by brethren travelling to their stations, in order to being allowed, mu>t be returned not later than the second (November) meeting. And the said Oom- mitte<' has full power, and is expected to settle all claims on the Coniiexional Fund-, — subject to an appeal to the Conference, should any one feel aggrieved by the decision of the Commit- tee. This Committee arranges the programme for Conference services, dev(»ting the aftern<»an of the Conference Sabbath to the Sal)ath Scluxd interest, and at its preparatijry meeting im- mediately preceding Conference, drafts the order of religious services to be conducted by the members attending thereat, within the town or vicinity of its being held, assisted by the Pastor of the station, who shall give notice of any requests made for a su}»ply. The other Committees manage the aftair:^ of the particular departriient whose name tli y bear. The President presides at all their meetings. The Tukasl'uer of the Funds i. onnected with ExtiLAM) receives the Annual Returns from the parties concerned, and conducts the busines-^ with tlie authorities in England, making an Annual Report to the Conference. Ministerial Resignation. — Should a minister resign his position among us as such, he must, with his resignation, fur- nish the particulars of any claims he may have on the Connexion, otherwise they will be disallowed. Socials. — Learuinix that at Tea Meetin^rs and Socials, in connexion with Church etfoits to raise money, certain practices have cre[)t in, which we deem neither for the glory of God nor for the interests of the denomination, Ave earnestly recommend our friends to discountenance election cakes, necktie socials, and all arrangements the effect of which is simply to amuse the audience, minister to sensual propensities, or lead from God ; and to get up all teas with economy, subject all parts of the literary programme to the approval of the minister in charge, and the most godly of our Churches, and generally to pursue such a course as shall impress the world with the genuine char- acter of our religion, and minister to the spirituality of our people. 52 RULES AND REOULATIONS. Sab HATH Funerals. We strongly advise our friends in every place to discounte- nance Sabbath funerals except in cases of unavoidable necessity. Conference Appointments. Pastors or Superintendents of Circuits, Superintendents of Districts, and the President and Secretary of the Conference, are appointed by the Conference, as are are all tlie Committees to whom is confided the direction of such affairs as are within their respective provinces, and the management of the Funds connected therewith. Filling up Vacancies. t In case the Secretary of the Conference for the time being, the Superintendent of a District, or the Pastor of a Circuit should die, or be suspended, or by any other means be removed from his situation, the President of the Conference shall ap- point proper persons to supply such vacancies, and effect any necessary changes in the appointments of the preachers, in order thereto. And in case the President of the Conference should die, resign his office, or be suspended, the last surviving Presi- dent shall supply his ])lace ; and all such persons so appointed, or so succeeding to office, shall be considered as possessin«2 the same power and authority to act in such capacities, respective- ly, as fully as though they had been immediately appointed by the Conference. Chairman's Casting Vote. The appointments and decisions of all official meetings must be by a majority of votes ; and in all cases where there is an equal numl)er of ^'otes on opposite sides of a question, the per- son presiding gives the deciding vote. When Regular Chairman may Vacate the Chair. The Pastor may not preside at his Quarterly Meeting, nor the Superintendent of the District at his District Meeting, nor RULES AND REGULATIONS. 53 the President of Conference in the Conference, when their re- spective characters are being investigated, if anything be laid to their charge ; but they may severally appoint a member of their respective p.- etings to preside in their stead. Duty of CHAmi\iAN as to Question. It is the duty of every person presiding at any official meeting when a resolution has been regularly" move^and e conded by any two members of that meeting, either to put it to the meeting for its decision, or to vacate'lheXr f and n case he adopts the latter course, the meeting is at 1 berty o elect another person to preside during the discussion of th.t particular subject. Should the chairman, or a^y X membe of the meeting, disapprove of the decision of themaioriiy Thev &■ Mode of Conducting a Ballot. Where more than one is nominated for the Presidency or her official position in the Conference, the elecS shd be by ballot and a clear majority of all the votes p^rTt shall be necessary to constitute an election. Where no nominee secures such majority, only one name, viz., that having he lowest number of votes, shall be dropped at a time • except ^^^^^:r' '' ''' ^-- — r, in whicS Tabular Record or Deceased MEiinERs.— Brethren in charge of stations are earnestly entreated to furnish the neces^ sary informa ion for a Tabular Record of the decease of our Members to be inserted in the recognized Conference olZ including their age, date of their .leath, and such other part 1 culars expressive of their state (briefly stated) as may be Si c^sed Str'"' •™' ^^^^^'^"^ ''^ *"^ ^"--^^ »^ --" J- I) " »« I t- .'Ib ■ I'H * i"' It 1 APPENDICES. Appendix 1. Laying the corner stone of a Church. 2. Dedication of a Church. 3. Reception of members into the Church. 4. Infants' Baptism. Adults' Baptism. 5. The Lord's Supper. 6. Solemnization of Marriage. 7. Burial Service. 8. Eules of Order. 9. Deed of Enrolment. 10. Constitution of Canadian Conference. n. Rules of Society. 12. Sabbath School Constitution. 13. Probationers' course of study. a (( it tt a (( u « (( (( (< (( 1 BP ■ " I ll ) I i I I APPEjS[D1.X. 1. Laying the Corner Stone of a Church. The officiating Minister shall sav :— "Beloved Bretiiren, we are taught in the Word of (Jod, that although the heaven of heaven's cannot contain the Eternal One, much less the temple made with hands, yet His delight is with the sons of men, and whenever two or three are gathered together in His name, there He is in the midst of them. And in all ages His servants have se|)arated certain places for His worship, as Jacob erected a stone in Bethel for God's house •, as Moses made a tabernacle in the wilderness ; as Solomen built a temple for the Lord of Hosts. We are now assembled to lay a stone which shall form a part of a new house for the worship of God. Let us not doubt but that He will favourably auprove oui- undertaking and own this place for His house. (Here a hymn should he sung.) (Than an extempore j^r ay er.) (Then shall the Minister read the following verses.) Lord, remember David and all his afflictions : How he sware unto the Lord, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob ; Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed ; I will not give sleep to mine eyes, nor slumber to my eyedids Untd I find out a place for the Lord, an habitation 'for the mighty God of Jacob ; We will go into His tabernacles ; we will worship at his foot- stool. Arise Lord into Thy rest, Thou and the ark of Thy stren^nh 58 APPENDIX. Let Thy priests be clothed with righteousness, and let Thy saints shout aloud for joy. Tlie Lord hath chosen Zion, He hath desired it for His habi- tation. He hatli said this is Mv rest for ever, l;ere will I dwell. I will abundantly ))less her provision ; I will satisfy her poor with bread. I Avill also clothe her priests with salvation, and her saints shall shout aloud for joy. There will I make the horn of David to bud ; I liave ordained a lamp for Mine an- ointed. His enemies will I clothe with shame, but upon himself shall his crown flourish. We then Brethren are labourers together with God ; accord- ing to the grace of God which is given unto nu), 1 have laid the foundation and another buildeth thereon, but let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon, for other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. (Tlicii shall the Minister lay the stone) And say : — '' In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, we lay this stone, praying that the house to be built thereon may be consecrated by the Divine presence, sacred to the Divine service, and owned by Almighty God for the spread of the Everlasting Gospel through the ministry of the Bible Christian Church. Amen. (Then shall the address he given, d;c.) 2. Dedication of a Church. The people being assembled in the Church, the minister shall say :— Dearly beloved. — The scriptures teach us that God is well pleased with those who build temples to His name. He filled the temple of Solomn with His glory, and in the second temple He manifested Himself still more gloriously, and in the Gospel He conmiends the centurian who built a synagogue for His people. Let us not doubt then, but that He will also APPENDIX. 59 favourably approve of our undertaking, and accept this Church as His own ; and h^t us now devoutly join in dedicating this Church to the glory of God. (A hymn should then be sung, after ivhlch the following Scripture should he read, viz., 2 Chron. chap, vi.) (After ivhieh the Dedication Prayer should he offered.) (Then the officiating Minister should say) : We solemnly set apart this Church for the worship of God, for the preaching of the everlasting Gospel, for the reading and exposition of the Holy Scriptures, for the administration of the Sacraments, for the exorcise and enjoyment of religious fellowship, for the service of praise, and the devotion of prayer, according to the usages of the Bible Christian Church, and may God accept this building as His own. \A collection shoidd then he taken up.] (After ichich a Hymn should he sung, ) And the Minister proceed with the Sermon, &c. f 3. Keception of Members into the Church. Those who are to be received shall come forward to the front of the Church. (Then the Minister addressing them shall say) : Dearly beloved, You have come here seeking the privilege of union with the Church of Christ. AVe rejoice in the grace of God vouch- safed unto you in calling you to be the followers of Christ, in giving you a desire to flee from the wrath to come, and for enablmg you through faith to accept Christ and His salvation as your only ground of hope. Do you here in the presence of God and this Church believe in the Holy Scriptures as your rule of faith and practice ? Do you accept Christ as your only Saviour and example ? Do you consent, as far as possible, to conform to the ordinances of this 60 APPENDIX. Church 1 And will you contribute of your earthly substance to the support of the Gospel, au«l as far as lieth in you by the grace of God, fulfil the duties of a member of Christ's Church 1 (Tlicn shall the candidate ausircr, '^IicilV) Then shall the Minister handing to each a card of admission, and giving them the right hand of fellowship, say : We wel- come you to the communion of Christ's Church, and cordially receive you into fellowship and membership with us, praying that you may be faithful unto death. (After which the Minister shall give a brief address to the Church, and offer extempore prayer. ) Then shall the ordinance of the Lord's Supper be adminis- tered, tV'C. 4. Formula for Infant Baptism. ,1 M Hymn. — " See Israel's gentle .shepherd stands." {The Mlnistrr addressing the parents (or ffvardians) shall say :) Dearly Beloved, — Forasmuch as this child is now pre- sented by you for Christian Baptism, you must remember that it is your duty to see that h' be taught as soon as he shall be able to learn the nature and end of this Holy Sacrament. And that he may know these thiuiis the better, you shall call upon hint to give reverent attendance upon the appointed means of grace, such as the hearing of sermons and the public worship of God, you shall provide for ///>• becoming acquainted with God's Holy Word, and lead him to respect and love it, in order that he may be brought up to lead a virtuous and holy life ; remembering always that Baptism doth represent unto us that inward purity which disposeth us to follow the example of our Saviour Christ ; that as ht died and rose for us, so should we, who are baptized, die unto sin and rise again unto righteous- ness, continually mortifying all corrupt affections, and daily proceeding in all virtue and godliness. We do, therefore, solemnly admonish you to fulfil these duties, so far as in you lies, the Lord being your helper. APPEXDIX, 61 I {Tlieii shall the Minister say to the Congregation :) Hear the words of the Gospel, written by St. ^lark : '' They brought young children to Him," etc., as far as " and blessed thera." {Then shall the Minister take the child and say :) Name this child. {Bcjnating the name, the Minister shall say :) (At the same time, sprinkling or pouring water upon the child) : A. B., I Baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. {The Minister shall then, (having first passed the child to its mo- ther), ql/'er thefollvuiny, or an ij.tonjiarejjrayer :) O God, of infinite mercy, the Father of the faithful seed, be pleased to grant unto this child an understanding mind and a sanctified spirit. May Thy Providence lead him throagh the dangers, temptations and ignorance of youth, that he may never run into the folly nor into the evils of an unbridled appetite. "We pray thee so to order the course oi his life, that, by good education, by holy example, and by Thy renewing and restrain- ing grace, he may be led to serve Thee faithfully all his days, so that when he shall have glorified Thee in his generation, he may be received into Thine eternal Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Almighty and most merciful Father, let Thy grace descend and rest upon Thy servant and handmaid, the parents (or guar- dians) of this child. Grant unto them, we beseech Thee Thy Holy Spirit, that they, like Abraham, may command their children and their household, to keep the way of the Lord. Direct their actions and sanctify their hearts, words, and pur- poses, that their whole family may be united to our Lord Jesus Christ, in the bonds of obedience and charity, and that they all being in this life Thy holy children by adoption and gace, may be admitted into the Church of the first-born in II 02 APPENDIX. lieavt'ii, through the merits of Thy dear Son, our Savioui- aiul Kedeemer. Amcu. In the imblic service we recommend immediatehj before f/te sermon, as the more suitahle time J or lUqitisni, cind if in the funilij circle, that the service close ivlth the Benedietion, Baptism of Adult Persons. ■ - li Dearly Beloved, — Forasmucli as all men are conceived and burn in sin, and "that which is horn of Hesli is llesh," and " they that are in the flesh cannot please God," but live in sin, constantly transgressing God's holy law ; and that our »Saviour Jesus Christ hath said, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannut enter the kingdom of God," I beseech you to call upon God the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, that of His bounteous goodness lie will grant to this 2)erson (or these yersons) that which, by nature, none can have ; that lie being baptized with water, may also be baptized with the Holy Spirit, and being received into Christ's Holy Church, may continue a living member of the same. {Then shall the Minister offer the following prayer) : Almighty and everlasting Jehovah, the aid of all that need, the helper of all that flee to Thee for succour, the life of them that believe, and the resurrection of the dead ; we invoke Thy blessing upon this person, that he, coming to Thy holy baptism, may enjoy the grace signified by this holy Sacrament, lleceive him, O Lord, as Thou hast promised by Thy well-beloved Son, saying, " Ask, and ye shall receive ; seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it shall l)e opened unto you." So give now unto us that ask, let us that seek, find, open the gate unto us that knock, and grant that tliis person may enjoy the everlasting benediction of Thy heavenly washing, and may come to the eternal king- dom promised to Thy people, through Jesus Christ our Lord. A men. {Then shall the Minister say) : i AIM'KXDfX, (l.S || Hear the wonh of tlic Uo.spol written by St. John, iii tlic third chiii)tL'r, beginning at the tirst vurse : [(^uotu to end of .sth] (7'hen shtdl the Muutiter mij to the person to bo Ikipt'cxd as folloas) : — You have come hither desiring to receive holy Baptism. Voii hav(} heard how the congregation hath prayed that our Lord Jesus C'lirist would vouchsafe to receive you, to bless you, and to giv(i you the kingdom of heaven and ever- lasting life. And our Lord Jesus Christ hatli promised in His holy word to grant all those things that we have pi-ayed foi'— which ])romise He, for His part, will most surely keep and perform. W^hcictVu-e, after this i>romise made l)y Christ, jioa must also faithfully, for ijour part, promise, in the pnsscnce ^;f this congregation, that you will renounce the devil and all his works, and constantly believe God's holy word, and obediently keep His commandments. Dost thou thus promise 1 Answer. — I do. { Then shall the Minister say) : — ^ Let us Pray.— merciful God, grant that all carnal affec- tions may die in tlds person, and that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and grow in him. Grant that he may have power and strength to obtain victory over the devil, the world and the flesh. Grant that lie being here dedicated to Thee by our office and ministry, may also be endowed with heavenly virtues, and everlastingly rewarded, through Thy mercy, blessed God, who dost live and govern all things, world with- out end. Amen. Almighty, ever-living God, whose most dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our sins, did shed out of His most precious side both water and blood, and gave com- mandment to His disciples that they should go teach all nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost : regard, we l)e3eech Thee, the supplications of this congregation, and grant this per son now to 64 APPKNDIX. be biiptizt'fl may rocoivc the fuliioss o\' Tliy graco, and ever remain in the number of Thy faithl'ul and elect children, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amai. (Then dull the Minister sprinlde or 2^our water ^qmi the person or persons to be baptized, saijinfj) : — A. B. — I baptize thee, in the name of the Father, and of tlie Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. {After which ho shall say) : — Let Pr. U.s -Pr.VY. — Ahiiighty and everlasting God, heavenly Father, we give Thee humbh; thanks for that fliou hast vouch- safed to call us to the knowledge of Thy grace and faith in Thee. Increase this knowledge; and confirm this faith in us evermore. Give Thy Holy Si)ii'it to this jiersmi that /<» may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lonl Jesus Christ, and may live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world, as becometh the Christian profession, and that h>: may ultimately inherit everlasting life, througli our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and tlie love ol God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all, now and forever. Amen. ii >' 5. Administration of the Lord's Supper. (At the appointed lime, the Minister shall give the following) Invitation. If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Fathei esus Christ the righteous ; and He is the propitiation for ou. -ins. and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. Ye that do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbours, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and walking henceforth in His holy ways ; draw near with faith and take APPENDIX. 1 • r ' this holy sacrament to your comfort, making your huinl>le confession to x\hnighty Ood. (Then slndl the foUoulng Confession be wade in hehalf of the Church by the Minister) : — Ahnighty Ood, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, maker of all tilings. Judge (»f all men, we acknowledge and deplore our manifold sins which we have from time to time wickedly committed, in thraight, word, and deed, against Thy Divine Majesty, provoking most justly Tliy indignation against us : have mercy upon us, most merciful Father, for Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, forgive us all that is past, and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please Thee in newness of life, to the honour and glory of Thy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. {Then shall the Jlinisfer say) : O Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of Thy great mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to all them that, with hearty repentance and true faith, turn unto Thee, have mercy upon us. Pardon and deliver us from all our sins, and bring us to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Then shall the Minister saij) : — We do not presume t-^. come to this Thy table, merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in Thy manifold and great mercies. "We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under Thy table. But Thou art the same Lord whose property is always to have merey. Grant us, therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat by faith the flesh of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and to drink His blood, that we may live and grow thereby ; and that, being washed through His most pre- cious blood, we may evermore dwell in Him and He in us. Amen. {Then shall th^ minister receive and aebmnister the Or- dinance.) 66 APPENDIX. ,1' Lil 6. Solemnization of Marriacje. (The ];)er sons to be married standi ng for/cthcr, the woman and her female attendants at the man's left, and the male attendants at his right, the Minister shall say :) We arc 2;.atherefl toQ,et]ior in the sie-ht of God, and in tlie presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and this woman in hoi}'' matrimony. Therefore if any one can show jnst cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak or else hereafter hold his peace. {Then shall the Minister seiy unto the])ersons who are \o he married :) I require and charge you both that if either of you know any impediment why you may not l)e lawfully joined together in matrimony, you do now confess it, for be ye well assured that so many as are coupled together otherwise than is sanctioned by the word of God, are not joined together by God, neither is their matrimony lawful. {If no impediment is alleged, then shall the Minister say unto the man:) A. B., Wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony ? Wilt thou love, comfort and keep her, in sick- ness and health, and keep thee only unto her so long as ye both shall live ? {The man shcdl answer :) I will. {Then shcdl the Minister say unto the woman :) C. D., Wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of mat- rimony 1 Wilt thou love, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health, and keep thee only unto him as long as ye both shall live 1 {The ivoman shall ansiver ;) I will. APPENDIX. 67 {Then shall the Minister say:) Let us pray. — 0, Eternal God, creator and preserver of all mankind, giver of all spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life ; who Thyself didst institute, in the time of man's innocency, the honourable estate of matrimony, signifying unto us the mysticol union that is between Christ and His Church ; which Christ also adorned and beautified with His presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee, and wh^ch is com mended of St. Paul as honourable among all men ; send now Thy blessing upon these Thy servants, this man and this woman, whom we bless in Thy name, that they may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant between them made, and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, uad live; according to Thy laws through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. {Or an extenqm'e prayer may he offered.) {Then shall the Minister receive the ring, and cause tire man with his right hand to take the woman by htr right hand, to say after him :) I, A. B., take thee, C. D., to be my wedde(^ wife, from this day forward, for better or worse, in sickne ^ or health, till death us do part, and [here the ring is put by the groom on the third finger of the bride's left hand] I give thee this ring as a pledge of my affection and fidelity. {Then shall the tcoman take the man's right hand in hers, and shall say after the Minister :) I, C. D., take thee, A. B., to be my wedded husband, from this day forward, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part ; and 1 accept this ring in token thereof. {Then shall the Minister say .•) Forasmuch as these persons have consented to be joined to gether in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have pledged their faith each to the other, and have declared the same by joining of 68 APPENDIX hands and giving and accepting of a ring, I now pronounce them husband and wife, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The Minister shall then ^pronounce the Benediction. iiti 7. Burial Service. [See selections at the end of this service for exercises at the house, . tvhere, with the reading of appropriate selections, a hymn may be sung, and extempore prayer offered.l (On reaching the cemetery, the Minister, going before the corpse, shall say) :— I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord ; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live ; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me, shall never die. I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth ; and though after my skin, worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another. We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord. [At the grave, when thelcorpsc is deposited therein, the Minister shall say) .— Man, that is born of woman, hath but a short time to live, and is full of misery. He cometh up, and is cut down like a flower ; he fleetli as it were a shadow, and never continueth in one stay. In the midst of life, we are in death ; of whom may we seek for succour, but of Thee, Lord, who for our sins art justly dis- pleased ? APPEXDIX. (iO Yet, Lord God most holy, Lord most miglity, holy and most mercit'iil Saviour, deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death. Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts, shut not Tliy merciful ear to our prayers, but spare us, Lord most holy, ( ) God most mighty, holy and merciful Saviour, Thou most worthy Judge eternal, suffer us not at our last hour, for any pains of death, to fall from Thee. {Then, uMle earth shall he cast 2ipon the hodij, tit' Mini.'^fer shaJl say) ;— Forasmuch as it hatli pleased xilmiglity God, in His wise providence, to take from among us the soul of the departed, we therefore commit his body to the ground — earth to earth, asht^s to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope that those who sleep in Jesus shall rise to everlasting life ; who shall change our vile bodies, that they may be made like unto His own glorious body, according to the mighty working whereby He is able to subdue all things unto Himself. {Then shall the Minister say) : Let us Pray. — O Merciful God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the life, in who whosoever belie veth shall live thouij:h he die, and whosoever liveth and be- lieveth in Him shall not die eternally : we meekly beseech Thee, Father, to raise us from the death of sin unto the life of right- eousness; that when Ave shall depart this life we may rest in Hiui; and at the general resurrection on the last day, may be found acce})table in Thy sight, and receive that blessing which Thy well beloved Son shall then pronounce to all that love and fear Thee, saying, " Come, ye blessed children of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world." Grant this, we beseech Thee, merciful I'ather, through Jesus Christ our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen. % 70 appp:ndtx. Scripture Selections for Funerals. FUNERAL OF A CHILD. h i I , |! < A voice was heard in Eamah, lamentation and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, refused to be comforted, be- cause they were not. (Jer. xxxi. 15.) And Jacob rent his clothes, and put cloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days. And all his sons and rdl his daughters rose up to comfort him, but he refused to be com- forted ; and he said, For I will go down into the grave unto my son mourning. Thus his father wept for him. (Gen. xxxvii. 34, 35.) When the child was grown, it fell on a day that he wen^ out to his father to the reapers. And he said to his father. My head, my head. And he said to a lad. Carry him to his mother. And when he had taken him and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon and then died. And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door upon him and went out. And she called unto her husband and said, Send me, I pray thee, one of the young men, and one of the asses, that I may run to the man of God, and come again. So she went and came unto the man of God to Mount Carmel. And it came to pass when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to Gehazi his servant. Be- hold yonder is that Shunamite, run now, I pray thee to meet her, and say unto her. Is it well with thee 1 Is it well \vith thy husband 1 Is it well with the child 1 And she answered It is well. (2 Kings iv. 18, 22, 25, 2G. Or 2 Sam. xii. 16-23;, Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones, for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish. (Matt, xviii. 10, 14.) I was dumb, I opened not my mouth, because thou didst it. (Ps. xxxix. 0.) And it came to pass on the seventh day, that tlie child died. And the servants of David feared to tell him that the child i APPENDIX. 71 was dead : for they said, Behold while the child was yet alive we spake unto ]nm, and he would not hearken to onr voice • (lead ( Lut wlien David saw that his servants whispered David perceived that the chih! was dead : therefore Davi saiduno It J? i f "'^ '^'?'" *''*' ''""'' •™'l "'allied, an.l anointed Lord, and worshipped : then he came to his own house .- and « en he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat In t"dZV'\?""r"i'! ;'"*° ^T' ■^^'''''' """S « ""'^t''"' tlio" oread. And he said, ^\ lule the child was yet alive, I fasted should ffttl 1 T^ ''J'" • ,^",' "o^" '"^'^ ^'-^^'l' wherefore should I fast ? can I bring him back again ? I shall go to him but he shall not return to me. (2 Sam. xii 18 "3 ) ma!: S' "Vs!) ''* ""' '" ^^""""^'•^ '-<1 '- '^»''» ti~tf &Td' tjob^'i.liT" '■^'^" ^"■■^^■' '''''''' "« 8. Rules of Ordfk to be observed in Official meetings BUT SPECIALLY IN CONFERENCE. ' I. The presiding officer shall call the Assembly to order at the time appointed ; open the proceedings with reading the Scriptures singing and prayer ; cause the journals to be read, reco^n Le tlie members of Conference as possessed of equal rights in thS suinns sion of propositions, and enforcing their claims ; and decide all points ::n^:!Sl wKtf^:^^^^^*^ ^^^ Assembly : such appeaAo be .n5^;dl!ls|:5^ same time the President shall name the person lirst entitled to th^ delivered "'^'"''^''' ^^ '^^1^ ^^^'"^ «^^t« ^^-^"1^ any address is being 72 APPENDIX. u li III! Hi I'll 'I i I III. Every mover of a resolution is responsible for writing it, and may bo re(iuirocl to write it out prior to submitting for dis- cussion. IV. When a resolution is moved and seconded, or a report read by the Secretary, (jr stated by the President, it becomes the pro- perty of the Assembly ; nevertheless, may be withdrawn before de- cided on, with consent of the seconder, if the Conferonce does not object. V. All motions to postpone or lay on the table shall be taken without debate. VI. No new motion shall bo entertained until the one under con- sideration has been disposed of, Avliieh may bo done by subsHti(tio)i, postponement indejiuitely or to a set time, reference to a committee, adoption, or rejection. VII. No member shall be interrupted while speaking, except by the President ty a two- third vote shall be so determined. XV. Every member shall be expected in his place at the calling of the roll, and any member leaving his seat without jtermission from the presiding officer shall be subject to a reprimand from the Conference. 9. A Copy of a Deei^ for establishinc; the identity of THE Bible Christian Confenence. To all to irhoiii these Presents shall come : WE whose names and seals are hereunto subscrilKnl and affixed, being the Thirteenth Annual Conference of tliu ^linisters and Re- presentatives of the people denominated Bible Christians, held at Hick's Mill Chapel in the Parish of Gwennap, in the County of Cornwall, the twenty-eighth day of July, 1831, and following days, send greeting. WHEREAS certain pieces of land with Buildings thereon, com" monly called Chapels, and a dwelling house ov other hereditaments and appurtenances to each oi the same belonging, have been, and are expected to be conveyed to certain persons, their heirs, execu- tors, administrators, and assigns, UP(JN TRUST, (among other trusts) that the trustees in the several deeds respectively named or to be named, and the survivors of them and the trustees for the time being, to be elected as in the said deeds is or may be appoint- ed, shall perndt and suffer such persons as may from time to time be appointed by the Conference of the people called Bible Chris- tians, to use and enjoy the said premises and therein to preach and expound God's Holy Word. AND WHEREAS, for rendering more efiectual the trusts created or to be created by the said several deeds, and that no doubt or litigation may arise with respect to the same and the true meaning thereof, it has been deemed expe- dient to exj)lain what is meant by the Annual Conference of the people called Bible Christians, and to deelare what persons shall be members of such Conference, and by what rules and regulations the succession and Identity thereof are to be continued. NOW 74 APPENDIX. THEREFORE, these presents Witness, that for the accomplish- ment of the above purpose, it is hereby dechired, 1st. THAT the Anniial Conference of the people called Bible Christians, shall consist of the President and Secretary of the Pre- vious Annual Conference, the Superintendents of the Districts, be- in<,' preachers and exi>ounder3 of God's Holy V/(»rd, the Represen- tatives of the Districts, to be chosen as hereinafter mentioned, and so many of the other preachers in full connexion as may be author- i/f'd to attend such Conference by their respective Annual District r . ^etings. 2nd. That the members of the said Conference, and their succes- sors for the time being, shall assemble once in every year, at such time, and in such place, as shall have been appointed liy the i)re- cedng Conference, save that the next Annual Conference shall be held in Ebenezer Chapel at Lake, in the parish of Shebbear, in the County of Devcm, on the twenty-sixth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. for the purpose of appointing the time and place of holding each subse<:iuent Conference, and for ad- vising together, in order to promote the preaching of the Gospel of Christ, to appoint the preachers to the use and enjoyment of the said chapels and [iremises, so given, or to be given and conveyed upan the trusts aforesaid, to exx)el unworthy Ministers and Mem- bers from the said Society, and to receive other i^ersons into full connexion as preachers and exix>unders, as aforesaid, and also to admit other persons upon trial, for the like purpose. 3rd. That all Superintendents of Districts, being preachers and expounders of God's Holy Word, shall be aimujilly appointed and tixed upon b}'' the Conference, and their appointments registered in the Journals there<^f accordingly. 4th. That the Representatives of Districts shall be chosen at the Annual District Meeting which shall be held in each District, at, or about midsunnuer. in every year, bj* the majority of Circuit Stewards, who are in attendance at the District meetings as repre- sentatives of their respective Circuits ; and such Representative t)f the Distrrict shall receive from the Superintendent of such District, who shall preside at such meeting, a certificate specifying that he was duly elected. Such Representative to be chosen from among the Circuit Stewards or Representatives of Cu'cuits. 5th. That each District shall contain any number of Circuits, not exceeding eight in all, and that the extent of each District shall be pointed out in the stations of the preachers, at each Annual Con- APIMINDIX. ference— which District shall talso its name from one of the Circuits or somo town adjacent. (>th. Tliat the Annual District ^leetini^ in each District shall be composed of the lAFale Itinerant preachers, and the Ke[)resentatives from the Circuits in the Districts, to be chosen at the Midsummer Quarterly Circuit Meeting as hereinafter described. 7th. That a Circuit shall include all those Societies, or places of worship, which are placed under the care of the Pastor or Superin- tendent of such Circuit, and shall derive its name from one of the places of worship in the same Circuit or from some town in the vici- nity. 8tli. That each Circuit shall have two Stewards, which shall be chosen or re-elected at the Christmas ipiarterly meeting in eveiy year, and in case of the occurrence of a vacancy, in the course of any year, through death or any other means, another steward may be elected at any quarterly meeting in such year, who shall act until the next Christmas (quarterly meeting, or until another shall be chosen ui his stead. 9th. There shall be four Quarterly ^NTtjetings held in each Circuit in every year, about the usual quarter days of Lady-day, Midsinu- mer, Miclnelmas, and Christmas, and such (piarterly meetings to be composed of the Itinerant preachers of the Circuit, the Circuity Stewards, the Society Stewards, the Class leaders, and the approved local preachers. And that the Superintendent of the District, if present, shall preside at such tpiarterlj' meetings, and in case of his absence, the Pastor or Superintendent of the Circuit shall pre- side in his stead. 10th. That at the Midsummer Quarterly Meeting, in every year, each respective Circuit shall he at liberty to send on^^ of their Cir- cuit Stewards to the Annual District Meeting, ai tiieir Representa- tive, and that the Representatives of the ('i)vuits, when assembled, may authorize one of their number so assembled, to attend the next Annual Conference, as the Representative of that District, but it shall be (juite optional to the Stewards whether one of them be so appointed or not. 11th. That if a Representative of anj' Circuit be sent to any Dis- trict Meeting, such person must be one of the Circuit Stewards, duly appointed by a nuijority of votes, at the then last Midsuunner Quarterly Meeting, who shall produce a certiticate signed l)y the person who presides at such Quarterly Meeting, certifying that he 7<) APPKNDIX. 'I: has boon so appointed, and audi ])L'rHon who may i)rosido at tho Quarterly Meeting is hereby re({uired to sign tho said certificate. 12th, That no person shall till tho oflico of either Circuit or Society Steward, who shall not bo a member of the Society of Bible Chris- tians. 13th. That n(» person shall bo considered as a niembor of the Bible Christian Society, but those who are received as such by the Itine- rant preachers of the Circuit, with the aj)i)robation of +he mendiers (»f the Society in which such member intends to moot, and that each member shall receive a ticket (piartorly, signifying that ho is such. 14th. Til at no i^roachers shall be considered as being in Full Con- nexion with the said Ccmforence, but those who are acknowledged as such, by the Conference, and whose names are entered in the journals of the Conference accordingly. 15th. That each preceding Conference shall appoint when and where the next Annual Conference shall be held, and that the Su- perintendents and Rei»re3entatives of tho Districts, and all other persons, duly authorized to attend, in manner aforesaid, when as- sembled at s\icli time and place, shall choose from among them- selves, by a majority of votes, the President and Secretary for the orderly conducting the business of tho Conference, who are to re- main in othco until another President and Secretary be so elected. 10th. That those Superintendents and Representatives of Dis- tricts, and others, as aforesaid, who shall be assembled at the time and place appointed, as aforesaid, shall be ccmsidered as the Con- ference of the people called Bible Christians, whether they be few or many, part or all of those who may be so authorized to attend, in manner aforesaid, and no other assembly shall be considered as such, and all cases in which any difference of opinion arises, shall be decided by the majority of votes present, and incase of even voting, the President is to give the casting vote. 17th. That the Conference shall, or may expel, or put out, from being a member thereof, or from being in connexion therewith, or from being u[)on trial, any member of the Conference, and any who may have been admitted int(j connexion therewith, or who may have been admitted upon trial, for any cause Avliich to the Confer- ence may a[»pear tit, or necessary. 18tli. The Conference shall and may make such rules and regula- tions for the management of the affairs of the said Society of Bible Christians, as to it may appear tit, or necessary, and also shall and AIM'KNDIX. 77 may appoint i)orft()!is who arc prciclicrH and cxponiidorH of (Jod's Holy \\'(»rd, to the uai; and cinjoynient of tlu' Cliapi'I.s and [)ivnn.Hc.s afor(!.said, and admit into connt'xion with tlit'in, or npon trial, any person or porsons, whom thoy shall ajiprovo to he itreachcra and oxpiMinder.s of (Jod'.s Holy \\'ord, nnch-r the diri't-tion of tho said C(»nf(.'ri;ncc!, which nUos, regulations, anil apit'.intnients, with tlio duration of th(! sanio, with tlm name of every such pei'son so admitted into connexiiJii, or u[)on trial, as aforesaid, with the time and degrees of admission, shall be entered in the Journals or Minutes of the Conference. 19th. That the Conference shall not, nor may iKoninate, or ap- ])oint, any [jorson t(» the use and enjoyment of. or Ti» preach and ex- pound (rod's Holy Word in, any of tho Chapcds which maybe given and conveyed upon tho trusts aforesaid, wlv.) is not admitted into connexion with the same, or upon trial as aforesaid -but the Pas- tor or Superintendent of the Circuit may mKpoint any approved local preachers to otticiate in such clu-.pel. 20th. That tho Conference shall and may appoint, tho place of holding the nqxt annual assembly thereof, at any city, town, or place in England whore it shall seem expedient so to do. 2l8t. And for the convenience of tho Chapels and promises already, or which may hereafter be given or conveyed upon tho trusts aforesaid, out of England, tlie (yonferonce shall and uiay, as often as it shall seem expedient, appoint any member or mendjors of tho Conference, with all or any of the powers, privileges, and ad- vantages, hereinbefore contained, or vested in the Conference, and all acts, admissions, expulsions, and appointments whats:)ever, of stich member or members of the Conference, so appointed, as afore- said, the same being put into Avriting and signed by such appoin- tee, or ai^pointees, and entered in tho Journals, or Minutes of tho Confierence, and subscribed as herein mentioned, shall l)e taken and be tho acts, admissions, expulsions, and appointments of tho Conference, to all intents, constructions, and purposes wdiatsoevor, from the respective times, when the same shall bo done, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. 22nd. That all resolutions, and orders touching appointments, elections, admissions, expulsions, dispensations, delegations, and acts whatsoever, of the Conference shall be entered and written in the Journals or Minutes of tho Conference, which shall be kept for that purpose, pid)licly read, and thou subscribed by the President and Secretary thereof, for tho time being, in the presence of the Conference, while so assembled, and when so Entered and Sub scribed, shall bo taken, received, and bo tho acts oi he Confer 7.S AIM'KNDIX. lit Irt ■ ['■i . eneo, and such entry and subscriptions as aforesaid, shalllH- taken, and he evidence of all and every such act or acts, of the said C«)n- ference, and of their delegates, without the aid of iiny other i»roof, and wliatever shall n«»t he so entered and Huhserihed, as aforesaid, shall nut ho had, taken, received, or l)e the act of the said ''infer- ence, and tlie said I*resident and Secretary, are hereby reer of Itinerant Preachers tn tho Conference, as nieniV)ur8 thereof, than will Ite eijnal to the nuiiher of the ile|>re>entatives so sent ; but it Hhall he optional to snch Di.s- tri»'t iNFei'tin-jf, or a majority of tlie i»ersons who may compttse tlio Annnal District Meeting,', to cic -ide whether the numV)er of tho Preachers, anthorised to attend thv Conference, shall he restricted, or tlio number of Kcpresentativea to the said C< inference to l)e in- creased, so as to make the number of Itinerant Preacliers and Re- presentatives exactly equal. And if the Annual District Meeting in any District do not choose to send an^' additional Representa- tive to the Conference, for any such tifth year, such omissictn shall not prevent the Superintendent of such District, and the President and Secretary of the previt»us Conference, if either or both of them should belong t(» such District, from being members of the Confer- ence, but they sliall be considered in that, and in every case, duly authorised members of the said Conference, as is hereinbtjfore pro- vided tinder Article the First, And in case no additional Repre- sentatives should be sent from the Districts, such tifth year, the acts of the Majority of those members who may be duly sent, as aforesaid, sh dl be considered as the acts of the Conference, for that year, as fully as if this provision liad not l)een made. IN WITNESS whereof, we the several persons, comprising the said Thirteenth Ainiual Conference, held at Mick's Mill Chapel, in tlie Parish of Gwennap. in the County of Cornwall, have hereunto set our hatids and seals, the eighth day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred, and thirty-one. James Thome, William Reed. Harry Major, Andrew Cory, Richard Sedwell. William Cotirtice. Francis Metherall, Charles Blake, William Kinsiuan, 1st ; William Kinsman, l^nd ; William Miller, Edward Hocken, William Htioper Daniel, Richard Pres- eridge Tabb, John Hicks Ejnioii, Henry Reed, Simon Orchard, Th(jmas Leggo. 10. Rules of Canadian Conference. Brethren labouring in Canada having urged that in order more efhciently to prosecute our ^lissionaiy i»perations in that colony, it was necessary that they should have givater control over their local affairs, at the Conference of 185-t, it was resolved :— That subso- NO AIM'KNDIX. <|ueiit tf) tho Aiiiiiial Pistrict Meetings, there shall bo uii xViinual Conference in Canada 1. Tliat each Circuit or ]\Iissi(»ii Quarterly Meeting' shall have the privilege of sending to each and every Annual District Meeting, within the bounds of which it is included, as niend)ers thereof, the two Circuit fStewards, provided there are two Itinerant Preachers on the station. 2. That each and every Annual District Meeting shall have the right to send an e(iual number of preachers and laymen to the An- nual Conference, as members thereof. 3. That every fifth year, from 1875, tho District Meeting shall not send to the Conference, as members thereof, more preachers than laymen, nor more laymen than [>reachers, but that their num- bers shall be ecpial — this e(piality shall bo secured l)y lessening the niunber of preachers, or by increasing tho number of the laity, as the case ma/ be. The appointments to be made as at present, • 4. The English Conference shall, at least once in tAVo years, have the power to appoint tho P"esident of the Canadian Conference, either by sending a Preacher from England for that purpose, or by appointing one of the Prethren in Canada. 5. That the English Conference may at any time send one or more Delegates to the Canadian Conference as inemliers thereof, and the Canadian (-Conference shall have the privilege of sending one or more Delegates to the English Conference, as members thei'oof ; the ex})onse to be borne by tho sending party. (). That as all Missionai'ies have the privilege of returning to this comitry after seven years absence, the English Conference reserves to itself the right of recalling a Missionary after seven years' ab- sence. 7. That the Preachers' Fund shall bo connnon to tho preachers in both countries ; its ali'airs to bo managed as at present. 8. That the expense of sending additional Missionaries to Canada, or the interchange of Missionaries, shall be arranged by mutual agreement. 0. That the Canadian Conference sliall have entire ccmtrol over local allairs, such as, (\.) Taking out young men as Candidates for the ministry, re- ceiving them into Full Connexion, (their examination, period of probation, and mode of recoiition, to be similar to the usages of the ;\ri>ENnix. 81 Eiiij;liHh Conferoncc,) granting liherty to marry, and appointing supermnuorari'js. (2.) The sole appropriation of thoir own Circuit Funds. 10. That the friends in Canada nliall bo supplied with Conncx- ional publications at 25 percent, discount, and with any uther pub- lications they may order through the Book Steward, at 15 per cent, or more when practical)le. They must bear the entire expense and risk of transit from the B(.n)k Room. 11. That the Brethren in Canada, in Conference assembled, slial have the right of sugge.^iting my thing to the English Conference, ah'ecting the general interest of the Connexion, which may to them appeal- desirable. 12. That no new act or measure of the English Conference, affecting the interests of Canada, shall be enforced, until the Cana- dian Conference has had an opportunity of discussing it, and re- porting there* >n. 11. Rules of the Society. ADMITTING PERSONS ON TRIAL. There is but one condition previously reijuired of those who desire admission into Society, namely, a desire to tlee from the wrath to ci me by being saved from all sin. In order to manifest the sincerity of their ])rofession, they are req.iir' 1 to meet otie (piarter on rrial, or more if th(night necessary ; during which time their note of admittance shall entitle them to attend the Love-feasts and Lord's Su[)per. The Leaders are desired to procure the rules of Society for all candidates as soon as they meet in class. None shall be admitted, even on trial, to whom the maj(jrity of the members of the class object.* The case of persons Av ho have been excluded from the Society shall be considered at an Elders' or other official meeting of the Society, before they shall be re-admitted. * Great cautiim slioiild lie iiswl in iKlniittinji' pltsoiis uii trial, if opposed only by a mi- nority, lost it should oiigondor diHcnrd :uut strife. I I 82 APPENDIX. Persons on trial, or cancUdates for membership, Avlien approved by tlic Elders' Meeting, or V)y the Minister appointed to renew the tickets, if tliere l)e no Elders' Meetinii' constitnted, shall be received as approved uiendjcrs, either in the presence and with the consent of the meml)ers of the Society who may be present at such meet- ing ; or they may be received into Society in the following man- ner: the members of the whole Society shall be re. No scholar si Kill leave his or her seat witlnuit the consent of the teacher. 6. No scholar shall have more than one book at a time ont of the Library, and in case any book be destroyed or badly defaced, the guilty party shall be reported to the Superintendent, who may ex- pose the misdeed. 7. Any scholar persistini,' in wilful misconduct : — As disobedience' lying, swearing, talking indecently, using tobacco in oi- about the School, or loitering about the door or pruniises, after the Superin- tendent has pointed out the evil of such misconduct, shall be expelled from the School. 8. Scholars are expected to [appear as clean as possible in their apparel and persons. 9. Teachers shall be nominated at regular Teachers' Meetings, and having served satisfactorily one month, shall then be elected by a two-thirds vote of the members at the Teachers' Meeting next ensuing. 10. Any teacher being absent three successive Sabbaths without giving satisfactory reasons to the Superintendent shall be considered as having withdrawn. 11. The School shall be dismissed hi order by classes, under direc- tion of the Superintendent. 12. A Sabbath School j^rayer-meeting shall be held monthly, at the close of school and all the teachers and scholars invited to attend. 13. The only principle recognized in the government of this Scliool is Loce. RECOMMENDATIONS. 1. That a schedule of Scripture lessons be adopted quarterly or annually, and thai the same lesson at the same time be taught in every class without respect to ages. 2. That where separate classes exist, as Infant classes, and Senior Bible classes ; These should be called in at the closing of the Scliool and catechised with the others on the lesson for the day by the Superintendent or a suitable substitute. 3. That the too common practice of suspending the regular exer- cises of the School to make special preparations for Anniversaries, be discountenanced, and that Anniversary exercises do consist of a 00 Al'PENDlX. m > review < if tlic year's work, or some portion of it, in the form of Scripture exaiiiinntions, and singing those tunes tliat may have been gradually introduced during the year, to that intent. 4. Tliat the custom of teaching classes from the New Testament, exclusively,be avoided — Bibles being so cheap— as it naturally limits the teachers, and not unfrecpiently makes erroneous iuqtressions on the sth'lar's mind, as to the relative value of the ditlerent parts of the Bi)>le, and as to the position or grade of the scholars in reference to other classes. 5. That the jjlacing of classes in charge of two teachers, to be taught l)y them on alternate Sabbaths be av(-)ided, as a system that works badly. 0. That the f ctllowing plan be adopted for changing the Library in Schools of, say 100 scholars and under, viz : — The School assembled let the Librarian pass immediately aro\n)d and collect the books brought in for the day, and check them otl", and enter others in their places: a slip of pjiper being placed in each, one end protruding, having the name of the scholar to which it belongs. At the close of School let the other olHcers assist in the distribution, returning the slips of paper to the Librarian for future use. In this way the change may be effected with speed and quietness, and few errors are liable to occur. 7. That whenever it does not conflict Avith the provisions of the Digest, the Sabbath School Superintendent shall be annually elected a member of the Elders' Meeting. SABBATH SCHOOL CONFEBvENCES. I' Is The object of Sabbath School Conferences shall be, to hear ad- dresses and essays, and to hold discussions on themes relating to the great Salibath Schotd work. To review the schedules returned in nn the various Schools of the Stationer , to give mutual ct)unsel, in- struction and encouragement ; and to pass resolutions recoimiiend- ing their views to the Elders', Quarterly, or District Meeting, but it shall not be their jH-ovince to adopt any regulations, or to enact laws by which the action of the Connexioiuil Conference, or the doc- trines or discipline of the Church shall be in any Avay interfered with, or that shall be binding on any individual Scho()l. AI'PKNDIX, Dl FOKM OF S(|li;i)UI,i;. Schcdulo of return from- Statidu for the year 18 — . 1. When was your School orguni/otl '.' - Sal )1)atli School in tho 2. What is your i)r('scul nuiubor of scholars on the lloU ? 8. \Vhat is the number of Ollicers an^ #> V s V \ \ % V IS? 6^ ^'^ % ^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER. N.Y M530 (716) 872-4503 c^^ 92 APPENDIX. 13. Course of Study. PREPARATORY COURSE FOR CANDIDATES. All candidates, before being received by the Conference as pro- bationers for the regular ministry, shall pass a satisfactory ex- amination in Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography, Theology, and the general contents of the Old and New Testaments. Text Books : Cooke's Theology, and the Text Books used in the Public Schools. probationer's COURSE. MT 111 I: *' I'll ' U t '' ' First Year. — Systematic Theology, Homiletics and English Gram- mar (advanced). Text Books : Cooke's Theology, Watson's Insti- tutes (Part I.), Kidder's Homiletics, Angus' Bible Hantibook (chap. 1 and 2). On Grammar, the authorized Text Book nsed in the Public Schools. St'cond Year. — Systematic Theology, Biblical Geography, Eccle- siastical History, Old Testament History. Text Books : Watson's Institutes (Part II.), Rogers' Snperhuman Origin of the Bible, A. Thompson's Handbook of Scripture Geography, Angus' Bible Hand- book (pages 253 to 273), Mosheim's Eccl. History to the end of the 13th Century, Students' History of the Old Testament. Third Year. — Systematic Theology, Logic, Moral Science, His- tory of the New Testament, Ecclesiastical History. Text Books ; Watson's Institutes (Part III.), Whateley's Logic, Whewell's Ele- ments of Morality (2 vols.), Student's History of the New Testa- ment, Mosheim's Eccl. History to the end of the vol. Fourth Year. — Systematic Theology, Mental Science, Rhetoric, General History. Text Books : Watson's Institutes (Part IV.), Upham's Mental Philosophy, Whedon on the Will, Whateley's Rhetoric, Collier's Outlines of General History. WORKS FOR reference AND CONSULTATION. I. On Thenlofjy ; — Lectures on Christian Theology, by Dr. C. Knapp ; Cooke's Deity, Paley's Evidences and Natural Theology, and Butler's Analogy. II. Homiletics ; — A Treatise on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons, by J. A. Broadus, D.D. ; God's Word through Preach- ing, by John Hall, D.D. ; Conditions of Success in Preaching Without Notes, by R. S. Storrs, D.D., LL.D. M ■ ill APPENDIX. 93 jrence as pro- ;isfaot()ry ex- ly, TJloology, ueiits. Text n the Public iglish Gram- tson's Iiisti- ibook (chai). used in the phy, Eccle- : Watson's B Bible, A. 5ible Hand- i end of the ience, His- 3xt Books ; swell's Ele- ^ew Testa- Rhetoric, 'art IV.), Vhateley'a III. Bihlind (rt'ov7( /iisfo/-)/;— Neander's History of the Christian Reli- gion and Church; D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation ; Schaff's History of the Apostolic Church ; Mihuan's History of Latin Christianity. V. Blhh Hisfory : — Angus' Bible Handbook ; Life and Letters of St. Paul, by Conybeare and Howson. yi. Lo(jlc : — Sir William Hamilton's Logical Lectures; Laws of Discursive Thought, a Text Book of Formal Lo<'ic, by Dr. James McCosh. ^ VII. Moral *Sfo/(?>tce.— Wayland's Moral Science ; Adam Smith's Theory of the Moral Sentiments. VIII. — Mental ^Science;— Metaphysical Lectures, by Sir W. Hamilton ; The Human Intellect, by Prof. N. Porter, D.D. IX. Ehdorie : — Blair's Lectures ; Sacred Rhetoric, by Prof. H. J. Ripley ; Rhetoric made Entertaining, by J. W. V. Macbeth. X. Genend History: — A Manual of Ancient History, by L. Shmitz, D.D. ; Historj^of England (The Student's Hume): Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; Rollin's Ancient Historj\ XI. Chureh Discipli)ie : — Bible Christian Digest. N.B. — An average per centage of 40 shall be required to pass the student, and it is to be distinctly understood that the student shall take up all the branches in the course of study year by year, in order to pass from one year to another. y Dr. C. Pheology, 3livery of 1 Preach- *reaching ,.MI, n ( I! I lit I III • .1 I INDEX. PAGE Baptism ^ Do Infant fiO I)(. Adult «j2 Bil )le Classes -^^ Bo( »k Concern -41 J'>uiMin<' He'iilationti -Wi 68 53 52 Burial St Ballot, how conflucte*! . . . Chairman, casting' voto of I )o may vacate 52 Do duty as to . luest'on 53 Church, Corner Stone of 57 ] )o Dedication of 58 Do Kecei)ti( "U ' >f Members 59 Do Collection for 49 Circuits 5 Classes, hi >\v formed 5 Class Meetin.Lfs 43 Conference, Annual 27 Do ApjK lintments 52 Do Bilile Christian, Identity of 73 Do Canadian 79 Do Sa'.i)ath School 90 Committee, Executive* 50 Deceased Meml)ers, Kecord of 53 Districts 6 District Meetin.,'s 23 Do Special 25 Do Superintemlents 15 Doctrines, summary of 44 Elders' Meetin-s /. _^ 20 Einancial Re;,'ulation3 37-4r» Funds, Treasurer of 37 Fun«l, Beneficent 41 Do Cliildren's 40 Do Continj^'ent 40 Do Church Loan 41 Df) District 40 Do Missionary 40 Do Preachers' 37-42 I^eaders 6-'.i»\ Love Feast 43 Lord's Supper 4li~fA Mamaye 6<> Members, Registration of 49 IM . 1 I 1. 1 1- I '■/ 4 r 00 INDEX. PAUE Ministerial Resigiiiition r>l lMisci'll:iiit'