IMAGE EVALUATEON TEST TARGET (MT-S) // 4is % :/- I/. %0 I/. 1.0 I.I ■50 '""■■ WUU 2.5 2.0 1.25 U il.6 4 6" ► V] <^ /] />i c^l ^ ^ w ^ O 7 /A Sciences .s 4 ?\ :\ "Q iV \ « steermg, for ,,ur,Kxse all the ,x,ints of the compass are numbered ; it is a veritable alanu-teiegraph > "' " '"V I'«>«"«* • With tins Conn.ass steamers will be able to gain a day, or even more, on a voyage, for there will be no necessity to slacken si«ed, and a great saving of tin.e. n,oney and fuel w,ll be effected. The systen., also, is very easy of explanation and needs no s,K3cial study by niariner, of different languages Ihe engraving IkjIow shows the iK)sition of various ships before and aftev their mutual signalling The new Compass will not interfere in the least with the actual International Code of Signals, in which not a wor,l will have to Vh, changed, the only thing which IS asked from the governments of the different maritime countries being the acceptance of the dial card below as an annex U. the C.xle. BOUSSOLE DE NUIT, BRUME, PLUIE OU NEIGE Brevetie k Ottawa en mars 1885 par rii)vei\teur LOUIS FERU\ND, de Qu&beo, (Janada, AniiriqHe Britannique du fiord. Toutes les collisions ont jiour cause I'ignorance do la iKwition et de la course des vaisseaux ipii »'api