Lower Ottiuda betwera^ontMhf on ihe one iid«, and Quebee on tibe oflMr* ttSlbag on the BaOroad from Uoabceal to Bidnnond, and from Quebec to Biahmond not merdy to Portland bnt to Boaton and New ToriD-HOi oUeet attained through the propoied line bdnc the diortast poiriUe route from Blohmond to any point eommon to theae uiree eitle»~aira leqidring no move to perfect the eommwnicationa, than the owMtructi<» of ao Mflea of Baihoad £(om Island Pond to Bt. •fohnibory. Tb» Committee had Airther to consider— That the adoption of the Baitem routes desired by the Portland Company would depriTO them of all the adTantages of a SoUtbem oonnection, untess they were prepared to oott- stqiet an independent line from a poinut near Lennozrille to tha boundary Unflk at or near 8taastead-4i distance of about SO milea— and unless the Passumpsic Bead extended thdr line fit>m St. Johnsbury to the same p(dht, a disttmce of about 60 Miles. It was, therefore, apparent to them, that the blind Pond route, by the Western Coaticooke— eren addfaig the 16 MU» demanded by the PortUmd Company— required only the Construction,! from near Lennoxrille, of 42 miles of Baiuoad at their expense^ and gare them all the desired Southern connections, while by the Eastern, or Halls Stream route, they would hare, in the PortiaUd road^ 88 MUes to build ; and to connect with the Passumpsic Boad at Stanstead, 80 Miles ; makfatt together 68 miles, as a^unst 4,2 on the Western Coatioooke. ^Bef g ri ng;to the Stanst^ route , the Committee found that while it would aflbrd the same connections witii tiie South, it was exposed to the fol- lowing serious objections, eren granting that in pomt of gradWt^ it could bo made equal :— First, it increased tiie distance^ according to the Bepmrts of the Engineers, no less than 7i MUes. Secondly^ it adTaneed the Portland Boad toward the West, 15 Miles beyond Ishmd Pond towards Bouses Point. And lastiy, it would cause the Company to raise nearly one half more money than required oh the Western Coatioooke» to complete the line on the tenhs stated by tiie PortUmd Company. On the other bind, the Committee recogniied ' thaiiMi thai* it would possess aomwidarablylaigerW^yBui^ii^w tihaa th* if likTmr Ij ezeeui which bytiu land< I proce( tiieSl ihdrl it,an( sndw proce( I the SI theB airire until .portn theSl Secon noeri niitte< route ikapi inopi:i /- j]Lj_^ |mfTmwff!i|iiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiMuiii|iiii|iiiiiMii|iiM| #,' •• -i s f m ^ ^ tthar, leoto r «im »f all ooti- idavj IIll«W thoniy Iding f ihe n,or vAldi ikinf He it ofol. Idb0 if the Road And than tilted DiMd' ithtt if fKfvr ^ die Western CkMnoooke route, »nd intioieted to tbe Portbiid Oonu Minr Adr TwdineM to undertake the ooutmeUon ^ the ezoeu of dittaaoe hy tUa line abore diat bT the Oonneetiout Yallej. Jn oonfonnitj with tnii dediion, the Oonunitteea of the two Oompaniea ezeented an agreement, on the 4th of August laati embodyink the terau upon whidk the pomt of Junction had been ietUed, and defining the route aa that by the Western Ooatieooke. This agreement waa duly xwfled by the Port- land OMupanT, and also the Canadian Oomftany, on thBllth Si^temberlsilrt. Li aooordanoe witii the abore agreement, ^e Portland Ounpany hare proceeded with ^ ezeeution of the work on thdr division of the road, and the St. Lawrence b Atlantic Bdlroad Company hare also definitiTely located their llne» hare caused a quantity of the supe rstru c t ure to be deliTered upon It, and hare adrertised for Tenders, which were reCdTod oh the ISth iostan^ and which are now only awaiting the dedsion of the Board to be immediately proceeded with. In this position of affkirs.the application for a fbrther examination of the Stanstead route lus been made, and certain eridence- has been hdd before the Board to satisfy them that the Conmutte^ of the two Conqianies had anired et an erroneous conctuston, and that operations should be suspended untfl Airtiier aU^ped facts could be adduced. Witii reference to the eyidence already laid before the Board, it is im« portant to obserre howfar it fends to remoTejthe objections stated against the Stanstead route. These were mainly two—First, the increase of distancQ. Secondly, the Western direction qf the road. As regards the latter poin^ no eridence of any kind has been Drought forward to show that the Com- mittee erred in supposing that the Stanstead route, would bring the Portland route to » point 16 Miles nearer in connection with Boiue's Point nor doea it appear posuble to the Board to orercome this objection in any way. ft now remains to consider whether the riews of the Committee were inoo!:rec^ in judging that in order to asdmilate the Orades to those on the Wefwln OoatioooMk an increase of distance would inevitably reraltf and y 1! ■ 'i ' J > • if ' ¥ ' •»■■ ,_ Oie gndei, iad i|ioriB«rfQg t^e oMt of «hewoi' ilie PrSvineek so fkr from bting diouiaiilied, wo«ld be 1^ Miltti to about 5. " '"■ ' , l7l.«r^SS WbOe the graater i^^e of iho SfunmU^ Ity tiiai W^tttern Ooatloooke, ibpear* abo by the Report pf the Enfl^neer.tQ beniorii than eonq^n^iiMted bV the greater r^fularity of the aaoent^ ^erei^ redniDiiiff ^iotel riie and fall to a lew amontit than on the Stanitead route; man tirtaally maldng die Summit lower than the latter, lo fiur aa the econopioal wbxkingiqftiieroaidiseoneemea. v Wtth leferenee to the probable route throu^ the United States, from Btsutead to lalbnd iPond, no reliable eridence nai been adduced to didw ihit an erroneous riew was taken of the distance ; Ttut it haa been stated bj, l$i. Gilbert, an Ens^eer of standing, that he is of opinion that a dhninvition of upwuds of a ndfo mhdit be made, by learing thie Tllhigiei of Derby centra^ •bout If lifile to tfie wistward, and that possibly some farther reduction nd^t take plaoe-b^ond that point. Not having any facts before them in support of this tiew, the board can- not accept this statement in correction of the reports already laid before them; but OTen assuming l3ie correctness of this position, it is evident to ihem that the reduction in diBtunce hero claiuMd, would not equal the pod- five ascertained increase within the Province^ and that they would in any caae have to encounter an aggregate excess of distance fully equal to that assumed by the two Committees. As the application is, however, not for a chang e of rout e ab s olut e ly, but for an extension of time only, to complete fiirther surveys, the Board have to oontider first, whether any reasonable hope exists, tint any important modi- fication of existing evidence can be had ; and secondly, wheth^ the position ofthe Company is such as to warrant any further delay. On these points^ ue Board ara of opinion, that no case has been made out, to induce the be- lief of a fiivorable result; and althdugh their own wish would be to afford the delKT, if unattended with ^ous kiss, yet it is impossible for them to ghint it in the fii«e of an absolute agreement with the Portiand Compant, on iil^'that Company m act&ag— and in view of this inevitable serious oielaiy ihiknniitai^ m the completion of the road, if they w«eto attempt to tfs rotafera o« dt l« I la tanf ds la Mans iwwriaMe ^ ■ .. nut. HtapcM^iM lan#i wwBii P^^^^^^^w* ^^W lelBMIS. n'eirt ?£».. D tt:/ TMs issm is Wf^ at *• ladu s How ratio cMaked bslow/ Ca doowiMnt est Mm* su tauM #i rMvetkMi indi^ii* 0* n Canttmiew paitfMtioii/ NfMMtion COiltliMM IncHMlM intfsRias}/ Thl* on hmim takan from:/ U titra 4a l'ai»>tl«» proviam: nz of tMMe/ 4» titra ds la li«ralM«l □ C syt l on of itmml THrt di 44part da to HwalMn n O ti^ri^ya (pAriod^nat) da to livraiaon % 10X 14X IfiX # sx MX 30X "• .. 7 .^_ ■■. , 12X ItX »X 24X 2tX 32X <=.-«: . ■r ' . V •-^■:' :■'-«■;. 1 lebwttt 6f tt^WMIeW Obiitlooolcfl^ fatfre itlio baen opened in LoQdttb,^itt . , eTWT ^omeot of tnooeiL and the Direeton oennot but feel ihsc dioold ei^ rte oiHibMkin ENnrcMiekseplaee^ wbldi-ieeininoiimino ndietiM FandcmiAt entbel^ T*iiiBb,«nd theOonpaiiybeetB^^ IfllliJlttiMutlbieiaMai ofeo&pletiiag tte xoM, eldier I17 one route Or »«( rhki'D&eeton ebibelTe ti^^by tbe rlgorove proieoiiti^ ofttre WMerpi CoiidobQlM line in tbe poeitiott thst «Bkin now itan^ thev nave every ikrar- aaee of oduplatitaff tiieltoid to ForOaiid early in thebostneMMaionof I89S, WUle tlie delAjTwUdi, in their jndnnenti mmt ineritabtr arise from tho adoption of inyot&er line, mig^ pofiMy, by a chenge of dlklri in Bnro^ prodooe mi entire lOBpension of the work, and poe^ne for en indeflintd peMbdtbeeompletionoftheBne. ^ ^ The 9ovrd are therefore satisfied that the faitermption of their present plans ml^involTe the Company ui the jbost serious permanent embarral- ment, vA possibly in a long pos^nonent of the road, while it would eotiuidy resnlt, under the most ftrorable dreomstanoes, in a postpimmpen^ of the oompledon of the Bailroad for a period of four months, deferri^ it thereby to the dose of the business seu ^ ;^- ■ ■, ■ , 1 1 ■ '2' :■ 3 * « 4 . . • '■ ^ ■ -' ..-■-*■'■ ' , ^^J:ii:ij'^ , • :^m&. » ■it .r '^'^^S-TOwfc *ha wai0 propoMd bylhe^^tiiMtatd Deimtatloil ^cMmot U MDii^aM vttliook ftomSiuMj buam^ tin dktaaoe from tha point U jQrmnitoB to tidand Pond. \ ad^wTSMitlholnflMiMil tongOi of 4B feel^gndM added to Of difleolty •ifaioli ozlsto In MoarinK tfieir eeonomkaldirtriW^wfflinowatejiioMjp wa e 'o{wat1dniKihei«NiidooiisidenUT,aad ^^ - " V tid.'-^^TliatilMorUittatooitofoonttraetingliMpnp^ ^^fjjo^plonlw IMS f«r mile than ilial of «^ ■.■ ' ;■ ■ I l»T»-.41il lMm«r.to-b«Sf-----""^-"^ — — tSriii Yow obedient fomui^ * . c. 0. Gzowinp; V^--,>;,;, 'Chief Eni^lnecrt ^ti K^JLA. J. A.^ ▲V9 ATLANTIC EAILKOAD COMPANY. 'I Jft^aif » Ife^-*"^ J ^i. . ^ ka'-.. Xr mterpriMt and sdy agreementi with other partiM to detemdne th« eonunon route And pohit of janotton, would be in Tiolirtion of the oompaet between J^Mrtwo^omMiiei, and we oannot beliere that anf audi itipidationa hate A change of leoation would defer the eompletion of the road « jmt or mora, iarolTing a Iom of interest to the two Oompaoie^ of mora than balf • million of doliani. * %]i5* ^. 8*«»f*«<»4 1»M keen larrejed W oompetant Encineen, and found highly objeetio^ble on aoeonnt of grades and expense^ in ^Iddltion to Ob increaied dutanof . We oan oonoeira no poMibla inducements for jour Oompany to adopt thktraut«, wera the question of routes stUl open, but in- ■npsnblttobjeetfons against that line present themselTes to us. Our policy heretofora has' been to get the shortest possible line, with ftasible grades and that poUcy should not be departed froST ""•*-• Withrespeety Tour obedient serrant, -.^.^ . ■ J08IAH 8. LITTLE, Fresident Atlantic and St. Lawrence BaOraad Oompai^. ■iblelin^with II «M Um BoMr4 kavdif had afkia an«Ur ih^ rvvkw. iMf B«ela4ioa of ITUl FcbcMry UmI, eomiiittiiioa«4 to AkundM- Klbonv,j||^.« ky Ik* tMNUri't hM« !• Mm «« tka mmm r*l«d on iIm Am»- •Id*, il «M alM •umliMd wlih aquAl <k« and RmI NnllMgMi, wbioli WM ■ttTTVjwd Mid ii>«Atwl by ih« AiiMrU'^Mi (.'ompAnT. ftiid •uraUly tu^vcjiwl b^ Um CanadUn (Jompanj, wtUi lb* fullowlni liurv«««a DT UM uanauian \A>mpi\j, wiui in* ruiiowin* r«c«il4a i— LM||k'47Jl HUm i IBOS •alranM Hummll i Mailmaai (lrad« (M fwN. " "Tn^ii fo&rUi rouU wm that by Ui« WmUmi (JtMUkook* to UUnd Fend, vhioh bM bMii lurtsyod and daflnlUiy lotmUni by Ixiih (%>m|MM)lM. »itb th* Ibllowlng rMollAi—Lmictb M» MilM( ISM utr«m« Mummlt i lf*ilBiiiai dnkdc 44 Pm*. TiM iAh mmI 1m( wm ibAt by Um llMMwtppl. to HtrntuUml. and tb«M« allM CHyd* dM to kland I'ond. On Um AnMrUMW tbU thia lin« wm UmwI- (o ItUnd Pood, ■urToyad to th« IntarMettoo of tbo i>Maum|Mio UivOT BikUnMMl turToy by tbo Clydo Elrw. and tlMno* by tlM l*Mium|Mii ^ 1, ' - • ' • # ^> . V , 4 '.iva ^- " .;.• ' - . .«.v , ' . ' .!«^ . * „*,. .// ^'' ' -,. » .'«■ \-f... '. ..^, .. ¥'* »*» Wf iM llMM to intMll laiifmil Mai in wwktais. •■^ *^ tNIW^ l» At •«• mm y fwi wi i<^|ii»i fi^Pliif (iMMlbMn fiwnthig • fa«i»r*M« enniMMtloA with Um I*m««! •iMHar UUMI tk •lUMVgl f«Vf 4MNMl4Mr»M* llatft fltr«*Mi, or W««|««>n ('an, «m cM>n«l4l«r«d 1^ hotli C Vwwi l' ■lliilKM ftrom Um afe)«c«MtMibl« gT«dt««ito TIm (>«w«Hii OotnpMij Umr prnpo— d lh« tMkt«r»(km of 1^ ' m t^*** •o«iM»«li«i'ShM)rt4Mr ih*n Ik* li*ira Ntrwun, M iMvhif I*. M JiMrttwItng iho ttuntDM •qually l>««w««n iIm Iwo Com. Mftln. iMiag ohoop In M>fM(ru««lA«K mii of im mmv vA •pooHj Mni»*«ilo«i whk tll« BaltrMwl to IkiMo*, la op«r««l«| t* ■#. iMMlMry, dblMt fViMn Iakwi4 Po«4 M)| tlOfty mllM Tkt «OMld«nalo« a# IIm StanotoMl ro«l« WW tim Ukon up M tho mmm timm, Ml4 f^H aowl A a r —l o i i givon to lla itUlim, whkfli mfwlMod in tKo fk«« of lla paMin* tWmigh • AkUU mm! voll lottl*! nntntry, to witkin • tkort 4I»> tMMo of ulMid IVmmI, mm! to Its ntfordlng Ml •oudty >4»Mi«f oriM oottatMMtkp villi Boston. Inofltliig n tllglM lii«r«>«M In AMnnro, It wm ooneotrad q«^ f«HlMa IhM «lM fw4ltato ai^kl b« nr»dM«il on tlili Um «o Am MiilMl i« S^g^ifa - ^ Mr r ^^^^^^^^^^^ 1^ "• 1 ^ •' r.f 1 ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. .^^1 ^p r ■ . ■ p^--.f - '- '^dl^^^^^^^^^^V * : ■■: ■' V ■ '^^^^^^^^^^r ' w* ! ^^^^^^^^^ ' >l \ ;;:^'.::.^^;;vv-;.;^-;::>:::;:;- > i' I liM tf^Mlni^ttatt «ft# ft ItiM I ^_ il^^^^b jy^^^^L. ^^^^^ ^.^ ^^^^^ ^^^ — _-^-_- Im iMMilMMl TaHnr. la »mi«m« wttk UMUFottUn^l rM^. Umj co^M Wrt •IllMrtMll* IIm M «lM4 In wlAftiill 4w W«tani O i nHmt l iSif ««•« MtaAltff WWlnt Um ForiUM rW •bovl 17 Mll« Mi ■•WtTi Folnl, mm! Umm If th«T took Um lt <— «— a ratiUi Ui«y «<>«14 miotm Ik* PoHImU |tM4 *IM«I U liiiw furtlMr. In Um mmsm 4lrM4i Um ihan 7j| MU«a. It «M •tUlwl to llMMn, UmU i— tlf M Um it il UM <^«i HouM • roini I* 1^ nt— MitoMi HT«r. U «M • iiiM«fw— |ioH«t to nu*v« W«tl«M4 ai tl^ Wl iMMMlagly Mk fa» •»«ry aill* uT Wwilng Umv mmI*. . • TIm propoaltkm of Um TurUMid UiMipMiy um4 Um ruAAi fbr • tof* llHlim of UMiff ra«a •iMMld b* pravU«l by Um (JmaiIImi UomnMiy 1/ dllMf •( IIm Mli^itai W»m alMttia b« mUMihI. ia«r«M«l Um JtAovlty, Inl. te lk« vfty of fflw d to Mlilllli f«M4 fifMi iS* ib«i Ikaft te ■aooTinltriiHt aU Ui«m obatoi •MmU* U iftvlu Um my ter Ik* MaMn BnT«ftta«i■*■ >,>- -.\/ ■\ 'i?. 1 /IllMRIlt J[ ■:,. jt':t«t';;'- ' s •> • "i : ».-. twiiiii w i md l ifclloiiipli te W»> ;,-.• " ■;■ [ ■-,■ ■ ■ ,,,^_ ^^^ -'■ Z. ___ 1 ' • _ _i. _— 12X ..■^t 1«X 20X 24X »X i.ijS%t, «v f„ 32X krom how itiott liioa for* It to •ny that ,bttt r« to odU itioa Inta, ibo- BTord onto pttS ItR #IIIMvl tiM I Oihw. IV Dtrwion llo for oa IndoAdt* p«r1odfh««oiBpl«UonofthoUn«. . * . . TIm Board or* th«rofor« Hbtisflod that tho tntormption of thair nraaont plana mlgbt Inrolra the Oompony in the teoat Mriona porauuaant ambarraa. niMit, and poaaibly in a long poatponomont of tho road, whlla it would ooftamly raault, under the moat nvorable circtimatanoea, in a poatponaMienI of the oompletion of the Railroad for a period of four month^ defaniiu \% thereby to tibe oloae of the buaineaa aeaaon of IMS, which in eflbot would, to the eommereial oommunity, be equiralent to the loaa of an entire year. The Board cannot take the reapontibiUty of incurring a riik, fraught wKh ao much peril to the Cknnpany, eapedally with the (kota before them ia reunion to the two routea, and th«y therefore decline acauioaoing in the delay of their prooeedlnga, and adhere to the route adopted in coi^unotioa with tho Portland Company and ratilUld lltb September bat. ^ (^ Th«, eopv (llm«d hun hM bMii rapro^uMd thar^ts to ttw o«n«ra«lty of: AfekivMOf OnttHo Tho Imoffoo appoortng-horo aro «ho poaalMo oonaMortng tho eondition of tho original oopy and in icooping filming eontraet ppoelfloatitfna. qiialltv logibUlty 4^^ t'OHomplairo film* fut roprodult grioo i li g«n4roait* do: ■ AfdiiMs of Ontario im imogoo auNontao ont «t4 roproduifoo avoo lo plua grand aoln. eompto tanH do la aondMon ot do lo nonot* do ^owomploi r a fWmd. at tt aanfonnltd ovoo loo oondMona 4t» aonirat do fHrnogo.;-: -.V; ''^r;,-- ^:/- '.. Origlnol copioo In printod popdr oovora afo INmod boginning with tfio front eovor and anding on tho loat pogo with a printad or llluotratod improo- tlon, or tho book cowor whon appropriato. AH dthar origlnol oopioa aro fllmod bogin n i n g on tho firat pago with a printad or Uluairatod improo- •lon. and anding on tho loot pogo with a printad or niikatratad improaaion. tho laat raaordod framo on aach mierofieho fhoN eontlAn tho aynibol — ^ (moaning "CON« T1NUE0"). or tho symbol ▼ (mooning "END"), whiehovor appliaa. (Maps, plataa. eharta. ate., may bo filmod at diff arant raduetion rajdoa. Thoao too iorgo to bo ontiraiy ineludod iirVio oupoauro aro fllmod bd^iiming in tho uppor loft bond cornor. loft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raouirad. Tha following diograma illuatratattia mathod: oc.l» damitra paga qui eompono uno amproinio dimpraaaion ou dllluatration. soH par lo aooond plat, aaion lo 000. Totia loa autroo oxomplolroa origlnoua aont fWmdo on eommo n ya m por la promMro pogo qui oornporto uno omprolnto dlmproaalon ou dIHuatrotlon ot on tormliiafit por la domMro pogo i|ui oomporto uno toHo ^ Un doa aymbolaa auivaiita apparaiva sur la damMra imago do ehoquo mierofieho. aolon lo cos: lo aymbolo <-» signifio "A SUIVHI". lo aymbolf ¥ signlHo *'FIN'*. • /'■■ 4 ■ ■ ^ Laa eartaa» planehaa. tableaux, ate., pauvom itro filmda « daa taux do rdduexion dlffAronta. Loraquo lo deoumont oot trop grpnd pour dtro ' raproiduit an un aaul ellehA. K aot fllmd A portlr do rangla aupMaur gaueho. do goueho i droito. ot do bout an baa. m% pranant la nombra dimagaa nteaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa auhranta, illuatront lo mdthodo. ' /j. ■- ■ I*)? ' y t « a aiM^ aMMiM. or «M0«iil«ftiic MMMroMNMl J •immIt* work. tow Jow. toUl Mil* itora UIO fMl itlM at. Is r Um •nd BT it lUid i. ■mIv* wrUi von* ' ^£iT« UMATrifr. Ylni^ ••rrylni, l« my o^km, rtiU C^rtlMr •▼UImim 9i^ ITUili Dola't Mr. BUr« tlirv^y wkU, whlU on Um rwMlnloi porUoo of lir. ▼lJll5J/I^JrUi«««Wt«U»*ob«OT«ooi^ 17/100 fort fllfr«d«o«.od. ?* f,Il?«£ri£io»« of Ui« wrrv wVi»H««l. whtoh ^^ j^Btwt^dnoo UuU. to OT«r«oiii« tbo hoight, r«)o«rto i« M to lncr«-«of n If L T T*&LMmii br MOO fort, m •PP«^ >" ^« ^"'^ talmiittodi tSllTk^MS^ iHttrtnpting to STold tho hmrj work rt Uffonf. Oul^ oqMl SSJISJrtrfiftiCtinXj •nd.dd ik»Matmn»tmm»rjUtofm. 2iJSo U foLtbSSOfor^ of hoJfht brtwo.1 Mr. BUT. and Mr iStai'r.iiSrwIiiS k OQ*.! to 1.070 fort of «5« •^•"Jr- J' :;;'^ ■SSUo toil Um»«-« of atotrtioo to OToroomo tho grMloi •» $?««* " lffiSliaSl?SHS;(K)Mf.rt. i»»^*r^fi'^«^'^:'^^ drtTuvtoo Impcrfcrt for a podUro strtomoDi of dtotwioo, bjit • ooiidd» STlnorMM mStrtrtdnly VToumIo, M»d tory hrtkfy .dditioiua work «». ' *K' m''' \ '.« ^^ ^Lf ^anin f!iSitooofc« man, of lh«.MQi« frwB Om ProftBM Um to bteod DMJMailMi, no Ntrnmm k aado to fradtantiL b«l MloiHBf tiM Olfdo RIvor. a ooaiMrtMNi m to r^mm of mdlMli oa 2 tovtopmiM bavo boon iiMtitotod. bat m tboro mo do doioiVviiMMd for tbal MqMM^ H wlU bo iiAriiat to iMo tluH la OTotooaiiat • MomH tBo orooor &MrttirtteBof«md«^^ tCTmiUI*;^ . »?«•/» • "«»• of w>«d doot not dopeod wboUy on thoir doellHtr i tho JMottMi to aniyo at • eotTMt ood iMlafbotonr rMolt, ond I >• ««*»• i^Jtiont of tlM hwtoi «in— Tkil Um n»««« propoMd by Um mMMlnMM vtllMMul oooakUnMy tn a r tii ^hr«|«MM to IiUad Pond. ill Tim ifcilBWWMil lingir if" "-^ grttdM •ddwl to Ik* 41«eol«7 •f working Um mmwI ooiMi«l«r«biy, mi4 ^^ •nL--Tli^ Uto ortglMd COM of •OMifiMUiii lfc« FO|«Md iwlii* t 1^ P7 •flyiM k9 lit! p« mU« Umm i1m4 of Um roM« alNUj located. I Imto Um honor lo b%— . _.„ «- mr, Tov obwltaal a a Qzowsn, Olii«f Tt A. 0. Wnraa, !•«., SMratery. .X !-^t ..V ■.' n i: v\ r, , *F' •Vt ^f^" '^tfHt^" r ^ ^ c THE SAINT LAWEENCE KfD ATLANTIC RAILROAD COMPAOT «? ;■ r > i ' / y \ / V i tBt 'Wf ^A':X''' .« ■ ■'■> i l ▲i tk meitfiig ot th« Board of Dlrooton of the St. Lawronoo and AUantlo BallnMMl OompMy, held «t the Ottoe, In the dty of Montroal, on WoduMday, tlM fl4lh MMob, 186S, at which wero proMDi— THB, PRBSIDBNT (Mr. A. T. Oam), THE YIOB-PRESIDBNT (Mr. Wm. MoMOR), * TBBMATOB, MB. MOFFATT^ MB. MoOILL* MB. TOBBANCnS, MB. A. LABO0QT7B, MB. DOW. It waa nnaqimoiidy raaolted :— tliak whereaa tho Board hMifing had again nndor their rerlew, thair Beaolation of 27th Fehroary hMt, oonuniuiicated to Aleian^pr Klbom, Am].! by the Beorrtary'B letter to hfan of ^be lame date, hy wljl|the Company mttHPtA to defray the ezpeniea of m^ reliable lunrey^De Stanstead 'route pi^poaed for the railway between LennozyUIe and Btanatead Plain, M might|be initituted by the peftona adroeating that route* in preferenee to the line of the Cktatioooke-^Torided the neeeMary gradient! ihoald be found within 45 feet per mile^ and the total mileage between Leonozrille and Xdluid^i^ond ihould be extended no more than three milea orer the diitaiioe by ^ Ooatiooolr^ and iMPOTided that the return of lueh surrey were mide on or before the^lst Ifturoh instant 1 And the Board haying communicated, on the 2Snd & 28rd instant and on this day, with Messrs. Wilder Pierce, Portns Bazier, Aleunder KUbom li H. B. TerriD, representing the interests engaged in the support of the Stanstead Xoute^ as well as with W. B. Gilbert, Esq., OiTil Engineer, recently profes- rional^llBoploy^d in its ezaminatlbn ; and haring receiTed fipom tiMse gn- ibmet^ an the information offered by them in reference to the ftdlitlea irhich they eoncdre to be connected with the adoption of the Stanstea4 Line} Hie Board hating also before tiiem, the Petition of oertafai of the Share- holders of the Oompany, praying that the location of the Ba&way in the Oounty of Stanstead, be deUyed until after a carefril eiamlnation of the Mrenl routes by a committee of the Stoekholdera of Montreal; and haTiiv ^W' "T X7- " I i'-'V, m-\ MnAUly ooMld«»d ^ ftilly dtaoMwd Ui« robJeot-M wdl with wl». n^ to themUUfa mwito of •» th. liii« which Uto bow •«a«Ud, •• withngMd to the ftiu«oUl oondlUon and amngwMQto of tho OompMiy, and its wprcMwd Mi|H«aimiU vul ondorUklnp i— Tht Intiwito of tho Oompaby do not p«rmlt lueh % dal^r !» «W» proooedlngt Id completing tho oonttniotlon of tho Railway, a. U appUad tor by tbo adTocatca of tho 0tanst«ad routo, to enablo th«n by mow •«. ««rat« •urroy^ to cndcafour to rfiow that root* to bo prrforablo to thai on ' which thilooalton of thoRaUway baa boon mado. ' :. .... * . J .-. j^Pf : It waa unanlmouriy waolrodt— Thai tho foUowing momorandom, oomprdiendfaiK tho tIowi of *ho Boafd In declining tho appUcaUon of oortain Bharoholdon waiding at Stanrtcad. for . ,« oitontion of the deUy already afforded thorn, «>r tho purpoio of making. ■urreysof allnefortho RaUway to|p«M through or near Stanatoad Plain. bo printed -knd dnnOaiwl for the Uifonnation of tho Pwpriotary of Um \M<-. ) ^ • >- 4. ( ■ X v_ \ ^j^^J^Al ""^'^'^^ my, Mr U«d Aon ■\ w I' -^^ ^ MEMORANDUM. OMd I, for iking' lain* rtlM I. In prooMdlng to «1m oontidmOon of iho tapUoiiiion inado Vr oirtein BlooUioMm inSo Odfa»M7, fw tiM tlmo to nuiU Itartbv «B^^ nrvMivlth llM Tiow of «MlUUng Um point of Junction with tho Port- tho VUkio of BtMMfnd, K boeomw n io M w r y to adTWt to hni boiwom tbo two tenAOMkipMiy, •* tho VUkgo of Stena««^ H boeoi tho wlioU inbioot of tho nofoaiotioM OoMDnniML In nforonM to Um oonnootio n to bo ofliMtod bot' III tiM original offMnMilundordMo 17th ifwll, ISM, It wMftimdalwl ' 4lMl tho point of Jnnetlon ihonld bo Mttlod bj two Oonunittooi of tho ro». pStlTO Bow^ and DInoton, by whom oU nooiMry 10^ nSTtho point «atablUMd. Mbiloot to tho ntlfloatlon of tho two Boards. Undir thia MMMnant, flro Unas botwoon Lannoirillo and tho OonnaoH. Mt Bltar (balnglwop^byte oommott to aU poialblo rontM), w«N oithor ao^ onntaly anrfayod and loSjkL'iMr lo far araialnad aa to latiaty tho Oommlt. L laai of tha laading foatopl^l; oaoh. >A__0 no iBoat BaatoHy ronto by Safanon BI?or and HaU'i Btraun, laading to tho hand watan of tho Oonnootient BItot, wmi aoeurataly surrovod on tho Amarlean ildOk and waa lardlod and OBamined on tho Oanadian tidiB, showing tho following raaulia !.-4iMiigth 69Mil«a i IMS oztroma Bnmmiti Matinram ChradA 40 Foot Tho roato nazt adyoining tha aboTO to tho West, U that bT MoaTi BITOT and Loaabe'ft Stiaam. This lino waa also lorroyed and looatoa on Uio Am*, rioan side, it w*i also oxaminod with aqual care on the Canadian slda, and showed th« foUowin| Naulto t-a-Longth ftl.6 Milas t 1M7 axtninio Bnnunlt ; |f^»imiitn| Orade 60 feet, The third route was that by the Eastern Ooatleoolce and East Nolhegan* whieh was surreyed and loested by the American OompanT, and was also ao- iy surveyed by the Canadian Company, with the foUowins results i— 47.4 Mules ; 1802 extreme Summit ; Maximum Orade 60 feet. f6urth route was that by the Western Coatioooke to Island Pond, whioh has been surreyed and deflnitely located by both Companies, with Uio IbUowing results r^Iiong^ 68.9 Miles; 1SS5 extrem» BumnUt ; M a ximum Grade 40 Feet. ' The ifth and last was that by tho Massawippi, to Stanstead, and thenoe by the Clyde also to Isbnd Pond. On the Ameiioan side this line was locat- ed to Island Pond, surreyed to the intwsootion of the Psssumpsio BItot lUil"^«<< surrey by the Clyde Birer, and thence by the Passumpsic surrey to Stanstead, firom whonoe a surrey and approximato location were made to Lannrarma. Tho reonltswara>--IiengthM.6MUos} 1166 aitrein«Bnmnit| Miudmvm Orade 60 Feet. ■ 5- -^tjitsSfc ,'*■"' s f OLLOWnO TAIL! wnx IBOW TM COMPAmilOa Alt OADID BT TUU UnriAAL UMM. Bou««.. 0dmoa RItw Ii Hall'i SireMn Moc't Bivar li LMeWi StrvMB ■Mtarn OoiUloook* tt BmI NttUiMMi.... W«ii««ni OoAtloooks k bUuid Pond By MiMMwIppI to SumtMd If IttMid Pond >. L«DgUi. 50 f MHm A1.0 do. 47.4 do. 58.8 do. ■M Bitrmno Bumqilt. 1851 1547 18M 1M5 1165 Orado P«r Mito. 45 FmI. •0 do. flO do. 45 do. M do. Wltk tho Infornutloa aflbrdod by tko prooooding exMnlnAUonib ih» two rOemnUtOM met •! Portland, on tho 4Ui of Aagnit bti. Ob prop— ding lo iIm) diw— iloa of tho point of Janotloti, H wat •vMant Hm* thMW wM B w n HM »blo duMnr of tho hitoNttt of th« two OorpenMoM, M te alMlihit M to BMifco • porfMt ■grt—M it oa nUpolnH, an w o— pp o n r tmm n fvrtev of whnt nppMivd to b« tt« NipMplYO pnnlonwf Intsii'iBli of oMh (/onMtMHMi. Tho Portlnad OoapMy rtprwifd fiurt of tho •▼• ro«t« w ih MMted , tiMshj Hairs nttwtm Md LonohiTt 0ir»»n, (tho Bnl and M«ood) irora tha aaal JMKahla. hamMaa. ta allhar OMOk tho aMWBt of Railroad to ba bttlH hf thi^ warti BO* aiaaa< ba l wa w 10 aad tlnllMi baoBMM thaoa Uaaa la th* Ualt^d llaiaajmaad thraogh a eidtifalad and waO paoplad Oovo^ap ^ Y4lStm af fbm Ca — i iu lioBtt b aoa n aa thay ooaM work Ifcaia Unw WNhoteoh laai daol» as thrir jradlaBti woald not esoaad t6 Ibat par otUat ba«MiM If IhagiadUaMbytSaLaaah Btiaaa wara oljootloiiabla, aliU tfaoaa byHalTh aa Ikrorabia at on any othor roato. lolifaationaBiadaonthaptttof thaOanadiaa Qompaay* to tlioaa two Ums, werok thai tha amaua of eoutmotfon waagreaior than on othar nmtaiL that tha Muandta fall altogathar withia tho PtotUmo, and oooaoqttairtly woald aapooa tham to modi Inaraaaa d ooat in worltlngi and that altlMra|htai ^ OM qaaok tho gradionta wera oonal to tho lino thoy praforred, yot, It waa raally aaota objaotionabia, aa wall on the abova arounda, aa baeaoaa It debarrod thaaafrom forming a fhrorabla oonnoetloil with tha Paaaampale road laadhig to Tha third rovta, althtnigh rary eonaldarabiT ahortar than althor tha. Hall'a Straam, or Weatom CoatioooKo, waa oonaiaared by bdth OommHiaoa tnadodaaaUa fkom the objeetionable gradionta. Tha Canadian Gompany Uieo propoaed the eonaideration of the Weatarn Ooailaaoka, aa baingWmewhat ahortar than tho Hall'a Stream, aa haTfaif equal gradianta, aa distrlbating the attmmit equally between the two Com- naiiiaa, being oheap In oonatroetion, and aa being mora adrantageova to Iham noal Om probability it afforded of an eaay and apeedy oonneotion with tha Rallraad to Boaton, In operation to 8t. JBdiaBta,mipi« ba radaoM on thbUnato 1l|| iUsOmm -m^Mf'r'^'- 4i 'V ■■S6* '^t N BT I 1«. mi iff Ob Bid biff the. 0ni teff eni the md of lb- i-kyUalft , hel M «M eke eertfied hy ihe thM Ibto eeeld aot be deoe wUhont — !■ » ■■■■ ef < ■kwHj !■«■■<■< lU* by the WeHeni OoeHloookei 7 Mllei, ilruM^ 7 MilM. The PortUnd OompeaT obleeted boUi to the (he ■leertti>< reetei, oa the Mlowlall groaedi t— That !■ either eaee they iMd te ebe»dea the enlttreleH wd level Valtoy of the GoMMetlmil, te pen tthreegh e nnerfiTilili esleal ef Ibveeli thet, la oae ooeei ea we i ef dMwiee of 11 Mlle^ la the other of 17 Mlloi, weaU be eatlrely th ro ^oa theii I the* their flaaiieiel enraageeMati, ead the Mortfageo gfeated o if U di Ned. Ue^ted the dMeaeethey ooold poeriMy eoaolraei to SI Mllee, ead the* althoofh a ooaaeolleo with Boeloa might be deolreMe fcr thf f^ ei M e n Oerpenilea, their Interee* they feered woald be laeterlelly m^ved the r y b y. HMdlhMeel aspUed with e«wd foroe to either roalak bal eneolellf In tSit H ffliniirtTn^ -"-^ — '-* *^ ^"^ u^*^^^ lloatieol «id PartlMd. e* the I thae tlM* ll.4|eTe the pioet lb»orahle opeafaiff fbr I CBeHea) raad to tap their tiade. Their eeaoloelea wee thai aeedUl MMoal te MUhar reate. wltheot the Oaaedhni OerpotalhNi i^pidev. IheeeMtewlleaof theenoM of dMaaee aheve thaTfcr whiah tMr rial u l a aj w u iiti ew e ■la d e , ead tha< If wieh anraageaMme wm mj iw A « ilMlr dedded preibeaee to tibe Weitoni Ooe4loook% aa hotag eooddoraUy ■herter.MMl pu iiiw l i g the laoal fhvMahto The propookleB ti > fcwMia hy the thM mede oa the peH of the Poitlend Coaipa»j,hfti ll^neilim ftenwalweei aad. Joined to llAealt to enritre at the deilred rwuk. , II waa'proper tut theoito urge vpoa thePortlaad Oootpaay,!* ■updrt of their porfOoa, there were other eeaaea awterlaUy a Hn t lng the ftitiue piooperlty of the Oompany, whleh Jeatly demevded their atteattoa^ Mid whUk, el aftetlag both the StaoatMid and Weetem Ooatleooke nwtei^ ■ay he hwe iteted. \ ^.The Ooimlttee hed in view that alnto the oonaMooement of the M. LMneBee.and ▲tlaatlo Ballroad, In 1846, Ttoy great jprofreM hed been aede la theezttoaioaof Unea leadbw from Boat<4 to the St. Lawrenoe. end Lek* Oatario»and eapedaUy* that the eonatruotloli of the Ogdeaaber^ Railroad to BooaiTii Poiat, mldbi hereefter oaaae the ebiMtmotioa of aline from thenee ^ the MlMiamioi YeUey. to oouneot with th^Portlaod road, they oonld nol •hat llnlr eyea to the ihet, that In adopttog Che Weitem Ooatloooke Mrate^ they were aotually bringliig the Portland rted «boat 17 Mllee neerer to BooaW*! Point, end that ff they took the Stamtoad route they would extend the Portlaiid road i^ut 15 Mllee fturther, in 4ie Muna direction, while they wooki, at the seme timob be inoreeeing their own line no lem than 7| Mllee; It waa eridont to them, that looking at the dlitanoe from Bowe't Point to the Oeaneotieat rirer, it waa a dangerous policy to more Westward at all. but inereaslngly so» for erery mile of Westing they made. The proposiUon of the Porthmd Oompany that the Funds for i •eetkm oftheir road should be proridAl by the Oanadian Oompeny if e of the Island Pond lOates should be selected, Inoreesed the dlttculty, icsl, Ihm the impedlaMBls in the way of carryiiw out sueh an agreement legally r seeottdly, in raising sadi » large adtUtimiersum of money, where ell their esletiiig lesoaiesB wece leqalred to reeehthe Boundery Linei end lastly, flma tSe ftet thatin eBOounteriag eU theee obstacles, the Oaaadlaa OoaipMy wa«ia edteelly be paviag the way far the eoastroetion of another road, thai night piOToa foriBldable riraL If either of the Kastem routss were adopt- '.?■! A •d. tk« PortlMid Oomaunj wo«ld b« lAlMUd. TIM dkteoo* of b«tk M bonM bj tiM Qitwtaummi i Mid Um prob«bUlti«i w«r«, UmI Any Edlroikl from Boom's Point. iaalMd of Mokiof iho Portluid rood, w««ld eonaool by w%j of Ibo lUrton BItot vith tho PaMumptlo BAilrosd, and lk« iwaoro •D Approboniloo of fbtoro riTalry. ThM NMOM war* in Um omo ot iho W«tMrn Oontioooko, bmI In* Um |lBllowfa% oonddontiom : UuU Um RaUtomI in OMind* pMMd Uuoogh n woU MtUod nnd forUlo ooiintry.onpnlnla of Torymnl doTolopooMat. That il wm lapolntorfndiMitod«eld«llTUMb«it,nndeualdbeworkodob«MMtt. Thni in Um United BiaMm, Uio portion requirad lo bo •oos«r«otod by Uils OoniNMiy n l i b ongb now u n aol U od, wa« not romoto flrom oxitting MttlooMOto— wm Tsry eboip in oomtmoiion, and oonid b« workod wlUi mat aeonomy. Thai » affordad Um raaaonablo proapoel al bland Pond of a oonnaeUoB vltk Um Paasumpalo road and Um graa* AuMrioan mamiflMtnring IMstriola— Ibat alUMUgh Um oonotniotion of any pmtkm of Um AnMrioon road was ob- jaoUonabla— yai it waa highly daairabia >ha< Um oompany ahonld hara Um •ontrol of UMir buainaaa np to Um point of Intanaotioo of tho PaMwnpaio raad* and that thia advantago wotdd nora than oonntnrbalanea tho taoipomry faMontrenlaBoe of proenring a lanw ram of moooy, and oi pamlng throngh an nnaattiad oonntry for 10 or 18 MUaa. That tha adoption of this ronta mado Iha Oanadian BaUroad firom BiehMond to Uand Pond, a Trank Umt, m aoMrly aa pomible, atnighl for i^ lam than 70 mU«% for aU tha biMlnam of Lowar Canada batwaan Montranl' on tha ona lida, and Qoabae on tha othflr» folUhg on tha BaOroad firom Montroal to Blefamond, and firom Qw^ to jMonmonu lo any pomt oonimon lo UMie inreo oiMaa and raquinnf no mora to perfodt tha oommunloations, than tho ooMtraetlon of 10 Muaa of Baibvod from Island Pond to St. Johnsbnry. Tha Oommittae had forthar to oonaidaiw.That tha adoption of tha Bastem routes dosired by tha PorUand OoApany would dapriva thorn -of all tha adrantagM of a Southorn oonnaotion, unlass thay wara prapnrad to oon- BtQMt an indapandant Una firom a point naar Laanm St. Johnsbury to the same pdnt, a distanoe of about SO MUes. It was, tharefora, apparent to them, ihkt the Island Pond route, by the Western Ooatiooofce— oron adding tie 10 Miles demandod by the Portland Oompany— joquired only the ofllnstruction, from near Lennozrille, of 48 miles of Baiht>ad at their expense^ and gave them all the desired Southern eonneotions, while by the Eastern, or Halls Stream route, they would hare, in the PortUnd road, 88 Miles to build t and to connect with the Pauumpsio Boad at Stanstead, 80 MUes ; m^W fogether 68 miles, as aminst 48 on the Western Ooatioooke. .1 B«foning to the StanstcUd route, the Committee fbund that while It * fwould alTord the saoie connections with the South, it was exposed to the fol- lowing serious objections, oToiit mnting Uiat in point of gradients, it could bo mado equal :— Fiiiit, it increased the distance, according to the tleports of the Engineers, no less than 7i Miles. Beeoudtyv H adraneed the PorUand Boad •toward the West, 15 Miles beyond Isbmd Pond towards Bouses Point. And , lastiy, it would cause the Oompant to ndse neariy one half more money than Muired on the Western Ooaticooke, to complete the line on the terms stated by tho Portland Oom{ Uta foci that, it woi ompany. On the other hand, the Committee wcogniiad nld p9asess neoMid«nibl| >ig«r Wf j Bndn^ Hbtm th« f r ■■■ %- : I- ■■♦«'t. ^J^^ ^ i 4-%J-l!&^^ mmI Um ion li— oiK- the pile DtO M ior« the on- 0IBf ling the >■•. .or ild; log Bit foU Iba the o«d Lad mf Md Om f glTC • pr«pond«r*nD» Q oking lh«r«for« to t^yr: of tho flfnrtod roow, of Way BaabMM to th« lino thay mlriil liolo qoMtion they oonsldered thelbr they would ellbel • penneneat ena peny, by the exteoilon of the Un« r etMr fwrte, end wo«M tar the pwwirt, Hi mmL Meownliti » iMrfvpen- leilon. Thk rwnerk epplylng exotiMiTelY to the Une in the United Bteleeb propoeed to be exeonteif el the eoat of this OompenT, ae In Oeaed* the rel»> Uve emonnt of popoUtlon end Wey Bueineai weald not rery greetly dlA*^ •llhoogh loaMwhet in filter of the Blenstead roate et preeeni. On the tubjeot of the existing end fiitore Wey Busineis of the two nvtes under oonsideretlon, the Oommlttee ooold not Irat consider thel thie element in the dedslon of the question, wes Ueble to greet fluetnetloas, thel the rasouroes of the whole oountry were, to • rmrf greet extent, undeveloped^ end that the oonstruotion of the Railroed itself would elmost, without • doubt, speedily give e pi ndopt. On look the edoption Inennhle Inlurr to the Beilroed Oompeny , upwards of 71 Miles, against whloh they oonld onlr set off what thev regarded as the temporary adtantage of some aoditlonal Way Business on tne seotloa of their reed, proposed to be eonstruoted in Vermont, an advanti^ ahKS whloh was lessened from the oonslderatlon, that the Way Business in qusstkni would not benefit the remainder of the BallroaJ by passing into the notliM* and thenoe oTer the entire line to Montreal, but would be oonflned to tha' use of the seetion oonim«nloatiiu| with the Portland and Boston Bonds.— ▲Iter the most mature deliberation and with erery desire to glTO due wei^, to all arguments fbr or against either route, the Oonunlttee oonelndM In^ IhTor of the Western OoaUoo mittee errad in supposing that the Stanstead route, would bring the Portland route to a point 16 MUes nearer in connection wi^ Rouse's Point nor doei it appear possible to the Board to overcome this objection in any way. It now remains to considw whether the views of the Committee wert inoorxee^ in Judging that in ordler to assimilate the Grades to those on th« Wqiinni CoatiooolMk m Inereaae o£ dlatanoe would intvitnbly reralt, tad 9 .^ -Si i I'. » (ViOt Jwtifl«d in Um wmmIosIob ih«l all raqolill* •MnUwj » iloiM umI forvoji bad mm hum!* for tk« prop«r iuuIotiUimIIiic of tk* vhol* . djMition. and t&»t no LhM oould bj poMlbOiiy b« tbown whidi ■hovkl mttl IM rMWrad Orado, and not Umtmm Um dktMi«o. Tho Bopori of lb* ObUf BnjInMr of Um OomMhy In Um •▼idMiM tm%- mlHod, Is produMd borawiUi, wberabj It •ppoan tbat by Um ganron i l^rtvioQaly, uid_in pMMMlon ot Um Cwnunutoo, Ui« dUUnoo within Um Pro- Oo«tioook« lino wM 20 point of d«pinrtiur«k mllM { nnd on th« Stanit— d wiUi 00 foci gnMllwU tt| i>fauM on the WMUrn Mm, firom th« PutUng Mldo Ui« largely ineroatod work« it now i^ppaan bv tbia report, mniitteea. and the Juatioe 3t Iktix eonduaion thereon. Il mar be proper here to renuu-k, that the total aaaumed exoeaa of dialaooe tty the Htanafeaiinmte abore the OoaUooohe route, waa stated br the KngU MM* to the two Ooniniltteea, aa 7 Milea, of whioh the differeaoe In the Pn>- ttoee waa Si Mllea, and in the tJntted Btatea 4|. It now anpeara that aaai- rWf^lf the gradea, and inereaaing the coat of the woriL tha dlfferanoe hpt the ProTtnoe, ao flur mm bilng dinaiuUshed, wonld be aetaaUy Inoraaaed flrom 9i MUaa to about 5. While the greater alUiude of the Bommlt. by thu Waileni Ooatioooka, atopeara alao by the Report of the Engineer, to beniort than eompenaated by the greater regularity of the aaoent, thereby radndnc the total rlae and fau to a leaa amount than on the Btanitead route i ana Tlrtaally making the Bummlt lower than the Utter, lo fhr aa Um eeooomieat workipg of the road is ooneemed. With referenoe to the probable route throudi the Udted Blatea, flrom Btanatead to Island Pond, no roliable erldenoe naa been addnoed to show that an erroneous riew waa taken of the distance x Hut it baa been stated 1^ Mir. Onbert, an Engineer of standing, that he is of opinion that a dfantoutipa of npwur^ o£a dUm might be made, by leaving the yillage of Derby oentrei about If ifiirto the Weatward, and that poMibly'some Airther reduction ai^t take place beyond Uiat point. Not having any facta before them in support of this view, the board can- not accept Uils statement in correction of the reports alreikly laid befora them; but even assuming the correctness of this posiUon, it is evident to them that the reduction in dLstanecirhera claimed, would not equal the pod« tlve ascertidned increase within the Province, and that they would in maj case have to encounter an aggregate excess of distance fiilly equal to tbat assumed by the two Committees. As the application is, however, not for a change of route absolutely, but for an extension of time only, to complete farther surveys, the Board have ta consider first, whether any reasonable hope exists that any important modi- fication of existing evidence can be had ; and secondly, whether the podtion of the CkHnpany is such aa to warrant any further delay. On these points^ the Board aro of opinion, that no case has been made oiit, to induce tile be- lief of a fkvoraUe result ;' and although their own wish would be toaJTord the delay* H unattended with serious loss, yet it is impossible for them to gntnt it in %» face of an absolute agreement wIUi the Portland OompanT, on v^c^ (hat'^mpany aro acting—«nd In view of the Inevitable serious waj thii UQit arfaii itt the completion of Um roid, if they w«ra to attempt to '4^.2^.. iti^kA >hj f J^I^^«^ ^ 2 no foi ad Um sel D« no In r« •t an Pi tn to bi ha r^ 1^ wi er nt ab Id oti Ot an W •i V* V* •pi m Cfl of Ui tk .'vri re ol rhob •ab> Pro. borm id by 09 Ob froni fill* DlOCf I0ill| ana nieal fron& ■bow Ml by oAipn iBtn^ otiott OUk- sfora ntto poiU •nj Uukt r»bufc aodi- lition i«b«- ifford unto til r> «p dw MwttM «f JvmOo^ Itiv4vtef ft oUmt RMtav «b6M Mandt mlfhl mmH lk«ir oMrito «ruM «#•■ Tb« kAurj to thk OompMiT by dolaj la prooMding wUb tbo ooatraets BOW roodyfor dooition, flonoot bo rogor^ m oonAood to tbo tioM oppUo4 for to proeoffo fWrtbor Mtnrop, oad, •▼•n If tbo DirMton woro proporad to admit, wblob opp«M« q«it« ooworrootod, tbot tbo olkgod fbfito bi tappoH o( tbo Stamtood routo w«ro vboUy bomo oott tboy ooimot ooimmmI from tbom- mItos tbo Uiiory tbot woold innovitoblT rwolt from tbo proor — t i n otk w — Dtlollod rarroyi woold bo roqoirod oztondlng oror 60 UUm, wblob eoold not potMlblY bo eomplolod to •■ to pormlt tbo eommonoomont of tbo worltf in l«M tbon tiifoo monUis. and, mippoalnff tbaio lurroyi to proro In omr r«poet fbrorable, mneb adidUional ttmo wonld inoritably bo roqohod in tbofr otaminatlon and approval by tbo ProTindal CtoTommont, bi tbo now a iy a oi omanl witb iU Portknd Oomaany. In obtaining tlio aiiont of th# Paamipdo road to tbo Aoapatlon of tbat part of tbdr Uno in Tormontu fhnn Stamtoad to tbo Olydo riTor.abonttoniIilM»andfaiotb«ritopaladd«Bff torafihanoBtlroehanMbitboCompany'tplaM.. TiM diMoailon of tbo dotalli aitolngdat of tbo a|rMraont witb tbo Port- land OodRMtty boTO ody liMj bo«b broucbi to a oondndon. AmiioathMi baa boon mado to tbo Ctoromniont fbr tboir aMMUt to tbo grMM of tb# Nmttod powon to oarrr ont tbk MroooMot, #bi«b bMi on^ now boatf tS^hmLr V^totitiotm tot raWng tbo roqnfafod monoy, on tbo tft^ ■ OB mH y 6f tbo Wwtora Ooatioooko^ baro tiao boon oponod in Umdon, wlttt eet of inoooii. and tbo Diroetori «annoi but feol tbat ■boald any ' .._^ otttMoak inBuropo tako pbMo, wbldi Moouiaot Improbabb^ tbafir, , . to raiM tbo Fonda mlibt ontfaroly Tanisb, and tbo Oompanyboaetadhr': lafl wMMttt tbo maau of eomploting tbo road, altbar by ono ronto or tbi^ otbar. Th« Dboeton ooneeiTo tbat.by tbo Tiforona proaoeotlon of tbo Waatcra . Ooaib)bmpany'and;atUlodlltbBoptemb«riMt, ^ 1^. ■#' * «i \-i «. . ' i)&fsJi^i^ii40'. II REPORT OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER. Snro St. LawnoM ItentrMl. Bnir-^Ooniplying with inatrueiions from Um IIm honor to •abmlt tho following Roport on tho nlitod bj tho Deputation from BUoiUmI. for a LmaoxTillo to tho ProTlnoo Lino, and fW>m i MqoMt that tho prctont loootlon of tho rdnto b; OoAlleooko •bov^d bo ro-oondidorod. and oMortf- Vy thorn. wUl bo m teTona>le In point of gntdl ng tibnl olrondT loootod- BoforooBtorlnf into tho dotnOi,! bMio/itaU that,lhondoptionof a Um boMlng throng StMitoMl, hM roooifod tdj mnM ottMitioB t nnd that iMTiof boM pat in poMMMion of mioh reliabW infonaation at wm to ■mro.al oorroet oonolosiona, I oonaidor **- rlor t« thai now looatod, on aoooont of mad on thoao groandi I did not reeou niaiM and tlm«» which would havo only ad( •OBdopmlnc 14 FiomtVo R'8 omoi, id Atlaotlo Railway, lid Maroh, isas. . , of Dlraetort, I hava roy and ttatomoiita tab- of Railway from noar to bland Pond, with • ^j ValloT of tho WwtMi that tho lino rooommondod \,mA M oadly oonatraotod. ^ oUootionablo, aad inf »■ its and IneroaM of diatanoo i any fVtfthor oipondilafo of to IM aboady ampto data for 'dlTflffonoo •bothllnai.lhadlMaiMabytfM ond, tho diftanee by tha nnite M Morton, and by tho rarroy of tha longer tlian>thal by tho lino foilow- ig Ri?on ; thus making tho total , OTor that by tho Wostom Ooatt. Mortoii. is S| Milki grMMr than that by < Oootioooko, from thorfame point. 1 From tho ProTinoo Uno to Ldand , Mrroyod by Mr. Woolbrooko, undor FaMNunnilo Railway Company, it S M |a|r iho VoUey of tho Ooatioooko and '/fniveaM of dCitanoo on tho Stanstoad It^riM Maiimam Oradient, by tho/«tanitoad ronto, i« 60 foot to tho MOo for a diitaoeo of 11 MUm IMO foot/ Tho Mailmwm Grado by tho Wetlom CkM^oooko Routes it 4S foot io tho Mi||p) for a diatanoo of 11 Miloa 2590 foot. / Tho oitimatod ooat. of oonatrooting the Stanitead routOi oren with 60 fool gntdM. ezoeoda that of ^ Weat^ Ooatioooko route. Tho Maiimum Qradienta oi/tho portion of the lino located between tho ProTlnoe lino and laland Ponlo -»J SKSktaMTnol m*oL ihort of at MUo., -.d In tho «t*^. •J'^t''t ^ !^iZtr^ M» fMt DOT mil*. Md eooounUjrlng Tory oo«Uy aiMrthwork. Th« f!SSr?abL^/i oijtt^o. ooauin. on lU f.co tho oTld^io. of th* Both MrtloA M>P«^ to h*TO lUrtod at tho PrOTinoo Lino mm^tSMTylr Mb, Inor— ing tho ootUof. tor tho piirp«M of ob- ffitolTlowor Urol. riUoo Do^l* Summit wTth .a •'•?;-Ji«» «J * J i2k iMtiln thol by Mr. Ylnnlnf'i Surroy. tho dIttMOO to rt^»io« J^S lymtlTboinroboat tho Mmoi but tho work on tho propo«»d lino to Tory vSSuni, ond proooodi on • now ground to w«jh iho moot o^^MUona^l* I«!«taKnSrrooU.«i».,LI»)rdi Quit Rogro BlTor.ond aOulf ot H*t»5rS»^i; "^ Th? iKSu^ ttit portion of^o wrroy fhow. gn-U not •««£»•«« foot toOjomTi but thiTi. obtainod by Inoro-tof «»»• <»^*^. J?-^ ZuJSiuSSnt tho work do dlftoult •nd oiponrifo thjt Mothor rw». SLSf iTo^ldor^I nooo««r, by Mr. O btt. "« f "J^^LSTt S^ tbrSmotatloii. for tho puipoM <*ftnding • Uno by which tho oxtont of wo* ■hownontboProMoihouldboroduood. ».«i»4^ rwi A PnSuo of this porUott of the improrod rooto wm otao lubinltt^L On .M^J^inTtU. ProuTtho polirt of dSrladon flrom tho mala lino la oo^ S!r!l!j?Unal!!rt ttopi 40 fa«l aboTO it{ thowing ommI oonoIuaiToly that no SgJ ^'y jy.!!??.^^.^!!. tho diflonlty thl^i by dlrtribntlngtio gndo^ ^«nr JS:sa'byT£"sff <^ -^ STininStT of Inow^ttag tho dUanoo for tho purpooo of rodudng tho gradtfi. SrSTES MTSuf. iUoy onda, whilo on tho rwnalnip, portion of Mr. ^ n^tETohlSl^ of tho WTfOj reVinittod. whiohbowi on ito teoe iv^ 1 ^n^±3S:2; datoMetoolniperftot for a podtiro statement of dtotanoo, but » oonddem. STiMNMe mSToortatoly VTmade* and rery henty additional work ea. . eomtandf ■ .■■ \ \ - \ ■^». 'J> X. M '\ %JM fMV liitMi b« •nooanUrad j, aManiiiif Um proportionato tnnftm whMi iCT^ ^•'^"Jif* •''<»*<**•• to b« Uw mmm m oa th« Ua« labMittod by Iha fMm« bMvMQ Um origiiul Um nrrvyad b* Mr. ▼inlng. aad UNrTwflMani 0t Um r«itlt wfll diow • diitarMM* ■Ijtort Um BtoiMtoim «>d CTyda ronU» of 44 Mika. tW mrfdngTSS tfAmiMO in dlMMMo botwMn Um two rtmtoi ol MIl«i and l««r fttl. M ar •■ any oalonlaUon oan bo mado from Um data Auvkhad A^ if ""f!iil? *»T."^ wiUi rafcronoa to radiaotm and UmIt affMt 00 •M IMora wOTfciaf and raooMi of tho road, I with to InaUtala a oonmarkoa gjry .***.*?** '^**' ■««*•' <»>«»»ten. Tba roiult of Um loaaUoTfroa *«IJ<*>*«'*»«1«>» n«» LajmoiTiUa to blaod Pond, by Oka W«t«ni Ooa&oooka,ibowiUMtotallon||rtbor4af«o«grad«atob«l8ilfIlw ^^ ^^^jumIJ^^^S^"*'^ *>y Um DapntaUon. Uyi UmgUi of «« lbt| tBUMfornantad Uiat UMy thonld Moeaad In radndnf antSamS _„.»a«i tfia iwfiit at wUab tha rarraT tamiiiiatai, and lapolni of%S ^tttaotof 4f to Ifelandfoiid. RffWM WUMlWatio«,no rifMWMa is mada to »a4Sq*rbS omSh ^ < ^ *^ ^ *?*" *^ M to Um natnra and •tl«Q« S Mlowfaif Um Olyda Rifar, a oonpariien aa to ralve of fradlaota ott J2k gmtaoo old have baan hiaUtatad, bat aa then an no dalaftniiabad ftf^S - pvpoaM* wm ba MAaU^ to «Ma Uia* In ofwoudag a ammaU tha atopar !LG^^ • Hue of road doaa not dapend whoUy on thair dooUTlty t tha Iwgthatidyropar dktribiiUon ara jKriMETwhleh Mt ba JSmoSM thS JMkdatkm to aniTa at a oomol anMdlatoSimnBita«raatoaaaeMiafi^ hi pfoporHdB to Um muBbOr and height of anmrnha, Um t«ritf riaaaad ftSf IW faofaaaad. and^iUi H, Um ajqpaS of worttMAi waT ^ ^ I^^l?!f^ of aoaparink Um dlatribntloB of gndaa on Um Waatani Total riaa «tt4,flin 5)n Um Waatera OoaUoooke route, ft^ tha point of difttienoe^ near LennolviUa to Uand Pond ,.. 1107 ibet. ■<^i» f I T A t] 7 k i 1 i 1 ' 1 ■ i < \ \ X.. 16 TMia rte Md ftJt oa Um H< > nrt <« 4 rmK tal riM uid (kU on Um portion of Um rovto m •turrayM by Mr. 8U1, fttMS iUday Oulf to tha ProvlnM Una Add to thta tlM riM flrmn tho Prorlno* Um to bUai.Pood, «»• •aniliig.Mt«aUdbyMr.aab«rt,tlMltiMr««inbrDoflaUnff >nKl*i ♦.. ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• V. '" J** TlMag|(r«iM«riMMMlAJloatlM8tMWlMdro«l«,willb««(i\a«lto 1144 4». iSrom thk atatooMot, it wUl b4 obMrrad that, tliovgh tba Bommit oa Ika ntaiMlTni ro«t«, la 191 faal laaa Uun that on tha Waatam Ooatieooka» ana* of tba woAkTorabla gnnmd for an aoonomiaal dlatrflNitkNi toiy iiM^liv giMto Moaada tM of lb« WaMarn OoiNtooQk* ja«lB if gmte* W l7 faaA. ' \'^ Aaaordliw to aufUMWt ip M OMida aa to tha laofOt of aaaaiianf mM !«• Mndkv gnMllanta OB aaoh raotai tha raaalla arritad at ara aa followa !— Tha total langth of aaoanding and daaoanding gradaa on ilM WMam Ooalloooha routa, ia 18 mflaa 1840 CmI. Oa On fltanataadroota. tha total langth of aaoandinff and «^ j..^ iwoandfaig gradaa, ii ... 44 akOaa lOO fow. > niowlBg elaMrlT thato* tka StMUtaad rovU tha Mttant of laral gTMlaa li MMhlaaa,faipi«portkMitothadiatMiaa,UianonlhaWaataraOoikilaaok«. ' ^%" \ 1 1^ n a t at i o n , pnt no m a ian a BV % van obiaationaMa tMmKwmrm u* »■■ «■■•■«•*• ' f^ acaiWbl airami— tton of tha whola anbjaat, I haf» no haaHation in gnuOngvptlMaBattarlnthalbllowfaMaMnMrt-^ . lBk->Thal tha vomta propocad by Om Staoataad Dapataiion «uiiMt W aonatraoM vMhont oo«Id«rahly faianaaing tha dlMMioa from tha poln*^^ dhrananaa to bland Pond. inav*.Tka* tha tttflMMad langth of 4» faat gradaa nddit to thn dlSonlty vhleli adatitoiaenrtngtliabaoononria^ldiBtribntkttti^ lnM iMttht Mp i wi '«f working tha road oonaidaraUy, and ^> _- ' lii^tllat tha original float of oonatnoting tlM pnpoaad fovto^dft Mb 1^ foy ofiyloa U Uaa par mila than that of thtf fool* •I'My V>a>Mf : 2. : Ih|f2»11iihaiMNrtob% Tow obodtont MTTMrty To A. 0. Wnixn, Bm.> S««r«t«rx. 0. 0. QZOWBKi; Ohkf Sn|^iM«r. X,. - ■"s.. .\- ■ %^ \ :- X \ v\ i v.^.f. 1« TUB PBBSIDBIfT OW TttI ATLAJNTtC AMD ST LiAWIlKNfiK t/- (OAoa of Um Atkntio Mid ll. LawrMo* EaUroad GompMiT. \ PoriUmd, iitk Jf>"*»•«> «n'»J»£T '■'■■'"m Wlthraq)oet, Tour obadiont Mrnuit, _. .^ . . , . J08IAH 0. LITTLB, rnMmt Atkntle and St. Lawnnoa BaUroftd Company. p ,i J. rom, ramTiB, montual.' ■j'ji4i^Jtk^/si