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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atra filmAs A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est film* A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 -V \ INDEX PREPARED BY Mr. DeCOSMOS TO PAPERS PUBLISHED, 11^ 18^0, BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OP THK CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY BETWKEN THR DOMINION, IMPIORIAL, AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS. / PAOI AooKPTKD Terms of Union 140-143 Act of IS. C, Kutliorixiiig the granting of curiain Public Lands in V.i. lothe Dom. (luvt. fur Hallway purposes, Assenled to April 22, 1875 217 Act of II. C, authorizing; the Rranting of certain Public Lands on Mainland to the Doin. Govt, for Kail way purposes. Assented to Mnv 8, 1880 299 AcKNoWLKDOMBNT fcy Lieut -Gov. of re- ceipt uf Confidential Cable Message, June 2(>, 1874, from Faulkuer, bell & Co 179 Admiiial DeHorsey'^ report to tliu Admir- alty that, from surreys made, the vicmity of the Skeena River Is unlit for Ocean Terminus, Oct. 9, 1877 269 Addiikh.s of Got. Gen. delivered in S.C. on the Railway relations existing between * Doni.Govt. and B.C., Sept. 20,1876. 249-261 Addukbs of Legislative Assembly to Lieut. - Gov., askicg His Honor to protest against infraction by Canada of most important clause in Terms of Union... 164 Application by Dom. Govt, for reservation of land in Vancouver Island for Rail- wiiy purposes, June 7, 1873 144 ATTOitNKY-Gen. to Mr. Edgar ; acknowledging receipt of Letter sub- mitting proposals for a change in Railway clause of Terras of Union, May 11, 1874 161 Gu Credentials, May 18, 1874 162 ATTOKNEY-Oen. to Mr. Mackenzie : asking for Onideniials, July 4, 1874 179 referring to copies of Protest of B.C. Govt, against infraction of Terms of Union ; also, copies of charts, July 13, 1874 181 ATTOiiNEV-Gon. to Ser. of Stale : asking for documentary authority to act as Delegate to London, July 11, 1874 180 asking that B C Govt, be ofliciitlly informed of Carnarvon's decision on Railway matters, Jan. 'J3, 187& 213 ATTOK.NKV-Gen. to Colonial Sec. : notifying His Lordship of arrival in London, July 28, 1874 192 asking for His Lordship's conclusions on Petition, 201 ; submitting further comments on said Petition, Oct. 31, 1874 202-209 ATTOKNKY-Gen. to Under-iSec. of State for Colonies : telegram, March 3, 1876, asking authorization for Govt, to use liailwav Despatch given him 213 ATTOKNKV-Oen. to Mr. Trulch . acknowledging receipt of two Letters on Railway lands, and stating a re- ply will be communicated, April 26, 1880 297 enclosing 0. C. expresBiug views of Prov. Govt, on C.P.R. lands in B.C., May 4, 1880 398 PAQI CoiiONiAL Sec. to Gov.-Gen. : acknowledging receipt of Despatch uf Dec. 26. 1873, enclosing Desjiatch of Lieut. -Gov., B G., on the subject of non-fulKllment by Canada of 11th section of Terms of Union, Jan. 16, 1874 163 on Terms of Union and Arbitration, Jan. 18, 1874 186 in reference to Walkem's Mission and submitting suggestions for modifica- tion of Terms, August IG, 1871... 193-196 announcing conclusions (Carnarvon Terms) to which his Lordship had arrived in respect to dispute between Dom. Govt, and B.C., Nov. 17, 1874 310 acknowledging receipt of Despatch conveying acknowledgments of Dom Govt, for services in promot- ingsettlementof dispute, Jan. 4,1876 212 respecting Petition of Legislative As- sembly of B.C., on C.P.K., and Car- narvon Terms, May 23, 1876 246 acknowledging receipt of Despatch of June 30, respecting construction of C.P.R., and Petition of Assembly of B.C. to the Queeu ; also giving rea- sons for delay in laying Petition be- fore the Queen, and suggesting further delay of a sumner, also re- referring to compensation for delay, Dec. 18, 1876 261-263 acknowledging receipt of Despatch, June 18, enclosing Minute or Privy Council, also copy of Rep. of Execu- tive Council of B.C., delay on the Pacific Riiilway, July 19, 1877 266 acknowledging receipt of Despatch (No. 22) transmitting Minute of Council of B.C. and telegram from Sec, of State enquiring for replv to Petition of Legislative Assembly, 285 ; Postscript : acknowledging receipt of telegram from Speaker of Assembly asking if Petition of As- sembly uf September last had reached ; also requesting to have it forwarded, and inform Speaker, Feb. 20,1879 286 on line of route of C. P. R. in B.C., also explanation of delay in presenting Petition of Assembly of B.C.toQueeu Oct. 29, 1879 290 Colonial Sec. to Lieut. -Gov.: on telegram on subject of Petition of Assembly to the Queen ; referring to dispatch No. 362, and delay of final decision, Jan. 17, 1877 „.. 264 CKRTiriOATE of Licut-Qov. of despatch of telegrams, Jan. 16, 1879 282 CoNriDiNTiAL Cable Message stating that Lord Carnarvon offers to act as Ar- bitrator between Dom. and B.C., June 18, 1874 179 ti INDEX TO RilLWAY PAPEES. PAGI Copy of Minutes of Evidence giren by Tnitch on the siippressioa or uon-i)ro- ductiou uf tlie Railway Despalcu of June, 1870, April 12, 1880 309 COMPENSATION; in Rep of Privy Council of July 8, 1874, on proposed Mission of Attor- ney-Gen. tu Enijland ~ 188 in R(ip, of Privy (founcil of Sept. 20, 1873, recommending casL bunud, &c. 220 in Col. See's despatch to Qor. Uen., Dec. 18, 1876 263 Earl Granville to Governor of B.C. on Coiifedeniiion, August 14, 1869 139 Bdoah's Letter of Introduciion to Attor- ney-Gen. of UiJ., Feb. -19, 1874 167 Edoar s L'otter to Attorney-Gen., as- suming additional obligations and proposing to construct tlie E and N. Railway immediately, May 8, 1874..159-161 Edgar's Letter to Lieut. -Gov. inform- ing him of Letter submitted to ^ttor- ney-Gen., also copy of same, May 9, 1874 161 EnoAu's Letter to Attorney-Gen. on Cre- dentials, May 18, 1H74 162 Rdgau's Report to Secretary ot State on his Mission to B.C., June 17, 1874... 166-170 ESQUIMALT: . tixcd as Terminus by O.C., June 7, 1873 144 revocable 0. in U 167 cancelled by O.C. of May 23, 1878, and revived as Terminus by O.C. of May 14, 1879 286 Extracts /r«w Journals of Ligislalive Aa.ietn/j y, U. C : authorizing the printing of C.P.R. Uocuments, May 5, 1880 139 respecting Article 11, terms of Union, and Resolution for Address to Lieut - Gov. asking him to protest, Feb. 9, 1874 153 respecting Rep. of Com. of Whole on correspondence between Dominion Gov and B Con C.P.R.,Jan.21,1876. (Violation of Carnarvon Terms). ..226-228 motion for au Address to Her Majesty respecting viulatiun by Cauadu of her Railway engageiueats with B.C. and asking to bu allowed to with draw from the Union, and retain Customs and Excise duties, Aug. 29, 1878 278-280 answer from ^'ec. of Sluto to tulc- grani of Speaker referring to non- transmission uii'i irauiiniission of Petition, March 19, 1879 283 respecting Ue.~patch from Sec. of State explaining i^aiise of delay in forwarding Railway Petition to the Queen, April 16, 1879 .... 281 respecting Despaleli from Sue, of State with reference to line of C P.R. and the conveyance of landsby B.C. to Dom Gov., March 24, 1879 284 telegrams from Speaker to Sir John A. Macdunald r( questing intormntion on Railway Policy, 284 ; to Sec. of Slate reij testing tlio despatch of a tele- gram to Colonial Sec. on Railway Policy and requesting answer to Railv^uy Petition ; from See. of State to Speaker stating determination to commence work this season, April 28, 1879 285 PAGB Extracts /roffj Jourralto/L.A. — Con. respecting Despatch from Uiil PAOl Instruotionb to Edgar from Mackenzie, Feb. 19, 1874 166 Li«DT.-Gov lo See. of Slate : acknowledgioK receipts of Rep. of Privy Council filing BsquimHlt as Terminus of C.P.R., July 26, 1873... 145 enclosing Minute of Council and Pro- test on non-fulfillment of 11th Sec- tion of Terms of Union by Canada, July 26, 1873 146 on appointment of Agent to confer with Dom. OoTt. as to disposition of lands in Vancouver Island, iScpt. 22, 1873 149 enclosing further Minute of Council on non-fulfillment ot 11th Section of Terms of Union, November, 24, 1873 150 acknowledging receipt of Despatch enclosing Rep. of Privy Council re- ipecting non-fulfillment of 11th Sec- tion of Terras of Union, Jan. 21, 1874 152 enclosing Address of Legislative As- sembly asking His Honor to protest against infraction by Canada of most important clause of Terms of Union, Feb. 25, 1874. 154 telegram requesting particulars as to Railway Policy, Mav 7, 1874 158 telegram asking'whether Bdgar's pro- positions will be binding on Dom. Govt, Mf-y 18, 1874 1G3 enclosing Minute of Council authoriz* ing the despatch of a Message by telegraph, M&j 18, 1874 163 transmitting Minute of Council re- specting Mackenzie's telegram and Edgar's Mission, June 9, 1874 164 telegram in reference to telegram from Mackenzie on Edgar's Mission — only authoritative statement June 9, 1874 165 acknowledging receipt of a Despatch of 10th June respecting non-enclo- sure of Minute of Council and en- closing duplicate copy, June 26, 1874 166 representing injury B.C. is suffering in consequence of the non-fulfillment of 11th Section of Terms of Union, and stating that Mr. Walkem had been authorized to act as Special Agent and Delegate to appeal to Her Majesty 171 telegram notifying Dom. Govt, of despatch of a telegram to Lord Car- narvon on Mission of delegate, June 11, 1874 173 enclosing Minute of Council respecting Mission of Delegate to London, June 11, 1874 173 enclosing copy of a Despatch sent to Colonial Sec. in reference to Llissiou of Delegate, June 11, 1874 174 acknowledging receipt of Despatch of 13th June, transmitting copy of 0.0. on the subject of Mr. Walkem's Mis- sion to England, July 28, 1874 181 transmitting copy of a Despatch sent to Lord Carnarvon accejiting his Lordship as Arbitrator, August 3, 1874 183 notifying, Dom. Govt, ot l)eBpatch of telegram accepting LorrtCarnarvon's offer to act as Arbitrator, August .3, 18?4 „ 184 rAOB LiKDT -Gov. to See. of Stale— Con. acknowledging recaipt of Despatch of Nov, 10, transmitting copy of O.C. on the subject of the difficulties existing between Dom. Govt, and B.C., Nov. -iO, 1875 221 referring to Dom, Despatch of Nov. 10 and enclosing Minute of Cmincil thereon, declining proposal of $760,000 for delays, also a copy of a Despatch sent to Colonial Sec. with reference to Railway clause of Tei.ns of Union, Dec. 6, 1875 221 referring to B.C. Despatch of Dec. 6, 1876, and Dora. Despatch of Nov. 10, and enclosing Minute of Council conveying further comments on new proposal,^; also notifying Dom. Govt, of l)es('atch of said Minute to Colonial Sec, Jan. 8, 1876 222 enclosing copy of a Despatch sent to Colonial Sec, containing copy of Petition to the Queen from Legisla- tive Assembly, respecting the exist- ing Railwajr question, Feb 2, 1876... 231 telegram notifying Dom. Govt, of des- patch of Petition of Legislative Assembly, Feb. 4, 1876 231 enclosing Minute of^ Council on Rail- way question, Feb. 4, 1876 232 acknowledging receipt of Despatch of March 17, and copies of 0. C. on Address of Assembly to the Queen onC.P.R 240 stating that telegraphic message and Despatch by mail had been sent to Colonial Sec. in further relation to Petition from Aescmbly, enclosing copies, April 22, 1876. 241 referring to Dom. Despatch of March 17 and B. C Despatch of April 17, in relation to Petition from Assem- bly and enclosing Minute of Coun- cil submitting further remarks on 0. C, and also copy of Despatch sent to Colonial Sec on same sub- ject, June 3, 1876 242 acknowledging receipt of Despatch of June 13 (called the Missing Des- patch) transmitting O.C. and Memo, from Minister of Pub. Works in re- lation to conveyance of land for • C.P.R , July 4, 1876 247 telegram respecting removal of Steel Rails from Vanconver Island, July 3, 1878 274 enclosing Minute of Council protest- ing against removal of Steel Rails from Vancouver Island, and if car- ried out must be regarded as a deli- berate infraction of obligation to build E. & S. Railway, July 13, 1878.. 275 enclosing Petition of Legislative As- sembly to the Queen, praying, in a certain event, that B. C bo allowed to collect Customs and Excise duties and withdraw from the V on, and requesting warded to 1878 . enclosing M attention that the .olonial on, same bo for- Sec, Sept 26, 281 lute of Council calling f Dom. Govt, to Des- patches of B. 0. of May 31, Sept. 9 and '2;i, with reference to reservation and conveyance of land for C.P.R., Nov. 9, 1878 j; „„, 281 iv INDEX TO RAILWAY PAPERS. PAOI LiiDT.-Oov. to See. of State— Con. telegram asking information as to Railway Policy of Dom. Govt., also requesting despatch of a telegram to Ooionial Sec, if no reply to Peti- tion is received, Jan. 15, 1879 282 enclosing Minute of Council, res])cct- ing necessary legislation for convev- ance to Dom. Govt, of lands for C. P. a. on Mainlfind, April 1, 1880 293 enclosing Minute of Council, embody- ing Resolution of Legislative As- sembly of B.C., respociing construc- tion of Island section of C.P.R., May 17, 1880 300 enclosing Minute of Council, inviting attention of Dom- Govt, to repre- sentations of Govt, of B (J., regard- ing the commencement of Island section of O.P.R. not later than next spring, Oct. 11, 1880 301 enclosing Minute of Council, author- izing .Mr. DeOosmos, M.P., to press upon Dom. Govt, the importance of carrying out agreement to construct Island section of C.P.R , Oct. 16, 1880 302 LiBnr.-Gov's. attention drawn b^ Prov. Sec. to Mackenzie's Letter (printed in Parliamentary pipers) introducing Kdfcar to Lieut. -Gov., March 22, 1875 157 LiEOT.-Gov's. Letter to Prov. .Sec. deny- ing receipt or knowledge of any such Letter of Mackenzie's introducing Ed- gar, March 22, 1873 168 LiBCT.-Gov. to Colonial Sec. : acknowledging receipt of Despatch of June 18, 1874, through Gov. Gen., upon difference between B.C. and Govt.nf Canada,in relation to Article 11 of Terms of Union, and enclosing Minute of Executive on said Des- patch and signifyiag cordial ac- ceptance of protfered arbitration, Aug. 3, 1874. 184 transmitting Minute of Executive Council on proposals conveyed in U. on the subject of the difliciilties arising out of the agreement made in 1871 for construction of O.P.R., Dec. e. 1875 - 222 conveying certain further comments by Minute of Council on the difli- culties arising out uf the agreement made in 1871 for construction of C.P.R., .Ian. 8, 1876 226 cuclosing Petition from Assembly to the Queen, respecting constuciion of O.P.R., and non-fulfillment of Car- narvon Terms, Feb, 2,1876 228 Lbttbu from Sec. of P''b. Works (inform- ing Sec. of State of passage of UO., , cancelling 0. of 187,\ fixing Esqui- mau as "Terminus of 0- P.R., and con- veyance of land on eiiatern coast of Islanc in connection with same) stat- ing th-.t as Burrard Inlet will probably be the Terminus it is advisable to re- serve a strip of land on Mainland fur conveyi nee to Dom, Govt., May 29, 1878 .. ... ... 274 LANi)a FOR*RAi'LWAY" PURPOSES:" Rop of Privy Council of June 7, 1873, recommending application for lands in Vancouver Island, for Railway purpose^ ,„ 144 PAOI LANDS FOR RAILWAY PURPOSES-Con. Rep. of Executive Council of June 30, 1873, on Memo, of Attorney-Gen., recommending bare reservation ana postponement of conveyance 145 Rep. of Privy Council of Sept. 3, 1873, un Minute of Executive Council, stat- ing that so long as land is re.-ervcd, the object of Dom. Govt, is obtained. 149 Rep. of Executive Council of Sept. 20, 1873, recommending despatch of Minute of Council upon reservation of land and urging a settlement, and appointing Mr. DeCosmos as dele- gate to confer with Dom Govt 150 Rep. of Privy Council of March 25, 1875, on Memo, of .Minister of Pub- lic Works, recommending that as the Govt, have agreed to build E. and S, Railway, it is essential that B.C. should convey land on V.I. to Dom. Govt, by legislation 217 Act of B.C. authorizing the granting of certain public lands on V.I. to Dom., April, 1375 217 Memo, submitted by Mackenzie to Privv Council on conveyance of land for 'C.P.R. by B.C. on Mainland, June 7, 1876 248 Rep. of Privy Council of Sept. 3, 1878, on reservation of lands by B.C., anfl the route of C.P.R 277 Letter of ilr. Braun, Sept. 20, 1878, to Sec. of State, by,direction, request- ing him to obtain conveyance uf land from B.C. to Dom 278 Rep. of Executive Council of Novem- ber 6, 1878, on reservation of land on Mainland fur C.P.R. purposes .. . 281 Rep. of Executive Council of May 14, 1879, asking Dom. Govt, whether 0. 0. respecting reservation of land between Burrard Inlet and Yellow Head Pass shall be cancelleil or re- tained owing to revival of O.C. mak- ing Esquimau terminus of C.P.R 287 Rep. of Privy Council of June 12, 1879, stating that the Govt, do not propose to release reservation of land on either route 287 Letter of Mr. Trutcii, April 14, 1880, to Attorney-Gen., on the subject of Railway lands in B.C., and asking good land on VI. and mainland for what may be worthless, &c 296 Notices reserving lands in V.I. and B.O 14.'), 276 Rep. of Executive Council, May 4, 1880, respecting 0. P, R. lands in BO. Mainland, referring to Trutch's lotter.and lossliy reservation on V.I. 293 Act of B.C. authorizing the gi .nting of certain lands on Mainland to Dom., May 1, 1880 299 Mackenzir's Confidential Communication to Edgar on Mission to B. C, and Ic- ter of introduction to Mr. Walkera, Feb. 19, 1874 1!)5 Mackenzie's Letter to Lieut.-(tov., intro- ducing Edgar and stating the ol jeci of his Mission, March 24, 1875 157 Mackkkzik's Letter to Lieut. -Gov., ex- plaining and regretting non-delive-y of Edgar's Letter of Introduction, March 21, 1874 158 INDEX TO RAILWAY PAPERS. 1. 45 149 160 164 217 217 248 277 278 281 287 287 296 276 293 299 ; 155 157 151 14G 309 Mrmo. of Council of B. , reporting on Mackenzie's teicRrnni on EilRHr'a Mission ami his wiihdrawal, June 9, 1871 ; Mkmo. submitted by Mackenzie to Privy Council, resi)i'cting convpyanco of liind for C I'.R , June 7, ;S76 218 MiNCTK of Counfil of B C , prote^tiiiK against non-fulfillnienl by ('aiiu.la of IHh Section of Ternij of Union, July 25, 1873 iIiNUTBS of evidence given by Mr. Trutch on the supproasion or non-i)ro(luction of the (iailwiiy Despatch of June, 1876 309, Mr. BuoKisoiiAM to Attomey-Qon., on Credential?, July 4, 1874 180 Mr. Bi,akk's explanation on entering Ad- ministration, that moderate money compensation should ba offered for past and future delays in constructing C.P.R., House of Commons Debates, 1880, p. 1429 Mr. Hraun to Sec. of Stetc, transmit- ting copies i.f plan of Hue of C P. R , and requ'sling to obtain conveyance of land from B. C to Dom. Govt., Sept. 20, 1878 Mr. Hkkbbrt to Mr Walkem transmitting copy of Despatch sent to Karl Dullnrin C.P.R., Nov 17 1874 Mr. Malcolm to Mr. Walkem, acknowledg- ing receipt of Letter asking for Lord Carnarvon's decision, Sept. 14, 1874... TiiuTcir to Atlorney (Jeneral : on the subject of Railway lands in B.C., April 14, 1830 calling attention to Letter on Railivay lands, April 2t, 1880 urging an immediate reply, April 27, 1880 ..... Mr. Mkade to Mr. Walkem, acknowledging receipt of Letter notifying arrival in London, July 29, 1874 Mr. FIbhbkht to Mr. Walkem, on behalf of Lurd (Jarnarvim, acknowledging re- ceipt of Petition to the Queen, August Mr. 221 278 209 20 3 296 297 298 193 15, 1874 193 NoTiCK reserving lands in Vancouver Island for C PR, July 1, 1873 115 NoTiOK respecting rpstrvntlon of lands at Burraril Inlet an 1 other place'; men- tioned in Letter of Secretary of Public Works, August 3, 1878 27i5 OiiDER ot tlie Queen in Council on ndmis- sion of Brit.«h Columbia, May 16, 1871 143 (See alio accepted t :;rm9) 140-143 OiiDKR in Council of B.C. on Memo, rcr ort- ing on a telegram from Maii/ci. of Legislative A'i.^einbly of ''..C. to the Queen respecting violation by Canada of liailwiy engngemon's, and praying lo lie allowed to with- dinw from Union, Aug. 29, 1878. ... 278 Proi'osku IVrln.^ of Union .... ....140-143 PiuvATR Sic of Lieut -Gov. to Mr. OeCos- nios iiiilo-^ing copies of Minutes of (yi)uneil MUiliorizing liim to pres^f uvon Dom. (Jovt. Ih^ iniporta:i(!.> of liland RailW'iy and the loss tlie Province has siistiiiii'' I ihriugh witliilniw.il from settlement (>f hiii'l^ on Vancouver N- l.uid, Oct. 16, 1-81) :iO) Rbi'out on the .suljjiH't of Walkein's Mijsion to E'lgland with regard to non-fullill- nivnt of R.-iilw IV agreement of Terms of Union, March"8, !875 214-316 Rei'Oiit of 'lomniander Ilnnmer on examin- aticju of River Skeeha and approf.'di"s, Oct. 4, 1877 269 Rki'oui of Admii-al De Iloi.^ey on 0. P. R Terminus, Oct. 26, 1877 ... 270-272 Rki'oiit of Select Com to enquire into the circumstances of the suppression or non-production of a Di'Spateh fnuu Ottiiwii, of June, 1876, on Railway iiialtiT.J, with .\Iiniites of evidence, •Manh 21, 1^79, 303- ;107 ; s.'cond Re|i ofSel. Com , 308 3J9 RKi'onT of Sel. Com. re .Missing Despatch.. Rksolution fiassed unanimously by Legis- Utiv Assembly of B.C respectinir cnnstruetion of Island Railway, May, 1880 ' 300 Rkvknuk and Expenditire in B C. from 1871-72 to 1875 239 Rki'O'ith of Exi'C'itive Connri'. H (J. : on conveyiincc of laud in Vancouver Island to Dom (invt as app'ied f'lr by O.C of June 7, reconi- meiuja hir<> reseivition and post- ponement c!' coiivevance of fame and |)iiblication in (iaiHti' of ii iti e of reservation, June ,'M, 187:!. 115 reci.niinending the withlioldiug con- veyiince for reason of nou-fnltillmetit of 11th section of rerins of Union, July 25, 1873 146 recommending d(spf reservation and appointing .Mr. De ('nsmnsas Special Didegatc to conf'r with Dom. Govt., Sejit. 20, 1873 150 calling attention of Dom Govt to the uo.i-receipt of answer 'o Protest sent by B.C. on viulation of 'Ith section of Terms ot Union. Nov 2.', 187.! ... 151 on Address of Legislative Assembly to (Jov Gen. protesting ag'iinst violation by Dom. ot Sertion 11 Terms of Union. Feb. 23, 187t 154 recommending Lieut. -Gov. to tele- g'atih Gov. Gen. for Railway Policy of Dom G.nvt.. Mtiy 7, 1871 1.58 lecoinmending Lieut'.-Gov. to tele- gi'iph Dom. Govt , whether Ivi /ar's iinijiDsitions would be binding on Govi., May 18, 1874 1J1 recommending publi^irng Eilgii-'s In- structions and other documents. May 21, 1874 163 INDEX TO BAIL WAY PAPERS. PAOI RiroRTB 0/ Executive Couneil, li.C.—Ooa. on Memo, of Provincial Sec. on non- fulflllment of essential cUnse iu Terras of Union, and up pointing Mr. Wnlkum a!4 Hpocinl A(;«nt and Delo- (jate to proceed to London with .Muinorinl. aldo askinfr that Attorney Oen. be provided witn a Buitnble in- troduction to Colonial Sec , June 11, 1874 171 on Memo, of Prov. Sec of Jnne 11, 1874, (idvisinjr Lieut. Gov. to tele- griph Uolonial Sec. throuj^h proper channel that B.O. is about to appeal to London, June 11, 1874 172 acccptinfT Lord Carnarvon's ofTt-r to actus Arbitrator, Awg. 6, 1874. .. 185 declining proposals bv O.C. of P.C. of Sopt. 20, Dec. 6, i875 221 convening further comments on the subject of the difficulties between Dora. Govt, and U.O., Jan. 4, 1876.222-226 requesting Lieut -Gov to send message by telt'grai)h'to Sec of State for the Colonies askingwhether Petition has been received and when an answer might bo expected, April 11, 1876.... 240 requesting Lient.-Gov. to acknow- ledge receipt of Colonial See. tele- gram ies|)ecting answer to Petition of Assembly, April C?. 187-i 241 submitting ceriaii; remarks on G of March 13, commenting on Aldress of Assembly to the Queen, June 3, 1876 242-245 on Colonial See's Despatches to Gov. Gen. and Lient.-Gov., on subject of Petition of Assembly and conceding further delay of a summer, March 26, 1877 ?M on C.P.R. and lapse of time asked by Lord Carnarvon, and trusting that his Lordship will discountenance any further unnecessary delay in com- raoncing construction, Nov. 8, 1877.. 267 on Memo, of Fiuunce Minister, U.U., on commencement of construction of C. P. K., recommending Lieut.- Gov. to telegraph to Se,;. of State for information as to whether con- struction Will bo commenced in B.C. present season, March 18, 1878..- .... 272 respecting advertisement for removal of Steel Hails fr>.m Esquimalt, and recoramendiig fjieut.-Gov. to tele- graph Sec. of State not to have them moved nor contract awarded, July 2, 1878 874 protesting againsi removal of Steel Rails from Vancouver Island, and if carrieii out must be regarded as a deliberate infraction of obligation to buiUl E. and V. Railway, July 13, 1878 ;. 275 recommending reservation of land as asked for by Despatch of May 31, 187H, anil remarking that said reser- vation is not required in accordance with Terms of Union, August 3, 1878 r 276 recommending that Petition of Legis- lative As.sembly respecting violp.tion by Canada of her Railway engage- ments with B.C., be forwardel to Colonial Sec. and Dom. Go/t., Sept. 24, 1878 280 PASI Rrports of Exteutive Couneil, /?.C.— Con. on reservation and conveyance of land on Mainland for O.P.R. purposes, Not. 5, 1878 281 advising Lieut -Gov. to telegraph Sec. of State aa to time of despatch of Petition of Assembly to the Qu»on, Jan. 16, 1879 282 recommending despatch of telegram informing Dora. Govt, of adiourn- ment of Assembly pending informa- tion as to Railway Policy, .March 22, 1879 283 advising publication of Despatch of April 24, relating to the adoption of Ksquinialt bs Western Ti;rmiuu8 of C.P.K., May 11, 1879 ~ 286 asking Dom. Govt, to inform Prov. Govt, whether O.C. of May, 1878, reepecting reservation of land be- tween Bnrrard Inlet and Yellow Head Pass shall be cancelled or retained, May 14, 1879 287 recommending telegram to be sent to Sec. of State asking for cony of 0.0. of July, 1878, defining O.P.R. route in BO., Oct 11, 1879 289 on Graving Dock, and authorizing leader of Govt, to proceed to Ottawa to confer with Dom Govt, and cndenvour to arrive at satisfactory conclusion respecting Island Sail- way, Indian afl*irs, Ac, Dec. 27, 1879 291 on employment of Chinese labour in constructing C.P.R-, and tele- Sram to same ell'iiCt lo Sec. of State, ct. 11, 1879 '^89 advising that Dom. Govt, be informed that the necessary legislation for transferring Railway lands will be undertaken next Session, March 27, 1880 293 respecting C.P.R. lands in B.C., May 4, 1880 298 adviuiug that Resolution unanimously passed by Assembly respecting con- struction of Island Railway bo for- warded to Dom. Govt., May 12, 1880 300 advising that attention of Dom. Govt. be invited to official representation of Prov. Govt, respecting the expe- diency of commencing the Island section of C.P.R., not later than next spring, Oct. 4, 1880 301 authorizmg tne appointment of a per- son resident atOttawa, and appoint- ing Mr. DeCosmos, M. P., agent, to presdupjn Dom. Govt the importance of carrying out agreement to con- struct Island Railway, .Sov. 4, 1880.. 301 Rbpohts of Privy Council of Canada : recommending Esquimalt as Terminus of C.P.R. and location of line be- tween Esquininit and Seymour Nar- rows, also making application for conveyance of lands in Vancouver Island for C.P.R , June 7, 1873 14t on Rep of Executive Council on con- clusion a rived at on conveyance of laud in B.C., and stating that so long as land is reserved the object of Dom. Govt, will be obtained, Sept. 3,1873 149 stating Dom. Govt, was giving its earnest consideration lor construc- tion of O.P.R., Dec. 23, 1873m 152 INDEX TO RAILWAY PAPERS. Tii PAOI d 8. C. ot n, m n- a- 2, of of of V. 8, e- »w or to 0. I to va id 281 282 283 286 287 289 ry ^ il- 7, ... 291 11 r e- ■'•r ... 289 ud or be 87, ... 293 ay ... 298 ,ly »n- >r- 80 300 ft. oa )e- nd an ... 301 sr- at- to ce m- iO.. 301 U3 )e- ir- ror rer ... 14t »a- of ng m. 73 149 its 10- ... 162 PAGI Rbpohts of I'riv;/ Council of Cnnada —Con. on Altoriiey-Uen. VVnlkeiu'ii Middiou to Kntftand, July 8, 1871 180 on |)ro|iu8«d Misaioii of Attoinur-Gen to England, Lord Carnarrun^s oti'ur to actas Atbitrator, Turms of Union, Kditnr's MiBaioiii and B. and N. Railway as "compensation" for li n^cT time to build line on Main- land, Julys, 1874 186-189 on Attorney-Gen. 'b Mission, July 23, 1874 191 on Lord Carnarvon's lerraa and com- plaints of B.C . Sept. 17, 1874 197 on Lord Garuarron's conclusions ui d expressive of satisfaction, Dec. 18, 1874 212 respecting conveynnce of land in Van- couver Island in connection with construction of E. and N. Railway, March 26, 1875 217 recommending cash bonus as "com- pensation " for any delay which may take place in construction of C. P. II., Sept. 20, 1875 219 on Legislative Assembly's Address to the Queen on the C.P.R , and Car- narvon Terms, March 13, 1876 232-238 on Memo, submitted by Mackenzie to Privy Council, respecting convey- ance of land for C.P.U., June 9, 1876 248 on subject of construction of C.P.R., Doc. 24, 1877 267 recommending that Imp. Govt, be re- quested to make a nautical survey of coast adjacent to the iiiver Skee- na with a view to fixing seaport Terminus of C.PR, April 17, 1877.. 268 on reservation of Inndsandauthori/.ing Sec. of State to inform B C. of line of route, Sept. 3, 1878 277 reviving C. of June 7, 1873, fixing Esquimau as Terminus of C . P. It., by cancelling C. of May 23, 1878, May 14, 1879 286 explaining object of 0.0. of April 22, 1879, respecting refusal to release Itinds under rebervatiou on either route, Juno 12, 1879 287 confirming O.C. of 1878, defining line of C.P.R. in BO, Oct, 4, 1879 288 deliuing route, O.P.ti , July 13, 1378.. 290 Sko. of State to Lieut. -(lav. . transmitting 0. C. on .Minute of Coun- cil of B, C. respecting conclusion that it is not advisable at present to make conveyance uf laud as applied for by Dom. Govt., .Sept. 11, 1873... 149 acknowledging receipt of Despatch of \ov. 24, enclosing futther Minute of Council respecting non-fulHIl- ment of 11th Article of Terms of Union by Dom. Govt 151 adverting to Despatches of July 26 and Nov. 24 and transmitting 0. C. on alleged non-fullfilment of Article 11, Terms of Union. Dec. 20, 1873... 162 telegram stating Railway Policy to be ; that until location of road was ccmpletcd it was impossible to com- mence construction. May 8, 1874 159 transmitting 0. 0. ou Address of As- sembly to the Queen ou O. P. R., March 17, 1876 232 PAOI Seo. of State to Lieut. •(lov.—Oon, transmitting 0. C. and Memo, of Miiiister of Pub. Work8,repreFentiug the expediency of obtaining from B. C, conveyance of land on line of C. P. R. already surveyed, June 13, 1870 247 referring to li. 0. Despatch of Nov. H,- and transmitting O. on construc- tion of 0. P. R., Dec. 20, 1877 207 stating that Desiiatcti had b»en re- ceived from Colonial Sec. and that C.P. R. question was under His Lord- ship's consideration, March 16, 1878 273 respecting telegram of B. C, March 19, ahking tor infor'nalioa as to con- struction of C. P. R., stating that as soon as mnp|)ing is completed Govt, will endeavor to finally decide on route and will invite tenders for construction, March 27, 1878 273 transmitting Letter from Sec. of Pub. Works Dept., requesting the reser- vation of certain lands at Burrard Inlet for probable Terminus, May 31, 1878 273 adverting to teleeram of B.C., July 3, and to DespatcTi of July 16, request- ing that Steel Rails on Vancouver island be not removed, stating that rails are being removed to Yale as it is the intention of Dom. Govt, to commence construction of C. P. R. in t'"\t neighborhood, Aug, 6, 1878 276 referring to Dora, letter of May 31 on reservation of laud for C.P.R. under section 11, Terms of Union, and en- closing 0. 0. in further relation to same. Sept 9, 1878 277 transmitting Letter from Sec. of Pub. Works Department and plan show- ing line of Railway as defined, also requesting conveyance of land men- tioned in O. C. of Sept. 3 ; Sept. 23, 1878 278 transmitting 0. 0. on subject of Ter- minus in 6. C, April 24, 1879 286 referring to B. 0. Despatch of May 19, and transmitting O. C. relative to reservation of certain land on Main- land in B.C. for O.P.R., June 18, 1879 287 transmitting 0. C. defining route of C.P.R. in B.C , Nov. 13, 1879 290 referring to previous correspondence on the subject of the line of route through B.C., and requesting with- out unneces.sary delay conveyance of land under llth suction of Terms ol Union, Jan 9, 1880 , 291 informing him that no action had been taken in B.C. in conveying lands to Dom. Govt, under llth section of Terms of Union, and alao Inform- ing His Honor of the appoint- ment of Mr. Trutch by Dom. Govt, as Confidential Agent, March 3, 1880 292 acknowledging receipt of Despatch of Oct. 11, 1880, enclosing Minute of Council inviting attention of Dom. Govt, regarding commencement of Island 1880. section of CP.tt., Oct. 25, 301 via INDEX TO RAILWAY PAPRRS. I'AOB SKC. of'.Sllltc /" l.ifHi. (rov—Gvu uckiiuwli'dKi'ij; ri-reijit of Mimiie of CouiK-il iiiilliori«iii(jr Mr Di'OiiHinuii, M.I'., to )irt>;'8 upon Doni. Uovi. ihu iinpurtHiice of CHiryinj^ oiil 11^1 le- nient to conRlruc't I.mIkii'I di'Cliun of (M'.U., Nov. -t, 188U 302 bKC. ol ytHie to Atlorney-Gcn., on Mission to i'.ngland iis Deleft«l« tr^im U. C- July 11, 1874... IHO TKLKOHArii Line— Circular issued by i'ub. Works Depl. invitinjit proposals for cri'ciion, Jiini', 1^71 Tbi.kohams yrom J.teia.-ijov. to •S<'c. 0/ Stale : rcqukiitintt paniciilitr^iis tu Ruilwiiy Policy, Miiv 7, 1371 . . asking whctluM- Kds{ar'.-» proi>osition will be binding on Dom (Jovt., May IH, 1874 respecting Miickenzie'a telegram on Edgar's Mission— only autlior'lii- tivc statenii lit, June 'J, 1H74 notifying despatch of Riiihir*'.y Peti- tion of Assembly to Colonial Sec, Feb. 4, 187t> respecting removal of Steel Rails from Esqiiiiiialt, July 3, 1H78 asking infoiination as to Railway Policy of Dom. bovt als j request- ing the despatch ot a telegram to i to lAent.-Unv : Staling tint Despatch to Uov. Uen. was oHieially communicated to Mr. V\'alkem, an I that Dom. Govt accepts arrangement. March 4, 187.'t 213 slating that Railway Petition of As- siiiibly had been receivd, but a reply was impoaaiblu until ex- plniiiitions from Dom. Govt, ar- rived, April 13, 1876 240 e.\ pi (• .-sing hope that Railway diffi- culties can be satisfactorily over- cmos : asking him to sec Mr. Mackenzie and have Railway Despatches for- warded, March 2, 1875 214 Mr. J}eCosiiios to Provincial Sec. : stating that Des[iatches will be sent, March 4, 1875 214 Speaker to Sir John A. Macdonali : requeriting information on Railway Policy, April 24, 1879 284 Speaker to Sec. oj State : requesting the dibpatch of a tele- gram to Colonial Sec. on Railway Policy, and requesting an answer to Railway Petition, April 24,1879. 286 Ti D^ INDEX TO RAILWAY PAPEHS. to 11 i;i IG4 63 S12 213 288 289 205 2DG 151 163 161 I'AOK Fautkiiff, Bell .'j Co. to Lit lit. -dor. : ailvising of receipt of Uonli.lfiitiiil (>ablu Mf:i8H((u stalin(( Lord Our- narvon's otler to bocumo Arbitra- tor, June 18, 1874 179 Under Sec. of State to Lieut. -(Jov. : enclosing U.G. fixing Esaiiimalt aa Terminus of C. P. K. ana deciding the location of a line of railway from Esquimau to Seymour Nar- rows, also applying for conveyance of land on Vancouver Island, June 10, 1873 144 acknowledging receipt of Despatch of July 26 (Xo. 68) covering Min- ute of Council complaining of the uon-fulfilraent of Terras of Union, Aug. 23. 1873 148 acknowleaging receipt of Despatcli of July 26 (No. 67) on subject of convoying lands to Dom. Govt, ill Vancouver Island, Aug. 26, 1873 148 acknowledging receipt of Despatch of Sept. 22, on subject of occu]ia- tion of lands reserved by Dom. Govt., Oct. 8, 1873. ." 150 acknowledging receipt of Despatch of Sept. 25, covering Address of Legislative Assemoij. and also Minute of Council rounded on same on the subject of non-fultill< ment of 11th section of Terms of Union, March 12, 1874 155 acknowledging receipt of Des- patch of May 18, purporting to contain an enclosure of Mmute of Council and copy of tele- gram founded thereon, on the subject of Walkem's Mission, June 10. 1874 165 acknowledging receipt of Despatch of June 9, transmitting Minute of Council, also copies of telegrKms sent to Minister of Pub. Works and Sec. of Stale on the subject of Walkem's Mission, June 25, 1874 166 PAfll Undbr Sec. of State to Lient.-ftov —Con. acknowledging receipt of Despatch of Juni^ II, concerning Minute of Council in reference to alleged fnilure of Dom. Govt, to carry out obligation in Utb clause of Terms of Union, and recommending the appointment of Attorney Gen. to (regent memorial to the Queen, Tuly 11, 1874 172 ret nng to Letter of July 11, and a f ismitting O.C. on subject of .il- Ittf 'd f lilure of Dom Govt, to carry out Terms of Union, July 13, 1874.. 181 ackn /ivledging receipt of Despatch of Sept. 3, transmitting copy of Di ^patdi sent to Colonial Sec- evpitssing acceptan< by B.C of Lt.r