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/A. ^^^ '«/ f/. '^ 1.0 [fi- IIM I.I ■^ 1^ 112.2 ill 1.8 |i-25 11.4 ii.6 ^ 7a iu'kke. {After I'n^rai'ing. by U'at; general in their service, is an event which must put an end for a while, perhaps forever, to the quiet scheme of life I had prescribed for myself : for, though entirely unexpected and undesired by me, the will of an oppressed people, compelled to choose between liberty and slavery, vinst be obeyed.'' From that hour he was no longer a Briton, but, with heart and soul, devoted himself to the service and glory of the land of his adoption. On his departure to Canada, Judge Livingston said to him : " Take care of your life." " Of my honor, you would say," quickly responded Mont- gomer)-. Ticonderoga and Crown Point had been captured by Colonel Ethan Allen and Seth Warner, in May, 1775, thus giving us the command of Lake Champlain, when Congress, aware that Canada was weakly defended and had a large discontented French population, wisely resolved upon the invasion of that province, thus to prevent its becoming a base of hostile operations against us by the armies of Great Britain. According to the plan of campaign devised by General Washington and Doctor Franklin, Generals Schuyler and Montgomery, at the head of a body of New York and New England troops,* were to seize Montreal, the approach to which was barred by the strong fortifications of St. John's and Chambly, on the Sorel, the outlet of Lake Champlain to the St. Lawrence; while Arnold marched through the wilderness of Maine. On the 26th of August the movement began down the placid waters of the beautiful Champlain Lake, which, for nearly two centuries, had been the scene of long campaigns and desperate battles. On the 6th of Septem- ber the invading army appeared before the first of these barriers, effected a landing, and defeated an Indian ambuscade; but Schuyler, deceived in regard to the strength of the garrison of St. John's, and the disposition of the Canadians and Indians, fell back to Isle aux Noix, which he com- menced fortifying, and then hastened to Ticonderoga for reinforcements. In reporting these transactions to Congress, General Schuyler says: "I cannot estimate the obligations I lie under to General Montgomery for the many important services he has done and daily does, and in which he has * Among these troops was one Quackcnbosh, who invariably asked for a leave of absence when any firing was heard, his courage, like Bob Acres', immediately oozing out. Montgomery remarked to his captain : " I think this qttake-in-the-bush had better at once be discharged." 282 MAJOR-GENERAL RICHARD MOXTCIOMKRV ^ tS ^ '4 '^. 4 I » « ♦ ^ ■! ■ N Ni r V, 6 d UJ 1-3 S ' MAJOR-GENERAL RICHARD MONT(]OMERV 2H3 had little assistance from me, as I have not enjoyed a moment's health since I left Fort George, and am now so low as not to be able to hold a pen." In consequence of this sickness Schuyler retired to Albany, the com- mand of the whole invading force devolving upon Montgomery, who hesi- tated not a moment, but abandoning his island intrenchments, was, on the 1 8th of September, again before St. John's, of which he began the invest- ment and siege. Having accomplished the first as best he could, he began the latter, but soon found his mortars defective, his artillery too light for breaching, his ammunition scanty, his artillerists unpracticed, his engineer incompetent, the ground too wet and swampy for trenches, the weather cold and rainy, malaria producing much sickness, and his troops disaffected and insubordinate.''' To escape these unfavorable circumstances, Mont- gomery proposed to move to the north-west side of the fort, where the ground was firm, and from there to make an assault ; but the troops re- fused to second their leader, and to crown his embarrassment, the expedi- tion of the restless Etiian Allen against Montreal had terminated, Sep- tember 25th, in the capture of himself and many of his detachment. At length, however, Montgomery, by his firmness and address, succeeded in carrying out his views of moving his camp to the higher ground, and soon after, October i8th, Colonel Bedel, with Majors Brown and Livingston, captured Fort Chambly,t which being twelve miles lower down the Sorel, had been left with a feeble garrison. This was an important event, as large supplies of ammunition, artillery, and military stores fell into Montgomery's hands, which enabled him to press the siege of St. John's. This strong work, garrisoned by nearly all of the regular troops in Canada, capitulated November 3d. after a vigorous defense of nearly seven weeks, all hope of succor from Governor Carleton having been destroyed by his defeat, Octo- ber 31st, at Longueil, by the detachment under Colonel Warner. Immediately the Americans pressed on toward Montreal, which was abandoned, November 12th, to the triumphal entry of Montgomery; but Governor Carleton, disguised as a peasant, escaped in a canoe with muffled paddles, passing on a dark night the American batteries and armed vessels without observation, and reached Quebec on the 19th, to the great joy of *" They are the worst stuff imaginable for soldiers," says Montgomery. " They are home- sick ; their regiments are melting away, and yet not a man dead of any distemper amung them. There is such an equality among them that the officers have no authority, and there are few among them in whose spirit I have confidence ; the privates are all generals, but not soldiers. . . . Would I were at my plow again." t The colors of the Seventh British Fusileers, captured here, were the (irst taken in the Revo- lution and sent to the Continental Congress. !S4 MAJOR-GEXERAI. RICHARD MONTCOMKKN the :-f.;<*'-;'^ :■*, v«ii,H I'ALACK CATK, QlEBEt. which they were about to undertake is, perhaps, not on record upon the page of history. At five o'clock the two assaulting columns of Montgomery and Ar- nold began their march. Arnold's division, himself leading the advance guard of 30 men, followed by Lamb's piece of artillery mounted on a sledge, and the main body of about 500 infantry and riflemen, under Mor- gan, moved through the suburb of St. Roch, by way of St. Charles street, near the river. The advance guard approached a picketed two-gun bat- terv defending a barrier across the road, without being discovered, but the main body had scarcely reached the Palace Gate when " a horrid roar of MAJttK-tiKNKKAI. RK llAKI) .\InNT(,( )MI:KV 291 f ■' " . ■ .'i-r^ 'j i g ^ ^ff wa w w: -".i^'""* ^ ' "" ' '^ ■'^'^^ cannon and a rin^nn^ of all the bells of the city" sounded the alarm. Covering the locks of their guns with the lappets of their coats, to protect them from the pelting storm, the infantry and rifiemen ran single file, in very open order, as rapidly as the deep snow and the various obstacles would permit, along the base of the high rock upon which th'- fJpper Town was built. The files, though thirty or forty yards apart, we.e exposed to a terrible fire from the ramparts, to which no reply could be mad<% as only the flash of the enemy's guns was to be seen. Arnold's forlorn hope attacked and carried the battery after a desperate resistance, in which he was severely wounded, and had to be car- ried to the hospital. Though encourag- ing the men as he passed to the rear, the ardor of the main body was much damp- ened. Nevertheless they hurried forward under the severe enfilading and plunging f.re of the garrison, to the attack of the first barrier, which was carried, the em- brasure being entered " when the enemy were discharging their guns." From the first to the second barrier there was a circular course of about 300 yards, partly through Dog Lane, opening into the head of Sault-au-Matelot street, where the sec- ond barricade closed the space between the foot of the rock and the river bank. Here a terrible conflict took place, the enemy having dry and superior arms ; in front, a shot-proof cover twelve feet high ; behind two tiers of musketeers, supported by an elevated battery of artillery; on either side houses, giving a plunging fire from their upper windows ; and reinforcements continually arriving from the other parts of the town now unexposed, for already Montgomery had fallen ; Campbell, his successor, was in flight, and the " dastardly persons employed to make the false attacks " had signally failed. Flfforts to scale the barrier were made in face of the desolating fire of musketry and grape; the platform within was emptied by our unerring riflemen ; Morgan, Arnold's successor in command, brave to temerity, stormed and raged ; all that valor could do was essayed ; the killed and wounded literally choked the defile ; but human efforts could not prevail against such surpassing odds. Now it was that Morgan, seeing the WKKHK Al;.Nt)I.lJ WAS WdVNDEl). Kj2 MAJOK-CIAKRAI. KhirAKD M( »N 1 ( ;< )M I'.RV .MAj<)k-(;i;.M,k.\i. kk hard mi ).%!{.( )M1,rv 293 Quixotism of this unequal haiul-to-haiul encounter, ordered tlic occupation of the houses on our side of tlie barrier, that our men mi^'Iit be better screened and maintain a more effective fire. It was already da)-li^!'t, and many of the best officers and men had been killed or wounded ; hesitation and doubt seized m.uiy of the survivors ; and the critical moment for the 'ast cast of fortune was allowed to pass, when Captain Laws, at the head of ?oo of the jrarri.son, sortied from the I'alace Gate, cutting off the retreat of !■-' Americans, nearly four hundred of whom were captured, the remain- i!ig survivors having escaped across the ice covering the Hay of St. Charles. At the same time that Arnold's division began its march, Moiugom- ery, who could not be persuaded that the commander-in-chief should not expose his life in the advance, de- scended from the Plains of Abraham, at the head of his column of less than three hundred, to the cove where Wolfe landed in 1759, and then, in Indian file, cautiously led his forlorn hope along the margin of the St. Lawrence toward the very narrow pass of Prcs dc J 'illc\ having a preci- pice toward the river on one side, and the scarped rock extending up to Cape Diamond on the other. Here all farther approach to the Lower Town was intercepted by a barrier, and the defile, only wide enough for two or three abreast, was swept by a battery of thrce-pounders loaded with grape, placed in a block-house. At daybreak P»Iontgomery's approach was discovered by the guard and Captain Barnsfare's gunners, who had been kept under arms awaiting the attack which they had reason to expect, from reports of deserters ; and, as had been previously concerted, the Americans were allowed to approach unmolested to within fifty yards. Montgomery, while the rear of the column was coming up with the lad- ders, halted to reconnoiter in the dim dawn darkened with the driving north-east storm. Deceived by the silence of the enemy, who with port- fires lighted, were eagerly watching for his approach, Montgomery cried UHEUK MUNTGDMEKY KF.I.L. 294 MAJOR-GENEKAL RICHARD MONTGOMERY out to his little band, as soon as about sixty were assembled: " Men of New York! you will not fear to follow where your general leads ! March on, brave boys ! Quebec is ours ! " and then rushed boldly to charge the bat- tery, over the drifted snow and blocks of ice, some of which he cleared away with his own hands, to make room for his troops. The enemy, wait- ing for this critical moment, discharged a shower of grape and musketry, with deadly precision, into the very faces of the assailants. Montgomery, pierced witli three balls, his Aide, Macpherson, the gallant Captain Chees- man, and ten others, were instantly killed. For several hours after the re- pulse of the American column Carleton was uncertain as to Montgomery's fate ; but a field officer among the captured troops of Arnold's detachment recognized among the thirteen frozen corpses, lying as they fell, \r\ their winding sheets of snow, the Spartan leader of the heroic band.* Through the courtesy of Carleton, the commanding-general of the British forces, the body of Montgomery was privately interred, January 4, 1776, at the gorge of St. Louis bastion. His short and light sword, of which he had thrown away the scabbard, was found near him by James Thompson, overseer of public works in the royal engineer department at Quebec, who dying at the age of ninety-eight years, bequeathed it to his son, who in turn willed it to his nephew, James Thompson Harrower, who has deposited "this famous excalibur," for safe-keeping, in the museum of the Literary and Historical Society, at Morrin College, Quebec. * The oft-repeated story that Aaron Burr attempted to carry away the body of Montgomery, has been handed down by Trumbull's pencil, and recently renewed with much exaggeration in Par- ton's biography of him ; nevertheless, we believe it to be an error, and even doubt whether he was with Montgomery's column, though his friend Matthew L. Davis, generally accurate in his state- ments, says, " General Montgomery [when he fell] was within a few feet of Captain Hurr." Burr, disguised as a Catholic priest, had been sent by Arnold to convey to Montgomery, when at Montreal, the information of his near approach to Quebec. Pleased with Ikirr, MontgouKry temporarily attached him to his staff, and had designed that he should lead, with forty men, an as- sault upon Cape Diamond bastion. When this first plan was frustrated by its being disclosed to the enemy by a deserter, Burr probably joined his old commander, believing more glory was to be gained under the impetuous Arnold than under the brave but cautious Montgomery. In confirmation of this is Arnold's own letter to General Wooster, written from the hospital where he lay wounded, and while the assault of Quebec was yet in progress. He says : " At last accounts from my detach- ment, about ten minutes ago, they were pushing toward the lower town, . . . The loss of my detachment before I left it was about twenty men killed and wounded. Among the latter is Major Ogden, who, with Captain Oswald, Caftain Burr, and the other volunteers, behaved extremely well." This certainly implied that Burr was with Arnold's column, and not with Mont- gomery's, which was a mile away. Possibly Burr assisted Arnold to the hospital, but certainly he did not move Montgomery's body from where it fell and was found, " two paces from the brink of the river, on the back, the arms extended," close to Cheesman and Macpherson, and two privates. Burr was quite a small man, and not of sufficient strength to have carried off, if he had wished to do so, the tall and heavy body of Montgomery. MAJ( )R-f;i:Ni:RAI. RK hard M(>M(.nMr.l;V 295 ■ " ]\vk-\, iir.Lve, and };l()nous was liis youiij,' caircr,-- llis mourners were two liosts—his friends and toes; And fitly may the stranj^er, lin^erin^' here, Pray for his gallant spirit's bright repose , For he was Freedom's champion, one of lliose, The few in number, who had not o'erstejn The charter to chastise which she bestows On such as wield her weapons ; he had kejit The whiteness of his soul, and thus men o'er him wept." Looking now upon the attack of Quebec simply as a problem of en- gineering, it is questionable whether the false attacks should not have been real, and the latter feints. By the plan adopted, Montgomery and Arnold had each to force their way, for about a mile, through the Lower Town, during a violent storm, by narrow, obstructed defiles, and amid dark, intri- cate passages, among storehouses, boats, wharves and snowdrifts, being at the same time harassed by a constant plunging fire of a continuous line of fortifications, which couid not be silenced ; then to make a second attack by either cscalading the walls or forcing one of the gates of the Upper Town ; and perhaps even a third attack upon the redoubt which then occu- pied the site of the present citadel— Mrrr extremely dif^cult and danger- ous operations ; whereas, had Diamond bastion and the incomplete line of defenses fronting the Plains of Abraham, between it and St. John's Gate, been simultaneously assaulted, the Upper Town w )uld probably have been carried, and then the Lower Town would have offered no resistance — o>ie not extremely hpzardous operation, considering the state of the garrison and the extent of the works to be defended against dashing, desperate men. Doubtless it was expected that the storm and darkness would pre- vent the discovery of the march of the columns, but the event proved what ought to have been expected of a vigilant garrison, commanded by an observant and thoughtful officer, who, in fact, knew of the intended attack eight days before it was ma-' \ Soon after the troops were in motion their approach was known by the sentries, and before they had reached the first barrier every bell in the city was tolled, the drums beat to arms, the inhab- itants were running to the market place, and every soldier was at his post, ready with cannon and musket to repel the assailants. The death of Montgomery made a profound impression, bccU In Europe and America, for the excellency of his qualities and disposition had pro- cured for him an uncommon .share of private affection, as hi.^. abilities had of public esteem. The Continental Congress proclaimed for him " their grateful remembrance, profound respect, and high veneration, and desiring to transmit to future ages a truly worthy example of patriotism, conduct, 2(p .M.\J(iR-L,|-,.\KkAl, klCllAKl) .\1()M ,).ML;R\' Mr': I -^, ■^■ ^•''■}. liH- MAIOR-GKXHKAI. klClIAKD .Mn.\ K ;( )MI:r\ ^or boldness of cnterj^rise, insuperable per- severance, and contempt of danger and death," caused to be executed by Caffit^^res, sculptor to Louis XVI,, a monument of white marble, of the most beautiful simjjlicity and graceful proportions, with emblematic devices, and a classical inscription written by rVanklin, which, since 1789, has adorn- ed the front of St. Paul's Church, in the city of New York. Even in the British Parliament the fallen hero was eulogized by the most eloquent speak- ers — Chatham, Burke, and Barre — as if he had been the most dex'oted servant of the Crown. Lord North, too, while acknowledging his worth, concluded by saying, " Curse on his virtues ; they have undone his country." P'orty-three years after Montgom- ery's death his remains, of which the skeleton was found nearly entire, by " an Act of Honor" of the Legislature of the State of New York, were re- moved from Quebec, and buried, July 8tli, 18 1 8, with brilliant military cere- monies, near the cenotaph ejected by Congress to his memory. As the body was borne down the Hudson River, the steamer, as directed by Governor Clinton, jiaused before " Montgomery Place." "^ near Barrytown, where the widow of the hero resided, and who thus describes the mournful pageant : "At length they came by with all that re- mained of a beloved husband, who left me in the bloom of manhood, a perfect being. Alas ! how did he return ? However gratifying to my heart, yet to my feelings every pang I felt was renewed. The pomp with which it was con- ducted added to my woe ; when the steamboat passed with slow and solemn * When Moutgonu-ry left his Kingsbridge farm, he commenced erecting a house upon a place (now called (Irasmere) near Rhineheck, which belonged to his wife, but the building was not com- pleted till after the (ieneral's death. His widow resided here till the sjiring of 1776, when she removed to Montgomery Place, named in honor of the (leneral and modeled after the house in Ire- land belonging to \'iscount Raneleigh, who married Montgomery's only sister. Their son, Hon. William Jones, superintendeil the construction of Montgomery Place. .MI)NI(;ii\rKKN S IciMI'. 2(jS .MAIOR-CENF.RAL RICHARD MONTfiOMERY ^^