iMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 ■- IIIIM |50 ""'== •^ ilia I.I i; tii 1.25 ill IIM 1.8 U IIIIII.6 V] ^ a"^ 6^ % 'ij^ #> " signifie "A SUIVRE ', le symbole V signifie "FIN". Mapa, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Those too largo to bo entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, loft to right and top to bottom, as many framoa aa required. The following diagrama illustrate the method: Lea cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre filmia i doe taux do rMuction diff^rents. Lorsquo lo document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un soul cliche, il est film^ i partir do I'anglo supiriour gauche, de gauche i droite, et do haut en baa. en prenant le nombre d'imagos nteessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thodo. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 T ? I 00 00 ffl i; Q P s. p^ O o ^. t/3 o yi ►-* • "^ (— o O p p (X> ''^ :^ I r-t- rr. o y CJ p-^ ^^ j! ©__ 5' o o n«( r-+- ts"* H HH 1^ K P 2 n W ■< s ^ n {> H H nj i£ V: p o ac - =: ^ '/: "^ :3 2 ^-^ ^ 2 ^ c.q 3^ p ^ 2 o 2 I, ^' p' &- =- o O -i -^ P o P O P 5 P' 3 I s 2 X o > CO n b H H H '1* ^ p O e(|uest to he declared illeual. null and void, as heinS(1. That the Coiu-t of Queen's Bench for Lowt'r Canada, to which this ease had been carried. r|)(Hiile IxMlies, w liellier eeilesinstirid or liiv, lis evinced ill iMiylaiid ill AD. IT;)il. liy tlic passinu- ol llie Act, in the '.Mli year of tin' reieii ol (leorue U. (Ciiiipler :iil), coiiiiiioiily kiiouii iis tlic .statute oi Mortniaiii, and in l''niiict' hv several laws and ordiniiiiccs previous to mid suliseinieiit to this i'ldicl of 174:]. ■ Tiial Louis the XV., then KiiiLi'ol' I'Vaiice, of Xisvarre, and ol' severiil Aiiii'ri- eiin colonics. iiK ludiiin' this Province olM^uehec. uieldiiii.' ai)S(dute power, legisla- tive and executive, in pursuance ol said policy, proinuliiiited an l']dict or declara- tion, hearinu' date at IV/.w/Y/m, thi^ I'.'ith day ol' Novcnil)er, A.J). 174:!, and duly reiristered in the Superior Council, at (iin-hec, on the "ith day ol' October, A.iV 1744, l)y which it was, lunonu- other thinus, (h'creed and eiiaited as follows, in the l'"irsi. Second and Ninth Articles of said I']dicl, mid which Articles were pleaded and relied upoiihy your relilioner and his co-heirs. .\l;Tir|,i;s |-li;sr, sKCnNI* AN'K NINTH o|' rilK KDICT o|' I7i;t. Artirlr ]sl. — •■( oiiiroriiiahly to the Ordinances pronounced and the rules made " lor the interioi of Our Kiimdoni, We ordain that there shall not he ■• iiiadc, in our colonies ol' .\nierica, any rouiidalion or new estahlish- '■ iiieiii ol'l louses, or Keliuious coimuuiiil ies, or of Hospitals, Asylums. " C'oiiurceatioii.s, Conrraternities, Collee-es, or any other ('or|)oration •'or C'ommunily. cither ecclesiastical or lay, unless under and l,y '• virtiu' ol'our permission. I'onveyed by our J.,etter.s Patent, " to ))e registered in our Sni)erior Couik ils, of "the said Colonies, in " the I'orm which shall he hereal'ter prescrihed." Ai-tirh- -Intl. — '■ We I'orhid the makinir ol'any bequests, by last AVill or Testament, •• lor the loundiition oi' any new establishment, such as those " iiieniioned in the precediuii' Article, or lor the beiielit olany per- "sons who niiiiht he entrusted wilh the rormation of any such " cstahlisliiiieiit. the whole un(h'r pain ol' nullity, which shall be "observed, even when the heijuesi is made upon the condilioii " ((/ hi c/ifd-i;-!') orol)tainiim' our Letters Patent." Arfirh' '.I'll.- -■• We derlare to be mill all establishments of the kind des. ribed in •• the lirsi Article, which shall not have l)eeu authorized by our " Letters Patent, reiiistered in our said Sui)erior Coiuicils. as also all " (lis|»i>iiions and acts made in iheir favor, directly or indirectly, iiot- " wiihstmidiiiii' any prescriptions oi' consents. exi>ressed or iniplied, " which miuht haye been u'iveii at or to the execution of any such " dispositions or ads. l)y the parties interested, their heirs or assiuns.'. .nhc.Mi'.NT III- Till-; ( (Hi.-r op (^iri:KN'.s r.j-.NiTi i-m; i.i)\vi;i; r.\N.\ii.\. That the Court or(^)neen's IJeiich for Lower Canada, bv its indeinent ren- dered in this cause ,ii Montreal, on the J4tli day of .lime,' AD. Is7.;. di'claivd. aiuoiiu' olhei' I liiiiLi's. as follows : — ■•That w h.'U the (Icliiiitive Trealv ol Peac<' was concluded beiw i (ireat •■ Hritain and l'"raiice on the KMl, day of l''el)ruary. A.!), 17ii-'!. under wliich Canada. .' with all il.s depi'iidcncies (iiicliidine- this Province of Quebi'c). was i-eded by ihe ■ ■ Crown of I'Vaiice to the C.owii of (ireat Hritain. the said Ivlict or Declaration of • ■ I74:; was unrei):'aled. unaltered and in full loive miroperty and civil rielits, " le.sorl shall be had to the laws of Canada as the rule for 'the <'erisioii oi' the ■ same, and all causes I hat shall be instituted in any of the (^.urls of .Fiislice. " shall, with r.'spect to siidi properly or riuhls. bi' deti'rmiiied aufceably lo iIk'- " laws and customs of f amida until t'hey shall bi' varied or alteivd in dii.' .■oiirse •' of leil'islal ion." -That ihe said Ldict of 174:! was and is a law of /;///y//c /»)//,■//. i,\/,t//)/ir an/i r, " * . *. * * That ii is the only law ivlaliiiL' to inorlinaiiis or to tin'' ■ ac(pti>iiioii of immoveabie properly, ihroiiuh beipiest or otherwise, by bodies "corporate, without the i)eniiissioii of tli<' Crown evei- proiiuili-'aled in this ■• coimirv. and that it (vas at llic iji, jthe inakiiii^ of the Will an.l Test,- nt ■of the late llimli iMMscr. and at lliclinieof the decease ol ihe Te.stal .r. as it is •' siill. unr.'p.'alcil. iiiialt. iv(| and in full forre and viu-oiir," "'l''" '1 1»j"'l ofihes.iid intended becpiest was f(n' the eslablishmeiit ,,1;, • Lay Corpoiaiioii, liavinu- al the tin fthe execution of his .said Will and at the " ''"»'■ "^' I'i-^ decease, i .\isieiiee. either uiuh-r Letters Patent Irom the Crown " or l)V viriii ■ olany Act or Charter of th.> L.'irislature ofthis Provin,-,., il„- ^ai(i • niiciid.d b(|ii,.si was in.ide in direct violation of the .said llldict or Declaration ■' of 174.-;. and ihcri'loiv was, ;,iid is. illei^'al, null and void." KALfSlFIKI) IlKcolfl) uK cOl'ltT. Tlmt the said Di'l'tMidiints, Aiiikut, <'(i\van mikI 'roitinvt'i:, ippt'iili'd I'loni the jiKliiiiiciit ol' tlic ('(HiH oT (iui'cu's Itciich lur Ldwit CiiiiikIh. Ii» Ilrr >liij('sty's "I'l'ivy Cniiiiiil ill iMiiihiiid, iiiid cuUNcd to l>c juiiili'd a Kccord, .(.nlainiim' ltl7 jmiifs of prinlfd luiiltiT, i)urporliiiu' lolic ii Triiiis:iipl id' I lie IJccord of ("oiirl cord transinitt(>d to iMiuland, mis siirn'/ilifiiiusi// iiisvrhd mii/er coirr thereof, and irliirh waller is not and never iras of renird. ami loriiis no pari of llie liirord of L'oiirl on hile in Iliis raiise. eillier in Ike ConrI of (Jnecn's Ivmii lor Ijoirer Canada or in llir Sii/irrio'- Conrl for the Dislriel of Montreal. 2,1,1 _Thal the said matter eomiilaiiied ol'. iis contained in llie 44 piuies, Ite- tweeii the paues HT and 140, is marl,-ed. nnnd)ered and margined, in and on the mar- gins ol'lhe said 44 pau'es ol' that printed lii'cord transmitted lo iMiglaiid as :— ■ KlX'Oh'i)" •' IN TItK ■• corwT •■ 111-' ••(ilKKN'S" • HENCII, •■ " No. 4i;. •■ Tlie same lieinii' I'aise and fraudulent, there heinu- no sucii matter on I'yle in the K'cord of Court on I'yle in this cause in tiie Court of (Queen's liench I'or Lowei Cainuhi. .n'Df.K ii.ViXlLKY'S KK.VSoX.'*. ;>,.,l._Thal, in addition to the alwve 44 pau'es complained of, your I'etitioner also conii>lains that the matter printed ahove the name or siL-nature o[' '•• W. liadiilev. .I..ons of dissent delivered 1)V Mr Justice Hadi-lev in this .'ause. in o/ien Conrl. is I'alse, and are not the rea- s()ns d.'livered l)v th.'"said judu^' in his dis.sent in open Court. That the said Der.'iidants. the "execuiors and trustees, caused the said false and rr,.udulent icaM.ns to he i)rinted (d)ove tlie name (U- sianatuiv ol tliat learned judtreforlhe imn)ose of misleadini-- and deceivin-- their l-ordships of Ilcr Majesty's Privv Council as to the existen.e of a Law, the Kdid of 174:'.. which was pleaded and reli.'d upon hv vimr Petitio-.u-r and his co-heirs, as one of the .'Xistinii laws ol tlie I'rovinco of QucIh-c, relative to property ami civil riu'hts, and on which thev rest. 'd their case, and heinu- the very points on which their Lordships reversed the judunient of the Court of Queen's Bench for Tiower Canada. .Vl'l-IOAVIT (iK PF.TiritiNKi;. 4,1, xi,.,t your Petitioner jilaccd on I'yle on the ;")th day of Xovemh(>r, A.D. IHT7 in the Superior Court, Montreal, aii allidavil. attached lo his ])etition, /enable eii'ile. settinii' forth that these falsili.'d reasons of Mr. Justice liad-ley were not n-ritlen. roiii/ihted or >7:,.„r / until three months after the said.juduv had ceased l,> he a jiKli-e of the C..urt of (jue.'irs lieiich lor Lower Canada. N(iri-,-The.lerk of the Court of d under oatii before tlie Commissioners, Smith and Rohidoux, that the matter cimi- idained of i)V vour Petitioner as .•ontained in the said 41 pa.j:es, is not and never wits of record in the U'cord on fyh- in this in llu' Court of (Jueen s lieiich lor Lower Canada. That the executors and trustees are the parties at whose instance the said IVaiululi'iit Rec..r.l was nrinied, and that they paid for the i)rintiim' of the .said |-,'l-ilied Record out of tile funds of the estate and succe.'y olilainiiitf I'loni ilir Miid .liiduv linduWi-y. iil'ifr In' liml ■.•mmmI (i> Ih' II jiulifc, II uli'ii to siisliiiii tlii'ir iHctriisioiiN, ais if the ivnsdiis s.i mjvcii hikI liriiili'd wcri' (lidiliiTaii'ly uivi'ii uiidrr th.' Niniilioii ol' iii.s oiitli mid oliici' mid li\ liiiii di'livi'icd ill upiMi ("duil. iiH llic iciinoiis of his jiidnniciil w ln'ii niiiiiu' iiiidiT mid invested u ilii (lie mitlldlily ul n suoril .lusliee nl the ('((lilt 111' liniil lesnrl ill lilt' rrovilli e of (^lleiiee 'rilill your I'elitidli. rwill plnee liel'oiv llle HoliouniMe llle Minister oI.Im.hI j, ,. Mil iilliiliivil ivs|.i>eiiiiy the HiUilieatioii (.niie K' oi' Cmiit ill tiii.s cause and pi'tiyiiiu' Ilis iieiJDii then on. •iriHiMKNT or iir.i! ma.ikstvs pimvv coincii, Thai llieir Loidshii's oi' the .ludieiid ("oimnillee of Mer Majesty'ss Privy Conn- ell. haviiie- the alun.said rrandnlenlly printed K'eeord helore thein rendered .liiduineiK III this r»//.>7' on tlie -JiltlMhiy ol, A.D. lM74, reversin-"- the judi-nienl oliiie roiiil oltiueeiiM lieiieli li.r Lower C'ana.hi. on the a-round (luit : •• Their Luidshipseannot hut think that the 2\u\ Artieleoi the luli,( (,,)' iTi-n •' is ahrouated i)y I lie (.'(xh'." ' And atiaiii ihev say ; "Their LordNhijt.s, iheri'loie, ihinU tliey eaniiot treat the •2\ul Article of the " Edict UN a part of the exist ilia' law ol ihe'l'roviin c relating To wills and ■ i| •' this he so," i,rir/,flirsr intnls „f ,h„hl, "and if 1 1 is he so. iImmv is noiiiiiw in " that law. toatle.t the vali.lily ollhe heqtiesi olthe inoveahle jiropertv." ~ And liirlher on their l.ordshijjs sav : — "Apart. Ihereioi-e." mark these words -" Apart. theivl(.iv. Ironi the •>iid " Article ollhe Kdiet, llleiv Would seem to he llothilm- ill l)rillcipl • in |)osit"ive " Law to render such a uiii as the present illen-id ;is a aili in Morlinain." NoTi;.— ( ahove expiv.s.sed douhls of their Lordships elearlv show that the wll()le case rested oil the existence or lion-existeiice of this u'lld Article of tl'ie Edict of 174-"., as pleaded hy \our I'elitioiier and his co-heirs). Hut their I.,ordships also say in their judirmenl. as lollows; " It is true that the First and Second Arlides of the Kdi,t a-c not in lil-,> " manner reproduced in the Code." ^ Their Lonlships theivhy admitting hv this last ahove extract from their judain.'iil III this thai these two Arti.l.'s. First and Second of tin' Fdi I (under the Arti.le 2.;i:! of the Cod.. heivinalt..r aiv..n) ,nrv „ot nml an- „„t m„'v/W ();• ii/iroi:-!!/!'// hi/ Ihf ( 'ikIi: ' TIIK;.-; iil'TIIF. I..\TK IIICJI l-K'A.sKi; Wj;. i.\( n;!,. That your r..titioii..r and his .■.,.li..irs ha^e I n unjusllv and wron..f„i|v (h'all with, ill haviii- matt.'r n.,t of i...'..r,l ins..rl.-.l in tli.. i.rint..,nilt..d t.. an.l fyl..d hy tl... sai.l ..x,.,.Mtors and trustees in II. .r Ma.i.^stvs I rivy ( in Lii--land. and hv .ausiiio- ih,- t,, h.. „uirh;l iniinhni'il xumX iniiru'iiiii/ in and on the maririii.s of the said i)riiif..d ' ■ h..iviiiahove noted, niakin- it fraudulently to apj.ear as if the inatt.T .•ontaiiied in th.> said 44 i-aaes was part ol the Ke.ord of Court on IVIe in this cause in the ( .)urt .)! (^iie.'ii s lor Low. M- Canada. fllK L.WVS (IF Tijf: I'KiiVINcK of (,if i;i;kc. Thai hy Ih.. laws of Ih.. I'rovin... of (^u,.!,..,- exislin- ..ii lli.. Statut.. Hook of the .said I'rovin.-.. at tli.. dal.. ofth.. death of tli.- lat. llu-h P'ra^.r as ,l...r'r,.. 1 th.-Courl ..f (iu...'iis l!, jhr Low..r v.air r..|iti(,n..r aii.l his ('.o-h.-irs ar.. the sol.. mid pr.,pri..t,.rs ..fall th.. prop..rtv. ival and p..rsonal l..ft hv t^l...^sal.l lat,. Iiuuh Fras..,-. ait..r payM,..|it ..fll,.. sp....,al,i..s mention..! ui his y..ur I'.^iti,mer inaintains that tl... alhn.sai.l ,.f ,|,„ Kin,-.,f l-raii...'. th.. \\., oi h4:i. ivlatiii- t.. prop,.|iv and .ivil ri-hl- u is niH f the..xisliiiu l,i\v ol the land wh..ii th.. Tivat v of l',.a.v was con.lud...! h .|u ', Gr.-at iiritaiii an.l l-ran,.., on th.. |(iih .lav ol F..hriiarv. A ]). Kti;! .,iid th-, tl. ' First. S....,i,.l a.Hl .Ninth .Arti.l..s .,f sai.l K.l„ t, ..n v.nir IMit'iom.r aii.l lis .•o-h.'ir.s ivly. hav.. ii..v..r h....ii'eLMH; l''re[itfh ( i railUliar Seiio(d, see .'), li. C. h'ejxirls, piiiivs r.'L' and .VCl, and Kicrskowski and (Iraiid Trunk Kailway, sei- \..C .Inrist. vol. I. paue sd) and. lonr yenrs after ihc proiniileation ol' the Civil Code, to wit, oil llie lOlh day ol' lleeeinlter. A.I). ISTII, ill the " ChalldielV (JoJd Milling Company iiiid I) 'shaials," {Scr L. C. .Iiirisi, i'dI, \:>, /iiii^r .') I). Mr. .Instill' I'.MiJtiley siiid ; " AVhatever donhls niiirlit have existed lieretol'ore * * # * * thoy '• have disajiiieared sime the proiniiliratioii ol'thi' Code, wiiieh has deelarcd thost? •' old lau proliihii ions to lie Mild to have lieen our rroviiirial law * # * * # " This nemral law ol' the isiers of the testator a.v herein set forth. Vour Pelitioiier has copies ol hoili P 'cords and will produce t hem \\ hell callci'i lor. Tin; i;ii;nT m' .M'I'k.m. 'fn iiKit .m.\.ii'..-^tv iiiK ( The luiml)le-l Mihj 'ci of (Ir.'al Ihilaiii i>rid 's him-elf on his riu'lit of ai)p'al to II. 'r Maje.^Iy the l^ii 'cii. Imi if ill ly channel throuuh which he has to s'ek redress or to iiiake his approach lo the throne is corrupt, or can he corrup ed. hy haviiie' the w rilli'ii and recorded fails of his case tampered with, as in this cause, far lieticr, in such a case, if there existed no rie'hi of appeal at all ! Time was, ill Canada, when I he sliuLlot at tempi lo tamper with .1 ust ice or with the R, 'cords of our Law Courts, woulii have consiLined llu' intrimier> lo u rc'^liie^ piaci' for life! Shall ii he >aid of this, our youiiu' Hominion. that hoiioiir.ilileindiies and Iriiiiicd . (iMiiNi'lloiN w hell llicy aiv p:irli.'». us in ihin .hum., in nil ii<'tii>ii ni hiw. nIiiiII llllM' Ili'iMliTcs^ (im|i( lit. lIli'V pli'll!*!' W illl Ilit' Ui'iMlil-, nl' iMir I.IIU Cntlllo III I'Xiliuli' cvi'i'vlliiiiu' llitil iw filiiiiixiiMiM iDtlii'ir prt'ti'iisjoiiN. or in si|r, i hikI mlil llii'i'i'io iiiiilii'i' w Imli lii'Mrx I'lnnuniltly nii ilnir m-i' ' Till' UmIIIIIII 1 lli>;.'ll 111 i>li| ImiiI Iiiihv |iI'i'ial Cii'Nir tlniiiu ('iiiiiiilinii miiI.j.tI .il'ih,' iJiutii III' I'limliiiid is iiiiw ' 'riiiifyiiiir r.'iiiioii.T li'rl.s I11111S..U iiuuri.'vcil.iliai ImmumI Iii> . i.-iifiis Iiiiv.'lh>i.|i unjustly (li'iill Willi, tliiil lli.' juiiuiin'iil dI Hit .MiiJi'kIv's I'riw ('iimml in tliiis riiiisi- i.s r\,ii ST iinil ill i;i!itn!i, lifiini- in .liiv.t \ inlii'ii..n' ul' mi rxisiiin. Jhw dI'iIio I'niviiiri' (.r (iui'lH'i'. lliiil \,»nv riliiiuinr ami his (u-li.'ir.s Imvi', hiiliriii), Ixu'ii lli'llinl III, •ulilllinli ll'jllls i.j' |;iil|>|i hlll.icM Is In ilMUmv i llln 1 1|,. , misi's W lli.ll Inl In llli' lV\iTs;il nj' I lir j Iu|m||„,|,| ,,| llir Cnllll i.j (^UimMi's |l,'|h'll 111 I llis illUnt'. Thai ih,. .Iu,|i. hil ('niiiiiiiii f ||,.r Milj..^lv's I'livv Cniiiicil is a • .Iwlivinl hillli>lllll. ' ha\inn|,n|ruls|;i||v,.|.n\\,.|s whali'Vi.r, In ilrriiilval.rnMii|,.,|nrn'|tiM|.'ll any law i.l'lh.. I'rnMii. •■ nf t^MirlMv >n Inn-- a,s ihal law >l;ui«l> uiiiv|.ciiliil nnih,. Srvriii; IIih.k nJMiiil l'in\ in..', ami, liki' any nilii'r Cninl nj .luslir,.. ii j., I.nuni! to atliiiiiiisii'i' llii' law s ni this I'lnv imi'iis llua I'xisi. st.vti:mi;m' hk I'Iiitiuns anh ai'I'Ih atiuns m.\i.i; \\\ Mu 1; i'i;TiTiu.\i:it I'n nUT.MN |;l.ii|;l.>s IN T|||,s \\\>\\ .Mill; nij; |.|;|v\ (i.lNcij. .iria;.\ii:.\T 1st.— That ynlir I'l'tilinlliT |>lV,s,.ii|,.(l a im'lllnlia! In llin \t||cl),.r |,c-;is|alll|V in .laiiiiary, ls7,'i, in wit; ■ M.^mnrial ul 1 h.- heirs nl' tlif lati' iliiuh l"r,isfr. ivsj. ■. linu' a ilicisinii ivmlcr, ,1 ••in Hit Majrsiy'. I'livy Cnuiii il nil ilir I'Ciiii \nv., I>7l." Scliiii'^' Inrih ilh' nijiisiirc nl' .sjiil juil-hi. Ill as l.ciini' iniilrary in ih.. j.iw ni till' laml. NnlhlllU ITsIiIIimI Innil I his luclllni iij ; ynlir r,|i||nii,.|' \\,|. not IJirll aw ail' that tin' K'., i.rd nrCniiil had Imth I a in | mi, d \\ ilh. i!i:\>ii:ri: I'liii.i: .\tt\( k hn tiii: n;i\ v ( ihm ii. .m im;.\ii;.\t. •_'ml.--'i'hal \..iir I'.'liiiniiiT invs.iiii'd a 1','liiinii Hi ,/„, /r ( iri/r. wuh allidavil alta-ji,.,!. In til,. Su| iinr Cniiri. .Mniiir,al, mi tii,' .'.I h .\n\,'iiili,.r. ,\.l» ||lin"- Inllll I hi' wllnh' 111' Is 1(1' I h.' tailllii'lilli:' W ilh iIim K'rrnid nrCnlirl. as hi'lvill .s|ii||.(r ami piayiiiii' ihai Wilis iU) issui' lu raiisi' ih,' said I'Xi'riilnis and TnistiM>> inaiiji, ar Ix'lniv ih,. s;iiiU',,u I Inallswi'T lln' riiaru'.'s Iliad, ' in .smd lin/io/r Ciri/r. Th,' saiil Cnllll .llsiiiiss,.,! siiid i'l'lillnll ,111 S||, \,,v,.iiil)rr, |s77, ,|,.,i:i li ||o- in i'li;',l, ihiil ihi' sai.U'niiil ha, I ma juiiMJi, ii,,ii m ih.' mall, 1, had imi |„,\\,Tin iiraiil llu,' pi'asi'f nl said I'l'tiiinii. • •(ifiM i\\- i;i:\ ii:w •'!r,l.-Tliai \,,iir i'.'iiiinii.T ,arri,'i| ijiis jii,lniii,.ni in iijijhMJ n, iji,. i,',.vi,.\v Cmrl. and imi'jiii.'iil was ivmji'ird m i;^'\ i.'w ,,11 .llsi. .Innuai}. |s7s, ,■,,lllil■nlin..• lll,• said juduiiii'iil, Mr. .lusij.-,. Mii.kiiy. addn'ssinu' hinisi'ir I,, yniii- l',t 11 i,,n,.i- \\ ii,.n ivmliTin"- judiiini'iii ill l,','\ ir\\ , siiid ; '• \V.' ilav.' lln |ll|-i>,|irli,,i| ill ihis liiiiltrr-- m', , |n l],,, I'fiv v Cllllliil wh,T,' " till' Judiiim'iii , niiiplain,',! nf \\ ;is ri'inii'iv,!." 'i'his lulimj- nl \\\i' lic\ i,'w < 'niiii was in vrn r. Immjuis,' ih,. .\iii, j,, "id.'). (' ('. 1' lir,,\ id.> |,,i- ;in alia k nil the iminiiii'iil ora I'niiii nl /(/.7 i-rs:,ii nil a riiiniilaint sliailai- In 1 hi> ,' ilisr. I'l'.iiTiii.N T(i Tiir: srpi;i:Mi-: ninrr of r.\\.\ii.\. Ilh.— Thai ynlir I '■•1 ii mmr pr.'s.'iii,.,! 11 r,iiiinii in his l,nr,ls}iip. Sir \V. 11 1 1 ii' liar, Is. Cliicr.liisli,,' ,irili,' Siipr.iii,' (",,iirl ,i|' Cuiiaila. in ('ha ml crs, a I ( It law a, "U Ih,' l.'illi day nl Maivh. All |s7s. pr.iyinL:' I'lr 1,'av,' In pnir,.,.,! in lunnii /Ki/i/in-is, wiilmiii ih,' d,'pn-ii nl' ih,' iiMial s.MaiiM .s,.,nrilv lu'lnr,- |1|.. Siijiivm,' C'lirl nl' < ':iiKi,hi, In has,' ih,' arnrcsai,| jmliiim'nis nl' th,' li,'\ii'\\ ;ind Siip,'ri,ir Ciiirls r,'v,>r>.>d. 1 1 is LnriUhip did imi u miii I he app'all aiise (His Lnr,Mii|, saidi ihl' slallll,' I'tvulill"- ihr Suprrlll,' < 'nlirl allnW .•,! ,11' lln iipp,-d Ml .'lin i;|v,. until s,Muriiy in th,' cxlcnl of nOiuhhi i> o|v,.n !,, ili.' sal isla. ii,,ii ..j' ih,' ( ■,iiiii apprali',1 IVnlil, lii;.\l-T (IF .\ I'll IThiX Til Till-. I'l;l\ ^ ( n\ \t\\. .Mil.- Thai in May. .\,|i. |s7>'. yniir r,lii inii.'r Inrwanhil a IN'liiimi In ih,. I'ri\y (.'niimil in I'^n'jlaml. This I'i'lilinii was ma pr,'s,'ni,',l, Im'iiuis,' ihc Ifi'ii-isirar w rni,' : It Wnul'l ri'ijuirr \nUf I'lT il inlli'r In jirr.srni ill,' .sai(i I'.'lilinli in pi-rsnn nr ■ hv I''l." Till' Ui'ufiHlriir t»r III.' IVivv <'imiii'il. •)>■ onl'T of lli" l/tnl PrcHidi'iit ol' tln' (' .lunil, wi'oii' ti> yiHir I'l'tilioiiT iiiuIit ilut" ol' il^lnl M;iy, Is7k, iii>.iiuriiim' ymr I'l'iiiJHiii'r Imw III pro I'l'il in iIiIn imilti'i'. iiihI i'iii'lli"r kuhI : •' I mil liiitlii'i- I" iili-'ivi' ill it til" iliiirifi'i liniiiixlit Ity ymi aifaiiitl |>'il»lii' " oili.i'l'". ill ('llllilil.l rilllli..! If i'llli'll.iill'',ll|)|)iirti'il li\ tin- >in;iiNi;n" K. tllli. Tliiit. ill orili'r III nhtiiiii till' slroiiij-.'xi l,",ril i'\ iiji'in'i' in Niiii|)urt of his I'flilidii In till' I'rivy ('iMiiiiii, ymir i'dilinin'i' |ii'>"«i'iili'il n i'l'lilimi mi lln'lllli (iiiv ot Si'pli'inlii'r, A.l». \s'!h. lu'lli.. jud-jii's nj' llir CimivI nt liui'i'ii's it.'inli, Appt'iil Siili', lor l-'UViT Ciiniiilii. Mclliip/ liirth all llii' linH iii li^'fiii s •! liirlli, pniyiiii,'' lliiit Ijiiiiuiiiiilili' {'mill III iirili'i' ill) vii'iin'r 111' iiniiiii-i/ inlu llii-' iiiiilliT, inn! In liiaiil \mir I'l'liiimiiT II ci'ilili.ali' as In wlii'tiii' tin- iiiiilli'i' ••mnplniiii'd nl', an rnnl!iiii>'il ill till' M piiu'i's li 'ri'iiiiilinvii I'i'Ii-iti'iI in. /s (" I'i'rr n'm nl iimrif in Hiin riiinf in III! Cdini nl fjunii'i ilnirli liir Lmi'ii- Ctiiiinli. Tin' saiil ('mill I'l'j.'ili'd llu' Miiil I'l'lilimi mi lii" |xili iliy nl' S'pli'iuln'f, AH. IHT-^, ri'liisiii'^' in uiiiiil ymir I'l'liiiniirr's piiiyiT i'i.nTin\s 1(1 Tiir, i,iri;i',i:c i r,i;is!,\Tn;r. TIimI vmir I'l'iili r ii;ii pivM'iili'il lliii'i' I'l'liiimis In ihi' (iiii'lu'r I.i'n'islaliin' ill raiiuiiii.'iil ii>->.'inliliM| till' liiNi ill . I mil'. Ah. |S7;( ; iji,. .mmdikI iii.Iiiiit', Issi) ; Hill! till' llui'il nil ill'' llli ila\ III' May, All, l»sl. j'KriilnN AMI ,\MII>A\ir in 1111; i.MI'.lll'.c l.l'.i ilSLATl"!;!".. Thai till'.'* ill laNl I'l'lilimi, pn'si'iil'i'il tlii May. l'S,s|, wiili alliduvit altaclii'd, .sciliii'^' I'mlli till' w rmm-dmiiiis ul' ili.' cxiMiiims und lni>li'i's nl' llii'j'li l''iasi'r',s ,.>iat.', and I'Xpn.siiiu' ilii' I'nlsily nl' ijn-ir m rniiiil>. and in wliidi ynnr I'l'lilimi'T piaM'd Inr a Unyal ('niiiniis>inii In In' appniiili'd In I'xaiiiiiii' iiiln ill!' iill'air.s iti >aid I'sliili', and jiiayi'd al,Mi I'm- llii' pa>^in^• nl' a lli:('i,\U VI l)l!^ Ai 1' In I'l'innvi' ijmiliis ri'spi'iliini' lii<' I'si-ti'inc nl' lin' I'Miil nl' 174:!, .is In'iny pari nl'llii' laws nl' till' i'ln\ illii' nl (jllilicr, Yniir I'l'liliniiiT lia> jiail im r.vsponsc i.i th,. >aid ri'lilimi, Tlial vmif I'i'liliniiiT has iiM'd i'Mtv ini'ans in his unwn-, as hiTi'lnalinvt' shnwn. In nlilain li'illrss I'm' I hi' V\ lnllU'-ilnin'J> I nnili'rli'd willl ihr I'slali'. hi'lnlV this api'i'iiarli In yniir llniimiralili- llniisi', AivtilM,'^ til' Till: K\l'.' I I'ohv-^. n.'IsTI'.l'.s .\Mi TllK (;(ivr.i;Nul;,s OF Till'. i'i;.\,>^. pri'piuvd slali'iin'iits ('1' till' iiiTniinis nl' Ihi' said i'>ialr Irmii lln' |,')lli May, HT". Iniiii' Isi III .Inly, 1>'7I. Thi'si' aiTiii Ills nl' ihc I'sialf havf In-i'ii t'nlii'i'l\ siippri'>s'd I'mni lln' pnlilir liy till' I'Xriiilnfs and I I'li^lfcs ul' I In' I'stuti' and I hi' ( li)\rriinr> ul' lln' l''i-a>i'r Institnli'. ■Jiid - -Tlnit till' I'Xi'rntnrs and trnsli'cs nf till' I'slati', al'li'r llioy had nhtaiiii'd till' I'nvy t'niiii' il Jnd'jnii'iil in their ravmir. rans 'd ntln'ra mils tu In' niadi' np riniii till' l.'iih day nf May, .\.l). Is7(i, lu 1 1^' I ll li ll.'.i'iiihi'r, H74. tn, Inr I hi' innsidi'raliuii paid In him ul' s,"ino no, ih 'v uUiain.'d I Ih' I'l'i'lilira'i' ul' l']d\vard Hvans, rcrlirviii'.:. in lii.' iianii' nl' h'idih'll and I'ivans lu ih • rni'r.'rt m'ss of thi'sc riaiidnlriil ai rnnnl^. w liii h ac-'niinls lir had imi niadf up imr rx iniiiit'd. :!rd.— That .Inhn ll'iiry M.'ir/ii's, tin' \'i''iii ul'th'siid cstiti' and lli> S.'i'Vi'larx -Ti'.'asu:' 'I' nf i li ■ |'i-,i> ■!■ I ii^liuil •. r'l'a^'. I to r.'nily to nr siy'ii th.-s,' a runnl>, Ivnnwiii'j ihi'iii in li.' I'alsi' 4lli, -Thai .Inhn 1 hnrv Mi'iixii's. I In' Si', rriary and Tri'asnn'r nf llu' I''rasi'r Insiiinii'. niidi' mil s 'p.naii- ai'iniinis and si'i'iii'd ihi'in as " Sl•',('^■.-Tl:K \s.' Thi'si' ■[■■.■uHni> dill'i' in aliiui s.'ii.iinn. rruiu ihf a'-i'unnis uf tin' I'Xi'.'Ulurs and irn^li'rs as ii'il ilii'd In a.■^ I uriiTi liv liiihlrll and I'lvali-^. •nil. That, Mil'^i'i|iii'nilv. ih.' (!n\ criiurs uf ihc l-'raser Instiliiti' inadi' up arrunnis In ihr :;nili .lull,., I.s71'. iniidi'inniiiL: and I'uiiiradiriing tin- arrmuiis ul' llii'ir Si'iii'lai) -Tira.-ni'rr, dill. 'I'iial lidw.iid I'lv alls has mail' .1 ih'pusiiiun ti'sliryinii' that fully our- lli/i'i/ 111' til ' prrli'ndi'd rash I '11 1 ins and ra>li Iransarl inns niieri'd and rharn'cd in llir said aiTiiiinis uf I ill' I'Xi'riiims and lrii^li'''>, \\ lii'h h.' I'crtilii'd Inns cnrn'rl. aiT mil ruiilaitii'd in and r;tiiin'l In- I'uund in ili.' Cash I'.uivk nl' liuu'li l-'ra-iT's ('Stale, I Till. — 'riiiil your I'l'lilioiirr hiis copic's ol' all ol' the iih )\ !■ (iccoiiiits, cxcc])! tin' tirst oiu', iiiiuli' up to I lie Ist oiMuly, 1S74, and all of w liith arconnts, cxit^pt thi! one vvhit'h In- lias not seen, lic ilci'lan's to lie liilsc and iiiuiduli'nl. and niailc up for till' purpose of ddVaudina tin- said estate, and hi' refers to his allidavil, atta( hed to his I'elilidn, j)resenled to the ■^ueli'-e Li'yislalure bn;treal lii-nihl. that these cattle, tin- lale lluuh l''rasei-'s cattle, were to be sold at St, Alines, on the imh i7">. and then n'fuscd to pay her o/v rent of the %i|.47U.(IO, tln^ earned dividends on her legacy. allliouL!li they had been eiijovimj- interest on their leuMcie.N sini-e lie -JSth June, |.S7(I -in .short, aftir this fashion, these two trustees have dealt thrir \enij' •aie-c with an uiisparini;- hand on evi'rv ineinl);'r of the family w henevi'r opportnnil v ojli'i-ed. I'Wn FKAriiri.l'.NT 'I'lfANSAi ThiNS IX rill'. i;.\ i:( I'Ti iK'S' .\i' or.Ms. Isl. — That the last item char'.-'ed by the exei'ulors in their accounts ai^aiiist the estate and su'cession of the late Hii^'h Fraser, is as folluw.s : Namely ; •■ liy cash paid trustees s| 71 \ rl'-) " Your retitioner s(demnly declaivs that this charuv of s4.71 l.i'-'i is a fraud on till' estate, thai no suili a pavnieiil was e\er made b\' the executors, and thi.t there is no such an entry to b' louiiil in the Cash liook of Hueji l'"iasers esiatr, and. niorei'Ncr. Menzies, the Seeieiai y-'i"rcasurer. drops ciitireh- this cliarue ol s4.7i l.-^l, in ill.' accounts made uiil by him ami siiiiied by hiin as Secrelar\ and Treasurer, thus shiwine- iliai this s;(.7n.-j:; j.s a I'raiidulent charge by ihe executors in their aci onnts. L'lid. — That in the s.iid aci nunts of the exe-ii or-, the sum of s.';.!i;;s s;; j.s twice ihar'jed loll state ami succosjon 111 the lale llneli l''raser. (/.s- cish paid by ihcm. the said executors, to w It. ihis amount |s::.!i:;,s s:',l is Ijrst iharijed to the estate in the balance of settlements jn the/i//// ,iir,i-r,i/s in the cxei iilors' ac.'ounts ; and secondly, it is charu'cd in the items charL;i d as jirti/iorHdii nt losses /laii/ on lohil aeeonnt s/ieeiiliilions The albresaid I'Mward i;\ans, who had ceitihed to the correctness of the executors' aciouiits, lestilicd in his di'posilioii albresaid and viis forir.i to hV' Iwo r.rhihil^. /ihiinly ahi'wiii'ji: that tlu' cxcculois liiid twice (■linr(l till' cstiilc and siuccssidii (if ill" late lliiirh Frascr with this aiiio\iiit (iliS.'J.HoS.SS. That thi' whoh' a'loiiiits ol'tiif cxtMiUors, trustees and the novernurs of tlie Kraser Institute are falsi', the above tworharges lieinij a lair sample. That in addition to tlii> above, Mr. Menzies, the au-eiit ol' the estate, and Si'iv-Treas.. is idianred in his own handwritini; in the ('ash I'ooU and journal of the'.'state with SS,4;W.1M, between the loth May, 1X70 and the 1 llh December, 1«74, whereas, Men/.ies is only eharired with $'ir);i.(;it in t In^ executors' accounts durinu- that p.-riod ol' limi'. ii.i.Ki;.-\i. ANn iM;i;M.\Tfi;K thanskki; or riii; kst.vtk to thk FliA.SKIi INSTITITi:. Tiial the transfer '»f the e.^iat- (if the late Ilu^^h iM-asiT to the Fraser Institute was liotli premature and ill.'^al, beinir '■onlrarv to the terms of the will and in direct violation of tiie i)rovisi(>n niaile in the iuteri>st of yotir Petitioner and his eo-heirs in the Statute ;14 Vi'toria, chapter f)!). incorporaliny the Fraser Institute. That the trustees wi'fe 'oouiul under the will to ariiniri' pfojurl)) vhvnin ti> coiislnict siiildhlf h nil //in as for the I'raser institute, antl were also biuaiil to (■iiniirnrl aiicli biiili/i/iu::^ before transferriim' tlie estate over to the Fraser Institute. That the trustees conveyed over the estate to the I'raser IiKstitute without acquirin-o. That their I'amilv have been residents at the Kimr's Poatx, on the 'Lmrn- Larhine Rwid, i'or the past TO years, therefore, they feel, as British-Caiiadian subjects, they hav<' a iliwblr riixhi to ihe full benelit and protection of the French laws and customs of this I'rovin.e, relative to property and civil rights, existing at the time when the Treaty of I'eace was concluded between (ireat Britain and France as guaranteed under said Treaty to His Majesty's Canadian subjects (your I'e'titioner's ancestors and theirdeseeiidaiits) until sucit laws should be varied or altered in dup course of legislation. That the First. Sec>ond. and Ninth Articles of th.- edict of 1743, which your Wtifioner and his ro-heirs have pleaded and relied upon, as being part of the exintiii"' law of tlie land when tlie Treaty of I'eace was concluded between Great and France, on the 10th day of February, A.D. 17i!3, have nevJ'r been vari( d or altered, nor are they reproduced or provided for in any subserinent of the Court cf Queen's Bench lor Lower Camilla", in this .'aiise, will yet be upheld. Fi;F.NCll KDIcfS .\Nli (MMilNAXCKs WHICH WKHF. IN FDHCF, WHKN THK TIM'.AfV OF l'F.\i K W.\.S CONi l.llil.l) oN TllF lom |1.\V OF FFHUCAHV, A.D. ITiiii : That 40 vears after llii" Treatv of IVa 'C w.'s concluded, to wit, in \.\). 1803, there were pui)lislied by resolution ol the House of Assembly of Lower Canada, p.i^Si'd oil i lie .")lli cf March, ixnl, /c-o viilumrs, containing all the I''reiich etlicls and ordinaiici s of this I'rovince, and at pau'e .'p:l7. ol tlie lirst volume of the Edits it Dnl.mihinirs. tlieii published, tln'iv will b • found this edict of 17 13. as part (.f tho then existing law of the land fl fiu \i;.\\ti;k of thk iuiitisi! citowx. Tluu l,y 111.. liniKMial .^tatuto 14tl., Ci,.,.ri.v the ;inl, .lu.p. H:!. i( was S-uar.u,t...d to •' ll,s Majesty's Cnna.lian sul,,V..ts," "that in all ,.latt..r.s ol .on- ^ tn>< V lylatiy,. to proix-rty and civil -iohis, ,v.s„rt shall he had to the laws of •■l.'SiHon ■•'''''''''' "'''' '"" ""■'' ''"'■' "''''" '"' ''"'''^^ '" '''^" '•'>'"''^'' '»'' Till-: L'M> .MrncLK oj.- thk kdkt ok in;!. That yonr l\.|itiun.M; and his ro-IuMrs i,].,,,!,.,! that th,- sai.l heqiuvst to .stal.ish h.- iM-ascr Institut,. was made in diiv.t violation ol th^. said -'nd Art,.!, o this odi.T. hat tl... Co.irt of (ia.vns li.nrh lor Lowor Canada, th.. • hii^^host ( ourt ,n tins IVovumv. d.-huvd th. said l...,,, „nll. and .yoid as heniL.- mad.' m duv.t vi.)lati..n ofth.' sai.l :.'nd Arti.l.. ..fthis ."diet of 174;J. HAS THK I)..M|N|,,N uK (ANAHA A (IIAIJACTKI; AT STAKK IN THIS CAI'SK? That w.'. Canadians of th..i.r..s..nt ,, aiv iavin- th.> lonndatioii of an lMn,,i,v v.-t to I,,., wh.js,. houndari,.s will strctrh IVoia s.a to s.-a, from the Atlanti,- to th., I'a.n..-. an.l Iro.n Ih.. Kiv.'r to the Ends ..f the Earth, Irom the >St Lauivn.'e t.. th.- .N.,itn I'ole, ther.'lor... we should l.e eaivrul ot th,- ...m.-r stones W! lay, an.l u-uar.l with>7,/,„/.v ei/es th.. .supers! ru.Tiir.', so that lutur.. .-en.'rations ol Canadians may n..l h.v.. eaus,. to point l.a,l<. w!lh n bh,,h ,./ >•/„»«.. t., this ,nir day ll..nou,:.l,l.. .hulu-,. an.l a learn..,l ('..uns..l|.>r ...uhl bohlh, cui,l niu. u \Vher."shall.jusii,v helouml. andto what C.urt. what Irilmnal. shall vour Tetitioner an.l h.s c.-hens hav.' t.) applv l.)r ivdivss :" • That the .Supiym,' Cmrl has Juris.lirti,.,, „v, r all the laws of th.' Dominion ol C aii.ula. » ^ > » m. Thatyourll.Hi.mnd.!,. /A. /..../,s/,,/«/r»/ Ihr Dominion of Canada ia Par/>an,e.fasrn,Un/h,s p.nv.'r to auth..nze vour p.'titiouer t., su hmi ca heioiv the >upn'i„e Court of c'anada, „. ,/,r „aeMio„, as ,o wh.'th.'r tlu ,' i, t hi •luestion in this ,.aus,., to wit, th.- edict of houis the XV., of 174.!, was part f th .■xi.stino- law ot th.' lan.l when the Tr.'aty ..f P.m...' was .on.'lud.'. n ■> , 15ri am and iM-an,;.'. ..n th.' lOtli day of Kchruary. ITi;.!. and also wh.'ther he o,; -ArtK'le .1 this en..inal.!.' 11., us,' .-..ul.l authorize th,' .Supreme Court oi Canada to mrn-. and ;,,//.r/„v,/. ,ip„n a 1 '.'tit ion from vour Petit o.^ ,., an.l ...nhodvinu- th.. sam,' ,r..u.uls as c.ntau.ed n, his "S Ml W. 1. lu.ha .ls,.,| th.'Mxpr.'m,' Court, prayinu' lor l.'av.- t., ,,r.,ce,'d in fhnna Lin/i; as h.'r.'iiili.'' r.'l.-rr.'d to. ", mi/iwci And. thinlly : -That all th.' d...umeiits and pap.'rs on IVl.- in this ....ns,. i„ t le^upermr C.mrt ami m th.; C.n.rr ..f (iu.'.'u's ll.lh. a, Montiva i '.' -d the sam.., am th,' .lat.'s ..I th.'jr lylinu- lu the s:ud (\mrts, I,,; ord.. n V.^m to Ottawa ami there pla.'.'d.n th.' .' ofth..'r ..f.lusti.,. ajs,, , letition. irrjair ,;,,,,.. with alli.lavi, atta.h.'.l. as IVled hv Petiti.m.' in e .Mi|..'ri..r(.,nri at M.mU ival, on i !„' .'.i h .lay of \.,v,'ml.,.r, AJ). |S7T. "'"""" I'l.'A^ i:i.' "K Mil i; l'i:nTl.i.\i;i;. Wh,'iv|,„v y,,ur I'.'iiu r, a.iino. r,,r hims,.lf an.l his .„.h.'ir.s. humhlv nrivs lor.-.nmon ,|asii.e. ,„mmon ihnish jumi,,. and llniish lairplav in this .Jus., n a.v.)rdan,',' with th.'iaw ofth.' laii.l. as JH'ivin s,.t|,,rtli. ' '•'H"*.'" And ]nays : — ,, 'r'-'','}'"' V""- ll"H'mral,l.''. th,' L,'oislaiur.' .,f H,,. D.miini.m of .nada in Pa:liam,',„'mhl.'.l, will autiion/.' y.,ur IVti.iom'r to s„ li a "a l";lo.v th,' M.pivm,. t„urt ..1 l.,r the i-urpos,' of establishin... wl L' th • .•dict,,lth.'K,n^., K,.anv.i,„uisth,' XV.llTC;. was part ..f :. e , i' ..1 th.' land wh,'.. th.' Tr.'at> ,.f f..a,-.' was .-.m.lmU'd h.'t w.'.'i, (nvat Hr, n •' i. J'rau.'.., .,1, 11..' loth .lay ol Ivhruarv. 17.1.!. and wh.'tlM'r th.' •>„ \ , |', • said ed.,.. as pl,;a,l.'d l.y your P.'tition.'r an.l his . ..-h.'irs. was , ' .d t .^i s m! law ol th.. Pr.,VMi..,. of (^u' „',. at th.' ,lat.' ..f th.' .I.'alh of th.' laf 1 ,1 . fv '," ;'nihe]„th.iav..lMau,Al). I^7t^ as .h'.'laiv.l hv t h.''m.'Ut .d' he ( Wt o^^^ (im^en n l!,'u,h lor i.ow,'r Canada, .m th.. 24tl, .lav of .Imi.., 1^7.'! an is, or.h'r thesai,! |ud'j-iii,'iit t..h,. .'x.'.'iii,.,!. . ' <>. 'ni.i, ii .so, |„ •. Hi!, if wiis llttlTN ol con- lo the laws ol' liii' course ol' ll ))l>(lll('St to hi' said :2ii(l Canada, the mil, and void t of 1743. IN THIS onndation of sea, i'rom the , Irom the ,st. •orncr stones ' uenerations ', to this, our '(//,'/ anil (lur- iiled I'aisilied hy the said s is provided I, shall your laws of the /' Ciifiaila in hinit a case the edict in s part of the tween (!reat her the 2nd tielx'cat the 11 L'lid. — That your llonc .i:\l)le House will authorize tlie Suiirenie Court ol Canada to /vvv'/fv and to r/^////r//((//^' upon a Petition Irom your I'clilioner similar to, and emhodyini? the same sjroiuids as contained in his l'(»tition jiresented in Chamhers and lyli'd on the l.")lli day ol' March, 187H, before the late CHiiel' Justice, Sir W. 15., Kichards, i)rayinu' Tor leave to proi'ced in Jiu-mn /iiiiiprris liel'ore the Supreme Court ot Canada, in tlie matter ol' his Petition, Ri'ijiifle Civih', and aliidavit attached, attackinu' the judi>nu'nt of ller Majesty's I'rivy Council, as hereinttel'ore relerrcd to. Tlnit ail documents and jiapers in this causii he placed in the custody oi' the Ministerol'.Iustice. ;ird. — That the Hon()nral)le. tlie Minister ol' Justice, will order all tho docu- ments and j)apers on I'vle in this cause in the Superior Court and in thi> Court of • Queen's Itencii at Montreal, with tiu' list ol' the same and the dates ol' their I'yling in the said Courts, to he transmitted to the Deiiartment ol' the Minister of Justice at Ottawa, and to he there held sui))ect to any action tiie said Minister may order liiereon in connection with the chars^es herein made hy your Petitioner, which ch.ira'(»s are more lullv set forth in his Petition, Rfiiiirtf Civile, and alKdavit here- inabove referred to, and that the said Petition, Rfi/ncte Civile, attacking the judiTineiit of Her Majesty's Privy Council, on account of a falsilied liecord of Court, as i'yled by your Petitioner in thi^ Superior Court, Montreal, on the 5th day of November, A.D. 1S77, tinder the No. 1586, b(> also transmitted to the Department of the Minister of Justice at Ottawa for his action thereon. 4th.— And your Petitioner prays that your Tlouourable House will, in yoiir wisdom, order whatever other action may seem right, so that justice may be done in this cause and that the nu\jesty of the law be upheld. And, linally : — Your I'etitioner prays that this, his Petition and prayer on l((lialf and in tic interest of a wronu'ed and injured family, consi.sting oi ojphans, iiiifiora and fibaeiilres will not in vain bt! heard at the Bar of the highest Court of Justice in Canada, to wit. at the Bar of the Legislature of the Dominion of Canada in Parliament assembled, and that those falsifiers of a Record of Court and the signers and issitrrs of those false and fraudulent accounts pertaining to a public trust shall not t'scape unpunished, to which end your Petitioner, as in duty b )und will ever pray. JOH^T FHASER. le Supreme Petitioner, lis Petition hief Justice •d i)/ forma ion, lietjneli' 04 Druinnioud Street, ) Montreal. t!th January, 18S:i. \ lis cause ill with a hsi ordered up e, also thi. oner in the nbly |)rays is cause. Ill miinion of >mit a case hcther the nsliiig luw hitaiii and 1 Article tit- le C.\is|illy sh I'lMscr, e Court of if so, to 1 i DHCLARAIIOX i)V JOHN IRASIiR in UK i-vi.i;i) WITH tiik HONOrRAHLK TIIK MIMSTFJJ OV M^TWK Kdi; Till'. Doivtiisrioisr of^ g^^ist^d^. JOHN FHASKli. (if ihi' City iuul Di-iiirt o\ Mniitic;il, (iciilloiniiii, rornicily Mi'vcliiiiit, n'sidiiiu' at NO. tI4 l)iiiimii(iii(l Sircct. Moiiircal, licrchv uiakcs tlir lollowiiiu' Mili'iun ili'ilaraliim rcsin'ciiiiir tin' liilNili'iition ol' tlir liiH'ord of Com't in tin- l''rasi'r liisiitiitc case. J, JOHN I-"I{ASI':i;, till' un(lcr.-ii;iio(l, am a hrothcr of the hito Hii;,'li FfasiT and an ln'ir at law to liis estate, and thai I am the Petitioner and the siirner of the IVtition heaiini;' date, the tith day of January, A.D. ISS'2. lor ))resentation to the Leijrisiature of the Dominion of Canada in Parliament assenil)led, relatinpr to matters eonnei'ted with the estate and sureession of the late Huiiii l''raser and to th(> falsilieation o| ilie h'eeord of Court wliieh was transmitted to Her Majesty's Privy Counril in lliii^iand hy the e\e< ntors and trustees of the estate, for the purpose of wroniiiu'^' and injiiiinii' the lii'irs ol'ihe said late Huuii I''raser. TIIK KIJASKi; INSflTrTlv That the late Huii'li I'raser hecpieathed the whole irsl and in^idiic of his estate, estimated at ahout $.")l)0,flOi) lo estai)lish the 'r Institute. That the said I^'rasi'r Insiiiute had no existi'nee either hv Letters P.ilent orhv any Act of the Lenishiture to autiiorizi' the same at the date of the testator's death. That the uiuL isiL;ned and his <'(i-hrirs contested the \alidilv (d'said he(juest as having' hi'en made, couirai'y lo ihe law of the huul. to a non-existint,'' lorporatioii. That llu' Court ortjueeu's llench fur L iwer ( 'aiiada. hv juilifmeiit renderiHl 24th day of June, A.D s;.'!. declared said hecpii'st illfii-iil.iiiill and voi(l,i\ii heintr nnide in dire<'t \iolation ol'thi> law of the land to a non-existiny corporation, as more fully set lortli in the aforesaid Petition to the Lee-j^hitiire of the Dominion of Canada, in Pailiament assemhled. That the ex<'lees of tlie said estate, to \\it. llie Hon. John J. C. Ahhott, Judue Tonance and .lolin Cowan. Ivscpiire. iippciiled from the said jtidii'ineiit of the Court of t^hiei'n's li'iicii lor Lowci C;inaila. to her Majestv'.s I'rivy Couiuil in I'^imlaiid. K.\!.siKii;|i i;|vni;!i nK culIM-. That the said \ppeUaiiI-i. A iilioll. Turraiice inid Cowan. r. iiur|ioitinu' to he a Transcrijit of the Prcnril of Couri on lyle ill ihw cause ill th,. Superior Court and in the Court 111 (.^hieeii's liiihli lor Lower Caiiailii That the siiid exccuioi> :in 1 Inisiees jiaid for the printinii- of the sailees know, and some of iliem knew .-ii the time of the said printiii'^ I hai the said printed h'cconl was falsilicd. and that it was falsilieil lor the piii-|i ..^e of w i-onu'inu' ami injiuini:- the iiiidersi'.i-ii'Ml anaid executors and Ini.^iccs in Her NLijesty's Privv Council 111 l''n'j-laiid a< till' triic K' •cord ol ( 'ouvl in I his caii^e tioiu Canada KAI.-IKIK.I) M ATI l.l;. That, as niore fully set forth in ihe aforcsaiil Peiition, /hr uni/ir^i^nn/ com- l)hiins and declares that all thai pnnicd maHer w hi' h i- coinained lietween the jjuges U7 and Lin, hoih ])atrcs inclu>i\e, of said printed Record, is false and fraudulent, and is not and never was of record in llie Record on fvle in the Court ajipealed Iroiii. I SliR ustkm: iiiaii, lornicrly )y niiikt's the 11' Hi'i'ord ol' Hu^'li Frascr tlu' siiriicr of n'st'iitiitiou to :'(1, rcljitiiifT to li l''rasi'r and lli'i' Maji'.sty'.s ■slate, for tlie ''laser. ri'fi/li/c of liis •s I'.iletit orlty I he U'slator's f snid })e(juest iion-existiiit,'' lent reilder(Hl void, us beiiitr Drporatioii, as ilie l>oiuiiiion Hull. John J. Voiii tlie said ler Maiestv's to lie printed a Traiis(ri])t I and ill tlu' e saiiul —That the said 44 pa^cs of falsilied matter, between the pain<,' false and fraudulent, there hi"in IM'.COKI) HKl'-iiUF. ilFU M.UI'XIV'S I'inVV COrXClI.. Th'U their Lordships of Her Majestv's Privv had the said fraudulently printed' Becord before them when they rendered jud-nient on the •Jtitli day of November A D. 1S74. ivver.sin-r the judunnent of tli.' Court ot Queen s Bench for Lowi'r Canada, on tlie -round that their fyirdships thou-hl that the ind Article ol the I'^dict of 174:5. was abro-ated. Thai //('■ iindn-si-nifd had applied to llu' said executors and trustees, jirevious to and after the date of the I'rivv Jud-ment. for copies ol the printed Record, for himself and his eo-heirs. biii was refused a coiiy. Thil m 1S7H or 1S77 a few .•opies of said printed Record, containin- as aforesaid, 1i;7 pa-.'s of printed lu itler. came into the possession ol the under- signed. That ^//'w//;'/^/s.'\'-v»// wrote to his solicitors in Lmdoii. I'lii-land. requesting them to forward him a coiiy ofllie printed Reeord. That thriindi-r. ■■' . ■/ n-eeived.he b-lieves it either in Ki'brnary or March, 1H7(1, from his soliciloi-s in London. Messrs. Biseholi: B uupas and Bisrholl, a printed Reeord. marked on cover : -- • IN THE PRIVV Cid NflL. " •■ ON APPK.VL I'ROM QlEi'.EC. ' • \!U!OTT. W 7 and 140 inth:it I'alsilii'd Record as i)rinted and I'yled at the instance ol' the executors and Trustees, as aforesaid, in Her ^[aJestv's Privv Council in iMiL^and. That tiie judii-nieni of the Court oft^iieen's IJeiich for Lower Canada in this causi' was rendered at Montreal on the •_'4tii day of .Inne. 1><7;J. That .Indue Radarley ceased to l)e ;i judi^v of the Court of (^Mieen's Reiich lor Lower Canada pre\ions to the tith day of Mairh, .\.ll, 1S74. That till' siiid juduv has l)i'en actini^- in the capacity of co// .[)•. .fustice liadu'lcy /// i>iirii Ciiiir/. as contained helween the paiaes 14li jnul 1t;7. of that lalsilied R'eiord, are not only false, as aforesaid, hut are further false and fr.iudulent lii'cause till' said reasons were not written, coinjile'ed luid transmitted to ILt Majesty's I'rivy Council in Fnu'land until three months after .Judi,'c liadijlev had ceased to !>;■ a Judue, and duri.m- which time, namelv. the compleiinu- Oi' said lalsilied reiisoiis. the said judire had been a tine- in ilie i-a|>aciiy of c(Misultin"- counsel. That ihe reasons inirporlinu- to be .ludii'e liidijley's reasons \\ere not received at the Privy Council in iMiuland for nearly a whole ycaral'ter thev were delivered' to wit, they were delivered on the 24th day of '.June, A.I). 1873. but were not' received at the Privy Council until alxMit the ISih day of .fune, tS7l. rilF lliiNdfK.M'.l.i; .InliN .1. ( . .\|;i;(iTT. That the Honourable .lohn .1. C. Abbott in his several cip^uities ofexecuior aiul tru-tee to the estate, and Pri'sident of i he l''r,i>cr Institute, was and is ih,. ndiiiii' spirit in this matter. t'aiil Record to have been lalsilied Therefore, the Ullilersili-ned, as a b'espondeni in this lause belbrethe .ludii'ia] Connnitt I Her Majesty's Privy Council in l^ne-land. declares that owiii"- i,, t lie fraudulent tiimperiiiL! \vi! h the Ri-cord of Court transmitted to luii^jam] as set forth in the Petition of the undersiimed to (he Lerays i'or common I'rilisii justice in this matter in accordance witli the liw ol" tile ImikI, and tliat the Ilonourahle, tlie Minister of .in--tice lor the Domin- ion ol' ('anada will order all tin- jiapers and documents on lyle in tliis cause in tile Suiieiior Ciiurl and in the Court •>[' (Queen's liench I'or Lower C'aiuida, at Montreal, uith a list ol'the same aiul the dates oi' their I'vlinn' in the said courts, also the Petition, Hiyintr Ciri/r, with allidavit attached, lyled hy the undersiirned in the Superior C'oiu't at Montreal, on the .jth day ol' Xovemher, A.D. 1877, under the No. l.-'iHt;, to l)e transmitted to the Department ol' Justice at Ottawa, subject to whatt'Ver uclion the lioiiourahle, the Minister ol .lustice may he pleased to order there;>n. And the undersi'.nied i)rays, in the interest ol' Justice, that notion be taken ai^ainst the ralsiliers and the users ol'the I'alsilied matter of that I'alsilied liecord of Court as set i'ortli in this Declaration, and in tlie Petition ol' the undersii^ued to the ijcuislature of tile Dominion ol' Canada in Parliament assemljled. I, tiie undersiune(l,do solemnly di>clare that the above facts are true, and I make tiiis solemn declaration conscientiously believiiii'!' the same to be true, and l)y virtue of till' Act passed in the thirty-seventh year of Hit Majesty's leiirn, inlihilril. : '• Ciiap. ;!7," "An Act for tiie suppression of voluntary and extra judicial oatiis." JOHX FR^SER. i { Deelared and acknowledjrt'd l)el'ore me, the Mayor ^ of the City of Montreal, at the City Hall, in said City, ' en this Twenty Seventh Day of January, AD. 1HH2. ' ) I S J. L. BKAU13HY, MA YOR.