IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ■-IIIM IIIIM 1^ 1^ 1.8 1.25 1.4 J4 .,1 6" — ► V] ffi., 11 k I ^^BHJ^J~ tm m '4^ * I' ,M - Tl|lS i\oilTE 19 TME Shortest & Cheapest BETWEEN NEW BRUNWICK, THE jUNITED STATES, AND CANADA. Tho Road travurses the inott ■fertile and picturesque portions lofNova Scotia, rnnninutlirou);)! • the boautitui Vallevs of Annap- |olis and Cornwallis, and the tnagnificent scenery made cel- ibrated in Longfellow's " EvANGELINK." THROUGH TICKETS " ' AT EEDUOED FABB3 may be obtained at tlie Eastern R nd r o a d -Offices at-ikiston and I ( I 10' J J c"^ ■fi f" -S ■•) elt'' ^ i! \ ♦ "»> V . OO't » .» fO'i .' ofi) '. ori» " cf-'e ce-f? •» oer; .. 8()7i !. n-i •' 00' I ^ / * • •■ T '"H S$3SS « " (iT'f- » " ere- .' fir-: .. Ull III ^f!«;; i*- I T}|IS [\0lljE 18 TIIE Shortest & Cheapest BETWEEN AMD NEW BRUNWICK, THE INITED STATES, AND CANADA. . Tho Road traverses the inott Jertile and picturesque portions ofNova Scotia, runninirtlirough the beautiful Valleys of Annap- plis and Cornwaflis, and the agnificent scenery made cel- •rated in Longfellow's "Evangeline." Ithrouch tickets ' ' AT EEDUCBD PARES maj' be obtained at the Eastern Radroad Offices at Boston and jPortland ; at Ottawa, Montreal, jQuebec, Danville Junction and |Bangor ; on board tho Steamers |of the International Steamship Co. at 39 Dock Street, St. John ; [jat Richmond Depot, and at 126 'HoUis Street, T I Ti/L 1 Oomineiiciiis* Miles. 4 8 11 18 16 26 33 TRAINS GOING WEST. Halifax, — leave Four Mile House Bedford Rocky 'take Windsor Junction, — arrive, do. depart . Beaver Bank Mount IJniacke Stillwater . . Express diiily. 1st Class only. Passengers and Freight Monday, Wednesday and Friday only. 8.00 a.m. 8.22 " 8.30 " 8.35 " 8.43 " * 9.08 " 9.27 " 9 15 a.m. 9.29 " 9.43 " 10.00 " 10.35^' 10.47 " 11.25 " 11.53 " ipiivov linnl / '^^:-s>^A^ -^^ I* V \^ Tx.'^y^^ CONNECTIONS. Steamer "Einpross" will leave St. John, X. B. every Monday, Wednesday and Fridayat 8 a.m. for Annapolis, and return from AnnajKilise very Tuesday .Thurs- ,51"'" \hr^^ ?- z N MAP OF THE WINDSOR & ANNAPOLIS RAILWAY audits Connections with tho RAILWAYS OF CANADA ANDTHE UNITED STATES. JUiifwtt^x jnifltr Crns/rncltrn s/iewn t/irut a i « » * p t. ( »- -. . * u i. S/fo/ait'iif RftUes ami fortnecticns .. Staye /.hit.i in Ccniircliori International Steamers ksave St. John, N.B. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. ni. for Eastport, Portland and Boston. Eurofiean and North Ameri- *'an Railway Trains leave ir'^ John, N. B. at 8.1.'5 a. ni. da"- for Banjror, PortlanitTlie^STj;' and all parts of the United Statks and Canada. STAGES. At Newport for Brooklyn daily At Pt. Williams for Canninjj " At Kentvilie for Chester Mon. and Thiirs. At Annapolis for Liverpool dV. "■ Digbv " " Yarmouth " T I Ik/L E3 T" jflL :iB :.xpress diiily. Class only. 5.00 s a.m. Passengers and Freight .Monday, Wednesday and Friday only. 9.15 a.m. • • ■ t . * ..30 (( 1 .35 (( .43 a * .08 i( .27 (( 9.29 9.43 Passengers and Freight daily. 3.00 p.m. 3.15 " 3.30 " iMiles. 10.00 '« 10.35" '' 10.47 " 11.25 " 11.53 " 3.45 " 3.55 4.0H " 4.43 '« 5.08 " TRAINS GOING EAST. St. John, N. B., by Steamer Annapolis, — leave . Roundhill Bridgetown Paradise Lawrencetown. . . . Middleton. ....... Wilmot K ini>stoii. Passengers nnd Freight daily. Passengers and Freight Tuesday, Tliurs'y Satuiday only. 6.15 a.m. 0.40 " 7.05 " 7.20 " 7.39 " 8.05 " 8.17 " Express tlaily. 1st Class only. 8.00 a.m. 2.10p.m. 2.26 " * 2.43 ". 2.56 " * 3.04 *' 3.18 "V 3.25 " * /i 4 26 33 3(5 39„ 42 45 47 50 57 59 60 63 65 70 75 77 79 82 87 89 94 98 101 107 110 115 122 129 190 JJeavcr Jiank Mount Uniacko . . . Stillwater I^lershousc Newport Three Mile Plains. Windsor, — arrive . do. depart. Falmouth Mount Denson. . . IlantsporrrTT.'. '. . Avonport Horton Landing. . . Grand Pre Wolfville Port Williams Kentville, — arrive . do. depart. Coldbrook Cambridge ..... . Waterville Berwick Aylesford Morden Road Kingston Wilmot Middleton Lawrencetown Paradise Bridgetown Rouudhill Annapolis, — arrive. St. John, N. B., by Steamer 8.4;] 9.08 9.27 9.35 9.43 10.00 '' 10.02 " 10.07 " * 10.21 10.34 10.39 10.i2 " 10.50 " 10.55 '' 11 10 '• (( * (< * 11.25 " (< * 11.38 11.42 11.47 " 11.55 " 12.08 p.m. 12.26 " * 12.36 " * 12.44 " 12.59 « 1.07 " * 1.20 " 1 37 " * 1.55 " 8.00 10.47 '■ 11.25 " 11.53 " 12.05 p.m. 12.18 " 12.30 " 12.42 " 1.00 " 1.09 " 1.28 " 1.48 " 1.56 " 2.01 " 2.17 " 2.47 " 3.25 " 3.44 " 3.53 " 4.15 " 4.26 4.47 4.55 5.13 5.29 5.41 6.04 6.16 6.36 7.03 7.30 ./K '£.— Express Trains run daily, and when signalled, or when then Kentville, 28th June, 1876. i;] " * 10.47 " 11.25 " 11.53 " 12.05 p.m. 12.18 " 12.30 " 12.42 " 1.00 " 1.09 " 1.28 '' 1.48 " 1.56 " 2.01 " 2.17 " 2.26 " 2.47 " 3.25 " 3.44 " 3.53 " 4.0(1 4.43 5.08 5.20 5.32 '< '' 28 Jl i5 to. t2 t7 )0 52 54 59 t64 Middloton ».05 " 8.17 " 8.35 " 8.55 " 9.08 " 9.28 " 9.45 " 9.55 " 10.05 " 10.25 " 3 18 " ^ )8 " Wilmot 3.25 " * 3.34 «' * 1 11 .. Kingston \ ^ ?5 '«. Morden Hoad t3 " A vlp*iifnrrl 3.53 " 4.05 " 4.14 " • JO *' 5.55 (( i " i 1 " i << (< (( Waterville 32 " 6.15 6.24 6 34 6.40 6.56 7.04 7.08 7.18 7.27 7.45 Cambrido'P 4.19 " * 4.23 " * 4.35 " 37 <« * IJn 1 i\ ri vc\c\ \c Kcntvillo, — arrive do. depart Port Williams 6.30 a.m. 6.50 " 6 57 " 7.09 " 7.13 " 7.21 " 7.39 " 7.46 " 7.56 " ff05 " 8.20 " 8.42 " 8.56 " 9.27 " 21' " 34 " * -I>iO " 11.32 " 11.41 " 11.54 " 11.59 " 12.08 p.m. 12.29 " iM '^' — 4.59 " 5.04 " 5.12 " 5.15 " * 5.19 «* 5.33 « 39 " * j66 (69 '70 *72 :77 79 21 84 f *87 90 93 96 103 '313 '116 Wolfville 42 " Giand Pre 50 " 55 " Hortoii Landing Avonport 10 '• Hantsport • 25 " 1 INlount Denson 38 " * Kahnoutli 12.52 " 1.00 -«* 1.15 " 1.27 «* 1.40 « 1.54 '■' 2.08 " 2.36 « 3.16 " 3.30 '• 5.47 "* 42 " * .*"^ ...... .y Windsor. — ai'rive ;•< ■■ ■-■■^ do. depart Three Mile Plains Newport Ellershouse 47 «' 5.55 « 55 « 4.26 " 4.47 " 4.55 '« 5.13 " 5.29 " 5.41 " 6.04 '• 6.16 " 6.36 " 7.03 " 7.30 " 08 p.m. 6.10 " 6.18 " 6.42 " 7.04 " * 7.10 " 7.15 « 26 " * Stillwater Mount Uniacke 36 " * 9.50 " 10.23 " 10 34 " 44 " Beaver Bank 59 " Windsor Junction, — arri\e do. depart . . . . Rockv Lake 07 " * 20 " i 118 ^0 " 3.45 " 37 " * 'l21 Bedford 11.00 " iri5 " if. 30 " ! 4.00 " 7.30 " 55 " 125 129 Four Mile House ^ 4.15 " 4..S0 " i Halifiix, — arrive 7.55 " .00 " signatl ed, or when tt \ere are passengers to set down, they will stop at the Sta 'tlons marked ,'?ms * ::isrisrF;s,- UANAGEB,