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New York 14609 USA . ' S (716) 482 - 0300 - Phon^ = (716) 288'-59g9 -Fox ^#' m ?if •-? .v':."'— Ko. 5. ■ lADDRESSES ON THE SCBIPTUHES. •"* *t •'• m 't f Omi t •^POtTA(» rBttllD 90 .'4 ; r* r.;,v-rfe^^-l ■ :0 - t r-ilt|l:^v,8 i 1 "' "■'X.'"?^ ■' -35 rj ;>lS" ■/';;;.irc ;:9 - i * ■■■4 '"^ ' tr \ . Ve. •> ft • ; -"» fU x';i^ T* V ^.^ M 8. • «a w " ,^«iai 6»: f . ■ ' W' ■■■'■'■ .'■■■ ■;»•,>**#<■»«• t . ,\ V % ill fee c Anffi iat6 f 5 *a*i«q iw*rrO ,Hi.»a.aa i^.YAaavo^ u6f m'ffci,asbii1X«Jif Of Peter, and the aiiHWef of God to the prsyprs of the 6i^ii^ts on his behalf, is not only ft Wondeijfbl JpWposi- iioii of Bivine power ih ft>vour of P'etiir/Di^t a very ^Idssed ejOimple of the fajthftitne^sof God, in an- vif#ering the prayersof His children according to the ihariy preoions proniiMe^ wHtteii in pis WoI?(J, and jWhloh are given to those wiio walk aooovding to the mind and wiUof Cfod^ (1 John iii. 22 ; James i. 5, &c.). JBut tliia niost inteired^lng histoi-vpf Peter's iwi- J>i*|86nment and release, carrje^ Tbontjath thesurAce ^<>j?fts^ti^ative a succession of important leseons Wn^lftrly A)ppHciable to evei^y sinner, who %y nature ifif in a similar position to that o^ Peter-^morally iiii- tirlbonod in sin and de^th. and only enaTbled to e^cap^ t^JB dpom awaiting him by 'tlie intervention of tne Angpl— Christ-pby Whom alon^ he can te brought "^ it Was evidently itie intention ot iii^i^oli^si^ exe^ie !P«to, ^8 h^ had killed Jlimes,^ * biBcausja, '|t ' pleised T^l?^^ ,,8hoia]ivp in CiiriBt,at all, butj dead jn trespaHSCs and sins, aji?id (WMf by ,thus ,g;iving a sort pf religiOvvs * sop ' ^ t^it consciences, vainly consider that they ajfe ^ ihglliat whioii'i* pleaHing^to God, %^\ pu,Qh ?*€»a Proverbs xxi. 27, a>nd xxvMi. 9,andmark what 0od ihipkH of such prayers, "Be not , deceived ; ^pd i^ hot tnocked : for whatHoever % man spweth, that sball he also reap " (Galatiam vL T) ; aiid ifjiio'epws Hie wincl, he will ream t\\Qwhirlwind of hU^estpX^ion t^<^9ea'^\\U7y. Wha Huloraii truths 0^1 (m 8 Wprd, ttnd (ollow not a,m^}titude to do ovT^ (^a:d<;t4 xxiii. 2), and note tho " Woo " doclarod / by the Holy Spirit ^gtiinst hucI^ sort of worship iiiiV! Jude XI. , • . . . , * i\ /oy^ gaiut$. Prayer from Huch came up as a sweet^ odduv to G^ .(sQc Mev0latm v. 8). To Huch He-' was ready, tO| listen (ii>e^|riU. 12), and to stioh'f ready to answer (1 John iii. 22). How truly h thi«t shoWn in vl(?(3 xvi. 26,,et^., wher^'itwasaccompani- ! ml7l' /"?"^"«^^*'^g\^®^^^^^ naidst of trial. , Th 8 md^ed 18 accopiablo to^od (see 1 feter ii.20. 1 *»^ ,7* ;^^"^^)- *^« prayery of God's children , should ever bo accompanied with thankHgivim^ ^ (Philivvians iv. 6). Wo are too apt ^o iwk God for* '^" moro blomngs, ap^Torget tbo^e that tave already t been,g;iven to us. ,pv©ry da/ "bksj^ings of ©very'* sort ar6 given so cons^ntly and gS||^ly that we '^ consider them gather as oUr right, Wn aft resulting from the censlant oyersight and providence of God {JJeuteronomy viii. 3). There are wonderfbl Ex- amples of the poy^er of real earnest prayer proceed- JPB;/f9"^ t^o not Christ our e^- f ??^H.' ^^^^^^!;'^5i? %pii|rht woDd- i in Luke ftlroll-Uie lidf*. :^ thougl)t«^ liness of nediatoty iFHuading t it Adide Infinite ig of th^ f^ by the It God b le; andoQ been ex-* taints are , ^So was t)ie sainte authority h hie jour- the veiy saints had their per- wasaDpiit ^ ►nte^ wit^ migroudly aiSlJM^nip ill bbligj^ -1^.^, is tfiii^lff^ tin 1 Fil& 1. 1. Ut trIeH s^inUi dwtU on thii' Mrijj^tai^, And rejoice amid 'every trt^l In the iu}<^%ttt l^ere gi^n of P'eter'il prison, anA^ the means used tor his Safb keeping, we may leC that there were gevm thin|^ to prevent his gettin^^ Aree; the nnmber sovou showing the complotenose and perfection o^* the imprisoning, leaving no hope o^^oseibility of his escape: • ^^ ,^,,,,,, WiMBV^The Priaan iUef, 8ioond~-!7%p Two Chaim. Thied— 1%« Two So^ien. FouRTH--2%e Kewera before the Door. FiP*ni^n< Firs^ mtrd or. Watch. Sixta^JAd^Sac^ HTor^. fifnpto--; The fron fl'afe/' ^-^ *''v'/ju.^'ij,'uijH,i*I^.>b-iv..v^ Ist-The Prison.-^mmkfi/pr^ is ihe exact counterpart of the sinner's state by nature. Bvery soul born into the world is born in a prison of sin ^nd death ; we inherit such from Adam (fich ^ui^ y, 12, IT, 19, etc.)/ and being as it were so ao- onsibixred to this state from our very birtt, we can- n6t believe that our state is so bad ; yet see what God says of man in Genesis vi. 6. Many people are pffendcKl at being told that thev are captives of the power of darkness, and to the law of am (JSphe^ans li. 1-3 J Cohmans i. 13; Ronidns vii. 23). l^hey rch frfde to credit that i)laoe where they have been bred and bbifn, Aj^ otherwise than good; and ho, wonder at this, they cannot really see the prison walls. ^, w*6 find from werse 7 that the prison was withouv Hghl. and so are all iken b^nded by thecoAof thi^! wwfld, lest they should see the light of the gloribua' goipel t i rii»litlAU^W^^ i %'i t t ij: I , ^. ' :t. world, being^r the time tihconscious bf 6ur rdal sttt^. S5 one pinehed \>f j^ungei-, WonAW tojr teiil airilXdistrefls, iiiight di^Win of ffeaatiBg, ctf enjby ment^ ? of allTthto 6iam£bi*8aiid. pleasured of thwli^ to wake up to the Wtter tPttthdf realitjHn IJhe dtidv^o ihua preciBcly do sinners in these days ;. ittieyvba^i. thittugh life as ^ dream, soime in compiwaAiY© ^^"^ pfiSss ^nd'eontoiiii^^^^^^^ ceding Oti the *',sMj?^;., . mii'^^^i iU etaipty toJe^m vanitie^.pd ami^^^ birBi^'^rbtiifeSl witl^ the things %Uifxf^\^^%,^m6m^^^ ■!*• aider that ji^i^ Jlbp?;!^ , w A®* r«' »ur real ire %p- laix mwmn % Q ''*'• Ui 4a. I fit irot pnl^'lnlilei^^ M^^^^ hmii ioitKim ehoam^ > It was the< oastom to bind.tb^ iltisonent with twir ohainil to their goards in these taniesiiiere 6^en of (Bee/l0f« xAM); this is very sigiiifioMit; in' the oiso of /the tinner. First, two^rrboth hands as well as fee^i^ completely, hopelessly bound. 3!^bl^se chains repreii^eftt the chains of sin and dai^Mness, •»d a«e reftl-tiEid/ to in 2 Peter ii. 4. > vntri i , f w t j ' :4iW nnsafed sinnersareboundthaerby sth) as well as in prisoii, aiid itis" the slorious gospel of glad tidings, pR^aoe and £^ood will towards jUkn, that is ndw dfieM by Ood through Jesus Ohnst that can set nb fl^ ;^ as is said in JjwutAlxi. 1,2, '*The Spiiit of the lord ' €lod is upon ine ; because^ the Looti hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto th<) ineek^ He hath sent me to bind up the broken- heat'^ td ptoolaim liberty to theoaptittes^andthe opening of the prison to them that are h(mnd\ to |m>claim the aoeeptable year of the liOird J^ iihis IS typified by the Angel, in t?er«ets'»^ ^i'*«^«^l?w^ / Secondly. The chains were heavy, and therefoi« strong ; see wkat the Psalmist says, ^ Jline tniqui' ties are gone over my head : as an heavy burden they at-e loo heavy for jne" {BvOm xxxviii. 4). Thus are poor sinners weight down by theee ohains;; they cannot rise withotit help, for ilieir (burden is too great for them. A similar judgolent is prophesied regarding the time of the end mrltaiak acxiv. 20, in similar langiii^g^« The earth shall re^l to and fipo like a drunkard,»...^ithe transgresei^ thereof ^Ml be heavy apoa it; and it ehail fiiU Andihfl^ riitt.fogain^ Thew nhainft gain their strength fi«om €kid'fi broken la# (1 ^orimhiems xv. 486)1 and.tha*^ byi thesd heaviy atrm^ ehainasthiit ve .■Qa9not»4)re«fe/'n!e=ipi[?beinid^ ■ :• .j--.vff'-fnv';-:Mt Jbaiig'thepeiiiiUyof' ' ' ^^ -^ r ■>,, f ■ - » 1, ' 1 ' \ 1 :r~T tin , , **■ • \ the worid fcgr Aila«i, «h» fillet twmagpesiibr «« tAe «t!»BimMid»give» by €k>d to Wn* in Bten (6>ific»# w. i.T)v Ajod »o wei a» inhliiatar* of Adaiii/(|.«ili«|k4 riatuiie, and «M» mi ttiiiior Btii (Bowttii^ iii. •). > 'ts 51!^ ueoond, God'b Justicb aHp RreflMOCwwiflB.-^ It wai be an awfttl day when aU tJiweawho do not «et freed from tbese two Boldieiwi*^! A«v© /to ^m» Gk)d. The ddy is wming when aU A*^itt be ittd^fed Itt^irigfet^JWnesB (Ad** xvii. 31). The day ii| oom*- ing When all lifting in this world witt try to ilert tVora 1*6 wrath (A' the Lamb (ie«)tf^,IT)i apheday iBcdnAng when thesie soMwrs; will ^hringr Wtheit-prwonwrB to the great bond^mnfetion of God 18 of puretifeyes than to behi^ldifefffli S&^^tth 'ntA Aookwiimqmiy (If abakkuk I 1)8, i 18> Thni will all the wicked be nftseiwod for pimlfthinimt at th^day of jadgment. iNonid' «ao «ver iesoa^ ^ exactness of God's righteoiisnefite, all intist Ue wn^ detoerfj ibutthaaks l>e toGod^ wifile ^i8 justice lis so4gi»Bati 'Hi^ love has b»ei grealat|/H*ha» macla a way of ^tape thit)bgh Ohiristj our deh"«*ring Aaigel, onr iUkostua (read J«l»a 4h«lv «»- s rht into, • 0f tlio ) do wbt > ju<%ed iff oomi* to fled rfl ^ingr imtm of mvnt nt ' Uo; ''ODni- 8 justice Bis own li Moved t0iiB«ialit * i hd of ttietBO kekmmft%mm¥ if^t^^i i>Mt^iii^^ ia»mpo are Mi ttjkrtlM. Sfeifif tfrfb W^feidfr^^TO^ W« r^ttdi^ the riutBb^^f dbvll^ th^ i^ mm- Himbf them^dVMUfkiwm&k t.^ tothr tod ^n«#fe faislsiofitlvttnd thUl/ they ^ift^Mriri^did' W^titf^'^^ bdnd&le iM'^av W(di»e at l«#)t tm if ndt ilf;^ tflopiiM d^tilB inpofiiMWidtt <>f th«»»*nirt. ' • ' ^^ au) We lire 1086 tdM thitt we wr^^i^ '^aJti^t WiUci^ palkleii, iigwiflSt pWettj/ ttgttlnst l^ie rtitei-s of th^ darkueift (ttms wortdj ^gfinst si^fHtoAl wlck«b6sA in high f laces (JS^edimis ^l m)i' ^Bttrely t!i>^ eadprenstoils denote the e^tfcefedlwg tttiiiibei? «>f dti^ »pirittia4 fettdttil^JSj ttiid well may liey bft littUttii^a 1*1 bttlnjdt^kfeeperi^ Iteftyi*^ ill* do<^'.- Obm 4 Mm break from the chains and escape from thfe ^oWiei^, here woujd be ^ io]pameri»Vle>eomil^jr of ^^ to Man throsmhy^ifk \m9»m^^4mnienrQf ite^ Vene 7», We coi»e now to the briglM#^ aq^^ore ^l0ifi^«« f artof|i|if i^riMk^vei ytj^to.^1 l>«frfceeh gloom, now coines deliverance an(i light,' ^^ (ti wtll b^ ob»*p*«d that iimii^atfeTjr «it^ At%el apj»idflti»€M thesdefhe; lh«u tbe^ fe 'lifeht', i%<^«i ^ B^m^e^hn till. 12. > ft^ wnw^^i^t^ WtWe ^«isil0d pitfttii^ i#llidr«df €ailri«tjbdl-I)^t6^*ft lum imd Wiii^ff biin iiiti»(>iffli% Ao^ilow to msd.iiiam upAf liQ wiU only respoiid to tbo eallf Snoh .iil,^^ wa^f tlM goodness aod l^v^ oC^ GM l« sjb^wo t^ tii^v^i^ u» ihfflictionsj they oannoi riid n^iitb their heayy ohama Qpon them, bmt tlie Ang^ 8taD4f)^<^y^nd, willing and waiting tomaetbeiil UP if ijc^&y ai?e wiUiag to be raised, imd the-ntU i% Kwo up QtnOKLY^ there is n© ntiroe to be l^wU ^OW V the ^e^ted tii^e (2 Or^AMMift vi, 2). So oar Saviour's calf to Zacoheus was "iiake haste a«d Qome down» for Udayl must abide at thy thoiise^' (^itiJe xix. 5). ^ow man^r^safiis have been l^ever lost by putting, off this rising up, though only fbr a Weeii^'? .Bow many stilyare wjliing to risk their escape from ^n etemalprisouVnot only for weeks, but mpnths and years? n^, fatal temptation ;0(f the |)©yil is that at^pknty^ i^iw j|f«t?^toptttitotf*yet a little- longerfei*i^^i4i.f||5)>#f^Piff^Nw^^ l^ima was, i$ patit$ thoti baikst not it reoall: ' flme is, thbuhairt;; employ thei[kM6tistt^ mmd Aitnxe, is not ; and ma^ nerOTbe: Time t^reseui is .t^e tsttut liMfi tft^ Smiting is a Bfecessary, things: Ibr the : prIiipjMr does not h^ the! }>ri8on or the. s^WieiRp^ ULeither would b^ feel ]the wieight of hisohai^ T4 avi^e^ him5to<% sense of hi^ tenrible daAg«r> i>irDie Q^^yi^tiou ^^sinVis neoessa^ fi|!^ then i^i WiUiiig^ mfkM (iM«ept the pijofferedi help of the Angel t^ r^lap^ iB^^i^iG^iiimy^^nf^ Hjrt l^eter pwjfdrred a Httk> more sleiepjordelay inirigjnippatithe Angelfs Qiyi)i»\he niigtMi hayiei been left # liisv i^tfifln pris#i 3?%^ tf^ ^Qoifti^^^ not h«»d t^|pyiQg#allof W^ ' i^jjpi^#|{<»ii|ta*heBP^ ^t J KMOe |B|ig j» M ,&'. 11^ ^||i^||c|»i|^ ^posfe- y fiim9ft0 jfiom Ho \m eall? L&oi rli6 e Ang^ be lostb laAteasd V tboinie^' I l^arever migrfora isk tbeir r w«ekS) ii.f--' * '^'\ Hir vt! tt^f tliM||p«^i^«|ir^i»iftM tbeoH jbid tfaey •MkNfai|te». Ji¥|gWH9n^lJ^h«P;OJi1et)taiiM4Um,4^«nd ith€y< to^«i«lli ' lc^t.foirn«Vef i f7/B«pt I toot^i thd oontmM lof ith» ^dira t ^ll^^^itd' ready toi (rile a(i thn iAngoli'H bcai,u)i|i^ Pj^ (Wia^ r tibg retpoiimd.: waa no sooaev saan^ than// ii^i(V.«Miim»lijSe,i9itkes< faim tip, and direisthr tbe^ A<^r)^, i.Wliat knocked Uiaaa teundle*^ Mitiiiig^ tU^ J p>p|}p.i|^,fre^ fi.'Qliti ihem and the Boidiaiw 4it\ui\ 8^et.tiipe ?^ SnjBErly >the Aa^lfs jiioweir.if What^ii > pj^^^JAus piotui'e^isrtibJs of whatiCJkri^ d6e« Ibr sMk^ * «> a«Q rifilliugt to respond to HiBcall, wAUii^ffi' tolfe?paifled Jby iii^tt^ ;m»h6 bjria loTingt ikith in His finii^led Work 4n t^ois^^immediatelyrftheir chains offnini Miittl>!Oril.M o^^^mi be buried iat thetfoctt of the wosis ibrr evfet^'^^ »Bd WJ^wiU b&^^ipr eyeiJr£i-ee.froiiLtheBa!aaldiari€)f> God's judgment and justice. For Christ has bbme/ OW judg^DL^njfei^tor us (i«&iaA liii. 5), ah* by His^hdd blqoia j,^onem^«t>has:bden for ever made i weiard J rf^PttCflJed to God, .His justice is satined, am^ i«^^ r a?"^ purged ft^om all aiii for evermore xH^br^m^ xi 2> ,:i^p, igrtc,).* ^^ow we ARE delivered from ihau d«^^t,pripiont, and tranalated into God'i Kii^^qi^i (fjqjmm^ i>13*^)/) : What a glorious translatioiiii ia^iSilJVw^ thjft bo^idigclio^ sin to *he liberty of ^»i^ c^toefi„0f, God iaa^PBESBNU salvationw noW^t^ v9r(jii)».jbbia ^aoto^ee^iof* our^ eternal safety (1 4ofm\ v.ia) 8pringaii)«r«efit rejoicing in^tke souIbo sav^ e4 IhWM^^^ ^mm thiitv wbioh ta ito icdma! ih > tbe f^^T^TTitliajt^i^ieh idiresMrved in faean^ni^iiid^ >it3 is|^a4r§9poi9pe ^liloi^a in ,iis to l^at tmitidvoiB' hiw^^' %4iiaa fi^ |^fi«Ru«^tiui^oa«^ joy^^kniiqp^ ai illUta^ l^l^l^»aa^ iB^4^2»^^itlfoldri(i«>| J^m#i^fMuij[#a^(^4h8M pve<^iii% j>9Niim^l * M lif: 1.- L'.f; '1. V Bii*l|Flmitli^ ira|f,-4^ey ari) tw^evil^' too iNrwill feDli^,|' \ UUk dtitj lUi nibt ol that God Pays. All B«6ll- ^r would Bolenliily wai-n^ that their thoo^tit of UhW^' thiiieMj eteLand tlieirfeavof beinff pi«Biim^«tMiile^ Mthintt mcU thaniOiei^fiTfiNJDBD HUMUjII^ f^ USfiefeilBF. What does €k)d«ay 6f imf ^ttellB yok that yon at« making Him to be a iJUiM^ (BM thodghtAil^ 1 .^An vi 10^m> In ordei^ to eiQ^tKr i»to pae Mnlgdom of h^ix^nj we most become i a4\li(tB|s <;AiU!rm,^^iready1o believe'^ that th<^ Fmirv|ellkn8< without he»\tAtion{Mamew JtviiOdy: i ( f4ffW 8.j >Theie ^are four thinge that Beter is bfai dtteixiidcy immediately after he is set feeft^^tsfi t^ - gif4 himself} Hcond, to bind on his sandals ;'f/k^(i; t^^t^tfhia^^nient about him ;/(nirf A; to follow tiilei JT-U * flftM 2%y5«(f ". In the ft^iAonltkrtitt «!• lUgel we see exelnplifted the truth of Jtees ill ' {6; :i im^ FBoviNa of> our faith bt works,' hot lorn from, our chains^ but liecause i^ds-<^f^ they <^1 tlK^m-^but whi(!)h Qkic( : wofi$f Ubi aeeiugi^hat ihey cannot g^ as the Angel dft:«ot8, neither eaii {k4y' until ( they > BJf ve( bbi^ MAns frsi ' n tkie finwhed #ork d Cjhrist. iwaskneoessarir^'thOBe who wore tl^lon^ ngai^enrt^ be^rethey ebuki eomm^ti mub^ Bitt^t nr <4iot»v^e esertioni in wal^%.' tt i ielgi'^wity^for noth^di e ri^d d nesi ' ©arc rd^itO:]uiMA(it^^^f^gi#tl!alK>id ^agN ^ ini Mfftk 1 ' beconif<^ i »*i8Mdi ll(mtiie Jimes Jii ' )RKB) not aiise iws [ark iniB WohGW Mt }ati ^: wal^^lf'''' 1| 13. aiwi j^loc^ Tliia it eqniva^ lent fe) pur puttiiiij; oji owg^hoes, qr gettmg t^ily »o ad tp; b^ at>^ to walk. Wq ar^ told^ with whai; oiur fbdt ^hpiilii be shod i|i,JSr»Aea(a?^ vi. 1C^'*T)h» P^«* piu^tipn of tbeJ^^Qspet of IVacQ ". Thus equipi with trut]^ andp^ace, and. our hearts bei^g rei to d6 t^Qs fhr the AngeVfl pififjing, we jjel a ftu^ oommand . And markt—V^r did the ni'st two oom- mands before t^e got any lurthei: oxije^ Urom ; th^ Angel :-^'' and so ho did *''^1?Ken the Ai>g<)l ^>M^«^ Thibi) and Foubth—-" Cast^i^hy ^utrfnmt ilm andfoUow M&*\ Whenwee«eni^iiy^th^ ineness of our faith by our readiness toobey^ i £wtly the Angel's words, we prove that we have that precious garment or robe^ of^God's righteoua- < ness given to us through 0|^i^|Bt (2 (%rinthiaM r. 21). Let ulB remember that we wi$ thus clothed/ and be careAit in our path through 'life to keep this gar- ment unspotted from the world (JJi/negi. 27). There is another covering to assist us in this, the Spirit of Clod (^Isaiah 3:xx. 1). He m^ust not only be dwelling in us, as is the case with evofy triw be- lieW (J Corinthiamvl 1^), but, H« must ba ther gtiiaing Influence of all our actions, which H^ will be if we 'do not q^uench flis Messed ie|M]ing%(pr grieve Him by tie waywardness ,ol,aeli^Fi)ii l^tw we ^hall be preserved Irprnt^o^ecl^UHnilinfljiieAOfta of the night of this world, aa i*aul calls it in i8^ mane xiii, 12. and so b^ enablja^tc^ifQUpwihe ^jgig^^^ — ot enj^ dtmbi Artd ^c6VtWntie«|'SrtiK6iM;^t^^^^ eh^i6h being ^re rA thtjir' %n eVes /2' PelerJakf' ' * *■!. •i^;- ijr MT7U nT^m mo two w^iuiers, yoi xney arc pijn- <*y|5Wrfttt^guAi;d of 8ol4i©r8> aJwrther precaution for , W^Wg the esciai)e.,of the pi'isonera^ The tirtt.t J Wy v^W t^ repie^enjtefl by our 9wn ^vilheairtfl; i inGHna,t^fevIlrdaiire, or teinperrn ^ !^JM> *^M iP^o heart- ifhat! , wbRb JS^aJ)e4 wqrks pf the, fleeh in - Oalaticm .v*ia ■^wfP*! T^ie onp »ion^ FOuld be an OYevppwerini^tf %#*«»ce TithPHt help frpnvtthe AngeJ, i , ,jito *,i jki Stk^Tke Second Wardl^TbiB mfy^^'Qf reje^es^^ted by th« evil infliionces bf this Wok^ld'/'^ Thfi pleasures and pride b'f'iifb, the follies, i)<)itip*s^'^ aM Vaii^tied; ttmuste^m' iiftietles, flietftfeB, fe- ' v^lliB|afS, ^tc; etc., the t>rai^b of tnen i-atlier/than' ' orbtndrance^ ^ l^i^ art thttii W^tldili^am this tiArraiive thr? MUf>e Urttt^hAB, (^ Wndtkricesf td the' tiHy6nei»*s es- <»pe flN>y life pa^H ' l^liit, the^eepiii'beforiy t^6^ ' ! door: told ffH ARM ^tWt %«^/Th>AnfJHnly^^i^«^W ' '^Jl^'^'^ mhmifmmmAew;m^p^ ^ '! v» .•J*'-, but e <>r j|X»; miii.i./-.. ionfoDu' le fit«ttt heartflif realttir^ warn > tbr^ reWT ^%, ^^m^\^' f^h^^ ,% «fif?W^ l?\W ^IW^ n W^(P*r W Pfiiww Iff {#^J9P,'nt^ ^•t: 8(Mh)VtliMly, the «c«^tMl B6i|9t,. wholbadita try or fklpro ft^MB^V^ i^ho ^roLLOW^ 0N 6lo8^ ,ArtiiR Tft« l^i^oii;,] j*Wi why? For We who bdieMp have e^tceoding poWAr if w^ really lay hold of tt V ^^*» {JBpheidM^l Itf), ^itlisltt^ittg pdwei- ove)^ dlt the poWer of the lenjmjr i(or^fiH the keepers of the ftoOi^JyMArgJ^. Id), As i I ^r i '*hoei belfeye^ Jht^rist Who cfb nofe d'o'th]fe;btit y^ 6M aftd hrff-hbarted towat'dfe iQOd, are iuoh whb ^'ndt ttfi^ 'thfetnselves ibt eerWce to God, t -*>«"^' ■ » ■> * » !■ » ' i«MMt>-' .*.,., 4 #f ' i in freedom to the nov Xen||Alem above, or in bond- age to the JadgmentpVHEi'^Greftt White Throne. flHeVi^M^ Un- yielding, i^^ix^ ^\i^^1^\mm throngh or foroed open. ...^^^i^.. ^ This iron gate waaMt npjrhen Adam fbll in Eden,*- am^ but whon Christ dieolti pOi|:er was ^on^ Jo keep ^*^ inanXr1irh^^A^^eilt&mJlPdKl4£. V^Ode^^^^ where is thyr sting4> •O^nifffwhere is thy victopryr' But thanks be unto Gjpd.wii^ch giveth us the' victory through our,LptidjMi»"GI|i^ xv. 55, 57). Thiit'^tb #lib mk^ S^n by the death and resurrection olTCRiltt'f ffiere is no need of un- locking it or unbariji^^.lfAiow; death's power is XVI. 18), ana wneiy^QyjucJvjj^^proach it m company with the Angel, it not om^does not oifer resistance, bat opens or its own ^aodo^ thus aoknowiedginir its i)oi(M»;ldiB^%*^to.^«M^W^a^i^^ ^^ HtSrty by Him, and wepai» ii)^.i<.i.H MW'ACMta OPQ^^^^^ m*»m in/M iilltol ffwIiA os^tT^kbi y|^tt-w>^»«n» "w*' »m» i fin icii t»*f*j'»i miu . im mti\^lii*j^Wi \ J^»||«A fiiw At , vjiMiii Pitifi IM PHISOM. AOTB xn<\ ^» . JMif of eiihsr of Uu above ^ or eompUU Mti, ieni po$i frte ^Mam^parttfCmtti^aprtheUniUdStamofAwtiriea, ^ ^^^^ ^^H ^ f . ^ " 1 1 1 r ** ■-*■ \.::. V 9 '•■ 1 f ■ ■ / - " f ■ • ;:.■ V . ^ ^ ■ ■ '- ' - - 4 1 ' ■ ■ % •'. . iil -1 1-:.' . . ■s ,' , " V ■ 9 '- ' ^:J■■ -~: :, - . . -V — :.:.4' ^:^.... . ■. ^ • ::•■:. 1 Th« copy f i to thf /gont M^tropol I Baldwin 1 Tho imasM potsibia coi of tha ortgii filming eon^ Originai co;; baginning v tha last pag •Ion, or tha othar origin f irat paga vv •Ion, and ar or iiluatratat Tha last rac( •hall contaii TiWUeO"), c whichavar. a / /^'S^