ffBSSim IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I i.25 !f IIM IIIIIM ly Itt 1 2.2 '• m iiio 1.4 1.8 1.6 "/} I'' 1 UK r Ai>ricultiiriil & VmiimiM E^CKIBITIOH. TO^BJi FfEfcD i(T Kentville. Nova ScoTfA, Opting Tuesday, Sept. 29th, Closing Friday, October 2nd, /f 1 88S. CASH PRIZES, $6,200 GO. J H Ill l I III! " HOLESALE HARDWARE! Importers and Jobbers METALS — AND GENlil WINDOW GLASS, Pliints, Oils, Varnishes, SKIPS' STORES, FISHING SUPPLIES. ii RKET SQUARE, - - HALIFAX, N. S. \ l OEXEBAI. REOri.ATION'S. General Committee, The members of the Municipal Council, Executive C'onmiiitees. F. (}. Curry, Leonard Fitch, Levi Clavlie, J. W. Margoson, John E. Starr. NiiB»-CJoiiBfliiUteeM. Advertising and Printing.— R. .H Starr, Matthew Fisher, William Eaton. Progrannne and (Jerenionies, — The Executive. Lodging and Refreshment,— J. VV. Ryan, (Jeorge Davidson, S, S. Strong. Fodder. -J. W. Margeson. Decorations and Flags. -Thos. Tuzo, Charles Curry. Railway and Steam boatd. — John E. Starr. Bands ami Police.— The Executive, Appointment of Judges.— The P^xecutive. SdTB-COMMITTEES ON INTERNAL ARKANCtEMEXTS AND SUPERINTENDENCE OK DEI'AHl'- M ENT.S, • Horses.— J. W. Margeson, Everard Kinsman, Jas, I'atterson. Cattle.— Levi Clark, Stephen Davidson, Cliarles E. Rand. Sheep and Swine.— Edward M. Jordan, Enoch Collins. Poultry.— R. E. Rand. Roots and Vegetables. - -Matthew Fisher. (irain and Seeds.— J. A. AVoodworth. Dairy Produce.— Charles Y. Johnson. Woollen Goods.- T. R. Harris. Agricultural Implements. - D. B. Newcomb. Fruits.— (George Johnston, Leander Rand. Flowers.— Dr. Chipman, M. G. DeWolfe. Miscellaneous. — Watson Bishop. The accompanying' Prize List, prepared by the Kin^s County Exhibition Committee, for the Provincial Exhibition of 1885. havinj; been carefully ex- amined and approved ot by the Central Board of Ai;rieu'ture, is now respect- fully submitted to His Honor the Governor in Council for sanction, in terms of the Act. • George Lawron, Secretary. Hon. W. S. Fielding, C. B. of A '*"<')■ 'VJ*'!QCt "Try;* np- cjnrf r? v;f v;^■»T^ ips' M' "V B:SI?TSI]ti]CK. XT. 3. DKALKR IN'- u> AGENT FOR SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, ^^^ ^>b^ (Bickforas double ^ Achne, J'lon ^ Freezinp; ^' J' THIS IS THE BEST WMB'IIJB I- Ixhibltion ' Jet'ully ex- |w respect - iQ terms .tary. of Asr. ^ V\ '■\ .i; U:i Oii V^ iisr USE. Iron, Steel and Blacksmiths' supplies, Carriage and Sleigh Woodwork, and Ironed Gears, Sarven Wheels, a full line of Agricultural Implements, Mecha- nics Tools, Cutlery, Painter's Supplies, White Lead and colored Paints, Lin- seed Oil, Liquid Paints mixed ready tor use, put up in tins from half pint to 5 gals. I am in a position to supply goods as low as any house in the trade, and would ask purchasers to obtain my prices before buying elsewhere. < /) Ooss.os'al lSog-ulatxos3..^, /c 1st. Tlio Exhibition Grounc^s and bnildiiv^s wiH b*.? oponoil o MoikT.ij. ?^('pti nibtr 28t.h, at 8 o'clock, a. ni,, and coutium! open durinj; the day J'or tlw- nccptinii and arranficuiont of Exhibition articlt's aind animals. Ksliibitur-'T on arrital. will injni' diately report ihPBiHclves at the office of the iSccrctary, wlio. with the cnnauiirtea of nranaL'tment, n'ill allot appropriate pens or spae(.- t'or their fxhihitrt. This day none,hut nienibeis of the General Committee^ Officials, Exhibitors and necessary attendants will be admitted. 2nd. All articles for exhibition must \n) on the (grounds on Monday, Sept. 28th, after which day none will be received, except live stock, flowrs and" other perishable articles which will be received up to 8 o'clock on Tuesday, Sept. l!f)ih ; unavoidable delays to be dealt with at the discretion of the Exe- cutive. Ail' n( c^^ssary erections and bulky article s requiring to be put tojrc- f her on the grounds or in the buildintjs must be finished and all rubbi>h n- moved not hter than 12 o'clock on Saturday, Sept. UGth, as no such work can bo permitted dnring the show week, 3, The Exhibition will be open tO' the public on Tuesday, 2f>th S.^pt. at U p. in., when an opening address will be given. The grounds and building will be open each succeeding day to visitors from 0, a. m , to 5, p, m, Admission, 25 cents ; Children, 10 cents, TJands of music will be in attendance, i. The judj:es will meet at th" Secretary's office on Tuesday, Sept. 23i.hy at 0. a. m., to obtain " entry books" and prooeid to awafd premiums, Or» •.•oB)ph'ting their work, which must be finished by Wednesday noon, they will hand over their books and reports to the Secretary and receive from him the prize ticket.'? which they will place carefully, and as soon as possible, on the various articles, f). Exhibits may be removed from the grounds on Friday afternoon, Oc- tober 2nd, immediately after the 'closing addreijv has been delivered. The Treasurer will commence to pay premiums on the grounds at /J, a. m. on Fri- day. Prizes not claimed within 3 months from the close of the exhibition will be lbrfeited< 0. Every intending competitor must transmit to the Secretary, not later thuU the dates mentioned in sections 7 and 8, an entry paper containing a cor- rect list of the animals or articles which he intends to exhibit, together with a certificate of pedigree in the case of thoroughbred stock, or else a reference to the r^istry numbers of the new Nova Scotia Stock Register. Any competi- tor ftCiling to transmit the certificate at the proper time will be excluded from competition. No fee is charged for the entry of animals or articles. Cit3 l)rife Also, a si ^ If BC WRIT ADVERTISKMKXTH i'nr tin- critar\\. or spaec- [iimiltocv y, Sept. {■'Ts ari(^ f'uesHay, the Ex(.'- put to^c- Dbish rt- work can l-^pt. at i: Iding will pt. 2901, jms, Ort they will hi in the e, on the noon, Oc- ed. The . on Fri- Bxhibit'oa not later ling a cor- ler with a ference to f competi- uded from 787:^ [LIMITKl).] Fa^'for^' aiB, and mnnerous I'rov. 1st Prizes. Xtf Parlor Organs, 4 Sets llceds, V2'2, .i57") and upwards. Gates' anr e:ihibition shall not be removed frnn> the j:rotinds or buihSinj; till the time ui«ntioned in section 5 without spcciaJ ))crii)ission of the Ksecutive Oomiuittee, or superiateudent of the department. ^• 2T. All articles exposed for sale shall have the prices affixed, and be sold by the owner, or by psirtief; appointed by him or htT for that purpose. No auctioneer shall be allowed to sell animals or articles on the jirounds or in the ))uildin;; without the written permis-sion of the President or Secretary of the Committee, and the time and place specified in such permissiofl mu.'it be strict- ly adhered to. ^ 22. Any pcrt-on who shall attempt to interfere with the jud<.;es xrhile in the ''^discliar'ije of tlieir duties, or who shall ijttempt to influence their decisions by his p. esence or remarks, or who shall afterwards, within the limits oK the show grounds, use any contemptuous or abusive language, ia consequeuee of any award made, shall forfeit hi.'? right to any premiums to which he might be otherwise entitled, and be otherwise dealt with as the committee may detcr- aiine, 23. Any exhibitor who may feel aggrieved in consequence of auy acciden- tal irregularity, is requested eimply ti) draw the attention of the committee of the department, or ot some member ot the Executive Committee, to such, without entering into any di-^cussion apt to cause hindrance or disturbance. Should he not receive what he may consider sufficient redress on the spot, he must nevertheless abide by the dvcision given — but he may at the close of the exhibition bring the matt T before the Committee by written statement, with a view to full enquiry. 24. Space will be provided for any article that may be fr warded for ex- hibition, subject to approval of committee, apart from such as are mantioned in the prize lisi. Awards of merit will be given for such, all of which exhi- bits must be entered on the Secretary's book in the minner prescribed for those that come within the prize list. ■jorrnifcr to sp'^c - 1011 from Diuial.". ed nrfi- 70 stuck fT, Htraw, dU there rt'A from t speciai rtiucut. \ be snl(i :»so. No yr in the y of the De striot- ile in tlm sioDs by Lhe show } of any tiiijiht be: .\y detiir- accidep- mittee of to such, urbanoe, spot, ho 36 of the t, with a for ex sntloned ah. exhi- ibed for *& ff FULL LINES ^rtgliisilt § ^urelcjn NEW DECORATIVE GLASS -I.V Alx the New Colors, AND A VARIETY OF ART WARE isslisi ai2 Hmeiicas lamps I '-rOVR WHOLESALE DEPAUTMKXT IS rULI.Y COMPLWE IN ALL LINES OF CHEAP GOODS. BJLD Wm S- CO. HALIFAX, N. S. « BAKllLXGTOXSTL^EEt '^;^ .^ 10 GENDKAL KlifJir.A'l lOXS. 7. Horses, cattle, shoep, swine and poultry iru^t be entered on or b.'foro Saturday Sept. r)rli, and the aire of each aniiuil should be sr.ated in years an. I months at the date of exhibition ; the precise date of birth to be given wh'Mi necessary. 8. Plants and flowers, fruit. j;rain, roots, vgetabl s, and other tii-ld and trarden products, ai^riciiUural implements, mariuracrurt's nf all kinds, and ar- ticles not elsewhere onurni-ruted. may be entered up to Saturday, Sept. ILkli, one clear week pn ceding: the show. 1). Exhibitors of bulky articles, requirinoj extensive accfuninodation nui>t communieacc with the secretary, on or bctore Monday fSept. 1 k,h. statio'j: what space they will n quire, in order that there may bo time for the committee to make ihe requisite arranc;eniouts. . ^'^ 10. Exhibitors will, in every ease, give Mie necessary attention to wliat- ever they exbibit. Upon the payment of 25 cents, mct'ssary attend:ints upon live stock, and workmen actually employed upon m-.nihin- ry x\\\ be furnisiicl by the Secretary, with " Bad;j;es" which must be securely attached to their up- parel. These badjrts will ;i:ive them admission during ^liow week. 11. All articles for competition shall hn^tlie production or manufacture of the exhibitor ; field produce must be the growth of I'-So, and livt; stoek mu-t have been owned and kept by the exhibitor in tl'.e province n>it less than thre ■ months immediately prior to the exhibition, ex^ pt in case of animals import- I ed to remain for breedinj; purposes in the province. 12. Articles from otlier countries, and espeeially from other provinces of the Dominion, are solicited, but not for competition. The committee will have the power of granting honorary certificates for sucli articles a;^ tbvy may d'cui > worthy of merit, 10. All expenses incurred in the conveyance c f articles or anima's to and from Kentville, placing them in the exhibition, and maintaining them whih there, shall be borne by the (>xhibitors who ifiu-t ahn undertake all risks of loss or damage. Articles must, in every case, be d(~livered and unpacked I'ree of expense to the committee. 11. Each exhibitor wdl receive from the Secretary an entry ticket for every article to be exhibited by him, and he is required to atHs suoh ticket up»^:: the article or animal which he exhibits, or on the stalls. 15. In ^he woollen manufactures and fine art depar.'ment '* Delivery Cards" will be furnished to the exhibitors when such articles are entered in Jnve]^ the Secretary's books, and no such exhibit can bo removed from the build!ni:I unless these " Delivery Cards" are presented to those in charge of the depart* ment. ? >' IG. When fewer than three competitors appear for any prize, and wherl Colleoj the articles exhibited are of inferior merit, the .judges shall hav(> the diser. j will pa' tionary power of awarding or witlTliolding prizes or reducing tlieir vo.lues. Nij article can take two prizes, or be exhibited in two collections, unles-H the coni ^ Ci trary is distinctly expressed in the prize li«t. In estimating the merit of livt| fiiBC'pj stock the judgea are requested to take aee into considt ration where aoil mals of diflfereot ages are competing with each other. ▲DnHOUmBlfTS. n or b.'fofo jrears aafl yen wh'in ,ri, itnd ar- atioii niu-t .atini what iminittje to n to wlr.it- rKl«nts up je t'urnisin"! 1 to their It p- .oufacturo of i: stock inu-it !^ til an thre' mals iir.port- provmces of 119 Hollig Street, UaUfax, IV. S. -^M- ,tt«!e will liavo ,y may J' eui ninials to and' \r thiol wliihl all visVs ot'i^ ixu packed fr^nl Itry ticket for] k'auoU ticketl Int " Delivorv^ Ire entered ii the buiUlinu If the departi Izc, and whci Ive the discr. lir va.Uies. ^< Inlei".? the coi)= merit ot liv^ In where aui] A LIVE SCHOOL OF THE TIMES FOR THE EDUCATION OF YOUNa MEN AND YOUNG WOMEN FOR BUSINESS. !Il« COURSE of INSTRUCTION k SHORT, SENSIBLE, PRACTICAL, — M*1 :)^l!).-y;:jTt^XL- -'55^') jK Jnrelring k practical acquaintance with all kinds of Qommeroial INipor ^od the laws which govern their negotiation. YOUNG MEN evei-rwhere should mak* it a ppecial point to h t.-nd thti CJollej-e for at least six months. It will be a pleasant chanire ot w.»-k, and will pay better than any other investn cnt of the same amount of n)Mn><. Circulars with full information will be sent free on application to tba frinc'pals, .Frazee & Wliiston, GEKEBAL REGULATIONS. 25- Exhibitors mast supply themselves with proper fastenings for safdy gMsring the animals in the stalls. AH bulls one year old or over must have BQOse ringp. ,f 26, Exhibits of manufactures of everj^ description are solicited for whi rtifieatca of merit will be awarded to all (considered worthy by the judges. whiek {ts» V % $ ♦'. ■1 \ t .^■.,' . -. r. '*-. ■ i' I .w^r ' }•: ' , ■fi ,: ^ t gs for safdf tr must liave ed for whiok he judges. /..■ ^ t'.t. ''J' : ■ .. •• , •: v# A era AT iflmuivn* R. W. EATON. ARNOLD BLOCK, KENTVILLE, N, SL .GOui .riUi ' — IMPORTER AND DEALER IN — bilQi&iisiil ill £iis| plill@iif|| ' BLANK AND ACCOVKT BOOKS, Also, a full line of Bibles, Prayer ind Hymn Books, Popular Anthems m Poetry and Prose, Plush, Leather and Cloth Autograph, Photograph and Card Albums. In my stoek of W SCHOOL SUPPLIES Will be found a large assortment of Books, Slatei and all School &«qui«tqk f: r l\ _ ALSO, A GREAT VARIETY OP -i ^«i< «^^ ' • , PP ^^^' 'l^P Sw' In Plush and Leather, oomprising Purres, Companiona, Mirror and Photo- Jfsames, suitable for wedding;, birthday and holiday presents, Brack- ets, Music Racks, Vases, Toys and Games, &c., warding prizes fbr Horaea, the Jadgea are reqaested to take into ao* ' the age, sikc, training, ntjlo and sonodness, aa well as brespd, aad Dot to i thf- ^Ee QD^t^ thej ooDsider ihe aoiiual worthy of it.^^>i ^ Cblts exhibited with their dams in aeetions 5, 10, 24, are eligible to compete •mtioQ 18, but do other animal ia this olass will be allowed to compete ia tbaa one aeotioo. §178 CLASS 1— ST4NDARP BRBI> HORSES. atasnoN Ist 2Dd 3d 1 Best standard bred Stallioo, 4 jeare old and upward $30 20 10 X " •* a ♦» " . 20 15 10 3 " •• i " " 15 10 8 4 V ♦« 1 *♦ '• 10 8 6 9 *' brood uare and oolt or CTideDce that a oolt has been reared 4 j^tf^ old and upwav-d 20 15 12 Exhibitors in the abore Sab Class 1. shall be reqaired to forward with Uia "tetrj paper" a certificate from John H. Wallace, compiler of the Amerioan jRratting Register, that the animal ia standard. Failure to supply such oerti- fitate will exclude them from cotupetitioa. SUBCLASS^— HORSES FOB GENERAL PURPOSES. Ut 2nd Srd 4^ C Best Stallioo, to breed horses for general purposes 4 years old and upward $20 15 10 T "3 '* ,. 12 10 8 ^ aS •^•••••«^ fi^m •••••'••••••••••••••••••Xu* o o a:!r^ ♦* 1 "..:»'..:;., ;.:... a 5 a 10 Best brood mare and colt (or evidence that a eoh has been reared) for breeding horses for general purposes 20 15 10 n B ADTBBrMaiiaiits. 85. WHOLESALE DBYGdODS. 3 into ao- ad not to 3 compete )mpete in '1 id JO 5 8 sa 10 10 8 6 12 I with the Lznerioui ich oerii- 4y» SPRING STOCK NOW COMPLBTB, CONSISTING IN PART OF COTTONS of all kinds, CLOTHS, MILLINERY GOODS, DRESB GOODS, LINEN GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIB- BONS, Eu)., Etc. FANCY SOAPS, COMBS, JEWELLRY, PIPES, FANCY GOOI?^ SMALL WARES, eto.. ote. Ordeis from the eountrj through our tr»rellerw or by letter per«Doa%'afr' tended to. B. A. Smitii, 83to 37 GEOBiiE SFTltEHT - - HnlitUx. N. S,^ i. F. Harness KELLY, Manufacturer, DEALER IN Horse Clothing, Stable Requisites, Carriage Wrapa^ ^ Also, Manufacturer of TrvLnlcs of S-xrery Deecriptiozi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Special attenticr to oouutry orderSj Ho'ee Boots of evetf deecriptiODi man nred to order. HALIFAX N.Sa. / ^ $ '4' m PRIXI LMT. 51 poses to be the bona fide property of exhibi* tor 20 12 Best pair matched hor es for road, to be the bona fide property of the czhibicor 20 13 Best single carriage horae, net one of a pair driven in carriage^. w. 15 14 Best saddle horse, mare or gelding,!inder saddle 15 15 Best aU purpose horse, gelding or mare other than brood 15 16 Best colt (Bot stallion^ for general pur- pose 3 years old 10 17 Best colb (not stalUon) for general pur- pose 2 years old 9 18 Bent colt for general purpose, 1 year old 8 19 Best, sucking colt for general purpose 7 SUB CLASS 3— DRAUGHT HORSES. 20 Best Stallion to breed horses for draught 4 years 1st »nd upward 20 21 B«8t stallion to <' " 3 yr old 15 22 « « " 2 " " 10 23 « « »' 1 " " 8 24 Best brood mare and colt (or evidence that a colt has been reared) to breed horses for draught ..... 15 2^ Best pair of draught horses, to be the bona fide property of the exhibitor, to be shown in harness 20 26 E'est colt (not stallioa) for draught 3 years old 10 27 *• " 2 " 8 15 ■ 12: 10 .X. 10 8 12 10 8 (; 7 h 6 4 5 3 « 6 CLASS 2. CATTL^:. •'J T^/^'\ 2nd 3rd 15 10 10 8 8 5 5 ' 3 12 10 15 8 6 6 4 4 2 ■* I ■" IC, *.■; ' SUB-CLASS 1. SHORT HORN DU&UAHS. ^C 1 Best Thoroughbred Durham bull, 4'yrs old and up]ir«rd 915 12 10 Thoroughbred Stock, certified pedigiee, registered in new NovaSootia Herd | Kok or in Standard Herd Books. \^.x\. I No cow will be allowed to compete unless in milk, or with calf, or evidence ' Iftat she has had a calf within twelve months. x\ 10 I. 8 10 (I 4 3 i/J'.'i 15 10 8 5 •« 12 15 8 6 4 ootia Herd r evidence 2 10 3rd 10 8 6 3 10 8 4 2 AUYBRnSEVWrTS. Olironoiii.etei:' o,iicl "W^a^clmaalcer, Ships' Chronometers for sole and for Hire, and Rated by Transit Observatiooi. WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVER PLATED WARE aicd FINE GOLD JEWELERT, FOR SALE AND REPAIRED. Special attemtlon given to repairlug; of Fine Watches. 187 BARRINGTON STREET, ..HALIFAX. N. a Ssrba.'bliGkbod in 1G54. •RICHARD MEGENEY, 178 Barrington St, - - Halifax^ J^, S. Successor to Jolin Woodill, Dealer in OX AND COW HIDES, CALF SKINS, WOOL OD WOOL SKINS, ETC., ETC. Si." The highest price paid in CASH for the abr /ve. RockfordWatches OOeranTiUeK t,_jEWELLEB,-H.Ufkx, 5. 8. wm^a^^a^^mmK^m^^^mmmmm^mK^mi^m — g^jg Agent — AanunequalUdinEXACTIKQaEBriCE.,^^ ° Used by the Chief^^^ cJsiOra. VV Sl'tCXl WQ> s~^^) Medianidan of the S^^^^ V. S. Coast Survey : by the Admiral flommandlne in the U. 8. Naval Observ (Send for Descriptive Circular.) A Complete Stock of : \ atorr, nlc for Astr nomlcal work ; r o-Jewellery, nd by liocomof /»" EnKineerst r^. ductors an/ 5i"R- waymen. T j!e,are re c OKU If .^V It or all uses In vi> /.ea . as Watches, (all kind^ French & American Clocks, Silver & Plated Ware, Spectacles, Kine J'ancy Goods, Etc, t^ The manufacture of PresentatioQ ■ ■■fc lim I PANT'S excir ^ij^o A^e "s J®^®^^ '"•"^ Medals, Jewellery and Silver- Clw«lii«J«wrt«f.)vUoK*To n7^^,jU^^„^„ty.^a^g^ ^^^ ^ specialty. ♦l Vi '» 2 « *< ««3 11 9* «t 4 i< « " 5 <( (( " 6 (» « " 3vr»old l.-) 2' •• 15 i ♦• 12 •* *• sir inciithi'... 7 12 10 12 !• 10 8 7 6 5 4 COTV^S. " 7 Best Thorou''hbred Durham ••t* 4 t**" oU M and upwards IH « 8 (( " 9 u *' 10 (( •* 11 « " 12 Durhftin liciftr 'i • •' 1 ^' Durham heifer (nlf «a«er 1 year.., " under six uiohtK* 11 10 8 G 2.-d 12 10 9 8 7 4 3rd 4th 10 8 8 7 <; G 2 SUB-CLASS 2. ATRSriIRES. ;a :v BULLS. ** 13 Best Thoroughbred Ayrshire Bull 3 years old and upward 15 " 14 « " 2 years old 12 « 15 " " 1 year old 10 «* 16 <• " calf under 1 yr 8 « 17 ** " " uder 6 mo8 6 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 BBS' Ify write jy cows. u tl II II n u 18 Best Thoroughbred Ayrshire Cow, 4 years old andupward 14 19 " ''3 " 11 20 " ** 2 " 10 21 " '» lyear" 9 22 Ayrshire heifer calf under one year 7 23 " ♦' " iix mos 6 11 9 8 7 4 9 7 6 5 4 2 X: SUB-CLASS 3. DEVONS. 24 Best Thoroughbred Devott Bull 3 yrs old and Offi \ AUyEBTISr.«TK. It 10 It 8 c 4 3rd 4th 10 g 8 7 <; u •2 10 8 6 4 2 9 7 6 5 4 2 cr^ or^ J. & F. W. ffARRlS i^(^ Barrington St Halifax IMPORTERS OF BEST MAKES OF AMERICAN, ENGLISH, GERMAN, and FRENCH t» r ^i«M»OS If you want a thoroughly reliable Piano or Organ you will do well to call write as we can sell anv make of Piano or Oriran at the lowest po.isihle price. PIANOS'AND ORQ. NS TONED AND REPAIRED. m» , ■ . ■ ■ ■ ii..-.^- I ■— ■-,— - ■■ ■ ,. — . — ^ — . -- . ,■■ ■> . . ■■■ —II J — «^ The Army & Navy Brewery. :; s. OLdJV-D sojvs s- Co , ; ''I BREWERS & MALSTERS. Xx & Xxx Ales & Extra Stout AL60 Bottles of Bass' Ale and American Lager BREWERY, TUR'^LE GROVE DARTMOUTH, OffiQe 243 Hollis St Halifax, N. S. s 25 26 IT 28 upward 12 '' " 2 " 10 ♦« "1 " 8 *' " calf over six mos 6 *' " under six mos 4 10 8 8 5 7 4 4 3 2 1 COWS. 29 Best Thoroughbred Devon Cow 4 years old aid asdupwards 12 30 31 82 33 84 3 years old 10 " Devon heifer 2 yr old 8 1 yr old 7 " calf over six mos 5 " under six mos ... 4 10 8 8 5 6 4 5 3 3 1 2 1 SUB-CLASS 4. JERSEYS. 35 Best thoroughbred Jersey Bull, 3 years old and upwards 15 36 " Jersey bull, 2 years old 12 37 " "1 year old 10 38 " Jersey calf over six mos 8 89 " " under six mos 6 COWS. 40 Best Thoroughbred Jersey Cow, 4 years old and upwards 15 41 '• "3 years old 11 42 " heifer 2 years old 10 43 " " 1 year old 9 44 " calf over 6 mos 7 45 *' " under 6 mos., G SUB-CLASS 6. POLLED ANGUS. 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 12 10 9 7 8 6 7 5 6 4 4 2 i^, ■• 46 Best Thoroughbred Polled Angus Bull. 3 jra old and upwards 15 47 " " '* 2 years old 12 48 " « '* 1 year old 10 12 10 10 8 8 & 8 5 4 3 1 8 5 4 3 1 1 10 8 6 4 2 10 7 6 5 4 2 St Pumps ! Pumps ! -0— -0- k p I -0 0- FOJt 0WELLINC8,8TABLES,FAGT0RI£S, VESSELS, MINES, ETC. -0 0- A kitchen pump with 15 feet of pipe, and strainer, for $4.50. $4.50. •0 0- 10 8 6. HALIFAX, N. S. PMS8 ijnv. 49 90 92 S4 t6 4» H (( c«lf o>^r six iQOfl under six iqm COWS. 8 51. Beat Thoroughbred Polled Angus Cow 4 yr». old and upwards 15 io do 3jrBold 11 io do heifer 2 jrs 9\d 10 do do 1 *v ; 9 ^^ -.w U V . - ,do etif ♦rer fe #!■ 7 oo . do •• under 6 " 6 SUB-CLASSe. HKREFORDS. f 7 Best Thoroughbred Hereford Bull 3 j'fb old ' K and upwards * '*-* ■" do do , do do SB S9 €1 15 k •»!- \ do 2 yra old 12 do 1 " 10 do calf over 6 moa 8 do do under 6 mos 6 6 4 12 10 8 6 4 4 2 12 1« 9 7 8 « 7 & ^ 4 4 2 lie 4 1 Bi: ^ cows. 4 «3 «4 65 «C 4>7 t-;>^ * ]( 62 BestThor'bredHerefordCow4 yrs.old & upwards 15 do do do do do « * ^ %i..^ ^~ do 3 yra. old do Heifer 2 yrs. old do do 1 yr. do Calf over 6 mos do do under 6 moi 11 10 9 7 6 SUB CLASS VII. HOLSTlIIfS. 68 BestThoro'bredHolstein Bull 3 yrs.old upwards 15 69 do do do 2 yrs. old , 12 70 do do do 1 yr. old 10 71 do do do Calf over 6 mos 8 72 do . do do Calf under 6 mos 6 12 9 8 7 6 4 10 7 6 5 4 2 12 10 10 8 8 S 6 4 4 2 COWS. 73 BestThoro'bredHolstien Cow 4 yrs.old upwards 15 12 1§ 4 2 1« M 4 t ST « 4 10 7 S 5 4 2 10 8 4 2 1§ ▲»T aiciBk MOIR SONS & CO llANUPACttREIW OP liseuit^ Cakes^ Confectionery^ FRUIT SYRUPS BALIPAX^ ..N.aL AND ESTABUSMITP FOR 'EW AND RARE PLAl^TSL H. Harris/ GREEN HO :SE AND NURSERi'. rnw^Bobie and Nocth Streets /i.v, .-..,,. ,...u,«44i'i.'...Ha!ifaKi 94 TfP.'li^:' 74 do 75 do 76 do 77- do 78 do .<. do do do do do do 3 yrs. old 11 Heifer 2 yr&. old 10 do 1 yr. old 9 do Calf oyer 6 mos 7 do Calf under 6 mos 6 n( SUB-CLASS VII. GUERNREYS,^ 79 Best Gviernsey Bull 3 yrs. upwards 80 do ^^. ^ do 2 yra^ old ijU de - ■ do 1 yr.old S2 do do Calf over 6 mos 83 do ... do Calf under 6 mos 84 Best Guernsey Cow 4 yrs. and upwards 85 do do 3 yrs. and under 4 86 do do 2 yrs. do 3 87 do ' " do lyr. do 2 88 do Heifer Calf o'^er 6 mos 89 do do under 6 mos 9 8' 7 6 4 7 6 5 4 2 n u 12 12 10 ... .it-.;. 8 g « a 4 14 11 11 9 10 8 9 7 ■-.^ 7 6 -<^y ^ 4 Best Thoroughbred Bull of each of the aboTe 8 classes, witii five of his CalveSr which may be cither lieifcr ot bull calves or both, Prizes to be diyided ftmoDgsttbe calves, SIO.OO. Note — Animals competing in these sections are not debarred from oompefe- ing in other sections also. F AfT SUB-CLASS IX. HERDS. ._,„^ , Xk A TTerd to consist of one Bull which shall not bo less than one year old ani. a. scrvieable animal, and five females, two of which must be cows. No pcjrsqn can*Bc allo\ved to enter more than one herd \ifxdct the same sectioq^ but aaS- nals in a herd may (Compete for single prises. Section. I I Iflt Sq^ 9|d 4tfc 90 Beat Thoroughbred Shorthora Herd 91 do Ayrshire 92 do Devon 93 do Jersey 94 do Polled AngTXft 95 do Hereford 96 do Holstein 97. do Guernsey Ijit Sq^ #40 80 40 30 30 20 40 30 80 20 30 20 40 80 10 20 FANCY GOODS. *' — The bedt place in the City to purchase — FANCY GOODS, TOYS, CRICKETING GOODS, VIOLINS, AOCORIV. BONS, CONCERTINAS, AND SMALL WARES FOR BAZAiS AND FANCY SALES. WEOLESALE AND RETAIL. O. J. OOt>K:E, 115 Granville St, Halifax^ JV' S^ BAULD, GIBSON & CO., MARKET SLIP, HALIFAJ5 — Importers and Wholesale Dealers in — TEA,SUGAR,MOLASSES, FLOUR. MEAL & GENERAL GROCERIBa TOBACCO A SPECIALTY. I ' — AIb*, a fvU stock of all the leading brands ef— WSnes, Ales and Liquors, Thg iiondon RuBbsr Stamp Company. 1^ fioans street, Halifaz, H. S. Manufacturers of every description of Rubber Stamps, Datere, and Self-lttlt« ing Presses for Baaks, Railroads and Offices^ Monograms, Linen Markers and all the Latest Novelties of the Trade. STAMPS CLEANED, ALTERED AND HEPAIRED. 1^ I rtaxn llst. Sub-Class 10.— puIrjBjoi' aud Workiog Cattle. Beef Grades — iDeludia;^ ''radM of Short Horn — Polled Angos 9S Baft. Cow 4 jr* uTd aad npvarda^ giving not less than 4 quaru ul' milk per day $12 do 3y ^r» old 10 Best heifer li >fi*rg oH 8 " •• X jeur old 7 *' Calf OTur G uiOit 5 i( >* ttidiir C tMOB. 4 Best Fat Cow ^r Heifer 12 9« 100 101 102 103 104 aud Herefords. 10 8 6 8 6 7 5 6 4 4 3 i 2 8 lUIBY QEADES 105 106 107 108 m Includinjt Grades of Ayrshire, Jersey, Gurnsey, Deron and Holsteio. i \ ni BesI 113 114 llg 11« 117 tl8 Best Cow 4 yMtru old and vpward do S do Best Heifer 2 years old (. 1 n Best Heifsr Calf erav 6 mm '* '^ aader (> mm OXEN. Beat pair of Fat Oxea pair workiag ox^n, 5 yrs old k npward <♦ 4 years old " Staars 3 '* Stmrs 2 Sfce*F- 1 "' ^' " Staer Calvea, orer 6 mos Steer Calras, tinder 6 moe. CLASS 9~8HEEP. 12 10 8 7 ^5 4 * 1 10 25 20 15 12 10 8 10 8 7 6 4 3 30 20 15 12 10 8 6 4 '8 6 5 4 3 2 20 1ft 12 10 8 6 4 t -T"™ '^ ^ Jttiaep BHst In elasely short on er after Mi»y Ist, aod the day or sfaeartBg snst be noted oi the entry paper. Bwes 2 shears and over in a^l the diri- sion, must have raised lambs the proseat season. SHOUT WOOL-SHROPSHIRE DOWNS. 1 2 3 4 Best Ban;, 2 shears an 1 over it ** Shearling " Lamb " 2 Ewos 2 Shears and over $7 5 6 4 6 3 7 5 1 c s o D P Br S. Herefords*. 8 6 5 4 3 2 6 ADVERTISEMENTS. 27 [oUteio. S 6 6 4 3 2 20 li 12 10 8 6 4 2 I or sheftrmg lil the diri- BROWN & WEBB, ^^r»ssM§, 11 CORNER OF DUKE AND HOLUS STS. Offer the largest and most varied Stock in the Maritime Provinces, in the following lines: DRUGS — of the finest qualities, and pure Powders. |y|£Q|Q||^£3 — Pharmaceutical Preparations of offi- cial strength and unsurpassed excel lence. C H E M i C A LS — Heavy and Fine Chemicals from the leading manufacturers of the world. 3PICES — Carefully selected and ground and packed by ourselves. Warranted Puke. QI1.S — Machinery, Medicinal, and other Oils. DYE STUFFS ^^^ Drysalteries of every description. PATENT MEDICINES-Allthe popular Pro- prietary Kemedies. PEPPUMERY — Soaps, Cosmetics and Toilet Goods. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES- Brushes, Sponges, Combs, Bottles, Corks,. Boxwood, Uten- sils, Apparatus, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses, Supporters, &c., &c. Seedl®, Crrocers' X>nig's, Fine Teas. N 28 PR12E tIST. MASON & RISCH PIANOS Sold to Prof. Yandersmlssen, Toronto. 5 Best 2 Ewes, shearling q 4 6 - « lambs '.'.]'.'.'.'.'/. 5 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 SOUTHDOWNS. Best Ram 2 shears and over , 7 " shearling , g " lamb , 5 2 Ewes 2 shears and over 4 " Shearlings , ^ . (j " Lambs , 5 5 4 3 5 3 HAMPSHIRE DOWNS AND OXFORD DOWNS. 13 Best Ram 2 shears and over 7 14 " Shearling g 15 « Lamb i .'.*,'.*.'.'.'.'.'.' .' 5 16 Best 2 Ewes 2 shears and over 7 17 " Shearlings *..... 6 18 " Ewe Lambs . . . ^ 5 5 4? 3 5 4f 3 LONG W^OOL, INCLUDING COTSWOLD, LEICESTERS, LINCOLNS ANU GRADES. 19 Best Ram 2 shears and over ..... . 7 20 " Shearling Q 21 « Lamb ',','//,[ 5 22 Best 2 Ewes 2 shears and over 7 23 " 2 " Shearlings ' * ' 6 24 " 2 " Lambs 5 6 5 4 6 4 3 4 3 2 6 5 4 4 3 4 3 2 FINE WOOL-MERINO. 25 Best Ram 2 shears and over 7 5 Sir Wm. Ritchie, Ottawa, owns a MASON & RISCH PIANO. iDVER*ri8EftENTS. 2d 4 3 5 4 3 5 4 3 6 5 4 3 )Eg. 5 4 3 5 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 2 PUBLIC OPINION Is that in the use of SOAP it is CHEAPER and BETTER to purchase only those SOAPS that are Warranted Pure. mi nUl OF d. I. MOTfS AND 7.1=1 sr Isisi 1*15 will convince the consumer that it pays to use these in preference to all others. For Sale by all respectable dealers, Wholesale and Retail. MANUfAGTURED ONLY BY ^*^ CHSBBI^^H] Q F« mOTT^ 1^^ and 137 Oi-aftoii St. HALIFAX, N. S.- w-f ir 1^ PR.:ZB LIST. J ' '' - . • ■ . '. Hon. John O'Connor, Ottawa, onnH a MASON & RISCU PIAHO, 26 Best Ram Shearling 6 4 27 " Lamb 5 3 28 Best 2 Ewes 2 shears and over 7 5 29 ., , " Shearlings G 4 30 " Ewe Lambd 5 3 X ■ J . r FAT SHEEP. 31 Best fat sheep or Wether , . . 6 4 CLASS 4— SWINK ' BERKSmUES. , , 1 Best Boar 2 years and over 8 6 2 "1 year and under 2 7 5 3 *' under 1 year 6 4 4 Best Sow 2 years and over 8 6 5 " 1 year and under 2 , 7 5 6 " under 1 year 6 4 7 Best breeding Sow and litter, not leas than 5 pigs , . 8 6 ,;■■■. ■'•" '*'■■' ■ '■ . ' ".' > WHITE YORKSHIRE OR ELLESMERE. 8 Best Boar 2 years and over , 8 6 9 " 1 year and under 2 7 5 10 ■ " under 1 year 6 4 11 Best Sow 2 years and over 8 6 ti " 1 year and under 2 7 5 13 " under one year 6 4 14 Best breeding Sow and litter, not less than 5 pigs. . 8 6 WHITE CHESTER. 15 Best Boar 2 years and over 8 6 Hon. Senator Boyd, St. John, owns a MASON & BISCH PIANO. ADVERTISEMENTS. 81 Xx •■>/; '.'■:' ,} 6 5 4 6 5 4 6 6 5 4 6 5 4 6 I •'■' lNO. The above out represents our D Series of the Celebrated " CHARTER OAK RANGE." Each Range has the wonderful P1<^RF()RATEU TIN OVEN DOOR, Double Reversible Long Centre, Automatic Oven Shelf, and Portable Front Shelf. Every Range and Stova guaranteed to operate satisfactorily. A trial will convince the most sceptical that these Stoves and Ranges are THE BEST ever offered to the public. No family should be without one. We make FIVE sizes of these Stoves exchusively for Wood, and 1<*IVE sizes for Coal and Wood, and FOUR sizes of Ranges in Thirteen Styles for Coal and Wood. See the " CHARTER OAK " Stoves and Ranges before deciding on what Stove you will purchase. E. COGSWELL & CO. Sackville, New Brunswick, A-GJ-EKrxs i3sr isrovA. scotia.. A ROBB & SONS, Amherst. JOHN JAMIESON, Truro. THOMPSON & SUTHERLAND, New Glasgow. J. E. WILSON, Halifax. J. N. DAUPHINEE, Lunenburg. J. S McLEOD, Kentville. PATTTSON & KNOWLES, Windsor. DAKIN BROS , Digby. W. J. GIBSON, Parrsboro. A. TRERICE, SpringhUL h J i 82 FRIZK LIST. Bey. Canon Dart, Kln^'ft Colleire, owns a MASOxN & RISCU PIANO. 16 Best Boar 1 year and under 2 7 5 17 " under 1 year ., 6 4 18 Best Sow 2 years and over 8 (5 10 " 1 year and under 2 7 5 20 " under 1 year 6 4 21 Best breeding Sow and Utter, not less tlian 5 pi^s. . 8 6 ALL OTHER BREEDS AND CROSSES. 22 Best Boar over 2 years 7 5 ^3 " 1 year and under 2 6 4 24 " under 1 year 5. 3: 25 Best Sow 2 years and over 7 5 26 " 1 year and under 2 6 4 27 ' •' under 1 year 5 3 28 Best breeding Sow and litter, not less than 5 pigs . . 8 6 29 " fat Hog 8 6 4 ir \ CLASS 5— POULTRY. Old birds (batched previous to 1885) to be shown in pairs, one male and one female. Chickens (hatched in 1885) in trios, one male and two females. The exhibitors of poultry must attend to feeding and cleaning, as in the case of other live stock. All exhibits in this class must be shown in coops open only in fronts which must be made of wire or twine net of large mefih. Proper appliances for food, wtter and cleansing must be supplied. The following dimensions have been agreed upon : For fowls and ducks : Length, 3 feet ; bi-eadth, 2J feet ; height, 2| feet. For turkeys and geei^e i Length, 3 J feet; breadth, 3 feet; height, 3 feet. For bantams and pigeons; Length from 18 to 28 inches ; breadth^ 12 inches; height, 18 inches. Compartments may be made in coops for different varieties of bantams and pigeons. *• The MASON & RISCH are in every way Artists' JManos— first class In everj respect.^—J. E, P, Aldous^^ M.A„ Trinity CoIlege,^ Cambri. Cj •7; a; '^ ^■ri (U CO r/} -rr ee a c 1— H X (U •s •M s 7; cd t-> 1— b 05 -«4 r^ tr n t' iJ o; OJ ,J3 ' "3 «» S a TS no ti jt4 P Vi C3 • f-4 -73 d f/3 =3 (- ^ Z •1^ m >-j m ^ t> Cm >> 5 £ W3 ^r OS - r3 a t- - *^ rt h (—^ •M 0) t« oi 0,' tr^ (17 ^ •*-j Td CO Cm ■4-* d n ;; J ct ij •— ' u c >) <^ u r- M eij L. ^ > •4 JJ §-? (3- M a> la c*- w 9» 3 Vi 00 P3 P3 •-4 B CD CO 1— •- <1 n CD PL. o* ti r/? w 1— • y M CD FJ C3^ -t H I— «- cr c-t- CD (=L. SO p* CO go -j ^ CD 00 2 (0 CO -i 00 P, t— « th H ^ M §-. \ '-* U il 34 PRIZE LIST. AH the leading people of Canada use MASON & RISCH PIANOS. 1 Bronze Turkeys 3 2 " Turkey Chickens 2 3 Other variety of Turkeys 3 4 " " Chickens 2 6 Domestic Geese 3 6 Wild " 2 7 Aylesbury Ducks 2 8 Pekin " 2 9 Rouen ' 2 10 Any other variety of Ducks 2 11 Light Brahnias 2 12 Brahma Chickens 2 13 Dark Brahmas 2 14 " Chickens 2 15 Plymouth Rock 2 16 " Chickens 2 17 Langshans 2 18 " Chickens 2 19 White Leghorns 2 20 " Chickens 2 21 Brown Leghorns 2 22 " Chickens 2 23 Black Spanish 2 24 " Chickens : 2 25 Buff Cochins 2 26 Partridge Cochins 2 27 Houdans 2 28 Dominiques 2 29 Game Black Red 2 30 " Brown Red 2 31 Hamburg Silver Spangled 2 32 " Golden Spangled 2 33 " Silver Pencilled 2 34 " Black # 2 35 Polish Black White Crested 2 36 Dockings 2 37 Grade or common fowl 2 38 Bantams, not game ^ 2 39 Breeding Pen, any pure ; one cock and three hens. . 3 2 Hason & Bisch Pianos— "Excellent, Magnificent, Unequalled."— Franz Liszt. £ 1 I I ADVERTISEMENTS. 36 OUR YEARLY EXHIBIT!! IS THAT WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Stoves, Ranges, Hot Air Furnaces, Rotary Saw Mills and Shingle Machines, with all the latest improvements, Saw Grinders, Hollow-'ward, Ee^isters, Pipe Safes, Tinware, Crestings, Fencing, School Desks, &c. SOLE mat^itime: aoents for Sole Asents* '<^Bradford Co. •• THE CELEBRATED ^ Leonard Engines. iz Liszi. Also — Gandy Belting, as well as Rubber and Leather, Turbine Wheels, • Lath Machines, Planers, Pumps, Saws, Emery Wheels, Coal Hods, Lanterns, &;c., &e. ?EL^h1)NE cSJ^nIcTIGN. I TO WORKS. (ESTABLISHED 1848.) A. ROBB tc SONS, Iron and Brass Foundry, ) AAnueDe'r m e Machine and Tin Works, f AMHERST, W. b. i^^ Correspondence solicited, and answered promptly. »l 86 pnizB LIST. PIANOS AND OIKJANS-See HeustlM' Advertisement on back of cover, liiHtde. 40 Guinea Fowl 2 1 41 Pea Fowl 2 1 42 Pigeons, not less than (i 2 X ,1* 1 25 1 00 I 25 1 00 I 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 CLASS 6-ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Roots must be cleaned and topped, and surplus roots and fibres removed bol'ore beinj; taken into the ^'rounds or buildinr, N. S. ADVERTISEMENTS. ' 39 Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in U^atches^ Clocks^ Jewellery, SILVER AND PLATED-WARE. Agent for the ^E^ WILLIAMS" '^"'^ various American : Sewing Machines. OPTICAL GOODS ^ Si)ecialty, with special Kates for Traders and Country Dealers. Fine T^atcih Hepairingr done on the premises lay competent workmen. When Visiting Halifax, Patronize the 147 XXollis Street, Mm @€i; Dispensing Chemist, l> Proprietor, and Agent for Laurance's Spectacles and Glasses, which impart a perfect vision. Night Clerk on the premises. Telephone connection with all parts of the City. The only Drug Store in the City displaying the Electric Light. i^ ■I r 1 1 f 10 • * tRtZE Lis! •. the Mason & tMsch— this Priize Piano of Canada— tarmonUi J^xhlbltlOn, ls§4« Exhibits in sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G and 7 must be named and labeled by the exhibitor. 1 Best bushel Winter Wheat^. ; . 8 00 " 2 00 1 00 2 " Spring Wheat 3 00 2 00 100 9 '" White Oats, lar^te 1 00 75 50 ^ 4 ' " " small ........ 1 00 75 50 6 " Black Oats 1 00 75 50 15 " Barley 1 50 1 00 75 7 " Rye 100 75 50 8 " Buckwheat, rough 1 00 75 50 9 " " shepody . . 1 00 75 50 10 Best doJien ears of Indian Corn ........ 75 50 25 11 " half bushel Field Peas 100 75 50 1? " peck Beans, White 1 00 75 50 13 " " Colored/ 1 00 75 50 14 " " White With dark eyes 1 00 75 50 15 "2 quarts Asparagus Beans 50 25 ^ U " " Indian Chief 50 25 17 '' " Horticultural Beans 50 25 18 " half peck Horse Beans . 50 25 19 " " Scarlet Beans i 50 25 20 " half bushel Timothy Seed ... 2 00 1 60 1 00 21 " peck Red Clover Seed 2 00 150 100 22 " peck Alsike Clover Seed '. 2 00 1 50 1 00 23 " 5 lbs. Swedish Turnip Seed 1 00 75 50 24 " 5 lbs. Beet Seed 1 00 75 50 25 " 2 lbs. Carrot Seed, field, heavy seeOS-nsed by Grand Ducal Orchestral School, ffeimar. CLASS 8— DAIRY PRODUCE. 1 Best firkin or other package of Butter for export, not less than 20 lbs 8 00 G 00 5 00 4 0' 3 00 2 00 2 Best glass crock or jar of But ter, not less than 5 lbs 6 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 »- 3 Best 5 lbs Butter in rolls, prints, boxes or other fancy style.. 6 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 4 Best 25 lbs. Creamery Butter.. 6 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 5 " DairyCheese, not less than 10 lbs 6 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 6 Best Factory Cheese, not less than 30 lbs 7 00 G 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 7 Best exhibit of Condensed Milk 4 00 2 00 CLASS 9— WOOLLEN FLAX AND STRAW GOODS. 1 Best 8 yds. all Wool, dressed and fulled 3 00 2 " assorted lot of Tweeds G 00 3 " 8 yds. all wool, undressed, hand loom 3 00 4 " 5 yds. White Flannel, all wool, power loom 3 00 5 Best 5 yds White Flannel, all wool, hand loom 3 00 6 Best 5 yds. White Flannel, Cotton and wool, hand loom 3 00 7 " pair blankets, a,ll wool, power loom 3 00 8 " " " hand loom 3 00 9 " Bed Quilt 3 00 10 *' Hearth Rug, all native wool 4 00 11 " Hearth Rug, rag 4 00 12 " pair Woollen Knitted Undershirts 3 00 13 " 2 pair Woollen Knitted Drawers . . 3 00 14 " collection of Knitted Work by hand, including Stockings, Mits, Gloves, &c. 4 00 2 00 1 00 5 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 Dr. Franz Liszt's favorite Fiauo-The MASON & BISCU. ADVERTISEMENTS. 4S 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 German Baking Powder. (IN USE OVER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS.) CONTAINS No Cavbonate of Ammonia. Nothing Unfit for Consumption. Nothing Injurious to Health. Sold in FAFSR as -well as in TINS. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO THE TRADE. W. M. D. PEARMAN, Trustee, HALIFAX, N. S. ALWAYS ABREAST OF THE TIMES! BEE AT THE HIVE As usual, you will find everything in the CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING LINES, In endless variety and at unusually low prices. Our Stock of CLOTHING, consisting of Reefers, Overcoats, Suits, Shirts, Drawers, Overshirts, Overalls, Rubber and MackiDtosh Coats, Is now LARGER and CHEAPER than we have ever had them before. Also— Our Stock of CLOTHS, TWEEDS, DIAGONALS, &c., for the Order Department, is exceedingly large. All in want of any of the afcove goods, please call at once, at the COBITES OF JACOB is WATEB 3T3., EAUFAZ. J. K. MUNNiS. I I !' ! 44 . PRIZU Ll'St. MASON & KISCU PIAK08 used hj Frvf. Louden, Toronto Vnlrersfty* 16 Best half dozen Straw Hats, men's wear 2 00 1 00 60 16 " " " women's wear 2 00 1 00 W 17 " 6 yards Flax Towelling 3 00 2 00 100 18 " 10 yards Linen Sheeting 4 00 2 00 1 00 19 " pair Table Cloths^ linen, not less than 6 feet by 8 4 00 3 00 2 00 20 " 3 Sheep Skin Mats, dressed & col'd 8 00 2 00 1 00 Note. — All articles of Woollen or Flax matiufactnre shall be the growth ?(nd produc-' tion vr manufacture of the year 1884 or 1885. CLASS 10— AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. All articles in this class must be new, not having been used or shown at any previous exhibition, and entered by or in the name of the manufacturer as specimens of his skill and production at the pre- sent t{v^e, and must have a bona fide price attached; when necessary/ to be 1 ted to the satisfaction of the Judges. ■ • ,< 1 Portable Steam Engine for agricultural ' - • purposes 15 00 10 00 2 Threshing Machine for two horse-power, with cleaner 12 00 8 00 3 Mowing Machine T 12 00 8 00 4 Hay Waggon, 4 wheels, iron axles 8 00 6 00 5 Express "Waggon 6 00 5 00 6 Ox Cart, 2 wheels 6 00 4 00 7 Horse Cart 6 00 4 00 8 Top Buggy, single 12 00 8 00 9 Riding Waggon, single 8 00 6 00 " 10 Sleigh 6 00 4 00 11 Pung, double 3 00 2 OO 12 Ox or Horse Sled, complete 4 00 3 00 13 Potatoe Digger, if effective 8 00 6 OO 14 " Planter " 8 00 6 00 15 Portable Hay Press , 8 00 6 00 16 Horse Hay Fork and apparatus 4 00 8 00 17 Wheel Horse Rake „ 4 00 3 00 18 Hand Rakes, not less than 6 1 00 76 19 Hay and Straw Cutter > 2 00 1 00 20 Hay Forks, not less than 3 1 00 76 ▲. MoN. PattetMn, loaeia Seminary, Mes MASON ft RISCH PIAKOS. a1)V4rt\8^e«[TB. 4S 50 60 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 Axinapolis Valley ITurseries. ar« i*t mw^^as D NURSERYMAN AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Roses, &e. in) AND no CHESTER, i^. Y. lOS. Having for the past six years done a Successful business through- out IS ova Scotia and the adjoining l*rovinces, I have established IN^irseries at Annapolis, Round HiU^ Berwick, Waterville, Kentville, Wolfville and Hantsport In addition to my geiieral stock, I am making a specialty of the FAMOUS MASTERS PLUM, Which forty years experience has shown WILL NOT BLACK KNOT and is not affected by t4ie Curculio. Please virrite for Clroulars, and reserve your orders until you see Iny agents, or address J. F. ROPEBT, !>. «. Box 39. ANNAPOLIS. N. S. » 46 PRIZE LIST. Prof. Max Sterne, of New Brunswick, bought a MASON & RISCH PIAKO. 21 Three Manure, Forks 150 75 22 Three Potatoe Forks 1 50 75 23 Three Potatoe Hacks 1 50 75 24 Three Narrow Axes 1 50 75 25 Three Dyke Spades, handled 1 50 75 26 Large Breaking-up Plow 4 GO 3 00 27 Ordinary Upland Plow 4 00 3 00 2 00 28 " " 1 Horse 3 00 2 00 100 29 '• Dyke Plow 5 00 4 00 2 00 30 Double Mould Board Plow 3 00 2 00 31 Double Harrow 3 00 2 00 32 Spring Tooth Harrow 3 00 2 00 33 Horse Cultivator 3 00 2 00 34 Seed Sower, hand 3 00 2 00 35 Seed Drill, or Broadcast Sower 6 00 4 00 36 Ox Yoke, complete with bows 2 00 1 00 37 Churn 2 00 1 00 38 Root Cutter 2 00 1 00 39 Grain Separator 4 00 3 00 40 Fanning Mill 4 00 3 00 41 Farm Scales, capable of weighing up to 2 tons 6 00 42 Grain Crusher 4 00 3 00 43 Field Roller 3 00 2 00 44 Wheelbarrow 2 00 1 00 ' ' 45 Set of Drain Tools, for tile draining 3 00 2 00 46 Collection of Drain Tiles, 3 sizes, 12 of each 3 00 2 00 47 Half dozen Axe Handles, native wood .... 1 00 75 50 48 3 Apple Barrels, with prices attached .... 1 00 75 49 Portable Press, for pressing heads in barrels 2 00 1 00 50 Nest of Tubs 2 00 100 51 Half dozen Pails 2 00 1 00 52 Brooms 75 50 53 3 Wooden Shovels 1 00 75 54 Set of Tools, for setting posts ' 2 00 1 00 55 Post Hole Auger 2 00 1 00 56 Stump Lifter 4 00 3 00 57 Pump, hand power 4 00 2 00 58 Set of Single Harness 5 00 4 00 MASON & BISCU PIANO sold to D. Pottinger, Superintendent 1. C. B. ADVERTISEMENTS. 47 House, Steam and G-as General Alining Association, (Limited.) The Coal from the Mines of this Association, which are situated at North Sydney, Cape Breton, is the Coal which has become so well known as S^DNKY COALf and tlie only Coal entitled to he so called, the trade mark "Sydney Coal" having beea registered, owing to the numerous attempts to sell other Coals from Cape Breton as "Sydney," taking advantage of the reputation gained under this name by the above CoaL Sydney Coal is adapted for House and Steam purposes. ^ ,.' . /?. H. BROWN. North Sydney, Resident Manaqeb. CVNABD & MORROW, naUfanc, N. 8. '• . ■ . • ■ General Agents. Low Point, Barrasois I Lingan Alining Co. The Coals of this Company are mined at Lingan, C. B., and at Victoria Mines on Sydney Harbor, respectively, and are known as UNGAN and VICTORIA Coals. These Coals are suitable for Steam Purposes, and are favorite House Coala. Lingan #18 also a superior Gas Coal. ' '/?. //. BROWN, Resident Manager. S. CUNARD & CO., Halifax, N, 8. <^ "■':■ '■''■(, i General Agents. Tlie Halifax Company, (Limited.) The Mines of this Company are situated at Stellarton, Pictou County, and the product is generally known as A L310N CO A L» The Coal from these Mines is most suitable for Steam and Foundry purposes. It also produces a very fine Coke. JOHN RUTHERFORD, Albion Mines, Resident Manager. S. CUITAED & CO., Halifax, IT. S. General Agents. hi i1 4B rniza u&t. MASOX & RISCU PIANOS haTlng wonderful snecess. 59 Double Harness, for farm purpases 5 00 4 00 60 Truck Harness, complete 4 00 3 00 61 Collar, for team purposes » . ^ 2 00 1 00 62 Collection of Baskets, for farm use, 2 of each sort 1 00 75 63 Collection of Bas?:ets, household and fancy, 2 of each sort 1 00 73 64 CHorseShoes .....3 00 2 00 100 CLASS. 11— FRUITS. All fruit must be exhibited in the name of tho grower, except when otherwise specified. Any known violation of this rule will cause the> forfeiture of all prizes awarded the party infringing it. 1 Best collectioa of Apples grown by exhib- itor, not more than 10 sorts,, 6 of each sort, named and labelled 8 00, 6 00, 4 00, 2 00, 1 Oa 2 Best collection of Autumn Apples grown by exhibitor, not more than 3 sorts, 8 of each sort, named and labelled 3 00 2 00 1 00* 8 Best 6 sorts of Winter Apples, 6 of each sort, grown by exhibitor 5 00, 4 00, 3 00, 2 00, 1 Oft 4 Best 3 sorts long- keeping Apples, & of each sort, named and labelled 4 00 3 00 2 00 5 Best collection of Apples from Halifax. Co., not over 15 sorts, 6 of each sort, not neces- sarily grown by exhibitor, named and * labelled 4 OO 2 50 6 Best collection from Hants 4 00 2 50 7 " " Kings 4 00 2 50 8 " " Annapolis ...... 4 00 2 50 9 ** " I>igby 4 00 2 50 10 " '« Lunenburg 4 00 2 50 11 « « Queens 4 00 2 50 12 " " Shelbum© 4 00 2 50 13 " " Yarmouth 4 00 ^ 50 14 *' '*■ Colchester 4 00 2 50 15 " " Cumberland 4 00 2 50 16 " . " Pictou ...4 00 2 50 "^ Uay TUlejr at Ottawa Uas. a MASON « RISCH PUX(!U ADTBRTI8EMBNT8. i$ Produce and General Commission Merchant. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Special attention given to FRUIT, of which Quick Sales and Prompt Returns are guaranteed. Nova Scotia Steam Machine PAPER BAG Manufactory. The Cheapest in the market Send for Price List. ALSO — ^ BOOK-BINDING in all its branches. Corner Sackville and Granville Sts., Halifax. D (§> '® f^ Venetian Blind Manufacturer, 43 and 45 Buckingham Street, HALIFAX, N. S. as&'Old Blinds Altered^ Re-painted, Taped and Corded. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, 00 PRIZB LIST. CABINET 0RflAN8-M. B. HCESTIS, WINDSOR. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 81 88 34 85 36 37 88 89 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Best collection from Anfcinronish 4 00 2 50 " Guysboro 4 00 2 50 " Cape Breton 4 00 2 50 " " Richmond 4 00 2 50 « " Inverness 4 00 2 50 " " Victoria 4 00 2 50 Best half dozen Gravensteins, 2 00, 1 75, 1 50, 1 25, 1 00, 75, 50, 25 Ribston ./. . " Nonpariel . . " Golden Russet " Blenheim . . " " Northern Spry / " Kincf of Tompkins "j « « « « « Baldwin / Hubbardston 1 25 1 00 Pomme Grise " Roxbury Russet " Canada Reinette ^ 1 00 Salmon Sweet ^ " Munson Sweet " Alexander " Peck's Pleasant Rhode Island Greening i ^ Vandevere Yellow Bellefleur " Cabashea or 20 oz " Fallawater " Ben Davis For new and approved sorts at discre- tion of the Judges 10 00 Best half dozen Apple Trees, 3 years' growth, named and labelled , 3 00 Best barrel of Apples, put up expressly for the London market, j^ckage, me- thod of packing and marking to be taken into consideration, as well as quality of fruit 5 00 Special prize offered by W. N. White, Covent Garden Market, London — Best 75 75 75 « 60 25 2 00 50 (C 25 50 25 1 00 — lU FIFE OfiGAMS-M. 11. UUESTIS, WINDSOR. ADVERTISEMKNTS. 51 25 25 25 « « « « 00 EfflULSION OF COD LIVER OIL, IN COMBINATION WITH Pancreatine and the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. Besides Honors received in former years. PUTTNER*S EMULSION has been awarded in 1884, for excellence of manufacture, &c., a Diploma at the Dominion Exhibition held at Montreal, and also a Diploma and First Prize at the Western Fair, at London, and was " Extra Recommended " at the Great Central Fair held at Hamilton. The Proprietors of PUTTNER*S EMULSION would wish it to he distinctly understood that this preparation is not a Hecret remedif. but is composed of Pure Cod Liver Oil, Pancreatine, and Hynophosphites of Lime and Soda, made into an Emulsion with Gums, and flavored in such a manner that the taste and smell of the oil is completely disguised. It is manufactured by machinery under the direct supervision of Mr. W. H. Simson, who is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and who is a practical Chemist. rUTTNER'S EMULSION hns now been before the public for some ten years and has a steadily increasing demand; the sale for September, 1884, being nearly 10,000 bottles. It has received testimonials from nearly all the leading physicians of Nova Scotia, and from many in the other Provinces, and is largely prescribed by them. Physi- cians who wish to prescribe Cod Liver Oil will find this Emulsion the best form in which it can be given, as it has no taste nor smell of the Oil, is easily digested, and can be retain- ed on the most delicate stomach. Children often cry for it. It is made with the finest material. Sold by all Druggists at RO Cents* FIlTilE IMILSIOI COMPAIY, HALIFAX, N. S. Opinions cf Physicians and others as to the merits of PUTTNER'S EMUL SION O F COD UVER OIL DR. JENKINS, of Montreal, says : *' I prescribe your Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites largely in my prac- tice, with most gratifying results. You may use my opinion in any way you desire. I cannot speak too highly of your preparatioft. J. F. T. Jenkins, M.D., CM., &c.'* CAPT. JOHN R. HIRE, of Schr. Lillian, speaks of it thus : " I was suffering from a severe attack of inflammation of the chest, caused by a heavy cold brought on by exposure at sea, and on making my next voyage I took with me a good supply of Puttner's Emulsion, which, I am happy to say, has perfectly cured me ; indeed, I cannot praise it too highly. I feel that it has given me a new set of lungs. John R. Hire, Capt. Schr. Lillian." Send to your Druggist, or to the Pnttner EmnlBlon Co.. Halifax, for a Pamphlet. " i. , 1 00 50 9 3 Roses> " k ............ i 1 00 50 •lO 3 Fuchsias^ " 1 00 50 113 window-growh Plants in blooni, in pots. 1 .50 1 00 12 3 Abutilons) " " 1 50 1 00 13 Col. Cacti, not less than lO pots ,.. ; 2 50 1 50 14 1 English Ivy, in pot. ... ; v ... . 1 00 50 15 Bridal Bouquet ; 1 00 ' 50 16 3 Coxcombs, cut ... i i . . . 1 00 50 17 Heliotrope, cut 1 00 oO 18 Garden va.se of Growing Plants 3 00 2 00 1 00 19 Specimen Plant, in bloom, not otherwise ' mdntioried 1 50 1 00 50 liasoii * itlsch rian<»A— *^ ExcelJlent, Maflruiflcent, Unequalled;'^— Frana Lisett AUVfeRttSfeitESI^. 67 50 00 50 IsbU JAMES H. ANDREWS, HALIFAX, N. S. EstalDlishment for ITe'w, Clioice and Bard 'Sill© k f iUMilf M f liM^ig Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees, SHfiUBS^ HARDY PLANTS, SMALL FRUITS. Gooseberries and Currants ^li^li^^Bli For FArniera and Mafket men. OUT FLO^W^ERS Sent to all parts of the Province. Bouquets, Baskets, Wreaths, Crosses, &c., of Gut Flowers^ w \\ 58 PRIZE LIST. PIANOS AND ORGANS— See Heustis' Advertisement on back of eoTer, inside. 20 Hanging pot or basket Growing Plants . . 1 00 76 21 Best col. Cut Blooms, not made in bouquets, but exhibited separate and named .... 3 00 2 00 1 00 22 Best col. Gladioli 2 50 1 50 1 00 23 " Dahlias 2 00 1 00 60 24 Display of Sweet Peas 1 00 60 25 25 Table Bo'iquet, tied 1 00 50 26 26 Collection of Pansies 2 00 1 00 60 27 3 Roses, cut blooms 1 00 50 26 28 Hand Bouquet, made by a lady 1 00 50 26 29 6 Stocks, distinct varieties 1 00 60 26 30 6 Verbenas 1 00 76 50 31 6 Phlox Drummondii 1 00 76 50 32 6 Asters 1 00 .60 26 33 6 Perrennial Phlox 1 00 75 50 34 8 Lilies 1 00 50 35 3 Everlasting Flowers 1 00 v«', 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CLASS 13— MISCELLANEOUS. Best case containing a collection of stuffed birds, the work of the exhibitor .... group of Wax Flowers, under glass piece of Berlin Wool Work piece of Kensington Work piece Crochet Work , Bracket Drapery Mantel Drapery Fire Screen Oil Painting, landscape Water Color Painting Pencil Drawing Crayon 6 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 The Mason & Riscli— tlie Prize Flano of Canada— Tarmontli Exliibition, 1S84. ADVi:nTISEME.NTS. 5d 00 00 50 25 25 50 25 25 25 50 50 25 50 00 00 00 LOOK HERB! I have saved this year Fifty Dollars by hav- ing my Faded Clothes Dyed over at HUBE LEY'S DYE WORKS, S66 Upper Water St., Halifax. THE CHJDAFEST I IST THE CITY. FEATHEES BYES A27D CT7RLES. Mientlcnicn's (Jaiineuts Clcaiist'd and l*ress«i(l. (ioods